Last duty (Orig. Glory of the Dead) - Quest of the fraction of comrades in the game The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim.


In the final quest, Vilkas asks everyone to come to the funeral of the codec. The funeral themselves take place in the heavenly blacksmith, where comrades are gathered, some members of the clan gray mane and several residents of Waitran, including the Yarl.

After the ceremony of Jorund asked the hero to convey to him the fragments of Woutrad, then send to the latest to the Codłock room. In the same dresser where a fragment is lying, you can find the diary of the deceased. After having passed the last fragment of Yorlund, Dovakin should go to a meeting with the heads of the circle in the lower blacksmith. There will be a conversation about the code, about his desire to defeat the curse of lycantrophopies, which he did not have time to implement during his lifetime. In the tribute of respect for this desire, the decision is made to hold a ritual of purification, for which the heads of the Glenmorilian witches are needed, which the hero mined a little earlier - the curse once imposed on comrades. When Yorlund brings the restored sequir to Woutrad, the conversations end and the action begins.

All together go to the Tomb of the Isgramore. Comraders run on their two, the hero, as always, can use fast movement. If the tomb is not yet open, you can run over the rest or use fast movement to the Drift shelter, which was cleared one of the previous tasks, and then move on foot (or riding a horse). Alternatively, you can use the carriage services to get to Dunstara.

Farewell to Code

Note: if the hero chose a joint journey in the company of associates, it is worth keeping in mind three things: run away; Comrades will be distracted on the enemies in their field; Sometimes there are bugs in the process (see "Bugs").

When she got to the goal, in the brutal hall of the tomb in the hands of the statue, it is necessary to invest the sequer, which will lead to the opening of the stroke into the tomb. Wouthed after that you can pick up, the passage will not cling.

In the tomb hero will be waiting for Farkas, Vilkas and Eil. Valkas will immediately refuse to go along with everyone, explaining that he should not allow anger to master himself and this time. Farkas and Eil will go with Dovakin.

Promotion begins through the tomb to the Tomb of the Isgramor. Prevent the detachment are trying the ghosts of warriors of five hundreds that are still immediately. In one section of the tomb there will also be a great den of frosty spiders. Here Forkas admits that it is afraid of frosty spiders, and returned to his brother.

I finally reach the tomb, you need to talk to the Spirit of the Codlack, throw the witch's head on the altar and defeat the spirit of the beast, who lived in a code in a lifetime and not wanting to leave him even after death. Codlak will consider Dovakina the most appropriate candidate (Vilkas too hot-tempered, and his anger prevents him from soberly thinking, as a result of which he can make rapid decisions; Farkas is not too smart and supports his brother and chapter of comrades; Ayla Islechur I was actually a deputy codec and was considered the successor of his business, dead) and announced that henceforth will lead the associates. This moment will witness Eil and the first will call the hero harbing. From the tomb of the tomb there is a direct access to the hall with the statue of the Isgramore.

Note: in the right corner of the tomb there is a chest in which it is possible to find the shield of the sophon.

The quest line of associates is completed, now the hero became a new harbinger, congratulations!

Eil said you are now a new code. Do not worry, there will be no problems with me
- Farkas


The Quest "Cleansing" opens to cure from the lycantropy of the hero itself, Farkas and Vilkas in the same way that the Code was keen, or the quest for an increase in the power of the Beast in the hero, which gives Eil (by the way, it is impossible to cure; the essence of the beast is too deeply rooted In her, and again becomes a man she does not want).
In addition, you can leave the legendary sequir of the Isgramore Vutrad - one of the best weapons in the game, which, to all of the time, causes a colossal damage to any elves (altrams, bosmers, danmers, orcs, fuelmers and snow elves).
One of the passes in the hall with the statue of the Isgramor after the completion of the quest will bring the hero to the top of the mountain, where the wall with the word of force, previously inaccessible.


  • You can pass the quest in the tomb in the appearance of Vervolf. At the same time, even feeding the defeated ghosts of the first associates for a moment before they disappear when death.
  • If the statue of the Isgramore sees the main character in the appearance of the beast at the beginning of the tomb, Farkas and Vilkas will attack him and will forever be hostile, which will make the quest impossible.
  • Decision: Do not go to the tomb in the appearance of the beast, and wait when he deches. Turn into a wolf in the next statue of the room after Zokrysov.
  • If the Spirit of the Codolka sees that the protagonist for the battle with the Spirit of the Wolf turned into a wolf, then he will remain hostile to him and the completion of the quest will become impossible.
  • Decision: Run from the Spirit of the Wolf fairly back and turn out there, then come to the aid of Eil, and then again run away from the code and turn back.


  • If you go to the bottom forge after the ceremony, but before the transmission of the last fragment of Yorlund, the dialog about the code can not be activated, and the quest will hang.
  • Decision: Download early saving.
  • If you produce a random shot, while running to goal, on satellites, they disappear (except Eil).
  • If, after the end of the quest Vilkas, Farkas and Eil do not appear for a long time in Yorrvskra, do not worry - they just get on foot from the tomb to the house.
  • During running to the tomb, just above Dunstara, all three are divided and fleeing in different directions, but one and the same route - up to the forest, back to Dunstara. This is hanging and then running refuse.
  • Decision: Download early saving.
  • Eil The Hunger will appear at the funeral in the blend of the isolate and will not be able to take advantage of the torch.
  • The blacksmith may not come to the lower blacksmith.
  • Decision: Standing in the bottom forge, enter the PRID 1A683 command, and then Moveto Player. Yorlund will appear next to the hero.

Stages Quest

To go to a specific quest step, enter in the console:

SetStage C06 Stage.

where the Stage parameter is the number, the quest stage (all stages are listed below).

Last Debt (ID: C06)
StageWriting in the diary
10 Skip the funeral of the Codolka White Mane, the late harbinger of comrades, will be held. I need to be present there.
(Task Updated):Come to the funeral code
15 Yorlund is needed wreckage Woodrad to prepare them for the deliverance in Yorrvaskre.
(Task Updated):To give yerlund debris Wouth
17 (Task Updated):Pick up the chip owned by the code
18 (Task Updated):Give yerlund's last debris
20 All Circle Members, and I, including, are going to the bottom forge to decide what to do comrades now, after the death of the Code.
(Task Updated):Meet with a circle
30 Comraders believe that there is a way to clean the soul of the code from the bad beast. We go to the ancient Tomb of the Isgramor to make a rite.
(Task Updated):Go along with the circle to the Tomb of the Isgramore
35 (Task Updated):Return Vutrad Egor
40 (Task Updated):Get to the funeral
50 (Task Updated):Speak with the codec
60 (Task Updated):Throw the head of the witch in the fire
65 (Task Updated):Defeat Wolf Spirit
70 (Task Updated):Speak with the codec
200 I managed to help the White Mane Code to find peace in the Sovvgard, and now the place of the harbinger of comrades belongs to me.
The stage designated by green corresponds to the successful completion of the quest, and the Red - its failure.
The following stages were omitted because there are no descriptions and values: 0, 1.


  • Not all the quest stages can be displayed in the task log. Which ones will appear, and which no, depends on the ways of passing the quest.
  • Stages are not always displayed sequentially. As a rule, this happens if the quest has several possible endings, as well as if some of the quest stages can be performed in an arbitrary order.
  • If the stage is marked with green, that is, as a final quest, it means that the quest disappears from the list of active tasks in the journal, but new records associated with the quest can still be displayed in the task log.


C-L. Quests comrades C-R.
Main plot

To arms

To join the colleagues, you first need to get the task "to weapons". If at the very beginning of the game you went on the road from Riverwood to Waitran, they could not help but notice a group of fighters fighting with a giant near the Pelagia farm. This is three associates: Eil Hunter, Ria and Farkas. You can help them, enhancing the battle, or just watch the battle.

After the giant is defeated, Eil will contact you. Depending on your solution, it either praises you for their support, or make fun of your low combat abilities. Asking Eil about who she and her comrades, you will learn about comrades. You will also be reported that if suddenly you will express the desire to join their ranks, you will have to go to Wetran and talk to the White Magiva code in Yorrvasra.

If you went to Wetran in the near way or somehow missed the battle, then, talking to the inhabitants of Waitran, you will learn that comrades are gaining people to join their community.

Punch in the heart

You must go to the randomly selected location and kill one of the clan clan silver hand. At the end, it is necessary to return with the report to Eile in Yorrvask.


The task can be brought only until the plot task of associates "last debt" is fulfilled.

Enemy plans

Eyla wants to derive plans for an enemy organization and will send you to kidnap them. Go to the specified location and take plans from the chest of the head of the hunter hunter. You can break through the battle or just steal them. After you return them to Eile, the task will be considered done.


This task can be taken only until the plot task of the "Last Duty" comrades will be performed.


Eil will send you to get another debris of the legendary Wordrade. He is in the chest at one of the leaders of the silver hand. You need to go to the specified location and return the relic in Yorrvask.


This task can be taken several times, but only before the plot task of the "Last Duty" comrades will be performed.

Blood and Honor

After you perform two additional tasks, you will want to talk to the SDP itself. White mane. The harbing learned about your help in the fight against the silver hand, but not pleased with it. The Codlak will tell you the true story of how comrades became awaters.

Once upon a time the circle concluded a contract with the Glenmorilian witch, who are serving the prince of Daedron Hirsin. In exchange for the power and ability of the Vervolphs, the soul of the dead members of the circle does not fall into the SODGDD, about which all Nords dream, and in hursin hunting grounds. Therefore, despite the fact that many of the associates consider a lidutropy for nothing, some, including the S tocake himself, know that it is also a curse.

The forerunner decided on a bold step - to break the ancient contract. To do this, he sends you with a responsible order: you have to destroy Glenmorilky Coven, kill the witches and bring the code of their heads.

ABOUT clean revenge

Together with Vilkas, you must go to the camp of the Silver Hand and take the stolen wreckage of the Wordrade. You will also be given an additional task - destroy the clan silver hand, interrupting all the hunters on the iswolver.

Your goal is Fort Drift, which is located in the south-east of Danstara. Three soldiers of the Silver Hand will meet you near the entrance, understanding with whom, you will pass inward. Passing down the stairs, you will fall into the first room, where you will have to kill two more opponents. Opposite the descent will be the door leading straight to the goal, but it will be locked on the other hand, and you need to look for a workaround.

Turning to the left and passing along the hijacked corridor, you will go to the hall with two more hunter hunters. Next, you must go ahead along a long corridor and go into a room with a door leading to the next level of fort. It is blocked by a grid, but the lever that activates it is located next to the wall.

Last duty

You must come to the funeral of the Codlack. All colleagues and circle members will come to give a tribute to the harbinger's memory. Yorlund and Eil will say farewell words, after which, according to the ritual, the body of the code will be betrayed by the fire of heavenly forge.

Yorlund will ask you to give the extracted fragments of the legendary secrei, and will also ask to bring the last piece that belonged to the codec and is in his rest. You have to go down to the residential premises of Yorrvaskra, enter the room of the former harbinger and pick up the wreck of the Woodard from the bedside table. Returning to Yorlund, you will learn that all the members of the circle gathered in the lower blacksmith and are waiting for you there.

Entering inside, you inspire Eil, Farkas and Vilkas for the dispute about the suicide desire of the Code. The harbinger wanted to heal from the curse of Hirsin and clear the soul after death. Having consistently, the members of the circle will decide that no matter what each of them thinks about the curse of comrades, the last desire to the code should be performed. To do this, you need to go to the Tomb of the Isgramore, but since it opens with the help of the Worth, for many years no one has been in it.

When we are talking about the Wordrade, Yorlund Gray Maja will appear in the forge and reports that thanks to your efforts, all the debris of the secrets were found, and the Blacksmith himself was able to merge the legendary Vutrad. Since the return of the wreckage is your merit, it will be the honor that you will be granted to take a secure and lead a campaign to the Tomb of the Isgramore. You must go to the Nordic ruins, which are located on the island northwest of Winterhold College. All members of the circle will expect within you. Vilkas will report that the Code was right - the rage of revenge, filled his soul prevents him from thinking to him, and therefore he will not go further, but will remain watching the entrance. Farkas and Eil will go with you.

Also Vilkas will inform you that the ghosts of the comrades who left this world will meet on your path in the tomb and maybe they will attack you, because they want to experience your abilities.

In order to open the path in the depths of the tomb, you need to hoist the legendary Vutrad on the statue of the Isgramor. By activating the statue, you will see how the passage in the wall opposite the entrance opens. After that, the sequer can be taken back. Ahead of you and your companions awaits a difficult path.

In the first corridor, two ghost messages will attack you. Having understood with them and opening a wooden door, you will get into the first room, where there are some more aggressive spirits in your appearance. To the left of the entrance is the passage leading in the second large hall, which is almost completely flooded with water. Here you will have to fight the whole group of ghosts.

In the final quest, Vilkas asks everyone to come to the funeral of the codec. The funeral themselves take place in the heavenly blacksmith, where comrades are gathered, some members of the clan gray mane and several residents of Waitran, including the Yarl.

After the ceremony of Yorlund asks you to give him the fragments of Woutrad, then send to the latest to the Codlack room. In the same dresser, where there is a fragment, you can find a diary of the deceased. After that, we go to a meeting with the members of the circle in the lower forge. There you are talking about the code, about his desire to defeat the curse of lycantropy, which he did not have time to implement. In tribute to this desire, it is decided to hold a ritual of cleansing, for which the heads of Glenmorilian witches are needed, which you mined two quests earlier - the most that the curse had once been imposed on comrades. At the end of the conversation, Yorlund brings the restored sequir to Vutrad.

All together go to the Tomb of the Isgramore (more precisely, the colleagues begin to run somewhere, and if you did not find the tomb earlier and do not know where she runs behind them or use fast moving to a Driftschi shelter, which was cleared in the past quest, and then on foot (or on horseback). Alternatively, you can use the carriage services to get to Danstara.

Note: If you have chosen a joint journey to the company of associates, keep in mind three things: run away; Comraders will be distracted by the enemies in their field.

When you reach the target, in the promol hall of the tomb in the hands of the statue inserting the sequir, which will lead to the discovery of the stroke into the tomb. You can pick the sequer after that, the passage will not cling.

In the tomb you will be waiting for Farkas, Vilkas and Eil. Vilkas will immediately refuse to go with you, explaining that he should not allow anger to master himself and this time. Farkas and Eil will go with you.

Next, we begin to break through the tomb to the Tomb of the Isgramor. Prevent us are trying the ghosts of warriors of five hundreds that are still immediately. In one section of the tomb there will also be a great den of frosty spiders. Here Forkas admits that it is afraid of frosty spiders, and returned to his brother.

Having reached the tomb, talk to the Codlack with the Spirit, throw the witch's head for the altar and defeat the spirit of the beast, having lived in the code at a lifetime, and not wanting to leave him even after death. Codlak will consider you the most appropriate candidate (Vilkas is too quick-tempered, and his anger prevents him from soberly thinking, as a result of which he can make rapid decisions; Farkas is too stupid and supports his brother and chapter of comrades; Eyla Islechur self-deputy The codec and was considered the receiver of his business, dead) and announces that you will behave comrades. This moment witnesses Eil and the first will call you the harbinger. On the right in the corner there is a chest, it is possible to find the shield of the original. Immediately from the hall of the tomb there is an exit to the hall with a statue.

Quest line of associates is completed, now you are a new harbinger, congratulations!
