
Lawyers' answers (6)

    Lawyer, Krasnodar


    Just write that you refuse appointment to a senior military position and excuse your dismissal in connection with organizational and staffing measures. Not provided with housing. I don’t agree with dismissal without providing housing. If you are not found an equal military position, then if you are recognized as needing housing, you will wait for housing/subsidies.

    If you are a member of NIS, you will receive savings and additional funds. The personnel will all tell you how to correctly indicate in the report, the main thing is not to agree to a higher or lower military position if it is offered to you. But they will put you at disposal and so, if your position is reduced, they will not require your report.

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    • Lawyer, Novosibirsk

      • 10.0 rating

      Hello, Vlad.

      You have the right to apply for dismissal under the general managerial order if you refuse to appoint you to a higher position.

      In the joint instructions of the chiefs of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 1999 N 180/3/339, it is determined that Organizational and staffing measures related to changes in the official status of military personnel include the following activities:

      1. Disbandment (liquidation) of military command and control bodies, formations, military units and organizations (hereinafter referred to as military units).

      2. Reformation (reorganization) of military units.

      3. Redeployment of military units.

      4. Transfer to other states and changes to the staff of military units (exclusion of a military position, change in the name of a structural unit, military position, military rank, military specialty, tariff category or level of education, carried out on the basis of directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General Headquarters of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).

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      Lawyer, Novosibirsk

      • 10.0 rating

      A change in military rank for a military position is an OSHM.

      Kuraev Gennady

      At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the norms of the Regulations on the procedure for military service, according to which the right to dismissal under general military service arises in the following cases:

      Article 34. The procedure for the dismissal of military personnel from military service and their exclusion from the lists of personnel of a military unit

      4. A serviceman performing military service under a contract may be early dismissed from military service:

      a) in connection with organizational and staffing measures (subparagraph “a” of paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Federal Law) and in the absence of other grounds for dismissal:

      in the event of a reduction in the military position (position) he occupies, the impossibility of appointment to an equal military position (position) and the absence of his consent to appointment to a higher or lower military position (position);

      after the expiration of the terms of being at the disposal of the commander (chief), established by paragraph 4 of Article 42 of the Federal Law and these Regulations, if it is impossible to appoint to an equal military position (position) and the absence of his consent to the appointment to a higher or lower military position (position);

      upon reduction of the military rank provided for by the military position (position) held by him and (or) monthly salary in accordance with the military position (position) held by him and the unwillingness to continue military service in the military position (position) held by him, as well as if appointment is impossible for an equal military position (position) and the absence of his consent to appointment to a higher or lower military position (position);

      if a military medical commission recognizes him as unfit for military service in the existing military specialty (not meeting special requirements), but fit for military service or fit for military service with minor restrictions in the absence of his consent to appointment to another military position (position );

      when reducing military positions (positions) of one military specialty or military positions (positions) subject to replacement by one composition of military personnel, within the limits of their total number in a military unit, subdivision of an authority or organization, including if the military position (position) held by him is not subject to reduction, with his consent (for military personnel with length of service giving the right to a pension);

      if it is impossible to appoint him to a military position (position) held by him before the initiation of a criminal case, which was terminated on rehabilitative grounds or for which a court acquitted him, to an equal military position (position), as well as in the absence of his consent to the appointment highest or lowest military position (position);

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      Client clarification

      Thanks to all! Can you please tell me whether they can appoint me to this higher position without asking for a report of consent to the promotion or even ignore my desire to disagree with the higher position? Providing this is due to the fact that the position remains, it is not reduced, but rather the SDK in it is simply promoted. Are they required to reassign me to a position? Are they required to take a report of consent from me? And if they ignore it, what should you do? To court? What are the chances?

      Lawyer, Krasnodar


      They cannot do it without your consent (report), since an order for appointment to the position will be issued. If they ignore it, you can appeal the actions and decisions of officials to the court, which will side with you, since this is a clear violation of the established rules.

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      Client clarification

      Personnel officers from another unit said that when they were promoted, they were not reassigned to a higher position, no one wrote any reports to agree to a higher position, they simply made changes to the staffing table by order of the unit and those who had enough length of service were given a rank. That is, no one asked the serviceman himself. I'm afraid they might do the same here. What do you say to this? Earlier on the Internet I also read about this procedure for osm when increasing the shdk, but I lost the link. It's like this is a Hook instruction so it's so easy to carry out.

      Lawyer, Krasnodar


      There are a couple of links to instructions on the Internet, I don’t know how valid they are.

      By order of the chiefs of the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the Main Directorate of Military Budget and Financing of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated July 13, 1999 N 180/3/339, it was determined that the organizational -regular measures related to changes in the official status of military personnel include the following measures: 1. Disbandment (liquidation) of military command and control bodies, formations, military units and organizations (hereinafter referred to as military units).2. Reformation (reorganization) of military units.3. Redeployment of military units.4. Transfer to other states and changes to the personnel of military units(exception of military position, change name of the structural unit, military position, military rank, military specialty, tariff category or level of education, carried out on the basis of directives of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation).
      Explanation from the head of the Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and the head of the Main Legal Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation dated April 21, 2008: “In connection with changes in the legislation on military service (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated June 12, 2006 No. 599 “On introducing changes to Regulations on the procedure for military service, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 26, 1999 No. 1237“) and in order to form a unified approach to the preparation, execution and submission for signature of official documents on the issue of military service for officers and warrant officers ( midshipmen) of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as orders for personnel, WE CLARIFY: 1. When increasing the tariff category (monthly salary) in accordance with the military position held, the appointment of those occupying these positions should not be made, since such measures are not of the nature of general military personnel, and are not provided for in subparagraph “a” of Article 34 of the Regulations on the procedure for military service. The increase in TR is established by order of the relevant official in the combat unit. Information on increasing TR should be entered in column 12 of the personal file. 2. When changing the name of a position (without changing the rank provided for it and the TR (monthly salary, military registration specialty)), appoint a serviceman without his consent as to an equal position. At the same time, in the sidebar of the order according to the l/s, indicate “moves to an equal military position due to official necessity.” 3. When changing (re-issuing) the staff number of the military command body, formation, military unit and organization, specialization within one group of military registration specialty and (or) the code of the level of combat training provided for the military position, the appointment of military personnel shall not be made. A similar procedure should be applied in cases of promotion of a regular position category.(ШДК) (in/rank), provided for in/position (except for cases when appointment to in/position is carried out by Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation). Military personnel whose period of military service in the assigned rank at the time of promotion of the ShDC has expired should be submitted in the prescribed manner for assignment to the next rank.

      The latest clarification (and by date it is recent) is not in your favor; if it is valid and personnel officers are guided by it, then you will have to appeal in court.

Regulates the types of activities of military personnel, as well as civilians related to service.

A military registration specialty (MSU) is assigned to every active, reserve or retired military member of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, as well as other troops, forces, special services and formations . The specialty is always indicated on the military ID. For example, the entry VUS - 212 956 means “parachute handler for parachute and airborne equipment.”

This is what a military ID looks like (Fig. 1)

The list of military specialties in Russia is regulated by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 12, 2007 “On approval of the list...” and two more government resolutions . But these documents are kept classified as “Secret”. Therefore, we have to rely only on random sources.

Sample list

All VUS can be conditionally divided into several groups. The first 2-3 digits of the VUS number indicate the type of military service, and the last 3 digits indicate the direct type of activity.

Military specialties

01 Rocket Forces

02 Motorized rifle, tank troops, airborne forces and marines

021600 Commander of rescue units, civil defense units

03 Artillery and rocket troops

04 Air defense

05 Aviation and air defense forces

061800 Pilot

07 Navy

071404 Use of search and rescue vessels

08 Space Force

10 Engineer Troops (mine clearance, construction of pontoon bridges)

101900 Use of civil defense engineering units for explosive ordnance disposal

11. Chemical, biological and radiation protection of troops

17 Railway troops

178543 Operator

18 Road Troops

22 Operation and construction of military infrastructure facilities

220256 - Aircraft and engine mechanic

25 Supply of clothing and food

250300 - Organization of food supply
250400 - Organization of clothing provision

26 Transport support (by rail, water, air, road and pipeline transport)

262256 Electrical equipment mechanic

29 Mobilization work

290400 Mobilization, registration, conscription and military registration work in military commissariats

31 Financial support

310200 Organization of banking services for troops

36 Psychological service

360202 - Information and educational work

39 Other specialties
390200 Ensuring fire safety

390800 Service dog breeding

Military-civilian specialties

80 Military-humanitarian and pedagogical profile

808200 Sociological work
808500 Teaching of humanities and socio-economic disciplines

82, 83, 84 Repair and operation of various equipment

(84)0791 Senior driver

85 Legal profile

850300 Legal support for military activities

90 Medical, pharmaceutical and veterinary profiles

901300 - Surgeon

902000 - Therapist

902009 - Nutritionist

902100 - Pediatrician

905600 - Hygiene

905000 - Neurologist
902500 Epidemiologist

909100 Veterinary and sanitary provision

Combined arms specialties

(100) Rifle units
(101) Machine gun
108 Cavalry

113 Tank

121 combat infantry vehicles

167 Pontoon-ferrying facilities

171 Logging

200 Search for victims

202 Robotics

203 Rescue operations

Operation, repair and storage of equipment (logistics specialties)

837 Car use

841 floating cars

854 Tractors

866 Food Service
867 Clothing service
869 Troop supply
870 Bakery
872 Baths, laundries and dry cleaners
873 Sewing and repair of clothing
874 Sewing and repairing shoes

Various specialties

900 Staff specialties
901 Financial Service

902 Office work
903 Drawing and graphic works
904 Special Communications
906 For repair of special communications equipment
907 Physical training and sports
908 Road Commandant Service

909 Commandant's offices and checkpoints

912 Clubs and libraries
914 Military Seal
917 Military Bands
918 Ensembles and theaters

922 Typographic works

956 Construction work
958 Heat and gas supply, ventilation and air conditioning
959 Refrigeration equipment and installations
960 Water supply and sewerage
962 Mine lifts and elevators

971 Welding work
976 Painting works
978 Woodworking

Military personnel without military training

998 Fit for military service (with minor restrictions)
999 Limited fit for military service

The main activity of maintaining military records is the collection of data about a citizen liable for military service, which has information value for the armed forces when mobilization is announced. One can well imagine that it is almost impossible to distribute the large flow of conscripts according to the needs of military units. To avoid wasting valuable time, military registration documents, in particular the military ID, contain not only personal anthropometric data, but also information about the education received.

It is known that certain specialties are simply necessary for the army in wartime conditions, therefore their holders are under special attention from the accounting authorities, and the specialty itself (VUS) is entered in encrypted form in a personal file, personal card and military ID.

A military specialty can be obtained during military service, upon graduation from an educational institution with a military department, or in ordinary civilian life. One way or another, not only an officer, but also a private can have one of the specialties.

Decoding the record of military specialty

A specially designated column on the military ID contains a record of specialty, position and special characteristics. All this is subject to coding, as it is a military secret. Often citizens who have received a military ID take the initiative to decipher the records. This procedure is available for, you just need to understand the basic principle of recording encoding.

Information about the VUS consists of three parts. The first two parts are represented by combinations of three numbers, and the third part is written in the form of a letter. In a military ID, the first three digits indicate specialization, for example, VUS 999 indicates its absence. There is no need to remember all the VUS codes, because to find out what this or that combination means, just open the table with specialization encodings.

According to statistics, a significant proportion of citizens are sent to the reserve with VUS 998 or 999. They differ in that in the first case the citizen is fit for combat, and in the second case he has category “B”. Having a driver's license is considered a registration specialty number 838, and the well-known construction battalion will lead to the entry “166” being entered on the military ID.

The presence of a certain specialty directly indicates that the serviceman has the right to occupy the established position. For example, combination 097 codes the position of deputy platoon commander. If a private retired from the Armed Forces and did not hold a position, then the code “000” will be entered on the military ID.

If we consider the VUS encoding according to all the established rules, then a letter of the Russian alphabet must be added to the sequence of numbers. The letter "A" means service in the ground forces, "D" - in the Airborne Forces, and "C" - the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Finding out your personal service attribute is not difficult. To do this, you can enter the corresponding query in any search engine. Our task is to review VUS 999000a.

Decoding example

So, the entry “999000a” appeared on the military ID. First you need to decide what the first three numbers mean. It was not by chance that we gave an example with such code. He points out that the young man did not receive a specialty, at least one useful for the army, and moreover, he is also considered to have limited fitness. That is, with such an entry on his military ID, he will not be sent to attack the enemy, but will first be forced to acquire certain skills at organized training camps.

The next three zeros indicate that the person liable for military service has not held any position and cannot yet hold one. This is understandable, since without a specialty you will not be given a position. The letter means that the citizen will be recruited into the ground forces during mobilization. This encoding turns out to be more than sufficient.

If the ticket is filled out correctly, military personnel who served in the Marine Fleet will definitely get on the ship, and the tanker will not be forced to jump with a parachute. If the health clause of the military ID did not allow you to serve, then during hostilities, by default, the citizen will be drafted into the ground forces, and, most likely, non-combatant.


What is VUS on a military ID? VUS is a military specialty that is indicated on the military ID of a person liable for military service or a citizen who is undergoing military service.

According to current legislation, every adult male is required to be registered with the military registration and enlistment office. The category of persons liable for military service includes conscripts and persons in the reserve. These do not include those citizens who, due to their age, are not suitable for military service or those who are declared unfit for health reasons.

Not only men, but also women who have a specialty related to military registration can be registered with the military registration and enlistment office. These could be doctors, meteorologists, and signalmen. More details about this can be found in the Regulations on Military Registration.

How does VUS stand for?

The designation VUS is a military specialty indicated in the military ID of a person liable for military service or a person in military service. Each of the units in the Russian army has its own designation, which is a specific number, for example, 034097. Its decoding means: anti-aircraft missile forces, deputy platoon commander.

A citizen liable for military service with the rank of private military service is entered into documents on the basis of a diploma of education that he received in a civilian educational institution. If a person is studying at a university, then the university will be assigned to him after he graduates from the military department, if there is one. Most often, obtaining a university diploma provides the basis for awarding an officer rank.

Thus, the full code designation, which consists of the first three digits, refers to the specialization. These may be persons who belong to the rank and file, for example, warrant officers, sergeants, petty officers or soldiers. There are three more numbers in the code that indicate the position. This could be the squad commander, crane driver. At the end of the code, letters are also used that allow you to identify certain features of the service, for example, ground forces, airborne forces, border troops.

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Why do you need a VUS?

As a rule, when applying for a job, a citizen liable for military service is required to present a military ID. If this is an officer who is in the reserve, then he will have . Based on these documents, HR department employees:

  • fill out a personal card;
  • take into account the information specified in the military ID.

Very often, the code that denotes military service contains information not only about the specialty that a citizen acquired during military service, but also about his state of health if the person was declared unfit for conscription for military service, for example, due to illness.

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Why do you need a military specialty?

It should be noted that the VUS is necessary for maintaining records in military registration and enlistment offices.

In addition, it not only allows one to determine whether a citizen liable for military service belongs to a certain branch of the armed forces or type of the Armed Forces. Using the code makes it easier to keep records of citizens liable for military service. The list of specialties is constantly changing depending on the technical equipment of the army.

Who is being trained:

  • men who have reached pre-conscription age;
  • high school students;
  • students of secondary specialized educational institutions.

According to the law, training is mandatory and is included in the curriculum of educational institutions. The required number of persons who must be trained is indicated by the Russian Minister of Defense.

Obtaining a VUS allows a conscript to choose the desired branch of service in the army. This takes into account the need of army units for people with this specialty.
There is a list of civilian specialties that correspond to the military. This is determined depending on the psychological classification:

  • drivers;
  • signalmen;
  • specialists in the field of surveillance.

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Commander positions

A commander who is responsible for a certain position in the army must have a specialty and must be able to organize and educate his subordinates. Moreover, in each unit or branch of the military his responsibilities will be different. If we talk about civilian specialties, these positions include:

  • educators;
  • administrators;
  • airport dispatchers;
  • managers of travel companies;
  • circle leaders.

Thus, a number of civilian specialties have “analogues” in military service. It goes without saying that, for example, driving a tractor and a tank have certain differences, but you can’t do it without driving skills. Military aircraft exercises are monitored by military airfield controllers.

Recently, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation decided: it is necessary to effectively encourage officers who work directly with personnel by raising the official position categories (SDC) of company commanders and their deputies for educational work, respectively, to major and captain. It seems, however, that this measure is not only incorrect, but even harmful.

After all, what, logically, should be the next step? It will be necessary to raise the SDK of platoon commanders and their deputies, who work even more closely and directly with soldiers, to the ranks of “captain” and “senior lieutenant,” respectively. And what do you think of all this absurdity?

But it starts from the top. For example, now the chief of staff of a division - its first deputy commander has a colonel category equal to the ShDK of the regiment commander. That is, his subordinate, to whom he has the right to give and gives orders and instructions. Is this normal? Unconditionally, only the demands of senior SDC bosses are perceived as more legitimate. I know this from my many years of service experience.

This situation is even worse for the heads of military branches and division services (missile defense, air defense, communications, reconnaissance, engineering services), whose SDKs are not deputies, but unit commanders directly subordinate to them. And the job titles of the heads of military branches (services) do not include the word “commander”. This is complete nonsense.

A similar picture is now on the shelves. And they now intend to do the same in the battalions. And we also want to achieve some kind of order in subordination, an increase in the level of military discipline. Whereas in the fundamental - regular - discipline, real chaos reigns.

If the company commander’s SDK is the rank of “major,” and the battalion commander’s current SDK remains the same (lieutenant colonel), then the company commander can become a battalion commander without going through the position of deputy battalion commander, without “cooking in the cauldron” of the battalion command core. He will give a lot of orders! Or will he first become deputy battalion commander? Then why does he need the major's ShDK again? Ask a battalion commander-lieutenant colonel appointed deputy regiment commander (ShDK is also a lieutenant colonel), does he really want to be in the same regular position category for another 2-3 years and wear shoulder straps with two stars for a total of 4-6 years?

Conclusion. In order to increase the efficiency of managing subordinates (and therefore strengthening order and military discipline), all commanders (chiefs) must have an SDK two levels higher than the SDK of subordinate commanders.

Based on this, there is no need to raise the SDC of company commanders to the major level. On the contrary, the battalion commander (to major), company commander (to senior lieutenant) and platoon commander (to junior lieutenant) should be downgraded by one step. And this is not an infringement of our military service class, not an attempt on its status, but the establishment of basic order, a demonstration of trust in junior officers, who, despite their low ranks, are entrusted with the leadership of tens and hundreds of people (in a battalion up to 500 people, in a company – 100–125, in a platoon – 25–30).

At the same time, I think it’s high time for both junior and senior officers to wear identical stars on their shoulder straps, as was the case in the pre-revolutionary Russian army.
