Reviews of Easy Phrases (learning foreign languages \u200b\u200baccording to the method of Allen Collins) on the web are surprisingly positive. If you believe them, then literally everyone immediately begins to speak a foreign language. Modern man will think twice: is it worth believing this? Is it true that these are real reviews of Allen Collins' Easy Phrases? Or is it just advertising another tempting offer for the lazy and busy, who want to get everything at once, with a minimum of effort?

What is it about?

According to the reviews posted on the Internet, the Easy Phrases system, developed by a polyglot, a world-famous Swede, makes it possible to master the language in a short time. Collins himself is fluent in 23 languages, and based on his vast experience, he was able to create a unique system. If you believe Allen Collins' reviews of Easy Phrases, just two weeks - and the foreign language is already completely laid out in my head.

A reasonable person will think twice, is this possible in principle? Of course, the capabilities of our brain have not been fully explored to this day, but still the promised seems like magic. Reviews of Easy Phrases cards inspire confidence, but only at first glance. Most modern people understand that in reality there are no miracles, which means that a completely foreign language cannot be put into your head in just a couple of weeks. And yet, the new technique seems to challenge established beliefs. Easy Phrases interactive flashcards reviews try to convince users that for a small fee, they will get access to a unique product.

Believe it or not?

Significantly, Allen Collins' positive reviews of Easy Phrases cards are predominantly published on those sites that sell access to this course. But it is very difficult to find more or less intelligible information on independent resources. It seems as if people do not purchase this product at all, and if they do, then they do not talk about their experience anywhere. But as for the sites working in the field of implementing access to the product, the information on them can only be trusted with a very big stretch. Of course, this is where the most positive reviews about the Easy Phrases interactive cards by Allen Collins are, but you need to understand that this is an interested party and no one can vouch for the accuracy and reliability of the published data.

At the same time, it is known that all the techniques of the 25th frame, magic cards, interactive approaches have long been "brought to light", and the public has debunked the myths about their magical effect. Can the reviews on the Easy Phrases interactive flashcards system be expected to be true, and this product is so different from everyone else in the same category? Of course, you can take the risk, but it hardly makes sense to count on something magical.

What does the ad say?

As the sites that distribute access to the new product assure, the cards are completely different from the classical system of mastering a foreign language. Allegedly real reviews about Easy Phrases indicate that you can master English at any age - from primary school to old age. Just two weeks - and now all the acquaintances will be amazed at how good a man has become, who previously had no idea how to speak English.

It's never too late

By the way, supposedly real reviews about Easy Phrases advise using this method to learn not only English, but also other languages, for example, Spanish, German. According to some, you can even master several subjects at once, and each will take no more than two weeks. Magic, and more! But is there a place for magic in the real world? The distributors assure that no one will believe that one can master a foreign language to such a level in just a couple of weeks. And this is true: even professionals in the field of linguistics say that in a couple of weeks you can only memorize a few phrases, memorize them, but not learn the language. This is simply unrealistic, no matter how much you want it.

As the distributors of the Allen Collins course assure, it is never too late to start learning a new language. Philologists and linguists fully support this position. Indeed, learning a new language trains the brain well, reduces the risk of dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and trains memory. At the same time, experts assure that it is really possible to master the language only for a rather long period of time, with intense practice and constant studies. The optimal result will bring at least six months, and more often - two or three years of classes at least twice a week (or better more often). The duration of one lesson is at least three hours. It is better to study with a teacher, then the efficiency will be higher, and when working with self-study guides, the process of mastering is delayed for a longer time, but certainly not two weeks. As you can see from the recommendations of experts, the reviews about Easy Phrases are unlikely to be real.

What does it do?

As the supposedly real reviews about Easy Phrases promise, a person will not feel any changes, nevertheless, after just two weeks from the beginning of the course, he will be able to calmly read articles on foreign websites, in magazines and newspapers. Moreover, magic cards will help you easily start speaking in a foreign language. This will surely arouse the admiration of loved ones, the respect of the authorities. There is no doubt that such successes will provoke considerable career advancement. Moreover, you can try to find a new job in an international corporation or even go abroad, because the language barrier will no longer exist.

On the other hand, people, especially those who have already tried to learn a foreign language on their own or with a teacher, can imagine how unlikely such an effect is. The distributors of access to the course promise that learning will be almost automatic, that this is the only possible system to make memorization accelerated by optimizing the presentation of information. But in reality, no multimedia cards can, unfortunately, reprogram the human brain. Of course, foreign languages \u200b\u200b(or one specific one) are given quite easily, but this is an individual feature that has nothing to do with the method of presenting information.

Does it really matter?

Of course, no one denies that there are more effective methods of learning a foreign language and those that make the process difficult and slow. So, getting to know the language through a self-study guide, a person is faced with many difficulties. There is no one to explain incomprehensible moments, it is difficult to navigate in mistakes, it is often difficult to organize oneself for long-term productive work - this requires perseverance, willpower.

It would seem that Easy Phrases cards could solve all these problems, it is interesting to study with them, and in just two weeks you can perfectly master English. Yes, only there are no such magic methods (and the reviews of specialists in linguistics confirm this), which would allow you to master the language so quickly and really qualitatively.

Easy Phrases: what is it

Under this name, a system of multimedia cards is presented on the market of specific educational products, which, as distributors say, has no analogues, but in just a couple of weeks will teach the user to speak and understand a foreign language. As the sites offering access to the course assure, the peculiarity of the program is in full use at the fastest possible, and understanding is at its best.

As the distributors of Easy Phrases assure, the traditional approach uses only a small percentage of a person's real capabilities, as regards not only memory, but also associative abilities. The cognitive process does not receive the necessary support, the brain structures are not active. But multimedia cards are arranged in a completely different way, and due to the peculiarities of the approach, the brain is one hundred percent active. This means that the abilities that are given to man by nature are realized in full. For most people, these resources spend their entire lives dormant. Distributors of Easy Phrases urge you to awaken all your possibilities.

By the way ...

Both the subject matter and the possibilities of various cards, programs, special courses and training in a dream have long assured ordinary people that a person uses his brain only partially. Some say that half, others insist on ten percent, while others even assure that only one, or even some small fraction of one percent. But scientists have a completely different opinion. Studies of brain activity, carried out using the most accurate and modern equipment, have shown that all parts of the brain tissue are constantly active, even during sleep.

In fact, we do not just use all the capabilities of the brain, although we do not understand how it works, we use them to a greater extent than we can imagine. Unfortunately, as cutting-edge research has shown, there are no hidden resources due to which the real capabilities of the brain would be increased tenfold.

Two-week course: what are the promises

As the distributors of the Easy Phrases course explain, this program simultaneously activates both hemispheres of the brain. The information that a person hears is processed by the brain in the left half, while the picture takes up the resources of the right side. At the same time, the interaction provokes the brain to work more productively - the speed increases, according to the distributors of the course, as much as five times. This means that cognitive abilities grow, a person memorizes new words more easily, easily finds an analogy for them in their native language, forms strong associative series. In fact, memorization occurs automatically.

Fast and efficient

According to the creators of the Easy Phrases course, just a few days will add two hundred foreign words to the vocabulary. A week will pass, and a person will be surprised at how much wider the choice of previously foreign words has become available to him. Well, two weeks will help to overcome the notorious, which means that the conversation will stop being a frightening problem. A person who has completed such a course will be able to easily express an idea of \u200b\u200bany complexity by resorting to a new, just mastered language.

Thanks to Easy Phrases, according to the recommendations, reviews and assurances of the distributors, there will be no need to select words to describe the phenomena, they will appear in the desired language without any mental effort. But if success has not been achieved, then the distributors even promise to return the money, for which they operate with a guarantee program.

Easy: to catch a fish from a pond?

In the old days, the proverb about the fisherman was extremely relevant. Many understood that it was possible to get a result, especially a high-quality one, only when efforts were made to do so. But now there are more and more of those who are convinced that a magical technique will help to achieve everything they want without much effort.

Should you believe the reviews? The few responses that can be found outside of the distributor's sites mostly express a negative impression of the course. Users say that the cards are useless, they have no real effect, and, of course, no one returns money. Distributors simply ignore angry letters that are dissatisfied with the product, or answer that the customers are to blame for everything, since they did not use the course according to the instructions.

Cheap and angry

For the course of Easy Phrases cards, they currently ask for about three thousand rubles. If you carefully read the terms on the site, you will notice that the distributor makes a reservation: the duration of mastering a foreign language is different for all people, so someone can really cope in two weeks, while someone will need much more time and effort.

As experts in the field of mastering foreign languages \u200b\u200bsay, if there is a desire to try "express methods", then it is better to start with free - there are a lot of such courses. Well, if a student is ready to spend money on learning a foreign language, then buying a self-study guide written by a trustworthy author would be a much more reasonable investment (it costs five times cheaper than the multimedia cards described), and regular classes with a teacher will bring the best effect. It is not necessary to hire a tutor - you can study in a group, it will be much cheaper.

Of course, you won't be able to suddenly dazzle your acquaintances, relatives and friends with the knowledge of a foreign language literally out of nowhere, but the result of the program will really be. But as for multimedia cards, which supposedly use some (non-existent, according to scientists) secret brain reserves, their effectiveness is still in question.

+7 (919) 784-86-56 oliva-morales

English in two weeks ...

- Is it possible?

- I'll explain now:

On the Internet you can often see such announcements of teachers: "English in 2 weeks".

Here I want to immediately clarify that situations with learning English are different. There are people who have never studied English before; there are those who once studied, but forgot or did not finish their studies; there are students with insufficient knowledge to pass the exam; there are people who just want to take a short English course before traveling to an English speaking country.

Let's take a look at all these categories and understand what is possible to do for each of these categories in 2 weeks. Note that I am only talking about what, specifically, I can do (I can’t vouch for other teachers: some might, but some not at all).

Category 1
Never Learned English Before
(mainly tourists and businessmen)

If you have zero knowledge, and in a couple of weeks you will have a trip to an English-speaking country, in principle, of course, everything is possible, but as for the English language, in 2 weeks, on an emergency basis, subject to daily lessons, it is possible to give a person a certain minimum a linguistic base, a certain foundation on which he, being abroad, will string new words and expressions with the help of a dictionary.

In two weeks it is really possible to teach a person how to construct simple phrases in English, teach how to read, write and express their thoughts in simple language. Of course, in this case, in any case, he will need two things abroad: a Russian-English and English-Russian phrasebook and a similar dictionary, preferably an electronic one.

After completing such an emergency course of study, a person abroad, of course, will not disappear, since he will be able to express his thoughts and wishes, although it will be extremely difficult for him to understand native speakers, but here you can resort to the help of electronic dictionaries-translators, then the problem will be settled. although it will be very difficult at first.

Category 2
Pupils and students

Everything is much simpler here, because everything is possible here. At least, I have not had a single case of not passing the exam or passing the entire practice. Before the exam, as a rule, for the student everything unreal becomes real and he is ready to study for days.

If we are talking about a semester, then the preparation is real, of course, provided that he completes all the tasks in the lesson and at home. I want to note that those who skipped 2 semesters and had zero knowledge, 2 weeks before the exams, did not contact me yet (for 20 years of practice).

If you have to pass the exam in one course of study and there is a vocabulary and or the ability to construct verb forms in different tenses, but there is no understanding of the use of tenses, I will prepare without problems, perhaps even ahead of schedule. In the same situation, but without the ability to construct verb forms in different tenses, it will be difficult, but we will cope, although the student will have a very difficult time. And what to do, it's his own fault, lectures should have been attended, not skipped.

But now, if you have to take a semester, and the student does not know a single English word and does not imagine, a simple future tense ... Here, already, according to the situation, it depends on what exactly is to be taken. In this case, I do not guarantee 100% top-five, and, in general, if everything is already very neglected, I will honestly say that he can fill up the change, unless, of course, he is a first-year student with the first semester delivery knowledge and, accordingly, requirements).

Category 3
Those who have previously studied English, it is required to put knowledge in order

Well, this is the easiest thing - in 2 weeks here you can not only update what you have forgotten, but also move on with leaps and bounds.

Category 4
Short English course required

It is not hard. You can give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe structure of sentences, consider the system of English tenses. We will also have time to make out the main subtleties of English grammar and its differences, for example, from Spanish. We will have time to figure out what “Coordination of Times” is and understand its meaning in English. In a word, we will have time to go through the theoretical grammar of the English language with a short practice of its application and the basics of translation, provided that the student has good knowledge of at least one foreign language. If such knowledge is lacking, the result will certainly be much worse.

Category 4
A comparative typology of English with Spanish is required

A couple of lessons will be enough for this. If you need to show everything in practice, then in 2 weeks, we will just do it.

Study independently using the textbook "Theoretical and Practical Grammar of the English Language with Exercises in All Normative Grammar and Tests."

Guys, those who do not yet understand that it is impossible to learn a language in 2 weeks, understand that YOU have to learn the language. Nobody will teach him for YOU. No invited native speakers (like in an advertisement), no money, no time frame will help you if you don't want to.

It is impossible to learn a foreign language in 2 weeks. You can learn, with reservations, a foreign language in six months, a year or a year and a half. These are real terms, but not 2 weeks. In the best case, in 2 weeks it will be possible to memorize several phrases in order to say something to someone somewhere. Now I do not mean polyglots, who, in principle, are able to quickly grasp the meaning of a foreign language, but I mean ordinary people, not polyglots.

There is another very important factor. If there is no communication with people in a foreign language, then the language will quickly be forgotten. You need a constant interest in the language and constant exercise. And all the same, once you find yourself in the country of the language, you will sit in a puddle, because native speakers speak quickly, shorten a lot and nothing will be understood.

Only on condition of long-term residence in the country of the target language is there a guarantee, unless the person is of course a complete idiot, that the language will be studied by itself and will be understood. This happens (many people talk about it) after about 1-3 years of living in the country of the target language.

Therefore, all these courses on "complete language learning in 2 weeks" you know what you can call it. It would be better not to fool people, but directly called their courses "we will teach a few phrases in English" or "how to partially understand the interlocutor on the street or in a cafe" or something similar. I think you understand what I mean.

A particularly gifted (without irony) individual can learn a language in 2 weeks, but a particularly gifted person does not need any courses. He will learn the language without them.

I will say again that no one except YOU needs knowledge of any language. Nobody. All others only need YOUR money. So that's it. What am I doing? You can, absolutely free, lay the foundations of the language into yourself. To do this, you just need to take the right course of study and follow the instructions of those who created this course. Yes, I do not deny that live communication with the teacher and training colleagues is important and necessary. But this can be done in addition to the main course (free and chosen by you), and not vice versa.

When I decided to learn English, it took me only 2 months to understand the teaching methods, their differences, in order to choose a universal way of teaching. 2 months just to understand the methods and a year took intensive training, which continues to this day. Do you understand? And here you are offered to learn the language to a fluent level of proficiency in 2 weeks. you can read my thoughts and some secrets from my own experience. Therefore, think before you carry 15 or 50 thousand to someone for something that you have to do yourself.

In 2 weeks, the advertisement promises to teach you to communicate fluently in English. You know, I will digress a little from the topic now and try to express one thought that I have known for a long time. There is no freedom. Everywhere they declare freedom, but there is none. For the simple reason that everything in the world is subject to strict rules.

Planet Earth is tied to its orbit and revolves around the Sun. What is freedom here? Our planet, perhaps, has long wanted to fly away somewhere from its roasting master. But you can't. The Sun itself is also tied to its place in the Galaxy, and the Galaxy to its place in the Universe. And the Universe, most likely, does not freely float somewhere and exists as it wants, but obeys some laws, the understanding of which is inaccessible to us.

They tell us everywhere, from TV, but anywhere, from advertising, that, they say, be free, be fashionable, be something else. And the church claims that the free will of a person is the main feature of a person. But the whole point is that a person consists of many molecules that do not act freely, but according to rigidly established rules. At the molecular level, there is no longer any freedom. And the will of man and he himself, most likely, are already not free. They are hostages of the rules that exist and that really work. A person cannot be without water, food, air for a long time. And how can an unfree creature have free will? Even if, suppose it can, his free will still rests against natural / physical constraints.

Protons, electrons, nuclei - everything is in its place and they are not able to swap places. As if a person does not want real freedom - it simply does not exist. There is just a set of rules. If this set of rules can be called freedom, then please. But freedom means absolutely everything. Is not it? But for some reason a man does not fly like a bird, although he is always told that he is "free". He created various aircraft, but he, on his own, cannot fly, although he wants to, according to numerous testimonies.

And so in everything and everywhere. If there was freedom (it is, of course, but inaccessible to man), then humanity would have achieved a comfortable life, universal prosperity. But, the economy obeys its own rules, including those invented by a person. Therefore, we cannot talk about any free market.

The same is about language. It is impossible to be fluent in the language. This is simply not possible. And when some cunning guys say that they will teach you to speak fluently english in 2 weeks, then you should strain and think very well before you bring them your money.

Recently, in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, people began to receive dubious messages on their phones. The whole phone is already crammed with these sentences, the memory is clogged, but in fact, they are trying to dissolve all people. Now I can't remember exactly on which site, I still need to look.

But people are promised to improve their skills very quickly, for example, learn English in two weeks, in such a short period of time it is definitely impossible to learn it, but they offer it for money. In fact, a person can accept this offer and pay money. But in the end, a person receives neither knowledge nor money. All his money goes into the hands of scammers who are trying to cash in on gullible people, and have launched the sending of such messages throughout the country. They have been on the phone of my mother and friends for a long time already, they are from time to time, but often talk about the offers that come. The most popular is to learn English in two weeks, in second place, I am sixty years old and I mastered a computer in two days, and the third secret miracle of the technique is in SMS. Just imagine what secret methods can be discussed, a person receives an SMS, he reads and intrigues, and pays money to the scammer's wallet, but in the end he does not receive anything of value. And a lot of people can go to such a scam who need to be told about it. So that they know beforehand what they can and cannot deal with, and they will not get any skills from the money spent. And if people want to master a computer in two days, then such messages come to elderly people who do not understand computers at all. Then imagine the old man was offered to master a computer in a couple of days, but he did not understand it at all, he decided to pay and get this course. But in fact, he did not learn anything, the old man was handed a scribble, according to which it is not that you can learn a computer, but nothing is clear at all. He can sit down to figure it out and learn what he needs. And you don't need to pay for it at all. In no case should you make such offers. It's not clear why people send SMS, I can't even call them people. They think that there are such naive people who believe, and there are even such. When the phone is already crammed with these offers, and you cannot specify the site, it changes constantly for scammers, just to get money. If such offers are received, then in no case do you need to pay, it is better to contact a trusted company.

When a dubious SMS arrives, it is better to delete it immediately, or at the end of cleaning after a week, it is also good to delete all SMS together. The main thing is not to go to the links, not to call the fraudsters' numbers indicated in the SMS, and the owner of the message also does not need to write anything or call. The most important thing is not to mess with them. There are messages with sugary offers that can be mistaken for real offers, very lucrative deals that are divorce. There may come many more offers that came from nothing, when you did not even get to know the person and do not know where it comes from, this is also a divorce. Connect with people only in real life, and then only with those whom you know well. And if you do not know how to take action, read what they write, or contact the police to track the number from which the proposals were received. And whoever has a blocker on the phone, then block the owners of such a number from which the SMS was received immediately, so that you are not disturbed and you live peacefully. Know everything at your fingertips, and you can learn the same English on your own, or contact a teaching school. The computer is the same, you can learn it yourself, or go to courses only in real life.

Teachers of the “Master Klass” school know how to learn English in 2 weeks (8 lessons are taught by Russian specialists and native speakers). What is the essence of the technique? It is aimed at the so-called "brainstorming", during which students memorize about 800 words for each lesson. Consolidation of the learned material is carried out through communication with a native speaker.

Will English language courses help you to recognize a foreign speech from scratch in 2 weeks?

This largely depends on the ability of the student. In principle, this is real, but it requires a lot of effort. Teachers of "Master Class" will effectively and as quickly as possible teach you how to use the acquired skills, which guarantees successful self-study in the future.

How to learn English in a week?

We also offer this method of teaching, on an individual basis (with the departure of the teacher at home). The minimum cost of the course is 5 thousand rubles (1 month, 8 lessons). For 14 thousand, you can hire a native speaker tutor. In this case, within a month, listening will be an easy task for you.

Cost of English courses

The cost of training is indicated per month (16 academic hours). The meetings are held 2 times a week. The cost includes the departure of the teacher to the office or home.
