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Graduate School of Political Governance and Innovation Management

Department of Historical and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines, Oriental Studies and Theology




doctor of Historical Sciences,

Yu.Yu. Klychnikov

Pyatigorsk 2015







Relevancetopicsresearch.The Battle of Kulikovo is of great importance in the history of the time of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. This battle had a great influence on the further course of history. This battle did not result in a quick release. Rus from the Zaloto Horde yoke, but in this battle the Russians dealt a powerful blow to the domination of the Golden Horde. This hastened the disintegration of the Horde. In addition, the most important result of the victory over Khan Mamai was the strengthening of Moscow in the process of the formation of the Russian state.

Modern society needs consolidation. One of the ways to consolidate society is to popularize important historical events. The Battle of Kulikovo is one of the most important fragments of our past. This battle provided Moscow's leading role in the struggle to unite the Russian lands into a single state. The Battle of Kulikovo showed that only in the unity of all the forces of Russia can liberation from the foreign yoke be achieved.


In the work of V.N. Ashkurova is talking about the Battle of Kulikovo. On the Kulikovo field. 3rd edition. - Tula, 1976 .-- 224 p. The author focuses his attention on the course of the battle, analyzing the forces of the parties. In the study by S.P. Borodin speaks of the reign of the ruler of Moscow - Dmitry Ivanovich, the future Donskoy. Borodin S.P. Dmitry Donskoy. - Tyumen: Slovo Tyumen, 1993 .-- 266 p. The circumstances of the struggle for power and the unification of lands around Moscow are shown. Particular attention is paid to the role of the Battle of Kulikovo in the liberation of Russia from the Horde yoke.

In the book of V.D. Black describes the forces of the parties, the timing of the battle is carried out, the characters are listed, whose names are recorded in the annals. The Battle of Kulikovo: a sealed memory. - M .: University book, 2008 .-- 336 p. A.B. Shirokard and A.N. Kirpichnikov agree that this battle was one of the reference battles in the Middle Ages, which demonstrated the increased military art of the emerging Moscow principality. Shirokard A.B. Battle of Kulikovo and the birth of Moscow Russia. - M .: Veche, 2005 .-- 416 p. Kirpichnikov A.N. Battle of Kulikovo. - L .: Nauka, 1980 .-- 124 p.

Objectresearch is the military-political and socio-economic situation resulting from the centripetal unification of the principalities around Moscow. This led to an increase in military potential, which made it possible to start a struggle against the Golden Horde.

Subjectresearchis the Battle of Kulikovo, which became a transitional event in the process of gaining independence.

Purpose: study of the circumstances that led to the largest battle in the history of medieval Russia - the Battle of Kulikovo. And also the study of the events associated with this battle.


· Study of the military-political situation related to the unification of principalities around Moscow

Analysis of the military-political situation in the Golden Horde, on the eve of the Kulikovo battle

Consider the course of the battle and the actions of the opposing sides in it

To assess the consequences of the Battle of Kulikovo for the Moscow principality

Theoretico- methodologicalbasicsresearch:

The theoretical basis of this work was the basic educational literature, fundamental theoretical works of the largest thinkers in the field under consideration, the results of practical research by prominent domestic and foreign authors, articles and reviews of specialized periodicals. When writing this work, the following methods were used: collecting, sorting, analyzing information, drawing conclusions. kulikovsky battle moscow tatar


Studying the Kulikovo battle and its consequences, the chronicles of the Kulikovo battle were used. "Zadonshchina" is a chronicle story, which describes in detail the battle on the Don River, covering all the events "The Legend of the Mamay Massacre" - this is the composition of the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle that made up the content of this volume of "Literary Monuments".

Ppracticalsignificancework lies in the possibility of applying the results of this work in the teaching process, both in secondary school and in the higher education system.

Theoreticalsignificancework consists in the fact that the conclusions formulated in it expand the scientific understanding of the Battle of Kulikovo, its consequences and significance. The analysis of the military-political situation in the Golden Horde, the course of the battle and its consequences, contained in the work, contributes to their deeper scientific substantiation. Generalizations and conclusions of the study can contribute to the formation of a theoretical basis for the further development of theoretical and historical views in the area under consideration.

Structurework corresponds to the set goal and objectives and consists of: an introduction, two chapters with paragraphs, a conclusion, a list of references and literature, and an appendix.

1. Prerequisites for the Battle of Kulikovo

By the time of the Battle of Kulikovo, Russia had been under the Yoke of the Golden Horde for almost a century and a half. The hardships of the Golden Horde yoke were not always the same. During the bloody feuds in the Horde, dependence on her weakened. To restore this dependence, the Tatar-Mongols made punitive campaigns, after which the Russian princes were obliged to bow to Sarai, to present gifts to the khans and khanshams, princes and murzas.

However, despite this, the Russian principalities and lands continued the process of unification. The Moscow principality became the center of unification in Russia. The capital of this principality is Moscow, which from a boyar village has turned into the brightest capital of one of the largest states in the world. Starting from the XIV century, Moscow and the Moscow principality turned out to be the point of unification, to which all the scattered Russian lands were drawn to protect themselves from enemies and organize the struggle against them.

In the middle of the 13th century, after the invasion of the monogol-Tatars and the establishment of their rule, great changes took place in Russia. After the pogrom, which was perpetrated by the invaders, the economic decline of the former centers began, and the orders of feudal fragmentation were also preserved. New cities, princes, people began to appear. Rus began to gather strength and recover from shocks. V.N. Ashurkov. On the Kulikovo field. 3rd edition. - Tula, 1976 .-- 224 p.

Nothing prevented the revival of Rus - neither the heavy Tatar tribute, nor the devastating raids and punitive expeditions of the Tatar-Mongols, nor the princely strife. Thanks to the tireless labor of farmers and artisans, the foundations of the economic and political consolidation of the Moscow principality were laid. Convenient location played an important role in this. Even then, Moscow and the districts located nearby became a region of developed handicrafts and agriculture. The city was located at the crossroads of water and land roads, trade routes that connected the whole country. Moscow was located between two rivers: the Volga and the Oka. The population of these lands constituted the core of the Great Russian people. The Tatar-Mongols did not attack Moscow and nearby territories so often. Ryazanskoye, Nizhegorodskoye, Rostovskoye, Yaroslavskoye and many others were more often attacked. People from the eastern, southeastern and southern Russian lands were attracted to Moscow by its stability.

In the XIV century, at a time when Moscow became stronger and became the center of the unification of Russian lands, Russia could be divided into independent principalities. Such principalities were: Moscow, Tver, Ryazan, Suzdal, Nizhny Novgorod. Each of them included several appanages. The principalities were headed by the grand dukes. These princes were obeyed by appanage rulers, who, as a rule, were their relatives. A special place was occupied by the Novgorod and Pskov feudal republics. In the republics, power was legally exercised by the people's assembly, which was called the veche, but in fact, local boyars were in charge of affairs. Dupuis R.E., Dupuy T.N. Harper's Encyclopedia of Military History. World history of wars. Book. 1. - SPb-M .: Polygon AST, 2000 .-- P. 134.

In the middle of the XIV century, a restless time began in the Golden Horde. It was accompanied by unrest and power struggles. This disorder in the horde, had a positive effect on Russia, the Russian princes were able to take advantage of this position of the Horde. At that time, the main enemies of the Moscow principality were Tver and Ryazan. The Golden Horde feared that the Moscow principality might become a warring center. Therefore, the Mongol-Tatars supported the rivals of Moscow in order to weaken it.

After the Moscow principality resolutely entered the struggle, it soon received a label from the Horde for the grandson of Ivan Kalita, Dmitry Ivanovich (1359-1389). The resistance of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod prince Dmitry Konstantinovich was suppressed by the military force of Moscow. In addition, the prince himself asked Moscow for help in the fight against his brother Boris, who lay claim to the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principality. After a while, Dmitry Ivanovich of Moscow, who had established himself on the Vladimir grand-ducal throne, married the daughter of Dmitry Konstantinovich Evdokia. Thus, the alliance of the two princes was consolidated, and the old differences were forgotten. Moscow sought the subordination of the Suzdal-Nizhny Novgorod principality to its influence. The Moscow government resolutely suppressed the attempts of the small appanage princes Galich and Starodub to free themselves from subordination to the Grand Duke.

In 1367, an agreement was concluded between the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich and the appanage prince of Serpukhovsko-Borovsky Vladimir Andreevich. In accordance with the treaty, the Grand Duke directed all the military forces of the principality, foreign relations. The appanage prince, as a "young brother", pledged to serve the Grand Duke "without disobedience" in everything, despite the voluntary nature of the "service" to his elder brother and the privilege of serving in the army with his special regiment under his own "banner" (banner), to manage all affairs in their lot. According to the agreement, the political dependence of the appanage princes on the Grand Duke was increasing. Battle of Kulikovo and the birth of Moscow Russia. - M .: Veche, 2005. -S. 85.

Dmitry Ivanovich, like many other great dukes, had to defend his right to the great reign with the help of weapons. Prince Michael of Tver united with the Lithuanian prince Olgerd and opposed Moscow. Gathering large military forces, in 1368 Olgerd and Mikhail set off on a campaign against Moscow. The besieged Moscow withstood, thanks to the courageous resistance of the defenders of the city A.N. Kirpichnikov. Battle of Kulikovo. - L .: Nauka, 1980 .-- P.124. ...

In 1370 and 1372. the Tver and Lithuanian princes again made campaigns against Moscow. As a result of the campaigns, the Russian people suffered greatly. They were strongly affected by pogroms, devastation of lands, cities and villages. Moscow was able to give a strong rebuff to the enemies in these battles. The Lithuanian prince had to retreat, recognizing the demand of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich about non-interference in the relations of the Moscow government with Tver.

In 1375, the offensive of the Moscow troops on the Tver principality began. This was due to the fact that Prince Mikhail of Tver received a shortcut from the Khan in the Horde for the Vladimir Great Reign. Dmitry Ivanovich opposed Tver at the head of a large army. Together with the Grand Duke Dmitry, the princes of Suzdal, Rostov, Yaroslavl, Beloozersk, Molozhsky, Starodubsky, Bryansk, Tarusa and others marched against Tver "with all their strength", thus Moscow visibly demonstrated its successes in uniting the Russian lands. The components of the Moscow army were the military forces of the appanage principalities of the Tver land itself (for example, Kashinsky), as well as the Smolensk, Chernigov-Seversky and troops of other Russian princes subordinate to Lithuania. Among the troops that Dmitry Ivanovich gathered, along with the feudal lords, there were many ordinary Russian people, mainly artisans. According to the chronicles, the participants in the campaign took up arms against the prince of Tver, because he relied on the help of Lithuania and the Horde. The campaign was all-Russian in nature, and therefore was of great importance. Battle of Kulikovo. - L .: Nauka, 1980 .-- P. 34.

The siege of Tver lasted for almost a month. The prince of Tver saw that "the entire Russian land" was against him. He hoped for Lithuania and the Horde, but they did not help him. Tver had to conclude peace on difficult conditions.

The Tver prince became dependent on the Moscow prince and promised that he would not accept the title of the Grand Duke of Vladimir from the Khan, and would also join the fight against the Horde. He refused an alliance with Lithuania, recognized the independence of the Kashin inheritance (which meant the dismemberment and weakening of the Tver Grand Duchy), pledged to return the lands seized from him to Novgorod.

This was the complete defeat of Tver and the triumph of Moscow as an all-Russian center. The attempts of the prince of Tver to enter the struggle with Moscow, relying on the help of Lithuania and the Tatar khans, led him to isolation and to a large extent deprived of his independence. Since the role of Moscow as a political center has grown greatly during these years, many Russian princes began to go over to the side of Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, refusing to an alliance with Tver. On the side of Moscow, which led the struggle against the Horde yoke and the invasions of the Lithuanian feudal lords, there are significant sections of the population of North-Eastern Russia.

After the feudal war of 1368-1375. Moscow has strengthened significantly. Her authority in the Russian lands also grew. According to the agreement, Moscow with the Novgorod Republic became allies and had to cooperate with each other in resistance with the Levonian Order, Lithuania and Tver. In 1371 Ryazan tried to fight the Moscow prince and was defeated at Skornishchev. After that, the Ryazan rulers began to fear Moscow even more. The Battle of Kulikovo: a sealed memory. - M .: University book, 2008 .-- P. 57.

The rise of Moscow and its transformation into the largest political center of North-Eastern Russia began in the second half of the XIV century. The most important role in the growth of the political power of the Moscow principality was played by Prince Dmitry Ivanovich. He understood that it was necessary to unite the efforts of the Russian principalities in order to achieve national freedom and independence. The most important weapon that can be used to achieve this goal is the military.

In the XIV century, the army consisted of: a grand ducal squad, squads of vassal princes, city regiments and a rural militia, which included peasants. The basis of the army was the detachment of the Grand Duke. It included the older and younger squads. The structure of these squads consisted of people who had land and subordinates. During the war, the city and village militia were called up.

The army consisted of cavalry and infantry. The Konntsia has long been considered the dominant category of troops in Russia. It allows you to quickly move a long distance and act with a concentration of forces.

Nevertheless, the dominance of the cavalry over the infantry was manifested not in quantity, but in quality. All feudal lords had armed detachments that were at the grand ducal court, as well as detachments that were formed in case of war. The grand-ducal detachments consisted of boyars and their children. During this period, the infantry was of great importance. In Russia, the infantry was an independent branch of the army, and in Western countries it was an addition to the cavalry.

The armament of the Russian troops consisted of long-range guns, which included bows and arrows, crossbows, and slingshots. Such equipment was capable of hitting the enemy at a distance of 50-100 meters. There were also melee weapons, which included short and long spears, swords, sabers, axes, sulitsa (darts), clubs, daggers, reeds, hedgehogs and boot knives. This type of equipment was intended for combat at short distances, as well as for hand-to-hand combat. Battle of Kulikovo. - L .: Nauka, 1980 .-- P. 75.

Also, the equipment included protective equipment. These were wooden and metal shields, helmets, chain mail, armor and knee pads. Before the battle, warriors usually wore chain mail, armor and knee pads. When moving, protective gear was transported on carts that followed the army.

The equestrian squad was armed for protection with metal shields, helmets, knee pads, and also equipment for close combat. The infantry had wooden shields, chain mail, helmets, bows, swords and spears.

In addition to hand weapons, heavy weapons were used, which were intended to defend and besiege fortresses. For this, stone throwing and battering machines were used.

In the XIV century, the use of firearms begins, which was not yet widespread. Consequently, the military equipment of the Russian army was no worse than the weapons of the enemy, and in some ways even surpassed it.

The tactical organization of the army was determined by weapons. In the XIV century. it had a five-member marching and military order. The marching order included five regiments of variable size: Sentinel, Frontline, Big, Right and Left hand. In some cases, it was possible to single out a reserve regiment, which covered the moving troops from the rear. There were also reconnaissance detachments, which were in the guard regiment. All the wars that took part in the campaigns were supplied with foodstuffs that each soldier had, since the army did not have a special wagon for food. On the Kulikovo field. 3rd edition. - Tula, 1976 .-- S. 156.

To fight, the army had to take up the battle formation. It changed from one to three lines. When the army was formed in one line, in the center of the battle formation was the Big Regiment, and on its flanks were the regiments of the Right and Left Hand. If a major battle was ahead, the army was formed in three lines. The front line included the Sentinel and the Forward regiment. On the main line was the Big Regiment and the Right and Left Hand regiments. The third line was a reserve regiment, which was formed before the battle. It served as a mobile backup. Usually, in the center was the infantry, which was divided into hundreds and tens.

In battle formation, the infantry operated in a close formation with a depth of 15-20 rows. In view of this, the degree of available weapons was taken into account. The main part of the infantry were spearmen, who went into battle with the enemy. For archers, separate detachments were created, which were in front of the Big Regiment or on the flanks.

Tactically, the units were subdivided into "spears", but unlike the knightly organization adopted in the West, where the active unit in the "spear" was a knight, who was served by his servants, the Russian "spear" was a link in which all soldiers took an active participation in battle. Shirokard A.B. Battle of Kulikovo and the birth of Moscow Russia. - M.: Veche, 2005 .-- P. 67.

The battle was controlled with banners and trumpets. Each regiment had its own banner. The Grand Duke's flag was in the center of the Grand Regiment. Thanks to the division into regiments, the army was more mobile, and it provided the opportunity for better management of the army.

From this it follows that already in the second half of the XIV there were great changes in the structure of the army. A transition was made from the one-member order, which was adopted in the Old Russian army, to a five-member battle order, which allowed active maneuvers in open areas. To cope with such an organization of the troops, unity of action and a single command were required. This ruled out the possibility of separatism. Actions of individual military units.

The method of defense of the important centers of the principality was more complicated. The Kremlin was a powerful structure made of stone or wood, which was built to protect the city. That is why Dmitry Ivanovich began the construction of the Kremlin from stone in 1366. The Kremlin had not only defensive functions, but also military-political ones.

Monasteries played a great role in protecting the state. The way of building the walls of monasteries turned them into defensive structures. In the last quarter of the XIV century. Sretensky, Rozhdestvensky and Petrovsky monasteries were built on the outskirts of Moscow. Moscow was located within the Boulevard Ring. The population of Moscow was from 30 to 40 thousand people. Fortresses were also built in Tver (1369-1373), Novgorod (1384), where in 1391 stone fires were prepared on both sides of the fort, Pskov (1380), where a new stone wall was laid "along the old walls ”, Porkhov (1387), Luga (1384) and other cities. Ashurkov V.N. On the Kulikovo field. 3rd edition. - Tula, 1976 .-- S. 78.

In general, the construction of fortresses reached a high level during this period. In the fortresses were located blacksmiths and weapons workshops for the manufacture of weapons for the infantry and cavalry.

2. Battle of Kulikovo

The Tatars were unhappy with the resistance of Russia, so they began to accumulate strength. Having accumulated strength, the Tatar-Mongols inflicted a tangible defeat on the Russian troops on the Pian River in 1377. For this, Muscovites and Nizhny Novgorod ruined the Mordovian places in which the Tatars were held, on the river. Sura. The struggle became open and fierce.

Before the Battle of Kulikovo, many reforms were carried out in Russian military affairs.

To develop a strategy for fighting the Golden Horde, it was important to know all the disadvantages and advantages of the Mongolian military art.

The first problem that had to be solved was the repulsion of a small strike. It was decided to deploy their own rifle units against the Mongol riflemen. After a rifle volley, the Horde always proceeded to flank cavalry strikes. The main task of the prince was to convert the battle into a foot battle.

The cavalry provided defense against flank attacks of the reserve and guard regiments. The transience of the battle did not give time for all tactical maneuvers.

For the Tatars, it became clear that the prince was preparing to overthrow the yoke. In 1373 Khan Mamai undertook a raid on Ryazan in order to conduct reconnaissance in force. Tver fell on September 1, 1375. It became clear that a serious battle could not be avoided. In the winter of 1377-1378, the Russian prince struck a blow at the Horde allies - the Mordovian princes.Karnatsevich V.L. 100 famous battles. - Kharkov., 2004 .-- S. 65.

The situation demanded that Mamai and Dmitry Ivanovich make a decision, they did not have time to think. One of Khan Mamai's mistakes was that he underestimated the forces gathered by the Russian prince and did not bring the entire Horde together. He sent Begich and five temniks, who were defeated by Dmitry Ivanovich, who led the forces of North-Eastern Russia, on the Vozha River. After this defeat, Mamai gathered all his strength for the campaign.

For Mamai and Dmitry, the time had come for responsible decisions, it was impossible to wait further. But Mamai still underestimated the strength of Moscow, otherwise he would have raised the entire Horde on a campaign, instead of first sending Begich and five more temniks, who were defeated on the Vozha River by the combined forces of North-Eastern Russia under the command of Dmitry Ivanovich. As soon as Mamai learned of the defeat of Begich, he immediately gathered all the forces that were at his disposal at that moment on a campaign.

The field where the great battle took place was on the Muravsky Way. It was a flat, not hilly area with several rivers flowing. Further south, the field gradually turned into a towering hillock, which was called Red Hill. A big plus in this battle was that the Kulikovo field was an excellent fortification point. From the north, west, east, the field was covered by rivers. In the west - r. Nepryadva, in the north - r. Don, in the east - r. Smolka. There was also a forest in the east beyond the Smolka River. Consequently, only the south side was open. All other sides of the Kulikovo field in the north were closed by natural barriers. These obstacles did not allow for a roundabout maneuver. At the site of hostilities, Russian troops occupied 8.5 meters in length, and 5.5 meters in depth. S.P. Borodin. Dmitry Donskoy. - Tyumen: Slovo Tyumen, 1993 .-- P. 32.

The Horde had more chances to take strategically advantageous positions than the opponents. The military side of the Horde army was in the northwest. This territory was located between the Saburov farm and the village of Danilovka. Since the main part of the army of Khan Mamai was cavalry, this location was unfavorable for him. The cavalry was not able to freely maneuver. Therefore, the only way out was to attack directly, without using flank attacks.

The length of the disposition of the troops of Khan Mamai along the front was 11-13 meters, and the depth was approximately 5.5 meters. The total area of \u200b\u200bthe field was approximately 53 sq. meters. The number of soldiers stationed in this territory was approximately 50 thousand. Shirokard A.B. The Battle of Kulikovo and the birth of Muscovite Russia. - M .: Veche, 2005 .-- S. 98.

Russian troops were located in a five-member order, in three lines. On the main line were the Big Regiment and the Right and Left Hand regiments. In front, one after the other, were the Sentinel and the Forward regiments. Following the Left Hand regiment was the Private Reserve. In the forest, across the Smolka River, there was an Ambush Regiment. The Sentinel Regiment included only cavalry. The main goal of the Guard Regiment was to determine the direction of the main attack of the troops of Khan Mamai.

A large role in the battle was assigned to the Advanced Regiment. It included a city squad. The infantry detachments were supposed to hold back the main forces of the Horde until then, when they did not run out of strength. After that, the Big Regiment will have to enter the battle, whose task was to facilitate the actions of the regiments of the main line.

The basis of the tactical formation was the Big Regiment, the Right and Left Hand regiments. These regiments had cavalry available, and cavalry along the edges.

Particular attention was paid to the left flank. In the event of an attack by all or most of the available forces on the left flank, the Horde would be able to make a roundabout maneuver. To strengthen this side, private and general militias were stationed there. Since the entire army was divided into regiments, it was easy to maneuver the army during the battle. The compact organization of the troops made it possible to create depth, which guaranteed the flexibility of the tactical formation of the troops.

The location of the cavalry was not constrained by any obstacles, and the infantry was located close to each other. The dense formation of the infantry reached 20 rows in depth. In the center of the tactical formation were the spearmen. Archers were on either side. The reliability of the deployment of the infantry depended on the integrity and interaction with the cavalry. The cavalry consisted of several ranks, which had to maintain formation in order to strike the enemy. The army was controlled by banners and trumpet signals. The infantry outnumbered the cavalry, therefore it was the main force of the Russian army and ultimately decided the outcome of the battle.

The army of Khan Mamai consisted of the vanguard (light cavalry), the center-infantry, as well as a detachment of the Genoese infantry, which consisted of cavalry. Khan Mamai prepared a cavalry reserve for the main and final blow.

The high mobility of the troops of Khan Mamai was achieved by the presence of a high percentage of cavalry, and this left an imprint on the nature and strategy of their actions. The left flank of the Russian troops was under threat of being driven back. The most difficult maneuver in any war is crossing. The Russian army began it on the morning of September 8th. At the time of the crossing, the army was in a very vulnerable position, so the troops of the Sentinel Regiment carried out the protection and cover of the troops. This ensured the army's exit to combat positions.

To improve efficiency, all guard detachments were combined into one regiment under the command of the Moscow governor Semyon Melik. He was assisted by Prince Vasily Obolensky, Prince Fyodor Tarusky, boyar Andrey Serkizovich and voivode Mikhail Akinfovich. The vanguard consisted of several detachments brought together under the command of the princes Duritsky and the governor Mikula Vasilyevich. Dupuy R.E., Dupuy T.N. Harper's Encyclopedia of Military History. World history of wars. Book. 1. - SPb-M .: Polygon AST, 2000 .-- P. 178.

The right flank was led by Prince Andrei Rostovsky, Prince Andrei Starodubsky and voivode Fyodor Grunk.

The general command of the entire army and the Great Regiment was carried out by Prince Dmitry Ivanovich with his own hands, organizing at the same time a semblance of a headquarters of troops consisting of boyar and governor Mikhail Brenk, Ivan Kvashnya and Prince Ivan Smolensky. The left flank was given over to princes Fyodor and Ivan Beloozersky, as well as to Prince Vasily Yaroslavsky and Prince Fyodor Molozhsky.

The personal reserve was under the command of Prince Dmitry Olgerdovich. The main reserve was under the command of Prince Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky and Dmitry Bobrok. They were assisted by the princes Roman Bryansk and Vasily Kashinsky.

Having deployed troops on the battle lines, Dmitry Ivanovich personally traveled around the main line and uttered the following words: “Beloved fathers and brethren,” he said, “for the sake of your own salvation, strive for the Orthodox faith and for our brethren! All the brethren, young and old, are one grandson of Adamli, clan and tribe are one ... we will die this hour ... for our brethren! For all Orthodox Christianity "The story of the Battle of Kulikovo. - M .: AN SSSR, 1959 .-- P. 345.

Dmitry Ivanovich's speech raised the morale of the Russian warriors and betrayed them confidence and courage. Dmitry Ivanovich entrusted the task of leading the Big Regiment to Boyar Mikhail Andreevich Brenk.

Toward noon, the fog over the Kulikovo field cleared away. Two armies were waiting for the command to start fighting. Before the main battle, a duel took place between two heroes - Chelubey and Peresvet. This traditional duel was supposed to instill in the souls of the soldiers of both armies the rage towards the enemy, which was so necessary during the battle. The death of both participants in the duel from a double blow with spears stunned everyone watching.

The battle has begun. The vanguards of both armies were the first to enter the battle. From the side of the Russian army, the Watchdog and Advance regiments participated in this battle. From the side of the Golden Army, the cavalry took part. From the fierceness of this battle, its cruelty and perseverance, it became clear that a difficult battle with heavy losses lay ahead. The remnants of the cavalry of the Sentinel Regiment retreated to the location of the Personal Reserve, located on the left flank.

The time has come for the main forces of the army. During the death of the vanguard, Dmitry Ivanovich made an important decision. He decided not to disperse the forces of his army, so no reinforcements were sent to the vanguard. If the Russian regiments were moved, the flanks of his army would be greatly weakened. The main forces remained in their positions, waiting for the right moment.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe territory on which the hostilities took place was 5-6 km. The main blow fell on the center of the Russian battle formation. Despite the fact that the left and right flanks were covered by natural barriers - rivers, the left flank still remained insufficiently protected. During the hostilities, Khan Mamai watched the actions of the Russian troops and revealed their weak side. Having found the weak point of the Russian army, Mamai decided to send his main forces to the Big Regiment and the Left Hand regiment in order to throw them into the Don and Nepryadva. Battle of Kulikovo. - L .: Nauka, 1980 .-- P. 112.

Large forces gathered in the cramped field. First of all, Khan Mamai ordered to attack the center of Russian troops. His infantry marched in a dense formation and struck a powerful blow at the Big Regiment. The enemy wanted to disrupt the formation and cut down the grand princely banner in order to disrupt the control of the Russian troops. The Horde partially achieved their goal, having managed to hoist the banner. But Gleb Bryanskiy and Timofey Velyaminov were able to rectify the situation and inflicted a counterattack on the enemy.

At the same time, the Horde cavalry began to attack the left and right flanks. During the attack from the right flank, the Russian army was able to repel the attacks, and the Horde cavalry retreated and stopped all attempts to attack on rough terrain. However, attacking the left flank, the Mongols achieved great success. They were able to kill all the commanders of the left flank and the regiment began to retreat. Thanks to this, the Tatar cavalry had more room to attack. The Left Hand regiment retreated to the Nepryadva River.

At the same time, Mamai's cavalry attacked the Right and Left arm regiments. The attack of the Russian right flank was repulsed. The light cavalry of the Horde retreated and no longer dared to act on rough terrain. More successful was the attack of the Mongolian cavalry against the left flank of the Russian army. The escape route to the crossings was cut off.

The personal reserve of Dmitry Olgerdovich held back the offensive of the Horde cavalry, so that it did not go into the rear of the Big Regiment. But soon after he was defeated by fresh forces, which Mamai sent in order to achieve greater success. It seemed to Mamy that it was enough to make the last effort to consider the victory complete. But for this effort he lacked more fresh troops. All his forces were already involved in the battle. The Battle of Kulikovo: a sealed memory. - M .: University book, 2008 .-- P. 278.

It was at this time that the voivode Dmitry Bobrok, who was watching the course of the battle from Zelena Dubrava, decided to include an Ambush Regiment, consisting of selected, well-armed cavalry. Bobrok had a lot of work to keep Prince Vladimir Andreevich from a premature attack. Due to the fact that a large reserve entered the battle, having waited for the right moment, the balance of forces in the direction of the main attack of the Horde changed. This was the turning point of the entire battle. Not expecting the appearance of fresh Russian forces, the Horde cavalry was in disarray.

At first, the enemy's light cavalry tried to resist, but could not resist the onslaught of the Russian heavy cavalry and began to move back. At this time, the Big Regiment and the Left Hand regiment went on the offensive.

Then came the turning point. Retreating under the blows of the Russians, the Mongol-Tatar cavalry overturned their infantry and carried them along

After that, the pursuit of the defeated army of Mamai began. Enemies "rosy escaped unprepared roads ...". The story of the Kulikovo battle. - M .: AN SSSR, 1959. - P. 413. During the pursuit, many fleeing were exterminated. At the Red Sword, the Russians stopped and returned back to the Kulikovo field. Mamai also fled from the battlefield.

The losses on both sides were enormous. Mamai's army as an organized force disintegrated. The Russian army also suffered heavy losses. More than half of all warriors remained on the battlefield, 12 princes and 483 boyars were killed. A little more than 40 thousand people survived. Kirpichnikov A.N. Battle of Kulikovo. - L .: Nauka, 1980. - P. 124. The chronicles do not give exact data on losses, but all indicate that after the Battle of Kulikovo the Russian land was empty.

The war of Russia against the Horde was truly a nationwide affair. Here, on the Kulikovo field, the issue of the country's freedom and independence was resolved. The Battle of Kulikovo marked the beginning of the unification of the Russian principalities and increased the importance of Moscow as a stronghold of the Russian lands. It became the most important event in the history of the Russian people. On the Kulikovo field, the Golden Horde suffered a strong blow, as a result of which it steadily went into decline.

Due to the fact that Russia coped with feudal fragmentation, she won the battle against the Golden Horde yoke. Prior to that, Russian princes tried to overcome feudal fragmentation. Even before the invasion of the Mongol-Tatars to Russia, all the Russian principalities gathered around the Vladimir-Suzdal principality, during the reign of Vsevolod the Big Nest. But Batu, attacking Russia, prevented this.

Over the years, the opposition of Russia became more radical. In parallel with the opposition against the Golden Horde yoke, Russia consolidated, gathering all the Russian principalities around Moscow. Having won the Battle of Kulikovo, it became clear that Russia had made great strides based on its economic achievements. Thanks to the rise of the national spirit, Dmitry Ivanovich managed to unite Russia and defeat the enemy.

Despite the fact that all these processes were of an all-Russian character, not all Russian lands took part in them. Despite the fact that the Russians won this grandiose battle, Russia was unable to free itself from the yoke of the Golden Horde. In 1382, Russia was attacked by Khan Tokhtamysh and again fell into dependence on the Golden Horde.

The role of the Battle of Kulikovo in Russian history is very large. The consequences of this great victory was that after a hundred years the Russians were able to free themselves from the foreign yoke. Both before the battle and after it, the process of unification of the Russian lands continued. And in the 15th century, under Ivan IV, a single centralized state appeared, which began to be called Russia. Thanks to Dmitry Donskoy, Russia got stronger and achieved such results. Battle of Kulikovo. - L .: Nauka, 1980 .-- P. 101.

A hundred years after the Battle of Kulikovo, when Russia became an independent state and overthrew the Golden Horde yoke, the Tatar-Mongols continued to attack the Russian lands. Most often, such invasions were carried out by the Crimean and Kazan khans, who were the successors of the Golden Horde. For two centuries after the victory, Russia continued to be subject to foreign invasions. After the break, Russia again continued to pay tribute to the Crimean and Kazan khans. The tribute was taken to Bakhchisarai.

For a long time the Russian people carried out exhausting resistance with the successors of the Golden Horde. Russia was superior to its enemy. The victory in the Battle of Kulikovo largely determined the course of history and was the impetus for further victories of the Russian people. The main reason for the Russian victory was the strengthening of the power of the state. And already in the XVI-XVIII centuries, most of the khanates became dependent on the Russian state and began to obey the Russian rulers.

During this period of time, Russia achieved great success, and despite the defeats that happened, the Russian people did not lose heart. In 1540-1550, having made several campaigns, Russia took possession of the lands along the Volga River. Bashkiria and the Nogai Horde of their own free will became part of Russia. In 1580, the development of Siberia began. Ermak makes a trip to Western Siberia and begins to develop territories from the Urals to the Pacific Ocean. Also, after a series of victories in the Russo-Turkish wars, Russia captured the Crimea. Dupuis R.E., Dupuis T.N. Harper's Encyclopedia of Military History. World history of wars. Book. 1. - SPb-M .: Polygon AST, 2000 .-- P. 734

Historians agree that the Battle of Kulikovo has become a model of warfare for many years to come. Russian wars once again proved their strength, courage and courage in battle. The ability of Russian commanders to control and fight against superior enemy forces is striking.


I believe that the Don massacre was one of the most outstanding events in the life of both Russia and the whole of Europe in the Middle Ages. The Battle of Kulikovo became a turning point in the life of the Russian people. This battle not only facilitated, but also consolidated the process of the formation of the Russian centralized state.

This battle showed the best qualities of the Russian people: steadfastness, courage, bravery, readiness to sacrifice their lives for the sake of national liberation of the people from a heavy foreign burden.

The Russian people put forward an outstanding strategist and tactician Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy, whose military leadership constituted an entire era in the history of Russian military art.

More than six centuries have passed since the time when Russian soldiers under the leadership of the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich defeated the Mongol-Tatar hordes, led by the Emir of the Golden Horde Mamai, in the battle on the Kulikovo field, on the Don. For the outstanding military talent shown in this battle, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich was nicknamed Donskoy among the people.

The Battle of Kulikovo is the greatest event in Russian history. It dealt a strong blow to the rule of the Horde and initiated the process of weakening the foreign yoke, the final liberation of Russia from foreign rule. An important consequence of the Battle of Kulikovo was the strengthening of the role of Moscow in the formation of a single Russian state.

The feat of the Russian people on the Kulikovo field, which became a turning point in the history of our Motherland, is immortalized in literature and art, journalism and historical science.

The study of the heroic past of the Russian and other peoples of our country has become a tradition. The Russian people constantly remembered, talked, wrote about the great feat of the heroes of the Kulikov field in the 15th, 16th, and subsequent centuries.


1. Ashurkov V.N. On the Kulikovo field. 3rd edition. Tula, 1976.224 p.

2. Borodin S.P. Dmitry Donskoy. Tyumen: Slovo Tyumen, 1993.266 p.

3. Dupuis R.E., Dupuis T.N. Harper's Encyclopedia of Military History. World history of wars. Book. 1.SPb-M .: Polygon AST, 2000.944 p.

4. Karnatsevich V. L. 100 famous battles. - Kharkov., 2004 .-- 255 p.

5. Kirpichnikov A.N. Battle of Kulikovo. L .: Nauka, 1980.124 p.

6. Stories about the Kulikovo battle. Moscow: AN SSSR, 1959.512 p.

7. Black V.D. The Battle of Kulikovo: a sealed memory. M .: University book, 2008.336 p.

8. Shirokard A.B. Battle of Kulikovo and the birth of Moscow Russia. M .: Veche, 2005.416 p.

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On September 16, 1380, Russian troops defeated the army of the legendary Mamai and showed their strength in the fight against the Tatar-Mongol yoke. The Battle of Kulikovo became a turning point and the beginning of the revival of strong Russia.

Mamai wants revenge

There have been quite a few periods in the history of Russia when the country and the state suffered from the raids of foreign invaders. But, perhaps, in ancient times, the most difficult and controversial was the time when the Tatar-Mongols came to Russia. The Russian principalities had to pay tribute and endure humiliation from the Golden Horde. But it's not for nothing that they say that the Russians harness for a long time, but they go fast. In the end, the strength of the spirit of Russia rose to a sufficient level to give a worthy rebuff to the enemy.

The turning point in the confrontation of princely Rus to the Golden Horde was 1380, when another emir, Mamai, decided to take revenge on the Russians for his defeat two years ago. With an army of unprecedented numbers, he went to Russia, dreaming of the complete seizure of the territory into submission. But the hopes of the Tatar-Mongols were not destined to become reality. The Russian regiments, led by the Prince of Moscow and Vladimir, Dmitry Ivanovich, managed to demonstrate their strength and courage to the foreign invaders.

Meeting point - Kulikovo field

For the battle with the army of Mamai, representatives of almost all of the North-Eastern part of Russia gathered. Having received a blessing from Sergius of Radonezh, the prince with his retinue and soldiers moved forward to the mouth of two rivers - the Don and Nepryadva. It was here that he had to fight with the numerous warriors of the Emir of the Golden Horde.

The first victims of the Kulikovo battle were two heroes - the Russian Peresvet and the Mongolian Chelubey - both of them died fighting each other. After that, the real massacre began. Soon the whole field was strewn with the bodies of fallen soldiers on both sides, horses galloping, stumbling over the bodies of the dead.

It should be noted that Mamai did not expect such a united battle from the Russians. He hoped to the last for weak Russia, that the princes would not be able to come to terms with each other and resist the enemy with a single force. But something else happened - the power of the Russian army, acting brilliantly as a single organism, plunged the Tatar-Mongol into shock. Representatives of the Golden Horde fled, they were already caught up by the soldiers, who were sitting in ambush until the last moment. It is worth paying tribute to Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, who was not afraid to fight the enemy, fighting along with his warriors.

After the battle on the Kulikovo field, the power of influence of the Tatar-Mongol yoke dropped noticeably, while the power of Moscow, on the contrary, increased. Other principalities began to unite near it. It was the day of the battle on the Kulikovo field that became the reason to celebrate the Day of Military Glory. True, thanks to numerous translations from the old to the new calendar style, the exact date has shifted not by eight, but by 13 days (according to church rules). And formally, the Day of Military Glory is now celebrated on September 21, although its actual date is September 16 (September 8, old style) - the day of the Kulikovo battle.

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The great battle on the banks of the Nepryadva and Don is one of the most important events in Russian history. The Battle of Kulikovo is a bright flash of that material and spiritual energy that was accumulated by the creative and military labor of several generations of Russian people. The components of the great power that broke the age-old power of the Horde on the Kulikovo Field were the daily, hard work of a peasant and artisan, the ardent word of a patriot-preacher, the valor of a warrior and the skill of an artist.

The Battle of Kulikovo was a natural result and a striking manifestation of the socio-economic and political development of the Russian lands in the XIV century. The works of literature and art dedicated to her in a vivid, distinct form revealed the main ideas and moods that determined the nature of Russian social thought of that period.

The Battle of Kulikovo and the events associated with it accelerated the formation of the ideology of a single centralized state. The ideological wealth of the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle suggests that from the end of the XIV century. a new stage began in the development of Russian social thought. Its development in the second half of the XIV-XV centuries. was determined by the main factor of the political life of Russia - the existence of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. Understanding the reasons for the establishment of the yoke, searching for ways to revive the country, glorifying the first successes in the struggle against the oppressors are the main content of Russian social thought in the 13th-15th centuries. Its development in the second half of the XIII-XV centuries. According to the changes in attitude to the main issue - the issue of the Mongol-Tatar yoke, the national revival - can be conditionally divided into three stages.

The first stage, which lasted approximately until the beginning of the 14th century, is characterized by the absence of any coherent political theory, any consistently pursued socio-political idea. Mourning over the death of Russia, deepening the sense of national dignity are the main content of the monuments created during this period.

At the second stage, the ideology of new political centers, especially Moscow and Tver, is gradually being formed, a slow gathering of the spiritual forces of the people takes place, which served as one of the foundations of the national upsurge of the late XIV - early XV centuries. These theories could not, of course, bear an openly anti-Horde character, but their very appearance meant a new step in the spiritual revival of the country.

The Battle of Kulikovo and the accompanying national upsurge determined the beginning of a new, third, stage in the development of Russian medieval thought. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of all Russian principalities is triumphant. The most developed (in comparison with other local theories) and proved its vitality and strength during the events of 1380, the idea of \u200b\u200bMoscow's priority in the Russian lands, one of the main reasons for which is the leading role of Moscow in the struggle to overthrow the Horde yoke, becomes the core of Russian social thought the next century. In literature, the idea of \u200b\u200breadiness for self-sacrifice in an open armed struggle against the "nasty" triumphs.

Literature. The reflection of the Battle of Kulikovo in the history of Old Russian literature, the ideological content of the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle have been studied by several generations of literary critics and historians 1. A great deal of work has been done to clarify the relationship between the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle, to date them as accurately as possible, as well as to study the relationship of these monuments with other works of Old Russian literature, primarily with the "Word of Igor's Campaign". A deep linguistic analysis of the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle 2 has been carried out.

One of the important directions in the study of the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle is the understanding of their ideological content against the general background of the spiritual life of Russia during the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke. There are several works directly devoted to this issue 3. However, not all research opportunities in this direction have been exhausted. It is necessary to connect more closely the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle with the history of Russian social thought of the 13th-15th centuries, to trace the origins and further fate of the ideas and moods reflected in it. More attention should be paid not only to the question of where these or those images were taken from, but also why they were taken, how these images were perceived in different periods of the history of Russia. The solution to this problem requires a deep understanding of the figurative language not only of literary works, but also of the monuments of ancient Russian architecture, painting, artistic craft, surrounded and under the influence of which the works of the Kulikovo cycle lived and developed.

The main idea of \u200b\u200ball the literary monuments of the Kulikovo cycle is the idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the Russian land as the basis of victory over the enemy. Dmitry Donskoy goes to meet Mamai "having made a deal with all the Russian princes." “And from the beginning, the world has never seen such a power of Russian princes,” the chronicler exclaims enthusiastically. The initial words of Zadonshchina, filled with bell solemnity, sound like an imperious appeal for unity: "Let us dream, brothers and friends, sons of Russia, let us put word by word and magnify the Russian land." Many thousands of "brave Russians" go to fight not only for the "offense" of the Grand Duke of Moscow, but "for the whole baby and the elders" and "for all the peasants", "for the whole Russian land" 6.

And before the battle, the prince admonished the warriors going to the battle in short words: "My brothers, let us all pull from a single one." These words sound the same call to brotherhood in spirit, in common service, which is embodied in Rublev's Trinity.

The same mood, the same thought about a common feat for "Great Russia", about unity in the face of death sounds in "Zadonshchina" and in the words of the Moscow boyar Mikhail Alexandrovich, where the theme of unity sounds with epic force in a long list of murdered governors. Russian land, whose best sons laid down their heads on the field of the great battle 8.

Researchers have long noted the contradictory political tendentiousness of various editions of the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle. The call for unity - the ideological core of all editions of the Chronicle Tale, Zadonshchina, and Tale - is combined with the emphasis on certain historical figures. The different coloring of the idea of \u200b\u200bunity in one or another edition of the monuments is quite understandable. The essence and purpose of the unification process was understood differently in the grand ducal mansions and in the metropolitan's courtyard, in the cell of the forest monastery and in the peasant's hut, in the warrior's tent and in the workshop of a craftsman. However, the very need for unity was no longer in doubt. The only dispute was about specific political forms.

Such literary contemporaries of the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle as "List of Russian Cities" 9, "The Word about the Life and Death of the Grand Duke Dmitry Ivanovich, Tsar of Russia" 10, the all-Russian annalistic collections of 1389 and 1408 can serve as evidence of the maturity and relevance of the idea of \u200b\u200bunification. 11 Each of these monuments expresses the same idea of \u200b\u200bthe unity of the Russian land, albeit in different aspects and political interpretations.

One of the forms of expression of the system of unity as the basis of the power and glory of Rus in the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle is the appeal to the images of Kievan Rus. The most striking example of this is "Zadonshchina", the author of which used the artistic forms of "The Lay of Igor's Campaign" to glorify the heroes of the Kulikov Field 12. The majestic shadows of the Kiev princes Vladimir Svyatoslavich and Yaroslav Vladimirovich, the holy brothers Boris and Gleb stand behind the back of Dmitry Donskoy and his army. In the name of the second Svyatopolk, the Kiev prince-fratricide, he brands the "Legend" of the apostate of the common cause, Prince Oleg of Ryazansky 13.

Already from the middle of the XIV century. The sons of the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich - the first Russian saints, brothers Boris and Gleb 14 - act as constant assistants and intercessors of the Moscow princes. It is hardly accidental that twice the departure of the Moscow prince Semyon Ivanovich to the Horde - in 1340 and 1342. - was timed to May 2 - the day of memory of Boris and Gleb 15. Note that observations of the Russian chronicles of the XIV-XV centuries. show an unusually attentive attitude to the choice of the day for accomplishing this or that important matter 16. The attention to dates and coincidences, based on the symbolism of the Christian worldview, and also to some extent on a semi-pagan belief in omens, was especially sharpened in the alarming, full of fears and hopes era of the struggle to overthrow the Mongol-Tatar yoke 17.

Another example of a return to inspiring, heroic images associated with the religious ideas of Kievan Rus, apparently, can be recognized as widespread at the end of the XIV-XV centuries, captured by the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle. cults of George and Dmitry Solunsky. Of course, the popularity of these holy warriors was largely traditional, characteristic of the princely-boyar environment in the second half of the 13th - early 14th centuries. However, a number of facts allow us to speak about the special significance of these cults in the second half of the XIV century. The extensive chronicle tale of the Battle of Kulikovo, compiled, apparently, soon after 1380, names George, along with Dmitry Solunsky, Boris and Gleb, the heavenly patrons of the Russian army 18. Their names, reminiscent of famous ancestors - Yaroslav (Georgy) Vladimirovich of Kiev, Yuri (Georgy) Vladimirovich Dolgorukiy, Vsevolod (Dmitriy) the Big Nest, Yuri (Georgy) Vsevolodovich Vladimirskiy - are popular among the princely environment. Dmitry Solunsky was considered the heavenly patron of Dmitry Donskoy 19. Such important events in the life of the Moscow princes as the departure of Dmitry Donskoy's son Vasily to the Horde in 1383 and his risky escape from the Horde captivity in 1385 were timed to coincide with the memory of George.

One of the most significant political figures of Kievan Rus, whose image was reflected in the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle, was the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. In this image, the heroic epics and the pathos of the church panegyric merged, the glory of the defender of the Russian land from the "rotten" Pechenegs and Christian piety. According to Zadonshchina, the image of Prince Vladimir inspires Dmitry Donskoy and his associates 21.

In Moscow, the cult of Vladimir, canonized in the 13th century, has been popular, apparently since the time of Prince Daniel Alexandrovich. It is interesting to note that on the day of memory of Vladimir, July 15, the hero of the Kulikovo battle, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, was born, named by this extremely rare name in the princely environment at that time, of course, in honor of the famous ancestor 22. In Novgorod, already in 1311, a stone church was built in honor of Vladimir 23.

The reminder of Vladimir Svyatoslavich as a common ancestor in the mouth of an ancient Russian scribe was supposed to serve the cause of the unity of Russian princes. In "Zadonshchina" Dmitry Donskoy addresses the assembled princes: "Brothers and princes of Russia, I am the nest of the Grand Duke Vladimir of Kiev" 24. The same address, supplemented by praise to Vladimir, is contained in the "Tale" 25.

The appeal to inspiring, heroic images of the past was also expressed in the canonization of Alexander Nevsky, carried out in 1381.26 The great ancestor of the Moscow princes, whose name became a symbol of valor and selfless service to the Russian land, is also mentioned in the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle 27.

Leafing through the "old chroniclers" and, as it were, trying on the armor of the Kiev heroes on the "princes of the present", the scribes of the end of the XIV-XV centuries. preached the idea, full of poetic charm and not devoid of historical justice - the idea of \u200b\u200bretribution for the long-standing numerous "offenses" inflicted by the nomads, about the victorious outcome of the difficult combat between Russia and the Steppe. This idea was expressed in his own way by the author of Zadonshchina, repeating the literary form of The Lay of Igor's Host, but filling it with a new, major content. The Battle of Kulikovo is a long-awaited retaliation for the steppe people. She put an end to the one and a half years of oppression of Russia. The author of "Zadonshchina" feels himself on the verge of a new, brighter period in the life of the country, and this feeling is poured out in agitated, sometimes confused, but deeply sincere words: "Already more fun and riot have spread across the Russian land and Russian glory has spread to the nasty blasphemy The miracle has already been planted on the earth. Already the thunderstorms of the Grand Duke are flowing throughout the land. Shoot, Prince Great, with your brave squad of the filthy Mamai Khinovin for the Russian land, for the Christian faith "28.

The Mamaevo massacre, according to the author of "Zadonshchina", not only put an end to the period of Mongol-Tatar rule, which began "from the Kalatsky army", from the battle on the river. Kalke in 1223. It signified the end of another, almost simultaneous with the Tatar, period, the beginning of which was marked by a bitter event - "on the Kayale River, the Afets clan prevailed." The battle "on Kayala" is mentioned in "Zadonshchina", of course, not only because the author wanted to use the artistic images of "The Lay of Igor's Host." The campaign of 1185 seemed to him to be a borderline, from which "the Russian land was not cheerful" 29. The same thought about the retaliatory blow inflicted on the steppe inhabitants on the Kulikovo field can be traced in the memory of the invasion of Batu, passing through all the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle. Through the lips of the inhabitants of Kafa, the author of "Zadonshchina" mockingly addresses the defeated Mamai: "That was the horde of Zaleskaya, the first time. And you should not be in Batu Tsar" 30.

Presenting the Battle of Kulikovo as the beginning of a new period in the history of Rus, as a decisive moment in the struggle against the Steppe, the author of Zadonshchina discovered an unusually broad, far-sighted understanding of the historical significance of the events of 1380. Moreover, he was able to reflect in his work the spiritual basis of the liberation of Rus - that moral ideal 31, that revived pride, the image of which in the architecture of the end of the XIV century. the light and slender Cathedral of the Assumption on Gorodok in Zvenigorod, raised above the steep in Vladimir style, became. "Princes and boyars and daring people, leave all your houses and wealth, wives and children and cattle, receive the honor and glory of this world, put your heads for the Rus Land and for the Christian faith," exclaims the author of "Zadonshchina" 32. "It would be better for us to be sweaty than to be full of flesh from the nasty", - says the boyar-monk Peresvet before the fight with the Tatar 33. These proud words directly echo the address to the brothers of Ryazan, Prince Yuri, one of the heroes of "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu": "Better for us to buy a belly with death than in the filthy will of being."

One of the main issues that worried the Russian people of the XIV-XV centuries. and reflected in the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle, there was a long-standing dispute about the nature of the relationship with the Horde. Already in the time of Alexander Nevsky, there were people who, like Prince Andrei of Suzdal, did not want to serve the Tatars. Open armed struggle with the Horde, which in the middle of the XIII century. looked like a risky adventure, threatening a new pogrom of Russia, became a real political program in the era of Dmitry Donskoy. There is reason to believe that over the past century, the yoke at the court of the Grand Duke of Moscow was constantly fought by two groups, two foreign policy programs. Their existence is also indicated by the message of Khan Edigey to the Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich 35, and the "Message to the Ugra" by the Rostov Archbishop Vassian 36.

The supporters of traditional tributary relations with the Horde did not want to risk "silence" and, perhaps, hoped to strengthen the western borders of Russia with the help of the Horde. The more determined part of the Moscow feudal lords, relying on the sympathy of the "black people" who were exhausted under the weight of the yoke, demanded an active offensive policy towards the Horde. The implementation of this or that line was determined by the specific historical situation, the alignment of forces at the grand ducal court. However, since the 70s of the XIV century. The "steppe" policy of the Moscow princes acquires a more or less stable offensive character, captured and historically substantiated in literary works dedicated to the Battle of Kulikovo. "Let us bring sorrow to the eastern country", - calls the author of "Zadonshchina" 38. Having suffered defeat, the Tatars lament that they "do not go to Russia like an army" and "do not ask the Russian princes for a way out ..." 39.

Compiled at a time when the Mongol-Tatar yoke, albeit in a softened form, continued to gravitate over Russia, the monuments of the Kulikovo cycle could not, of course, without circumlocution, loudly call for an immediate uprising, for the military defeat of the Horde. With all the heroic, anti-Horde pathos of these works, there are also notes of moderation and caution in relations with the Steppe. In itself, the uprising against Mamai is defensive in nature and is caused, according to the Russian princes in the "Zadonshchina", by the fact that "the Tatars are advancing on our fields, and our patrimony is being taken from us." Dmitry Donskoy, according to the Chronicle Tale, was ready to give Mamai the usual tribute, "he is not delighted, but thinks highly" 41.

In the era of the Battle of Kulikovo, the theme of heroism, military glory, ideals of military valor, traditional for ancient Russian literature, sounded with special force. These ideals were reflected in such earlier literary works of the period of the Mongol-Tatar yoke as "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu", "The Tale of Mercury in Smolensk", "The Life of Alexander Nevsky", the chronicle tale of the battle on the Vozha River, as well as in folklore 42 ... In the works of the Kulikovo cycle, the courage of despair, the courage of the doomed Ryazan princes, the courage of the sacrificing Mercury of Smolensky, is replaced by the calm courage of Dmitry Donskoy and Vladimir the Brave, confident of the ultimate victory, behind whom all the power of the Russian land. The tragic image of the "death cup", which sooner or later is destined to drink all the heroes of "The Tale of the Ruin of Ryazan by Batu", is being replaced by the image of the mighty "high hand" of Dmitry Donskoy and his troops. The author of "Chronicle Tale" admires the determination and courage of Dmitry Donskoy: "O strong and firm audacity of courage! Oh, how can you not be afraid or doubt a fraction of the multitude of warriors?" 43

Memories of the Mamayev massacre will forever remain in the memory of the people. The bright ideals of disinterested service and self-sacrifice, created by the intense spiritual work of the best people of the then Rus, were sealed with the blood of the heroes of the Kulikovo battle and therefore gained strength and inviolability.

Architecture. Architecture is inextricably linked with the economic and political life of the country: in the Middle Ages, it was "the dominant art to which other types of artistic creation were subordinated and entered into synthesis."

The establishment of the Mongol-Tatar yoke led to a long decline in stone construction in almost all Russian lands 45. Even in the first half of the XIV century. in northeastern Russia, the construction of a stone temple was an outstanding event that attracted everyone's attention. The ideological and political "load" of each monument has grown sharply. The great political significance of the construction of each stone church, the memorial nature of architectural monuments manifested themselves with particular clarity in the construction of Moscow in the second half of the 14th - early 15th centuries.

Leaving aside the controversial issue of the artistic features of the monuments of early Moscow architecture, let us turn to the analysis of the ideological and political significance of the construction of some of them.

The chronology of this construction is very uneven. The "splash" of the 70s - early 80s, rightly associated by N.N. Voronin with the ideological preparation of the decisive duel with the Horde, stands out clearly *: "The construction of temples moved to the nearest rear of the future battle, to the city on the Oka." In 1374, Prince Vladimir Andreevich, a cousin and loyal associate of Dmitry Donskoy, built a wooden fortress in Serpukhov. In 1380 and just before the Battle of Kulikovo itself, a wooden Trinity Cathedral was solemnly consecrated in the Serpukhov Kremlin. The dedication of this temple, as it were, called for unity, for feat 47.

Simultaneously with the construction of the Serpukhov Kremlin, by order of Vladimir Andreevich, the Vysotsky Monastery was founded near the city, which strengthened the defensive potential of Serpukhov. The cathedral of the new monastery was dedicated to the Conception of Anna. The cult of Anna, the mother of the Virgin Mary, was an integral part of the Mother of God cult, which since the time of Kalita assumed the character of an official Moscow cult 48.

In 1379, construction began on the stone Assumption Cathedral in Kolomna. In the same year, Sergius of Radonezh "by order of the great prince Dmitry Ivanovich" founded a monastery "on Stramyn", the cathedral of which was also dedicated to the Dormition 49. In Moscow itself, "in the southern direction", near the big Kolomna road, in 1379 the Assumption Cathedral of the Simonov Monastery was laid 50.

Such a dedication of Moscow and Moscow region cathedrals, built or laid on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, was apparently caused not only by the special political significance of the cult of the Mother of God for Moscow. It also affected the fact that the battle on the Vozha River, "the mother of the Kulikovo victory" 51, took place on August 11, 1378, "at Madame Goveino," a few days before the Dormition of Our Lady, celebrated on August 15, 52.

The stagnation of construction in the Moscow lands, caused primarily by the temporary strengthening of the Horde yoke in the 80s of the XIV century, continued until the early 90s.53 Since the early 90s, the international situation has been developing more favorable for Moscow than in the previous decade The time of relative "silence" (90s of the XIV century) was marked primarily by construction in the Moscow Kremlin, which had a distinct ideological orientation, continuing the connection between the Moscow stone construction and the armed struggle against the Horde yoke that emerged in the 70s.

The first, at the very beginning of the 90s, was built "in the grand ducal courtyard" of the Church of the Annunciation. It was "a small one-apse chapel with a one-pillar basement-treasury" 54. Chronicle information about this church is very confused 55. However, a little excursion into the history of inter-princely relations of those years can clarify a lot. At the beginning of 1389, a "peace" broke out between Dmitry Donskoy and his longtime associate, the hero of the Battle of Kulikovo, the second most important prince of the Moscow princely house, Vladimir Andreevich Serpukhovsky. The reasons for this strife, which threatened to develop into a destructive strife, are still not entirely clear. However, on March 25, 1389, on the feast of the Annunciation, a solemn reconciliation of the princes took place 56. True, the peace was not lasting: the apples of contention - Dmitrov and Galich, taken away by Dmitry from his cousin "brother, were never returned.57 The death of Dmitry Donskoy on May 19, 1389 gave the Serpukhov prince new hopes. His opposition to Moscow sharply increased 58. Realizing that the unity of the Moscow princely house was one of the foundations of his political and military successes, the young Grand Duke Vasily Dmitrievich did his best to extinguish the enmity.In early January 1390, he increased the inheritance of Vladimir Andreyevich, giving him Volok and Rzhev. measures designed to seal the cracked unity was the construction of a princely church dedicated to the Annunciation - the day when peace was concluded between Dmitry Donskoy and Vladimir the Brave. over the Horde on the Kulikovo field.

In 1392, at the direction of Vasily I, the Assumption Cathedral in Kolomna was painted 59. Large expensive paintings in the Moscow land were still a rarity at that time. By decorating the church with paintings, the history of the creation of which reminded of the Kulikovo battle, the young Moscow prince demonstrated his loyalty to the heroic liberation tradition, his respect for the memory of his father.

The following year, on the site of a small wooden "church" in honor of Lazar, the widow of Dmitry Donskoy, Princess Evdokia, begins the construction of a "wonderful" church in honor of the Nativity of the Virgin 60. As you know, according to the church calendar, the day of the Battle of Kulikovo fell on the feast of the Nativity of the Virgin 61. At the beginning of 1394, Metropolitan Cyprian himself consecrated a new Kremlin church that resembled; his dedication to the day of September 8, 1380

All five sons of Dmitry Donskoy were present at the consecration 62. It was a kind of "congress" of Moscow princes, apparently intended not only to honor the mother, the builder of the temple, but to demonstrate loyalty to the memory of the Battle of Kulikovo.

The special significance of this temple is also indicated by the unusual time of its consecration 63, and the fact that already in the next year, 1395, it was painted, while the more important building from the feudal-hierarchical point of view - the Grand Ducal Church of the Annunciation - was waiting for painting another ten years 64.

Increased tension on the Russian-Lithuanian border, the transformation of Lithuania into the main enemy of Muscovite Russia in the late 90s of the XIV century. changes the geography of Moscow construction. Just as in anticipation of the Battle of Kulikovo temples were built "in the southern direction", so now they are being built "in the west." There are four known monuments directly related to this construction: the Church of Joachim and Anna and the Nikolsky Cathedral in Mozhaisk, the Cathedral of the Assumption on Gorodok and the Nativity Cathedral of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery in Zvenigorod. None of them has an exact date of construction recorded in the chronicle 65, which naturally leads to a difference of opinion among researchers on this score 66. We believe that the dating of the Mozhaisk churches to the end of the 90s of the XIV century, proposed by N.N. Voronin 67, is quite convincing. It was during these years that the political situation made the construction of stone churches in Mozhaisk the most urgent. Mozhaisk was an outpost of Moscow Rus against Lithuania. Its importance has increased even more in connection with the struggle for Smolensk that flared up in those years. In addition to its military significance, Mozhaisk was a kind of "western portal" of Moscow Russia, the design of which was supposed to create a proper idea of \u200b\u200bits power. The construction, apparently, was attended by the best Moscow architects 68. Located on high points of the area, directed upward, the Mozhaisk temples praised not only the "king of heaven", but also the ruler of the earth.

The dedication of Mozhaisk temples is deeply symbolic. The celebration of Joachim and Anna, the parents of the Mother of God, took place on September 9. It was, along with the Assumption and Christmas, one of the most revered autumn holidays, which after the events of 1378 and 1380. acquired a special meaning of the "hard times" of Russian weapons. On this day, the regiments of Dmitry Donskoy "stood on their bones" on the Kulikovo field.

The veneration of Nikola also acquired in the XIV century. a pronounced patriotic connotation. Nikola in a number of works appears as the defender of Russia from enemies. It was believed that he especially patronizes the border Mozhaisk, where already in the XIV century. the famous sculpture "Nikola Mozhaisky" was especially revered.

N.N. Voronin attributed the construction of the Zvenigorod Dormition Cathedral to 1399-1400, and the Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin of the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery - to 1404-1405. And this assumption looks very convincing, is confirmed in the political situation of those years. The construction of the Cathedral of the Assumption on Gorodok was, most likely, the result of a successful campaign of the Moscow troops under the command of Yuri Zvenigorodsky to the Middle Volga in 1399. It was not only that Yuri brought rich booty from the campaign. This campaign was of particular importance as a new step in the active, offensive policy of the Moscow princes in the Volga region, the beginning of which was laid by Dmitry Donskoy 69. Both with its dedication and the reason for the start of construction, this temple reminded of the glorious era of Dmitry Donskoy. Zvenigorod was chosen as the site of construction primarily as the most important fortress "in the western direction", where at that moment an open conflict with Lithuania was brewing 70. It is significant that at the same time, in 1398-1399, near Zvenigorod, above the Smolensk road itself, the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery was founded, which strengthened the defense potential of the city 71.

The construction of a stone cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin in the Savvino-Storozhevsky monastery in 1404-1405. historically quite justified. It was in 1404 that "Poland and Lithuania, having concluded an alliance with the Order, began an open armed struggle against the Vladimir reign, setting as their task the capture of Smolensk, as well as the spread of their influence over Veliky Novgorod." And then on the coastal steep, at the foot of which the torny road to Mozhaisk and further to Smolensk ran, the white-stone Cathedral of the Nativity of the Virgin rose like a formidable shadow of 1380.

The connection between the architecture of Moscow and the struggle for the liberation of Russia from the Horde yoke remained until the end of the 15th century. 73 The memorial character of stone churches, which received special development in connection with the struggle for national independence in the XIV-XV centuries, became a characteristic feature of Russian architecture in subsequent centuries.

Painting. The question of the direct or indirect reflection of the struggle against the Golden Horde yoke in general and the Battle of Kulikovo in particular in Russian medieval painting is one of the most difficult and little-studied issues in the history of Russian art. Elucidation of the influence of the Horde yoke on the development of ancient Russian painting is an extremely difficult task, firstly, due to the almost complete absence of precisely dated painting monuments of this period, and secondly, due to the very nature of medieval painting, based on the creation of an extremely generalized image-sign, as a rule that does not accept any momentary features.

Trying to connect the appearance of new images and moods in painting with reality, to find specific historical content in these images, the researcher constantly runs the risk of falling into simplification, being accused of vulgarizing the history of ancient Russian painting. And yet the traditional interpretation of the development of Russian medieval painting as a closed process, subordinate only to its internal laws, is gradually giving way to more or less successful attempts to better understand the language of colors, images and symbols, to find the hidden connections between painting and the living reality of Russia in the second half of the XIV - early XV in.

The influence of the Battle of Kulikovo on the work of artists of that time can be traced in a number of painting monuments associated with the Moscow principality. The icon "Archangel Michael", apparently written for the Church of the Nativity of the Theotokos, erected in 1394 in the Moscow Kremlin, became a kind of pictorial hymn to the Battle of Kulikovo. The pathos of the icon corresponded to the ideological orientation of the construction of the temple, the dedication of which reminded of September 8, 1380. The angry archangel with a raised sword, depicted in the centerpiece of the icon, can be recognized as a classic symbol of the heroic period of the history of Moscow Russia. Skillfully selected plots of the hallmarks are full of allusions to the history of the Kulikovo battle.

Another no less vivid reflection of the great event should be recognized as a wonderful example of Moscow sewing - the "air" of Princess Maria of Tverskaya, the widow of Prince Semyon the Proud. The composition of the "air" consists of the central scene of the coming of the Moscow "chief priests" - Metropolitans Peter, Theognost and Alexei - to the Savior Not Made by Hands and side images of selected saints, including Dmitry Solunsky 75, Kiev Prince Vladimir 76, martyr Nikita, "the winner of the demon", and " Russian god "Nikolai Mirlikisky 77.

The composition of "air" acquires a special meaning if we accept the quite convincing assumption that Dmitry Donskoy stood on the Kulikovo field under a banner with the image of the Savior Not Made by Hands 78.

The drama of the era of the Battle of Kulikovo determined, according to researchers, the high emotional tension of the images of the icon "The Dormition of the Mother of God" painted on the reverse side of the famous "Mother of God of the Don" 79.

The same "Kulikovo" symbolism can be seen in the surviving fragments of the murals of the Zvenigorod cathedrals. On the pillars of the Cathedral of the Assumption in Gorodok, there are images of Florus and Lavr, placed in circles, which are modern to the construction of the temple. Images of Florus and Laurus, patrons of horse breeding, as well as equestrian troops, are rare in Moscow art of that time. Their appearance in the murals of the Assumption Cathedral is apparently associated with memories of the Battle of Kulikovo: on the day of the memory of Flor and Laurus, August 18, 1380, Sergius of Radonezh, according to the "Legend", blessed Dmitry Donskoy for the battle with Mamai 80.

In order to better understand the historical significance of another monument of Moscow painting of the late XIV century. - the Deesis rite from the current iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, let us once again turn to the political history of Russia in this period. End of the 90s of the XIV century. was full of war worries. Two huge armies were amassing south and west of the borders of Muscovite Rus. It was assumed that a great duel was being prepared between Lithuania and the Horde. However, no one could be sure how events would develop. The events of 1395 were fresh in everyone's mind, when the Grand Duke of Lithuania Vitovt, spreading rumors that he was going to war against Timur, the new owner of the Golden Horde, in fact moved to the Russian lands and captured Smolensk 81. They also remembered the events of 1380, when the alliance of the Horde and Lithuanian princes against Russia became a formidable political reality.

The danger was especially great from the west, where a powerful anti-Russian coalition was clearly taking shape. In 1398, Vitovt concluded an agreement with the Order, which provided for joint actions against Russia 82. At the same time, it became known about the alliance of the Lithuanian prince and the ousted ruler of the Horde Tokhtamysh. "I will put you on the Horde ... and you will plant me on the Great Moscow reign," Vitovt said to Tokhtamysh 83.

The Russian land was preparing for the fight. It was necessary again, as before the Battle of Kulikovo, to inspire people to the feat of arms. This goal was served not only by the Mozhaisk-Zvenigorod construction, but also by the painting of the Grand Ducal Cathedral, dedicated to the leader of the heavenly army, Michael the Archangel, executed in 1399 by Theophanes the Greek 84.

In this regard, the Deesis rite of the current iconostasis of the Annunciation Cathedral in the Moscow Kremlin deserves special attention. An increasing number of researchers attribute this painting monument not to 1405, when the painting of the Annunciation Cathedral was made, but to an earlier period. It has been suggested that the surviving Deesis order of the late 14th century. originates from the Assumption Cathedral in Kolomna, or arose in the course of work on decorating the Archangel Cathedral with new painting in 1399. 85 In either case, this painting monument had great religious and political significance and could, in its own way, in symbolic form, express certain "journalistic" ideas. The latter is confirmed by an analysis of the composition of the Deesis order.

The assumption made by L.V. Betin that the Deesis rite, which is now in the Annunciation Cathedral, has not only religious, but also historical and political content, is certainly true in its essence 86. However, it requires some clarification in its specific interpretation. Leaving aside the question of the images of Daniel and Simeon Stylites 87, let us turn to the images of Dmitry Solunsky and George the Victorious, whose images, according to Lazarev, were included in the Deesis order at that time.

The popularity of George at the end of the XIV century. in the princely environment, they sometimes explain the similarity to the second son of Dmitry Donskoy, Yuri Zvenigorodsky 89 or, justifying the appearance of George in the Deesis rank of the Annunciation Cathedral, indicate his similarity to Kalita's older brother Yuri Danilovich 90. All these interpretations raise a number of questions 91. However, everything falls into place if we assume that Vasily I Dmitrievich considered his heavenly patron not only, and even not so much Basil the Great or all the "three saints" 92, but George, whose memory day was associated with some important events in his life 93.

It is possible that Vasily, like some other Russian princes 94, had two Christian names: Vasily and George. The second name was not mentioned by chroniclers in order to avoid mixing Vasily I with his brother Yuri Zvenigorodsky. It is significant that Vasily I named his first child, who was born almost a month before the spring St. George's Day, George 95.

The veneration by Vasily I of George the Victorious as his personal patron in the language of religious symbols generally understood in Ancient Rus expressed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of his policy in relation to the policy of his father. The image of George directly reminded of the heroic times of the Battle of Kulikovo 96. Gradually he became a symbol of the military valor of Muscovites 97. The glorious deeds accomplished "under the patronage" of Dmitry Solunsky by Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy were to be replaced by no less glorious feats of arms under the banner with the image of George. It is this idea of \u200b\u200bthe continuity of the heroic deeds of the son and father, loyalty to the glorious memory of the Battle of Kulikovo that found expression in the appearance of the images of George and Dmitry in the Deesis rite of the Annunciation Cathedral and after him in other prominent Deesis ranks of the time of Vasily I 98.

The history of painting in the era of Vasily I is unthinkable without the name of Andrei Rublev. The literature on Rublev is truly immense. And yet, the connection between the work of the great artist and the living, suffering and jubilant Russia of the late XIV - early XV centuries. remains not fully disclosed. It is difficult to imagine the great contrast between the horror of the Tatar pogroms and the silent conversation of the angels of the Rublev's "Trinity". And yet Rublyov's painting is a product of his time. Moreover, it is a kind of summary of one and a half centuries of the history of Russia. Rublyov's painting does not fit in the dark and cramped cells of the Moscow hesychasts. It is more significant than just a "call for unity" from time immemorial to warring appanage uncles and nephews. And although this painting is vitally connected with its time, its historicism lies in the fact that it is primarily the product of a whole period in the history of Russia - the period of the struggle against the Horde yoke.

Rublev, like any great artist, carried on his shoulders the burden of the history of his people. And his merit is that he was able to understand and express the most tragic and at the same time the most heroic period of this history. Rublev's Trinity is a work of a spiritually free person. And this is its great historical value.

Rublev's art was laid down in the proud response of the Ryazan princes to Batu 99. It, like a seed thrown into the ground, was waiting in the wings. And when the hour came - it sprouted. This overcoming of the fear of death, this calm, enlightened view of life not as existence, but as service, captured in the Trinity, in the Zvenigorod Savior, in the apostles from the Last Judgment, was not Rublev's personal, private achievement. It was the fruit of a century and a half of the people's spirit. It was the look of the best people of a whole generation, the generation that led an open struggle to free the Motherland from the hated yoke of the Golden Horde.

Peering into the subtle features of the artist's life, one can notice one interesting touch. Rublev begins his famous painting in Vladimir on May 25, 1408. 100 On this day, the Third Finding of the head of John the Baptist was celebrated. History of Moscow construction in the first half of the XIV century. clearly shows how carefully the day was chosen for the foundation and consecration of Temple 101. The same "meaningful" attitude is noticeable in the choice of the day for the beginning of painting. Theophanes the Greek began painting the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin on June 4, 1395. 102 On this day, the memory of the first Patriarch of Constantinople Mitrofan, a contemporary and friend of Constantine the Great, was celebrated. In Russia, a special veneration of Mitrofan in the XIV century. not observed 104. Apparently, the great Byzantine himself determined the day of the beginning of work. And in Russia, he did not want to part with the memory of the abandoned homeland and its "shrines".

Timed the beginning of work on May 25, Rublev, apparently, put a special symbolic meaning into this. The image of John the Baptist occupies a special place in the artist's worldview 105. Many threads of spiritual searches of that era stretch to this image.

The end of May - the beginning of June is the usual time for the beginning of the painting of churches. However, Rublev, of course, could speed up or slow down the start of work by several days. Apparently, he was worried and attracted by the history of the long "wanderings" of the famous shrine - "the head of John the Baptist" 106, sheltered from the fury of the "infidels" and iconoclasts, gained but again lost due to the laziness and neglect of its keepers. The history of the shrine, which God took away from people for their unbelief and sins, but which in the end was found by people worthy of this honor, was in many ways akin to the cry of the chroniclers for the honor and freedom of Russia taken by God for the sins of people, which could only be regained returning to the path of brotherly love and selfless service to good. In essence, it was the same idea of \u200b\u200breturning to life, rebirth, which in various forms sounds in many monuments of literature and art of the era of the Kulikovo battle.

The choice of the date for the beginning of the Vladimir paintings partly allows us to understand what thoughts took possession of the artist when he entered the vaults of the ancient Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir and found himself alone with the stately images of Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, which disappeared in the fire of the Horde pogroms. The work of Rublev and Daniil Cherny in Vladimir was the first time that the artists of Muscovy Rus came face to face with the works of their great predecessors 107. This obliged them to realize the historical significance of almost two centuries that have passed since the time of Vsevolod the Big Nest and Yuri Vladimirsky. And having begun their work on May 25, the artists thereby, as it were, expressed the result of their thoughts - a firm belief that the shrine, finally acquired - freedom of their native land from a foreign yoke - will never be lost.

The impact of the Battle of Kulikovo on the development of Russian culture was profound and versatile. The main ideas of that era - the idea of \u200b\u200bunity, the heroic struggle for the Russian land, the revival of the Kiev and Vladimir historical and cultural traditions - were vividly embodied in a variety of literary and artistic monuments. The development of these areas of spiritual culture proceeded in close connection with the struggle for national liberation. The Battle of Kulikovo filled it with new historical content, gave a special patriotic coloring to the traditional images and subjects of ancient Russian art.

Reasons for the Battle of Kulikovo.

At the beginning of the XIV century, the power weakened, and the Grand Duke, feeling this, refused to pay tribute to the Baskaks. Not wanting to endure such arbitrariness, Khan Mamai gathered an army and moved to Russia - to punish the disobedient.

Turning to all Russian principalities with an appeal for help, Dmitry Ivanovich went to meet him. The two armies met on the Kulikovo field - and Dmitry, cutting off even the very thought of defeat, ordered burn bridges behind you.

Events of the Kulikovo battle.

The battle begins.

Year of the Battle of Kulikova: 1380 BC

At dawn on September 8, 1380, the Russian monk Alexander Peresvet and the Mongol warrior Chelubey traditionally met in a one-on-one battle. The battle did not bring victory to either of them - mortally wounding each other with spears, both soldiers fell. And then the Mongol army and the squad of Dmitry Donskoy, blessed by Sergius of Radonezh, began the battle.

Ambush regiment.

Although the Russian troops fought bravely, the Mongols were vastly outnumbered. It was already beginning to seem that Mamai would win this battle - but Dmitry Donskoy relied not only on the courage of his soldiers, but also on cunning tactics.

A regiment of more than ten thousand soldiers under the command of Dmitry Bobrok was left in an ambush. At the most difficult moment of the battle, the cavalry unexpectedly flew out of the forest. Deciding that the main forces of the Russians had arrived in time to the battlefield, the Mongols fled.

After this battle, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich received the nickname under which he went down in history - "Donskoy" (Kulikovskoe field is located not far from the Don River).

Results and historical significance of the Kulikovo battle.

Despite the fact that the Tatar-Mongol yoke held out in Russia for exactly one hundred years, the Battle of Kulikovo was of great importance for the people. After it, it became clear that the Golden Horde is not invincible, that it can be broken, and that the acquisition of freedom by Russia is only a matter of time.

It is very difficult to overestimate the significance of the Battle of Kulikovo. This is a fundamental event in the history of Ancient Rus. After the Battle of Russia, one might say, it entered a new stage of development, which became an era of prosperity for it.

In this article, the subject of research will become And its importance for the state and for the whole world is difficult to overestimate. In addition, this historical event had undeniable consequences that influenced the history of Russia.

Of course, after the Battle of Kulikovo, Russia did not gain independence from the horde. But the state has gained considerable freedom of action. The complete liberation of Russia from the yoke will occur only in 1480 and will be associated with the name of the great Moscow prince Ivan III.

This article will examine the question of why the Battle of Kulikovo was won? The significance of this event for the history of the country will also be comprehended.

However, why did Russia still win then on the Kulikovo field? What was the reason for this success?

Many researchers point out that it was the place chosen by the Russian princes and military leaders that played a decisive role in the victory of Russia over the Tatar-Mongols. It is known for certain that Donskoy traveled far and wide across the entire area in search of an ideal place for battle. He chose this field not by chance, but out of purely strategic goals. The Russians were the first to arrive at the site of the battle, so they took an important and more advantageous position. The army of Dmitry Donskoy could see everything that was happening on the battlefield. The Tatars could not boast of such luxury. The fact is that their position was absolutely unprofitable, and the morning fog that had covered the field completely obstructed the view of the battle site.

2) People's spirit.

Russia has long weighed on Tatar rule. Endless extortions and taxes oppressed the common people. The Russians went to this battle with special preparation, with special ferocity, dreaming of a sweet and so close victory.

3) Miscalculations of the Mongols.

The opponents were deeply convinced that the tactics and strength of the Mongol army were far superior to those of the Russian army. Chronicles testify that the Tatars arrived on the battlefield as if already victors, completely relaxed and not inclined to formidable resistance.

However, the battle was won by the Russians. What was the significance of the Battle of Kulikovo for history? We will try to answer this question not only from the position of Russia, but also from the position of the yoke, because for the Mongols the Kulikovo battle also had its consequences.

The significance of the Battle of Kulikovo for Russia.

1) There was a general strengthening of the country's military spirit. Finally, Russia could breathe easy. Now it was clear to everyone that the Mongols were not invincible, and there were also gaps in their defense. It was an important victory in terms of boosting morale.

2) After the Battle of Kulikovo, the pressure from the Mongols was greatly weakened, which was in the hands of the Russian princes. Now they could think in detail about a plan to overthrow the yoke.

3) The victory at the Kulikovo field showed the whole world the power and greatness of Russia in terms of military training. After the Battle of Kulikovo, both England and France began to view Russia as a serious rival on the world stage.

4) The victory at the Kulikovo field was important for the economic, political and social development of the country. Having been in stagnation for the past few years, Russia has finally begun to develop at an appropriate pace.

The significance of the Battle of Kulikovo for the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

1) Only after the Battle of Kulikovo did the Mongol-Tatars begin to perceive Russia as a serious adversary with which they should be fought more intensively.

2) The defeat worsened the situation within the Mongol-Tatar state itself. In the political system of the Mongols, a crisis was brewing for a long time; defeat opened it in all its glory. Soon the mighty Tokhtamysh will come to power, and only he will be able to take control of the situation in the state.

3) The defeat at the Kulikovo field affected the decline in the authority of the Mongols in the international arena. Soon, many lands under the control of the yoke will also begin to speak out for the overthrow of the invaders.

The Battle of Kulikovo is an event of global importance that influenced not only Russia. The strategy of and Donskoy influenced the change in the balance of power on the world stage.
