feudal society part 2

Paragraphs No. 11-13, Grade 6

Teacher of history and social studies, Goryutinskaya secondary school, Kalininsky district, Tver region

Trufanova Marina Nikolaevna


A knight is a rider, an equestrian warrior, usually the owner of a fief.

The main occupation is war.

Leisure - tournaments, hunting.

A knight was called an equestrian warrior, a rider.

In France - chevalier (from the word "cheval" - a horse).

In Germany - ritter (from the word "ritter" - a horse)




At 21 - knighted



Only after a long service distinguished themselves were knighted.

During a great feast, a warrior knelt before the most noble of the guests, and he struck a blow with his palm on the back of the head or with a sword blade on the back - this was the only blow that a knight could receive without repaying him.

  • Night in deep silence ;
  • The consecration of the sword ;
  • Oath of allegiance to the lord
  • Red Knight's Belt ;
  • Golden spurs.


  • Loyalty in the service of the king and lord
  • Courage, contempt for death
  • Protection of the weak and offended
  • Performing feats



  • Great sword or long spear
  • battle ax
  • Mace - a heavy club with a thickened metal end
  • Shield


  • Mail shirt woven from iron rings
  • Armor - armor made of steel plates
  • Helmet and visor - a metal plate with slits for the eyes

The castle is the home of a knight.

The first fortifications in England can be attributed to the 5th century BC. is Maiden Castle in Dorset. The first stone fortifications in England appeared already in the 1st century. These were Roman buildings of such high quality that the ruins still stand today. Of course, wooden buildings predominated at that time, but fragments of some of them have survived.

CASTLE - this is the dwelling of the feudal lord, his fortress. In the castle he hid from the attack of enemies

At first, castles were built of wood, and then they began to build from stone. .

Usually the castle was built on a hill or a high rock.

The castle was surrounded by a wide moat with water, so that it would be more difficult for the enemy to reach the inhabitants of the castle. .

Above all the buildings of the castle towered the main tower - donjon

In it, the feudal lord with his warriors and servants could withstand a long siege, even if other fortifications were captured.

donjon - the highest and largest tower of the castle, in which the feudal lord took refuge during the siege.

Lock- a knight's dwelling, a stone fortress.

What do these castles have in common?

Where were castles usually located?

Was it comfortable to live in a castle?

Was it easy to capture the castle?

What did it take to capture the castle?

The main functions of the feudal castle with suburbs were:

  • military (center of military operations, means of military control over the district),
  • administrative and political (the administrative center of the district, the place where the political life of the country was concentrated),
  • cultural and economic (handicraft and trade center of the district, a place of the highest elite and folk culture)

Customs and mores

Knightly tournament.

Feast in the knight's castle.

Falcon hunting


(from the French "court") - the art of court behavior, the ability to keep oneself in the company of ladies.


Tournament - This is a military competition of knights in strength and dexterity.

Tournaments were arranged by kings and noble feudal lords. They were attended by many spectators.

On the 1st day the knights

participated in personal

competitions. At full

the jump had to be knocked out

adversary from the saddle

special spear.

The winner chose

tournament queen. On day 2

knights participated in

team competition -

split into two groups in

led by the two strongest at the end of 1 day.


Coat of arms - a distinctive sign of the family

The motto is a short saying explaining the meaning of the coat of arms.

Knight's coats of arms

Coats of arms had several established forms.

Coats of arms were drawn up according to certain rules.

On the coats of arms there were images of animals.

The motto was placed on the coats of arms.

Components of the coat of arms:

  • crown
  • crest
  • helmet
  • namet
  • shield holders
  • mantle
  • motto


The motto of all the knights was the following: "God, woman and king"; they were true defenders of the fatherland. The said motto shone at the luxurious and warlike festivities of the knights, in their military games, in the solemn gatherings of daring and beauties, in their imaginary battles, in magnificent tournaments, which more and more multiplied. Chivalry also contributed to the preservation of vassal fidelity and simplicity, which, of course, painted the soul of a person; at that time, one word was considered an inviolable pledge in the most important contracts. Lies and treachery were considered among the knights the most heinous crimes; they were branded with contempt. The brilliant feats performed by the knights earned them the most honorable distinctions. They were given different titles; knights had the right to sit at the same table with kings; only they alone had the right to wear spears, armor, gilded spurs, double chain mail, gold, helmets, ermine and squirrel furs, velvet, red cloth and put weather vanes on their towers.

Knights Punishments

The rights and privileges given to the knights also implied greater responsibility for not fulfilling oaths and violating the code of honor. Misdemeanors were followed by cruel punishment up to the death penalty. A warrior convicted of treason or another grave and unworthy of his title sin was subjected to demotion and shameful expulsion from the noble society and country, if he remained alive at all. At such a sad ceremony, as a rule, all representatives of the knightly class, as well as the church synod, were present. The convict was publicly erected on the scaffold, where an inverted shield of a knight was already hanging on a pillory. All the armor was taken off the criminal in turn, deprived of titles, awards and estates. Then the clergy betrayed him to eternal damnation and buried him alive, depriving him of his name and status. This was followed by the death penalty or, at best, exile. The shame that the demoted and cursed knight brought upon himself extended to several generations of his family. Lesser offenses were followed by less severe punishment. True, the seal of shame still remained for a long time on the whole family of the knight. Basically, the accusations were reflected on the coat of arms of the noble house, its pride. Often, the inverted shield of the offender was put on public display at the pillory. Then the entire emblem or individual parts were erased from it, sometimes it was simply repainted or certain symbols were added corresponding to the crime committed. By the way, a knight could be punished in this way not only for lying or unholy behavior, but also for drunkenness. In fairness, it should be said that the knight was almost always given the opportunity to justify himself by fighting with one of the accusers. The truth remained with the winner, and the loser was punished. If the outcome of the duel turned out to be fatal, then the fallen one was already posthumously demoted and cursed, and his body was sent to a cesspool.

As for less serious crimes, then for them the knights were punished according to with the importance of their misdeed. So, for example, as punishment, the shield of the guilty knight was tied upside down to a pillory with the designation crimes, then they erased the coat of arms or some parts of the coat of arms from the shield, sometimes they drew symbols of dishonor, or even broke it. If the knight was magnified by his exploits, and on actually did nothing, then such a braggart was punished as follows: on his shield, the right side of the head of the coat of arms was shortened. If any knight dared to kill prisoner of war, then for this they also shortened the head of the coat of arms on the shield, rounding it from below. If the knight lied, flattered and made false reports to draw his sovereign into the war, then the head of the coat of arms on his shield covered in red, erasing the signs that were there. If someone recklessly embarked on a fight with enemy and by this caused loss and even dishonor to his compatriots and even to his homeland, he was punished by drawing below in a crowd. If the knight was convicted of perjury or but he came across drunkenness, then on both sides of his coat of arms two black purse. If a knight was convicted of cowardice, then his coat of arms was messed up on the left side. Whoever did not keep this word, a quadrangle was drawn in the center of the coat of arms. If the knight who was suspected of crime, was defeated in a duel that was supposed to prove him innocence, or he was killed and before his death confessed to his crime, the army officers laid his body on a black wicker grate or tied him to the tail of a mare, and then gave him to the executioner, who threw the corpse of the criminal knight into the garbage pit. His shield was tied upside down for three days to a pillory, and then it was broken at the confluence of a large crowd, and the half-caftan was torn to shreds.

  • Why did feudal lords build fortified castles?
  • Who was called a knight?
  • Why did the education of a knight begin at the age of seven?
  • What were jousting tournaments for?
  • What is a knighthood?

  • http://www.castlemania.ru/england.html
  • http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%C7%E0%EC%EE%EA_%28%F1%F2%F0%EE%E5%ED%E8%E5%29 http://www.scottsabbotsford. co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/WS-portrait.jpg
  • http://i.piccy.info/i5/88/22/1102288/imgt167_500.jpg
  • http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Statue_de_Charles_Martel_au_ch%C3%A2teau_de_Versailles.JPG?uselang=ru
  • http://supercook.ru/images-320-ist-kuhni/sred-turnir-02.jpg
  • http://www.mirzamak.by/upload/gallery/large/1ed1ce12e84b.JPG
  • http://s60.radikal.ru/i168/0910/a4/eec6c3806c04.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/e7/Steuben_-_Bataille_de_Poitiers.png/350px-Steuben_-_Bataille_de_Poitiers .png
  • http://www.castlemania.ru/england/20a5ba393861.jpg
  • http://www.castlemania.ru/england/bodiam2.jpg
  • http://www.castlemania.ru/england/chillingham2.jpg
  • http://svportal.ru/public/images/articles/scenarii/ricar/wed-scenari-ricar-05.jpg
  • http://photos.militarist.com.ua/resources/photos/1249/52935.medium.jpghttp://sociales2eso.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/ut6-cristiandad-sx-al-xv_27.png
  • http://belarus-travel.by/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/36185504.jpg
  • http://forum.exler.ru/uploads/79/post-1150028810.jpg
  • http://voyageservice.net/images/upload/1479.jpg
  • http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2f/France_cite_de_carcassonne_chateau_comtal2.jpg/800px-France_cite_de_carcassonne_chateau_comtal2.jpg
  • http://www.help-rus-student.ru/pictures/00/523_6.jpg

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Objectives: Find out who the knight is? What is his weaponry? How did the knights fight? Where did the knights live?

The purpose of the work: to study the lifestyle of the knights of the Middle Ages.

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The knight is a professional warrior. But not just a warrior. Knight, rater, chevalier, etc. means "horseman" in all languages. But not just a rider, but a rider in a helmet, armor, with a shield, spear and sword. A knight is a real fearless warrior who gave rise to a culture called chivalry.

slide 4

Everything knightly was very expensive, anyone who had enough funds to buy a war horse, weapons and armor could become a knight. A complete set of the simplest knightly weapons was very expensive - at least 45 cows or 15 mares had to be paid for it. And this is the size of the herd or herd of the whole village. Only the son of a knight could become a knight and be sure to undergo the rite of passage.

History of chivalry

slide 5

Ritual of knighthood

The future knight was struck on the back of the head or cheek (or with a sword blade on the back). This was the only blow the knight could receive without returning

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Knight armor

For protection, the knight carried a shield. The main weapons of the knight were the sword and spear. Attached to the shell were: gloves and metal pants, a bib and chin rest, as well as parts that protected the face.

Slide 9

On his head, the knight put on a chain mail hood or a forged iron helmet of a pointed shape with plates to protect the cheeks and nose. The helmet is the most responsible and important element of armor: if you lose your arm, you can still sit in the saddle, but if you lose your head...

1 - Italian 2 - German 3 - French 4 - French 1310 5 - German 1318 6 - French 1340 7 - German 8, 9, 10 - French 1370 11 - English 12 - Flemish 13 - French 1380 14 - Bishop's helmet 15 - French 1400

Slide 10

leather armor

The armor of the first European knights was leather. The positive features of a leather shell are its availability and lightness. But in general, he often did not justify himself - the level of protection bestowed by him did not pay off the decrease in mobility. They were of little help against arrows and spear blows, but, being hard, they effectively prevented the cutting of armor.

slide 11

chain mail

Leather armor was replaced by chain mail with sleeves and a hood, additionally equipped with chain mail stockings. The armor completely covered the body, weighed about 10 kg, and almost did not hamper movements. However, the protection provided is very dubious. Mail armor was easily cut with a saber, pierced with a spear and cut with an ax.

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The shield was the standard hand-held means of protecting a warrior from various enemy weapons. The original shields were made of light wood and sometimes covered with fur, usually wolf's.

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Plate armor

Full articulated armor not only provided a high level of protection in hand-to-hand combat. Most importantly, they performed the function of a kind of exoskeleton, and thereby dramatically increased the survivability of a warrior.

Slide 14

Well, how did the knights fight? Before the battle, the knight gathered an army of squires and foot soldiers. When the army was on the battlefield, the knights began to build, there were about 5 knights in the first row, then 7 knights stood in the next row and their number increased with each row. After the formation of the knights, the formation of the cavalry took place. The fight itself consisted of hundreds or even thousands of fights and could last for hours, without a break.

slide 15

Knight Tournament

Military skills were honed in tournaments-competitions of knights in strength and dexterity. Thanks to tournaments, knights, in peacetime, could gain high prestige in the eyes of representatives of their class.

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Knightly code of honor

Knightly code of honor - certain rules of conduct in your estate. The knight is the hope of the weak and humiliated. The knight had to be generous. The knight was supposed to be alien to cunning. The knight had to be gallant with the ladies, the lady of the heart had to be faithful until the end of his days.

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If a knight was magnified by his exploits, but in fact did nothing, then such a braggart was punished as follows: the right side of the head of the coat of arms was shortened on his shield. If any knight dared to kill a prisoner of war, then for this they also shortened the head of the coat of arms on the shield, rounding it from below. If a knight lied, flattered and made false reports in order to draw his sovereign into the war, then the head of the coat of arms on his shield was covered in red, erasing the signs that were there. If a knight was convicted of perjury or drunkenness, then two black bags were drawn on both sides of his coat of arms. If a knight was convicted of cowardice, then his coat of arms was stained on the left side.

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Plan. 1. Who are the knights? 2. Knight's castle. 3. Raising a knight. 4. Equipment of the knight. 5. Knightly tournament.

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Who are the Knights? Knight - a medieval noble title of honor in Europe. Only nobles could have it, not commoners. Not all people who called themselves knights belonged to them. It was often possible to meet an untitled nobleman who had a fake title. Knighthood as a military and landowning estate arose among the Franks in connection with the transition in the VIII century from the people's foot army to the horse army of vassals. Being influenced by the church and poetry, it developed the moral and aesthetic ideal of a warrior.

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A castle is a fortified dwelling of a feudal lord. Early castles had a harsh appearance due to the deaf powerful walls, designed for long-term defense. With the transition to the tactics of active defense, machicolations for mounted shooting appear on the walls and towers. In the XIII - XVI centuries. castles are transformed into complex complexes of defensive, residential, religious and economic structures, forming integral ensembles. Their appearance is enriched by arcade galleries (mainly in the courtyards), bay windows, and various towers with elegant finishes. With the development of artillery, the castle loses its significance as a fortress, and the palace building begins to play the main role in its composition. Signs of castle architecture are preserved, but the decoration of towers, battlements with loopholes is becoming more and more decorative. In the future, castles were replaced by urban and suburban palace and park complexes.

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The knight's armor consisted of a shell, a ringed shirt, a helmet, metal gloves and the same stockings. The knight's helmet in the 11th century was simple, without a visor, the face remained open, and only the nose was protected by a metal plate. By the 13th century, the helmet began to cover the entire face of the knight, leaving only narrow slits for the eyes and small holes for breathing. The knight of the XIII century was all clad in armor, not a single part of the body remained open.

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1 - Swiss infantryman in captured knight armor 2 - Italian armor 1450 3 - Italian armor 1480 4 - German armor 1480

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Shield. Every knight had one. Drop-shaped shields were common, covering the entire figure of a warrior. The shields were made of leather, the outside was slightly convex ..

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Sword. In addition to the spear, the knight was armed with an iron sword. From the 10th century Swords are massive and long up to a meter. Swords with a semicircular knob and a straight cross. The swords were given nicknames (for Roland - Durandal, and for King Arthur - Excalibur). Sword hilts were decorated with precious stones. They were inherited, legends were formed about them. Flamberk, two-handed sword of medieval knights. Medieval sword in scabbard, 14th century.

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A spear. The main offensive weapon of the knight was a long spear. Its length reached up to 4.5 meters. It consisted of an ash shaft and an iron tip. The spear rarely survived a single battle.

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Bow and arrows. The bow was made from hazel, ash, white elm. Pine arrows. The length of the arrows reached 1 m, and the bow itself up to 2 meters. The shooting distance reached 200 steps. There were also such arrows, the firing distance reached up to 785 steps.

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Armor. The main defensive clothing of the knight was chain mail, woven from steel rings, sometimes in two or three layers. She had a slit in front and behind (for convenience when riding) and hung down to her knees. The advantage of chain mail was its mobility and strength. The era of chain mail ended in the XIY century. Mail is being replaced by armor - the armor of knights made of steel plates, which have become solid. This armor was not as mobile as chain mail and weighed a lot, but it guaranteed invulnerability in the hottest fight of the battle. Moreover, even horses began to be covered with armor.

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Helmet. The full cover of the warrior was completed - a helmet. The head was covered with a hood lined with soft material, and a helmet was worn over it. Initially, it was a domed iron headdress with a nose and cheek pads. From the end of the XII century. massive pot-shaped helmets appear, which completely covered the head and rested on the shoulders. The blow of the enemy did not reach its goal well and at the same time allowed the warrior to breathe freely. 1 - Italian 2 - German 3 - French 4 - French 1310 5 - German 1318 6 - French 1340 7 - German 8, 9, 10 - French 1370 11 - English 12 - Flemish 13 - French 1380 14 - Bishop's helmet 15 - French 1400

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The upbringing of a knight. The upbringing of the future knight began from childhood. For the development of a military spirit in a child, even his games and amusements were of a warlike nature: towers and fortifications made of snow that had to be besieged or defended, exercises with a stake depicting a spear, etc. When a child reached the age of seven, he passed from female hands in men's and primary lessons he received at home, under his parental roof, but at the age of ten he was sent to be raised by the chief knights, with whom the child's parents were related or friendly. He kept a deep silence at all times, speaking only when he was asked a question. For the first time, a sword-bearer was given a sword in his hands, and an appropriate religious rite was performed on this occasion. Already a fourteen-year-old page could reach the rank of squire; they were allowed closer to the lords, and young people participated more freely in the conversations and conversations of the knights.

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Initiation ritual. Everyone could be made a knight for a long time. Each knight could knight, but most often this was done by the relatives of the initiate; lords, kings and emperors sought to assert this right exclusively for themselves.

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Code of honor. I, consciously and voluntarily joining the ranks of the Sovereign Knightly Order of Christ the Savior, realizing my responsibility to the guarantors and the brotherhood of knights, I give my word of Honor and solemnly promise: 1. To be guided in everything by the interests of the Sovereign Knightly Order of Christ the Savior, to adhere to its Charter and Internal Regulations. 2. Preserve and increase the glory and traditions of the Chivalry, defend the interests of the Knights' Brotherhood, compete for the achievement of the Order's goal in an honest, legal way. 3. Persistently and harmoniously develop your personality, contribute to this the Knights of the Order. 4. Highly carry the noble title of the Knight, never tarnish it with a shameful act. 5. Always in any circumstances be a support and protector for the poor, disadvantaged and sick.

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Cult of the Beautiful Lady With the flourishing of chivalry, the flowering of the cult of the Beautiful Lady, one of the most famous and exalted manifestations of chivalry, is also connected. The cult of the Beautiful Lady originated with a special worship of the Virgin Mary. She was called "the meek Lady of heaven", "the heavenly queen". Such worship of the Mother of God, in turn, exalted the earthly woman. Surrounding with reverence any "lady of the heart", the knight, in essence, served not her, but some abstract ideal of beauty and purity, which he created in his soul. One service consisted in constantly wearing the colors of her coat of arms, fighting in her honor in a war or tournament, glorifying her name and being ready to fulfill her slightest whim.

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Knight's Tournament Knight's Tournament is a military contest of knights in medieval Western Europe. Presumably, tournaments began to be held in the second half of the 11th century. The homeland of tournaments is France. Geoffroy de Preily (d. 1066) is called the "father" of the tournament. He wrote the rules for the first tournaments. Interestingly, Geoffroy de Preily was killed in a tournament for which he himself wrote the rules. The purpose of the tournament is to demonstrate the fighting qualities of the knights, who were the main military force of the Middle Ages. Tournaments were usually arranged by the king or barons, major lords on especially solemn occasions: in honor of the marriages of kings, princes of the blood, in connection with the birth of heirs, the conclusion of peace, etc. Knights from all over Europe gathered for tournaments. The tournament took place in public, with a wide gathering of feudal nobility and common people. For the tournament, a suitable place was chosen near the big city, the so-called "rounds". The stadium had a quadrangular shape and was surrounded by a wooden barrier. Benches, lodges, tents for spectators were erected nearby. The course of the tournament was regulated by a special code, the observance of which was monitored by the heralds, they named the names of the participants and the conditions of the tournament.

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Knight Tournament The knights fought until the enemy fell off his horse. The winner of the tournament chooses the lady he will marry.

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Agreed in a duel Although specially appointed judges were present at the tournaments, beautiful ladies were the highest judges. Any complaint against any of the participants was considered by them, and the decision was not subject to appeal. Opening the knightly competition, the heralds loudly announced its rules and announced what the prize of the upcoming competition would be. In addition to the announced prizes, ladies and maidens often donated their own gold or silver jewelry as a reward for knightly prowess. And the main prize itself could be very valuable. In addition, each knight who defeated the enemy received his weapons and horse as a trophy. As a rule, tournament organizers showed special courtesy towards foreign knights participating.

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Knights in the Middle Ages At the same time, tournaments were held in the possessions of the kings themselves or large barons. Unfortunately, in the modern world, such a spectacular knightly art has lost its former popularity. That is why many of us do not dream of seeing such fights with our own eyes. But, in fact, in Spain there is a corner where you can enjoy this unforgettable sight. Each jousting tournament here begins with a meeting with the countess and count, who lead the guests to a special hall where the knights will fight. During the duel, dishes are served on the tables according to all medieval traditions. And the real ball completes all this magnificent show.

What is chivalry. (Pankova Valeria and Klyuev Pavel) Education of knights. (Deikin Dmitry) 7 knightly virtues. (Gurin Andrey) Knighting. (Basentsyan Misak and Bryantseva Irina) Code of Knights. (Senashenko Maria and Bryantseva Irina, Klyuev Pasha) Knights in battle. (Vetrov Gennady) Knightly tournaments. (Kramarova Daria and Gurin Andrey) Castles of the Middle Ages. (Isaeva Marina) Do you know… (Ilya Ivanov) Part one

Who among us has not dreamed of the distant times of valiant knights, noble and devoted ladies with their fiery hearts, of the wandering heroes of the novels of Walter Scott, of the noble crusaders led by Richard the Lionheart, the funny hidalgo Don Quixote with his faithful Sancho Panza. This period of the romantic past was far from being so serene and glorious. We, students of the 6th "A" grade, decided to find out as much as possible about this and tell our friends and peers about this interesting time. Our 6th grade prepared the almanac "Knights of the Middle Ages" While preparing for our almanac, we learned a lot of information about medieval knights. For information for the almanac, we turned to additional reference literature: encyclopedias, reference books, dictionaries. Offering the material we have collected, designed in the form of an almanac, we hope that you will like it and open many new pages in the history of the knights of the Middle Ages and the era in which they lived ...

Chivalry is a special privileged social stratum of medieval society. Traditionally, this concept is associated with the history of the countries of Western and Central Europe, where, during the dawn of the Middle Ages, all secular feudal lords - warriors, in fact, belonged to chivalry. But more often this term is used in relation to medium and small feudal lords, as opposed to the nobility.

In Latin, the word "miles" meant "soldier". In the early Middle Ages, this word no longer refers to ordinary soldiers, but to individuals who made up private armies, or those who were considered an elite. These people could afford expensive equipment. And “arming” according to all the rules was not easy. Helmet, armor, sword were expensive. A good horse cost more than a cow. Therefore, only vassals or free people could afford to engage in military affairs. Less commonly, landowners armed the captive serfs, giving them money to buy horses and weapons. Now the idea of ​​a "mile" - a warrior - is already inextricably linked with horseback riding. Throughout Western Europe, from the 7th to the 9th century, the idea of ​​​​a professional warrior who studied military affairs for several years developed. Such people either had their own funds for a horse and weapons, or were part of the retinue of a noble lord, who also paid him for his service. The knights also differed from the rest of the inhabitants in their personal status. During the war, the knight was obliged to stand under the banner of his liege. However, the knight’s relationship with him was not built, like the peasants, according to the principle of “master and servant”. The word "senior" meant only "senior". This word also reflected a military fraternal attitude towards his commander. It testified to a special - comradely - relationship. The birth of chivalry

The knighthood is a special caste of the Middle Ages, a military class. Literally, the word “knight” means “rider”, and it is no coincidence that knights have always fought on horseback. The knights became the only real force that everyone needed. Kings - to use them in the fight against other kingdoms, recalcitrant vassals, peasants and the church. Smaller feudal lords - counts and dukes - against the king, neighbors and peasants. Peasants - against the knights who gave a vassal oath to neighboring lords. Such disunity - everything is against everyone - and became the main reason for the emergence of chivalry. It happened in the 9th-10th centuries. The knighthood has gone through different times. By cc. refers to the brilliant period of the dawn of chivalry, later replaced by decline. In the 10th - early 11th centuries, the knights constituted a certain group of people who were united by the main thing in their life - war. Of course, among them were knights both richer and poorer, but both of them led the same way of life. They knew military affairs exceptionally well. This distinguished them from the peasants, who had to work day in and day out. And one can only imagine how a simple peasant was afraid of this huge warrior on a horse. In the 10th century, the knights played a huge role in the fight against pagans, protecting Western Christendom.

The education of knights began at the age of 7. The young man was almost never at home, in the forests he fought with sticks, swords and spears. He practiced swimming and horseback riding. At the age of 10, he entered the castle to his signor and received the title of page or jack. The page performed the duties of a servant .. He performed various assignments for the lord and members of his family. At the age of 14, the young man received the title of squire. In the castle, he looked after the horses and dogs, met guests.

The knights had their own traditions, the fulfillment of which was their duty. Traditions required the knight to be knowledgeable in matters of religion, to know the Seven Knightly Virtues. The "seven knightly virtues" included: 1. - riding; 2. - fencing; 3. - skillful handling of a spear; 4. - swimming; 5. - hunting; 6. - game of checkers; 7. -composing and singing poetry in honor of the lady of the heart.

The knight had to possess not only these skills, but also decent behavior at the table. In special teachings on this subject, it was said that a knight should not stuff his mouth with both hands, wipe his nose with his hand, pick his teeth with a knife, loosen his belt at the table.

Knighting is a symbolic ceremony of entering a knighthood. Knighting marked the transition to maturity and independence. The ceremony consisted of several stages. The day before, the future knight had to bathe in the bath, then he put on a white shirt, scarlet surcoat, brown chaussé, golden spurs, and one of the oldest knights (or father) girded him with a sword. In French, "gird with a sword" meant to make a knight. Girdling with weapons is the main part of the ceremony. Then the initiator struck the young man with a blow on the back of the head (neck, cheek) with a brief instruction: "Be brave." The slap was called "kule". It was the only slap (slap in the face) in the life of a knight that a knight could receive without returning. The initiation ritual ended with a demonstration of the new knight's dexterity. Most often, knighting was done on religious holidays or on the eve of a major battle; he was preceded by a long period of training: the future knight as a page was trained by a noble, experienced knight or father. For example, Charlemagne in 791 solemnly girded his 13-year-old son Louis with a sword, and Louis, in 838, his 15-year-old son Charles.

Everyone could be made a knight for a long time. At first, knighthood was given, according to the German tradition, at 13, 15, 19 years old, but in the 13th century there was a noticeable desire to push it back to adulthood, that is, to the 21st year. The initiation most often took place on the holidays of Christmas, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost; hence the custom of "night watch" on the eve of initiation. Each knight could knight, but most often this was done by the relatives of the initiate; lords, kings and emperors sought to assert this right exclusively for themselves. In the XI XII centuries. to the German custom of handing over weapons, at first only the ceremony of tying up golden spurs, putting on chain mail and helmets, and bathing before vesting were added; that is, a blow with the palm of the hand on the neck came into use later. By the end of the ceremony, the knight jumped onto the horse without touching the stirrup, rode at a gallop and hit the mannequins approved on the pillars with a spear. Sometimes the knights themselves turned to the church for the consecration of weapons; thus, the Christian beginning began to penetrate into the rite.

The young squire spent the night in the temple. Here, under the dark vaults, in complete silence, he knelt at one of the altars, where candles flickered in front of the image of George the Victorious, the patron saint of chivalry. Lights gleamed dully on the metal of the heavy armor that lay right there in front of the altar. But the first rays of the sun penetrated into the temple through the multi-colored glass of the stained-glass windows. The young man waited patiently. Finally, the heavy bolts of the iron doors rattled. Now the squire was to bathe in the prepared bath - as a sign of the beginning of a new life. Then he returned to the temple again. The temple was already filled with a crowd of relatives and guests who had gathered from all the surrounding castles. The bishop began to pray. The squire humbly confessed, took communion, and knelt before the bishop. He blessed his sword and handed the weapon to the future knight.

And then came the most exciting, most solemn moment. Knights, young ladies and girls dressed the young man in armor. He knelt before his lord, and he touched his shoulder three times with a sword with the words: "In the name of God, in the name of St. Michael and St. George, I make you a knight, be brave and honest." Ahead is a solemn feast in honor of the new knight, but before that he still had to show his martial arts to all the guests. A war horse was waiting at the exit of their temple; without touching the stirrups, the young man jumped into the saddle and rushed at full speed in front of the audience with a spear at the ready. A well-aimed blow, and the scarecrow, dressed in knightly armor, flew off about twenty paces to the side. The guests burst into cries of delight... Thousands, tens of thousands of times such scenes were repeated in medieval Europe. Yesterday's squire, after the rite of passage, became a full member of a special caste - the knighthood.

1. The Knightly Code of Honor is obligatory for all persons of noble birth who call themselves Knights. 2. In case of violation of the Code by the Knight, his fate will be entrusted to the Suzerain, of which he is a vassal, while evading the Will of the Suzerain, this person is automatically deprived of the noble Knight's title, all lands and all privileges. 3. Each knight must, at the cost of his life, protect the life of his Overlord. 4. Each knight must keep his word, for only cowardice is a greater shame for a Knight than perjury. 5. Each knight must have a Diploma confirming his noble origin. 6. Each knight must take part in Tournaments, where to show military prowess, courage and great courage. 7. A knight does not dare to harm an unarmed person. 8. A knight does not dare to harm a person armed with unequal weapons, except on the battlefield. Knight's Code of Honor

9. The knight must be merciful and meek to the weak, and not refuse those who ask for help. 10. The knight must be merciless to the villains, the enemies of him and his overlord, and to the people who offend and cause evil. 11. A knight must be gallant in dealing with noble ladies. 12. If a dispute arose between the knights, or one of them offended the other with his word or deeds, then the knight may demand satisfaction in an honest duel in the presence of seconds, or renunciation of his words and repentance for his deeds. 13. It is forbidden to use dishonest tricks at the Knight Tournament. 14. There is no thing more disgusting for a Knight than betrayal. 15. A knight cannot hit a defeated opponent (in a fair duel), as well as an opponent who begs for mercy. 16. The knight must mercilessly punish any insult to the honor of his Overlord, the honor of the Lady (any), and his own honor. 17. Ignorance of the Code of Knightly Honor is not an extenuating circumstance for treacherous people who have deviated from its rules.

This is interesting! A real knight had to treat his prisoner like a dear guest, even if before that they were bitter enemies not for life, but for death. After all, who knows, the day could come when today's captive captures his current master. In battle, the knight had to attack the enemy in this order: 1. The enemy leader. 2.Known opponents, enemy flags and standards. 3. Noble or elite cavalry of the enemy. 4. Another cavalry. 5. Elite infantry. 6. Camp and headquarters. 7. Infantry. 8. Peasants and recruits.

Knights before the start of the battle usually lined up in a line and less often in a deep battle formation - a “wedge”. To attack in line, they were built in a "palisade" - in one open line at a distance of 5-10 meters from each other. The intervals existed so that the knights could freely use long spears and maneuver on horseback. Behind the knights at some distance were squires, and behind them were mounted and foot archers and spearmen. The “palisade” attack was used most often in knightly battles, that is, in the clash of knightly troops. Attack with a "wedge" - mainly against enemy troops, which included infantry. Sometimes the knights entered the battle not in one column, but in several. Columns for attack lined up next to certain intervals.

The knights mostly attacked the enemy on horseback. The knightly cavalry has long been the main force of the medieval army. If two knightly troops met on the battlefield, the battle turned into a series of fights. Before the battle, the knight had to be given a fresh horse and new weapons. Each knight tried to choose an opponent of more knowledge, the victory over which could bring more glory.

Knight's tournament military competition of knights in medieval Western Europe. Presumably, tournaments began to be held from the second half of the 11th century. Homeland of tournaments France Geoffroy de Preily (first half of the 11th century) is called the "father" of the tournament. The purpose of the tournament is to demonstrate the fighting qualities of the knights, who were the main military force of the Middle Ages. Tournaments were usually arranged by the king or barons, major lords on especially solemn occasions: in honor of the marriages of kings, princes of the blood, in connection with the birth of heirs, the conclusion of peace, etc.

Knights from all over Europe gathered for tournaments. It took place in public, with a wide confluence of the feudal nobility and the common people. For the tournament, a suitable place was chosen near the big city, the so-called "rounds". The stadium had a quadrangular shape and was surrounded by a wooden barrier. Benches, lodges, tents for spectators were erected nearby. The course of the tournament was regulated by a special code, the observance of which was monitored by the heralds, they named the names of the participants and the conditions of the tournament. Conditions (rules) were different. In the XIII century. the knight had no right to participate in the tournament if he could not prove that four generations of his ancestors were free people. Over time, emblems were checked at the tournament, special tournament books and tournament lists were introduced. Usually the tournament began with a duel of knights, as a rule, just knighted, the so-called "zhute".

Such a duel was called a tiost duel with spears. Then the main competition was arranged, an imitation of the battle of two detachments, formed according to "nations" or regions. The victors took their opponents prisoner, took away their weapons and horses, and forced the vanquished to pay a ransom. From the 13th century the tournament was often accompanied by severe injuries and even death of the participants. The church forbade tournaments and the burial of the dead, but the custom turned out to be ineradicable. At the end of the tournament, the names of the winners were announced and awards were distributed. The winner of the tournament had the right to choose the queen of the tournament. Tournaments ceased in the 16th century, when the knightly cavalry lost its importance and was supplanted by the infantry of the shooters recruited from the townspeople and peasants.

The appearance of castles, fortified dwellings of feudal lords, dates back to the reign of the Carolingians, the royal dynasty of the Franks. The most famous representative of the dynasty was the legendary Charlemagne. The most ancient castles were fortified dwellings of feudal lords on top of a cliff surrounded by a high and thick wall made of stone blocks. Built from the same stone blocks, the house was a well-fortified fortress. Now I will tell you what is inside the castle. The huge hall, dark and therefore gloomy, was lit by the fire of a fireplace - also huge, from one window to another. In the middle is a large table. Golden flames of flame gleam on gold and silver vessels and utensils. Herbs on the stone floor make the room smell like a summer meadow. This was the main room of the castle.

You can get here from the top platform of the stone staircase, passing through a vast corridor that stretches along the facade of the building. This is a bright gallery with many windows. Few facilities in the room. However, the desire for expediency did not cancel the desire to decorate your home: the floor in the hall, although stone, was multi-colored. The plates alternate correctly with each other and form a peculiar pattern. The gloom of the room is softened by whitewashed walls, painted in places, hung with deer horns, shields, and spears. There are also frescoes, the colors on them are monotonous, but even they enliven the walls.

1. Among the knights, the murder of an unarmed enemy was considered a special shame. Lancelot, a knight without fear and reproach, could not forgive himself for one “oversight”: somehow, in the heat of battle, he killed two unarmed knights and noticed this when, alas, it was too late to correct anything. He felt that he was not asking himself such a grave sin, and he promised to make a pilgrimage on foot in just a shirt to atone for his sin. 2. Horse armor included a “plate muzzle” on the horse’s head, a “bib” or chest armor, and “armor on the croup” to protect the sides of the animal. The rider's armor consists of several parts. A light helmet was worn with a high chin or throat guard and lower face. Such a complete set of armor was worn by the knights of Central and Western Europe at the end of the 15th century. The horses of the knights were covered with blankets. They housed the rider's weapon, but perhaps leather or padded fabric protected the horse from bad weather.

3. Two-handed sword At the end of knightly times (in the XIV century), in addition to the usual sword and spear, other types of weapons appeared, for example, a huge sword - up to 2 m long. It could only be held with two hands, which is why it was called two-handed. There was a sword and "one and a half hands." Fingers, axes, reeds, which were intended for washing metal armor and helmets, became widespread. However, these types of weapons were used mainly not by knights, but by hired regular troops, infantry. 4. Chain mail Already by the middle of the XII century. all the knights were dressed in chain mail. On the engravings of that time, you can see that steel chain mail covered the warrior from head to toe: from them there are details and cuffs, and gloves, and hoods. These flexible steel garments were worn over leather or quilted undergarments to protect against bruises, and they could be very sensitive even if a sword or battle ax did not cut the steel rings. A linen tunic was worn over the chain mail, protecting it from moisture and sunlight. They sewed it from expensive fabric, decorated it with embroidery - usually images of the family knight's coat of arms. Contemporaries claimed that it was as easy and comfortable to move in it as in ordinary clothes.

Richard the Lionheart (1157 - 1199). The English King Richard was the first to be nicknamed the Lionheart for his outrageous courage. He became especially famous during the 3rd Crusade. Getting to Palestine by ship, Richard captured the island of Cyprus. In 1191, moving to Jerusalem at the head of 100 thousand crusaders, he defeated the two thousandth army of Saladin. Richard appeared on the battlefield wherever it was difficult, and cut into the ranks of the enemy. Saladin's army fled, but the crusaders hesitated and missed the opportunity to take Jerusalem. When the 1st crusade began, neither the sword, nor famine, nor the plague stopped the crusaders. In 1099 they took Jerusalem, destroying its inhabitants. The crusader kingdom of Jerusalem arose in Palestine. But less than a hundred years later, Sultan Salah ad-Din (Saladin) took possession of Jerusalem. In response to the loss of Jerusalem, the 3rd campaign began, in which Richard became famous. Richard the 1st in France owned considerable lands. King Philip II of France (comrade in the Crusade) occupied part of these lands. In response, Richard the 1st started a war with Philip II. During the siege of one of the castles, an arrow hit Richard and he died.

King Arthur is presented as one of the nine most worthy heroes of the Middle Ages. Young Arthur, according to legend, became king after he got the magic sword Excalibur - the sword of the mistress of the wonderful lake. King Arthur became famous for his wisdom, courage, honor. Arthur put an end to civil strife, united the English lands and drove out the Saxon conquerors. Together with his wife Guinevere, he ruled from a beautiful city called Camelot. At his court in Camelot, he gathered the best knights so that everyone felt equal, the king and his knights sat at a round table (it was from these depths of time that the expression “at a round table” came - when everyone's opinion is equally worthy of attention). After the death of Arthur, a mysterious hand rose from the waters of the lake and took the sword Excalibur.

The cult of the Beautiful Lady originated in southern France, in the county of Provence, and from there spread throughout Western Europe. Provence was rich, enlightened, trade and crafts flourished here, literature developed. And the position of the lady in Provence was also incomparably higher than in any other counties, duchies and kingdoms. She could manage her property herself, she was absolutely equal in all rights with a man. The cult of the Beautiful Lady was infected with special worship of the Virgin Mary. She was called the meek Lady of heaven, the heavenly queen, her images on the icons began to be clothed in precious clothes, crowned with a crown. Such worship of the Mother of God, in turn, exalted the earthly woman. The ideal knight is now honest, smart, modest, generous, brave, polite.

Serving the Beautiful Lady became a universal custom; none of the knightly class could evade it. Each, after being knighted, had to choose a lady, noble or ignoble, married or not, and obtain permission from her to serve her. To achieve the location of the chosen lady, as a rule, is not easy. It was necessary to perform a number of feats for the glory of the chosen one, to win resounding victories in tournaments, and only when, in her opinion, there were enough feats, the time came for a special ceremony: the lady accepted the admirer into her knights. If the lady allows him to serve herself, the knight becomes heard.

The cult of the Beautiful Lady in the fine arts in the Middle Ages. In addition to poetry, the image of the Beautiful Lady was reflected in medieval fine art, such as tapestries. A tapestry or tapestry is a woven fabric with a pattern that was hung on the walls in rich, noble houses. The tapestry was most often a wedding gift. One of the most common plots in the Middle Ages was the image of the Beautiful Garden. In the center of the composition, as a rule, the image of the Beautiful Lady and the Unicorn was placed. Along the edges were images of birds and animals. An organ or a fountain could also be depicted. The field of the tapestry was covered with herbs and flowers. For modern people, this picture is not entirely clear. But for a man of the Middle Ages, every detail of the tapestry had its own obvious meaning.

The Virgin and the Unicorn personified purity and innocence. The unicorn was also a symbol of Christ, the only begotten son of God. The organ was an attribute of one of the seven divine arts - music. The fountain was a symbol of Christianity - the source of the Faith. The tree with fruits was a symbol of the Tree of Life - the Paradise Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The lion is a symbol of power and might. The peacock reflected the theme of Paradise, as it was considered the Bird of Paradise. The dog is a symbol of fidelity. Rabbits symbolized childbearing. The deer is a symbol of nobility. Even a simple dandelion had a hidden symbolism, its bitter juice symbolized the bitterness of the Passion of Christ, and forget-me-nots, according to legend, grew in the place where the Tears of the Mother of God fell.

Cervantes, Miguel de Saavedra () - famous Spanish writer. In his youth he served in Rome, then participated in the naval battle with the Turks at Lepanto; later he was captured by the corsairs and was sold into slavery in Algeria, where he stayed for 5 years. Subsequently, Cervantes received a position as a tax collector, and then became a private attorney, devoting most of his time to literature. Cervantes began his literary activity with the shepherd's novel Galatea. Later he moved to dramatic works and wrote a number of comedies and tragedies. In 1605, Cervantes published the novel Don Quixote, which brought him worldwide fame.

Cervantes, a Spanish writer, in his novel Don Quixote described how a noble nobleman, having read chivalric novels, decided to become a knight-errant. Perform feats, protect the weak, punish the villains. Don Quixote is accompanied by the cheerful peasant Sancho Panza. Alas, in the 16th century, the virtues of chivalry, sung in old novels, are no longer needed by anyone. Profit is the main thing for people. But Don Quixote does not understand this. And after the exploits, ridicule falls upon him, and even beatings. And the evil giants, whose crowd he clearly sees and bravely attacks, turn out to be windmills. However, Don Quixote again and again raises his sword against evil forces. Cervantes' novel is a book about a book, literature that continues in life, and life that becomes literature. What is the mystery of Don Quixote, where is the secret of his ageless relevance, which conquers space and time? I think that Cervantes paradoxically managed to capture and capture in this image the original duality of human culture, which is based on the contradiction between the real and the ideal, between dream and reality, between what a person wants to do and what he is forced to do. The fictional world of literature in which Don Quixote lives often does not coincide with real life and at the same time, in an incredible way, clarifies its essence. It turns out a kind of game of life with culture, in which the action implies a plot, and the plot leads to action.

Knight I imagine a Knight on a white horse And a gleam of sparkling armor. Crowned with glory in battle and in fire, Fearless look shines. And his whole appearance glows with courage, In him is firmness and strength and honor of the ages. Our knight does not know betrayal and fear, He will destroy the enemy, protecting the country. He will not kneel before anyone, Except for his beloved lady. I want our men, Valor were worthy of yours! Marina Isaeva and Dasha Kramarova * * * Brave knights, Bold and important heroes. Knights all on the shoulders, They win here and there! Lemeshko Maria * * * A knight will always win, He will achieve his goal. The knight is the bravest. Better not have it! Pankova Valeria * * * The knight loves to fight, Help and protect. Knight, he is handsome, smart! Simply the very best! Senashenko Maria POEMS

Knight - hero Bold, kind brave Protects, wins Pakhomova Ksenia Knight - defender Bold, brave, smart Protects, wins, Conquers the hearts of ladies. Vetrov Gennady and Basentsyan Misak Knight - courage Brave, brave, courageous Not afraid, fights Protects children and women Deikin Dmitry Knight - victory Valiant, brave, courageous Wins, fights The brave knight entered the field defeated everyone and was satisfied. Klyuev Pavel SINKWINES

Herold is the referee of the tournament. Vassal - a feudal lord who received land from a larger landowner, a lord who swore an oath of allegiance to this lord. Armor - iron or steel armor worn to protect against melee weapons. The arena is a venue for a tournament, usually rectangular in shape. Knight - (German Ritter, the original meaning is a horseman), in Western and Central Europe in the Middle Ages a feudal lord, a heavily armed equestrian warrior. In the chivalrous environment, idealized chivalry concepts of nobility, honor, and duty were developed. Title - an honorary title (for example, count, duke), hereditary or assigned to individuals to emphasize their special, privileged position and requiring an appropriate title (for example, lordship, highness).

The tournament is a competition of knights. Suzerain - a king, a large feudal lord, any superior feudal lord in relation to a lower one, the owner of the land. Troubadour - storyteller, singer, musician in France. Fresco - painting with water-based paints on freshly applied, damp plaster. Paints are diluted with clean or lime water. When dry, the plaster forms a film that makes the fresco durable.

1. Dictionary of the young historian: General history. - M .: "Pedagogy - Press", Lukenbein M. Knights. - M.: "AST", Mikel P. Knights and castles. - M .: "Olma - Press", Encyclopedia for children: v.1 -M .: "Avanta +", Encyclopedia for children A and F. - M .: "A and F - for children", Everything about everything. Knights. Tournaments. Weapon. - M .: "Astrel", Everything about everything. Famous people. - M .: "Planet of childhood", 2001.

slide 2

slide 3


A knight is a professional warrior, a heavily armed rider.

slide 4

Knightly armor included up to 200 parts, and the total weight of military equipment reached 90 kg; over time, their complexity and cost have grown.

slide 5

Knight armor

  • slide 6


    1. knight;
    2. barons;
    3. bishops;
    4. graphs;
    5. dukes;
    6. king.

    The knight came from petty feudal lords and closed the hierarchical ladder of feudal high society. Knights for their service to the king - the supreme lord - were given land plots.

    Slide 7

    Supreme Senior King

  • Slide 8

    Knights weapons

  • Slide 9

    The main shrine of the knight is the sword

  • Slide 10

    Knight's coat of arms

    The knight had his own coat of arms - a distinctive sign of the family and a motto - a short saying that explained the meaning of the coat of arms. The coat of arms and the motto were located on the shield, which was a kind of hallmark of the knight.

    slide 11

    slide 12

    knight's horse

    The knight had 2-3 horses: ordinary and combat, in armor. Such a horse could only be hit in the belly. The horse's head was covered with a metal or leather cap, the chest with iron plaques, and the sides with leather. In addition, the horse was covered with a blanket or saddlecloth made of velvet or other expensive material with embroidered coats of arms of knights. Horses "armed" in this way were called "plated".

    slide 13

    In order to become a real warrior-knight, it took a lot of time and effort. Knights were preparing for military service from childhood. At the age of seven, boys became pages (personal servants) of noble feudal lords or the king. Then - squires. They were trained in fencing, wrestling, horse riding, javelin throwing. And only after that, the ceremony of consecrating them as knights was finally performed.

    Slide 14


    Knighting symbolized entry into a privileged estate, its introduction to rights and duties, and was accompanied by a special ceremony called accolade.

    slide 15

    In the knightly environment, a set of ideas about the ideal knight gradually developed, which was considered mandatory to follow. This set of ideas was called the code of knightly honor.
    The knight was required to:

    • faithfully serve your lord and king;
    • be brave;
    • be ready for a feat in the name of knightly honor or for the sake of a beautiful lady;
    • fight the enemies of the Christian faith;
    • protect the weak and offended;
    • be true to your word;
    • be generous, don't be stingy.
  • slide 16

    Occupations of the knights

    The main occupation of a knight is war. In peacetime, the knights hunted and participated in tournaments. Tournament is a fighting competition of knights.

    Slide 17

    Slide 18

    Castles of the knights

    The knights lived in fortified stone fortresses - castles. The castle was built on a hill, surrounded by a wide moat with water. A drawbridge was thrown over the moat. Powerful fortifications towered behind the moat: there could be several fortress walls. A donjon towered above all the buildings - the main tower of the castle, in which the owner lived with his family.

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