Synopsis of a lesson in social studies (Grade 7)

Topic : Psychological portrait of personality: intellect, emotions, feelings/

The purpose of the lesson : to determine what basic properties of a person (temperament, character, intellect, emotions, feelings) influence the formation of personality.

Lesson objectives:

educational : 1) to form an idea of ​​the concepts - ability, intellect, feelings, emotions, affect, stress, mood.

Educational : 1) develop thinking, the ability to think clearly, express one's thoughts briefly and clearly, 2) develop communication skills, the ability to work in spontaneously created groups, and creative abilities when performing tasks.

Educational 1) to educate a competent and active modern person,

Lesson type: combined

Lesson form: traditional

Equipment: textbook Kravchenko I.A., Pevtsova E.A. Social science grade 6, handouts, presentation "Psychological portrait of a personality."

During the classes

Lesson stage

Teacher activity

Student activities

Greetings, accounting for absentees.

They sit down.

In the last lesson, we talked about the psychological portrait of a person. On page 32, we list the main human properties that influence the formation of personality.

Today we will continue to talk about this, namely, we will analyze what abilities, intelligence, feelings and emotions are.

We write downlesson topic : Psychological portrait of personality: intellect, emotions and feelings.

What property did we meet in the last lesson?

4 cards and a task are distributed - it is necessary to determine the type of temperament and describe the character of the hero.

Let's see how well you can determine the type of temperament. Let's look at a small role-playing situation.

But not only temperament plays a big role in shaping personality. What property does a person acquire over time?

On the slide, it is necessary to separate character traits - positive and negative (written out in 2 columns)

Do you agree with the statement that “a bad character can be corrected if desired”?

So, it is necessary to draw a conclusion about how the psychological portrait changes from birth onwards.

They call.

Write down.

Temperament is a set of individual human properties, characterized by the speed of the emergence of feelings and their speed.

They receive a task (app. 1) and work.

2 students act out a situation where a person sits down on a bench and places his hat next to him. Another person comes up and inadvertently sits on this hat. They show 4 scenes and the reaction of 4 temperaments. Students must determine the type of temperament.

Character is a set of individual stable mental characteristics of a person, manifested in his behavior and activities.

Carry out the task.

They reason.

T. O. psychological portrait develops from birth. Its basis is temperament, which is given from birth. In the process of personality development, character is formed under the influence of various factors. You can change it, but with the desire and effort.


The psychological portrait of a person consists not only of such structural elements as character, temperament, but here we also include abilities and intelligence, as well as feelings and emotions.

Group work. It is necessary to use the text in the cards to define the terms - emotions, abilities, intellect, feelings.

So please, first group, you were to define ability.

Good. Second group, what definition can you give to the concept of intelligence?

What do you know about intellectual programs on TV?

In addition to intelligence, there are several more types of abilities, for example, giftedness, genius talent. Where do you see the difference between them?

Make a syncwine with these two words. (App. 3)

Good. Emotions are another property that influences the formation of personality. Please, third group, tell us what emotions are.

Well, feelings are inseparable from emotions. What is the definition given to us by the fourth group.

PHYSICAL MINUTE (exercises for mimic muscles of the face)

Why do you think a person needs feelings and emotions?

Let's look at pictures and photographs of animals and people, determine what emotions they experience.

And what did you observe now - emotions or feelings?

The diversity of the world of feelings is called spiritual wealth; it is not for nothing that they talk about the human soul.

But modern culture, the media, promote a ban on feelings and their outward manifestation.

Why do you think?

People forbid themselves to feel, find various rational justifications for prohibitions.

"Real Men Don't Cry"

"Fear is a sign of weakness"

"You can't get angry at your loved ones"

And what happens, do we need feelings or not? What happens if we hold back our feelings?

And in order to prevent this from happening, we need to learn how to manage our emotions and feelings.

And is it easy to do?

We read the textbook p.41.

So, what influences the formation of a personality, what is included in the psychological portrait of a personality?

To answer this question, we must solve a crossword puzzle.

    Ability for knowledge and logical thinking.

    The highest kind of emotion

    a set of individual properties of a person, characterized by the speed of the emergence of feelings and their speed

    a special form of reflection by the psyche of the surrounding world, manifested mainly in experiences

    the ability to do something, in a propensity for certain occupations

    a set of individual stable mental characteristics of a person, manifested in his behavior and activities.

What conclusion can be drawn about the formation of personality?

You have 3 minutes to work.

The ability of a person is determined in the ability to do something, in the propensity for certain activities. .

Intelligence is the ability to know and think logically.

Answer options. (smarts and smarts, the smartest, what where when, one hundred to one, their own game, who wants to become a millionaire, a field of miracles, a weak link, a taxi)

They speak out.

App 4.

Emotions are a special form of reflection by the psyche of the surrounding world, manifested mainly in experiences

Feelings are attitudes towards the surrounding world, specific events or people, the highest kind of emotion.

(Appendix 4) define emotions.

They help to express the inner state of a person, the reaction to the environment.

Look determine.

These are locked, suggest that a person avoids certain emotional states (sadness, resentment, fear), because K. should not seem weak, ill-mannered, unsuccessful.

Ban on the mountain

The prohibition of fear

The prohibition of anger, anger

An analogy with a boiling kettle: we will explode, it will result in illness, melancholy, depression, aggression.

Read, answer.

(app. 5)


Reflection. What's new learned. Grading.

Circle conversation. Summing up

d/h paragraph 6, p. 42 question. 3.workshop.

Recorded in a diary. Explanation d.z.

Phenomenologists, existentialists, pragmatists criticize the epistemological understanding of consciousness as a reflection for its objectivity, rationality, alleged isolation from the life of individual individuals. According to E. Husserl (German thinker, founder of phenomenology), this doctrine “overcomes naturalistic objectivism and, in general, any objectivism in the only possible way when the philosopher proceeds from his own Self, and precisely as the source and executor of his assessments and judgments ... With such an attitude manages to build an absolutely autonomous science of the spirit in the form of a consistent self-understanding of one's world as a product of the spirit.

As you can see, E. Husserl takes everything out of the spirit without explaining what he himself is, what are his external sources and how he is connected with the outside world. The theory of reflection answers these questions and is able to connect the consciousness, the spiritual sphere of people's lives with their daily needs and concerns. Human consciousness is a complex, branched and relatively independent system that combines emotions, thinking and spiritualized feelings into a single whole.

In various respects, the consciousness of a person acts as his mind, honor and conscience, as his mind, reason and wisdom, as self-consciousness and soul, as an individual manifestation of the spirit of the times - social consciousness at a specific stage of its historical development. And all this is a special form of reflection and expression of nature, society and the inner world of each individual. The subjective world of a person, representing for him his own Self, which is his inner world, can be called an informational (instinctive-emotional, spiritual-sensory, intellectual) superstructure over the individual bodily and material social being of a person. This definition fully corresponds to the fact that the consciousness of a person, both in terms of the mode of existence and in content, is a reflection of matter to the extent that it manifested itself in his own being.

Let us now give a brief description of the main components of the human psyche and consciousness. In the emotional sphere of consciousness, elementary emotions (hunger, thirst, fatigue...), the senses (love, hate, grief, joy...), affects (rage, horror, despair...), passions and emotional well-being mood (cheerful, depressed), especially strong states of emotional tension - stress.

In a person's feelings, objects are reflected in the form of experience and an evaluative attitude towards them. The reflection of an object and the relation to it are related, but do not coincide completely. Reflection can be the same, but the ratio is different. In the feelings of a person, along with objective properties, the significance of things for himself and for other people is assessed. In different cultures, the same objects can have markedly different meanings, can act as symbols of completely different relationships.

Psychologists and philosophers raise the question - are the criteria of truth applicable to feelings? Every subjective experience has an objective content. Therefore, it is assumed that feelings can be assessed as smart or stupid, adequately (true) or inadequately (incorrectly) reflecting the values ​​of things and events. R. Descartes, for example, considered love and hatred to be true when they love really good things and hate really bad things. In the event of a sharp discrepancy between feelings and objective reality, when “mind and heart are not in harmony”, a person may experience an acute internal conflict up to irreversible mental disorder. M. Gorky wrote: “It is necessary that the intellect and instinct merge in harmonious harmony, and then, it seems to me, all of us and everything that surrounds us will be brighter, brighter, happier. I believe it is possible. I don't like smart people who don't know how to feel. They are all evil, and evil low."

Feelings and consciousness are interconnected. Violation of consciousness begins with a disorder first of the emotional sphere, then thinking is disturbed, followed by self-consciousness. If a person is not aware of the danger, he does not experience fear. If someone is not aware of the offense he has caused, he does not experience anger either. If there is no conscience, then there is no awareness of one's guilt and repentance.

With the participation of thinking and feelings, all human activities are carried out. The source of activity is need - subject-specific dependence of a person on the outside world. Needs are experienced in the form of desires and drives. attraction - psychophysical phenomenon. A person depends on the subject to which he is attracted. When this object is found, the attraction acquires the character of desire. "Desire is attraction with its consciousness." To the extent that needs are realized by a person, they become his interest and a direct stimulus for a certain activity.

You can build a few other series of concepts. To understand the meaning of any human activity, it is necessary to understand its motives - the conscious grounds, goals, intentions of a certain behavior. Different motives may be hidden behind the same actions. A motive is already a moral factor that turns an action into deed. But not all human behavior is reasonably motivated. Intention requires for its implementation will, steady action in the chosen direction.

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All topics in this section:

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Objective truth is the eternal ideal of science
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The movement of genetics from anti-Darwinism to an alliance with Darwinism. The role of population genetics
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Genetic (genetic) and cell engineering
In the 1970s, a technique for isolating a gene from DNA was created, as well as a technique for propagating the desired gene. As a result, genetic engineering arose. Introduction into a living organism of a foreign genetic

Darwinism and ecology
In the mid-20s of our century, along with the synthesis of Darwinism with genetics, the formation of another direction began - ecological, based on the principles of systemicity, organization and organization.

The structure of the biosphere and the laws of the evolutionary process
Data on the composition of the modern biosphere are constantly being refined and should be considered approximate. We will use the information from the book of the authoritative scientist M.M. Kamshilov. Number of animal species

The amount of biomass on Earth
Dry matter Continents Ocean Total Green plants Animals and microorganisms I

Modern synthetic theory of evolution
Experimental study of the factors and causes that cause the adaptive transformation of populations, and their generalization, taking into account the achievements of genetics, ecology, mathematical modeling and others.

A detachment of primates and man as its highest representative
Monkeys as the highest primates have long attracted the attention of people (naturally, including scientists). But active study of primates began only in the 50s of the 20th century, and research increased especially sharply.

Stages of formation and evolution of man
The problem of human origin was studied by many prominent scientists: C. Darwin, T. Huxley, E. Haeckel, F. Engels, I.M. Sechenov, I.I. Mechnikov, K.A. Timiryazev, V.O. Kovalevsky, A.N. Severtsov, D.N. An

In human evolution as a complex process of anthroposociogenesis
The formation of modern man is the result of the inseparable unity of his biological and social development. The evolution of the ancient great apes was entirely due to natural selection

And philosophy
The problem of consciousness and its relation to matter at the end of the 20th century. is discussed no less actively than at its beginning, but in a significantly different way. Then, at the beginning of the 20th century. was characterized by a subjective-idealistic

Reflection and information in inanimate and living nature. The concept of the psyche
Still, the interpretation of the psyche and consciousness on the basis of the already classical theory of reflection, concretized by cybernetics, remains the most substantiated in philosophical and natural science terms.

From the psyche of animals to consciousness and human speech
The psyche is characteristic of animals and humans. The concept of consciousness means the highest form of reflection that exists only in man. Its core is logical thinking, which is defined as

Consciousness and self-awareness
Developed consciousness is inextricably linked with self-consciousness, which is a special aspect of consciousness that reinforces the opposition of not only knowledge to the subject of knowledge, but also the subject to the object. The self-aware

Conscious and unconscious
In the biological classification, a person is presented as a species of Homo sapiens, i.e. as a rational being. In the philosophy of the XX century. one of the most characteristic in relation to man was the concept of irration

Brain asymmetry and mental characteristics of right-handers and left-handers
The phenomenon of brain asymmetry has been actively studied in recent decades. It has been proven that asymmetry is a fundamental property of the brain. It manifests itself in early childhood, grows and reaches ma

Mental control of bodily, somatic processes
The question of the influence of the psyche on somatic processes has been discussed since antiquity in the form of the question of the influence of the soul on the body. Of particular interest is the study of arbitrary, directed mental in

Brain death and moral, ethical and legal problems
Many books and articles have been written on the issues of irreversible changes in the functioning of the brain during the rapid and slow death of a person. With slow dying, disturbances of consciousness increase within ten

human genetics
Human genetics is a branch of science that studies the laws of heredity and variability of a person as an individual, population and species. Special research methods are used here: 1) the study of cultures t

The ratio of biological and social in man
In biological terms, a person acts as an organism, as an individual of the species Homo sapiens, in social terms - as a person included in the system of social relations with other people-persons. biological

The concept of "health" reflects one of the two most important human conditions; its opposite is disease. The doctrine of health has gone through a centuries-old path of development; it has its roots in medicine.

Healthy lifestyle
The understanding of the problem of a healthy lifestyle as the most important not only scientific, but also a practical problem came from Ancient Greece - from the works of Hippocrates and Plato. Significant contribution to the development of

Demographic and other global problems of our time
Global problems include problems that people face everywhere and which can only be solved by the efforts of all countries and only by supplementing technical means with certain socio-economic

As the main conclusions from the content of the course "Concepts of modern natural science" we note the following. Modern natural science is a complex, branched system of many sciences.

What characterizes emotions, feelings, intellect from the standpoint of epistemology?

Human consciousness is a complex, branched and relatively independent system that combines emotions, thinking and spiritualized feelings into a single whole. The theory of reflection explains the connection of consciousness, the spiritual sphere of people's lives with their daily needs and concerns.

In various respects, a person's consciousness acts as his mind, honor and conscience, as his mind, reason and wisdom, as self-consciousness and soul, as an individual manifestation of the spirit of the times - social consciousness at a specific stage of its historical development. And all this is a special form of reflection and expression of nature, society and the inner world of each individual.

The subjective world of a person, representing for him his own Self, which is his inner world, can be called an informational (instinctive-emotional, spiritual-sensory, intellectual) superstructure over the individual bodily and material social being of a person. This definition fully corresponds to the fact that human consciousness, both in terms of its mode of existence and content, is a reflection of matter to the extent that it manifested itself in its own being.

In epistemology, the main components of the human psyche and consciousness are so briefly characterized. In the emotional sphere of consciousness, elementary emotions (hunger, thirst, fatigue...), the senses (love, hate, grief, joy...), affects (rage, horror, despair...), passions and emotional well-being mood (cheerful, depressed), especially strong states of emotional tension stress. In a person's feelings, objects are reflected in the form of experience and an evaluative attitude towards them. The reflection of an object and the relation to it are related, but do not coincide completely. Reflection should be the same, but the ratio should be different. In the feelings of a person, along with objective properties, the significance of things for himself and for other people is assessed. In different cultures, the same objects can have markedly different meanings, can act as symbols of completely different relationships.

Psychologists and philosophers raise the question - are the criteria of truth applicable to feelings? Every subjective experience has an objective content. For this reason, it is assumed that feelings can be assessed as smart or stupid, adequately (true) or inadequately (incorrectly) reflecting the values ​​of things and events. R. Descartes, for example, considered love and hatred to be true when they love really good things and hate really bad things. In the case of a sharp discrepancy between feelings and objective reality, when the mind and heart are out of tune, a person may experience an acute internal conflict up to an irreversible mental disorder.

Feelings and consciousness are interconnected. Violation of consciousness begins with a disorder first of the emotional sphere, then thinking is disturbed, followed by self-consciousness. If a person is not aware of the danger, he does not experience fear. In the event that someone is not aware of the insult inflicted, he does not experience anger either. If there is no conscience, then there is no awareness of one's guilt and repentance. With the participation of thinking and feelings, all human activities are carried out. The source of activity is need subject-specific dependence of a person on the outside world. Needs are experienced in the form of desires and drives. attraction is a psychophysical phenomenon. A person depends on the subject to which he is attracted. When such an object is found, the attraction acquires the character of desire. ʼʼDesire is attraction with its consciousnessʼʼ (Spinoza). To the extent that needs are recognized by a person, they become his interest and a direct stimulus for certain activities.

What characterizes emotions, feelings, intellect from the standpoint of epistemology? - concept and types. Classification and features of the category "What characterizes emotions, feelings, intellect from the standpoint of epistemology?" 2017, 2018.

no one has figured it out yet.

The intelligence of knowledge is known to all! Many of us took tests for the sake of interest, and in modern companies it is offered to pass such tests to suit a certain position.

Many are not very pleased to remember the results of their tests, but someone is proud of them. Does it matter? How important is the level of intelligence? And what does the term "emotional intelligence" mean? How is it different from knowledge intelligence?

IQ test

It has been proven that IQ tests are not the final assessment of all the capabilities of the brain, and it is difficult to call them a measure of knowledge.

An example of this can be the generally recognized genius A. Pushkin, who was a hopeless loser. I wonder how he could pass the test? But that doesn't take away from his genius. Could Mozart or Shakespeare have passed such tests? Savant people (who knows - people with absolute memory) they can work miracles, surprising everyone, but in life they are completely unsuited, society is a dark forest for them, what is the result of their intellect of knowledge?

Outstanding personalities who do not have certain knowledge, and there were and are many of them, how can they fall into the category of stupid people? They just have a glitch in the neural network of the brain. But such an indicator does not at all mean that there is no point in striving for science.

This only means that each of us could meet a person who has three classes of a general educational course behind him, and they are very smart, and even some are wise, it is interesting to talk with them, and this is far from merit of mental abilities. This is the secret of emotional intelligence.

The concept of intelligence

So what is emotional intelligence? This is the ability of a person to recognize emotions, understand the intentions, motivations and desires of other people and their own, as well as the ability to manage their emotions and the emotions of other people in order to solve any problems.

The ability to use your knowledge, emotions, and sensations is the basis of the definition of emotional intelligence, in other words, wisdom. This is a mystery that no one has solved, but we feel great in people, but perhaps only in them? Looking at dogs, we can determine which one has smart eyes, and which one has a stupid look.

Without any tests, you can find out how smart a person is. A minute of communication can indicate the level of development of a person. As it turned out, an educated, knowledgeable and wise person are completely different concepts. To make it more clear, remember how many educated people ended up on the streets during the years of perestroika, how many of them drank themselves drunk or fell into a prodigal life.

Next, let's take, as they say now, "nerds". Who listens to them, who is interested in a person who manipulates facts, with a face without emotions, mumbling under his breath? What about a child who, on his first day at school, can show his leadership? This is the second mystery of emotional intelligence - how people present their knowledge and why it is interesting to listen to them.

The principle of the intellect

In the modern world, the success factor directly depends on the level of emotional intelligence. Statistically, unemployment and crime rates are much higher among people with low intelligence.

The world is mysterious, and man is its main mystery, and very little distinguishes him from animals:

  • language;
  • consciousness;
  • vanity;
  • the right to choose.

And when it comes to a serious issue, the choice remains with the person, he decides how to act, and only in his power is his own development of emotional intelligence.

The connection between emotions and human experiences was first established by Aristotle, and Rene Descartes called emotions the basis of the soul, but no one gave them a specific classification. The study of emotions, according to many scientists, was associated with Darwin, who laid the foundation for the world of human emotions. Many of the regularities he discovered are still in place.

Emotional intelligence lies not only in the ability to count, but also in the ability to empathize, which brings a person to the level of mirror neurons. Let's say this is such a brain structure that turns on when a person does not do anything, but only observes the action from the side.

For example, there is a serious conversation ahead that decides your fate. You must construct a scheme for the upcoming conversation with this person, that is, how to leave your brain and infiltrate the opponent's brain. In other words, look at yourself through the eyes of your opponent.

This is the basis of all the success of social relationships. It has been proven that such mirror systems are corrupted in people with autism, which may explain their emotional deafness.

The level of education of people with a developed intellect

How to approach the question of how to develop emotional intelligence? Of course, in terms of education. But education should not be based on knowledge, but on understanding.

This means that when studying a certain subject, a person must understand exactly that he needs this knowledge. And the information that you will need one day can be found on the Internet in two minutes, while not clogging up your brain with anything superfluous.

A person should be philosophical about the information that he receives every minute. Without humanitarian training, he will not understand what he is doing, he will not correctly assess the world, he will not set the right goals for himself, and he will not be able to place value accents. And all this means that a person is not ready for the development of emotional intelligence.

Emotion management skills

The development of emotional intelligence includes at least four basic skills:

  1. The ability to manage yourself. Emotional intelligence means managing your actions in various emotional states. In a fit of anger, we are able to do things that we later regret, fear paralyzes our actions when they require an urgent decision. Joy relaxes and leads to a loss of vigilance. By developing emotional intelligence, you will be able to act correctly in any situation.
  2. Understanding your emotions. Every human emotion must be meaningful. By analyzing one or another of your emotions, you can understand the reasons for their occurrence. This is an important step in the development of emotional intelligence, as it will be possible to correctly use your capabilities and your own, solving important issues.
  3. Controlling the emotions of others. Capturing the emotional intelligence of other people is possible only with the help of observation and the ability to listen. Developing emotional intelligence in this direction will lead to an understanding of how your opponent feels.
  4. The ability to manage relationships. In this aspect, the development of emotional intelligence is somewhat difficult. It involves an emotional connection, which is more difficult to control than personal emotional intelligence. There is a concept that the stronger the emotional connection, the easier it is to convey your thoughts. But no one can explain the question of love. In it, the stronger the emotional relationship, the more difficult it is to communicate (not always, of course).

According to psychologists, it is possible to improve emotional intelligence in the time equivalent in only one skill. But even an ambitious person can be convinced that one improved skill increases the ability to move up a step.

Learning to manage ourselves

Studies have shown that 25% of energy is spent on feeding the human brain, and 50% on feeding the brain of young children.

Consequently, this is an expensive toy for a person, especially if he senselessly works for the brain, and not vice versa. Therefore, sane people should think about the fact that the brain should work off the energy of the body expended on it.

We must understand that the brain is idle, respectively, and consumes energy in vain if we have no or poorly developed emotional intelligence, that is, if we do not know how to manage ourselves and our emotions.

And to develop this skill, you should understand three basic rules:

  • under no pretext not to give yourself a descent;
  • learn to tell yourself only the truth;
  • to be able to be condescending and benevolent to people.

The influence of reflection on our intelligence

The ability to look at yourself and evaluate yourself is called reflection.

For example, something I am too noisy, or why I am silent when I need to speak, or how ridiculous I look when I do not know what to say. That is, it is the ability to evaluate one's behavior, tactics, status at the moment. This ability (a component of emotional intelligence) is given to some people from birth, but most people either try to develop it in themselves, or they are not at all interested in this issue. It depends on many factors, but the main factor, of course, is genetic.

This does not mean that if there were no close people with high emotional intelligence in the family, then you will not have it either. Not at all, it’s just that children born with the gift of emotional intelligence get knowledge much easier, they already know how to rationally use both knowledge and filter out unnecessary information, including controlling their emotions. And many of us, working on ourselves, can achieve no less results and develop our emotional intelligence to the maximum. It all depends on our desire and goals.

The law of universal gravitation, or how emotions affect events in our lives

In the distant past, those who manipulated people and were privy to this secret tried their best to maintain power and did not share their knowledge.

Therefore, most people are still in ignorance, living according to a pattern: they go to work, fulfill their duties, return home. They cannot increase emotional intelligence just because they have neither the strength nor the knowledge to do so.

The universe in which we live has certain laws. Many we know, others we have heard about, and some we don’t even know. One of these laws says that everything that surrounds us in life, and even what we used to complain about, is attracted by ourselves. This law is based on the law of universal gravitation.

Someone may try to protest the law by saying that it did not attract an accident, or did not choose a nervous client either, or something else, it would seem, is independent of us, but the concept will have to be accepted after acquiring some knowledge.

Most of us automatically attract everything that happens, since in our understanding we cannot control everything. Our thoughts and feelings are on autopilot and impossible to track. How can they be tracked? This is how most of those who have problems with emotional intelligence reason. Yes, it’s impossible to track all thoughts, it can drive you crazy, as millions of thoughts rush through the brain, but knowing the emotion management system, which means that by increasing our emotional intelligence, we can understand what we think about. After all, thoughts cause emotions, that amazing gift that helps us understand what exactly we attract to ourselves.

Managing your life with two emotions

According to many psychologists, there are only two emotions. One is responsible for when it's good, and the other - when it's bad. There are many names, but in fact, whether it is anger, resentment, anger or fear, then we feel bad.

Accordingly, the emotional block tells us something that we are currently thinking about, and absolutely does not correspond to what we want.

In other words, we are attuned to a negative frequency or emitting negative vibrations. Feelings of hope, love, happiness are positive feelings of emotion, which means that we radiate a positive frequency, signaling that current thoughts are in line with our aspirations and goals.

Have you noticed that when you make your morning coffee in a bad mood, it is completely tasteless. With a bad mood, you are unlikely to find a pleasant companion, and your favorite job can become hard labor if you are overwhelmed with negative emotions. By spewing them on those around you, you will not find a person who will support you. Your tears will only cause pity or sympathy, but your problems will not be solved.

No, this is not a call to restrain negative emotions, but a call to get rid of them.


What we feel perfectly reflects what awaits us. It is not for nothing that we use the words “the day did not work out”, all emotions, all feelings decide the whole day. And as soon as you change your emotions, it will be possible to change not only the day, but your whole life. Thinking and feeling, we are always creating. By changing our consciousness, we publish our own universe.

When we feel bad, we can always change it. For example, listen to your favorite music, get carried away with your favorite pastime. Isn't there one? So this is the first signal to start increasing your emotional intelligence.

Read educational literature, develop. Think about who you love, about the beauty around you, pay attention to your pets, they bring positive emotions, keep these thoughts and emotions in yourself. Only positive emotions can help increase emotional intelligence, and, accordingly, improve your life.
