Correctional and developmental tasks.

To teach a child to select from a series a word that differs from the rest in syllabic structure.

Learn to distinguish between animate and inanimate objects, teach to ask the appropriate questions: who is it? what is it?

Teach the child to clearly pronounce the sound [E].

Exercise the child in pronouncing words with a complex syllabic structure.

Teach a child to reflect interrogative and narrative intonation in writing using a period and a question mark.

Exercise 1... An adult pronounces a number of layers, and a child listens attentively and names a word that differs from the others in its syllabic structure:

poppy - tank - so - banana;catfish - lump - turkey -house; lemon - wagon - cat -bud; poppy - cancer - broom - tank.

Task 2. Acquaintance with the sound [E]. To guess the riddle, name the first sound in the answer:

Lives without a body

Speaks without language.

Nobody sees him

And everyone hears. (Echo)

An adult shows in front of a mirror and explains to the child the articulation of the sound [E]:

Lips in a smile;

The teeth are close together;

The wide tip of the tongue touches the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised;

The neck "works".

Sound symbol [E]: the girl reproachfully says to the kitten: "EEE ..."

Characteristic sound [E]: sound [E] is a vowel, it can be sung (tongue, lips and teeth do not interfere with the free passage of air). Designation: red circle.

Assignment 3... Phonetic exercise.

What do fishermen say when a fish is off the hook? "Uh ... x!"

Assignment 4... Didactic exercise "Clap your palms if you hear the sound [E)":

uh, uh, uh, u, oh, uh ...; eh, ah, uh, eh ...; Emma, \u200b\u200bAnna, Edik, echo, Olya.

Assignment 5... Repeat for an adult a series of syllables:

pte-kte-bde-gde; kte-bde-gde-pte.

Task 6. Find an extra word in a row (by the presence or absence of sound [E]):

bus, echo,orange, watermelon; this, echo, Edik, antennae.

Assignment 7... Recall the names of people starting with the sound [E] (Ella, Edik, Edward, Eleanor, Emma).

Task 8. From a number of drawn objects, select those with the sound [E] in the name.

Assignment 9... Speak with the child syllabically complex words in syllable structure, explaining to him the meaning of these words. Divide words into syllables. Find the longest and shortest word. If possible, make a sentence with each word:

equilibrist, squadron, electric welder, electric locomotive, electric iron, guide, electrician, crew, electrical appliance, eucalyptus, elevator.

Assignment 10... Explain to the child that all animate objects answer the question: who is it?,and inanimate objects - to the question: what is it?Learn to ask questions to animate and inanimate objects.

Continue row:

Who is it? It's a girl, a cat, a dog ...

What is it? This is a car, a table, a jacket ...

Didactic game "The fourth extra" (on the basis of animate or inanimate objects):

car, plane, table, granddad;crow, nightingale, chair,cow.

Task 11. Acquaintance with the letter E.

The letter E opened its mouth:

Either he yawns, or he sings.

O. Hoffman

What else does the letter E look like?

The letter E of the fingers: the thumb and forefinger of the right hand form a semicircle, and the index finger of the left hand forms the "tongue" of the letter E.

Games with a letter.

Task 12. Independent sound-syllabic analysis of the word Edik:drawing up a diagram of circles; laying out the letters of the split alphabet, reading, cheating.

Reading sentences with observance of interrogative and narrative intonation. Writing dictation sentences with the help of an adult with the reflection of interrogative and narrative intonation in writing (the use of a period and a question mark).

Who is this? It's a cat. Who is this? This is Edik. Who is this? It's a fly.

The purpose of the lesson: we study the letter E, the formation of reading skills, the development of speech skills, the improvement of phonemic hearing, the basics of elementary graphic skills.

  • to acquaint the preschooler with the letter E, the correct pronunciation of the sound;
  • teach to write the block letter E in the cells;
  • to form an interest in learning poems and riddles.

Name what is drawn in the pictures below:

Electricity Escalator Excavator Eclair

When we make the sound [E], air comes out freely from the mouth. Say: EEE. Neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue prevent the air from flowing freely from the mouth when we utter the sound [E].

  1. Tell me what is an echo?
  2. Listen to the sentence: EMMA AND ELLA HERE ECHO.
  3. ECHO - what is the first sound in this word?
  4. What is the first sound in the word ELLA? - EMMA?
  5. What sound is there both in the word EXCAVATOR and in the word ESCALATOR?
  6. At the beginning, at the end or in the middle of the word is the sound [E] in the word ESCALATOR? - EXCAVATOR? Mayor?
  7. Vowel or consonant sound [E]?

Consider the letter E. Write it in the air, and now in a notebook neatly by the cells with a simple pencil or ballpoint pen.

In cases where a child is asked to write a whole line of a letter, syllable or word, the adult gives a spelling pattern at the beginning of the line.
If a preschooler has difficulties, then an adult can draw two reference lines, or put anchor points that the child will connect with lines, or write the letters entirely, and the child will simply circle them in a different color. Calligraphy should not be required at this stage of training.

Continue the phrase

Long distances
He rushes without delay;
It is written at the end two Cs,
It's called ... (express).

To distant villages, cities
Who is on the wire?
Bright majesty.
This is ... (electricity).

On a splinter, in a piece of paper,
In a chocolate shirt
Asks for hands itself.
What is this? ... (Eskimo.)

Ugukalo, agakalo,
Aukalo and cried
And burst into laughter
And it was called ... (echo).

The tale of the letter E

Yesterday Edik ran into me from the fifth floor.
- Throw your labels! - shouts.
- A real escalator works in our yard!
I say:
- Excavator, probably, escalators are only in the subway. We ran out into the yard, and there really was an excavator. The motor is running, but the excavator has gone somewhere. We slowly climbed into the cabin. And Edik took it and accidentally touched a handle. The excavator suddenly jerks as it goes! And in front is an electric pole.

Excavator on this pillar - rr-time !! A pillar to the side - two !!! And all the wires were cut off. In our entire house, electricity immediately went out and irons, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, televisions and everything that was powered by electricity stopped working.

Then the excavator came running, shouted and kicked us out of the cab. And in the evening dad came and ... Well, I'm not at all interested in remembering this.

Riddles for children with the letter E

I spent the sun
For your window
I hung it from the ceiling
It became fun at home.
(Light bulb)

The car itself opened the doors for us,
A staircase leads to the city.
We don't believe our eyes:
Everything is worth it, it goes.

Lives without a body, speaks without a tongue.
No one sees him, but everyone hears.

A mole climbed into our yard,
Digs the ground at the gate.
A ton will enter the mouth of the earth,
If the mole opens its mouth.

Little hand,
What are you looking for in the earth?
- I'm not looking for anything.
I dig and drag the earth.

There is a wonderful shovel in the world
- On wheels, crooked and hunchbacked.
But she starts to dig -
One hundred shovels replace one.

Poems about the letter E for children

The excavator is a brother to the crane.
Stirring up such lumps,
That, perhaps, a hundred shovels
They could not be mastered.
(Ya. Akim)

This button and lace -
Electric bell.
(S. Marshak)

I'm talking about an ostrich
About EMU,
I would write you a Poem,
But I just don't understand:
Emu he
Or emu ?!
(B. Zakhoder)

- Mum! - heard from the hill.
The echo will also shout: "Ma-a-a!"
It was the baby who called mom.
Echo, who are you shouting to?
(G. Vieru)

We are looking for an echo with the whole squad:
- Echo, where are you?
- Beside!
Echo! Echo!
Here's the fun!
So, by the forest path
The echo walks with you
Invisible day-day.
(F. Bobylev)

It is unclear whether he is a beast or a bird.
There are feathers, but afraid to fly.
Maybe you can solve the problem:
Beast or bird ostrich emu.
(E. Grigorieva, I. Gamazkova)

Lesson summary:

  1. Pronunciation of new words increases the preschooler's vocabulary, develops speech and memory.
  2. Exercises on the cells develop fine motor skills of the hands.
  3. Riddles develop in children intelligence, the ability to analyze and prove. Educators use riddles in teaching children to increase interest in challenging tasks.
  4. Poems affect not only the development of memory. It has been proven that if you learn several lines every day, new neural connections appear in the brain, and the general ability to learn increases.

Ekaterina Shabalina
Theme "Sound and letter e"

purpose: Correct pronunciation sound e, acquaintance with letter E... Layout, transformation, reading of syllables, words and sentences from cut alphabet letters... Printing of proposals. Drawing up proposal schemes. Reading words from cards with the definition of the syllable composition of the word and the emphasis of the stressed syllable. Assimilation of non-declining nouns Exercise in word formation of relative adjectives. Development of fine and gross motor skills, development of observation, enrichment of vocabulary and knowledge of the environment.

Equipment: subject pictures with sound E, plastic (ebony) sticks, pieces of woolen rags, pieces of paper for experimentation; letter cash registers, letters e, uh, schemes for sound analysis, reading cards, notebooks, pencils.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment. Experiment "Electricity".

Guys who want to participate in the experiment, come to the table.

Take a piece of paper and tear it into small pieces. Now take a rag and rub the sticks hard with it. Now, attention, experiment! Touch the pieces of paper with your chopsticks. What happened?

That's right, if you rub a piece of ebonite, plastic, amber, which in Greek is called an electron, then a force appears in it, attracting small pieces of paper and strings. This force was called electricity. Electricity can heat and feed us, freeze food in the refrigerator, transfer our voice anywhere on the phone, show a movie on TV, mop the floors in our apartment, and much more can be done by our faithful and strong friend. But, you always need to remember that electricity of great power is dangerous. And all experiments, for example, such as today, need to be carried out only with adults.

11. Message of the topic of the lesson

Now guys, sit back and tell me what the sound was heard in words: experiment, electricity, electron, ebonite? (Sound e.) Today we will learn to pronounce words clearly with sound e, let's get acquainted with letter e.

1. Feature sound e by articulatory and acoustic characteristics

2. Getting to know letter E: showing, viewing, contour.

Uppercase and lowercase are displayed letter E.

With open mouth

And a tremendous tongue.

Finding letters e in the alphabet.

3. Development of phonemic perception and auditory memory. (Clap your hands if you hear sound e) ... Screen, floor, cocoa, tree, skirt, willow, woodpecker, popsicle, eureka, water, brush, this, book, elevator, excursion, electricity, sofa, era, echo.

4. Compilation of letters split alphabet syllables, words, reading them: es, et, El, ek, eh, pe, se, ke, me, ne, he, te, this, this, this, these, echo, Emma, \u200b\u200bemu, poet, poets, poem, popsicle, eskimo.

5. Assimilation of non-declining nouns. We have laid out interesting words popsicle, echo. These words are interesting because they do not change.

Verbal experiment!

Speech therapist: We bought a lot. (popsicle)... What will we treat a friend to? Eskimo.

They ate one. (popsicle)... Have eaten a lot of ... popsicle. There are many immutable words: coffee, coat, Buratino. And we will go for a walk with an echo.

6. Pantomime "Walk in the forest".

Children depict walking on tall grass, windbreak and bumps.

We went far into the forest and got lost.

We got lost in the forest (sad) Shouted all: "Hey!" (loud)

Nobody responds (sadly)

It echoes every time

Here's the fun.

Mimics us.

Our echo returns to us quiet: “Ay! Ay! " E. Blaginina

We found a path, we return home. And there recently a whole story happened with the boy Edik. Listen here.

6. Reading the story of G. Yudin "Excavators".

(Memorize as many words with sound [uh].)


Yesterday Edik ran into me from the fifth floor.

Drop your labels! - shouts. - A real escalator works in our yard!

I say:

Excavator, probably, escalators are only in the subway.

We ran out into the yard, and there really was an excavator. The motor is running, but the excavator has gone somewhere. We slowly climbed into the cabin. And Edik took it and accidentally touched a handle. The excavator suddenly jerks as it goes! And in front is an electric pole. Excavator on this pillar - rr-time! Pillar to the side - two! And all the wires were cut off. In our entire house, electricity immediately went out and electric irons, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, televisions and everything that was powered by electricity stopped working.

Then the excavator came running, shouted and kicked us out of the cab. And in the evening dad came and. Well, I’m not at all interested in remembering that.

a) Free statements of children on the content of the story.

b) Name the words that you remember, with sound [uh].

c) The reasoning of children about the observance of safety rules.

9. Physical minutes "Well" T. Borovik Work on the power of voice, expressiveness of speech. Development of coordinated movements of hands and fingers.

Here is a big well with clean fresh water

Birds flew to him: "Give us a well to drink!"

“Drink, dear sisters! I have a lot of water! "

These birds drink water, these grains peck,

These birds drink water, these grains peck.

So the game is over, it's time for the birds to fly away.

10. Printing letters e, syllables, words, sentences.

11. Drawing up schemes of these proposals.

12. reading words from cards with the definition of the syllable composition and highlighting the stressed syllable.

11. Word formation of relative adjectives, their coordination with nouns - the negotiation of sentences.

I propose to continue our experiments, only now verbal. Let's take a look at the subjects of our experiment.

This rag is made of wool - So this (woolen) rags.

We will rub (woolen) with a rag sticks.

This stick is made of plastic - So this (plastic) wand.

We take in hand (plastic) sticks.

We'll touch the pieces of paper (plastic) chopsticks.

These pieces of paper - So this (paper) pieces.

We ran an experiment with (paper) in pieces (plastic) chopsticks and (woolen) with rags.

I invite you to continue these experiments with your parents.

111. Lesson summary. What new have you learned? Pronunciation characteristic sound e... Remembering words from sound E.

On this rock you will learn about the letter and sound E, learn how to write capital and lowercase letters E, e, learn many new interesting words, and also learn what stress is.

This word has a vowel sound we already know [y]... You can already tell about it that this sound is a vowel. It is easily pronounced, sung and spoken without noise. Why did it happen that the sound [y]wanted to confuse us? It turns out that the vowel sounds of our language differ not only in name and pronunciation, but also in the strength of pronunciation. Such sounds that are pronounced more strongly (the voice seems to strike them) are called percussion ... Let's hit the sound with our voice [uh] in a word emu and listen to him. Say the word emu striking the sound with a voice [uh].

Sound [uh] - vowel, easy to pronounce. During the pronunciation of the sound, the mouth parted, the lips stretched. This sound can be sung or shouted. No noise is heard. Here is the evidence that it is - vowel sound.

How many of you today will say that the lesson is about the letter of his name?

  • Edick
  • Elionira
  • Emma
  • Ella
  • Edita

Continue the row of names yourself.

What kind of fabulous heroes whose names begin with a letter E and the sound [uh], can you name?

Elly, which goes to the Emerald City (Fig. 2).

Figure: 2. Ellie's girl ()

And in this city there are magic ehlions.

There are very few heroes, because the letter E our language also has few words.

Now let's learn to recognize the sound [uh]in words. To do this, let's imagine that we are going to eha tour, and ehthe course guide will be sound [uh]... Of those who listen eha course guide, they call ehcadets. Together with you on eha tour of ehlittle animals will go to the electrician. If we hear a sound [uh]in the name of the animal, we allow landing in ehan electrician. No sound [uh]- we do not plant. Speak aloud the names of animals and detect the presence of sound [uh].

Medv edb. A sound is heard [uh] in the middle of a word (fig. 3).

Fox (fig. 4). No sound [uh].

Giraffe (fig. 5). No sound [uh].

L ec (Fig. 6). A sound is heard [uh] in the middle of a word.

Figure: 6. Lion and lion cubs ()

Z esconces (fig. 7). A sound is heard [uh] in the middle of a word.

Camel (fig. 8). No sound [uh].

Ol eny (Fig. 9). A sound is heard [uh] in the middle of a word.

Chimpanzee e(fig. 10). Sound [uh]heard at the end of a word.

Figure: 10. Chimpanzee ()

Emu. Sound [uh] at the beginning of a word.

Sound [uh] in words it is more often found in the middle of a word, but at the beginning and end - much less often.

Let's go on an excursion to the land of words. There we recognize words that begin with the letter E.

Eheather - the highest mountain in the world (Fig. 11). Two sounds are heard [uh]in its name. This mountain has a second name - Chomolungmawhich means "Goddess, mother of the earth" .

He is almost a hundred meters tall:

It's not easy to climb on it!

He was from Australia

It was once brought to us.

He has one job -

Draining the swamp.

This is the tallest tree - eucalyptus(fig. 12). Sound [uh]only at the beginning of a word.

Figure: 12. Eucalyptus tree ()

Eyiffel tower - the most recognizable symbol of Paris, one of the tallest buildings in the world. Sound [uh] at the beginning of a word (fig. 13).

Figure: 13. Eiffel Tower ()

This is a big ladder

But the steps go by themselves.

And they roll everyone fast

Up and down, down and up.

What is this ladder guys?

It's just an escalator.

Word escalator sounds like a word excavator... They even begin the same - on Ebut don't confuse these words. is a machine that digs the ground (fig. 14).

E xcavator - brother to the crane.

Stirring up such lumps,

That, perhaps, a hundred shovels

They could not be mastered.

Figure: 14. Excavator ()

Equator - a line on the globe that shows the middle of our planet and divides it into two parts - the northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere.

Repeat the words you are familiar with. Say them out loud and count all the sounds [uh]:






Eyiffel tower

It turned out seven sounds [uh].

All of these words were long and difficult to pronounce. The thing is that they came to our language from other languages. But the ancient Russian words on E - short. And there are very few of them:

  • Ethat one
  • E-ge-ge
  • E-hehe

To write all these words, you need a letter E.

The printed uppercase and lowercase letters are similar and differ only in size (Figure 15).

We will break ABOUTlike a donut -

The letter will be on the right.

Add the nose on the face -

So the letter will come out E.

Figure: 15. Letter E ()

And now we will fantasize and imagine what the letter looks like E.

Letter E - big mouth,

You can completely disappear in it.

Letter E - no matter how you look -

You will see pincers and claws.

A letter flies over the meadows in blue E.

This is a swallow coming home in the spring.

Letter E easy to turn into swallow, moon, Indian bow, human ear.

Do you want to know what the letter dreams of E? Read the story.

The letter E is unhappy

- Uh-uh, - the letter E stretched out grumbly, - they put me almost at the very end of the alphabet. - Eck, I was carried there! Eh, I would go to the beginning, to the first place! Hey letters. Let me go ahead!

But the letters said:

- Stay where you are. And do not talk in vain with your long tongue. Does it really matter where you stand? It's important to be helpful.

A.A. Shibaev

It is clear from this tale that the letter E is at the end of our alphabet.

To the letter E better to remember, try to make it from some material (plasticine, rope) or fold it from beads. Draw a funny drawing. Make an exhibition of your work.

Read the letters:

1. aue, eua, owe, aoeu

2. aue, ehua, ouae, aoeu

A dash appeared above the letters in the second row - this is accent mark... He says: "Highlight the sound with your voice, when you read the letter, more strongly"... Read the letters again, emphasizing them with your voice.

Consider written letters E,eh... They differ from printed ones in that they are written with a slant (Fig. 16).

Figure: 16. Printed and written letters Uh ()

Let's try to write a capital letter E... This letter has two elements - the right semi-oval and a small horizontal stick, which is called the tongue of the letter E(fig. 17).

Figure: 17. Writing a capital letter E ()

Start writing a capital letter E... From left to right, draw an oval line by touching the additional line; lead the letter down, round to the left, touching the bottom ruler; we tear off the hand and write a horizontal line in the middle of the letter, connect it with a semi-oval.

Try writing this letter in the air. Write it on the back of the pen on the palm of your hand.

Consider capitalization mistakes E: the semi-oval turned out to be very wide (round), the slope went to the other side.

Practice writing the letter yourself in the notebook. Remember the correct position of the notebook. Hold the handle correctly.

Now let's look at how to write a small letter eh... The elements of the lowercase letter are the same as those of the uppercase (Fig. 18).

Figure: 18. Writing a small letter eh ()

We begin to write below the top line of the working line. From left to right we move up to the working line, round off by touching the upper line of the working line, lead down to the bottom line; round to the left by touching the bottom line of the operating line. Tear off the arm and draw a short horizontal line from left to right in the middle of the semi-oval.

Direction of arrows.

Circle the letter in the air. Write a letter with the back of the pen on the palm of your hand. Try writing it in a notebook.

Possible errors in writing a lowercase letter eh: very wide rounded semi-oval; the letter hangs in the air without touching the lines of the operating line; wrong slope.

Both capital and small letters are connected Uh with other letters using an additional straight line that leads up to the top line of the operating line at the top connection, or slightly above the line of the upper operating line at the bottom connection. The connecting lines are assigned separately.

After this lesson, practice writing uppercase and lowercase letters Uh in notebooks. Just write so that they don't say about you: "Writes like a chicken paw"... This is how our ancestors spoke about those who write sloppily and very dirty.

Today in the lesson you got acquainted with sound [uh] and the letter E... Did you find out that the letter E - an infrequent guest in Russian words. The fact is that this letter is very young. It was introduced into our alphabet at PetreI... Here comes the sound [uh] have great respect for the other letters of our alphabet, because it helps to call their names. Say the names of the letters and listen to how they sound:

B - pronounced like [bae] IN - pronounced like [veh] D - pronounced like [ge] D - pronounced like [de] L - pronounced like [el] M - pronounced like [uh] H - pronounced like [en]

And also the sound [uh] and the letter E very curious. Do you know why? Because that's how the title of the book begins "Encyclopedia".

Encyclopedia is a reference book that will tell you about everything in the world and answer all your questions.

Another very interesting word begins with the letter E - "Eureka", which translated from Greek means "Found, discovered"... Say this word more often.

List of references

  1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M .: Astrel, 2011.
  2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. - M .: Ballas.
  3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook on teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academbook / Textbook.
  1. ().
  2. ().
  3. ().


  • Practice writing a letter E... Write your own block and uppercase letters Uh (large and small).
  • Find words that have a sound [uh]... Count how many sounds [uh] in every word.

Popsicle, mirror, eclair, duo, cream, energy, pedestrian.

  • Guess the riddle:

This letter digs holes

Echoes the shout stubbornly

And then on a stick

Chocolate melts with ice.

(Answer: Letter E - excavator, echo, popsicle)

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  • To acquaint children with the sound and the letter E.
  • To teach the correlation of sound with a letter and a symbol, to introduce the norm of sound articulation to E.
  • Development of phonemic perception, sound analysis and synthesis.
  • Enrich the vocabulary of words with the sound E.
  • Form the skills of sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, reading syllables.
  • Raising love and respect for loved ones.

Equipment: Mirror for each child, pictures: ESCIMO, SCREEN, KARATE, POET, card (glued into each student's notebook) (Appendix 2), insert cards for sound-letter analysis for each child with colored circles, “Magic bag” with plastic letters.

Course of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

Speech therapist:Hello guys. Where are you now, what class? (To a speech therapist). Why go to a speech therapist? (To pronounce sounds correctly, to speak correctly.)Where do you come to school? (From home). Who lives in your house? (Mom, Dad, etc.) Who is waiting for you from school at home? (A family.) Tell me about your families.

2. Acquaintance with the topic of the lesson through sound analysis... (Presentation 1)

1. Introduction to the topic. (Slide 1).

- Today in the lesson we will learn to speak correctly, clearly and beautifully. Today we are going to visit an interesting family. And why is it interesting, you yourself tell me. (Slide 2).
- Look and tell me what is your mother's name? (Emma.)Dad? (Eric.) Brother? (Edik.) Sister? (Elya.)
- Who noticed something interesting? (There is a dog-Elf)... Let's read the last name of this interesting family in chorus. (The Epikov family). What sound do we hear at the beginning of each name? ([E])
- That's right, today we are learning to pronounce the sound E correctly and designate it in writing with the letter E. And the Epikov family will help us with this.

3. Articulation of the sound e.

1. Acquaintance with the norm of articulation. (Mirrors.)

Correct articulation of the sound [e] - consider the profile. (Slide 3).

Speech therapist:Let's take a look at our profile and you tell me what you see.

- What happens to the lips? (Lips are stretched in a smile.)

- Where is the language? (The tongue is slightly in front, it is raised.)

Speech therapist:The tongue is slightly advanced and raised. The tip of the tongue is at the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is raised. The exhaled air does not meet any obstacles in the mouth. The stream of air passes freely through the nasal or oral cavity. The vocal cords are tense and displaced, they work, the throat trembles (there is a voice). We try to pronounce the sound e with the children.

- Is there an obstruction when pronouncing the sound? Does the neck tremble? (Yes.)

- So what sound is E? (He sings, stretches). Trying to sing, hold out.

If sounds are sung and pulled we call them ..? (Vowels.)

1st child reads a poem:

Air flows freely through the mouth
There are no different barriers
The voice participates, the voice calls
The sound is called VOICE.

- How will we designate the sound E, what color? (In red because it is a vowel.)

(Slide 4).

2. Logorhythmics. Show the sound to E.

Speech therapist:Let's get up, show the sound of e.

(Slide 5).

(I.P. - Hands in front, raised at the level of the diaphragm. Fingers are rounded, elbows are not straightened to the end. Movement - when pronouncing (E), the arms are spread apart, slightly rise up, the fingertips fall on the shoulders, the elbows drop down a little. The chin first rises, and at the end it drops. (E) is pronounced with increasing at the beginning, and then in the decay range.
Dynamics - at the beginning a slight muscle tension, then into tension, then - complete relaxation.)

The speech therapist shows the movements and asks to repeat the children, doing the exercises with the children 5-6 times.

4. Acquaintance with the letter e.

Speech therapist:We hear and pronounce sounds, and in writing we designate them with letters that we see and write. Let's look at the letter e.

1. Consideration of the stylized letter E. (Slide 6).

Speech therapist:

- The letter E with a huge mouth
And a huge tongue.
Ege - gay! - the screamer shouts.
Tongue sticking out of my mouth!

- Look and tell us what elements the letter E consists of?

(The right half-oval and the stick in the middle.) (Slide 7).

A semicircle looks to the right,
In the middle is the tongue, my friend.

- Choose the elements that are necessary for the letter E. (Slide 8).

1-2 children come to the blackboard, explain what elements are needed and why.

Speech therapist:We pronounced the sound e, let's now show the letter e with our fingers. (Slide 9).

- Let's build the letter e from the fingers.

Direct your right hand to the left.
Skillfully direct 3 fingers directly:
Index with large
Combine in a semicircle.
Let's look at the construction -
The letter E is our creation.

2. Game "Find the letter E".

- Let's see which of us is the most attentive and will find the letter e in different alphabets. In turn, the students go to the blackboard and show the letter.

(4 different images of the alphabet.) (Slide 10, 11, 12, 13).

3. We register the letter E. (Slide 14).

(Speech therapist explains how to spell the letter E.)

Pupils in their notebooks prescribe the uppercase and lowercase letter e.

4. Game "Magic bag" (with letters).

Speech therapist:Guys, I have an interesting game for you - "Magic Bag".

This bag contains the letters that we studied, put your hand in the bag, do not look, grope for the letter and say:

-This is a letter ...

Approach each child with a bag.

5. Phonetic charging.(Slide 15).

Speech therapist:In our friendly family, everyone loves to have fun and sing. -Since the e- vowel is sung and lasts a long time, let's try to sing it with our family members.

- Each family member sings his own song, help mom, dad and children sing in turn, but be careful not to get confused - find and sing your sound, depending on who owns these items. (For example, the 1st student comes out, he sings with his mother Emma - E - M)
- What did you sing? (Syllables.) (Slide 16).

Then each child names the forward and backward syllables. Once again we read the syllables in unison.

  • EM ME
  • EN NE
  • EC CE
  • ES SE

6. Physical education.

- In our Epikov family, all children love not only to sing, but also to play sports. Boy Edik invites us to portray something, and what it is, you tell me later.

- Edik loves physical education,
He will show us the figure.
Left foot forward
And then her back
And then forward again
And we'll stand a little.
Right leg, look
Take me aside
Put on your heel, toe up
And pull her boyfriend.
I will bend my right arm, hold it across.
Well, left, friends up, higher,
As I.
Our palm is like a flag
Wave my friend.
This is a button and a lace -
Electric bell.
We'll call left, right
Here is such a fun.

Speech therapist:What did Edik want to show us? (Letter E.)

7. Anchoring.

1. The place of sound in a word.

Distribute 1 picture to each student, children name the objects shown in the pictures. The student who received the picture makes a sound-letter analysis in the form of a diagram in a notebook. Orally we divide into syllables, determine the place of the sound in the word: at the beginning, in the middle, at the end, then we check each scheme individually.


2. Work in a notebook - the task “Find the letter e in words”.

Speech therapist:You have the following task: help little Edik find all the letters E, circle the e in a circle with a red pencil. Color the picture you like.

8. Finger gymnastics.

Speech therapist:We worked hard and are tired, we will help our fingers to rest.

"A family".

So the family met.
I'm glad to see you.
We invited everyone to visit.
Everyone was taught to say hello.
Nod in greeting
Maybe finger number 5.
Nameless may be lower.
Medium - not offended by force,
This one knows everything in the world.
But this one is loved by children!

(Alternately, bend the fingers on both hands towards each other, starting with the little finger and ending with the thumbs).

9. Anchoring.

1. Development of speech.

Speech therapist:A girl from our family - Elya Epikova loves riddles, she has prepared one for you too. We listen carefully and try to guess.

It is found in the mountains
Communicates with you, with me,
Doesn't argue in conversation -
What you say, then echoes. (Echo.)

We draw up a scheme of the word on cards - inserts, orally we do a sound analysis of the word. ( Appendix 1)

We are working on grammatical structure speech. Each child makes up phrases and sentences.

- What is the echo? (Loud, quiet, funny, etc.)
- Make your proposal about the echo. (Edik and I were listening to the echo. In the forest I heard a loud echo. Etc.)

2. Development of phonetic perception.

In the Epikov family, everyone leads an active and correct lifestyle, the Epikovs love to travel, today they went to the mountains. But there was such a situation.

(Slide 17).

The speech therapist reads a poem:


- What happened in the forest? Who's lost? What is edelweiss? Who isn't funny at all? Why? Who can help?
- In a family it is important to live in harmony, help in trouble, obey elders.

Name all the words in this poem that begin with the sound E. How many are these words? (Eric, Edik, Elya, edelweiss, echo - 5 words).

10. Development of spatial orientation

Game "What has changed?" (Slide 2.) (4 slides, 4th - check.)

- Tell us what has changed? (Remember the names of the Epikov family members and tell who is on the left, right, in the middle, etc.)

11. Lesson summary.(Slide 18).

- What letter did you meet? (Uh) What did you do in the lesson? (They learned to speak correctly and beautifully, pronounced the sound E.)

Who helped us? (The Epikov family.)


  1. Kozhevnikova D.V., Kozhevnikov P.V.Home speech therapist. Practical guide. - St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2009.
  2. Mazanova E.V.Correction of acoustic dysgraphia. Summaries of classes for speech therapists. Publishing house: GNOM and D., 2008.
  3. Mukhina A.Ya. Reverse motor rhythm. - M., AST: Astrel; Vladimir: VKT: 2009.
  4. Pozhilenko E.A. The magical world of sounds (textbook for speech therapists) - Humanist. Publishing house VLADOS, - M., 1999.
