President for the holidays Barack Obama came away with very poor results in the opinion polls. The approval rating for the president's actions steadily decreased by 1-2 percentage points. every month throughout the year. However, the worst thing for him, perhaps, is not even the digital indicators, which are just external consequences of deep processes. The most unpleasant thing is that Americans are gradually losing faith in their president.
This week the results of another CNN/ORC International survey became known. When asked whether Americans see President Obama as a decisive and strong leader, 53% of those surveyed answered “no.” Over six months, the number of the president's supporters fell by 12%. More than half of respondents believe that the president does not inspire confidence. Six out of ten Americans don't believe he can lead the government effectively. On this issue, the rating drop over the same six months was 13%.

71% of Americans still think Barack Obama is a nice person. But for the first time since CNN began asking the question: Do you think Mr. Obama is honest and trustworthy in 2008, more than half of the U.S. population said no.
Another proof of Barack Obama's loss of popularity can be seen in his inclusion in GQ magazine's ranking of the least influential celebrities, in which he ranks 17th out of 25 places.

The main thing is to use political capital in time

A year ago it seemed that after the defeat in the presidential elections Mitt Romney Republicans will crawl away to lick their wounds. In the first days after the election, it seemed that the new-old president was being given a rare opportunity - a lull lasting a year and a half, when he would be able to complete his tasks and leave a deep mark on American history. Moreover, now he does not need to be careful and think about new elections.
However, harsh reality destroyed all hopes and rosy dreams. Nowadays in every corner of Washington you can hear talk about the curse of the second term, which has ruined the second term of most of the 15 other presidents who managed to remain in the White House for another four years.
Enough to remember Abraham Lincoln, assassinated 42 days after delivering his famous inaugural address after taking office for the second time as President of the United States. The second presidential term of the most famous general of the Civil War Ulysses Grant(1873-77) turned out to be even worse than the bad first.

You can also remember Grover Cleveland, who, after being elected to a second term in 1892, was diagnosed with cancer and was caught in a financial crisis that lasted most of his second term.
An example can be given in the 20th century Richard Nixon, perhaps the most striking example of the curse of the second term. In the second election, he won one of the most landslide victories in US history, but this did not stop him from resigning in disgrace just two years after his triumph.
And a very recent example is George W. Bush, who immediately after his victory over John Kerry in November 2004 boasted: “ I have acquired political capital and intend to spend it" Hurricane Katrina, the Iraq War and the 2008 crisis followed.
Bush left the White House with roughly the same record low ratings as Nixon. Surely, as he took his last look at the white mansion that had served as his home for eight years, he thought that it would be better to return to Texas after the end of his first term, when he still had political capital.

Forgot to say "B"

All indications now are that Barack Obama has also fallen victim to the second term curse. Negative events in the first year of his second term are happening so quickly that he must be dizzy. Someone in the administration lied about the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi in 2012, then news broke that tax officials were allegedly targeting right-wing organizations. At the same time, the White House had to justify the fact that the Justice Department secretly, naturally, received printouts of telephone conversations of journalists.

On the one hand, these are all minor troubles, but given their number and the fact that they followed one after another almost continuously, without giving time to catch their breath, it is clear that they caused significant damage to the image of President Obama.

In early autumn, the infamous swings in Middle East policy followed, with the White House loudly saying “A” but never having the courage to say “B.” The result of this cowardice, caution, circumspection or manifestation of great intelligence and foresight - everyone here chooses what he likes depending on his political preferences and attitude towards the president - has not only become grievances of regional allies, ranging from Saudi Arabia and Turkey to Israel . The refusal to strike chemical weapons depots and government positions in Syria gave Vladimir Putin the opportunity to lecture Americans on the front page of the New York Times, an event that was not only grotesque, but also humiliating for tens of millions of Americans.

Further more. The wiretapping of several reporters' phones faded before the huge scandal over wiretapping and surveillance by the NSA and other US intelligence agencies of the planet in general and US allies in particular.
Naturally, the partial closure of the government and, of course, the launch of healthcare reform should also be included in the category of emergency. He was a disaster for the president's image. The website could not handle the influx of everyone wanting to register.
President Obama was heartened when the Iran nuclear deal was signed in Geneva. He probably already dreamed of becoming the person who resolved the conflict with Tehran, which has lasted more than a third of a century, without firing a shot. However, even here his hopes and dreams quickly disappeared like smoke. Congress intends to take care of this after the holidays. Republicans in the main legislative body are threatening not only not to ease sanctions against Tehran, but also to adopt new ones and thereby torpedo the agreement between « Six" and Iran.
One can, of course, recall the problem with illegal migrants, and the same economy, where things are not going as well as the president and his team would like, and much more.
Mr. Obama's approval rating dropped to 42%. This is not as little as Nixon and Bush had, but it is quite enough to say that he is on the “right path.”

Not everything is lost?

Of course, the 44th president has his own explanations and justifications. For example, he can refer to the unprecedented resistance to all his initiatives and affairs on the part of the Republicans entrenched in Congress. And he will be right, because few of his predecessors ever faced such resistance.

The complaint that many experienced ministers and advisers have left the administration does not stand up to criticism, because all two-termers have to deal with this phenomenon.

Obama, of course, found replacements for those who left, but almost all of them are inferior to their predecessors. It is not surprising that in the first year of the second term, the administration is not working as smoothly as in the first term.

As for President Obama's plans for a second term: reform of immigration laws, adoption of laws to combat climate change, etc., the prospects are completely vague. Without much risk of error, one can assume that the president's hands will be tied by fighting with Republicans over the budget and the borrowing ceiling, and that he will have neither time nor energy for other things.
Of course, the curse of the second term is not canon law. Everything can change. At least Barack Obama has hopes of improving things. It is a little consoling that he is not the only one who is not popular among Americans. Republicans, thanks to the Tea Party and the partial government shutdown, are now so unpopular that Democrats could take back control of Congress in next year's midterm elections.
In addition, although there are more unsuccessful two-term candidates, among Obama’s 15 colleagues there are those who could count a second term as an asset. Ronald Reagan's second term is remembered not only for the Iran-Contra scandal, but also for the landmark Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty that marked the end of the Cold War.

And Bill Clinton’s second term is remembered not only for the scandal with Monica Lewinsky, but also for the economic boom, which Americans cannot even dream of in their wildest dreams, and the budget surplus. When Clinton left the White House, his ratings were off the charts at 60%. Barack Obama would probably give a lot for such a rating now.

White House.

The Cabinet included former rivals in the primaries: Hillary Rodham Clinton as Secretary of State and Bill Richardson as head of the US Department of Commerce.

The next day, late in the evening, on the advice of constitutional lawyers, Obama in the White House, as a precaution, re-took the oath of state as head of state, due to the fact that the day before there was an error in reading the text of the oath established by the US Constitution: Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court Roberts mistakenly put the word “fairly” (eng. faithfully) after the words “to serve as President of the United States.”

First 100 days



During his first week in office, Obama suspended military commissions at Guantanamo Bay and ordered the detention facility to be closed within a year, although he did not close it until the end of the term, changed rules for interrogation of terrorism suspects, ordered the Energy Department to raise fuel efficiency standards and allowed states to set emission standards are higher than federal ones, and also lifted the ban on federal funding of international organizations associated with abortion.

On January 29, 2009, the President signed a law increasing the opportunity to appeal cases of discrimination in the field of wages in court ( en:Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009). In February, a law was passed to stimulate the economy ( en:American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009).

Re-election, cabinet changes

In 2012, Obama ran for a second presidential term under the slogan “Forward, for America!” On November 6, 2012, Obama was re-elected president; the inauguration took place on January 20, 2013. In February 2013, Secretary of Defense L. Panetta was replaced by Charles Hagel, Secretary of the Treasury T. Geithner by J. Lew, and Secretary of State H. Clinton by J. Kerry. In April 2013, S. Jewell was appointed to replace Interior Minister K. Salazar, and in May, E. Moniz was appointed to replace Energy Minister S. Chu.


In May 2009, a law expanding the rights of credit card users was signed ( en:Credit CARD Act of 2009). In July 2010, a law was signed to tighten financial market regulation and strengthen protection for consumers of financial services ( en:Dodd–Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act).

In December 2010, the Bush tax cuts were extended ( en:Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010).

In August 2011, Congress increased the national debt limit, cutting budget spending by $917 billion over 10 years and requiring a plan to cut spending by another $1.2 trillion over 10 years ( en:Budget Control Act of 2011). In September 2011, Obama presented Congress with a package of legislation to stimulate employment, including tax credits for job creators and investment ( en:American Jobs Act), and then unveiled a deficit reduction plan that included cuts to health care spending, operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the elimination of tax breaks for oil and gas companies and the wealthiest individuals.

Since the cost cutting plan required by legislation adopted in 2011 was not adopted, uniform cuts to most budget programs took effect in March 2013 ( en:Budget sequestration in 2013).

In October 2013, due to a conflict over the budget, the work of some federal institutions was suspended.

Human rights

In July 2009, the United States signed the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. However, in December 2012, the Senate rejected an Obama-backed proposal to ratify it. In October of the same year, a law was passed expanding the scope of protection from hate crimes to sexual minorities and people with disabilities ( en:Matthew Shepard Act). In August 2010, the differences in penalties for crystal cocaine, more common among blacks, and powder, more common among whites, were reduced ( en:Fair Sentencing Act). In December 2010, the United States became the latest UN member state to express support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; A law was also passed to repeal the "Don't ask, don't tell" policy. In May 2012, Obama expressed personal support for same-sex marriage; In June 2012, the administration announced that it would not deport illegal immigrants with no criminal records who were brought to the United States as children under 16 and were educated in America or served in its armed forces.

On January 8, 2011, Obama signed a law that prohibits the use of US Department of Defense funds to transfer Guantanamo Bay prisoners to American territory. In addition, the document prohibits the transfer of prisoners from this prison to other countries, except in a very limited number of cases. The new law casts doubt on the possibility of closing the prison in the near future.


In March 2010, legislation was passed increasing the maximum amount of federal grants for needy students ( en:Student Aid and Fiscal Responsibility Act).

Foreign policy, military actions

In December 2009, a decision was announced to increase the contingent of American troops in Afghanistan by 30 thousand.

On April 8, 2010, an agreement was signed with Russia on the reduction of strategic offensive weapons in Prague (approved by the Senate in December).

In May 2010, a law was passed requiring the State Department to provide detailed information on press freedom in annual reports on human rights in countries around the world ( en:Daniel Pearl Freedom of the Press Act).

On September 1, 2010, Obama announced the end of US military operations in Iraq; however, about 50,000 American troops remained in the country.

From March to October 2011, the United States participated in the military operation of a group of countries in Libya.

On May 2, 2011, Osama bin Laden was killed in Pakistan.

In October 2011, the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq by the end of the year was announced, and on December 11 of the same year, a ceremony was held to formally end the operation of US troops.

In December 2012, the Magnitsky Law was adopted in relation to Russia, and a normal trade relations regime was introduced in relation to Russia and Moldova.

In 2013, the Snowden scandal caused friction between Moscow and Washington.

Since March 2014, a series of sanctions have been introduced against Russia due to the situation in Ukraine. After the introduction of sanctions, the end of the “reset” was announced.

On July 14, 2015, an agreement on the Iranian nuclear program (INP) was concluded in Vienna. On January 16, 2016, the ILP plan came into effect.

On November 15-18, 2016, Barack Obama took his last trip abroad as President of the United States.

Healthcare, ecology

Contrary to what was stated in 2008, the Obama administration did not seek an extension of the Kyoto Protocol. According to Republican Senator Inhofe, Obama made it clear to delegates at the 2011 UN Climate Change Conference that he was ignoring them.

In June 2009, a tobacco control law was passed ( en:Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act).

In March 2010, despite opposition from some House Democrats and Republicans, a health care reform bill was passed aimed at increasing health insurance coverage. en:Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, amendments were made in the form en:Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010). After a series of lawsuits, parts of the reform were overturned by the Supreme Court in 2012 ( en:National Federation of Independent Business v. Sebelius).

In April 2010, the largest environmental disaster in US history occurred. An explosion occurred on a large oil platform, killing 11 people. They were able to stop the oil leak only three months later, when 4.9 million barrels of oil had already leaked into the water.

In December 2010, a new law was signed regulating children's nutrition in schools ( en:Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010). In January 2011, a law was signed expanding the state's powers to inspect food safety ( en:Food Safety and Modernization Act).

In December 2011, Obama supported the FDA's controversial decision by Secretary of Health C. Sebelius to ban the sale of emergency contraceptive pills to girls under 17 in pharmacies. In 2013, however, the age limit was lowered to 15 years with the support of the president.

In August 2012, the Obama administration introduced new, more stringent requirements to reduce vehicle fuel consumption. In 2013, the President's Climate Action Plan was published.

Judicial system, fight against crime

In 2009, Obama nominated Sonia Sotomayor for Supreme Court Justice to replace the resigned David Souter, who had been nominated by Bush Sr. before his appointment. The Senate confirmed Sotomayor's nomination. In April 2010, Supreme Court Judge J. Stevens announced his upcoming resignation; in May, Obama nominated Elena Kagan to replace him, who was confirmed by the Senate in August.

On December 14, 2012, one of the most notorious crimes in recent US history occurred. 20-year-old Adam Lanza opened fire at an elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. 20 children aged 5 to 10 years and six adults died. Addressing the nation in connection with this crime, Obama could not hold back his tears. "Every American parent felt a terrible weight in their hearts," he said and promised to do everything possible to prevent such tragedies.

In January 2013, Obama put forward an agenda for the legislative and executive branches to tighten gun control. However, in April, the Senate rejected one of the main measures proposed by Obama - eliminating the ability to purchase guns without verifying the buyer's identity.

On April 15, 2013, a terrorist attack took place at the finish line of the Boston Marathon, killing three people and injuring 264. This was the first terrorist attack on US soil since September 11, 2001.

On January 5, 2016, Barack Obama announced stricter rules for gun sales, bypassing the US Congress.


Former independent US presidential candidate Ralph Nader called Barack Obama a war criminal, criticizing his international policies. He made this statement in an interview with Politico. “The sovereignty of other countries means nothing to him. Its drones can kill anyone, as is the case in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen, for example. This is a war crime and he must be brought to justice," Nader said.

In June 2013, former CIA and NSA employee Edward Snowden provided several major American newspapers with data on mass surveillance by the US and British intelligence agencies of Internet users, as well as politicians and officials. As a result, Snowden asked for political asylum in Russia.

See also

  • Sanctions in connection with the Ukrainian events of 2014


  1. Mooney, Brian C.. Inaugural fund-raising exceeds $53m , The Boston Globe(January 30, 2009). Retrieved February 1, 2009.
  2. Chernus, Ira. The First Hundred Days or the Last Hundred Days? (undefined) . The LA Progressive(December 16, 2008). Retrieved January 18, 2009. Archived March 28, 2012.
  3. Reid, Tim. Barack Obama lays plans to deaden expectation after election victory, The Times (November 1, 2008). Retrieved January 18, 2009.
  4. Obama's first 100 days - Jan. 20, 2009
  5. Counter terror with justice: a checklist for the next US president
  6. Mixed Messages: Counter Terror and Human Rights - President Obama’s first 100 days
  7. Obama Issues Directive to Shut Down Guantánamo, NY Times (January 21, 2009).
  8. Closure Of Guantanamo Detention Facilities (undefined) . (January 22, 2009). Retrieved January 27, 2009. Archived March 28, 2012.
  9. Obama signs order to close Guantanamo in a year (undefined) . The Washington Times (January 22, 2009). Retrieved March 19, 2010. Archived March 28, 2012.
  10. Obama Reverses Key Bush Security Policies, New York Times, January 22, 2009
  11. From Peril to Progress (undefined) . White House (January 26, 2009). Retrieved January 26, 2009. Archived March 28, 2012.
  12. Obama ends funding ban for abortion groups abroad (undefined) . Retrieved January 23, 2009. Archived March 28, 2012.
  13. Obama reverses Bush abortion-funds policy January 23, 2009
  14. Living Within Our Means and Investing in the Future. The President’s Plan for Economic Growth and Deficit Reduction, 2011 (English)

The question of when Obama's term ends seems very simple at first glance. Every American and many citizens of other countries who have read the US Constitution or heard about it know that its main occupant should not stay more than two terms in the White House. There were exceptions, but until an amendment was made to the American fundamental law. In 2009, Barack Obama became the forty-fourth President of the United States. His term of office expires in the fall of 2016, namely in November. The question is really simple. But the answer may be more complicated.

Features of US election legislation

Internal problems

The new US president inherited many unresolved problems from his predecessor, Bush Jr. The whole world condemned the practice of extrajudicial detention of prisoners on the island of Cuba in Guantanamo Bay, where it was allegedly possible not to comply with American laws and legal norms. In fact, this “fig leaf” formally covered up a gross violation of not only legal, but also simple human concepts of justice. In the United States, discrimination against the population based on gender, race and other characteristics continued. The issue of allowing abortions was also not resolved, and standards for the use of energy resources were unclear. The federal economy had far from encouraging indicators. Health care needed reform.

Obama promised to solve these internal problems. The term of office did not begin easily; for the first hundred days he had to report to the people and voters.

Foreign policy

Despite the militarily brilliant victory, Iraq did not cease to be a problem; moreover, the further it went, the worse things got there. A considerable contingent of troops had to be supplied with everything necessary; this entailed serious costs, and the death of soldiers caused discontent. Things were no better in Afghanistan. At the same time, the new president had no intention of abandoning the formulation of an “indispensable power” that had emerged in the nineties. The entire period of Obama's rule was accompanied by ranting about the “exceptionalism” and “special role” of the United States; the country’s vital interests extended to the entire world - from the Arctic to Antarctica, along all meridians and parallels.

How did Obama become president?

There is nothing strange in the fact that a black citizen has finally become president of the United States. America is a country inhabited by a wide variety of ethnicities and races, all citizens are equal before the law, including Barack Hussein Obama, whose term of office began in 2009 and should end in 2016. The question is what else, besides skin color, made him stand out from other candidates. After reading his biography, everyone can be convinced that he later graduated from the Harvard Law School and his mother was white. He worked as editor of a legal review, then as a law professor in Chicago, then elected to the Illinois Senate. In 2000, he made his first and unsuccessful attempt to become a member of the House of Representatives, then a US Senator (successfully). Participated in the writing of various laws. That's all. He became the President of a country considered a world economic and military leader. Obama's first and then second term in office were not marked by any breakthroughs in foreign or domestic policy. The usual routine struggle for global hegemony. And in terms of personal charm, he is far from G.F.K., with whom he subtly tries to associate his image.

Obama's Rival

There are two main parties in the USA. The Republican nominee was John McCain, a veteran of the Vietnam War, a Phantom pilot who was shot down by a Soviet missile crew and spent about five years in captivity. This hero (according to American standards), Russophobe and “hawk” was opposed by Barack Obama. McCain's term in office could be marked by a much tougher foreign policy towards both Middle Eastern countries and Russia. A militant supporter of American global dominance is irritated by the independent course of any country that does not want to move in the wake of the United States. The former pilot was just a little short of victory. The difference between Obama and McCain supporters was only eight percent.

Crisis President

Obama's terms in office were not very successful. The dates of taking office for the first and second terms are within the chronological framework of the large-scale global economic crisis. The inheritance inherited from his predecessors could not please the new owner of the White House: huge amounts of foreign and domestic debt, stagnating industry, virtually uncontrolled emissions from Federal Reserve banks, and the falling purchasing power of the dollar. The forecasts were also not reassuring: the global crisis on its own is unlikely to end quickly; it is predicted to last ten or even twenty years. During the years of the presidency the situation has not improved. The share of Americans living in poverty or below the poverty line has reached an alarming 15% of the country's total population. It is surprising how Obama managed to maintain his popularity. The second term, which began in 2012, was the result of a victory over Republican Romney, an even weaker candidate, with a smaller electoral vote margin than McCain (less than four percent).

Military successes

The first black president in history had the opportunity to declare the world military leadership of the United States in a well-trained voice many times. Such performances were especially successful at military schools like Westpoint. President Obama must seek justification for the enormous and unprecedented defense spending (it has exceeded $700 billion and continues to grow). The term of office was marked by a further increase in the budgetary burden on the maintenance of the Pentagon, which, in the context of the declared victory in the Cold War, requires clarification. However, apparent failures in Afghanistan and Iraq have raised questions about cost-effectiveness. Obama Barack can boast of only a few military victories. His reign coincided with the so-called “Arab Spring,” during which several revolutions took place in the Middle East, more like well-planned coup attempts. In Libya, Gaddafi was overthrown and physically eliminated. Bin Laden, who apparently knew a lot, was killed just as hastily. It didn’t work out with Syria...


The failed attempt to change the ruling regime in the Syrian Arab Republic became a kind of indicator of Russia’s growing influence in the international arena. The activities of the diplomatic corps were of great importance, but the timely delivery of defensive coastal systems to this country had no less influence on the intentions to use military force. Another adventure could have been too costly, and the “liberation campaign” did not take place. Obama Barack is used to solving problems with small losses on foreign territory, and best of all, with local forces. The terms of government and their results remain on the pages of history, which it is better to enter into than to get into. Having made this tactical concession, the American administration, however, did not intend to give up its strategic positions.

Another revolution, shale

At the beginning of the third millennium, humanity was faced with a full-scale energy crisis. It’s not that less hydrocarbons are being produced, but some “wrong” countries are doing it. After victory in the Cold War, a significant part of American politicians were confident that the vanquished should be treated accordingly, that is, dictating enslaving conditions to them and freely disposing of their property. However, with Russia this scenario failed at some stage. It was not possible to resolve the contradiction between desire and capabilities militarily, and economic methods were used. There is no point in going into the technical details of production, but the essence of the technique was to release a large quantity of it on the market in order to reduce the price. However, the cost, including delivery, seemed too high to European consumers.

Support for Ukrainian democracy

So, the general situation is this: Obama's second term is ending, and numerous problems have not been resolved. Health care reform has failed, war continues in the Middle East, and Europe is heavily dependent on Russian gas. The last circumstance seemed fixable to the American president. Gas is a flammable substance, and in order to make it more difficult to transport goods, a fire should be started along its route. And it, as if by accident, but very timely, flared up in Ukraine. In fact, the United States did not even hide its support for the rebels - every taxpayer has the right to know what their money is being spent on. Some of them went to support democratic processes in Ukraine for the purpose of... well, we know what. Obama's tenure was marked by the spending of five billion dollars on support for the opposition in this country alone. And money was also spent in other states of the former USSR...

The notorious amendment

It has number 22 and was adopted in 1947 (ratification occurred in 1951). Before this, the length of the presidency in the United States was regulated only by moral and ethical standards and the desire to be in every way like Washington, who once decided that two terms was enough for him. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected four times and held office until his death, but then there was a war. What if a person with tyrannical dictatorial tendencies comes to power? After the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution came into force, this provision became mandatory. According to it, the end of Obama's term in office falls in the fall of 2016. He becomes a “lame duck”, and many of his undertakings have a vague prospect of implementation. However, what some people have approved, others, in principle, can cancel.

How to repeal the 22nd Amendment?

Some people were already thinking about repealing this restrictive legislative norm. For example, Ronald Reagan took this high post as an adherent of it, but later changed his mind and considered it fundamentally wrong. According to some reports, the thought of canceling it in 2013 crossed Barack’s mind; at least, he discussed the legal aspects of this possibility with the Prosecutor General. Democratic Congressman Jose Serrano supported the idea and introduced a bill regulating this process. It promises to be not very problematic, because if three quarters of the states ratify this “amendment amendment”, then it will pass before the end of the Obama administration. In 26 of the 50 constituent entities of the federal state, representatives of the Republican Party play a leading role, and one can count on the support of Democrats.

Will Obama run for a third term?

In 2009, despite the belligerent rhetoric that characterized many of his speeches, Barack Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize. The prestige of this international recognition of merit in various fields of human activity can be very dubious, but the title of laureate still obliges us to do a lot, albeit in advance. However, there is too little time left to make any fateful decisions. Obama's term is ending soon. Will they try to stay in the White House for another four years? And will he be able to do anything useful for America and all humanity during this time? We will have to find out in the near future.

Barack Obama is a world-famous figure due to his two terms as President of the United States. The times of his reign were remembered both by many American citizens and by the whole world.

How did Barack Obama get into politics?

In 1996, Obama became a member of the Illinois State Senate. The politician worked with Democrats and Republicans on an ethics bill and on expanding health services and early childhood education programs. He also created a government tax credit for the working poor. As chairman of the Illinois Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Barack worked with law enforcement officials to demand videotaped interrogations and confessions after a number of death row inmates were found not guilty.

In 2000, Obama unsuccessfully ran for the Democratic nomination for a seat in the US House of Representatives held by incumbent four-year candidate Bobby Rush. Two years later, he created a campaign committee and began raising funds to run for the US Senate in 2004. With the help of political consultant David Axelrod, Brack began assessing his prospects for winning the Senate.

After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Obama became one of the first opponents of President George W. Bush's attempt to start a war with Iraq. Barack was still a state senator when he opposed a resolution authorizing the use of force against Iraq during a rally in Chicago's Federal Square in October 2002. “I am not against all wars. I am against unnecessary wars,” he said, “I am against the cynical attempt of Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz to force their own ideological agenda down our throats, no matter the losses or hardships endured.” Despite his protests, the war in Iraq began in two thousand and three.

How did he become president?

In February 2007, Obama announced his candidacy for 2008 as the Democratic presidential candidate. On November 4th of the following year, Barack defeated Republican presidential candidate John McCain to become the forty-fourth President of the United States and the first African American to hold that office. His running mate, Delaware Senator Joe Biden, became vice president.

Domestic and foreign policy of Barack Obama

The Obama administration took action on many fronts. The President asked Congress to expand health insurance for children and provide legal protections for women seeking equal pay. A bill worth seven hundred and eighty-seven billion dollars was passed to promote short-term economic growth. Loans were provided to the auto industry and new regulations were proposed for Wall Street. Barack also cut taxes for working families, small businesses and home buyers.

In addition, Obama completely overhauled America's foreign policy. He sought to improve relations with Europe, China and Russia and establish dialogue with Iran, Venezuela and Cuba. He lobbied allies to support a global economic stimulus package. The President sent an additional twenty-one thousand troops to Afghanistan and set a date for the withdrawal of almost all American troops from Iraq in August 2010.

Barak ordered an attack on pirates off the coast of Somalia and prepared the country for an outbreak of swine flu. He signed an executive order banning excessive interrogation techniques and ordered the closure of the military detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, within a year.


Barack Obama has done a lot both for the United States and to improve the situation on the world stage. For his efforts, the Nobel Committee in Norway awarded the former president the Nobel Peace Prize in 2009.

1. Obama couldn't prevent Ferguson. Following a jury's decision not to prosecute police officer Darren Wilson for allegedly killing a teenager due to "insufficient" grounds, riots broke out across the country. Citizens, rightly outraged by police lawlessness, tried to defend their right to live without fear of “police officers.”

2.Obama has pushed the population to breaking point. According to sociological surveys, 76% of Americans are categorically dissatisfied with the current socio-economic situation in the country, and as many as 55% of respondents believe that during Barack Obama’s presidency, the United States has significantly lost its position in the world. In addition, 60% of Americans believe that Barack Obama is deceiving them on important issues. At the same time, more than a third of respondents claim that the head of state lies “most of the time.”

3.Obama exceeded his powers and denied the Constitution. The head of the United States has been repeatedly accused of exceeding presidential powers. For this, the majority of members of the House of Representatives of Congress supported a resolution that would make it possible to hold the US President accountable for exceeding his powers, and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives, John Boehner, even intended to sue the President for “arrogance and incompetence.” By the way, American social network users, outraged that their president does not even know the Bible, accused the head of state of ignorance of the Constitution.

4.Obama never ensured media freedom. Representatives of the American press called on the President to account for ensuring the openness of the media that Obama promised his citizens. Meanwhile, the adviser to the head of state was accused of creating a “black list” of journalists who could embarrass Obama with their questions.

5.Obama admitted that he was defeated. “We failed. “I must admit my responsibility in this failure,” said Barack Obama, admitting the loss of the US Democratic Party in the midterm elections to Congress on November 4. By the way, the leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Harry Reid, predicted a crushing defeat, predicting impeachment of the head of state.

6.Neither the Pentagon nor the military approves of Obama. According to the survey, as many as 85% of American soldiers, sailors, marines and airmen believe that because of Obama, the army has become an instrument of “clumsy, overbearing social engineering that undermines the army’s deep traditions, order and discipline.” But Pentagon officials are confident that Barack Obama and his administration are more dangerous than any external threats.

7. Obama became the object of ridicule by Americans. Thus, political activist and writer Carey Wedler, trying to express her hatred of Barack Obama, filmed herself burning a T-shirt with a portrait of her previously beloved leader. Participants in a rally in support of Democratic candidate Anthony Brown for Maryland governor also showed disrespect for their president when, during Barack Obama's speech, a whole crowd of people stood up and left the hall.

8. Obama and Congress were called "hacks." Almost half of Americans (42%) still expressed confidence that their president works less hard than they do.

9.Obama is not liked everywhere. The US President has completely lost the respect of the Russians, the Chinese called Obama a “loafer.” By the way, attitudes towards Obama sharply worsened in Germany (from 88% to 71%) and in Brazil (from 69% to 52%).

10.Obama and his security. The Secret Service of the President of All America also wants to leave the best: last year, a scandal from 2012 was made public, which erupted due to the unworthy behavior of the President's guards, and persons who had nothing to do with the employees freely entered the White House.

11. Obama rules “on the sly,” this is how experts described the president and his team when commenting on the policy of the United States in the international arena.

12.Obama is worse than Hitler. Outraged by the US leader's absence from a Republican march in memory of the victims of the terrorist attacks in France, Texas Representative Randy Weber found no other comparison than a tyrant and war criminal of World War II.

13.Obama chewed gum to the Marseillaise. During the official ceremony in honor of the 70th anniversary of the landing of Allied troops in Normandy, Barack Obama decided, as always, to disgrace himself and chew nicotine gum during the playing of the French anthem.

14.Obama is making progress in golf. Journalists estimate that Obama played almost 200 rounds of golf during his presidency. If we convert this figure into hours, it turns out that he spent 17 (!) times more time on his sports activities than on participating in public speeches and discussions on important issues, for example, after a brief condolence on TV regarding the execution of correspondent James Foley, the US President, in good spirits, continued to train his golf skills.
