You already know how many different words there are in Russian. There are words denoting the names of objects, words naming the signs of objects. But it turns out that there are words that tell about what actions objects perform. They report what kind of work or what actions are being performed, when these actions were performed: have already occurred, are currently taking place, or will only be taking place. In the lesson, we will get acquainted with these words, find out what questions they answer, learn to recognize these words among all the words and ask them questions correctly.

Consider a familiar toy. This is the robot dinosaur Pleo (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1. Dinosaur Pleo

With its help, let's remember what words of our language can you tell about?

Words that denote the names of objects and natural phenomena answer the questions WHO? or WHAT? What is this? This is a Pleo dinosaur toy, that's his name.

Words that denote signs of objects answer the questions WHAT? WHICH? WHICH? WHICH? Which Pleo? Green, interesting, small, funny.

Pleo is an electronic toy. Watch what he can do (fig. 2).

Rice. 2. What Pleo() does

In our language there are words that tell about what actions objects perform. Let's talk about them in more detail. Let us give examples of such words. What could a dinosaur do? Move, walk, turn your head, make sounds.

Let's practice, we will select words-actions of objects. Pictures will help us. Consider them and name why people need these items (Fig. 3)?

Rice. 3. Miscellaneous household items ()

Vacuuming, washing, cleaning, ironing, steaming, cooking, cooking, frying, baking, whipping, washing, boiling and much more help people make various devices. And they told us about this the words that denote the actions of objects.

There are a lot of words that denote the names of actions in our language. Scientists believe that in terms of frequency of use, they take second place after words-objects. This is not surprising, because they talk all the time about what is happening with objects, people, animals, plants and other things that exist in the world, how we work or what we do. Remember any lesson at school. Use action words to describe what is happening in the lesson.

The teacher explains, tells, asks, praises, writes, shows. To all these words, one can ask the question: WHAT DOES the teacher do? Students listen, write, answer, retell, ask, watch, read. To all these words, one can ask the question: WHAT DO the students do? What did you notice? Why are the questions different? There is only one teacher, but many students.

We conclude that words denoting the actions of objects can tell about the action of one object, person, animal, the action of one natural phenomenon and several at once. If the word denotes the action of two or more objects, then it answers the question: what do they do?, if the action of one, then the question: what does it do?

One student decided to talk about how he was going to school, only with the help of action words. Read his story. Can you understand it?

Has rang. woke up. Awoke. Got up. Washed up. I had breakfast. Gathered. Got dressed. Came out. I was in a hurry. Ran. I was late. Got it. Has entered. Undressed. Managed.

Guess what it's about? Even if you use only one word-action in speech, you will understand the essence of what is happening. Of course, you guessed that the student was talking about what he did in the morning, how he hurried to school and was in time before the bell. And to all words-actions, you can ask the question WHAT DOES? WHAT ARE THEY DOING? What question should be asked to the student? Questions: WHAT DID YOU DO? or WHAT DID YOU DO?

Why is that? Remember what subject helps us to plan, not to be late, to do everything on time? Watch. The clock tells us the time. It is the clock that tells what time it is at the moment. And everything that happened before this moment has already passed. And the actions that took place are also in the past. The student talked about what had already happened. About what has already happened, what happened, they ask: WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT DID IT? WHAT THEY WERE DOING? or WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT DID YOU DO? WHAT DID IT? WHAT HAVE DONE? The question depends on who performed the action.

But it turns out that words-actions can also tell about something that has not yet happened, but will only happen, maybe even just a few seconds in the future. WHAT WILL YOU DO? Watch the lesson. What will each of you do? Turn off the computer, play, read, go to sleep. To words-actions that will take place in the future, it is necessary to ask questions: WHAT WILL BE DOING OR WILL BE DOING? WHAT WILL DO? or DO?

You probably already guessed that the words that denote the actions of objects have their own hours. They only have three parts. This watch is special. They can tell about any word-action in different ways, depending on when this action occurs: now, has already passed or will happen in the future. Let's check how this watch works. Consider the word "speak". If the action has passed, then let's say - he spoke, the action is happening now - he says, it will happen - he will speak.

Continue by analogy

Test yourself.

Silent - silent, silent, will be silent.

The words-names of the actions of an object can not only name the actions of some object, person, animal or natural phenomenon, but also show the strength of the action - weak, stronger or the strongest.

Watch the words.

The rain is drizzling, falling, gushing (Fig. 4).

Continue watching.

The boy trudges, walks, runs.

Mom whispers, says, screams.

The kid smiles, laughs, laughs.

Name yourself a stronger degree of action.




Test yourself

frozen- numb

asked - commanded

frightened - horrified

praised - praised

played - played

rides - rides

Today in the lesson we learned how much work is done in our language by words that denote the actions of objects and natural phenomena. They talk about what kind of work or what actions are being performed, when these actions were performed: have already happened, are happening at the moment, or will only happen. Depending on this, we will ask different questions to these words. We have discovered that these words can specify the extent to which something is happening. And they do all this for words that designate objects. With these words, they have the strongest friendship.

It is important to strive to learn, learn, understand, explore, understand, memorize, get smarter and say as little as possible - forgot, lost, did not. Let it be. And in this, of course, the words denoting the actions that you got acquainted with today will also help you.

The bell rang and fell silent.

3. Guess the riddle. What words in this riddle represent actions?

Flying - silent

Sits down - is silent.

Dies - roars.

4. Learn the word by action:

a) swims, dives, quacks -?

b) listens, examines, heals - ?

c) whistles, howls, blows -?

5. Complete the sentences with suitable words:

Soup is eaten, and tea ... .

Pancakes are fried, and pies ... .

Seeds are planted, and the harvest ... .

6. Replace word combinations with one word denoting action:

cover with paint...

do drawing...

find a solution - …

win a victory - …

make a gift - …

the subject, its sign and action are the most important forms of words in the Russian language. Let's talk about them in order.


The subject in Russian denotes a noun. In its initial form, the noun answers the questions "what?" and who?". For example: who? - Mother; What? - candy.

A noun in a sentence can change its form depending on the case and number. Let's take the floor candy. Let's look at examples of how it can change its form in different sentences:

  • I love candies.
  • I will take candy.
  • Mom buy me these candy.
  • Olya boasted sweets.
  • I named it myself sweets.

Item attribute

An adjective is a sign of an object. It in its initial form answers the questions “what?”, “what?”, “what?”, “what?”. That is, an adjective gives a description of something or someone. For example: what boy? - funny; what book? - cheerful; what sun? - fun.

A noun can also be used in different forms depending on the case, gender and number of the word to which it refers. Let's follow this with the example of the word Kind:

  • Kind the boy saved the kitten.
  • good The boy was awarded a medal.
  • They played there kind children.
  • Our teacher is very good.
  • Must be kind.


In Russian, a verb denotes the action of an object. The verb in its initial form answers the questions “what to do?” and “what to do?”. For example: what to do? - go; what to do? - to go.

The form of a verb can change depending on its tense and the form of the noun to which our verb directly refers. Consider how the word can change paint:

  • I like to draw.
  • Yesterday I painted a landscape.
  • Today Olya is painting a portrait.
  • Mom and dad painted with watercolors.
  • Petya drew beautifully.

Let's move on to the task

We need to come up with and write down five examples of words for objects, signs of objects, and their actions. Let's get started!

Words that name an object:

  1. table;
  2. chair;
  3. pen;
  4. pencil;
  5. book.

Words that name the attribute of an object:

  1. big;
  2. wood;
  3. blue;
  4. simple;
  5. interesting.

Words that describe action:

  1. costs;
  2. lies;
  3. writes;
  4. draws;
  5. tells.

Integrated lesson

Grade 2
(Russian language, literature)

Topic: "Words denoting the actions of objects"
S.M. Lukyanova

Secondary School No. 17

G. Karaganda

Lesson Objectives: form the grammatical concept of "verb", enrich students' speech with verbs; learn to highlight verbs in the text; develop spelling vigilance; to cultivate accuracy, diligence.

During the classes:

1. Organizational moment.

Today is going to be a different lesson. "Why is he unusual?" - you ask. And I will answer: “It is unusual in that in one lesson we will try to“ kill two birds with one stone ”(by the way, what does this expression mean?). Let's read the poem, analyze and work on the words that denote the action of the subject. Thus, we will conduct another experiment with you, in which instead of one lesson we will conduct two at once. In order for the lesson to work, you need ... correctly, quickly answer and write.
2. A minute of calligraphy.
- Write down in your notebooks the letter from the word chocolate, which always means a solid paired sound. sh shsh
3. Setting the topic of the lesson.

Now let's try to guess the name of the poem, which we will read today. To do this, we will conduct reconnaissance.
1. There are many different words on earth and it turns out that one small letter can turn one word into another. For example: catfish-house. Listen to the verses with the lost letters.

Heron drops


Goat boiler
And now the next task - guess the rebus.

Change one letter to make a new word (large marine mammal).
- Well, now you can guess the name of the poem that we will read today.
"Kit and cat".

It was written by a wonderful children's poet Boris Vladimirovich Zakhoder.

Reading a poem.
-Now find and write down in a notebook the words that denote the actions of the Kit and the Cat.

All these words, guys, are called one word - a verb. The verb is an unusual part of speech. In terms of frequency of use, it ranks second after the noun.

And what is a noun? ( Part of speech that denotes an object and answers the questions who? What?)
- And now a little creative work. Make two sentences with words whale And cat. We will write the most successful ones in a notebook and underline the subject and predicate.

A huge whale swims in the noisy ocean.

A fluffy cat purrs near the stove.
4. Physical education minute.
I came from school walk),

I am learning verbs...

I learn them - a trifle,

I have my own method!

It is applied like this

The new method is this:

"Scream" - I scream ( ahh),

"Twirl" - twirl ( turn their heads),

"Move" - ​​move ( waving their hands),

"Jump" - I jump ( jump).
5. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Now let's practice in the words denoting the action of the subject. Complete the words to make sentences:
The bear (eats) honey.

In spring, the sun shines brightly.

The boy (reads) a book.

Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers.

On the desk (lies) a pencil case.
The next task is the opposite. According to these actions, guess the subject and write it down in a notebook:

Jumping, jumping (ball, hare).

Shines (sun, lamp).

Howls, runs (wolf).

Creeps, stings (snake).

Flies, stings (bee).
6. Vocabulary work.
Professor Golovolomkin has sent you an assignment. Having completed the crossword puzzle and writing down all the guessed words in a notebook, we will learn a new word, the spelling of which we will try to remember today.
1. In haymaking - bitter,

And sweet in the cold.

What is a berry? Rowan
2. The name of this berry comes from the word "blue". Blueberry
3. These berries grow on very thorny bushes. Gooseberry
4. These berries are black in color. Blueberry
5. And from these berries they cook medicinal jam, which is used for colds. Raspberries
So the new word is berry.
7. Creative work.
Let's come up with a sentence with this word, write it down and find the action of the object.

Delicious berries ripen in summer.
8. The results of the lesson.

What is a verb? What does the verb mean? Give examples.

Used Books:

Shkatova L.A. Think and answer. - M. - Enlightenment, 1989.

Arsyriy A.T. Materials on entertaining grammar of the Russian language. - M. - Enlightenment, 1967.

Glyazer S.I. Word games. - M.-Children's literature, 1966.

Panov G.A. Entertaining tasks in the Russian language. - M.-Enlightenment, 1977.
