From me:

Nobody disputes the history of the appearance of the "tricolor". And if you turn to history, it will show you how under this banner the Vlasovites carried out brutal punitive actions against the peaceful Soviet population!

Such a vivid and understandable example of filling objects of the material world with meaning is "walking" on the Internet! So that's it. Clean, soft toilet paper can be used as a napkin, wiping the table, even like a towel, wiping your face, but if it is used for its intended purpose, then it acquires its final meaning and can only be flushed down the toilet! Once clean toilet paper is no longer clean,acquiring its final meaning, then it becomes unsuitable for other use.

Considering the above, after the use of the tricolor flag by the Vlasovites as a symbol of their atrocities, this flag acquired its final meaning. The flag - "tricolor" became Vlasov's and filled with meaningbetrayal and treason, treason to your people and land !

The same is with the swastika - once it was a symbol of the Sun and the natural cycle, but now we all understand that the swastika has changed its meaning, because under this swastika millions of innocent people were killed.

August 22 our country celebrated the day of the state flag of Russia, and what do we know about the tricolor?

Over the years of destructive "restructuring" and "reforms" many false concepts and symbols have been introduced into the consciousness of our people, which contributed to the perverted perception of obvious facts and phenomena by people.

For example, many of our compatriots believed the lies of the "democrats" that the current tricolor state flag of Russia introduced by them is a traditional state symbol of the country, has deep and glorious historical roots and, therefore, must be respected and even worshiped.

In fact, the white-blue-red flag before the 1917 revolution was never the state flag of Russia. It appeared in Russia in 1676 under Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, as a commercial trade flag, and this purpose was legalized by the decree of Peter I in 1705.

An attempt in 1896 to make this flag a state flag caused a stormy protest from the Russian public, which opposed the introduction of the tricolor borrowed from Europe, and Nicholas II left it as a trade flag.

The white-blue-red tricolor has no historical value. All our great history is connected with the red flag. Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Ivan the Terrible, Minin and Pozharsky defended their homeland under the red banners and won. The best regiments of Peter the Great had red regimental banners.

Under the red banner, our fathers and grandfathers won Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

At the same time, the white-blue-red flag is associated with the black periods of our history.

It was under this tricolor that the French in 1812 carried out an invasion of Russia, and in 1853 they stormed Sevastopol. During the civil war of 1918-1920, the White Guard generals-assassins Kornilov, Denikin, Kolchak under the tricolor banner together with the Entente fought against their people.

During the Patriotic War, on the personal instructions of Hitler, the white-blue-red tricolor as a banner was presented to the army of the traitor general Vlasov, which was officially called in Nazi Germany - "Eastern Legion of the SS", and fought against our country and people on the side of Hitler. This tricolor in all Vlasov headquarters hung next to the portrait of Hitler and his standard.

trial of traitors to the Motherland

Execution of traitors to the Motherland. Vlasov is the third from the right along with his headquarters.

And this Judas tricolor, at the initiative of Yeltsin, Russian "democrats" made the state flag of Russia, and it hangs over the sacred Kremlin, replacing the Red Banner of Victory. This is not only disrespect for the history of the country, for the memory of those killed, but actually crossed out the results of the Great Patriotic War for us.

You can understand young people who, not knowing and not understanding history, waving tricolor flags at stadiums, at ceremonial events, etc. But how to understand those veterans who, at ceremonial events dedicated to Victory Day, stand up to welcome the removal of the Red Banner and the tricolor, that is, two parties who fought against each other. Have they really forgotten that at the Victory Parade in Moscow on June 24, 1945. this Vlasov tricolor was thrown at the foot of the Mausoleum along with other fascist banners.

Do we really accept and recognize the state symbol of the country, imposed by the anti-popular government, completely alien to us in spirit and historical memory, the white-blue-red tricolor - the flag of betrayal and treason ?!

From the author.
So far, the occupants have imposed the Vlasov tricolor on us, but do you think it's time for us to raise the RED FLAG over our country? After all, the RED FLAG is the flag of VICTORY and the power of our state - the USSR!

So who is celebrating Victory now, the Soviet people or banking (Hitler, Vlasov, financial) fascism?

Now you understand why our NATO bases are located in Russia and why Russia is doing it regularly! For those who do not know what the Budget Rule is, I can explain that this is a transfer of almost all profits from oil and gas production in Russia to the Reserve Fund of the Russian Federation, which for some reason is located in the United States, which in turn is the owners of world money - the Fed shareholders. Do you like it?

Our banner is red! Our Victory Banner!

Enough for us to slip the Tsar's St. George ribbons! Their time is irrevocably gone with tsarism and slavery! Our ribbon is scarlet and is a particle of the Victory Banner! Leave the Russian tricolor to the Vlasovites and other traitors and traitors to our Motherland!

In the Russian Federation, a law has been adopted prohibiting the symbols of organizations that collaborated with the Nazis during the Second World War.

Surprisingly, the Kremlin did not even realize that they had banned their own national flag - the tricolor, as a symbol "Russian Liberation Army" (ROA) General Vlasov, a traitor to the Motherland!

Russian tricolor on the fronts of World War II:

A tricolor banner covers the gun shield at the ceremony of oathing of new recruits to Hitler's "Russian Corps" in Yugoslavia, 1943

Human history knows a huge number of symbols. And very many of them played a special role in wars, becoming guiding stars, invisible protection and a guarantee of victory.

With coats of arms on shields and under the standards, with a cross on the chest and a crescent on the blade, with the name of the leader on the shell or with an icon under the greatcoat, people went into battle. On the eve of the anniversary of the great Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we recall the symbols under which millions of people fought and died.

Part 1. The first symbol. Battle banners - banner and standard

Any war is a clash of several opposing forces. The warring parties go to mortal combat for the sake of their ideas and values. Fighter for fighter, army for army. To the bitter end, to the last drop of blood. And it so happened historically (and the peculiarity of the human psyche is such) that the self-awareness and fighting spirit of a warrior - defender or attacker - largely depend on symbols that embody the ideas and values \u200b\u200bfor which the army is fighting. These symbols should be with him in battle, in order to make him feel as sharply as possible what he has to go to bayonets for, why shed his blood and on what basis he will not take a step back. Being a vivid and capacious personification of the meanings for which and against which people take up arms, the symbols are capable of both mobilizing human resources, ascending in front of the faces of the soldiers, and taking away the last strength, being defeated, selected or destroyed.

Human history knows a huge number of symbols. And very many of them played a special role in wars, becoming guiding stars, invisible protection and a guarantee of victory. With coats of arms on shields and under the standards, with a cross on the chest and a crescent on the blade, with the name of the leader on the shell or with an icon under the greatcoat, people went into battle. On the eve of the anniversary of the great Victory in the Great Patriotic War, we recall the symbols under which millions of people fought and died.

Battle banner

Banners appeared long before the appearance of regular armies in the arena of armed struggle and were revered as sacred by the ancient tribes. In Russia, the appearance of a battle banner is associated with church traditions. So, in V. Dahl's dictionary, we find the following mentioning "A cornet who wears a military banner, a standard-bearer." It is from the church banners and the sacred images depicted on them that the veneration of the army banners comes. During the reign of Alexander III, an icon was depicted on the battle banner of each regiment, the holiday in whose honor was considered a regimental.

Standing under the battle banner, the warrior swore on the banner to serve the Fatherland with faith and truth.

In addition, the battle banner fluttering in front of the soldiers fleeing to the attack symbolized the victory of the army marching under it. That is why they took care of the banner like the apple of an eye and, first of all, they saved it, so that it would not be given over to the enemy to desecrate.

The banner has always been the most important symbol and attribute of the units of any regular army. The idea of \u200b\u200ba battle banner has both a sacred side and an applied one. On the one hand, for the military, the banner has the same meaning as the icon for the believers. After all, soldiers and officers are in more severe conditions, and they need a strong moral support. On the other hand, in battle, they simply need a reference point to the commander - where the commander is, there is the banner. The veneration of the banner as a shrine has been rooted in the Russian people since ancient times - for example, there was a tradition of consecrating battle banners and standards (by the way, this tradition was recently revived in the modern Russian army).

In 1715, Peter I approved the "Military article", which became the basis of the "military land charter" a year later. Emphasizing the special role and significance of the battle banner, it, in particular, provided for punishment for leaving the banner on the battlefield: “Those who, standing in front of the enemy or in an action, will leave and will not defend their banner or standard to the last drop of blood, they have to be defamed; and when they are caught, they will be killed, or, if possible, they will be given to the company and regiments, and there, without trial, on the first tree that will work out, they will be hanged. "

Such harsh punishments for the loss of the banner testify not only to the fact that the battle banner not only symbolizes the Motherland, but also that its loss is equated with the betrayal of the Fatherland. And these are not just lofty words - in the extreme conditions of war, in the course of a battle, when the outcome of the battle depends on everyone and everyone, and the threat to life is maximal, there is only one way to keep the fighting spirit in the ranks - by rallying people around a single value that unites everything. that is sacred and dear to them. And it is the banner, the military gonfalon, that is the sacred symbol in which all the meanings are concentrated that can rouse people to attack, inspire heroic deeds in the face of mortal danger. In the battle banner, at the same time, such universal concepts as the Motherland, honor, valor, and completely simple ones converge - your family, your relatives, friends, everything that a person lives with and that is dear to him in this world.

Battle banner of the Red Army

During the Patriotic War, samples of battle flags were installed. According to the Decree of December 21, 1942, the format of the Red Banner was unified for the military units of the Red Army, on June 11, 1943 - for the Guards Army and Corps, and on February 5, 1944, the Red Banners of the Navy and the Red Navy Guards Banners (Regulations on red banner in the units of the Navy). These banners existed until the collapse of the USSR.

With the introduction in the Red Army of the Guard - the honorary name of the elite, who showed special heroism of the military units - the guard banners appeared. The banner of the guards unit had on the obverse a portrait of Lenin, the motto "For our Soviet Motherland" and "USSR". The banner was supplied with two tassels on twisted cords (in each specific part, order ribbons were attached to the shaft, and order signs to the panel). On the back was a small red star with a hammer and sickle in the middle, the name and number of the unit and the motto (for example, “Death to the German occupiers!” - on the banners issued during the Second World War).

Banners are known with inscriptions in different languages. For example, on the banner of the 43rd Guards Latvian Rifle Division, the motto and the name of the unit were written in Russian and Latvian.

The guards banners of a single sample were in motorized rifle, cavalry, airborne, aviation, artillery, mortar divisions. On the reverse side of the cloth there is an embroidered badge of the Guard, the motto "Death to the German invaders" and the name of the corps. The banner had a red silk bow, the ribbon of which was trimmed with golden silk and had two golden tassels.

In July 1941, the Moscow City Party Committee decided to bestow battle banners on the regiments and divisions of the Moscow people's militia. In the text of the resolution, in particular, it was noted that "battle banners are a symbol of revolutionary loyalty to the Motherland, ... a symbol of victory over the enemy."

Assault flag of Victory

On April 30, 1945, the soldiers of the 1st rifle battalion of the 756th regiment installed a red flag on the roof of the Reichstag. The Victory Banner was hoisted by scouts - sergeants Mikhail Yegorov and Meliton Kantaria. The banner (more precisely, the assault flag) is a red cloth with a star, a sickle and a hammer painted in white paint (their size is slightly larger than on the flag of the USSR) and an inscription (the full name of the unit).

On April 7, the military council of the 3rd Shock Army decided to make special banners for hoisting over the Reichstag. The banners were presented to each of the 9 divisions on the 20th of April. The banner of Yegorov and Kantaria was listed at number 5.

According to some reports, the daytime assault on the Reichstag on April 30, 1945 was a success. The scouts V. Provotorov and G. Bulatov with their comrades broke through to the Reichstag and installed a red flag on the pediment of the building. In a message from the Soviet Information Bureau on April 30, 1945, it was said: "Today at 14 o'clock, Soviet fighters seized the building of the German Reichstag and hoisted the Victory Banner on it." And a little later in the award list for the order of the 3rd Shock Army of July 8, 1945 it was noted: “04/30/45 ... Comrade. Bulatov in a group of scouts at 14 o'clock. 25 minutes hoisted the Red Banner over the Reichstag. G. Bulatov set up a banner made from a piece of red cloth near the equestrian sculptural group on the roof of the Reichstag. However, this attack was unsuccessful and the banner was shot down.

In total, about 40 different banners were raised over the Reichstag during the assault. In addition to the Reichstag, red banners were installed at many key sites in Berlin - on the town hall, on the Gestapo building, on Wilhelm's palace, on the imperial chancellery, on the Brandenburg Gate, on the building of the Royal Opera.

Egorov and Kantaria, apparently, hoisted the Victory Banner on the dome of the Reichstag near the equestrian sculptural group on April 30 during the second assault. It was captured from an airplane in the early morning of May 1. However, then the Banner was shot down by an anti-aircraft gun (traces of a shot are still visible on it); On the afternoon of May 1, the Banner was again attached to the dome. On May 3, the Banner was removed from the Reichstag and replaced with another red flag, and on June 20, Egorov and Kantaria took the Victory Banner to Moscow on a special plane. In connection with the removal of the Victory Banner from the Reichstag and its transfer to a museum in Berlin, a parade of the fifth shock army was held. Today, the Victory Banner is kept in the Museum of the Armed Forces in Moscow.

The Victory Banner is legally declared "the official symbol of the Victory of the Soviet people over Nazi Germany in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945" and "a state relic of Russia."

... thrown to the foot of the Kremlin wall

In the Third Reich, sacred signs and symbols were given special importance. And the most honorable place of the fascist pantheon was occupied by the sacred flag - Blutfahne ("bloody banner"). The Nazis carried this banner during the Munich putsch, when the police opened fire on them. The banner was spattered with blood, making it a shrine to the N.S.D.A.P. The SS had its own flag (Hausflagge), which was a rectangular black panel with the image of zig-runes. The standards outwardly resembled the standards of the Roman legions and represented a staff crowned with an eagle sitting on a wreath with a swastika. Under the wreath was a rectangular black plate with the name of the regiment (or the name of the area of \u200b\u200bits formation) on the obverse and the abbreviation N.S.D.A.P. on the back. A red silk banner with a standing swastika against the background of a white circle was suspended under the plate. Above and below the swastika was the inscription "Deutschland Erwache" ("Germany, wake up"), embroidered with silver thread. On the reverse side of the panel there was an inscription “Naz. Soz. Deutsche Arbeiterpartei - Sturmabteilung ".

On June 24, 1945, a Victory Parade took place on Red Square, in which consolidated regiments of ten fronts, made up of the most distinguished soldiers - heroes of battles - took part. After a solemn march, a column of 200 officers of the Red Army threw 200 banners of the fascist army captured in battles to the foot of the Mausoleum to the beat of drums.

Factory hammer, farm plow

They burn in its rays.
Worker, plowman - brother and friend -
We are in a close row!

Demyan Bedny, "Guiding Star"

The first mentions of the five-pointed star were found in Mesopotamia and date back to 3000 BC. Among the ancient Jews, the star with five rays served as a symbol of the city of Jerusalem. The Greeks, deifying Venus, designated it with a five-pointed star. The pentagram also included a human figure, which was considered as the "golden proportion" used by ancient Greek sculptors and architects. The five rays of the star personified in the teachings of the Pythagoreans the unity of the five elements - water, earth, air, fire and the world of Pythagorean ideas (eidos). This theme of the unity of the five components has constantly appeared in human history. For Christians, the five-pointed star connected the five wounds of Christ and served as a reliable protection from witches and demons. The star of the Soviet era symbolized the unity of interests of the working people of the whole world, and it is also a symbol of the Red Army.

Many may not know that the history of the five-pointed star in Russia began long before the 1917 revolution and has its origins in another revolution - the French one.It was in France at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries that stars appear on the epaulets and headdresses of officers and generals, defining their rank. In this case, the pentagram drew its rationale from the mythology of Ancient Rome, where it symbolized Mars and depicted a lily, from which this god of war was born.

The Red Star is a heraldic sign that was a symbol of the Red Army, was present on the flag and coat of arms of the USSR, flags and coats of arms of some countries of the Warsaw Pact.In the USSR, it meant the unity of the world proletariat of all five continents of the Earth: five ends of a star - five continents of the planet. Red is the color of the proletarian revolution, it was supposed to unite all five continents with a single goal and a single beginning.

The red star was commonly referred to as the "star of Mars" after the ancient Roman god of war, Mars. In the Soviet tradition, Mars symbolized the defense of peaceful labor. Therefore, it is no coincidence that it is the red star that is located above the planet in the coat of arms of the USSR. The red star symbolized the liberation of workers from hunger, war, poverty and slavery.

Under the influence of the French, Emperor Nicholas I introduced the pentagram into the Russian army. On January 1, 1827, gold forged stars appeared on epaulettes, and on April 29, 1854, already sewn ones decorated the introduced shoulder straps.

After the February Revolution, the Provisional Government canceled the shoulder straps, but did not abandon the "Mars Star". On April 21, 1917, the Minister of War and Navy A. Guchkov places a five-pointed star on the rims of the sailors' caps - right above the anchor.

However, the "star of Mars" proved itself most vividly after another revolution - the Great October Revolution. No sooner had the young Soviet government started to form the Red Army than there was an urgent need for new symbols. This was largely due to the fact that in the fire of the Civil War, the opposing sides were often dressed in clothes of the same cut and in battle it was not easy to distinguish strangers from their own. This is how the famous red five-pointed star first appears in the symbolism of the Land of the Soviets.

Unfortunately, no accurate, documented evidence of the author of this symbol has survived. Some historians believe that the star was proposed by one of the commissars of the Moscow Military District N. Polyansky, others - that it was made by a member of the All-Russian Collegium for the Organization and Management of the Red Army - K. Eremeev.

It is reliably known that for the first time the new symbol was mentioned in the newspaper Izvestia on April 19, 1918. There was published a note that the Commissariat for Military Affairs approved a drawing of a badge in the form of a red star with a golden image of a hammer and a plow. Initially, the red star also bore the image of the book, but it looked too clumsy and the book was removed.

Officially, the symbol called "the star of Mars with a plow and a hammer" was approved by the order of L. Trotsky on May 7, 1918. It also said the following: "The Red Army badge is the identity of persons serving in the Red Army. Persons not serving in the Red Army are invited to remove these signs immediately. For failure to comply with this order, the guilty will be brought to trial by a military tribunal. "

At first, the "Star of Mars" was worn on a triangular last, clinging to the left side of the chest. However, this shape turned out to be inconvenient, and the jewelry company suggested placing the stars on wreaths of laurel and oak leaves that were left from the old signs.

The shape and location of the star varied greatly over time. On July 29, 1918, Trotsky issues another order, where the red star was obliged to wear on the peg of his cap. Coated with varnish, the badge-cockade was more convex in shape, and the rays of the star had more rounded edges.

The greatest amount of misinterpretation, both then and now, caused the meaning of the red star symbol. Haters of the Soviet power immediately remembered the Freemasons, and even Satanists. About the Freemasons. Of course, they have been in Russia for a long time. At first, the Masons carried educational ideas, and after Radishchev and the Decembrist uprising, they began to express the interests of the pro-Western liberal nobility, the intelligentsia and the big bourgeoisie. As you know, the Bolsheviks disliked liberals for a long time, and after the February Revolution they generally stood on the other side of the barricade. Well, the Masons were generally not favored. Whether it is the symbolism of the United States, which was really created by the Masons, and which no one really hid (hence the stars on the flag, and the pyramid with an eye on the dollar, etc.).

As for the red star, the Bolsheviks were guided in their choice by the relative novelty of the symbol and its completely traditional meanings - military ("Mars star"), protective (pentagram as a talisman) and guiding (as a symbol of high aspirations).

Of course, the new symbols (not without the propaganda of the opponents of the Soviet regime) at first aroused superstitious fear among some of the common people. No wonder that on February 11, 1919, at a conference of the 2nd Soviet (Ukrainian) division, the head of its political department I. Mints complained that "the peasant youth is full of prejudices against the" communes ", against the new" cockade "- the Red Army star ...".

And then the Bolsheviks also made an oversight, placing the new symbol with two rays up. This can be seen both in the first badges and on some Bolshevik posters (for example, D. Moor's poster "Soviet Russia is a besieged camp. Everything is on the defensive!" 1919). And, after the work of E. Levy, this position of the star began to be interpreted as a sign of Satanism. At the same time, it was completely forgotten that the inverted pentagram was on the seal of the Emperor Constantine (the one who made Christianity the official Roman religion) and in general was interpreted for a long time as a symbol of the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ (this can be seen, for example, on the icon of A. Rublyov). Naturally, having discovered such a reaction, the Bolsheviks gave the star a more "decent" position.

Let's see how the commissars of the Red Army themselves explained to the common people the symbols of the Red Star in a leaflet of 1918: “... The Red Star of the Red Army is the Star of Truth ... Therefore, the plow and the hammer are depicted on the Red Army star. Plow of a muzhik plowman. Worker hammer. This means that the Red Army is fighting for the Star of Truth to shine on the peasant-plowman and the hammer-worker, so that they have will and share, rest and bread, and not only need, poverty and continuous work ... She is the star of happiness for all the poor , peasants and workers. This is what the red star of the Red Army means. " In general, no satanic, occult or masonic interpretations.

The story of the Red Star did not end there. On January 16, 1919, embroidered stars adorned the new headdress of the Red Army. In the form he copied the helmets of the Russian knights and therefore at first he was dubbed the "hero". However, soon they began to call him by the names of the famous red commanders - "Frunzevka" and "Budenovka" (the latter name stuck).

There have been changes in the design of the star. On April 13, 1922, depicted on it, the plow was replaced with a more graceful sickle. And on July 11 of the same year, the shape of the star also changed - it ceased to be convex, and its rays straightened again. In this form, it finally established itself in the Red (and then Soviet) army.

In 1923, already without tools (so as not to repeat the military emblem), Krasnaya Zvezda crowned the coat of arms of the Soviet Union and the coat of arms of almost all Soviet republics. It is interesting that it got on the coat of arms of the RSFSR later than everyone else - in 1978! It is also interesting that in the 1930s, a project was proposed to make the star 11-rayed (according to the number of union republics).

Having switched to the coat of arms of the USSR, the five-pointed star has acquired a more global symbolism. It was already about five continents, where a bloody struggle is going on for the liberation of the working people from exploitation.

In 1924, a five-pointed star appears on the flag of the USSR, in 1928 (with a portrait of young Lenin) an October star appears, in 1935 a star decorated with gems crowned the Kremlin's Spasskaya Tower, and in 1942 the pioneer badge takes the form of a star (before that it wore the form of a flag).

It would seem that with the collapse of the Soviet Union, the time of the Red Star has ended. The fragments of the state chose new symbols for themselves, the star remained only in the symbols of the Communist parties. It was even said in Russia that it would not hurt to replace the Kremlin stars with two-headed eagles.

However, the growing social tension, moral and economic decline in the post-Soviet space forced some political leaders to treat Soviet symbols more cautiously. So in 2002, trying to somehow restore the "broken link of times", Russian Defense Minister S. Ivanov proposed, and President V. Putin approved the return of the five-pointed star to the symbols of the Russian army.

No matter how hard the evil tongues tried to equate the Soviet Union with Hitlerite Germany, and the Red Star with the Nazi swastika, they have not yet succeeded. And nothing threatens the pentagram at all. Otherwise, you will have to make 50 holes in the US flag, 12 holes in the EU flag, not to mention the mass of other flags and emblems.

The same document (11/6/1926) established that the banners previously received by units of the Red Army from the Revolutionary Military Council, the governments of the Union and the republics, which do not correspond to the new model, can nevertheless be recognized as "revolutionary Red Banners of units" at a special request of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR to the Central Executive Committee of the USSR ...

By the decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated November 23, 1926 [version in PDF], the model of the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner and the Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag were approved. Here is a description of the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner:

"The honorary revolutionary red banner consists of a colored cloth (obverse and reverse sides) sewn along the edges and a pole with a tip.
The cloth of the banner is made of red silk or red silk velvet, in exceptional cases - of the highest quality red velveteen.
The cloth of the banner, wound and attached to the pole, has the shape of a square with a side of 1.25 m.Around the edges, the cloth is trimmed with a blue border 11.25 cm wide of the same quality of fabric as the cloth itself: the border is trimmed along the edges with a gold braid width in 1 cm. Along the blue border of the border, an agramant is sewn from a gold sutazh, the pattern of which represents the crossed hammer and sickle and is repeated 11 times on each side of the cloth. At the four corners of the border, a circle with a diameter of 10 cm is sewn of gold soutache 1 cm wide with a red star inscribed with a gold soutache 0.5 cm wide, with one end facing up.
A. Front side of the panel... In the middle of the banner there is an image of the state emblem of the USSR. The figure of the globe has a diameter of 27.5 cm and is framed with a golden soutache, 0.2 cm wide, and the images of the continents are made of red (crimson) silk, and the seas are made of light blue, the meridians and parallel circles are drawn with a golden soutache. Both continents and seas are shaded at the edges to give the entire image a relief. The hammer and sickle of the coat of arms are made of gold soutache and each 20 cm long.
The design of the globe of the coat of arms is placed on 55 gold, of various lengths, rays of the rising sun, made of gold brocade. The image of the sun rises 10 cm above the crossed ears, a circle of the sun with a radius of 15 cm, the distance between the images of the globe and the sun is 7.5 cm.
The stalks of ears of golden soutache, 0.4 cm wide, with the width of the crossing ends at the bottom being 5 cm.
At the top of the wreath of ears, between their ends, there is a red five-pointed star, bordered with a gold soutache 0.5 cm wide.The dimensions of the star are such that its tops are located on a circle with a diameter of 9 cm.
The width of the crimson ribbon wrapping around the ears is 6.5 cm. The ears themselves are made of golden silk, with tendrils made of golden soutache, 0.2 centimeters wide. The width of the wreath of ears, in its widest part, including the ribbon, is 67 cm, the height of the wreath from the end of the stems to the top of the antennae of the ears is 67 cm.
Above the image of the coat of arms horizontally, symmetrically to the center line of the square of the cloth, an inscription is placed in two lines, sewn with gold braid, about 1 cm wide, letters 4 cm high. The length of the upper line (the word "proletarians") is 39 cm, and the lower one (words: "all countries, unite") - 61 cm, the distance between the lines is 1 cm, the bottom line is located but the stars of the emblem at a distance of 5 cm.
At the four corners of the banner are red five-pointed stars, bordered with a 0.5 cm wide gold soutache and intertwined with a crossing hammer and sickle; each star is positioned so that one of its points is directed to the center of the panel, the top of the star is located in a circle with a diameter of 22 cm, the sickle and hammer are made of blackened silver soutache with the corresponding shade and dimensions: sickle - 19 cm, hammer - 22 cm.
B. Reverse side... On the side of the panel, attached to the shaft, in its upper corner, with one point up, is placed a five-pointed star, bordered by a silver soutache 1.2 cm wide.The center of the star is at a distance of 52.5 cm from the top and 22.5 cm from the lateral sides panels, the tops of the star lie on a circle with a diameter of 27 cm.
From the intervals between the points of the star, there are five beams of diverging rays, 16 rays in each (rays from a silver soutache, intermittent). The width of the beams of the rays and the star is 7 cm, and at the lower and opposite sides of the shaft it is 50 cm.
In the lower, right corner, a part of the image of the globe at the pole is sewn, framed with a golden soutache 0.2 cm wide, the mainland (Sweden, Norway, the European and Asian part of the USSR) of the globe is made of raspberry silk, and the sea is made of light blue silk, and both the mainland and the sea are shaded at the edges to give the image relief, the meridians and parallel circles are applied in gold soutache.
The dimensions of the slices of the image of the globe are 50 cm on the lower side of the cloth and 33 cm on the side ones. In the corner of the image of the globe, the crossed sickle, hammer and bayonet are sewn with silver and niello soutache. The hammer is turned with the handle in a corner and has a length of 17 cm, the sickle is with the handle downwards, vertically, 20 cm long, a bayonet parallel to the lower side of the panel 37 cm long.
In the upper right corner of the cloth there is an inscription in 3 lines, made with gold braid about 1 cm wide. The distance between the lines is 4 cm. The length of the 1st line (the word "Central") is 55 cm, the 2nd (the words "Executive Committee" ) - 60 cm, and the third (the words "USSR") - 45 cm. The height of the letters of the first and second lines is 5 cm, the third is 6 cm.
Along the outer outline of a part of the globe, there is the name of the military unit, decorated with the banner, sewn with gold braid, about 3 cm wide, in two lines; the height of the letters of the inscription is 4 cm, the distance between the lines is 2 cm. The pole of the banner is oak, polished, round, chiseled, 2.85 m long, 5.5 cm in diameter. "

The text of the description of the banner based on the book by VA Sokolov "Flags of the Russian Empire and the USSR in documents"
Photo from the brochure "Covered with Glory".

On November 27, 1932, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR approved the Regulations on the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner and the Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag (SZiRP USSR, 1932, No. 81). The description of the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner in this Statute repeated the 1926 model. Then the name "Red Banner" appeared for units awarded with the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner or the Honorary Revolutionary Naval Flag. There is a possibility, in the event of re-awarding a unit with the Order of the Red Banner, to attach this order to the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banner. By the decree of the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR dated February 17, 1934, the Regulations on the Honorary Banner and the Flag were supplemented with the thesis on the transfer of the Honorary Flag and the Banner "by inheritance" when changing the names of units, reorganization, etc. By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 5, 1964 the decrees and regulations on the Honorary Revolutionary Red Banners were canceled.

In July 1941, the Moscow City Party Committee decided to bestow battle banners on the regiments and divisions of the Moscow people's militia. The text of the resolution said: "battle banners are a symbol of revolutionary loyalty to the Motherland, the Soviet government, the Bolshevik Party, a symbol of victory over the enemy."

During the Patriotic War, new banners appeared, the Decree of December 21, 1942 (see also the photocopy of the Decree; this Decree of the PVS was announced in the Order of the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense No. 405 of 12.24.1942) established a sample of the Red Banner for military units of the Red Army, 11 June 1943 (see also a photocopy of the Decree) - for the Guards army and corps, and on February 5, 1944 - the naval Red Banners and the Guards Naval Red Banners (Regulation on the Red Banner in the Navy units). These banners existed until the collapse of the USSR.

Description of the Red Banner of the unit (sample 1942; since 1975 - the battle banner of the unit):
"The Red Banner consists of a double-sided cloth, a pole and a cord with tassels. The banner is rectangular in size: -145 cm in length, -115 cm in width, made of double-folded red silk fai and trimmed along the edge on three sides with golden silk fringe. On one side of the cloth, in the center, a sickle and a hammer made of colored silk are sewn with a height of 36 cm. But the upper and lower edges of the cloth are embroidered in golden silk with the slogan: "For our Soviet Motherland. The height of the letters of the inscription is 7.5 cm. On the other side of the cloth in in the center - applique: a five-pointed star made of burgundy silk with embroidery in golden silk along the edges and colored silk in the form of rays - along the surface of the star, which has a size between opposite peaks of 56 cm. The number and name of the military unit are embroidered under the star in golden silk. -10 cm. The size of the letters of the inscription is 7.5 cm. The shaft of the banner is wooden, round, 4 cm in diameter, 2.5 meters long. The shaft is painted dark brown, l It is coated and has a metal hoop at the lower end, and a nickel-plated tip at the upper end. The banner cord is twisted, made of golden silk with two tassels at the ends. Cord length 270-285 cm ".

At first, the Bolsheviks were indifferent to the issues of symbolism: they used the red banner rather according to the revolutionary tradition, and Soviet Russia did not have a coat of arms until July 1918.

However, with the beginning of Soviet state building, it became clear that the lack of official symbols creates many problems, especially in structures such as the army.

The initiative to approve the new state flag came from the main party bureaucrat - Yakov Sverdlov. The Bolsheviks considered him the best organizer, which is why Sverdlov headed the Presidium of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee.

On April 8, 1918, Sverdlov proposed to recognize the Red Banner of the Revolution as the state flag of Soviet Russia. The initiative was supported, and six days later, on April 14, a decree on the flag of the Russian Republic was published.

“Until April 1918, the white-blue-red flag, adopted by the Provisional Government, remained the official flag of the socialist republic. Although it was almost never used, there were cases when it was hung out along with the revolutionary red banners, "said Stanislav Dumin, a historian and member of the Heraldic Council under the President of the Russian Federation, in an interview with RT.

  • First Chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Yakov Sverdlov
  • RIA News

"Red" traditions

The communists, arguing the color of the new banner, referred to medieval Persia, where the Red Banner Uprising took place at the end of the 8th century. However, it had nothing to do with the revolutionary movement, since it was exclusively religious in nature.

Red as a revolutionary symbol became widespread in the era of the French Revolution, when left-wing radicals (Jacobins who came to power on the wave of the revolutionary terror of 1793-1794) actively used the red Phrygian cap as one of the emblems of the republic, and the red banner as a symbol of the blood of the martyrs revolution.

In the 19th century, the red flag was finally established as a revolutionary symbol. And since the main revolutionaries at that time were the socialists and anarchists, it was they who appropriated the right to the red banner, which henceforth was raised where uprisings against the government broke out.

In May 1831, in the Welsh city of Merthyr Tydville, workers revolted against the British authorities. They supported the Chartist movement by opposing rising unemployment and wage cuts.

In 1832, the red flag was raised in Paris at the funeral of the prominent liberal politician General Lamarck. The scarlet banner with the words "Freedom or Death" became a symbol of the Republicans in the 1832 revolution that soon followed. However, it was quickly suppressed by King Louis-Philippe, and the reputation of the symbol of rebels was established behind the red flag.

“Politicians made the red flag revolutionary. Previously, red was widely used in the coats of arms and banners of European states - from England to Switzerland. But since the 19th century, the red flag has become a symbol of the revolutionary movement, and it was in this capacity that the Bolsheviks accepted it, ”Dumin said in an interview with RT.

Revolution symbol

During the 1848 revolution, the French communists tried to make the red flag the state flag of the republic proclaimed on February 25. But the interim government, led by Alphonse de Lamartine, convinced the people of the need to preserve the tricolor banner, which has become a symbol of the French nation. The red rosette became a compromise solution that met the demand of the radicals - it was added to the flag as a sign of revolution. These events were immortalized by the artist Filippoto, who depicted in his painting Lamartine protecting the tricolor flag on the steps of the Paris municipality.

  • "Alphonse de Lamartine at the Hotel de Ville rejects the red flag on February 25, 1848"
  • Felix-Emmanuel-Henri Filippoto

From March to May 1871, a revolutionary government operated in Paris. The capital of France, after mass dissatisfaction with the defeat in the war with Prussia, became a stronghold of the most radical forces: the majority of the deputies of the government created by the revolutionaries - the commune - were socialists and anarchists. And of course, they raised the red flag under which they fought against the troops of the French government formed by the national assembly. But the commune was suppressed, and the scarlet banner was again outlawed.

But the red flag was increasingly seen during workers' strikes and rallies. So he “reached” the Russian Empire, appearing at the first political demonstration at the Kazan Cathedral in 1876. Soon, left-wing and liberal Russian oppositionists began to use red. The representatives of the constitutional democrats marched under the red banner no less willingly than the socialists.

  • First demonstration on Znamenskaya Square in Petrograd in front of the monument to Alexander III
  • Hulton Archive

After the formation of the RSDLP (Russian Social Democratic Labor Party), the red flag was adopted by the Social Democrats, both Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. The red banner was raised in the days of the 1905 revolution, and after the February revolution of 1917, it became the main symbol of radical changes, while the state tricolor gradually faded into the background.

“Interestingly, the red flag was adopted as the state flag in where the ruling Nazi party was considered socialist and therefore used the traditional color of the flag of the labor movement, adding to it the party emblem - the swastika. There is information that the inhabitants of German cities, surrendering to our army, tied a circle with a swastika from the Nazi flags and hung red banners on their houses, ”Dumin said.

However, the Bolsheviks who came to power did not have a monopoly on the red flag. If the white movement chose the tricolor rejected by the communists as its banner, then the representatives of the left anti-Bolshevism remained faithful to the red color. In June 1918, a committee of members of the Constituent Assembly, dispersed by the Bolsheviks, met in Samara. The Social Revolutionaries, who seized the leadership in it, opposed their recent allies, the Bolsheviks, under red banners.

The Izhevsk-Votkinsk workers' uprising against the Bolshevik dictatorship also took place under red flags. And the Izhevsk and Votkinsk divisions formed by the rebels passed through the troops of Admiral Kolchak. They adopted the symbols of the White armies, but until the end of the war they went into battle to the sounds of the "Internationale".

Victory Banner

In Soviet times, it was believed that red flags were widely used in Ancient Russia and the Moscow state. However, modern historians consider this a delusion. Ancient banners were most often made multi-colored, richly embroidered with gold and silver thread. Red has never been the dominant color, although it was widely used, since it is bright and visible from afar. In the Russian chronicles there is no mention of the color of the banners of the ancient Russian princes, but it is necessarily indicated that they were decorated with images of saints. Nevertheless, experts say that the red banner has a direct connection with Russian military tradition.

“Red was also present on ancient Russian banners, the banner of Minin's and Pozharsky's militia, and in the 18th-19th centuries it became one of the main colors of the regimental banners of the Russian imperial army,” Dumin noted.

The red flag was originally adopted as a state flag in the RSFSR, and then, after the formation of the USSR, it became a symbol of the young Soviet republic. The spread of leftist ideology after World War II brought communists to power in many countries of the world - and a number of states were "armed" with the red banner.

“For Russia, the red banner is, first of all, the Banner of Victory, it is in this capacity that it is included in the modern symbols of our state. In addition, for most of our citizens, the red flag is associated with memories of the past. It often becomes a symbol of nostalgia for the successes and achievements of the USSR, ”Dumin said.

  • A Red Army soldier planting the Victory Banner on the building of the defeated Reichstag
  • Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

According to the expert, in 1990, after the elections of deputies to the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, the search for new symbols of Russia began.

“And the deputies turned to the white-blue-red flag, which at that time was already actively used at rallies and demonstrations as a symbol of democratic Russia. Initially, most of the deputies were not ready to support the symbol, which was recently considered counter-revolutionary, but after the August events of 1991, the Peter's flag again became the state flag of Russia, ”Dumin summed up.
