Strong's is a complete list of root words found in the original text of the Bible in Hebrew in the Old Testament and in Greek in the New Testament, arranged in alphabetical order and accompanied by etymological comments, assigning each word an accession number (numbering is separate for Hebrew and Greek) . Strong's Concordance was prepared by a large team under the direction of Methodist Theological Seminary theology professor and New York native James Strong (1822–1894) and first published in 1890. Strong's Symphony includes 8,674 Hebrew words and 5,624 Greek words (numbers 2717 and 3203-3302 are blank). Strong's Symphony in its original version was tied to the most widely used English translation of the Bible, the King James Version.

Although etymological versions are often speculative, Strong's concordance has proven to be a useful tool for Bible study, especially because of its innovative numbering that facilitates point-by-word, word-by-word access to the original source. The Concordance has been reprinted several times.

In 1998, the Russian “Biblical Symphony with a Key to Hebrew and Greek Words” was published (the title is given while preserving the original spelling), where Strong’s numbering was for the first time tied to the Russian Synodal translation. All modern computer texts of the Synodal Translation with Strong's numbers use this binding. The publication was prepared by Bob Jones University. In 2003, Strong’s numbering was used in the “Symphony on the canonical books of the Holy Scriptures with Hebrew and Greek indexes” (in two volumes, publishing house “Bible for Everyone”, St. Petersburg, compiled by Yu. A. Tsygankov). Unlike the "Symphony with a Key", here the indexes indicate cases when two or more original Hebrew or Greek words were rendered in Russian by one word, and vice versa, when one original word was rendered in Russian translation by more than one word. There are also differences in linking numbers to Russian words. These are mostly cases of erroneous Strong's numbers in the Clef Symphony. Vocabulary materials from Strong’s English symphony were used in the “Jewish-Russian and Greek-Russian dictionary-index to the canonical books of the Holy Scriptures” (compiled by Yu.A. Tsygankov) with the addition of grammatical and lexical information.

Currently, there are alternative numberings for words used in the Hebrew and Greek text of the Bible - for example, the Goodrick-Kohlenberger numbering, on the basis of which the symphony was compiled into the English translation of the Bible New International Version (The NIV Exhaustive Concordance, Zondervan, 1990). It has 9597 Hebrew, 779 Aramaic and 6068 Greek numbers.

It is no secret that any translation, no matter how high-quality and anointed it may be, is not able to convey the full depth and ambiguity of the original text. There are places where the translation of a Hebrew word in Scripture cannot be unambiguous. Translation, by choosing only one of the meanings, introduces unambiguity where there is none. Therefore, there is no alternative to studying sacred texts in the original language.

artist Max Gurevich (fragments)

I use the Bible Quote program. It is, in my opinion, one of the best Bible programs and is also completely free. See the links to download the module program for it at the bottom of the article.

How to find out the meaning of a Hebrew word in the original text of the TANAKH?

For a more in-depth study, Hebrew will be required. Knowledge of the alphabet and the ability to read with vowels will already significantly advance you in the study of the original text of Scripture, and this is quite possible for anyone. Each next step you take in learning Hebrew will open new doors of knowledge of the Bible.

If you do not have a full command of the Hebrew Scriptures, BibleQuote still provides some insight into secrets, hidden in the depths of the original text.

An excellent tool for these purposes can also be Strong's Symphony, which contains all the words of the Bible and the numbers assigned to each of them.

Finding out the meaning of the word is extremely simple. Strong's numbers in the program are clickable - click on the number and in the left column of the program we get the meanings of the words of the original text of Scripture, + synonyms (with their corresponding numbers). (for more details, see the video “Strong’s Numbers 1” + “shofar and trumpet”).

How to find all the verses in the Bible with the original word of the Hebrew text?

When translating the Bible into Russian, a Hebrew word is often translated differently. So the word KINOR is translated into Russian as gusli, zither and harp. But the same word “zither” is used to translate another musical instrument – ​​“kathirus” (Greek kitara (kifhara)).

On the other hand, the same translation word often points to different words in the original Hebrew. For example, in the Synodal Translation, the word “artist” hides different words in Hebrew:

1. חרש /kharash/ - artisan, skilled craftsman (carver, artist, blacksmith, carpenter).
2. חרש /heresh/ - 1. artisan, skilled craftsman; 2. secretly.
3. יצר /yotser/ - 1. to shape, sculpt; 2. create, form.

4. חכם /haham/ - 1. skillful, skillful, experienced; 2. wise;
5. אמן /oman/ - artist, skilled craftsman.

When carefully studying Scripture, it is important to understand the nuances, to understand what is meant when this particular word is used, and not its synonym. All of the above meanings of the word “artist” in Russian translation are close to each other. But, at the same time, they express different aspects of creativity: KHARASH - comes from processing the material, isolating form from the formless. HERESH – comes from revealing through the creativity of the hidden. YOTSER - from creating something new from a material. HHAHAM – from the wisdom of knowing God’s creation. OMAN, the most mysterious name of the artist,– associated with faith and relationship with the Creator.

How do you find all the verses in the Bible with the original Hebrew word, the same one you came across in a particular verse of Scripture? Program BibleQuote simply solves this problem: you need to search the program by Strong's number. To do this, enter the number of the searched word in the search bar. /Watch the video below for more details/.


To penetrate into the depth and ambiguity of the original text, knowledge of the translation of a specific word is not enough. A deeper level of meaning can be achieved through research into other words of the same root as the word we are interested in. When we study other words of the same root and the contexts in which they are used, we discover a kind of branching tree, the individual branches and leaves of which are interconnected and influence each other mutually. So the text we are interested in can appear before us in a new, flickering light with its ambiguity and different versions of translation.

If, for example, we search for all words using Strong's numbers, cognate to the word “amen”, we get the following result:

artist Max Gurevich (fragments)

What shall we say? If we want to go deeper, we will have to master at least a little (the more the better) the language of Scripture. The more we speak Hebrew, the more Scripture will be revealed to us. This can probably be compared to looking through a microscope or telescope, so that Scripture will unfold before us like the universe and gradually we will learn to distinguish more and more stars in the horizon of the text of the TANAKH.


More detailed description presented in the program itself. See menu: HELP / USER MANUAL

(after downloading, unpack the modules and place them in the program folder). There are many of them, incl. various translations of the Bible (Christian and Jewish), biblical dictionaries, commentaries on the text of the Bible and texts of the TANAKH (the so-called Old Testament) in Hebrew and the New Testament. in Greek.


What Bible programs and online resources do you use? Tell us about your techniques for using them, especially working on the Hebrew Scriptures.

Historical reference:
Strong's Concordance is a complete word guide based on the King James Version of the Bible under the direction of Doctor of Exegetical Theology James Strong (1822-1894) and first published in 1890. This was a complete list of all the words in the King James Bible, with cross-references to corresponding words in the original text. The Concordance included:

8674 root forms of Hebrew words in the Old Testament.
5523 root forms of Greek words in the New Testament.

Jacob Strong did not create the concordance of the same name on his own. It was created by the efforts of more than one hundred of his colleagues and has become the most widely used concordance of the King James Bible.
All words of the original texts were sorted in alphabetical order, and each of them was assigned a unique number. This word numbering system became known as Strong's Numbers. This allowed the user of the concordance to look up the meaning of the original word in the dictionary at the end of the concordance. Strong's Concordance is still in print. Also, Strong's numbering has become popular in relation to translations made into other languages.
The Greek words of Strong's concordance are numbered 1 through 5624. Numbers 2717 and 3203-3302 have been reserved. Numbers were assigned only to the dictionary form of the word and therefore, for example, αγαπησεις and αγαπατε have the same number (25) as αγαπαω.

Biblical numerology (gematria) is the study of historical and symbolic numbers contained in the Holy Scriptures.
There are two categories of numbers in the Holy Scriptures - historical and symbolic. The first category reflects the facts of the past, and the second carries a theological load.

Moreover, historical and theological data may or may not coincide in one number. For example, indications of the reign of the Old Testament monarchs or indications of a particular year of their reign are purely historical dates that do not carry theological content. But the indication of the 40 days of Moses' stay in Sinai is more than a historical remark. The number 40 in the Bible symbolizes the preparatory period preceding any important event. The 40-year period was also considered the period of one generation.

Symbolic numbers in the Bible are: 40, 12, 10, 7, 4, 3, 2, 1.

The number 40 is formed by multiplying two other symbolic numbers: 4 (a symbol of the spatial completeness of the visible world) and 10 (a symbol of relative completeness). The last number, in turn, can be obtained by adding two other numbers, which also symbolize completeness, both in the spiritual and visible worlds: 3 and 7. As a result, the number 40 expresses the completeness of the test.

The flood continued for forty days and forty nights (Gen. 7:17); Isaac was forty years old when he took Rebekah as his wife (Gen. 25:20); the wandering of the Jews in the desert lasted forty years (Ex. 16:35; Num. 14:33; Deut. 8:2); The life of the prophet Moses, which lasted one hundred and twenty years, is divided into three forty years. He spent forty days and forty nights on Mount Sinai (Ex. 24:18, 34:28); after the birth of a boy, a woman undergoes purification for forty days (Lev.12:2,4). If she gave birth to a female child, then the purification lasted eighty days (40+40); Joshua says: I was forty years old when Moses the servant of the Lord sent me from Kadesh-barnea to inspect the land (Joshua 14:7); after the victory of judge Othniel over the Mesopotamian king Husarsafem, the earth rested for forty years (Judg. 3: 1-11); for forty days the Philistine Goliath invited the Jews to fight with him (see: 1 Samuel 17:16); Kings David and Solomon reigned for forty years each (2 Kings 5:4, 15:7:3 Kings 2:11:3 Kings 11:42); the front part of the Jerusalem temple, built by Solomon, was forty cubits wide (1 Kings 6:17); Elijah’s journey lasted forty days to the mountain of God Horeb (1 Kings 19:8); forty days were given to the inhabitants of Nineveh to repent (John 3:4).

In the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ, two important events are associated with the number 40. Before the beginning of the preaching of the Kingdom of Heaven, the Savior of the world, having retired to the waterless Judean desert, fasted for 40 days, eating nothing (Matt. 4:2; Luke 4:2). Before the Ascension, the risen Lord also remained on earth for 40 days (Acts 1:3).

The number 12 means the number of chosen ones - 12 patriarchs, sons of Jacob, 12 tribes of Israel, 12 apostles of Christ, 12 thousand for each tribe chosen in Rev. 7: 4-8). The number 24 is derived from 12 (24 priestly orders, 24 elders in Rev.).

The number 10 is one of the symbols of completed completeness (10 Egyptian plagues, 10 commandments of the Decalogue, 10 conditions for approaching the sanctuary in Ps. 14).

The number 7 is the more common form of completeness in Holy Scripture. The creation story in Genesis 1 ends with the 7th day of rest; according to Genesis 10, the nations of the earth descend from 70 ancestors. The number 7 is often found in the Old Testament. cult (sevenfold sprinkling of blood, 7 sacrificial animals, the seven-branched candlestick of the Tabernacle and Temple, etc.). According to Jer.25:12, the Captivity lasted 70 years (according to Ezek.29:11 - 40 years). Christ chooses 70 apostles (Luke 10:1); apostles – 7 deacons (Acts 6:3). Revelation speaks of 7 churches, 7 stars, and its composition itself is built on the number 7.

The number 4 signifies universality (according to the number of cardinal directions). From here there are 4 branches of the river flowing out of Eden (Gen. 2:10 ff.); 4 corners, or "horns", of the altar; the heavenly Ark in Ezekiel's vision (chapter 1) is carried by 4 symbolic animals (cf. Rev. 4:6); in his vision, the New Jerusalem was square in plan, facing the 4 cardinal directions.

Number 3 - marks the Divine Trinity (the appearance of three angels to Abraham in Genesis 18; the threefold glorification of the holiness of God in Is.6:1ff.; baptism in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Matthew 28:19; God as the ruler of the past, present and future in Rev. 1:8).

The number 2 denotes something fundamental (the two tablets of the Decalogue, the two pillars at the gates of the Temple, the Law and the Prophets personified on the Mount of Transfiguration by Moses and Elijah, the sending of the apostles in twos, the two witnesses of Christ at the end of time in Rev. 11:3).

Number 1: Just as the number 1 is the basis of all mathematics, so God is the beginning of everything. Therefore, the number 1 in Holy Scripture refers to God:

One of the ten healed of leprosy who returned to thank Jesus (Luke 17:12-15).
One Lost Sheep (Luke 15:4).
The first day of creation (Gen. 1:5).
One door and one window in the ark (Gen. 6:16).
Paul was stoned once (2 Cor. 11:25).
One tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:17).
There is one flock and one shepherd (John 10:16).

You probably have CleanMaster or another similar application installed on your device, such as 360 Security, and this is the one that deletes all MyBible files. We advise you to use such applications very carefully, at least adjust them so that they do not touch MyBible. You can, for example, use the easy Fast Reboot for weak smartphones, or the more powerful All-In-One Toolbox. By the way, you can simply copy the entire MyBible folder from your smartphone to your computer. This way you will have a copy of all modules and settings.

Modules from the site are downloaded as a text file

This happens when they are downloaded through the smartphone’s system browser. Such browsers are usually stripped down and unfinished. Ways to solve the problem:
  1. Download via computer, which is what the site was created for.
  2. Install the Opera browser on your smartphone, which works with modules correctly.
  3. Rename the downloaded modules, for example, "RST+.TXT" -> "RST+.SQLite3".

Is there a Bible Quote ⟶ MyBible converter?

No and it cannot be. The fact is that the Bible Quote program has a very free format of modules, and the quality of the modules is very different.
There is one chapter - one page, which is completely displayed on the screen. In MyBible, the text is displayed verse by verse, and they cannot be divided in any way you like. Here you can’t do without a semi-manual check, and most often manual adjustments are also needed.

Will all Bible Quotes modules be converted to MyBible?

Only biblical texts, dictionaries, interpretations, commentaries that can be associated with the Bible are converted. MyBible is not a reader, but the Bible will remain the Bible. There are other programs for other purposes. Some modules of biblical texts are not at all suitable for translation into the MyBible format. These are, most often, old modules using old encoding or their own fonts. However, if you find any interesting module that has not yet been converted into a MyBible module, please send it.

Is the Watchtower Bible expected?

Christian churches are those in which they profess. Jehovah's Witnesses adhere to a different creed. MyBible does not and will not contain non-Christian Bible translations.

Is there a MyBible for iOS?

On February 15, 2017, the first version of MyBible for iOS was published on the Apple App Store.
Development of the iOS version began in October 2016 (for comparison, MyBible for Android began in May 2011), so the iOS version inevitably lags behind the Android version in terms of functionality (which also continues to develop). However, due to the already developed functionality, user interfaces and modules, MyBible for iOS could potentially in the near future have enough tools for everyday reading and in-depth study of the Bible.

Can I create modules myself?

Yes, only this requires dedication. There is no point in studying everything to make one module. A whole section of the site has been created for module manufacturers.

What are Strong's numbers?

Few people have the opportunity to learn Hebrew and Ancient Greek, in which the Bible is written. But many would like to penetrate at least somewhat into the original text. In the picture below we see this kind of Bible. The text of the Bible is in the original, under each word the English translation and above the word number. This is the Strong's number. James Strong created a special dictionary in which all words are numbered.
It is clear that without knowledge of the alphabet, we will not find any word in the dictionary. But finding the number in order will not be difficult.
So any unprepared person can find a word even in a strange language for us - Hebrew, without even understanding it.
Today this numbering is generally accepted and is the standard.

Where can I find Strong's numbers?

  1. double click in the top right (for example on RST+)
  2. long press on the top left on the 3 vertical dots and select from the drop-down menu.

Strong's Dictionary
You may have come across titles like “The Bible with Strong's Numbers” and the like.
The fact is that an ordinary person does not know the alphabets of the original languages ​​of the Bible (Hebrew and Ancient Greek), and therefore will not be able to work with a dictionary. Moreover, to work with a dictionary, you need to know grammar in order to isolate the root and look for it. Strong numbered all the words in the dictionary and so it becomes easy to find the meaning of the required word. Moreover, he wrote a number under each word (interlinear translation) and a person can easily find the interpretation of the required word. In addition, numbers are easier to write than Hebrew or Greek letters.


Online Bible study.
There is a Russian version of the site.
The site of my friend, a talented programmer from Prague.
A large number of Bible translations, including Russian ones.
And there are translations with Strong's numbers. It is made clearly and conveniently, it is possible to simultaneously view a verse in many translations.


Bible with translation into Greek and Hebrew.
Bible text with interlinear translation, parallel text next to it.
More than 20 versions of the Bible in Russian and other languages.

The program can:

  • See interlinear translation of the Bible
  • Get information about each Greek or Hebrew word, namely: spelling, morphology, phonetic transcription, audio sound of the root word, possible translations, dictionary definition from the Greek-Russian symphony.
  • Compare several of the most accurate (according to the author of the program) modern translations
  • Perform a quick text search of all books

The program includes:

  • Interlinear translation of the New Testament into Russian by Alexey Vinokurov. The text of the 3rd edition of the Greek New Testament of the United Bible Societies is taken as the original.
  • Symphony of Greek vocabulary forms.
  • Reference inserts from the dictionaries of Dvoretsky, Weisman, Newman, as well as other less significant sources.
  • A symphony of numbers by James Strong.
  • Audio recordings of the pronunciation of Hebrew and Greek words.
  • JavaScript function from A. Vinokurov's reference book, generating a phonetic transcription of a Greek word according to Erasmus of Rotterdam.
  • JS Framework Sencha distributed by GNU.
We click on a verse and a layout of all the words of the verse appears, click on any one and we get a more detailed interpretation, some even have an audio file to listen to the pronunciation. The site is made on Ajax, so everything happens quickly and pleasantly. The site has no advertising, all the space is occupied exclusively for business.

Links to poems

You can put a link to any place in the New Testament. Example:, where 9 - serial number of the book (required)
3 - chapter number (required)
2 - number of the analyzed verse (optional)
exp- expand the chapter tree (optional)

Other versions The program has an offline version for Windows. It costs 900 rubles..., all subsequent updates are free. Possibility of adding modules from Bible Quotes. When you purchase the program, you get a free application for Adroid or iPhone.
