summary of other presentations

"Volcanism and earthquakes" - Tectonic map. General conclusions: Vertical. Horizontal. Peculiarity -. The structure of the volcano. Tasks: Neotectonic movements. Earthquakes - underground shocks and vibrations of the earth's surface.

"OBZH Grade 8" - Master the rules of safe behavior in case of fires and explosions. Why do fires and explosions happen? Learn to select material from different sources. Problematic issues: Fundamental issue: Stages, timing and location of the project. OBZh) Counseling (after hours) Organization - 2 lessons cab. informatics.

"Accidents at hydraulic structures" - The consequences of hydrodynamic accidents are: The system of hydraulic structures and reservoirs connected by a single water flow constitutes a hydroelectric complex. How to act in case of a threat of a hydrodynamic accident. The main types of accidents: The main causes of the destruction of hydraulic structures.

“First aid for skeletal injuries” - It is possible to transfer a victim with a fracture only for short distances and it is better on a stretcher. are among the most common injuries of the musculoskeletal system. A) exit of the head of the bone from the articular cavity B) displacement of the bones C) severe pain and swelling. Types of damage. At the same time, an ambulance is called. First aid. Injuries are damage to organs and parts of the body of various origins.

"Fires 8 class" - Damaging factors. What are the causes of fires and explosions? The consequences are very dire. Loss of people Loss of health Material damage Violations in the environment. Secondary. In residential buildings Gas leakage Storage of explosives Terrorist acts. Causes of fires. Damaging factors of fires. So let's avoid such disasters. Oven left unattended.

"Chemical accidents" - Wounds on the body. Vegetable bases. Locations of storage of AHOV. Chemical accident at a Hungarian plant, 2010. With food and water. Refrigeration units. Objects of the food industry. Respiratory system. Medical industry. Pulp and paper industry. Ways of penetration of ahs into the human body. Communal economy. Use of protective structures (shelters);

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Hydrodynamic accident Completed by: Julia Larionova, 8B grade student

What's happened? A HYDRODYNAMIC ACCIDENT is an emergency event associated with the failure (destruction) of a hydraulic structure or part of it, and the uncontrolled movement of large masses of water, causing destruction and flooding of vast areas.

HOO HYDRODYNAMICLY HAZARDOUS OBJECTS (HOO) is a structure or natural formation that creates a difference in water levels before (upstream) and after (downstream) it. The GOO includes artificial and natural dams, hydroelectric facilities, dams, dams, locks, canals, etc.

Causes of hydrodynamic accidents The destruction (breakthrough) of hydraulic structures occurs as a result of the action of forces of nature or human impact. Natural causes of hydrodynamic accidents: earthquakes, hurricanes, landslides, landslides, floods, etc. Causes associated with human activity: design errors; structural defects of hydraulic structures; violation of the rules of operation; insufficient spillway and overflow of water through the dam; acts of sabotage; strikes with nuclear or conventional weapons on hydraulic structures.

The consequences of hydrodynamic accidents are - damage and destruction of hydroelectric facilities and short-term or long-term termination of their functions; - defeat of people and destruction of structures by a breakthrough wave formed as a result of the destruction of a hydraulic structure, having a height of 2 to 12 m and a speed of 3 to 25 km/h (for mountainous areas - up to 100 km/h); - catastrophic flooding of vast areas with a layer of water from 0.5 to 10 m or more.

PREVENTIVE MEASURES If you live in the territory adjacent to the hydroelectric complex, specify whether it falls into the zone of impact of a breakthrough wave and possible catastrophic flooding. Find out if there are hills near your place of residence, and what are the short cuts. Study for yourself and acquaint family members with the rules of conduct when exposed to a wave of breakthrough and flooding of the area, with the procedure for general and private evacuation. Specify in advance the place of gathering of the evacuees, make a list of documents and property taken out during the evacuation. Remember the locations of boats, rafts, other watercraft and improvised materials for their manufacture and the best ways to get to them.

How to act in case of a threat of a hydrodynamic accident. Upon receipt of information about the threat of flooding and evacuation, immediately, in accordance with the established procedure, exit (leave) the danger zone to the designated safe area or to elevated areas of the terrain. Take with you documents, valuables, essentials and a supply of food for 2-3 days. Move the part of the property that you want to keep from flooding, but cannot take with you, to the attic, the upper floors of the building, trees, etc. Before leaving the house, turn off the electricity and gas, tightly close windows, doors, ventilation and other openings.

How to act in flood conditions during hydrodynamic accidents. In case of sudden flooding, to save yourself from the impact of a breakthrough wave, immediately take the nearest elevated place, climb a large tree or the top floor of a stable building. In the case of being in water, when a breakthrough wave approaches, dive into the depth at the base of the wave. Once in the water, swim or use improvised means to get out to a dry place, preferably on a road or dam, along which you can get to an unflooded area. If your house is flooded, turn off its power supply, give a signal about the presence of people in the house (apartment) by hanging a flag made of bright fabric from the window during the day, and a lantern at night. Use a self-powered radio for information. Move the most valuable property to the upper floors and attics. Organize the accounting of food and drinking water, their protection from the effects of incoming water and economical use. In preparation for a possible evacuation by water, take documents, essentials, clothes and shoes with water-repellent properties, improvised rescue equipment (air mattresses, pillows).

Actions after a hydrodynamic accident Before entering the building, make sure that there is no danger of further destruction of the building. When entering the premises, do not use matches or other open flames, use battery lights. Open all doors and windows to remove accumulated gases and dry the room. Do not use power sources until the electrical network has been checked.

Hydraulic structures Objects created for the purpose of using the kinetic energy of water,
are called hydraulic structures.
Hydraulic structure - artificial structure (building)
industrial, civil, military or other purpose, established
(built) on an artificial or natural water body, or in
close proximity to it, or in itself being an artificial
water object. Hydraulic structures also include facilities
created for the purpose of cooling systems in technological processes,
melioration, protection of coastal territories (dams), water intake for
water supply and irrigation, fish protection, water level regulation, provision
activities of sea and river ports, for navigation (locks), etc.
A hydraulic structure formed in a river valley by water-retaining
facilities for the accumulation of water for the purpose of its use in the national economy,
called a reservoir.

Hydraulic structures

A hydroelectric complex is a system of hydraulic structures of reservoirs connected by a single
flow regime.
Depending on the main purpose, hydroelectric facilities are divided into:
water transport,
water intakes, etc.
Hydrosystems are most often complex, simultaneously performing several
water management functions.
There are hydroelectric facilities:
- low-pressure, when the difference between the water levels of the upper and lower pools (pressure) is not
exceeds 10 m, arranged on flat rivers, mainly within their channel
(mainly for transport or energy purposes), and on mountain rivers (for
water for the purpose of generating electricity or irrigating land);
- medium-pressure (with a head of 10–40 m) - arranged on flat or foothill areas
rivers, intended mainly for transport and energy, as well as irrigation
purposes (the backwater created by them leads to flooding of the river floodplain in the upper pool, forming
reservoir used for daily and seasonal regulation of river flow, clarification
water, flood control, etc.);
- high-pressure (with a head of more than 40 m), usually serving for complex purposes -
energy, transport, irrigation, etc.

Hydraulic structures

A dam is a hydraulic structure that blocks a watercourse or reservoir to raise the level.
water. It also serves to concentrate pressure at the location of the structure and create a reservoir.
The dam is usually the main structure of the hydroelectric complex. Dams vary:
1. according to the type of the main material from which they are built:
stone and earth,
2. by appointment:
3. according to the conditions of water passage:
The dam and reservoir significantly affect the river and adjacent areas: the flow regime changes
rivers, water temperature, freeze-up duration; hindered fish migration; upstream river banks

Hydraulic structures

A dam is a hydraulic structure in the form of an embankment for directed
deflection of the water flow.
Types of dams:
Pressure dams are built for:
protection of river and sea coastal lowlands from flooding,
embankment of canals (protective dams)
conjugation of pressure hydraulic structures of hydroelectric facilities with banks (conjugating
Non-pressure dams are built for:
flow direction for the purpose of regulating and straightening the channels;
to improve the conditions of navigation and the operation of culverts and water intakes
hydraulic structures (HPP), spillway dams, bridge openings, pumping
stations, etc.
Dams are usually built from local materials (mainly riprap);
small dams - from earth, brushwood, fascinated masonry, etc.

Hydraulic structures

A lock is a hydraulic structure located between
bodies of water with different levels through which ships (or
Locks are being built in river hydroelectric facilities, canals and in seaports, water areas
which are subject to ebb and flow with a large amplitude of fluctuations
The gateway is limited on both sides by gates, between which is located
an adjacent chamber that allows you to vary the water level within it.
The transfer of ships through the shipping lock is carried out
sequential transfer to an adjacent chamber after alignment in them
water level.
The use of gateways is mainly aimed at making
bodies of water with different levels of water in them are more suitable
for shipping.

Hydrological emergencies

As a result of the influence of the forces of nature (earthquake, hurricane, rampart, landslide),
structural defects, violation of operating rules, impact
floods, destruction of the base, insufficiency of spillways, and in military
time - as a result of exposure to weapons, a breakthrough may occur
(destruction) of the dam.
A hydrodynamic accident is an incident associated with the failure of
(destruction) of a hydraulic structure (dams, dams, waterworks,
dam, lock, etc.) or parts thereof, followed by unmanaged
moving large masses of water.

catastrophic flooding

A catastrophic flood is a hydrodynamic disaster resulting from
destruction of an artificial or natural dam and consisting in
rapid flooding of the area below. With a catastrophic
flooding distinguish zones of four categories: I, II, III, IV.

objects belongs to the category I zone if it extends for 6-12 km, while the height
breakthrough wave reaches several meters, the current speed is 30 km/h and
more, and the wave passage time is 30 minutes.
Territory of catastrophic flooding during the destruction of hydrodynamically dangerous
objects belongs to the category II zone if it extends for 15–20 km, the speed
the current is 15–20 km/h, and the wave passage time is 50–60 minutes.
Territory of catastrophic flooding during the destruction of hydrodynamically dangerous
objects belongs to the category III zone, if it extends for 30–50 km, the speed
the current is 10–15 km/h, and the wave passage time is 2–3 hours.
Territory of catastrophic flooding during the destruction of hydrodynamically dangerous
objects belongs to the category IV zone if it extends for 35–70 km, the speed
the current is 6–10 km/h, and the wave passage time is about 10 hours.

Hydrodynamic accidents

Proran is a narrow channel in the body (embankment) of a dam, spit, shoal, in a river delta or
a certain section of the river that arose as a result of the spill of the bend in the flood.
A wave of breakthrough rushes into the hole.
The initial phase of a hydrodynamic accident is a dam break, i.e.
the process of rupture formation. The uncontrolled flow of reservoir water from
upstream (part of the river above the retaining structure - dam, lock),
rushes through the gap to the downstream (part of the river below the retaining
structures). The main consequence of a dam failure is flooding.
terrain. Depending on its scale and consequences, there are:
catastrophic flooding; breakthrough flood; washout flood
fertile soil or sedimentation over wide areas.
A breakthrough wave is a wave formed in the front of a rushing into the hole
water flow. It has a significant height of the crest and speed of movement and has
great destructive force of ram action (they also move with water
stones, boards, logs, various structures, etc.).

Hydrological emergencies

A flood is an intense, relatively short-lived rise
water level. It is formed by heavy rains, sometimes by melting snow during
winter thaws. Floods do not recur periodically, and this is their difference
from high water, they can also occur at any time of the year.
A surge is a rise in the water level caused by the action of wind on the water
surface. Surges occur in sea mouths of rivers, as well as on large
lakes and reservoirs. The main condition for the occurrence of surge is
strong and continuous wind, which is typical for deep
cyclones. The main characteristic by which one can judge the magnitude
surge, is a surge rise in the water level, usually expressed in terms of
meters. Other quantities are the depth of surge
waves, area and duration of flooding. strong and
continuous wind can raise the water level by several meters,
cause flooding of coastal cities and towns, damage
industrial and transport facilities, agricultural crops

Hydrological emergencies

High water is a recurring yearly in the same season
a significant and rather long rise in the water level in the river.
Usually, floods are caused by spring snowmelt on the plains, summer
melting of snow and glaciers in the mountains or rainfall (for example, summer
monsoons). Average monthly expenses during floods and floods
more than the annual average. An increase in the flow of rivers, usually
accompanied by the release of water from the low-water channel and the flooding of the floodplain.
Flooding is an increase in the level of the territory
groundwater, leading to a violation of the economic
activities, land degradation, changing growing conditions
plants and animal habitats. This is the rise in the groundwater level,
usually in the spring-autumn period, is associated with the loss of a significant
rainfall or snowmelt, manifested in the filling of water
basements of buildings and structures.


Floods are significant flooding of an area resulting from
a sharp rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea. Causes of floods
are heavy rainfall, intense snowmelt, destruction
hydraulic structures.
In the event of a flash flood, the first thing to listen to is
information on TV or radio.
Public warning is made by all
available technical
means of notification, including with the help of loud-speaking mobile
The information provided determines the rational order of action of the population under
the leadership of the flood control commission in the particular emerging


Classification of floods according to the scale of loss.
Group 1 - low (small) floods. They are observed mainly on flat rivers and have a frequency of
about 1 time in 5 - 10 years. At the same time, less than 10% of agricultural land is flooded. lands located in the lowlands
places. They cause insignificant material damage and almost do not disturb the rhythm of life of the population.
2nd group - high floods. Accompanied by significant flooding, cover relatively large
areas of the area, significantly disrupt economic activity and the established rhythm of life. Sometimes
have to temporarily evacuate the population. The material and moral damage is significant. Occur 1
once every 20-25 years. They flood about 10–20% of agricultural land.
3rd group - outstanding floods. They cover entire river basins. They paralyze economic
activities cause great material and moral damage. Very often it is necessary to resort to mass
evacuation of the population and material assets. They repeat about once every 50 - 100 years. flooded
approximately 50–70% of agricultural land, some settlements.
4th group - catastrophic floods. Cause flooding of vast areas within one or
several river systems. Economic activity is completely paralyzed. Changes drastically
lifestyle of the population. The material damage is huge. There are cases of people dying. Happen one
once every 100-200 years or less. More than 70% of agricultural land is flooded, many populated areas
points, industrial enterprises and engineering communications. summary of other presentations

"Volcanism and earthquakes" - Tectonic map. General conclusions: Vertical. Horizontal. Peculiarity -. The structure of the volcano. Tasks: Neotectonic movements. Earthquakes - underground shocks and vibrations of the earth's surface.

"OBZH Grade 8" - Master the rules of safe behavior in case of fires and explosions. Why do fires and explosions happen? Learn to select material from different sources. Problematic issues: Fundamental issue: Stages, timing and location of the project. OBZh) Counseling (after hours) Organization - 2 lessons cab. informatics.

"Accidents at hydraulic structures" - The consequences of hydrodynamic accidents are: The system of hydraulic structures and reservoirs connected by a single water flow constitutes a hydroelectric complex. How to act in case of a threat of a hydrodynamic accident. The main types of accidents: The main causes of the destruction of hydraulic structures.

“First aid for skeletal injuries” - It is possible to transfer a victim with a fracture only for short distances and it is better on a stretcher. are among the most common injuries of the musculoskeletal system. A) exit of the head of the bone from the articular cavity B) displacement of the bones C) severe pain and swelling. Types of damage. At the same time, an ambulance is called. First aid. Injuries are damage to organs and parts of the body of various origins.

"Fires 8 class" - Damaging factors. What are the causes of fires and explosions? The consequences are very dire. Loss of people Loss of health Material damage Violations in the environment. Secondary. In residential buildings Gas leakage Storage of explosives Terrorist acts. Causes of fires. Damaging factors of fires. So let's avoid such disasters. Oven left unattended.

"Chemical accidents" - Wounds on the body. Vegetable bases. Locations of storage of AHOV. Chemical accident at a Hungarian plant, 2010. With food and water. Refrigeration units. Objects of the food industry. Respiratory system. Medical industry. Pulp and paper industry. Ways of penetration of ahs into the human body. Communal economy. Use of protective structures (shelters);

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After the terrible accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, doubts arose about the reliability of many hydraulic structures in Russia. Experts urge to pay attention to old water structures, an accident on which could lead to dozens of victims. After the terrible accident at the Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP, doubts arose about the reliability of many hydraulic structures in Russia. Experts urge to pay attention to old water structures, an accident on which could lead to dozens of victims. Causes Exceeding the normative service life of equipment, unpreparedness of dams for major natural disasters, non-compliance of hydraulic facilities with safety standards. State of affairs in the industry The fuel and energy complex of Russia uses 350 hydraulic structures, of which 100 are hydroelectric power plants with large reservoirs. About 700 more reservoirs are used for navigation, 200 for agriculture. More than two tens of thousands of small ponds and reservoirs are used for other economic purposes. Forecasts "First of all, we must be wary of the biggest possible catastrophes - for Russia, these are dam failures on the Volga and Siberian rivers, which can lead to millions of victims," ​​warns Alexei Turchin, an expert on global catastrophes.

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"Accidents at sludge collectors are not ruled out," adds Ivan Blokov, head of Greenpeace programs. “In fact, these are hydrotechnical facilities that are aging, of which many hundreds, if not thousands, do not meet safety requirements. Almost all of them, with a few exceptions, were built in Soviet times and are designed for 10-20, some 30 years. Predict when something happens is quite difficult, but every year the likelihood that an accident will occur somewhere on them is increasing," the representative of the Greens notes. "Accidents at sludge collectors are not ruled out," adds Ivan Blokov, head of Greenpeace programs. “In fact, these are hydrotechnical facilities that are aging, of which many hundreds, if not thousands, do not meet safety requirements. Almost all of them, with a few exceptions, were built in Soviet times and are designed for 10-20, some 30 years. Predict when something happens is quite difficult, but every year the likelihood that an accident will occur somewhere on them is increasing," the representative of the Greens notes. History of disasters The largest accident at hydraulic structures in the history of modern Russia occurred on August 17, 2009. at the largest hydroelectric power station in Russia - the Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. 3 out of 10 generating hydroelectric units were completely destroyed, and all the rest were damaged. 75 people died. The Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station provided electricity for a quarter of Siberia. Restoration work at the hydroelectric power plant will be completed no earlier than 2014. The most devastating disaster in the history of the existence of hydroelectric power plants was the breakthrough of the dam of the Chinese Banqiao reservoir on the Zhuhe River in Henan province in 1975. As a result of the emergency, more than 170,000 people died, 11 million people were injured.
