Magic stories always captivate children with their unique plots. The most romantic of them are fairy tales about princesses. Many girls dream of meeting charming heroines who are noble, intelligent, kind and beautiful. Despite their positive personal qualities, royal daughters often get into trouble, from where they must get out either on their own or with the help of brave knights. The resourcefulness of the representatives of the highest aristocracy will make an indelible impression on young readers.

Read fairy tales about princesses and princesses online

As children begin to read fairy tales about princesses, they quickly realize the importance of such concepts as honor, valor and nobility. The characters of magical stories will have to go through many difficult trials, but they will adequately cope with the difficulties that have arisen. Neither evil witchcraft, nor robbers, nor the bad attitude of others will prevent girls from achieving happiness in life.
Parents can choose on the site suitable fairy tales for children - about princesses, which will be interesting to read even for boys. The courage of courageous warriors who stood up to protect the daughters of powerful rulers will win the hearts of young lovers of magical stories.

> Tales of Princesses and Princess

Today we have opened the section "Tales of the Princess". As a child, every girl wants to become a princess - to live in a fairytale palace, wear beautiful ball gowns, attend balls and, of course, meet a handsome prince. Where do such desires come from in a small child? Of course, from those fairy tales about princesses that grandma and mother read.

Therefore, the choice of legends and legends about beauties should be special - woven from magic, where good always triumphs over evil. It is important that fairy tales about princesses teach the baby virtue, instill in her a sense of empathy and love for the world around her.

  • Once upon a time, when good fairies, beautiful knights and fierce dragons were still in the world, when magic lurked in every corner, a king and a queen lived in a distant kingdom. In the middle of winter, they had three daughters. The first was named Cemalette, the second Nicolette, and the third Isabelle. At the same...

  • Once upon a time there was a prince, he wanted to marry a princess, but only a real princess. So he traveled all over the world, looking for one, but there was something wrong everywhere: there were a lot of princesses, but whether they were real, he could not completely recognize this, there was always something wrong with them. So he came back ...

  • There lived a king and ruled such a large kingdom that it would take many, many months for someone who would try to cross it from one border to another. There was a castle in the middle of the kingdom; it was in it that the king lived, who had a daughter who greatly grieved him. The fact is that the princess was distinguished by great ...

    One king had a beautiful daughter. The time came to marry her off, and the king found her a groom. But the princess did not like the groom, and she told her father that she would not marry him. The king got angry and ordered to imprison the princess in a secret room of the castle, and then announced everywhere that he would give his daughter in marriage ...

    The king had an only son - Prince Yanko. Once the king fell ill, called his son and said: “My son, now I will die, and you will be left alone. I will bequeath the kingdom to you, be a wise and just ruler. And I also leave you something that will help you cope with all the troubles. It is buried under a well in the yard. " ...

    Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a daughter, and everyone, seeing her, said: "Here is the most beautiful girl in the world!" Her skin was delicate, her braids long, soft as silk, and shiny as a raven's wing - not to be found in the whole kingdom. The princess was not only beautiful, but also kind, heart ...

    Do not think that the princess was born with a hunchback, nothing like that: she was slim and beautiful. In addition, she was the only heir to the king, and her future husband was to receive the kingdom. The king was already old and was looking forward to when finally the proud princess would choose a husband for herself to convey ...

    Once upon a time there was a prince, a handsome twenty-year-old boy. And he wanted to marry him. The king began to invite different princesses to the court, one more beautiful than the other. But none of them liked the young man. - This one, father? Can't you see what her hair is! It's like a mustache on a corncob! This? Black as ...

    There was once a merchant, and he had an only son. Every day the merchant gave his son fifty dinars and said: - Take it, my child, buy whatever you want. And if there is still need, come. So the young man lived, not knowing worries. He drank, ate, had fun. But one day I thought hard: “Everyone is not good for me ...

    Once upon a time, they lived in a distant kingdom, on the seashore, two families. One had a son named Jose, and the other had a daughter, Magdalene. The children were friends, and when they grew up, they got married. Jose and Magdalene had three daughters. The eldest, Ines, was very beautiful, the middle one, Angela, was very cheerful, and the youngest, Maria, was ...

    Once upon a time, three boys lived in the same village - Pedro, Juan and Pablo. From early childhood they were friends and remained friends when they grew up. Once Pedro said to Juan and Pablo: - Let's go to look for happiness. “Come on,” Juan and Pablo rejoiced. And the three of them hit the road. Friends walked for a long time ...

    Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a beautiful daughter. The time has come for her to get married, and her father, as was customary in those days, ordered to announce throughout the kingdom: “Whoever delivers ten wagons of money to me for ten days in a row will receive the hand of my beautiful daughter, and then my crown. However, the one ...

  • Once upon a time there was a princess. Her name was Lise-Lotta. Her hair was blond, curly, her eyes were blue, almost like all princesses. And she also had a whole room of toys. There were so many things: wonderful little furniture, and toy stoves with real small pots and coffee pots ...

  • Once upon a time there was a king and he had an only daughter, his pride and love. Delicate, kind, beautiful, and perfection itself, the king might say, if not for one snag: the princess never laughed. Nobody and nothing could cheer her up. Her father, the king, on the contrary, always had fun. The court jester is still ...

  • Once upon a time there lived a very worthy king, and he had a beautiful daughter, you will not find another one like that. But then the proud woman is worse than Lucifer: she did not agree to choose a single king or prince as her husband. Father was simply tired of her and decided to invite all acquaintances and strangers to the palace for the last time ...

    There lived a king and a queen, and their daughter was born. The king rejoiced, the queen rejoiced, but their happiness did not last long. An old witch came to the palace and turned the little princess into a cobra, cast a spell on her: only then will her human form return to her when she touches ...

    Once upon a time there was a man, and he had a meadow somewhere on a slope, and in the meadow there was a barn, and there was hay stored there. Only in recent years there were not many supplies there, because every year, on Midsummer's night, when the grass is most juicy and thickest, someone got into the habit of eating up the whole meadow, as if a whole had passed through it ...

    One king had four children - three princesses and a prince. The prince's name was Vitek, but that's not the point. Once the king and queen had to go somewhere in foreign lands. Getting ready for the journey, they instruct Vitek: look, we will leave all matters to you until we return; look, Vitek, to ...

    A poor man lived in the royal capital, he knitted brooms. He will impose a whole cart and carry to the market to sell. So he found out that some gentleman hires workers and pays one hundred gold pieces a month. The poor man says to his son: - This, guy, is a worthwhile job! Shouldn't you go? One hundred gold a month! Well, our Tonda got ready right now, ...

    The king had a daughter. The shoemakers did not have time to sew shoes on her - every evening she trampled on three hundred pairs of shoes. The king was greatly amazed at this, but could not in any way find out with whom she was dancing so. “That way, he thinks, you’ll slap the whole treasury into shoes”. He ordered to watch her, but the guards every evening ...

    In ancient times, an old man and an old woman had seven children in one country. Six daughters, and the youngest, the seventh, was a frog. Her parents put her in a large vat and looked after her like the other daughters. And the frog learned to speak humanly. Once the king of that country arranged in his ...

    In the country of Gulita Sagob, at the very end of the world, the mighty Raja Khamsoikasa once ruled. His people lived peacefully and happily. The rajah had two wives: the eldest was called Rakna Divi, and the youngest was Kenchan Ansari. However, Raja Hamsoikasa was not happy. No matter how much he prayed to Almighty Allah, both his wives remained ...

    Where it was, it was there, and if it wasn't, it won't be, because the miracles that were happening in the days of Kakonya the king have ceased to work. Once upon a time there was a king with a queen and they owned such wealth that no one could equal them in this. But they were not amused by any wealth, and from year to year they became ...

    Once upon a time there lived a king of lizards, who had two beautiful daughters, and only one father-king knew their names. The time came to marry off the daughters, and then the king announced that he would give the daughters to the one who would tell him their names, and in addition, he would give each son-in-law a bag of money. Needless to say, from the suitors ...

    Two apprentices walked around the world. Once they came to a beautiful castle and looked through the fence into the garden, where the beautiful princess was walking. - Borzhek, do you know what I would like? one of them, a young handsome country boy, asks a friend. - Maybe become the owner of this castle, huh? - answers ...

    Once upon a time there lived a princess and she was so beautiful that you cannot find another such in the world. She was looking for an equally handsome husband. I wandered around the world, looked everywhere, but could not find. One day someone came to her in red pants, a triangular hat, a book under his arm. She said: "You are mine, and I am yours!" He answered her: “Don't ...

    Beyond the green forests, beyond distant lands, one emperor had twelve daughters. The emperor's country was small, and the princesses wanted to live in luxury. In order to live in luxury, they sold their souls to the devil. The princesses constantly went somewhere to the ball. And at the ball, after each dance, a couple ...

    Once upon a time there was a king and he had a daughter, young and beautiful and so wise and sensible that there was no equal to her in the whole district, and the fame of her wisdom even reached the ninth kingdom. The king persuaded her to choose a groom and hastened her with the wedding. Only the princess did not want to think about the wedding and kept trying to dissuade herself: ...

  • Once the king grew old and felt that it was time to choose an heir. And he had three sons. So he came up with a test for them. It was, however, somewhat strange. It was necessary to find the king's most devoted friend - an intelligent, brave, little dog. And whoever finds the smallest dog will ...

  • In one large kingdom there was a king who had a beautiful wife. The king and queen had an only daughter, their joy and the apple of their eye. They only dreamed of the time when the little princess grows up and will bring them even more joy. Alas, too often, dreams don't come true. ...

  • Once upon a time there was a king, and he had a daughter with such golden hair that it was impossible to look at them: so they shimmered and shone. For this she was named Bright Dawn. A king from a neighboring kingdom, upon hearing of her beauty, immediately fell in love with her. He sent an ambassador to her with numerous gifts and a letter ...

  • Once upon a time in a certain kingdom, King Kind and Queen Gentle ruled. They had a little daughter named Bright. She was very kind, brave and beautiful. The queen died shortly after the birth of her daughter. A year later, the king married again the queen from the neighboring kingdom, Princess Rigi-de. She is...

  • Chapter 1. Farm Once upon a time there was a king and a queen, and they had three daughters. The two older girls, named Orange and Russetta, were twins. Father and mother doted on them: firstly, they considered them beauties, secondly, clever women, and thirdly, they were terribly similar to their parents. Parents, ...

  • Once upon a time there was a king and he had three daughters. They were all very beautiful, but the youngest was the most beautiful of all. Her name was Wanda, and she was her father's favorite. She was always given the most gifts and the least forbidden to play pranks. Once the king went to war. Hearing that he won and returned home, daughters ...

  • In one kingdom there was a widow king. He was incredibly rich, and he had a daughter, whose name was April, and she was more beautiful than spring. When she was 15 years old, her father married again. The stepmother had a daughter, whose name was Trotty, and she was more terrible than the most terrible night. Her face was cracked ...

  • Once upon a time there was a king and a queen. They lived happily, and their subjects adored them, only one thing was missing for both - they did not have an heir. The queen, confident that the king would love her even more if they had a son, went every spring to drink the healing waters that were famous throughout ...

  • Once upon a time there was a farmer with his wife, and they had a son named Kuzma. He was a good boy, but only lazy, he did not want to work in any way. Once the farmer's wife said: - We do not need such a sloth, let him go and try his luck on the side. The farmer agreed and took Kuzma to the forest. He built him a hut and gave him an old ...

    Once upon a time there was a very wise king. He is the son of an old sage and ordered to educate the young prince in love for God and his neighbor. The elder placed the child in a secluded area on the banks of a wide river and taught him everything that was useful to him. It did not cost him much work, because ...

All girls love fairy tales about princesses... In them, good invariably triumphs over evil, and eternal love comes to those who really deserve it. The heroes described in such tales are ideal. And even if they cannot exist in the real world, fairy tales about princesses for girls will always remind you of true femininity, gentleness and kindness.

Fairy tales-parables about princesses

READ a fairy tale

Once upon a time there was a woman. A very messy woman. Everything in her house was upside down: a pile of unwashed dishes in the sink, gray torn curtains on the windows, a thick layer of dust on furniture, stains on the floor and carpet ... But at the same time, she was a kind and compassionate woman. She never walked past a hungry kitten, handed out sweets to the neighbour's children, translated the old women across the road.

Once, returning from work as usual, she took off her shoes in the middle of the room, left her coat in the bath, and for some reason dropped her hat while walking down the corridor. In the kitchen, the woman began to sort out the bags with purchases, but dreaming, abandoned this business, went to the cabinet where the books stood, took out a volume of poetry by some unknown poet and, sitting down on the sofa, began to read.
Suddenly the woman heard a tiny squeak. She got up, went to the window and noticed a little sparrow caught on the clothesline. The poor thing was flapping his wings, trying with all his might to get out, but nothing came of it, and the rope only pulled his fragile body even more firmly.

Then the woman grabbed a pair of scissors from the windowsill, which were so conveniently at hand, and cut the rope. The rags, which had been drying on the rope for several weeks, flew down, but the sparrow was also free. The woman stood by the window for a little more, watching the bird rejoice, and then went into the kitchen, found the grains that had been lying around and, returning, poured them on the cornice.

She did not expect the sparrow to return. But he came back. Fearlessly, he sat down on the window and began to peck at the treat.

From that day on, the sparrow always began to fly to the woman and peck the seeds. Once, he got so bold that he even flew into the room, made several circles under the ceiling and immediately flew away. And the next day, this is what happened ...

This sparrow was not an ordinary bird at all. In fact, it was a fairy who took on different guises and flew around the world in search of good deeds. It so happened that she was caught in the clothesline hanging in front of the window of a scruffy woman, but decided not to resort to magic, but to wait until it ended. Noticing how kind and compassionate the woman was, the fairy began to fly to her window every day, wanting to make sure she was not mistaken. But, the more the fairy flew to the woman, the more she understood that her kindness was so great that she illuminated everything around her, even this dirty apartment. And then, the fairy decided to help the kind woman.

Once, when the woman left for work, the fairy, along with her girlfriends, flew into her apartment. With the help of magic, she opened the window, and once inside, she immediately began to distribute tasks to her friends:
- two fairies with zeal began to rub the floors with small wax rags;
- another fairy began to clean the curtains - she sprinkled some kind of silver liquid on them, and in the place where the liquid got into, the curtains became crystal clear and new;
- the other two fairies took care of the kitchen. They carefully washed the battered and chipped dishes, and then, with the help of magic, made the dishes new, and even patterned and multi-colored;
- the most important fairy, the one who flew in the guise of a sparrow, took care of the walls with torn off dirty wallpaper and old, worn furniture. Here she conjured for so long that it seemed that all her magical power should have been wasted. But of course that didn't happen. But on the walls, now whitest, bizarre pictures appeared - the sea, mountains, sun, bright grass.

When the work was finished, the fairies took out fresh wildflowers from somewhere (although it was late autumn outside the window) and, filling graceful vases with water, put fragrant bouquets in them. The last thing the most important fairy allowed herself: the little affectionate puppy was very happy, having found a new, and even such a cozy and clean house.

When the clock, yellow with peas, struck five, the fairies flew away.
And soon the owner of the apartment herself came home. Unlocking the door with her old key, she at first thought she had the wrong address. I had to go outside and go into the house again. But her apartment still shone with cleanliness. Then the woman took off her shoes in the doorway and carefully put her shoes on a small shelf. Then, she hung her coat and hat on a hanger and carried the purchases to the kitchen. Everything happened as if in a dream: the woman could not believe that she was in her apartment. She carefully took apart the bags, put everything in its place, and when she finished she heard a slight rustling behind her.
Turning and seeing the little puppy, she picked him up in her arms and began to hug and circle with the puppy around the house.

From that day on, the woman's life changed. Now she has become the neatness the world has never seen. And in the evenings, local children came to her house for tea with sweets. The children played with the puppy and were surprised all the time - how wonderful and cozy it is for a woman in the house.

That's how friends,
You don't judge a book by its cover.
Though old and shabby
The book has a spine.

If there is vice
You will help him.
No judgment
Present your lesson with kindness.

It is good as a sail in the blue sea,
It turns white in the midst of boiling waters.
And everyone who responds with good kindness
You will certainly find that sail.

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Fairy tale

This story happened in those years when our country had a terrible deficit of everything. We had dreams about gummy candy. Chocolate was handed out strictly on major holidays. A glass of ice cream was usually divided into four. It was considered the greatest joy to crawl out a can of condensed milk, and there were legends about all kinds of exotic delicacies in our circles. But we have never seen them live.

Our dad was a doctor. And then one day he brought home a whole bunch of bananas. Imagine real bananas! Yellowish, with small black specks. Mom put bananas on the table and forbade us to touch them until dinner. But she didn’t forbid to watch. And so, my sister and I sat next to these bananas, as if hypnotized.

And after dinner we were allowed to eat a banana each. ABOUT…. It was an extraordinary taste: both sweet and so viscous, like marmalade, ice cream and condensed milk at the same time.

After that, there are three more bananas left in the bunch. We dreamed the whole evening how we would wake up in the morning and eat another banana.

When our parents fell asleep, we did not agree to understand that we could no longer endure. They quietly got up from their beds and went into the kitchen. In the moonlight, the bananas on the table looked even more beautiful. Judging in fairness, we decided to eat one banana for two. But for a long time they did not dare to reach out and tear the banana from the bunch. Then I got up the courage and tore off the banana. As soon as the banana was in my hands, I felt that it was kind of soft. Yes, and moves. I got scared and dropped the banana.
And the sister says:
- Here you are a muddler!
I started looking for a banana. But, in the dark, it was difficult to do it. He seemed to have fallen under the floor. Then we quietly closed the kitchen door so as not to wake up the parents and turned on the light. I will never forget that day, or rather the night.

By the light of a light bulb, my sister and I saw a tiny girl dressed in a yellow dress - a banana peel. She sat by the radiator and straightened her pigtails. There were at least a dozen of them on her head. But the strangest thing was not even this, but the fact that, catching our glances at herself, the girl rose into the air, waving her thin wings behind her back.

Just like a butterfly. She flew very close to us and hung in the air:
“Why are you staring at me like that?” You that fairies have never seen?
- Nope! - we were fascinated by this tiny creature.
- Then, let me introduce myself - I'm the fairy Tropicanka. But you can just call me Tropy.
- Yeah ... - we still could not come to our senses.
The fairy made a circle in our small kitchen and stopped in front of the sink.
- Is that water? Please make me a pool. I'd like to freshen up.

The nurse plugged the sink and began to draw water. The fairy watched her actions closely. When there was enough water, the sister turned on the tap. The fairy asked if it was possible to leave the water on. We explained that then the water will overflow and flood the neighbors. Then Tropy sprinkled some kind of golden dust on the sink, and instead of the sink, an oasis of extraordinary beauty appeared in our kitchen - a miniature waterfall and a crystal clear lake.

The fairy immediately dived into the lake. Long frolicked and splashed in it, like a small fish. When she had floated enough and dried her wings, she flew over to the table and sat on the edge of the plate where the two remaining bananas lay. Tropy sprinkled gold pollen on the table, and instead of a plate, a tray immediately appeared, on which lay a variety of fruits. Now, having already become an adult, I know the names of each of them. Some, I've only seen in movies and in pictures of culinary magazines. And then they were all just red, green, striped, pimpled, small, large, sweet, sour, honey ...

My sister and I ate everything at once, managing only to spit out the bones. The fairy, meanwhile, looked in a small mirror and fingered her tiny pigtails. Soon our stomachs started to hurt. But that's okay, because we were so happy that we didn't pay attention to our bellies and continued to eat.
Having finished sorting out the pigtails, Tropy flew up to the window and asked us to open it. It was a snowy cold winter, and our windows were sealed with white tape with cotton wool for warmth. Only the window opened. But that was enough.

As soon as fresh frosty air entered the room, colorful parrots flew into the kitchen after it. They sat down at ease on the refrigerator, cupboards and curtains and began to talk. We have never seen such parrots before. Different colors, different sizes, with large beaks, and beaks that look like tiny tweezers. The parrots cooed with their melodious voices, and from this the whole kitchen, together with a waterfall, a lake and strange fruits, became like a tropical island in the ocean.

But the surprise did not end there. A little more time passed, and we heard a noise outside the door, from the side of the corridor. Thinking that it was the parents who woke up, we have already prepared to tell them about all these incredibles. But when my sister opened the door, it turned out that there was a whole company behind her - a little lion cub, a baby elephant and a zebra baby. These three walked gravely into the kitchen and sat down at the table as if they were coming here every day.

At first we were afraid of the lion cub. And then they got used to it and began to stroke and caress him along with other animals. The parrots, too, grew so bold that they sat on my and my sister's shoulders, pecked at the grains from the palm of their hand and paced over our heads as if they were grass lawns.

This went on until the morning. And when Dad's alarm clock rang, we said goodbye to the fairy and went back to our beds to sleep at least a couple of hours before school.

When Mom woke us up for breakfast, we vied with each other to tell her about what happened at night. She certainly didn't believe us. Only all the time I was surprised when we managed to come up with such a folding fairy tale.
There is no trace left in the kitchen of those incredible events that took place at night. We ourselves already a little doubted whether all this really happened.

But clearing the dirty dishes from the table after breakfast, my sister found a tiny mirror in the sink. The same one that looked like Tropicanka. This is how we realized that we did not dream of this story.

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Vanya and Tanya played with matches. Everyone knows the golden rule: "matches are not toys for children!" But the guys were very naughty. They decided to light a fire in the courtyard of a large apartment building. To do this, Vanya and Tanya collected old newspapers, dry sticks and cardboard boxes, folded a pyramid out of this and just wanted to open the box and get a match, when a neighbor's grandmother appeared:

- What are you tomboys doing here ?! She screamed.
- Nothing special, - Vanya held his foot on the ground. - So, let's play.
- Oh, you're playing! Now I will call the police and they will immediately identify you! - shouted the grandmother.

The guys rushed like a bullet into the entrance, up the steps to the fifth floor, to their apartment. And only when the door slammed behind them did they exhale. They were not afraid of the police, but mom and dad. Most of all, they did not want to spend all the holidays at home, punished.

When the first excitement passed, Vanya, who was a full five minutes older than his sister, said:
- Let's make a fire right here? And no one will see.

Tanya really liked this idea, and she jumped into the room for old notebooks.

The children rolled up the carpet in the living room (so as not to catch fire) and began to lay out a new pyramid for the fire. For some reason, Vanya put his school diary at the base, but then he thought about it and nevertheless put it away.
When all the preparations were over, Tanya brought matches. The children looked at each other solemnly. Another second and the girl's thin fingers had to remove a thin and such a dangerous match from the box ... Is there really no one to interfere with the guys ?!

Match fairy

Tanya opened the box slightly, and suddenly, in front of the astonished children, ... A match appeared from there! Only unusual, but alive. With wings on the back.
- Wow! - Said Tanya and Vanya in unison and flopped to the floor in surprise.
“I’m a match fairy,” replied the match with wings. - For the fact that you disobeyed your parents and violated the most important rule - you began to play and play with matches without adults, I am taking you to the country of Matchboxes for re-education! - and without waiting for an answer, the fairy blew, first at Tanya, then at Vanya.

The guys quickly began to shrink. Their entire room was instantly transformed into a gigantic, unfamiliar world. Now they were the same height as the fairy. Not far from the guys, the same matchbox was lying on the floor. Only now it was huge, like a real house.

Following the fairy, the guys approached the box and began to climb inside along its smooth walls. But nothing came of them. Then the fairy clapped her hands and Tanya and Vanya floated through the air, like dandelion fluffs and flew straight into the half-open matchbox.

Gigantic logs lay under their feet. Of course, these were ordinary matches. Only now they were very large compared to the tiny children. There was a wooden door in one of the walls of the matchbox. The fairy pushed her, and the guys stepped into an extraordinary world.


Everything here was made of matchboxes: houses, bridges, trees. But the creatures seemed much more surprising, walking importantly along the paths, driving around in cars - matchboxes, looking out of the windows of houses - matchboxes. All these were ordinary matches - thin, with handles and legs; old and young, mother and child matches, dog matches and even sparrow matches.

Tanya and Vanya walked along the paths with their mouths wide open and incessantly turned their heads, now in one direction, then in the other. Suddenly Vanya said to his sister:
- Listen, where is the fairy?

The guys stopped. And in fact, the fairy has disappeared somewhere. Meanwhile, the matchstick men with strange irritation and even malice looked at the guys. They lined up on either side of the road and whispered.


A gray-haired old man came out of the crowd of matches:
“You're not welcome here,” he said loudly. You are very naughty and nasty guys. You should have been sent to the quarries. But at the request of our dear fairy, we allow you to earn your forgiveness!
- What have we done? - Tanya asked with a tremor in her voice.

The old man and everyone else frowned harder than ever.
- Is it because, - Vanya began, - that we dabbled with matches?
- Were you playing around ?! They dabbled! - some match-mother intervened in the conversation, - Do you know how many innocent matches die for nothing because of such stupid and irresponsible guys like you! Every day some boy or girl plays with matches, breaks, sets fire to anything! And all for what!

“And this, not to mention their own safety,” the uncle-match in large round glasses remarked delicately.

- No, no, all this is empty talk, - the old man spoke again. - It's clear. You two must follow the road of His Majesty King Match XI. This is the only way you can understand for yourself what it means to properly handle matches. And only in this way can you return home to your world.
- Fair enough! Fair enough! - the rest of the matches nodded.
- But ... - Tanya tried to object, - and if we get lost?
“It’s unlikely,” the match in glasses stammered, “we have only one road in our country. And that is what you need.

- It turns out that we have no other choice, - Vanya noted. He wanted to ask if they would encounter dire dangers on their way, but there was no one else around. All the matches somehow very quickly returned to their business.

The guys had to go along the only road of His Majesty the King of Match XI in the country of Matchboxes.

Let's hit the road

There was a forest just outside the city. Here the matchbox trees stood so close to each other that the sun's rays hardly penetrated their dark branches. The guys walked holding hands, and they were a little scared. From all sides every now and then came some rustles. They were clearly being watched.

Spoiled matches

Suddenly the trees parted and a man stepped out onto the road. It was a match without a brown cap on its head.
- Good day! - Vanya turned to the stranger.
“Nothing good,” the little man replied dully. “No one is allowed to walk in this forest without my knowledge.
- And who are you? - Tanya asked.
- I? Who am I? - the little man was clearly not happy with the question. - Come on, brothers, tell these fools who I am!
Other similar people began to emerge from behind the trees. There were also no brown caps on their heads.

The guys got really excited.
- I am the leader of the spoiled matches. We are not allowed to live in the city with others.
“With the normal ones,” a thin voice squeaked from the crowd.
- Look around, - the little man began his story, - here you will find examples of the most different cruelty and injustice. Some of us were born freaks. Sometimes a factory defect occurs, and matches are born without a cap from an incendiary mixture. They are doomed to drag out a miserable, worthless existence. But some, born normal matches, fall into the hands of notorious villains. They are burned for a joke. And then they are thrown to the ground. At this moment, their life does not end, but they can no longer return back to their own. Then we accept them here - in the Forest of Les Miserables.

- How sad! - sobbed Tanya.
- Sad ?! She is sad! Just listen! - the little man, it seems, was still angry. - If not for you - people, we would live happily ever after!
- But who would make you then? - Vanya tried to insert.
- Take them! - screamed the little man, greatly offended by such a comment.

Matchstick men flew from all sides at the guys. And everything, of course, would have ended badly if the fairy had not appeared. Her presence alone had a strange, pacifying effect on the men. They parted in different directions.
The fairy turned to the leader of the outcast:
- Don't get so excited. After all, these are just children. In addition, you can ask them a question, and if they answer it, you will let them go.
The leader of the outcasts liked this idea, and he again turned to the guys, softening a little:
- Okay. Answer now - what is the match head made of? Pay for a mistake with your lives.
Tanya and Vanya looked at each other, and the fairy tilted her head to one side.
I had to remember. From thoughts and tension, Vanya even got a headache, but in the end - finally, he remembered:
- From sulfur! Precisely - from sulfur.
- Hmm, - the little man winced. - And this is your final answer?
- Well yes.
The fairy intervened again:
- Keep in mind that the guys are only seven years old.
- Okay. The answer is valid. But, of course, this is far from what I would like to hear. The match contains bertol salt, manganese dioxide and sulfur. Sulfur is the main combustible substance in a match. Bertol's salt gives off oxygen when it burns, and the match does not go out so quickly. And so that the temperature of the fire is not too high, manganese dioxide is used.
- Wow, there is so much in a small match! - the guys said in chorus, but remembering who was in front of them, they immediately fell silent.
- And you thought! - the little man grinned.
The fairy disappeared somewhere again, just as suddenly as it appeared, and the guys safely continued on their way.

At the factory

Soon the forest ended. The endless expanses stretched. After walking a little more, the guys saw a huge building, with its top reaching into the sky. Some vague sounds came from its open windows. After listening, they realized that this was a crying of children.
At that very moment a match man in a white robe appeared out of the door and shouted at the top of his throat:
- Help is urgently required! Help! Respond to all who have free hands!

Since Tanya and Vanya had their hands free at that very moment, they hurried to the match in a white robe. He looked them over doubtfully, and then with a wave of his hand, hastily invited them to follow him:
- Just keep in mind, this is a very delicate matter!
- And what's the matter? - Tanya asked with interest.
- We have a maternity hospital here, young lady, - a match in a white robe frowned, - of course, we are talking about the birth of a new life!
The guys looked at each other in surprise.

In the wards, cradles stretched in long rows. Each of them contained a tiny match. Only now they did not have to be in this infant state for long. Already after some ten or fifteen seconds, the matches jumped on their feet and went to their parents. Foster parents, because, as you know, matches are produced on special machines. Every day, one match machine can produce over ten million matches. That is why, a match in a white robe - doctor match, was in such a hurry.

Tanya and Vanya were put in a row, behind other matchstick men. Their task was simple: to transfer newborn matches from the maternity ward to the wards with a conveyor belt. This occupation, at first interesting, very soon got tired of the guys. Their hands ached. They wanted to take time off from the Chief, but they were forbidden to move. The matches went on a continuous conveyor.

Tanya began to whimper, and Vanya flushed from work and puffed like a steam locomotive. Suddenly a match fairy appeared.
- Guys, - she said, - well, remember vividly what matches are made of.
- From oak! - Vanya blurted out.
“The answer is wrong,” said the fairy.
- From birch, - Tanya shouted, handing over another baby match.
- By again.
- Aspen? - Vanya suggested.
- Quite right. Aspen is the best material for making matches. It perfectly holds the combustible mixture, does not split when cutting and does not give off soot when burning.

At the same second, someone shouted loudly "BREAK!", And the conveyor immediately stopped. The fairy disappeared again, and the guys left the maternity hospital and continued on their way along the road of His Majesty King Match XI.

Palace of His Majesty the King of Match XI

Some time passed, and a long brown fence blocked their way. It stretched right and left as far as the eye could see. There was a door in the fence, locked with a large padlock. On both sides of the door stood matches in iron armor with spears. They looked at the guys who came up sternly.
- Hello, - said Tanya. - Let us go through. Please, we really need it.
“You can get through if you answer the question correctly,” said one of the guards.

The guys nodded.
- Why is the match burning? The guard asked.
- Well, it's easy! - Tanya waved her hand, - the sulfur at its end is a combustible substance. We have already been told about this today!
“The answer is wrong,” the guard muttered.
- How unfaithful ?! - Vanya was indignant. - Very faithful! We strike the box with a match and now - on those, the match is on fire.
But the guards said nothing to this. And the guys were not allowed.

The children sat down by the side of the road and propped their heads with their hands. Will they never be able to complete their journey because of such a stupid and easy question?
They were no longer surprised when a few minutes later the match fairy appeared.

On this difficult journey, she was their faithful assistant. And without her, they would hardly have been able to go beyond the Forest of Les Miserables.
- Guys, - the fairy turned to them, - when you rub a match on the boxes, it is not the match itself that lights up, but the mixture that is applied to the wall of the box. It is composed of red phosphorus and glue. The combustion reaction goes from the box to the match and it seems to you that you set it on fire. Actually, they caused a fire on the surface of the matchbox.
- Wow! - Tanya and Vanya were very surprised at this. And the guards stepped aside and allowed the guys to go through the fence. Only now did they notice that it consists entirely of brown matchbox walls, impregnated with the same phosphorus and glue.

Behind the fence was a large palace, built of course from matchboxes, like everything else in this country.
The guys walked along long, curving corridors and found themselves in a huge hall. Before them on the throne sat King Match XI.

As it was supposed to behave in such cases, the children bowed. The king answered them with a slight nod of his head.
- Dear king, - Vanya began, - we walked along your path and overcame all difficulties. Will you let us go home?
- Well, - said the king graciously, - if so, then I see no obstacles.

Not so simple

At this time, a low match ran into the hall with a piece of paper in its hands. Having reached the king, bowing low, the match handed him a piece of paper. The king began to read it carefully. His face became very serious.

When he finished, he addressed the guys in a completely different voice:
- New, additional circumstances have opened. I'm afraid I won't be able to let you go home. You will go to the quarries and spend the rest of your life in labor for the good of our glorious state.

The guys roared loudly. Through her tears, Tanya began to lament:
- What have we done? We did everything, we managed!
- And how many innocent matches have you ruined ?! Cried the king angrily. I was just informed that you burned your names on the fence and spent two whole boxes of matches on this!
- We, but ...
- It was you who set fire to matches and threw them out of the window at passers-by ?!
- We, but ...
- Did you sculpt plasticine figures and insert matches into the plasticine?
- We…
- Then, the punishment that I have chosen for you is still rather mild. You should have been executed. Guardians! Take these two away!
Out of nowhere appeared matches - guards. They pulled their thin arms, clad in armor, towards the guys. Tanya and Vanya began kicking and ...

… We woke up. They were curled up on the living room floor. In front of them was a pile of old notebooks that they were going to burn.
- Was that a dream? - Tanya asked her brother.

He was still rubbing his eyes with his hands in bewilderment. Nearby lay a half-open matchbox. Something small, like an ordinary match, darted inside. Or was it just imagined?

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READ the fairy tale about the princess

It was a lovely summer day. Serene fluffy clouds floated across the sky. Loud white-winged gulls frolicked along the shore. Princess Anne descended the wide palace staircase and headed for the garden. There, where an extraordinary view of the sea opened from a high ledge.

But after walking only a few steps along the path, the princess stopped. Right at her feet lay a pitiful, not yet fledged chick. The kid seems to have injured his paw and now he could not even get up.
- Poor him! - Anna sank to the ground in front of the chick, not even caring not to stain the lace on the dress. - Where is your mom, baby?
The chick squeaked pitifully.

At that very moment, the fat palace cat Lucius came out from behind the tree. He squatted on his hind legs, as if preparing to jump and licked his lips greedily. If not for Anna, Lucius would have eaten the chick for sure. At the last minute, the princess managed to get to her feet, carefully picking up the unfortunate bird from the ground. The cat growled in displeasure.
- Fu! How disgusting you are, Lucius! Anna shook her finger at him. - You are just waiting for the moment to offend the weak.
The princess looked up. At the top of a spreading tree, just above her head, was a cozy nest.

Without thinking twice, Anna made a cradle out of her handkerchief, into which she placed the chick, tightly grabbed the ends of this cradle with her teeth, and began to climb up the tree trunk.

You probably think that princesses shouldn't be climbing trees in lace dresses? But Anna was of a different opinion. She hated injustice, and therefore would never have left a tiny bird to fend for itself.

Almost reaching the top, Anna heard familiar voices below. Soon Prince Hans and his retinue appeared under the tree. It was the princess's sibling who was very, not VERY different from his sister. As if they were raised in different families. He was an evil, calculating and cruel prince. If he noticed Anna climbing trees, he would certainly report this to his parents. And even then she would have blown hard. But the princess sat high, and the spreading branches reliably hid her from prying eyes.

Lucius suddenly appeared out of nowhere. He began to rub against his master's legs and meow loudly. Lucius knew where Anna was. Nasty cat! He seemed to be doing his best to get Hans to look up.
“Not a bad place here for lunch tea! - for no reason, no reason, said the prince. - Tell me to serve me tea right here.
Princess Anne almost screamed in frustration. Now her way down was cut off for a good two hours. The prince was very slow.
Fortunately, she was already almost at the level of the bird's nest. So, it was not difficult for her to reach out and bring the chick home. Mom, of course, was not there.

Then Anna settled comfortably on a branch, leaned her head against the wide trunk of a tree and closed her eyes.

Soon, a light breeze that touched her eyelashes made the princess open her eyes.

A bird was hanging in the air right in front of her face. She moved her wings so quickly that she seemed motionless.
- Thank you, good princess! - the bird squeaked.
- You can speak? - Anna was surprised.
- All animals and birds can speak, they just do not always want to. For the fact that you saved my son, I will give you a magic bean. Plant him in the ground and you will see what will happen.

The princess held out her hand, and the bird carefully placed a small seed on it.

Prince Hans and his retinue have already left. So Anna slept long enough. She climbed down from the tree and headed back to the palace.
After supper, she once again decided to go out into the garden. Usually the princess was not supposed to walk alone, and even so late. But Anna always got out through her bedroom window.

After taking a few steps into the garden, she suddenly remembered the gift the bird had given her. The princess took out a bean and immediately dropped it into the ground, after making a wish. After all, this is how all these things usually work in fairy tales. It is a pity that she completely forgot about other fairy tales - in which a gigantic stem grows from a seed, its top reaching the sky. But this is precisely what has happened now. Before the eyes of the astonished princess, a giant bean stalk rose from the ground.

Without thinking twice, Anna began to climb it, not even thinking about the dangers that the unknown may conceal. Soon it rose so high that even the clouds remained far below.

Finally, the land appeared. More precisely, not the earth, of course. But, something solid and even. Here the stem ended. Before the princess stretched a wide valley, overgrown with tall soft grass with bright blotches of flowers.
When Anna approached one flower to smell it, it turned out that these were not flowers at all, but huge multi-colored candies with long legs. Butterflies circled over the sweets. So colorful and airy that the princess involuntarily admired their movements. But what is it - looking closer, she realized that these are not butterflies, but real girls with wings. Thin and fragile, like pupae.

Yellow mountains rose beyond the candy field. The princess had never seen such yellow mountains before. Bright yellow trees grew on their slopes. They huddled together so tightly that when the wind blew and their crowns moved, it seemed as if yellow waves were walking over the mountains.

Walking through this extraordinary landscape, the princess was soon tired and hungry. As if guessing her thoughts, a richly decorated table and chairs appeared by itself around a bend in the road. What kind of food was not there!
Sitting on one of the chairs, the princess noticed that there were people who wanted to go to all the other places around the table - a big-eyed already in a cap, a platypus husband and a platypus wife (both bespectacled), a baby elephant with a very naive face and a lively globe. The whole company began to discuss the latest news, of which the most important was the pranks of the Evil Malice. Who this Evil Malicious Person is, the princess could not understand. It was only when everyone had finished their meal that a terrible noise was heard in the distance. Looking around, the princess realized that she was left alone. But accustomed to fearlessly face dangers, she did not hide behind the nearby trees, and remained at the table. Royal.

First, a horseman appeared on the horizon. He rushed very fast, the princess could not make out his face. It was only when he got close enough that a sigh escaped her chest - either astonishment or fright. On the horse sat the cat Lucius, dressed in knightly armor and a black cloak fluttering in the wind. On the face of the cat flaunted a disgusting and even impudent grin.

When the cat drove up to the table, the princess got up and said:
- So you are the Evil Malefactor ?! I didn't expect anything else from you!
The cat dismounted. He was now a cut taller than the princess. Dressed in shiny armor, with a saber at the ready, he looked intimidating.
“You made a big mistake, princess! No one is allowed to enter this property without my knowledge. Now you have to pay for it with your life. The cat dashingly pulled out his saber and raised it over the head of the princess.

At that moment, something buzzed in the air, and at the same second, the cat meowed terribly. A silver-tipped arrow pierced his paw.
- Bow down the wicked! Before you is Princess Anna herself!
Anna looked in the direction from which the voice came and saw a stately dog ​​on a white horse. From his appearance it was difficult to determine what breed he was. But the armor on him shone no less brightly than on the cat, and at the moment, he seems to have saved Anna's life.

The princess made a curtsy in gratitude for the salvation. The cat growled furiously and jumped on his horse, holding his bruised paw, and galloped away.
The dog went up to the princess and bowed his head low:
- Always ready to serve Your Majesty, Milady.
- What is your name? The princess asked him.
“Knight Errant Doggy, Your Majesty.
“I thank you, Doggy Knight. It seems you saved my life.
“It is my responsibility, Your Majesty. But, you need to leave! This bastard will soon return here with an army of his infamous minions! I'll walk you back to the beanstalk.

The princess did not refuse, and having made one more curtsey, set off on the way back.
At the stem, the Knight Doggy said goodbye to her:
“I will never forget your kindness,” the princess said to him in parting.
"And I will never forget our meeting," Doggy admitted frankly.
By the time the princess returned to the palace, it was already dawn. Strange, the night has just passed down here. But where she came from, the sun was shining all the time. The princess reached her bed and fell unconscious. She was so worn out by the past events.

Sleep or not

She was awakened by the loud neighing of the horses. It was Prince Hans who was too lazy to return home from the garden on foot and ordered to give him a carriage right here. Anna was still sitting in the tree with her back against the trunk.
She rubbed her eyes. Was it just a dream? Beans, a fairyland, a nasty cat and a brave dog ...

When the prince and his henchmen left the garden, Anna climbed down from the tree. Now she was a little sad. She was already heading back to the palace, when suddenly a cute, rootless dog appeared from the trees. He stood a little apart from the princess, as if hesitating to come closer.
- Doggy! Doggy! To me! Anna called for some reason, and the dog rushed headlong towards her. It seems that she has a loyal and devoted friend. Or maybe they already knew each other? ...

Whether this story was just a midday dream or there is still some truth in it - decide for yourself. My job is to tell you how it all happened. Walk around half the world
One hundred thousand corners!

And everything could be very
Beautiful and wonderful
And even perfect
But there is one nuance.

One hidden fad
Like a bone in a raisin
Blot on paper
There is a shadow in the clear sky.

But if you want
Closer to the princess
Take your acquaintance -
You will understand everything at once.

This is our tale,
About the one that is the best of all,
About the one that is sweeter than everyone
And about her NUANCE.

One ordinary evening
Such a nice evening
Which are so common
At kings in everyday life,

King and queen
Chatted and decided
What time is their princess
Already find a husband.

That good news
Messengers all over the county
In all the surrounding lands
Trumpet, trumpet, trumpet:

“We are looking for a prince,
Most worthy prince,
Wonderful prince
We are a prince wherever!

Such that it is more beautiful
You wouldn't even find
Walk around half the world
One hundred thousand corners! "

From all ends to the capital
They rushed to get married
Came to get married
About a miracle - grooms!

King and queen,
As usual, in the law,
Arranged a bride
For these suitors.

Three difficult contests -
Show himself staunchly
Only one challenger.

First, sword fighting -
Here is dexterity and courage,
And the swords are beating loudly
Like roses made of glass.

Then riding a pony
Everyone is jumping in an open field
A little uncomfortable
Not like riding a horse!

On the third test -
Conventional confession:
Who will say prettier
A compliment to the princess.

All princes are sweet singers:
One tells her: “Heart
Mine rejoiced
O wondrous beauty!

Another sings: “Beautiful!
I know that I am subject
Your magic charm
Both mountains and seas! "

And the third echoes: “Woe,
I live now in captivity,
Captured by deep, clear
Piercing eyes ... "

Yes ... it's very difficult to choose
Almost impossible
But, you still have to
And one will win.

What to do - life is cruel.
And the road awaits the princes
All princes - candidates
All but one.

Lucky winner
Princess conqueror
He survived, he managed -
Only he is one hero.

King and queen
The prince is laid
Serious hopes -
He is soon related to them!

It's time for honor
Find out in your fiancee
Open in your bride
That little NUANCE.

One hidden fad
That bone in raisins
Blot on paper
There is a shadow in the clear sky.

King and queen,
Blushing and numb
About daughter revealed
The whole truth at last:

Our princesses are more beautiful
You won't even find
Walk around half the world
One hundred thousand corners!

But if you offer her
A plate of semolina,
Or a stew for dinner
Or soup for lunch.

Our princess will say
And wave a finger:
“I won't! I do not want!
I can't eat! "

And then the prince will take
Like an honest royal
Like the most royal
Worthy challenger

For a spoonful of semolina,
Or maybe even with soup,
And he will become a princess
It's so polite to feed.

All this is because
In distant - distant childhood
The princess failed
There is a spoon to teach.

And they failed with a fork,
But they only looked into the mouth,
And the nurse-nurses together
They hurried to speak:

Grow-grow big
Princess dear!
And there is - that is not science,
You will have time to study.

Sweetest creations
Beautiful princesses
Learn to eat yourself
So that you do not blush afterwards!

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Once upon a time there was a little Princess on the banks of the river - wide and fast, shimmering at night in the light of the stars and sparkling in the daytime from the sunlight.

She was all alone and did not know how she came here or where she came from. But it was the Princess - after all, a golden crown shone on her head, and she smiled with such a bright smile that the fearful birds were not afraid of her and, flying to her, sang something right in her ear. She was tickled and funny, and then the birds flew away, and the Princess sat on the shore, fingered the stones with her hands and looked into the distance - at the fast and wide river, carrying its waters far, far away.
But this could not last forever. All princesses meet their Prince and their Dragon if they don't stand still.
And the little Princess walked along the shore, walked and walked, until she saw a small house, a fisherman's dwelling. The girl entered the house - she was tired and cold and hungry. But there was no one in the house, and there was no food on the table. Then she lay down on a couch by the cooled stove, covered herself with a shabby blanket and fell asleep.
Late in the evening, the fisherman and his wife returned from the fishing, lit a fire in the stove, and saw by the light of the fire a sleeping girl on her bed, and the crown shone on her head. The fisherman and his wife were amazed, marveled at the unexpected guest. They woke up the girl, began to ask: who are you, where are you from? But she didn’t know anything, and to every question she answered: I don’t know.
And the fisherman said to his wife: “Let's leave her with us. Perhaps this child was sent to us for good luck. "
His wife agreed with him, but said: "Let her live, but let her give me her crown, she doesn't need anything now."
She took off the girl's crown from her head, took off her elegant dress and put on her old one, made another bed by the stove. She hid the crown and dress in a huge chest and closed it with three locks.
The girl lay down on her couch, cried and fell asleep. What was she to do? After all, she didn’t know — she had come from nowhere, nor where to go now. So she stayed in the fisherman's house. For whole days, the fisherman and his wife left, leaving the girl alone, and she walked near the house, playing with other people's children, then alone.

And she forgot that she had a crown and an elegant dress, and lived in this house - neither a burden nor a joy to her named parents, but they hardly saw each other.
But one day, when the girl grew up, a wanderer wandered into them in the evening, and when they treated her, she said that she was coming from a distant wondrous kingdom on the bank of the river, wide and fast, shimmering at night in the light of the stars and sparkling in the daytime from the sunlight, and that in that kingdom somehow the little Princess, the daughter of the King, disappeared, and the King has been saddened for several years, and everyone is waiting for her to return - his little Princess, his daughter with a shining crown on her head.
The girl listened to what the Wanderer was saying, and her heart shook, her eyes shone, and she remembered where her home was. And I remembered the way there - along the river, along the sunny path.
The Wanderer left in the morning, and the girl asked the fisherman's wife to let her go with her, but she did not let her.

And again they went day after day, night after night. The girl cleaned the house, prepared food, and the fishermen were pleased with her. The wanderer's stories began to seem to her like a distant, half-forgotten dream, and she hardly remembered them.

But one day she really had a dream. A man with a shining crown on his head appeared to her and, smiling, said:
- I'm waiting for you. I miss you. Come quickly, my little beloved daughter!
He said so, and melted like snow in spring.
And the girl, waking up earlier than her parents, got up from the couch, slid out the door and walked away.
She walked and walked, not looking back, not wanting to return, not knowing where to go and whether her path was long.
Over the years she lived in the house, she grew up and was already a beautiful girl with long golden hair.
She walked farther and farther from home, listening to the rustle of grasses and the sound of trees, the chirping of birds and the singing of rivers and streams. She walked through flowering fields and shady forests, eating wild berries and nuts, honey from wild bees, quenching her thirst with pure spring water, and resting on the fragrant meadow grass. Every day for her was filled with sparkling happiness, like a cup of a flower with morning dew.

Her heart sang in unity with the whole world, and led her along a path unknown to her, and somehow she came across a huge field, the grass of which turned yellow and shriveled, as if a fire had recently run through here.
In amazement, she ran her hand over the dry grass and looked around. There were no butterflies or bees to be seen. The usual chirping of birds was not heard. There was a tense silence in the air. Then she sat down on the ground and sang.
Her voice, with a clear sound, like well water, gave to drink to the dried up bowels of the earth, and new grass sprouted, new flowers bloomed. The scent spread all around, attracting multicolored butterflies and furry bees. The birds whirled around, rejoicing and singing along with her.
But this did not last long. Soon everything in the air darkened, as if before a thunderstorm, and from afar came an alien sound - either a roar, or a menacing buzz of an unknown creature. The birds fell silent, the heads of flowers closed, the grass clung to the very earth, as if seeking protection. But the girl continued to sing. There was no fear in her heart.
Fire blazed in the sky, and the shadow of giant wings swept over the girl. It was, of course, the Dragon. A real huge lizard with small red eyes, thick wrinkled skin and heavy clawed paws. In amazement, he flew over the golden-haired girl who was an unexpected guest on his dragon field. Trying to scare her, he breathed several times on the ground, and all the new grass withered, all the new flowers shriveled and burned.
But there was no fear in the girl's heart. She continued to sing, and in her song there was so much love, so much warmth and sunshine, that new grass sprouted from the ground, and new flowers sprouted green sprouts.
Then the Dragon sank down not far from her and, pacified and charmed by the wondrous singing, lay down on the ground, closing his eyes.
Then the girl got up and went to him, now turning her song to the dragon's heart. Never before had so much tenderness poured out on him. His heart flinched, and a tear rolled down his dark wrinkled skin. He opened his eyes and met her soft gaze, with her radiant smile. And he realized that before him was a real Princess, who knew no fear.
She sat down beside him and sang-told her story, how she once came from nowhere, how kind fishermen sheltered her, how a wanderer came from a distant Kingdom, which is on the bank of the river, wide and fast, shimmering at night in the light of the stars and sparkling in the daytime from the sunlight, and how she dreamed of a man with a shining crown on his head, and said that he was waiting for her. And how she left home, and now walks around the world in search of the wondrous Kingdom.
The Dragon listened, and the desire to find that unknown Kingdom for her settled in his heart.

Every day now he flew farther and farther beyond the boundaries of the lands familiar to him, until he found that very river - wide and fast.
Then he put the girl on his mighty back, and they flew across the evening sky, under the light of the stars. And it seemed to her in this huge blue space that the stars were whispering a fairy tale to her, and she imperceptibly fell asleep. She woke up from the first rays of the sun, which showed the Dragon the way across the river - wide and fast - forming a sunny path on the sparkling water.
They flew to the other side for a long time. And here in the distance the roofs of houses among the flowering fields were envisioned. The Dragon lowered the girl on the other side of the river, and wanted to fly back so as not to frighten the civilians of the wondrous Kingdom. But the girl hugged him and kissed him right on the dark wrinkled skin. And then a miracle happened. In the blink of an eye, the outline of the Dragon melted before her eyes, and now a beautiful youth stood before her.
They joined hands - the Prince and the Princess - and walked through the flowering fields straight to the palace, where they were met by a man with a shining crown on his head. His gaze was sad, deep wrinkles were visible on his forehead under the gray hair. But when he saw those who had come to him, the King smiled and his face brightened. He recognized in the golden-haired girl his Little Daughter, whom he had already despaired of finding.

There was no crown on her head, and there was no fancy dress, and yet it was her - his daughter, a real Princess, whose heart knows no fear and is full of love.
So they all began to live together. The prince and the princess got married and began to rule the wondrous Kingdom with wisdom and love. They had children, and their parents often took their parents with them to the banks of the river, wide and fast, carrying its waters far, far away.

The children played and laughed on the bank, and the river, twinkling at night in the light of the stars and sparkling in the daytime from the sunlight, whispered its fairy tales to them ...

In fairy tales, the prince and the princess always find each other. How do they do it? Maybe someone helps them? Of course, they are supported by unknown good forces who want everything to be good. The fairy tale about the prince and the princess will tell us about the people who met thanks to a small vocal bird.

Fairy tale "Nightingale song"

Princess Rosalind lived in a huge castle with turrets, with hundreds of rooms and thousands of mirrors. She looked with pleasure in these mirrors and found herself very sweet. The king and queen were pleased with their daughter - she was smart and beautiful. Of course, all parents think that their child is the smartest, but Rosalind was really smart. She did not spend time in idle fun, she had one, but very important thing - the princess taught the children. And there were many of them at the royal castle. These were the children of a cook, a stoker, a coachman, a servant. In the morning, the princess and the children gathered in a bright room, and the lesson began.

The princess knew many fairy tales and taught children through fairy tales. Children have always been interested.

So the days passed. Of course, the princess, like any other young girl, dreamed of a prince. Maybe not on a white horse, not with blue eyes and golden curls, but about the real prince himself.

When the children left after school, Princess Rosalind stayed in the class and sang a touching song about a distant prince who would love her. The princess's voice was quieter and softer than the voice of a violin. Once this song was heard by a nightingale. He really liked the song of the princess, he remembered it and sang on warm evenings.

And then one day a young prince, who was hunting in the forest, heard the song of a nightingale, just the one that the princess had composed. He asked the nightingale to repeat the song. The nightingale sang, and then told the prince about a beautiful princess living in a distant castle.

The prince, without delay, went to the beautiful princess. The nightingale was showing the way. And then the prince found himself at the gate of the castle. Then he heard the song sung by the nightingale, only sung by the princess. He was amazed at the purity and beauty of the sound.

The prince entered the castle, the princess ran out to meet him. She was incredibly pretty. Thousands of mirrors reflected her beauty.

The prince and princess fell in love and soon had a happy wedding. There were many flowers at the wedding. They were brought by the children taught by the princess.

And I was there, drank jelly, washed down with honey, flowed down my mustache, but did not get into my mouth.

Questions and tasks for the fairy tale about the prince and the princess

Tell me what the princess was like.

Why were the king and queen proud of their daughter?

What was the important business of the princess?

Which songbird did Princess Rosalind sing her song to?

How did the princess meet the prince?

With what solemn event ended the fairy tale about the prince and the princess?
