The thieves guild is an organization engaged in both theft and teaching this art. Although, by definition, all the thieves criminals. Official authorities are trying not to negotiate the interests of the guild. The reason for such behavior is simple - it is better to deal with one organization than to think how to cope with thousands of thieves who do not obey anyone.

Like any other guild, the thieves guild is the organization of professionals, among which there are thieves, robbers, pockets, smugglers and representatives of other professions. The guild has no official representative offices, preferring to be gathered in major urban taverns. In Wawdenfel, Guild has its own appearance in Balmore, in Ald "Rune, in Sadry Sea and in Vivec. Given the specific orientation of this organization should not be surprised that the thieves have no close relationships with other factions, except with the Mages guild and the imperial cult of the relationship more Warm. The deadly enemy of the Guild - Kamonna Tong, a drug addict, which manages Orvas Dren.

Main for members of the Guild Parameters


Main for members of the Guild Skills

Short blades
Light armor

Career in the thieves guild involves the ownership of the following skills. Their degree of their development determines the rank that you can assign. If, with sufficient quantities performed, you do not want to raise you in the guild, check whether the values \u200b\u200bof these skills are required for the next rank. If not - Well, train ...

Promotion in the thieves guild

Rank Requirements for characteristics Requirements for skills
Mokrohukh Attractiveness 30.
Dexterity 30.
One skill is 10
Topotun. Attractiveness 30.
Dexterity 30.
One skill is 20
Shrovel Attractiveness 30.
Dexterity 30.
One skill is 30, two others are equal to 5
Brigadier Attractiveness 30.
Dexterity 30.
One skill is 40, two others are equal to 10
Bandit Attraction 31.
Dexterity 31.
One skill is 50, two others are equal to 15
Busy Attraction 32.
Dexterity 32.
One skill is 60, two others are equal to 20
Refilled Attraction 33.
Dexterity 33.
One skill is 70, two others are equal to 25
Mate Attraction 34.
Dexterity 34.
One skill is 80, two others are equal to 30
Master of Business Attractiveness 35.
Dexterity 35.
One skill is equal to 90, two others are equal to 35

Tasks and their execution

1. Brilliant Alchemika
Pretty simple task. You need to steal the Alchemist of Nalcari from the White Harbor diamond and bring it a habashi. However, if your spelling skill is poorly developed, a diamond can just buy.

2. The key from the estate nerano
You need to get the key from the top floor of the manor nerano, in Balmore. The easiest way to get it is to visit the Council of the Council and talk to the joint tranne. For a small remuneration, he will agree to sell you the key. However, before talking about it before, lift it to you to 70 or higher. Then, through the "Belief" menu, offer a 100 coins in the menu, and it will give you the key. In addition, the key can be stealing or selected by force. However, you can first fulfill the Quest of Larrys Warro, the champion of the moon butterfly, then the key will get to you completely free, from the body of the Trude Sovica.

3. Arteifacts of Dwemer
Now Khabashi wants you to visit Ra "Zhida from" Point of Tolstoy "in Hla Oud and took the veleer artifacts from him. Go to Hla Oud and talk to Hajit. However, he categorically refuses to help you, motivating it by what he has No required objects. Next, the quest can be performed in two ways. Either hack the cheek, standing on the right of the entrance and find in it the desired artifacts, or explore the ruins of the coumen and find the artifacts itself. Habashi requires a dormant tube, the Cup of the Delmer and the Bowman. Please note that Delmer Cups are two types. For reliability, capture both.

4. Restored brandy
Sweet habasi asks to get her a bottle of weathered brandy from the mansion of Hlaala. Since the owner of the brandy, the Ralena honored with the world, then the bottle is no longer needed. The desired drink is on the shelf, next to the core owner. More precisely, the former owner.

5. Release thief
A large figure in the thieves of Borgorm new shoes was recently captured by legionnaires and was planted under the castle in Fort Pelagiat. Since the fort is not the castle of IF, and you are not Abbot Faria, then the subpoint does not have to dig. From the information received from the habasi, you will learn that one of the guards of Shadbak Grabeburg receives bribes from the local smuggler of the furnishman Enke, and she takes the bribes to the bumps of dormant artifacts. Hack the home Enk and steal one of the coumen artifact. Then step in the guardian. When she accuse you to theft, ask where she knows who you have stolen this artifact. Here she bites the language and agree to let the bragora in exchange for your silence. Get down, talk to Bergore and come back to a habashi.

6. Security Master
Now the sweet habasi wants you to lure on the side of the thieves of the security master, about which only the fact is that he is altmer. In order not to run across the entire Ballmore in search of all the high elves, I recommend Altmer Hemerinda, living in Balmore, in his own home. He is the one who you need. We persuade it to guard the southern wall, and the quest will be completed.

Quests of Angatt Jeweler
(Tavern "Rat in the Khatel", ADD "RUN)

1. Tanto Damn Anaren
According to the highlights of the highlights of the highlights of the Magged Guild, Rune is now empty. You should go there and find Tanto Damn Anaren. To fulfill this quest, it is recommended to pump the skill to "boast" up to 60 or higher. In addition, you need a large number of brands or appropriate spells. The subject is located in one of the locked chests.

2. Helmet Masters Redorane
In the guild, the thieves received an order - it is necessary to find and steal one of the helmets of the Masters Redorane. There are a lot of such helmets in the game, but if you do not have one, then the Angitot gives a fitting on the estate of the Arobar, under Sakar. Like last time you have to start all your thieves skills.

3. In bed with boat
As is known, the thieves guild is not bent blackmail. And now the Angitot wants you to bring him a compromising on Mainera Arobar, in whose estate you had a chance to visit, fulfilling the past quest. You need to get into the estate of the Arobar and take the book "In bed with Boeota", which the sneak reads his daughter.

4. Visershin
Now the literature is needed by the book "Veshershins". It is necessary to pull it on Miles Gloryozus from the Tractor in Maar Ghana. The easiest way to get this book is to provoke Miles on a fight and kill him. However, you can try to steal.

5. Delmer mechanisms
Now you need to get four metal trim from the dwell robots. They are required in order for Estoril to repair the centurion spiders and make them guard the thieves guild. Where to look for the dormant mechanisms you, of course you know. Of course, in any Dwarf ruins.

6. Arrows of justice
Now you need to get four junior arrows at the aircraft-bosmer in the estate of the Llenni. Arrows are located in the placement of guards, left from the entrance. You can sell them to the guild, and you can leave yourself.

Quests big Helen
(Tavern dirty Muriel, sorry Mora)

1. Potion dispelling
You should get a recipe for dispelling potion for one of the clients of the Tussemirkil guild, which can be found in the magician Guild to Volverin Hall. Behind the recipe you should visit the house to Anis Selot, the best alchemist in Sarrit Sea.

2. Retort of Grandmaster
One of the customers needed retort of Grandmaster. You can find it in the Berven cleaner, in Tel Mora. You can either steal it or buy.

3. Guild Protection
Given the War of the Guild of Thieves and Kamon Tong, the following task Helen applies to the protection of the guild. You should find and hire a wizard who would agree to guard the thieves guild. To negotiate, you should contact Ariel Finkel, in the Mages Guild Volverin Hall. For four pieces of Ebonite ore, he will agree to send in the guild of one of Natalinus Flavonius in the guild.

4. Secrets of Redranian cuisine
You need to find the book "Secrets of Redranian Cuisine". You can find a book in the chest Dinar of the Fleel, in the estate of Llenni. If you raise it to you to 95 or higher, it will give you this book voluntarily.

5. Staff of Fuelina Marion
You need to steal the staff at one of Mago Telvanni Fuelna Marion, living in the Brannor Tel. When you go to the task, do not forget to grab a levitation potion with you.

Jim Stacy Quests
(Bookstore Simina Fraulina, Vivek)

Quests only for rank busy.

1. Missing Thief
The first quest is to find the thief of Nadss Tarena, who was supposed to bring Jim some kind of key. Treares was usually stuck in the tavern "elven peoples", from there and start their searches. In the tavern you will be told that the last time I saw a talking with a certain Arvama Ratri and, that he lives in the Channels of St. Delin South-two. Find his accommodation and in it a culinary corpse of the former owner. Native your body, and find the key. After that, come back to the tavern and talk to Arvaama Ratri. In the conversation, blame her in the death of Naiana. It will not be offended and immediately will attack. By killing Rodni, come back to Stacy. He will thank you for the found key and for the ridiculous revenge of the killer.

2. Allies in the fighters guild
You need to find allies in the guild of fighters for the fight against Kamonna Tong. To begin with, talk to Percyous Merzius in the Algorian Guild of Fighters. Percius will say that you can persuade Hrundi, Guildmaster Guild Guild of the Volverin Hall to support you. He will also say that Idis Fiery Eye is secretly worshiped by the cult of the Wil key, maybe this can be used against it. And finally, he will report that the burning tight-terrain will never leave the Konna Tong. Return to Jim received with the information received.

3. Bitter Bowl
Considering the information received, Jim gives the following task, find a bitter bowl to relocate an idice eye to his side. The fiery bowl is located in Alde Edging, in the tower. Give the Aidis bowl, and she will agree to move to the side of the thieves. However, if you feel sorry to part with the bowl, you can simply kill Idis, in this case the quest will also be considered performed. Although do it is not worth it. Still, on check, Idis is not such a finished villain.

4. Woman Hrundi
Now you need to persuade Hrundi, Guildmaster Guild of the Fighters in Volzherin Hall. If he refuses, then you can controve that you will kill his woman. Of the information obtained in Vorverein Holly, you will learn that the Hrundi's mistress is the name of Falen Khlaren. Tell him that you know this information, and Krundi will tell you what will support you, but will add that this secret owns and the firmware. Therefore, he will ask you to kill the head of the guild of the fighters of Wirefella, so that he cannot threaten Hrundi. By the way, chrundi is not necessary to blackmail. Raise it to your attitude to you up to 80 or higher, and he will agree to support you, but again, in exchange for the promise that you will kill the braking hard.

The following quests for grade

5. Klamle Kammon Tong
You need to kill two professional killers Konna Tong Brothers Yenit. You can find both killers at the Villa Orvas Drena, at the lower level of the central villa. After killing both, carefully wait everything around. Finding the order of the drain in which he demands to kill his brother of the Duke of Venim Drena - grab the paper with me. She can be useful for you to pass the main quest.

6. Murder Clairing True
In order to finally break the ridge of the Kamna Tong, you need to make the last step - to kill the chapter of the fighters of the Wardenfella fighters - a tight-terrestrial czhoring. However, if you are a fighters in the guild, you can wait with these quests until the Percyous Mesius gives you. In addition, it is not recommended to perform this quest until you do all the quests on the Mologmer Ball. Because this is the last quest Gentleman Jim Stacy, after the fulfillment, which he will leave for the mainland and leave the thieves guild on your care.

Quests "Molhagmer Ball"

"There is a legend of" people of fiery stones "who carried the light of justice. Although Molagmera Ball was a thieves, they only had unjust and gave the stolen in need. They disappeared at the beginning of the third era and since then did not appear. I suppose it is time When Ball Molagmers need to return. These are gloves, with the help of which the Molhammers Ball wore hot stones from the Red Mountain. When you are ready to once again ignite the lights of Molhagmers Ball. "

Gentleman Jim Stacy

Quest data is optional for execution, as well as the search for Sanguine threads for the Morag Tong Guild. Note that all quests should be performed in gloves Molhagmer Ball.

1. Medallion Helerv
When you first talk to Jim about Mliagmera Ball, he will give you gloves and ask to wear them. Put the gloves, and talk to him again. The task will be the abduction of the hilelon medallion from the estate of Venim in Ald "Rune under Skar. This medallion you will need to return Brownas Hlerly, which you will find in Ald" rune next to your own home.

2. Ingling halfroll
You need to find evidence of semidral ingling sales. To do this, you will need to find a book of ingling accounting in his estate in Vivec. When the book is with you - take it to Jim.

3. Putting documents
One of the advisers to Hlaalau with the help of concrete documents stole the land from the unfortunate widow. Documents are in the Viveca library. When you find them, take them to incredral rastera in Seian Ning.

4. EINEMOR blade
One of the eternal guards Salina Sareti was stolen by the blade. Jim Stacy wants you to return the brave warrior weapons in his chest in the ghostly gates along with the note. Where to look for Sareti Salina, described in detail in the quests of the Imperial Legion.

5. Brallion Ring
You need to steal the ring from a rich worker of Brallion, who trades slaves on the big market in Sarrit Mora. The ring must be delivered by Ilymeni Drena to the County Delion, in Vivec. The ring can be bought, but the true thief should not be descended to such transactions.

6. Corruption in Calder
Caldera is covered by corruption, you must oppose it, and a very strange way. You must steal the luxurious edition of the "Brief History of the Empire" in Chrolevi in \u200b\u200bthe Government's Hall and deliver the books of the Catraso Book in the Magge Guild in the Ald.

7. Dwemer Cup
You need to steal the Cup of the Dwemer Cup from Berel Sala, the heads of the orders in the judicial office in Vivec. The Cup should give Dance Hindou, which has undergone mockery from the orders. You can find it in the temple area where it heals the patients. This is the last quest Ball Molhagmer.

The thieves guild is an organization engaged in both theft and teaching this art. Although, by definition, all the thieves criminals. Official authorities are trying not to negotiate the interests of the guild. The reason for such behavior is simple - it is better to deal with one organization than to think how to cope with thousands of thieves who do not obey anyone.

Like any other guild, the thieves guild is the organization of professionals, among which there are thieves, robbers, pockets, smugglers and representatives of other professions. The guild has no official representative offices, preferring to be gathered in major urban taverns. In Wawdenfel, Guild has its own appearance in Balmore, in Ald'run, in Sarrit Sea and in Vivec. Given the specific orientation of this organization should not be surprised that the thieves have no close relationships with other factions, except with the Mages guild and the imperial cult of relationships are warmer. The deadly enemy of the Guild - Kamonna Tong, a drug addict, which manages Orvas Dren.

Main for members of the Guild Parameters


Main for members of the Guild Skills

Short blades
Light armor

Career in the thieves guild involves the ownership of the following skills. Their degree of their development determines the rank that you can assign. If, with sufficient quantities performed, you do not want to raise you in the guild, check whether the values \u200b\u200bof these skills are required for the next rank. If not - Well, train ...

Promotion in the thieves guild

Rank Requirements for characteristics Requirements for skills
Mokrohukh Attractiveness 30.
Dexterity 30.
One skill is 10
Topotun. Attractiveness 30.
Dexterity 30.
One skill is 20
Shrovel Attractiveness 30.
Dexterity 30.
One skill is 30, two others are equal to 5
Brigadier Attractiveness 30.
Dexterity 30.
One skill is 40, two others are equal to 10
Bandit Attraction 31.
Dexterity 31.
One skill is 50, two others are equal to 15
Busy Attraction 32.
Dexterity 32.
One skill is 60, two others are equal to 20
Refilled Attraction 33.
Dexterity 33.
One skill is 70, two others are equal to 25
Mate Attraction 34.
Dexterity 34.
One skill is 80, two others are equal to 30
Master of Business Attractiveness 35.
Dexterity 35.
One skill is equal to 90, two others are equal to 35

Tasks and their execution

1. Brilliant Alchemika
Pretty simple task. You need to steal the Alchemist of Nalcari from the White Harbor diamond and bring it a habashi. However, if your spelling skill is poorly developed, a diamond can just buy.

2. The key from the estate nerano
You need to get the key from the top floor of the manor nerano, in Balmore. The easiest way to get it is to visit the Council of the Council and talk to the joint tranne. For a small remuneration, he will agree to sell you the key. However, before talking about it before, lift it to you to 70 or higher. Then, through the "Belief" menu, offer 100 coins in the menu, and it will give you the key. In addition, the key can be stealing or selected by force. However, you can first fulfill the Quest of Larrys Warro, the champion of the moon butterfly, then the key will get to you completely free, from the body of the Trude Sovica.

3. Arteifacts of Dwemer
Now Khabashi wants you to visit Ra'jid from the "Tolstone Point" in Hla Oud and took the veler artifacts from him. Go to Chla Oud and talk to Hajit. However, it categorically refuses to help you, motivating that it does not have the required objects. Next, the quest can be performed in two ways. Or hack the cheek, standing to the right of the entrance and find in it the desired artifacts, or explore the ruins of the coumen and find the artifacts yourself. Khabashi requires a dwell tube, a cup of coulemen and a bowler bowl. Please note that the coumented cups are two species. For reliability, capture both.

4. Restored brandy
Sweet habasi asks to get her a bottle of weathered brandy from the mansion of Hlaala. Since the owner of the brandy, the Ralena honored with the world, then the bottle is no longer needed. The desired drink is on the shelf, next to the core owner. More precisely, the former owner.

5. Release thief
A large figure in the thieves of Borgorm new shoes was recently captured by legionnaires and was planted under the castle in Fort Pelagiat. Since the fort is not the castle of IF, and you are not Abbot Faria, then the subpoint does not have to dig. From the information received from the habasi, you will learn that one of the guards of Shadbak Grabeburg receives bribes from the local smuggler of the furnishman Enke, and she takes the bribes to the bumps of dormant artifacts. Hack the home Enk and steal one of the coumen artifact. Then step in the guardian. When she accuse you to theft, ask where she knows who you have stolen this artifact. Here she bites the language and agree to let the bragora in exchange for your silence. Get down, talk to Bergore and come back to a habashi.

6. Security Master
Now the sweet habasi wants you to lure on the side of the thieves of the security master, about which only the fact is that he is altmer. In order not to run across the entire Ballmore in search of all the high elves, I recommend Altmer Hemerinda, living in Balmore, in his own home. He is the one who you need. We persuade it to guard the southern wall, and the quest will be completed.

Quests of Angatt Jeweler
(Tavern "Rat in the Khatel", Ald'run)

1. Tanto Damn Anaren
According to the highlights of the highlights of the Alderun Guild, Ald'run is now empty. You should go there and find tanto feathers Anaren. To fulfill this quest, it is recommended to pump the skill to "boast" up to 60 or higher. In addition, you need a large number of bars or appropriate spells. The desired subject is in one of the locked chests.

2. Helmet Masters Redorane
In the guild, the thieves received an order - it is necessary to find and steal one of the helmets of the Masters Redorane. There are a lot of such helmets in the game, but if you do not have one, then the Angitot gives a fitting on the estate of the Arobar, under Sakar. Like last time you have to start all your thieves skills.

3. In bed with boat
As is known, the thieves guild is not bent blackmail. And now the Angitot wants you to bring him a compromising on Mainera Arobar, in whose estate you had a chance to visit, fulfilling the past quest. You need to get into the estate of the Arobar and take the book "In bed with Boeota", which the sneak reads his daughter.

4. Visershin
Now the literature is needed by the book "Visrorshkhs". It is necessary to pull it on Miles Gloryozus from the Tractor in Maar Ghana. The easiest way to get this book is to provoke Miles on a fight and kill him. However, you can try to steal.

5. Delmer mechanisms
Now you need to get four metal trim from the dwell robots. They are required in order for Estoril to repair the centurion spiders and make them guard the thieves guild. Where to look for the dormant mechanisms you, of course you know. Of course, in any Dwarf ruins.

6. Arrows of justice
Now you need to get four junior arrows at the aircraft-bosmer in the estate of the Llenni. Arrows are located in the placement of guards, left from the entrance. You can sell them to the guild, and you can leave yourself.

Quests big Helen
(Tavern dirty Muriel, sorry Mora)

1. Potion dispelling
You should get a recipe for dispelling potion for one of the clients of the Tussemirkil guild, which can be found in the magician Guild to Volverin Hall. Behind the recipe you should visit the house to Anis Selot, the best alchemist in Sarrit Sea.

2. Retort of Grandmaster
One of the customers needed retort of Grandmaster. You can find it in the Berven cleaner, in Tel Mora. You can either steal it or buy.

3. Guild Protection
Given the War of the Guild of Thieves and Kamon Tong, the following task Helen applies to the protection of the guild. You should find and hire a wizard who would agree to guard the thieves guild. To negotiate, you should contact Ariel Finkel, in the Mages Guild Volverin Hall. For four pieces of Ebonite ore, he will agree to send in the guild of one of Natalinus Flavonius in the guild.

4. Secrets of Redranian cuisine
You need to find the book "Secrets of Redranian Cuisine". You can find a book in the chest Dinar of the Fleel, in the estate of Llenni. If you raise it to you to 95 or higher, it will give you this book voluntarily.

5. Staff of Fuelina Marion
You need to steal the staff at one of Mago Telvanni Fuelna Marion, living in the Brannor Tel. When you go to the task, do not forget to grab a levitation potion with you.

Jim Stacy Quests
(Bookstore Simina Fraulina, Vivek)

Quests only for rank busy.

1. Missing Thief
The first quest is to find the thief of Nadss Tarena, who was supposed to bring Jim some kind of key. Typically, Tarene was taped in the tavern "Elven peoples", from there and start their searches. In the tavern you will be told that the last time I saw a talking with a certain Arvama Ratri and, that he lives in the Channels of St. Delin South-two. Find his accommodation and in it a culinary corpse of the former owner. Native your body, and find the key. After that, come back to the tavern and talk to Arvaama Ratri. In the conversation, blame her in the death of Naiana. It will not be offended and immediately will attack. By killing Rodni, come back to Stacy. He will thank you for the found key and for the ridiculous revenge of the killer.

2. Allies in the fighters guild
You need to find allies in the guild of fighters for the fight against Kamonna Tong. To begin with, talk to Percyous Merzius in the Algorian Guild of Fighters. Percius will say that you can persuade Hrundi, Guildmaster Guild Guild of the Volverin Hall to support you. He will also say that Idis Fiery Eye is secretly worshiped by the cult of the Wil key, maybe this can be used against it. And finally, he will report that the burning tight-terrain will never leave the Konna Tong. Return to Jim received with the information received.

3. Bitter Bowl
Considering the information received, Jim gives the following task, find a bitter bowl to relocate an idice eye to his side. The fiery bowl is located in Alde Edging, in the tower. Give the Aidis bowl, and she will agree to move to the side of the thieves. However, if you feel sorry to part with the bowl, you can simply kill Idis, in this case the quest will also be considered performed. Although do it is not worth it. Still, on check, Idis is not such a finished villain.

4. Woman Hrundi
Now you need to persuade Hrundi, Guildmaster Guild of the Fighters in Volzherin Hall. If he refuses, then you can controve that you will kill his woman. Of the information obtained in Vorverein Holly, you will learn that the Hrundi's mistress is the name of Falen Khlaren. Tell him that you know this information, and Krundi will tell you what will support you, but will add that this secret owns and the firmware. Therefore, he will ask you to kill the head of the guild of the fighters of Wirefella, so that he cannot threaten Hrundi. By the way, chrundi is not necessary to blackmail. Raise it to your attitude to you up to 80 or higher, and he will agree to support you, but again, in exchange for the promise that you will kill the braking hard.

The following quests for grade

5. Klamle Kammon Tong
You need to kill two professional killers Konna Tong Brothers Yenit. You can find both killers at the Villa Orvas Drena, at the lower level of the central villa. After killing both, carefully wait everything around. Finding the order of the drain in which he demands to kill his brother of the Duke of Venim Drena - grab the paper with me. She can be useful for you to pass the main quest.

6. Murder Clairing True
In order to finally break the ridge of the Kamna Tong, you need to make the last step - to kill the chapter of the fighters of the Wardenfella fighters - a tight-terrestrial czhoring. However, if you are a fighters in the guild, you can wait with these quests until the Percyous Mesius gives you. In addition, it is not recommended to perform this quest until you do all the quests on the Mologmer Ball. Because this is the last quest Gentleman Jim Stacy, after the fulfillment, which he will leave for the mainland and leave the thieves guild on your care.

Quests "Molhagmer Ball"

"There is a legend of" people of fiery stones ", which carried the light of justice to the ground. Although Molhagmera Ball was thieves, they crawled only with unjust and gave a stolen needy. They disappeared at the beginning of the third era and have not appeared since then. I suppose it is time when the Molhagmers ball need to return. These are gloves, with the help of which Molhagmers Ball wore hot stones from the Red Mountain. When you are ready to reiterate the lights of Molagmers Ball. "

Gentleman Jim Stacy

Quest data is optional for execution, as well as the search for Sanguine threads for the Morag Tong Guild. Note that all quests should be performed in gloves Molhagmer Ball.

1. Medallion Helerv
When you first talk to Jim about Mliagmera Ball, he will give you gloves and ask to wear them. Put the gloves, and talk to him again. The task will be the abduction of the hilelon medallion from the estate of Venim in Ald'run under Sakar. This medallion you will need to return Brownas Chlerva, which you will find in Alderun next to your own home.

2. Ingling halfroll
You need to find evidence of semidral ingling sales. To do this, you will need to find a book of ingling accounting in his estate in Vivec. When the book is with you - take it to Jim.

3. Putting documents
One of the advisers to Hlaalau with the help of concrete documents stole the land from the unfortunate widow. Documents are in the Viveca library. When you find them, take them to incredral rastera in Seian Ning.

4. EINEMOR blade
One of the eternal guards Salina Sareti was stolen by the blade. Jim Stacy wants you to return the brave warrior weapons in his chest in the ghostly gates along with the note. Where to look for Sareti Salina, described in detail in the quests of the Imperial Legion.

5. Brallion Ring
You need to steal the ring from a rich worker of Brallion, who trades slaves on the big market in Sarrit Mora. The ring must be delivered by Ilymeni Drena to the County Delion, in Vivec. The ring can be bought, but the true thief should not be descended to such transactions.

6. Corruption in Calder
Caldera is covered by corruption, you must oppose it, and a very strange way. You must steal the luxurious edition of the "Brief History of the Empire" in Chrolevi in \u200b\u200bthe Government's Hall and deliver the Book of the Catranso Book in the Magge Guild in Alderun.

7. Dwemer Cup
You need to steal the Cup of the Dwemer Cup from Berel Sala, the heads of the orders in the judicial office in Vivec. The Cup should give Dance Hindou, which has undergone mockery from the orders. You can find it in the temple area where it heals the patients. This is the last quest Ball Molhagmer.

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind. Passage of the thieves guild Was Last Modified: May 5, 2016 by admin.

The thief guild is practically no different from other guilds, except that its members are thieves, robbers, pockets and other criminals. However, in accordance with the Unwritten Code of the thieves Guild, the murder is always considered an unproductive way to solve problems.
In the Empire, the thieves guild has long and has a huge influence, but in Morrórind Guild has yet stood on his feet. The cases of the criminal world here, the syndicate refills the syndicate called Konna Tong, who hates new competitors and wishes to destroy the thieves guild at the stage of its formation in Morrowind.

Sweet habaci

Angot Jeweler

Big Helend

Gentleman Jim Stacy

Gentleman Jim Stacy, tasks for Molagmer Ball

On the thieves guild

The guild of the thieves there are no special meeting rooms, but they prefer to use certain places for their meetings in large cities - usually this is a restaurant or tavern. Influential members of the guild can be found in Sweet habani in South WallBalmore, Anguit Jeweler in "Rats in the Koteteka"Ald'run, Big Helende in the "Tavern dirty Muriel"Sadrit Sea and in the quarter of the alien in Vivec.

It will also be useful to know that the thieves guild conflicts with the guild of fighters, as the current head of the warriors has close ties with Kamonna Tong - the worst enemy of the thieves guild on the island. The strongest of all this conflict is manifested in the task "Code Book": So, if you are in two guilds at the same time, the task will be more difficult to perform. And if you have already fulfilled this task on the guild of fighters, the road in the thieves guild will be closed forever.

Consisting of the guilds can use the lessons of the masters, buying all sorts of thieves equipment, as well as settling questions with fines in half the price and leaving with you everything frozen.

Relationship with other fractions



Rank Required characteristics Required skills Extra. information
Languha Attractiveness: 30.
Dexterity: 30.
Absent Quest of the guild of fighters with the code book should not be completed.
Mokrohukh Attractiveness: 30.
Dexterity: 30.
The value of one skill: 10 -
Topotun. Attractiveness: 30.
Dexterity: 30.
The value of one skill: 20 -
Shrovel Attractiveness: 30.
Dexterity: 30.
The value of one skill: 30
The value of two other skills: 5
Brigadier Attractiveness: 30.
Dexterity: 30.
The value of one skill: 40
The value of two other skills: 10
Bandit Attractiveness: 31.
Dexterity: 31.
The value of one skill: 50
The value of two other skills: 15
Busy Attractiveness: 32.
Dexterity: 32.
The value of one skill: 60
The value of two other skills: 20
Refilled Attractiveness: 33.
Dexterity: 33.
The value of one skill: 70
The value of two other skills: 25
Mature Attraction: 34.
Dexterity: 34.
The value of one skill: 80
The value of two other skills: 30
Master of Business Attractiveness: 35.
Dexterity: 35.
The value of one skill: 90
The value of two other skills: 35
It is necessary to eliminate the bragging hard.

Brilliant for habaci

Sweet habasi will give you the first task - steal a diamond for her friend. And in the chest in Nalcariya from the White Harbor lies as many as three such! Feel what coincidence? Since the chest is located on a deserted second floor, the task is not worth the exhausted egg. Khabashi will be enough one diamond, two remaining you can sell or leave yourself.


Exclusive Invisibility Potion


  • Please note that if you steal a diamond from Nalcarius, you will never be able to sell them again, as it will consider all diamonds in the world with their own. Thus, the distribution channel of diamonds in Balmore will be closed forever for you.
  • In fact, any diamond will be suitable, so if you mined at least one in our wanders, feel free to give it to the cage.

The key from the estate is nerano

Khabashi needs the key from the estate nerano. The key is available at the owner of this estate, ondres is nerano, and his servant named Sovor Trank, which is located in the Council Club. Accordingly, the key can be stealing from one or another, Murder is not encouraged, you remember.remove from the body or Its location to you should be more than 70 points and you must pay him some amount of convince the servant to voluntarily give the key. As soon as one of the keys will be with you, come back to the habashi.


500 Draikov


  • If you are a member of the house REDOAN. It is sooner or later you will be asked to call the owner of the estate on a duel. The habashi will be unhappy if the ondres will die in nerano, but Dunmer must surrender if his health falls below 50%.
  • It's funny that if you bribe the servant and then return the key to the owner of the estate, he will come out of himself and says that it will figure with the Council. The servant will disappear from the Council Club and you will not be able to task Larrius Warro. Khabashi does not like it and you still have to get the key, but now you will have to beat Ondres, which is much more difficult than simple bribe.
  • If you bribed the Soviet, and then killed it for Warro, you can remove another such key from his body.
  • If the ondres nerano will die during the fulfillment of the task, then the habashi will say that you have greatly complicated her task and you will not get any gold for work.

Dober artifacts Ra'uge

Caddle named Ra'ehid stole the dormant artifacts and now Khabashi asks to visit the learn and return the valuable items in the guild. It is clear that Ra'uge does not admit for anything that the artifacts are still with him, so you will have to withdraw them without his consent. All the necessary items and a hundred Drakes on top are in the chest near the door, so in an inexperienced Warm will warmly wait until everyone turns into such a close room. However, you can leave the chest at rest and find everything you need in the coumen. Anyway, when the dwell tube, the cup and the bowl will be with you, go back to the "South Wall"


Two Masters Master
Two apps mercenar
Hammer mercenar


  • As in many other assignments of the thieves guild, you will probably want to better think about the theft to avoid fights and unpleasant conversations with guards.
  • If after successful theft you contact Ra'uge and ask him about the dwell artifacts, then he will need to give them back. It is worth a refusal to you and the following attacks you and you can kill him without receiving any fine.

Weathered brandy

Now Khabashi needs a bottle of a weathered brandy from the estate of Ralena Hlaoch, who recently died. To climb into the house locked from all sides, the house is better through the second floor - less likely to be seen. The bottle is found in the closet at the top or on the first floor, on the rack not far from the corpse. For her, Khabashi will be happy to pay 1000 drains.


1000 Draikov


  • In this estate, you will not alone: \u200b\u200bthe servant hid on the second floor, which will ask you to find the killer of her Mr.
  • Habashi has a replica not used in the game if the player drank brandy. Presumably, before there was some special version of the weathered brandy, which was an quest item, but then she was removed from the game.

Free bragore new shoes

One of the members of the Guild, Borgore new shoes, got into trouble. Sweet will send you to Pelagiads to outset the unlucky Bosmer from prison. However, it is necessary to make it so that everything looks legitimately - Bragor refuses escape. According to Khabashi, the Orc Shabdak Grabe Burbug from Fort takes bribes with smuggled goods from a merchant named Furniture for silence. You need to buy or steal the Furniture coherer at the furniture, go with him to Shabdak and try to catch her on recognition to free the bragora with the help of blackmail. The coherer is hidden in a small chest on the second floor. If the blackmail succeeds, Bhorlas on joy will offer you their shoes and will remain only to report a habash about the well done work.


1000 Draikov
Dear shoes


  • You can free other prisoners from prison, making the key from Angorila, gunsmith in Forte. However, the Bragora itself is impossible to release, as he says that it will be killed if it feeds himself. The only way to free it is blackmail.

Security Master

The south wall threatens the next attack of Kamonna Tong: in order to better protect his junk, Khabashi asks you to find a specialist in castles and traps. Everything that she knows is Altmer and lives in Balmore. Having received a list of all altmers in the city from any high elf and a little search, this specialist is easy to calculate. This is a hemerind living on the Eastern Quay of the River Approach in the very northern house. Talk to him about the southern wall and return to a habashing to report on the last task and find out that there is no more work for you.



  • Hemerind is also a master in the field of hacking of castles and he will be able to train you if you are aimed at the guild and reached the title "Chernoshaphel".

Rob the Guild Made

As the first task of Angot, the jeweler will ask you to bring him Devilsk tanto Anarrena (approx. Avt.)Tanto Damn Anarerena From the guild of Made Ald'run. From the moment of receiving this task and up to its execution, the magician guild will be empty, but the magicians are smart enough to deliver the guard there. His fate is completely in your hands, you can kill, you can ignore. Anyway, tanto needs to pick up. It appears this thing in the chest on the upper shelf, where Altmer-Alchemik is usually worth an ansenine. As soon as the blade is with you, return to the "rat and the pot".




  • If you plan to work on aerishing on, grab and keep the book "Visershins" from the Guild School Library.
  • The task can be easily passing if you move to Ald'run using teleportation. First, you will not come up with the guard to face when you enter. And secondly, you can quietly typify everything, because in the guild building itself there is no soul.
  • It's funny, but the guard automatically recognizes the thief in you, even if you are a magician guild. Moreover, even the title of archman will in no way help you in this matter.

Helm masters Redorana

The next task is to bring aerangot the helmet of the Master Redranv. This helmet can be found either in the bedroom of Mainer Arobara Manor Arobar, under-scouton the closet, either in the chest Manor Llenni, under-scoutin the bedroom Fatasa Llenni. In both cases, there will be a skill, since there are witnesses nearby. By the way, do not rush to leave Skara, the list below shows the list of objects that you very soon need.

Under scout, ald'run


1000 Draikov


  • If you are not very strong in hacking, but you have a high acrobatics, try jumping off the bed to the cabinet in the estate of the Arobar. So you guarantee yourself the minimum level of visibility.
  • This task is just one of those in which the chameleon and telecinez spells will be very useful. It is clear that few thieves are able to conjure, but for secretive characters there are enchanted items and scrolls.

Capricious Gandodoza

Now the jeweler will send you for a compromise on Gandoza Arobar: in the chest in her bedroom there is a book "in bed with boethya", which can bring on ambiguous thoughts. Go to the estate of Arobar under the Skar and bring a book of aerangot. It will be easy to get it, since Gandodos usually stands so that the desired chest is closed from her shirms.


Amulet of extensive silence
Ring chameleon



The next thing that is needed aerangot will be the book "Visrorshkhs". If you have not yet taken (or do not want to take it) to her in the guild of the Ald-Runa Magic Guild, then, in addition to the Bosmer of Miles Gloryozus, Mahar Ghana (Testair Anduus), can be found in the genital tomb of Alas and Llaalam Madalas in Sarrit Sea. However, no one will sell it to you, so it will once again have to prove that you are not in vain belonging to the guild. There is also the possibility that the book will come to you by chance during the wanderings, but it is not particularly hope for it. By completing the task, get another thousand drakes.


1000 Draikov


Find metal trimming

Joyful news: The guild has mastered the couple of dwelling spiders-centurions. Everything was wonderful, that's just they do not work. Your guild colleague, Mokrojukh Estoril could repair them if she had several pieces of dwelling metal. It is behind this iron, in the number of four pieces, you will be sent to aerangot. Finding them is not a problem - the dwell ruins, alchemists, etc. For each piece of aerangot will pay 250 drains.


1000 Draikov


Arrows Justice

The recent task of the jeweler will bring the arrows of justice - unique darts from Wallenwood, owned by Eindo, the Bosmerian Guardian of the estate of the Llenni. All four darts are serenely lying on her beds in the premises of the guards of this mansion, which, if not forgotten, is under-scout. Around the patrol of the Redranian guards, but to imagine the moment and grab the pair of darts more than real. Even one will be enough to fulfill the quest. You can sell their aerangot at cost (500 decks each) or leave yourself. In any case, he will close the task and traditionally for goodbye freely clean your kind (or not very good) name.


Free removal of all fines


Recipe potion

The first task from Great Helend will get a dispelling potion recipe. The cherished paper lies in the chest at the local alchemchka Anis Selot. The recipe must be delivered to Altmera named Tusyamykil in the Mages Guild Volverin Hall. For the execution of the task, Helend gives 500 coins.


500 Draikov


Retort of Grandmaster

One of the Customers of the Guild wanted not a lot nor little - Grandmaster's retort. In addition to said Helend, the store Berven in Tel Sea, it can be found in the arched hall of the Valenarion, in the service tower Tel V., Dainali Drenas in the lower tower of the Tel Mora and Abelle Christ all in the same Arched Hall of Valenarion, and also accidentally stumble somewhere yet. If you play the tribunal, you can get the retort in the magic store in Mornhold. For work, get all-nothing - 200 gold.


200 Draikov


Wizard with a wizard

To protect the Tractor, Muriel requires a qualified wizard. Having received the task, talk to Ariel Finkel in the Mages Guild Volverin Hall. She will ask you to get 4 pieces of Ebonite as a fee for this service. You can get an ebony in many places, including the coumenting ruins, ebonite mines, alchemists and some Danmer homes. A greater problem, as in the case of cutting metal, will be conveyed heavy goods. Upon receipt of the order, Finkel will send to Muriel of the combat magician, with whom you will come across the staircase of the Tavern, heading towards Helend with a report. She will reward you for the efforts of a ring of a cruel fragment.


Ring of cruel fragling


Redranian cookbook

Now Helend needs the book "Secrets of Redranian Cuisine" for headlights. The book can be delivered only in one place - already familiar to the estate of Llenni in personal rest, where she peacefully lies in the chest dinar - the rival headlights on culinary competition. The chest is in the legs of her bed in a completely empty room, so the task is a light walk. For the brought to the book, get the high-quality potion of the shadow.


High-quality treated potion


Ebonite Staff Fireplace

The last task from Helend is more like sports interest. She will ask you to steal the name of the wizard of Televanni Fellen Marion, especially without hoping for the result. You can refuse to task if you consider it unworthy or too complicated. When receiving consent, Helend will provide you with the potions of levitation in case you do not know how to fly. Fireplace lives in the tower Tel Bernore, serving Mrs. Teran. If you, despite all doubts, Helend, will be able to turn this Delcea, you can either give her staff for your stake in 250 coins, or leave yourself for memory. In any case, the task will be executed, and you will receive as a souvenir


250 Drakes or Ebonite Stamping Fire
Ring long hand
Free removal of all fines


Find brother Nadsa

Nadz Taren, one of the members of the Guild, disappeared without a trace. Jim will ask you to investigate this business and bring him a key that Ns should have been mined. Asking around, find out where this guy lives, and with whom he communicated for the last time he saw him. At home, he find a dead body from which we select the ill-fated key. Now you can immediately go to Jim, and if there is a desire, you can take revenge for the death of "brother". We go to the "Elven peoples" in the settlement of Hlaalau and speak with Arvama Ratri - the launcher herself from which he was last seen. We blame her in murder, after which it is attacked by us, thereby paying from criminal responsibility for her death. At the same time, we receive 1000 drains from Jim, if they decided not to contact the arvama, then only 500.


500 or 1000 Drakes


Talk to Percyous

Jim decides to deploy the campaign against the top of the guild of fighters, the chamber Tong. To begin with, he asks you to negotiate with Percyous Mescius, the former guildmaster and a trustworthy person, about joint actions against the braking of the hard-ferrous and his minions. Everything is simple, we go to Ald-Runes, we talk to Percyus (perhaps it will have to be slightly puffed, if its attitude to you is less than 60), we obtain information about Hrundi and Idis Fire Eye and report Jim. In the award we get 500 drains and the following task.


500 Draikov


Bitter Bowl

So, after it became known to us, it's time to be taken for treating renegades. Jim asks to get a bitter bowl and to bribe Idis Fire Eye with it. The bowl is located in the Tower of Ald Edging, on one of the northern islands of Wirefella. If you found a bowl before taking a quest and drank, then only the console can help in this quest. Now you can give a bowl of the Idis and report, or drink it yourself and go to Stacy to obey in the deed. For the successful performance of the task, get the brand of Grandmaster from Jim.


Grandmaster latch


Lover Hrundi.

Next to the queue - Hrundi, curator of the fighters of the fighters in Volzherin Hall, sadness Mora. He, in general, a good guy, and should agree to help and so, but if you are not under the power of charm of Nordling up to 80 relationships, you can ask around about the woman of Hrundi. Step by step, you find out what it is Falen Histlena, the Dark Elf. Now Crundi can be blackmail to this fact and still convince to face the thieves guild.




Brothers Yenit

Now you need to eliminate the two best performers of Kamny Tong - Nevila and Rouba Yenitov. They are hiding at the Orvas Villa Drena on the Drenz Plantation in the basement. The basement is well locked up and "mined", but it is imperceptible to break there should not be superlacked for the mother. Upon return, get a shape ring.


Shadow Ring


Kill hard-ferrous

The final mission is to remove from the road to the sales leader of the guild of the fighters, centered hard. Go to the guild of Viveka fighters and end with the usurper. For the implementation of the Mission, Jim will reveal you the key of the skeleton and will result in the last task - to take care of the guild. If you do not have a GFM plugin, talk about this work right away, without departing from the cashier! If you lose the moment and leave the room, Jim you will never see again, and with him and the rank of the Master of the case.


Skeleton key
The title "Master of Business"


Ball Molhagmer

Medallion Hlerwa

You will have to start the revival of Molagmers Ball with a completely simple task. You need to return the medallion to his original owner. Go to the estate of Venim in the Ald-Rune sub-scout. The medallion can be found in one of the rooms of the Guardian premises peacefully lying on the chest. Give it to Brownas Hlerly (his house is there in the same place, in Aldens, the most extreme to the east of the south of the temple), and come back to Jim. The first task is made.




Accounting book Inhling

The next task will find evidence of the consul sales of the house of Hlaala inhlling halftral. For this, Jim will need the financial book ingling. His estate is located on the plaza district of St. Olms. If you took the quest at the hlalah at the contaminated rats in the ingling basement (the quest gives Adrino Areti, the settlement of the hlalo, the belt), you already have a key, it remains only to take a book. If not, you will have to break there, which, however, should not be difficult for a real thief. The main thing is that you have enough mind not to talk about it with the half-terminol himself, because he, although not far away, but not a fool at all, and will immediately destroy the evidence.




Act on Earth

Another secretful consulchers of Hlaulau - Vellanda Omanny - is trying to dishonestly to get the land of the poor widow. She placed the fake act on the land in the Viveca library. You should find it (the document lies on one of the shelves in the depths of the library, covered with a book - be attentive) and deliver the legitimate owner - incredral rastera in Seian Ning. Return to Jim only when give her a document.





One of the guild brothers committed a serious mistake, staring at the eternal guard of Sareti Sareti in the ghostly gates is very expensive to this dagger, donated by Viveke himself - Eneymore. Jim wants to wash off this stain from the reputation of the thieves guild, so you will be charged with delivering the dagger to the place along with the explanatory note from the guild. Go to the ghostly gate to the sunset tower, the lower floor. There, in the rest of Sareti, you will find his name chest, where it should be imperceptible to put everything. Make sure that this is the chest before returning to Stacy.




Ring Brallion.

Now Jim will ask you to steal the ring at the famous charm of Brallion in Sarrit Sea (you will find it in the eatery of the headlight). You can really steal the ring, but you can negotiate with the owner and get it in exchange for a small amount of money. Anyway, the ring should get to the abolitioner of Ilmen Drena, the daughter of the duke of the Drena Veda. Only then return to the boss with a report.




Books for shafts

The next step, Molhammers Ball will enlighten the masses by selling caldera officials. Steal 4 registered volumes of the history of the Empire of Odra Helvi in \u200b\u200bthe government hall in Calder (they lie in his chest in the next room) and take their priests to the Catranso Vale in the Ald-Runa Guild.




Cup of Dwemer

The last task is to restore justice in the Temple District of Vivek. Dance Hindent, honest, but poor priestess, is subjected to constant attacks by the orders. Jim will ask you to paint you out of the cabinet Berel Salah in the Hall of Justice of the Big Deluma Cup and give it to Dance, so that it can use the means to use for it as it will consider it necessary. I do not teach you, colleague. We grab the same Cup and run to Zhrice - it sells potions before entering the high cathedral. Just do not tell her whose cup is, if you really want it to take it.

Thief and Master Thief of The Thieves Guild On Vvardenfell. HE CAN BE FOUND ALONG WITH HIS CONFIDANTE CRAZY-LEGS ARANTAMO IN THE BACK ROOM OF SIMINE FRALINIE "S Bookshop, In The East Canalworks of Vivec Foreign Quarter. He Works Tirelessly to Prevent The Guild from Being Destroyed by The Joint Efforts of the Camonna tong and their pawns, the Fighters Guild. He only gives missions to those ranked Captain and above. However, to those who have proved themselves a little, he is willing to entrust sacred Bal Molagmer quests, aimed at fighting injustice across Vvardenfell. There is A Rumor About Him Being Pretty Mad About a Few Missing Artifacts.


Related Quests. [EDIT]

Thieves Guild.[EDIT]

  • Find Brother Nads.: Find a Fellow Guild Member That Has Disappeared.
  • Speak with percius: Visit Percius In The Ald "Ruhn Fighters Guild to Learn Information on The Camonna Tong.
  • The Bitter Cup.: Find The Bittercup Artifact and Persuade Eydis Fire-Eye to Betray The Camonna Tong.
  • Hrundi "s lover: Persuade Hrundi in Sadrith Mora "s Fighters Guild to Join The Threeves Guild Against The Camonna Tong.
  • The Brothers Ienith.: Kill These Top Two Enforces In The Camonna Tong Guild.
  • Kill Hard-Heart: Kill The Corrupt Master of the Fighters Guild in Vivec.

Bal Molagmer[EDIT]

  • The Hlervu Locket.: Steal a Locket From A Redoran Bigwig, and Give It Back to Its Owner.
  • Yngling "S Ledger: Gentleman Jim Stacey Wants You to Fight Corruption in Vivec.
  • Land Deed: Save a Woman "S Home by Robbing The Vivec Library.
  • Enamor: Return Enamor to Salen Sarethi at The Tower Of Dusk.
  • BRALION "S Ring: Give A Girl A Stolen Ring.
  • Books for Vala.: Steal 4 History Books from Odral Helvi in \u200b\u200bCaldera and Donate Them to Vala Catraso in Ald "Ruhn.
  • The Dwemer Goblet.: Give a Fancy Goblet to a Poor Priest.

Fighters Guild[EDIT]

  • KILL THE MASTER THIEF: Kill The Main Boss of the Thieves Guild, "Gentleman" Jim Stacey in Vivec.

Dialogue. [EDIT]

  • Greetings.:
    • "I May Have Jobs for You, But You Might Be Interested in Something a bit Different: The Bal Molagmer."
    • "You Were to Return The Hlervu Locket,% PcRank."
    • "The Bal Molagmer Must End Yngling Half-Troll" S Corruption. Have you Found The Ledger? "
    • "Did You Recover The Forged Land Deed,% PCRANK?"
    • "You Were Sent to Steal Broallion" S Ring and Deliver It To ilmeni DREN. Tell Me Your Status. "
    • "Did You Deliver Those History Books In The Name of the Bal Molagmer?"
    • "Were You Able to Bring The Dwemer Goblet to One More Worthy Of Its Value?"
    • "Were You Able to Locate Nads Tharen and His Key?"
    • "I Sent You to Speak to Percius Mercius and See If He Was Willing to Help US Fight."
    • "Were You Able to Retrieve The Bitter Cup and Bring It To Eydis Fire-Eye?"
    • "What is the situation with hrundi? Will He Join Our Cause? Have you Found Hrundi" S Woman? "
    • "Were You Able to Get Rid Of The Brothers Ienith? I Know The Are Powerful Does, But The Are A Great Strength of Our Enemy."
    • "Does Sjoring Hard-Heart Still Live?"
  • Advancement: "IF You Do All The Jobs I Have for You, I Will Grant You The Rank of% NextPcrank."
  • Bal Molagmer:
    • "There Is a Legend About" Stone Fire Men "Who Brought The Light Of Justice To the Land. Though The Bal Molagmer Were Thieves, They Stole Only From the Unjust and Gave to Those in Need. They Vanished Early In The Third Era and Haven't Been Seen Since. I Believe It's Time for the Bal Molagmer to Return. Here Gloves Were Used by The Bal Molagmer to Ca Try Their Burning Stones from the Red Mountain. When You are Ready to Rekindle The Fires of the BAL MOLAGMER, WEAR THE GLOVES AND SPEAK TO ME AGAIN. "
    • "If you don" T Wear The Gloves of the Bal Molagmer, how can you show these dunmer that thieves Are Not Wholly Evil? "
    • "I" Ve Chosen Something Simple for the First Mission of the Reformed Bal Molagmer. I Need You to Return The Hlervu Locket. "
    • "You're Did Well With the Hlervu Locket. For the next appearance of the Bal Molagmer, I Want Proof of Yngling Half-Troll" S Corruption. "
    • "One of Our Brothers Stole from The Wrong Man. I Need Someone to Return The Blade Enamor."
    • "Unfortunately, You are known to have killed SALYN SARETHI. No Dunmer Would Follow One Such As You. I Will Have to Find Someone Else to Carry on the Work of the Bal Molagmer."
    • "Unlike Most Dunmer, The Bal Molagmer Opposed Slavery. I Want You to Steal Ballion" S Ring. "
    • "Everyone in Caldera Is Corrupt. Rather Than to Steal Odral Helvi" S History Books. "
    • "There IS A Rumor That You Murdered Vala Catraso. I Do Not Know If It Is True, But I Cannot Let You Predend to Be a Bal Molagmer With These Rumors."
    • "The Ordinators Have Been Harassing Danso Indules, An Honest But Poor Priest. I Want You to Steal A Dwemer Goblet and Donate IT to Her Cause."
  • Bitter Cup:
    • "Percius Mercius Told US That Eydis Fire-Eye Worships Clavicus Vile. Perhaps She Would Betrey Sjing Hard-Heart for the Bitter Cup, An Artifact Sacred to Clavicus Vile. The Bitter Cup Was Lost in the Ruins of Aldon Redaynia, Which Is On An Island North of The Urshilaku Camp. "
    • "Eydis Fire-Eye Is Dead? That Is a Priblem. Well, She Can" T Hurt Us Now, But Neither CAN SHE HELP US. We "LL Have to Move on to Other Jobs."
    • "There" s nothing more we can do about this. "
    • "WHERE" S THE BITTER CUP? You Didn "T Succumb to ITS Power, Did You?"
      • No way. NOT ME. "Good. Now Please Go Get It. Time Is of the Essence."
      • Yeah. I BLEW IT. "Fool! You used it?! Well, I CAN" T Say As I Blame You. Scratch One Bribery Attempt, Though. But Things Might Still Work to Our Advantage. "
    • "Let" S Not Being That One Up Again. "
    • "SO Eydis Took The Bitter Cup. Good. She" S Likely to Betray US, Too, But Only If She Thinks We Think She Won "T. Anyway, I Found Some Good Lockpicks The Other Day and Thought You Might Could Find A Use For them. "
    • "Eydis Fire-Eye Has The Bitter Cup Now."
  • Broallion.:
    • "You" LL Find Him In Sadrith Mora, in the Great Market. "
    • "I Have Heard of His Death."
  • BRALION "S Ring:
    • "BRALLION HAS THE RING, NATURALLY. HE" S A SLAVE TRADER IN SADRITH MORA "S Great Market. Steal The Ring and Then Deliver It to Ilmeni Daughter of Duke Vedam DREN."
    • "Let US Speak Of this No More."
    • "SO You Delivered The Ring. Good. I Hope Ilmeni Dren Puts It To Good Use."
    • "You're Already Delivered The Ring."
  • corruption:
    • "Yngling Half-Troll Is Corrupt. Many Know this, But No One Dares Act. The Bal Molagmer Bring Justice to Those Whow Think Themselves Above Justice. Go to Yngling Manor in Vivec. There You Will Find A Ledger With Proof of His Corruption. Bring That Ledger to Me. "
    • "I Still Need The Ledger If We Are to Prove His Corruption."
    • "YOU SAY HE HAS ALREADY DESTROYED THE LEDGER? How VERY ODD. He Must Have Suspected We Were Onto Him. No Matter. I Have Other Jobs for You."
    • "WE" LL NEVER BE ABLE TO PROVE HIS Corruption with That Ledger Destroyed. "
    • "Yes, This Is the Ledger I Was Looking for. Give It To Me Now So That I Can Publish The Truth About Yngling Half-Troll."
      • Give Stacey The Ledger. "I KNEW HE WAS MISISING SOME OF THE MONEY, BUT IT LOKE HE TOOK ALMOST ALL OF IT. Why, Yngling Half-Troll Is a Bigger Thief Than Any of US!"
    • "You Brought Me Proof of Yngling Half-Troll" S Corruption. "
      • KEEP THE LEDGER. "If you don" T Give Me That Ledger, I Can "T Show Everyone The Truth About Yngling Half-Troll."
  • DREN Plantation: "IT" S Not Hard To Find, But It DOESN "T Have to Be. IT" S Very Well Guarded, and they don "T Take Kindly to Trespassers. I" LL Mark The Location On Your Map. "
  • Dwemer Goblet.:
    • "There IS A DWEMER GOBLET IN BEREL SALA" S Office In The Hall Of Justice. Steal This Goblet and Donate It to Danso Induleste Near The High Fane. "
    • "You Shouldn" T Have Told Her Where You Stole IT From, But It Can "T Be Helped Now."
    • "You're Already Gave The Goblet to Danso Indules."
  • Enamor:
    • "This is Enamor. A Guild Member Stole It from Salyn Sarethi, a Noble and Generous Buoyant Armiger. The Blade Was A Gift From Vivec Himself. We Do Not Want The Thieves Guild to Be Blamed for this Kind of theft. Take this blade and This Note. Put them in Salyn Sarethi "S Chest in the Tower of Dusk in Ghostgate."
    • "Just Take The Blade Enamor and The Note I Gave You. Put Both Of Them in Salyn Sarethi" S Chest in the Tower of Dusk at Ghostgate. "
    • "SO, The Blade and Note Are in Salyn" S Chest? Good work. I Hope You Didn "T Have Too Much Trouble."
    • "Saryn Sarethi" s blade has been returned to him. "
  • forged Land Deed.:
    • "The Hlaalu Councilor Velabda Omani Wants Indrele Rathryon" S Land. Velabda Omani Forged A Land Deed and Placed IT in the Library of Vivec. Without Our Help, Velabda Omani "S Bribes Will Prevent Justice and Allow The Forged Deed to Stand. Go to the Deed and Deliver It to Indre Rathryon in The Name of the Bal Molagmer."
    • "You Have the Land Deed? Take it to Indrele Rathryon in Seyda Neen."
    • "I Heard You Gave The Land Deed to Indrele Rathryon. Maybe Velanda Omani Will Leave Her Alone Now."
    • "Indrele Rathryon Has The Deed Now, And The Temple Courts Have Been Stalled."
  • Gentleman Jim Stacey: "That" s me. What is it? "
  • help US Fight:
    • "Percius Mercius Is The Steward of the Guild of Fighters in Ald" Ruhn. HE Used to Be The Master of The Camonna Tong Got Involved. I Believe He Will Help US Fight The Camonna Tong. Go Speak with Him and Listen to What He Has to Say. Report Back to Me With Any Information. "
    • "Well IT Sounds Like Percius Came Through After All. I Can Already Think of a Way to Make Use Of this [SIC] In The Meantime, Here "S Some Clink for Your Pockets."
    • "You're Already Asked Percius Mercius to Help US Fight. I Thank You."
  • history Books.:
    • "Odral Helvi in \u200b\u200bCaldera Has All Four Volumes of" A Brief History of the Empire. "They Are Personal Treasures of His, Bound With Gold and Delicately Printed. Family Heirlooms. I Want You to Steal All Four Of These Books and Deliver Them To Vala Catraso at the Reading School At The Guild of Mages in Ald "Ruhn. The School Always Accepts Books AS Donations, But I Want You to Donate Odral Helvi "S Books In The Name of the Bal Molagmer. You" LL Find Helvi and The Books in the Government "s Hall in Caldera."
    • "Good Work,% PCName."
    • "I Know The School Could Use More, But You" VE Done Your Job,% PCName. "
  • Hlervu Locket.:
    • "You Aren" T Wearing The Gloves,% PcRank. "
    • "BRAYNAS HERVU IS A POOR, RETIRED EGG MINER. HE GAVE HIS FAMILY" S TREASURED LOCET TO THE TAXMEN This year. The Locket Is Now Being Held in Venim Manor with the Rest of the Taxes. Wear The Gloves I Gave You and Pay a Visit to Venim Manor in Ald "Ruhn. Find the Hlervu Locket and Return It to Braynas Hlervu in The Name of the Bal Molagmer."
    • "SO IS THAT THE LOCET? Take it to Braynas Hlervu in Ald" Ruhn. "
    • "YOU SAY BRAYNAS HERVU IS DEAD? THAT" S TERRIBLE TO HEAR. I "M Sure You Had Nothing To Do With That. WELL, WE" LL Have to Move on, Then. There Are Other Ways The Bal Molagmer May Help. "
    • Good. Justice Has Been Done. And If You Kept A Little Something for Yourself, I Can Certainly Understand. I know Something Else The Reformed Bal Molagmer Might Do IF You "Re Interested."
    • "The Hlervu Locket Has Been Returned."
  • Hrundi "S Woman:
    • "Like Percius Mercius Said, Hrundi Has a Dunmer Lover. If You Can Find Out Who She is, You Can Pressure Hrundi to Join Our Cause. You can Find Hrundi in the Sadrith Mora Fighters Guild. I" M Sure You Can Find Out Something By Asking Around Town. "
  • Ienith.:
    • "Navil and Ranes Ienith Can Be Found on the Dren Plantation. The Thieves Guild Won" T Be Safe From The Camonna Tong Until Their Best Enforcers Are Dead. Kill Them and Report Back to Me. "
    • "You" Ve Already Killed Navil and Ranes Ienith? Good Work,% PCName. Their Deaths, Along With the Inproved Defense South Guild Halls, Will Keep The Camonna Tong Off Our Backs, But The Fighters Guild is Still A Problem. Oh, And i Found A Ring You Might Like. "
    • "SO Navil and Ranes Ienith Are Dead? Good Work,% PCName. Their Deaths, Along Will Keep The Camonna Tong Off Our BACKS, But The Fighters Guild is Still A Problem. Oh, and i Found A Ring You Might Like. "
    • "You Killed Navil and Ranes Ienith."
  • Ilmeni dren.:
    • "Ilmeni Dren Lives Here in Vivec In The St. Delyn Canalworks South-One. Be Courteous with Her,% PCName. The Last Thing We Need Right Now Is Trouble With The Duke."
    • "I Have Heard of Her Death. IT IS A SAD THING."
    • "Maybe She Can Use The Money from the Ring You Brought Her to Help End Slavery."
  • Indrele Rathryon.: "She IS A Poor Widow Who Lives In Seyda Neen. Her Husband, a Legionnaire, Was Killed by Camonna Tong Thugs. She is a dunmer, But She Grew Up in Cyrodiil and Belongs to the Imperial Cult, So the Tribunal Temple Will Not Give HER CHARITY. "
  • jobs.:
    • "A Fellow Thief and Member of the Guild Has Gone Missing. Would You Track Down Nads Tharen for Me?"
    • "The Fighters Guild is Betraying The Empire for Camonna Tong Gold. Percius Mercius, The Old Guildmaster in Ald" Ruhn, Might Be Willing to Help US Fight. "
    • "Based on What Percius Mercius Told You, I Think We Can Win Over Eydis Fire-Eye If We Can Find the Bitter Cup."
    • "Based on What We Know, Hrundi Might Join Our Cause and Betray His Leaders In The Fighters Guild. If That Doesn" T Work, We Could Put Pressure on Hrundi "S Woman."
    • "The Camonna Tong" S Best Enforrs Are Navil and Ranes Ienith. "
    • "You" Ve Made Progress Getting The Camonna Tong Off Our Backs, But We Can "T Rest Until Sjoring Hard-Heart Is Dead."
    • "Actually, This Is The Final Job I" LL Give You. Take Care of the Guild. You "Ve Done Great Things,% PCName. With you here, I Think it" S Safe for Me to Take a Little Vacation. Maybe Go Back to Hammerfell, See The Old Family. Until I Get Back, I "M Leaving The Guild In Your Capable Hands."
  • join Our Cause:
    • "Talk to Hrundi. If You can Convince Him to Join Our Cause, You Won" T Have to Track Down Hrundi "S Woman."
    • "I Understand Hrundi Has Been Killed. Unfortunately, We Won" T Be Able to Use Him in Our Plans. There Are Still Other Jobs for You to Take Care Of. "
    • "There" S NO Point in Speaking About this Anymore. "
    • "Did You Talk HIM INTO JOINING? Good. We" Re Making Progress,% PCName. "
    • "Hrundi Agreed to Join Our Cause."
  • Library of Vivec.: "You" LL Be Able to Access The Library Through The Hall of Wisdom, Which Is Accessible from the St. OLMS "Canton."
    • "He Used to Hang Out at The Elven Nations CornerClub Here In Vivec" S Hlaalu Compound. HE WAS SUPPOSED DELIVER [SIC] a KEY TO ME. Find Out What Happened to Him. If He "S Dead, As I Fear, in His Key and Bring It To Me."
    • "So you Found Nads Tharen and Got The Key." Or. "SO You Avenged Nads Tharen and Got The Key."
      • Give Him The Key "Yes, this is the right key. This Buys US Some Tong. Keep An Eye on Arvama Rathri. I Believe She May Be Working for The Camonna Tong Herself. And Here" S A Little Something for You. " Or. "Yes, this is the right key. This Buys US Some Time In Our War With the Camonna Tong. I" M Glad You Killed Arvana Rathri. She Was Probably Working For The Camonna Tong. Here "S A Little Something for You."
    • "I Wish Nads Tharen Hadn" T Died Getting Us This Key. Everyone Hopes Never to See A Fellow Thief Dead, But It Happens. "
      • Keep The Key. "I" M Not Sure You Understand Who "S in Charge Here."
  • Sjoring Hard-Heart:
    • "WE" LL Get Back to Him Another Time. For now, Concentrate on Your Tasks at Hand. "
    • "You're Already Killed Sjoring, Too,% PCName? Well, Then. I Guess That" S Settled. Sjoring Hard-Heart Won "T Trouble Our Guild Again. Since You" Ve Saved The Thieves Guild Here In Vvardenfell, I Think You Deserve This. IT "S The Skeleton Key - The Most Perfect Tool Ever Created for Lockpicking. I Found WHEN [SIC]
    • "You're Already Killed Sjoring, Too,% PCName? What? You" Re the New Master of the Fighters Guild, Too? Oh, What Luck! SINCE You "Ve Saved The Threeves Guild Here in Vvardenfell, I Think You Deserve This. It" S The Skeleton Key - The Most Perfect Tool Ever Created for Lockpicking. I Found When. [SIC] I Lived in Hammerfell. Use it Wisely. Now, I Have New Jobs for You To Do. "
    • "HE" S The Head of the Fighters Guild Here in vvardenfell. We "Ve Tried Bribes, Blackmail, and Even Diplomacy. Sjoring Has Some Personal Stake in this. I don" T Know What, But Even Without The Camonna Tong "S Backing, He" S ALREADY PLANNING AN Attack On All Our Guild Halls. Go to the Fighters Guild Here in Vivec. Kill Sjoring Hard-Heart and Report Back to Me. "
    • "SO Sjing Hard-Heart. Whatever His Personal Vendetta, He Won" T Trouble Our Guild Again. The Remaining Leaders of the Fighters Guild Are More Sympathetic to US. SINCE You "Ve Saved The Threeves Guild Here in Vvardenfell, I Think You Deserve This. It" S The Skeleton Key - The Most Perfect Tool Ever Created for Lockpicking. I Found It When I Lived in Hammerfell. Use it Wisely. Now, I Have New Jobs for You To Do. "
    • "Sjoring Hard-Heart Is Dead. His Vendetta Is Over."
  • Urshilaku Camp.: "The Ashlander Urshilaku Tribe Has a Permane Settlement at Urshilaku Camp on The North of Maar Gan Village, North Of Maar Gan Village. Here, Let Me Mark It on Your Map."
  • Vedam DREN.: "He" s not bad. He Keeps The Bad Crime in Line, But No Doesn "T Give us Nearly As Much Trouble As He Could. I Think He knows We" Re All That "S Keeping The Camonna Tong in Check."
  • Venim Manor.: "Look In Ald" Ruhn, In The Manor District. Locals Can Tell You More. "

Notes. [EDIT]

  • If You Kill Jim, You "LL Find The Skeleton Key On His Corpse. However, He Is Scripted Not to Have It On Him When Alive, So You Won" T BE ABLE TO PICKPOCKET IT FROM HIM.
  • Gentleman Jim Stacey Also APPEARS AS A Card In The

Guild of thieves - community of professionals in the area of \u200b\u200btheft and theft. The guild appreciates attractiveness and dexterity in their members. The possession of short blades and onions is also welcomed, use light armor, as well as the natural skills of the thief - hacking castles, skill to rush and run quickly.

Sweet Khabashi (Balmora, Tavern "Southern Wall")

Large Helend (sadness Mora, a tavern "Urong Muriel")

Angot Jeweler (Ald'run, Rat's Tavern in Khatelka)

Gentleman Jim Stacy (Vivec, Bookstore Fryaline Same)

These tasks are available to a member of the thief guild, the rank is not lower than busy

Passage of the first quests of the guild of thieves from Biana

Each guild has its pros and cons. But the guild of thieves has its advantages. For example, take all someone's thief. In any case, I entered the guild of the starting hero of the thief, an archer, Battle Magic ... Perhaps there are some character classes that can not on the first day, immediately after the visit to the father-benefactor Kai Kassadez, go and say " Uhu-yep. I want to you! ", But they didn't come across.

As in other guilds, in the guild of thieves there are masters - heads of branches in the field and one of them, part-time, taxes the entire guild of Merrowind's thieves. He can tell a lot in addition to the usual tasks "on the rise." But about this later. So far we are in the ballmore and we are the first level.

I. Balmora

In Balmore, the guild is masked under honest citizens. If you ask for local, hardly anyone tell you about this organization. But some advise to ask the southern wall in the restaurant. There and go. We arrived at the "Blook" and descending to discovered the restaurant "The Council of the Council" inhabited by some very unfriendly snobs. This is not suitable for us - we are on the other side of the river. Go through the bridge, inspect banners near the doors and here we are in the right place. Dominates here ...

She is dressed in chitin, she will give us first quests, she will lead us and give rise. She will tell us the requirements for candidates for an increase.
For reception in the guild needed:

Dexterity and attractiveness of 30 and the meaning of any of the important skills (koim are: accuracy, short blades, light armor, acrobatics, rolling, security) 5 points.

We agree and we are in the guild. We carry the proud title of "frog". Do not worry, very soon we will get other, no less funny ranks. Let's start moving in this direction?

The first task of Khabashi: "diamond for habaci"

In fact, not for the habash itself, but for one of her friend. And moreover, the habashi will begin to be nervous if your mission will break. But we will be a brilliant, right? Khabashi directly says where you can take it - Nalkiriya from the White Harbor. In general, any diamond is suitable, so if the hero is already very mighty and pockets crack from diamonds, you can just carelessly get pebbles and immediately. If not ... Go to the river and go to the area where Elita Balmork lives - on the hillock not far from the temple. Nearby is a good dressmaker, so if you are just a thief, you can like for free, and if a noble thief, then accumulating the previous three or four hundred coins.

So, the house of Nalkiriy. Login can be from the parade, but it is a thieves "Move-tone." It is better to climb the external staircase to the door to the second floor and open the door to the launder. The door is pleasing - the castle of the whole level is the level of the 10th. Entering inside, we discover that this is a bedroom. There is a shelf, near the bed, above the shelf bed, on the trunk shelf. The castle of the 20th level is a good thief open with eyes closed with a large firmy. Inside three diamonds - one habashi, two of themselves. As lifting.
If you include a habashi diamond, you can get an exclusted award. Invisibility potion and raising to wet (requirements - dexterity and attractiveness of 30, one of the important skills - 10)

The second task from Khabashi: "Keys of the estate nerano"

It is not known why the thief keys. But this is not no less thing. The keys are in two comrades - odresa himself nerano and his servant, Sovopa Trendela, who is fooling around at the Council Club. There are at least three ways to solve this task:

1. Go and nail odresa nerano. His house is located in the cultural center of Balmork. True, habasi will not give anything as a reward - why on the reputation of the guild of thieves an overhead man?

2. Go and navigate the Soviet Trendel. In the Club of the Council - directly opposite the flea cabin. The same result as in the first case, with a small difference - there is a customer on the head of this type and his acquaintances.

3. Go and clean / bribe the Soviet Trendel. This is interesting. It is never too late to nail it. Usually grabs semi-pious coins, so that Trend began to make "notes." Sweeping him even hundred, we get the key and the possibility of a bit (quite cheap) will learn from trade and eloquence. Take the key of habaci. We get five hundred gold (compensation for the cost of adjusting the Sovopter Trendel) and the increase to the foam (requirements - dexterity and attractiveness of 30, one of the important skills - 20).

It can also be killed during the fulfillment of the quest "Blood Bath" from General Larrius Warro in the Fort of the Lunar Butterfly, and pick up the key.

Third Task from Khabashi: "Delmer Artifacts"

One bad Hajit - Ra'i Hid turned to the thieves brothers (they say it is called "closed") Dvormary artifacts - a cup, a cup and a useless tube. It is necessary to go to Hlah-Oud, at the point of Tolstoy and take a penny from his "Values". This is a serious task. First, it is necessary to go quite far / screening ╧ 02 / and, perhaps, meet with all sorts of bad little animals. One happiness - they will meet at the very end of the journey, and there you can escape to protect rustic guards. Although, if you do not disguise on the side and allow yourself small pranks in the form of learning from teachers, then the journey to Hla-OUD and will not seem so terrible.

So, we are in Hla-Oud. That's the point of Tolstoy Leg (Hibarka standing away from the coast). Inside the RA'Iid himself and his friend - tusting. If they clutch with them, then it is the traast of the greatest trouble. But killing customers gangsters da killers. Thieves - robbed. So. To the left of the door - a group of barrels, between them, the chest closed on the castle of the 35th level (there is such a wonderful constellation - "Tower" All the born under this sign can once a day absolutely to open any lock up to the 50th level). Touch, open the chest, which is tested by the coumenary artifacts and return to Khabashi. The award will be two masters, two ammunition of mercenaries and the hammer of the mercenary blacksmith. Enhance this time will not. It's time to get used - the further in the forest the thickness of the partisans, then you mean, it is necessary to fulfill more and more tasks that are becoming more and more difficult.

Fourth Task from Khabashi: "Withstand Brandy"

Ralen Hlaalad ordered to live long. Not himself, someone with a high fashionable hairstyle and a dormant ax helped him to make the Breen World. But the murder does not interest us, we are interested in a bottle of weathered Brandy, who really liked the deceased. And not only the deceased, since we are offered to get into the dead estate and pull out a bottle of this drink from there.

The estate is located in the cultural and administrative center of Balmork, just opposite the Hlaule Council mansion. Two doors lead to it - the main and on the balcony. You can enter any, but in balcony calmer - do not interfere with passersby. / Screen ╧ 03 / Parade is closed on the 30th castle, balcony on the 40th.

In the estate of the whole two bottles. One in the main hall on the first floor of the estate - three large racks along the wall, the brandy is worth proudly - the central rack, the center of the upper shelf. The second bottle is planted late on the third floor, in the surveyor, apparently, the bedroom, in the dresser. Take, go.

Khabashi squeeze for this operation as much as 1000 coins! Twice more than it is worth it. Plus an increase in the blackstone (requirements - dexterity and attractiveness of 30, one of the important skills - 30 and two to 5).

Fifth task from Khabashi: "Borgore new shoes"

Snaya actually this bragor. Little booster. I flew into prison for ... We read the book of accounting Pelagiad: "Theft, attempt of robbery, secret conspiracy, communication with thieves and resistance during the arrest." Silen, tramp ... a hefty orc in the neighboring chamber threatening much less. Just fierce like a pig and a little lucky in a restaurant, breaking three chairs, a table and two windows ...

You need to go and save it to Pelagiads. Khabashi well describes the task - thieves have already granted how to get to guard. One orchish from security has the authority necessary to liberate prisoners. She has a sniffer in the flock, and pretty - covers the smuggled tohlovil of the local barge of the furniture of the furniture of the furniture. Thus, it is enough to hint the guard that the guild is aware of her trial, and it is better to mprovoty her to admit it, and the case is in a hat - Borgore on freedom.

We go to Pelagiads. Long away. So what to do? Do not go there either ships nor fleas ... Find the furniture of the furniture of Enki. It is not difficult to do it - the shop is just opposite the tavern half the way. On the second floor, in the bedroom on the shelf there is a chest with a level 50 lock. / Screen ╧ 04 / in it is a branker coherer. What it is unknown, but the devils are quite weighty. We go with this find to the guard in the fort. If you enter the central doors, then at the end of the main hall we will see ore trading by all sorts of glands. This is the subject of the subject we need. We say blackmail, Orchikha agrees to let go of Bragoor, but at the same time he looks obliquely and threatens with a violence. Haha! Hands short! Before you leave, look into jail and let's talk to Borgore. For liberation, he will give his famous new shoes. Everything. The mission is completed, you can return to the habash and receive a well-deserved award - 1000 coins in the load to the pair of elegant shoes.

Sixth Task, Onro the Last, from Khabashi: "Specialist in Safety"

Need to immediately warn, the habashi itself does not know what she wants. She talks about a defense specialist, but she is mistaken. Listen to her description of the desired subject: "Altmer, lives in Balmore." Not much. I will tell you the secret, the name is His Hessiety and he lives in the extreme house by the river on the same side, where the southern wall is. / Screen ╧ 05 / We go to it and persuade to protect the southern wall. It may have to tremble. When he agrees - we return to the southern wall to the habasi for raising the brigadier (requirements - dexterity and attractiveness of 30, one of the important skills is 40 and two to 10).

Everything. More than a habashi will not help us and send it to seek happiness to other Centers of Morrowind - Aldruun, Sits Mora or Vivec. Vivek oily, Sits Mora is far away, but Aldruun is just right. There and go.
