Many graduates are interested in the question: "Is it possible to leave for study for the refuction after grade 11?". Some of them have heard that foreigners are not accepted into all universities, which have just completed school, others are not confident in their level of English or simply fear competition in the process of receipt.

In a word, there are more questions than answers. In this article we will try to figure out - is it possible to actually start learning abroad after grade 11 and, most importantly, is it worth doing this?

Much depends on the country

If you want to go to a foreign university after graduation, you probably know, in which country would like to live and learn.

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However, it is worth remembering that if you can enter the overseas university immediately after the end of the Russian school, largely depends on the country and the rules of a particular educational institution.

The fact is that not in all countries the education system involves entering the university immediately after school, especially for foreign students. There are several reasons here:

1. First, the 11th grades of the Russian school are 11 or 10 (in case the school "jumps over" grade 4) years of study. In some countries of this learning experience, it is not enough to submit documents for admission to a higher education institution

2. Secondly, the system of education of some countries provides for an "intermediate link" between school and university education. It may be a study in Polytech or Mandatory courses for training for study at the university (usually applies to foreign students)

For example, in America there is an optional, but desirable system of preparatory pre-sustate courses. Such courses suggest not only training at the university, but also an improvement in the academic indicators of students, and practically guarantee successful admission to the university.

Meanwhile, in Singapore, everything wishes to enter the university are obliged to undergo preliminary training in the country. For foreign students, this is expressed in the passage of annual futures, studies at the local secondary school (1-2 years) or in Polytech for the selected specialty. Only after that the student has the right to file documents into one of Singapore universities.

At the same time, there are countries, which can be entered into universities and immediately after the end of the Russian school. These include, for example, ,,, the Czech Republic and Finland. In these countries, as in the United States, there is an option to pass preparatory linguistic or academic courses, however, this condition is not mandatory for submitting documents to the university.

Much depends on the student himself

Note that not all graduates of Russian schools have a real opportunity to enter the Foreign University immediately after grade 11. The highest chances of course, those who have set the goal in advance to go to study abroad. Such students for several years before the end of the school choose the country of interest and even the university, they begin to diligently study the required foreign language and bring their academic indicators before compliance with the requirements of the university.

If you did not do all this, but just wanted to learn abroad already at the end of the 11th grade, let's say directly - your chances of rapid arrival are small. Training in another country, especially in a prestigious university, usually implies a serious preparation process, without which to enter the university is very difficult.

You can enroll at the university after grade 11, if:

  1. Your knowledge of English or other requiring language is at a fairly high level.
  2. You have a certificate about the delivery of a language exam (TOEFL, IELTS, etc.) with a good pool.
  3. Your academic indicators are high enough
  4. You can count on receiving a letter of recommendation that characterizes you as a serious and purposeful student.
  5. You defined exactly with the place of study abroad
  6. You or your parents have a financial opportunity to pay for learning abroad

In case you do not meet this list, but you dream about learning abroad, do not despair! For several years of persistent classes, you can easily raise your linguistic and academic level, pass the necessary exams, find a suitable foreign university. In that case, it is possible that you can use courses for preparing for admission to the university, and scholarships and grants for foreign students can help you with financing studies.

Should I come immediately after grade 11?

Consider the main advantages and cons of departure to study abroad immediately after the end of the Russian school.


  1. You do not spend precious years and purposefully go to your dream
  2. You do not have time to get out of the hard student process and drop away from it.
  3. You will receive a bachelor's degree in age in which many others only come to university
  4. You quickly reinforce theoretical knowledge of foreign language practical skills


  1. In addition to preparing for graduation exams, in the 11th grade you will be engaged in the labor-intensive process of admission to a foreign university
  2. Due to age or psychological unpreparedness, a sharp change in the place of residence and study can cause stress
  3. You will not have time to distract and take a break from studying. For two years (grade 11 and 1 year at the university) you will be engaged in tense studies, passing a variety of exams, tests, collection and submission of documents
  4. You should be prepared for the fact that may not be able to enter the university on the first attempt, in case your language or academic indicators are not good enough

Admission to the University

If you still decided to start learning from a foreign university right after the Russian school, follow this instruction:

  1. As early as possible, choose a university in the country in which you can start studying at the university immediately after grade 11 of the Russian School
  2. It will not be superfluous to go to this country and visit the university to assure in its decision.
  3. Implement to study the requested foreign language
  4. In the period of study in the 11th grade, get the necessary certificates about the passage of international language exams
  5. Check out university requirements for foreign students and bring our indicators to these requirements.
  6. Get some good, correctly compiled advisory letters from our teachers.
  7. Learn about the necessary documents for submitting to the university, collect them and apply for sure
  8. In advance, deal with the issue of registration of passport and the visa necessary for entry into the country of study.

In order for studying abroad to bring his fruits, really became a profitable investment of finance and opened new prospects, it is necessary to accurately choose an educational institution. If you want to choose a suitable one for your goals and tasks of the institute or university, we recommend that you act according to the following instructions:

Start browsing and choosing a potential university and a country of study (read more about this for more) as soon as possible. Carefully examine the conditions that offers an educational institution in order to enroll in it after a 10-11 class of the Russian school

Plan a visit to the University campus (better than several) to personally make sure that the choice made

Start an active learning of a foreign language immediately after they understood, in which country you want to learn and which of foreign languages \u200b\u200byou will need. Mostly it is, of course, English, which is everywhere as the main or additional language. However, in National Universities in Germany or Switzerland, for example, others may also be required.

Certificates of the passage of international language exams are also better to get in advance - ideally in the senior classes of the Russian school. And the preparation for testing is better to start even earlier. Its duration will depend on your initial level of language knowledge.

Raise all the necessary indicators (that is, academic and linguistic) to the level that is necessary for unhindered receipt in the university you have chosen

Request a few recommendation letters from your teachers (in several disciplines). Properly compiled recommendations must submit a candidate for admission in a favorable plan, both from an academic and social point of view.

Start collecting documents necessary for receipt at least six months before starting study abroad. The process of translation and transfer of papers, as well as negotiations with the admission committee of the university usually take several months. This clause refers to the design of a training visa and passport.

As for the choice of the country, there are also several key questions here, responding to which you can most define the choice. So, there are five criteria that should be considered when choosing a place to obtain foreign education:

1) In which country you would like to be in the first place

Still, the first estimory factor choose your inner sensations and desires, then the pleasure of staying in a certain atmosphere and the cultural environment will bring the maximum pleasure. Also consider the goals of the trip - is it only education or, for example, with the prospect of building a career and further accommodation? It is important here more detailed to explore the geographical position of the selected country: which cities are located nearby, how long to get to the country from Russia and so on

2) what budget you have

Of course, first of all, when choosing a university and the educational program, it is worth relying on your preferences, but it is also worth considering the moment that not every specialty will be able to stretch financially. In addition, it is necessary to estimate the possible cost of accommodation, meals. For example, the United States and the United Kingdom are considered one of the most expensive countries for foreign students, but in the same Switzerland there are much more expensive price tags for everything. But New Zealand is the country that many foreigners who can afford to themselves, including Russians, including

3) what specialization you want to get

Abroad, many countries and educational institutions are known for the formation of a certain sphere. It is usually associated with the historical events and the development of the economy in a particular country, so it becomes the investigator of the study of some kind of direction. So, in England this area was the jurisprudence, to study the design and fashion it is better to consider the whole of the UK, and with the immersion in the sphere of politics or the economy, it is hardly some country will cope better than the United States. Journalism, as well as prestigious medical specialty, can be obtained in Australia and Switzerland. However, in the last direction so claimed that places usually lack even citizens of the country. Switzerland is also widely known as a country in which tourism originated and hotel case, so all the best experts are collected here.

In fact, unlike our country, abroad to be in the rating of respectable news agencies dreams of all educational institutions from schools and colleges to institutions and universities-giants. Here are some of the most popular lists from respected news agencies: The best universities in the world Times World Ranking, ARWU academic rating, the ranking of the best British universities The Times and The Guardian. Some organizations also specialize in drawing up a rating of institutions for a certain specialty, so if you have already been determined with the direction, then see the status of the institution in the overall rating, and only later in highly specialized.

Foreign programs for school graduates (after grade 11)

Accommodation options abroad after grade 10: what you need and can be studied

Senior School Programs allow applicants to subsequently enter universities on par with citizens of the chosen country, that is, the level of their preparation is recognized as sufficient, the passage of profile courses (Foundation / Pathway) is not required - study abroad after grade 11 becomes more realistic and practical. Most often for learning abroad after grade 11, Russian schoolchildren choose exactly the options presented below.

Training abroad for Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians are possible if a student or a student knows a foreign language at the proper level. Most often it is English or national, that state where study is planned. Therefore, it is very important to take care in advance about the level of ownership of a particular foreign language. For this there are various programs that can be passed, both in the country of actual accommodation and abroad.

Before making a decision on learning abroad, it is important to understand, education abroad for the residents of the countries of the former CIS to get quite real. But this is not so simple, as it seems at first glance. First, you will still have to pay for accommodation in a hostel or a removable apartment, for teaching aids and other spending. Secondly, to arrange a student visa, it is necessary to provide an extract from the bank or another document confirming the financial consistency of the student. Therefore, it is necessary to really calculate your capabilities (first of all financial), weigh everything for and against and only after that make a final decision.

To date, there are 3 main options that allow you to receive free training abroad for Russians.

  1. Enroll in the university in the territory of the Russian Federation and then place the translation or immediately after the completion of high school or college.
  2. Learn one or more courses in your power.
  3. Finish the university on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Many parents are asked when you can send a child to learn the limits of your state. It should be noted, study abroad for Russians is possible for free at any age, at least from the 1st grade.

The school education system includes 3 levels:

  • elementary;
  • middle;
  • higher.

Primary education is obtained for six years (6 - 12 years). The next stage is the secondary school (12 - 15 years). Higher School (15 - 19 years old).

Classification of overseas schools

In the countries of the European Union, the following school division occurs in many signs: sex, religious, education form (day, guesthouse or half board). Schools are also divided into municipal and private. In the latter, the number of students usually does not exceed 50 people.

What do you need to know parents?

To properly send a child to study to another state you need to know the main aspects and adhere to the following recommendations:

  • Learning abroad for Russians is possible mostly only in universities, for education in schools will have to pay on the general grounds.
  • Choose to choose the curriculum. It is especially important if the level of owning a foreign language is not at the proper level. It is recommended to begin preparation in advance, for example from specialized courses (summer vacation camps).
  • Choosing a payment method (100% or partially).

In advance to prepare documents for the departure of the child:

  • visa;
  • permission from parents or those replacing them;
  • certificates, certificates;
  • insurance policy and others.

Preparation for studies in the US high school

Studying in higher educational institutions of the United States for Russians, Belarusians, Ukrainians and other Russian-speaking foreigners is very attractive. But successfully engaged, without going through English courses here is almost impossible. Moreover, students study disciplines on specialized courses, which will be useful when entering the selected faculty.

Harvard University - traditionally one of the most desirable areas of study

On the territory of the United States there is a program "Pathway Programmes". Its main advantage - enrollment at the 3rd course of the university, after the successful passage of this program.

In addition to attractiveness, a diploma received in America is also prestigious. In addition, it is possible to apply for employment in the largest and most well-known international corporations. In this regard, a high popularity is used here by a magistracy on which you can do directly or through the educational international center. Master's diploma received in the United States is quoted in any corner of the globe and problems with a job reception usually does not occur.

Education in Europe

For many Russians, Ukrainians and other foreigners, the question is very relevant: how to learn abroad for free and where is it best to implement? " The most popular among students are countries: Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, Turkey. Here you can learn in the magistracy. It is important only to understand that the prerequisite is the excellent knowledge of a foreign language (English or that state where classes will be held). It should also be understood that for everything else you need to pay. This includes: the use of textbooks from the library, visiting the gym and so on. The duration of the exit to the degree of bachelor is 3-5 years, in the magistracy - from 2 to 3 years old, to get a doctoral degree - 2 years.

Bologna University - one of the most prestigious European universities

In addition to positive sides, there are here and their cons. Here are the main of them:

  • the academic year lasts from mid-October to July;
  • unusual testing system;
  • not accepted and strictly controlled.

Czech Republic.Learn without payment in one of the Universities of the Czech Republic, it is possible only if the foreigner owns the national language and the learning process is conducted on it. Therefore, it is desirable to take care of this in advance, after grade 9 or grade 11.

Austria. Among foreign applicants, this state is considered the most loyal. Perfect knowledge of language

not required here. Foreigners, for the first two years study German, go to classes and enjoy all benefits laid for students.

Greece. The study here is the ideal option, in 2019 there is a great opportunity to enter most of the faculties without paying the entrance exams.

Where is the best adaptation of children?

Psychologists of different countries, including Russian, regularly conduct research. According to their results, foreigners are best adapted to Switzerland. This is due to the international team of most educational institutions, which cannot be said about Germany or Italy.

But this does not mean that it is worth limited in choosing. Young people can adapt much more efficiently those who are older. So, in spite of the difficulties and difference of cultures, for example, is a popular and very promising direction.

Global Ugrad.

The American Exchange Program, allowing students to study in the United States. Its action applies to all European countries and countries of Central Asia. The selection is carried out on a competitive basis.

Global Ugrad logo

The program participant has several advantages:

  • assistance in solving a visa issue;
  • travel in both ends pays the receiving party;
  • accommodation in the hostel, training, nutrition is compensated;
  • scholarship is paid (monthly).

Au-Pair and Work and Travel

For Ukrainians and Russians there are also exchange programs: Au-Pair and Work and Travel. The first is valid in the countries of Europe and the USA, and the second in the United States. Thanks to them, students can go abroad for a period of 4 months before the 1st year, in order to study the language and dating with the culture and customs of the Power.

Au-Pair gives you the opportunity to live in one of the families abroad, engage in language courses, but in return to help in keeping household and look after children.

Work and Travel - mainly designed to work, but come across and accommodation

Work and Travel - for today, this is the most popular and demanded program for foreign students. During which they learn and work, getting quite a decent salary (about 1 thousand dollars). The initial costs of registration and the passage of Work and Travel are on average about 2 thousand dollars. Only students of the day form of training and under 23 years old can participate in it.

To date, Russian for free to get education abroad is quite real. To do this, you must meet certain requirements and know a foreign language well. Such conditions are available in many European powers, as well as on other continents.

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Immigration to Europe on a student visa is a very popular way to travel abroad. Including among Ukrainians. True, only 20% of new students really learn and finish a foreign university. The remaining 80% leaves their studies, looking for work and make everything to stay in the country. But not always these aspirations can be crowned with success. The "Zagranitsa" portal will tell how to go to Europe on a visa for learning

Do not build air locks!

It is necessary to clearly share European countries. In some easy to come, in others it is easy to stay. As a specialist in immigration and education in Europe, Eueasy Head Anna Shumskaya, Ukrainians are most convenient to study in Greece, Austria, Spain. These states do not require language certificates, well give student visas. And in general, the study is cheap. Speaking roughly, countries are gaining foreign students "from the street". Specific documents are not needed: the main thing is the certificate of secondary education.

Good perspectives for Ukrainians in Italy, if a person intends to learn, and then work, constantly live in the country. There is a cheap study. The only nuance is a mandatory knowledge of the language (without presenting a certificate), as well as either a diploma of the school, or at least the year of the university in his homeland. True, now the Italian consulates began to scrupulously check the documents submitted to the student visa. Foreign applicants are studying along and across, because people are often deceived: they make a visa only for entering. The consulate finds out whether the student really speaks it in Italian, whether he intends to study at the university, etc.

Who can refuse a student visa

Sometimes the applicants who just need to leave Ukraine give themselves. A real example: a woman applied to the Kiev Consulate of Italy. Italian she does not know. Now imagine the picture: she comes to the consular department with her husband, a one-year-old child and begins to find out. What is the question? So that she immediately said "no"? According to Anna Shuman, if even the applicant manage to do without a language certificate, the embassy staff will still get to the true motives of the trip.

We often explain to our students: if you want to immigrate, using training, a student visa is not entirely correct and rationally. You need to make a lot of effort to become a student of an international university, and then still successfully adopt for several years to obtain a diploma. Also, a prerequisite is your high level of language on which training will be conducted. And the language courses entail additional financial and temporary costs. If we consider the fact that most potential students visit English courses from school years, the prospect is costly. High ratings in the certificate are also an important factor for enrolling in a foreign university. At the same time, not to attend classes will not work: foreign universities strictly control the visits to lectures, seminars and practical exercises. If a student visited less than 80% of the total number of classes, the higher educational institution has the right to inform the consulate, and it, in turn, is to cancel a visa

Common causes of refusal in the entrance:

  • The chances of the Ukrainians get a student visa to the country's claimed country exclusively for language courses - meager. The consulates refuse to argue that if a person wants to enter a foreign university, it is logical to learn the language in his homeland, and then submit documents. Although the catch is: you can pay courses and not attend them by doing their affairs.
  • It is difficult to leave with children, especially small. Although according to the law, everything is exactly the opposite: the baby has the right to go with his mother, the consulate is obliged to issue a visa. Nevertheless, Germany, France, Italy love to refuse Ukrainian young mothers. Therefore, it is better not to talk about a small child before receiving a visa.
  • Age is also important. If the applicant is over 30-35 years old, it already shakes the fiction. Why does he need a bachelor's degree? Why, in principle, university? And in France pay attention to the previously obtained higher education. It is very doubtful if a person with a bachelor's or master's diploma rides to Europe to get another bachelor's bachelor.
  • We need financial guarantees. Without a sponsor and 5-7 thousand euros in the jar of a student visa will not be.
  • If you enrolled in non-accredited (let's say, some particular) university, the student visa is also not seen! The documents of only students enrolled in accredited educational institutions are considered, and exclusively on the daily form of training!
  • In the passport of the para-triple of Schengen visas? Do not share, the consulate does not arbus.

Photo: shutterstock

What country to choose

Austria, Spain, Italy. The process of enrollment in universities of these countries is similar to Greek. Education system is the same: lectures can not visit. Enrollment without language certificate, the cost of learning is up to 1000 euros per year. In Austria, as in Greece, the study of the language officially stands out for the whole 12 months! Students do not go to lecture at all, only the language looks. In Italy, Spain there is no such possibility, but a foreigner's student has the right to visit fewer objects for the sake of a new language. And notice: many students get in Austria Bachelor, then go to Germany and there are learned on the master.

Recently, it's impossible to study and work at the same time in Austria. But the rule applies only for the first year. Training time depends on the qualifications to which you apply. So, bachelors in Europe are produced in three years, masters - after two. Exception - Greece. There, to become a bachelor, you need to nibble the granite of science four years.

Germany and France. As in Greece, the education is almost free. Only first will have to learn the language in the native country and get a document confirming knowledge. The only option to leave without a language certificate is the Au Pair program (Nanny). But if we talk about the future of graduates, then in Germany and France work is almost guaranteed, since these are the strongest countries of the European Union.

Czech Republic. Country with free studies and relatively good features. After it, you can also get a master in Germany. But keep in mind, language courses in the Czech Republic are expensive - from 3500 to 7,000 euros per year, - and if you take unlicensed, high probability of failure.

Irina Partitskaya, Director of IStudy Educational Agency:

Where are our students in Europe going to learn much? In United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, Poland. In all these countries, in addition to the UK, it is possible to study for free, subject to excellent knowledge of a language supported by a certified test. In fact, students cover only their pocket expenses and pay for accommodation, if the university does not provide accommodation. Please note: more mature students from 25 years old and over, especially if there is a bachelor's diploma, master's degree, or when a specialization change, you need to carefully think through the motivation and explain to the educational institution, and subsequently a consulate, why and why they go abroad. Applicants that only graduate from school is not required: it is enough to justify the choice of university and specialty, as well as to tell about their achievements in the academic plan

Lithuania, Latvia and Poland. They are not so attractive in terms of education. However, many are peeling to pay the highest in Russian. Study is relatively cheap. On average, the year in Poland costs 2000-2500 euros, in Lithuania and Latvia - 1500 euros. However, there is little meaning in such education. Countries can be considered only as a transshipment point: after all, the standard of living, salary in Germany, Italy, Austria is significantly higher. The same applies to Slovakia, Hungary, Romania.

Estonia. This is also drawn up student visas. Just why do you need it? The tongue is complex, does it make sense to teach it?

Slovenia. Not bad option for immigration. The country is developing in a tourist plan. Language is simple. Training price is about 2000 euros per year.

Photo: shutterstock

Finland. An excellent study in English, and for children over 16 years old is free school education. The only minus: English you need to know initially. In addition, most specialties are exams.

Bulgaria and Cyprus. Countries for which parents often address their gaze. Perhaps there are its advantages, but studying for foreigners costs from 2500 euros per year. At the same time, states are not Schengen, so the possibilities of students are extremely limited.

Anna Shuman, head of Eueasy:

It is hard to go to study in the UK, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland, Denmark and Sweden. First, you need huge money. For example, a year of study at the university of Holland on average costs 8,000 euros. Secondly, you need to know the tongue in advance. And thirdly, even if you do, finish the college, then you will be expelled from the country. They say, got an education - go home

Learn to work, stay

All European countries, with the exception of Austria, allow students to work immediately upon arrival. Foreigners start looking for a part-time job somewhere in three months, and they are arranged six months old. Someone works remotely - freelancer. Someone - nanny. Third find vacancies in the field of tourism for the summer. But do not build illusions: you will not go abroad without a penny. For the first year you need to have 4000-6000 euros, no less! This is accommodation, meals. If a person has relatives who can provide him with all three years old - well. But on the other hand, everything is about everything will take a round sum: about 20,000 euros. They will pay for you, you will get an education, and then what? Back to homeland? Foreign graduates are very difficult to employ if they did not work around while studying. The process of finding a job, the part-time job itself strongly affects adaptation: new acquaintances appear, communications.

Irina Partitskaya, Director of IStudy Educational Agency:

A couple of years ago, 60% of our students, having received European education, returned to their homeland. Now the picture is different. Most Ukrainian graduates find work abroad in the specialty and remain there. Naturally, someone is employed not by profession, but a person with a European diploma and work receives a guarantee of legal status in the host country. It is easier to find it to students who initially chose a sought-after specialty. In Europe, there is an informal list of always relevant vacancies. Need health workers, logists, IT specialists, scientists, engineers, architects

Legal grounds to stay in the country after study

While you learn, you can not worry: a temporary residence permit is provided! And then you need to hinder and extend the documents. Northern Europe and most countries of Western Europe (France, Germany, Austria and others) are not immediately expelled, giving a graduate a year in search of work. Southern Europe almost does not take such concerns.

Photo: shutterstock

What is the way out? We answer!

  • Sign up by a private entrepreneur. Foreign university graduates receive such a right. After registration you automatically prolong residence permit. But a businessman should have an income: it is necessary to pay taxes.
  • Go to learn to master. This option is equal to employment. After graduation, we usually need a year to get a permanent residence permit.
  • Marry. Now we lookedched a cohabitation agreement, so even if you just moved out, it is enough to sign the document - and get a cherished residence permit. But consider: Austria and Hungary such an agreement do not recognize.

If you have any questions, ask our expert on education in Europe Anne Shkova.

For most of those who want, education in Europe seems an unattainable goal, first of all, due to its value. In fact, there are many ways to get a European diploma completely free.

I suggest starting from countries with free education not only for your own, but also for visiting students.

Choosing a country

Czech Republic

Czech Republic provides foreigners the opportunity to study for free in state universities in Czech. In most cases, it will be necessary to take exams, as well as to have basic knowledge of Czech. Accommodation costs - at your own expense.


Another real version of free study abroad for foreigners. It is not difficult to enter, there is a sufficiently large number of English-speaking programs.

To enroll in the Polish University, you need to present a certificate or a bachelor's diploma (if you want to study in the magistracy). In addition, most Polish universities cooperate with the Erasmus Mundus program (about it further).


Also provides the opportunity to foreigners to study for free. In order to do, you need to pass the German language exam and have at least 1-2 years of study at the university at home. Or finish the annual preparatory program.

It should also be considered the fact that quite often universities take contributions to the use of the library or, for example, the gym. Therefore, if you do not have third-party financing, you will have to have a bank account of the required amount of money, which will be frozen for the entire period of study. While studying, you can shoot from your account only defined in the documents for accommodation.

Belgium, Norway

There is also free education, including there are many programs in English. In some universities, foreigners need to make a registration fee upon admission and pay textbooks (about 1000 euros for all). Norway requires knowledge of their language.


Foreigners can learn for free and in state universities of Greece. You can enter, but based on the middle score in the certificate. Some universities need to make an annual contribution (up to 600 euros). Also, if you do not know the Greek language, you will have to go to courses, and for the first academic year to learn the language (courses can be both free and paid). The study visa of Greece makes it possible to work 20 hours a week.


According to the law, foreigners have the right to study at state universities for free. They pass on equal rights with the French, and, therefore, they pay the same contributions upon admission. Another requirement is knowledge of French. Despite the fact that in France, you can not pay for study, you should pay attention to accommodation costs, as life in the country is quite expensive. Therefore, most students are working on while studying.


Choosing a country, it is also necessary to pay attention to life costs. Even if you do not need to pay for study, universities do not provide free accommodation and do not cover pocket expenses. In this case, scholarship programs come to the rescue.

How to find a scholarship

For this, you can also consider various non-profit organizations, grants and programs.

Erasmus Mundus is one of the most famous European students' exchange programs. It completely covers the cost of studying in the magistracy and accommodation. A feature of the program is that, often, you cannot choose a particular university. Erasmus Mundus cooperates with dozens of European universities, and in each specific program can be from 4 to 15 universities, in two of which you will be offered to go.

There is also scholarships for study in specific countries. Their search should be started with the official sites of the government of the country where you want to go. For example, grant Chevening or Commonwealth Scholarship for Developing Countries - education in the UK. These grants completely cover training, accommodation and flight costs.

It can be approached on the other hand - to decide on the university, and then find out about scholarships. Most European states provide scholarships for foreigners.
