a moral quality that characterizes a person's ability to overcome a sense of fear, uncertainty in success, fear of difficulties and adverse consequences for him. Courage presupposes decisive action in the name of achieving a set goal, loyalty to chosen ideals and principles in spite of hostile circumstances and pressure from other people, frank expression of one's own opinion, especially when it contradicts established or government-sanctioned views, intransigence in relation to all evil and injustice. The concrete expressions of courage are feat, initiative, initiative. Courage is closely related to such moral qualities as courage, perseverance, adherence to principles, self-control, initiative, and is opposite to cowardice, cowardice, and opportunism. The moral assessment of bold deeds depends on their specific social content. Courage is morally justified when it is subordinated to the implementation of humane and just goals, is generated by urgent social tasks and is expressed in humane and socially progressive actions. Otherwise, acts of personal courage are manifestations of despair (actions performed against the logic of history), bravado, ostentatious friction, anarchist rebellion, nihilism, and adventurism.

And self-confidence to go forward and do what you want and consider necessary, despite fear or not seeing fear. Courage doesn't always mean the absence of fear. A brave person is not one who is not afraid, much less a brave one who "enjoys the battle of life"; brave is one who knows how to be stronger than his fear.

Courage and body are linked. A timid person can be recognized by how he looks, how he walks uncertainly, how he uses his hands (or rather, does not use) and how crooked he stands. A neurotic stoop (clamps of the collar zone) is incompatible with courage, when the head seems to be driven into the shoulders, as if it is hiding from the next cuff. Courage is usually triggered by the eyes that openly and straight ahead (rather than introverted into themselves), the broad back muscles that move the chest forward. For more details see →

Courage training

Brave is one who knows how to be stronger than fear. Train your courage! Cultivate Courage! See →

Courage can be out of fear, but more often it is fear that interferes with courage. How to remove or overcome fear? See Working with fear

Courage and the Cattell test

In the Cattell test, courage is enterprise, activity; the person has emotional, willingness to take risks and cooperation with strangers in unfamiliar circumstances, the ability to accept

Courage - is a moral quality that characterizes a person's ability to overcome a feeling of fear, uncertainty in success, fear of difficulties and adverse consequences for him. S. presupposes decisive actions in the name of achieving the set goal, loyalty to the chosen ideals and principles in spite of hostile circumstances and pressure from other people, frank expression of one's own opinion, especially when it contradicts established or government-sanctioned views, irreconcilability towards all evil and injustice ... S.'s concrete expressions are feat, initiative, initiative. S. is closely associated with such moral qualities as courage, perseverance, adherence to principles, self-control, initiative, and is the opposite of cowardice, cowardice, and opportunism. The moral assessment of bold deeds depends on their specific social content. S. is morally justified when it is subordinated to the realization of humane and just goals, is generated by urgent social tasks and is expressed in humane and socially progressive actions. Otherwise, the acts of personal S- are a manifestation of despair (actions performed contrary to the logic of history), bravado, ostentatious friction, anarchist rebellion, nihilism and adventurism. S. as a mass phenomenon in the life of the society is generated by special social conditions and circumstances. It serves as one of the means of resolving the contradiction between the majestic historical tasks and obstacles, difficulties arising on the way of their implementation (Heroism). S. becomes a mass quality in the era of social revolutions, patriotic wars, and major social transformations. The process of building communism, which includes a constant struggle between the nascent new and the outdated old (Sense of the new), which requires people to be principled, active, creatively constructive and critically critical of reality, constantly gives rise to the need for S. on the part of the masses, their leaders and each conscientious member of the socialist society.


A moral quality that characterizes a person's ability to overcome a feeling of fear, uncertainty in success, fear of difficulties and adverse consequences for him. S. presupposes decisive actions in the name of achieving a set goal, loyalty to the chosen ideals and principles in spite of hostile circumstances and pressure from other people, frank expression of one's own opinion, especially when it contradicts established or government-sanctioned views, irreconcilability in relation to any evil and injustice ... S.'s concrete expressions are feat, initiative, initiative. S. is closely connected with such moral qualities as courage, stamina, adherence to principles, self-control, initiative, and is opposite to cowardice, cowardice, and opportunism. The moral assessment of bold deeds depends on their specific social content. S. is morally justified when it is subordinated to the realization of humane and just goals, is generated by urgent social tasks and is expressed in humane and socially progressive actions. Otherwise, the acts of personal S- are a manifestation of despair (actions performed contrary to the logic of history), bravado, ostentatious frontierism, anarchist rebellion, nihilism and adventurism. S. as a mass phenomenon in the life of the society is generated by special social conditions and circumstances. It serves as one of the means of resolving the contradiction between the majestic historical tasks and obstacles, difficulties arising on the way of their implementation (Heroism). S. becomes a mass quality in the era of social revolutions, patriotic wars, and major social transformations. The process of building communism, which includes a constant struggle between the nascent new and the outdated old (Sense of the New), which requires people to be principled, active, creatively constructive and critically critical of reality, constantly gives rise to the need for S. on the part of the masses, their leaders and each conscientious member of the socialist society.

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Everyone knows that being a coward is a shame, and such a person is not supposed to play hockey.

But the owners of a brave heart have always been and will be honored. But what is boldness at its core, and how can you make sure you have it?

Courage - what is it

Courage, courage, boldness, fearlessness - these are the qualities of a real hero from any literature. But should only a soldier or a great warrior be a daredevil?

This quality will be useful to everyone in life: both the child, if you have to visit the dentist, and the woman heading to the maternity ward.

Courage is the ability to overcome your fear, cope with complexes and doubts, and fulfill your duty..

This is the ability to do what is needed and should, without fear and unnecessary thinking about the negative consequences.

In addition, this quality allows people to express their opinion, not be ashamed of their beliefs and, if necessary, go against everyone in order to achieve justice.

Is it possible to recognize a brave person by their appearance? We immediately imagine a stately handsome man with straightened shoulders, confidently looking into the future.

A kind of avenger hero from the comics "Marvel". He feels the strength to fight injustice, and in a fluttering cloak he rushes to the next criminal.

An elegant, attractive image, but has little relation to reality.

A true daredevil can be quiet, calm, outwardly not an outstanding person.... Imagine an ordinary accountant who accidentally finds out about cases of theft in his company.

A coward will leave everything as it is, and one with an inner core will not be afraid to go against the system.

He will openly testify, collect evidence of theft, present it to the court for further investigation and help to achieve a fair punishment.

Courage may be quiet and subtle, but the brave hearts of ordinary people make the world a better place.

What a brave man he is

A reasonable, rational, mentally healthy individual cannot be truly fearless.

After all, danger avoidance is the basic protective instinct of the human race. Thanks to him, people managed to survive cataclysms and natural selection.

So, courage is not the full opposite of fear. On the contrary, they are not so far from each other. The daredevil differs from the coward only in that he has taken his fears under control and does not follow their lead.

In a critical situation, the former becomes stronger than his fear, showing self-control, composure and prudence.

So, a brave person can have fears, however, he knows how to control them and does not allow them to lead him.

He emerges victorious from this internal struggle, confidently resisting any fears.

He does not lose his composure in a stressful situation, does not give in to panic, restrains cowardly impulses (to run away, to leave, to be saved first).

The daredevil is not devoid of a sense of self-preservation, but knows how to suppress instinctive reactions aimed at self-defense.

This is the main thing the difference between a brave man and a brave man: the first is aware of all the dangers, thinks soberly and does not revel in his own fearlessness.

He openly confronts his fear, overcoming the pain of doubt, but at the same time he himself does not gravitate towards reckless risk and demonstration of heroism.

A courageous person is guided, first of all, by the clues of conscience. A sense of just and right is built into him, and he understands why he is entering the fight.

Modern audacity

Courage is needed in relationships too. - both with your spouse and yourself.

It can be difficult for a man to decide on a second or even first marriage (scenes with the division of property and loud divorces are recalled).

And a woman, out of fear of loneliness, on the contrary, is afraid to break the connection with an unworthy citizen.

In the modern world, it takes courage even to start a family, keeping in mind about 50% of divorces.

I remember the famous quote from the tape "That very Munchausen": we will not say that this is a feat, but there is something heroic in all this.

Therefore, when we talk about modern daredevils, we do not demand from them daily large-scale deeds. They do not need to conquer Everest, fight for their homeland and travel on a humanitarian mission to Syria.

Indeed, even in order to remain true to your convictions, you need remarkable heroism.

(344 words) Sometimes it is difficult for yourself to understand whether you are brave, especially when everything is more or less smooth. But in the life of every person the unforeseen may happen, and it will be necessary to make a difficult choice, take risks, sacrifice expensive ones, and, accordingly, not be afraid of circumstances. Therefore, courage often makes itself felt when fate throws up unexpected and complex vicissitudes, seemingly dead ends. Confirmation of this conjecture can be found in Russian literature.

When we talk about the boldness of the characters, willy-nilly, one recalls the eternal lump of Russian classics - Tolstoy's epic novel War and Peace. Of course, in such stressful situations as in war and in battles, it is necessary to show courage and be ready for feats, which is what the main characters of the work do. The noble Andrei Bolkonsky, the soldier-peasant Platon Karataev, Nikolai Rostov - they all risked themselves, realizing that the threat to the homeland is a sufficient reason to show courage. Moreover, the author's favorite heroine, Natasha Rostova, was distinguished by her special courage and, of course, a kind heart. She helped the wounded soldiers and even gave them the carts allocated for the removal of property, which speaks not only of the heroine's self-sacrifice, but also of the courage shown at the necessary moment.

As an optimist, the reader hopes for the goodwill of fate and that he will not have to face difficulties in war. But battles can be not only military. Let us recall, for example, how the main character of Bulgakov's novel The Master and Margarita struggled desperately, having lost her beloved. In order for them to be together again, the girl needed incredible courage. Of course, it is not a fact that the tests of the devil will await us, but the reader definitely has something to learn from the brave Margarita. To meet the Master, she bravely stepped over all obstacles and did not give up on her goal. For example, she had to step into the unknown full of threats, agreeing to the proposal of Azazello. But she accepted this challenge, because in a situation where our beloved people disappear, it is necessary to make every effort, to show all the good qualities to find them.

Everyone will need courage: both the heroes of the war in the battle for the country, and ordinary people who cope with everyday worries. Of course, it often manifests itself when any conflict situation requires our intervention. But no one knows exactly how the circumstances will develop and at what moment it will be necessary to show courage, but it is this quality that will help to count on a happy ending.

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