The Peoples 'Friendship University of Russia was established during the reign of N. Khrushchev, in 1960, as the Peoples' Friendship University. At the same time, the teaching of one of the main subjects - the Russian language for foreigners - began. A year later, the educational institution received the name of P. Lumumba, who was a prominent fighter for the independence of African countries at that time, and opened six main faculties, including physics and mathematics, law and economics, medicine, engineering, agricultural, historical and philological ...

The founder of RUDN University is the Government of Russia

In 1992, by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation, which is the founder of this educational institution, PFU received a new name - Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. In the 90s, new promising faculties were established at the higher educational institution. Currently, the University is a large, internationally oriented educational center, known for its connections in many countries of the world, scientific research and methods of organizing the educational process.

RUDN University in and in students' assessments

According to the Interfax rating (2011-2014), this university takes 4-5-6 places annually among more than a thousand Russian universities. However, the average assessment of the university on the part of students is close to “4” out of five possible points, since students are unhappy with the corruption encountered, the level of demand for specialists, equipment at a number of faculties, etc. There are both very negative and positive assessments of this educational institution, although many recognize that everything depends on the student's desire to learn.

The Institute is a leader in the field of national patents

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN) is known for its achievements in the field of scientific activity. It ranks first in the number of scientific articles among more than 10,000 scientific organizations in Russia, conducts annual defense of doctoral and candidate dissertations in more than thirty dissertation councils of the educational institution. Thomson-Reiter's rating indicates that the University in 2002-2012. the second largest number of national patents for inventions in Russia was issued (the first place is taken by Rosatom, the third - by the Ministry of Industry of Russia).

Among the graduates of the university there are also presidents of states

This university has graduated by now about 90 thousand specialists who work in hundreds of countries around the world, and among them there are presidents of states, ministers, famous politicians and businessmen. At RUDN University, you can simultaneously obtain several diplomas, including in several foreign languages, the main specialty, the second higher education and additional courses. Currently, the following faculties of the RUDN University are functioning:

  • Agrarian. Opened in 1961, has a teaching staff of about 100 people and graduates masters and bachelors in the following specialties: agronomy, veterinary medicine, animal science, land management and cadastral affairs, veterinary and sanitary examination, landscape architecture, economics, management. At the faculty, you can complete a master's and postgraduate studies in English, gain additional knowledge at the center of additional education, including in the field of breeding, beekeeping, horse breeding, judging at equestrian competitions, etc.
  • The Faculty of Engineering, graduating bachelors in economics, architecture, construction, oil and gas business, operation of transport and technological complexes, etc. You can also get a master's degree in architecture, geology, construction, nanotechnology, mining, applied geology, etc. more than 20 specialties.
  • Physics and mathematics \ natural sciences. Prepares bachelors in chemistry, physics, computer science, mathematics and computer science, radiophysics, etc., as well as masters in the specialties: mathematics, chemistry and physics (including applied and fundamental), etc.
  • Faculty of Philology. Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (Moscow) prepares bachelors in the field of linguistics, journalism, psychology, philology, advertising, and public relations at this department. The faculty also graduates masters in seventeen areas of training and has postgraduate studies in ten specialties.

What other faculties of RUDN University exist?

  • General education disciplines and the Russian language. Here, students take a course of intensive training in the Russian language, the basics of general disciplines for the future main department, and they adapt to life in Russia. The faculty has a center for adaptation of students to the Russian climate and a testing center.
  • Economic, where foreign and Russian citizens can get the specialty of a manager (specializations - marketing and general management), an economist (insurance, finance, credit, general economics, accounting and other areas). Participation in the double degree program with the University of Nice, master's degree, postgraduate studies, advanced training courses is available.
  • Ecological. The faculty has several graduating departments, including in the specialties: systemic, forensic ecology, human ecology, applied ecology and geoecology, water resources management, forecasting and monitoring ecology. You can also get a master here.
  • Social and Human Sciences. About 2.5 thousand people from more than 80 countries of the world study at the faculty, where they receive a bachelor's level in the following areas: sociology, political science, international relations, history, philosophy, foreign regional studies, municipal and state management, humanities and arts. It also graduates masters in history (domestic), history of civilizations, philosophy, ethics, problems and institutions, world politics, regional studies, management (municipal and state), social and international institutions, social management. The faculty is interesting in that it has a dozen joint programs with foreign institutions, including China, Spain, Germany, and France. In addition, students are given the opportunity to obtain a translator's certificate, to undergo an internship in government bodies (according to separate programs).

Many faculties are organized as institutes

Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, the faculties of which are presented above, graduate specialists in other areas, which are organized in the form of internal institutes of the University. For example, obtaining is possible at the RUDN University in a law institute, including in the specialties: civil, international, family law, arbitration proceedings, corporate lawyer, international law, legal translation (English), energy law, etc. The Institute has postgraduate studies in ten specialties, has as partners many foreign institutions and large international organizations (for example, the European Youth Parliament).

The Faculty of Medicine teaches 37 specialties

What other institutions does RUDN University have? The medical faculty of this educational institution is also organized as a separate institute, where you can study in such specialties as: "Pharmacy", "General Medicine", "Nursing", "Dentistry". The Institute has about twenty specialties in internship, about 37 specialties in clinical residency, 33 specialties in postgraduate studies and nine councils through which a degree can be defended.

RUDN University graduates can know four or more languages

RUDN, whose medical faculty has trained about 6400 specialists for foreign clinics, has an institute of hotel business (and tourism). This educational institution was created relatively recently, in 1997, and is an institute with the rights of a faculty. Here they train specialists in the field of restaurant and hotel business, some of whom have already left after graduation to work in their home countries - China, Oman, Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Gabon, Vietnam, etc. languages ​​- English and (optional) Spanish, German, French or Italian (plus Russian and your own national language).

They can do gravity experiments

RUDN University trains students in rather rare specialties such as relativistic astrophysics, cosmology and gravity. Such a specialty, as well as postgraduate studies, can be obtained at the educational and scientific institute of gravity and cosmology at the RUDN University, opened in 1999. Graduates of this direction can develop promising gravitational experiments in space and on our planet, investigate fundamental metrology and fundamental physical constants.

Joint programs with foreign universities

In addition to the Faculty of Philology, the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has an institute of foreign languages, where subjects are taught in English, including: regional studies, international public relations. At the institute, future teachers can study the methodology and theory of psychology and social pedagogy, take courses of postgraduate education in general pedagogy, Germanic languages. This educational institution, functioning as a faculty of the RUDN University, conducts joint programs with the Lille Catholic Institute (France) and (Great Britain).

It is also worth noting the institutions functioning at the RUDN University as faculties: international programs, business and the world economy, applied (technical and economic) research and expertise, etc.

Branches and training centers

The Peoples' Friendship University of Russia has its own branches in the cities: Yakutsk, Sochi, Perm, Belgorod, Stavropol, Essentuki, as well as twenty-four training centers for additional education, including: a computer training center, a veterinary innovation clinic, a resource complex for health protection, a center scientific research of the problem of countering terrorist actions, etc. The university-wide departments of the RUDN University, for example, "Physical Culture and Sports", allow graduating not only good specialists, but also people with an active life position and love of movement and sports.

(Peoples' Friendship University of Russia, RUDN) International name RUDN University Former names Peoples' Friendship University named after Patrice Lumumba (1961 - February 5, 1992) Motto lat. Scientia unescamus
(Let's unite with knowledge)
Year of foundation February 5th 1960 Type of state Rector Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Vladimir Mikhailovich Filippov Students 23 388 (2017): 19 350 full-time students, 1957 evening students and 2081 correspondence students Foreign students 5556 (2017 year) Location Moscow , Sochi Campus Moscow , Miklukho-Maklaya street, d. 3-21 Legal address Russia Russia , town Moscow ,
Miklukho-Maklaya street, d. 6 Site Awards

Classes at PFU began in 1960 at the preparatory faculty, in 1961 at the faculties: engineering, history and philology, medicine, agriculture, physics and mathematics and natural sciences, economics and law. The first graduation took place in 1965, 228 specialists from 47 countries of the world.

In 1964, the University was admitted to the membership of the International Organization of Universities (UIA), and also received the opportunity to send official representatives to World Festivals of Youth and Students.

February 5, 1992 by order Government of the Russian Federation№ 229-р The University was renamed into Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Founder of RUDN University - Government of the Russian Federation.

Since 2012, the university has been able to develop its own educational standards.

At the end of the 2014/2015 academic year, RUDN University entered the top five Russian universities in the National University Ranking.

In 2016, RUDN University for the first time entered the top ten Russian universities in the field of "Medicine" according to the agency " Expert RA ».


RUDN University rectors

Scientific work

About 500 university employees are inventors and innovators. The intellectual fund of RUDN University includes descriptions of about 870 copyright certificates and 150 patents of the Russian Federation in the areas of scientific activity of the University.

RUDN University participates in the implementation of research work in priority scientific areas, including on orders from Russian and foreign companies.

In 2010, the American-Russian Business Union awarded 3 RUDN University innovations with gold medals “Innovations for Investmens to the Future”.

Research work in 2011 was carried out within the framework of the following federal target programs: “ Scientific and scientific-pedagogical personnel of innovative Russia"," Russian language "," Research and development in priority areas of development of the scientific and technological complex of Russia for 2007-2013 ", analytical" Development of the scientific potential of higher education ", etc.

In 2011, the University became one of the winners of the competition to support strategic development programs of state universities, aimed at increasing the efficiency of university management, as well as bringing the content and structure of education into line with the needs of the labor market and the country's socio-economic development strategy.

In 2011, RUDN University took first place in the national ranking of universities according to the criterion "International activity".

RUDN Bulletin

The University publishes the RUDN Bulletin. The edition has 32 series:


RUDN has a student campus on Miklukho-Maklaya street, in the buildings of which more than 7 thousand students and postgraduates live. On the campus of the University on Miklukho-Maklaya street also located:

  • The main building is the "cross" (the administration, university-wide services and organizations, faculties: law, economics, and the international business school are located here).
  • The building of the Agricultural and Technological Institute.
  • The building of the medical institute.
  • The building of the preparatory faculty.
  • The building of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Faculty of Philology.
  • The building of the Institute of Foreign Languages.
  • Archive building.
  • Fitness center with 4 football fields, 6 outdoor and 9 indoor tennis courts.
  • Polyclinic No. 25 and RUDN University Medical Center.
  • International Cultural Center "Interclub".
  • Internet cafe.
  • Restaurants with national cuisines, student canteens and cafes.
  • Shops in each of the hostel buildings.
  • Police Department.

University dormitories are recognized as the best in 2011 year according to the results of the competition "Our Student House" held Department of Family and Youth Policy of the City of Moscow.

RUDN has the largest territory among all universities in Moscow, taking into account the area of ​​educational buildings, dormitories, infrastructure and park zones. [ ]


