We often wonder how to convince a person? How to convince him that you are right? how to convince him that it will be better. Quite often, the positive result of any case directly depends on the ability to convince a person that he is right.

It is a pity that we get the ability to persuade people in the process of life, and not from the cradle. Pretty hard convince a person what he doesn't believe in. Therefore, to be more likely to persuade, you need to practice more. Before answering the question "How to convince a person?" you need to correctly reason this or that situation.

How to convince a person?

As they like to say: "You cannot force a person to do what he does not want." In fact, you can. You just need to try very hard for this.

The skill of persuading a person is useful in all spheres of life: at work, at home, in rest.

A great way to persuade is to speak the truth, eye contact and not gesticulate. Calling him by name will help convince the person. This will dispose the interlocutor to you and your requests. After all, everyone likes it when you are called by name. You can use pet names. This skill disposes a person to you much more strongly. The person becomes like an "open book" and it is much easier for you to win him over.

How to convince a person that he is right, quit smoking

The best way to persuade is to explain. It is rare that the interlocutor will agree with your solution to the problem only after asking the question. While convincing a person that he is right that he is wrong, or when he stops drinking, you must explain to him all the positive aspects of the decision, negative points, and only after that give him the opportunity to choose.

You should understand that before the conversation you do not need to get hung up on the question: how to convince a person ... You need to rather calmly talk and help him make the right choice. After all, you, too, must understand that your point of view is not necessarily correct and best for another.

How to convince a person that he is wrong by phone

It is more difficult to convince on the phone, because you cannot look at the person (which allows you to better dispose the person to yourself), the interlocutor cannot understand whether you are lying to him or not. The phone changes its voice a little. Therefore, even if you are telling the truth, then your interlocutor, on the other side of the phone, may think that they are lying to him and will not listen further. But if you are trusted, then it will not be difficult to convince a person of something.

Everyone should have the skill of persuasion. After all, how else to persuade the boss to raise wages, how to force the husband to quit smoking. This opportunity will help you in all your endeavors.

How to convince a person not to drink something

No matter how much a person is fond of studying this skill, this science will probably never be fully studied. Each time, in response, new blockers of this art are studied. That is, no matter how hard you can convince a person, there will be situations when either you fail, or someone counterattacks, and you just accept his point of view of a situation.

How to convince a person in 30 seconds

In order to be a master of this business, you need to practice more, study literature on this topic and try to lie to others as rarely as possible. And before insisting on your point of view - answer yourself: "Is my position correct?"

Offer a drink. If you want to convince the person of something, offer a hot drink, such as tea, coffee, or cocoa, during the conversation. If you offer a warm drink, a person subconsciously regards you as a warm, pleasant and hospitable person. A cold drink can have the opposite effect. Typically, people feel cold and crave warm food and drinks when they feel isolated from society. Satisfy their need and they will become more receptive to your words.

  • Ask questions that suggest a “Yes” answer. Start a conversation by asking questions that suggest an affirmative answer, such as "The weather is good today, isn't it?" "You want to buy a car at a bargain price, right?"

    • When you get someone to say yes, it will be easier for you to persuade the person to say yes, I will buy this.
    • It is best to ask vague questions, but make sure your wife is aware of why you are complimenting the other girl.
  • Break down the touch barrier. It doesn't matter if you're making a deal or asking someone out on a date, just touch that person by chance. A light touch can increase your chances of promoting a product or service - the interlocutor subconsciously activates a desire to get closer.

    • Don't put pressure on people! Try asking the person for a favor after a few weeks.
    • Try to be as pleasant as possible during the conversation. If the person is disposed towards you, you will have a better chance of getting what you want.
    • There are several ways to look more powerful. You can wear a black suit, which is popular with judges, police and clergy, or keep a neutral face. But being dominant doesn't always mean being convincing. If you are a salesperson, you need to find common ground with the buyer rather than scare them. If you are a controller, you rather need to keep people in a fist, dominating and dominating them.
    • Know when to stop. There are people who are very stubborn, and there are those who simply shy away from others.
    • If you agree to pay later, sign the contract and use a trusted third party to attend.
    • Use the same techniques as the sales assistant to take revenge on him and scare him away. For example, when buying a car, have a conversation. Ask questions you know the answers to: "Car sales have dropped, haven't they?", "Guys, I think you need to write off a 2012 car already!" Thus, the seller will go out of his way to sell the product. Remind employees that their pay fell by accident.
    • Share your opinion on the situation the person is in. Let's say someone finds they can see the future. Tell him how scared you were to find something like that in yourself. Perhaps, at first, the person will not share with you the story of his gift - wait a few days. Then tell him about a famous psychic. Perhaps now the person will open up. You need to act in stages - often this is how people open up.
    • Don't talk too much. Your task is to understand potential customers, not to get into their wallet. Demonstrate the ability to listen and understand so that people can see that you are ready to serve them for their good. Too many words is a waste of both yours and potential clients' time.
    • Make them think, "This is what I need!" This will make it easier to convince people.
  • Today I will continue to consider the art of persuasion and I'll tell you about how to convince a person that he is righthow to persuade other people to your point of view. The art of persuasion can be regarded as important enough to achieve success. This can be useful in any area of \u200b\u200bhuman life, but in business or work related to sales - especially.

    In one of the previous articles I have already considered the general ones, but it should be recognized that each person is individual, and the method that will help to persuade one person to his point of view will not produce any effect or even harm when communicating with another. This is due to the fact that different people have their own psychological characteristics, depending on the type of their character and temperament. Therefore, today we will talk about how to convince a person of his point of view, based on his psychological characteristics.

    For this, first of all, we will need to divide people into different psychological types. Most often, psychologists use a person's temperament as a criterion for such a division, but, in this case, this may not be enough, since it is important for us to divide people by the type of reaction to attempts to convince them. I propose to distinguish 4 types of people according to these criteria:

    - Always confident in his righteousness, unbending;

    - Doubting, indecisive;

    - Shows aggression, easily excitable;

    - Indifferent and indifferent.

    The main task of the art of persuasion is to correctly determine the type of person who needs to be convinced of his point of view, and then to act taking into account his psychological characteristics.

    Let's consider how to behave with people of each of these psychological types in order to convince them that they are right.

    1. Sure. Convincing a person who is confident that he is right and not inclined to change his mind is the hardest thing. Such people immediately make it clear what they need, they speak in short and firm phrases, express their position directly and openly. However, there is a method that will help to win over even such people.

    Excessive confidence and inflexibility can be a reflection of not only strength, but, on the contrary, weakness of character. Especially if it is self-confidence, which is very often observed.

    In this case, the best way to persuade a person to his point of view is to take him “weakly”. To do this, it is enough to make it clear that you have doubts that he will be able to do something that you need.

    For example, if you want to make a sale to such a person, you can tell him something like: "in general, it will probably be too expensive for you, we can find cheaper options." Then he will play ostentatious determination, he will answer that he can easily afford to buy goods at such a price and, as proof of his innocence, will make a purchase.

    2. Indecisive. The easiest way is to convince an indecisive and doubting person of your rightness. You can easily gain verbal superiority over him and persuade him to your point of view. But the difficulty here lies elsewhere: first you need to recognize this type, because if you make a mistake and start acting in this way with a person of a different psychological type, then you will be defeated. Therefore, if you do not know how to convince a person of your point of view, you should immediately try to identify his indecision. How can I do that?

    For example, by the verbal expressions that he will use. An indecisive and doubting person will use the same fuzzy and imprecise expressions. For example, when making a purchase, he will ask for “something not very expensive” instead of “cheap”, or “something not very bright” instead of naming a specific color, he will use the words “a little”, “more or less” , “Like”, “somehow”, etc., characterizing uncertainty. His gestures and facial expressions will also express doubts and uncertainty, for example, he will stamp on the spot, fiddle with his clothes, weave and pull his fingers, etc.

    How can you persuade a person? This question is asked by many people who want to learn how to defend their point of view. Convincing the other person of something can sometimes seem like an extremely difficult task that cannot be compared with other efforts. The fact is that each individual has his own opinion on this or that issue. In order to be able to convey the necessary information to him, it is necessary to actualize the inner forces as much as possible. How to do it right? What kind of work is worth doing? Let's try to understand this difficult issue.

    Receive reflection

    It consists in creating the maximum degree of confidence in the opponent. This is the best way to gently and painlessly influence the situation. The reflection technique works in all cases when there is a desire to influence the situation. How to persuade a person?

    You just need to try to speak his language. This is the best way to build trust in yourself. If you oppose your beliefs to your opponent, then this is unlikely to lead to a satisfactory result. Care must be taken not to overdo it. All hypocrisy should be avoided, since it never leads to the desired goal.

    To speak fast

    The rate of speech also matters. This is not surprising, because in a conversation people subconsciously take this moment into account. If you speak quickly, without stretching the phrase, then the person will begin to listen more attentively to your words. A short, abrupt speech helps to increase concentration of attention, has a positive effect on the individual.

    If the subject of the conversation concerns some important things, then it becomes much easier to convince a person of something. Rapid speech forces the person to drop their thoughts and seriously focus on what is being said.

    Soft questions

    After thinking about how to properly persuade a person, decide to act unobtrusively. You can ask the interlocutor soft questions, which will prepare the opponent for a certain decision. It is best to try not to get into the soul right away, but to learn about everything gradually. Questions that require an affirmative answer work very well.


    How to persuade a person to do something? Praise him personal qualities... It is recommended to say pleasant words. This relaxes people and allows them to steer the conversation in the right direction. In this case, you do not need to be ashamed to pronounce words of praise: there are never many of them. Compliments are necessary in order to get closer to the very essence of a person. If an individual lets you get close, then most likely he will be able to persuade him to take certain actions.

    Any praise almost always works flawlessly. The main thing is that the words are spoken with the necessary sincerity. Falseness is felt immediately, and a wise person is unlikely to respond to it. Deception destroys any relationship and contributes to the formation of mental coldness and rejection. Everyone wants to feel significant and self-sufficient. For this reason, you need to try to act gently with patience.

    Good mood

    It is known that a smile is disarming like nothing else. When we share some of our energy with people, we get visible benefits in return. This is why it is so important to be able to maintain a good mood and be positive.

    Try to control your own emotions, do not allow the occurrence conflict situations against the background of rejection of some points. How to persuade a person? It is necessary to sincerely smile at him, to strive to demonstrate good disposition towards him. Only in this case will your opponent start to trust you.

    Useful business

    When we do something good for the interlocutor, he begins to feel grateful. A useful activity forms a basis for a person to begin to listen to your words. A sense of gratitude fosters closeness between people. And only then you can use this feeling to try to bring him to a certain decision. But first you should always try to give something important to the interlocutor. Only in this case he will listen to your words and, possibly, change his mind.

    Benefits of the offer

    If there is an intention to bring the individual to some kind of decision, then it is necessary to show the positive aspects of cooperation. It is necessary to demonstrate all the benefits of the offer, so much so that it was impossible to refuse it. A person can only agree because he will be interested in learning about the visible benefits. If a person does not find anything beneficial for himself, then he is unlikely to delve into the details at all.

    Nice appearance

    People always pay attention to this, although sometimes they try to pretend that they are not interested in appearance. Having thought about how to persuade a person, you need to take care of your appearance. No one likes to talk to a slob in a greasy jacket. An attractive appearance is very disposed to oneself, contributes to the formation of trust. After the desired impression has arisen, you can submit any information. Charm is of great importance, it literally attracts people to it.

    Elderly people

    How to persuade an elderly person? It is important to follow a few rules here. First, you should not try to force your position on them too actively. This will only cause rejection and further rejection. Second, you need to be prepared for rejection.

    Older people are quite suspicious and will not want to waste time on things that will not be useful to them in the future. It is necessary to present the proposal in such a way that it seems difficult to be correct, but also sounded rather noble. A person who has lived for many years in the world is very scrupulous about such concepts as honor and dignity. If you deceive him and do not keep this promise, he will stop believing you completely.

    Thus, in the question of how to persuade a person, you need to be careful and stick to common sense. It is necessary to act confidently and at the same time unobtrusively. The mood of the interlocutor and his willingness to accept offers from you are of great importance.

    Everyone at least once in his life communicated with a very stubborn and difficult interlocutor.

    Everyone knows that the easiest way to resolve a dispute is to avoid it. However, sometimes the situation requires that you defend your point of view and convince the stubborn interlocutor that you are right. The following 10 tips will help you with this.

    1. Be gentle and polite

    First of all, do not play with the thin threads of a person's pride: you should not offend him, humiliate him and become personal, so you will not prove anything to him and he will go into a defensive position of denial of everything in the world (antagonism). And it is almost impossible to convince a person in such a state.

    2. Strong arguments first.

    First, speak out the strongest and most compelling arguments for your position. There is no need to start with trifles, release heavy artillery at once, and only then small infantry to reinforce it.

    3. Earn Trust

    Try to increase your status and image: argue that you know this in practice, that you have been doing this for many years and have received concrete results or made a lot of money on it.

    4. Be smart

    A powerful weapon is to say the following: “Yes, yes, in this you are right, this is a good idea, but in this you are completely wrong ...” When a person feels that his thoughts have been noticed, he can already listen to yours.

    5. Gross flattery

    Praise the person! Compliments, and especially unexpected compliments, will surprise and delight everyone, and this is exactly what you need - to relax your opponent, to reduce his control over the situation.

    6. Consistency of consent

    The rule of consistency: first tell the person what they agree with (even if they are absolutely obvious things), and then your point of view. The likelihood of agreement in this case increases many times.

    7. Take the conversation away from dangerous topics

    Avoid “sharp edges” and those that can increase conflict, as well as those that are weak points for you.

    If something like this pops up, urgently turn the conversation off this, say: "We are not talking about this now, but about ...", "This has nothing to do with the case, it is only relevant ...".

    8. Notice every little thing.

    Watch the person's non-verbal behavior, it can reveal a lot. Non-verbal behavior is posture, gestures, and facial expressions. If you notice that after some argument a person's eye twitched, immediately continue to reveal this argument further and in greater detail - this is your strongest argument and the person understands this and is nervous.

    9. People love benefits and benefits

    Convince the person that what you say to him is very useful and even beneficial for him, and his position, on the contrary, will not bring him anything except “just his position”.

    10. Show unexpected attentiveness and respect.

    Listen carefully to your interlocutor, even if he annoys you: any person will notice that they are attentive to him, and especially this will be noticed by the one who knows that despite the fact that you do not agree with him, you are attentive to him. This way, you can stand out from other people with whom he has ever argued.

    Successful victory, because now we know for sure that using these tips, you will win in any dispute!
