It's hard not to understand the purpose own lifewhen inside you feel like more than just a piece of biomass, but you don't know for sure - where it is, your personal path. Where did this question come from in me? What are the true reasons for seeking a justification for your life?

Heavy autumn sky, full of rains and the first grains of snow. So low that it seems you can reach it with your hand. And with my whole body I feel how it presses on my shoulders. It peers into me, showing on its canvas, like a movie projector, what my life is, a life without a goal, without a route, while even migratory birds have reasons for their migrations.

At this time of year, nature resonates so uniquely with what is happening inside that it seems like I was turned inside out. And this rain drumming on the windows is actually my tears, if I could still cry. It's hard not to understand the purpose of your own life, when inside you feel like more than just a piece of biomass, but you don't know for sure - where it is, your personal path. A life without a goal is very similar to serving a prison term: a series of indistinguishable from each other movements according to a given scenario, devoid of purpose and meaning.

Find your goal

Where did this question come from in me? What are the true reasons for seeking a justification for your life? The desire to find my place under the sun and to understand why I am here, to reveal and realize the reasons for my own search for the purpose of life has been my main driving force for a very long time. It does not give rest and rest, it is exhausting. But the answers have never been found.

It is difficult and almost impossible to think about something else. I constantly return to the questions: why does a person need a purpose in life, what to do for those who cannot define it for themselves?

A person comes into this life, no matter a man or a woman, and most often since childhood dreams of happiness, about what its purpose, and hence the purpose of existence, determine its further development and direction of movement.

But what to do to someone who, for reasons he does not understand, has no dreams and goals in life, who moves as if on autopilot, taking the position of an outside observer in his life? How to determine the sphere of his interests, if nothing was ever able to capture his thoughts for real, except for the inner search for something that he himself could not understand?

A life without a goal or a goal without a life

One of the first discoveries of such a person, who first came to the portal of System-Vector Psychology of Yuri Burlan, will be that, it turns out, he is not alone in his search. The purpose of life as something that would fill it with a deep meaning, thousands of people are looking for with similar properties of the psyche, namely -.

Each of the eight vectors endows its owner with desires that push him to different ways of realizing himself in society. This means that each desire also determines the presence of the necessary properties in order to achieve everything that a person longs for. It's like cause and effect: we can't want to jump with a parachute, not wanting to get adrenaline, for example. And we cannot have a passion for knowledge foreign languages without a desperate pursuit of meaning in a word.

Each of the representatives has their own list of goals in life. But the situation when you feel yourself in a special way opposed to the world is possible only with a sound engineer. The state of search, a feeling of inappropriateness for this mortal life, an acute feeling of being different from the majority, from the “dumb crowd, blindly following instincts” and, perhaps, therefore, not asking any questions, causes an acute desire to understand: what is the purpose of my life specifically, why a person needs a purpose in life and what can become a goal for me?

The correct formulation of the question is already half the answer.

When the goal is to find a goal

At Yuri Burlan's training "System-Vector Psychology", we learn that the sound engineer has the largest volume of psyche. This means that for its filling, that is, for the feeling of inner satisfaction, joy and harmony with oneself, it is necessary to make great efforts. And their quality is different from what the other seven vectors need to be successful. The sound engineer cannot find his goal where he finds the absolute majority of other people. That is, indicators such as -

    study (" i already know everything, what can you teach me?»);

    job (" pointless, useless mouse fuss»);

    career (" in any case, I surpass all of you and ahead of you by hundreds of light years, why all the fuss?»);

    a family (" there is nothing more painful than being alone in a couple»)

They are not highly significant to him. He cannot find in them a worthy incentive for own movement through life.

In fact, even having a job and being successful in it, having a family, prosperity, the sound engineer often feels that he is living his life without a goal. He does not understand why this is all. Because his main desire, which determines his psyche, remains unsatisfied and unnoticed.

Find a goal - find yourself

What the psyche of the sound engineer is striving for is cognition of oneself and others, awareness of one's place and role in the ongoing process of life, comprehension of one's own presence in this world. Disclosure of the root cause, design, deep processes that drive and control everything around. This search for meaning is often not realized and is felt by the bearer of the sound vector as living life without a purpose.

It is difficult to be aware of yourself and clearly separate your desires from those imposed by advertising and media in the modern world. In order to define yourself, you need to get to know yourself.

The paradox and the main problem in the sound vector is that the less meaning the sound person sees around him, the more he focuses on himself. And then the circle closes without a hint of a way out, because within yourself there is no way to find what you are looking for. If only because you do not see the differences, there is nothing to compare with. Then life without a goal, which for a sound engineer is equal to “without meaning”, is felt most acutely.

When the geography of searches narrows down to one point inside one's own skull, it is difficult to see the full scale of what is happening. Therefore, an incredibly important step is to change the focus of attention, a kind of switching from oneself to those around. And it is impossible to imagine how this happens until you feel it yourself.

I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles

As soon as the sound engineer suddenly begins to understand that, in fact, everything that happens to him is not devoid of meaning, begins to see clear causes and effects, his life without a goal finally acquires a long-awaited trajectory, direction instead of shaky chaos.

The energy that went nowhere, inside, for endless pondering - what could be the purpose of my life - is released outside, bringing the owner of the sound vector colossal filling, tranquility and the long-awaited feeling that everything is not in vain. able to give this knowledge to those who need it. A huge number of people who have touched it indicate that life is divided into before and after.

Life without a purpose is an illusion that our brain shows us when we do not fulfill what we are here for. And it is possible to change polarity only when you know in which direction to work. After all, if there is a desire to understand the purpose of your life, then there are resources for this. Then why waste time?

Proofreader: Natalia Konovalova

The article was written based on the training materials “ System-vector psychology»

A person's definition of life goals is one of the main conditions for achieving success. Moreover, it is important not only to set goals, but also to often think that you are able to achieve them and that you will achieve them.

Do not think about obstacles on the way to the goal and imagine an ominous darkness. Concentrate on the fact that achieving each goal you set can dramatically improve your life. The more you think about how your goals will change your life for the better, the more you will want to realize them. A natural desire for concrete action will awaken in you.

If a goal inspires you, then you will begin to act towards achieving it anyway. It doesn't matter how much time you have to implement it, because you like the path itself and the fact that you feel more and more satisfied with yourself. This condition encourages you to act actively, so your level of productivity will only grow.

If you are having difficulty choosing goals in life, you can use other people's examples of goals from the list of 100 life goals of a person.

Read also the article by Gestalt therapist Sergey Smirnov: "" (ed.)

100 aspirations

Personal goals:

  1. Find your life's work;
  2. Become a recognized expert in your field;
  3. Quit drinking and smoking;
  4. Make many friends and acquaintances around the world;
  5. Learn to speak 3 languages \u200b\u200bfluently, except for the native one;
  6. Become a vegetarian;
  7. Find 1000 followers of your business / blog;
  8. Wake up every day at 5 am;
  9. Read a book a week;
  10. Travel all around the world.

Family goals:

  1. Start a family;
  2. Make your spouse happy;
  3. Give birth to children;
  4. Raise children as worthy members of society;
  5. Educate children;
  6. Play the wedding of children;
  7. Celebrate your own silver wedding;
  8. Nurse grandchildren;
  9. Celebrate a golden wedding;
  10. Get together for the holidays with the whole family.

Financial goals:

  1. Live without debt and loans;
  2. Organize passive sources of income;
  3. Receive monthly cumulative stable high income;
  4. Increase savings by 1.5-2 times every year;
  5. Own real estate on the beach;
  6. Build a dream house;
  7. Summer cottage in the forest;
  8. Each family member has a car;
  9. Leave a solid legacy to your children;
  10. Help those in need regularly.

Sports goals:

  1. Get fit;
  2. Run a marathon;
  3. Do the splits;
  4. Go diving;
  5. Learn to surf;
  6. Jump with a parachute;
  7. Comprehend martial art;
  8. Learn to ride a horse;
  9. Learn to play golf;
  10. Do yoga.

Spiritual goals:

  1. Learn the art of meditation;
  2. Read the 100 best books of world literature;
  3. Read 100 books on personal development;
  4. Regularly engage in charity work and volunteering;
  5. To achieve spiritual harmony and wisdom;
  6. Strengthen your will;
  7. Learn to enjoy every day;
  8. Experiencing and expressing gratitude every day;
  9. Learn to achieve your goals;
  10. Do charity work;

Creative goals:

  1. Learn to play on guitar;
  2. Learn to draw;
  3. To write a book;
  4. Make blog entries every day;
  5. Decorate the interior of the apartment to your liking;
  6. Make a useful thing with your own hands;
  7. Make your site;
  8. Learn to speak publicly and not be stage frightened;
  9. Learn to dance and dance at parties;
  10. Learn to cook deliciously.

Travel destination:

  1. Travel around the cities of Italy;
  2. Relax in Spain;
  3. Go to Costa Rica;
  4. Visit Antarctica;
  5. Spend a month in Taiga;
  6. Live 3 months in America;
  7. Take a road trip around Europe;
  8. Go to Thailand for the winter;
  9. Go on a yoga tour to India;
  10. Go on a trip around the world on a cruise ship;

Adventure Target:

  1. Play in a casino in Las Vegas;
  2. Fly in a hot air balloon;
  3. Take a helicopter ride;
  4. Explore the ocean by submarine;
  5. Go kayaking;
  6. Spend a month in a camp as a savage;
  7. Swim with dolphins;
  8. Visit medieval castles around the world;
  9. Eat mushrooms from shamans in Mexico;
  10. Go to a transmusic festival in the forest for a week;

On the Unified State Exam, an unhappy and searched schoolboy is invited to write an essay on the topic "Can you live without a goal?" Naturally, the graduate, as taught at school, writes all sorts of rubbish in the style "I think that it is impossible, because ...". Well that's why? Because they say you can't? Well, if a person has no goal in the global sense of the word? After all, if a person does not have a global goal to make the world a better place, and he just wants to live for his own pleasure, then why is he now, not a person?

Let's say from birth we do not strive to become a human as soon as possible - everything is comprehended gradually, over time and without clear awareness. If a person is happy, if his life model suits him, then looking for a goal is absolutely pointless. Such a model is based on life expectations, and this has nothing to do with plans to conquer the world. I just want to live. To live happily and not interfere with others. If you ask you: "How do you see yourself in 5 - 10 years?", So you will answer: "Healthy, rich and happy." And this is quite adequate for itself. But the majority still constructs goals for themselves, most often imposed: they say, we need to unlearn, marry, be baptized, fast and have a mistress so that they don't think badly. Whatever the source of the conveyor of goals - family, friends, colleagues, social networks, the media - we are in voluntary captivity: in dreams of the expected tomorrow or with regret about not achieved yesterday.

People without a goal do not want to follow a clear route. The journey itself brings them joy. They love what they have and therefore enjoy life every day. Without chasing time, without unnecessary stress, without strain of strength. Their approach is to be happy today, at this very moment. They do not just observe the moments sweeping from "tomorrow" to "yesterday", but pass the threads of time right through themselves. Breathe through the now.

Spit on the norms of thinking

Someone else's goals are for everything to be beautiful and expensive. How petty it is! Your task is to put your huge device on the accepted norms of thinking and beautifully, with the grace of a ballet dancer, spitting at everyone, like Evgeny Panasenkov, do what you think is necessary.

Live so that it is a joy

To live without goals, you need to give meaning to every day you live. And for this you need to fill your days with those things that you really like very much. Of course, within the framework of the law and so that it does not border on common sense. It is desirable that these very actions give you a sense of completeness. To do this, you do not have to cross the road to red - just do pleasant things. What will be tomorrow will be tomorrow. Until then, relax and have fun.

Not everything goes according to plan

Let the direction of your life be set only by your interests, and not by what is fashionable, profitable and approved by your parents. And please do not think that everything should be clear, specific and understandable. Because this is the framework into which you drive yourself. And we change our preferences and expectations a hundred times in our life, and then we fall into hysterics that everything turned out a little differently than expected. And if after 12 years you have not become the richest doctor, then these are only problems of your self-esteem and expectations. For so many years you have managed to understand that only alcohol content makes you related to medicine, and you are quite satisfied with what you have now. Why get upset?

Don't be afraid to be wrong

There are really no right or wrong decisions, no good or bad luck. These measures are subjective, and people will hate you, whether you are successful or insignificant. Wasted time on something not particularly necessary - take it as an experience, not a set of rules.

Don't sit in one place

For some reason, it is generally accepted that if a person under the age of 28 moves from place to place, then he has an eccentric nature, he himself is not serious and treating him as an equal is a stupid idea. On the other hand, why has it become criminal to fill life with impressions? Well, you didn't get a job in a large company, but you have money! And you saw more than some: there will be enough impressions for the entire Prikubansky district of the city of Krasnodar. On the contrary, do not sit still, do new things, but you will always have time to live, grow old and turn sour like shit.

See how many possibilities are around

If we fixate on a fucking goal, we do not notice the possibilities that are scattered here and there, like caches in Wolfenstein. I set a goal to become a mechanic and do not notice how many options are around to make money without leaving home. I just spread my arms, and they themselves jump, like prostitutes - in the show "Bachelor", and little girls - at Yegor Creed. The only thing that is required of you is to carefully look around.

Filter people

Do you have problems communicating with people? Too lazy to build bridges of love and friendship, to leave the house to meet somewhere / for some reason / with someone? Well then, relax and communicate only with those with whom you are comfortable, in the manner that suits you the most. Of course, no one canceled the homely truth that those people from whom you do not expect this are cardinally changing their lives. But they still need to be found. Alas, we spend too much time with unnecessary people. And if it's so difficult to socialize, choose the most convenient selection method. Simply by communicating in a comfortable manner, you will receive in your environment what you fought for.

Realize imperfection

Don't try to look perfect. Identify your shortcomings and see them as a source of life lessons. They are a part of you, even more than that beautiful creature, which for some reason was called your "soul mate." There is no need to flaunt your flaws, but denying them is also stupid. You can best fight them only when you are aware of them and acknowledge them.

Don't tune in to a specific result

Do not strive for some specifics, and you will be healthier. Do not strive for money, for a certain amount, but rather strive for comfort and prosperity. These are things of the same order, but in the first case, you have a specific reason to cry, and in the second, you approach any problem philosophically.

The art of doing nothing

But there is one big difficulty: in order to know this wisdom, you need to do nothing. Learn to mess around as much as possible! We sincerely hope that the idlers are not extinct yet. But don't think that you can live your life lying on the couch. This is a measure to learn to relax and not look for a fucking "purpose in life."

Doing nothing at all (in the true sense of the expression) can be quite difficult. On the first try, for sure. Actually, the command "do nothing" is already a goal. Therefore, start small - with 5-10 minute sets of simply lying on the couch and contemplating the ceiling. Without TV and computers - we, after all, write about serious things, and not about interviewers, who are divorced on YouTube. And that's all. Breathe deeper, relax and after that, after a while, try to just mindlessly look at things (a video or just out the window) that you are not interested in. Stupid and thoughtless. Because there is more sense in this prostration than in screaming that you need to run somewhere.

Finding a comfortable place is important for doing nothing. Once you've found it, sit back and find the most comfortable position possible. Make it a rule to squat and rest for at least 5 minutes. And it is desirable that you have a glass or plate with something tasty in your hand. The taste gives us almost more pleasure than what you immediately thought of. After all, everyone has food, but what you thought, alas, does not.

But the highest level of mastering the skill of doing nothing is to learn how to combine it with everyday life... Try to just do nothing in the middle of the working day: look at people, look around and relax. And then it is possible at the workplace. It sounds silly, but it gives you maximum satisfaction and pleasure. You immediately see all the nonsense of vanity and imagine yourself as an old man watching the planet ever since it was a gas and dust cloud, and during this countless time you managed to be both God and someone who is worse than any worm.

Today is an exact copy of the previous one - a desired result for some and a terrible torment for others. In reality modern world life without goals, constant tasks is almost impossible, therefore the image of today's person is a person striving for self-development and constant achievement of something. But what about those who are not used to setting goals for themselves, because such a person feels comfortable just going with the flow.

A clear plan or constant improvisation?

Ancient practices say that the main goal of a person is to live in harmony with himself and nature, without seeking to subdue or achieve anything other than understanding himself. This view of the world is shared by only a minority of the world's population. Technological progress, megalopolises - such a pace of life does not allow the majority to succumb to the flow, today's person grew up with the thought of achieving certain, individual heights. But is it worth chasing them, everyone decides for himself.

  • Lack of purpose is harmony. This is perhaps the smallest sample of people who have learned to get along with themselves and the world. For such a person, the goal is equated with the frame from which he seeks to escape.
  • Convenience in the absence of a goal. Such people are most often of a creative mind, for them improvisation is the best thing that can be, because this is how they can feel life and realize themselves.
  • Feigned lack of purpose. These people are pathological victims seeking to be pitied. The constant search for oneself, which never turns into action, "loss of the taste of life." Such a person actually unconsciously adheres to a clearly set goal, but his life is often boring and monotonous.
  • A robot man or a resident of a metropolis, one whose diary is scheduled literally in seconds. The motto of such a representative is "Life suffocates without a goal" and his life, unlike the previous type, is never boring. The main thing in the hectic days of such a person is to find the edge when you need to stop and make a pit stop. It is the search for such a line that is the weak point.
  • Laziness is the head of everything. The preferred type at the moment. In the head of such a person there are a million thoughts, ideas, goals, but he never has time to implement them, since he is busy with other things that, in fact, do not matter. Because of its prevalence, this type even received its own definition in psychology - a procrastinator.
  • Harmony of goal-setting. This type is amazing, because it was he, like the first, who found himself, only in this case in planning and achieving goals. He is not afraid of improvisation, he does not always live from a notebook, but at the same time he does everything and intuitively feels the moment to relax.

Based on the types presented, we can conclude that for most, the goal is to guarantee that life will not be boring and monotonous.

Lack of purpose isn't always a bad thing. But if you feel that in the hustle and bustle of everyday life it becomes uncomfortable, set a cherished goal and life will change!

  1. The goal is striving. If you constantly retreat and cannot achieve what you intended, then some psychologists advise you to start with small achievements and gradually move on to larger ones. But most experts say that it is necessary to immediately find a goal that will make you go forward like a cherished star. Motivation is the key to success.
  2. Paper and pen. Be sure to write down your "cherished star" and make a rough plan of action.
  3. Pros. Before you put your pen down, write down the benefits you get by getting what you want.
  4. The positives are great, but the potential difficulties are also worth writing down. Thus, with a high probability, you can avoid them.
  5. Deadline. Mark the extreme point to which you will definitely get what you strive for.
  6. Psychology has proven the success of visualization. Therefore, imagine as vividly as possible how you have already achieved the cherished, what you feel, how you look, as much detail as possible. Try to believe and live this moment.
  7. Give up the opportunity to retreat. Experts advise using the contract method, writing on paper your goal, paragraphs 3,4,5 and the fact that you will definitely reach the end, sign it with your signature and you will not have a step back. When, you have achieved what you want, such a paper will be one of many reasons to be proud.

These points will definitely lead you to success, because, as research shows, it is the achievement of the set tasks that is one of the guarantees of happiness and bringing positive moments into life. A happy man cannot fail to be successful, his life will definitely not be boring.

Nothing gives a person inner integrity and tranquility like a clear understanding of where he is going.

Robert Brian once said, "The purpose of life is to live with purpose."

To achieve anything, you need to define your ultimate goal. This makes a huge difference. And the sooner you define it, the faster everything else will fall into place. A life without a purpose is wandering in the dark.

Finding the right path in life is an existential challenge for all of us.

What do you expect from life? It is dangerous to live without a goal.

Fyodor Dostoevsky wrote: "The mystery of human existence is not only in living, but in what to live for."

You create the correct life path yourself. You make the decision to act. Try. Do anything. It doesn't matter how small your steps seem to you.

At some point in your life, you will have to stop thinking about what to do and start acting.

Your goal in life is to find and do something that will make you smile, laugh and forget about time. Even if you're not sure yet, go to life stage research and experiment and enjoy what is happening.

You cannot limit it to a time frame. You can't bring yourself to find your “why” tomorrow, next month, or next year. However, by all means, strive to find clarity.

In the 1940s, Viktor Emil Frankl was imprisoned in Nazi concentration camps. He fought tirelessly for his life. It was his goal that did not allow him to give up!

He found meaning in the struggle. It was this that gave him the strength to move on through unimaginable torment and pain.

In his book "A Man in Search of Meaning" Victor summarizes his philosophy about how people managed to survive in death camps without losing the will to live: "Who has a Why to live, will be able to withstand almost any How."

Once you have defined your goals and what you want to achieve, it will be easier for you to deal with doubts. You will stop being distracted from what is important and will focus on your goal, which will not allow you to give up.

Only a steady movement in one direction can bring tangible results. Of course, over time, you can rethink and change your goal, or choose a different one.

It is difficult to maintain momentum if your direction lacks clarity.

It takes time to achieve big goals. You must move in the selected direction without deviating from the course.

Determining your direction as early as possible is the most important decision in life, however, unfortunately, not many people realize it.

To live "with a purpose" is to live "with an intention."

Napoleon Hill once said: “There is one quality that a person must possess in order to win. This is a certainty of purpose, knowledge of what you want from life, and a burning desire to possess it. "

To get what you want, you need to move in the direction you choose, constantly improving over a long period of time.

People who have made a difference in their lives and managed to achieve difficult goals are not stronger, smarter, or more fearless than you. They differ from you only in that they have made the decision to move towards their dreams.

A strong sense of purpose fuels your motivation.

Successful people have a certain sense of direction. They have a clear understanding of what success means to them. Everything they do is in line with their goals. They look ahead and decide where they want to be. The activities they perform day in and day out help them get closer to their dreams.

Once you find your "why", you will be more careful and selective about what you do every day.

In her book Courage: 50 Daily Acts of Courage You Must Perform to Succeed in Work, Love, and Life, Margie Worrell writes, “Knowing your“ why ”is the first important step towards figuring out how to achieve your goals. inspire you and lead you to the life you would like to live (not just survive!) ”.

Margie continues: “In fact, knowing your“ why ”depends on whether you find the courage to take the risks it takes to move forward, stay motivated in difficult times, and follow a whole new, more confusing but a fruitful way ”.

William Coper said: “Existence is a strange deal. Life owes us little, but we owe it everything. True happiness comes when you put in effort to achieve a goal. "

There is nothing more beautiful than the feeling when you suddenly realize what prevented you from living a fulfilling life.

Moments of insight are a real blessing. A clear goal prompts you to take actions that will bring you closer to what you really want to achieve in life.

With clear visions, you can combine resources, ideas and people to create a common cause. Without this, all your efforts are wasted work.

Professional coach Bud Bilanich says that in order to achieve clarity of purpose, you need to do three things:

1) define what success means to you personally;

2) create a vivid mental image of yourself as a successful person;

3) clarify your personal values.

Figuring out what you want is a process of trial and error! Try and ask yourself, "Do I like this?" Yes. No. Keep a journal and write down your feelings, thoughts, actions, and experiences.

Use your notes to identify areas that interest you the most. Evaluate your results constantly.

The point is to do more of what you really enjoy and discover the best in yourself.
