British magazine Times Higher Education published Top 100 higher educational institutions based on their reputation assessment

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Harvard University (Harvard University) The oldest of US universities was founded on September 8, 1636 as college. From 1639, hears the name of J. Harvard, who visited the College of Capital. Transformed into a university in the first quarter of the XIX century. Included in the Association of Private Eleet American Universities - "League Ivy". University branches are the Museum of Archeology and Ethnology Pibody and the Harvard Museum of Natural History. Located in Cambridge (Boston suburb, pcs. Massachusetts, the city is named after the University of Cambridge in the UK). Among university graduates - 69 Nobel Prize winners

Princeton University Princeton University (Princeton University) is located in Princeton, New Jersey (USA). Founded in 1746 as a New Jersey College. In 1896 received the status of the university. In 1902, Woodrow Wilson became his rector (President of the United States in 1913-1921). Included in the Association of Private Eleet American Universities - "League Ivy". It consists of Princeton College, magistracy and research centers. The structure of the university includes the leading regional theater of McCarter, an art museum and a natural history museum. Among university graduates - 15 Nobel Prize Laureates

Yale University (Yale University) One of the most famous private universities in the United States, the third seniority from American universities. Founded in 1701 under the name of the collegial school, in 1718 it was renamed the Yale College in honor of Elaich Yiel, who donated the school a large amount of money. In 1887, transformed into university. The university includes 12 schools, managed by Yale Corporation. The University graduated from five US presidents - William Howard Taft, Gerald Ford, George Bush Sr., Bill Clinton, George Bush Jr. Located in New Haven, Connecticut. Enters the "League of Ivy". Among university graduates - 20 Nobel Prize winners

California Institute of Technology (California Institute of Technology; often shrinks to Caltech, Caltech or Caltech). Private university. Founded in 1891 by a businessman and politician Aimos of the corpse called the University of the Corpse (Throop University). Repeatedly renamed. The current name was received in 1920. Located in Pasadin (California). One of the leading universities in the United States and along with the Massachusetts Technological Institute, one of the most important educational institutions specializing in the exact sciences. The structure of the Institute is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory Laboratory, which launches most of the automatic NASA spacecraft. Among university graduates - 19 Nobel Prize winners

Columbia University (Columbia University) is formed on the Kings College Base (Royal College), founded in 1754 in New York. Since 1758 began to assign scientists. In 1784, he was included in the University of New York and renamed Colombian College, from 1787 - a private university. In 1912, the College was assigned the status of the University. Managed by the Board of Trustees. At the university over 30 libraries, including the main - South Hall, technical, legal, medical, etc., as well as the Bakhmetiev archive, one of the largest storage facilities of Russian emigration. Located in New York, Manhattan district. Enters the elite "league of Ivy". Famous university graduate - US President Barack Obama. Among university graduates - 39 Nobel Prize laureates

/ TASS /. From the top of the most prestigious universities of the Times Higher Education magazine rating, prepared on the basis of a survey of 10.5 thousand professors from 142 countries, 43 operate in the United States. Two Russian universities fell into the rating - Moscow State University named after Lomonosov (Moscow State University) and St. Petersburg State University (SPbSU).

The editor of Fil Bati's rating said that this rating was subjecting as opposed to the "Best Universities of the World" rating, which The traditionally publishes in October. This is explained by the fact that it is based only on academic opinion, and not on the objective indicators of the university's activities. At the same time, Bati stressed that reputation for universities is extremely important, since, according to a study conducted by the magazine, it is this factor that is the main for professors when they make a decision to find a teaching other university.

Top 100 most prestigious universities

1. Harvard University (Harvard University), United States

2. Cambridge University (University of Cambridge), United Kingdom

3. Oxford University (University of Oxford), United Kingdom

4. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Massachusetts Institute Of Technology, Mit), USA


6. University of California in Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley)

7. Princeton University (Princeton University) USA

8. University of Yale University (Yale University), United States

9. California Institute of Technology (California Institute Of Technology, Caltech), USA

10. Columbia University (Columbia University), United States

11. Chicago University (University of Chicago), United States

12. Tokyo University (The University Of Tokyo), Japan

13. California University in Los Angeles (University of California, Los Angeles, UCLA), USA

14. Imperial College London (Imperial College London), United Kingdom

15. Swiss Federal Institute (ETH Zürich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zürich), Switzerland

16. University of Toronto (University of Toronto), Canada

17. University College London (University College London, UCL), United Kingdom

18. University of Johns Hopkins (Johns Hopkins University), United States

19. Michigan University (University of Michigan), USA

20. Cornell University (Cornell University), United States

21. NEW YORK UNIVERSITY (New York University, NYU), USA

22. London School of Economics and Political Sciences (London School Of Economics and Political Science, LSE), United Kingdom

23. University of Pennsylvania (UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA), USA

24. National University of Singapore (National University of Singapore, Nus), Singapore

25. Moscow State University. Lomonosov (Lomonosov Moscow State University), Russia

26. University of Qinghua (Tsinghua University), China

27. Kyoto University (Kyoto University), Japan

28. University of Carnegie - Melon University (Carnegie Mellon University), United States

29. Edinburgh University (University of Edinburgh), United Kingdom

30. University of Illinois in Urbana-Shampain (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), United States

31. Kings College (King "S College London), United Kingdom

32. Beijing University (Peking University), China

33. Washington University (University Of Washington), USA

34. University of Duke University, USA

35-36. Munich University of Ludwig Maximilian University (Ludwig Maximilian University Of Munich), Germany

McGill University (McGill University), Canada

37. University of British Columbia (University of British Columbia), Canada

38-40. Heidelberg University (HEIDELBERG UNIVERSITY), Germany

University of California in San Francisco (University of California, San Francisco), United States

Wisconsin University in Madisone (University of Wisconsin-Madison), United States

41-43. Berlin University named after Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany

University of California in San Diego (University of California, San Diego), United States

Melbourne University (University of Melbourne), Australia

44. University of California in Davis (University of California, Davis), USA

45. Carolinsk Institute (Karolinska Institute), Sweden

46. \u200b\u200bTexas University in Austin (University of Texas At Austin), United States

47. North-West University (Northwestern University), United States

48. The Federal Polytechnic School of Lausanne (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne), Switzerland

49. Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech Technology Institute (Georgia Tech), USA

50. University of Manchester (University of Manchester), United Kingdom


Delft University of Technology (Delft University Of Technology), Netherlands

Free University of Berlin (Free University of Berlin), Germany

LEVENSKIY Catholic University (Ku Leuven), Belgium

University Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne (Panthéon-Sorbonne University - Paris 1), France

University Paris 4 Sorbonne (Paris-Sorbonne University - Paris 4), France

Seoul National University (Seoul National University), Republic of Korea

Hong Kong University (The University of Hong Kong), Race Cong

University of Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam), Netherlands

University of São Paulo (University of São Paulo), Brazil

University of Sydney (University of Sydney), Australia

61-70. Higher Normal School (École Normale Supérieure), France

Leiden University (Leiden University), Netherlands

Taiwan National University (National Taiwan University), Taiwan

Pennsylvania State University State University (Pennsylvania State University), United States

Munich Technical University (Technical University Of Munich), Germany

University of California in Santa Barbar (University of California, Santa Barbara), United States

University of North Carolina (University of North Carolina), United States

University of Southern California (University of Southern California), United States

Wageningen University (Wageningen University and Research Center), Netherlands

71-80. Boston University (Boston University), United States

Brown University (Brown University), United States

Michigan State University (Michigan State University), United States

National Autonomous University of Mexico (National Autonomous University Of Mexico), Mexico

Purdue University (PURDUE UNIVERSITY), USA

Rutger University (Rutgers, The State University Of New Jersey), United States

St. Petersburg State University (Saint Petersburg State University), Russia

University of Minnesota, USA

Pittsburgh University (University of Pittsburgh), United States

Utrecht University (Utrecht University), Netherlands

81-90. University of Durham University (Durham University), United Kingdom

Ohio University of Ohio (Ohio State University), United States

Texas University A & M (Texas A & M University), United States

Copenhagen University (University Of Copenhagen), Denmark

University of Helsinki (University of Helsinki), Finland \\

Queensland University (University of Queensland), Australia

University of Warwick (University of Warwick), United Kingdom

University of Uppsala (Uppsala University), Sweden

University of Washington in St. Louis (Washington University In St Louis), USA

91-100. Polytechnic School (École Polytechnique), France

London School Business (London Business School), United Kingdom


University of Monasha (Monash University) Australia

Nanyang University of Technology (Nanyang Technological University), Singapore

Pasteur Institute (Pasteur Institute), France

Rhine-Westphal Institute of Technical University Aachen (RWTH Aachen University), Germany

Bristol University (University of Bristol), United Kingdom

University of Maryland in College Park (University of Maryland, College Park) USA

University of Massachusetts (University of Massachusetts), United States

Any employer appreciates good education. Nowadays, it's not very difficult to get into a foreign university, you just need to prepare well for admission. It is in order to choose an optimally appropriate university, ratings are drawn up.

How ratings are drawn up

Criteria for university evaluation:

  • Students reviews.
  • Quality of scientific research.
  • Requirements for the incoming and medium passing score.
  • Number of students per teacher.
  • Costs for the material and technical base.
  • Students who completed the course.
  • Career prospects.

All data are driven through a lot of filters, and should not be abandoned from the right sentence only due to the line in the ranking.

100 best universities in the world

In the top for 2015, the first 10 seats occupy the UK. The highlight rating of the world was compiled by an independent commission, the survey was conducted in 9 languages.

So, the one hundred of the best universities of the world opens the Harvard University. This is a very old educational institution, open in the 17th century. Many US presidents came out of his walls.

Second place is occupied by Cambridge University. From now existing this is the oldest university. It was founded in 1209.

The third place occupies Oxford. This is an educational institution, as well as the two previous, very old and has world famous.

All these educational institutions have been known for a long time, have an impeccable reputation, and after the end of one of the universities, you can count on one hundred percent employment.

The list includes universities and Europe, and Asia. At the last, hundredth of the place of the list, the University of Massachusetts is. Thus, the list closes and opens the university USA.

Of course, to choose a top university, not only large cash inflows are needed, but also the initial knowledge and knowledge of the language of the country where the educational institution is located.

The best technical universities

Technical specialties are in demand and are popular on par with humanitarian sciences. IT specialty are especially valued.

The rating of technical universities of the world is headed in the USA. His peculiarity is that students learn in practice, and does not cut a tedious theory. Therefore, the University is the leader in intravudovis research. It is worth noting that the competition in this university is unrealistic, and in order to get there, you need to try very much.

The Five Leaders includes the Indian Technological Institute. This is a real blacksmith personnel for the IT-sphere. At the Institute there is no clear specialization, and students study approximately 40 disciplines. Foreign students pays a scholarship in the framework of the exchange of cultural experience.

The top ten leaders include the Imperial London College. Training in it is relatively inexpensive - 12 thousand pounds per year. But big expenses will be at home, because the college hostel does not have. And in London, high prices for real estate.

In the twenty leaders included the Australian University of South Wales. The principles of teaching are very similar to the Massachusetts University.

Russia among world technical universities is 66th place. At this place, Moscow State University named after Lomonosov.

Best Medical Universities

In the first place in the top of medical universities is Oxford. As can be seen, it is not only part of the world's university rating, but also the best among medicine teaching.

In second place, Harvard University.

The third place is Cambridge.

The fourth place is given to the imperial London College.

Closes the five of the best Standford University, which is located in the USA.

But Russian universities did not fall into the rating of medical universities in the world.

Top World Business Schools

Business schools, as a rule, are included in major universities, and very rarely exist separately. After graduation graduates become managers of different levels.

In the first place among business schools - Harvard.

The second place is given to the University of London and his business school.

The third place is occupied by the University of Pennsylvania.

The rating of prestigious universities in the world, according to the agency U.S. NEWS.

In the first place, as almost in all rated, Harvard University.

Second place belongs to the Massachusetts Technical University.

The third place is given to the University of California in Berkeley.

The British university appears only in the fifth place - Oxford University.

In general, on the first twenty positions, almost only US universities are represented. Next, you can meet universities in Japan, Canada, China, Australia, Singapore and European countries. But most of all are universities of America. Therefore, there are concerns that experts of the agency from patriotic feelings can overestimate the educational institutions of their country.

World University Rating in the specialty

In addition to the overall rating, specialties are ratings. This is done so that the incoming could choose the most suitable university. Because all universities do not have each branch or department equally strong. The university can be in the top ten of the overall rating, but after receipt it turns out that in an less well-known Institute, it is precisely a certain specialty of knowledge to be deeper, more interesting internships and so on.

Lists make up six directions:

  • humanitarian;
  • engineering and technical;
  • bionokuchi;
  • physics and chemistry;
  • medicine;
  • social direction.

MSU took several positions of different directions at once: 35th place in the direction of "Linguistics", 36th - "Physics and Astronomy", in the specialty "Computer Sciences and Information Technologies" entered the best one. In addition to the Moscow State University, the University of St. Petersburg is one hundred.

Universities of Russia in international rankings

In Soviet times, education in our country was considered the best in the world. Over the years of restructuring and during the days, the level has decreased slightly, but at present in the world began to grow up.

According to the QS Agency, which analyzes all higher educational institutions of the world and is the rating, Russian universities are in the following places:

  • At the 114th place of Moscow State University. Lomonosov.
  • On the 233rd - St. Petersburg State University.
  • On 322nd - MSTU them. Bauman.
  • At the 328th place Novosibirsk National Research Institute.
  • From the 400th to the 500th place is the University of Friendship Peoples, Niya Mafi, St. Petersburg Technical University, Tomsk State University.
  • From the 500th to the 600th place - Tomsk Polytechnic University, Higher School of Economics, Kazan University, University of Urals. Yeltsin, Saratov State University.
  • South Federal University, Russian Economics, Plekhanov, FEFU and Voronezh State University are occupied by 800.


When choosing a suitable educational institution, it is necessary to focus not only on the rating of the most prestigious universities in the world. This is a very conventional indicator, a variety of ratings are marketing tools, and their compilation of a simple man can be unknown. Of course, no reasons not to trust the popular agencies, but when choosing a university is better to focus on your interests.

10. California University in Berkeley

Opens our rating of California University in Berkeley, which can be bolded to call the best state higher education institution. It was formed in 1868 and since then is one of the best universities in teaching natural sciences. But this does not prevent Berkeley every year to release specialists in IT technologies, many of which are considered the best in their field.

California University is famous for its graduates. The most famous among them are: Steve Wozniak (one of the founders of Apple) and Gregory Pack (actor). About 30 Nobel laureates were trained in this university. The name of Berkeley is connected with Jack London. True, the famous writing was never able to merge in it.

9. Swiss Federal Technology Institute in Zurich

This institution, which is located in the most populated part of Switzerland, can be called the best technical university of this country, but also the whole world. First time, students studied at six faculties: chemistry, mathematics, construction, architecture, literature, sociology, political and natural sciences. Today, this university has two campus and whole science. The name of this relatively young institute is associated with the names of many Nobel laureates. Albert Einstein is the most famous of them. The Swiss Federal Technology Institute is allocated among the rest of the relatively low training fee.

8. Imperial College of London

Imperial College of London can also safely dispute the title of the best higher educational institution with a technical bias. He was founded by Prince Albert in 1907 after the merger of the Mountain Academy, urban craft and polytechnic colleges. Later, other educational institutions were attached to them. On an ongoing basis, 1300 teachers are taught in Imperial College London, and at the same time it is trained with 10,000 students.

This university, along with Oxford and Cambridge, enters the golden triangle. Among the famous graduates of this institution should be noted Alexander Fleming and Ernst Chene (penicillin inventors), as well as Dennis Gabor (opened the holographic method).

7. Princeton University

This American university refers to the so-called ivy league. That is, to such educational institutions that not only give a better education, but also selectively refer to their applicants. The University of Princeton was formed in 1746 as College Of New Jersey. Initially, only 10 people studied in his walls. The university is located in the house of the priest Dickinson, who was located in the town of Elizabeth. In Priaston College moved only 10 years after its foundation.

Today, Princeton University is one of the main educational institutions of the United States. Children of influential politicians, businessmen and scientists dream of it. This university was finished at one time: James Madison (US President) and Haruki Murakami (Japanese essayist). He studied, but could not get to the diploma, the author of the Great Gatsby - Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

6. Harvard University

Of course, I could not not be included in the list of the best universities in the world to all the famous Harvard University. He was founded by the English missionary John Harvard in 1636. This is one of the oldest universities in the United States. Today, its structure includes 12 schools and the Radcliffra Research Institute. He, as well as Prorton, is included in the Ivy League.

Among the most famous graduates of this university, Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates and Matt Damona.

5. Massachusetts Institute

The top 5 universities of the world opens the famous MTI. The research base of this institute is famous for its developments in the field of robotics and artificial intelligence, so that in terms of the grant from the military ranks first in all US universities.

Massachusetts Technological Institute was founded in 1861 by Professor of Philosophy William Rogers. Unlike other American universities, MTI teachers make more emphasis on the practical use of science, which favorably distinguishes graduates of this institution from other graduate professionals.

In a particular time, 80 owners of the most prestigious award in science - the Nobel Prize were among the MTI teachers.

4. Cambridge University

Cambridge refers to the oldest universities on our planet. According to official documented data, it was formed in 1209 by Oxford's immigrants. Today, this prestigious educational institution is a confederation of 31 colleges. Each of them has its own building, libraries and other real estate objects. Thanks to the program of arrangement "Career Center", each graduate of this university can easily find work in the specialty.

The most famous graduates of the University of Cambridge are Charles Darwin, Isaac Newton, and Vladimir Nabokov. By the number of Nobel laureates, this university is the leader.

3. Stanford University

On a third-line line on the list of the best universities in the world - Stanford University, which annually takes about 700 thousand students in its ranks. Many graduates are subsequently easily found a continuation for their career. So former Stanford students stood for the basis of companies such as Google, Hewlett-Packard, Nvidia, Yahoo and Cisco Systems. The famous Apple headquarters is located next to this university, has a lot of people from Stanford University.

As you can guess, this university pays attention to high technologies. The university himself was founded in 1884, and training in it was not shared on men and women, which was very innovative at that time. Stanford finished: Sergey Brin (Founder of Google), Kofi Annan and Philip Knight (Founder Nike).

2. California Institute of Technology

This institute, in the walls of which the series "Theory of the Big Explosion" takes place, is indeed the most advanced US university. It is amazing, as the California Institute of Technology is a small one, by the standards of the remaining institutions of this list, educational institution. Every year only 1000 students and 1,200 graduate students are trained.

California Institute of Technology was mastered in 1891. It is considered to learn in it very difficult, as students are given a very large amount of information in a short time. And at least a list of graduates of Caltech does not take the names familiar for ordinary people, among graduates of this university there are real sebribriti in the world of science.

1. Oxford University

Of course, the most popular and well-known educational institution is the Oxford University, which is headed by our rating of the best universities in the world. He is the oldest university. Training in it began in 1096. The structure of the university consists of 38 colleges. It is simultaneously trained over 20 thousand students, and more than 4 thousand people enter the staff of regular teachers.

At one time, Lewis Carol, Margaret Tetcher, John Tolkin and others studied in Oxford. Most of the discoveries of humanity in the field of cosmology were made in Oxford.

Each person who wants to succeed in life seeks to get high-quality education. However, universities of our country, unfortunately, do not provide level certificates that allow you to quickly get on one of the leading positions in profitable companies. Despite this, more and more of our compatriots receive education in, but some try their strength abroad. Of course, many are unable to pay training, but many grants come to the rescue, winning which you can study free of charge abroad. We have collected for you the best options for higher educational institutions in the ranking the best universities in the world 2016 The year so you can choose exactly what you have to do.

10. University of Chicago (USA)

This educational institution has a rich history: it was here that the first nuclear reaction was obtained, to prove that oncology can be caused by genetic heredity, confirm the benefit of reading for the brain development. At the base of the university, there are more than 120 different research centers, whose services are enjoyed by large companies, so the prospect of staying here is very attractive, because you can repeat the feat of one of the 89 graduates who became the Nobel Prize laureates. There was also a modern foreign policy doctrine of the United States of America.


The main marketing goat, who possesses the university, which occupies the ninth line of the rating of the best universities in the world 2016 is the presence of Albert Einstein graduates, the owner of Nobeli in the 1921 physics. Among the features are also unique developments, among which is a large hadron collider, whose supervision of activity is carried out by CT. This suggests the extremely high qualifications of specialists, thanks to which they have the opportunity to participate in advanced studies of our time.


This university presented the world many revolutionaries in science, because it was his graduates with the useful properties of Vitamin C. One of the outstanding college students was Alexander Fleming, the inventor of Penicillina, which allowed humanity to effectively deal with infectious diseases. There are also 15 Nobel laureates, including a man who gave the world a hologram. If you have a predisposition to the study of technical or natural sciences, the imperial college will be the best option.


You will be amazed by the number of areas of Princeton University, which takes the seventh position in the top ten most universities in the world for 2016. In independence from the selected industry, he has something to be proud of. It was here that the speed of the world was exceeded, a game theory was developed, which is the basis of a separate discipline within the framework of economic science, and advanced developments in the field of energy saving, allowing humanity to avoid commodity and energy crises in the future. The most famous graduate is John Nash, the first of the people who could realize the presence of schizophrenia and to cope with it. It inspired American directors to create a biographical film about outstanding mathematics.


Perhaps there are no people in the civilized world who did not hear about Harvard's "Harvard" at least once in their lives, among which John Kennedy and Barack Obama, a lot of cinema stars, the generic team of the Era of personal computers Bila Gates, who is the creator The world's first social network (Facebook) having about two billion users today. Among the existers of the former USSR also there are several outstanding figures who finished Harvard: Yuri Shevchuk, Orest Substory, Grigori Grabovich. Anyone who wants a bright future for their children to strive to provide him with education in this university.


In the top five of the very best institutions in the world of 2016, the second most important technical university of modernity is located. It was here that the ideas that are constantly being introduced into everyday life, such as cybernetics and artificial intelligence, originated and continue to develop. In MTI, there are a mass of laboratories, among which the one in which the newest military means for the army of the United States are being developed. The general teaching staff has about one and a thousand professors, and from eleven thousand students of 15% are foreign citizens.

4. Cambridge University (United Kingdom)

The rating, which includes the best universities in the world 2016, can not do without Cambridge. This educational institution is the world leader among graduates with the Nobel Prize, here are 92, most of which have made revolutionary discoveries in the field of accurate sciences and natural science. Due to the long history of the existence of Cambridge, it can also boast outstanding physicists - Newton and Bacon. It is worth noting that the leading specialists in the field of nuclear physicists work here, among professors there were also Ernest Rutherford, which has proven existence in the nucleus in the atom, with a positive charge and electrons around it with a negative and creator of the world's first atomic bomb - Robert Oppenheimer.


The university, which opens up the top three, is the cradle of the modern computer industry, because at its base the mass of brands, which are now among the largest companies in the world. It was here that Steve Jobs studied, the founder of Apple, and solely due to the possibility of teachers to adequately respond to the innovative developments of their own wards, he managed to achieve such success. Stanford welcomed the scientific laboratories for MasterCard, Facebook, Xerox, which allowed the IT-industry giants to produce a revolution in everyday life, significantly simplifying it.


Despite the small, in comparison with other applicants, he had a decisive influence on the United States Space Program, it was possible to launch the Hubble telescope and the Lunar Program Apollo. Each tenth graduate receives medals for innovation from the government, most of the thirty years provide themselves at the Federal Academy of Sciences. 17 students were awarded the Nobel Prize, all in the field of physics or mathematics. No other educational institution boasts such an influence on the development of space by a person like KTI.

1. Oxford University (United Kingdom)

"Oxford" is the golden winner of the top 10 rating and this best World University 2016 of the year. This university serves as an example of the classical university, in which humanitarian, technological and medical disciplines are equally developing. It was here that the first theories appeared about the emergence of the universe, the trajectories of the movement of galaxies were calculated and research expeditions were coordinated for Mars. An interesting fact is also the presence of its own observatory, the staff of which was predicted by the collision of the Milky Way and Andromeda, and also found a planet, which fully consists of glass.

1. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

For 150 years, Mit released more than 70 Nobel laureates, eight of which are included in the Teaching staff of the university. More than 10,000 students at the highest level study architecture and planning, engineering, humanitarian and social sciences, management, natural science, healthcare and technical and applied science.


The university was founded by rail magnate Leland Stanford in 1891 in memory of the Son, Lland Stanford Junior, a deceased teenager in 1884. It is believed that Stanford, the most selective American university after Harvard, annually approves only 7% of applications of applicants. The university graduates became the founders of such famous companies as Hewlett-Packard and Google. Stanford enters the top three richest universities in the world. 11000 students learn from undergraduate programs and postplomal education.

3. California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Caltech in its research and training focuses on natural science and engineering programs. About 2300 students learn here, and the teaching staff has 300 people. Among the graduates of the Institute 31, the Nobel laureate, and in addition to educational and research activities, the university is headed by the Jet Propulsion laboratory and the Global Network of Astronomical Observatory and Research Centers.

4. Princeton University (PRINCETON UNIVERSITY)

The smallest in size, but far from significance, university, the famous league of Ivy, was founded in 1746. During this time, Princeton released 30 Nobel laureates. Now 5,000 bachelors and 2,500 students of postproken programs are studying at the university, and the teaching staff has 1,100 people.

5. Cambridge University (University of Cambridge)

Cambridge graduates occupy an important place in modern history: Newton and the laws of movement, RFFord and the splitting of the atom, Darwin and the theory of evolution, cry and Watson and the DNA model. Founded in 1209 by scientists of Oxford University, who left the educational institution after disagreements with the local population, now Cambridge is one of the leading universities of the world, where more than 18,000 students study and employs 8,500 employees.

6. Imperial College London (IMPERIAL COLLEGE LONDON)

The main activity of the university is based on studies that are conducted in four faculties: medicine, natural science, engineering and business. The university was founded in 1907 as part of the University of London (University of London). The main campus is located in the museum part of London and is a combination of classical English architecture and modern design. At 14,000 students account for 7,500 employees.

7. Oxford University (University of Oxford)

The famous university, whose graduates were 26 British prime ministers, at least 30 world leaders, 12 saints and 20 Archbishops of Canterburg. In the 13th century, the basis of Oxford was actually created training in colleges. One of the oldest universities in the world includes 38 colleges and 6 permanent residency.

8. Swiss Higher Technical School Zurich (ETH Zürich)

No need to be Einstein to study in ETH - every Swiss Citizen, who received a school certificate, has the right to enter the strongest technical university of the country. In 16 faculties, more than 16,000 students learn. And the Great Albert Einstein received his diploma here in 1901.

9. California University in Los Angeles (UCLA)

Located near Hollywood with the famous film and television school University is the place of attraction of all fans of cinema. The university employs 26,000 employees and more than 38,000 students study. UCLA athletes consistently occupy the first places in inter-university competitions.

10. California University in Berkeley (University of California, Berkeley)

Vitamin E was invented here, a lost Scarlay operator was found, the influenza virus was opened. More than 20 graduates became Nobel laureates. More than 36,000 students are learn at the university, of which 10,000 people in graduate education programs. The university is on the border with San Francisco.

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Vitaly Ivanov 28.08.2015

Age: 27 years
University: Aalto University
Take dates: September 2015
Program: Master

Admission to Magistracy in Finland with Allterra Education

The decision to go to study abroad me appeared when I visited a friend who studies in Holland. The story about studying from the first mouth and the campus excursion made a huge impression on me. After that, I decided to independently prepare a package of documents for admission to the magistracy. Chose a program that estimated the year of study in Delft, the year in Helsinki. Prepared a motivational letter, diploma, resume, received recommendation letters, passed IELTS and sent everything to the reception. Confidence that I will do, there was no, so I immediately decided that you need to submit documents in several universities. But since the preparation of documents took a lot of time and time, it decided that this time you need to contact the educational agency.

Allterra Education was initially chosen because I liked the site, characterized by informative and pleasant design. I called the agency and talked with Maria Lutsenko, a specialist in higher education abroad. With the first meeting, I realized that I was not mistaken. I really liked Mary's approach, her desire to understand the purpose of learning and attentive attitude to my wishes. As a result, we decided to focus on entering the magistracy in Finland, as a country with a very good IT education (also free) and the support of young entrepreneurs' support for all Europe. And although before the end of the reception of applications, the Finnish universities remained a week, Maria convinced me that we would all have time, because I already had the bulk of the documents. After the choice of universities there was a week of intensive preparation of documents. Maria has edited all my texts, taking into account the characteristics of the training programs and very organized and carefully prepared packets of documents for each of the universities, and there were four of them. All documents were delivered on time. About three months later, the answers began to come from universities. As a result, I was adopted in three universities of four. Most of all I wanted to enter Aalto University, from him the first and came a positive answer. I will never forget my joy :) Getting permission to study and the search for housing also passed smoothly, because it was no longer necessary to hurry so much :) Now I have two years of study in Aalto, and I hope they bring me a wonderful experience and The most vivid impressions.

I want to say a huge thank you by the Allterra Education team and especially Maria Lutsenko. You make a job that helps people fulfill their dreams, opens up new horizons to them, and make this work with the soul and very professionally! Successes to you in your wonderful business!

With great gratitude,

Vitaly Ivanov

Finland, Helsinki

Catherine 08.09.2014

Age: 17 years
University: University of Toronto
Dates of travel: September 2014 - to the present

Program: Undergraduate, Faculty of Engineering

Our faculty has a reputation of the most crazy in all university, and he responds quite))

Today we gathered early in the morning, we were given on a huge bag with gifts (mostly - things with symbols of uni and student organizations: a bottle for water, towel, hat, slaps and a bunch of all, and most importantly - yellow helmet and T-shirt! )

All day we just went around the city and went crazy as they could! All the faculty!

At first there was a concert - a small joining from the "old" students. All are so cool! Such cheerful! Everyone says that learning is very hard, but everything seems to be alive)

What we just did not! Basically, they ran around the city, played, danced) Today I did not feed the normal food: they simply distributed different pizza and saba - Sabvay boots)

One of the main traditions of historical engineers is to smear the purple paint from the head to the legs. And you can still swim in it, what I did))))) almost everyone did, today it was hot: +26

It was really very cool) paint is not toxic, but not immediately washed away)))) So now I am very similar to mystick from the people of X, only violet)))))))

Then we dressed our yellow helmets and passed the parade throughout the city (only the Faculty of Engineering!)

It was just unreal! The university has its own police, a movement on the main streets was blocked specifically for us. We just walked, something chant, so many people got together) We went on one of the biggest streets, through a huge shopping center, we are bibicated all cars, but what is there - even trams))

Everyone somehow got acquainted between them, although after all the paint jazz, learning each other was not easy)

In the evening we had a small lecture, because tomorrow we will have a test ((it's just on checking skills, as far as we are ready: they do not put estimates for it. But still a little sad, that is already a test (

Engineers are different from the rest of the students: as I understood, we will learn to learn whether it will be harder, we start on this Thursday, although the rest just next week, and we have a more downloaded timetable

But we run off the cooler of everyone, although less in time)

Canada, Toronto
