About 16 percent of men suffer from overactive bladder. The presented disease is characterized by a sudden contraction of the muscles of the MP, which causes the urge to urinate. In this case, it does not matter how full the bubble is, which causes discomfort to the patient.

GAMP (an abbreviation accepted in the medical communities) has two forms:

  • idiopathic - when it is impossible to identify the cause of the disease;
  • neurogenic - manifests itself in violation of the central nervous system.

For people who do not suffer from this disease, the rate of emptying is 6 times a day. If the amount increases, then this is considered a signal and you should consult a specialist for advice.

Symptoms of GAMP

The main symptom of the disease in question is a sudden desire to go to the toilet, regardless of time, the urge often occurs at night.

There are other symptoms as well:

  • a small amount of urine when emptying, as well as frequent urges. If they exceed the number of 8-9 times, this is not the norm;
  • involuntary urination - possibly both partial and complete;
  • double urination - means that after complete emptying of the urea, the patient continues to excrete urine.

Perhaps the detection of these symptoms in the patient at the same time, or several of them.

Grounds for the emergence

An overactive bladder in men is a consequence of pathology in the body. Treatment without consultation is impossible, because the causes of this condition should be determined.

In neurogenic cases, causes such as:

  • damage to the central nervous system caused by trauma, Parkinson's disease or Alzheimer's disease;
  • disruption of the spinal cord or brain (consequences after injuries, cancer or surgery);
  • in connection with hernias and surgical intervention, the occurrence of problems with the central canal;
  • insufficient supply of blood to the brain.

Bladder overactivity in men also occurs for non-neurogenic reasons:

  • the elasticity of the walls of the urea is lost;
  • BPH;
  • abnormal features of the male bladder;
  • disruptions in the hormonal activity of the body;
  • changes in the mental state of the patient: stress at work, aggression;
  • manifestation of inflammation in neighboring organs: prostatitis, orchitis;
  • the formation of kidney stones;
  • depends on the age of the patient, more often found in men over 60 years of age.

Domestic origin of GIMP:

  • fluid intake in large quantities. With daily use of more than two liters, MP loses its elasticity;
  • alcohol abuse, especially beer;
  • difficult defecation.

A timely appeal to a urologist helps to diagnose the disease in question and return the patient to his usual way of life.


Before making a diagnosis, a specialist must conduct an examination and exclude other diseases of the urinary system.

To correctly diagnose, conduct the following studies:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • analysis of urine and blood;
  • bacterial culture of urine;
  • cytoscopy;
  • urodynamic study.

GAMP treatment

The process of treating an overactive bladder in men is quite long, because it is not always possible to immediately establish the source of occurrence. Only after the diagnosis, the specialist can prescribe a course of treatment.

A drug method is possible, or a complex one, including physical activity and a change in diet.

If possible, the doctor refuses drugs, offering the patient the following therapeutic methods of treatment:

  • proper nutrition and identifying the appropriate amount of fluid to drink;
  • special exercises;
  • neuromodulation.

Building proper nutrition helps to improve the patient's condition. Foods and dishes that irritate the walls of the bladder should be excluded from the diet.

Most often, the list of prohibited foods includes:

  • sour and spicy foods;
  • products containing caffeine;
  • mineral water.


  • watermelons;
  • melons;
  • cucumbers;
  • alcohol.

Eating more than normal protein puts a strain on the kidneys, which is a source of increased urine production. The patient is asked to reduce the amount of protein and give preference to foods containing fiber.

Reducing the amount of fluid consumed is also included in this method. The patient is advised to cut down on the amount of liquid consumed from soups, juices and give preference to clean water. Caution should be taken with tea and coffee, they can have a diuretic effect.

A suitable menu is part of the treatment, experts offer another method - which increases the elasticity of the bladder muscles. In addition to MP, it involves the muscles of the prostate and penis.

Doctors also advise not to visit the restroom immediately, as soon as the urge appears, but to try to postpone the trip there. Developing a schedule for going to the toilet is also considered an effective way to deal with the disease.

In pharmacies, you can buy diapers for adults, which help to avoid inconvenience.

The last method - neuromodulation, is not a surgical intervention. Its action lies in the fact that with the help of electrical impulses there is an effect on the spinal nerves.


However, the traditional method of treating OAB is considered to be taking drugs from the group of M-cholinolytics.

Popular are:

  • Oxybutynin;
  • Tolterodine;
  • Vesicar.

Drug treatment does not completely eliminate the problem of overactive bladder, helping only at the 6-8th month. After that, the signs of OAB return, you have to take the course again.

Side effects of this group of drugs may include:

  • dry mouth;
  • change in blood pressure (increase or decrease);
  • memory worsens, the patient becomes distracted;
  • obstipation;
  • poor vision progresses.

Surgical intervention is performed in extreme cases and is undesirable. The doctor suggests operating only if other methods have failed.

Folk remedies

Before starting treatment at home, you should visit a doctor and consult about the safety of this method.

The treatment of folk remedies includes the intake of tinctures on various herbs, which help to improve the functioning of the MP and restore its functions.

Below are a few recipes:

  • infusion on St. John's wort. It is taken as a place for tea, for this you should pour 40 g of grass with 1 liter of boiling water and leave to infuse for several hours;
  • centaury is also added to St. John's wort. The recipe is similar to the first, but the amount of St. John's wort is reduced to 20 g and 20 g of centaury is added, all this is poured with boiling water in a volume of 1 liter, and 1-2 glasses are taken per day;
  • 1 cup of boiling water will require 1 tbsp. l. plantain, the decoction should be left for 1 hour and taken 2-3 tbsp. l. a day before meals;
  • instead of tea, you can drink infused lingonberry leaves, which also have a beneficial effect on MP;
  • boil dill seeds in 200 ml of water for 3 minutes, then cool and drink;
  • for treatment you will require honey, onion and apple. Turn these products into gruel and consume before dinner for an hour.

St. John's wort

An overactive bladder in women, which requires treatment immediately after a problem is discovered, is a violation of the function of storing urine and the appearance of a sharp desire to empty the bladder. This need is often acute and results in the involuntary release of some urine (incontinence).

Traditional therapy begins with the use of strategies - doctors recommend drinking water and other drinks on a regular basis, going to the toilet every day at a certain time, and controlling sudden urges with the help of the pelvic floor muscles. If these measures do not help, there are other methods of treating the pathology.


If you're having trouble urinating, it's not certain that an overactive bladder is the cause. Symptoms in women are manifested as follows:

  • the appearance of a sudden need to visit the toilet, and this need is extremely difficult to control;
  • that is, its involuntary release immediately after the desire to empty the bladder;
  • usually more than eight times a day;
  • nocturnal polyuria (nocturia) - nocturnal urge to go to the toilet, repeated more than twice during sleep.

Although many patients manage to get to the toilet as soon as there is an urgent need, almost all those suffering from this pathology experience the stress of having to empty their bladder many times a day.

Normal functioning of the body

The kidneys produce urine, which then flows into the bladder. When visiting the toilet, urine exits the storage organ through an opening at the bottom and flows out through a tube called the urethra. In women, the opening of the urethra is located directly above the vagina, in men - at the tip of the glans penis.

As the bladder fills, the brain receives signals from the nerves, which, in the end, cause the need to empty. During urination, nerve signals coordinate the relaxation of the muscles of the pelvic floor and urethra (the latter are called urinary sphincter muscles). The muscles of the organ tense (contract), pushing the urine out.

Causes of pathology

When the muscles of the organ begin to suddenly tighten (even if the volume of urine in it is still small), doctors diagnose an overactive bladder. Symptoms in women include, first of all, a sharp onset of need and may be accompanied by signs of diseases that serve as prerequisites for the development of this ailment. However, chronic diseases are not the only cause of the problem. Frequent toileting and incontinence may be due to:

  • neurological disorders, including Parkinson's disease, strokes, multiple (multiple) sclerosis;
  • excessive urine production as a result of high fluid intake, poor kidney function, or diabetes;
  • taking medications that speed up urine production or require drinking plenty of fluids;
  • acute infectious diseases of the urethra, causing symptoms similar to those of an ailment such as an overactive bladder in women;
  • organ pathologies (tumors, stones);
  • factors preventing normal urination (in men, this may be an enlarged prostate, in women, constipation or past operations to treat other forms of incontinence);
  • excessive consumption of caffeine or alcoholic beverages;
  • depression of the cognitive function of the brain due to aging of the body, as a result of which the bladder hardly recognizes incoming signals;
  • difficulty walking, due to which not all patients can get to the restroom in a timely manner;
  • incomplete emptying of the bladder, which can lead to symptoms of overactivity due to reduced space for new urine coming from the kidneys.

Often, however, even experts cannot say for sure what caused the development of the organ hyperactivity syndrome.


If you suffer from an unbearable urge to go to the toilet too often, your doctor will first test your urine for blood or infection. It is also necessary to establish whether you empty your bladder completely. A complete diagnosis is likely to include the following activities:

  • studying the history of diseases;
  • initial medical examination with special attention to the organs of the abdominal cavity and groin;
  • urine tests to check for infections, traces of blood and other signs of pathology;
  • Focused neurological exam to look for sensory disturbances or problems with reflexes.

Special Studies

First, the doctor will establish an accurate diagnosis and presumptive prerequisites for the development of such an unpleasant condition as an overactive bladder in women. Treatment will depend on many factors, but first of all - on the quality of the functioning of the organ. The ability of the bladder to empty regularly and completely is checked by the urodynamic study, which consists of several different tests.

What is included in the concept of urodynamic analysis

  • Measurement of the residual volume of urine. This analysis is especially important if the organ does not empty completely when urinating, or if you suffer from incontinence. Residual urine causes symptoms similar to those of hyperactivity. To measure the remaining fluid after emptying, the doctor will prescribe an ultrasound examination of the bladder or put a special catheter (thin tube) to withdraw and study the remainder.
  • Measurement of urine flow rate. If you need to evaluate the volume and speed of urination, the doctor will ask you to empty your bladder into a uroflowmeter - a device that measures these parameters and converts them into a graph of changes in the rate of emptying.
  • Determination of intravesical pressure. The cystometry method helps to measure the pressure in the organ and its surrounding tissues when filled with liquid. During this test, the doctor uses a thin tube (catheter) to slowly fill the bladder with warm water. Another catheter with a pressure sensitive sensor is placed in the vagina. This procedure helps to understand why an overactive bladder occurs in women. Treatment will depend on what the analysis shows: there will be either involuntary contractions of the walls of the organ, or its rigidity, due to which the bladder becomes unable to store urine at low pressure. You may be asked to have a bowel movement during the exam to measure the pressure needed to empty the organ and determine if there is a possible blockage (obstruction) or not. Obstruction due to pelvic organ prolapse can lead to symptoms that are characteristic of such a common ailment as an overactive bladder in women. Causes (treatment, as you know, can only be prescribed by a qualified specialist) in this case almost always involve neurological diseases affecting the spinal cord.

Behavioral Therapy Treatment

Behavioral therapy, or the acquisition of good habits necessary to fight the disease, is the first and most effective measure on the road to recovery. The undoubted advantage of this method is the complete absence of side effects. If you have no idea how to treat an overactive bladder in women, try the following techniques.

Best Troubleshooting Methods

  • Exercises for the muscles of the pelvic floor. No wonder they gained worldwide fame and unprecedented popularity: perhaps there is no more natural way to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and urinary sphincter. Stronger muscles can permanently save you from involuntary contractions of the walls of the bladder. The doctor will give detailed advice on the correct implementation of the famous gymnastics. Follow the recommendations of a professional and be patient: it often takes quite a long time (six to eight weeks) for a noticeable improvement in well-being.
  • Maintaining normal weight. If you're obese, returning to a healthy weight can help tame an overactive bladder in women. Treatment (reviews can be found on thematic forums if desired) in this case involves a diet based on the principles of proper nutrition.
  • Fluid intake control. Your doctor may recommend limiting your fluid intake and help you create a comfortable schedule for drinking your favorite beverages.
  • Double emptying. To completely empty the bladder, you must wait a couple of minutes after the first emptying and then try again to relieve a small need.
  • Scheduled urination. The scheduling method is useful not only in terms of drinking liquids, but also for going to the toilet. If you follow a planned schedule (for example, going to the bathroom every 2-4 hours), then the body will get used to the same regimen, and you will no longer experience unnecessary stress from a sudden need.

What else can be done?

  • intermittent catheterization. When an overactive bladder is diagnosed in women, treatment and feedback on the prescribed therapy largely depend on the individual effectiveness of the prescribed method. However, there is a general, universal way to alleviate the symptoms of pathology, which involves the periodic use of a catheter to completely empty the organ. Check with your doctor before using this method.
  • Wearing urological pads. The use of urological pads or special absorbent underwear will help protect clothes from the effects of incontinence and eliminate the psychological stress associated with this. These pads and underwear come in all sizes and have different absorbency ratings.
  • Bladder training. This term refers to the development of one's own ability to restrain a small need. You need to start with small periods - for example, from 30 minutes, after which you can gradually increase the intervals until you start going to the toilet only once every three to four hours. An overactive bladder in women (treatment, causes, symptoms discussed above) can only be stabilized in this way if you are able to strain (contract) your pelvic floor muscles on your own.

Overactive bladder in women: treatment (drugs)

To reduce the hyperactivity syndrome, medications are used to help relax the walls of the organ. This:

  • tolterodine ("Detrol");
  • oxybutynin in the form of a skin (transdermal) patch ("Oxytrol");
  • oxybutynin in;
  • trospium;
  • solifenacin;
  • darifenacin;
  • fesoterodine.

Be careful

The above medicines can cause side effects, including dry mouth and constipation, which can aggravate the symptoms of an overactive bladder in women. Treatment (tablets and other drugs for oral administration) should be prescribed by a doctor, but if you suffer from these side effects, it is better to consult a specialist about replacing tablets with gels and patches.

An overactive bladder is a syndrome of violation of the nervous regulation of the process of urination. This problem mostly concerns women over the age of 40, in men it is less common and worries them already by the age of 60.


According to statistics, this disease is quite widespread. For example, in Russia almost 20% of women suffer from it, and in America it is included in the list of the 10 most common pathologies along with diabetes and cardiovascular pathologies.

The capacity of the bladder in an adult reaches 700 ml. But the urge to urinate begins to form when it is filled with 200 - 250 ml.

The wall of the bladder is represented by several layers of longitudinal and cylindrical muscle fibers.

The structure of the bladder

The muscles are most developed in the lower part of the organ, where the internal ureteral sphincter is located. The muscular wall of the bladder is called the detrusor.

In addition to the muscles, there are also nerve endings in the shell of the organ. The innervation of the bladder, like any other organ, is quite complex; it is carried out by a system of sympathetic and parasympathetic nerve fibers.

Parasympathetic nerve nodes are located directly in the bladder, through them information flows to the sympathetic nerve fibers, and then directly to the brain.

The formation of the urge to urinate occurs in this way. As it fills with urine, the wall of the bladder begins to stretch, and nerve impulses “turn on” that send signals to the brain.

As a result, the person feels the urge to urinate and can normally hold it back for a while.

But the volume of urine continues to increase, the pressure inside the bladder increases, the frequency and intensity of urges increase. With critical filling of the organ, uncontrolled urination occurs.

Physiologically, the process of urination in men and women is as follows. Under the influence of nerve impulses, there is a simultaneous contraction of the detrusor and relaxation of the sphincters of the urethra.

When the bladder is almost completely empty (normally, about 30-40 ml of residual urine can remain there), the reverse process begins: the sphincters contract, and the detrusor relaxes.

Symptoms of neurogenic urinary disorders

Increased urination

A hyperreflex bladder is characterized by excessive detrusor tension. This condition has the following symptoms:

  • increased urination, if normally it occurs up to 8 - 10 times a day. Their number may fluctuate depending on the amount of fluid drunk, alcohol consumption or diuretic intake. But a persistent increase in the number of urges to urinate more than 8 - 9 times during the day and 3 - at night indicates a violation of the detrusor;
  • the urge to urinate is formed even with insufficient filling of the bladder, that is, the total daily volume of urine excreted remains the same;
  • the inability to restrain the desire to urinate, up to partial or complete urinary incontinence;
  • "Double" urination, that is, after the process of urination is over, you can continue it by straining.

Women and men experiencing overactive bladder syndrome may have one, two, or all of these symptoms.


An overactive bladder is not an independent disease. Hyperreflex syndrome is a condition that occurs as a result of a systemic lesion of the blood supply, muscles or innervation system of the bladder.

The causes of an overactive bladder in women and men can be divided into two large groups: neurogenic and non-neurogenic.

Neurogenic factors of detrusor hyperreflex activity include:

  • systemic diseases that disrupt the functioning of the nervous system, such as Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, cancerous lesions of the spinal cord or brain, Alzheimer's disease;
  • trauma, hernia, spinal surgery that affected the integrity of the spinal canal;
  • age-related disorders of the blood supply to the brain.

Causes of pathology

The second group of causes of hyperactive syndrome is:

  • age-related muscle atony, in addition, such changes in the work of the detrusor can be observed after complicated pregnancy and childbirth in women;
  • persistent violation of urodynamics, this is especially true for men with prostatic hyperplasia;
  • congenital anomalies in the structure of the urinary system;
  • hormonal disruptions in women during menopause and menopause;
  • oncological lesions of nearby organs;
  • stressful situations.


The above symptoms may also appear with some inflammatory lesions of the bladder, such as cystitis, and "double" urination may indicate the presence of a diverticulum.

In addition, the cause of a hyperactive disruption of the detrusor is very important. Therefore, all further treatment depends on the results of diagnostic procedures.

Laboratory diagnostics

To exclude bacterial inflammation, clinical blood and urine tests are done. The assessment of the anatomical structure of the lower urinary system and the condition of the prostate gland in men is done according to the results of ultrasound, CT or MRI.

The assessment of urodynamics plays a decisive role in the diagnosis of an overactive bladder. For this, the following methods are used.

Genitourinary pathologies

When conducting urofluometry, the volume of urine excreted, the flow rate and the duration of the urinary process are assessed.

More indicative is the method of cystometry, which allows you to determine the values ​​of intravesical pressure and total pressure in the abdominal cavity when filling the bladder. To do this, the organ is filled with a special solution through the catheter.

In this case, the patient should be in a standing position. When the urge to urinate cannot be contained, the necessary measurements are taken. During urination, its volumetric velocity is also measured.

The contractile functions of the sphincters of the urethra are determined using profilometry. Especially this study helps to diagnose the cause of an overactive bladder in men with prostatic hyperplasia.

It is worth noting that such a syndrome is not only a medical, but also a big psychological problem. An overactive bladder can drastically affect a person's lifestyle, especially if it is accompanied by urinary incontinence.

Therefore, the full treatment of hyperactive syndrome should also include the competent work of a psychologist and the help of relatives.

Complex treatment

The main treatment for overactive bladder in men and women should be directed at combating the underlying cause of the condition. However, in some cases, the treatment of the "main" disease for a number of reasons is impossible.

In any case, doctors prescribe symptomatic treatment. To do this, drugs are used that can "slow down" the formation of urine, thereby physiologically reducing the need for frequent visits to the toilet.

The contraction and relaxation of the detrusor occurs when exposed to specific receptors in the wall of the bladder.

The appointment of drugs that, depending on the indications, block or, conversely, stimulate these nerve endings, help to normalize the functioning of the muscles of the bladder.

In severe cases, an overactive bladder is treated with surgery. Basically, during the operation, flaps of high-tech synthetic material are sewn in, which support the muscles of the organ.

In addition to drug therapy, physiotherapy is also very effective. Usually used various methods of electrical stimulation and acupuncture.

An overactive bladder is almost always accompanied by stagnation of urine, which is the cause of the development of bacterial inflammation.

Therefore, in order not to subsequently have to treat cystitis, it is better to carry out preventive treatment with uroseptic drugs or antibiotics.

Psychological help

Restraining urges

The main treatment must necessarily be accompanied by behavioral correction. It is recommended that you keep a urinary diary and try to go to the bathroom around the same time to prevent urinary incontinence.

You should also try to empty the bladder a second time immediately after urination.

Especially psychotherapeutic treatment is important in cases where the overactive bladder syndrome manifests itself in stressful situations.


Hyperreflex bladder syndrome requires mandatory gymnastics. Doctors usually suggest regular visits to the exercise therapy room. There, under the guidance of an instructor, exercises are performed aimed at strengthening the muscles of the abdominal cavity.


You should not refuse this, but very simple exercises that can be done both at home and at work will help overcome an overactive bladder. They take very little time, and they need to be repeated several times a day.

The first is Kegel exercises. In addition to strengthening the muscles of the urinary tract, they also help to restore the muscles of the vagina.

It's easy to do them. You just need to compress and relax the muscles of the perineum. You must try to repeat this maximum number of times.

You can make this exercise a little more difficult. Straining the muscles, you need to keep them in this state as long as possible, then relax for a while.

Power correction

An overactive bladder directly depends on the amount of fluid consumed. Therefore, it is necessary to strictly control the drinking regimen.

An overactive bladder (OAB) is a disease associated with dysfunction of the organs of the genitourinary system.

The disease affects both women and men. The main symptom is frequent urge to urinate, which is not always easy to control. Problems with frequent urination make life very difficult.

Doctors distinguish two types of the disease - with unidentified causes and neurogenic. The first type occurs in about 60% of patients. The second type is fixed in patients with disorders of the nervous system.

The disease is detected in 20% of the inhabitants of the Earth. However, there is considerable suspicion that the real figure is higher, since not all patients go to the doctor.

To a greater extent this applies to men. Hence the misconception that women are more likely to get OAB.

Most patients are in their 40s, plus or minus a couple of years, at the time of diagnosis. Among patients from 40 to 60 years, women are more common. After 60 years, men are more likely to get sick.

Despite the sufficient prevalence of OAB, there are certain problems with diagnosis and treatment. Not all people (especially men) seek medical help in a timely manner due to shyness or various matters.

Treatment of an overactive bladder in women occurs from the age of 25, in men - from the age of 20. The disease can also occur in old age.

Many patients are interested in whether an overactive bladder can be cured without surgery and medication.

Why does an overactive bladder occur?

The causes of an overactive bladder are not fully understood. It is believed that with the development of this disease, the nerve endings in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe muscles of this organ are affected.

As a result, the shape and structure of the muscles change. In the area where the changes occurred, there is an increased activity of muscle cells.

An overactive bladder differs from a normal bladder in that it has a detrusor (muscle) that stretches when it is not full. At the same time, violations of the urinary organs are noted and rapid filling of the bladder is observed.

There is an illusion that the volume of the bladder has decreased, although it has remained the same. In a properly functioning organ, muscle contraction occurs only when the bladder is filled.

The overactive bladder syndrome is characterized by the fact that the organ is not able to accumulate and retain even 0.25 liters of urine. In this case, violations of the neurogenic form are ascertained, when there is no normal nervous regulation.

There are the following factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • pathology of the prostate gland (most often benign neoplasms that lead to a narrowing of the urethra);
  • brain diseases (injuries, tumors, hemorrhages);
  • kidney disease;
  • complications after surgery of internal organs;
  • diabetes;
  • poisoning with potent chemicals;
  • congenital disorders of the urethra, contributing to the appearance of an active bladder;
  • regular use of alcohol and drugs;
  • hormonal disorders in women after menstruation;
  • frequent stress and difficult working conditions with hypothermia;
  • pregnancy in some cases causes urinary incontinence, sometimes there are prerequisites for the onset of the disease;
  • age (the disease is often observed in people older than 60 years).

An overactive bladder associated with disorders of the genitourinary system occurs more often in women than in men. This may be due to lower levels of serotin in the female brain.

When hormonal changes occur, the level of serotin decreases further. According to many experts, this factor is one of the main causes of cystitis and an active bladder.

Disorders of the nervous system of the elderly cause inflammatory processes.

The elasticity of the muscles decreases and there is a lack of blood supply, the nerves of the spinal cord are damaged and further development of the disease is observed (an overactive bladder occurs).

Characteristic symptoms

The main symptoms of an overactive bladder in women and men are:

  • frequent urination (more than 10 times a day);
  • regular visits to the toilet at night (from 2 times);
  • urge to urinate after a recent visit to the toilet;
  • in the process of urination, a small amount of urine is often released;
  • urinary incontinence.

An overactive bladder occurs when a person has one or more of the above symptoms. Occasionally, patients may experience unbearable urges.

Frequent urination leads to the fact that a person experiences discomfort in public places. At the same time, urine tests are normal.

An active bladder manifests itself in some adolescents during laughter, coughing, and heavy physical exercise. Most often, this pathology occurs in girls.

In a child, an overactive bladder is manifested by symptoms with urinary retention. For other children, this process proceeds without problems. The process of urination in the elderly can be delayed for several minutes.

Diagnosis of the disease

How to identify an overactive bladder? First of all, the diagnostician must exclude common diseases of the urinary organs. At the first stage of diagnosis, the urologist talks with the patient.

He asks in detail about when exactly the first symptoms of a possible illness appeared. Find out how often a person goes to the toilet, whether he has pain. It is important to establish whether any of the next of kin was sick.

The next stage of research will be a general and biochemical analysis of urine. The result may be the detection of disorders in the functioning of the kidneys and organs of the genitourinary system.

Often used is the analysis of several samples of urine that was isolated during the day. The analysis reveals bacteria and fungus.

Patients must undergo ultrasound and MRI. They seek help from radiologists after receiving a referral from a urologist.

A general urodynamic study is also carried out to determine the state of the organs of the genitourinary system. Not very pleasant, but nevertheless, a necessary procedure is to examine the urinary canals with a cytoscope.

You may need to visit a neurologist, because, as mentioned above, overactive urinary can occur against the background of disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

In many cases, after identifying an overactive bladder, the doctor suggests that the patient keep a diary of visits to the toilet. It is necessary to record the time of the visit and the approximate amount of urine excreted.

In the diary, you should record the approximate amount of fluid you drink and record all moments of urinary incontinence.

When detecting an overactive bladder in women, it is necessary to establish the number of pads used. A vaginal examination is performed, during which the woman is asked to cough a little.

The doctor receives the necessary information about the muscles and organs of the patient's reproductive system.

Complications and consequences

If the overactive bladder is not treated in a timely manner, then unpleasant consequences and complications can occur.

Among them, we note increased agitation, sleep disturbances, the appearance of depression, difficulties with adaptation in the work team, the appearance of complications during pregnancy.

It is important to know that the disease in children develops much faster. If a woman has an overactive urinary tract diagnosed during pregnancy, then there is a possibility of a similar pathology in the baby. Therefore, OAB must be treated.


An overactive bladder is treated in three ways:

  1. Non-drug
  2. Medicinal
  3. Surgical

Before treating an overactive bladder in women and men with medicinal and surgical methods, doctors advise trying exercise therapy and doing certain exercises.

The treatment of an overactive bladder in women is largely the same as in men. The emphasis should be on exercises and training of the muscles of the pelvic girdle. The doctor attributes Kegel exercises to young women and men.

Women are more familiar with them. During childbirth, Kegel exercises are performed to develop the pelvic muscles. In OAB therapy, it turned out that exercises allow you to train the muscles of the urethra.

The patient's condition is positively affected by the mode of visiting the toilet. The doctor makes a schedule according to which the patient goes to the toilet. The challenge is to increase the periods between visits.

Thus, the number of urination is reduced, and at night a person gets out of bed less often. Training, when the patient needs to strain the muscles, is very useful for incontinence processes and weakened urges.

An active bladder is treated surgically in rare cases. During operations, surgeons most often perform the following actions:

  • interruption of impulses to the bladder muscles by its deenervation;
  • surgery on a muscle to reduce its contractions;
  • replacement of part of the bladder wall with intestinal tissue.

Treatment of an overactive bladder in men and women with drugs aims to reduce the number of trips to the toilet, reduce the number of muscle contractions.

Before looking for how to cure or treat an overactive bladder, age should be considered. There are funds that are introduced into the wall of the organ and help to improve the condition for 6 months.

GPM is treatable with folk remedies. A positive effect is achieved if you drink decoctions and tinctures with the addition of St. John's wort, plantain, lingonberries, dill, onions, apples and honey.

Lifestyle Correction

An active bladder often occurs on the background of malnutrition and a sedentary lifestyle. You should reduce the amount of fatty, fried and smoked foods you eat.

Do not drink tea and coffee before bed. It is necessary to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables (especially dried apricots and prunes).

It is extremely important to perform all the exercises prescribed by the doctor during the consultation. You should always remember to keep a diary in which all trips to the toilet are recorded. The patient's task is to reduce the time of urination and the number of approaches.


An overactive bladder should be treated as soon as the diagnosis is confirmed. To prevent its occurrence, you should be examined 1-2 times by a gynecologist and / or urologist.

In old age, you should visit a doctor at the slightest suspicion of a disease. It is useful to perform exercises for the muscles of the pelvic girdle: bicycle, scissors, holding while lying down in a hanging position.

Do not smoke indoors, creating discomfort for others and increasing their chances of getting OAB and other diseases.

The concept of "hyperactivity" in most people is associated with the behavior of children. Doctors use the same term when describing the bladder in a "chronically restless" state, which, of course, significantly worsens the quality of life of the sick person, regardless of gender and age, since it requires forced frequent visits to the toilet room. How does overactive bladder syndrome (OAB) manifest itself - what are its symptoms and signs?

Delicate topic

Doctors are sounding the alarm: not every patient suffering from overactive bladder syndrome seeks medical help. This disorder - the inability to control urination, "dependence" on toilets - is considered by those who are sick to be an uncomfortable topic for discussion with relatives and people in white coats. However, a visit to the urologist's office puts everything in its place, and the patient understands that there is nothing shameful in his condition - this is the same common ailment as migraine or hypertension. And most importantly, it is a disease that can be successfully treated.
