The approach of the New Year holidays forces us to look for the surest and most accurate ways to help fulfill any of our desires. In principle, there is nothing supernatural about this. Apparently, people feel how cosmic energy is “electrified”. There are more than a dozen different rituals, the simplest of which are the fulfillment of desires on paper and a pen.

Before doing the exercises, sit down and relax. Try to get your thoughts out of your head for at least a few minutes, while relaxing your body muscles. To finally enter a relaxed state, breathe slowly. Inhale lightness, exhale stress and tension, blocks and clamps. Try to make sure that no one and nothing distracts you. Leave all the fuss outside the room.

Well, actually the method itself. We will try to reveal it completely. So:

  • You will need sheets of paper, a red pen and scissors. You can choose either white or colored paper.
  • Having calmed yourself and your thoughts, you need to take paper and pen. Write your wish briefly and clearly. State it in as simple a form as possible. This is what the initial stage requires of you.
  • Now you should focus on desire. Breathe deeply and slowly, lower your gaze to the recording you made. Five to ten minutes will be enough.
  • Now take a sheet of paper. We said that it can be of different colors. For the best effect of the ritual, we advise you to choose the color of the paper depending on your desire. Green – material side and health, red – love and passion, blue – removal of negative programs and so on. Don't forget about scissors and a pen. We formulate a wish in the present tense. For example: I receive 75,000 rubles monthly, my weight is 60 kilograms, all the organs of my body are healthy, and so on. You can continue in this matter ad infinitum.
  • Now a large sheet of paper needs to be cut into strips. One such leaf produces an average of 20–25 strips.
  • Write your wish on each strip. Printing is under no circumstances recommended. At the end of the process, we get many strips with our desire.
  • Your name should be written on the other side of the strip. Write it in the form in which you are most pleased to hear it.
  • Now you can hide the pieces of paper in various places in your home. It is advisable to hide them somewhere where only you can see, and this happens often.

The method is that you constantly come across a written desire and remember it immediately. A very powerful visualization technique. Performed frequently.

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How to make dreams come true - where to start?

They say that if you make a cherished wish on New Year’s Day, it will definitely come true. It’s not for nothing that thousands of people around the world every year on New Year’s Eve live in hope of their dreams coming true. Mental requests, unlike those accompanied by some kind of ritual, are not always brought to life. So how do you need to make wishes for the New Year correctly?

Classics of the genre

“In order for a wish to come true, all you have to do is write it on paper, burn it, throw it into a glass of champagne and drink the contents at midnight,” said the heroine of one famous film. Now this is almost the most common way to make a wish for the New Year. Whether such magic works or not, you won’t know until you try it: it’s not for nothing that every year many people never get tired of drinking the “cocktail,” assuring that it helps, while others do not agree to such an experiment.

Passion in Italian

If you think that champagne with ashes is for extreme sports enthusiasts, then you can try the European way of making wishes. Italians adore grapes and consider them to be the bearer of wealth, happiness and good luck. Therefore, it is recommended to eat twelve grapes at the moment when the arrows point to exactly twelve o'clock at night. You need to get rid of the seeds exactly before the last chime! To make your wish come true, you can definitely use a trick and enjoy seedless grapes. Those who love excitement can still try to beat the clock and have time to get their portion of grape happiness.

Originally from the USSR

The recipe for making wishes come true was also suggested in the favorite New Year’s film “Sorcerers.” However, it works in certain weather conditions: if it is snowing outside. To make all your dreams come true, as they advise in the film, you just need to go out into the fresh air and catch a snowflake. If it does not dissolve until the clock strikes twelve, then all your plans will definitely come true!

The candle was burning on the table

There is another opportunity to bring happiness into your home. An ordinary, short and thin candle can help with this. Exactly at midnight it should be lit, the cherished words whispered over the burning flame, and later moved to the festive table. If the candle stays on until the end of the evening and does not go out, then your wishes must come true.

Put in a good word!

Professionals say: in order for your wishes to come true, you need to formulate them accurately. Particles “not” should be avoided. Let's give an example. If you need health, do not say “I wish not to get sick.” Say what you want to bring to life - “I wish to be healthy.” Desires “react” to dreams in the present tense, appearing as a real fact and not as a distant future. In this case, it is necessary to carefully think through your words and thoughts in advance, because the phrase “be afraid of your desires, they tend to come true” was said for a reason. Having gained wealth in one thing, there is a possibility of losses in something else.

Remember that only sincere and benevolent wishes that come from the heart are fulfilled. Choose your words, follow your heart, ask only for what is really necessary and, of course, don’t forget to thank fate later.
May all your dreams come true!

How to make your wish come true?

Mikhail Gruzdev

On New Year's, Christmastide, birthdays, and just dreaming, we make a lot of all sorts of wishes for ourselves. And, of course, we all want these wishes to come true, even the most unrealistic ones. It turns out that this is possible, you just need to know a few simple rules.

Wishes exist for this reason, to come true. You just need to guess them correctly. Below are the basic rules that will come true.

1. Never use the particle “not” when formulating a desire. For example, the desire “I don’t want to be” can be formulated this way: “I want to be slim, blooming, attractive and charming.”

2. It is very important to think about how this desire will be realized. For example, you wished for a trip around the world. But you can also work as a cleaner on an ocean liner. Therefore, it is better to formulate the desire like this: “I want to go on a river cruise to relax and...” (add the phrase with other details). The more there are, the better.

3. Having made a wish, you need to firmly and unconditionally believe that it will come true. There should be no doubt about this. Having made a wish, renounce it for a while. Let the energy of desire remain in your subconscious.

4. It is necessary to visualize the result as often and completely as possible, i.e. imagine the results of a desire already fulfilled. For example, if you want a luxurious apartment, imagine not only the interior, but also how you will celebrate a housewarming there, how to watch TV in the living room, how to have dinner in the dining room, etc.

5. It is necessary to pronounce affirmative sentences silently or out loud (out loud better) as often as possible.. These statements are especially effective in the evening before bed or in the morning, while still half asleep. The mind at this time is still (or already) dormant, and the words seem to be imprinted into the subconscious. Moreover, all actions should be only in the present tense: “I have (do) this and that.”

6. Make yourself somesymbol of a fulfilled wish. For example, a coin. And carry it with you until your wish comes true.

7. Make a plan to achieve what you want. Many people neglect this simple rule. But it’s very simple - to write or even just imagine all the steps necessary to implement your plan.

But the process of wishing to effectively (quickly and easily) obtain a result will be different for all people. Let's turn to classical Western astrology.

Aries, Leo or Sagittarius
Your main assistant is fire. Choose a time at dusk when no one will disturb you. Light a candle and make a wish while looking into the flame. Then write down your wish on paper. If you want to get rid of something, burn your notes immediately. If you want to purchase something, read your entry often by candlelight. And when your wish comes true, you can burn this paper with gratitude to higher powers.
Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces
Your main assistant is water. On the shore of a pond, looking at the water, you need to make a wish and write it down on paper. Then make a boat out of the note and let it sail. It is better to be in the boat or on the bridge at this moment.
Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn
Your main helpers are money and food. You need to make one wish at a time and carry the treasured talisman coin in your pocket until this wish comes true. Do not lend money to anyone at this time. When making a wish, it is good to chew a few grapes or chewing marmalade.
Gemini, Libra or Aquarius
Your main assistants are a cheerful company and clouds. Invite as many of your friends as possible and make a wish during a noisy party, maybe several at once. You can also make wishes while walking, looking at the clouds.

We believe that on New Year's Eve, Christmas Eve and Epiphany, the wishes we make will definitely come true. If a year has passed and your plan has not come true, this does not mean that the wish is unattainable, you just made it incorrectly.

First, remember one thing: in the desire to the particle "not" must not be present . In other words, your desire should be “I want to be thin,” and not “I don’t want to be fat.” Moreover, to one definition, always add “healthy and happy” - “I want to be in shape, beautiful, healthy and happy.”

In advance program yourself that your wish will come true. Visualize, dream, attract everything you have in mind.

Think about how can be implemented what you want into life. To not just desire and want, but also to do something for it. Write a plan and move towards your goals.

Don't get hung up after New Year's Eve on a wish made. Make a wish and let it go, don’t worry about it, let your subconscious get used to this thought and find clues for realizing your desire.

All zodiac signs are helped to achieve what they want by their native elements .

For example, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Those born from Fire will be helped by fire. To do this, in the evening or at night, when no one is bothering you, light a candle and, looking at its flame, scroll through your wish in your head (New Year's Eve can also be quiet and calm). You can write it on paper and burn it - provided that you want to get rid of something - an illness, an uninteresting job, a despot husband, extra pounds. If you want to increase or acquire, write down your wish and read it out loud.

Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces accompanied by Water. So make a wish while looking at the water. It could be the bank of a river, the sea, an aquarium, or a running faucet - anything. Write down your wish, burn the paper, and wash off the ashes with water.

Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn are under the protection of the Earth. Money can help them. Make a wish and find yourself a talisman coin, wear it until your wish comes true.

Gemini, Libra and Aquarius- Air signs. They can make a wish either while looking at the clouds or while in company. They don’t care that the crowd can look at them with all their eyes when they look at one point and try to concentrate on their desire, the main thing is that they sincerely believe that everything in this life is possible.

Source: I WANT

And, of course, we all want these wishes to come true. Even the most unrealistic... It turns out that this is possible. Basically... Well, the easiest way to make wishes for the New Year is during the chimes. True, you can’t think of much at these moments, and by this time many people had already drunk a fair amount. So very strange, if you look at it with a sober head, wishes come true. So, wishes exist for this reason, to come true. You just need to guess correctly. First, the general rules. 1. Never use the particle “not” when formulating a desire. For example: the desire “I don’t want to be fat!” It’s better to formulate this way: “I wish you to be slim, blooming, attractive and charming!” Something from this set will definitely come true! 2. A very important point is to think about how this desire will be realized. For example: “I want to go on a round-the-world cruise.” But you can also work as a cleaner on an ocean liner! Therefore, it is better to formulate the desire like this: - I want to go on a river cruise to relax and... - Complete the phrase with other details. The more there are, the better! 3. Having made a wish, you must firmly and unconditionally believe that it will come true. There should be no doubt about this! Just make a wish and let go of it for a while. Let the energy of desire “cook” in your subconscious. 4. It is necessary to visualize the result as often and completely as possible, i.e. present the results of what has already been done. For example, if you want a luxurious apartment, imagine not only the interior, but also how you will celebrate a housewarming, how to watch TV in the living room, how to have dinner in the dining room, etc. 5. It is necessary to pronounce affirmative sentences silently or out loud (out loud better) as often as possible. These statements are especially effective in the evening before bed and in the morning, while still half asleep. The mind at this time is still (or already) dormant, and the words seem to be imprinted into the subconscious. In this case, all actions should be only in the present tense: “I have (do) this and that.” 6. Make yourself a symbol of a fulfilled desire. For example, a coin. And carry it with you until your wish comes true. 7. Make a plan to achieve what you want. Many people neglect this simple rule. But what’s easier: to write or even just imagine all the steps necessary to implement your plan! But the process of wishing to effectively (quickly and easily) obtain a result will be different for all people. Let's turn to classical Western astrology. So... If your zodiac sign is: . Aries, Leo or Sagittarius - your main assistant is fire. Choose a time at dusk when no one will disturb you. Light a candle. Make a wish while looking into the candle fire. Write it down on paper. If you want to get rid of something, then immediately burn your notes. If you want to purchase something, read your entry more often by candlelight. And when your wish comes true, you can burn this paper with gratitude to the Higher Powers. . Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces - your main assistant is water. On the shore of a pond, looking at the water, you need to make a wish. Write it down on paper. Then make a boat out of the note and set it sailing. It is better to be in the boat or on the bridge at this moment. . Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn - your main helpers are money and food! You need to make one wish at a time and carry the treasured coin in your pocket until this wish comes true. Do not lend money to anyone at this time! When making a wish, it is good to chew a few grapes or chewing marmalade. . Gemini, Libra or Aquarius - your main assistants are a cheerful company and... clouds. Invite as many of your friends as possible and make a wish during a noisy party. Or desires. You can make several wishes at once. You can also make wishes while walking, looking at the clouds. These are the simple rules. I hope they make your life a lot easier. Good luck!

Hello, my dear readers. In this article, I will share with you five proven and working ways to make a wish come true using paper.

Of course, you know why putting pen to paper is very important. It is not enough to just think about what you want and keep your desire in mind all the time.

It is by writing down a desire on paper that we, firstly, put the program we need into our subconscious, forcing it to work in search of the optimal way to fulfill it, and secondly, in this way, we send the desire to the Universe, instructing it to take care of everything.

However, this is not the only way to fulfill wishes using paper. There are others. Which? Let's see.

  1. Notebook of wishes

I described this method in more detail in the article. . Let me explain briefly.

Get a special beautiful notebook or notebook that will delight you just by looking at it. Prepare a special pen. Choose a quiet place and time so that nothing distracts you, and start writing any desires that come to mind. It’s better to first write down all your desires in a separate list on a piece of paper, then we’ll transfer them to our notebook.

One page - one wish. We write down what we want at the top, and below we reinforce the desire with the corresponding picture. You can cut it from a magazine or print it from the Internet.

  1. Rewriting wishes by hand

This method helps well to “prescribe” the desired program for fulfilling a desire in your subconscious. We start a special notebook. Here, too, we allocate a separate page for each desire.

At the top of the page, write down one of your wishes, preferably in red. Then take a blue pen and write the same desire over and over again with each new line until you reach the very end of the page. You can prescribe this per day as you wish. The main thing is regularity.

  1. Collage of wishes

For this technique you will need: a sheet of whatman paper, your photo, where only you are depicted (your face should be clearly visible) - you can cut it out, scissors, glue, colored pens or felt-tip pens, suitable pictures.

You need to cut out images that illustrate what you want, for example, from magazines or found on the Internet - there is a wide choice there!

Now stick your photo on a piece of whatman paper in the center, and around it - pictures with images of your desires, write on top what you want, in the present tense. For example: “I am a famous popular writer and best-selling author!”

  1. Feng Shui wishes come true

Here we also need paper, but not only to write down our desires. Take a small box, maybe even a matchbox. Now you need to cover it with red paper, red is the color of fire, it activates the necessary energies.

Now you will need small pieces of paper, also red. On each of them, write down one of your wishes, fold it several times and place it in the prepared box. Now you need to hide the box with desires and forget about it, letting go of your desires and entrusting their fulfillment to the Universe. It is better to store the boxes in the southeast, in the wealth sector, according to Feng Shui.

  1. Wish Stickers

Buy special adhesive stickers at an office supply store. It is better if they are red or bright pink. For each sticker, write one of your wishes and paste them throughout the house - on the computer, on the refrigerator, above the desk, in the kitchen, maybe even in the bathroom, so that they catch your eye everywhere.

You can hang the same wish on different stickers throughout your apartment. However, it is worth remembering that you should not display your desires for everyone to see if your loved ones do not share your aspirations. In this case, the “Notebook of Desires” or “Writing Desires by Hand” technique will be more suitable for you.

You will learn how to correctly write down desires in the article “How to correctly write down goals.”

Now you know five ways to make a wish come true using paper. Choose any one and apply. And I wish you the speedy fulfillment of all your cherished desires!

In the following articles, I will continue to share with you the most interesting techniques for fulfilling desires. Therefore, don't miss them. See you!
