50% of people have an IQ level of 90-110 - the average level of intelligence.
2.5% of people have an IQ level below 70 - they are mentally retarded.
2.5% of people have an IQ level above 130 - I consider such people with a high level of intelligence.
0.5% are considered geniuses, they have an IQ level above 140.
Although the debate about who is considered smart, and whether IQ determines mental ability, continues.

10. Stephen Hawking: IQ level = 160, 70 years old, UK.

This is probably one of the most famous people from this list. Stephen Hawking became famous for his progressive research in the field of theoretical physics, and other works explaining the laws of the universe. He is also the author of 7 bestsellers and the winner of 14 awards.

9.Sir Andrew Wiles: IQ level 170, 59 years old, UK.

In 1995, the famous British mathematician Sir Andrew Wiles proved Fermat's Last Theorem, which was considered the most difficult mathematical problem in the world. He is the recipient of 15 awards in mathematics and science. He has been a Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire since 2000.

8.Paul Allen: IQ level 170, 59 years old, USA

The co-founder of Microsoft is by far one of the most successful people who has turned his mind into wealth. With a fortune estimated at 14.2 billion dollars, Paul Allen is in 48th place in the list of the richest people in the world, being the owner of many companies and sports teams.

7.YU dit Polgar: IQ level 170, 36 years old, Hungary.

Judit Polgar is a Hungarian chess player who at the age of 15 became the youngest grandmaster in the world, surpassing Bobby Fischer's record by a month. Her father taught her and her sisters chess at home, proving that children can reach incredible heights if taught from an early age. In the FIDE rating, among the first hundred chess players, Judit Polgar is the only woman.

6.James Woods: IQ level 180, 65 years old, USA.

American actor James Woods was a brilliant student. He enrolled in a linear algebra course at the prestigious UCLA and then enrolled at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he decided to leave politics for acting. He has three Emmy Awards, a Golden Globe and two Oscar nominations.

5. Garry Kasparov: IQ level 190, 49 years old, Russia.

Garry Kasparov is the youngest undisputed world chess champion, who won this title at the age of 22. He holds the record for the longest holding the title of world number one chess player. In 2005, Kasparov announced his retirement from sports and devoted himself to politics and writing.

4. Rick Rosner: IQ level 192, 52 years old, USA

With such a high IQ, it would hardly occur to you that this person works as a television producer. However, Rick is no ordinary genius. His track record mentions the work of a stripper, a waiter on roller skates, and a sitter.

3.Kim Ung-young: IQ level 210, 49 years old, Korea.

Kim Ung-Yong is a wunderkind from Korea who entered the Guinness Book of Records as the owner of the highest IQ in the world. At the age of 2, he was fluent in two languages, and by the age of 4 he was already solving complex mathematical problems. By the age of 8, he was invited by NASA to study in the USA.

2. Christopher Michael Hirata: IQ level 225, 30 years old, USA

At the age of 14, American Christopher Hirata entered the California Institute of Technology, and at the age of 16 he was already working for NASA on projects related to the colonization of Mars. Also at the age of 22, he received his PhD in astrophysics. Currently, Hirata is an assistant professor of astrophysics at the California Institute of Technology.

1. T herens Tao: IQ level 230, 37 years old, China.

Tao was a gifted child. By the age of 2, when most of us were actively learning to walk and talk, he was already doing basic arithmetic. By age 9, he was taking university-level math courses and at 20 received his Ph.D. from Princeton University. At the age of 24, he becomes the youngest professor at UCLA. For all the time he published more than 250 scientific papers.
Found at artmaniako . Thanks.


By the way, the figure of Garry Kasparov is very indicative.
EIf anyone remembers, in science he was an adherent of the "new chronology" - the teachings of Fomenko, which claims that almost the entire written history of mankind is invented. And its real depth is about 1000 years.
In the social sphere, Garry Kasparov is an ardent and completely unsuccessful Liberation politician and a fighter against the Putin regime.
That is high IQ does not help much when it comes to areas of life with a high sphere of uncertainty.
These include modern social science and current socio-political processes in Russia.

IQ - intelligence quotient. In the last hundred years, psychologists and doctors have become interested in the question of how to classify, quantify the intellectual abilities of people. In this regard, a lot of tests for intelligence appeared, with the help of which the authors sought to rank the population of the planet.

Subsequently, most IQ tests have been criticized. So, it was found that after doing an IQ test several times, you can learn how to solve it, as a result of which the test will show an overestimated result. In addition, most of the tests that can be found today, including on the Internet, do not stand up to criticism, and their results are often deliberately overestimated.

Such a popular Eysenck IQ test also, according to most scientists, does not fully reflect the real mental abilities of a person. To date, the Wechsler test is recognized as the most successful, which evaluates a person's intelligence on 11 scales using specially designed 11 subtests. To interpret the data of this test, special training of the diagnostician is required, therefore, despite the high degree of objectivity, the test is not widely used.

IQ and heredity

After tests were created, albeit with large errors, that estimate the intelligence quotient of people, scientists became interested in whether the level of IQ is a genetically inherited factor. A number of studies have been conducted, the results of which had quite significant differences. Nevertheless, the generalized data made it possible to draw the following conclusion: human intelligence is 40-80% heritable, and 60-20% is the result of environmental influences.

Currently, a project has been launched, the purpose of which is to discover the genes responsible for the development of intellectual abilities, and to determine the mechanisms of inheritance of this trait.

IQ and gender

Until now, disputes regarding differences in the level of male and female intelligence have not subsided. However, most studies suggest that the intellectual abilities of men and women are on average equal, while noting that among men there are more often those whose intelligence is below or above average, while among women there are more individuals with average intelligence values. Men are better given tasks for spatial thinking, women - questions that assess verbal abilities.

IQ and race

Some studies have found that African Americans have, on average, lower IQs than other races. However, it has been clearly shown that this difference is a consequence of the low level of education in most African countries. African Americans living in developed countries, in particular, in European countries, are not inferior in IQ to whites. In a study published in 2002, it was demonstrated that residents of Asian countries have the highest intelligence: Korea, China, Hong Kong, as well as residents of Japan. Their average intelligence was 104-107 points. The Russians were in 24th place with their average population level of 97 points. Ethiopia and Equatorial Guinea ranked last in terms of IQ, with an average IQ of 66.

In general, it has been established that IQ among the human population of the Earth over the past hundred years has a tendency to increase.

IQ and age

The highest IQs are shown by young people at the age of 26 years. In the future, the decline in IQ begins.

IQ and career

A reliable inverse relationship has been established between the level of intelligence of job seekers and the time they spend on mastering certain skills. Thus, when hiring a job related to mental work, the employer can reasonably expect higher productivity of people with high IQ numbers.

According to the data available today, the speed of mastering new skills is almost a third dependent on IQ. Among other reasons that make a great contribution to the productivity of work, experts name the ability to communicate in a team, the psychological characteristics of the individual, etc. At the moment, there are no reliable tests evaluating the contribution of other personality traits to the final productivity of work.

IQ test scores

Most IQ tests are designed so that at least 50% of the population has an average IQ, and 25% of the world's population each have an IQ below and above the average. A value of 100 is usually taken as the median of the intelligence of the human population. So, for the Eysenck intelligence test, the average IQ values ​​are 90-115 points. An intelligence quotient equal to 75 points and below is considered by many researchers as an indicator of intellectual deviation - mental retardation.
It has been established that the average IQ of outstanding scientists is 154-166 points, the IQ of candidates of science is 125, the IQ of those who have received higher education is 115 points. People with an incomplete higher education, people working in the field of sales, as well as the so-called office workers show an IQ in the range of 100-110 points. The IQ of skilled workers (electricians, mechanics, etc.) averages 100 points.

We are all different. Differences are manifested in appearance, in physical and psychological characteristics and, of course, in mental abilities. The international indicator of the degree of intelligence development is IQ. This concept was introduced in 1912 by Stern, a scientist from Germany. Note that most people have an average IQ, and only a few have a high or low IQ. For this reason, there are far fewer talented scientists in society than, say, office clerks.

The average IQ is 100 points. However, values ​​from 90 to 110 are acceptable. The IQ is determined using special test tasks. They are given a certain amount of time to complete. It is worth noting, however, that the great interest shown in the level of human intelligence has contributed to the creation of a variety of types of tasks, due to which the results of performing different tests by the same person can vary significantly.

It has been noticed that repeated performance of tasks to determine the level of intelligence can subsequently increase the number of correct answers, the speed of solving and, accordingly, the indicator itself. Before checking IQ, it is better to solve several typical tasks: after all, they have certain specifics, and it will be difficult for an unprepared person to cope with them the first time.

Hans Eysenck is the author of the most famous and popular tests. According to his system for determining the level of intelligence, the maximum IQ cannot exceed 180 points. However, it is believed that the tasks of other researchers, including Cattell, Wexler and Raven, have the highest accuracy of the results obtained.

According to some studies, the average IQ in the modern world rarely exceeds 90 points, although ideally this value is the norm for a teenager of 14-15 years old. Other data show that the IQ of, say, students who have just graduated from American colleges is about 115 points. And this, despite the well-established stereotype in society that Americans are not distinguished by a special mind. According to official data, the average IQ of Russians is 113 points.

They have the lowest level of intelligence (the exception is Botswana). But the maximum IQ is recorded in Japan, Korea and China. And this is not at all surprising, especially if we take into account the level of development of scientific and technological revolution in these countries. The researcher studied the level of intelligence not among representatives of nationalities, but among representatives of individual races. Therefore, to say that the Australians are the most stupid people is meaningless, because there it is about 2.5%, while in the eastern countries this figure is 70%.

It has been proven that heredity affects IQ. In addition, the results of test tasks, with the help of which the level of intelligence is determined, also depend on the environment.

It is rather strange, but according to research, breastfeeding has a positive effect on both the IQ of the child and its level in the mother.

In general, we can say that the average person can influence the level of his intelligence with the help of regular mental stress, proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

In the scientific world, shock: a three-year-old American from Tennessee, Selena Janick, had an intellectual IQ of as much as 135 points - more than US President Barack Obama and British Prime Minister David Cameron.

So the little girl is smarter than them and most adults? The same IQ for scientists averages about 125 points, and for simple office clerks 100 - 105 points. This begs the question: Is IQ lying? And in general, is it possible to objectively measure intelligence and reliably find out who is smarter? The correspondent of "RG" talks about this with the professor of the Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University Victoria Yurkevich.

Victoria Solomonovna, can we compare the strength of the intellect of two people, as if we were comparing their physical strength in tug of war or in arm wrestling?

Victoria Yurkevich: A device for measuring intelligence or giftedness does not exist in nature. Even if you give people the same intelligence tests, comparing their results will be incorrect. Each brain works differently, it is oriented to a greater extent to a particular area of ​​activity.

How to find out who is smarter: the famous physicist or the legendary violinist? Each one is great and incomparable in his field. But there are no single criteria by which their mental development could be compared.

What about an IQ test?

Victoria Yurkevich: It reveals only intellectual abilities in the field of general intelligence, that is, the ability to draw logical conclusions, structure information. It is known that the highest IQ is usually among theoretical physicists. They constantly calculate the most complex speculative models, this type of thinking is debugged, and it is easier for them to cope with these tests. But, let's say, artists usually do not gain comparable points. But can we really say that Aivazovsky is more stupid than Landau? Of course not. They just have different types of intelligence. An artistically gifted person usually performs significantly worse on IQ tests than mathematicians or techies. But no conclusion can be drawn from this.

What to do with a young American woman who, at the age of three, beat up respectable adult men?

Victoria Yurkevich: IQ is the ratio of a person's mental maturity to his biological age. Initially, it was invented to select school students who are able to master the program. Then the researchers, with the help of child psychologists and teachers, formed a set of knowledge and skills that a child should have at a certain age. If you know how to do everything that is supposed to be at your age and nothing more, you have an IQ of exactly 100. A hundred is the norm. Mastered something extra - keep your 105, 120 or even 140 points. Did not have time or could not learn something in time - you will get 95, 92, 87 points. Etc.

By the way, an IQ of less than 90 is already a sign of developmental delay. If we return to the girl and Obama, then the comparison itself is incorrect. It is possible that the girl knows how to do things that her peers have no idea about. Compared to other three-year-olds, she is precocious. But if you compare her with any adult, and especially with such an intellectual as the current president of the United States, she will still be just a small child. Their IQ scores are measured on different scales. These are incomparable quantities.

If the IQ index does not make it possible to compare the strength of intelligence, why is it so popular, including among psychologists?

Victoria Yurkevich: Here the situation is much more complicated. There are six basic types of intelligence. First, intellectual or logical is the ability to understand, comprehend and compare. The second is academic, it implies a good assimilation of ready-made knowledge. Social - its owners easily understand the mood and interests of people, they can captivate them with them. There is also artistic intelligence, it implies the ability to operate with images, create them, understand other people's metaphors and allegories, practical - they usually say "golden hands" about such people, they can assemble, make, repair or design anything, and, finally, sensorimotor is the ability to control your body. Each person has all kinds of intelligence. But some will be dominant, others are pronounced, and somewhere there may be failures. It is precisely because different types of intelligence work for a physicist and an artist that it is very difficult to compare them with each other. Here is mathematics and, for example, a biologist still all right, they have a mindset at least approximately similar.

But whatever the talent of a person, he will not be able to realize it without logical intelligence. The artist will not appreciate the beauty of the landscape or the model, the actor will not understand the director's intention and will not figure out how to play this or that scene. The athlete will not calculate his strength and will collapse from fatigue in the middle of the distance.

The IQ index measures logical intelligence. For those who excel in science, its value is likely to be, relatively speaking, more than 130 points. For an actor or athlete to succeed in their profession, a more modest level of 110 points will be enough. This does not indicate that they are less intelligent, it is just that their talent is revealed through other mechanisms that cannot be taken into account in this test. But when IQ is less than 90 points, we can talk about mental retardation. With such intelligence, it is extremely difficult to succeed in anything. Although there are exceptions.

It turns out that the IQ index does not really mean anything. Why then does it continue to be used?

Victoria Yurkevich: By itself, the IQ index does not allow you to tell who is smart and who is stupid. But at school for identifying mentally gifted children, it is very useful. Those who have been given this or that kind of talent need a different type of training, other forms of pedagogical and psychological support, otherwise their high abilities will not develop, and, most importantly, they will not be able to be realized in the future. How does it usually work out? A gifted child comes to school. The first few years, without stress, he gets his fives, relaxes. In order to develop intellectual and volitional qualities, the student definitely needs a challenge, he must face difficult and interesting tasks. There are no such? Write lost. After such training, nine out of ten promising boys and girls have only traces of their former giftedness.

A very extensive monitoring of giftedness was carried out at our university. 63 schools, thousands of children, hundreds of teachers participated. It turned out that, firstly, there are intellectually gifted children in almost every school, and secondly, a significant part of teachers do not distinguish intellectually gifted children from well-trained ones. And they do not help the development of intellectual talents.

As a result, we are losing people who in the future could be an innovative resource for society. But even this is not the main thing. An unrealized former gifted child, who, according to a well-known expression, "his whole future is in the past," is always an unhappy person. Ambitions have not gone away, and opportunities have already been missed.

Now there are a variety of ways to identify the giftedness of a person. The IQ test is one of the most technologically advanced. You can quickly and without special costs examine many at once. But the results of these tests should be treated very carefully.

What is the danger?

Victoria Yurkevich: There is a norm, there is a lower limit of the norm, and there are the top five percent of the results - these are the most gifted students. We measure it a little differently, but, for information, an IQ of 127 and above indicates a child’s serious abilities, more than 140 is already a bright giftedness. But only high results can be taken seriously. That is, if the student did the work for high scores, this directly indicates his giftedness. And if the result turned out to be very mediocre or even frighteningly low, say, 80-90 points, then sometimes it does not mean anything at all. The child could feel bad, be upset about something, be nervous - there are a whole lot of reasons why on this particular day he coped poorly with this particular task. Only after a special diagnosis, experts can name the true cause of such results.

When selecting an applicant for a vacancy, specialists conduct a whole battery of tests to understand whether this person is suitable for a particular job or not. They look at him from different angles, check all aspects and types of intelligence, his interests and motivation, only after that they make a decision. And although no one can give an absolute guarantee, in the vast majority of cases their recommendations are justified.

Even when selecting gifted students, the IQ test is just one of a series of indicators. The interests of the child, his motivation, school and extracurricular achievements - only all this in combination can show the true level of a child to a professional.

too smart

It is still unknown who is the biggest problem for a school teacher: a loser or a gifted child. It would seem that if a student from the first grade easily and naturally gets solid fives, this is very good. However, there is a big danger here.

If it is too easy for a student to learn, and he does not face difficulties and easily clicks through all the teacher's tasks, this is extremely bad for his development, Viktoria Yurkevich warns. - The child gets used to grasping everything on the fly and not to strain. And why, if he is quite successful even relaxed? As a result, neither the abilities nor the personality of the child develop to the required extent.

Such a student will quickly move from "fives" to "triples", he will not develop his abilities, study will turn into hard labor for him. To prevent this from happening, the most talented students are now beginning to be identified from the very first days at school. As the best remedy for boredom in the classroom, they are given more difficult tasks, forced to honestly work out their "fives".

We always believe that every gifted child will achieve a lot in the future, - Professor Yurkevich continues. - But for this, in addition to his abilities, he will also need many other qualities: self-discipline, the ability to set the main and intermediate goals for himself. This is very easy to learn at school age. After - already with difficulty. Gifted children who easily click on the school curriculum are deprived of these skills. And as a result, their talent is unrealized. Having talent and not using it in any way is always very sad. Therefore, gifted children must be identified and nurtured.

Good day! In the process of self-development, it sometimes becomes interesting to learn more about your capabilities and features. IQ tests just help to determine what is well developed and what should be paid more attention to. And today we will just talk about what it is like, aikyu of a normal person, because sometimes a high result does not indicate that life is beautiful and easy.

iq definition

The iq level indicates which areas of thinking a person predominates, and not the level of his erudition. Therefore, when achieving success, the most important thing is motivation and internal resources, on which it becomes possible to rely on stressful and adverse situations. Usually the IQ depends on heredity. But if you practice regularly, it can be significantly increased. It is believed that the peak of the best indicator is 26 years of age, then the level gradually decreases, especially if a person does not keep himself in good shape. Therefore, it is very important to read books, solve problems and not give up in the face of difficulties, arranging a brainstorm for creative solutions.

The best way to check it is the Eysenck test, but keep in mind that it is the first result that will be true. Therefore, you should not chase a high indicator, and constantly double-check yourself. Also quite reliable are the tests of Cattell, Raven, Wexler and Amthauer.

Deciphering the values

  • From 130 and above - this is the largest indicator, and such people can be called geniuses. But, unfortunately, there is also the other side of genius. Such a person, for example, can easily perform complex mathematical calculations in a matter of seconds, but at the same time does not know how to determine his desires, or simply cook food. There are only 2% of people in the world with this level of intelligence, including Nicole Kidman and Arnold Schwarzenegger.
  • From 111 to 130 - above average. Such people have the highest score in all subjects at the University, easily master the material and achieve success in science, medicine, politics, business... Sometimes they themselves are surprised at how much energy and interest in knowledge they have. They are indefatigable and never stop growing.
  • From 91 to 110 - and there is an average level that a quarter of the world's population has.
  • From 81 to 90 - below average, if they are not engaged in self-development, then they do not achieve any colossal successes, occupying the niche of an employee who does not stand out for his abilities and achievements.
  • From 75 to 80 - an indicator of mental retardation in a mild degree. They are able to learn and work on a par with other people who have higher aikyu.
  • From 51 to 74 - they study in specialized institutions, but are full members of society, are responsible for their actions and are able to take care of themselves.
  • From 21 to 50 - dementia, usually under care, but able to take care of themselves.
  • From 0 to 20 - only 0.2% in the world, they are not capable of either learning or independence. They have no idea what this world is like, what they are, all attention is directed deep into themselves.


I hope you were able to find the answer to the question of what is the level of aikyu and what indicator is normal, and no matter what results you get, remember that it is important to always be in good shape. I recommend reading my article on why to read books,
