Learning English is serious business, but even there is room for creativity and humor. Bring your love of English through the lens of creativity and receive useful, memorable prizes. We are always happy to encourage the efforts of Anglomaniacs with worthy rewards.

In order to become a participant in the competition english language, you need a desire and a simple task. Fill your work with love and zest and it will certainly not go unnoticed. The English language requires regular attention in the learning process, and in the case of participation in a competition or quiz, it is supportive of inventive, interesting and purposeful ones.

For the maximum number of correct answers to the quiz questions, you will need knowledge of both grammar, and idioms, and words by topic. You can easily find all this on the vastness of our website or go to English courses in Moscow to add to the knowledge you have already acquired. Take part in our contests, no fluff, no feather!

  • Competition
  • Olympiad
  • Competition game
  • Subject week
  • Family competition
  • Children with disabilities
  • Control test
  • Summer camp
  • Online tests
Distance Olympiads of the "Snail" Center

Goals and objectives of the distance olympiads of the "Snail" Center:

  • checking the level of knowledge of students
  • developing the skill of self-appropriation of knowledge
  • formation and development of skills of independent search and analysis of information
  • formation and development of skills for using Internet services in education
  • increasing motivation to study the subject

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen his knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond school curricula and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Competition game

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen his knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Subject week

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen his knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Family competition

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen his knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Specialist. contests

They give the participant an opportunity to check and deepen his knowledge of a specific school discipline or even one of its sections. All tasks of distance olympiads are divided by age groups and correspond to school programs and the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

The presenter names some part of the body, for example, the head, but touches the hand. Children should follow those commands and touch exactly the part of the body that they call, and not the one that the presenter touched. You can name body parts by adding numbers to them.

For example: one, two, three - hand!

2.Simon Says

The host says this phrase: “Simon says:“ Stand up (Sit down, Run, Touch your nose, Jump…) ””. Competitors should only perform all commands if they have the opening phrase “Simon says” in front of them.

3. The Opposite

1 participant says a phrase or a word, the other must name and depict the opposite.
Stand up –Sit down.
Stop - Move
Be quiet - Be noisy
Close your eyes - Open your eyes
Smile - Cry

4. Run-Freeze

The host says: "Run!" All children run until they hear: “Freeze! Animals! ”. Participants must take the pose of any animal. The presenter guesses by asking questions: “Are you a bear….?” Children answer: “Yes, I am / No, I am not”. Such games can also reinforce the themes "Professions", "Sports games", "Musical instruments".

5. Sea - Ground

Draw a circle with chalk or place a regular circle on the ground. "Sea - Sea" is the center of the circle, "Earth - Ground" - outside the circle. The host gives the following commands:
- Sea! (Children jump quickly in a circle).
- Ground! (Children jump out of the circle as quickly as possible).
If there are many children, you can arrange a competition - whoever jumped out of the circle last becomes the leader

5. Movers

We preliminarily learn different commands with the children.
Look up, look down, look left, look right,
Clap up, clap down, Clap left, clap right,
Turn around and sit down
Touch something ... brown!
Then one participant in the game gives commands, and the children follow them. If someone has performed the movement incorrectly, he leaves the game (with a large number of participants).

6. Eatable - Uneatable

The presenter throws a ball to the children, naming inedible or edible objects in English. When the presenter calls something edible, the child tries to catch the ball, and if it is inedible, throw it away.

7. Hide and Seek

One child stands in a certain place, closes his eyes and slowly begins to pronounce a counting-rhyme in English.
Hide and seek - we play together.
"Hide and seek" - whatever the weather.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - I’ll look for you and find

While he is pronouncing the counting rhyme, everyone else is hiding. Then the leader tries to find all the hiding. Seeing someone, he runs to knock at the place where he pronounced the counting rhyme and says: “Tap, tap on .. Sveta”. while calling the name of the one whom he saw. If one of the players runs out of his cache, then he tries to run to the leader's place and knock on him, saying: “Tap, tap on me“.

8. Letters or Numbers

Use colored chalk to write numbers or letters. Then you name a number or letter, and the child tries to find and stand on it.

9. Where Is It?

The presenter closes his eyes. Participants hide any item. The presenter opens his eyes and asks: “Where is the…?” They help him find the hidden object by giving clear instructions in English: “The pen is at the bag….”

10. Hot and Cold

You hide any toy or object, and the child looks for it according to your prompts "cold-cool-warm-hot" ("cold - cool - warm - hot"). When he is close, call the word hot.

11. Animals and Birds

12. Imitators

You name any animal, bird or profession, and children try to portray the named with facial expressions, voice and gestures. Whoever does the best is the winner.

13. Claps

The facilitator names a number from 1 to 5. Depending on which number was named, the children should clap their hands the same number of times.
Host: "Four!"
Children clap 4 times.
Those who make mistakes carry out the punishment. For example, jump or dance.

14. Can and can't

Children listen to the leader's question, answer it positively or negatively: “Yes, I can./ No, I can’t. In case of a positive answer, the named movements are performed.
Can you hop like a foх? No, I can’t. The rabbit can hop.
Can you fly like a bird? Yes, I can.

15. Colors

You name a color in English, for example, red. Children should find the named color on their clothes, on the street or in the room, touch it and repeat its name.

16. Bring me

Different things are laid out in the room or on the street. The facilitator asks the children to bring him a thing, naming or describing it in English. Whoever finds and brings this item first wins.
Bring me a pencil….

17. Bob, Be Nimble

The child tries to jump over a stick (skipping rope), which is at a certain height. If there are many children, then you can arrange a competition who can jump over the stick (rope) at the highest height. Before jumping over the stick, children recite the following rhyme:

Bob, be nimble,
Bob, be quick,
Bob jump over
My brown stick.

  • How do I pass the English Olympiad?

    On the page of the Olympiad you have chosen, click the "Start Olympiad" button.

  • Is it paid?

    Participation in the Internet Olympiad in English is free. Only the certificate of participation in the Olympiad is paid (optional).

  • Do I need to register on the site?

    Pre-registration on the site is not required, but you will need to enter the data that will be required for the participant's certificate in a special form immediately before the start of the Olympiad tasks.

  • How long does it take to complete the Olympics?

    When completing the tasks of the Olympiad, in the upper right corner you will see a timer showing how much time you have left. After the specified time has elapsed, the window with the Olympiad tasks will automatically close. Answers to tasks will be automatically processed to the extent that you managed to complete them.

  • Can I complete assignments for a different age category?

    You can try your hand at several age categories, but please note that the category will be indicated on the participant certificate.

  • Can I pause while completing tasks and finish them later?

    Try to complete all the tasks of the Olympiad at one time, you will not be able to interrupt and finish tasks later.

  • What if you turned off the light / internet while completing assignments?

    Unfortunately, in this case, your answers will not be saved, and you will need to start completing the tasks from the very beginning.

  • When and where to find out the results of the Olympics?

    You will see how many points you have scored immediately after completing the tasks of the Olympiad. The overall rating of the participants will also be posted in the "Results" section of this website and in the official communities of the Olympics on social networks in January 2020.

  • Can you find out the mistakes made in the tasks of the Olympiad? Can I see my work?

    The organizers do not provide work to the participants. This is done so that participants cannot distribute tasks with answers and thereby influence the result of other participants.

  • How is the Olympics going?

    The Olympiad is held in one stage. Each participant will find out his result immediately after completing the tasks of the Olympiad. Participants who scored 91-100 points are awarded 1st place, 81-90 points - 2nd place, 71-80 points - 3rd place. To confirm the result, the participant can order an electronic or paper certificate, which will indicate the accumulated number of points and the prize place.

  • Who checks the tasks completed by the Olympiad participants?

    Olympiad tasks are checked automatically in accordance with the criteria set in the software. The criteria for evaluating the tasks of the Olympiad are determined by the jury formed by the Methodological Council of the Olympiad from specialists educational organizations, whose names have not been released. The organizers do not comment on the criteria for evaluating the tasks of the Olympiad.

  • How to get a certificate of participation in the Olympiad?

    Each participant who scored 15 points or more has the right to order a personalized electronic and / or paper certificate of participation in the Olympiad. The cost of one electronic / paper certificate is 200/800 rubles, respectively. To order a certificate follow the link.

  • What is the difference between electronic and paper certificates?

    Both the electronic and paper certificates indicate the number of points scored by the participant in the Olympiad. The difference between an electronic and a paper certificate is that after payment, the electronic certificate is delivered in the form of a pdf file to the email address, and the paper certificate is delivered to the address of residence specified by the participant during the purchase of the certificate.
