It is necessary to highlight the ending -th. Everything else will be the foundation.

Now we need to find the root. This is easy to do if you find the same root words. You can take the word "tradition", which is the motivating word for this adjective. In the word "tradition" the ending is -i, to be more precise, -ja, the rest is a root, which means that the root "tradition-" must also be distinguished in the search word. The rest of the word, respectively, will be a suffix.

Sometimes, to highlight the suffix, the operations performed are not enough - it is necessary to establish the motivation, that is, the method of forming the given word. For example, the word "needle". Many will rush to highlight the suffix "points" in the word, but this will be a mistake. If you disassemble the formation of a word, you get the following:

Needle -\u003e needles (k) a -\u003e needles (och) (k) a

Thus, the word "needle" will have two suffixes - -och- and -k-.

Some suffixes can be simply remembered and highlighted, as they say, automatically. For example, in the past tense verbs in the vast majority of cases, the suffix -л- will be highlighted. In nouns, diminutive-affectionate suffixes -ochk-, -ochek-, -enk-, -ank-, -ok-, -chik- and others are easily distinguished. Suffixes of adverbs -a, -o, -e are often distinguished as endings, however, adverbs cannot have endings, since this is an unchanging part of speech.

The postfix -sy- in the indefinite forms of the verb is usually defined as a syncretic morpheme, that is, both as a suffix and as an ending, and is distinguished by two suffix signs.


  • Basic suffixes in Russian

The younger brother asks to explain to him what the suffix is, and you have doubts about the answer? It's time to remember the lessons of the Russian language. A suffix is \u200b\u200ba morpheme (significant part of a word), which comes after the root and serves to form new words. The task of highlighting a suffix in a word will seem easy if you follow the following diagram.

You will need

  • A piece of paper, a pencil, a morphemic dictionary of the Russian language for self-test


Write down the desired word on a piece of paper, for example: cosmic. From the definition, we know what comes after the root, therefore, for a start, it is necessary to select by choosing the same root words: cosm-onaut, cosm-odrome, micro-cosm, cosmic (root-cosm-). The root is the minimum part of the word, repeated in all.

Now find the suffix, remembering that it follows the root: cosmic - suffix -isc-. Note that the suffix is \u200b\u200bnot included (in this case, -th). To highlight the ending, change the word until it becomes clear which part of the word remains unchanged. Everything except her is the ending: cosmic, cosmic, cosmic, cosmic, cosmic, cosmic, etc. (ending -th).

Try to find words with the same suffix and think about what the meaning of this suffix might have in common with the given words. Note also that the language has a limited number of suffixes, so almost all of them are repeated from word to word. For example: cosmological, acoustic, artistic, symbolic, hygienic, etc. The suffix -icc- form an adjective from a noun and has the meaning of property or relatedness to what this original noun means (cosmic - connected with a skew, related to space).

Related Videos


There can be more than one suffix in one word. For example, in the word "efficiency" there are two of them (-ovit-, -ost-), \u200b\u200band in the word "productivity" there are three (-, -tel-, -ost-).
Conversely, the word may not have a single suffix: hand (root -ruk-, ending -a).

Useful advice

If you are at a loss, refer to the morphemic or word-formation dictionary.


  • Academic grammar of the Russian language
  • Dictionary of morphemic articulation of words

Suffixes are referred to as affixes, i.e. service morphemes, in their properties opposed to the central morpheme in word - the root. Inflectional suffixes express the grammatical meaning of a word, derivational suffixes are needed to form new single-root words.

You will need

  • - the analyzed word.


The allocation of a suffix is \u200b\u200bdifficult, primarily because its location after the root (or after another suffix) is often perceived unambiguously. Unmistakable designation of the suffix is \u200b\u200bpossible only if you know how to distinguish the ending and the root in the word. Therefore, defining this morpheme, use the following algorithm: 1) Select the variable part of the word - the ending. To do this, change the grammatical form: teacher-a - teacher-s. 2) "Dropping" the ending, select the root by choosing words: teacher, teach, teaching, etc. Mark the root (uch -). 3) Establish a productive, which will allow you to select a derivative means in the derived stem: teach → teacher → teacher. In the morphemic composition of the word, the suffixes -, -tel-, -nits are determined. 4) To check if the suffixes are selected correctly, a method of selecting other words related to the same part of speech as the one being parsed with the same suffix will help. For example: uch-and-th - str-and-th; uch-and-tel - stro-and-tel; uch-and-tel-nits-a - in-and-tel-nits-a.

Note that a suffix that occurs in only one word of the language is called a unix: mask-arad. In order to isolate affixes, such cases must be consulted in word-formation dictionaries.

A type of suffix is \u200b\u200bthe zero derivational suffix. It is possible to speak of this type only if the analyzed word is perceived by all speakers as from some single root word, and the difference in their meanings is such that in others it is expressed by ordinary "non-zero" suffixes. For example, in the pair "spouse → spouse" the derivative word is formed with the help of a zero suffix, since usually the meaning of indicating the female gender is expressed by suffixes determined in the base: artist → artist-to-a; teacher-prostrate: swim-them-a.

To highlight the formative (inflectional) suffix, select a few words from this grammatical category, since such suffixes characterize not a single grammatical form, but several at once.

Remember that the number of formative suffixes in Russian includes: 1) -l and zero suffix in the past tense verb forms: yes-l, pok; 2) -i and zero suffix in the imperative forms of the verb: say-and, drop; 3) participle suffixes: becoming-yasch-i, put-vsh-i, put-enn-th, etc.; 4) adverbial suffixes: der-a, skaza-v, sid-yuchi, grew up; 5) suffixes of the comparative degree of adjectives, adverbs and impersonal-predicative words: alive, older, strict; 6) suffixes in the forms of the superlative degree of adjectives: deep-aish-i, beautiful-sheish-i.


  • suffixes in a word

Tip 4: How to define root, suffix and prefix

Almost all words are based on a prefix, root and suffix. Unlike the endings, they are unchangeable parts of the lexeme and carry a semantic load.

In the same root, it is possible to alternate vowels or consonants. These roots include milk / milk, rast / grow / grow, etc. This is due to their origin and to the general process of language development. Such phonetic alternations in the root of the same-root words are not uncommon in the language. In order to correctly highlight such roots in writing, sometimes it is simply necessary to know what contributed to this. This could be the loss of nasal vowels in Russian due to the tendency to simplify, the presence of the two most powerful dialects that make up modern Russian - the St. Petersburg "okay" dialect and the Moscow "akay" dialect, etc.


The place of the suffix is \u200b\u200bright after the root. The suffix carries an additional meaning and can change the basic meaning of the word. Thanks to the suffix, you can transform one part of speech into another, add emotional expressiveness, etc. For example, if you add the suffix ik to the word “home”, an additional diminutive appears. By adding the suffix "n" to the noun "interest", you get the adjective "interesting."

Based on the foregoing, the suffix can be defined as the significant part of the word that carries an additional semantic load, which occupies a position after the root.


The prefix, like the suffix, carries an additional meaning and can change the main meaning of the lexeme. For example, if you add the prefix "to" to the imperfective verb "play", it becomes a perfect verb. Being a prefix, the prefix is \u200b\u200bpositioned up to the root.

Thus, the prefix can be defined as the significant part of the word that carries an additional semantic load, which occupies a position in front of the root.

You can highlight the basis in writing if you inflect a noun, an adjective or conjugate a verb by case. The part of the word that remains unchanged and will form the basis of the lexeme.

Objectives:introduce the suffix as a significant part of the word; to form the ability to highlight suffixes in words, to form new words with the help of suffixes.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

(Students read their texts.)

III. Knowledge update

Read the proverbs. Explain their meaning.

1) The earth is warmed, do not be late with sowing.

2) Spilled water cannot be collected.

Find words with prefixes. Write them down, highlight the prefixes.

Write down the words. Select the root in them. Table, stump, pilot.

Name the endings. (Zero endings.)

- Explain the lexical meaning of each word.

Compare words for composition. How are they similar? (Consists of a root and a part after the root.)

Who already knows the name of the part of the word that comes after the root? (Answers of children.)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

Textbook work

Control. 164 (p. 89).

- Read the poem.

What is the name of the part of the word that comes after the root? (Suffix.)

Control. 165 (p. 89).

- Read word groups.

Compare the words in each group. How are they similar and how are they different?

With which part of the word are new words formed?

Complete the written assignments for the activity. (Check. Students read words in a chain and name parts of a word.)

What is a suffix?

What are suffixes for?

Vi. Physical education

Vii. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work on the textbook

Control. 166 (p. 90).

- Read the text. What city is it talking about?

Complete tasks.

Read the root words that you wrote out and name the suffixes in them. (Tver, Tverichi (-ich-), Tver (-SK-).)

What other words in the text have a suffix -sk-1 (Russian, horse.)

- And what is the name of the inhabitants of our city (village)?

Read the language information below.

What should be done to find a suffix in a word?

Give examples.

Control. 167 (p. 90).

(Self-execution. Check.)

My root is in value.

Find the prefix me in the sketch.

You met my suffix in a notebook,

Everything is in my diary and in the magazine. (Assessment.)

Root - is related to the road,

The prefix is \u200b\u200bhidden in the assembly,

Suffix as in word a diary.

Whole, he entered space. (Satellite.)

VIII. Reflection

(Work in pairs.)

Read the words.

House, suburb, birch, fisherman, crossing, departure.

Divide them into two groups. ( 1) House, birch, fisherman; 2) transition, departure, suburb)

- On what basis have you divided the words? (In the first group, words formed with suffixes, in the second- with prefixes.)

- What is a prefix? What is it for?

IX. Lesson summary

What new have you learned in today's lesson?


Write ten words with suffixes.

Subject: Suffix Meanings

Objectives:to improve knowledge of cognate words and significant parts of the word; learn to parse words by composition, explain the meanings of suffixes.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Homework check

(Students read words in a chain, name suffixes.)

What is a suffix? What is it for?

What is a prefix? What is it for?

III. Knowledge update

1. Frontal work

Match adjectives with similar nouns and write them down. Highlight suffixes in words.

Thick, talkative, strong, brave, wild,

How to find a suffix in a word?

2. Vocabulary dictation

Lunch, dinner, capital, computer, parsley, vegetables, peas, cucumber, tomato, vegetable garden, Tuesday, tractor.

IV. Self-determination to activity

Suffixes -ik-, -ishk-, -isch-

Suffixes -ik-, -ishk-, -isch-lived behind the root, like all other suffixes, -ik-was very affectionate -ishk-spoke about everyone with a sneer, -isch-was very small, and everything seemed big to him.

So they went to work. They worked in a notebook, they needed to form words.

The notebook read "Little House."

"House" - wrote -ik-.

"Big house".

"Domische", - wrote -shch-.

"Old, decrepit house."

"Domishko" - wrote -ishk-.

But then they became thoughtful. On the next line it was said that you need to name a person who deals with a stone in one word.

At this time, the suffix -shchik-formed the word next to them concrete worker. -IC-guessed to call for help suffix -shchik-,and he wrote the word mason,highlighted your name. Suffixes -ik-, -ishk-, -isch-, -shch-we were very pleased that we finished so well and went home together.

At home, a delicious cake was waiting for them all.

Cake! - shouted -ik-.

- Tortishko, - grinned -ishk-.

Cake, - said -shch-.

- Tortikik, - they all said together and laughed, because it was wrong.

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

1. Observations on the role of suffixes in words

Read the words. Fox, fox, fox, fox.

What do these words have in common? What is the difference?

What other part of the word serves to form new words? (Suffix.)

To make speech rich, you need to skillfully use suffixes. The Russian language is surprisingly rich in word-formation suffixes: house - house - house - domina; brother - brother - brother - brother. Some sound affectionate, others - dismissive, ironic. Some words reflect a positive assessment of objects (a little girl, an old man, an old woman), others - a negative one (a girl, an old man, an old man).

Suffixes -ist-, -tel-, -ik-, -nik-, -izm-, -ar-always talk about masculine gender.

Suffixes -ost-, -life-, -from-indicate that the word belongs to the feminine gender.

Suffixes -ar-, -ist-, -shchik-indicate a profession, -isch- place suffix.

Suffixes -ik-(blueberries, blueberries, strawberries), -in-(lamb, pork, veal).

So, you have seen that the suffix, although a small part of the word, has its own face and can tell a lot.

3. Work on the textbook

Control. 168 (p. 91).

What meaning do these suffixes give to words?

3. Analysis of the semantic meanings of suffixes

You will learn the fairy tale "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka". Why does the tale say a sister, not a sister, Alyonushka, and not Alyona? (The author of the tale lovingly talks about his brother and sister, so he calls them affectionately.)

Let us find out with the help of which part of the word an affectionate attitude is transmitted in speech.

(The teacher writes down the words on the blackboard, and the students - in notebooks.) Brother, sister, Alyonushka, Ivanushka.

What suffixes were used to form these words? Highlight them.

Write down three more words with the suffix -shk-.

4. Work on the textbook

Control. 169 (p. 91).

- Read the words. Explain their lexical meaning.

Read the suffixes in the box.

Find the given suffixes in words.

What meaning do these suffixes give to words? (These are the word names of people for the breed of their occupation.)

What suffix are not words? (-tel-.)

What are the words with this suffix?

Complete the written assignments for the activity. (Verification. Students read words in a chain and name suffixes.)

Control. 170 (p. 92).

Read it.

Find related words. Name the word from which the words of each group were formed.

Complete the written assignments for the activity. (Verification. Students read words in a chain, explain their spelling and name suffixes.)

What are the suffixes that form the words for the cubs?

Vi. Physical education

Vii. Consolidation of the studied material

Textbook work

Control. 172 (p. 92).

(Self-study. Checking. Students read words in a chain, explain their spelling and name suffixes.)

What meaning do these suffixes give to words?

Control. 173 (p. 93).

- Read it. Why does the tongue twister have such a name?

Explain the lexical meaning of each word.

What suffixes are used to form these words?

Complete the written assignments for the activity. (Mutual verification.)

Control. 174 (p. 93).

- Read it. From which fable I.A. Krylov these lines? ("A Crow and a fox".)

And who remembers the moral of the fable? Tell us.

Complete the written assignments for the activity.

What are the nouns and suffixes with which they are formed?

What are the verbs and prefixes with which they are formed?

Control. 175 (p. 94).

(Self-completion. Checking. Students read words and name suffixes in a chain.)

Name words with unverifiable spelling.

Read the sentences you have made.

VIII. Reflection

1. Exercise in the formation of words using suffixes

Form new words from these words using a suffix -tel-and write them down. Select the suffix.

How are these words similar in meaning? (These are the word names of people for the breed of their occupation.)

- What part of the word did you use to form new words? (Suffix.)

2. Game "Tricky Questions"

How to turn a big house into a small one? (Add suffix -zh-.)

- Can a fish be turned into a human? (You can add the suffix -ak-.)

- What does the tractor driver need to drop to get the car? (Suffix -ist-.)

- What meanings can suffixes give to words? Give examples.

IX. Lesson summary

What do a suffix and a prefix have in common?


Control. 176 (p. 94).

Additional material

Suffix -er-

Once upon a time there was a suffix -er-.He worked in the theater and was a jack of all trades, he had several professions.

When -er-put on a black tailcoat with a white shirt front, then turned into an important conductor.

And he turned out to be an excellent actor, and a make-up artist. Need a prompter - name suffix -er-,a backup was needed - a -er-already right there.

He was also a ticket-taker, but he only let all the children into the theater. They wanted him not to let him into the ticket office anymore, but where is there: what ticket holder without a suffix ~ er-

- And what would the master be called -er-,if he was boxing, going on tour, fixing elevators, catching hares on the bus?

After the vowels and after b, b, the letters E, E, Yu, I denote two sounds, one of which (or is often indicated). It is this sound that can be a suffix or part of a suffix. This proves the correctness of the selection of the morpheme. You can check the correctness of the parsing in the word-formation dictionary. Forms verbs with a reflexive meaning.

See what the "Basic suffixes of the Russian language" are in other dictionaries:

In works of fiction, suffixes can give words the desired emotional coloring: diminutive, affectionate, exaggerated. With the help of such words, the author (hero, narrator) expresses various shades of feelings: the suffix reveals and shows the speaker's attitude to the subject under discussion, quality, attribute. Suffix - This term has other meanings, see Suffix (meanings). Borrowed words in Russian - Borrowing foreign words is one of the ways of developing a modern language. Language always responds quickly and flexibly to the needs of society.

Moreover, in the vast majority of the training options prepared by the FIPI, in the tasks there are actually verbs in the indefinite form, participles, participles, adjectives. Are there any questions regarding the spelling of noun suffixes? Exception verbs are not of interest to complete this task: after all, you need to recognize the letter not in the ending, but in the suffix. You need to do something else: learn to accurately determine from which verb participles and participles are formed. What are these suffixes and how to write them, you have to figure it out.

The suffix -ad- forms nouns with the meaning of a woman or a wife: priest. Using the same suffix, words can also be formed from adjectives: sturdy. Affixal morphs that protrude only between two simple stems in a complex stem are called interfixal (connecting).


Could you explain to me: how to determine if there is one suffix in a word or several? Have arrived. It turns out that you need to recognize each word separately in the dictionary, for example, the suffix there is -ovnik- or the suffixes -ov- and -nik-. And so with the rest of the words. But here you really need to understand the principles of word formation. And why is the topic in GRAMMAR, and not in WORD FORMATION, by the way? In general, there is a morpheme ...

There are relatively few form-building suffixes in the Russian language. Some researchers characterize these morphemes as an ending, others as a suffix. The suffix -tel in this case is not highlighted, since in the Russian language there is no noun consciousness. 5. Suffixes are placed after the root before the ending (if the word has one).

Suppose that it is necessary to determine the morphemic composition of the word running. At first glance, it consists of a root and a zero ending. This suffix is \u200b\u200bzero: running Ø, blue Ø, quiet Ø (in addition, it should be noted along the way, they also have a zero ending). 1 In this case, we are talking only about the suffix way of forming words and its variety - zero suffixation. Derivative-morphemic dictionary of the Russian language Galiullina K.R. (word-building nests and division of words into morphemes are presented). In what words in modern Russian are the prefixes pre- and pre- no longer distinguished?

For example: shift-shchik, teacher, fly-chik, care-liv-th. 3) –tel– serves for the formation of the otgloholnye them. noun. Some suffixes serve not only to create new words, but are also necessary for their stylistic coloring.

This is easy to do if you find the same root words. You can take the word "tradition", which is the motivating word for this adjective. In the word "tradition" the ending is -i, to be more precise, -ja, the rest is a root, which means that the root "tradition-" must be distinguished in the search word. A suffix is \u200b\u200ba part of a word with which you can replenish the vocabulary of a language and expand its diversity. Parsing a word in parts is studied by morphemics. On dictations, presentations and exams, there is often a task for parsing a word. There is nothing difficult in parsing a word, the main thing is to understand the basic rules of parsing and learn morphemes.

Suffix - a significant part of a word that comes after a root or after another suffix and usually serves to form new words, sometimes to form new forms of a word.

The suffix is \u200b\u200bnot a required part of the word. The word may not have a suffix, there may be one or more suffixes:

friend, friend oK, ram- och-to(and).

Form-forming (inflectional) suffixes

Suffixes (there are few of them), which serve to form new forms of the word, are called formative(inflectional). In morphemic parsing, these suffixes are not included in the stem of the word.

For example,

  • suffix -T (-th ) forms an indefinite verb: sit- be, nes- ty
  • suffix -l- - the form of the past tense verbs: read l, thought- l .

Suffixes -T (-th ), -l- are not included in the stem of the word.
Sometimes a formative suffix can come after : let's go to)- those, eat (eat) - those.

Reflexive verb suffix -Sya / -s was once a pronoun myself:

hairstyles (y) sit \u003d hairstyles (s) myself.

Reflexive suffixes -sia, -s are the basis of the word and often stand after :

Closing (s) Xia, washing (s) si

For more details see Inflectional suffixes.

Let me remind you that:

  • inflectionis education formsone and the samecfishing.
  • word formationis educationnewwords.

Derivative suffixes

Through word-formation suffixes words of different parts of speech are formed, but nouns and adjectives are most often formed.
For example, one of the most active noun formation suffixes -Nick- :

forest -Nick , school -Nick , study -Nick, troich -Nick, satellite -Nick, resort -Nick, benefits -Nick, Saturdays -Nick etc.

The most active suffix with which adjectives are formed is the suffix -sk- :

agricultural sc(uh), rustic sc(uh), pestilence -sk(oh), moscow- sc(uh)etc.

The same suffixes are used to form words with different meanings the same part of speech .
For example, the suffix -Nick -, —from — . —oK — (mushroom nick, red from(a), friend oK ) serve to form only nouns; -sk- (fleet- sc(uh) ) - for the formation of adjectives only; - yva -,-willow — (deliberation yva-th) - for verbs only. Therefore, we are talking about the suffixes of different parts of speech:

Examples of the formation of words using various suffixes:

  • from the root kind: kind (oh), kind-from (a), kind-yak, kind-from-n (th), kind-e-t;
  • from raspberry-: raspberry (a), raspberry-k (a), raspberry-nik (), raspberry-ovk (a), raspberry (th), raspberry-n (th);
  • from time-: time (i), time-echk (o), time-yank (a), time-en-n (th), time-en-n-o, time-en-schik.

If the root contains the main lexical meaning (meaning) of the word, then the suffixes (like ) complement this meaning, clarify it. For example:

  • the suffix introduces a diminutive meaning: daughter - daughter to(a) - daughter- enk(a), house - house- uk;
  • magnifying value: hand - hand- looking for(and);
  • the suffix is \u200b\u200bused to form words for baby animals: elephant- baby, ut- baby ;
  • to designate males by profession, place of residence, nationality: teach body, tractor- ist, moscow ich, Siberian yak, academic uk, cargo in, Caucasus ets etc;
  • to designate female persons by profession, place of residence, by nationality: selling shchits(a), master its(a), paramedic- its(a), osset-in- to(a), machines-ist- to(a), writer- prostrate(and) etc
  • facial expression: cunning southah, zhad southa, small turnoutah, goats turnouta, flax pull, saliva pull .

Suffixes (and ) can tell a lot about a word. By suffixes, you can determine the part of speech, and for nouns and gender. For example, the suffix body at the end of a word - a masculine noun ( teacher, builder, driver),
suffix - from - - feminine noun ( good-from (a), deaf-from (a), red-from (a));
suffix - sc - - adjective ( hungarian-ck (s), rus-ck (s)).

The suffix may not be indicated by letters.

A suffix or part of a suffix can be hidden, that is, not represented explicitly on the letter by letters. Then it is isolated using transcription, indicating the sound of the suffix.
After vowels and after B, b letters E, Yo, Yu, I denote two sounds, one of which is [th '] (or often denoted). It is this sound that can be a suffix or part of a suffix. Then the suffix is \u200b\u200bisolated using transcription.
For example:

liar - [liar '/ th ' / a], emigration - emigr, two - two, fox [l'is' / th '/ willow], fox [l'is' / th '/ s'].

The procedure for selecting a suffix in a word using the example of a word old:

  1. Highlight the root and the ending, changing the form of the word and choosing related words using different suffixes: old, old, old - old inn (s) ⇒root old-, ending th;
  2. Can -inn- be a suffix? We iterate over related words that may contain part -inn-... Find the word old in(and), wherein -in- - suffix, select it: old in-n (th).
  3. We consider the remaining -n-... The adjective old-n (s) is derived from the noun old (a) with a suffix -n-
  4. Let us prove the correctness of the choice of the morpheme -n- by choosing words with a different root, but with the same suffix (the same part of speech as the original word, since suffixes are "associated" with parts of speech): garden -n(th) (from the vegetable garden), mod- n(th) (from trendy), autumn- n(uh) (from autumn)... This proves the correctness of the selection of the morpheme.
  5. Output: old inn(th).

You can check the correctness of the parsing in the word-formation dictionary.

For more details see Highlighting a suffix in a word.

To identify the suffixes, it is helpful to know the most commonly used ones.

Suffixes Their work
Form nouns
fish - fish toand
key - key uk
lock - lock ek
friend - friend oK
hand-ruch enkand
fox onkand
Vanya - Van echkand
needle - needles pointand
grandfather - grandfather earand
field - floor yushkabout
Give words a diminutive or affectionate tone
forest - forest nick
carry - cart chick
drum - drum box
teach - teach body
teach - teacher prostrateand
radio operator - radio operator toand
Forms words that name individuals according to their occupation
Form adjectives
rock - rocks istth
city \u200b\u200b- city scoh
peas - peas ovth
shawl - shawl evth
summer - years nui
Form verbs
-ova - (- ёva-)
-iva - (- iva-)
sound - sound andbe
wound - wound andbe
white - white ebe
winter - winter ovabe
ring - ring evebe
motion sickness - motion sickness willowbe
open -open yvabe
-sya - (- сь-) teach - teach sya -teach sit
heal - heal xia - I'm flying sit
Forms verbs with a reflexive meaning. May be located after the end. Form the basis of the word.
Form-building suffixes
chita be
carried ty
Suffixes of the indefinite form of the verb. Not included in the stem of the word.
-l- i read - read l;
say - say l
Forms the past tense of the verb. Not included in the stem of the word.

For verbs ending in -night , part of the word - whose part of the root: burn, oven.

You can clarify suffixes in word-formation and morphemic dictionaries (Potiha Z. A. School dictionary of the structure of words in the Russian language. M., 1987., Tikhonov A. N. Word-formation dictionary of the Russian language, Efremova T. F. Explanatory dictionary of word-formation units of the Russian language. M ., 1996., Baranov M.T.School dictionary for the formation of words in the Russian language, Baronova M.M. Word analysis by composition, M., 2011, etc.).

Objectives:introduce the suffix as a significant part of the word; to form the ability to highlight suffixes in words, to form new words with the help of suffixes.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

II. Homework check

(Students read their texts.)

III. Knowledge update

Read the proverbs. Explain their meaning.

1) The earth is warmed, do not be late with sowing.

2) Spilled water cannot be collected.

Find words with prefixes. Write them down, highlight the prefixes.

IV. Self-determination to activity

Write down the words. Select the root in them. Table, stump, pilot.

Name the endings. (Zero endings.)

- Explain the lexical meaning of each word.

Compare words for composition. How are they similar? (Consists of a root and a part after the root.)

Who already knows the name of the part of the word that comes after the root? (Answers of children.)

Formulate the topic of the lesson.

V. Work on the topic of the lesson

Textbook work

Control. 164 (p. 89).

- Read the poem.

What is the name of the part of the word that comes after the root? (Suffix.)

Control. 165 (p. 89).

- Read word groups.

Compare the words in each group. How are they similar and how are they different?

With which part of the word are new words formed?

Complete the written assignments for the activity. (Check. Students read words in a chain and name parts of a word.)

What is a suffix?

What are suffixes for?

Vi. Physical education

Vii. Continuation of work on the topic of the lesson

1. Work on the textbook

Control. 166 (p. 90).

- Read the text. What city is it talking about?

Complete tasks.

Read the root words that you wrote out and name the suffixes in them. (Tver, Tverichi (-ich-), Tver (-SK-).)

What other words in the text have a suffix -sk-1 (Russian, horse.)

- And what is the name of the inhabitants of our city (village)?

Read the language information below.

What should be done to find a suffix in a word?

Give examples.

Control. 167 (p. 90).

(Self-execution. Check.)

My root is in value.

Find the prefix me in the sketch.

You met my suffix in a notebook,

Everything is in my diary and in the magazine. (Assessment.)

Root - is related to the road,

The prefix is \u200b\u200bhidden in the assembly,

Suffix as in word a diary.

Whole, he entered space. (Satellite.)

VIII. Reflection

(Work in pairs.)

Read the words.

House, suburb, birch, fisherman, crossing, departure.

Divide them into two groups. ( 1) House, birch, fisherman; 2) transition, departure, suburb)

- On what basis have you divided the words? (In the first group, words formed with suffixes, in the second- with prefixes.)

- What is a prefix? What is it for?

What is a suffix? What is it for?

IX. Lesson summary

What new have you learned in today's lesson?


Write ten words with suffixes.
