Free higher education in Europe is available not only by residents of the European Union, but also to students from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and other post-Soviet countries. Many European countries finance education so much that free training is available to each Wisite. Obviously, it is necessary to meet a number of established requirements imposed by governments and universities of various countries.

European education is traditionally and deservedly considered one of the best and qualitative. Applicants and students from different parts of the planet seek training in European universities. Such education is the real key to a successful career in a no less successful country.

A large drawback for Russian students in such educational institutions has always been a training fee. It, as a rule, was high even for residents of European countries, and even more so for the average citizen of the post-Soviet state. However, for some hours, Europeans realized that by investing government money in training specialists, the country makes invaluable investments. This led to the fact that today there are a number of countries and many programs that allow you to get 100% free education in the European Union (well, or for a very symbolic fee, even by the standards of the inhabitants of the CIS).

In which language you can get free education in Europe

Well, it is obvious that most programs are relevant knowledge of English. However, there are national features. Wider opportunities before the student are opening with the knowledge of the country in which it is studying. In Germany, for example, it is impossible to study medical specialty in English. Yes, and in the future of employment, knowledge of the official language of the stay is useful.

At the same time, it is quite realistic to find a program according to which study will be carried out in English. In parallel, local languages \u200b\u200bcan be studied, which will be suitable for further socialization and employment. The opportunity to undergo English is in English in countries such as Germany, Czech Republic, Finland and others.

Some European universities offer a preparatory course on which the student will learn the language of the country. As a rule, such courses are also free or with a symbolic board.

Another feature of European education is the inconsistency of the Russian secondary education system by most European countries, where 12-year-old training is provided. At the same time, a number of universities requires documents on the end of the twelve-year-old course. For Russian applicants, the problem can be solved by admission to local universities and the end of one or two courses.

Where you can get free European education

Below is the list of countries in which you can undergo training for free or for a symbolic fee (up to a thousand euros per year). Study in them is available for foreigners.

  • Austria. State Austrian universities offer enrollment without entrance tests / exams (with the exception of English or German). It is necessary for the initial higher education (at least 1 year) in the homeland. Possible preparatory year for learning the language. In some cases, enrollment is allowed immediately after school.
  • Germany. A wide range of specialties is offered. Entrance exams are not, only a test for language knowledge. There are many English-speaking courses, however, the competition for them is very large. Requires at least 2 years of study at the university in their homeland. Preparatory year is possible after the end of only one course in the Russian university.
  • Greece. Learning is conducted in Greek, however, when the test test is not required. Enrollment occurs without exams and may immediately after the end of the secondary education.
  • Spain. It is possible to enter public universities immediately after school. Enter the entrance tests. Training occurs in Spanish. After graduating from the first course in the homeland, you can enter the Spanish university without exams.
  • Italy. It is possible to take training in English. When admitted, knowledge knowledge is tested. The primary education is required at the university at home (one or two years). For a number of specializations and directions, entrance tests are provided.
  • Norway. State universities take immediately after graduation. Teaching languages: Norwegian, English.
  • Finland. There are educational programs and courses in English. It is possible to enter state higher education institutions immediately after school. Advantageously provided entrance exams. There is an opportunity after school to go to college.
  • France. Support programs in English. It is necessary to confirm the knowledge of the language. Enrollment occurs without prior exams and tests. Need a certificate of full secondary education with good estimates.
  • Poland. Courses are read in Polish, which, by the way, is not so difficult to master for those who own Russian, Ukrainian or Belarusian. Applicants are credited on the basis of the competition of certificates. There are paid relatively inexpensive training programs in English (within 2 thousand euros per year).
  • Portugal. We need to know the Portuguese language and pass the entrance tests. Admission is allowed immediately after the end of secondary education.
  • Czech Republic. In state universities are free studies in Czech. The possibility of receipt after school is allowed. Enrollment can be carried out according to proper proximity (without the presence of an applicant and without language test). Requires basic knowledge of the language to start study. It is possible to find educational programs in other languages \u200b\u200b(including English). Their price begins from a thousand euros per semester.

In addition, the fee for obtaining higher education in Slovenia, Luxembourg is not charged. And for example, in Iceland, only administrative administration is required in the amount of from 100 to 250 euros.

Despite the possibility of obtaining excellent higher education in Europe, there is a completely free or very inexpensive, there is an opinion that the cost of accommodation and food in the EU countries will be exorbitant for immigrants from Russia and other post-Soviet countries. Current spending in students in the European Union, of course, exist and make up they:

  • about 40-150 euros - semester collection for training materials, stationery, copies;
  • housing and food - in Europe, a student can get these benefits cheaper than in the Russian capital (rental housing, for example, reaches from 200 to 400 euros, and, in general, it is required to accommodate somewhere within 900 euros per month).

Thus, higher education in Europe is available to Russian applicants and conditions, and in finance. Many free programs make it even more attractive for immigrants from the CIS countries. At the same time, as a rule, there is also a chance to learn one of the European languages. And this greatly increases the competitiveness of the future graduate specialist in employment in the European country.

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Every year on the eve of spring for many of our customers, the problem of choosing a university for their children is becoming an urgent problem. Traditionally, developed European countries are considered the best destination for higher education.

In the UK, Austria, Switzerland are the oldest universities of the world, whose diplomas are quoted as high as possible. To help you with a choice, we have studied the latest ratings of universities in the world.

All educational institutions offer special adaptive programs, language courses. You can define a child on them now so that it is better to prepare for admission. And parents need to decide in advance another problem - receiving a residence permit or citizenship in Europe so that you do not limit ourselves to communicate with children, and they felt in another country as at home.

Universities in Great Britain - this is definitely the choice of successful people. In the academic ranking of the Universities in the world in 2015 (ARWU) among the leaders, the University of Cambridge is allocated, founded in the XIV century. And in Britain, he is recognized as a university number 1.

Prestigious specialty

The most popular is medical specialties, as well as business faculties: management, economics, finance, political science. Girls are more often going to study the design and history of the arts. Graduates usually do not arise with employment problems in any major international companies.

Cost of education

  • About 12 thousand pounds sterling in the specialty economy, right, political science
  • About 16 thousand in specialty architecture, design, art history
  • About 18 thousand on specialty management
  • About 29 thousand in the specialty medicine

Living expenses

On average, 8-9 thousand pounds sterling per year. Additionally, students once a year pay university collection - 4.4-5.2 thousand pounds.


Documents are submitted no later than October 15, the reception is carried out by the UCAS system. The applicant is an interview in the Admission Office and provides results on A-LEVEL, as well as a certificate of knowledge of English (GCSE-C, IELTS 6-7, TOEFL 600/250). Interviews pass from September to December.

Rules study

The first semester lasts from October to December. The second - from January to March, and the third - from April to June.

Is it possible to arrange a British residence permit?

To get a residence permit in the UK, it is necessary to participate in the state program for investors. Investments in the British company in the amount of from 2 to 10 million pounds of sterling give you the right in just 8 weeks to arrange a residence permit in the most prestigious country of Europe.

The oldest university of Europe is considered to be a university number 2 in the old world. If you want your child to get the highest quality higher education in England, this is one of the best options. Graduates of the Oxford University were 25 British Prime Ministers, as well as Margaret Thatcher.

Prestigious specialty

Preparation for political science, economics and international relations here is one of the best in Europe. In 20 of the 100 largest business enterprises in the world managers work people with Oxford diplomas. Thousands of famous politicians at different times have completed this university. Girls attracts learning art history, fashion, design here.

Cost of education

  • 13-15 thousand pounds sterling - specialty psychology, sociology, design, culture and art
  • 18-25 thousand - specialty business destinations, management, finance, computer technology
  • 30-32 thousand - medical specialties

Living expenses

On average, the month of life in Oxford, taking into account the university fees, will cost 1 thousand pounds.


Applications are submitted until October 15, and the results of the exams are announced in the middle of the next year. You can submit an application now through the UCAS British portal. Applicants need to pass the qualifications of A-LEVELS or INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE (IB), and also know English perfectly (IELTS certificate - 7.0 points, on TOEFL - 110).

Rules study

The academic year begins in October and is divided into three trimesters. Studying in bachelor will take 3-4 years, in the magistracy - 1 year.

Another elite British university, which is regularly introduced in the top 5 of Europe. In 1826, he became the first university of London, and now enters the "golden triangle" of elite universities in Great Britain. Among the famous graduates - Mahatma Gandhi, the inventor of the phone Alexander Bell, the author of InterStellar Christopher Nolan.

Prestigious specialty

College is famous for its medical specialties with practice in leading clinics in the world. Also, work with nanotechnologies is also extremely developed. Heads of many companies specializing in high technologies came out from here. Huge attention is paid here to the latest specialties related to energy and managing natural resources.

Cost of education

  • 12-15 thousand pounds sterling - study of art, economy, mathematics
  • 15-17 thousand - Engineering specialties, psychology
  • 17-20 thousand - specialty architecture, design
  • from 30 thousand - medical specialties

Living expenses

On average, students taking into account all university fees spend a year from 6 to 12 thousand pounds.


Applications are accepted in the UCAS system from January 15 to October 15. An apprentice requires an average education certificate (IB, GCSE, A-LEVEL). The level of knowledge of English should be not lower than IELTS 6.5-7.0

Rules study

In college, the academic year is broken by 3 trimesters. The first: from late September to mid-December. Second: from mid-January to the end of March. Third: from the end of April to mid-June.

State University of Vienna is an excellent opportunity to give a child quality and modern education in Europe. Educated in the XIV century (last year he celebrated the 650th anniversary), he still remains one of the most prestigious. It constantly comes to the ratings of the best business universities in the world and occupies the 16th place in the MBA list. His graduates are a business and financial elite.

Prestigious specialty

Another conviction of the University of Vienna is jurisprudence. The Faculty of Law is considered the strongest in Europe. If you want your child to achieve maximum results on a legal field, Vienna is your choice. No less popular and economic faculty. Girls will be interested in one of the best programs of studying culture and art in Europe.

Cost of education

On the overwhelming majority of faculties, training during the semester costs 750 euros, which is relatively inexpensive.

Living expenses

The advantages of the University of Vienna are in the low cost of living. It is 2-2.5 thousand euros for 10 months of the academic year.


Applications for bachelors are submitted until September 5. Pre-registration is carried out on the Internet. Next, the university needs either the original certificate of middle education, or a notarized copy. It is necessary to confirm the knowledge of the German at the level not lower than B2. If the course is taught in English - it relates to the same requirements.

Rules study

The academic year includes the winter (from October 1) and the Spring (from March 1) semesters. For the bachelor learn for three years, the master is two.

Is it difficult to get an Austrian residence permit?

Registration of official status on the investment program here is really quite complex. The easiest way to get Austria is financially independent. To do this, confirm the income of 2 thousand euros and the availability on a bank account 20 thousand per adult and 10 thousand for a child. To get the maximum chance to get into quotas, better contact the specialists in the migration sphere.

In the international ranking of the best universities of QS World University Rankings (it constitutes a reputable company QS Quacquarelli Symonds) In 2015, the 9th line occupied the Swiss Higher Technical School of Zurich. This is the most prestigious university of this country. If you see in your child the future chapter of the international company engaged in high technologies, this is an excellent choice.

Prestigious specialty

At the highest level, architecture, management, engineering sciences are taught here. Popular destinations: the city of the future, the energy, the latest materials. Among graduates are dozens of Nobel laureates in physics, chemistry, medicine. The most famous is Albert Einstein.

Cost of education

The advantage of this university is at a lower cost of learning with high quality teaching and prestige of the diploma. On average, the semester costs 580 Swiss francs.

Living expenses

Accommodation during the semester will cost a student about 65 francs. Still as much need to spend on university fees.


Dates of receiving documents for the autumn semester - from November 1 to April 30. Entrance exams pass exclusively in German. The applicant submits the Commission certificates confirming the knowledge of the language: Goethe-Zertifikat C1, Goethe-Zertifikat C2, Testdaf or other. You also need to provide a resume and the assessment school in the last three years.

Rules study

The first semester lasts from October to March. Then after the session and vacation - the second semester, which lasts in July. Bachelor Learn 3-4 years, masters - another 1-2 years, graduate school - another 3 years.

How to get a Swiss residence permit?

We can issue a residence permit in Switzerland under the state program for investors. The Swiss Government suggested a residence permit for investing in a business in the amount of at least 1 million francs or for paying accordant tax from 100 thousand francs per year. Registration of official status will take only 3 months.

Advantages of obtaining higher education in Europe

For your child, learned in Europe means:

  • Maximum quality education
  • Work in prestigious companies
  • the ability to work in any country of the world without restrictions
  • Efficient and fast career, high position
  • Access to the market of the most highly paid vacancies
  • Beginning of life in one of the leading European countries
Take care in advance that the child's study began without problems. Our specialists will help you choose preparatory and language courses for your child and issue a residence permit in Europe.

Subscribe to updates our blog - and find out what else there are advantageous opportunities to get elite education in Europe.

In the best universities of the world, it was also considered very prestigious. Our list in which the best universities of the world have entered - the rating of the Top University of Europe - will help you navigate in the variety of options and make the right choice.

Learning abroad gives a number of advantages for students:

  • the ability to travel
  • acquaintance with the new culture
  • expansion of the circle of communication
  • the ability to get a work permit after the end of the International University
  • training in the most effective learning techniques
  • the best teachers
  • obtaining an international diploma, certificate.

Children and schoolchildren who wish to study in, begin training since school, earning educational loans and high points, because top universities are presented to applicants high demands. Learning in the best universities of the world there is an opportunity to have any student if his academic and language knowledge will comply with the terms of enrollment. Yes, the best universities of the world - the ranking of the top universities in Europe is very demanding about their applicants, but all tasks are fully fulfilled.

What directions are Russian and foreigners choose to study in the top universities of the world?

  • business
  • right
  • finance
  • medicine
  • engineering
  • management
  • art
  • fashion and design
  • humanitarian sciences.

Receiving education abroad, types of programs

Most often, Russian and foreign students come to foreign universities to obtain a bachelor's degree, but the magistracy, doctoral studies, MBA and others are equally in demand.

If the student does not have enough knowledge of the knowledge of a foreign language for admission to a foreign university, a student can enter language courses in advance or attend linguistic classes in parallel with academic. The best universities of the world - the rating of the Top Universities in Europe - in almost 100% of cases their own language programs and supporting classes for foreign, including Russian, schoolchildren and students are organized.

And for those schoolchildren who lack points for admission, there are preparatory academic programs that additionally help adapt to life and study abroad, familiarize themselves with the principles and methods of foreign education. But this does not mean that the student loses 1-2 years at the pre-sustavitary program: most of the courses after graduation offer a translation at once to the 2nd University's course on the undergraduate program.

Obtaining a residence permit, work permits

In almost any country, students are allowed to work for no more than 20 hours a week during their studies (this restriction is removed during the summer holidays). After graduation at the university, a graduate can stay in the country for a period from 2 months to 2 years (depending on the country) to search for work. If he managed to find an employer for a long time, then foreign students have the right to stay in the country, and after several years of continuous accommodation to receive a residence permit.

Which universities fall into the top

  • quality of teaching
  • indicators of research
  • involvement in international activities.

As a rule, in top universities, the best teachers who have their own effective learning techniques, camps campus are equipped with modern equipment, own libraries and have a large amount of resources for self-education.

What to do in the top university abroad:

  • pass the language exam:
  • have active extracurricular activities
  • have a high academic academic achievement.

Additionally, it may be necessary:

  • passage of interview
  • writing an essay.
  • California Institute Of Technology
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • University of Chicago.
  • Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich.

Top Universities USA

The United States is an unconditional leader in the number of elite and prestigious universities - the education system has its own learning techniques for effective learning. After graduation, numerous opportunities in the international career open for students: according to statistics, more than 80% of Nobel laureates were trained in the United States.

Association of eight American universities deserves special attention: any university included in the ivy league can be considered one of the best in the world to obtain education.

Ivy League includes:

  • Harvard University
  • Princeton University
  • Brownovsky University

Popular destinations are considered:

  • medicine
  • art
  • engineering
  • political science
  • business
  • right
  • finance.

Among the famous eight teachers there are popular political and cultural figures, Nobel laureates and other outstanding personalities who have achieved high results in their professional activities.

Best universities in United Kingdom

In England, two popular university towns were found: Cambridge and Oxford, a favorite place of students. Here are the top universities of the world, and a saturated university life contributes to the development of personal qualities and an excellent time among like-minded people. Here are going to the best students who wish to achieve high results in life. Both towns are still visually referring to the Middle Ages: they boast a chic old architecture, but it absolutely does not prevent universities to equip their campuses with the latest technique for the comfort of students.

Not only academic classes, but also additional language classes, sports or creative activities are offered. For example, among the students of Cambridge or Oxford, the rowing is very popular, regularly among students are competing.

Surprised directions in England:

  • humanitarian sciences
  • medicine
  • social sciencies
  • modern technologies.

Popular universities in Europe

The most popular European countries with a large number of top universities:

  • Switzerland

The choice of professional directions in these countries is so big that a student can easily have a suitable training program for himself.

Lists of top universities in the world

Examples of elite universities in the USA:

  • Cornell University (ITAKA, NEW YORK), Cost of training - from $ 19750 / Semester, Popular Destinations: Agriculture, Engineering, Architecture, Art, Science
  • University of Yale (Yel), the cost of education - from $ 20,250 / semester, popular destinations: political science, history, economy (business), psychology
  • Columbia University (New York), - Cost of training from $ 22645 / Semester, Popular Directions: Applied Sciences, Engineering, Humanitarian disciplines.
  • Harvard University (Cambridge), Cost of training - from $ 28,000 / Semester, Popular areas: Social and humanitarian sciences, biology, engineering
  • Stanford University (Stanford), Cost of training - from $ 19300 / Semester, Popular areas: Anatomy and Biology, Engineering, Information Technologies, International Relations, Economics
  • Princeton University (Princeton), the cost of education - from $ 18500 / semester, popular areas: science and art, engineering.

Examples of prestigious universities in United Kingdom

  • Cambridge University (Cambridge), Training cost - from 3940 £ / Semester, Popular areas: Natural Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Accurate Sciences (Mathematics), Law, History, Economics, Modern Languages, Psychology, Political Science, Sociology
  • Oxford University (Oxford), the cost of study - from 6170 £ / semester, popular areas: humanitarian sciences, mathematics, physics, biology, social sciences, medicine.

Examples of popular European universities

  • (Prague, Czech Republic) offers for Russian and foreign students Short-term and long-term language courses in English and Czech languages, pre-informative programs.

Get higher education in Europe for many young people is a real dream. And all because the European diploma is prestigious and opens up great prospects for the future life. All European educational institutions have their history and solid status, plus everything is not far from Russia. It remains to make a choice in favor of some country.

To get a higher education in Europe is not only prestige and prospects, but also excellent training of spoken speech of the language of the chosen country. If there is more a tendency and desire to study in German, it is better to stay at Austria, Germany or Switzerland. Training processes are held there in two languages \u200b\u200b- German and English.

Facade of the Central Building of the National University in Zurich

Preferring more English-speaking Wednesday, better than or the Czech Republic. In the latter, the Russian language is used in the learning process.

Many believe that the country and university can choose any, most importantly, in Europe. But this is an incorrect opinion, because each educational institution and the state have their subtleties. And not knowing them can be very disappointed.

Free Higher Education in Europe

Many people think that it is impossible to get free higher education in Europe, but it is not. In many EU countries in 2019, there is a possibility to enter state universities without paying huge money. The cost of learning is fixed in them, but it ranges from 400 to 2000 euros for one academic year and goes to cover the cost of education of the future student.

Comparison of the cost of learning in different European countries

Since such states do not earn anything from foreign students, therefore, to give their advertising on the Internet or translate the rules for the receipt of foreigners for such a symbolic fee they have no need. Therefore, you will have to look for information either independently using the translator or with the help of agencies.

Free public education you can get in the language of the country where you want to learn. There are still training options in English, but in this case the cost of studying can be $ 3,000 for one academic year, which is still much less than the amounts that private universities offer.

If you are planning to study in the EU after receiving higher education in Russia, that is, 2 options:

Some of the cheapest and affordable options to get. There are also interesting options in the Czech Republic and.

Spain every year makes free public education for foreigners less affordable, although in 2019 still in this country have interesting options for admission to local universities.

When applying for help in the agency engaged in the provision of selection services, it is necessary to specify the availability of a representative office in the countries they offer, their location, whether help and maintenance in place is provided and the level of staff qualifications.

Exterior of the University of Hamburg in Germany

Consider several of the most popular European countries to have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir features and intricacies for Russian applicants.


The Russians and CIS citizens in this state have many chances to enter the university without passing entrance exams based on 11 classes. In the Austrian educational institutions do not require initial knowledge of languages. The cost of the semester for Russian students is 760 euros. Many want, but it is desirable to know German.

Higher educational institutions of Austria have long been recognized all over the world, occupying high places in international rankings. Austria has a large number of music institutions submitted by academies, universities and conservatory.


Nowadays, German universities are very in demand and popular for young people from around the world. And all because they are perfectly combined with old traditions with scientific modern achievements.

Passage of classes at the medical faculty in the University of Leipzig

The strongest educational institutions in Germany are considered technical, philological and medical university. And the diploma received there opens the employment doors in many corners of the world.

Facade of the House of Geneva State University

Upon admission to Switzerland universities, the Russians are influenced by the Russians - it is necessary to study in a Russian educational institution at least two years, it must be a full-time compartment. The exam is rendered, after which the question of the reception still remains open. Drawn attention to the characteristics of the student. The decision makes a reception committee.


Summer School Building in Holland

At the moment, about ¾ of all the Netherlands schools are private and public, having a religious orientation. As well as cultural and economic, with great training load and requirements for students.

No kindergartens in Holland, the child is sent to school already in 3-4 years, where he studies up to 12 years. Then it should be chosen - it will be a public school, gymnasium or athenium. That is, it turns out that in the state children pass two levels of study:

  1. The first is considered to be the initial formation that is ongoing 8 years.
  2. The second begins with 12 years. The main purpose of this step is to prepare for further training in the university.

But there is a certain choice, more precisely, two are preparing for the university or training of any profession.

Utrecht University building in the Netherlands

This concerns those who are not very diligently in elementary school and does not plan to learn further, then the second option is selected.
