Robot portrait of a man in the year 3000, according to a fantastic foresight
British magazine The Sun. DR
Homo sapiens 3000. Man of the future.
(I wouldn't want to meet him! Ed.N.)
In the year 3000, according to the sci-fi prediction of the daily Sun
human evolution will lead to the creation of a larger individual (individual),
with big eyes, but with a small brain.

The scandalous British tabloid The Sun once again proved its loose handling of facts (combined with scientific rigor) by publishing its view of the man of the future, who has experienced 1000 years of evolutionary development. As the portrait created for the occasion by the artist shows, evolution will not be too delicate with the human race! The human of the future may be larger than today, have fewer teeth (due to soft foods and nutritional pills), small brains (less used due to computerization), large eyes (because communication will be more visual than oral). ), he has a square chin and less hair (since he lives in warm rooms), small testicles (due to reduced reproductive capacity). The intestines will be shorter to avoid obesity due to excessive consumption of sugar and fat. In conclusion, we note that in Homo sapiens 3000, the arms and fingers will become longer in order to reach, without moving, increasingly distant objects.
To draw such fantastic conclusions, the diary obviously did not rely on reliable scientific research by specialists, but simply turned to a strange bunch of pseudo-specialists: a dentist, an osteopath, and a cosmetic surgeon.

Human evolution continues. In fact, the only thing the magazine can be proud ofThe Sun , this is the thesis that despite all the advances in medicine and technology, despite the habit of living in ever greater alienation from the natural environment, human evolution continues today. This was established by Dr. Virpi Lummaa (Virpi Lummaa, University of Sheffeld, UK) based on a study of 6,000 Finnish people who lived from 1700 to the present day (see.PNAS, Scientific Papers of the American Academy). Of course, according to the researchers, “despite the selectivity of stress, the increase in life expectancy and the increase in the chances of finding a partner for procreation, the person has changed over the foreseeable time.”
Since the factors influencing natural selection can change quite quickly, biologists believe that it is generally impossible to foresee the changes that will cause the evolution of the morphology of any species. Extrapolating current trends, one can only say that our great-great-grandchildren will not have wisdom teeth, so pooping. these molars are superfluous in our way of eating. A third of humanity is already being born without wisdom teeth, however, this phenomenon significantly depends on the region of residence (not a single native Mexican has wisdom teeth, while all Tasmanians have them)
The man of the future will be "less hairy", but it cannot be said that the differences will appear in such a short period of evolution as a thousand years. On the other hand, the modern trend of increasing height is consistent with a response to selective stress, although in fact modern man is much taller than the Australopithecus that inhabited Africa many millions of years ago. The increase in height by a few centimeters on average in recent decades is most likely due to improved nutrition and hygiene.

Reporter for the Figaro newspaper.
Cyrille Vanlerberghe/12/10/2012 at 15:06

series "uncork a bottle of champagne,
or re-read Figaro's paper."

Translation into Russian - mine.

Humanity does not stand still, but develops. It has been evolving since the day it appeared on Earth. But it is difficult for us to compare what people were like 10,000 years ago and 5,000 years ago. But what can be said with certainty is that over the past 150 years, an average person has grown by 10 cm. Over the past 65 years, life expectancy has increased by 20 years. Child mortality has fallen sharply, and many diseases that were incurable in previous centuries do not pose any danger today.

Progress is evident, but what will people look like in 1000 years? Deafness and blindness will forever sink into the past. Already now there are hearing aids that record different sounds, generate noise and have telephones built into them. Special bionic eyes are being developed. These visual apparatuses will be connected to the brain, and the blind will become sighted.

There is a possibility of developing such technologies with the help of which it will be possible to see the energy of light, x-rays and infrared rays. The current primitive prostheses will sink into oblivion. They will be replaced by no different from the real hands and feet. The profession of a dentist will not be the same as it is now. Perfect artificial teeth will appear, and current technologies will be ordered to live long.

People will learn to control the work of DNA, that is, it will be possible to influence genes and the proteins they generate. With this, it will be possible to influence height, physique, and other external data. But most importantly, it will be possible to prolong youth and delay aging. Is it possible to talk about eternal life in 1000 years? To do this, it will be necessary to periodically change all the organs of the body, leaving only the brain intact.

Nowadays, work is underway on transplanting animal heads. The next step is a human head transplant. But will it be possible to “drag” consciousness from one body to another in this way? Most likely, the path to immortality will be to download human consciousness into a machine.

A big step in human evolution will come after space colonization. Mars comes first. It receives 66% less sunlight than Earth. Mars' gravity is 38% of Earth's. From the foregoing, it can be assumed that the inhabitants of Mars will be 20-25 cm taller than earthlings and larger.

Lack of sunlight will cause all organs to enlarge so that they can absorb the energy they need in sufficient quantities. More mass is also needed, given the low gravity. And the cartilaginous layers separating the vertebrae will expand. They contain a lot of liquid, and in space it increases in volume. Therefore, the spine will become longer, which will drastically affect growth.

People have the greatest value - the brain. It is so good that even the most perfect and advanced computer system cannot be compared with it. To simulate the activity of the human brain, it is necessary to have 705023 processor cores, 1.4 million GB of RAM and 40 minutes to process the data that the brain processes in 1 second. Therefore, the brain has cardinal advantages over the machines that it has already created. But will the same situation continue in the distant future?

Considering the question of what people will look like in 1000 years, it should be borne in mind that artificial intelligence will be of great importance. He will be able to speak, interact with people, listen, remember, make decisions. But let's hope that this new kind of mind will not turn against people in its activity.

In the future, nanobots will appear - tiny robots. They will float around human bodies and enhance their natural abilities. Such microscopic robots will be able to assemble into entire buildings and just as easily disassemble. Entire cities and industrial enterprises will consist of them.

The number of languages ​​currently spoken on the planet will decrease markedly. It is possible that there will be one common language for all. And other languages ​​will be the same as now Latin or ancient Greek. People in the main mass should become dark-skinned. Such skin tolerates heat and ultraviolet exposure more easily.

And in conclusion, it should be said that the faster humanity evolves, the more chances it will have to survive. Our planet is not eternal, and natural disasters shake it with enviable constancy. Therefore, people must be saved by scientific and technological progress and space colonization. In this case, we will not die out, but will continue our race and will evolve further.

Vladislav Ivanov

The ability to drink milk throughout our lives, known as lactose tolerance, appeared in humans about 10,000 years ago. Over the past century and a half, a person has become on average 10 cm taller. Largely thanks to science over the past 65 years, the average life expectancy of people has increased by 20 years.Advances in science have qualitatively advanced man as a species forward. At one time, National Geographic's "Breakthrough" series showed the cutting-edge innovations that we have achieved today, from biology and splicing technology to solving the problem of fresh water scarcity.So what will humanity be like in 1000 years?

It will be difficult enough to imagine a world without smartphones, but according to scientists, in the next few decades computers reached the computational speed of the human brain. They will not only be able to speak and communicate fully, but also to listen and remember. All this leads to the well-known theory of transhumanism.

In future nanorobots can be easily integrated into the human body to enhance its abilities!We will no longer be limited by the limits of our own physiology and will truly become a symbiosis of biology and a machine within ourselves, some kind of bioterminators.

Never heard of theories of energetically useful nebula? Imagine a cloud of countless microscopic robots that can instantly transform into almost any shape and configuration. Thus, the buildings themselves can be built when we need it. Understand when this space is needed for something else. Imagine a transforming house that is taken apart in the morning when you leave, and something else can appear in this place to make better use of this space!

With the growth of urbanization and globalization 7000 languages spoken around the world today is likely to drop to 100.

As we move further into the future global warming and the accompanying thinning of the protective ozone layer will play a key role.

Additional ultraviolet radiation reaching Earth could create a situation in which dark skin becomes an evolutionary advantage, as it protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

An increase in temperature can also affect our growth. Tall and thin bodies are more protected from overheating, as they create the best ratio of body surface area to its volume.

Of course, all these changes will take tens or hundreds of thousands of years and will depend on our ability to avoid or protect ourselves from environmental influences.

There may also be new mutations– perhaps a new eye color, or other unique abilities! Even today, due to a genetic mutation, one person has the ability to consume and digest everything, including metal, glass, and even toxic chemicals.

Others live with tetrachromia and can see 100 times more colors than we can.

But these unusual traits are unique and likely to persist only if they have some sort of selective advantage. So in the near future you should not expect schools for gifted mutant children!

Artificial selection or human-induced changes are likely to be the cause of much of our evolutionary change. Even before we are born, we can modify the genes of our children, eliminate diseases that they could get sick with, or include desirable qualities that can be passed on to descendants by heredity. Everything is like in the Matrix!

It will make us smarter, stronger and make us look better. However, such genetic similarity or lack of human diversity will be instrumental in the emergence of a new disease of the future that could destroy the entire human race.

In the words of Stephen Hawking, “Sooner or later, dangers such as an asteroid impact or nuclear war will destroy us all. But once we extend our influence into outer space and establish independent colonies, our future will be secure." Space colonization seems to be an inevitable part of our future.

Eventually, we can even defeat death by scanning the brain atom by atom and feeding that information into a computer.

In this way, we could travel at the speed of light as information models, without the limitations of our bodies and without requiring any food.

When our current human generation cycle is about 20 years, a digital human can replicate itself within seconds or minutes. This new wonderful world is still out there somewhere! However, it is worth paying attention to some of the amazing and incredible things of science that we are witnessing today!

If you believe in the theory of evolution, then a person has come a fairly long way of development - from a monkey to a clean-shaven office worker. Indeed, nature has worked hard! After all, this process is not a matter of one second. It took thousands of years!

We decided to talk about this because we are well aware that evolution is still in progress. Therefore, many scientists are conducting various studies to understand what the human race will look like, for example, in 1000 years.

Versions are allowed that a person can change radically.

The Canadian Science Center has released a video in which man is seen as part of nature, and as part of mechanics. They suggest that soon people will face the task of integrating into a society of robots and machines.

We will have "abnormally" large eyes.

By 2050, human evolution is more or less guessed. Humanity is going through a serious revolutionary and evolutionary cycle, which will certainly lead to significant changes, including in terms of appearance.

Longevity is the priority of the future!

Dr. Cadell, a former researcher at the Global Institute for Brain Science, claims that humans will live much longer.

Genetic engineering can do it all!

Evolution will be based on the fact that soon scientists will be able to find a way to give all representatives of the human race regal features, a straight nose, deep eyes, etc. The principle of the "golden proportion" will be applied.

By 2050, it will already be possible to observe some changes!

Longevity, Body modification, More free time, Work that does not require employees ...

By 2050, human puberty will be much slower. Therefore, it will increase the average life expectancy.

What to talk about! In 2014, Google robots already auditioned for the role of taxi drivers!

In the next 50 years, robots will be able to take on a lot of things that are still done by humans. We may have to go to the surgeons of the future for "extra power for our brains" or "replacing our outdated bioprostheses." Who knows? Maybe so it will be!
