Lecture 3. Teacher as a subject teaching activities

Teacher's professiogram

As we have already noted, the teacher performs many functions in the process of pedagogical activity. The success of these functions is determined by the personality of the teacher, his professional qualities. The very specificity of pedagogical work makes a number of requirements for him, for his personality, they are called professionally significant personal qualities.

An attempt to develop a list of personal and professional qualities of a teacher has a long history. According to the Russian educator, writer, journalist and book publisher N.I. Novikov, the educator must meet the following requirements; have the ability to reason correctly and purely; be able to approach children; to be kind; know Russian and foreign languages; have a good pronunciation; good behavior and decent appearance.

K. D. Ushinsky insistently emphasized that “in every mentor, and especially in those mentors who are appointed for lower schools and public schools, it is important not only to teach, but also character, morality and beliefs ...”.

In the Soviet school, the professiographic teaching of the labor and personality of the teacher was most actively carried out in the 1920s and 1930s, when the foundations of the Soviet school were laid. The personality of the teacher is viewed as a subject actively shaping the normative and subject equipment of his activities.

Interest in the development of these questions revived since the 60s thanks to the research of two Leningrad schools headed by N.V. Kuzmina and A.I. Shcherbakov. Later, the Moscow school under the leadership of V.A. Slastenin.

The ideal model of a teacher, teacher, class teacher, teacher, a model, a standard, which presents, firstly, the basic personality traits that a teacher should have; secondly, knowledge, abilities, skills for performing the functions of a teacher is called a professiogram.

Based on this understanding of the meaning of the concept of "professiogram", we can talk about the professiographic method of studying personality, in which the teacher's knowledge, skills and abilities are compared with those that he might have in accordance with the ideal model. It is not difficult to imagine that this method allows you to design the personal and professional growth of a teacher.

At the same time, the teacher's professiogram is a document that gives a full qualification characteristic of a teacher from the standpoint of the requirements for his knowledge, skills and abilities, for his personality, abilities, psychophysiological capabilities and level of training.

The need to create a professiogram of a modern teacher is dictated by a number of reasons:

The importance of social order to school, teaching profession;

The growing demands of society on the personality of the teacher;

Changes in the criteria for his professional competence in connection with social and scientific and technical transformations;

The need to improve the quality of professional and pedagogical training.

This idea of \u200b\u200bthe professiogram developed over the previous decades.

Professional and personal qualities of a teacher

What properties, qualities should a teacher possess? In general, they can be represented as the following diagram.

Teacher properties

Special Personal

Objective (scientific Subjective (personal (moral-volitional

teacher training) teaching talent) qualities)

Figure: 1. Professional and personal qualities of a teacher

The problem of the subjective properties of a teacher has become the subject of theoretical and experimental study by scientists N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markova, S.V. Kondratyeva, L.M. Mitina, and others.

The following properties of the teacher's subjectivity are distinguished:

1. Psycho-physiological properties of the subject (inclinations), which are prerequisites for the implementation of their professional role (type of temperament, emotional excitability, type of perception, flexibility of thinking, etc.).

The most significant features of the type of higher nervous activity (VND), which can be considered as the psychophysical basis of the individual qualities of a teacher, necessary for him to carry out his work. It is known that GNI is based on two main nervous processes: excitation and inhibition. They are characterized by strength, mobility and balance, various combinations of which determine the individual psychological characteristics of a person - his type of temperament, peculiarities of perception and thinking, attention, ability to work, endurance, psychological stability, etc. Pedagogical activity and individual psychological qualities of a teacher must be in a certain correspondence. Such a correspondence does not always arise by itself (although there are happy coincidences, then they speak of a natural vocation, of a born teacher). It must be achieved. The following individual psychological properties and qualities are preferred for the teaching profession:

1) a strong type of GNI, which determines the combination of those qualities of temperament that underlie the developed tendency towards leadership, performance, endurance, determination, activity, purposefulness, perseverance, endurance, self-confidence, etc.

2) the formation of voluntary attention, a high level of mental activity, memory.

3) emotional balance (the ability to control oneself even in emotional situations).

4) social sensitivity, reflexivity (a person's ability to self-report, introspection of his own mental states; the ability to see himself as if from the outside, sometimes through the eyes of others).

2. Pedagogical abilities - individual psychological properties of a person, thanks to which any activity is successfully carried out, with less labor costs, great results are achieved.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, various groups of abilities are distinguished. So, F.M. Gonobolin refers to the important individual characteristics of a teacher as the ability to “understand children, see good and bad in them, feel how they perceive educational material, objectively assess their knowledge and abilities, work creatively, successfully transmit knowledge to students, master the language, skillfully organize schoolchildren into a children's team, show pedagogical tact, infect children with their enthusiasm, love of work, have good control of themselves, manage their feelings and behavior "

Six leading abilities of a teacher for pedagogical activity are distinguished by I.A. Zyazyun, M.S. Burgin, etc., these include the following abilities:

Communication - disposition to people, benevolence, sociability;

Perceptual abilities - professional vigilance, empathy, pedagogical intuition;

Dynamism of personality - the ability to volitional influence and logical conviction;

Emotional stability - the ability to control oneself;

Optimistic forecasting;

Creativity is the ability to be creative.

As can be seen from the above list of pedagogical abilities, they include many personal qualities and are revealed through certain actions and skills. Moreover, there are skills that are included in the content of several abilities.

3. The orientation of the personality, it is formed by the value orientations of a person. In our case, we will talk about the professional and pedagogical orientation of the teacher. The professional and pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality (PPT) is understood as a stable, dominant (prevailing) system of needs, motives (interests, beliefs, inclinations, etc.) that determines the teacher's behavior, his attitude to the profession and to his work.

With regard to the pedagogical activity of N.V. Kuzmina (professor, doctor of psychological sciences) includes the following components in the professional pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality:

1. Interest and love for children, for the profession, creativity associated with the upbringing of human qualities in them;

2. Awareness of the difficulties and problems in teaching;

3. The need for teaching activities;

4. Awareness of one's own capabilities and abilities as corresponding to the requirements of the chosen profession;

5. The need for constant self-improvement and the desire to master the basics of pedagogical skills already at the university.

N.V. Kuzmina also identified three types of orientation of the teacher's personality:

Truly pedagogical (it consists in a stable motivation for the formation of the student's personality by means of the taught subject, for the restructuring of the subject, counting on the formation of the student's initial need for knowledge, the carrier of which is the teacher. The pedagogical orientation includes a vocation for pedagogical activity. yourself without school, without the life and activities of your students);

Formally pedagogical (motivation for pedagogical activity is biased towards enthusiasm for teaching a specific subject, however, the teacher to some extent achieves the effectiveness of his pedagogical activity, since he charges students with his personal passion for the process of learning and teaching, a creative attitude to his work);

False pedagogical (the main motive of a teacher's pedagogical activity is self-expression, career growth. Due to the presence of a number of developed pedagogical abilities and positive personal qualities, for example, intelligence, willpower, etc., such a teacher can work successfully in certain periods. However, the distortion of his motives professional activity, as a rule, leads to a low result in pedagogical activity)

V.A. Slastenin (professor, doctor of pedagogical sciences) also classifies PPN as one of the most important properties of a teacher's personality. She believes that it is a selective attitude towards reality, the orientation of the personality, awakens and mobilizes the latent forces of a person, contributes to the formation of his corresponding abilities, professionally important features of thinking, will, emotions, character. Otherwise V.A. Slastenin believes that PPN is a framework around which the basic properties of the teacher's personality are arranged.

The pedagogical orientation of the teacher's personality can manifest itself in different ways. It can be focused on professional self-affirmation; per student or student collective; on the means of pedagogical influence; for the purpose of teaching. What is the leading focus? Of course, the focus on the goal of pedagogical activity, which is to create conditions for the harmonious development of the student's personality. This orientation can be considered humanistic. Why? (Recognition of the value of a person as a person, his right to free development and the manifestation of his abilities).

4. Professional pedagogical and subject knowledge and skills. The core of professional and pedagogical knowledge is constituted by fundamental knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, ideological and methodological knowledge, technological knowledge. The quality of knowledge is determined by how widely it is incorporated into various activities. Knowledge does not exist by itself: it is acquired by the individual and enriched, realized in activity.

The specificity of pedagogical knowledge is that it is enriched by the teacher's personal attitude towards it, passed through his perception of the world, his experience, the specifics of his thinking.

Knowledge lays a solid foundation for the development and formation of pedagogical skills and abilities, without which the dynamics and effectiveness of pedagogical activity is impossible.

Skills and skills are ways of applying knowledge in practice, their representation in the module of objectively necessary qualities of a teacher is obvious. A teacher is as professional as he can effectively apply general scientific, subject, psychological, pedagogical and general cultural knowledge in his practice. The range of professional and pedagogical skills and abilities is diverse. Thus, in professional and pedagogical activities, more than two thousand skills are actualized. At the heart of all the diverse skills are general labor skills: the ability to understand the goals of an activity, plan future activities, and exercise self-control over its course. The cognitive skills required in any kind of activity include the ability to memorize, compare, analyze, predict, foresee.

The block of basic pedagogical skills of a teacher includes the following types of skills: diagnostic, constructive, communicative, analytical.

Another factor affecting pedagogical activity is the teacher's personal qualities. All personal qualities of a teacher have professional significance. The problem of professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality is the subject of the works of F.N. Gonobolina, N.V. Kuzmina, N.V. Kukhareva, V.A. Slastenin and others. Despite different approaches, regarding the set of PZLK and their classification, these scientists have a similar point of view on the significance of PZLK. They consider professionally significant personal qualities, along with a professional and pedagogical orientation, to be a fundamental component of a teacher's personality, and the most important factor in mastering a profession and teaching skills. Let us give a definition of the concept of professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality.

Professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality are characteristics of the mental, emotional-volitional and moral aspects of the personality that affect the productivity (success) of the teacher's professional and pedagogical activity and determine its individual style.

There are various classifications of personality traits of a teacher, for example, a variant of the classification of professionally significant personal qualities (PZLK), developed by V.P. Simonov. This classification contains specific optimal characteristics of the qualities of the teacher's personality:

1. Psychological traits of personality as an individual: strong, balanced type nervous system; tendency towards leadership; self confidence; kindness and responsiveness; hyperthymic (activity, mobility).

2. The teacher in the structure of interpersonal relations: the predominance of a democratic style of communication with students and colleagues; minor conflicts only on matters of principle; adequate, normal self-esteem; desire to cooperate with students and colleagues; the isolation level in the collective is zero.

3. Professional personality traits of the teacher:

a) broad erudition and free presentation of the material;

b) the ability to take into account the individual psychophysical capabilities of students;

d) elegant appearance, expressive facial expressions, general artistry;

e) focus on students (referring to them by name, knowledge of not only personal characteristics, but also the life circumstances of the pupils, the desire to help with deeds and advice);

f) instant reaction to the situation, resourcefulness;

g) the ability to clearly formulate specific goals;

h) the ability to organize all students in general and each separately;

i) the presence of feedback from students and value judgments accompanying the setting of marks, systematic monitoring of the progress of students.

As you can see, in this variant of professionally significant personalities, the most important professional aspects of the modern teacher's model are reflected.

An interesting classification of PZLK proposed by T.A. Juzefavicius. For this classification, she takes 1) dominant, without which it is impossible to effectively carry out pedagogical activities; 2) peripheral, they do not have a decisive influence, but contribute to success; 3) negative - lead to a decrease in labor efficiency; 4) professionally unacceptable.

The dominant professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality include the following qualities:

Citizenship (social responsibility; individual's readiness to actively, energetically contribute to the solution of social problems);

Love for children (humanism, benevolence, sensitivity, responsiveness, attentiveness, sincerity, politeness, etc.);

Optimism (belief in the strength and possibilities of positive development of the student);

Fairness (honesty, conscientiousness, ability to act impartially);

Sociability (pedagogical tact, sociability);

Demanding to oneself and to children (responsibility, organization, self-criticism, honesty, truthfulness, discipline, pride, self-esteem, rationality, modesty, initiative, activity);

Altruism - selflessness (selfless concern for the welfare of others);

Strong-willed qualities (purposefulness - "goal reflex", in the words of I.P. Pavlov; endurance, self-control, poise, perseverance, energy, determination, patience, courage);

Tolerance - tolerance, indulgence towards people;

Pedagogical observation (insight, pedagogical vigilance);

Empathy (the ability to understand the inner, mental (emotional) state of the student and empathize with this state not only in words, but also in deeds; emotional responsiveness;

Intelligence (charm, spirituality);

Modernity (the teacher has a sense of belonging to the same era as his students);

Dominance (efficiency, tendency to lead, acceptance of responsibility for others, ability to lead);

Creativity (creativity).

The peripheral professionally significant qualities of the teacher's personality include, for example, friendliness, enthusiasm, seriousness, a sense of humor, artistry, initiative, passion for something (hobby), a real approach to life, curiosity.

The negative professional qualities of the teacher's personality include: imbalance, partiality, vindictiveness, arrogance, absent-mindedness.

And one more group - these are professionally unacceptable qualities: the presence of bad habits, moral uncleanliness, assault, irresponsibility, rudeness, incompetence.

In life, in pedagogical reality, we will not see a teacher who embodies only dominant and peripheral qualities and vice versa. They are combined in the personality of the teacher to an infinite variety. This combination determines the individual style of his activity, the uniqueness of professionally significant personal qualities of each individual teacher. In this regard, typifications of individuals and activities are also possible, but take a look at this yourself.

Nowadays, the concept of "competence" is widely used - the ability of a person (his personal and qualification capabilities) to resolve any issues. Pedagogical competence is the unity of theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical activities.

So analytical skills are represented by such particular skills as:

Analyze pedagogical phenomena, that is, dismember them into their constituent parts (conditions, reasons, motives, means, forms of manifestation, etc.);

To comprehend each element of a pedagogical phenomenon in connection with the whole and in interaction with other elements, etc.

Predictive skills are associated with a clear representation in the teacher's mind of the goal of his activity in the form of the result he foresees. They include: the formulation of diagnosed educational goals and objectives; selection of methods to achieve them; anticipation of possible deviations in achieving the result and the choice of ways to overcome them; designing the content of interaction between participants in the educational process, etc.

Projective skills are implemented when developing a project for the educational process. They include such skills as: to plan the content and types of activities of the participants in the educational process, taking into account their needs, capabilities, interests, means, experience and personal qualities of the individual; determine the form and structure of the educational process depending on the formulated pedagogical tasks and characteristics of the participants; define individual stages pedagogical process and tasks specific to them, etc.

Reflexive skills are associated with the teacher's self-directed control and evaluation activities. Reflection is understood as a specific form of theoretical activity aimed at comprehending and analyzing one's own teacher's actions. It is very important for the teacher to establish to what extent the obtained (positive or negative) results are a consequence of his own activities.

The content of practical readiness is manifested in the presence of 2 groups of skills - organizational and communicative. Organizational (organizational) activities of a teacher are associated with the inclusion of students in various types of activities and the organization of the activities of the team, which turns it from an object into a subject of education. The group of organizational skills includes mobilization, didactic, developmental and orientation skills.

The group of communication skills includes perceptual skills, these are skills that manifest themselves at the initial stage of communication, the ability to understand other people (students, teachers, parents), as well as the actual skills of pedagogical (verbal) communication and the skills and abilities of pedagogical technique (the ability to choose the correct style and tone, control attention, a sense of pace, the development of a culture of speech, control of your body, regulation of your mental state, etc.).

On the basis of a fusion of personal qualities and professional competence of a teacher, pedagogical skill is born - the highest level of professionalism. In the pedagogical encyclopedia, the concept of "pedagogical skill" is interpreted as a high and constantly improving art of teaching and education.

To be a master of pedagogical work means to deeply understand the laws of education and upbringing, skillfully apply them in practice, and achieve tangible results in the development of the personality of the educated person.



Faculty of Law





UFA - 2005

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………… .3 1. Requirements for the individual qualities of a teacher. ……………….. ..5

2. Professional competence. ……………………………………..8

3. Pedagogical centering ………………………………………………….9

4. Professional and psychological profile of the teacher ……………… 10

Conclusion. ……………………………………………………………………15

Bibliography. ……………………………………………………… ...... 17


The position of the important, determining role of the teacher in the learning process is generally recognized in all pedagogical sciences. The term pedagogy has two meanings. The first is the area of \u200b\u200bscientific knowledge, science, the second is the area of \u200b\u200bpractical activity, art.

The first property of an objective nature consists in the degree of knowledge of the taught subject by the teacher, in the degree of scientific training in a given specialty, in related subjects, in broad education; then in acquaintance with the methodology of the subject, general didactic principles, and, finally, in the knowledge of the properties of the child's nature, with which the teacher has to deal; the second property is of a subjective nature and lies in the teaching art, in the personal pedagogical talent of creativity.

The second includes pedagogical tact, pedagogical independence, and pedagogical art. The teacher must be an independent, free creator, who himself is always in motion, in search, in development.

In educational psychology, the most important social role of the teacher, his place, functions, in society is emphasized and the requirements placed on him and the social expectations formed in relation to him are analyzed. Accordingly, professional pedagogical training and self-training of teachers are considered as one of the leading problems of educational psychology.

1. Requirements for the individual qualities of a teacher.

Consider the individual qualities of a teacher. They must simultaneously meet two levels of requirements for this profession. The requirements of the first level are presented to the teacher in general as to the carrier of the profession. They are irrelevant to social conditions, social formations, educational institution, academic subject. Any real teacher must meet these requirements, regardless of whether he works under capitalism, socialism, in a village, city, or teaches mathematics, labor, language, etc.

Researchers note the obligatory nature of such personal qualities as the adequacy of self-esteem and the level of aspirations, a certain optimum of anxiety, which ensures the teacher's intellectual activity, dedication, perseverance, diligence, modesty, observation, contact. The need for such qualities as wit, as well as oratorical skills, artistry of nature is especially emphasized. Especially important are such qualities of a teacher as a willingness to understand the mental states of students and empathy, that is, empathy, and the need for social interaction. Researchers attach great importance to the "pedagogical tact", in the manifestation of which the general culture of the teacher and the high professionalism of his pedagogical activity and orientation are expressed.

Each teacher should ideally have certain pedagogical abilities in order to achieve successful performance. Pedagogical abilities are usually included in the structure of the organizational and gnostic abilities considered below, although these abilities may exist separately from each other: there are scientists who are deprived of the ability to transfer their knowledge to others, even to explain what they themselves understand well. The pedagogical abilities required for a professor teaching a course to students and for the same scientist - a laboratory director are different.

Personality traits, the structure of which is actually pedagogical abilities:

Ability to make educational material accessible;

Creativity at work;

Pedagogical and volitional influence on students;

The ability to organize a team of students;

Interest and love for children;

Pedagogical tact;

The ability to connect the subject with life;


Pedagogical exactingness.

The requirements of the second level are imposed on an advanced teacher in general, regardless of the academic subject he teaches - this is his personal readiness for teaching. Readiness presupposes broad and professional systemic competence, persistent conviction of a person, socially significant orientation of the individual, as well as the presence of a communicative and didactic need, a need for communication, and the transfer of experience.

A stable motivation to work in the chosen profession, the desire to realize oneself in it, to apply one's knowledge, abilities reflects the formation of the professional orientation of the individual. It is a complex, integrative quality.
The components of the professional and pedagogical orientation of the personality of teachers and masters of industrial training are social and professional orientations, professional and pedagogical interests, motives of professional activity and self-improvement, professional positions of the individual. They reflect the attitude to professional and pedagogical activities, interests and inclinations, the desire to improve their training.

2. Professional competence.

The growing role of professionalism in modern conditions poses the problem of professional competence of a specialist with particular urgency.

What does the concept of "professional competence" include? How does it differ from the usual knowledge, skills, and abilities found in the pedagogical literature?

Professional competence is an integrative quality of a specialist's personality, including a system of knowledge, skills and abilities, generalized ways of solving typical problems.
The formation of professional competence depends on various personality traits; its main source is training and subjective experience. Professional competence is characterized by constant striving for improvement, acquisition of new knowledge and skills, enrichment of activities. The psychological basis of competence is the willingness to continuously improve their qualifications and professional development.

An important characteristic of the socio-psychological orientation of the teacher is the type of pedagogical centralization.
Centering is a teacher's selective focus on different sides of the pedagogical process.
There are 6 types of centering:

Conformal - focusing on the interests, opinions of colleagues;

Egocentric - centering on the interests, needs of your Self

Humanistic - focusing on the interests of children. Teachers with such a focus are distinguished by attention and sensitivity to all students;

Focus on interests, requirements of the administration. Typical for teachers with unrealized individual characteristics due to their diligence and reproductive nature of the activity;

Parent-centered. Occurs among teachers who have become dependent on the parents of their students.

Methodical, or cognitive - focusing on the content, means and methods of teaching.

4. Professional and psychological profile of the teacher .

Below is a generalized form of the professional and psychological profile of the teacher.

1.Social and psychological orientation.
Type of pedagogical centering:



In the interests of the parents,


2. Professional competence.
2.1. Pedagogical competence.
2.2 Psychological competence.

2.3. Social and communicative competence:

Social and communicative adaptability,

Striving for agreement

Intolerance of uncertainty

Avoiding failure

Frustration tolerance.

3. Pedagogically significant qualities.
3.1. Logical thinking.

3.2 Creativity.
3.3. Empathy.


Effective empathy.
3.4 Subjective control:



3.5. Social intelligence.

4. Pedagogically undesirable qualities.
4.1 Rigidity.

4.3 Demonstration.

5. Pedantry.

Professional standard tasks and situations, as well as professional pedagogical skills, became the basis for the diagnosis of professional competence.

The most formed according to the results of the assessment are gnostic skills - cognitive skills in the field of acquiring professional and pedagogical knowledge, obtaining new information, highlighting the main thing in it, generalizing and systematizing advanced pedagogical and personal experience,

Thus, speaking about the professional competence of a group of professional pedagogical workers, it can be noted:

1) a high level of competence and a desire for self-improvement, the acquisition of new knowledge;

2) the formation of knowledge and skills necessary for solving didactic and methodological problems;

3) insufficient level of vocational and technological preparedness (including production and operational skills in blue-collar occupations);

4) a low level of psychological and pedagogical knowledge and skills necessary for the implementation of the developing function of a teacher of a professional school.

The study established the following characteristics for four substructures of the personality of professionally successful teachers:

• humanistic and methodological centralization, the need for self-fulfillment and self-actualization, the prevalence of internality over externality;

· Professional competence: psychological competence and social and communicative adaptability;

· Professionally important qualities: social intelligence, logical thinking, communication, pedagogical reflection, empathy;

· Psychophysiological properties: emotional stability and extroversion.

An important condition for achieving the socio-economic goals of society renewal is advanced vocational education. Ensuring the anticipatory nature of education is possible subject to the transition to student-centered learning.

The psychological structure of activity includes activities directed by motives and strategic goals; pedagogical interactiondefined by tactical and operational goals; ways of implementing pedagogical interaction, the use of which depends on the conditions for performing actions and operations. The thematic core (central link) of the teacher's activity is personality-oriented pedagogical communication.

Professional functions, the content of a teacher's activity determine his professionally important characteristics, key qualifications and key competencies.


All modern researchers note that it is love for children that should be considered the most important personal and professional trait of a teacher, without which effective pedagogical activity is impossible. Let us also emphasize the importance of self-improvement, self-development, for the teacher lives as long as he learns, as soon as he stops learning, the teacher dies in him.

The profession of a teacher requires comprehensive knowledge, spiritual unlimited generosity, wise love for children. Taking into account the increased level of knowledge of modern students, their diverse interests, the teacher himself must develop comprehensively: not only in the field of his specialty, but also in the field of politics, art, general culture, he must be for his pupils a high example of morality, a bearer of human dignity and values ...

What should be the object of the teacher's awareness in terms of his psychological professional and pedagogical training? Firstly: his professional knowledge and qualities ("properties") and their correspondence to those functions that the teacher should realize in pedagogical cooperation with students, secondly: his personal qualities as a subject of this activity, and, thirdly: his own perception of oneself as an adult - a person who understands and loves a child well.

List of references.

1. Zeer EF, Shakhmatova ON. Personally oriented technologies of professional development of a specialist. Yekaterinburg, 1999.

2. Klimov E.A. Psychology of a professional. M .; Voronezh, 1996.

3. Podlasy I.P. Pedagogy: New training course: Textbook. for stud. higher. educational institutions: In 2 kn.-M .: Humanit ed. center VLADOS, 2003. – Book 1.

Any profession, with its specific characteristics, makes special demands on a person. The more complex the structure of professional activity, the more significant its goal and result for society, the more varied professional tasks, the higher the requirements for a professional. The range of these requirements cannot be limited only to knowledge, skills and abilities, it inevitably expands into the sphere of personal characteristics.

Taking into account the peculiarities of pedagogical activity, its complexity and versatility, and most importantly, the most socially significant goal - preparation for the life of the younger generation, the question arises of what scientifically grounded requirements should the teacher's personality meet? In other words, what should a modern teacher be like?

Perhaps this is one of the most difficult questions to which educational science is constantly looking for an answer. Despite the vast accumulated experience, the question remains open and continues to excite both teachers and psychologists, and teachers themselves, as well as students, parents and society as a whole.

The qualification characteristics reveal generalized requirements for the personality and professional competence of a teacher, but the dominant position in them is occupied by a set of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for organizing the educational process at school. This is due to the fact that the activity approach was and remains the leading one in the theory teacher education... But it should be borne in mind that within the framework of the activity approach, the figure of the teacher turns out to be completely dependent on the subject-technological aspect of pedagogical work, the teacher becomes depersonalized.

However, society makes especially high demands on the personality of the teacher (the teacher must be not only smart and knowledgeable, but also kind, responsive, cultured, loving children, etc., etc.). Therefore, only at the personal level, a teacher can be considered as an active subject, "realizing in the teaching profession his way of life, the readiness to redefine tasks, to take responsibility for their own and independent decisions. This is a level of internal activity at which the teacher is able to act independently. from private situations and circumstances developing in his biography, to create these circumstances, to develop their own strategy of professional behavior and activities. "

Therefore, today the content of the teacher's professional readiness is accumulated in professiogram. A professiogram is a kind of ideal model that includes the characteristics of professional activity and personality characteristics, it simulates an anticipated result that exists ideally, it should be obtained after a certain period of training and education of the student, it makes it possible to foresee specific ways, means, operations, criteria vocational training and professional development of the teacher. The professiogram plays a special role in the development of issues of diagnostics of professional suitability and methods of professional selection of young people in teaching educational establishments, as well as in the organization of professional and pedagogical orientation of schoolchildren. The professiogram can be used to improve the system of advanced training and retraining of teaching staff. The scientific development of the teacher's professiogram means, firstly, a thorough identification of the main properties and characteristics of the teaching profession, not through empirical nomenclatures, but on the basis of an analysis of all aspects of the teacher's activity and, secondly, the definition of those requirements that are projected by society.

The construction of a professiogram should be preceded by a study of personality psychology, as well as the specification of the teacher's personal and professional qualities. This task can be solved both on the basis of the use of experimental methods, and through a monographic study of the creative biographies of the masters of pedagogical work.

When justifying the professiogram, psychologists turn to the establishment of a list of pedagogical abilities, which are a synthesis of the qualities of the mind, feelings and will of the individual.

Pedagogical abilities are the totality of individual psychological characteristics of a teacher's personality that meet the requirements of pedagogical activity and determine success in mastering this activity. The difference between pedagogical abilities and pedagogical skills lies in the fact that pedagogical abilities are personality traits, and pedagogical skills are separate acts of pedagogical activity carried out by a person at a high level.

As noted earlier, the complexity of pedagogical activity implies a wide range of abilities that a teacher should have. In this regard, there are various classifications of pedagogical abilities in psychological and pedagogical science. Most authors agree that there are general (necessary for all teachers, regardless of the subject taught) and special (determined by the specifics of the subject taught) pedagogical abilities.

So, V.A.Krutetsky conditionally identifies three groups of general pedagogical abilities: didactic, organizational and communicativeand personal.

Didactic ability.

  • 1. The ability to transmit information to children, making it accessible, to present children with a material or problem clearly and understandably, to arouse interest in the subject, to arouse an active independent thought in students.
  • 2. Expressive speech abilities are the ability to express one's thoughts and feelings in a speech form, colored by expressive facial expressions and pantomime.
  • 3. Academic (cognitive) abilities are associated with the constant need of the teacher to deepen and expand his knowledge in the field of the taught subject.
  • 4. Distributed attention - the ability to distribute attention simultaneously between two or more activities.

Organizational and communication skills.

1. Communicative abilities - the ability for pedagogical communication, which are manifested in the ability to establish, form in oneself a pedagogically expedient position in relation to schoolchildren, which is determined

develops the style and tone of relationships with students (both with the team and with individual students).

  • 2. Pedagogical tact is a sense of proportion in the behavior and treatment of the teacher with students, the ability to find the most appropriate measures of influence on students, taking into account their mental state at the moment, as well as a specific situation.
  • 3. Organizational abilities of a teacher are manifested in two forms. Firstly, in the ability to organize the student collective and, secondly, in the ability to organize oneself as a subject of pedagogical activity.
  • 4. Suggestive abilities (translated from Latin - "based on suggestion") are expressed in the teacher's direct volitional influence on students, in his ability to make demands and achieve their fulfillment.

Personal abilities.

  • 1. Perceptual abilities (from Lat. "Perception" - "perception") is the teacher's ability to perceive the student, and not only his external features, but, mainly, his inner world. This is a kind of insight. Associated with a subtle understanding of the student's personality and his temporary mental states.
  • 2. Pedagogical imagination (or predictive abilities) - the ability of the teacher to foresee with a sufficient degree of probability the consequences of his actions in relation to the student.
  • 3. The ability to self-regulate the emotional sphere and behavior. This general ability can be divided into two components:
    • and) endurance and composure - it is the ability to always, in any environment, in an unforeseen situation, to control oneself, to control one's feelings, temperament, not to lose even for a short time control over one's behavior;
    • b) self-regulation of mental states - the teacher's ability to create an optimal mental state in himself, which is distinguished by energetic confidence, cheerfulness, optimism, benevolence.

A. I. Shcherbakov considers the most important pedagogical abilities: didactic, constructive, perceptual, expressive, communicative and organizational.

N.V. Kuzmina's research reveals such abilities as pedagogical observation, pedagogical imagination, pedagogical tact, distribution of attention, and organizational skills.

F.N.Gonobolin lists and reveals the following abilities necessary for a teacher: the ability to understand the student, the ability to present material in an accessible way, the ability to develop students' interest, organizational skills, pedagogical tact, foreseeing the results of their work, etc.

As can be seen from the above classifications of pedagogical abilities, they equally fully cover the entire structure of pedagogical activity. Their authors only group, classify important abilities and personal qualities of a teacher in different ways.

The teacher carries out the most important social function - the spiritual reproduction of a person, and therefore of society. A teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to transmit knowledge. This is a high mission, the purpose of which is the creation of personality, the establishment of a person in a person. That is why most of the characteristics of a teacher and the requirements for him are set by society, the idea in society about what a good teacher should be and what he should not be.

According to the results of the study, in which it was necessary to describe the desirable and undesirable characteristics of the teacher, personal and professional-pedagogical qualities of teachers were identified, which constitute the polar profile of the "reference" model of the teacher-educator. These include: personal disorganization, inability to organize children to carry out a common task and bring it to the end, lack of initiative, indifferent attitude to pedagogical activity, dislike for schoolchildren, ignorance of their psychology, lack of self-control, endurance, haste, nervousness, compliance, suggestibility.

Based on this, V. A. Slastenin determined the following basic properties and characteristics of the teacher's personality.

  • 1. High civic engagement and social responsibility. Such a teacher will not be indifferent either to the affairs of the country or to the fate of children. The main reference point of his activity is high professional duty. He is able to critically assess his own work and the activities of others, he will not make a deal with his conscience.
  • 2. Love for children, need and ability to give them your heart. A teacher who loves and understands children is capable of pedagogical cooperation with them, parents, colleagues, he sees the main meaning of life in the formation of a growing person's personality. Such a teacher does not “eradicate shortcomings and vices,” but, relying on diagnostics of the pupil's personality, determines the strategy and tactics of its development.
  • 3. Genuine intelligence, spiritual culture, desire and ability to work together with others. He is able to find the correct application of his strengths and abilities in collective pedagogical creativity. He is above petty grievances, ambitions and passions, contributes to the creation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the team. Such a teacher becomes a living example for children.
  • 4. High professionalism, innovative style of scientific and pedagogical thinking, readiness to create new values \u200b\u200band to make creative decisions. The template and stencil is strongly contraindicated for him. The teacher is a creator, he is in a continuous search for non-standard approaches to a constantly developing personality. He is not only able to accurately and accurately act on the model, but also owns the individual style of pedagogical human studies and human studies.

A teacher may not, has no right to stop in his scientific, spiritual, ideological growth. He cannot turn into a milestone that points the way to others, but he himself stands still.

The changing realities of life require the teacher to constantly exert all his forces, great neuropsychological costs, to a certain extent, selflessness and selfless devotion.

In the teacher's professiogram, the leading place is taken by the orientation of his personality.

The socio-moral orientation of the teacher's personality finds its expression in the system of its value orientations, among which the humanistic ones occupy the leading place; orientation towards the personality of the child and its development, towards dialogical communication with him, education of the civic engagement of students, etc.

In the structure of the teacher's personality, a special role belongs to professional and pedagogical orientation. It is the framework around which the main professionally significant properties of the teacher's personality are arranged.

The professional orientation of the teacher's personality is characterized, first of all, by the presence of interest in the teaching profession and teaching vocation. The basis of the pedagogical orientation is the interest in the teaching profession, which finds its expression in a positive emotional attitude towards children, parents, pedagogical activity in general and to its specific types, in the desire to master pedagogical knowledge and skills. A pedagogical vocation, in contrast to pedagogical interest, which can be contemplative, means a tendency that grows out of an awareness of the ability to pedagogical work.

The basis of the pedagogical vocation is love for children. This fundamental quality is a prerequisite for self-improvement, purposeful self-development of many professionally significant qualities that characterize the professional and pedagogical orientation of the teacher.

Among such qualities are pedagogical duty and responsibility. Guided by a sense of pedagogical duty, the teacher is always in a hurry to provide assistance to children and adults, to everyone who needs it, within the limits of their rights and competence; he is demanding of himself, strictly following a peculiar code of pedagogical morality.

The teacher's relationship with colleagues, parents and children, based on an awareness of professional duty and a sense of responsibility, constitutes the essence of pedagogical tact, which is both a sense of proportion, and a conscious dosage of action, and the ability to control it and, if necessary, balance one means with another. The tactics of the teacher's behavior in any case is to, in anticipation of its consequences, choose the appropriate style and tone, time and place of pedagogical action, as well as carry out their timely correction.

Pedagogical tact largely depends on the personal qualities of the teacher, his outlook, culture, will, civic position and professional skill. It is the foundation on which a relationship of trust between teachers and students grows. The pedagogical tact is especially clearly manifested in the control and assessment activities of the teacher, where special attentiveness and justice are extremely important.

Pedagogical justice is a kind of measure of the teacher's objectivity, the level of his moral education. V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote: "Justice is the basis of a child's trust in an educator. But there is no abstract justice - outside of individuality, outside of personal interests, passions, impulses. To become just, you need to know the spiritual world of every child to the subtlety."

The personality traits that characterize the professional and pedagogical orientation of a teacher are a prerequisite and a concentrated expression of his authority. If within the framework of other professions the expressions "scientific authority", "recognized authority in their field", etc., are customary, then the teacher may have a single and indivisible authority of the individual.

The basis of the cognitive orientation of the teacher's personality is formed by spiritual needs and interests.

One of the manifestations of the spiritual forces and cultural needs of the individual is the need for knowledge and the recognition of their intrinsic value. Continuity of pedagogical self-education - necessary condition professional development and improvement of the teacher.

A modern teacher should be well versed in various branches of science, the foundations of which he teaches, to know its capabilities for solving socio-economic, industrial and cultural problems. But this is not enough - he must constantly be aware of new research, discoveries and hypotheses, see the near and far prospects of the pedagogical spider.

Thus, the pedagogical abilities and personal qualities of the teacher play crucial role in the successful implementation of professional activities, are the key to his professional formation and development.

  • Krutetskiy V.A., Balbasova E.G. Pedagogical abilities, their structure, diagnostics, conditions of formation and development. M .: Prometheus, 1991.S. 10-22.
  • V. A. Sukhomlinsky I give my heart to the children. K., 1969.S. 3.

Municipal budgetary children's educational institution

"Kindergarten number 189" Solnyshko "



Chapter 1

Requirements for the personality of a modern teacher

Chapter 2

Personal qualities of a teacher

Chapter 3

Self-regulation of a teacher, methods of his work on himself



"Only the one who owns himself can rule the world."

Francois Voltaire

In other words, only a person with high moral qualities can achieve much. We must be more perfect for ourselves and our children, and this is what our chosen profession - the Teacher - obliges us to do.

The demands made by modern society on the teacher are very high. His professional qualities are judged not only by how much he owns various methods, but also by how well he was brought up. A cultured person, which we want to see a teacher, must own the achievements of behavioral culture, be able to use it in professional activities and personal life. As Rousseau believed, the teacher should be free from human vices, and morally superior to society. Pestalozzi believed that a true teacher should be able to detect and develop positive personal qualities in any child, promoted the ideas of labor and moral education.

1. Requirements for the personality of a modern teacher

Pedagogical theory evaluates the teacher, first of all, as the leader of the educational process, which means that the teacher must have great skill and certain personality traits for the correct performance of this function.

What requirements of modern society should a modern teacher, including an elementary school teacher, meet?

It should be:

- comprehensively developed, creative, businesslike;

- owning national and universal values;

- spiritually developed, having an idea of \u200b\u200breligions, respecting the feelings of believers;

- to be a real citizen - a patriot;

- fluent in scientific knowledge in the field of their specialty, as well as pedagogy, psychology, private methods, etc .;

- those who love children and their profession, who trust their students, who strive to form a comprehensively developed personality in each of them;

- free and creative thinking, demanding and fair.

Pedagogical activity, due to its complexity and versatility, requires great responsibility from teachers, because they are responsible not only for the knowledge of students, but also for their readiness for further study, for work and life in society.

A person who has chosen the profession of a teacher must be healthy, balanced, calm, his speech must be correct and understandable to everyone. The teacher must be able to find a common language with each student, be fair and demanding to everyone equally, including himself. He must be able to collaborate with colleagues at work, psychologists, doctors, as well as with the parents of students.

The well-known teacher L.N. Uznadze, assessing the importance of the teacher's personality in teaching children, emphasized: even if the child does not realize the meaning of teaching, through the process of cognition he develops his abilities and capabilities.

Due to its intensity, pedagogical activity requires a person to constantly search for new technologies, methods and means that meet modern requirements.

Only one who has dedicated his life to children, who himself possesses the qualities that he instills in his students, can be a master teacher. The new generation can only be brought up by a new thinking and creatively working teacher. In the process of mastering the teaching skills, the teacher must constantly communicate with more experienced colleagues, study and creatively apply their experience.

2. Personal qualities of the teacher

An individual participates in the training system as a consumer and as an executor of educational functions. From this point of view, the teacher should be a comprehensively developed person who, in addition to the professionally necessary knowledge, skills, abilities and abilities, has certain personal qualities.

Children 6-7 years old come to primary school, and this is a special group of children with their own specific spiritual world, with their own interests and capabilities.

What kind of person should a teacher be who teaches and educates younger students?

First, the teacher must perceive children as they are, with all their shortcomings, and not choose the best. Doing good to children is not a desire, but the teacher's appointment to bring goodness and mercy to people.

Secondly, the teacher must understand children.

Third, he must take care of their future.

While teaching and educating children, the teacher must take care of developing their respect for national and universal values. For younger students, the first teacher is the main source of information about these values; through him, children learn the world around them and learn its values.

The teacher must be a real patriot, since only a true patriot can instill in children love for the Motherland.

The activity of a teacher-educator requires from him great social responsibility, ideological perseverance, conscientiousness, political reliability, spiritual culture and high morality. These and many other qualities of a teacher should be a guideline for students, since in a junior school age one of the powerful means of education is the example of adults, including the personality of the first teacher.

The teacher must know well each child, his interests and needs, his abilities and capabilities. Awareness of the importance of national values \u200b\u200bin the moral formation of the personality of a younger student, his worldview and spirituality is an integral part of the personality of the teacher himself and the guarantee of his successful activity.

The main personal qualities of a teacher also include persistent conviction, high morality, civic responsibility, humanism - in a word, he should be the ideal for his students.

The teacher's ability to quickly get close to people, communicate with them, avoiding conflicts, is also important, since communication is the basis of pedagogical activity.

The teacher's behavior, his communication with colleagues, students and their parents should be subordinate not only to national, but also to universal norms of morality. He must build his activities on the basis of the norms (rules) of pedagogical tact and ethics, subjecting his behavior and worldview to them. Professional ethics helps a teacher to remain calm and self-possessed in difficult situations, which ensures successful work and increases his authority in the team.

The following features of the teacher's personality can be distinguished:

1. Modesty is one of the most important qualities of a teacher, necessary for both a leader and an ordinary teacher. This quality helps him to maintain his authority, to be objective in assessing any situations and solving problems.

2. Generosity - traditionally has always been inherent in teachers, it reflects, regardless of gender and age, the humane nature of teaching.

3. Openness - characterizes the behavior and attitude of the teacher towards people at work, at home, in public places.

4. Personal positive example - for this, the teacher should try to:

- be natural and modern;

- be tactful in behavior;

- perfectly master the culture of interpersonal communication;

- be intelligent, independent and creative thinking;

- be convinced, have a broad outlook.

5. Tolerance - manifests itself in the following situations:

- in relationships with violators of discipline, unsuccessful;

- in expressing one's opinion on various conflict situations;

- in the process of overcoming difficulties associated with the internal regulations of the educational institution.

6. Sincerity - manifests itself in the following situations:

- in the formation of human ideals, needs;

- in the culture of interpersonal communication;

- in everyday behavior;

- in a friendly attitude towards people.

7. High morality of the teacher:

- allows you to strictly adhere to moral norms, regardless of the emotional state, stress;

- in the implementation of behavior skills;

- in the culture of speech, which requires avoiding offensive words, rudeness and obscene expressions, boasting and arrogance.

In addition, young teachers should try to master such qualities as high spirituality, dedication to the profession, social activity, enterprise, organization and others, since they really help to increase the effectiveness of teaching work.

2. Self-regulation of the teacher, methods of his work on himself

The work of a teacher is honorable, but very difficult, since his activity consists of many diverse and rapidly changing situations, and this requires from the teacher a lot of self-control, the ability to regulate his emotional state.

Self-regulation is the highest level of self-improvement of a person, his ability to manage his mental and emotional state.

Each person differs from others as a person, which means that all people have a different degree of self-regulation and the external signs of expression of emotions are different for everyone. Some people openly express their feelings (facial expressions, gestures, speech, etc.), others skillfully hide them, and still others betray their feelings with their voice, eyes. It is very important for a teacher to be able to manage their emotions - when you need to hide them, and in certain situations, express your attitude to what is happening on purpose. If a teacher does not possess a culture of communication, if he does not know how to control himself, he can complicate an already difficult situation. At the same time, if he learns to manage his feelings, to hide them, this will help him, while maintaining external calmness, find the right way out of a difficult situation and thereby prevent the conflict or ease it. It must be remembered that a lack of self-control, external manifestations of anger can lead to a stressful state, which, naturally, harms not only health, but also the authority of the teacher.

In such cases, as the Roman poet Horace said, "... in anger, a hastily made decision indicates a lack of intelligence." A stressful state can be prevented or alleviated only at the very beginning of an “explosive” situation - a person must inspire himself “I must be calm, I must extinguish my emotions, I must not show them to other people” - repeating these words several times until he calms down ...

As Jonathan Swift rightly pointed out, “. being angry with others is like taking revenge on yourself. " A person who realizes the correctness of these words and accepts them as the rule of his life can be an optimist. Of course, in difficult situations, when you have to fight for the truth, to protect the weak, the expression of anger is appropriate, and then the teacher does not need to suppress his emotions. However, in such situations, a person loses the ability to objectively assess the situation and may make a mistake.

To be cheerful, optimistic, you need to learn to avoid negative emotions, conflict situations, see the causes of conflicts in time, and repay them in a timely manner.

Let us recall the words of the famous teacher A.S. Makarenko: "... first you have to be a citizen in order to fully devote yourself to the struggle for justice."

The teacher should not waste his time on trifles, he should devote all his attention to important matters, otherwise everyday quarrels, scandals that cause negative emotions can engulf him. If he is constantly angry, spoils his relationships with the people around him, then this is unacceptable when it comes to the teaching profession.

Of course, even a highly morally developed teacher may have certain disadvantages. But each person, in principle, is able to improve his spiritual world. To do this, he needs to change his moral views, first of all, to expand the circle of his positive human qualities.

The process of self-education of a teacher includes the following stages. 1 - introspection, 2 - self-esteem, 3 - self-programming, 4 - self-control and 5 - self-correction.

The success of self-education depends on the teacher's ability to constantly work on himself, in this he should be given practical help school psychologist, however, the teacher must gradually learn to independently analyze their strengths and weaknesses, to determine the ways of self-improvement.

Only a teacher who systematically works on himself can become a real master.


Teaching is an art, work no less creative than the work of a writer or composer, but more difficult and responsible. The teacher addresses the human soul not through music, like a composer, not with the help of colors, like an artist, but directly. He educates with his personality, his knowledge and love, his attitude to the world.
However, a teacher, to a much higher degree than an artist, must influence his audience, contribute to the formation of the worldview of his wards, give them a scientific picture of the world, awaken a sense of beauty, a sense of decency and justice, make them literate and make them believe in themselves, in their words. ... At the same time, unlike the actor, he is forced to work in the feedback mode: he is constantly asked various questions, including insidious ones, and they all require comprehensive and convincing answers. A real teacher, a Teacher with a capital letter, is a person who gives birth to, forms other personalities (ideally, together with the family). For this, he needs not only attention and respect from his students, from the whole society.
A teacher is not only a profession, the essence of which is to transfer knowledge, but also a high mission of creating a personality, establishing a person in a person.

I would like to remind us all of the requirements of the code of pedagogical ethics in relation to children:

Never punish children;

Do not compare children with each other, do not set others as an example;

Do not expose children to shame (do not scold in front of everyone, do not force them to ask for forgiveness);

Do not reproach children;

Don't complain about them to your parents;

Do not offend;

Do not order, do not demand harshly;

Ensure success in all matters, and especially in creativity, through a reasonable dose of help;

Praise from the heart;

Believe and trust unconditionally;

Agree, find a common opinion, give in to desires;

To forgive sincerely

List of sources used

- Kovalev A.G. Personality educates itself. / A.G. Kovalev - M., "Iris-press", 1993

L36 Legal pedagogy: textbook / K.M. Levitan. - M .: Norma, 2008.

Amonashvili Sh.A. The personal and humane basis of the teaching profession. –Minsk, 1990.-С.27

- (http://reihorn.narod.ru/)

The profession of a teacher requires from a person not only a deep knowledge of the content and methodology of teaching a subject, but also the presence of a number of professionally significant qualities. Today there are many special professiograms in which personality traits that play a dominant role in the teacher's professional activity are determined.

Modern professiograms should include not only pedagogical, psychological, but also moral and ethical qualities of the teacher's personality, which is due to the mass practice of pedagogical didactogenies among the children's audience.

The analysis of the moral aspects of pedagogical activity allowed a number of researchers to identify the main groups of moral pedagogical qualities teacher:

The moral choice and attitude of the teacher to his profession,

The moral attitude of the teacher to students and to other participants in the pedagogical process,

The moral attitude of the teacher to the social environment and social life.

However, from our point of view, a clearer and more complete classification of professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality is given by those researchers who take into account the moral behavior of a person as the main link in a teacher's activity.

Professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality(classification by V.I. Zhuravlev)

1.Intelligent parameters:

Speaking and writing proficiency,

Readiness for self-improvement,

Self-criticism, calmness, wit, sense of humor,

Good memory, erudition.

2. Worldview orientation:

Desire to work with children,

Love for the profession,

Honesty, firmness,

Having a professional position,

The desire to give yourself to children. 3. Psychotypological qualities:

Will, firmness,


Self-control, self-regulation,

Restraint, poise,

Courage, resilience,


4. Extraverted qualities:

Altruism, benevolence, communication,

Affection, mercy, tenderness,

Fairness and respect for the student,


Highlighting such qualities as mercy, understanding, tenderness, respect for the student and others, focuses on the sphere of the teacher's moral feelings. Emotional life and culture of moral feelings of a teacher reflects his moral level and is the most important means of education. By their psychological nature, feelings are stable conditional reflex formations in a person's consciousness, which constitute the basis of his affective-volitional reactions in various situations.

What qualities should a good teacher have? Teachers-practitioners, whose activities were dominated by the humanistic principle, also tried to answer this question. However, pedagogical humanists (J. Korchak and others) considered these "qualities" not as postulates, but as necessary skills, indicators of the teacher's true mastery:

Ability to be interested in the child's feelings, opinions and statements,

The ability to "bend over to the child and listen"

The ability to provide the child with relative freedom, relieve him of constant care,

The ability to be kind and fair,

Ability not to censure children,

The ability to find a zest in every child and reveal it,

The ability to trust the pupil in the independent organization of his life,

The ability to patiently wait for the time when the child's abilities are revealed,

The ability to give children tenderness, kindness, love,

Ability to support the weak, withdrawn, unlucky, rejected by everyone,

The ability to pass someone else's insult through your heart,

The ability to create such conditions for the child that will give him the opportunity to become better and thereby bring joy to the teacher.

From the point of view of pedagogical ethics, it is also possible to single out cry-

territories of pedagogical professionalism, the mastery of which can be included in the obligatory complex of professionally significant qualities:

tolerance(multiple answers to the questions of pupils, the absence of a "repressive" reaction to children's pranks),

benevolence(tone, style of speech, behavior),

sensitivity(the ability to conduct a survey in the classroom, without suppressing the personality of the student, not "catching" him out of ignorance),

equilibrium(a single style of communication, both with "easy" and "difficult" pupils),

refinement(guarding children's feelings),


general humanity(love for every student).

Any classification model or professiogram is ideal and static. In pedagogical practice, the diversity of the teacher's personal qualities is manifested in dynamics, where it is quite difficult to draw a line between what is positively assessed by students in the personality of the teacher and what the teacher himself highly values \u200b\u200bas a professional.

Research in the field of professionally significant qualities of a teacher's personality as a whole gives extremely polar results. positionstrainees (schoolchildren, students) qualitative characteristics were distributed as follows:

1) benevolence, fairness, responsiveness of the teacher,

2) deep knowledge of the subject, professionalism,

3) scientific activity (scientific publications, academic degrees, etc.)

Positions themselves educatorsthe main indicator of the teacher's professional activity is his desire for scientific activity (participation

in scientific and practical conferences, the development of new curricula, etc.), moral and ethical qualities on the ranking scale occupy the lower positions along with some other indicators.

Thus, it is not surprising that the teacher is not always able to find mutual understanding with the children's audience and communicate with pupils on equal terms.

It should be remembered that the children's audience evaluates the teacher primarily by moral qualities:

Kindness - 64.1%, - sincerity - 51.8%,

Fairness in grading - 41.2%, - deep knowledge of the subject - 40%,

Understanding of students, the ability to win them over, to penetrate into their soul - 22.5%),

Equal attitude towards everyone - 22.5%, - caring, ability to rejoice at success - 20%,

Honesty, frankness, truthfulness - 18.1%,


Forgiveness - 11.1%,

Responsiveness, sincerity - 11.1%,

Ability to explain material well - 10.5%,

Erudition - 9.9%,

Demanding, adherence to principles, strictness, sense of humor - 7%,

Patience, calmness, politeness - 5.9%.

The core of all pedagogical qualities, as V.A. Karakovsky, serves to obtain satisfaction from caring for others: "Kindness is a bright altruistic orientation, an attitude towards constant, daily goodness, absolute disinterestedness, fostering the habit of caring for people and getting pleasure from this care."


What professionally significant qualities from the point of view of communication ethics must be shown to a teacher in the following situations:

1. A student smeared another student's chair with Moment glue. The students laughed. The injured student cried.

2. A student brought a pigeon to class and released it during class. The lesson was disrupted, the children jumped with excitement and caught the pigeon.

3. The student poured water into an inflatable ball. I threw it in class at the lesson. The ball was jumping. The disciples laughed.

4 the student complained class teacherthat he was undeservedly given a two. I forgot my homework notebook at home, but claims to have completed my homework completely.
