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Autonomous non-profit organization of additional education "Moscow School of New Cinema" OGRN 1127799008116

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Presidential aide Igor Levitin proposed to postpone the beginning of the academic year from September 1 to September 15. He believes that the first days of September are still a favorable period for tourism. Levitin made a statement in the government of the Voronezh region at a meeting on the state and prospects of tourism development in the region.

“We want to bring such a question to the State Council From August 25 to September 1, the whole country sits at the airports. When I was in my previous position, I kept asking:“ Why can't we make a floating start to the school year? Why is it necessary for the whole country to come to school from September 1? "He noted.

In this regard, the former Minister of Transport recommended that those responsible for education in the Voronezh Region consider postponing the start of the academic year. "Who in your Voronezh region can make a decision from September 15 to the academic year? In general, is it regulated by someone or not? Here we are on September 1, we are leaving Crimea and Sochi, and goodbye, until next May. And there is a season." , the official said.

via Svetlana Dracheva



(based on materials Light Group sessions on September 15, 2018)

S.D .: I want to begin my entry into meditation at the end of the Multidimensional News of Master Kirael for September. He invites us, at the moment of his story, to let the flow of Rainbow energies through the body. Let's start up. And we look in which area of ​​your body these energies will begin to swirl around, forming a rainbow funnel.

And let's embark on a journey through our physical bodies with you following this flow. It looks like a fast mountain river. The stream of rainbow energies flows from top to bottom. You feel its movements with all the cells of your body. The cells joyfully welcome the flow of Rainbow energies, as these are the energies of Joy and Harmony. Energies of the most varied frequencies. It can be compared with your musical instruments, which have several octaves of sound. For example, a piano. As Master Kirael said, these Rainbow energies are designed to awaken Multidimensional Ears, exciting various vibrations in them. But now our task with you is broader. Our task is to awaken our cells, every cell ... And we pass the Rainbow energies through our cells. Physical cells. Yes, yes, yes ... We are standing under a shower of Rainbow energies that fill, saturate every cell ...

(Gradually, Master Kirael moves to direct channeling ...)

And in order for the work to go more successfully, we will start working with you with the Master Cell. With your Divine Cell dwelling in the pineal gland.

We give the intention to work with the Master Cell and transfer the experience of working with the Master Cell to all the physical cells of our body. Yes, in this way we will work with absolutely all cells of the body, cells of all organs, all types of matter in your physical body. We continue to breathe (breathe with Rainbow energies) and saturate your Divine Cell with these energies. Master cage. Our task is to align your Divine Cell with the vibrations of the Rainbow energies. Sound in tune. Tune into your Divine Cell with the Rainbow energies. And Rainbow energies rush to us from the Temple of the Rainbow Standard Time in the Flower of Space-Time, which now creates a New Evolutionary Cycle and lives in Elva Park in the multidimensional thickness of Lake Baikal.

The rainbow energies focus on the Master Cell, but they continue their healing work as they move through your body. You can feel a multidimensional, multilevel work going on. Rainbow energies wash over the head, face, ears, neck, shoulders, hands, fingers, chest, back, abdomen, hips, knees, legs, feet. And the Rainbow energies, moving, in some places of the body are wrapped in a funnel. And you just watch this process. It is possible that several funnels are forming in your body at once. These are not simple funnels. These are vortexes. These are your Places of Power. This is where the points of entry or exit to multidimensionality, to multidimensional organs are located.

In the area of ​​the appendix, a vortex is formed, the funnel is a vortex. In the area of ​​the cardiac space, thymus, pineal. And in a number of other places. Just watch. Even if you do not see, you probably feel how the energy is moving. It is easy enough. There is no difficulty in movement, in the flow. Swirls are possible, some thresholds, overflows, rises, energy returns are possible.

Just watch. Non-judgmental. Everything is as it is. We are just watching. We observe how the Rainbow energies continue their work and envelop various organs. And now, a new focus on your Master Cell, the Divine Cell that lives in the pineal gland or pineal gland. It starts to grow in size. And it already goes beyond the body. It feels like you are inside a cell, and not a cell is inside you. And that is great. This means that the cell has come to life, attuned to the Rainbow energies and is ready for further work.

Our task with you is once again, at the next round of our development, to tune in with the Divine Master-cell and make available the next Divine Programs that will help the development of the physical body.

You and I know that very serious limitations were laid in your DNA. That most of our DNA was junk. Scientists knew about its existence, but had no idea what was there. And now, this multidimensional piece of DNA begins to awaken. Awakening goes through opening: opening of vortexes, opening of multidimensional sense organs - sight, hearing, vision, and through opening the abilities of the cells of the physical body for regeneration and transfer of experience from future incarnations.

We are working with you now outside of Time, outside of Space. Our task is to adjust what can be adjusted for the current stage of development, so that the physical body feels lightness and flexibility. It happens that the body bends badly. Some incomprehensible pain syndromes appear here and there. And it's not even clear what hurts. Body organs, nerves, wandering pains. This means that the body has symptoms of discomfort, disharmony. Moreover, they are of a systemic nature. The systemic nature means that it is time to correct the subtle-material settings, since the body no longer fits into the Procrustean bed of subtle-material settings. It needs to develop and correspond to those tasks and energy packages that flow from the Cosmos at the present moment.

You can say that you are currently undergoing maintenance. You came to the prophylactic medical examination and you were given a verdict by the multidimensional Subtle Material Support Groups that it is time to renew your suit. It's time to make it lighter, in line with fashion, add a couple of undercuts, release excess fabric, so that the clothes become more flowing. Thus, we have with you today a big wash, cleaning, cooking, a big renovation. You can name it in different ways. Most importantly, we treat everything big with a certain amount of curiosity and a smile. We see everything as a game. This is a journey. A journey to a new life, a new world, a new joy. Into a new state of mental and physical comfort.

Everything happens in appropriateness, according to your willingness to accept the changes that are happening to us. But all of you are actively developing in the Soul, doing very serious Light, Planetary work. And you are actively developing in the Spirit.

Now is the time for the development of physical bodies, their correction. In order for the Light Work to be for you only in Joy, it does not cause unnecessary tension in the cells, in the muscles, in the ligaments, in the tendons, in the fascia. Yes, yes ... I even now do not speak about the internal organs. This is more connected with the musculoskeletal system, since it is he who is now undergoing very serious changes and it contains certain restrictions for your physical and spiritual development. Even if you feel your body in a complex, complete, you are constantly engaged in exercises, physical education, sports, you train your body, you are engaged in summer cottage and garden work, this happens easily for you. But all the same, the body has accumulated, one might say, tiredness. Although this is not entirely correct - fatigue. These are energies that need to be released to make the body more comfortable.

And energies accumulate due to those limitations that are still in your software, in your DNA. That is why we are going to visit the Divine Cell, the Master Cell, where all the main programs are laid, which contains your, figuratively speaking, the terms of reference for the current incarnation, your software.

So, friends, we are starting to move. We move while sitting. But at the same time, the movements are not annoying, light. Right, left, forward, backward, swaying, in a circle. We move to the beat of the energies that flow through us. The moment you want to get up, you can do it. But start by moving on the chair. You can shift from foot to foot, you can pat your body with your hands - this is how you help by giving intention, attunement, to release from everything that is still in the body. Give your body a signal to move. So that cell by cell they begin to free themselves from programs and restrictions that have served you. The work goes on at the level of chemical processes in your body, it goes on with the help of the Rainbow energies, the energies of the Rainbow Standard Time, which enter the body, into all the cells and gently, gently release, wash, release from you everything that has served its good service ...

You ask: "And where do these programs go?" And really, where do they go? Let's take a look at your feet, they are on the floor. Imagine that under your feet, somewhere in half a meter, sixty centimeters - more precisely, the Zero Point is formed. And it is there, to this Zero Point, that these programs that have served their service leave.

Zero Point is a part of your Complex of Multidimensional Bodies. This is not a part of the structure of this building, structure. This is your subtle construction. And we archive through the Zero Point those programs that have already served you. And at the same time, the second Zero Point, which is located at a distance of 60 centimeters above your head, begins to work on the transmission of the new programs you need. Or, more precisely, to transmit the necessary impulses to activate the programs that are embedded in your Divine Master Cell. Here's a light construction.

We breathe and observe ... We breathe easily, freely, the energies flow. And somewhere the next funnels may form. The funnel can move. Imagine a tornado. In earthly life, this is a rather serious event, often destructive. For us, it has a positive, cleansing meaning. Our Rainbow Funnel is our rainbow tornado and is very useful. It moves through the body within you - from organ to organ, from cell to cell. This tornado, this Rainbow Funnel, is a kind of locator that catches those old programs that cells begin to emit. And then, going to the Rainbow Funnel, they go through it to the Zero Point under your feet. If you look, you can see that the Rainbow Funnel can have separate rainbow sleeves. And the Zero Point above your head, which transmits vibrations or changes, is connected with the Rainbow Funnel in your body and with the receiving Zero Point under your feet, where the programs that you are now parting with go to.

And you and I continue to move ... Moving on a chair, on a chair, shifting from foot to foot, rearranging legs, you can pat yourself on the legs, on the body. So far, we clap only each of our own bodies, we do not involve our neighbors! First we help our "I", then we get to friends. Easy, easy, free! We are not in a hurry.

And now - everyone froze and sat down exactly. Listen to what is happening in the body. Stop, freeze ... As in a child's game: “The sea is worried - one! The sea is worried - two! The sea is worried - three! Freeze the sea figure in place! " That's how you freeze now, like in a child's game. And you feel, focus on your Sacred Heart.

Feel ... the sound! Yes Yes! Now you will begin to feel the sound, vibration. At the same time, this sound is formed not only in the Sacred Heart, but it is relayed to the Sacred Heart from your vortexes, from your multidimensional organs. Now, having focused on the single sound of your Sacred Heart, you will gradually begin to discern how this sound is formed. You will see his scale, you will see his score, you will see how vortexes, multidimensional organs, organs of multidimensional vision, feeling, vision, hearing sound. And how they direct their sound to your Sacred Heart. How Sound is formed in the Heart.

You begin to feel a very close sound connection ... And these are not exactly sounds, these are Light and Sounds. You can see threads of light starting to stretch from different parts of your body, from your organs to your heart, to the Sacred Heart. And now these threads of light sound! Focus, observe, because you will see that as the sound grows, more and more parts of the body are connected to it. More and more threads are being added to this sound. And this means that your cells begin to send timid rays, rays of photons into your Heart, and the Heart forms a Single Stream of photonic energy. So is born in you Self-luminosity... This is how you begin to glow from within.

But this is still a temporary state, we achieved it through special exercises, meditation exercises. But, since the processes are actively starting in you, this means that you are able to carry your own light music for longer and longer. This means that your cells are ready to be your LEDs, the conductors of light, for a long time. This means that your cells today have freed themselves of what they should have freed themselves from. So they show you their readiness to work and their state of readiness for further development, and today they have fulfilled their task.

There is a very powerful and fairly fast attunement of all cells in Light and Sound, so let's express our intention to experience the experience of Light and Music and the attunement of all cells into a single sound light row at the most comfortable pace, in a comfortable state for the physical body and for all your subtle bodies. It is very important to do this, because the feeling is that you have been picked up and carried by a stream. He is beautiful, and you want it to last forever, but you need to follow the safety rules for your body. And therefore, you and I express our intention to live all the cleansing processes at rates and volumes that are comfortable for all your bodies, including the physical body, as well as the subtle physical and, of course, all types of subtle bodies.

The movement is light ... Light-light ... It becomes more and more light, the lightest, like a butterfly's wing. There is a new round of your development, there is a new round of your multidimensional disclosure, there is your unique dissolution in light and in music.

Light music sounds! Singing! You are now living in a unique time, a time of rapid change. And it depends on you how ready you are to integrate into them. At the same time, to integrate not just by declaring: “I want!”, But also by accepting that “I can!”. Compliance "I want!" and I can!" must be very calibrated. You have to combine your ability - ability with desire. How to do it? Just to live through the Heart everything that comes to you in this life. And so that you have the opportunity to build your life in the highest order, you can use one light tool that I, Master Kirael, already told you about at the June meeting at the Friends' Club of the Multidimensional News of Master Kirael.

I take this opportunity to invite you to the next meeting, which will take place on October 10th. Believe me, I really missed you. I visit the Club all the time, but I miss you in my Club, so now I am opening the doors for my Club. Come into it! Come on in!

Today we have an extraordinary lesson. Yes Yes! We will start working with you with Multidimensional- this is the name of this unique Light instrument, in the space of the Friends of the Multidimensional News Club of Master Kirael. Can you see me? I see you perfectly! Most of you look like the most beautiful Rainbow Balls, balls or even a whole bunch of balls, as if you are a bunch of grapes, but only from Rainbow Balls. You are beautiful!

Ltd! What your bodies look like after you just took the journey of liberation! You have become lighter, you have become more sounding, you have become more luminous, light-musical. I like to look at you, I like to feel you, I like to smile at you. And you smile at me. It's fine!


Many of you use it and know what it is. And some hear about it for the first time. This causes my grief, but not for long. Master Kirael is not used to being upset. Master Kirael loves to rejoice and delight others, and therefore I invite you to the dance of Joy.

We begin to move in a rainbow spiral. Rainbow violins, rainbow harps, rainbow flutes, rainbow bells begin to sound in the space of the Friends of the Multidimensional News Club of Master Kirael. We begin to spiral in a whirlwind of rainbow melodies ... and spin ... one-two-three ... one-two-three ... one-two-three ... one-two-three! Ltd! How good!

What a lovely funnel!

Now you and I will form the Multidimensional Rainbow Vortex.

Imagine a huge number of rainbow balls spinning in a spiral. Someone moves at one pace, someone at another. Everything is different, but the overall picture is beautiful!

This is how we align with you. This is the dance of Love! This is a dance of Joy, Joy - Rainbow Joy and Rainbow Love. This is how you and I tune in and unite. You and I have now united into a Single Sacred Heart (ESS), and it is in it that we will now play magic and create our Multidimensional.

What is Multidimensional? This is a light-musical structure of two mirrored pyramids. And these pyramids have a polygon at the base. Oh, there are many facets: someone has ten, someone has fifteen, someone has even more. Don't worry about quantity. Just see how your pyramid going up begins to gradually sound like a rainbow color, light, and a rainbow pyramid going down from the common base begins to receive the sounds of the upper pyramid. Two pyramids are attuned: one sounds, the other accepts. After some time, the lower pyramid will begin to sound, and the upper one will begin to receive.

We are now building our lighting instrument for further work. This can be compared to the attunement of an orchestra, which occurs before a performance, when the musicians - each on their own, try their instruments for a harmonious sound. It seems to be a discordant chorus, discordant sounds emanate, but at the same time very important sounds, these are sounds that precede harmony. This is the stage that will end with the finale, the apotheosis. The final sound of the brightest light musical energies.

We watch our mirror pyramids align with you. When they align, crystallization processes begin in them. And when these processes gain strength, we see that crystal structures are formed inside the Multidimensional - honeycomb cells, crystal cells.

What is Crystal? This is a kind of structure with reference points and a regular structure.

The same thing happens here. But everything happens in multidimensionality. Accordingly, we are dealing with Subtle Light Light and Music Crystal... Cells-honeycombs are formed inside the Multidimensional. Each cell is being attuned to the entire cell structure. It looks like light music ... As if here and there separate cells flare up and begin to sound. Again, similar to orchestra attunement. But gradually the impulses from one cell to another become more and more regular, more and more synchronous; more and more cells flash and sound at the same time. And this happens until the moment when all the cells do not flash with a single color and sound in unison. And as soon as this happens, it means that our Multidimensional is ready to work.

We give a few more seconds for everyone to tune in.

Everyone lives their own story. Although we work with the One Multidimensional in our One Sacred Heart (ESS), each has its own individual rate of event perception: someone moves faster, someone slows down. Everything is appropriate! Each is individual ...

We live with you in a unique time of changes, when the subtle-material life more and more prevails over the dense-material life. And subtle events become the cause, and not the consequence of what occurs, takes place in the dense world.

Everything is first created in the subtle world: in energies, in light, in sounds, in vibration; and then we see our Creation being born. It is born in dense energies, in denser, more tangible, coarser sounds, lights, colors.

This is how the Egyptian Pyramids were created. This is how they were created in the Fifth dimension with thought, light, color, sound, filled with multidimensional life, and then by Multidimensional Architects sank into dense layers of matter.

You are doing the same. This is how you form your multidimensional affairs, multidimensional life. Over time, you will learn to create and man-made deeds, similar to the Pyramids. In the meantime, you and I are learning to live as being of the same order, who simply create, regardless of the dimension in which it happens or in what matter it happens. We are learning to combine all our opportunities, abilities, all our potentials for growth and development with you.

Are you waiting for the next miracle? Yes, yes, I can already see and feel it.

So the next miracle.

Inside the Multidimensional, in the center - where the polygon (polyhedron, polygonal figure) lies at the base, the Zero Point (NT) is formed. You can see how it spins clockwise from the center. And as it unwinds, it begins to grow into a spindle that moves both up and down. See!

I just want to acquaint you in more detail with the Multidimensional device. Those who are already using it have no idea that there is a Zero Point (NT) at the bottom.

I just want to show you how it works.

This cigar-shaped, spindle-shaped structure is the Zero Point. It spins up and down. Just watch it manifest. Do not turn on the left hemisphere: how and where it spins up. Just watch….

Now imagine that it has decreased again to a flat state. It's just a drawing on a plane, just a spiral at the base of the polygon. Mentally turn it over like a pancake in a skillet and turn it back into a cigar or spindle. Just watch the flow of energy and the sensations in the body. I assure you, your body will now start giving you signals from different parts. Your arms, your legs, your knees, your Sacred Heart, your Third Eye will now just begin to breathe multidimensionally. They will begin to say that "I AM with you!" You HAVE the Third Eye, you HAVE the Heart, you HAVE shoulders, arms.

Let it be joyful!

Yes, this is a little unexpected and fast. But we again give the intention for the most comfortable experience of interaction with the Multidimensional. The rates and volumes of interaction are comfortable for all bodies, primarily the physical.

It happens easily and freely.

Deployment, disclosure, penetration is very gentle, joyful. There may be bursts of joy, but we ask these bursts of joy to be harmonized. Let joy flow as a full-flowing river, not as a fast mountain stream that overcomes rapids, but as a full-flowing plain river - the River of Joy, the River of Harmony, the River of Love ...

Love flows. Joy flows and fills all your cells and fibers of the Soul. Expansion, runaway state. I would like to spread my arms-wings, straighten my back, start moving again. Someone wants to take off or get up. You can do it. But now you are listening to your body. If it wants to move, you move; if it wants to be at ease, be at ease. There is no assignment. There is only your individual state. You are now creating each your own Harmony, Rainbow Harmony.

Each of you is now getting to know the Multidimensional and its multidimensional Essence before you transfer its fractal to your own Sacred Heart ...

Bodies and cells are in tune with the Multidimensional in the One Sacred Heart. Someone's attunement is accompanied by shaking the head, trembling in the body. Anything can be. And someone is already flying, singing…. I want to sing, I want to take off, I want to soar. Perfectly. The Multidimensional in its working state with opening Zero Points is gradually built into the Sacred Heart of everyone.

How to use it?

It is not necessary to run Zero Points. We have activated them with you, which means that they will start working automatically, working in automatic mode. There are Masters of Zero Points among you. They are, of course, shown to study the process of working with Zero Points in detail. This is their skill. Let them improve their qualifications.

So. Suppose you have a whole series of difficult cases and events ahead of you. And you don't know how to deal with them. I am dramatizing, of course, events. But you must somehow shake you up a little, switch to normal life. You need to do one and the other, and the third, the tenth, and be in many places at the same time. What to do?

Imagine waking up in the morning. You are serene, you get out of the state of bliss and sleep, or some regular journey in a dream. You wake up suspecting nothing. You have peace and tranquility in your soul. But after a few seconds your partner wakes up, I'm talking about your brain. Your partner cannot live without control, without drama, without difficulty. He begins to offer you many complex subjects: “Do this, then this, then another, then another. Come on, no - this, no - not this, no - that, no - this. " The brain is in confusion and wants you to get out of the state of bliss and start tossing around with it.

I think it's time to get away from such a scenario. And say: “Dear brain, I know you care about me so much, you love me so much, but I have one recipe for how to help you calm down. I have a Multidimension. "

The brain stops for a second, it is surprised: “Multidimensional - what is it, where is it? I haven't read it anywhere. How do I know about the Multidimensional? " He is alarmed, something went wrong, obviously something went wrong, completely not according to his script. You continue: "Yes, I know, you will help me now."

The brain is reassured: “Okay, I am ready, I will act, I will help. Yes. Come on, you and I together, together we are good. "

(SD: I now feel like Lenochka Treshchinskaya, who is telling a fairy tale. Very similar).

Let's now tell a fairy tale to our brain together.

We will begin to interact with the Multidimensional. Let's put it into operation, connect with the Flower of the Space of Time at Lake Baikal, with the Temple of the Rainbow Standard Time. And we will see the Rainbow-arc that flows from Baikal to you, to your heart, or energies that flow to you. And we begin to breathe these energies.

Breathing in these energies, we direct them through the top of the upper pyramid. We direct the flow of the Rainbow Energies of the Reference Time to the upper pyramid and observe how the energies fill the honeycomb. First, the honeycomb is in the upper pyramid, then in the lower one. And we begin to imagine that together with the Rainbow energies, the Energies of the Rainbow Reference Time, your life stream begins to flow into the pyramids. Your day, your affairs, your events. Your life stream, the stream of eventfulness for this day.

Let's take a small time horizon - one day. And we observe how the flow begins to be distributed among the cells. At the moment of movement, you can hear sounds again, attunement begins. As we have just seen when launching Multidimensional into work. Pulse switching on of individual cells with energies, with sound, with light.

We continue to breathe and observe. At the same time, you can pronounce especially difficult cases. To do this, remember this, go, see, transfer, fix, cook, and so on. You can do it.

Perhaps you have a list, you write down things that you have to do in your diary. Open your diary and read it out, and skip the stream. Let everything work out in the best possible way.

At some point, the Multidimensional will be saturated with streams, harmonize them, and you will see an even light. You will see that all cells shine the same way, uniformly.

This means that you have launched the flow of your life into Multidimensional. And the Multidimensional is ready to go. You thank Multidimensional. Thank the Universe, thank the Teachers, Mentors, your “I”, whoever you want, thank. And go to your normal life. Just start doing your thing. And the Multidimensional will harmonize and structure all your ordinary earthly affairs in the most optimal way. Up to the point that he will start signaling to you about the order of work: what is ready for implementation - he will move forward, and inform you in one way or another that it is time to take up this or that project, business; but something requires, say, growing - he will help in the development of this project or business.

The most important thing is that you won't even need to look into your diary and check the list - done, not done. If you like to put plus signs - do it. Most importantly, you will begin to remember the things that need to be done at the moment when they really need to be done. The most important thing is that you will stop feeling the burden of responsibility. You will stop feeling vanity, you will stop feeling the drama of life, you will stop worrying.

You will simply begin to move through life in the flow of creating the most optimal eventuality. She is already with you and in you ...

Your Multidimensional is activated, and you already know how to use it. And he begins to work, to create together with you. This means that the harmonizer of your life already lives in you. The harmonizer of your eventfulness, the harmonizer of everything that will come to you. And you no longer need to worry.

And you can tell your brain partner, “Let's be happy, let's stop worrying. You see - everything flows as it should; everything flows as it should; events come exactly when necessary. " And when it comes, you take action, you call, you go, you buy, you commit, you travel, and so on ...

So you form your single day, then the next, then another…. Then you decide to start training, to form eventfulness for a longer period. You can do this if you feel like it.

This light instrument, this is your structure, the structure of your Multidimensional body - it is ready to serve you faithfully. This is what lives in you. We have only shown for you today. It seems to you that we have built it into you, but in fact MULTI-DIMENSION lives in you. We only illuminated, attuned, made explicit, manifested, manifested ...

And now you, as wizards, multidimensional wizards possessing Multidimensional, multidimensional magic wand, are ready to fly out into your life. And start to rejoice, start enjoying your life, in ease and in its most beautiful sound, in the most harmonious manifestation.

Friends, we are completing our journey, you and I are now severing our Sacred Hearts. But everyone in the Sacred Heart now has his own Multidimensional. Greet him, thank him, and thank your “I” for the fact that you have decided to take the Multidimensional into your being.

S. D. Someone wants to get in touch with us! Who is it? Rabbits? .. Friends, really Rabbits, and not simple rabbits, but Golden Rabbits. How interesting! A representative of the Golden Rabbits, Solntsedar, contacts us. Let's get acquainted!:)))


Through Svetlana Dracheva

A very important process of our acquaintance with you is underway. We are getting in touch with you again. We did not expect that it will happen today, but as a result of what you have lived, experienced, Master Kirael made us an offer - to get in touch with you and start communicating. He suggested that we, the Civilization of Intelligent Rabbits, Star Rabbits, Golden Rabbits, could start communicating with you. And we took advantage of this offer with pleasure.

Your energies are very close to us ... They are very fluffy and soft. They are very gentle and warm, sparkling and glowing.

We won't take much of your time.

We are a Collective Being. My name or us is Solntsedar. I am the Collective Being of Light of the Golden Rabbits. We will be happy to communicate with you in your lighting works. Just know that we are by your side. Know that we are always ready to come at your first call.

Today, with the help of Master Kirael, we ourselves decided to appear and wave our fluffy paws to you. We don't look exactly like rabbits, but we don't quite look like humans either. Indeed, we have both human and animal traits with which we come into contact.

Rabbits is a bit of a conditional name because it is not purely Rabbit Civilization. Cosmic, Galactic, Star Rabbits are a whole series of animal kingdoms, a whole series of creatures that are united by certain vibrations, while they can have similar, similar forms and can change them. Those. we can change, we can acquire different contours and different configurations. But at the same time, earthly rabbits are those animals that we revere. What is in your earthly animals is very close to us. That is why we named our civilization Golden Rabbits.

I will not hold your attention for a long time, I just thank you for the opportunity to communicate, for the opportunity for direct contact.

With love, your Solntsedar.

Technical support: Natalia Chistyakova, Tatiana Ricci, Galina Kuklina, Tatiana Flerovskaya.

Organization of technical support and editing : Irina Makarova

Aide to the President of the Russian Federation Igor Levitin spoke in favor of postponing the beginning of the school year in schools. Thus, he wants to support tourism in the regions and extend the "velvet season". According to him, the school year can start from September 15th.

"From August 25 to September 1, the whole country sits at airports ... Why can't the beginning of the school year be made floating?" He said. "We want to bring this issue to the State Council ..."

The official gave an example: there is such a practice in Spain, Italy, France.

The proposal did not find support in the Ministry of Education and Science: First Deputy Minister Natalya Tretyak said that she did not consider such changes expedient. The opinions of other experts were divided.

Evgeny Yamburg, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogy, Director of the Education Center N 109:

First, one cannot be guided only by considerations of pragmatism. There is a "Day of Knowledge": it is a solemn and touching day. And secondly, the training programs are rich today. You need to have time to complete everything in 35 weeks. And any shift will affect the educational process. This is not a good idea, and it has nothing to do with school.

Irina Abankina, Director of the Institute for Education Development, National Research University Higher School of Economics:

Any change in the educational process must pursue a clear educational goal. This is more important than tourism and transport problems. This initiative will entail a serious restructuring of the curriculum: it is necessary to redistribute the workload in quarters. It will be difficult to implement it, and the result is not so obvious.

Yuri Barzykin, Vice President of the Russian Union of Travel Industry (PCT):

The initiative to postpone the start of the school year is not new. We talked about this in the early 2000s, when I was the vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory. But during its implementation, it should not be allowed that, as now parents and children sit at airports and train stations on the eve of September 1, they also sit before September 15-20. It is important to identify the regions that need it. By the way, this measure, most likely, will not require a serious change in federal legislation. The length of the academic year is regulated by the curricula in the regions. Therefore, it is possible to adopt the relevant regulations at local levels in coordination with the Ministry of Education and Science. At the same time, do not forget that if the children of the northern regions start the school year later, then they must finish it later, or, for example, make up for the curriculum during the May holidays.

Lyudmila Kazantseva, teacher, Omsk:

I support Levitin's initiative. Because every year I see a picture - at the beginning of September there is no third of the class. The "velvet season" begins at our resorts - we meet the schoolchildren halfway and let them skip a week or two. But it's hard for the kids - they have to "catch up" with their classmates.
