Types and originality of productive activities in a preschool educational institution.

Features of the visual and constructive activities of preschool children.


    Drawing is a type of visual activity of a preschooler.

Methodology for organizing and conducting drawing classes at a preschool educational institution.

Methodology for organizing and conducting modeling lessons at a preschool educational institution.

Methodology for organizing and conducting application classes at a preschool educational institution.

    Productive activity as a factor in the sensory development of a preschool child.

Productive activity - the activity of a child, organized with the aim of obtaining a product (construction, drawing, applique, stucco, etc.), which has certain specified qualities.

Productivity - the quality of activity, it is characterized by productivity, the effectiveness of the actions performed, the efficiency coefficient of which has high indicators.

Activity product - the result of activity, which is a consequence of solving a specific problem.

Productive thinking - a type of thinking that gives a new final product, which is the result of a quick and deep assimilation of knowledge and the ability to apply them in new conditions.

Productive imagination - the process of creating fundamentally new ideas that do not have a direct model, when reality is creatively transformed, and not just mechanically copied or recreated.

Productive perception - it is the child's reflection of an object or phenomenon as a whole with their direct impact on the sense organs.

A productive approach - a way of activity that allows children to form the ability to solve important problems for them, to find a way out of non-standard situations.

Productive activity has a number of structural components.

Motive - emotional-volitional motives for activity associated with the satisfaction of the child's needs, the totality of which determines the nature of the activity.

Target - a conscious idea of ​​the child about the result that should be achieved with the help of certain efforts that have a certain consistency.

Action by its nature it is close to the concept of "behavior". And if behavior is the body's response to internal or external stimuli (it can be reflex, unconscious or intentional, conscious), then actions are only some types of behavior.

Productive action is impossible without private transactions.

Private operations - precisely directed actions, whose functions have a specific limiting character.

It is necessary to begin with teaching children precisely private operations, which are gradually transformed into actions.

Sensory development of preschoolers

Sensory development of the child - this developmenthis perception and the formation of ideas about external propertiesitems : their shape, color, size, position in space, as well as smell, taste, etc.

Sensitive age (from Latin sensibilitas - sensitive) -the stage of the child's developmental development, the most favorable for the development of any types of activity, the formation of certain mental functions.

Junior preschool age is sensitive tosensory development of children , for which it is necessary to organize a meaningful, effectiveactivity .

In the studies of a number of teachers and psychologists, it was shown that during childhood, special stages can be distinguished - the so-called sensitive periods, in which the child is especially sensitive to certain influences and susceptible to the acquisition of certain abilities. So, the sensitive period for the development of speech is 1 - 3 years. If a child at this age is brought up in an impoverished speech environment, in conditions of insufficient speech communication, this leads to a noticeable lag in speech development; it turns out to be very difficult to compensate for this lag afterwards. It was also established that at the age of about 5 years, children are especially sensitive to the development of phonemic hearing; after this period, such sensitivity decreases. The sensitive period for developing writing skills is 6-8 years.

Sensitive periods - these are the optimal terms for the development of certain mental abilities. Early in relation to the sensitive period of the beginning of learning (for example, writing) is ineffective; it also causes a nervous and physical strain in the child, fraught with emotional breakdowns. But training, started with a significant delay in relation to the sensitive period, leads to low results; the normal level of the corresponding ability may not be achieved at all. Thus, in teaching and upbringing, it is necessary to coordinate the pedagogical influences with the age capabilities of the child.

Sensory standards (English sensory standards) - these are the systems of sensory qualities of objects identified by humanity in the process of social and historical practice, which are assimilated by a child in the course of ontogenesis and are used as internal samples when examining objects and identifying their properties. (A. V. Zaporozhets)

Examples of sensory standards are the system of colors of the spectrum, geometric shapes, speech phonemes, etc. In the assimilation and application of sensory standards, the specifically human nature of the development of children's perception, its conditionality by the appropriation of social experience, is manifested. It is with such material standards that the child must learn to compare the perceived object in the process of working with it.

Stages of development of creativity in productive activities:

1. Accumulation and enrichment stage ... The accumulation of sensory, emotional, intellectual experience is the basis for creativity. An important element is a developing subject-spatial environment.

2. Stage of imitation and imitation ... The development of standards of creative activity, its methods, technologies and means is taking place. The main thing at this stage is to activate the child's existing experience in the aesthetic educational space.

3. The stage of transformation. The use of mastered standards and their transformation in new conditions in accordance with the individual characteristics and capabilities of preschoolers.

4. Stage of alternatives. It is aimed at the individualization of creative activity, at the independent expression of artistic images.

Types of productive activities in a preschool educational institution





In addition to the development of creativity, in productive activities:

- the personal qualities of the child develop;

- cognitive processes develop (imagination, thinking, memory, perception);

- the emotional sphere is developing;

- aesthetic ideas about the world around are formed.


1. The growing role of vision in the process of mastering the world. The result is the development of perception.

2. Formation of one's own understanding of the subject, knowledge about it. As a result - the formation of an individual picture of the world.

3. Development and training of attentiveness, sensitivity, susceptibility to phenomena and objects of the external world.

4. Development of imagination.

5. Development of motor skills (both fine and large) and coordination of movements.

6. Mastering various additional means of perception and reflection of the world.

7. Development of creativity and a special kind of thinking (including abstract).

8. Mastering the methods of self-realization - the manifestation of the child's inner desires through a specific product of his activity (drawings, crafts, etc.)

9. Relaxing (including switching attention and creating conditions for better concentration) and psycho-corrective role of productive creativity on the child's psyche.

2. Drawing is a type of visual activity of a preschooler.

Methodology for organizing and conducting drawing classes at a preschool educational institution

In kindergarten, drawing takes a leading place in teaching children the fine arts and is divided into three types: drawing individual objects, plot and decorative. Each of them has specific tasks that determine the program material and the content of the work. The main task of teaching drawing is to help children learn about the surrounding reality, develop their observation skills, foster a sense of beauty and teach image techniques; at the same time, the main task of visual activity is carried out - the formation of the creative abilities of children in the creation of expressive images of various objects using visual means available for a given age.

Subject drawing

To depict any object, it is necessary to convey its shape, details, the ratio of parts. Studies by Soviet psychologists have shown that in the perception of an object, the form is the defining feature, which helps the child to distinguish one object from others. Errors in depicting a form are explained not so much by incorrect representations and lack of skills as by the inability to correctly perceive the subject analytically. Since the child's visual skills are still very imperfect, he also faces visual difficulties.

A child 3-4 years old cannot imagine the whole subject. It is easier for him to portray him sequentially, part by part. Such a drawing sequence is easier for a child, since having depicted one part, the child perceives the object further and sees which part needs to be drawn next.

Gradually, you need to teach children to start drawing with a whole sketch, since drawing in parts can incorrectly display the shape of the object.

Common tasks teaching drawing of individual subjects, for all age groups are as follows:

To teach to depict the shape and structure of an object, to convey the proportional ratio of parts, a change in connection with a simple movement;

To teach to depict some characteristic details that make the image expressive, figurative;

Convey the color of the object in accordance with its content and the nature of the image;

Develop technical skills in drawing with pencils, paints and other materials.

First junior group

Arouse interest in the drawing process, introduce you to drawing materials;

To teach the techniques of conducting straight, rounded and closed forms;

Introducing children to color

The first lesson always begins with an introduction to paper and pencil. The material is being consolidated throughout the year.

Second junior group

Teach to depict objects of a round and rectangular shape;

Application of several colors for coloring the picture;

Learning to wash the brush - this process requires carefulness and patience from the child;

A combination of several shapes in one object - a snowman from 2-3 circles, a house from a square and a triangle.

Middle group

- develop compositional skills in the location of the subject in the center of the sheet;

Improve technical skills in painting a drawing with pencils and paints;

Development of the ability to compare and highlight the features of forms that have rounded outlines, but differ in width, length, size;

New in teaching is the transmission of a structure with rhythmically arranged parts (above - below, on the one hand - on the other), as well as some proportional ratios of parts.

Senior group

- improving visual skills and developing the ability to create expressive images using various means of image;

- teach the correct transfer of the shape of an object, its signs, the relative size and position of parts;

- the drawing of such a complex object as a person is introduced. The depiction of a person is preceded by drawing simpler forms - a snowman, a tumbler, nesting dolls, dolls, where the proportions and shapes of the parts may be somewhat violated;

- teach the transfer of simple movements in the drawing;

Develop and improve the sense of color;

Develop technical skills in pencil (shading methods) and paints (brushing techniques); teach the techniques of drawing with crayons, charcoal, sanguine, watercolors.

The complication of tasks is associated with the further development of children, the expansion of experience, the acquisition of new knowledge. At this age, children learn to find and convey in the drawing the similarities and differences of homogeneous objects.

To convey the characteristic color of objects in the older group, the set of colors with which children work increases. In this group, preschoolers are introduced to the basic colors of the spectrum and learn to use their beautiful combinations in the drawing.

Preparatory group

Children should come to school with the initial skills in drawing objects from nature and from memory, the ability to see in the life around them a variety of shapes, colors, the position of objects in space.

To teach the image of the structure, size, proportions, characteristic features of objects from nature and from representation;

To teach to convey the wealth of forms and colors, to create expressive images;

Develop compositional skills (the location of an object on a sheet, depending on the nature of the shape and size of the object);

Develop a sense of color (the ability to convey different shades of the same color);

Develop technical skills (the ability to mix paints to obtain different colors and their shades;

Apply pencil strokes or brush strokes to the shape of the subject).

In the preparatory group, children begin to draw with a preliminary sketch, in which the main parts are outlined first, and then the details are clarified. The use of a sketch makes the child carefully analyze nature, highlight the main thing in it, agree on details, and plan his work.

    Modeling is a type of visual activity of a preschooler.

Modeling is one of the types of fine art in which volumetric forms, images or whole compositions are created from plastic materials.

Materials: plasticine, clay, paper pulp, modelin, salt dough, etc.

Modeling tasks:

Broadens the mind,

Contributes to the formation of a creative attitude to the surrounding life and moral relations.

Foster artistic taste

Ability to observe. highlight the main, characteristic

Fosters perseverance,

Develops labor skills and skills of the child,

Develops finger muscles, dexterity (fine motor skills of the hand)

As V.V. Kosminskaya and N. B. Khalezova point out, “hands and fingers with their fine motor skills (on which, by the way, the development of speech depends) learn with the help of tactile sensations, coordination with the eyes and the inclusion of two hemispheres in the work at once (left - rational, analyzing and right - intuitive, emotional) to recreate the world from the whole "

Types of modeling

1. By content

Object modeling - execution of individual items from plastic materials. The main attention is paid to the reconstruction of the characteristic features and properties of objects, objects.

Subject modeling consists in displaying a plot, which can be represented by two or more interconnected figures, each of which performs a specific function.

The main tasks in teaching plot modeling are as follows: to teach children to conceive and depict stucco compositions of 2-3 objects; teach a creative approach to solving the plot, highlighting the main; use during sculpting knowledge of the shape, proportions of objects, their observations of the actions of living objects, various sculpting techniques.

Subject modeling is carried out only in the senior and preparatory groups. This is due to the fact that the child needs to know a lot about objects and be able to use different techniques of the image. In the previous groups, children are only brought to the plot modeling and accumulate the necessary knowledge and skills.

Decorative molding associated with the recreation of items of folk arts and crafts, reflected in various crafts.

Modeling - by design - The main task here is for children to independently learn to think about the topic of modeling, relying on the skills and abilities they have acquired, to bring the work to the end, showing independence and creative activity in creating a clear shape of the object, complementing it with details, using familiar modeling methods.

2. By nature

Realistic modeling -creation of an image that resembles real objects and objects.

Stylized modeling - similar to decorative, as it is associated with the generalization of the form to the level of stylization.

Abstract molding - is the most controversial species. The creation of an abstract image is typical for young children. On the other hand, abstraction forms the ability to create a detached image, allows children to give an idea of ​​form in general and of aesthetic categories.

3. By the shape of the plastic image

Volumetric modeling involves the creation of a three-dimensional craft.

Relief molding represented by handicrafts with a volumetric stucco image on a plane.

Depending on the degree of mismatch with the plane, relief types are distinguished:

Bas-relief - the image protrudes by less than half of its volume;

High relief - the image protrudes above the plane of the base by more than half of its volume.

Counter relief - the image does not protrude above the base, but, on the contrary, deepens into it.

Modeling methods

Constructive way - sculpting an object from separate parts.

Plastic (sculptural) method - sculpting from a whole piece

Combined - combines constructive and plastic.

Ring method - consists in making thin rollers. They are combined into rings that are superimposed on each other, after which the surface of the craft is smoothed with your fingers. This method is used to make dishes of various shapes.

Modeling techniques

Crumpling - (learning from an early age)

Pinching off (early)

Pinching (early)

rolling - the process of turning a piece of plasticine into an even ball; (early age)

rolling - when an egg-shaped or cylindrical shape is obtained from a piece of plasticine (clay); (early childhood)

connection (early in)

flattening - the process of squeezing a ball of plasticine, as a result of which it takes the form of a disk or cake; (early age)

pinching - parts seem to be “plucked” from a single piece; (early age)

pulling (from junior group)

pulling back - before you sculpt some small part, you need to pull back a part of the plastic material; (from the junior group)

smoothing (smoothing) - a technique necessary when sculpting flat surfaces, to smooth out bends and correct shortcomings in the work. It is performed with fingertips or stacks. (Middle group)

anchorage (compare group)

Modeling techniques

Small plastic - height no more than 1 m made of plastic materials.

Plasticineography - creating a planar or embossed image using soft materials by smearing them over the surface.

Paper and plastic - a method for creating volumetric and relief plastic images from paper pulp prepared in an appropriate way.

Papier mache - Recreation of the silhouette of various objects, objects by preliminary multi-layer pasting them, followed by formalization of the resulting copy.

Modeling tasks in a preschool educational institution

education of children's creativity,

teaching children visual and technical skills,

development of interest in this type of activity.

Modeling lesson structure

1) Organizational moment.

Creation of interest and emotional mood. (the topic of the lesson is revealed in a playful way, or a problem situation is created.

2) The main part or cognitive.

Display and analysis of the depicted (nature, sample)


Artistic word.

3) Practical part

Specific instructions for performing the work.

The active participation of children in explanations and demonstration of implementation techniques.

During the explanation or repetition of the past, developmental games and exercises are offered, which not only helps to remember the process of the image, but also leads the children into a state of creative upsurge and desire to create.

4) Independent activities of children.

Help in the form of leading questions, advice.

Display of the image (on a separate sheet of the teacher).

5) The final part of the lesson

Viewing and evaluating children's work

4 . Application is a type of visual activity of a preschooler.

Methodology for organizing and conducting classes.

Application (from lat. - accession) - a method of creating artistic images from various shapes, figures, cut from any material and glued or sewn onto an appropriate background.

The originality of the applique lies both in the nature of the image and in the technique of its execution.

The image in the applique has a great conventionality in comparison with other types of plane image - drawing, painting. The applique is characterized by a more generalized form, almost without details. Most often, they use a local color, without shades, and one color from another sometimes differs sharply.

Applique classes contribute, on the one hand, to the formation of visual skills and skills, on the other, to the development of the creative abilities of children.

In kindergarten, you can use the following classification of application work:

    By materials used:

    Made of paper and cardboard

    From natural materials

    From waste material

    From fabric, cloth

    by content:


    the nature

subject - cutting and pasting shapes from separate parts or silhouettes;

plot - cutting and pasting forms that interact with each other, making up a theme;

decorative - from geometric and plant forms;

An application made from natural materials (dried grass, flowers, leaves, etc.) is called floristry. Collage is a creative genre, when a work is created from various cut images.

    By the form of image display

    Planar -Semi-volumetric (embossed)

    by color scheme : monochrome; polychrome

    by methods of fixing parts on the basis : with glue, on plasticine.

Equipment and tools: small scissors with rounded edges, glue, glue brushes (thin and large, wide and flat), brush holders, sponges, oilcloth, trays or boxes for scrap, napkins (rags), auxiliary materials (clay, plasticine, wax)

Application techniques:

    flexion (with r.v)

    creasing (r.v.)

    addition (multiple flexion) (ml.g)

    arching (cf. g)

    plucking (small shapeless pieces come off a whole sheet of paper, of which they make up either a background for work, or a separate image) (r.v)

    tearing off (a contour is applied to a sheet of paper, which is then freed from excess background by repeated neat tears) (ml.gr)

    winding (using a warp) (cf. gr)

    twisting (multiple twisting, allowing to obtain a multi-link spiral) (cf. gr)

    incision (performed with scissors, while the paper is not completely cut, the scissors make only one movement, leaving a slight incision on the sheet. (ml.g)

    cutting (used to obtain two parts from one sheet of paper (ml.gr)

    cutting (getting an incision inside the sheet) (cf. gr)

    sticking (r.v)

    gluing (connecting parts to each other) (r.v)

    gluing (closing the gap with a part by gluing to this gap) (compare gr)

    joining (using additional materials: clay, wax, plasticine) (r.v)

    sewing on (older groups)

    cutting (obtaining with scissors, any detail, any shape) (middle group)

Types of paper cutting:

    cutting geometric shapes from paper by transforming one into another (ml.gr)

    from a strip - a square, a triangle, a rectangle

    from a square - two (four) triangles, a circle

    from a rectangle - triangles, an oval;

    from a rectangle and a square - rhombus, trapezoid

    cutting on the basis of geometric shapes of objects that resemble these shapes;

    symmetrical cutting

    mirror-cut from paper folded in half, where only half of the image is cut

    center beam - addition from the center (snowflake)

    tape - Cutting from paper folded "accordion" (parisymmetric).

    Silhouette cutting.

Cutting techniques: rectilinear, curvilinear.

Application sequence:

1.thinking the composition

2. selection of paper

3.preparation of parts

4. the details of the image are placed on the background

5.Packing and drying picture details

Methodology for guiding the application in groups of different ages.

Such scientists as Bogateeva Z.N., Gorunovich L.B., Komarova T.S., Kosminskaya V.V., and others were engaged in the peculiarities of the development of a preschooler in application activity.

Younger preschool age. Taking into account the peculiarities of children of this age, the specifics of performing application work, they are not given scissors: children receive all the details or their parts ready-made. The material for work and the organization of the learning process are of great importance. Children of this group cannot yet use the common material, since they do not know how to quickly distinguish between shapes and colors.

When the teacher finishes the explanation and distributes the forms, the children lay them out on the sheet in accordance with the assignment. The teacher checks the correct arrangement of the elements. After that, glue is placed on the tables. It is recommended to start acquaintance with the elements (parts) of the applique with a circle and a square, since these figures, especially a circle, do not require children to have complex spatial orientation on a piece of paper: no matter how you put a circle, it will still fit correctly. , consisting of 2 - 3 parts, gradually leading to more complex ones: from subject to decorative and plot app.

Methods and techniques: Detailed examination of the image object The examination is accompanied by various surprise moments

The main methodological reception - showing the way of action against the background of the game. Creation of problem situations.

Middle preschool age.

The teacher directs the main attention in the middle group to teaching children the technique of working with scissors: children are taught how to hold and use scissors correctly, cut paper in a straight line, make oblique cuts and cut round objects. The gluing technique is being improved.

Methods and techniques of teaching.

One of the leading teaching methods in the classroom is information-receptive, which includes the examination and analysis of the subject to be depicted.

In the middle group cutting is introduced for the first time. Therefore, the main focus is on mastering the technique of working with scissors,showing techniques cutting (information-receptive method). It is carried out in two stages: 1 - demonstration with verbal accompaniment, 2 - only visual.

In some cases, the reproductive method is effective - exercise in one way or another.

Techniques of work are also demonstrated when a new method of making appliqués by tearing paper is introduced to depict objects of uneven fluffy texture. The role ofthe words. To convey imagery, expressiveness in work, it is good to use an artistic word.

Problematic tasks for application can be aimed at mastering the process of building compositions from prepared forms, by cutting, cutting, etc.

Senior preschool age.

At each lesson, the teacher pays attention to how the children cut and paste images in general - the quality of the work depends on this.

The main content of children's works in this age group is the subject image.

In addition, children perform various works according to the concept, learn to independently solve a particular topic.

Methods and techniques. Older preschoolers already have a certain visual experience, therefore, such methodological techniques as the study of a sample, showing the method of action are used in guiding the visual activity of children, but much less often - only in those cases when it is necessary to turn to a completely new object of the image. At the same time we use: Observation. We focus the attention of children on the characteristic features of the depicted object, teach them to "peer" into it, analyze, compare, generalize. Reliance on past experience.

Problem-solving tasks and experimentation. Methods aimed at developing the creative potential of children, cognitive and aesthetic interests; the formation of self-esteem.

In the older group, the teacher uses verbal teaching methods, since the children already have sufficient experience in making applications.

The teacher takes care of children less, stimulates their individual creative abilities more, develops independence, tries to indirectly lead children to the correct decision.

The analysis of applications is carried out with the active participation of children. As before, the teacher pays attention to the expressiveness of works, visual features, to the quality of cutting, making higher demands in comparison with the average group; teaches you to critically evaluate your work, to compare it with others.

The specificity of the children's application is that, thanks to its materials, children more actively master the basics of color science, learn about the shape, structure of objects, their size, about the rules and laws of composition.

    Construction is a type of visual activity of a preschooler.

Methodology for organizing and conducting design classes at a preschool educational institution

Construction (from Lat. Fold, arrange) - means bringing different objects, parts, elements into a certain mutual position.

Under children's construction it is customary to understand the creation of various buildings from building material, the manufacture of crafts and toys from paper, cardboard, wood and other materials.

In the process of purposeful training in design, mental, moral, aesthetic and labor education of children is carried out, the ability to analyze objects of the surrounding world, independent thinking, creativity, artistic taste are developed, valuable personality traits are formed, which is important for preparing children for school.

Teaching children to design is of great importance in preparing children for school, developing theirthinking, memory, imagination and the ability for independent creativity.

Features of constructive activity (Paramonova L.A.)

    Children learn how to examine objects and how to create structures.

    Learn the design properties of parts and materials

    The area of ​​creative manifestations is expanding.

Conditions for successful development

    Early physical development, stimulating the coordination of hand movements in the process of actions with various tools and materials.

    Creation of an environment that is ahead of the development of children.

    Involving children in the process of experimenting with art materials.

    Providing more freedom in the choice of methods, techniques, techniques and materials for construction.

    Creation of an emotional atmosphere of creativity throughout the entire process of creating a constructive-plastic image.

Types of construction are distinguished on the following grounds

    By materials used:

    from building kits

    from constructors (it is the most accessible and easy type of construction for preschoolers.

    made of natural material (Natural material as a building material can be used for the games of children, starting with the younger group)

    from waste material (Ready-made forms - boxes, spools, bobbins, corks, etc.)

    made of paper and cardboard (paper plastic),is the most difficult type of construction in kindergarten. For the first time, children get to know him in the middle group. The peculiarity of designing from paper is that three-dimensional objects are created from a flat sheet.


Volumetric paper-cardboard modeling

    By content




    By the nature of the activities of children



    By appointment

    Practical purpose

    Having an artistic and aesthetic purpose

There are two types of design:technical and artistic.

Vtechnical to in construction, children mainly represent real-life objects,artistic constructing, children, creating images, not only reflect their structure, but express their attitude towards them.

The materials used are the same as for the work on the applique. but there are also construction sets and constructors inherent only in design.

Building set is a set of various geometric bodies (cube, cylinder, prism, etc.), it is divided into small (desktop) and large. In the classroom, mainly various sets of small (desktop) building materials are used, with the exception of large-scale collective buildings, where a large set is used.

There are constructors:

    Assuming one-time production of a building (gluing parts), after which the constructor cannot be reused

    Limited in the content of buildings (they consist of elements (forms) that can be used to obtain only certain types of buildings)

    Universal (not limited either in the content of buildings or in the possibility of reusability.

Constructors can be





As equipment for design, you can use tables for LEGO-constructors, modules.

Design techniques

    Securing parts on the base (p. B)

    Connecting parts with each other (r.v)

    Bonding (r.V.)

    Gluing (ml.y)

    Bonding (ml.g)

    Sewing on (older groups)

    Piercing (old gr)

    Twisting (st.gr)

    Clamping (middle gr)

    Crumpling (r.v)

    Flexion (extension, arching) (r.v)

    Addition (ml.gr)

    Unfolding (folding) (old gr)

    Twisting (untwisting) st.gr)

    Wrapping (st.gr.)

    Lubrication (ml.gr)

Paper construction methods: refers to artistic activities.

There are different techniques for working with paper: creasing, curling, tearing, cutting, folding.

Construction on the basis of a cone, cylinder (paper sculpture) makes it possible to create complex, voluminous toys.

Forms of organization of teaching design for preschoolers.

Design by pattern, developed by F. Frebel, is that children are offered samples of buildings made of parts of building materials and constructors, paper crafts, etc., and, as a rule, are shown how to reproduce them. In this form of education, a direct transfer of ready-made knowledge, methods of action, based on imitation, is provided to children.

Design by model (A.N. Mirenova and A.R. Luria) children are presented with a model, in which the outline of its individual elements is hidden from the child. Children must reproduce this model from the building material they have. Thus, the child is offered a specific problem, but not given a way to solve it.

Construction according to conditions, proposed by N.N. Poddyakov, is fundamentally different in nature. It is as follows. Without giving the children a sample of the building, drawings and methods of its construction, they only determine the conditions that the building must meet and which, as a rule, emphasize its practical purpose.

Design according to the simplest drawings and visual diagrams was developed by S. Leon Lorenzo and V.V. Kholmovskaya. Teaching children, first, to build simple schematic drawings that reflect samples of buildings, and then, on the contrary, to the practical creation of structures using simple schematic drawings.

Design by design has great opportunities for the deployment of creativity of children, for the manifestation of their independence; they themselves decide what and how they will design.

Construction by topic. Children are offered a general theme of designs, and they themselves create ideas for specific buildings, crafts, choose the material and methods for their implementation.

It is important to create conditions for the preservation of children's designs .

However, whenchildren's interest in this or that structure will fade away, it is necessary to carefully disassemble it together with the children.

Methodology for guiding design in groups of different ages.

Such scientists as L.V. Kutsakuva, L.A. Paramonova, T.S. Komarova, and others made a great contribution to the development of the child's personality through constructive activity.

Younger preschool age. At an early age, only the prerequisites for design are created, the very first experience of this activity is accumulated.

Children develop a strong interest in building games and activities. They construct buildings from the parts of a building set and learn to name them, learn to distinguish them in shape and size, and recognize these shapes regardless of their position on the plane of the table.

design according to the sample.

In teaching children of the younger group to construct, the educator uses a variety of methods. But the main place is occupied byinformational-receptive and reproductive. Children are introduced to what and how to build, i.e.demonstratesample, performed by the educator,show and explain in detailthe process of erecting a building.

At the end of a specially organized activity, the teacher shows the children how to play with this building, and provides this opportunity(2 -3 min). Therebyinterest in play is formed.

In order for the children to learn the names of the parts of the building material, the teacher uses not only specially organized activities, but also the process of cleaning up the material after classes and games, as well asdidactic games: "What is gone", "Wonderful little bag", etc.

Analyzing children's activities , the teacher notes, not only its results (the correctness and accuracy of the buildings), but also the process itself: how the children examined the sample, selected materials, performed individual actions, etc.

Middle preschool age . Gradually, construction begins to separate from play, to stand out as an independent activity.

Paper construction refers to artistic activities: origami, kirigami. (snowflakes, flowers, etc.).

Construction from paper strips: furniture for a dollhouse, crafts from strips and crumpled paper

Construction from natural materials. Volumetric design from natural material, available floristic methods, a method of connection using plasticine, decoration using colored paper.

Methods and techniques: In the middle group when constructing from building material, primarily useinformation-receptive method. Teaching children to build a new structure (bridge, car, tram, etc.), the teacher throughconsidering surrounding objects, illustrations introduces children to the object itself or its image, helps to highlight the main parts and determine their practical purpose. Moreover, toanalysis attracts the children themselves. In the lesson, when examining a sample of a building, it is usedreliance on the past experience of children.

Forms of organization of design training: design by model, design by design, design by conditions.

Senior preschool age.

In this group, when designing from building material, educators continue to acquaint children with new details and their properties.

Children are taught to design moredifficult conditions , begin to teach to build from drawings, photographs.

The skills of working with paper and cardboard are being improved. Targeted training begins in working with natural materials, making handicrafts from various materials used.

Basic teaching methods -information-receptive, reproductive, research and heuristic, that is, children are introduced to the objects of the image according to the model, explain, show, conduct preliminary targeted observations during walks (according to drawings, photographs).

Conversation at the beginning of the lesson - one of the methods of enhancing the knowledge of children, verbal teaching methods contribute to the formation of activity, independence. They have elementsself-control.

In a moment of difficulty, the teacher must provide timelyindividual help - advice, instructions, reminders, encouragement.

Play plays an important role in a child's life. In the older group, it is increasingly useddidactic game. t

Any products that children make should be used in their games.

Constructive activity is of great importance for the mental development of the child. It helps children to study the external properties of material objects (size, shape, color), their physical characteristics (weight, density, stability). Children learn to compare objects and connect them with each other, thanks to which their knowledge of the world around them is enriched, creativity and speech develop. Design is the most effective method of preparing preschoolers for the transition to school - it develops the qualities necessary for the learning process, and, since it is interesting and attractive to children, it does it unobtrusively.


1. Forms of organization and management of the productive activities of preschoolers (joint activities of educators with children, independent activities of children).

2. Lesson as the main form of education and creative development of children: thematic, complex, combined lessons.

3. Structure of the lesson.

4. Types of classes: on the topic proposed by the teacher (classes on mastering new program material and repetition of the passed, exercises in visual

and technical skills); on the topic chosen by the child (by design).

5. Features of the planning of classes on the organization of productive activities (single-type and integrated classes).

1. The main form of training and development of children's art are classes, direct educational activities. Art classes are a means of raising children. They develop aesthetic perception, aesthetic feelings, imagination, creativity, form figurative representations.

2. Classes in drawing, modeling, applications are part of multifaceted work in a group, therefore, visual activity is closely related to all aspects of educational work (acquaintance with the environment, games, reading books, etc.), in the process of which children receive a variety of impressions and knowledge. For the image, I choose the most striking phenomena from the life of children, so that the proposed topic is familiar to them, arouses their interest, a positive emotional attitude, a desire to draw, sculpt or cut and paste.

In addition to classes at the preschool educational institution, joint activities of the educator with children are organized and carried out.

The main forms of joint activities of the educator and children:

a) "Jointly - individual" - characterized by the fact that the participants in the activity at the beginning work individually, taking into account the general plan, and only at the final stage, the work of each becomes part of the overall composition. The task is given to everyone at once, at the beginning of the work individually and then it is adjusted depending on what has been done by others. In doing his part of the work, the child knows that the better he himself does what he is entrusted with, the better the work of the team will be. This, on the one hand, creates conditions for the mobilization of the child's creative abilities, and on the other hand, it requires their manifestation as a necessary condition. The advantages of this form of organization of activity include the fact that it allows a rather large group of children who have no experience of joint work to be involved in collective creative activity.

b) "Jointly - sequential" - involves work on the principle of a conveyor belt, when the result of the actions of one participant is closely related to the results of the previous and subsequent participants.

c) "Jointly - interacting" - the work is performed by all participants at the same time, coordination of their actions is carried out at all stages.

Another effective form of organizing the visual activity of preschoolers is independent activity.
Productive independent activity almost always occurs at the initiative of children.
Conditions for independent activity:
1. teaching in the classroom should be structured so that children act not only on the direct instructions and display of the teacher, but also without his help.

2.organization of a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution and a family, providing children with free use of various art materials (brushes, paints, paper, etc.), books with illustrations, theatrical toys, musical instruments. Everyone chooses those of them that he needs at the moment. All these items are placed in places convenient for independent productive activities of children.

3. close contact between educators and parents in organizing conditions for the formation and development of the child's creative inclinations in kindergarten and at home.

2. Types of classes according to the nature of the cognitive activity of children:
1) classes on the topic proposed by the teacher:
a) classes to communicate new knowledge to children and familiarize them with new ways of depicting;
b) classes on the exercise of children in the application of knowledge and methods of action.

2) classes on a topic chosen by the child (creative classes in which children are involved in search activities and are free to implement their ideas).

Types of activities depending on the selection criterion:
by image content:
by image method:
-by presentation;
-by memory;
-from nature.

3. The structure of the lesson on visual activity:

Part I of the lesson - explanation of the assignment:

1. Game motivation or introductory conversation.
2. Examination of nature, examination of the sample.
3. Demonstration of image methods (full or partial, depending on the age of the children).
4. Fidget.
5. Consolidation of the sequence of image methods.

Part II of the lesson:
Independent performance by children of a visual task.
The teacher's use of individual work techniques: showing ways of depicting, explanations, instructions, advice, encouragement.

Part III of the lesson - analysis of the work performed:
Analysis forms:
- the teacher shows the drawing and offers to evaluate whether everything in it is correct, what the child has come up with interesting;
- one of the children is instructed to choose the best, in his opinion, job and justify his choice;
-the child analyzes the drawing, comparing it with nature, a sample and evaluates it;
- children, together with the teacher, review one job after another and give them an assessment.

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Productive activities of preschool children

The productive activity of preschoolers is the right direction in preparing the future first graders for learning.

The formation, development and formation of a child's personality is one of the most relevant, important and responsible areas of activity for specialists in the field of pedagogy and psychology of the child. One of the main tasks that must be constantly carried out in this direction is the use of a variety of styles, forms and methods, including productive activities.

The importance of

Productive activities of children play one of the main roles in the process of all-round development of a preschooler. Along with the play form, they form a single complex of work on preschool education, carried out under the guidance of adults (teachers, educators). The result of this activity should be a certain product.

Numerous studies carried out by specialists in different parts of the planet and with various categories of children who have not yet reached primary school age have shown the effectiveness of productive activity among this age group of children.

A beneficial effect on preschoolers in the development of graphic skills, as well as in the development of perseverance and determination in mastering important skills, has been established.


Productive activities of children are one way or another of a child's activity, the purpose of which is to obtain a product that has a specific set of qualities. This category includes:

  • different ways of assembling structures,
  • crafts made of plasticine or special clay,
  • execution of application works, mosaics,
  • making various crafts,
  • more complex work - these or those layouts.

All the productive activities of children listed above perform a responsible function for the development of preschoolers. Many kindergarten programs designed for children under school age are based on this. Such a program is aimed at their all-round development and education.

Comprehensive development

The formation of this type of activity for children takes place in kindergarten under the guidance of experienced specialists. At this time, the connection between the desire of babies to create a particular product and the expansion of their cognitive abilities, various processes and qualities, the emotional area, the volitional sphere of development is most clearly manifested.

There is the most vivid and controlled development of the character traits of children, the formation of their character and individuality.

Specific categories

The development of artistic and aesthetic qualities in the process of classes for the development of a child corresponds to a modulating type of productive activity. It is this method that allows the preschooler to display the reality around him in the best way at his own discretion.

And already on the basis of the conclusions made, the resulting characteristic makes it possible to independently form and create certain images. This approach best affects the development of children's imaginative thinking, their ability to apply imagination.

Improving the aesthetic attitude of preschoolers to everything around them is an important task of an integrated approach to the educational process. It is difficult to overestimate the importance of this task. After all, only a harmoniously developing personality is able to see and feel everything, the beauty that surrounds them.

An important role is assigned to this method of development of children and for the achievement and formation of aesthetic feelings in preschoolers.

A seemingly simple occupation is drawing. However, it is this method of training that opens up completely new opportunities for educators to develop their own views in children, to develop their emotional and aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality.

Productive activity opens up for preschoolers as if a new world of beauty that actually exists, which is constantly next to us. There is the formation of certain beliefs, determines the behavior of the child.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of correct moral education of preschool children, carried out through the use of a productive method. Such a connection is formed and carried out in the process of performing various kinds of practical children's work. They are aimed at consolidating the information received from the outside world, and developing such qualities as:

  • observation,
  • activity,
  • purposefulness,
  • independence,
  • patience, ability to listen and assimilate the information received,
  • the ability to bring everything started to the end.

The productive method, which consists in the process of the image, allows you to consolidate the attitude towards what is depicted. At this moment, the child especially vividly experiences all those feelings that he experienced in the process of perception. Nature itself gives us a wide palette of colors and paints, various forms of objects, rare and unusual natural phenomena.

The physical development of the child is not left aside, and a proven productive method also plays an important role in this process. Thanks to this, the level of vitality rises, the mood, the general state of behavior and character improve. The child becomes more mobile, cheerful, active.

In the process of training, the correct posture, gait and other important physical qualities of a little man are developed. In addition, the muscles are strengthened, the overall coordination of movements improves.

The system of working with older preschool children with productive activities is described in detail by Marina Shekalina.


In addition to the listed positive factors, there are many other, progressive indicators of the correct development of a preschool child. And productive activity itself is an important component of the correct, all-round training and education of preschoolers.

Thanks to seemingly simple activities - teaching drawing and modeling, designing and creating applications - the most complete and harmonious development of positive qualities occurs in the following directions:

  • mental education,
  • aesthetic development,
  • physical strengthening of the body,
  • moral and spiritual formation of the personality.

Consultation for kindergarten teachers

Organization of productive activities

preschool children

Methods in the organization

productive activity of children

Informational - receptive

It is aimed at organizing and ensuring the perception of ready-made information.


It is aimed at consolidating the strengthening and deepening of knowledge of assimilation of methods of activity that are already known.


Aimed at the operational or elementary training in the procedures of the activity.

The teacher sets before the children the solution of not an integral problem, but directing its individual elements to find solutions.

(The teacher communicates the fact, the children make a conclusion. The teacher poses a problem, and the children put forward hypotheses for its solution.


Independent solution of a holistic problem by children.

All these general didactic methods are implemented through a system of techniques.


Techniques 2. Verbal

3. Gaming

The leading in productive activity are visual techniques:

Visual techniques

  1. Observation

In the process of observation, the child forms an idea of ​​the depicted object, of the world around him.

Supervision requirements

  1. Purposefulness (features of the object)
  1. Emotionality, non-indifference of perception
  1. The meaningfulness of observation (awareness of those properties that are to be portrayed: shape, color. Proportions, location in space, etc.)
  1. Children's activity (emotional, speech, mental, motor)
  1. Repetition of observation (changing conditions)
  1. Taking into account the age characteristics of children.

Features of observation in different age groups

1 junior gr.

Allocate one, two signs of direction (for example: color, rhythm)

Observation is short-term

Installation on the subsequent image of the subject is not given

The teacher, when depicting, chooses the shape and color himself

Observation happens in action, in play

2 younger group

The observation includes an element of examination with a gesture (outline the shape with your finger)

Middle group

Longer observation

Several features stand out (color, shape, structure - parts, location in space)

Repeated observation with increasing complexity of the content and methods of cognition

Questions not only of reproductive, but also of a search nature.

At the end of the observation, the children are told about the work ahead.

Drawings should be more complex, there can be subject and plot, personality traits should be manifested due to composition, details - additions, a variety of colors)

Older age

The target is reported after the children emotionally perceive the object.

Help children express their feelings, express themselves

Encourage children to search for words, images, comparisons to express feelings

Pay attention to the location of objects, look up close and from a distance. Compare in size, establish a relative position in space: closer to us, further, to the right, to the left.

Form a visual representation (how you can draw, what material is better to use, what color of paper is best suited.

At the time of observation, plan a future drawing.

  1. Survey

Purposeful analytic-synthetic perception of an object is tactile - motor and visual.

Children form an idea of ​​the object that forms the basis of the image.

Inspection is the purposeful examination of an object that needs to be depicted.

Isolation of external pictorial features

The survey can be divided into 3 stages

Stage 1 - holistic, emotional perception of an object, through some expressive sign (for example, a Fluffy kitten is the most expressive sign of "fluffy"

Target : evoke the desire to portray.

Stage 2 - analytical perception of the subject, i.e. sequential selection of pictorial features, parts and properties of an object.

Selection order. Corresponds to the sequence of the picture

  1. Allocate and name the largest part of the subject and its purpose.
  2. Determine the form of this part (make the dependence of the form on its purpose, living conditions, etc.)
  3. Determine the position of this part in space (differences in different types of one object: in sleepyheads the trunk is thick and straight, thinner and curved)
  4. Then another rather large part is distinguished, the position, shape, and its size in relation to the main one are found out.
  5. A color is selected if its image is involuntary, but is performed in accordance with nature.
  6. Pay attention to details

During the examination, an examining gesture is used: circle the shape with a finger, visually accompany the movement of the hand.

Stage 3 - integral emotional perception of an object, as if uniting a holistic image.

Examining gesture - obeys the form.

Junior gr.

Joint gesture of an adult and a child (The finger runs nowhere does not stop. The shape is round)

Middle group

The word specifies the location of the parts of the object. (at the top, at the bottom, on one side ...)

Examined gesture and visual control

It is important to encourage people to gesture and name the parts aloud. Forms.

Find out the dependence of the shape and name of an object, its parts

Senior group

- attention to the ratio of parts in an object in width, length, height

The main shape is conveyed by generalization, bringing it closer to the corresponding geometric shape (circle, oval ...)

Pay attention to straight and rounded lines.

Use the technique of comparison when examining parts of one object and comparing similar objects with each other (generalizing way of depicting.)

Pay attention to the variety of objects of the same type, teach to see their expressiveness, the originality of each.

Help destroy the template image.

Inspection in different types of visual activity


The examining gesture is the same as in drawing, only draw in the other direction (from right to left)

The examining gesture of the educator is accompanied by a word. (vase: a rounded line at the bottom, a straight line at the top of the neck)


The order of operations in the examination of an object basically repeats their order in sculpting.

The order of examination in the sculpting of objects of round and oval shape with relief features (apple, pear, cucumber). And a complex dismembered shape

  1. Isolation of the general form if the object is holistic.

Highlighting the shape of the main body if the object is a dismembered shape.

  1. Isolation of a specific characteristic shape (differences from geometric shape)
  1. Determination of the shape of other parts and comparison with the shape of the central part.
  1. Determination of the size of other parts. Compared to the main one.
  1. Determination of the position of these parts in relation to the main
  2. Attention is fixed on the main relief features that clarify the specific shape (there is a depression in the apple, the shape of small details - beak, ears)

The movement of the fingers during examination - corresponds to the movement of the fingers during sculpting.

Modeling scheme for this examination


  1. Creating a basic shape close to a geometric shape
  1. Modeling a specific shape
  1. Modeling of the main relief features of the object
  1. Additional details (twigs, leaves)

Modeling scheme - for this examination

(complex dismembered form)

  1. Stand sculpting
  1. Modeling the main largest part (generalized form)
  1. Modeling other large parts of the generalized form
  1. Modeling a specific (characteristic shape of these large parts)
  1. The connection of large parts into one whole.
  1. Modeling small parts of an object
  1. Surface treatment

Dependence of the examination on the method of imaging

Image from nature

Considered in the perspective in which the image will be made. Fixes attention to visible parts

Image by view

It is important that children be able to “see” not only the basic forms of the object, the structure, but also their possible variants. (different apples, different cars)

It is better to examine natural objects; examine toys, sculptures, animals, birds only after observing in nature, so that children present the image as “living”, expressive, not static.

The survey is best done after observation, if possible.

  1. Consideration

Pictures and book illustrations

A widely used method

In no case should pictures or book illustrations be offered to children for direct imitation.

This is an indirect method of teaching, it is used for the preliminary formation of ideas and ideas, when it is impossible to acquaint children with an object or phenomenon in the process of direct perception.

Use after observation, in order to clarify, enrich ideas

  1. Sample

A pattern is what children should follow when completing various kinds of tasks.

This technique should not be abused - children drawing according to the model, draw according to the vision of the teacher, and not according to their own design.

The result is the monotony of work, not the ability to draw on your own.

Most applicable in applique, decorative painting.

In decorative painting, children are offered 2-3 sample samples, and they help them to see the generalities and differences.

  1. Show

Display - public demonstration of one of the image options

The method is widely used. Used when familiarizing with the technique of work, with new ways of image.

The show can be:

  1. Full show
  2. Partial display
  3. General screening (for all children at once)
  4. Individual show
  5. Show teacher
  6. Show in the form of a joint action of a teacher and a child
  7. Show the way of action by the child.

Verbal techniques

  1. Conversation

Conversation is a conversation organized by the teacher, during which the teacher uses questions, explanations, clarifications, contributes to the formation of ideas about the depicted object or phenomenon.

Maximum stimulation of children's activity

Used in the first part of the work and after completion

  1. Explanation

Explanation is a way of influencing the consciousness of children, helping to understand and learn what to do and how to do it.

  1. Advice

The advice is used for the difficulties of children. It is important not to rush to give advice - to let the child find a solution on his own.

  1. Reminder

Reminder is a short guideline. Used before starting the process. More often it is about the sequence of work, planning and organizing activities.

  1. Encouragement

Encouragement should be used more frequently when working with children. It makes you want to do your job well, diligently. Instills in children a sense of success.

In no case should you publicly criticize the work of children, destroy drawings and crafts. With such methods - you can bring up a notorious, loser.

  1. Artistic word

Artistic word - arouses interest in the topic, in the content of the image. Helps to draw attention to children's work. Creates an emotional mood.

Verbal techniques are inseparable from visual and playful ones.

Game tricks

Game techniques are aimed at solving didactic problems, creating motivation for activity.

Signs of playing tricks

  1. The game task is the goal of the upcoming game actions (let's build a house for the bear, invite Petrushka to visit ...)
  1. Development of the game concept (let's take a photo for Petrushka)
  1. Game actions (children are photographers - draw photographs, give them to Petrushka)

Game actions are:

  1. Motor (practical)
  1. Imitating action (waving hand - like a wing ..)
  2. Fine (drawing in the air - snowfall)
  1. Onomatopoeia

Play techniques are ways of joint development of a plot and play concept by setting play tasks and performing play actions aimed at teaching and developing children.

The nature of playing techniques

  1. Plot - game situation by the type of director's games.

Playing with objects or toys (Buratino came very upset. What did not see Ust-Kut, where the children live. How can you help Buratino?)

Playing with the image (they drew a path - a bun is rolling along it, a drawn bird flies, pecks grains ...)

Playing with an unfinished image for the purpose of analyzing the created sample (chickens pouring crumbs. Why doesn't he bite?

  1. Play techniques with role-playing behavior of children and adults

Children are offered the role of potters, painters, builders, photographers, etc.)

Types of visual activities

  1. Visual activity by presentation (by imagination)

Preparation based on direct perception (visual, auditory, tactile-motor

Involvement of memory processes

Drawing on representation based on impressions received from various sources (events. Books. Television. Cartoons, observations ...)

(This view is most natural for preschoolers.)

Images based on literary, musical works

Images by design on a free theme, chosen by the child himself in terms of content, can be substantive, plot, decorative)

Images on a free theme with a limited theme ("my favorite toy", "All works are good - choose the taste"

  1. Visual activity from memory

More often held in the senior group, in the preparatory group at the end of the year

The process of reproducing an object on paper in the spatial position in which this object was at the moment of perception.

Development of perception, observation, visual memory, teaching children to observe and remember, and then to reproduce (for drawing small-scale objects, or simple landscapes)


Stage 1 - observation - holistic emotional perception

Before drawing, carefully examine, examine, remember, then draw very similarly - such a task should be set after the first examination. Emotionally high.

Stage 2 - highlighting the main objects, their originality (form. Color, size, proportions, location)

Stage 3 - remember, present a drawing. Think about where to start drawing.

Stage 4 - After viewing, pay attention to the quality of memorization.

  1. Image from nature.

An image of an object in the process of its direct perception from a certain point of view, with the aim of conveying it as accurately and expressively as possible.

Tasks: to teach to peer into nature, to see expressive signs, to distinguish originality, to accurately convey in a drawing.

Start training with a flat or close to flat nature, then rectangular shapes from the front side (the volume was not visible) with a small number of details that did not obscure each other.

Establish nature. For children to see the most characteristic side (at the level of the child's eyes)

The nature should be of interest (the branch of the bird cherry will fade, and we will preserve its beauty in the drawing)

The teacher says: “As we see, we draw. How many leaves on the right - draw as many on the right ... ")

You can sketch with a simple pencil to outline the proportions and plan the image.

Visual activity, where different types of artistic activity are combined under one thematic content

(drawing, modeling, applique,)

Generalized mode of action helps children navigate various artistic activities

  1. Perception - the ability to peer into objects, phenomena - as the first orientation
  2. Orientation in the surrounding colors, shapes in the process of visual activity
  3. Ways of independent actions when choosing expressive means
  4. Ways of creative actions in the transfer of an image in drawing, modeling. Applications

In this case, the possibilities of search activity are most fully revealed.

  1. Co-creation of educators and children (together with the educator, they perform a series of tasks, representing the result of collective work

It is not surprising that the main activity of children in the preschool period is play, however, there is another important type of activity - productive. In the conditions of preschool education, such a child's activity under the guidance of an educator is called productive, the result of which is the appearance of a product.
Many studies have been carried out that have proven that it is thanks to productive activity that older preschoolers develop a graphic skill, perseverance and perseverance. Productive activity creates favorable pedagogical conditions for the important process of socialization of children. During this age period, productive activity along with play is crucial for the development of the child's psyche.

What are productive activities?

A child's productive activity is a way of his activity, which has the goal of obtaining a product with a specific set of qualities. Productive activities include the following activities:

  • assembly of structures in various ways;
  • modeling from special clay or plasticine;
  • making all kinds of crafts;
  • making mosaics and applications;
  • more complex lessons with different layouts.

All of the above activities are very important for the development of preschoolers. They are included in many kindergarten programs for preschoolers. The purpose of such programs is the comprehensive education and development of this age group.

Why is productive activity important for a preschooler?

The developmental process of a preschooler is multifaceted, and productive activities play one of the most important roles in it. Together with games, they merge into a general set of work devoted to preschool education for the adult generation (educators and teachers). Such activity should lead to the appearance of a certain product.
Experts around the world have carried out numerous studies with various categories of children who have not yet gone to school, which have shown how effective productive activity is for this age category:

  • It was found that such activities have a beneficial effect on the development of graphic skills, the development of purposefulness and perseverance in the process of mastering various skills.
  • Practicing productive activities contributes to the development of a child's creative imagination, develops coordination of movements, musculature of the hands, mechanisms of thinking (synthesis, analysis, the ability to compare).
  • Like any other cognitive activity, productive also plays a significant role in the mental development of children.
  • During the lessons, the most favorable conditions are created for the development of the necessary qualities of initiative, inquisitiveness, independence and curiosity.
  • In general, the all-round influence of productive activity on the upbringing of preschoolers is noticeable.
  • A close relationship with sensory education is also noticeable. To form an idea about objects, you must first gain knowledge about their qualities and properties, size, shape, color, position in space.

In the process of productive activity, physical and mental activity is simultaneously manifested. To create a drawing, applique, to mold a figurine, you need to master certain skills, make efforts, and take creative actions. In the process, preschoolers learn practical skills that they will later need for a wide variety of jobs. They acquire skills that make children feel much more independent.
The integrated approach is successfully implemented in the classroom with productive activities. In addition, here children are freed from fears and overexertion.
The modeling of surrounding objects in the process of productive activity ends with the creation of such a product in which the idea of ​​a phenomenon, situation or object is fully materialized in a structure, drawing or figurine.

Visual perception of preschoolers

In the mental development of preschoolers, one of the most important indicators is the degree of visual ...

Directions of productive activity

There are several areas of productive activity:

  • creation of objects suitable for research and cognitive activity, as well as for games;
  • filling the art gallery with self-made items;
  • creation of layouts;
  • creation and design of a "book" filled with children's stories, a nature diary, a group's chronicle, fairy tales;
  • making souvenirs and decorations for the holidays in the form of posters, invitation cards, greeting cards, Christmas tree decorations, garlands, etc .;
  • coming up with a collective story, unusual in that all words there begin with one letter (such an activity perfectly develops the skills of oral creativity in children, helps them to master writing and reading);
  • the creation of theatrical materials for their performance - the production of elements of costumes, scenery, etc. Productive activity here is successfully associated with a narrative children's game or reading fiction.

The work done gives the following results:

  • a system of productive activities is being created for older preschoolers;
  • children develop creativity;
  • in the group, the psychological well-being of children improves;
  • children are successfully preparing for school.

Usually, such areas as: artistic creativity, cognition, socialization, communication, labor, safety are more closely connected with productive children's activities. When engaging in artistic creativity, there is a great opportunity to develop speech in children. At this age stage, there are still many problems in children's speech: it is monosyllabic, rather poor (due to an insufficiently rich vocabulary), it is composed only of simple sentences, non-literary expressions and words are often used.
Also, the use of the method of productive activity has a huge impact on the moral education of kids. In the process of performing various practical works, a similar connection is formed and begins to operate in children. In addition, these classes contribute to the consolidation of knowledge gained from the surrounding world and the development of a number of useful qualities:

  • activity;
  • observation;
  • independence
  • purposefulness;
  • the ability to complete what has been started;
  • the ability to assimilate the information received;
  • patience.

With productive activity, the physical development of the preschooler is also affected. In the process of training, the vitality of children increases, their mood and behavior improve, and their character becomes more active and cheerful. The child himself becomes much more mobile. During classes, it is necessary to develop in children the correct gait, posture and other physical characteristics of the body, which will be very useful for the little man in life. In children, the muscles, the vestibular apparatus become stronger, the movements become more coordinated.

Features of different types of productive activities

In the process of developing a child's activities, the development of artistic and aesthetic qualities corresponds to a modulating type of productive activity. It is with the help of this method that it is easiest for a preschooler to display, at his own discretion, the reality that surrounds him. The characteristic obtained as a result of the conclusions made allows the preschooler to independently create the images he has chosen. Thanks to this approach, children develop imaginative thinking well, they learn to realize their own imaginations.

Orientation in space for preschoolers

At preschool age, children experience significant changes in their perception of space. As o ...


In an integrated approach to the educational process, an important task is to improve the aesthetic attitude of children to the world around them. The importance of this task cannot be overemphasized. After all, it is obvious that only harmoniously developed personalities can feel and see everything beautiful that is around.
An important role in the methodology of child development belongs to this method in order to form aesthetic feelings in the younger generation. It would seem, what is difficult in drawing? But it is this type of activity that gives educators new opportunities for developing their own views in children, for developing their emotional and aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality. For preschoolers, it is as if a new world of the beautiful is opening up, which in fact exists and is always next to us. The child's behavior changes, positive beliefs are formed.


It is known that children are especially fond of drawing, because it gives the maximum scope for the implementation of their creative activity. Drawings can be on completely different topics. Children usually draw what interests them: individual objects, literary characters, scenes from the surrounding life, decorative patterns.
The productive method, expressed in the visual arts, allows the child to consolidate his attitude to what is depicted. While drawing, the child once again very vividly experiences the same sensations that he had in the process of perceiving the depicted object. And the wealth of the surrounding world provides an endless palette of colors, objects of various shapes, unusual and rare phenomena.

Other productive activities

If we put aside the traditional and well-deserved techniques, then in addition to them, you can also add the following:

When a drawing is applied on thick glossy paper that does not allow water to pass through, or glass with gouache or other paints. A sheet of paper is applied from above and pressed tightly, as a result of which a mirror print is obtained on it.
Scratchboard (often referred to as the scratching technique or "scratching")
The drawing is scratched on cardboard or thick paper with a pen or other sharp instrument. In this case, the paper is filled with ink (so that it does not blur and wet the paper better, you can add a couple of drops of liquid soap to it). So, thick paper needs to be shaded “thickly” with wax crayons. If you take a ready-made cardboard on which a variegated pattern is applied, then it will be enough to use a simple unpainted wax candle. Then apply a layer of mascara to the surface with a sponge or wide brush.
You can also use gouache, but after drying it continues to get dirty. You can also use black acrylic paint. After the paint has dried, the drawing must be scratched with any sharp object (scraper, feather, toothpick), which children, nevertheless, cannot injure themselves with. A pattern of thin colored or white strokes is then formed on a black background.
Applique and modeling
Sculpting is also part of a productive activity, but its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is a three-dimensional way of depicting. What children most willingly sculpt - animals, people, vegetables and fruits, dishes, toys, cars. The theme here is so diverse also due to the fact that, like other types of fine art, modeling solves educational problems, satisfying the needs of children in creativity and knowledge. It also simplifies the transfer of spatial relationships between objects in sculpting, because here, as in real life, objects can be easily positioned one after another, further or closer from the center of the composition. Therefore, when sculpting, there are no difficulties with the perspective, which is still very difficult for children at this age.

When preschoolers do applique work, working with objects of simple and complex shapes, they have to cut and paste their elements and silhouettes. To create such images requires an increased work of imagination and thought, since the silhouette usually lacks those elements that are its main distinguishing features. In addition, application classes contribute to the progress of the child's mathematical concepts. Indeed, at this moment, the preschooler learns the names of the simplest geometric shapes, learns their signs, he develops an idea of ​​the position of objects and their parts in space (right, left, center, in the corner), as well as the relativity of their sizes (less or more) ... In addition, while working on making appliques, the child develops the muscles of the arms and coordination of movements. He learns to use scissors, carefully and correctly cutting out the shapes and turning the sheet of paper in the right direction, then he puts these shapes on the "background" sheet at a certain distance.
You can introduce the kids in the applique class to the technique called "paper lumps mosaic". To do this, you can use a wide variety of paper:

Modeling for children

Many parents have probably heard about the benefits that pa ...

  • usual color;
  • paper napkins;
  • corrugated;
  • foil;
  • candy wrappers;
  • even old magazines or newspapers will do.

There is only one requirement for paper - to be soft enough.
In this type of productive activity of children, the individual parts must be connected in the right way to get a specific whole object. Constructive activity owes its origin to a certain level of development of children's perception, thinking and play activity, and, in addition, depends on communication, cognitive activity and the development of motor skills. Construction classes have a beneficial effect on the physical education of the child - manipulations with the elements of the constructor develop the child's fine motor skills of fingers, strengthen spatial orientation, coordination of movements, participate in aesthetic and moral education - this is how the child learns to see the beauty of his own creations. Thanks to this, his taste develops, at the same time he learns architectural forms. If gifts for the holiday are made, then the child develops a caring attitude towards loved ones, there is a desire to please them. In the process of labor education, design develops independence, purposefulness, organization and initiative in preschoolers.
Constructive activity is of great importance for the mental development of the child. It helps children to study the external properties of material objects (size, shape, color), their physical characteristics (weight, density, stability). Children learn to compare objects and connect them with each other, thanks to which their knowledge of the world around them is enriched, creativity and speech develop. Design is the most effective method of preparing preschoolers for the transition to school - it develops the qualities necessary for the learning process, and, since it is interesting and attractive to children, it does it unobtrusively. Thanks to classes with building materials, the child's imagination and creative initiative develops.
The design can be different:

  • from the constructor set;
  • from paper;
  • from building material;
  • from natural and other ornamental materials.

For preschoolers, the easiest and most accessible type of construction is to work with play building materials.
Working with them, children learn the geometry of volumetric forms, get ideas about the concepts of balance, symmetry and proportions.
The more complex types of construction available in kindergarten include working with cardboard, paper, spools and boxes. When constructing from paper, children refine their knowledge of flat geometric shapes, learn the concepts of "center", "corner", "side". They learn techniques for transforming flat figures into three-dimensional ones by folding, bending, gluing and cutting paper. In construction, the main point is the activity of researching objects through analysis and synthesis.

Finger gymnastics for preschoolers

Scientists have long established a close connection between the general motor system of a person and speech function. ...

Constructing from natural materials comes closest to artistic endeavors, fostering the creative imagination. When organizing training through design, important conditions are:

  • organic connection with other types of activity (drawing, dramatization, composing funny (and not so) stories);
  • special excursions to the forest or park;
  • the creation by the teacher of the installation in children for independence in search, so as not to teach the child, but to cooperate more with him, support his initiative, prompt and help only if necessary.

It is obvious that it is construction, in comparison with other types of productive activity, that prepares a fertile ground for the development of technical abilities in children, and this is very important for the personality to receive all-round development.
During the lessons of modeling, drawing, design and application, children's speech also develops at the same time: they memorize the names of colors and shades, shapes and spatial designations, enriching their vocabulary. When at the end of the lesson it is time to analyze the work, the children talk not only about their "masterpieces", but also share their opinions about other people's work. Through modeling, appliqué or drawing, children express their impression of the world and express their attitude towards it. But graphic activity will only acquire a creative character when the child has sufficiently developed imagination, imaginative thinking and aesthetic perception, when he sufficiently masters the skills and abilities necessary to create images. The active participation of parents in the educational process should also be of great importance in the creative development of preschoolers.

In addition to the positive factors listed above, the correct development of preschoolers has many other indicators of progress. The very same productive activity can be considered as an important component of the all-round education and training of preschoolers. Seemingly simple lessons in teaching modeling, drawing, designing and creating applications quite fully and harmoniously develop positive shifts in children in:

  • physical strengthening of the body;
  • mental development;
  • aesthetic development;
  • spiritual and moral formation of the personality.
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