Each person, representing a person, is in certain relationships with reality, with the surrounding people. These relationships determine the behavior, the moral appearance of the personality. It is clear that in the behavior of a person, his attitude towards phenomena and objects of reality is always expressed in his practical activity, to comrades, to the team, to their duties, to themselves. Thus, the individual peculiarity of the relationship of a particular person to the environment is due to public relations, the peculiarities of education and training. The external conditions in which a person is located, the process of socialization and determine the formation of its character traits.

Character is an individual combination of the most stable, essential traits of a person who express his attitude to reality and manifest themselves in behavior.

The impact of the outside world, determining the behavior of a person, is reflected in the views of the concrete people, beliefs, worldview, correspondingly transforming. Therefore, the formation of beliefs, ideals, worldviews, various knowledge is one of the basic conditions of character formation. Character combines the direction of intellectual, emotional and volitional qualities of the person.

To form a character, an important prerequisite is the development of a motivational consumer sphere. S. L. Rubinstein wrote that motives encouraging behavior are fixed in the act and become a feature.

Emotions are associated with manifestation and formation of character. According to V. D. Sadrikov, the experiences are organized by the entire inner world and determine the forms of behavior, which, as well as the motives, acquire stability and turn into a character line.

If the temperament determines the dynamic side of the behavior, then the character is meaningful.

15.2. Basic character traits

The character is expressed by the most typical, essential features of a person whose knowledge allows to somehow foresee how a person will come in certain situations. Character arises and is formed in society. Typical traits of society are manifested in the nature of each person in different ways, depending on its interests, abilities, feelings, motives, that is, those "internal conditions" (according to S. L. Rubinstein), through which all external influences are refracted, which creates individuality Personality.

Character is a holistic education, the unity of the mental properties of the individual. But this is an integer, like any other whole, consists of certain parts, components, links.

The foundation of character structures make up character traits. There are several groups or types of character traits. Some of them express the moral orders of the individual, that is, the attitude towards society, the team, to the comrades, to itself. Others are an expression of the peculiarities of the will of a person.

The human attitude to other people express such traits such as collectivism, humanity, sensitivity, sincerity and truthfulness.

Humanity - character trait expressing heart attitude towards man. Humane attitude means love for man, mentality and friendly attitude in handling people.

Closely related to humanity sensitivity. Sureness is the expression of humanity. Sureness means attentive attitude towards a person, respect for him, sympathy for his experiences, aspirations.

The opposite features of collectivism and humanity are such negative traits of character as individualism and egoism.

Hardworking is called a trait of character, manifested in the desire and man's desire to work. In work, a person has a sense of joy, a sense of moral satisfaction. The joy of the labor process and its results, satisfaction from the public assessment of the work of a particular person serve as necessary factors in the formation of his needs to work.

An important feature of the character expressing the attitude of a person to the results of its work and to the work of other people is thrift. A tearsful person is aware that each thing is created by the labor efforts of many people and should be carefully referred to everything that they created the mind and hands of a person.

Negative attitude towards work is expressed in such negative features of character, like laziness, negligence, cosiness.

Being in social relations with other people, each person realizes itself as a person and in a certain way relates to his behavior, to his actions. Enchanting in practice, this definite attitude towards itself turns into a character line. The main features of the nature expressing attitudes towards their personality are modesty, self-criticalness, self-esteem.

In contrast to modesty, it is sometimes possible to observe such negative traits of character as the zaznimacy, arrogance, arrogance, expressing exaggerated self-conceit.

The volitional features of the character include purposefulness, independence, determination, perseverance, excerpt.

All listed personality features and a number of others, uniting and mutually caused by a single whole - character. Completeness, integrity, specific certainty of nature depend on the combination of different character traits,

Character is a lifetime formation. The main role in the formation of character in the child plays his communication with the surrounding people. The style of communication and ways of interaction with the child are important for becoming a character. From early childhood, the child absorbs the forms of behavior in the family. With the expansion of communication circle in learning and education, new character traits are laid. In adolescent and youthful age, work is on themselves - self-education. An efficient means of nature formation is activities.

The structure of the character is dynamic, efficiently rebuilding throughout the personnel of the person, but some features of the nature that the dominant motives cost are maintained for many years.
Questions and tasks:

1. What is character?

2. How are motivation and character related?

3. What affects the formation of character?

4. What are the main features of character?

5. Describe the character traits in which the attitude of a person to other people is manifested.

6. What are the features of character formation in preschool and school age?
Recommended literature:

1. HippenReuter Yu. B. . Introduction to general psychology. Lecture course. - M., 2006.

2. Ilyin E. P. . Psychology of individual differences. - S. Pb., 2004.

3. Maklakov A. G. . General psychology. - S. Pb., 2008.

4. Orlov Yu. M. . Self-knowledge and self-education character. - M., 1987.

5. Rubinstein S. L. . Basics of general psychology. - S. Pb., 2000.

6. Shadrikov V.D. . The world of man's life. - M., 2006.

Chapter 16.


16.1. General concept of abilities

The successful activity of a person is largely determined by the degree of development and formation of its abilities.

Under the abilities understand those mental properties that serve as a necessary condition for high-quality performance of a particular activity. B. M. Heat allocated three signs of abilities:

- these are individually psychological features that distinguish one person from another

- these are those of which the success of the activity depends

- Abilities are not reduced to knowledge, skills and skills, but can explain the ease of their acquisition.

When we talk about the abilities, we always have in mind the ability to do anything defined - to mathematics, literature, visual art, music, design, etc. Any ability to have the ability to any activity. At the same time, there are such abilities that manifest themselves in most types of human activity. Thus, human abilities are divided into special and general.

Special abilities - These are the abilities that are manifested only in certain types of human activity (artistic, musical, mathematical abilities and others).

Common There are such abilities that are in one way or another in all types of human activities, for example, intellectual abilities that are manifested in intelligence and resourcefulness, fast and deep memorization of the material, the rapid switching of attention, criticality and independence of the mind and others.

Special abilities, due to the specific features of the specific activity, are characterized by certain, inherent in this type of abilities of the features.

To date, there are different points of view on the nature of the abilities. One of the most common is the approval of the congenital abilities. But there is another point of view. Domestic psychology recognizes that the abilities are not given to a person from the moment of birth in the finished form. They are not congenital human properties, are not inherited.

A person is born with deposits (natural prerequisites for the development of abilities), which are congenital anatomy physiological characteristics of the body.

Of great importance are the features of the nervous system, the features of the brain structure. These features affect the development of other deposits and further on the development of abilities to any type of activity.

For the successful development of abilities to concrete activities, appropriate deposits are needed. For example, the artist is very important to the properties of the visual analyzer (accurate determination of proportions, colors, and so on), good visual memory. But in itself, the presence of deposits has not yet solved the issue of manifestation and development of abilities. It is necessary to occupy relevant activities, only the ability is possible.

The depositors are the basis, without which the development of abilities is unthinkable. But the abilities can only be formed in the presence of favorable conditions. Thus, the decisive factor in the formation and development of abilities is the public environment, activities.

It is clear that the various living conditions, various labor activities contribute to a more intensive development of some of those corresponding to these living conditions, the specifics of specific labor activities, human abilities, and, on the contrary, inhibit or do not allow other abilities at all.

The development of abilities is organically related to mastering the specific personality accumulated as a result of the historical development of humanity material and spiritual culture, knowledge.

The development of abilities is possible only in conditions of activity, in the face of learning knowledge, skills and skills. And it's not by chance that the abilities are judged primarily in terms of knowledge of knowledge, skills. However, the abilities and knowledge, skills are not the same. A close, inseparable link between the abilities and knowledge, the skills of a person manifests itself in the fact that the process of forming any ability is possible only due to the assimilation of knowledge and skills, while the presence of abilities promotes the fastest and relatively easy mastering knowledge and skills.

16.2. Concept of abilities V. D. Sadrikova

Considering the essence of the abilities, V. D. Sadrikov notes that they relate to the category properties. But not any properties of the thing, but the functional, which manifests itself in the process of functioning and ensures the effectiveness of the implementation of some function. Accordingly, mental abilities can be considered as the properties of the brain, in particular, functional systems performing various mental functions. Thus, the abilities are the properties of functional systems that implement a certain mental function that have an individual measure of severity, manifested in the success of mastering and performing activities.

In the concept of V. D. Shadrikova, the structure of abilities is considered as the integration of the three types of mechanisms - functional, due to the biological development of a person, the most introduced operational mechanisms and motivational (regulating) mechanisms.

For example, the functional mechanisms of meremic abilities constitutes a genotypically determined functional memory system. Operational mechanisms of monkered abilities are methods of processing the stored material, which lead to an increase in memory productivity: grouping, reference points, mesmerous plan, recoding, association, completion, seriation, analogy, classification, structure, schematization, systematization, mnemotechnical techniques, repetition.

The development of meremic abilities is as follows: the development of functional mechanisms; The emergence and development of operating mechanisms; development of links between functional and operating mechanisms; the emergence and development of regulatory mechanisms; Development of a system of functional, operating and regulatory mechanisms.

In the theory of V. D. Shadrikova, the abilities are considered in three aspects - as the ability of the individual, the subject of activity and personality.

V.D. Shadrikov Professional abilities W Moscow ° University book ° 2010 UDC 159.9 BBK 88.4 Ш16 Book Pidgpitven on unnecessary studies, Epiphandh at the FinapShvius of the Foundation of the Foundation of Y-BIII3 in the framework of the Puchp-student student of the Prpkkta N2 09-01-0044 «IiCuxu / Men): Prgepsian »Reviewers Yul Covarnok, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professon16 ISBN ha.<...> ISBN 978-5-98699-134-4 considered ideological, methodological and theoretical problems studies common and professional abilities.<...> Principles of Professionthre of Aticheskoto is a mistake of activity, the attitude of the abilities and competence of the subject is disclosed on this basis. affairs, the possibility of developing a professional standard.<...> It can be used when a feet of personnel on the psychological and teacher to the directions (specialty / t) of universities, as well as when improving the KVADshftitkashch practical workshops involved in 1) ECC1 "IOHAJI: LH: M1V [learning, trade-breeding and career guidance. UDC 159.9 VKK 88.4 978-5-98699-134-4 © Shadrikov V.D., 2010 © University Book, 2010 On the primacy Introduction Chapter 1.<...> Ideological and methodological problems studies Professional abilities.<...> 45 Theoretical views on the ability in work domestic psychologists . <...> 132 Category of activity and its application to problem Professional abilities 134 Professional abilities . 144 In the system of determining the success of action.<...> Psychological analysis Activities - the basis of identifying professional abilities 6 Table of contents Chapter 4.<...> ProfessionalNight Standard I. abilities 196 Abilities, Competence and competence 196 Professional Standard model from the standpoint of a functional system of activity (on the example of pedagogical activities).<...> 226 European structure qualifications For education during life ....<...> However, depending on the ideological and political installations, methodological and theoretical views and approaches, the concept of "abilities<...>


V.D. Sadrikov Professional abilities Moscow  University book  2010


UDC 159.9 BBK 88.4 Ø16 The book was prepared on the basis of research performed with the financial support of the GU-HSE Scientific Foundation within the framework of the research project ¹ 09-01-0044 "Psychology of professional abilities" Reviews Yu.P. Copyrovkov, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor G.A. Suvorov, Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Professor Sadrikov V.D. Sh16 Professional abilities / V.D. Shadrikov. - M.: University Science, 2010. - 320 ñ. ISBN 978-5-98699-134-4 The ideological, methodological and theoretical problems of studying general and professional abilities are considered. The principles of studying abilities, features of professional testing and interpretation of the results obtained are formulated. The content of the concept of "professional abilities" is disclosed. Illuminated the relationship of professional abilities with common abilities. The place and importance of abilities in the system of activity as leading determinants of success are considered. Examples of a professional description of activities are given, on this basis, the attitude of the ability and competence of the subject of activity, the possibility of developing a professional standard are disclosed. The development of general and professional abilities in educational and employment activities is shown. For scientists and specialists in the field of psychology and pedagogy. It can be used in the training of personnel on the psychological and pedagogical areas (specialties) of universities, as well as to improve the skills of practical workers engaged in vocational training, vocational training and vocational guidance. UDC 159.9 BBK 88.4 ISBN 978-5-98699-134-4 © Shadrikov Â.ä., 2010 © University, 2010


Table of Contents Introduction ................................................ ....................................... 7 Chapter 1. Ideological and methodological problems of studying professional abilities .................................................. .............. 11 The ideological problems of the study of the studio ........................................... ......................................... 12 Methodological Problems of Studying Joints .... .................................................. ................. 15 CHAPTER 2. THEORETICAL PROBLEMS OF STUDY STUDY ..................................... .............................................. 45 The first ideas about human abilities ......... 45 The theorial views on the abilities in the works of domestic ïñèõããããã .............................. .................. 49 Theoretical views on the abilities in the works of foreign psychologists ....................... ............................ 110 Genetic conditioning abilities ............. . 118 Early manifestation of abilities .................................. 121 Abilities Theory Â.ä. Shadrikova .......................... 122 Chapter 3. Professional abilities ................. ...... 132 General concepts of activity and the need ................. 132 Category of activity and its application to the problem of professional use ........... .. 134 Professional abilities in the system determinant successful activity ...... 144 Psychological analysis of activities - the basis of identifying professional abilities ............. 175


6      ............ 197 Abilities and Customer .................................. ......... 226 European qualifications structure for education during life ................................ .. 230 CHAPTER 5. Development of the use of .......................................... 237 General development characteristics. Defining concepts ................................................ ............................... 237 Determination: ................ ................................................. 240 Development of abilities of the work activity ......... .................................................. ........... 290 Conclusion ..................................... ......................................... 298 Subject ...... .................................................. . 300 Named pointer .............................................. .................. 314 Literature .............................. ................................................. 316.

In your understanding of the abilities, we will proceed from the theory of abilities that the author has developed over the past 25 years. The essence is the next.
The theory is based on two assumptions: the ability is the properties of functional systems that implement individual mental functions; ^ -functions are generic forms of activity and can be described as functional activities.
In the ability theory developed by us, it was shown that the category can understand this fundamental for psychology, only considering the abilities in three dimensions: individual, subject of activity and personality.
Man's ability as an individual reflect their natural (biological) essence. They were formed to ensure the survival of a person in natural natural conditions. The ability of the individual is the properties of its functional systems that implement individual mental cognitive and psychomotor functions that have an individual measure of severity and manifested in the success and qualitative originality of the knowledge of the surrounding objective world and the organization of adaptive behavior (including vital activity).
The ability of a person as a subject of activity is developing on the basis of the natural abilities of the individual. Under the influence of the requirements of the activity, the natural abilities of the individual acquire the features of efficiency, operational mechanisms develop, natural abilities are included in the psychological functional systems that implement subject and perfect activities.
It can be argued that human abilities as a subject of activity are the properties of functional systems of abilities, in the structure of which the abilities of the individual function (natural abilities). As well as the ability of the individual, the ability of the subject of activity has an individual material of severity and manifest themselves in the success and qualitative originality of the development and implementation of activities.
The ability of the subject of activity is the manifestation of the abilities of the individual in specific activities, completed by intellectual operations and in a developed form implemented by the psychological functional system, an isomorphic psychological system of activity.
The leading role in the development of the ability of the subject of activity is played by processes: mastering the subject with its abilities through the mastering of intellectual operations; Thin adaptability of abilities to the conditions of activity (giving them the features of efficiency, according to D.A. Oshanin)
The abilities of a person as a person is the ability of a subject of activity, set under the ethics of personality. The ability of the individual was formed in the process of phylogenesis and provided primarily to the survival of the individual in nature; The ability to the subject of activity, developing on the basis of natural abilities, ensure effective performance, and personality's abilities manifest themselves in the actions of a person, providing social knowledge of a strictly non-deterministic world, since people entering into cooperation have freedom and will.
The above understanding of the abilities allows you to answer a number of topical issues.

More on the theory of abilities V.D. Shadrikova:

  1. Chapter22.Toria Rational Expectations and Modern Money Theory
  • 3.1. Concept of abilities
  • 3.2. Self-actualization and ability
  • 3.3. Abilities and activities
  • 3.4. Spiritual abilities
  • Subject of activity
  • Ethnic Individuality
  • 3.5. Analysis and transformation of criteria of classifications of abilities (mental processes)
  • Refined scheme of bases of classifications of mental processes
  • The basis of classifications of species of mental processes
  • 3.6. Analysis of the properties of mental processes, attention and psychomotoric
  • Properties of the productivity of mental processes
  • 3.7. The structure of cognitive abilities
  • 3.8. Psychology of special abilities
  • Feeling
  • 4. Psychology of common abilities
  • 4.1. About scientist-poet
  • 4.2. Creative personality and her life path
  • 4.3. Approach V.N. Druzhinina and N.V. Hazratova
  • 4.4. Psychogenetic Creativity and Trainability
  • 4.5. Trainability, creativity and intelligence
  • 5. Metacter approach in developing the problem of abilities (A.V. Karpov)
  • 5.1. Tasks and hypothesis research
  • 5.2. On the concept of personal integral abilities
  • 5.3. Reflexivity in the structure of common abilities
  • Rating correlation coefficients between the level of development of common abilities
  • The results of "Koshogol" factorization
  • Values \u200b\u200bof structural "scales" of variables included in the first factor1
  • Factorization results according to the "Main Component" method
  • The coefficients of linear correlation between the level of reflexivity and scores on the subtests "Test of mental abilities"
  • Indicators of the significance of differences between high and low-profile tests when performing subtests "Test mental abilities"
  • 5.4. Level status of metacognitive abilities
  • 6. Psychology of multilateral and special abilities
  • 6.3. On the psychology of musical abilities
  • Analysis of some components of musical abilities
  • Average frequencies of vowel formant (in Hz)
  • 6.5. Genesis of musical perception
  • Perception of musical rhythm
  • 6.7. Musical memory
  • 6.8. The main causes of failure in musical activity (E.F. Yashchenko)
  • 6.9. Psychology of literary abilities
  • Personality
  • 6.11. A brief overview of mathematical studies
  • 6.12. Pedagogical abilities
  • 6.13. Metacdial characteristics of the teacher
  • Psychic stress resistance
  • 6.14. Artistic and creative abilities
  • Major Professional Requirements for Individual Features of the Artist of Ballet
  • 7. Study of self-actualization as the ability of students of different training
  • 7.1. The possibilities of creative self-development of the personality of students (on the material of the study of the type of personality, character accentuations and their conjugacy)
  • Value orientation of temperament types
  • 7.2. Models of perceptual and social orientation of the identity of students of different training
  • 7.3. Professional and personal qualities and value orientations of students of the Faculty of Service and Light Industry
  • Research methodology
  • Results of research and discussion
  • Professional Quarries on J. Holland
  • 7. 4. Features of self-actualization of students of economic and technical faculties
  • Material and techniques
  • Results and its discussion
  • 7.5. Differences between the symptoms of personal traits among students of economic and technical faculties with high and low levels of self-actualization
  • Factor mapping of the structure of the identity of students of economic and technical faculties having a high and low levels of development of self-actualization, after varimax rotation
  • 7.6. Family and professional differences in self-actualization
  • Methodik
  • results
  • Average values \u200b\u200bof test indicators p. Kettell and SAT in students of economic and technical faculties (dispersion analysis)
  • Data used for dispersion analysis of the sample of students of economic and technical faculties of various sexes and the level of self-actualization
  • Data dispersion analysis and levels of significance of the differences in the individual and psychological properties of students of economic and technical faculties of various sexes and the level of self-actualization
  • The discussion of the results
  • 7.7. Value-sense concept of self-actualization
  • Symptom complex differences of personal features and sense-sensitive orientations of students of different faculties
  • Symptom complex differences in personal traits and sense-sensitive orientations of students of different faculties with high and low levels of self-actualization (CA)
  • 3 stage. Comparative analysis of the relationships of personal features and sense-sensitive orientations in students with high and low levels of Ca.
  • Conclusion and conclusions
  • Conclusion
  • General list of literature
  • 3. Psychology of abilities (V.D. Shadrikov)

    Vladimir Dmitrievich Sadrikov The right is considered one of the founders of the Yaroslavl psychological school and the favorite teacher of many generations of psychologists.

    In 1962 he graduated from the branch of mathematics and physics of the Yaroslavl State Pedagogical Institute and until 1965 he worked as a teacher, the school director, the Rono inspector in the Magadan region. From 1965 to 1968 He studied in graduate school on psychology, after graduation he worked as a senior teacher of the Department of Psychology Yagi. Unusual hardworking and performance allowed him a limited period to carry out a difficult experimental study and until the end of the graduate student of protecting the dissertation. After the transition to Yargu in 1970 V.D. Shadrikov is the organizer not only the training, but also of the scientific work on the psychology of labor and engineering psychology. In 1972, he is appointed by the Dean of the Faculty and Hears the Department of Engineering Psychology and Labor Psychology. Since 1976 - Vice-Rector of the University of Research. Despite the greater loading of administrative, educational and social work, V.D. Shadrikov completes the work on the doctoral dissertation and successfully protects it in 1977. In 1978 he was awarded the title of professor.

    In 1982, Sadrikov V.D. It becomes a rector of the Pedagogical Institute, then the Deputy Minister of Education of the USSR and leaves Yaroslavl, continuing to raise its graduate students in it, doctoral students. Now V.D. Shadrikov is the supervisor of the Faculty of Psychology, Director of the Institute for the establishment of the Institute for the Development of the Education of the GU-HSE (Higher School of Economics). His scholarships: Professor, Academician RAO, Honored Worker of the Higher School of Russian Education (1998), Winner of the President of the President of the Russian Federation in Education (1998), Laureate of the Premium Prize of the Presidium RAS. S.L. Rubinstein per cycle of scientific papers on psychology of abilities (1996), a valid member of a number of sectoral academies. The author of many articles, tutorials and monographs.

    Domestic psychology is obliged to develop and implement a number of research programs in the field of professional and general abilities, and the main thing is to resume work on understanding the theoretical foundations of the psychology of common abilities.

    3.1. Concept of abilities

    Trudy V.D. Shadrikova in the field of study of the psychology of abilities are in domestic science fundamental and highly competent, kind of classics. One of the first V.D. Shadrikov declared spiritual abilities as a subject of scientific knowledge.

    In this chapter, we give partial text of the well-known tutorials V.D. Shadrikova "" Psychology of the activity and ability of a person "and" spiritual abilities "as an expression of a certain copyright position.

    The category "ability" refers to the main categories of psychology. Aristotle allocated 10 main categories, which came out everything that is subject to understanding: substance, quantity, quality, attitude, place, time, position, possession, action, suffering. Three categories are distinguished as the most common: item, property (or quality) things, the ratio of one thing to another. Therefore, the ability can be considered or as a thing, or as a property of a thing, or as a ratio of one thing to another. We often face expressions like: Diamond is able to cut the glass; Atom is able to share; Green leaf is able to absorb solar energy; the cell is able to move from the state of rest in the state of activity; The brain is able to reflect the objectively existing world, etc.

    From the above it follows that the concept of "ability" is referred to not only to person, but also to any of the inorganic and organic world, naturally or artificially created, located at different stages of evolutionary development.

    Analysis of the use of the concept of "ability" shows that it is used as a property category (quality) of things. The abilities are identical not to any property of the thing, and such that gives its functional characteristic. The abilities can be defined as a property or a set of properties (qualities) of things, systems that manifest themselves during operation; It is permissible to say that these are the functional properties of the thing that cause the effectiveness of the realization of some function. The abilities (properties of the thing) are manifested in the interaction of things, the functioning of systems.

    The abilities as object properties are determined by the structure of objects and properties of the elements of this structure. In relation to the structure of the properties of objects, they act as qualities. Any property is manifested in the unity of quality and quantity, it has a measure of severity. Consequently, the abilities should also have a grater of severity, concrete against each property, to other things and the method of manifestation.

    Turn to the properties of a specially organized matter (brain, nervous system), i.e. To mental abilities that implement the reflection function of the objectively existing world and regulation of behavior. This is the ability to feel, think, feel, etc. Currently, it is not entirely clear how they manifest themselves, what is the mechanism for their development and operation. However, scientists intensively work on solving this issue, and now much can be explained by relying on experimental facts.

    Modern scientific data allows you to imagine a brain as a supersystem, which is formed from individual functional systems that implement certain psychological functions. Functional systems are specialized due to its structure and properties of the elements from which they are formed. They have the ability (property), thanks to which in the mental process, a person feels, thinks, feels, acts, remembers, etc.

    It is possible to productively determine the abilities as features only with respect to them to a single and universal. Universal (shared) for each ability, obviously, is a property based on a specific function. Each property is the essential characteristics of the functional system.

    In science, two types of properties are distinguished: those that do not have intensity and therefore cannot change it, and those that have intensity, i.e. May be greater or less. Humanitarian sciences are mainly with the properties of the first species, natural - with the properties of the second type. Mental functions are characterized by properties that possess intensity, expression measure. This allows you to determine the ability from the position of a single (separate, individual). We must consider how this property is expressed in a particular individual. The unit will be represented by the measure of severity of the property; Measure is a consequence of the dialectical unity of high-quality and quantitative manifestations of the property.

    Thus, the abilities can be defined as the properties of functional systems that implement individual mental functions, which have an individual measure of severity, manifested in the success and qualitative originality of the development and implementation of activities. In assessing the individual measures of the severity of the ability, it is advisable to use the same parameters as when characterizing any activity: productivity, quality and reliability (in terms of mental function under consideration).

    If the functional systems, the properties of which are the abilities, are the subsystems of a single whole - brain, then individual neurons or neural circuits (neural modules) are performed as elements of functional systems (neural modules), which are largely specialized in accordance with the purpose of a particular functional system. It is the properties of neurons and neural modules that it is advisable to determine as special deposits. At the same time, studies, activity, performance, involuntary and arbitrary regulation, mesmerous abilities, etc. have shown. Dependes on the properties of the nervous system, and verbal and non-verbal abilities are largely determined by the interaction and specialization of the hemispheres of the brain. The general properties of the nervous system, the specifics of the organization of the brain, manifested in the productivity of mental activities, are related to common deposit.

    So, the abilities are not formed from the deposit. The abilities and deposits are properties: the first - the properties of functional systems, the second - the properties of the components of these systems. Therefore, you can only talk about the development of these things that have data from these properties. With the development of the system, its properties are changed, defined by both elements and their connections. Properties of functional systems (abilities) - system quality. At the same time, the properties of the components of its elements (special deposits) may appear in the properties of the system. In addition, the productivity of mental activity is influenced by the properties of sub- and supersystems, which are denoted as common deposit. General and special deposits in turn can also be interpreted as system quality, if we study the elements of the system whose properties they are.

    There is another understanding of the deposits: they can be considered as genetic programs that determine the development of functional systems in the structure of the brain and man as a whole as an individual, but in such a context, the deposit is ceased to be the subject of study of psychology. Considering the problems of the development of abilities, in this case, we also can't say that the abilities are formed on the basis of deposits, for the functional systems will develop, and the deposits together with the environment will control this process. Abilities will act as properties of functional systems.

    Understanding the abilities as the properties of functional systems that implement individual mental functions allows you to specify the place of abilities in the structure of the psyche. As a rule, when determining the psyche, three aspects are considered: the properties of highly organized matter - brain, capable of reflecting an objective world, subjective image of the objective peace and experience. Comparing the definitions of psyche and abilities, we see that it is the ability to implement the function of reflection and the transformation of reality in practical and perfect forms. The abilities are one of the basic qualities of the psyche along with the substantive side, which includes knowledge of the objective world and experience. Abilities specify the general property of the brain to reflect the objective world, relating to individual mental functions. At the same time, the ability characterize the individual measure of the severity of this property, assigned to a particular mental function. Thus, the abilities find their place in the psyche structure, specifying the general concept of the psyche as the properties of the brain reflect the objective world, differentiate this property to specific mental functions, making a measure of individual severity in it, giving him an effective nature, for the measure of individual expression of the ability is manifested in success and a qualitative originality of the development and implementation of individual mental functions. Abilities have a complex structure reflecting the systemic organization of the brain, interfunctional relations and the activity of mental functions.

    In the usual life of the ability to perform for us, first of all, as the characteristics of a particular person. Turning to a specific personality, especially in the educational process, we see that the abilities are developing, have an individually peculiar expression. The desire to competently uncover the ability of the personality, to determine the paths of their development, to the need to consider the structure of abilities.

    Considering the essence of the abilities, V. D. Sadrikov notes that they relate to the category properties. But not any properties of the thing, but the functional, which manifests itself in the process of functioning and ensures the effectiveness of the implementation of some function. Accordingly, mental abilities can be considered as the properties of the brain, in particular, functional systems performing various mental functions. Thus, the abilities are the properties of functional systems that implement a certain mental function that have an individual measure of severity, manifested in the success of mastering and performing activities.

    In the concept of V. D. Shadrikova, the structure of abilities is considered as the integration of the three types of mechanisms - functional, due to the biological development of a person, the most introduced operational mechanisms and motivational (regulating) mechanisms.

    For example, the functional mechanisms of meremic abilities constitutes a genotypically determined functional memory system. Operational mechanisms of monkered abilities are methods of processing the stored material, which lead to an increase in memory productivity: grouping, reference points, mesmerous plan, recoding, association, completion, seriation, analogy, classification, structure, schematization, systematization, mnemotechnical techniques, repetition.

    The development of meremic abilities is as follows: the development of functional mechanisms; The emergence and development of operating mechanisms; development of links between functional and operating mechanisms; the emergence and development of regulatory mechanisms; Development of a system of functional, operating and regulatory mechanisms.

    In the theory of V. D. Shadrikova, the abilities are considered in three aspects - as the ability of the individual, the subject of activity and personality.

    The ability of the individual represent the human biological organization. They are properties of functional systems and perform cognitive and adaptive functions.

    The development of operational mechanisms in activities indicates the emergence of the ability of a subject of activity, which are formed on the basis of the abilities of the individual. Under the influence of activity requirements, the selection of information processing is selected, intellectual operations are generated to increase the efficiency of this activity. In the process of concrete activities, a subtle adaptation of operating mechanisms to the content of activity (efficiency) occurs. Due to the efficiency, general abilities are transformed into special.

    Personal abilities imply the inclusion of personal mechanisms for regulation (motivational, emotional, volitional). The ability of this level is absorbed by the ability of the subject of activity and individual, providing social behavior. The highest personal abilities are spiritual abilities that are new systematic qualities that appear when integrating into the structure of the abilities of moral norms, spiritual values. Describing the scope of human abilities, the concepts of "gifts", "intelligence", "talent", "genius" are also used. Giftedness is an integral manifestation of abilities for specific activities. Intellect is an integral manifestation of abilities, knowledge and skills. Talent - manifestation of intellect with respect to specific activities, knowledge of nature. The genius is manifested as creating a fundamentally new one in relation to many activities.
