One of the most important factors to achieve success is to obtain quality education. This is an indispensable investment that, with the proper level of efforts and perseverance, will bring dividends throughout life.

If we talk about education at the Universities of Great Britain, you can get not easy diploma and primordial luggage knowledge, but also a business card that opens the doors to the most prestigious companies in the world.

According to statistics, in the global labor market, graduates of British universities have higher chances to get highly paid work than their competitors with diplomas from other countries.

The UK education system has a centuries-old history and is rightfully considered one of the best in the world, if not the best. Infrastructure, teaching staff, advanced technologies - all at the highest level.

Education in the UK implies registration of a residence permit, and in the future, for example, in the case of a long-term employment or the opening of its own British company, a foreigner may expect to receive citizenship of the United Kingdom.

With gingerbread everything, now about the whip.

Live and learn in the UK is very expensive. To get a free education in the British University to students from the CIS countries, unlike many other European universities, for example, French or German, the task is unreal. On average, every year of learning will cost 16000$-22000$ Plus, to obtain a student visa, it is necessary to confirm the financial consistency to cover housing costs and nutrition. We are talking about the amount in account of at least 10700$ , and for London from 14000$ .

Accommodation and other costs needed largely depend on the city and human needs, one must count on the amount in 800$-1000$ per month. Breeding in the UK there is a large number of scholarship programs and grants, which will help significantly reduce training spending.

Admission to University of Great Britain

There are several ways to be on the student bench of the British university. Consider each of them in more detail:

The procedure for enrolling foreign students to universities in Great Britain is through the service called UCAS Universities and Colleges Admissions Service). On the official website, you must fill in a special form, where the truthful information about the success of the candidate is indicated. You can apply for several British universities in time not later than January, in some cases before october or martha.

After consideration of the application, the educational institution will necessarily contact the applicant. Answer options can be different: refusal, invitation to an interview, location.

Best universities in United Kingdom

Cambridge University (Cambridge University or University of Cambridge)

One of the oldest European universities (the date of the foundation is 1209), invariably occupying the highest positions in world rankings. The highest scientific achievements of graduates are expressed in 88 Nobel Prizes. At the university more than 150 faculties, institutions, schools and departments. Training takes place over 20 thousand students, of which about 20% foreigners.

An extensive network of libraries, museums, vintage hostels, beautiful parks, lungs and rivers create a unique atmosphere of a truly student city. The centuries-old traditions of communities, clubs and all sorts of sports events are very developed at the university.

For admission to the University of Cambridge, in addition to excellent marks, it is necessary to pass an interview, where the main emphasis will be aimed at identifying knowledge by the selected specialty. The presence of any achievements in the form of victories at the Olympics, participation in scientific conferences and research is welcome. Mandatory conditions - the level of English is not lower than 7.0 (IELTS) and study on the A-LEVEL program.

The cost of learning begins from 19197 pounds per year and higher, depends on the specialty and program (undergraduate, graduate). For example, the study of architecture will cost 22482 pounds, and vetertaining in 52638 . For foreign students, the university is well represented by the system of scholarships and grants, but for students from the CIS country, unfortunately, there is practically no scholarship program. Apply via UCAS need until October 15.

Oxford University (Oxford University or University of Oxford)

The foundation date of this Ancient University of Great Britain falls at the end of the XI century. Of the more than 20 thousand Oxford students about 25% are foreigners. An impressive number of famous university graduates, including Nobel laureates, Olympic champions, British Prime Ministers and the world's largest businessmen, only confirm the indisputable authority and prestige course at Oxford University.

The university includes 38 colleges and 6 "hostels" (closed educational institutions), the teaching staff has more than 3,000 people. The main emphasis in learning is aimed at humanitarian disciplines, but you can learn exact sciences. The university's centuries-old traditions were embodied in the saturated academic life of students.

A huge number of sports competitions, a variety of communities (including Russians), groups and clubs unites students for interests and makes the learning process more brighter. The system of libraries, museums, hostels, sports grounds and parks are located in the central part of the city and are a university campus.

For admission to the University of Oxford, the results of the A-LEVEL program will be needed, the English level is not lower than 7.0 (IELTS), a mandatory interview and depending on the specialty selected, it may be necessary to pass additional written works and tests. The cost of training fluctuates from 24 750 to 34,678 pounds in year. Unlike the University of Cambridge, in Oxford, students from the CIS countries can claim various scholarship and grants systems. Application in the form of UCAS is submitted on time until October 15.

London School of Economics and Political Sciences (LSE)

The educational institution takes its beginning since 1895 and closes the top three universities in Great Britain. Over 8000 students, more than 60% of which are foreigners, are trained in 23 faculties located in the central part of London. Among the graduates of the university, current political figures, national leaders and Nobel laureates. On the territory of LSE, the world's largest library in the field of social sciences, numbering about 4 million books.

Apply for admission to the university in the form of UCAS is possible until mid-January. Requirements - English at least 7.0 (IELTS) and middle education certificate (A-LEVEL). Cost of study in the area 19920 pounds in year. Farmakers are provided with a hostel.

Despite the high demands on the admission and the cost of training, the lucky ones who have been educated at the University of Great Britain can safely make this time in their life asset.

British universities dozens of years heads the international rating, which has become to some extent, the tradition. Browsing the top of the best foreign educational institutions, no one is no longer surprised that even in the top ten there are always 3 - 4 English universities. Accordingly, training in the UK is one of the most desirable types of education.

As for its availability, except for quite a high cost of both their studies and accommodation in the country, there are no special obstacles. Of course, the Ukrainians will have to make certain efforts so that the Universities of England found it worthy of an applicant, but for the sake of prestigious education it is worth competing.

Requirements for applicants for admission to universities Great Britain

Let's start with the fact that both the principles of learning and the universities of England themselves have a number of features. United Kingdom's private universities do not take part in the "Leadership Race", i.e. Not included in the ratings. Therefore, to determine how prestigious, this or that educational institution will be quite difficult to Ukrainage.

Regarding colleges, academies, institutes and higher schools, they award degree or issue a diploma on behalf of the University, providing them with their programs. Often, the bachelor or master's graduation work passes in it. Without patronage of any powerful British college university, the college has the right only to prepare for admission or give a vocational education. The exceptions are University College London, Imperial College of London and some more such institutions that are already universities in England, but retained their autochthonal names.

Since it does not make sense to go to the United Kingdom to get the usual specialty, we consider the requirements that are exposed to University of England to applicants:

  • full secondary education;
  • documentary confirmation of English proficiency;
  • diploma on the end of a special training program.

The usual school for admission to the Universities of Great Britain is not only Ukrainians or foreign students, but also to local applicants. Without providing a document on the end of the course of the International Baccalaureate, Foundation, A-Level State University will not be considered. The term of study on such programs varies within 1-3 years.

Process of receipt of universities in Britain (what to do)

Accustomed to be considered the most prestigious and elite, universities in the UK lay a lot of strength to maintain their status. If you take the same Oxford or Cambridge, they are no longer so interested in the rich as in talented students. In addition, their emissary is growing around the world in search of gifted youth, so the Ukrainians do not miss various Olympics or contests. And the University of London opens off branches or offers its programs to educational institutions in all ends of the world, organizes various events in order to identify talents.

Therefore, in order for the Ukrainian to enter or interest the universities of England, there are small tricks:

  • collect all your letters, diplomas, etc., starting from kindergarten, translate into English and try to legalize, then deposit with the package of documents;
  • confirm in any way your sports successes;
  • pass as many different or specialized courses and send the received diplomas or certificates;
  • ideally learn classic English and do not use "Americanism".

In any case, your zeal and diligence will add you advantages against other foreign students.

The process of admission to Universities of Britain itself consists of the following steps:

  • fill out the application;
  • send a translation of the certificate with estimates;
  • send a copy of the IELTS certificate (from 6.5) or another exam;
  • provide a diploma of the preparation program;
  • make up a motivational letter;
  • add recommendation letters (enough 2) from teachers or bosses from the place of work;
  • having received an invitation from the university, begin to execute a student visa.

Please note that for enrollment on International Baccalaureate, Foundation or A-Level, without the end of which the university arrival will not take place, it is necessary to take exams on general education subjects.

Universities England: Training Programs

Unlike many countries, in universities of Great Britain, the learning time is clearly limited. It is not possible to learn about the undergraduate for several extra years, but simply deduct.

Scheme of training programs Standard:

  • the degree of bachelor - 3 years and no more, since the basics are obtained on the preparatory courses;
  • master's degree - 1 year. Implies the study of the additional direction of the main specialty (Taught) or the transition to research work (Research);
  • PhD - 4-5 years. Includes a three-year training course and no more than 2 years on writing dissertation.

University rating Great Britain

In the constant confrontation of Cambridge and Oxford, the second year in a row both in England and in the world wins the University of Cambridge.

Opening in 1209, he immediately became one of the strongest universities, equally achieving success in both humanitarian and natural sciences. This situation has been preserved until today, but considering absolutely revolutionary developments in the field of accurate and natural sciences, a huge number of start-ups and achievements in the field of innovative technologies, after all, it is more in these areas.

The second university of the English-speaking world became the second - Oxford. Remembering the incredible number of his graduates - political figures, you understand that he is deservedly considered the best in the field of diplomacy, political science, sociology and humanities, although natural science directions are also strong.

The third is the University College of London (UCL), in fact the most international university of England, judging by the number of foreign students. In relation to all educational institutions of London, has the highest rating.

The top five leaders include King's College London, which opened the first School of Nursing School on the planet. Traditionally strong in the field of medical sciences.

At the same fifth place is the representative of Scotland, the Edinburgh University, famous not only by its fundamental studies in all areas of science, but also a "honorable" age, as it was founded in 1582

The price of higher education in British universities varies in the range of from 10,000 pounds to 30,000 per year (for medicine and ceremonic sciences).

What to do to the University of England / Great Britain? What documents and knowledge are needed by the applicant

In order to enroll in the English university, it will take not only a standard list of documents, but also certain language and academic knowledge.

The main list of required documents for the feed family:

  • copy of passport passport
  • for bachelor - school certificate and passage of the Foundation program, or International Year One Programs
  • for a magistracy - the ended of the bachelor's degree + if required, the passage of the Pre-Masters program
  • iELTS certificate issued not earlier than 2 years before filing for a student visa
  • letter letters from English and mathematics teachers, sometimes possible from the School Director / Dean
  • motivation letter
  • skype Interview or Personal Visit to Educational Institution

Advantages of training at universities in England

Universities in Great Britain, including universities in England, have several advantages over other popular and prestigious educational institutions in the world. The first and most important is the international status: here are prepared highly qualified specialists, diplomas are recognized in most countries of the world. The most prestigious are Cambridge and Oxford, but diplomas of other educational centers produce no less impressions on international employers. The education obtained in the country becomes a competitive advantage of the applicant.

The top 10 of the best universities in the world includes the establishments of the two countries: these are higher educational institutions of Britain, the list of which is presented in this section and the United States. As practice shows, cheaper than the American, the cost of learning rarely exceeds 33,000 pounds per year, while at Harvard, the student will have to spend at least 50,000 in a similar currency. In addition, undergraduate in England lasts 3 years, and not on 4, as in the United States.

Educational institutions (you will find a list on the pages of the SMAPSE catalog) are also distinguished by a first-class logistical base, which allows the study process more efficiently. Educational institutions have all the necessary academic resources, here are students with students both ancient libraries and ultra-modern laboratories.

Training in famous universities of Great Britain and internship by Russian students

Universities of England have centuries-old traditions, and are also among the most prestigious in the world. Familiarize yourself with the list and descriptions of the most popular universities in the UK and choose the appropriate in all parameters.

Getting it can seriously affect the ability to find a good job and faster to advance by service. Tradition in this country is honored and, not least, they concern education. No wonder the English higher education institutions are among the best, according to various experts. Here you can see a lot of foreigners, their number exceeds 65 thousand people. Restrictions are associated with age, which should be at least 18 years. Of course, it is necessary to finish school at home.

Requirements and training features

Since in England to obtain secondary education, the execution of 13 years is required, then a foreign applicant will not be certified by the certificate of maturity, but the surrender of the A-Levels exam. This can be done in one of the international colleges or private schools, having passed biennial precompetitive training.

Also, you can learn in advance on the preparatory courses that will help you enter the English Institute. It is possible to go to learn after the first or second course of the domestic university. We will have to demonstrate excellent knowledge of English and pass the exam.

The first three or four years will be needed to obtain a bachelor's degree. This makes it possible to have the first scientific degree and become a bachelor of law, humanitarian, technical, pedagogical sciences, as well as medicine and music.

Much attention is paid to many universities not only to study and established and well-maintained everyday life, but also the opportunity to continue to study English students.

An important advantage is that each foreign student will be able to choose such a program that will meet their own opportunities and needs. Of course, it does not cancel the mandatory course. But if at lectures you can receive general information, then at seminars there is an opportunity to engage almost individually with the teacher, since usually classes are held in small groups.

Some orthodoxity did not interfere to build so that everyone can fully reveal their abilities to fully, learn to independently solve various tasks and find a solution.

After the degree of bachelor, you can go to the second stage and get a master's degree. This will not only increase your professional level, but also actively engage in research work. Therefore, it is important to choose a university with a good laboratory and library funds. True, it should be noted that many well-known scientists work in universities and besides their own studies help young graduate students in writing dissertation.

Rules and fees

It is important to know several rules that will help faster and more successfully enter the English university.

You need to pay attention to the English language. Foundation will help to fill the gaps and raise the level of knowledge.

After selecting a specialty, you need to explore university rating and choose two universities that are most suitable. Incoming to the top ten impose more stringent, special requirements.

The collected documents and the application must be sent in advance. Reception and consideration comes from September 1 to October 15. In Oxford and Cambridge, you will have to come directly to the reception office to submit documents.

In England, the reception service is working in colleges and universities UCAS, so the reception is carried out through it.

It is necessary to send the results of the exams, since only then there is a real chance to start your studies in the university.

For foreign students, the cost of learning may vary, since the European Union citizens receive certain discounts and some benefits. In addition, after receiving a diploma in this country, you can even work two years in our specialty.

To receive in England, the degree of bachelor will have to spend the whole three years, in Scotland - even four. However, no one bothers at the same time to undergo production practices and work out. Such combination of studies and work is a very common phenomenon in England.

Up to seven years will have to learn to those who chose some directions of medicine or architecture. But to become a master will need only two years.

The cost of study also affects the prestige of the university and the specialty rating. On average, the price ranges from 10 to 12 thousand pounds per year. True, medical specialties can do in 20-22 thousand pounds.

But wherever the training passed, it will be possible to say only one thing that the money was spent not in vain.
