A ship sailing along Lake Ladoga from the island of Kovevets to Valaam lands at Korela along the way, and out of curiosity, passengers ride horses to this deserted and poor, albeit very old Russian village. Having gone further, the passengers argue why “people who are inconvenient in St. Petersburg” should be exiled far away, when there is such a place very close by where the apathy of the population and the stingy, unprepossessing nature will overcome any free-thinking. One of the passengers, who travels here often, says that at different times they really were exiled here, but all the exiles could not stand here for a long time. One, for example, hanged himself. “And he did a fine job,” remarked the passenger, “prone to philosophical generalizations and political playfulness.” Another, apparently a merchant, a religious man, objects - after all, suicides will be tormented for a century. No one can even pray for them.
And then a passenger spoke up against both opponents, who somehow did not pay attention, which was strange. “He was a man of enormous stature, with a swarthy, open face and thick, wavy, lead-colored hair: his gray cast so strangely. He was dressed in an obedient cassock with a wide monastic belt belt and a tall black cloth cap... This new companion of ours... looked like he was in his early fifties; but he was in the full sense of the word a hero, and, moreover, a typical, simple-hearted, kind Russian hero, reminiscent of grandfather Ilya Muromets in the beautiful picture of Vereshchagin and in the poem of Count A. K. Tolstoy.
It was clear that he was a seasoned man who had seen a lot. He carried himself boldly and self-confidently, although somewhat cheekily. He said that there is such a person who alleviates the situation of suicides. This is a drunkard priest in a village in the Moscow diocese who prays for suicides. He was nearly cut off. They say that there was already a decision to deprive him of his place. The priest, out of grief, even stopped drinking and decided to commit suicide - in this case, the lord will take pity on his family and give the daughter of the groom, who will take his place.
And the bishop once, after a meal, dozed off and sees that the Monk Sergius enters his cell and asks to pity the unworthy priest. The bishop decided that it was just a dream and did nothing. Here he again goes to bed, and he dreams about how the army under a dark banner drags a crowd of boring shadows behind them, and they all nod sadly to the lord and ask: “Let him go! “He alone prays for us.” The bishop calls this very priest to him, and he confesses that, yes, he really prays for suicides. Vladyko blessed the priest and again sent him to his place. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that the talkative passenger was just a monk, and had once been a horseman, that is, he was a connoisseur of horses and was with the repairmen to guide them, selected and drove off more than one thousand horses. The passenger says that he experienced a lot in his life, he happened to be on horses, and under horses, and was in captivity, and fought, and he beat people, and he was maimed. And he came to the monastery only a few years ago. “All my life I was dying and could not die,” he says. Then everyone approached him with a request to tell about his life. He agreed, but he will only tell from the very beginning.
Former coneser Ivan Severyanych, Mr. Flyagin began his story by saying that he comes from the household of Count K. from the Oryol province. His mother died in childbirth, his father was a coachman, and the boy grew up with his father in the coachman's yard. His whole life was spent in the stable, he fell in love with horses and studied them well. At the age of eleven, they began to use him as a postilion, and since he was still physically weak for a long journey, he was tied with straps to the saddle and girths. It was very difficult, on the road, it happened, he even lost consciousness, but gradually he got used to it. The postilions had a bad habit - to whip the one who blocks the road with a whip. So one day Ivan, when he was taking the count to the monastery, killed an old man who was sleeping on a cart. The count settled the matter with the abbot, sending a convoy with oats, flour and dried crucian carp to the monastery in the autumn. And at night, the monk whom he spotted comes to Ivan in a dream and cries. He informs Ivan that his mother had a praying son and the promised one. That is, the mother promised him to God. “You will die many times and you will never die until your real death comes, and then you will remember your mother’s promise for you and go to Chernetsy,” said the monk and disappeared.
After some time, the count and the countess decided to take their daughter to Voronezh to see a doctor. In the village of Krutoy they stopped to feed the horses, and that monk appeared again and advised Ivan to quickly ask the masters for a monastery - they would let him go. Ivan didn't want to. Together with their father, they harnessed the horses and drove off, and there was a very steep mountain, a cliff on the side, where many people died. During the descent, the brake burst, and the entire gear rushed down to the cliff. Father jumped off the goat, and Ivan rushed to the drawbar and hung on it. The leading horses disappeared into the abyss, and the carriage stopped, resting on the roots, which Ivan suppressed with a drawbar. Then suddenly he came to his senses and from fear he flew down. But miraculously he survived - he fell onto a clay block and rolled down, as if on a sleigh. The count offered Ivan, whose nickname was Golovan, to ask for whatever he wanted, and he foolishly asked for an accordion, and immediately threw it away.
Golovan kept a couple of pigeons in his stable. The chicks appeared. One Golovan himself accidentally crushed, caressing, and the second was eaten by a cat that got into the habit of climbing to the pigeons. He caught her and cut off her tail. It turned out that it was the countess's maid's cat. Golovan was taken to the office of the German steward, ordered to be whipped and set to beat stones with a hammer for paths in the garden. He could not stand this and decided to hang himself. He went into the forest with a rope, fixed everything, jumped off the bough - and fell to the ground, and a gypsy was standing above him, who cut the rope. He invited him along. “And who are you and how do you live? Are you thieves? ... And on occasion, I suppose you also cut people? That is exactly what happened. Ivan thought and thought, waved his hand, cried and went to the robbers.
A cunning gypsy, in order not to let the guy come to his senses, and says that in order for him to believe him, let him take a couple of the best horses out of the count's stables. They rode all night, then they sold the horses, and the gypsy deceived Golovan, giving him almost nothing. The guy went to the assessor to declare that he was a runaway serf, and a clerk to whom he told his story, and tells him that for a fee he will make him look like a vacation. I had to give everything: a silver ruble, an earring from an ear and a pectoral cross. Golovan came to the city of Nikolaev and stood where those who were looking for work gathered. A huge, enormous gentleman, bigger than Ivan himself, pushed everyone away from him, grabbed both hands and dragged him along. At home I asked him who he was and what, and, learning that he felt sorry for the pigeons, he was very happy. It turned out that he was hiring Golovan as a nanny. His wife ran away from him and left a little daughter, and there is no one to take care of him. “How will I cope in this position?” - It's nothing... After all, you are a Russian person. A Russian person can handle everything,” says the new owner. They bought a goat, and Ivan became a nanny and became very attached to the child. This continued until the summer. Ivan noticed that the girl had crooked legs - he began to carry her to the estuary and, on the advice of the doctor, bury her legs in the sand. But one day a lady, the girl's mother, suddenly appears and begins to ask Ivan to give her daughter to her. Golovan in no way. The next day, he again takes the goat and the child with him and goes to the estuary. And the lady is already there. And so day after day, for quite a long time. And finally, she comes for the last time - to say goodbye and says that her repairman will come right away. He won a lot at cards and
wants to give Ivan a thousand rubles in exchange for a child. Ivan disagrees. And now Ivan sees - a lancer repairman is walking along the steppe, so portly, his hands on his hips ... Ivan looked at the lancer and thought: “I wish I could play with him out of boredom.” And he decides, if only the lancer says something wrong, Ivan will be rude to him, and then, maybe, it will come to a fight, which Ivan really wanted.
Ivan stands and thinks, how would he be better off teasing this officer so that he himself would attack him? And the lady complains that, they say, the child is not given away. The repairman pats her on the head and says that, they say, it’s okay, now he will show the money, Ivan’s eyes will run wide, and if not, then he will simply take the child away by force. He gives Ivan a bunch of banknotes, and he tore out the papers, spat on them and threw them away - they say, pick it up yourself. The repairman blushed and rushed at Ivan, but no one can handle him with such a physique. He only lightly shoved the repairman, and he flew off. This repairman, although physically weak, was proud and noble in character. He did not pick up his money from the land. Ivan shouts to him to pick it up, but he does not pick it up, but runs and grabs the child. Ivan took the girl by the second handle and said: “Well, pull him: whose half will come off more”. The repairman got out, spat in Ivan's face, let go of the child and pulled the mistress after her, and she sobbed, turned to face her daughter and pulled her hands to her, “as if alive, torn in half, half to him, half to the child” ... And then the gentleman, the girl's father, runs away from the city, fires from a pistol and shouts: “Hold them, Ivan! Hold on!” And Ivan, instead, caught up with the lady with the lancer and gave them the child; he only asked to be taken away with them, because the master would hand him over to justice, he had a fake passport.
We arrived in Penza, and the officer told Ivan that he could not keep him with him, because he did not have a passport. He gave him two hundred rubles. Ivan really did not want to go anywhere, he loved the girl very much, but there was nothing to do. He only asked that the lancer hit him for beating him there, by the estuary. The officer just laughed. Ivan decided to go and turn himself in to the police, and first drink tea in a tavern. I drank for a long time, then went for a walk. I crossed the Sura River, and there were horse shoals and with them Tatars in wagons. Around the motley crowd of people: civilians, soldiers, landowners. In the middle sits on a motley felt mat a long, sedate Tatar in a golden skullcap. It was, as Ivan learned, Khan Dzhangar, the first steppe horse breeder. His herds went from the Volga to the Urals. Although all this land belongs to Russia, Khan Dzhangar reigns there. At this time, the Tatar child drove a white filly to the khan of extraordinary beauty and stature. The bargaining has begun. Soon everyone refused, except for two - these already began to offer not only money, but also a saddle, and a dressing gown, and even a daughter. Then all the Tatars began to shout so that they would not bring each other to ruin. The Russian, standing next to Ivan, explains to him how the matter will be decided. Khan Dzhangar will be given as much as he asks, and whoever takes a horse will be let in defiance by common agreement. The neighbor did not explain what it was, he said that he would see it himself. Both opponents, stripped to the waist, got on 304
ground against each other and took hold of the left hand with the left, spread their legs and rested their feet. Each was given a whip, and they began to whip each other. Meanwhile, Ivan's neighbor explained to him the subtleties - how to beat in order to last longer than the opponent. Whoever wins will take the mare. The victorious one, covered in blood, put his robe and beshmet on the mare's back, threw himself on her with his stomach and left. Ivan wanted to leave already, but his new acquaintance delayed him - something else must happen.
Everything turned out that way. A little Tartarch galloped on a karak stallion, which cannot be described. The hot bargaining started again. Among the crowd was a familiar repairman, but he did not even hope to get this horse. Ivan offered him to get it - he will flog with an opponent. And won. He whipped his opponent to death, which he reported to the astonished passengers good-naturedly and dispassionately. Seeing the horror in their eyes, he considered it necessary to give an explanation. This Tatar was considered the first batyr in all the Rune-Sands, so he did not want to give in for anything, and Ivan was greatly helped by the penny that he put into his mouth. He gnawed it all the time so as not to feel the pain, and “for distraction of thought” he counted the blows in his mind, although later he lost count. The Russians decided to take Ivan to the police. He rushed to run, disappeared into the crowd, and the Tatars helped him. And together with the Tatars, Ivan went to the steppes, where he stayed for eleven years, not of his own free will. The Tatars treated him well, but so that he would not run away, they performed a cruel operation on him: they cut off a layer of skin on his heels and stuffed chopped horsehair there, then the wounds were closed and sewn up. After such a manipulation, a person could not step on his heel, he could only walk on his knees or on his knees. And at the same time, the Tatars treated him well, gave him a wife, then another, and another khan, Agashimola, who stole Ivan from Otuchev, gave him two more wives. This Agashimola was from a distant horde and called Ivan to treat his khansha, for which he promised Ivan's master many heads of cattle. He let him go. But Agashimola deceived him - he rode with Ivan in a completely different direction. Passengers asked what else happened to Ivan. He continued the story.
Agashimola no longer let go of Ivan. He gave him two more wives. Ivan did not like them. All the wives bore him children whom he did not consider his own, because they were not baptized. He had no parental feelings for them. I missed Russia very much. Steppe and steppe all around ... Sometimes a monastery or a temple seemed to be, then Ivan remembered the baptized land, and he cried. Ivan describes the life and life of the Tatars on the salt marshes above the Caspian Sea. He remembers how he prayed - he prayed so much that "even the snow of the Indian under his knees will melt and where tears fell - you will see grass in the morning." “And everything passed, thank God!” he said, taking off his monastic cap and crossing himself.
Everyone was interested in how Ivan Severyanych managed to straighten his heels, how he escaped from the Tatar steppes and ended up in a monastery? And he continued his story.

"The Enchanted Wanderer" is one of the best works of the original Russian writer N. S. Leskov. The author himself considered the work a story, although literary critics tend to call it a story. Be that as it may, his main merit is the special image of Ivan Severyanych Flyagin, incomparable to any of the heroes of Russian literature, a man with a truly Russian soul, whom Leskov skillfully portrayed.

"The Enchanted Wanderer": a summary of chapter 1

The story begins with a message that a group of random fellow travelers were heading along Lake Ladoga to Valaam. On the way, we stopped at Korela, which, according to one of the passengers, could be an ideal place for the exiles to live. A conversation began that a seminarian had somehow been exiled to Korela, and soon he hanged himself. So they moved on to the question of suicides, and a man who had not been noticed before stood up for the disgraced deacon.

Middle-aged (by appearance he could have been given for fifty), huge, swarthy-skinned, with leaden hair, he looked more like a Russian hero. Meanwhile, the cassock, wide monastic belt and high cap indicated that this passenger could be a novice or a tonsured monk. This is how N. Leskov introduces his hero to the reader.

“The Enchanted Wanderer”, the summary of which you are reading, continues with the story of a Chernorian about a man who received permission to pray for suicides. It was a drunkard priest, whom the Eminent Bishop deprived of his place. At first, the punished monk wanted to take his own life, but then he thought that then his sinful soul would not find peace. And he began to mourn and pray fervently. Vladyka somehow dreamed of the holy father Sergius, asking for mercy for that same priest. After a while, the Eminence again saw a strange dream. With a roar, the knights galloped in it and prayed: “Let him go! He's praying for us!" Waking up, the lord realized who the warriors were, and sent the priest to his former place.

When the Chernorian finished the story, the listeners turned to him with questions: who is he himself? It turned out that in the old days the passenger was in military service. He was a coneser and knew how to deftly tame horses. He was in captivity and in general suffered a lot in his lifetime. And he went to the monks, since the parental promise should have been fulfilled - such was the conversation and its summary.

The Enchanted Wanderer - Chapter 1 was the beginning of a big and interesting story - told the audience about his life from the very beginning.

Count's life

Ivan Severyanych Flyagin, or Golovan, was born into a family of courtyards in the Oryol province. The mother died after giving birth. There remains a legend that she did not have children for a long time and, in case of mercy, promised the baby to God. His father served as a coachman for the count, because the boy learned the art of handling horses from childhood. In the eleventh year he was already appointed a postilion. That's when this story happened. One day, the count's six, where Ivan was sitting, caught up with the cart, which did not give way in any way. A man was lying on the hay, and the hero decided to teach him a lesson: he hit him along the back with a whip. The horses rushed off at a gallop, and the monk riding on the wagon fell, got tangled in the reins, which is why he died. At night, he appeared to Flyagin and said that he was promised to God and, if he goes against fate, he will die many times, but he will not die.

Soon the first trouble happened. During the descent, the brake burst, and ahead - the abyss. Ivan rushed to the drawbar, and the horses stopped. And then flew down. Waking up, he found out that he was saved by a miracle - he fell on a block and rolled down to the bottom on it. The horses crashed, but the count escaped - Leskov ends this story. The enchanted wanderer - the summary of chapter 2 confirms this - began the difficult life path predicted by the monk.

Count Flyagin did not serve long. He started pigeons and noticed that the cat was carrying chicks. Caught in snares and chopped off the tail. It turned out that it was the hostess Zozinka. They flogged him and forced him to beat stones on his knees. Ivan could not stand it and wanted to hang himself. But the gypsies saved him and called him to him - this ends chapter 3.

in babysitters

Not long was the hero in the robbers. The gypsy forced his horses to steal, then sold them, and gave Ivan only a ruble. On that they parted, Leskov notes.

The enchanted wanderer - the chapter-by-chapter content will tell a lot more unusual about the hero - decided to get a job and ran into a gentleman. He asked who he was, and after listening, he concluded: if he took pity on the chicks, then he will look after the baby that the runaway wife left. So Flyagin began to look after the girl. She had grown up when a new trouble happened. One day, Ivan, having planted a child in the sand - so he treated her legs - dozed off, and when he woke up, he saw a strange woman holding the girl to her. She began to ask to give her daughter. The nanny did not agree to this, but every day he began to bring the child to his mother. One day her boyfriend came too. They began to fight, when suddenly the master appeared. Unexpectedly, Golovan decided to give the child to his mother and ran away with them himself. Yes, but he could not forgive himself for fighting with an officer, and soon left. A brief summary will tell about his new adventures.

Leskov, "The Enchanted Wanderer": acquaintance with Dzhangar

The hero went out into the steppe, where the fair unfolded. I noticed that a lot of people were standing in a circle, and some Tatar was sitting in the center. It was Khan Dzhangar, to whom the whole steppe from the Urals to the Volga was subordinate. Here there was a bargain regarding a beautiful mare. The neighbor told Flyagin that this always happens. The khan will sell the horses, and save the best for the last day. And then there will be a serious bargaining. Indeed, two Tatars entered into an argument. At first they gave money, then they promised the khan their daughters, and finally they began to undress. “Now the fight will go,” the neighbor explained. The Tatars sat down one against the other, took whips and began to whip each other on their bare backs. And Flyagin kept asking what the secrets of such a struggle were. When one of the Tatars fell, and the other threw a dressing gown over the horse, laid his belly on it and left, the hero got bored again. However, the neighbor noted that, for sure, Dzhangar had something else in store, and the hero perked up - Leskov sums up. The enchanted wanderer - the summary of the next chapter will confirm this - decided: if something else like this happens, he himself will take part in the competition.

The neighbor was not mistaken: the khan brought out a colt that could not be described. I decided to bargain for him and the officer to whom Ivan gave the master's daughter. He just didn't have much money. Flyagin persuaded him to bargain, saying that he would fight the Tatar himself. As a result, he flogged the enemy to death and won the horse, which he gave to the officer. True, then he had to flee to Ryn-Sands: the nomads were nothing, but the Russians wanted to judge him.

Life of the Tatars

A summary of the ten-year captivity continues. The enchanted wanderer, according to chapters 6, 7, has undergone a lot. Once at the Tatars, he tried to run, but they caught him and bristled him: they cut the skin on his heels, stuffed chopped horsehair into the wound and sewed it up. Ivan admitted that when he got to his feet for the first time after the operation, he screamed and cried in pain. Then he learned to walk on his ankles. The Tatars gave him two "Natashas": first the wife of a Tatar he had killed, and then a thirteen-year-old girl who often amused Ivan. They bore him children, but since the Tatars were not baptized, he did not consider them his own. Flyagin himself was engaged in the treatment of horses and people. I missed my homeland very much and did not stop praying.

After a while, another khan took him to him, where he met with the monks sent to Ryn-Sands to establish Christianity. And although they refused to help him, Flyagin remembered them kindly: the missionaries from the Tatars accepted death for their beliefs.

Help came unexpectedly - from the Indians, who came to the steppe to buy horses and turn the Tatars against the Russians. They began to frighten the population with their god, who allegedly sends fire. In fact, loud noises were heard at night, and sparks fell from the sky. While the Tatars scattered across the steppe and prayed to their god, Ivan saw that it was a simple firework, and decided to use it for liberation. First of all, he drove the Busurman into the river and baptized him, and then he forced him to pray. And he also found earth in boxes that corroded the skin, pretended to be sick and burned his heels for two weeks until all the stubble with pus came out. Having recovered, he caught fear in the Tatars, ordered them not to leave the yurts for three days, and he himself gave a tear. I walked for several days until I saw Russian people. Thus, he underwent many trials in captivity, as the summary shows, the enchanted wanderer. According to these chapters, one can judge that Ivan Severyanych is a brave, resolute person, devoted to his country and faith.


Chapter 9 ends with how Flyagin was arrested for lack of a passport and taken to the Oryol province. The countess had already died, and her husband ordered the former courtyard to be whipped and sent to the priest for confession. However, Father Ilya refused to partake of the hero because he lived with the Tatars. They gave Ivan a passport and drove him out of the yard.

Description of the further adventures of the hero, who now felt complete freedom, continues the story of Leskov.

The enchanted wanderer, a brief summary, the analysis of whose actions aroused the curiosity of the listeners more and more, got to the fair, where they changed and sold horses. It so happened that he saved the peasant from deception: the gypsy wanted to take away his good horse. Since then, it has become a tradition: Ivan chose a good horse for a simple person, and he gave him a magarych as a reward. That's what he lived.

Soon the fame of Golovan spread far, and one prince began to ask him to teach him his wisdom. Flyagin is not a greedy person, therefore he gave advice that he himself used. However, the prince showed his complete unsuitability in this matter and called the hero to his conesers. They lived peacefully and respected each other. Sometimes, however, Ivan made exits - he gave money to the prince, warned him about absence and reveled. But one day he decided to put an end to this matter. And it so happened that the last exit was the most terrible.

The action of magnetism: content

The enchanted wanderer - according to chapters 8-9 it turned out that he fell under the power of a good connoisseur of human psychology - said that the prince had a wonderful mare. And then one day they went separately to the fair. Suddenly, Ivan receives an order: to bring the owner Dido, his beloved horse. The hero was very upset, but since there was no opportunity to transfer the money he received for the fair to the prince, he decided to postpone his exit. And went to the tavern to drink tea. There he found an amazing scene: a man promised to eat glass for a glass of wine. And he did it. Flyagin took pity on the sufferer and decided to treat him. During the conversation, a new acquaintance said that he was engaged in magnetism and could save a person from his weaknesses. Ivan did not want to drink the first glass needed for the job, but he poured the third one himself. The only thing that calmed him down was that he drinks for treatment - he noted, talking about the conversation that took place to the audience and passing on its summary, the enchanted wanderer. Chapter 11 ends with taking them out of the inn just before closing.

And then some incomprehensible things happened: faces were seen running across the road, and a gentleman acquaintance either said something not in Russian, then drove his hands over his head, then fed him sugar ... In the end they ended up in some house, in where the candles burned and the sounds of music were heard.

Acquaintance with the Pear

A lot of people gathered in a large room, among which he saw Flyagin and acquaintances. And in the center stood a beautiful gypsy. Having finished singing the song, she went in a circle, giving the guests a glass. And they drank champagne and put gold and banknotes on a tray and received a kiss as a reward. She wanted to pass by the hero, but the gypsy called out to her, noting that they welcome any guest. Ivan drank and took out a hundred rubles, for which he was immediately rewarded and taken to the front row. And so the whole evening. And at the end of it, when everyone just started throwing gold and money, he started dancing and threw all five thousand from behind the bosom under the beauty’s feet. But I definitely stopped drinking from that day on. Here, as Leskov notes, an enchanted wanderer got into such an incredible story. The summary of Chapter 11 and the description of the evening at the Gypsies revealed to the listeners a new side of the character of the Chernorizet - a naive, kind, open person.

The gypsies brought Ivan to the prince. He wanted to punish him first, but since he himself lost all the money today, he forgave him. And then the hero had a fever, and he woke up only a few days later. First of all, he went to the prince to work off the debt, but found out that his master himself was fascinated by the gypsy and is now ready for anything for her. And then he brought the girl, saying that he had mortgaged the estate and retired. The pear began to sing, but burst into tears, which stirred up the soul of the prince. He began to sob, and the gypsy suddenly calmed down and began to comfort him.

Killing Pear

At first, the prince lived well with the gypsy, but as a changeable person, he soon lost interest in the girl. It also tormented the fact that he remained a beggar because of her. The prince began to appear less and less at home. Flyagin, meanwhile, became attached to Grusha and fell in love with her like his own. And so the girl began to ask Golovan to find out if anyone was with the prince. This began another tragic story, which Leskov describes in detail in the last chapters.

“The Enchanted Wanderer”, the summary of which you are reading, continues with a description of the meeting of the prince with the former lover and mother of his daughter, Evgenia Semyonovna. It was to her that Ivan Severyanych went after a conversation with Grusha. She said that the prince was going to buy a factory in the city and that today he should call in to see his daughter. Soon the bell rang, and the hero was about to leave. But the nanny, who saw Ivan as an interlocutor, offered to hide in the dressing room and listen to the conversation. So Flyagin became aware that the prince wanted Yevgenya Semyonovna to mortgage the house he had bought for his daughter and lend him money. On them he will buy a factory, collect, thanks to Golovan, orders and improve things. And the bored Pear can be married off to Ivan Severyanych - this is how the prince ended the conversation (here is a summary of it).

Leskov - "The Enchanted Wanderer" confirms by chapters that Flyagin was really destined to die many times, but not die - again puts the hero before a choice. Although Ivan Severyanych was very attached to the gypsy, he could not marry her: he knew how much the prince's girl loved. And he also understood that she, with her proud character, was unlikely to come to terms with such a decision. Therefore, having made orders for the owner, he immediately went to visit Grusha. However, in the prince's house he found only large reconstructions - the girl was not there. The first thought that came to mind frightened him, but the hero nevertheless went in search, which was crowned with success. It turned out that the prince settled the girl in a new place, and he himself decided to marry. By deceit, Grusha managed to escape - she certainly wanted to see Ivan Severyanych. And now, at a meeting, she admitted that there is no urine to live like this, and she considers suicide a terrible sin. After these words, she gave Golovan a knife and asked him to stab him in the heart. The flask had no choice but to push the girl into the river, and she drowned. So sadly ended this page in the life of a Chernorizet.

In military service

Having committed, albeit forced, but murder, Ivan Severyanych wanted to be away from these places. On the road I met weeping peasants: they escorted their son to the soldiers. Flyagin named himself after him and went to the Caucasus, where he served for more than fifteen years. He also accomplished a feat: he swam across the river under Tatar bullets and prepared a bridge for the crossing. Such was the service for which the enchanted wanderer received the St.

Chapter by chapter, the analysis helps to consistently recreate the image of a powerful, honest, disinterested person, true to his ideals. After the service, he will still be an actor and stand up for the girl. And then, nevertheless, he will fulfill the promise given to God by his mother, and settle in a monastery. But here, too, troubles do not leave him: either the imps are naughty and embarrassed, or Peter the Apostle will appear. And now the Chernorian is heading to Solovki, where he wants to bow to Saints Savvaty and Zosima.

The main character's story was made so long and interesting - the most important parts of it are included in the summary - Leskov. "The Enchanted Wanderer" chapter by chapter, sequentially, introduced the reader to the life of one of the remarkable Russian people - Ivan Severyanych Flyagin. By the way, his adventures are unlikely to end with this, since after Solovki the hero plans to return to the service again.

A ship sailing along Lake Ladoga from the island of Kovevets to Valaam lands at Korela along the way, and out of curiosity, passengers ride horses to this deserted and poor, albeit very old Russian village. Having gone further, the passengers argue why “people who are inconvenient in St. Petersburg” should be exiled far away, when there is such a place very close by where the apathy of the population and the stingy, unprepossessing nature will overcome any free-thinking. One of the passengers, who travels here often, says that at different times they really were exiled here, but all the exiles could not stand here for a long time. One, for example, hanged himself. “And he did a great job,” remarked the passenger, “prone to philosophical generalizations and political jocularity.” Another, apparently a merchant, a religious man, objects - after all, suicides will be tormented for a century. No one can even pray for them.
And then a passenger spoke up against both opponents, who somehow did not pay attention, which was strange. “He was a man of enormous stature, with a swarthy, open face and thick, wavy, lead-colored hair: his gray cast so strangely. He was dressed in an obedient cassock with a wide monastic belt belt and a tall black cloth cap... This new companion of ours... looked like he was in his early fifties; but he was in the full sense of the word a hero, and, moreover, a typical, simple-hearted, kind Russian hero, reminiscent of grandfather Ilya Muromets in the beautiful picture of Vereshchagin and in the poem of Count A. K. Tolstoy.
It was clear that he was a seasoned man who had seen a lot. He carried himself boldly and self-confidently, although somewhat cheekily. He said that there is such a person who alleviates the situation of suicides. This is a drunkard priest in a village in the Moscow diocese who prays for suicides. He was nearly cut off. They say that there was already a decision to deprive him of his place. The priest, out of grief, even stopped drinking and decided to commit suicide - in this case, the lord will take pity on his family and give the daughter of the groom, who will take his place.
And the bishop once, after a meal, dozed off and sees that the Monk Sergius enters his cell and asks to pity the unworthy priest. The bishop decided that it was just a dream and did nothing. Here he again goes to bed, and he dreams about how the army under a dark banner drags a crowd of boring shadows behind them, and they all nod sadly to the lord and ask: “Let him go! “He alone prays for us.” The bishop calls this very priest to him, and he confesses that, yes, he really prays for suicides. Vladyko blessed the priest and again sent him to his place. In the course of the conversation, it turned out that the talkative passenger was just a monk, and had once been a horseman, that is, he was a connoisseur of horses and was with the repairmen to guide them, selected and drove off more than one thousand horses. The passenger says that he experienced a lot in his life, he happened to be on horses, and under horses, and was in captivity, and fought, and he beat people, and he was maimed. And he came to the monastery only a few years ago. “All my life I was dying and could not die,” he says. Then everyone approached him with a request to tell about his life. He agreed, but he will only tell from the very beginning.
Former coneser Ivan Severyanych, Mr. Flyagin began his story by saying that he comes from the household of Count K. from the Oryol province. His mother died in childbirth, his father was a coachman, and the boy grew up with his father in the coachman's yard. His whole life was spent in the stable, he fell in love with horses and studied them well. At the age of eleven, they began to use him as a postilion, and since he was still physically weak for a long journey, he was tied with straps to the saddle and girths. It was very difficult, on the road, it happened, he even lost consciousness, but gradually he got used to it. The postilions had a bad habit - to whip the one who blocks the road with a whip. So one day Ivan, when he was taking the count to the monastery, killed an old man who was sleeping on a cart. The count settled the matter with the abbot, sending a convoy with oats, flour and dried crucian carp to the monastery in the autumn. And at night, the monk whom he spotted comes to Ivan in a dream and cries. He informs Ivan that his mother had a praying son and the promised one. That is, the mother promised him to God. “You will die many times and you will never die until your real death comes, and then you will remember your mother’s promise for you and go to blacks,” the monk said and disappeared.
After some time, the count and the countess decided to take their daughter to Voronezh to see a doctor. In the village of Krutoy they stopped to feed the horses, and that monk appeared again and advised Ivan to quickly ask the masters for a monastery - they would let him go. Ivan didn't want to. Together with their father, they harnessed the horses and drove off, and there was a very steep mountain, a cliff on the side, where many people died. During the descent, the brake burst, and the entire gear rushed down to the cliff. Father jumped off the goat, and Ivan rushed to the drawbar and hung on it. The leading horses disappeared into the abyss, and the carriage stopped, resting on the roots, which Ivan suppressed with a drawbar. Then suddenly he came to his senses and from fear he flew down. But miraculously he survived - he fell onto a block of clay and rolled down, as if on a sleigh. The count offered Ivan, whose nickname was Golovan, to ask for whatever he wanted, and he foolishly asked for an accordion, and immediately threw it away.
Golovan kept a couple of pigeons in his stable. The chicks appeared. One Golovan himself accidentally crushed, caressing, and the second was eaten by a cat that got into the habit of climbing to the pigeons. He caught her and cut off her tail. It turned out that it was the countess's maid's cat. Golovan was taken to the office of the German steward, ordered to be whipped and set to beat stones with a hammer for paths in the garden. He could not stand this and decided to hang himself. He went into the forest with a rope, fixed everything, jumped off the bough - and fell to the ground, and a gypsy was standing above him, who cut the rope. He invited him along. “And who are you and how do you live? Are you thieves? ... And on occasion, I suppose you also cut people? That is exactly what happened. Ivan thought and thought, waved his hand, cried and went to the robbers.
A cunning gypsy, in order not to let the guy come to his senses, and says that in order for him to believe him, let him take a couple of the best horses out of the count's stables. They rode all night, then they sold the horses, and the gypsy deceived Golovan, giving him almost nothing. The guy went to the assessor to declare that he was a runaway serf, and a clerk to whom he told his story, and tells him that for a fee he will make him look like a vacation. I had to give everything: a silver ruble, an earring from an ear and a pectoral cross. Golovan came to the city of Nikolaev and stood where those who were looking for work gathered. A huge, enormous gentleman, bigger than Ivan himself, pushed everyone away from him, grabbed both hands and dragged him along. At home I asked him who he was and what, and, learning that he felt sorry for the pigeons, he was very happy. It turned out that he was hiring Golovan as a nanny. His wife ran away from him and left a little daughter, and there is no one to take care of him. “How will I cope in this position?” - Nothing... After all, you are a Russian person. A Russian person can handle everything,” says the new owner. They bought a goat, and Ivan became a nanny and became very attached to the child. This continued until the summer. Ivan noticed that the girl had crooked legs - he began to carry her to the estuary and, on the advice of the doctor, bury her legs in the sand. But one day a lady, the girl's mother, suddenly appears and begins to ask Ivan to give her daughter to her. Golovan in no way. The next day, he again takes the goat and the child with him and goes to the estuary. And the lady is already there. And so day after day, for quite a long time. And finally, she comes for the last time - to say goodbye and says that her repairman will come himself now. He won a lot at cards and
wants to give Ivan a thousand rubles in exchange for a child. Ivan disagrees. And now Ivan sees - a lancer-repairer is walking along the steppe, so portly, his hands on his hips ... Ivan looked at the lancer and thinks: “I wish I could play with him out of boredom.” And he decides, if only the lancer says something wrong, Ivan will be rude to him, and then, maybe, it will come to a fight, which Ivan really wanted.
Ivan stands and thinks, how would he be better off teasing this officer so that he himself would attack him? And the lady complains that, they say, the child is not given away. The repairman pats her on the head and says that, they say, it’s okay, now he will show the money, Ivan’s eyes will run wide, and if not, then he will simply take the child away by force. He gives Ivan a bunch of banknotes, and he tore out the papers, spat on them and threw them away - they say, pick it up yourself. The repairman blushed and rushed at Ivan, but no one can handle him with such a physique. He only lightly shoved the repairman, and he flew off. This repairman, although physically weak, was proud and noble in character. He did not pick up his money from the land. Ivan shouts to him to pick it up, but he does not pick it up, but runs and grabs the child. Ivan took the girl by the second handle and said: “Well, pull him: whose half will come off more”. The repairman got out, spat in Ivan's face, let go of the child and pulled the mistress after her, and she sobbed, turned to face her daughter and pulled her hands to her, “as if alive, torn in half, half to him, half to the child” ... And then the gentleman, the girl's father, runs away from the city, fires from a pistol and shouts: “Hold them, Ivan! Hold on!” And Ivan, instead, caught up with the lady with the lancer and gave them the child; he only asked to be taken away with them, because the master would hand him over to justice, he had a fake passport.
We arrived in Penza, and the officer told Ivan that he could not keep him with him, because he did not have a passport. He gave him two hundred rubles. Ivan really did not want to go anywhere, he loved the girl very much, but there was nothing to do. He only asked that the lancer hit him for beating him there, by the estuary. The officer just laughed. Ivan decided to go and turn himself in to the police, and first drink tea in a tavern. I drank for a long time, then went for a walk. I crossed the Sura River, and there were horse shoals and with them Tatars in wagons. Around the motley crowd of people: civilians, soldiers, landowners. In the middle sits on a motley felt mat a long, sedate Tatar in a golden skullcap. It was, as Ivan learned, Khan Dzhangar, the first steppe horse breeder. His herds went from the Volga to the Urals. Although all this land belongs to Russia, Khan Dzhangar reigns there. At this time, the Tatar child drove a white filly to the khan of extraordinary beauty and stature. The bargaining has begun. Soon everyone refused, except for two - these already began to offer not only money, but also a saddle, and a dressing gown, and even a daughter. Then all the Tatars began to shout so that they would not bring each other to ruin. The Russian, standing next to Ivan, explains to him how the matter will be decided. Khan Dzhangar will be given as much as he asks, and whoever takes a horse will be let in defiance by common agreement. The neighbor did not explain what it was, he said that he would see it himself. Both opponents, stripped to the waist, got on 304
ground against each other and took hold of the left hand with the left, spread their legs and rested their feet. Each was given a whip, and they began to whip each other. Meanwhile, Ivan's neighbor explained to him the subtleties - how to beat in order to last longer than the opponent. Whoever wins will take the mare. The victorious one, covered in blood, put his robe and beshmet on the mare's back, threw himself on her with his stomach and left. Ivan was about to leave, but his new acquaintance delayed him - something else must happen.
Everything turned out that way. A little Tartarch galloped on a karak stallion, which cannot be described. The hot bargaining started again. Among the crowd was a familiar repairman, but he did not even hope to get this horse. Ivan offered him to get it - he will flog with a rival. And won. He whipped his opponent to death, which he reported to the astonished passengers good-naturedly and dispassionately. Seeing the horror in their eyes, he considered it necessary to give an explanation. This Tatar was considered the first batyr in all the Rune-Sands, so he did not want to give in for anything, and Ivan was greatly helped by the penny that he put into his mouth. He gnawed it all the time so as not to feel the pain, and “for distraction of thought” he counted the blows in his mind, although later he lost count. The Russians decided to take Ivan to the police. He rushed to run, disappeared into the crowd, and the Tatars helped him. And together with the Tatars, Ivan went to the steppes, where he stayed for eleven years, not of his own free will. The Tatars treated him well, but so that he would not run away, they performed a cruel operation on him: they cut off a layer of skin on his heels and stuffed chopped horsehair there, then the wounds were closed and sewn up. After such a manipulation, a person could not step on his heel, he could only walk on his knees or on his knees. And at the same time, the Tatars treated him well, gave him a wife, then another, and another khan, Agashimola, who stole Ivan from Otuchev, gave him two more wives. This Agashimola was from a distant horde and called Ivan to treat his khansha, for which he promised Ivan's master many heads of cattle. He let him go. But Agashimola deceived him - he rode with Ivan in a completely different direction. Passengers asked what else happened to Ivan. He continued the story.
Agashimola no longer let go of Ivan. He gave him two more wives. Ivan did not like them. All the wives bore him children whom he did not consider his own, because they were not baptized. He had no parental feelings for them. I missed Russia very much. Steppe and steppe all around ... Sometimes a monastery or a temple seemed to be, then Ivan remembered the baptized land, and he cried. Ivan describes the life and life of the Tatars on the salt marshes above the Caspian Sea. He remembers how he prayed - he prayed so much that "even the snow of the Indian under his knees will melt and where tears fell - you will see grass in the morning." “And everything passed, thank God!” he said, taking off his monastic cap and crossing himself.
Everyone was interested in how Ivan Severyanych managed to straighten his heels, how he escaped from the Tatar steppes and ended up in a monastery? And he continued his story.
The prisoner lost all hope of returning to his homeland, and even longing began to weaken. But one day, some kind of revival suddenly began among the Tatars. It turned out that two missionaries arrived, “two white mullahs, they have a security sheet from the white king and go far to set their faith.” Ivan rushed to the yurt where they were. He was so happy to see the Russians that he fell at their feet and sobbed. And they rejoiced, saying, “See! See? how grace works, now it has already touched one of yours, and he turns from Mohammed. When they were told that Ivan was not a Muslim at all, but a Russian, they were very dissatisfied. Ivan rushed to them with a plea to rescue him from captivity, where he has been for the eleventh year and how mutilated he is. They did not even listen to him, but went on with their preaching. Ivan chose the moment when the priests were left alone, and again went to them, asked them to frighten the Tatars with the wrath of the Russian Tsar, tell them that he did not order the Asians to keep his subjects in captivity, or, even better, let them give the Tatars a ransom for Ivan and he will serve them. Those in response stated that they had no ransom, and they were not allowed to frighten the infidels, they observed a policy of courtesy with them. He, Ivan, can only pray and trust in God. Let him remember his Christian faith, and they are calm for him. Their concern is for those who are in darkness. They showed Ivan a book with a list of Tatars, whom they allegedly joined to Christianity. Ivan no longer spoke to them and left; but somehow one of his sons comes and says that a dead man lies on the lake. It was one of those preachers. Ivan buried him in a Christian way. The Tatars also killed one Jewish missionary, who also somehow came to them. They buried him up to his neck in the sand and demanded that he tell him where he hid the money. But how did Ivan Severyanych escape from captivity? “Miraculously saved,” he replied. This miracle was performed by Talafah, an Indian.
Almost a year had passed since the death of the missionaries, when two of them were brought in. Who they were and where they came from, it was impossible to understand. They spoke their own language. “Both are not old, one is black, with a big beard, in a dressing gown, as if he looks like a Tatar, but only his dressing gown is not colorful, but all red, and there is a sharp Persian hat on his head; and the other red-haired, also in a dressing gown, but sort of a piece of work, he had all the boxes with him ... ”They said that they had come from Khiva to buy horses, they were going to fight with someone and incited the Tatars against the Russians. Those who came began to demand horses and threaten with fire. Black-bearded said that at night Talafa would show all his strength and let everyone sit in yurts, otherwise he would burn him. And indeed, at night something began to hiss and flare up over and over again. Everything in the camp was frozen. Khivaks or these Indians ran somewhere, and the fire flared up again. The horses sped away in fear. The Tatars forgot about fear and in pursuit, and those already caught a trace along with the herd, only one box remained from them. Ivan rummaged through the box and realized that it was just fireworks. He began to launch rockets and, on pain of death, christened all the Tatars in the river.
Most importantly, Ivan discovered a caustic substance in the fireworks. He applied it to his heels and poisoned them with this substance for two weeks so that the bristles came out with pus. It all happened. The heels healed, and Ivan pretended that he felt even worse, ordered everyone not to leave the yurts for three days, set off the biggest fireworks as a warning and left. On the fourth day of the journey, he came across one Chuvash with five horses, he offered to sit on one of them. But Ivan was now incredulous and refused, went further on foot. By the evening of the third day I saw water and people. Just in case, I decided to first find out what kind of people they were, so as not to be captured again. He crawled closer and sees: they are crossing themselves and drinking vodka, which means they are Russians! They were fishermen. They received Ivan very well, and he told them his story. Ivan learned from them that without a passport he would have a hard time here. At night he left and appeared in Astrakhan. He earned a ruble on day labor and took to drink. He woke up in prison, and from there he was sent to his province by transfer. They brought him to the city, flogged him in the police and took him to the count's estate. Here he was whipped a couple more times and allowed to quit rent, they gave him a passport, and Ivan felt, after so many years, a free man.
At the fair, Ivan saw a gypsy trying to foist a worthless horse on a peasant. He picked up a good horse for him, and helped other peasants too, and they rewarded him. And so it went: both capital grew, and drunkenness. Ivan Severyanych went from fair to fair and everywhere helped to pick up good horses, prevented the gypsies from cheating. And so, he found out
Decided to go to church. He felt better, and he went to a tavern to drink tea. And there he met a strange man. He had met him before. They said that once he was rich, he was an officer, but he squandered everything and now he is begging for taverns and fairs. If someone brings him a glass of vodka, he eats it along with the glass. This type stuck to Ivan Severyanych, asked him to treat him and promised to wean him forever from drunkenness. And to begin with, he forced Ivan Severyanych to drink. In the end, they were both taken outside because the tavern was closing.
The first thing Ivan Severyanych found himself on a dark street made sure was that a thick wad of money was in his bosom, in place. He became calmer. And then his drinking companion turns up next to him, who by cunning brings him to a gypsy den, and disappears himself. To him, as Ivan Severyanych later saw, the gypsy paid a bribe for this. This type, apparently, possessed some hypnotic abilities, because through all sorts of manipulations it deprives Ivan Severyanych of the ability to more or less think. He decides to enter the house where he is standing, to ask at least the way home.
Ivan Severyanych found himself in a large room full of people. And the gypsy Grusha sang beautifully, very beautiful. Having finished the song, she walked around the repairmen, landowners, factory owners, wealthy merchants who had gathered there with a tray, and each one threw a bill at him. To whom she gives a glass, he will drink wine and put money on the tray. And so she went around everyone, row by row. Ivan Severyanych was standing behind, but the gypsy ordered her to come up to him and bring wine. He was stunned by her beauty. He immediately threw a hundred rubles onto her tray. And the gypsy touched his lips easily with her lips. After that, Ivan Severyanych was taken to the front row and, in the end, robbed to the skin.
After that evening, Ivan Severyanych did not drink a single glass more. The prince, returning, began to ask for money, and Ivan Severyanych admitted that he had thrown all the money to the gypsy. The next morning, Ivan Severyanych came to his senses in the infirmary - he had a delirium tremens, he wanted to hang himself, he had to be wrapped in a long shirt. Upon recovery, Ivan Severyanych appeared to the prince, who in the meantime had retired and lived in the village. He decided to work off the spent five thousand. Then the prince said that he himself gave a camp of fifty thousand heads for Grusha, fell into debt. And he has Grusha here - he bought it from the camp. And nothing good came of it.
The prince was a man of good soul, but changeable. He soon became bored with Grusha and Ivan Severyanych and decided to trade in horses. Carried away, he bought a lot of horses, but he did not find buyers. Then he left the trade and began to rush from one business to another: either he builds an unusual mill, or he started a saddlery workshop, but only from everything there were only losses and debts ... He never was at home, he always flew somewhere, and Grusha sat alone, in position, and bored. The prince is sometimes ashamed, he will sit at home for two days, and then he says to Ivan Severyanych, let him sit with her, and these “yakhont emeralds” (as Grusha called him) put him to sleep.
Grusha was tormented by jealousy. She was convinced that the prince had someone in the city or that he had decided to marry someone. And she began to ask Ivan Severyanych to go to the city and find out everything. And he went under a plausible pretext.
Grusha was unknown and people were strictly ordered to hide from her that the prince had another love in the city before Grusha - the secretary's daughter Evgenia Semyonovna. She had a daughter from the prince. Parting with Yevgenia Semyonovna, the prince, then still rich, bought her and her daughter a house. The prince never called on her, and his servants, remembering her kindness, came to visit her. Ivan Severyanych, having arrived in the city, went straight to Yevgenia Semyonovna and asked her to live a little. She told him that the prince had been in the city for the second week and was starting a business - he was renting a cloth factory. And he wrote to her that he would come to look at his daughter. And suddenly the maid announces that the prince has arrived. The nanny suggested that Ivan Golovan sit in the dressing room behind the closet, everything would be heard well there. The prince entered and greeted. They brought their daughter, and he invited her to ride in the carriage. She did not really want to, but he insisted - he needed to talk alone with Evgenia Semyonovna.
Yevgenia Semyonovna demanded that the prince speak everything directly, without evasions. He said that he needed money, twenty thousand. He will send Ivan Golovan to the fair to take a contract and collect samples, to take deposits ... The lady paused, sighed and spoke:
- Calculation, - he says, - yours, prince, is correct.
- Is not it?
- Faithful, - he says, - faithful; you will do this: you will give a deposit for the factory, after that you will be considered a manufacturer; in society they will say that your affairs have improved ...
- Yes; and then...
- Golovan will collect orders and deposits from Macarius, and I will repay the debt and get rich.
- No, excuse me, do not interrupt me: first you will raise all this on the leader's fufu, and while he considers you a rich man, you will marry his daughter and then, taking her dowry for her, you will really get rich.
The prince demands that Yevgenia Semyonovna mortgage her house and give the money to him. She contemptuously agrees. She asks what he is going to do with Pear. The prince admits that he is terribly tired of the gypsy, but, thank God, he and Golovan are great friends. He will marry them, buy them a house and write Ivan down as a merchant. "Where is your conscience?" - Evgenia Semyonovna exclaims.
After that, everything went very quickly. Ivan went straight from the city to the fair, collected orders, money and samples, and sent all the money to the prince. And when he himself came home, nothing could be found here, everything had been renovated, and there was no trace of the wing where Grusha lived, a new building was put up in its place. Ivan wanted to leave here forever, but he was very sorry for Grusha and could not find out where she was. Everyone was silent: apparently, it was ordered so. From the coachmen, Ivan learned that the prince had gone somewhere with Grusha not on his own horses, but on hired ones. Didn't Prince Grusha kill him? Ivan more and more convinced himself of this. On the day of the prince's wedding with the leader's daughter, he went into the forest in the morning, sat down on a steep bank, above the river. And he became so sad, so painful that he could not stand it and began to call Grusha loudly: “My sister, answer me, answer me, show yourself for a minute!” And it began to seem to Ivan that someone was running towards him; and then it came running and hung right on it and pounded ...
Ivan was very frightened, but it turned out that it was Grusha ... She came here to die. She must die, otherwise she can ruin an innocent soul - she will kill the prince's bride. Grusha tells what the prince did to her. Suddenly he invited her to ride in a carriage, and brought her to the forest, a wild, swampy place. There was a bee-house, behind it was a yard, and three young healthy single-dwelling girls came out to meet them and called Grusha “lady”. They grabbed Grusha by the arms and carried him straight into the room. The pear immediately felt bad. And the prince says to her: “It is you who will live here now.” The pear dreamed of running away, but she was vigilantly guarded. Finally, she outwitted her watchmen and ran away. Grusha asks Ivan Severyanych to prove his brotherly love to her.
- Say what you want?
- No; you, - he says, - first swear the more terrible there is in the world, what you will do, what I will ask.
Ivan swore to her his salvation of the soul, but this is not enough for her.
“Curse my soul the way you cursed yours if you don’t listen to me,” says Grusha. And Ivan said what she wanted. Grusha says that she no longer has the strength to live and suffer, seeing the betrayal of the prince and desecration of her. And if she decides herself, she will forever destroy her soul ... And so, she begs Ivan to kill her, and hands him a knife. And she herself says: “Don’t kill me, I will become the most shameful woman to all of you in revenge.” Ivan told Grusha to pray and, trembling all over, pushed her down the steep slope into the river. And she drowned.
He fled from that place, and it seemed to him that someone terrible was chasing him. He came to his senses on the high road and went along it. He walked all day and was very tired, and just then an old man and an old woman in a cart were catching up with him in a pair and offered to give him a lift. Both of them are killed: they take away their son as a soldier and there is no money to hire someone instead of him. Ivan says that he would go for their son without any payment, but he has no papers. A: Tariki replied that it didn’t matter, let him just call himself, like their son, Peter Serdyukov. They took Ivan to another city and handed over their son there instead of recruits, gave twenty-five rubles for the journey and promised to help all their lives. Ivan immediately put the money he received into a poor monastery - a contribution for Grushin's soul, and he himself began to ask for the Caucasus in order to die sooner. He stayed in the Caucasus for more than fifteen years and did not reveal his real name to anyone. Ivan had already completed his last year of service, when just on Ivan's day, the day of his angel, the Tatars, whom they were chasing, left for the Koysu River. The river was fast and cold. And ours could not cross it in any way - the Tatars lay down on the other side behind the stones and fired accurately. It was necessary for someone to swim across the river with a thin twine, on which a rope was tied for crossing. Three pairs of soldiers tried to do it and all died. And Ivan thought: “Why should I wait for this opportunity in order to end my life? God bless my hour!” - and he went out, undressed, read a prayer, took a tow line in his mouth and, running up from the shore, darted into the water. And swam across the river, pulled the rope. The colonel, after listening to Ivan's story about his sins, still made an idea about making him an officer. George was given to him and with that he was dismissed. He did not succeed in the bureaucratic service, he had to play in a booth on Admiralteyskaya Square. There he beat one for molesting a young actress, he had to leave. The actress kept him, but Ivan was ashamed, and he went to the monastery. Passengers were surprised: just because of this? But Ivan simply had nowhere to go. He loved monastic life very much. He is here with horses, all the time in the coachmen. He is in a small tonsure and is not going to accept an older one. In the monastery, he is considered among the nobles, although he objects. CHAPTER XX here Ivan Severyanych no longer ran into any misfortunes; however, it turned out quite differently.” They remembered the demons that often haunt the monks. Ivan tells how he mistook a cow for a demon, which, poor, he slaughtered. The father hegumen said that the demon introduced himself to him because he did not go to church much, and ordered that Ivan always stand in front of the grate for lighting candles. One old woman gives Ivan a candle and asks to put it on. Ivan went up to the lectern and began to light this candle, but dropped the other one. He bent down, picked this one up, began to stick it, - he dropped two. He began to set them, looks - he dropped four. Ivan bent down and hurriedly rises with the fallen candles and, as if with the back of his head, waves down on the candlestick ... and the candles just fell down. Here Ivan got angry, took all the other candles and beat them with his hand. The schemnik, the blind old man Sysoy, interceded for Ivan. The abbot listened to him and ordered to lower him into an empty cellar. The abbot did not say the time, and therefore Ivan sat in the cellar until the frost. He was not bored: church bells were heard, comrades visited. They pulled him out of the cellar not because of the cold, but because he suddenly began to prophesy war. They locked him in an empty hut in the garden and placed before him the image of “Good Silence”. There he sat until spring,

But didn't fix it. And now he is sailing to Solovki to pray to Zosima and Savvatiy. He wants to pray to them before he dies. Because soon it will be necessary to fight. Having said that he would then put on his ammunition, the enchanted wanderer fell into a quiet concentration, which none of the passengers dared to break. And what else could you ask?

About the story "The Enchanted Wanderer"
“I will tell all this differently from the way it is told in novels. I will not truncate some and exaggerate the significance of other events: I am not forced to do this by the artificial and unnatural form of the novel, which requires a rounding of the plot and concentration of everything around the main center. A person's life goes like a charter developing from a rolling pin, and I will develop it so simply with a ribbon, ”Leskov wrote to I.S. Aksakov. Leskov's story "The Enchanted Wanderer" is built in exactly the way that was underestimated by contemporary criticism. The plot of the story is colorful; adventure follows adventure, as in a fairy tale or an epic. The key to understanding the image of Ivan Severyanych Flyagin is the similarity of the hero with the epic hero. He is powerful not only physically, but also spiritually. “Promised” by his mother to God, that is, having to become a monk according to her vow, he evades this, not submitting to abundant “signs”, and for this he is punished. Like any folk hero, Ivan Severyanych passionately loves his homeland, mortally yearns for it, being in captivity for many years. He is tormented by a premonition of war, and he is ready to take part in it and die for his native land. Ivan Severyanych is not at all an ideal image, for all his talent, heightened sense of beauty and ability to compassion. Behind him are not only misdemeanors, but also crimes: murders, intentional and unintentional, horse-stealing, embezzlement. And yet the reader feels in this man a pure and noble soul. After all, even out of the three murders that are told about in the story, the first is an unintentional result of mischievous recklessness and a young force that does not know what to do with itself, the second is the result of the intransigence of the enemy, hoping to “overthrow” Ivan Severyanych “in a fair fight”, and the third is the greatest feat of selfless love.
Rudeness, pugnacity, drunkenness, moral underdevelopment coexist in Ivan Severyanych with spiritual warmth and subtlety of feelings. His self-esteem, for example, does not suffer from repeated flogging - a consequence of serfdom. The moral underdevelopment of Ivan Severyanych is connected with religious prejudices. During the years of his life in the Tatar steppe, he had several children from his Tatar wives. Having escaped from captivity, he is not at all concerned about the fate of his wives and children, he says that he “did not honor children born by wives as his children,” because they were not baptized and were not smeared with myrrh. Gradually, his inner world becomes deeper. Love for the gypsy Grusha, her tragic fate and death open up new facets in the hero's soul, the ability to understand other people's suffering and respond to it. “The pear soul is now dead and it is my duty now to suffer for it.” Considering himself a great sinner and trying to atone for sin, he goes to the Caucasus and accomplishes a feat, but in his own eyes he remains the same sinner whom neither earth nor water wants to accept. Having finally reached the monastery, Ivan Severyanych does not feel his last refuge here either.

  1. Summary
  2. Summary chapter by chapter
  3. Main characters

Description of the story and main idea

Year: 1873 Genre: story

The story was written in 1872-1873. But still, the idea of ​​writing appeared in 1872, after the writer visited the Valaam Monastery, which is located on Lake Ladoga. The story contains descriptions of the life of saints and folk epos. At its core, the work is a biography of the hero, which consists of several episodes. The Lives of the Saints are also presented as separate fragments. All this is typical for an adventure novel or adventure. The very first name was also stylized

The main character is an ordinary representative of the people and he reveals the full strength of the Russian nation. Shows that a person is able to improve spiritually. With this work, the author affirmed that Russian heroes were born and will be born, who are not only able to perform feats, but also to make self-sacrifice.

Summary Leskov The Enchanted Wanderer

While traveling on Lake Ladoga, travelers started a conversation with an elderly man of high stature and physique, reminiscent of a real hero. From the appearance of a person, it is clear that he is a monk. His name is Flyagin Ivan Severyanych, he tells about his biography. Ivan was born and lived in the Oryol province in a simple family. Since childhood, he has a good ability to handle horses. But this is not his only talent. Flyagin also talks about his immortality: he does not die in any way.

Once, while still a child, Ivan touched a monk with a whip. The latter died and his soul appeared to Flyagin in a dream. The servant of the monastery foresaw the boy that he would die and not die, and in the end he would become a monk. Soon the boy took the master on business. For no apparent reason, the horses picked up speed, so that Ivan fell into a cliff. But somehow he survived.

Having quarreled with the owners, Flyagin is transferred to another job. Exhausted Ivan decides to commit suicide, but at this time a gypsy appears who saves Flyagin's life. Ivan leaves with the gypsy, leaving his hosts. At the same time, he steals two of the master's horses, which he then sells to the gypsies, and does not really share the proceeds with Flyagin. For this reason, Ivan stops traveling with the gypsy. The hero ends up in the city of Nikolaev, where he gets a job as a nanny for a gentleman. The fact is that the lady left her husband and daughter, and she herself went to another. But Ivan allows the mistress to meet with her daughter in secret. The bartender will know about it. And Flyagin has to run away with the mistress.

Ivan leaves the lady with her family, and he goes to Penza. Flyagin fights for the stallion and kills the Tatar. He is imprisoned for five years. Then he is taken prisoner by Agashimola. He is given wives from whom children are born to him. But they are strangers to Flyagin. In his heart he dreams of returning to his homeland.

After ten years in prison, Ivan manages to escape from captivity and return to Astrakhan, and then to his native land.

Flyagin meets a gypsy Grusha, who makes him go crazy. He spends all the money that the prince gave him on a girl and is left with nothing. The prince understands and forgives him, as he admits that he was also in love with her. But now he decided to marry a noble person, a rich girl. Grusha is madly in love with the prince and is jealous of another girl. He runs away from the peasant women who were watching her. Flyagin finds her in the forest. The gypsy begs him to kill her, because she fears that she may commit a sin by killing the prince or his beloved. It ends with Ivan throwing her off a cliff.

The hero goes to other places. Under a false name, he served in the army for about 15 years. During one military operation, he miraculously remains alive. Ivan returns to St. Petersburg, where he works as an official. And in the end he leaves to serve as a monk. The servants of the monastery are trying in every possible way to cure the evil spirits from Ivan, but they fail, and then he is sent to holy places.

Summary of the Enchanted Wanderer chapter by chapter in detail

Chapter 1

The ship, which sailed along Lake Ladoga from Kovevets to Valaam, berths at Koralla and from here everyone continues on horseback to this ancient village. Along the way, people argue why they send unwanted people in St. Petersburg to send them to such a distance. After all, there is also a place nearby where apathy will take over a person. And someone says that they once exiled here, but only no one could endure a long stay here. And one of the exiles hanged himself altogether, but one of the passengers said that he had done the right thing. But another passenger, who was a believer, intervened in the conversation, he was outraged "after all, no one can even pray for suicides." But here a man is opposed to these two. He was tall, with thick light-coloured hair, and a swarthy face. He was wearing a novice cassock with a wide belt, and on his head was a high cap made of cloth. He was about 50 years old, but he looks like a real Russian hero and even somewhat resembled Ilya Muromets. You can tell from his appearance that he has seen quite a bit. He was brave and self-confident, he said that there is a man who is able to alleviate the fate of a suicide. His name is popik-drunkard. Because of this, they even wanted to kick him out, but he stopped drinking and wanted to lay hands on himself, so Vladyka took pity on him and his family. And for his daughter to find a groom who will serve instead of him.

But once the bishop lay down after the meal and delayed him, he dreamed that the Monk Sergius came to him and asked him to take pity on the priest. But when he woke up, he decided that it was. And when he went to bed again, he already saw how the army under the dark banners was leading the shadows, who nod their heads and sadly asked to have pity on him, because he was praying for them. Then he called the priest to him and asked if he was really praying for suicides. Then he blesses him and returns him to his place. During the conversation, we learned that this passenger was a monk, but he was a cones. He told that he had experienced a lot, was in captivity, but he came to serve in the monastery not so long ago. Of course, everyone became interested, and they asked to talk about their lives. He agreed and promised to start over.

Chapter 2

Our hero's name is Ivan Severyanych Flyagin. He began to tell from his origin from the palace persons of Count K. from the Oryol province. It so happened that my mother died in childbirth, and his father worked as a coachman and he grew up with him. Most of his life was spent in the stable, which is why he fell in love with horses so much. At the age of eleven, he already served as a postilion, but since he was physically weak, he was tied to a saddle and girths. But it was extremely uncomfortable, and sometimes he even lost consciousness, but then he got used to it. But he had a very bad habit, he whipped those who stood in his way. And somehow he was taking the count to the monastery and thus killed the old man. But the count allowed everything. But this old man appears to Ivan and cries. He tells Ivan that his mother had a praying and promised son.

His mother once promised him to the Lord, saying: “You will die many times and will not die until your time comes, and you remember your mother’s promise, and you will go to blacks.” After some time, the count and his wife are going to take their daughter to Voronezh to see a doctor. On the way, they stopped to feed the horses, but again an old man appeared to Ivan and told him to ask the masters to go to the monastery. But he ignored. Together with their father, they harnessed the horses and drove off, but there was a steep mountain. As they descended, the brake burst, and the horses rushed to the cliff. Father managed to jump, but Ivan hung. The first horses fell off the cliff, and the carriage stopped. Then suddenly he came to his senses and fell down, but remained alive. The count invited Ivan to ask for whatever he wanted, and he asked for an accordion, but also soon abandoned it.

Chapter 3

He got a couple of pigeons in the stable. The chicks appeared. Out of carelessness, he crushed one when he was dragging it, and the second was eaten by a cat. He caught her and cut off her tail. But it turned out that the cat belonged to the countess's maid, for which he was taken to the office to be whipped and forced to beat stones with a hammer for the construction of garden paths. But he could not stand it and decided to hang himself. He went to the forest, taking the rope. He tried to arrange everything, but something went wrong, and he fell off the branch, fell to the ground, and a gypsy was already standing above him and cut off the rope. He called Flyagin with him. Ivan began to ask: "Who are they? Thieves or not? Do they cut people?" But Ivan did not think long and went into the robbers.

Chapter 4

But the gypsy turned out to be cunning, he said everything the guy wanted to hear, because he knew that he worked at the count's stable and would bring out a couple of the best horses for him. They galloped almost all night, then sold their horses. But Ivan did not receive anything, because the gypsies simply deceived him. Then he went to the assessor and told the story of how he was deceived, and he said that for a fee he would make him look like a vacation. Well, Ivan gave everything he had. The guy comes to the city of Nikolaev and went to the place where people who are looking for work gather.

Then a huge gentleman appeared, who just immediately grabbed onto him and led him along. And when he found out that he felt sorry for the pigeons, he was generally delighted, as it turned out, he wanted to hire him to nurse his daughter. The wife ran away from the master and left her little daughter, and he himself cannot look after her, because he works. But Ivan began to worry about how he would cope with this matter. But the master replied that the Russian man could handle everything. So he became a nanny for a little girl, he fell in love with her very much. But the girl's mother comes and asks to return her child, but Ivan does not give it back. When he comes with the child to the estuary, the mother is already sitting, waiting for them and begins to beg again.

And so it went on for a very long time. And now she comes to Ivan for the last time and says that a repairman will come. He wants to give him 1,000 rubles in exchange for a child, but Ivan remains unmoved. But when he sees this repairman, the thought flashed through his mind, it would be nice to play with him. But since a disagreement may begin between them, it is possible that a fight will occur, which Ivan really wanted.

Chapter 5

Here Ivan began to figure out how to tease the officer so that he would attack him. And the lady is crying to the officer that they will not give her the child. And he tells her in response that he will only show the money to Ivan and he will immediately exchange the girl. He gives banknotes to Ivan, and he tore them out, spat and threw them on the ground. The repairman was furious and attacked him. But Ivan only pushed him, so he immediately flew off. The repairman turned out to be proud and noble and did not pick them up. He grabbed the child, and Ivan took the girl's second hand, saying: "On whose side it comes off, he will take the child." But the repairman did not do this, spat in Ivan's face and began to lead the mistress away. But then the girl's father runs out of the city with a gun, shoots from it and shouts that he should hold them. But on the contrary, he catches up with the lady and gives her the girl, he only asked to be with them.

They arrived in Penza. But the officer said that he could not keep him with him, as there were no documents, and gave him 200 rubles. Here he decides to go to the police and confess, but first he will go to a tavern to have a drink. He drinks for a long time, then all the same he went. And having crossed the river, he met carriages, and in them the Tatars. He saw that the people were drowning themselves, and in the center a Tatar in a golden skullcap was sitting on a colored felt mat. He, of course, immediately recognized him - Khan Dzhangar. Despite the fact that the lands are Russian, the khan owned them. Here he was grafted with a white mare and started bargaining. Many offered what they could and even brought them almost to ruin. Then two peasants came out and sat opposite each other, whips were brought to them. They had to whip each other. Who will last longer and take the mare. A man standing nearby told about the intricacies of the competition. He then won the whole bloodied lay on his stomach on a horse and left. Ivan wanted to leave, but he was detained by a new acquaintance.

Chapter 6

Here the bargaining began again, only the carac stallion was already put up. In the crowd, he saw a familiar repairman. Ivan began to flog with him and won the argument, constipating him to death. The passengers were horrified by what they heard, but explained that this Tatar was the first batyr and did not want to yield to Ivan. But he was helped by a penny, which he gnawed so as not to feel pain, and in order not to think, he counted the blows. The Russians wanted to hand him over to the police, but the Tatars helped him escape, so he left with them in the steppes. He stayed there for 11 years. The Tatars did not treat him badly, but so that he would not run away, they cut out the skin on his heels and sewed in chopped horsehair. A person after such procedures cannot step on the heel and is able to crawl only on his knees. But, nevertheless, the attitude was good, they even gave him a wife. And another Khan, who stole him, gave him two wives. Agashimol called Ivan to cure his wife, but he deceived. The passengers listened with their mouths open, and were very much looking forward to the continuation. Ivan continued.

Chapter 7

Of course, Agashimol did not let go, But he gave wives, however, he did not love them. They bore him children, but he did not have paternal feelings for them. Missed Russia. Sometimes I even saw a monastery and baptized land. He told the passengers about the life and life of the Tatars. But everyone was interested in how he coped with his heels and ran away from the Tatars.

Chapter 8

He had lost hope of returning, but once he saw the missionaries. But when I got closer I saw that they were Russians. He began to ask to be taken away from captivity. But they didn't listen to him. But he waited when the priests were left alone and began to ask them again. But they said that they had no right to frighten the infidels and should be polite towards them. And he needs to pray and ask God for help. They said that they care about those who are in darkness, and showed a book with the Tatars, who were attached to Christianity. He left.

Once his son comes and says that a dead man was found on the lake, it turned out to be a preacher. Ivan buried him according to all Christian customs. The Tatars also killed the Jewish missionary. But then his listeners had a question, how did he himself survive. To which he responded with a miracle.

Chapter 9

After the missionaries were killed, a year passed, but soon two more were brought. But they spoke in an incomprehensible language. Both were black with beards, dressed in robes. They began to demand the return of the horses, otherwise the Tatars would recognize the power of Talaf, who promised to burn them. It all happened overnight. The horses rushed forward in fear, and the Tatars, forgetting about fear, ran to catch up. But not here - it was them and the trace caught a cold, they left only the box. When Ivan approached him, he realized that it was just fireworks. He began to let them into the sky and christened all the Tatars in the river. Campaign, he found in them a caustic substance, which he applied to the heels for two weeks, so that the hair came out with pus. So the heels healed, but he pretended that he was even worse and punished that no one should go outside the yurts for three days. Launched a big fireworks and left. Then he met a Chuvash who had five horses. He offered to sit on one of them, but now Ivan did not trust anyone, so he refused.

Here he meets people, but first he checks who it is. He notices that they are being baptized and drinking vodka, which means they are Russians. They were fishermen. They accepted him, and he told them about his life. Then he went to Astrakhan, earned a ruble and took to drink. He woke up in prison, he was sent to his native province, where he was flogged by the police and given to the count, who flogged him twice more and gave him his passport. Now Ivan, after so many years, is a free man.

Chapter 10

He got to the fair and noticed how a gypsy was selling a bad horse to a peasant. So he helped to choose and began to earn in this way. He went to church, and it became much easier.

Chapter 11

Then he went to a tavern to drink tea, but there he met a man whom he seemed to know. He was once an officer, but he squandered everything. And now he sat in taverns and asked someone to treat him with vodka. He also stuck to Ivan, also asked for a treat and said that he would wean him to drink. As a result, they were taken outside, because the time was already approaching to close.

Chapter 12

When Ivan was on the street, he checked the wad of money in his bosom. And immediately calmed down. And then his drinking buddy takes him to a gypsy den, and he leaves. As it turned out later, the gypsies paid him for it. He enters the house to ask for directions to his house.

Chapter 13

Ivan ended up in a large room where a beautiful gypsy named Grusha sang. When she finished singing, she began to go around everyone with a tray and collected money. She went around everyone, but the gypsy told her to go to Ivan. He was fascinated by her beauty and put 100 rubles in her tray. And the gypsy touched his lips. Then Ivan was taken to the front row and robbed to the bone.

Chapter 14

He couldn't even remember how he got home. And in the morning the prince returned from another fair, where he also spent all the money. And he began to beg them from Ivan, but he said that he gave all the money to a gypsy. The prince was at a loss, but did not engage in moralizing, saying that he had once done so himself. Ivan ends up in the hospital with delirium tremens, and when he recovers, he goes to the prince to blame. But he said that when he saw Grusha, instead of 5,000, he gave 50,000 rubles to let her go. The prince changed his whole life for the gypsy: he resigned and mortgaged the estate. She lived in the countryside with him. And when she sang songs with a guitar, the prince simply sobbed.

Chapter 15

But soon she bored the prince. Grusha also began to yearn, she told Ivan that she was tormented by jealousy. The prince became impoverished and looked for different ways to get rich. He often went to the city, and Grusha wondered if he had anyone. And in the city lived the former love of the prince - Evgenia Semyonovna. She had a daughter from him, they had two houses, which he actually bought for them. But one day Ivan came to her, and then the prince drove in. Evgenia Semyonovna hid Ivan in the dressing room, and he heard their entire conversation.

Chapter 16

The prince begged her to mortgage the house in order to find money for him. He said that he wanted to become rich, open a cloth factory and trade in fabrics. But Evgenia immediately realized that he only wanted to give a deposit and pass for a rich man, but in fact to marry the daughter of the leader of the factory and become rich at the expense of her dowry. He quickly confessed. She nevertheless agreed to mortgage the house, but asked what would happen to the gypsy. He said that he would marry them to Ivan. The prince began to work in the factory, and sent Ivan to the fair. Upon returning to the village, Ivan did not see the gypsy again. He could not find a place for himself from longing for her. Once he went to the bank of the river and began to call her, and she appeared.

Chapter 17

She was already pregnant for the last month. She trembled with jealousy and walked around in some rags. She repeated the same thing that she wanted to kill the prince's bride. Although I knew perfectly well that that girl had nothing to do with it either.

Chapter 18

She told Ivan that the prince called her for a walk, he himself brought her to some thicket, saying that she would be here under the supervision of three single-dweller girls. But she was able to escape from there, went to the prince's house, and found Ivan. She asked to be killed, because otherwise they would destroy the bride. She took a knife out of his pocket and put it in his hands. He threw it away in every possible way, but she said that if he did not kill her, he would become the most shameful woman. He pushed her off the cliff and she drowned.

Chapter 19

He ran headlong, and all the time it seemed to him that the soul of Pear was flying nearby. On the way I met an old man with an old woman, they wanted to take their son to the army, he agreed to go instead of him. He fought in the Caucasus for more than 15 years. In one battle, it was necessary to cross to the other side of the river, but all the soldiers died from the bullets of the highlanders. Then he decided to complete this task, and under the bullets he swam across the river and built a bridge. At that moment it seemed to him that Grusha was covering him. For this he was given an officer's rank and was dismissed. But this did not bring prosperity, and he decided to leave for a monastery. There he became a coachman.

Chapter 20

Thus ended all his wanderings and troubles. At first he saw demons, but he fought them by fasting and reciting prayers. And when he began to read books, he began to predict an imminent war. Therefore, he was sent to Solovki. And just he met his listeners on Lake Ladoga. He told them everything honestly and frankly.

The main characters of the story The Enchanted Wanderer Leskov:

Pear is a young gypsy. She is proud and passionate. In addition, she is a very beautiful girl. In the story, she acts as a "enchantress-sorceress" who was able to challenge Flyagin. She is the first woman he fell in love with, but unfortunately she did not reciprocate.

Flyagin Ivan Severyanych is the main narrator. He resembles a hero from fairy tales, who is invulnerable, constantly overcomes all difficulties with ease. He is naive and somewhere even stupid. He saves the life of Count K., his wife and daughters, and for this he takes only an accordion and refuses money and registration in the merchant class. He does not have his own house, he is looking for a better share. He sees the beauty of nature, he has self-esteem, straightforwardness.

This is a novel about how the lord's heir, Gwynplan, was kidnapped by people who disfigured children and sold them as jesters. Despite his terrible appearance, the young man managed to find his love

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    Even literary critics do not unambiguously attribute this work to any genre. Here is an autobiography, and an essay, and ... All this looks like blank verse. From early childhood, Marina felt her chosenness

    1. Ivan Severyanovich Flyagin. At the time of writing, he is 52 years old. Kind, honest and responsible person. He lived an interesting and eventful life. His mother begged him from God and they prophesied that he himself would come to him.

    Other heroes

    1. graph;
    2. master Pole;
    3. khan;

    The beginning of the journey and history of Ivan Severyanovich

    Travelers visited the village of Korela during their trip along Lake Ladoga. As the trip continued, the travelers began to discuss this rather poor town.
    One of the interlocutors, predisposed to philosophy, suggested that people who are inconvenient for the state should be sent not to Siberia, but to Korela. This is more profitable for the country than sending it beyond the Urals.

    Another said that the deacon who lived here in exile did not long withstand the atmosphere of apathy and boredom prevailing in the village - he took it and hanged himself. A lone passenger stood up for the suicide, a silent, bulky, gray-haired man of about 50 in the attire of a novice.

    In appearance, he resembled the hero Ilya Muromets. The hero told about a priest from the metropolitan clergy who prayed for suicides and thus "corrects their situation" in hell. Due to drunkenness, Filaret wanted to cut the priest's hair, but St. Sergius himself interceded for such a thing, appearing before the patriarch twice in a dream.

    After that, the passengers began to ask the hero in a black cassock about his life, and found out that he worked in the army as a cones - he selected and tamed army horses, to which he had a certain approach. From everything it was clear that the monk had lived a long and interesting life. The passengers begged him to tell about himself.

    Beginning of life and prophecy

    Ivan Severyanych Flyagin was born a serf in the Oryol province on an estate. The count bred horses, and Ivan worked with him as a coachman. Ivan's mother did not have children for a long time, and she literally begged for a child from God, and she herself died at the birth of her first child. The boy appeared with a big head, as a result of which the servants attached the nickname Golovan to him.

    The hero spent his early childhood in the stable, where he fell in love with horses. At the age of 11, he was put as a postilion on the six, which was run by his father. Ivan was obliged to make noise, driving people out of the way. Those who dozed off had to be whipped.

    Once Ivan and his father were carrying the count past the courtyard of the monastery. The boy whipped the sleeping monk with a whip. He was horrified, fell off the cart, the horses carried him, and the monk was trampled. At night, a murdered monk appeared to Ivan, declared that Ivan's mother not only begged him, but also promised God, and ordered him to go to the monastery.

    The monk promised that Flyagin would die a large number of times and would never die until his true death came, and during this time he would remember his motherly obligation for his son and descend into the black clergy.
    Ivan did not give meaning to the speeches of the dead monk, but soon his “first death” occurred. On the roadway to Voronezh, the count's team, together with the crew, almost fell into a solid abyss.

    Ivan was able to rein in the horses, and he fell down, but miraculously survived. For saving his own life, the count decided to reward Ivan. The boy wanted an ordinary harmonica, which he never learned to handle.

    Soon, Ivan got a couple of pigeons for himself, from them chicks went, which the cat got into the habit of ruffling. Ivan found the cat, whipped and killed. The cat belonged to the close maid of the Countess. The woman ran to Ivan to scold that he had hit her “on the waist with a broom”, for actually being flogged at the stable and sent to hard work.

    Ivan crushed granite, for a long time, in fact, that he had "growths on his knees." He was tired of enduring mockery - they say, they condemned him for a cat's death - and decided to hang himself in a nearby aspen forest. As soon as he hung in the noose, a gypsy who came from nowhere cut the rope, and invited Ivan to go with him to the robbers. Flygin agreed.

    Applying for a babysitter

    So that Ivan would not now hide from him and be on his hook, the gypsy forced him to steal horses from the count's stables. The stallions were sold at a high price, but Ivan received only a ruble in silver, quarreled with the gypsies and decided to surrender to the authorities. But I got to the cunning clerk.

    For a ruble and a pectoral cross made of silver, he made Ivan a pass and recommended that he go to Nikolaev, where there was plenty of work. In Nikolaev, Ivan ended up with a noble Pole. His wife fled with the military, leaving her little still infant daughter, whom Ivan was obliged to nurse, including feeding goat's milk.

    For a year, Ivan became attached to the girl. One day he discovered that the girl's legs "go like a wheel." The doctor said that these were the consequences of the "English disease" and recommended that the child be buried in warm sand. Ivan began to carry the girl to the shore of the bay. There, the monk again appeared to him, beckoning him somewhere, showing him a huge snow-white monastery, steppes, “wild people”.

    Waking up, Ivan noticed how an unfamiliar woman was kissing his pupil. The woman was her mother. Ivan did not allow to take the child, but he gave the go-ahead to meet them at this place, secretly from the Pole. The woman said that her stepmother, against her will, married her to a master.

    When the time came for the woman to leave, she offered Ivan a huge amount of money for the girl, but Ivan Severyanovich categorically refused, because he was a “official and faithful” person. During this time, the woman’s roommate, a lancer, appeared. Ivan preferred to fight with him and spat on all the money that was offered to him. “Nothing, except for bodily distress,” the lancer did not receive for himself, but he did not raise money, and Ivan liked this gesture.

    The lancer tried to grab the child, Ivan did not let him at first, and then he noticed how the mother was reaching out to him, and took pity. At the same time, a Pole master with weapons was seen, and Ivan managed to leave with a lady and a lancer, leaving his passport with the Pole.

    In Penza, the uhlan declared that, in fact, he, a military man, had no opportunity to keep a runaway serf, gave Ivan the money and let him go. Ivan decided to go to the police, but at the beginning he went to a tavern, got drunk with tea and pretzels. There, Khan Dzhangar, "the first steppe horse breeder" sold good horses. Two Tatars began to fight for a thoroughbred mare.

    Captivity of the Tatars

    The lancer got involved in the battle for the proper stallion. Ivan entered instead of him into a battle with a Tatar and whipped him to death with a whip. Tatars, so that the hero did not thunder in prison, they took him with them

    Ivan lived in the steppe for 10 years, was with the nomads as a doctor. Missing his homeland, he wanted to quit, but the Tatars caught him and “buffed” him: they made an incision on the skin of his feet, pushed horsehair in there, and sewed him up. When everything healed, it was very painful for Ivan to walk: the bristles inside pricked, abscessed and festered.

    For several years Ivan lived in a horde with the Tatars. He had his own wagon, even two wives and children. Then another khan asked to treat his wife and left the doctor with him. But for 10 years of living with nomads, he never got used to the steppe, and he was homesick.
    At night, he silently went into the steppe and prayed.

    Once, two Orthodox priests appeared in the horde - they came to convert the Tatars to Christianity. Ivan asked the priests to release him, but they categorically refused to get involved in the affairs of the nomads. Soon Ivan found one of them dead, buried in a Christian way.

    A year later, two in turbans and bright clothes were seen in the horde. They came from Khiva to buy stallions and turn the Tatars against the Russians. So that the Tatars would not rob them and destroy them, they began to frighten people with the fiery god Talaf, who gave them a personal flame.

    One day

    at night the strangers made a fiery light show. The stallions got scared and fled, and the Tatars rushed to catch them. Only decrepit old men, children and women remained in the camp. Ivan got out of his dwelling and realized that they were frightening the nomads with ordinary fireworks. Flyagin found a large supply of them, launched them, thereby frightening the Tatars and they agreed to be baptized into the Orthodox faith.

    Ivan also found "caustic earth": he put it on his skin and pretended that he could not get out of bed. In a few days, the feet corroded, and the sewn-up stubble came out with pus. When his legs healed, Ivan managed to escape from the Tatars. Long way, but Ivan Flyagin ended up with his master. He flogged him twice and let him go, handing him a passport on all four sides.

    Arrangement at the prince

    Ivan left his native estate and ended up at a fair, where he noticed how a gypsy was trying to sell a sick horse to a man. Being offended by the gypsies, Ivan undoubtedly helped the peasant. And so he began to wander around the fairs, preventing the gypsies and young ladies from profiting from the common people. One count tried everything from Flyagin, how he recognizes horses - but he did not reveal the secret to the master. The prince had to call him to work as a cones.
    For three years, Ivan did his job, saving the count's money from unnecessary spending (he gave it to him to keep when he was drunk). But one day in a tavern Flyagin was charmed by a gypsy Grusha, who threw all the government money at her feet.

    Gypsy Pear

    Having sobered up, Ivan confessed to the prince: he spent the treasury on a gypsy.
    Later, Flyagin became aware that his prince had pledged his wealth to buy from the camp of that same gypsy woman.

    Grusha fell in love with the prince, and over time he became weary of her love. Ivan felt sorry for the gypsy and gradually became friends with her.

    When the gypsy became pregnant, the poor began to irritate the prince. His enterprises were not crowned with success, there were only losses. Grusha suspected that the prince had a lover.
    Ivan went to the prince's former mistress, the "secretary's daughter" Evgenia Semyonovna, from whom he had a child, and became an unwitting eyewitness to their conversation. The prince wanted to borrow funds from Evgenia Semyonovna, arrest a cloth factory for rent, pass for a manufacturer and marry a rich heiress. He intended to marry Grusha to Ivan.

    The lady, who still loved the prince, mortgaged the house he had donated, and soon the prince was engaged to an enviable bride. Returning from the fair, where he bought fabrics “from Asians” and took orders, Ivan realized that the house had been cleaned for the wedding, but there was no former beloved gypsy. The prince killed Grusha? Flyagin began to search, and by the rivers he found her alive. He offered to live together, but she refused. Grusha herself feared that she could ruin the prince's new wife; she takes an oath from the hero - to kill her. Ivan threw a woman in love off a cliff into a river.

    Military service

    Ivan escaped and wandered for a long time, until Pear, who appeared in the guise of a winged figure, showed him the way. On the way, he met a house from which he took his only son to the army from two old men. With the consent of Ivan, the parents made the necessary papers: he has now become Peter Serdyukov. And went to serve instead of him

    Once in the service, Ivan asked for the Caucasus - the chances of dying there were high, which the hero wanted the most. But he served there for more than 15 years. But he was protected by higher powers. There was an episode when Grusha protected him. After this episode, Ivan told the story of his life to the colonel.

    It turned out that according to the documents, there was no murder of a gypsy. Ivan Flyagin died in the peasant house of the Serdyukovs.
    After clarifying these circumstances, the colonel thought that the hero's mind was clouded from the service. Promoted him to an officer's rank and sent him to an important person in Petersburg. There they helped him, made him a referee, but his career in this position did not go. There was practically no income from this service.

    They didn’t take officer Ivan as an officer’s coachman, and he went to a street booth. There Ivan stood up for a young actress, and he was kicked out.

    Fulfillment of prophecy

    After all these wanderings, Ivan Flyagin went to the monastery. He became father Ishmael, took care of horses and was pleased with the monastic way of life. The elders taught to cast out demons from their souls - to pray on their knees. Toward the end of his life, it began to seem to him that he had the gift of prophecy. He predicted an imminent war. He believed in her so much that he again intended to go to the army to serve.

    N. Leskov writes about himself that he knows the depth of the character of a Russian person. But the story is built in such a way that the attitude of the writer to the hero is not clear. Ivan Flyagin is a wanderer not only in external everyday circumstances, but also in the inner world. With each step, he moves deeper into himself, revealing God within his soul. "Charmed" - is under the influence of the spell of life, succumbs to their influence and thereby finds its purpose.

    Test on the story The Enchanted Wanderer
