Every person experiences stress every day, worries about important things, worries about loved ones. All this negatively affects both the central and the autonomic nervous system. The result of the influence of negative emotions is the development of various mental and physical diseases. Therefore, it is important to think in a timely manner about how to stop being nervous and strengthen the nervous system. The solution is much easier than it sounds. Simple and effective methods will help to achieve the result.


The most effective hardening method is winter swimming. With its help, you can restore your nerves, strengthening your overall health with immunity, as well as significantly develop willpower. The gradually emerging cold water resistance is very beneficial for the body. Ultraviolet light, combined with heat, also has a positive effect. Therefore, during long walks or lying on the beach, a person is tempered and saturates the body with vitamin D. It will be possible to achieve results if you follow the following rules:

  1. The degree of cooling should be increased gradually.
  2. The procedures should be regular.

Hardening is a complex physical therapy that has many features. Those who want to apply it on a regular basis are advised to read the corresponding books, which will help to understand in more detail all issues.

Physical activity

Regular physical activity increases the body's performance, saturates the brain with oxygen, increases stress resistance, and has a preventive effect against many diseases. The most beneficial effect of it is to relieve nervous and mental stress. Moderate exercise helps nerves repair, which is very important for all people.

One of the best options is walking in the fresh air. These include light exercise, hardening, and psychological relaxation. Strengthening the nervous system with their help occurs quite quickly. It is enough for a person to walk for half an hour every day to notice the effect after a couple of weeks.

Tourism is no less effective. It requires much more time, but the restoration of the nervous system with its help takes place in a few days. You can also achieve results with the help of sports. It is worth paying attention to the following types:

  • Aerobics;
  • Yoga;
  • Pilates;
  • Martial arts;
  • Fitness.

The most important condition is the regularity of training, as well as their quality.

There is an unusual method that allows nerves to be restored easily. It consists in walking on the grass without shoes in the morning, while dew remains on the leaves of the plants.

Bad habits

Quitting bad habits is the main condition for getting any result in the restoration of your nerves. If you continue to drink, smoke or take psychoactive substances, then you will not be able to achieve positive changes even when taking medications.

Alcohol is considered by many to be practically harmless. However, even the rare use of alcoholic beverages in small quantities leads to increased agitation and malfunctions of the nervous system. If you drink regularly, then a person can develop various diseases that affect the nerves.

Smoking decreases memory and attentiveness, as well as the level of intelligence. The reason for this is the narrowing of the blood vessels in the brain, combined with oxygen starvation and exposure to toxic substances present in cigarettes.

Even a cup of coffee has a negative effect on the nervous system. At first, she is very excited, and then her activity decreases sharply. This gradually leads to its exhaustion. The same goes for various energy drinks.

Proper nutrition

Knowing which foods strengthen the nervous system and psyche will help you avoid nervousness and return yourself to a normal state. To do this, you will need to create a diet in such a way that it includes all the necessary substances. It is important to consider:

  1. Proteins. They are responsible for the general tone of the central nervous system, the work of reflexes, the quality of memory, and learning. Chicken, fish, soy, cottage cheese, nuts - they must be included in the diet. This is especially true for people involved in sports.
  2. Fats. Eating fat helps to tone up the central nervous system, improve performance, and strengthen emotional health. The maximum benefit can be obtained from the fish.
  3. Carbohydrates. It is the main source of energy for the brain, providing a person with a comfortable state of health and strong nerves. Grains are the best food to get healthy carbs from.
  4. Vitamins (A, B1. B6, B12, C, D, E). Lack of vitamins leads to memory loss, decreased intelligence, immune problems and an increased risk of disease, which also affects the nervous system. Oatmeal, eggs, bran, fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, fish - they will help to saturate the body with vitamins.
  5. Minerals (P, S, Zn, Ca, Fe, Mg). They provide the production of substances that are important for the functioning and strengthening of the central nervous system. Fish, vegetables, nuts, cereals, milk, chocolate, chicory - these foods contain the highest amount of useful minerals.

With improper nutrition, when a person eats junk food, the result will be the opposite. You need to pay special attention to this.

Daily regime

Making the right plan for the day is a paramount task for those who decide to start strengthening their nervous system. Conditions for each person are individual. The plan will depend on the profession, work schedule, age, hobbies. It is important to eat at the same time every day, to devote only certain hours to rest, and also to make the maximum of useful events in the plan. It is recommended that you limit yourself to the use of modern technologies by reducing the amount of time spent on a smartphone, computer or other electronic devices.

It will be easier to restore your nerves if you pay special attention to your sleep. It should last about 8 hours. Regular lack of sleep will lead to depletion of the central nervous system, neurosis, increased fatigue, decreased appetite and dysfunction of internal organs. It is recommended to go to bed before 12 am and wake up no later than 8 am. Teens and seniors need an extra 1 to 2 hours of sleep in the afternoon. It is important to create good conditions for sleeping: coolness, comfortable bed, fresh air.

The daily routine is especially important for children. Every child has an unstable nervous system that requires a delicate approach. Therefore, parents should be as attentive as possible to their children.


People who are interested in how to strengthen the nervous system at home just need to add more positive emotions to their lives. It is worth reconsidering your view of the world around you now in order to become a more positive person with strong nerves. If you have a negative attitude, be nervous about any reason, constantly worry, then the nervous system will very quickly begin to deplete.

Seeing good in everything is a useful skill that will come in handy in life. Positive people are more attractive to those around them, they inspire and motivate loved ones, and they easily achieve their goals. Yoga, massage, acupuncture, sports, interesting hobbies will help you to change your attitude to the world around you. They are also beneficial for the central nervous system itself.

The emotional issue is especially important when it comes to a child. Parents are obliged not only to exclude negative factors from his life, but also to create comfortable conditions for development. To do this, it is enough to always treat your baby with understanding and tolerance.

Water therapy

Water also helps to strengthen the nervous system on its own. That is why hardening by dousing and bathing in ice water is so useful. But there are also simpler methods of water therapy:

  1. Rubdowns. You just need to slightly moisten a towel, and then wipe your hands, feet, groin, torso. It is advisable to always follow the same procedure.
  2. Contrast shower or wash. It will take 30 seconds to stand under cool water, then the same amount under hot water. The procedure must be repeated many times.

Herbal baths

Like other water treatments, herbal baths are very beneficial. They calm and restore nerves, as well as raise immunity, increase vitality, and improve appearance. Lying in the bath, you need to slightly moisten your hair, completely dipping into the water. To enhance the effect, you can massage your head. This will help you relax as much as possible. After such a rest, you cannot rinse or wash, therefore it is recommended to do this in advance.

To prepare a bath, you should use useful plants: thyme, celandine, chamomile, dandelion, oregano, horsetail, lavender, lemon balm, succession, black currant leaves, pine needles, nettle, birch leaves, motherwort, mint, calendula, valerian, hawthorn. All of them will help to strengthen the nervous system and relax. You need to prepare a special infusion that you need to add to the bath. If you just want to rest, then the solution should be weak, and if you want to seriously calm down, the concentration of the tincture will have to be increased.

The following recipes work best:

  • Lemon balm leaves (60 g) pour water (1 l), boil for 10 minutes, strain, pour into the bath;
  • Mix leaves of wormwood, linden, rosemary (1 kg), add water (4 l), boil for 10 minutes, leave to infuse for 20 minutes, strain and pour into the bath;
  • Pour oregano (100 g) with boiling water (3 l), leave to infuse for one hour, strain, pour into the bath.

Rest should not be too long - lying in the water for 20-30 minutes is enough. For nervous people, the procedure time can be increased to 40 minutes. Several sessions are sufficient to achieve a noticeable effect.

Pregnant women should be especially careful because such baths can harm the health of the fetus. It is recommended that you consult with your doctor before performing the procedures.


Modern medicine allows you to very quickly achieve the strengthening of the nerves. In pharmacies you can find special drugs that strengthen the nervous system, and most of them can be purchased at a fairly affordable price. All medicines of this kind help to get rid of neurosis, nervous tics and other similar problems. They save from stress and minor psychological deviations associated with the central nervous system.

Drug treatment involves the use of the following drugs:

  • Adaptol. Copes well with neuroses, anxiety, fear, irritability.
  • Afobazol. Tablets for adults. They relieve stress, increase concentration, improve memory, relieve dizziness.
  • Barboval. Drops that lower pressure, help relieve tension, get rid of spasms.
  • Valocordin. Famous drops that contain mint with hops. They contribute to the normalization of the mental state, reduce anxiety, relieve fear.
  • Persen. A popular safe drug that has a weak effect, which is enough to normalize the nervous system.

It is necessary to treat the nervous system with medicines only after consulting a doctor. Self-medication can have serious consequences.

Traditional methods

Many people prefer to use proven traditional methods to treat diseases. They will even have beneficial effects on the central nervous system. To do this, you will need to stock up on certain herbs, because they are the most effective in restoring nerves.

  1. Mix lemon balm (20 g) with St. John's wort (20 g), orange flowers (10 g), rose hips (5 g). Pour the mixture (2 tsp) with boiling water (100 ml), cover with a lid for 10 minutes, drain. You need to drink this tea one glass in the morning, afternoon and evening.
  2. Grind oregano leaves (3 tbsp. L.), Pour boiling water (500 ml), leave under a closed lid for 2 hours, drain. Drink half an hour before meals three times every day.
  3. Pour boiling water (200 ml) over dried centaury (2 tbsp. L.), Leave for 12 hours, then strain. Take every day 30 minutes before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

There are also other plants and herbs that quickly strengthen the nervous system: viburnum, St. John's wort, hops, wormwood, motherwort, lavender, calendula, hawthorn, peony, rose hips, nettle, linden, birch, mint. Prepare broths from them with caution, because some of them have contraindications. For example, oregano should not be taken by pregnant women as it causes uterine contractions.

The health of the autonomic nervous system determines the normal functioning of all body systems. Proponents of the psychosomatic theory are convinced that stress for various reasons inevitably lowers the local immunity of various organs, which in most cases provokes diseases. There are many ways to restore and improve mental health for both adults and children. This can be therapy with specialists, taking medicinal and phytopreparations. Lifestyle also plays an important role in strengthening the nervous system.

Tolerance to stress by adults and children

A child is born with an immature nervous system. Its development occurs most intensively in the first years of life. It is the nervous system that helps the baby to adapt normally to the world around him.

The main differences in the tolerance of stressful situations in a child and an adult:

  1. 1. In the first months of life, babies develop trust in the world around them, which is based on relationships with parents. Therefore, all calls - screaming, tears, crying - should not remain unanswered and help from adults. Children don't cry just like that, only when they feel bad. It is important for parents to know this and to treat the child's tantrums and whims with understanding.
  2. 2. Children are not independent. Their brains are not yet working in such a way that they are able to come up with an algorithm for solving a problem. For this they need the participation of adults.
  3. 3. Due to their limited life experience, children are much more impressionable. An event or fact that seems to adults to be a trifle is a serious problem for them. To help your baby cope with stress, you need to look at the situation from the perspective of his worldview.
  4. 4. Methods for recovering from stress also vary. A healthy lifestyle and sleep are considered common factors in strengthening the nervous system. But a psychologist, psychotherapist, hobbies, entertainment for children under a certain age will not help. The attention and love of parents is the main thing that they need a queue so that their psyche is healthy.
  5. 5. Many events happen to babies for the first time, so for them this is something new and unknown. Even if the emotions are positive, all the same events are accompanied by experiences.

Ways to strengthen the nervous system and psyche

To strengthen the nervous system of both an adult and a child, you need to consider:

  • congenital personality traits - temperament;
  • current mental health status;
  • age and gender;
  • opportunities and living conditions.

Most of the effective methods are easy to implement at home, if we are not talking about serious mental disorders.


A healthy lifestyle is the best prevention that will help you endure all emotional turmoil without medication. Its main components:

  1. 1. Healthy sleep. The body just needs to recover and rest, and this happens during sleep. Young children with unstable sleep patterns are more susceptible and nervous.
  2. 2. Good nutrition. Trans fats, sugar, caffeine and alcohol, depress the nervous system. The human diet should consist of a large number of vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals, lean meat, fish, seafood, eggs and dairy products. A child's diet should be rich in slow carbohydrates and proteins, because he moves a lot and grows quickly. It is this set of products that has a beneficial effect on the physiology and psyche. The habit of eating properly and in a balanced way will save you from a common mental disorder - food addiction.
  3. 3. Regular exercise suitable for health and temperament. Yoga, breathing exercises will help to calm the nerves.
  4. 4. Relaxation procedures - you can take a warm bath with aromatic oils and herbs, massage the body and its individual parts.
  5. 5. Hardening - these procedures will help strengthen the central nervous system and physical health.

The daily routine, proper nutrition, massage, physical activity and positive emotions are the main ways to strengthen the child's nervous system.

Pharmacy preparations

In addition to a balanced diet, vitamins will help restore the autonomic nervous system and improve its condition:

  • A, C - strengthen nerve cells and the immune system in general;
  • E - helps to cope with fatigue, makes the body more resilient;
  • group B - reduce nervousness and promote concentration, B6 strengthens the nervous system of children, helps with insomnia, B12 relieves blues;
  • D - increases vitality and has a beneficial effect on mood.

You can take vitamins of the same type or their complex compositions.

Medicines are used to combat mental disorders and to strengthen the nervous system. It is better to give preference to herbal products. They are selected depending on the goals and severity of the patient's condition. The most popular: Persen Forte, Valocordin, Afobazol.

All drugs can be taken only as directed by a doctor after a comprehensive examination. When individually selected, they can cure the disorder.


You can strengthen the nervous system and psyche with the help of folk remedies:

  1. 1. Decoction of potatoes, boiled in their skins. The product has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and soothes the nerves. It is in it that the highest content of an important trace element - potassium is found.
  2. 2. Decoctions of herbs: lemon balm, chamomile, centaury, mint, wormwood, lavender, motherwort. Cooking recipe: a teaspoon of dried herbs or a mixture of several herbs is poured with boiling water and infused in a water bath for 10 minutes. Then they allow it to cool and infuse and take either 2 tablespoons three times a day, or add this amount to tea.
  3. 3. Kalina. Grate the berry with sugar, let it brew for several days and eat 3 tablespoons a day. You can make a decoction of berries and drink a glass every day.
  4. 4. Baths with the addition of essential oils of coniferous and citrus fruits. You can make a decoction of the cones and needles of any coniferous tree and add it to the bath.

Folk remedies will not bring an effect in case of mental illness. But they will strengthen the human nervous system if there are no such pathologies.

First, you need to recognize your concerns. According to Dr. Kurpatov, the cause of depression is anxiety. He names 3 main factors and effective techniques with which you can get rid of the problem:

  1. 1. Tragic events. The psychotherapist urges to observe the main rule - to think about the living, that is, about yourself, because it is the person who survived the catastrophe and loss who remained to live in difficult circumstances. Despair and depression are not the best memory of loved ones who have passed away and a burden for those who survived. A person must accept the situation and, instead of suffering and screaming about injustice, remember the much that is left to him and build his life further. The technique offered by Andrey Kurpatov: a person must imagine that he himself died and answer honestly to the question: "Would I like my loved ones to suffer so much instead of living on and remembering me with love?"
  2. 2. A series of daily problems. These can be difficulties in relationships with loved ones, failures at work, tense financial situation, illness. It should be recognized that these problems are not as significant as a person imagines, and instead of exaggerating their scale, reduce them. An effective technique is to replace the thoughts “my life is worthless” with “my difficulties are worthless”.
  3. 3. The problem of choice. A person is inherently anxious, choosing between professions or ways of earning, deciding: to act or not, to speak or be silent. In this case, it is important to learn how to switch to other areas: if you are unlucky in your career, busy with your personal life and vice versa. It is important, while focusing on difficult choices, not to overlook other opportunities that life presents.

Next, you should get rid of depressive thoughts. By identifying the root of anxiety and looking at it differently, depression itself can be overcome. The doctor argues that pessimistic thinking "everything is bad" - an escape from real life and a very comfortable position for those who do not want to act, that is, for people who remain in their comfort zone. Over time, this becomes a habit, and it is very difficult to fight it. It is important for a person not to believe himself in a depressed state, because these are not his thoughts, but the depression itself. Effective technique: write down your thoughts, breaking them down into topics "about the world around", "about the future" and "about yourself" and analyze them. The answer to the question "is it really bad?" will help to realize the bias of the judgment "everything is bad".

You should never feel sorry for yourself.The desire to feel sorry is natural, but it brings suffering that leads to mental disorders. A person must analyze everything that he has - physical, mental, family, money for the most necessary and admit that this is enough to be happy.

Being busy is the most effective remedy for anxious and negative thoughts... You need to organize: make short-term and long-term plans, schedule time for each day. It will be effective to do something atypical for yourself: you can buy a home flower, feed the yard cats, clean the apartment, etc. Everything that a person does should be rewarded with something good - recognition and gratitude of others, buying a desired thing, a toned body, delicious food and the like. It's important to praise yourself for every little thing.

Feeling guilty, a person is purely deceiving himself. This does not make it easier for anyone, and the act that causes self-flagellation, when analyzed in detail, does not seem so scary. If you are dissatisfied with the actions of others, it is recommended to express your thoughts in the most correct form, but in no case leave aggression in yourself.

Positive emotions help to strengthen the nervous system. The ability to find their sources is necessary for every person. If you have doubts about mental health or it is simply difficult to cope with the situation on your own, it is recommended to contact a psychologist or psychotherapist.

Weak nerves spoil relationships with others and worsen a person's quality of life. To strengthen the nervous system, you can use available methods - breathing exercises, yoga, normalization of lifestyle, hardening, self-massage, take vitamins and medicinal sedatives.

A weak nervous system negatively affects the standard of living and interaction with others

Fundamentals of the pledge of strong nerves

There are several ways to strengthen the nervous system without resorting to drug treatment:

  1. Sport. During the performance of even simple exercises in the body, a large number of conditioned reflex connections between the cerebral cortex and the muscles appear, the volume of oxygen and nutrients in the blood increases. This process involves the central nervous system, as well as the peripheral and autonomic divisions. During each workout, new connections arise between neurons, reflexes are fixed, the balance of excitation and inhibition processes in the cerebral cortex improves. To put the nerves in order, the loads must be feasible, regular, during training it is necessary to use all possible muscle groups, and also to alternate sports with mental work.
  2. Nutrition. You can also make your nerves strong with nutrition. The main elements that support the functioning of the central nervous system are B vitamins, especially B12, A, C, iodine, glucose and unsaturated fatty acids.
  3. Healthy lifestyle. The most destructive effects on the psyche are drugs, alcohol and smoking. Nicotine and ethanol cause leukocytes to stick together, which clog up the smallest blood vessels, causing certain areas of the brain to die. An inhibited state occurs, coordination and speech are impaired. The nervous system is exposed to toxic effects, neurons are destroyed.
  4. Winter swimming, hardening. Cold water leads to vasoconstriction, increases the elasticity and elasticity of their walls, saturates cells with oxygen, accelerates metabolic processes, increases not only physical endurance, but also stress resistance. Regular exposure to cold improves the psycho-emotional state, raises mood, and soothes.
  5. Relaxation. Quality sleep for at least 8 hours for adults is a guarantee of strong nerves and a stable psyche. During a night's rest, all parts of the central nervous system, brain, and muscles relax. Sleep can be improved by simple techniques - bedding made from natural fabrics, a comfortable pillow, a mattress, a dark room, no sound, a relaxing bath. Long-term treatment with sleeping pills, on the contrary, destroys neural connections and has a bad effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  6. Sauna and bath. Hot air affects, first of all, the nerve endings of the skin. The high temperature provokes a rush of blood, weakening blood flow in the brain. The body relaxes and recovers. A sauna or steam bath is the best way to recover from stress, stop being nervous, and improve sleep. Excessive heat exposure will cause the opposite effect - increased heart rate, weakness, dizziness, sleep disturbance, headaches.
  7. Massage. Improves reparative processes, conduction of nerve impulses, enhances blood circulation, restores the balance of excitatory and inhibitory processes in the cerebral cortex. Ayurvedic massage and stone therapy positively influence the central nervous system. Acupressure massage can be done independently - it relaxes, improves sleep.
  8. Nature. Being in the fresh air, a person receives a large amount of oxygen, as a result of which blood flow increases, and with it - the supply of nutrients to the tissues. Rest in the forest or outside the city has a good effect on the central and autonomic nervous system - it improves sleep, reduces stress.
  9. Hobby. The most useful types of hobbies for a strong psyche are anti-stress drawings, embroidery, knitting, modeling, aquarism, reading books and board games. Most of them require concentration, during which a person is distracted from accumulated problems, relaxes, which has a positive effect on the nervous system.

You need to learn to control emotions, not to let negative events pass through yourself. A certain amount of indifference can help you stay calm in stressful situations.

The best remedies for restoring the nervous system

Sedatives inhibit overexcitation, reduce sensitivity, level of anxiety, and improve falling asleep.


Depending on what caused the disruption of the nervous system, the following drugs may be prescribed:

  1. Nootropics - Glycine, Phenibut, Phenotropil, Pantogam. Funds from this group improve blood supply and brain nutrition. Used in the treatment of memory disorders, attention.
  2. Antidepressants - Azafen, Heptor, Deprim, Paroxetine. Psychotropic drugs, increase the amount of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine, improve mood, eliminate anxiety, melancholy, irritability. Used in the treatment of depression.
  3. Tranquilizers - Afobazol, Phenazepam, Buspirone, Valium. These drugs suppress excess emotions, inhibit the functioning of the nervous system. Used for excessive irritability, hysteria.
  4. Antipsychotics ("Big" tranquilizers) - Barbital, Dicarbin, Tiaprid, Reserpine. Used in severe cases with neuroses, pathological changes in the central nervous system.
  5. Vitamins... It is recommended to use multivitamin complexes, which contain B vitamins - Neurostabil, Neurostrong, Magne B6, Neurovit-R.
  6. Sedatives - Persen, Valerian, Neuroplant, Adonis brom, Novo-Passit. They reduce emotional stress, have a calming effect on the central nervous system, without disturbing its basic functions.

Phenazepam is a proven tranquilizer

Without a prescription, you can buy herbal remedies with a sedative effect, some "daytime" tranquilizers, antidepressants, homeopathic sedative pills.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine offers a number of recipes to strengthen the nerves and psyche.

The following herbs have a calming effect:

  • melissa;
  • valerian;
  • st. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • mint;
  • ginseng;
  • linden;
  • oregano.

Chamomile is a well-known sedative from which teas, decoctions, infusions are prepared

Traditional medicine recipes:

  1. Tincture. Take 1 tbsp. l. dried valerian roots, 2 tbsp. l. chamomile and 1 tsp. cumin seeds. Mix, 1 tbsp. l. pour 200 ml of boiling water over dry raw materials. Insist half an hour, drain. Take 100 ml three times a day after meals.
  2. Take 2 tbsp. l. with dried mint and lemon balm, mix, pour 300 ml of boiling water. Insist 2 hours in a thermos, drain. Take 100 ml before meals three times a day.
  3. Take 3 tbsp. l. hawthorn roots, the same amount of dried valerian root and 6 tablespoons of yarrow, St. John's wort, hawthorn flowers. Mix everything, 1 tbsp. l. pour 250 ml of boiling water over raw materials, leave in a thermos for 5 hours, strain. Drink 100 ml before meals three times a day.
  4. Soothing tea. In 1 liter of boiling water, brew 1 tbsp. l. thyme, leave for 2 hours in a thermos. Then strain, divide into four equal parts, consume throughout the day after meals.
  5. Mix 70 ml of beet juice, 50 g of honey. Insist 3 hours, take 5 tsp. before meals 2 times a day.
  6. Brew 300 g of seedless raisins in 1 liter of boiling water, grate the lemon zest, boil for 7 minutes. Insist for 2 hours under the lid, add juice from 1 lemon to the cold mixture. Consume 200 ml daily after meals.
  7. Make a tea with calendula, tansy, and oregano. Take 1 tbsp. l. each component, brew in 1 liter of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Take 150 mg 3 times daily after meals.
  8. Take 3 tsp. dried meadowsweet, brew in 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Take as tea three times a day, 1 glass before meals.

Dried meadowsweet is brewed and taken as tea

Before going to bed, to calm the nervous system, you can take a bath with the addition of a decoction of yarrow, motherwort, valerian roots.

Healthy food products

To relieve stress, it is necessary to unload the stomach, bananas will help with this

Include in your diet:

  • bananas;
  • cod, salmon, mackerel - rich in healthy fats;
  • tomatoes - strengthen blood vessels, improve brain function;
  • eggs - saturate the body with lecithin, which improves mood;
  • bread, cereals - rich in B vitamins;
  • parsley, dill and other herbs - saturate the body with magnesium;
  • dairy products supply phosphorus and calcium, which relieve stress, stimulate the central nervous system;
  • nuts, vegetable oils include vitamin E, which tones the body;
  • strawberry considered a natural antidepressant;
  • potatoes, hard cheeses, yeast, wild rice, sesame seeds - glycine, tyrosine and other amino acids that calm the nerves.

Exclude strong black tea, coffee, especially instant coffee, baked goods, alcohol from the diet. It is important to reduce the heat treatment of products - to eat at least 200-300 g of fresh vegetables and fruits per day, steam the meat, stew.

Both the child and the adult should have a full breakfast. The morning meal is the most important one, it starts all the processes in the body. For breakfast, it is better to eat cereals, omelets, lactic acid products, fresh fruits, berries and vegetables.

How to train the nervous system at home?

You can train the nervous system yourself at home. To do this, they use breathing exercises, yoga, self-massage, and listen to music.


During the massage, the central and peripheral nervous systems work. A stream of impulses leaves the central nervous system, which "distinguish" tactile, temperature and pressure effects. These impulses excite the cells of the cortex, stimulate the functions of certain centers of the brain.

Also, massage improves blood flow, this leads to stabilization of the blood supply to all organs and tissues.

To improve the functions of the nervous system, different types of massage are used:

  1. Stone therapy - massage with heated stones.
  2. Kneading and rubbing the muscles of the back, neck, arms, legs - classical and sports massage.
  3. Acupuncture massage - impact on certain points that are responsible for the state of internal organs and systems.
  4. Vibration massage.

Simple self-massage techniques for relaxation, stress relief:

  1. On the ring finger, you can find the point of the "three heaters". Stretch each ring finger for at least 2-4 minutes in circular motions.
  2. Rinkyu. Located on the back of the feet between the little toe and the previous toe. You need to gently press on this point with the pillow of your thumb for 2 minutes on each leg. Do not press hard to avoid causing pain.
  3. Boketsu. It is located within 2 intercostal lumen in the chest area. Irritate her for 2 minutes with gentle massaging movements.
  4. Xinyu, hayu. They are on the back in the region of the third vertebra. Massage these points for at least 2 minutes with slow pressure.
  5. The asi-sankri, taikei points are located on the inner side of the ankle under the bone. Grasp your ankles with your hands, slowly rotate without opening your palms. Repeat for 2 minutes with each leg.
  6. Massage of the back of the head helps to relieve tension and irritability. Use the pads of your middle fingers to press without force at the base of the skull for at least 2 minutes.
  7. "Half-candles". Sit on the floor with your arms out at your sides. Raise your legs slowly so that the back of your head and shoulder blades remain on the floor. Support your lower back with your hands. Bend your knees slowly and move as if you were riding a bicycle. At the same time, you need to massage the lower back with your fingers.
  8. Rub your palms quickly to feel the rush of warmth. This technique will accelerate blood circulation, relieve spasm of the cerebral vessels, and help you feel relaxed and calm.

Quickly rub hand in hand to feel energized.

Self-massage cannot be performed if there are abscesses, open wounds, burns, or tumors at the site of exposure.


Oriental techniques, including yoga, combine breathing and gymnastics to strengthen muscles and mind. With regular exercise, you can learn to disconnect from stimuli and focus on your own inner world.

Asanas (postures) aimed at strengthening the nervous system:

  1. Shavasana - you need to lie on your back, relax your arms along the body, turn off your consciousness, imagining yourself floating in the sky. Perform 10 minutes.
  2. Pashchimottanasana... Lying on the floor, press the shoulder blades to the surface, stretch your straightened arms behind your head, spread your legs. As you exhale, take a sitting position, while stretching your arms in front of you. Then stretch your body forward and try to reach your feet with your fingers. After a few minutes, return to a sitting position and lie down on the floor again. From a prone position with a raised pelvis, stretch the spine with your head thrown back. Only 5 reps.
  3. - classic birch, shoulder stand. 5 reps for 30 seconds.
  4. Mudras "Ladder of the Heavenly Temple"... Used to relieve depression. Clamp the tips of the fingers on the left hand between the fingers of the right, little fingers straight, looking up.

Shoulderstand - a classic method of emotional relief in yoga

Yoga is designed to re-establish the psyche, calm down, heal the nerves, help a person know himself and escape from the negative.

Breathing exercises to strengthen the nervous system

The respiratory and nervous systems work in parallel. In a balanced state, breathing is always even, during nervous tension, stress - intermittent, frequent.

Respiratory gymnastics techniques:

  1. Take a deep breath, then release the air intermittently, releasing the air out in parts. Hold your breath in the initial stages for a few seconds, gradually bringing the delay time to 1 minute.
  2. Inhale very deeply, engage the lower lungs, exhale slowly for 6 seconds. The delay time is about 2 seconds, then repeat.
  3. Inhale slowly, using only the chest. After holding your breath for 2 seconds, repeat.
  4. On a deep breath, lift the collarbones, as if lifting the chest up. Do not breathe for 2-3 seconds, then repeat.
  5. While inhaling, "work" with your stomach, then, as it were, drive it into the sternum and collarbone. Release air in reverse order.

Breathing exercises will help balance the nervous system

After mastering these stages of breathing exercises, it is recommended to start autogenous training. This is a technique of self-hypnosis, which is designed to relax the tone of the muscles, lead to complete relaxation.

Three basic exercises:

  • sitting "coachman" pose with a straightened back - relax your muscles, lower your head to your chest, spread your legs slightly, put your hands on your knees, close your eyes and spend at least 5 minutes;
  • in a half-sitting position, press your back against the back of a chair or chair, bend your elbows, arms on the armrests, spread your legs and spend at least 5 minutes;
  • while lying, lift the back of your head, bend your arms at the elbow joints, place on the sides of the body.

Taking one of these poses, they simultaneously perform exercises that give a feeling of warmth, heaviness, changes in heart rate, a feeling of coolness.

Music with hypnosis

Relaxation is facilitated by music with a tempo of at least 100-120 beats per minute. When listening to compositions, the rhythm comes into resonance with the rhythm of the brain structures, the emotional state of a person changes, it is possible to enter a trance or hypnosis.

Various calming techniques - breathing exercises, yoga exercises, meditation - can be combined with hypnotic music. Hypnologist Andrei Rakitsky invented a technique that allows you to influence the subconscious of a person with the help of audio.

Basic principles of influence according to Rakitsky:

  • clear and loud speech settings;
  • instilling confidence in their abilities;
  • maximum relaxation;
  • increasing human motivation;
  • immersion in a state of trance with the help of various sounds - the noise of water, wind, tambourine, knock of wheels.

The hypnologist offers several audio courses for solving certain problems with the nervous system - treatment in a dream, for chronic fatigue and nervous exhaustion, hypnosis for insomnia, getting rid of bad mood and unpleasant thoughts, setting for success, cleansing the psyche.

Tune Sytin is another technique for improving the psyche and managing your emotional-volitional state. It is also one of the methods of self-hypnosis; in audio format, various phrases are offered that form the image of a successful, strong-willed, emotionally stable person. It is recommended not just to listen to the recordings, but to pronounce all the settings aloud.

A depressed state, a shattered nervous system does not have the best effect on overall health. Psychosomatics closely links the exacerbation of chronic diseases, decreased immunity with emotional health. The nervous system needs regular conditioning and strengthening.

In modern life, a person during the day is faced with various stressful situations, experiences a huge range of emotions, etc. All of this negatively affects the state of the psyche, which as a result can lead to various problems with the nervous system. That is why information on how to strengthen the nerves and psyche is relevant and useful. Knowing some simple rules, you can learn, it is easier to endure stress and emotional stress.

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche?

To improve the state of the nervous system, you need to work in several directions. There are some folk remedies, useful tips, and recommendations for the use of vitamins that are necessary for the body.

Useful tips on how to strengthen the psyche:

  1. Experts recommend living by the principle of healthy egocentrism. You must first of all love yourself, and only then strive to help others.
  2. Learn to think critically, which will allow you to understand the essence of the problem and not worry about trifles.
  3. The stable functioning of the nervous system is ensured by four indicators: calmness, health, peace in the family and good work.
  4. Learn to think positively without allowing negativity into your life.
  5. Healthy sleep has a great effect on the nervous system.
  6. Meditation or yoga will help get rid of the negative accumulated during the day. Regular workouts give you positive emotions, vivacity and energy.
  7. Alcohol, coffee, drugs, nicotine, etc. have a negative effect on the psyche.

Many are interested in the topic of how to strengthen the psyche of a child. The state of the nervous system is influenced by various experiences that in the modern world children receive to a greater extent from computer games and television. It is recommended to minimize contact of the child with different gadgets.

How to strengthen the nerves and psyche with vitamins?

To normalize the work of any system in the body, useful substances are needed. They are best obtained from fresh food. Let's figure out which vitamins have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system:

  1. Vitamin A - helps to slow down the aging process and strengthen nerve cells. There is it in beef, carrots and dried apricots.
  2. Vitamin C - has a positive effect not only on the functioning of the nervous system, but also on the body as a whole. The diet should include citruses, melon, broccoli, tomatoes, etc.
  3. Vitamin E - helps fight fatigue. It is found in vegetable oil, nuts and eggs.
  4. B vitamins - helps to get rid of stress, nervousness, insomnia, bad mood and other problems. It is recommended to include cereals, dairy products, bananas, liver, seafood, beef and eggs on the menu.
  5. Vitamin D - helps to get rid of bad moods and even depression. It is impossible to get it from food, so you should often walk in the sun.

How to strengthen the nerves and psyche with folk remedies?

Since ancient times, people have used various herbs to calm down and get rid of insomnia, etc. Consider several proven recipes:

  1. Combine 125 g each of calamus root, mullein flowers and mint. Using a coffee grinder, grind them to flour condition. Pour a couple of tablespoons of the collection with 2 tbsp. boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. Strain in the morning and consume half a cup 4 times a day before meals.
  2. Put 4 tbsp in a thermos. centaury boxes and fill them with 4 tbsp. boiling water. Leave to infuse overnight. Strain in the morning and drink half a glass 4 times a day.

Aromatherapy can be used. Choose a scent that you like and that helps you relax.

And the psyche of a child, adult or elderly person? How to relieve your condition during stress and get rid of negative experiences altogether? How to make sure that any life shakes only strengthen the psyche, and not undermine it? This article will help you understand these and other issues.

Nerves - healthy and sick

It perceives the external and internal environment and transmits the reaction to the executive bodies. Thus, the regulation of the activity of all human organs and systems is carried out.

Nerve fibers run through the body for about a billion meters. They can regenerate. True, this process occurs very slowly: about one millimeter per day.

This is why it is so important to keep your state of balance. However, not everyone succeeds in this. Crazy information overload, stress ... All this can negatively affect the nerves, draining them. For more than half of the people on the planet, the question of how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche is relevant.

What do we usually do so as not to get nervous?

When a situation affects a person negatively, and he experiences stress, he needs to calm down. And the faster the better. Unfortunately, most people find comfort in food, alcohol, cigarettes, coffee. Others who lead a healthy lifestyle turn to harmless helpers: baths, massage, aromatherapy, listening to classical music and drinking tea.

Although both one and the other act soothingly, and in the second case it does not harm the body, nevertheless these are temporary methods However, if a person was not very nervous, then such assistants will really come in handy. But with a prolonged negative state, they are not only not useful, but in some cases they can also harm, exacerbating the problem. Of course, this primarily concerns alcohol, cigarettes and excessive consumption of sweets. Such means do not solve the problem of how to strengthen the nerves and psyche. Vitamins can correct the condition. But how do you recover completely?

Reach harmony

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche so as to remain calm in any, even the most stressful situation, and not allow the winds of life to fan the fire inside a person?

Family relationships and work are very important for any of us. If peace and order reign in these areas, then a significant number of possible causes of mental deviations will disappear by themselves. From this it follows that one should strive for harmony at work and at home.

But not everyone and not always manage to achieve this. Therefore, if life is not going as smoothly as we would like, you need to know how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche in any situation. This may be more difficult to implement, but it is nevertheless necessary.

Stress "good" and "bad"

When something changes inside the body, it is always stressed. But not all of them have negative consequences. So, a reprimand at work, a quarrel with a loved one, or an injury received are certainly negative phenomena and can have a bad effect on both the psyche and physical health. Such stresses are destructive. However, falling in love, a contrast shower, playing sports is also a kind of shake-up for the body, which is to some extent a threat to the nerves. But she is perceived positively and even joyfully. Thanks to such positive influences, the psyche also occurs, they become more and more resistant to negative life situations.

You need to learn to perceive any stress not as something negative in life, but as a kind of training for the nervous system, when it has the ability to temper and become stronger. The main thing is not to lose optimism and lead a healthy lifestyle. And then no stress and blows of fate can ruin your life!

Healthy sleep

Some studies show that a person can sleep only three to four hours a day and not experience severe damage to their health.

However, getting good sleep and getting enough sleep means building a serious barrier to the entry into life of possible stresses that have a negative impact on the nerves.

If a person does not sleep for a whole day, he becomes disoriented. Five days without sleep can cause seizures and hallucinations, and ten days can cause psychosis. It follows from what has been said that with constant lack of sleep for several months, a person is guaranteed at least depression. It has been scientifically proven that disturbances in the work of nerves follow precisely due to constant lack of sleep.

How to find time for proper sleep in a difficult and stressful life? What is the best way to strengthen the nervous system and psyche? A child can be forced to sleep, or at least lie as long as he needs to sleep, and even if he does not want to, he will eventually fall asleep. But what about an adult? If a person tosses and turns all night and cannot sleep, and tomorrow you need to go to work and solve a bunch of urgent matters? Well, if health is expensive, you will have to find time for sleep and make efforts to restore it.

Of course, the simplest and, as it might seem at first glance, the right decision would be to take sleeping pills. However, it is best to refuse it altogether or take it only as a last resort and only on the recommendation of a doctor. The fact is that sedatives and hypnotics do not solve the problem, but help to forget about it. As soon as the action of the medicine is over, all anxieties and worries will return and hit the state of health with renewed vigor, especially if the medicine was taken independently, without a doctor's prescription. How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche? It is better not to use sedative or hypnotic drugs, this should be understood.

Much more effective, although it may take a certain period of time, will be the development of relaxation techniques, meditative practice.


It has been noticed that regular physical activity keeps not only good shape, but also the nervous system. And if there is a favorite sport, and a person is happy to do it, this can be the best way of psychological relief. In addition, the work of synapses and the neuromuscular apparatus is activated, the brain receives enough oxygen to produce hormones of happiness. The body gets tired after the next workout, but the person feels calm and joyful.


How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with vitamins? To do this, the daily diet should include foods containing the necessary nutrients. It is known that for full-fledged biochemical processes in nerve cells, vitamins of group B are needed. They are found in large quantities in bread, walnuts, eggs, yeast, and grain sprouts. If necessary, you can take special vitamin complexes.


When a person's breathing becomes shallow and rapid. He is constantly tense and anxious. In a state of calm, a person breathes regularly and deeply.

Special exercises and long walks calm the psyche. If you learn to breathe deeply and constantly practice it, as well as stay in the fresh air for a long time, your overall well-being will soon improve several times, and, as a result, the long-awaited calmness will come to your body and soul.

The technique of abdominal breathing provides the blood with oxygen in abundance, improving the functioning of the internal organs and intestinal motility. As a result, the state of the nervous system improves. Control such a technique in yourself constantly, and over time it will work automatically, giving a happy and long life.


Taking a shower and bath relaxes, tones, stimulates and hardens the body. The skin is cleansed of harmful substances accumulated during the day. Depending on the temperature, the procedure calms or, conversely, invigorates the person.

A contrast shower in the morning is a great start to the day. And if in the evening you calm yourself down with a bath with the addition of herbs, it will help the person fall asleep without problems.

If possible, it is very useful to swim. This will improve your mood and tone your muscles.

Negative thoughts - away

The ability to get bad thoughts out of your head is essential in the question of how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche. Sometimes in the morning, as they say, he got up on the wrong foot, and the whole day goes awry for a person. But, to put it simply, this is how he sets himself up. If you learn to laugh at difficulties or something that does not work out, and not let yourself fall into a bad mood, then the day may well continue favorably and successfully.

Folk recipes

Natural sedatives used by our ancestors from time immemorial are no less effective. How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with folk remedies? Here are some recipes that have been proven by more than one generation.

Milk is an ancient "healer". It has been used to treat many diseases, as it has a general therapeutic effect, restoring the balance of metabolism and raising the tone of the body. Most often they drink cow's milk, less often goat's milk, although the latter is even richer in composition. In general, this natural product contains a huge amount of vitamins, hormones, enzymes and immune bodies that effectively fight pathogenic microorganisms. Is there any doubt that it will help with such phenomena as weak nerves and psyche?

It is permissible to take milk both separately and with the addition of additional natural sedatives. For example, it is useful in the morning on an empty stomach to drink a whole glass of it with a crushed clove of garlic. You can also dilute it one to one with valerian root tincture and drink it three times a day.

Soothes nerves and milk bath. In this case, it will be enough to add only three glasses of milk to the water.

Field sage will help with nervous exhaustion. To do this, pour 500 ml of boiling water over three tablespoons of herbs, insist and drink during the day.

When overexcited, hawthorn with other herbs is useful. For example, you can mix hawthorn flowers, motherwort, and dried hen in three parts and one part chamomile. One tablespoon is brewed with a glass of boiling water and infused for eight hours. It is taken three times a day, half a glass one hour after meals.

Another recipe consists of a mixture of hawthorn, valerian, St. John's wort and yarrow, taken in three parts, and two parts of hawthorn flowers. It is brewed as in the previous recipe, but one quarter of a glass is drunk four times a day half an hour before meals.

Oats will be effective for sleep disturbances. To do this, in the evening, pour a spoonful of grains or flakes with two glasses of water. In the morning, boil until softened and drink during the day instead of tea.

You can cook a mass from grains or flakes with water in a ratio of one to five over low heat, bringing it to the state of jelly, strain, add honey, and also drink during the day.

With intense mental and physical exertion, you need to take two tablespoons of oat straw and boil in a liter of water, leave for ten minutes and drink two glasses several times a day. In deciding how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with folk remedies, this natural component is suitable in the same way as milk. After all, oats are useful not only for the nervous system, but it is recommended that the heart and lungs work better, the blood is renewed and the metabolic processes of the body normalize.


How can a child's nervous system and psyche be strengthened? In addition to all the recommendations aimed at improving the body and building social relationships, you need to remember about the spiritual. Moreover, this aspect should ideally come first. After all, healing the body and improving relationships with people, inside you can still feel the emptiness and purposelessness of your existence. Therefore, if parents take care of contributing to the formation of their child's worldview, it will be much easier for him to experience difficulties and troubles when he becomes an adult. Then they will not be in a panic to look for means of how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche of a teenager, since in such a difficult period of growing up for a person, he will already have an inner core that will help to cope with all the difficult conditions that always accompany this age.

It is never too late to start dealing with such issues. And in adulthood, a person can come to understand his purpose in this world. Moreover, he is already independent, he decides for himself and feels that he is more to his liking.
