We will help you with this. We will tell the history of the Victory Day holiday in an accessible way, we will offer you verses dedicated to the Victory Day.

Victory Day - May 9

Victory Day is a holiday

The day of the defeat of a cruel war,

Day of the defeat of violence and evil,

Day of resurrection of love and kindness.


Sasha took out his toy gun and asked Alyonka: “Is a good military man?” Alyonka smiled and asked: “Will you go to the parade on Victory Day in this form?” Sasha shrugged his shoulders, and then answered: “No, I will go to the parade with flowers - I will give them to real warriors!” Grandfather heard these words and patted Sasha on the head: “Well done, granddaughter!” And then he sat down and began to talk about the war and victory.

On May 9 we celebrate Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. Grandfathers and great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers put on orders, go to meet their veteran friends. Together they remember what the war years were like.

World War II began in 1939. It covered more than 60 countries of the world! She came to our country on the terrible morning of June 22, 1941. It was Sunday, people were resting, planning their day off. Suddenly, the news struck like thunder: “The war has begun! Fascist Germany launched an offensive without declaring war ... "All adult men put on military uniforms and went to the front. Those who remained joined the partisans to fight the enemy in the rear.

During the long war years, people could not live in peace. Every day brought loss, real grief. More than 60 million people did not return home. Half of the dead are residents of the former Soviet Union. Almost every family has lost a grandfather, father, brother or sister...

The Russian, Belarusian, Ukrainian and other peoples of the USSR paid a heavy price for their participation in this terrible war. The war spared neither the elderly nor the children.

The attackers mocked the inhabitants of the captured cities and villages. Our warriors bravely fought against the invaders. They could not forgive the burnt houses, the destroyed monuments of national culture. And even more painful for them was for the dead relatives and friends. The soldiers were not afraid of either hunger or cold. Perhaps they were scared too. But the dream of victory, a peaceful life constantly supported them.

It was 1945. The Great Patriotic War against the fascist invaders was drawing to a victorious end. Our soldiers fought to the best of their ability. In the spring, our army approached the capital of Nazi Germany - the city of Berlin.

The battle for Berlin continued until May 2. Especially desperate was the assault on the Reichstag, where the leaders of Germany gathered. On May 8, 1945, representatives of the German High Command signed an act ending the war. The enemy has surrendered. May 9th became Victory Day, a great holiday for all mankind.

Now on this day holiday fireworks are sure to bloom in millions of colors. Veterans are congratulated, songs are sung for them, poems are read. Flowers are brought to the monuments of the dead. We always remember that peace on earth is the most important value.

Poems for Victory Day for children

Let there be peace

Let the machine guns not scribble

And the formidable guns are silent,

Let there be no smoke in the sky

Let the sky be blue

Let the bombers over it

They don't fly to anyone.

People, cities don't die...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Together with grandfather

The morning mist has melted

Spring is blooming...

Today grandfather Ivan

Cleaned up the medals.

We go to the park together


Soldier, gray-haired, like him.

They will remember

Your brave battalion.

They'll talk heart to heart

About all the affairs of the country,

About the wounds that still hurt

From the distant days of the war.

Even then we were not in the world

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm of fire,

Deciding the fate of future centuries,

You fought a holy battle!

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with Victory.

Soldiers of May, glory to you forever

From all the earth, from all the earth!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!



Remember how guns rumbled,

How the soldiers died in the fire

Forty-one, forty-five

Soldiers went to fight for the truth.

Remember, in our power and thunderstorms, and the wind,

We are for happiness and tears in the answer,

Our children on the planet

The youth generation is alive.


The sun hid behind the mountain

Clouded river rifts,

And along the steppe road

From the heat, from the evil heat

The gymnasts on the shoulders burned out;

Your battle banner

Soldiers shielded their hearts from enemies.

They spared no life

Defending the fatherland - the native country;

Defeated, won

All enemies in the battles for the Holy Motherland.

The sun hid behind the mountain

Clouded river rifts,

And along the steppe road

Soviet soldiers were coming home from the war.

On May 9, Russia celebrates a national holiday - Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, in which the Soviet people fought for the freedom and independence of their homeland against Nazi Germany and its allies. The Great Patriotic War was the most important and decisive part of the Second World War of 1939-1945.

The Great Patriotic War began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union. On her side were Romania, Italy, and a few days later Hungary, Slovakia and Finland.

(Military Encyclopedia. Chairman of the Main Editorial Commission S.B. Ivanov. Military Publishing. Moscow. In 8 volumes -2004. ISBN 5 - 203 01875 - 8)

The war lasted almost four years and became the largest armed clash in the history of mankind. On a huge front stretching from the Barents to the Black Seas, from 8 to 12.8 million people fought on both sides in different periods, from 5.7 to 20 thousand tanks and assault guns, from 84 to 163 thousand guns and mortars, from 6.5 to 18.8 thousand aircraft. The history of wars has never known such a huge scale of hostilities and the concentration of such a large mass of military equipment.

The act of unconditional surrender of Nazi Germany was signed in the suburbs of Berlin on May 8 at 22:43 CET (Moscow time on May 9 at 0:43). It is because of this time difference that the Day of the End of World War II is celebrated on May 8 in Europe, and on May 9 in the Soviet Union.

And only in 1965, in the year of the twentieth anniversary of the victory of the Soviet troops, by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, May 9 was again declared a non-working day. The holiday was given an exceptionally solemn status, a special commemorative medal was established. On May 9, 1965, a military parade was held on Red Square in Moscow, and the Banner of Victory was carried in front of the troops.

Since then, Victory Day has always been celebrated very solemnly in the USSR, and holding military parades on May 9 has become a tradition. The streets and squares were decorated with flags and banners. At 7 pm, a minute of silence was announced in memory of the dead. Mass meetings of veterans in the center of Moscow have become traditional.

On May 9, 1991, the last parade of the USSR era took place, and until 1995 there were no parades. In 1995, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Victory, a military parade was held in Moscow along Kutuzovsky Prospekt near Poklonnaya Hill. It demonstrated samples of military equipment, while columns of veterans marched along Red Square.

Since 1996, the tradition of holding military parades on the main square of the country has been enshrined in the law "On perpetuating the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945." According to him, parades should take place not only in Moscow, but also in hero cities, and in cities where the headquarters of military districts and fleets are deployed. The participation of military equipment in the law is not fixed.

Since then, parades have been held annually. On Victory Day, meetings of veterans, solemn events and concerts are held. Wreaths and flowers are laid at the monuments of military glory, memorials, mass graves, guards of honor are put up. Memorial services are held in churches and temples of Russia.

Every year on this day in the hero cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Novorossiysk, Tula, Smolensk and Murmansk, as well as in the cities of Kaliningrad, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Chita, Khabarovsk, Vladivostok, Severomorsk and Sevastopol is a festive artillery salute. The first salute on the occasion of Victory Day was fired in Moscow on May 9, 1945 with 30 salvos from a thousand guns.

Since 2005, a patriotic action "St. George's Ribbon" has been held in order to return and instill the value of the holiday in the younger generation. On the eve of the celebration of Victory Day, everyone can tie a "George Ribbon" on their arm, bag or car antenna as a sign of memory of the heroic past of the USSR, as a symbol of military prowess, Victory, military glory and recognition of the merits of front-line soldiers.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from open sources

Date in 2019: May 9, Thursday.

Victory Day! So much in these words. They contain the bitterness of tears and losses, they contain the joy of meetings and achievements. After all, the events of those terrible years touched every family, every person. And even though many years separate us from that Great Victory, every year at the beginning of May, all Russians with respect and awe remember the feat of their fathers and grandfathers. Let's remember how it all began and how the traditions of celebrating May 9 have changed over half a century.

For all residents of Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union, one of the most important holidays is May 9 - Victory Day is celebrated by everyone, regardless of age and social status. Fortunately, many of us do not know the horrors of war, the hardships and troubles that people who went through the nightmare of the war years had to endure. But we are well aware that this happiness is due precisely to those fighters who did not return from the battlefield, as well as to the heroes who worthily reached the glorious Victory Day.

History of Victory

Soviet troops marched for four years to the day of victory over fascism. Four years that went down in history as the greatest feat of ordinary soldiers and officers, children and teenagers, old people and women who literally pulled out their right to a happy peaceful life with their teeth. And not only your life, but also your children, grandchildren, that is, our peaceful life with you. And it is impossible to forget this feat.

Raising the flag over the Reichstag

And the most joyful, unforgettable event, of course, was and always will be Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War.

It was Victory Day that marked the complete surrender of the Nazi troops. But this event was preceded by other equally important stages of surrender.

By the end of April, Soviet troops came close to Berlin, where they met with fierce resistance. Preliminary negotiations on May 1 on complete surrender did not produce results, which led to the assault on the central part of the city and the battles for the main office. Despite heavy fighting, on May 2, the flag was raised over the Reichstag by Soviet soldiers. By 3 p.m. after the German propaganda deputy spoke on the radio, the remnants of the German garrison laid down their arms and surrendered. This is how Berlin capitulated, but it was not yet a Victory.

The act of complete surrender was signed only five days later, which the German command agreed to because of the senselessness of continuing hostilities. Early in the morning of May 7, the document is signed by all parties to the military conflict. But General Ivan Susloparov, speaking on behalf of the Soviet command, did not have Moscow's permission to approve such historical documents.

Therefore, it was decided to sign the second act, but already by authorized persons of all parties. The document, which has all legal rights, is signed at Central European Time on May 8 at 22:43, which corresponds to 0:43 on May 9, Moscow time.

It was this document that proclaimed the complete surrender of Germany.

history of the holiday

On the morning of May 9, Stalin signs the Decree of the Commander-in-Chief, in which May 9 is proclaimed Victory Day.

The first celebration in 1945 was remembered for the grandiose salute. And the Victory Parade in honor of the end of the war was held in Moscow on June 24.

However, the solemn celebration of May 9 lasted only three years. In 1948, the holiday was abolished. Either in this way they wanted to heal the wounds of the terrible war years, or Stalin did not like it that the people associated the holiday with Marshal of Victory Zhukov.

Nevertheless, the holiday has lost that solemnity and loftiness that was originally invested in it.

Literally before the beginning of Brezhnev's rule, Victory Day was a working day and was marked by salutes and the standard 30 volleys from artillery pieces.

Under Brezhnev, the approach to celebrating Victory Day changed dramatically. Since 1965, the holiday has been declared a day off again and the tradition of holding military parades has returned. The scale of solemnity of the events held increased every year.

After the collapse of the Union, against the backdrop of political instability, the holiday was simply ignored for several years in terms of holding festive and traditional events. And only in 1995, the tradition of holding parades and processions on Victory Day was revived again. But literally until 2008, military equipment did not participate in such parades.

One holiday - different dates

If in Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union Victory Day is unconditionally perceived as May 9, then in European countries it is customary to celebrate the holiday on May 8. This is due not so much to the confusion of dates as to the time difference when the German Surrender Act was signed. According to the time in Europe, the event happened on the night of May 8th.

Signing the act of surrender

The UN also made its contribution, which, by its resolution adopted in 2004, recommended that the participating countries celebrate the Day of Remembrance for the victims of the Second World War.

Therefore, in Europe, the holiday is celebrated in many countries on May 8, and it has a more tragic than joyful coloring.

Unfortunately, in the Baltic countries, in Ukraine, where the vision of many historical events has radically changed recently, decisions were made at the government level to postpone and rename the holiday. But, as life shows, folk traditions and memory are much stronger, and many people, as before, try to celebrate Victory Day according to the date set by their ancestors.

Celebration traditions

Today May 9 is one of the brightest and largest holidays in Russia. The celebration is held in all major cities and small towns of the country. Music of the war years and military themes plays everywhere, people take to the streets to lay flowers at monuments, graves, and also congratulate veterans. But for the front-line soldiers, of whom there are only a few, it is also a day of bitterness, a day of remembrance of the horrors suffered and the dead comrades.

Parade in honor of Victory Day

Various units of the army, as well as modern military equipment, walk along the main square of the country and in large hero cities. Be sure to take part in the parade and aviation. War veterans, representatives of the government of the state, as well as guests of the country are present at the parade as guests of honor.

Laying flowers and a moment of silence

Each city has its own places of military glory.

It is to such memorials and monuments, monuments and burials, monuments to the Unknown Soldier and the Eternal Flame, other historical and memorable places that people go all day long to bow and lay flowers, wreaths, baskets. During the solemn laying ceremony, the event is accompanied by a minute of silence. This is a tribute and honor to those heroes who laid down their lives for the sake of peace, for the sake of Victory.

This is a young tradition, which in just a couple of years has spread not only to all cities of Russia, but has also gained recognition in many countries of the world.

Millions of children and grandchildren take to the streets of cities with portraits of their fathers, grandfathers, great-grandfathers, who were directly involved in the approach of the Great Victory. A real “immortal regiment” passes through the streets, since in our memory these heroes will always be alive.

Action on Victory Day “I remember! IM proud of!" appeared back in 2005. This motto does not require any special explanation, and the St. George or Guards Ribbon became the symbol of the action.

To remind the younger generation of the valiant feat of our ancestors, this tradition appeared to tie a ribbon on Victory Day. But attacks by some states on this harmless attribute unwittingly made the St. George ribbon a real symbol of victory.


In the evening, after the main festive events in large cities, a large-scale festive fireworks display is mandatory.

Hundreds, thousands of balls are raised up, which crumble into millions of sparks, illuminating the sky above the cities and creating an unforgettable sight. Volleys are fired from special artillery pieces. It is this event that creates a genuinely unique feeling of unity, a feeling of gratitude that inevitably awakens in the hearts of people during the Volleys of Victory.


Dear veterans, all our words and congratulations on Victory Day are intended for you. We bow at your feet and thank you for our peaceful sky. We wish you good health and peace of mind. And we promise that we will do everything so that our children and grandchildren remember this day and never know the horrors of war.

May 9 is a day of sorrow and a day of joy. We mourn for the dead, for those who sacrificed their lives for our well-being. We rejoice in the Victory, the greatest victory of good over evil, faith in life over fascism, good over the "black plague". Indeed, on that distant spring day, something happened that millions of people went to for four years, suffering losses, suffering from grief. And today we rejoice in our victory, we are proud that we are followers of the great winners.

Tears and joy in our eyes

There is simply no more joyful holiday.

Flowers for veterans in our hands,

Thank you for a trouble free life.

There will be fireworks today

With victory, - everyone repeats,

With pride in the eternal regiment we go,

The pain will not subside, but our memory is alive,

She gets stronger with age.

How much trouble that war brought

What a blessing that the victory was ours.

Many days, minutes, years.

Victory was brought as close as possible.

And now the trouble has receded forever,

Everyone rejoiced and rejoiced.

Congratulations today to those who survived

We bow our knees before you

And remember the dead, and be silent,

Swallowing tears of bitterness.

We will say thank you for a world without war,

Thank you all for the victory

Thanks to all those who did not return from the war,

Thank you father and grandfather.

Larisa, April 27, 2017.

Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Belarus

educational institution

"Belarusian State University of Culture and Arts

Department of directing rituals and holidays

Coursework on the topic:


Student 314 FZO group

Sherstneva Tatyana Vladimirovna

Scientific adviser:

Head of the Department of Directing Rites and Holidays, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor P.A. Hood

Minsk, 2011






Today, young people have an ambiguous attitude towards the history of our people. Sometimes you can see disrespect for the participants in the great battles.

Victory Day is the day on which the Soviet army defeated the German troops in the Great Patriotic War. This is truly a holiday with tears in your eyes. On this day, joy and sorrow are near. There is no family that the war would bypass. Therefore, on this day, every family remembers those who remained on the battlefields and those who established a peaceful life. And, of course, they congratulate the veterans who survived these difficult four years. Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 157 of March 26, 1998 Victory Day<#"justify">1. Golevnev A.I. "Memories of Veterans of the Great Patriotic War".

This book contains memories of veterans of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus - former soldiers of the Soviet Army, underground fighters and partisans about their military actions for the honor, freedom and independence of their Motherland and their people, tells about their patriotism and heroism, about victorious joys, hard trials that fell to the lot Belarusian people during the Great Patriotic War.

2. Dovbush M.D. Soviet traditions, holidays and rituals

The book describes the main holidays and rituals of the Soviet Union, gives recommendations for their preparation and conduct. The main traditions of the Victory Day are described in detail.

3. Kurochkin P.A. "The Great Patriotic War in photographs and film documents"

This book tells about the main military operations, about the mass heroism of Soviet soldiers, about the courage of partisans and underground fighters, about the great feat of all our people. The victorious conclusion of the war, the rise of the nationwide struggle against the fascist enslavers are described.

4. "Fortieth Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War" Documents and materials.

This book includes documents and materials dedicated to the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War.

5. Chernyak Yu.M. "Director of holidays and spectacles.

The book explores the main aspects of festive events, the figurative structure of holidays and spectacles. the process of creating festivals is considered on specific examples.

6. Encyclopedic reference book "Mogilev".

The most important aspects of modern life and the history of Mogilev are reflected. The book consists of a figurative essay and reference articles arranged in alphabetical order. Tells about the life of a modern city and its past, architectural monuments, people whose names are immortalized in the city.

An analysis of the literature showed that very few authors refer to the traditions of the Victory Day in the Mogilev region, so my study is relevant and socially significant.

Work structure:


Chapter 1 The emergence, development and traditions of the holiday "Victory Day":

1 Genesis and history of the holiday.

2 Features of the development of the Victory Day during the years of Soviet power on the territory of Belarus

Chapter 2 Victory Day at the present stage.

1 National and territorial components of the Victory Day of the post-Soviet period.

2 Traditions and innovations in the celebration of Victory Day



Scenarios of the Victory Day.

holiday victory belarus soviet

Chapter 1. The emergence, development and traditions of the holiday "Victory Day"

1.1 Genesis and history of the holiday

The Great Patriotic War occupies a special place in the history of our country and all mankind. In terms of strategic importance, the four-year battle on the Soviet-German front became the main component of the Second World War. In gigantic battles near Moscow and Leningrad, near Stalingrad and on the Kursk Bulge, on the Dnieper and in Belarus, in the Baltic states and East Prussia, in the countries of Southeast, Central and Northern Europe, Soviet troops inflicted decisive defeats on the Nazis, which turned the tide of the entire Second World War. war and led the allies to victory.

In the fire of war, the lives and destinies of every third Belarusian burned down. More than 800 thousand soldiers and officers from Belarus died at the front. The Nazis destroyed more than 2 million 200 thousand inhabitants of the republic. Over 380 thousand were driven into slavery. The invaders completely destroyed more than five thousand settlements, 209 out of 270 cities, including Minsk, Gomel and Vitebsk. 628 villages were burned to the ground together

with their inhabitants. Such is the contribution of Belarusians to the Victory over fascism and the liberation of the peoples of Europe from the brown plague.

For many years after the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Great Victory was perceived in our country and in many countries of the world as the highest manifestation of the spirit, the enormous self-sacrifice of the Soviet people, mass heroism, courage and glory of the soldiers of the Armed Forces. The Great Patriotic War, the feat of our people, the outstanding victories of the Soviet Army have long been the most important educational means of developing the continuity of traditions between different generations.

National ideals and traditions, sacred love for the Motherland, which manifested themselves with particular force in the Great Patriotic War, were the highest moral value, the basis of the patriotic and military-patriotic education of the younger generation.

April began fighting for the Reichstag, which was defended by about a thousand people. After several attacks, units of the 171st and 150th rifle divisions managed to occupy the building. On April 30, at 14:25, sergeants Mikhail Yegorov and Meliton Kantaria hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag.

May at 2:41 am in Reims, the act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed. On behalf of the Allies, the act of surrender was signed by General Walter Bedell Smith, General Ivan Susloparov (as a witness) for the USSR and General Francois Sevez for France. From Germany it was signed by Admiral Friedeburg and General Jodl.

May at 22:43 CET (May 9 at 0:43 Moscow time), Field Marshal Wilhelm Keitel, as well as representatives of the German Navy, who had the appropriate authority, signed the Act of unconditional surrender of Germany. The Great Patriotic War, to the great joy of the entire Soviet people, is over.

By agreement between the governments of the USSR, the USA and Great Britain, an agreement was reached to consider the procedure in Reims preliminary. However, in Western historiography, the signing of the surrender of the German armed forces, as a rule, is associated with the procedure in Reims, and the signing of the act of surrender in Berlin is called its "ratification".

But even before that moment, Stalin signed a decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR that from now on May 9 becomes a public holiday - Victory Day and is declared a day off. At 6 o'clock in the morning Moscow time, this Decree was read out on the radio by the announcer Levitan.

The first Victory Day was celebrated in the way that, probably, very few holidays were celebrated in the history of the USSR and Russia. People on the streets congratulated each other, hugged, kissed and cried.

May, in the evening in Moscow, the Victory Salute was given, the largest in the history of the USSR: thirty volleys were fired from a thousand guns.

The first parade in honor of the Victory of the USSR in the Great Patriotic War on June 24, 1945 on Red Square. In it, the organizers found a combination of a deeply symbolic ceremonial action, demonstrating the power and strength of the Soviet Army, which overthrew fascism, with a vivid emotionality of joining every citizen of our country to what is happening.

The decision to hold the Victory Parade on Red Square was made by Stalin in mid-May 1945, almost immediately after the defeat of the last resisting group of Nazi troops on May 13th.

"In commemoration of the Victory over Germany in the Great Patriotic War, I appoint on June 24, 1945 in Moscow on Red Square the Parade of the troops of the Active Army, the Navy and the Moscow garrison - the Victory Parade. Bring to the Parade: consolidated regiments of the fronts, consolidated regiment of the People's Commissariat of Defense, consolidated Regiment of the Navy, military academies, military schools and troops of the Moscow garrison. To receive the Victory Parade to my deputy Marshal of the Soviet Union Zhukov. To command the Victory Parade to Marshal of the Soviet Union Rokossovsky.

The first Victory Parade was prepared very carefully. According to the memoirs of veterans, rehearsals took place a month and a half. Soldiers and officers, accustomed to four years of crawling and moving in short dashes, had to be taught to mint a step at a frequency of 120 steps per minute.

First, stripes were drawn on the asphalt along the length of the step, and then they even pulled the ropes to help set the height of the step. The boots were covered with a special varnish, in which the sky was reflected like in a mirror, and metal plates were nailed to the soles, which helped to mint the step.

The parade began at ten o'clock in the morning, almost all this time it was raining, at times turning into a downpour, which was recorded by newsreel footage. About forty thousand people participated in the Parade. Zhukov and Rokossovsky went to Red Square on white and black horses, respectively. Iosif Vissarionovich himself from the podium of the Lenin Mausoleum only watched the Parade. Stalin stood on the podium of the mausoleum on the left, giving way to the middle of the front-line generals - the winners. Kalinin, Molotov, Budyonny, Voroshilov and other members of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee were also present on the podium.

Zhukov "received" the Parade from Rokossovsky, together with him rode along the fighters lined up in ranks and greeted them with three "cheers", then went up to the podium of the Mausoleum and read out a welcoming speech dedicated to the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany.

Consolidated regiments of the fronts solemnly marched across Red Square: Karelian, Leningrad, 1st Baltic, 3rd, 2nd and 1st Belorussian, 1st, 4th, 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian, consolidated regiment Navy. As part of the regiment of the 1st Belorussian Front, representatives of the Polish Army marched in a special column. In front of the marching columns of the fronts were the commanders of the fronts and armies with drafts drawn. The banners of the formations were carried by the Heroes of the Soviet Union and other order bearers.

Behind them moved a column of soldiers of a special battalion from among the heroes of the Soviet Union and other soldiers who especially distinguished themselves in battles. They carried the banners and standards of the defeated Nazi Germany, which they threw at the foot of the Mausoleum and set it on fire.

Further along Red Square, units of the Moscow garrison passed, then cavalrymen rode, legendary carts drove, air defense units, artillery, motorcyclists, light armored vehicles and heavy tanks followed. Airplanes piloted by famous aces swept through the sky.

The Victory Parade is dedicated to the film of the same name by Yefim Uchitel, filmed in 1945, one of the first color films in the USSR.

The Victory Parade was a theatrical action that realized the need of the Soviet people to celebrate the brightest events that are close to the heart of every citizen.

In subsequent years, a lot of work was done to prepare the holiday:

Solemn meetings, memory watches were held everywhere under the motto "Rise on a par with the heroes! , manifestations of youth "Faithful to the covenants of the fathers , evenings of military and labor glory; honoring veterans of the Great Patriotic War, military and labor dynasties; labor reports of production teams - winners of the socialist competition in honor of the Victory Day; meetings of fellow soldiers, meetings of young people with heroes of the front and rear, soldiers of the Soviet Army and Navy, conscripts; oral magazines, portrait evenings dedicated to noble fellow countrymen, children's morning performances and children's drawing competitions; reader conferences, thematic exhibitions of books, works of fine, folk decorative art and photography;

-According to the established tradition, meetings of veterans and participants of the Great Patriotic War were held in party committees, state bodies and public organizations;

-On the day of the grand opening of the All-Union Watch of Memory, all primary Komsomol organizations held lessons of courage, meetings with reports on labor achievements and academic success, in pioneer squads - solemn lines with the invitation of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, veterans of war and labor, leaders of the socialist competitions, youth mentors;

Feasts of streets and squares were organized, bearing the names of the Heroes of the Soviet Union, soldiers who accomplished a feat, outstanding military leaders, Heroes of Socialist Labor - home front workers;

The public was involved in the collection of materials on military and labor exploits during the Great Patriotic War, active participation in the All-Union Search Expedition "Chronicle of the Great Patriotic War", evenings were held dedicated to the mothers and widows of dead front-line soldiers, partisans, and underground workers; weekend trips and excursions of young people to places of revolutionary, military glory of the Soviet people were organized;

Work was underway to lay parks, gardens, squares, Victory alleys, to put in proper order monuments and obelisks, mass graves, military graves, memorial complexes to soldiers who fell for the freedom and independence of the Motherland;

Streets, squares of cities and villages, places of providence for mass celebrations were artistically decorated; the opening of monuments and obelisks, the establishment of memorial plaques, memorial signs were timed to coincide with the Victory Day;

Competitions were held for the best performance of military-patriotic songs and music; mass military sports competitions, defense relay races, car races for prizes named after the heroes of the Great Patriotic War;

Shows of performances and specially prepared concert programs of professional and amateur theaters and art groups were organized; documentary film festivals.

Holding a holiday

May streets of cities and villages in festive decoration. Everywhere the State flags of the USSR, the Ukrainian SSR, the Union republics, portraits of V.I. Lenin, the leaders of the Communist parties and the Soviet government.

The images of the Order of Victory, the Orders of the Red Banner, the Patriotic War, Glory, other military orders and medals stand out clearly; calls in honor of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union - the inspirer and organizer of all victories, the valiant Armed Forces of the USSR, the feat of arms of hero cities. In places of mass visit there are galleries of portraits of Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of Socialist Labor, fellow countrymen who glorified their native land with their military and labor exploits, and dear brothers who gave their lives for it.

In the morning, songs and marches of the war years are heard on the radio. They alternate with the historical chronicle of the Soviet Information Bureau, reading poetry, excerpts from poems and works in prose dedicated to the heroism of the Great Patriotic War, peaceful creative work. Brass bands pass through the streets and squares, announcing the coming of the holiday.

00 - At the monuments to V.I. Lenin, monuments, memorials and commemorative signs of military glory, the best young workers and collective farmers, students and pupils, youth soldiers "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglet", and where there is an opportunity, soldiers of the local garrison stand in the guard of honor.

00 - according to the established tradition, veterans of the war with military orders and medals, signs of labor prowess gather on the square, near the building of the executive committee of the Council of People's Deputies. They are met by pioneers, Komsomol members and youth, representatives of labor collectives, soldiers of the Soviet Army. Veterans are congratulated on the holiday, they are given flowers, they are pinned with a red bow with a commemorative badge.

15 - the construction of the festive column to follow to the monument to V.I. Lenin and the venue of the solemn rally - the memorial complex, the obelisk. Ahead - the standard-bearers. They carry the State flags of the USSR, the union republics, the banners of labor collectives, Komsomol and pioneer organizations. A brass band is lined up. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War follow, followed by pioneers, Komsomol members, youth, representatives of labor collectives.

30 - the solemn march "Fatherland's faithful sons" begins. Residents of the city and villages, who took to the streets and squares along the route of the column, cordially greet the veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

The square, where the solemn rally of workers "The Immortal Feat of the Great People" is planned, is decorated with flags, portraits of party and government leaders, colorful panels and banners. A tribune or podium is installed here, equipped with radio amplification means, draped with red cloth and three shields installed.

On the central shield is the emblem of the Victory Day - the image of the Order "Victory" or the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree. It is framed by a laurel branch. Below, under the order, is a bust, bas-relief or portrait of V.I. Lenin. on both sides of the shield at a distance of up to 1 m and to a depth of 50 cm from the line of its fastening, rectangular vertical shields are installed, painted in the colors of the ribbon of the Order of Glory. On the shields on the left - the date "1945", on the right - the date of the next anniversary of the Victory Day. A pedestal for the Book of Eternal Glory is installed near the tribune in the center. At the podium, on a special stand, a garland of Glory made of needles, greenery, flowers, intertwined with a ribbon depicting the ribbon of the Order of Glory, is placed. There are also flower baskets. Near them in the guard of honor - the youth.

Participants of the rally gather on the square: representatives of labor collectives, the public, military personnel, guests, members of the Yunarmiya - participants in the All-Union campaigns to places of revolutionary, military and labor glory of the Communist Party and the Soviet people, military sports games "Zarnitsa" and "Eaglet", members of the Komsomol youth construction teams, soldiers of the Soviet Army. Their ranks are decorated with red banners, models of the orders of Lenin, "Victory", the Red Banner. The participants of the solemn rally are placed on the square in such a way that the festive columns can freely pass through the living corridor and take their place of honor near the podium.

00 - S. Chernetsky's "Victory March" sounds. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War arrive on the square as part of festive columns. By tradition, they are met with bread and salt by boys and girls in national costumes, pioneers with flowers. Veterans go to the podium and take their places of honor. Representatives of local party, Soviet bodies, trade union and Komsomol organizations, representatives of the Soviet Army and Navy, labor collectives, noble people, war and labor veterans appear on the podium.

To the drum roll, young fanfarists come out to the podium. The signal "Listen to everyone!" is heard, announcing the beginning of the Victory Day.

The State Anthem of the USSR and the State Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR are played. The honorary presidium of the solemn meeting is elected.

It is proposed to bring the banner of the city, commemorative and passing banners, which he was awarded in connection with significant events and for labor achievements, banners of labor collectives - winners of the socialist competition in honor of the Victory Day, if possible - banners of military units and formations. To the tune of "March of the Communist Brigades" by A. Novikov, noble people of the city, accompanied by assistants, carry banners to the podium.

It is proposed to contribute the Book of Eternal Glory.

In deep silence, a veteran of the Great Patriotic War and the mother of a fallen warrior appear, accompanied by servicemen, Komsomol members, and pioneers. They go to the podium and set the Book in the center on a special pedestal decorated with natural flowers.

Near the banners and the Book of Eternal Glory, the Komsomol members and youth, the soldiers of the Soviet Army, are changing guard of honor.

It is proposed to lay flowers from the participants of the rally at the monument to V.I. Lenin. To the tune of the song "Lenin is always with you" by S. Tulikov, members of the public with a basket of flowers are heading to the monument to V.I. Lenin to carry out an honorable assignment.

On behalf of the party committee, the executive committee of the Council of People's Deputies, the chairman cordially congratulates those gathered on the Victory Day, wishes the veterans of the Great Patriotic War good health, new achievements, happiness and prosperity.

Then the chairman gives the floor to the speakers. among them may be front-line soldiers, partisans, underground workers, home front workers - heroes of the Great Patriotic War; the best workers and collective farmers - the foremost workers of socialist emulation, the innovators of production; representatives of the people's intelligentsia, prominent figures of science, literature and art; soldiers of the Soviet Army - excellent students of combat and political training; mothers, wives, sisters, children and grandchildren of soldiers who fell in battles for their homeland; schoolchildren - pioneers and octobers, students, Komsomol members, youth - people of bright biography, whose life path is marked by selfless service to the people, loyalty to the cause of the party, high performance in work and study, active citizenship.

The number of speakers, the sequence of speeches, their content and regulations are determined by the organizers of the solemn rally.

Pioneer horns sound, a clear fraction of drums is heard. To the melody of the pioneer march, the participants of the rally come out to congratulate the young shift. Pioneers and Octobrists rise to the podium and present flowers to the members of the presidium of the rally, heartily thank the Communist Party for a peaceful sky and a happy childhood.

To the tune of the march, the pioneers and the Octobrists leave the podium and join those gathered in the square.

The chairman addresses the participants of the solemn rally with a proposal to honor the blessed memory of the sons and daughters of the Soviet people who gave their lives for the honor, freedom and independence of their beloved Motherland.

00 - "In the hearts and memory of the people" - a solemn and mourning ceremony of laying wreaths, flowers, a garland of Glory on the grave of the Unknown Soldier, a sailor, by the participants of the rally.

Warriors of the Soviet Army and the Navy, Komsomol members, youth, pioneers line up in the designated places in a guard of honor, members of the military-patriotic associations of high school students in a separate line.

In the center of the square there are two lines, which include veterans of the Great Patriotic War and labor, party and Komsomol veterans, soldiers of the Soviet Army, Komsomol members, students of vocational schools, pioneers.

Those standing on the left, facing the obelisk, hold the garland of Glory on their right arm, bent at the elbow at a right angle, those on the right, on their left arm. The movement of the ranks begins with the left foot to solemn mourning music.

Having laid the garland of Glory, the participants in the ceremony remain near it. There is a moment of silence. The muffled beat of a metronome is heard on the radio. Gradually, it is covered by a solemn and mournful melody.

Standard-bearers and their assistants with the banners of the city, labor collectives, as well as veterans of the Great Patriotic War, the mother of the fallen soldier with the Book of Eternal Glory, accompanied by pioneers with flowers, become the head of the solemn and mourning procession of workers. They are followed by: the presidium of the rally, members of the public, soldiers of the Soviet Army, members of the Komsomol youth construction teams, Yunarmiya members who received a wreath and a garland from the guard of honor, war and labor veterans, guests, family members of fallen soldiers, representatives of labor collectives, Komsomol members, youth .

A mournful melody sounds on the radio, the poetic lines of "Requiem" by R. Rozhdestvensky.

The procession slowly heads towards the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a sailor. Here, at certain places, there are a choir and a brass band.

Standard-bearers and their assistants are placed, as a rule, to the left and to the right of the grave of the Unknown Soldier, sailor, next to the guard of honor. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War and mother of a fallen soldier with the Book of Eternal Glory, accompanied by pioneers with flowers - in the center, near the Eternal Flame.

The music subsides. The words are heard on the radio: "Eternal memory to the heroes who fell in the battles for the freedom and independence of the Soviet Motherland!"

A solemn and mournful pause. The banners are lowered. Pioneers from the guard of honor salute, servicemen of the Armed Forces of the USSR - signs of military honor.

The choir performs the song "Step, step" com.A. Pashkevich, sl.M. Resentment.

The veteran of the Great Patriotic War and the mother of the fallen soldier solemnly hand over the Book of Eternal Glory as a shrine to the representatives of the younger generation and are the first to lay flowers at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier, sailor, memorial, after which they take a place of honor near the Book of Eternal Glory.

Then the leaders of the party, Soviet bodies lay wreaths at the grave of the Unknown Soldier, the sailor, the garland of Glory - war and labor veterans, members of the Komsomol youth detachments. Following them, representatives of trade union and Komsomol organizations, war and labor veterans, guests, family members of fallen soldiers, workers of production teams, the public, and youth lay flowers. At the same time, flowers are laid on other tombstones of the memorial complex.

The ceremony ends with the removal of the Book of Eternal Glory, the banners of the city, and labor collectives. The solemn rally of workers dedicated to the national holiday of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 is declared closed. The State Anthem of the USSR and the State Anthem of the Ukrainian SSR are performed.

The orchestra enters. The song "Victory Day" by D. Tukhmanov is performed by the soloist, choir and orchestra. saluting the fallen, soldiers of the Armed Forces of the USSR, pioneers, members of the Komsomol youth detachments pass by the memorial to the tune of "Glory to the Soviet Army" by A. Aleksandrov.

At the end of the rally, its participants are sent to various cultural and sports events dedicated to the Victory Day: theatrical events, concerts of military-patriotic music, festivities.

30 - Veterans of war and labor, distinguished countrymen, guests, representatives of labor collectives, and the public arrive at the Palaces, Houses of Culture, clubs. They are met by young people, presenting the program of the festive concert and a souvenir. Music, songs of war years and modern ones sound.

45 - those who arrived at the festive concert are invited to the hall. Veterans of war and labor, noble people, guests take their places in the forefront.

The announcer or the organizer of the evening invites the audience to listen to the words of national grief "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten!", broadcast from the capital - the hero city of Moscow, from the tomb of the Unknown Soldier near the Kremlin wall.

There is a moment of silence. If possible, it is desirable to organize a minute of silence broadcast on television.

A moment of silence ended.

Short pause.

15 - callsigns announce the beginning of the Victory Salute concert.

30 - the end of the festive concert.

00 - according to the established tradition, festive fireworks are fired in the hero cities, and festive fireworks are fireworks in regional centers, cities and other settlements.

In 1948, the war was ordered to be forgotten and all forces to be thrown into the restoration of the national economy destroyed by the war. The collapse of the USSR for some time made its own adjustments to the celebration of Victory Day - parades were not held for some time, and this holiday no longer had splendor, but since 1995 all traditions have been revived again and are still observed. In 1995, two parades were held - on Poklonnaya Gora and Red Square, from that moment the tradition of holding parades was revived again, only without military equipment.

Holiday in Europe and USA

USA<#"center">1.2 Features of the development of the Victory Day during the years of Soviet power on the territory of Belarus

The general civil holiday on May 9 - Victory Day, which for many years determined the fate of the participants in the Great Patriotic War, is unthinkable today without meetings and processions of veterans to memorials of memory and obelisks of glory. Rituals accompanying them have developed, in which the participation of youth and youth groups is obligatory.

May 1970. Memorial complex in Kazan. Late evening. Thousands of people filled the square near the monument to the Fallen Warrior. Slowly the normal lighting goes out. Wreaths are poured red at the base of the stele and banners on the flagpoles surrounding the square. a solemn musical and poetic introduction sounds, and today's night square turns ... into a peaceful border morning on June 22, 1941. The surrounding trees are filled with bright green light, birds sing loudly on their branches. From afar, the rumble of approaching aircraft is heard in the sky. On the left, in the west - the noise of tanks, shots. Planes overhead. They are "looking for in the sky flickering blue rays of anti-aircraft searchlights. The howl of falling bombs. "Exploding they are in the grove and in the square, among the spectators, completely sweeping away both the song of the nightingales and the bright green light. The roar of tanks is growing. To the right, in the bogrov reflections - the squeak of a marzyanka and the voice of a radio operator: "The Brest Fortress is speaking ..." The first volleys of border guards. The square is invaded by war. Goldos Levitan: "Today, June 22…

Musa Jalil. Shot song.

The area was plunged into darkness. She was surrounded by the screams of German guards, the barking of shepherd dogs. Directly on the audience, a beam from the "watchtower" roams . Sounds to the left - Jalil's cell in Moabit stands out in close-up. He writes poetry, his thoughts are in his homeland. The grove on the right is flooded with green light, the splash of water is heard, the nightingales chirp. It sounds like a beautiful Tatar song. The roar of the bolt cuts off both the verses and the song. The grove goes out…

Jalil's footsteps and his weeping are heard in the square. The poet is taken to execution. But his word remained. Immortal lines are heard right among the spectators:

In the song I lit the fire, performing

Heart order and people order ...

The searchlight beam from the watchtower is looking for voice and, having found it, shoots: the sound from the same tower of a long machine-gun burst. But the poet's voice does not stop. Somewhere, now already behind, you can hear again:

The song taught me freedom

The song does not tell a fighter to die ...

A flashing searchlight beam - and a turn. And the verse already sounds on behalf of Eternity! On behalf of the fallen, the words of Jalil are spoken by the Unknown Soldier (monument to the warrior). Machine guns are powerless...

Memorials are an eternal memory in stone. Belarusian directors V. Leidman, V. Kolesov, V. Pashko and others at the famous memorial complex "Mamaev Kurgan created a two-part composition in which a company of young soldiers dressed in the uniform of 1942 and artists of the Rukh pantomime theater reunited with the heroes of the sculptor E. Vuchetich imprinted in granite.

... Between two white marble sculptures - "Motherland" with an uplifted sword on top of a hill and shining at the opposite end of the road, at the hall of military glory, "Grieving Mother above the soldier dying in her arms - shines blue "Lake of Tears . He was surrounded by figures of fighters who emerged from the hell of the Battle of Stolingrad. Exhausted from wounds, bloody and blackened from soot, they support each other without releasing their weapons. "Stand to death! - these words knock at the temples when you peer into each sculptural group.

In the dusk that thickened over the fog, when the sculptures began to be reflected in the darkened water, a battalion rose up at the entrance to the Hall of Military Glory. his soldiers, exhausted, but ready to take on a new battle, looked like "doubles Vuchetich. Their journey was covered in darkness. Only pocket flashlights cut through the darkness, and they were immediately answered by hundreds of the same ones from the slope where the viteran spectators were located. The footsteps of the soldiers on the stone slabs echoed loudly. Botalion, having gathered the remnants of his strength, went into the night - into immortality ... and from the stands his comrades-in-arms, fellow soldiers, looked after him.

The steps had not yet ceased, when the music sounded, and mimes in red tights appeared on the white steps under the monument to the Motherland, engulfed in "flashes" of scarlet banners. Short in time, but capacious in content, the plastic composition "Soldier's Heart" continued the story of nameless heroes: having endured immense hardships, not surrendering in a mortal battle, the soldier died, leaving his blazing heart to his descendants. At this moment, action on both sides of the "Grieving Mother lit up red carnations .

In Belarus in the summer of 1984, in commemoration of the 40th anniversary of the partisan movement and the breakthrough of the blockade of 16 partisan brigades of the Polotsk-Lepel zone, at the memorial complex "Breakthrough , created by A. Anikeichik in the Ushachsky district near Polotsk, a meeting-requiem "I conjure you, remember!" Directed by P.A. Good.

… A dark stone wall on a hill, "torn with a titanic effort, as if parted, forming a light - the entrance to the site. In the gap in the dynamics of the movement, the powerful figure of Partizan with a machine gun in his left hand "froze" in a freeze-frame.

Three components of theatricality combined to create the illusion of a battle and sharpen the viewer's perception to the maximum: a soundtrack, pyrotechnics and a figure of a partisan, which none of those present could exclude from view. Behind them, carved from stone, a mass of others was seen, in an unrestrained onslaught rushing to the Nazis.

Here is a re-creation of the "Breakthrough of the blockade . In the phonogram - the sounds of a fading battle, from which the ticking of a clock emerges. In the hissing loudspeaker against the background of the Belarusian folk song "Quail" sounds the call of the German command to give up. The sound of a gun shot and synchronously - a pyrotechnic explosion. The melody "Quail" breaks off.

Comrade Commander! Brigades for the breakthrough are concentrated. Scouts for landmarks sent to set fire to the barn.

Clock ticking.

Why are they slow?

Clock ticking. Behind the memorial complex on the site of the former barn, a red smoke bomb lights up.

Comrade commander, the saber is on fire!

-To boo-oh-oh!

Signal flares take off from both sides of the platform. In the phonogram - the clatter of running feet, there is a growth, "Hurrah!". A powerful flurry of machine-gun, automatic and mortar fire. Perotechnical explosions are blocked by the roar of German tanks ... P.A. Good invites real participants of Operation Breakthrough to the memorial . This is the former commander of the partisan unit of the Polotsk-Lepel zone, the hero of the Soviet Union Labanok, speaking at the closing of the rally; these are 40 partisans - direct participants in the battle, and, finally, the wife of one of the heroes of the breakthrough who fell and was buried here, to whom the director gave a collective image of the Motherland. Meeting them with young people representing all six regions of Belarus, as well as companies of young soldiers, was genuine and deeply moving. This was revealed most clearly in the development of the events of the Memory ritual. Thus, the movement of a group of partisans was warned by the scattering of fresh flowers on their way. And the Mother in a black outfit with a large bouquet of scarlet roses walked along the path of Sorrow and Glory. This episode began with heartbeats in the phonogram, turning into a cry-vocalise. Mother would appear against its background and, passing by the bronze slabs, carefully read the inscriptions, leaving a scarlet rose at each slab. In front of her, the banners of the partisan brigades were lowered, and the torch-bearing soldiers formed a fiery avenue of Glory. So she approached the Partizan monument and, laying flowers at the foot, knelt down in mournful silence ...

We were given hands to hug the earth

And warm her heart.

We are given memory to raise the fallen

And sing eternal glory to them.

In 1985, at the memorial "Height of Heroes near the village of Ludchitsa, Bykhovsky district, at night the first light-sound-perotechnical performance took place on the territory of Belarus. Separate episodes of it were played out on sites that were spatially separate from each other - this is how the binding to various fragments of the memorial took place.

In the central part, on the sheer wall, searchlights illuminated six bas-relief faces of the heroes who fell during the capture of the Ludchitska height. Under the wall - flower beds along the white-stone alley. Above the wall rises the figure of Guslyar - the chronicler of the fiery pages of the war, on whose behalf the narration is being conducted. To the left of the cent, going far to the horizon, is the Mound of Memory, on the slopes of which the main episodes of the action "The Road to Immortality" unfolded. . on the approaches to the "Height of Heroes and loudspeakers were dispersed on the main alley of the memorial. And then there were the voices:

... Comrade Colonel! Rata Senior Lieutenant Martynov passed the minefield.

-To battle!

Three red rockets took off into the air. Spotlights go out. Thunder rumbles are heard "Hurrah-ah-ah!

And from that moment on, the effect of momentary presence, complicity in events does not leave the audience. the sound-perotechnical battle, forcing the atmosphere of an attack by the Red Army soldiers of the Ludchitska height, captures everyone with its dynamics.

Seven "minefields" discharge charges of different capacities, signal and lighting rockets fly up, the field behind the memorial complex is clouded with smoke.

On the slope of the Mound of Memory, to the left of the figure of Guslyar, a mock-up of a bunker appears, snatched out of the darkness by a searchlight. To the right of the figure of Guslyar, a group of red stars appears, moving up the slope. Pulsating bursts of bunkers and the Red Star crawling towards. Now flashing, then going out, it slowly approaches the fiery unceasing "mouth" and turns, as it were, into an elongated spring. Squeeze... Throw! - and the Red Star closes the fire-breathing "mouth . There is a momentary silence...then shouts of "Hooray! , automatic queues. Red stars "run" along the slope of the mound, there are more and more of them ...

Tanks and infantry are moving across the field in the light strip. On the air - intense dynamic music, into which the clanging of trucks, the howl of dive bombers, explosions bursts ...

Sound-technical battle reaches its climax. Smoke bombs light up, flooding Guslyar's figure.

In the flashes of explosions, red stars go out, then flash again. Spotlights roam the sky, stopping at an enemy "aircraft , they are accompanied by a furious melody of struggle. Finally, the light of the searchlights leads Guslyar out of the smoke screen, and his musical and poetic tale continues the action.

In Belarus, one of the brightest and most memorable processions was the action on the streets and squares of Minsk on May 9, 1987, called "Dear memory . Scriptwriter and director P.A. Good. The procession began at 9.00 along the route: Lenin Square - Lenin Avenue - Victory Square. Along the avenue, on the streets crossing it, there were dramatizations of the events of hostilities on the territory of Belarus.

Episode 1 . The choir and orchestra perform B. Alexandrov's song "Holy War , there is a farewell of recruits with loved ones.

Episode 2. An excerpt from the play based on Smirnov's book "The Brest Fortress" . The battle for the fortress unfolds.

Episode 3 Dzerzhinsky - "Minsk underground . Performers of group pantomime "print leaflets on a hectograph and hand them over to the procession participants. Sovinformburo reports are heard, news and plans to counter the enemy are discussed.

Episode 4. "Belarusian partisan . On the site in front of GUM - a partisan camp: fires, huts. Speech by the partisan concert brigade.

Episode 5 . Groups of artists in costumes of different nations greet the procession with flowers, songs, and national dances. Trucks are approaching with soldiers of the Soviet army.

Episode 6. The site at the entrance to the circus. The facade is decorated under the Reichstag. There is a "last battle" - between the soldiers of the Soviet army and the "fascists . Raising the red flag.

Episode 7. Bridge over the river Svisloch. "Meeting of the Winners" .

Episode 8 . Performances by children's choirs, dance and musical ensembles. Children give veterans their creativity and flowers.

Episode 9. Victory Square. Mitang-requiem and the laying of flowers at the obelisk of glory.

Thus, we can sum up the following: during the Soviet Union, much attention was paid to the preparation and holding of the Victory Day. During its existence, certain traditions have developed, spread throughout the territory of the former Soviet Union. For many of us, the Great Patriotic War is a distant past, which we know about only from history books and stories. Victory Day is indeed a national holiday, solemn and joyful!

Chapter 2. Victory Day at the present stage

2.1 National and territorial components of the Victory Day in the post-Soviet period

After the collapse of the USSR, parades on Victory Day were not held for some time, this ceremony was resumed in the anniversary year of 1995<#"justify">· thematic film screenings "Pages of the Great Patriotic War" (Kruglyansky district), "Salute! Victory!" (Kostyukovichsky district), "65 years without war" (Glusky district), "We brought this day as close as we could" (Bobruisk), "Those severe days the memory will not fade" (Osipovichsky district), "Week of military cinema" (Bykhovsky district);

· film lessons "You can't erase it from memory" (Klimovichi district), "Veteran lives nearby" (Krichevsky district), "Forever in people's memory" (Khotimsky district).

On holidays, thematic film screenings are held at the Mogilev Regional Hospital for the Invalids of the Great Patriotic War.

2.2 Traditions and innovations in the celebration of Victory Day

Thus, a monument to Georgy Zhukov was opened in Minsk on the eve of the Victory Day. "Belarus is the cradle of military talent of Marshal Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, four times Hero of the Soviet Union," Colonel-General Leonid Maltsev, Minister of Defense of Belarus, said at a solemn rally in the park named after him. G.K. Zhukov gave 17 years of service on the territory of Belarus - from the commander of a cavalry regiment, then a division and corps to the deputy commander of the Belarusian military district.

The youngest daughter of the legendary Marshal of the Soviet Union, Maria, was present at the rally and spoke. “I express my gratitude to all the Belarusian people for the fact that you sacredly honor the memory of the heroes,” she stressed. Maria Zhukova conveyed warm congratulations to the rally participants and the entire Belarusian people from her elder sisters Era and Ella Zhukov. She said that she brought to Minsk the book "Marshal Zhukov is my father", copies of which she is going to donate to veteran organizations of Belarus.

An exhibition dedicated to the Victory Day was opened in the premises of the Ministry of Justice. More than 40 documents about the history of partisan and underground struggle during the Great Patriotic War are on display. The exhibition was prepared by the National Archives of Belarus and the Belarusian State Archive of Film and Photo Documents. Many of the presented documents are little known and presented for the first time.

The memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union, a native of the Tula region Vasily Georgievich Seregin is immortalized in Gomel. A memorial plaque was solemnly opened on the house where he lived from 1958 to 1986. He fought at the front from June 1941. In 1944 he became a navigator of the Normandy-Neman air regiment as part of the 303rd Fighter Aviation Division of the 3rd Belorussian Front. He made 332 sorties, personally shot down 16 enemy aircraft in air battles. For participation in the Normandie-Niemen regiment, he was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of the City of Paris.

Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov, a memorial stele was opened to teachers and students who died in the battles for their homeland.

On May 1995, a memorial complex was opened in Mogilev on Buinichsky field, which keeps the memory of the heroes of the Second World War. The authors of the memorial are architects Vladimir Vasilyevich Chalenko and Oleg Petrovich Baranovsky.

In the center of the memorial rises a 27-meter chapel (pictured) - a symbol of the greatness of the military spirit of the Slavs, and it is surrounded by military equipment from the times of the Great Patriotic War frozen in silence. The walls of the chapel are painted with frescoes, marble plaques with the names of the defenders of Mogilev are placed in the niches, and in the center there is a Foucault pendulum, a symbol of eternal life, movement and memory of all those who died on this field in 1941. The chapel is crowned with an ancient Greek cross.

Nearby is a small artificial reservoir "Lake of Tears", a symbol of the tears of mothers who lost their sons during the war. Four alleys diverge from the chapel. One of them bears the name of the famous writer Konstantin Simonov, who sang the heroism of the defenders of Mogilev in his books The Living and the Dead (Colonel Kutepov is the prototype of the protagonist of Serpilin's novel) and Different Days of the War. Simonov Alley is crossed by a noticeable line of an anti-tank ditch and ends with a sign stone with a facsimile of "Konstantin Simonov" (pictured). On the back side of the stone is a memorial plaque with the inscription "All his life he remembered this battlefield of 1941 and bequeathed to dispel his ashes here."

"Ballad of the great Buinitsky field" Alyaksey Pysin - paet frantavik

Behind the field is the field, like the words of the word

Success ab holy daragim

Yes Baradzinskaya, Yes Kulikova

Igetae, vyadomae not ўsim

About the battlefield, Buynitskaya field

Viasnoy, summer, damp autumn

You endure ¢ the burning field

Minulae - with stone and jarring

In 2010, a monument to the "Children of War" was erected in Mogilev, located along Lazarenko Street.

"St. George's Ribbon" - a sign of memory of the heroic past<#"justify">The non-commercial and non-political action "George's Ribbon" is dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War. "George's Ribbon" - a bicolor (two-color) of orange and black (black color of the ribbon means smoke, and orange - flame) - is distributed free of charge, it is not allowed to be used for political purposes by any parties or movements. The traditional action is held under the slogan "I remember, I'm proud!" and "Tie, if you remember!".

This is a special sign in the Soviet award system. Previously, it was called - "Guards Ribbon" and was an attribute of many military awards of the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union. To this day, this award remains relevant in modern Belarus. Now this is a special distinction:

What is the history of the St. George Ribbon? She appeared with the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George - the highest military award of the Russian Empire. This order was established by Empress Catherine II in 1769 to distinguish officers for merit on the battlefield. The order had four degrees of distinction.

The St. George Ribbon adorns the stocks of the "Order of Glory" - the military order of the USSR, established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1943.

Order "Victory"<#"justify">At the present stage, Victory Day remains one of the most significant holidays in the Republic of Belarus. Every year more and more attention is paid to it. The directors and organizers of the holidays are making every effort to preserve the memory of the great feat of the people in the victory over Nazi Germany.


Warriors, partisans, all people, scorched by the war, had a difficult fate - to defend the honor, dignity, freedom and independence of their homeland with weapons in their hands. And people, having shown unprecedented heroism and sacrificing millions of lives, survived and won.

The terrible years of the Great Patriotic War interrupted the development of Soviet holidays, which became so diverse in nature, types and genres. But already in the days of the grand national celebration associated with the announcement of the end of the war, a spontaneous holiday arose, which the most talented director could hardly have organized. Beautiful, sometimes improvised, were demonstrations in the squares and streets of cities and villages of the country, rallies at railway stations, where solemn meetings of soldiers returning from the front took place. Orators and poets in an atmosphere of general rejoicing were replaced by collective dances, mass songs to the frantic scattering of button accordions and accordions.

The end of the war was marked by the nationwide Victory Day of the Soviet people. The culmination of the festive celebrations was the Victory Parade on June 24, 1945 on Red Square in Moscow. In it, the organizers found a combination of a deeply symbolic ceremonial action, demonstrating the power and strength of the Soviet Army, which overthrew fascism, with a vivid emotionality of joining every citizen of our country to what is happening.

The Victory Parade was a theatrical action that realized the need of the Soviet people to celebrate the brightest events that are close to the heart of every citizen. However, until the mid-1950s, along with such holidays, which really could not be deleted from the annals of the country, grandiose, expensive events conceived by the country's leadership continued to be carried out. And this despite the difficulties of restoring the national economy.

On this day, processions of veterans are held, they are honored, wreaths are laid at the obelisk of Victory and other memorial places associated with the events of the Great Patriotic War. Festivities, festive concerts, meetings of comrades-in-arms, festive fireworks are arranged. Seminars, class hours, integrated lessons, holidays with the participation of veterans of war and labor, excursions are held among the younger generation. Museums and libraries organize exhibitions, thematic expositions of art and journalistic publications dedicated to the heroic events of history and outstanding personalities of the Fatherland.

On the territory of the Mogilev region, as well as throughout Belarus, the Victory Day is one of the main holidays. All sorts of events are held throughout the city, but according to tradition, the celebration of Victory Day begins with a rally on Buinichsky field.

May at 10:00 at the memorial complex "Buinichskoye Pole" a solemn rally "Through the fire - carried the Victory" was held. The event dedicated to the 65th anniversary of the liberation of the Republic of Belarus from Nazi invaders was attended by veterans, leaders of the region and the city, representatives of labor collectives and the public.

Crowds of people on the outskirts of the field immediately caught my eye. From the public transport stop in the direction of the memorial, endless lines moved - delegates from Mogilev enterprises, institutions, old people, children. At the entrance, everyone was met by policemen, who politely offered to show the contents of the bags. Immediately behind the "arch" columns were formed that moved towards the chapel and stopped about a hundred meters from it, forming uneven lines on the green Buinichsky field.

Near the chapel organizers fussed - veterans were seated on chairs. This time there were 60 of them. To the right of the chapel there was a brass band, a little further away, on the path along the alley - soldiers in uniform from the times of the Great Patriotic War lined up in a column of two.

The leader started the rally. The young man took advantage of the thick baritone and silenced in the blink of an eye. “Let the grateful memory live in our hearts,” he said. “Remember: 27 million lives were taken by the war, hundreds of cities and villages were destroyed. Here, on the Buinichsky field, the tragedy of the people is felt especially sharply.”

The next stage of the rally was the laying of wreaths. Representatives of the administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, leaders of the region and the city, delegates from labor collectives climbed the steps to the chapel, carrying wreaths and flowers. After this ceremony, silence reigned over the legendary field. The participants honored the memory of the fallen heroes with a moment of silence.

The rally was opened by Pyotr Rudnik, Chairman of the Mogilev Regional Executive Committee. Greeting the veterans, he noted the importance of preserving the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War, stressed the importance of the defense of Mogilev. “At the walls of our city, the myth of the invincibility of the Wehrmacht was debunked,” said the head of the region. “On the Buinichsky field, Soviet soldiers knocked out dozens of German tanks, and the Nazis delayed their offensive for more than three weeks.”

Viktor Pankov, a participant in the liberation of the Mogilev region, spoke next. “We did our duty,” the veteran stressed. “Unfortunately, not everyone returned from the war. The memory of them should not fade away. Each memorial, each new monument is perceived as a tribute to the victorious soldiers.” On behalf of 1,600 Mogilev veterans Viktor Pankov thanked the Chairman of the Mogilev City Executive Committee Viktor Shorikov. "The Mayor personally congratulated each of us!" the speaker emphasized.

The apogee of the rally was a theatrical performance. A stately gray-haired man stepped out of the crowd, wearing a somewhat old-fashioned gray suit and a wide-brimmed hat in his hands. "Konstantin Simonov!" - swept through the ranks of veterans. "Aha! Look at you - how similar!" Ivan Matveyevich, standing next to us, was surprised. Meanwhile, "Konstantin Simonov" began to speak - either calmly, barely audibly, or solemnly and loudly - like at a rally! “K. Simonov” told about the feat of the soldier, about what he saw with his own eyes, what he experienced and what he swore to write about after the war.

The staged battle looked very organic. The soldiers guarding the chapel interrupted Simonov's monologue, suddenly took off and rushed to the attack. Having taken up a circular defense around the artillery pieces, they either froze, falling to the sights of the Kalashnikovs (?), then moved feverishly - listening to the orders of the officer with "three stripes on his buttonholes", hiding behind the shields of the guns and "shooting back" from the advancing enemy.

In the theatrical performance, in addition to "K. Simonov", another recognizable image appeared - a mother woman with a bouquet of wild flowers, symbolizing the pain from the loss of all the sons who left and did not return from the war. The theatrical performance of the girl from the ensemble "Breath" continued. They sang a song (we quote the soloist) "about the one who is looking for her beloved on the battlefield." But the paratroopers put an end to the event, planning, to the delight of the kids, right on the platform free from spectators near the Buinichskaya chapel.

After the rally, its participants move to the procession of war veterans, representatives of the administration, labor collectives, youth and schoolchildren along the central streets of the city. The procession starts from the Lenin Square, along Pervomaiskaya Street, to Sovetskaya Square.

On this day, festivities take place throughout the city. Festive events are held in each microdistrict, a soldier's glade is organized in the Pechersky Forest Park.

Suggestions for improving the holding of the Victory Day:

.In Mogilev, little attention is paid to the festive decoration of the streets of the city. Therefore, I would like the work in this direction to be carried out more thoroughly, since the design contributes to the creation of a pre-holiday atmosphere.

2.The mass media paid more attention to informing the population of the city about the ongoing events.

.In the cultural sphere, new forms of holding the Victory Day should be created, taking into account its specifics.


1. Golovnev A.I. "Memoirs of veterans of the Great Patriotic War", Mn. "Belarusian Science", 2004

2. Dovbush M.D. Soviet traditions, holidays and rituals , M. PROFIZDAT, 1986

3. Kurochkin P.A. "The Great Patriotic War in photographs and film documents",

. "Fortieth Anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet People in the Great Patriotic War" Documents and materials, M. Publishing house of political literature, 1985.

5. Chernyak Yu.M. "Director of holidays and spectacles , Mn. TetraSystems, 2004

6. Encyclopedic reference book "Mogilev".


Literary and musical composition "Military motives"

( pre-war waltz)

Peacefully the country woke up on this June day,

Her lilac has just unfolded in the squares.

Rejoicing in the sun and the world, the country met the morning ...

Suddenly memorable words flashed through the air ( Levitan's words)

In the morning, WAR broke out on our doorstep!


Wait for me and I will come back,

Just wait a lot.

Wait for sadness

yellow rain.

Wait when from distant places

Letters will not come.

Wait until you get bored

To all who are waiting together.

(The young man leaves. The song "Cranes" sounds

The uncompressed rye sways,

Soldiers are walking along it.

We walk and we are girls,

Similar to guys.

No, it's not the huts that are burning,

That my youth is on fire.

Girls go to war

Similar to guys.

Battery-ah! (Oh, mommy!. Oh, dear!.) And a volley!.

They whined to their heart's content.

As if all the womanish pain of Russia in these girls suddenly responded!

The sky was spinning - snowy, pockmarked.

The wind was scalding hot.

An epic cry hung over the battlefield, it was more audible than bursts - this cry!

To him - lingering - the earth listened, stopping at the death line - Oh, mommy !.

Oh, I'm scared!

Oh mom!

Battery-ah! - . And already in front of them, in the middle of the globe to the left of the nameless mound, four black tank fires were burning incredibly hot.

An echo rolled over the fields, the battle bled slowly.

Anti-aircraft gunners screamed and fired, smearing tears on their cheeks! And they fell. And they got up again.

For the first time, defending in reality and honor your (literally!) And your homeland.

And Moscow.

(The song "One Victory" sounds.)

Girls, tea!

In the infantry echelon, in the sanitary platoon.

Distant breaks listened and did not listen,

Used to everything 41 years old.

I left school for damp dugouts,

From a beautiful lady, to mother and mother,

Because the name is closer than Russia,

Couldn't search.

(The song "In the dugout", the postman enters.)

Wet dawn comes in swirling smoke,

A slow shell is sneaking towards my trench.

I look into a tired face - again an iron howl.

He shielded my eyes with a weathered hand.

And even in screams, and in smoke, under a downpour and fire,

In a trench it is crowded alone, and well together.

You are near and everything is fine:

And rain and cold wind.

Thank you my clear

For the fact that you are in the world.

You are near, but you could lead

Don't meet each other at all.

My only one, thank you

For the fact that you are in the world!

Even the dawn did not tremble on the leaves,

And for the sake of warning, machine guns were fired.

This is the place where he died

My comrade from the machine gun company.

Another moment, the mouth will twist

From the heart of a tearing cry.

But calm down, look, it's blooming,

Strawberries are blooming in the minefield!

Death is absurd, it is stupid, all the more

When he threw out his hands he said:

"Guys, write Field -

Nightingales sang today!"

He did not live, did not love, did not finish drinking,

I didn't finish my studies, I didn't read the books.

I was next to him, in the same trench ...

(Song "Dark Night"

For distant hills

The battle fever was gone.

In the snow Vasily Terkin

Unselected lay.

Snow under him, swollen with blood,

Took a pile of ice.

Death bowed to the head:

Well, soldier, come with me.

I'm your friend now

I'm walking far

White blizzard, white blizzard

I’ll cover up the trail with a blizzard.

I didn't call you, Kosaya,

I am a soldier still alive.

Full, full, well done

I know, I see:

You are alive, but not a tenant.

Don't be afraid of my darkness

Night, believe me, is not worse than day.

What do you, however,

Do you need it personally from me?

I need. such a small

Well, almost nothing.

Need a sign of consent

What are you tired of saving life,

What do you pray for the hour of death.

Himself, out, subscribe? -

Well, -

Subscribe and rest.

No, quit. Yourself is more expensive.

Don't bargain, dear.

You are still going downhill. -

And look, it's the night

Dawn burns in frost.

I want to be shorter

And you do not freeze in vain.

I'll be patient.

Well, what are you, stupid!

After all, you are lying, it’s all gone.

I would immediately fool you

So that it's already warm.

And why do you think

If anyone chooses.

You'll regret not dying

Here, on the spot, no hassle.

Joking, Death, weaving a snare.

I haven't lived yet.

So you went away, Kosaya,

I am a soldier still alive.

I will cry, howl in pain,

Dying in the field without a trace

But you are willing

I will never give up.

Barely a soul in the body.

Jokes, well, completely chilled.

And I thought for the first time

Death, watching from the side:

"What are they, alive,

Among themselves, they are friendly.

That's why with a loner

You need to be able to sweeten

And with a sigh, Death fell behind.

Girls, why are you so sad? Can you sing?

What songs in the war!

Who said that there is no place for a song in the war,

After the battle, the heart asks for music doubly!

(Song "Moldova"

Battery, to battle!

For the Motherland!

For Moscow!


Victory! Victory! Victory!

("May Waltz")

Sofia met us with flowers,

Embraced at every gate

But Bulgaria is still not Russia,

Though brotherly people live there.

We fought in the streets of Vienna

In her gardens and palaces are good,

Only Vienna, to be honest,

Good not for our soul.

Hour by hour, step by step

Wiping off sweat and blood

We walked half a thousand steps for a day,

And the banner of Victory soared over the Reichstag!

("May Waltz")


thematic concert,

Dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Victory

"Belarus salutes the Victory"

The stage is festively decorated. The music is not loud. The screen shows footage dedicated to the Victory Day. The leader takes the stage.

Leading:Dear friends! Dear guests! Today I had the great honor to conduct a festive concert.

60 years have passed since the day when the joy of Victory came to our land. It was a common holiday for millions of people united by a difficult military fate, united by a common great goal - Victory over the invader.

On this day, there were tears in the eyes, hearts sank from bitterness and loss. But he was happy. For this is a day of hope and faith in the strength of the people, capable of reviving devastated cities and villages, starting a new peaceful creative life.

Our common memory of the days of the war, common pain and sorrow for the fallen, the common joy of Victory will always be in the hearts of our people! I would like the Great Victory Day to become a day of unity for all our peoples. Low and earthly bow to you, dear veterans!

The melody of the song "Holy War" sounds. Members of the folklore group take the stage, perform a potpourri on the theme of military songs.

Leading:The memory remains. The pain grows. But memory makes ordinary people, at the behest of their hearts, lay flowers on the graves of warriors every spring. Let us honor the memory of the dead, to whom there is no end of gratitude, with a moment of silence.

Through the centuries, through the years.

About those who will never come again.

Remember don't cry

In the throat, hold back the moans, tears,

Bitter moans.

The memory of the fallen

Be worthy

Forever worthy.

The vocal group performs the song "Victory Day", the soloist Vadim Shirnevich.

Leading:Dear veterans! God bless you, all the best. May you never have dark days in your life. May people always surround you with the attention that you deserve with your feat of arms.

The melody of the song "Belarus is mine" sounds. Leaders take the stage.

Leading:The volleys of the Second World War have long died down. Six decades separate us, our generation that did not know the war, from the victorious festive salute that lit up the country on May 9, 1945.

Presenter:For six decades, peaceful dawns have risen over our Motherland, new cities are being built, children are growing up.

Leading:Peace is happiness for all children, all people.

Presenter:Without peace there is no childhood, no future.

Leading:The world is blooming gardens and golden fields of wheat.

Presenter:The world is the rumble of tractors and combines, not the rattle of tanks.

Leading:The world is life, not death.

Presenter: "Motherland" - we pronounce quietly,

And in the eyes of the pensive we have

Slowly swinging buckwheat

And the beam smokes at dawn.

The river is probably remembered

Pure, transparent to the bottom.

And the earrings glow on the willow,

And the path is visible in the grass.

Host: "Motherland" - we say excitedly,

We see endless distance before us.

This is our childhood, our youth.

That's all we call fate.

Presenter:Peace is not only happiness for all people.

Leading:This is a morning full of hope and light.

Presenter:This is a day filled with labor worries and accomplishments.

Leading:This is the rest of people, these are the songs and traditions of our people.

A folklore group takes the stage. A medley of Belarusian folk songs is performed.

The Belarusian folk song "Azhaniusya stary dzed" is performed by the duet Lashuk Lyudmila and Timofeeva Olga.

The composition "Charavicki" is performed - a duet of Babyuk Diana, Babyuk Oksana and a children's dance group.

The song "Where does childhood go" performed by Victoria Zdraevskaya sounds.

Leaders take the stage.

Leading:Belarusian land! Groves and huts.

Fields of gold and grass-silk,

That bunches of mountain ash are the crimson of the sunset,

That the cry of a crane - rifts of streams

And light clouds over the big one.

Presenter:Belarusian land! blue lake

You look into the transparent distances of heaven,

And the stars fall like ripe grains,

Above the water mirror, above the black arable land,

In the dewy grass they scatter their brilliance.

Leading:Epics of the past, gray-haired legends

They float like boats under the spring sun,

Along the green slopes across the boundless expanse

From Neman to Sozh, from Bug to Gaina

Along the smooth surface of the Dnieper, along the expanse of the Dvina.

The song "The land of my love, daraga" performed by a folklore group sounds.

On May 9, our country celebrates the day of the victory of the USSR over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four long years from June 1941 to May 1945.

On May 9, 1945, at 0:43 Moscow time, an act of unconditional surrender of Germany was signed in the French city of Reims.

Thus ended the most terrible war in the history of our country. For this day to come, blood was shed for four years, soldiers died on the front line, and their mothers, wives and children, forgetting about hunger and fatigue, worked in the rear, supplying the front with weapons and bread.

Victory in this long and cruel war was given to our country at the cost of huge losses and the daily feat of everyone - from very young boys who fled to the front, and young female nurses who carried the wounded out from under fire, and women exhausted by endless shifts at factories and collective farms. fields, malnutrition and the constant expectation of letters from the front. They won the world for us, and in gratitude for this, we should always remember that war and try to find out the whole truth about it, no matter how bitter and cruel it may be, because lies and oblivion are worse than death. Of all the official holidays, May 9 remains the warmest and most unofficial in our country. On this day, everyone in their own way tries to express their personal gratitude to the few surviving veterans: someone gives carnations to unfamiliar gray-haired people with orders on their chests, someone presents them with homemade cards and gifts, someone just comes up and thanks. And recently, a good tradition has appeared to tie St. George ribbons on clothes, bags and even cars as a symbol of memory and deep respect for all the fallen and survivors of that terrible and now so distant war. May 9 is one of the few Soviet holidays that is still celebrated in many countries of the former Soviet Union.

You can also read poems for children and play mind games

Mind games. Pillar Checkers

Number of players: two.

You will need: chessboard and checkers.

If you are tired of playing regular checkers and giveaways, you can master their rather funny variety -

Russian pole checkers! This is not at all difficult to do, given that they play pillar checkers according to the usual checkers rules with some additions. All checkers remain on the field until the very end of the game.

1. The beaten checker of the opponent is not removed from the board, but gets under the attacking checker.

2. When a tower made of checkers is under attack, then only the top checker is removed from it, and the checker that was under it comes into play

according to your color.

3. When capturing several of your opponent's checkers, you do not remove them from the field, but take them one by one under the attacking piece in order, and on the final field you make a pillar or tower out of them.

4. Such towers move as a whole and move according to the rules of their top checker, like the most ordinary checker or king.

5. The tower, like a single checker, can go to the kings, but only the top checker becomes a king.

It turns out that during the game you can free your checkers captured by the opponent in the towers, and the king captured and then freed retains its "lady" status. The best pillar checkers strategists act like this: they capture as many of the opponent's checkers as possible under their checkers and at the same time a. take the towers with a large number of captured checkers into the depths of their position. At the same time, they try to attack the opponent with the heaviest towers, trying to exchange the weakest of his towers in order to free their captives.
