The article compares the results of testing listeners programs in which two different types of educational technologies were used - traditional education with lectures / seminars and Internet education (as part of a mass open online course). In both cases, the listeners were offered identical questions in the framework of an identical in the content of the introductory course of economic theory (which in both cases was conducted by the same teacher). The comparison showed that the results of testing senior schoolchildren, in-depth studying economy according to the traditional school methodology, on average, better results of testing online course listeners. On the other hand, adult students of the full-time-higher education program in comparison with the listeners of the online course are very close to the distribution of students in the number of scored points, and response results to specific test issues.

The purpose of this work is to design a full cycle of the development of the service for the adaptation of cultural and specific educational content. To achieve the designated goal, it is necessary to solve the following tasks :. form theoretical basis for adapting content and interface to the cultural features of users; . Model the main processes implemented through the adaptation service of cultural and specific content; . Suggest an architectural solution, justify the choice of the OSN of the Avian Algorithms and consider the possibility of integrating with the essence of TV-engraving control systems (LMS - Learn Ing Management System); . Describe the service development process. The object of the study was selected by mass open online courses (Massive Open Online Courses - Moocs) with interactive participation intended for an unlimited number of listeners, in the target audience of which cultural groups can be allocated. The subject of the study is the possibility of adaptation of educational content to the peculiarities of cultural groups of the target audience in order to increase the efficiency of e-learning.

This article deals with MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses), as a separate online learning form, which may include a significant number of user-learning users. In the work, the author notes the main characteristics of MOOC, those features that distinguish this form of obtaining knowledge from traditional education, as well as the causes of the occurrence and wide popularization of such a form of obtaining knowledge and skills. In this article, the author considers foreign and domestic experience in the implementation of MOOC learning. As a method of this study, theoretical analysis of Russian and foreign scientific literature was performed, as well as an analysis of the official data of the MOOC platforms. In this work, the author presents the main characteristics of mass open online courses (MOOC) and its differences from other forms of learning. The history of occurrence and distribution, as well as the reasons for the wide popularization of knowledge on MOOC tools among users worldwide is considered.

Kn. 14: Section 14. Development of an educational process based on a modern system of interactive learning in the context of the modernization of education. M.: MMTU "Mami", 2012.

Conference materials are presented on modern methods for the preparation of future engineers.

The possibility of using the corresponding examples containing temporary characteristics, visibility and persuasiveness, analyzed in the process of studying the "legal technique". The possibility of demonstrating the optimization of legal equipment using properly and well-used temporary properties is considered.

Shapiro N. A. Literature. Educational and methodical magazine for teachers of literature. 2011. № 14. P. 27-29.

The article describes the game that you can spend after studying Czech's creativity - at the very end of the 10th or at the beginning of the 11th grade. Preparing for the game, the teams re-read the works of "Anna on the neck", "Ariadna", "Bishop", "Vanka", "Lady with a dog", "House with mezzanine", "Dressing", "Angry Boy", "Malefactor", "Ionch", "Gooseberry", "On Love", "Chamber No. 6", "Pumping", "Work of Art", "Death of the Officer", "Student", "Thick and Thin", "Tusca", "Unter Pokurbyev "," Teacher of Literature "," Chameleon "," Man in the Case "," Cherry Garden "," Uncle Vanya "," Bear "," On the Harm of Tobacco "," Swan Song (Calhas) "," Proposal "," Wedding "," Three sisters "," Seagull "," Anniversary ".

Exposure to PreNatal Androgens Affects Both Future Behavior and Life Choices. HOWEVER, THERE IS STILL Relative Limited Evidence on Its Effects on ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE. Moreover, the predicted effect of exposure to prenatal testosterone (T) - which is inversely correlated with the relative length of the second to fourth finger lengths (2D: 4D) - would seem to have ambiguous effects on academic achievement since traits like confidence, aggressiveness , OR Risk-Taking Are Not Uniformly Positive for Success In School. We Provide The First Evidence Of A Non-Linear Relationship Between 2D: 4D and Academic Achevement using Samples from Moscow and Manila. We Find That There Is A Quadratic Relationship Between High T Exposure and Markers of Achievement Such As Grades Or Test Scores and That The Optimum Digit Ratio for Women In Our Sample IS Lower (Indicating Higher Prenatal T) Thange. The Results for Men Are Generally Insignificant for Moscow But Significant for Manila Showing Similar Non-Linear Effects. Our work is thus unusual in that it draws from a large sample of nearly a thousand university students in Moscow and over a hundred from Manila for whom we also have extensive information on high school test scores, family background and other potential correlates of achievement. Our Work Is Also The First to Have A Large Cross Country Comparison That Includes Two Groups with verity Different Ethnic Compositions

Insufficient hours of school hours and limited possession of the second foreign language do not contribute to full-fledged professionally oriented learning. You have to use only some components of vocational training: reading and referencing texts in the specialty, search for professional information in various sources, personal and business correspondence. An important component of professional activity is the ability to analyze the information presented in the chart, table or chart. The need is dictated by the fact that this type of activity is part of the exam, to obtain a certificate TEST DAF, giving the right to teach or work in Germany.

Institutions affect investment decisions, including investing in human capital. In this study, such a relationship applies to investments in human capital in the form of selection of people who are able to study at the highest school and field of activity at the end of the university. Institutions protecting property rights, stimulate productive activities and the process of "creative destruction" on the hiseummeter, and in the period of weak institutions generate redistribution and research of rent. We test this hypothesis in a sample of 95 countries of the world and find that high quality institutions are positively related to the demand for natural science specialties and adversely with demand for legal specialties. These dependencies are especially strong for countries with high quality human capital.

Part 1. Volgograd: Volgograd Scientific Publishing House, 2010.

The collection includes articles of the participants of the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Economics and Management: Problems and Prospects for Development", held November 15-16, 2010 in Volgograd on the basis of the Regional Center for Socio-Economic and Political Research "Public assistance". Articles are devoted to current issues of economic, managerial theory and practices studied by scientists from different countries of the conference.

Anisimova A. I., Muradyan P. A., Vernikov A. V. SSRN WORKING PAPER SERIES. Social Science Research Network, 2011. No. 1919817.

This empirical article refers to the theory of competition and theory of industry markets. It studies the relationship between the structure of the industry and its competitiveness at the local, and not a nationwide level. We used these micro levels by banks in two regions of Russia - Bashkiria and Tatarstan to calculate the values \u200b\u200bof the Herfindel-Hirschman index and the Lerner index and evaluate the Panzera Ross model. The latter is made in two ways: through a widely used equation of the price, which takes into account the effect of the bank's magnitude, and then through the equation without taking into account the magnitude of the bank, as proposed by the bicker and its co-authors in 2009 it turns out that monopolistic competition prevails at both regional markets, Although the hypothesis of the monopoly is not rejected in Tatarstan. The existence of large local banks does not necessarily lead to greater competitiveness of this regional market, and the use of non-structural models of competing measurement indicates that competition between banks in Bashkiria is stronger than in Tatarstan. Finding on from aggregated analysis, we calculated Lerner's indexes on the two product segments of the Tatarstan banking market and found out that the lending market of individuals is much competitive than the lending market. Local banks have more market law in corporate lending, and local branches of federal banks are in corporate lending.

Trunin P. V., Drobyshevsky S. M., Evdokimova T. M.: Publishing House "Case" Ranhigs, 2012.

The purpose of the work is to compare monetary policy regimes in terms of the vulnerability of the economy using their countries to crisis. The work consists of two parts. The first part contains an overview of the literature, which presents the results of research, considering exposure to crises of economies, using such monetary policy regimes such as currency targeting, classical and modified inflation targeting. Evaluation of the efficiency of accumulation of currency reserves as a tool for preventing or mitigating crises is also provided. In the second part of the work - empirical - the methodology and results of the comparison of the adaptation abilities of the economies obtained on the basis of the analysis of the dynamics of key macroeconomic indicators to pre-crisis and post-crisis periods in countries grouped under monetary policy regimes are described. In addition, estimates of exposure to economies with crises on the basis of calculating the frequencies of the occurrence of crises at various modes.

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision initiated a discussion about the most effective practices for preventing excessive risk of bank managers. This article proposes a theoretical and game approach, describing the decision-making process by the Bank by the Bank manager, which selects risk levels and efforts. If the level of risk affects the scatter of future profit values, then the amount of effort affects the likelihood of a positive result. Although the efforts are not observed for shareholders of the bank, the level of risk is monitored and can be measured by such indicators as capital adequacy or the level of financial leverage. It is assumed that the manager is neutral to risk; The binary outcome of the game with profit or loss will be considered. Starting with consensions of the contract scheme, which includes a fixed and variable component of remuneration, it is shown that due to the differentiation of the variable part of the remuneration, it is possible to stimulate the adoption of smaller risks. More accurately, the variable part of the remuneration (share of the bank's profits) when making a small risk should be higher in proportion to greater scattering of outcomes observed when taking high risk to stimulate the manager to choose a smaller risk level instead of high.

In this paper, a basic model has been developed that allows you to predict a possible reaction of financial organizations for tighter regulatory measures introduced by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBN) in relation to global systemic banks (GSSB). The context of the study was formed by the BKBN document from 2011, which establishes higher capital requirements of global systemic banks. We analyze the interaction of banks within the framework of the oligopolistic market, the demand for which is limited, and additional requirements for capital level introduced by the regulator are superimposed on banks. We distinguish the annoned cost of funding, which determines the amount of loans issued and the interest rate on the market; and the true cost of funding, which directly affects the amount of profit. We conclude that in the framework of the two-period interaction of both banks will be given the highest cost of funding, which will lead to a reduction in the size of the loans issued (which corresponds to the goal of the regulator), but at the cost of higher cost borrowing in the market. If the game is repeated, both banks choose a smaller loan size than in the last period when the lowest cost of funding is declared. Note that the findings obtained correspond to the results of the analysis of the Department of Monetary Policy and the BCBN Economy.

The article analyzes the practical aspects of various methods for implementing the rule of voice transmission, namely, the Gregory method, which includes the Gregory method, which has been involved in the Gregory method.


Chapter I. Theoretical aspects of comparing traditional and e-learning

1. Modern problems of traditional and e-learning.12-30

2. The history of traditional and e-learning.31-48

3. Requirements for the content of e-learning.49-81

Conclusions on the first chapter

G Lava II. Modern traditional and e-learning technology

1. Forms and methods of e-learning. 82-92

2. The results of experimental work ... 93-114

3. Development of the scientific basis of e-learning technology.115-124

Conclusions on the second chapter

Conclusion. 125-132

Bibliography ... 133-149

The history of traditional and e-learning

In the preparation of the context of online learning, it is necessary to use such strategies that allow students to understand and pay attention to the information and actively memorize it. Students use their sensory system to master information in the form of feelings. It is necessary to use strategies that make the most contributing to the manifestation of sensations. For example, a concerning location of information on the page, page features (color, graphics, font size, etc.) and information feeding methods (auditorial, visual, animated, video).

Students before perception and processing of information should understand it on a sensual level. Strategies necessary for the development of understanding and interest in online learning are given later.

Important information should be located in the middle of the page and students must read it from left to right (for the Latin alphabet).

Training information to attract attention should be allocated in various ways.

Students should understand the need for classes to be able to focus on the information received.

The presentation of materials must comply with the level of knowledge of the student so that he can perceive its meaning. The combination of simple and complex material will help the adaptation of the student to different levels of learning.

These strategies allow students to keep information in long-term memory and give the meaning of new information. The task of students is to establish a connection between the new and stored in long-term memory.

Strategies should facilitate the implementation of the following models: - Preparation of conceptual models that students can apply in their existing mental models, or to preserve the structure you need to use them when studying the details of the lesson; - Use preliminary polls to clarify expectations and enhancing the existing structure of students' knowledge and ensure the motivation to find additional resources and achieve the result. - Information should be transmitted in parts to prevent overflow of active memory. Training materials online learning should be from 5 to 9 points on one page to facilitate the processing in active memory; - If the lesson contains many items, it must be organized as an information plan. Information plan is a vision of presentation of online classes that can be formed in three forms: 1 - linear, 2 - network and

In the course of the lesson, each item is displayed in general information plan and then divided into subparagraphs. At the end of the lesson, interpreting the relationship between the elements, adjustments are re-edged into the master plan. For the purpose of in-depth processing, students should at the end of each lesson to apply to provide information and its updates in the plan.

Effective online classes should use techniques that provide students with the possibility of searching and comprehending information providing high-processing strategies and maintaining information into long-term memory.

E-learning requirements

It should be noted that although the purpose of virtual training coincide with the tasks of distance learning, but they are different in essence.

The problem of the growth of applicants for higher education and the development of information and communication technologies led to new approaches to learning and its methods.

One of the latest changes in this area is considered virtual education. Virtual education arose as a solution to this problem and provided new opportunities in life and education,

especially for adults. To establish a system of virtual education, it is necessary to consider many factors together and combined with each other. Comparative studies and review of virtual learning literature showed that the most important components of the education system consist of:

Technological infrastructure. Includes fundamental communication systems (fiber-optic, satellite receivers, microprocessors, etc.), Internet, Internet providers, connecting the education system to network systems, etc.

Human infrastructure. The introduction of a virtual learning system requires the involvement of qualified technical personnel, developers of technical and training projects, teachers, students, designers, administrators, etc.

Extensive knowledge is also necessary - the ability to use PEVM, text editors, extract from web scientific knowledge instead of aimless viewing of web pages, apply software, multimedia, find errors and correct them, etc.

Here, undoubtedly, new approaches, a change in perception and understanding of the set of factors and adjusting roles, relations and methods of activity.

Pedagogical infrastructure. Changing the paradigm of teaching and learning, a change from controlled training in the classroom to a self-study system free from temporary and spatial restrictions, new learning methods (synchronous and asynchronous), a new pedagogical ecology, a shift of the spotlight from the teacher to the student, the displacement of concentration from teaching to learning, The latest learning and evaluation methods, etc.

Cultural, social and defining infrastructure. Netocratic culture (Internet-oriented), upbringing a citizen of the world in compliance with national and local values, addressing the digital gap and the direction of efforts to the fair distribution of the processes of teaching and training, network culture and traditions, a change in the social role of higher education, the development of a new pedagogical culture ( Independence and independence of the student) as a dominant organizational culture in teaching and learning environments.

Economic infrastructure. Email commerce, profitability, the latest methods of resource allocation and budget, new models of collateral, marketing and development of the education market, economy without intermediaries, return on investment, macroeconomics, indirect effectiveness (expanding the selection of educational topics, teacher, media, price, speed, Training methods, etc. for a student).

Management and manual infrastructure. Knowledge management (accent shift to organizational training, and not individual, developing ways to transfer accumulated knowledge and experience between employees of the organization). Choosing a strategy of interconnecting and healthy competition, new management and management strategies, including joint management, preventive and dynamic management, international and global approaches to organizational issues, development of policies, courses and rules in virtual education, due to various factors such as volume Work, way to attract researchers, methods, verification and licensing, intellectual property issues, high-quality and quantitative standards, quality assurance, originality and reliability, electronic security measures, acceptable use policies, etc.

Administrative infrastructure and support system. Electronic management system, organizational, educational and technical system of support for students, teachers and employees, access to digital resources, services, etc. . Features of e-learning How well the e-learning program is developed, such a more can be provided with special characteristics useful in the process of study. In any case, these characteristics should be in meaningful form included in the e-learning program. How more than the share of the components of a specific program of e-learning, it can provide so more opportunities and characteristics. The effectiveness of the characteristics of e-learning highly depends on the issue of their inclusion in the development of programs. The quality and degree of influence of one characteristic of e-learning can be determined through the consideration of important crisis topics of learning. Below are examples of some electronic learning characteristics. Interactivity, reality, full control, comfort, self-sufficiency, ease of use, support online, safety, moderation costs, joint training, formal and informal media, multiprobility, online score, online search, global availability, intercultural interactions, lack of discrimination, etc. .

The results of experimental work

Factors impeding the development of e-learning Application of new training models for those who have been engaged in a traditional way for several years will be associated with certain problems and difficulties. Along with this, the philosophy of education and upbringing (pedagogy) in each country is different. As a result, different methods and approaches will appear. Changing learning models will require the transformation of such approaches. On the other hand, countries differ among themselves in accessing information and communication technologies. These differences can create certain obstacles in implementing and implementing e-learning.

Virtual University Virtual University is a medium where with the use of multimedia tools such as PC, Internet, fax, camera, online communication software, etc. Remote electronic training is implemented.

It can be argued that the concepts of "Virtual University" and "Virtual Training" refer to such courses and education that are different from traditional learning methods. The content of occupations can be transmitted via the Internet or using video links in bilateral active and interactive mode. As well as cable and satellite television can serve as mediation transmission of these classes.

A virtual university is an interactive, dynamic and student-oriented institution. Such universities allow learning anywhere, at any time and throughout life.

Research Center - This Center informs students about scientific and publishing activities. Bookstore - makes it possible to buy e-books and other training materials using a credit card (E-Books). Responsible for the execution of administrative services, such as registration of a list of seminar, exams and laboratory work.

Training units offering classes, laboratories, dissertations and exams. E-learning in Iran makes the first steps in the field of educational technologies and distance education. One of the most important arguments in favor of the need to create e-learning centers in Iran is that limited resources of the current education system have become a special social problem] 19 [.

The advantages and disadvantages of virtual universities as was defined earlier, the virtual university transmits its classes and curricula over the Internet and the student should not, as in traditional education, be sure to be present in the classroom. Next, let's call some advantages and disadvantages of these universities:

Benefits. The ability to offer classes in a multimedian medium (audio, video, text, animation), which naturally significantly improves the quality of the content. Availability of classes from anywhere and at any time, plus the possibility of repetition for better assimilation. The lack of temporary and spatial restrictions gives the opportunity to engage in people, or even those who are on the trip, without any problems to receive education. Teacher's communication with students on the network provides the possibility of choosing a teacher from any country in the world, as well as a student from anywhere in the planet can get an education. Access to the digital library in real time. The ability to continue learning for those who were closely as part of traditional education.

Development of the scientific basis of e-learning technology

E-learning is a comprehensive system of solutions for organizations moving along the way of modern technologies and changes in methods and learning environments.

In general, the advantages of e-learning can be stated as follows: the method of suggestion for students. No temporary restrictions for classes. Universality, coverage, mobility, timeliness and satisfaction of learning needs at any time. An increase in class quality (based on the use of multimedia). The increase in efficiency and recoil training (due to the withdrawal of temporary and spatial restrictions).

Use of various media media. One of the most important information transfer tools and knowledge of the audience is to use the appropriate media media.

Virtual training applies five media media, such as text, sound, image, animation and video as the most important information transfer tools.

Equal accessibility. Virtual training provides all participants with equal access to educational agents. That is, one well-compiled virtual occupation can take advantage of students on the scale of one country or even wider.

Extensive learning. Currently, none of the types of learning has such a potential of spreading around the world, as virtual training via the Internet. The geographical boundaries of the distribution of the virtual learning environment coincide with the Internet. Thus, this type of education provides a potential learning opportunity from anywhere. Virtual training in automatic mode is available 24 hours a day. Thus, virtual education contacts at any time of the day they can reconsider their classes, exercises and tests to respond to participants. Therefore, the audience of virtual learning can at any time visit classes, perform tasks and participate in the respective tests. Thus, another feature of virtual education is the lack of temporary limitations.

E-learning has the ability to provide communication between teachers and students from around the world, which has considerable benefits.

The interaction between the teacher and students. No physical presence of the teacher and students in the classroom is required. Reducing the time and expenses for travel for students. The possibility of learning a large number of students in the classroom. The possibility of registration of activities and student performance by the teacher. The ability to compile various teacher training models. Easy communication.

Interaction and cooperation. Among other advantages of virtual education via the Internet, you can call the use of communication tools, consultations and cooperation between the teacher and students. For example, most electronic learning management systems have e-mail and chat. With these tools, you can send messages, ask questions and discuss scientific articles and reports among participants.

Osipov Dmitry Aleksandrovich

mASTRANT, Department "Information Systems", FGBOU VPO MSTU "STANKIN", Moscow

Hooks Alexander Andrianovich

scientific leader, Cand. those. Sciences, prof., Department "Information Systems", FGBOU VPO MSTU "STANKIN", Moscow.

The development of information technologies over the past decades has led to their ubiquitous use in many areas of human activity. It did not exception and the scope of education. At the end of the 20th century in Western countries, it was born and received an impetus to rapid development e-learning. The emergence and active distribution of electronic forms of training is an adequate response of the education systems of many countries to the integration processes occurring in the world, movement to the information society.

At the beginning of the 21st century, the slow pace of e-learning technology began to appear in Russia. As in many other countries, in Russia, electronic forms of training until recently did not apply on a wide scale due to a number of objective reasons - mainly due to insufficient development and widespread technical means of new information and telecommunication technologies. Currently, technical prerequisites have been created for the widespread use of e-learning in education. Moreover, in some cases the lag behind the implementation of the ideas of e-learning from the possibilities provided by the technical means. Nevertheless, every year the use of electronic educational technologies is becoming more and more common.

Currently, e-learning is used, as a rule, to obtain a second higher education, additional education or to retraining specialists. Both in world practice and in Russian e-learning (E-Learning) goes precisely as an addition to full-time education.

Advantages of e-learning

There are many reasons for popularizing and the ubiquitous use of e-learning systems. First of all, these are the obvious advantages of e-learning in front of the "classic" ways to study:

1) Geographical and temporal advantages

The remote learning method allows teachers and students at a considerable distance from each other, including in different cities and countries. The use of electronic learning systems makes education more affordable, since it allows you to provide educational services to a wider range of students. In the case of corporate training, the electronic form allows centralized training of employees in all branches and offices of the company, regardless of the remoteness from the head office and from the training center without separation from the main production activity - for example, in a special time-based time during a working day or in free From work time.

The availability and openness of training allow the modern specialist to study at any time during the period of vital activity, combining with study with the main activity. Recent studies of scientists have shown that e-learning provides energy savings by 35-70% compared with "ordinary" learning. The amount of saved time depends on the discipline studied, as well as on the material format.

2) economic efficiency

Despite the higher cost of developing full-fledged e-courses compared to traditional, the cost of training one student when using electronic form is significantly lower than in full-time learning. The financial efficiency of the electronic form of training is particularly significant when a large number of students take part in training. Electronic training is cheaper than the usual learning format, first of all, due to the reduction of transportation costs, living expenses in another city, the organization of the courses themselves (rental of premises for classes, salary of the service personnel, additional costs for teachers, etc.). According to average calculations, e-learning allows you to save up to 50-60% of the funds per student.

3) Training personalization, attracting people with disabilities

The introduction of electronic training systems allows combining the advantages of individual training (in terms of its effectiveness) and mass (in terms of its economy). The software system must assume the individual adaptation of the curriculum to the needs and features of students, teachers or learning conditions. From the set of independent training courses (modules), you can form a specific curriculum that meets individual or group needs.

E-learning develops self-work skills that are very in demand in our time. The student itself determines the speed and intensity of learning, the number of repetitions of the same modules, the need to study individual sections, etc. It is not tied to the exact time of the beginning of the classes and to the teacher, and can do at a convenient time.

The psychological factor in learning is important for some students. From a psychological point of view, the use of electronic training systems can reduce the degree of nervousness of students when performing control measures (tests, exams). Additionally, the factor of subjectivity of the assessment is excluded, the psychological impact due to the impact of the group or the student's performance for other subjects is removed.

Educational systems ensure equal opportunities for obtaining education, regardless of a number of person features - the place of residence, health, material and material security. E-learning is very flexible - it can be started and continued at any time anywhere. For each student, an individual curriculum can be developed, taking into account its regime and learning needs.

4) improving the performance and intensity of training

According to statistics, the assimilation of the material in the classical form is given by the student more difficult. So, in full-time lectures, on average, the listeners assimilate no more than 20% of the information with a simple listening and no more than 40% when noting. Electronic courses make it possible to increase the efficiency of training by 60% thanks to the ability to work out the knowledge gained in practice. The use of electronic form of training makes it possible to avoid obsolescence of knowledge and loss of qualifications by specialists by the company due to the constant actualization, which is important in conditions of dynamically changing technologies.

5) Expansion of the information being studied

The use of the same learning system for different courses leads to the unification of the interface and, as a result, to a decrease in time to study the rules for working with the system spent by trainee. The expansion of information is possible and due to the following factors:

· The learning system may contain information on an arbitrary subject area;

· The modular structure of building information allows the use of the same learning system not only for distance learning, but also for retraining and advanced training;

· Educational systems are especially useful in areas of activity in which there is a low efficiency of traditional ways to transfer knowledge through lecture classes;

· The use of training systems allows you to combine the learning of knowledge with the acquisition of work skills through the combination of various types of educational information and the use of interactive interaction of the system and the student;

· Using computer graphics, animation, video, sound, other media components gives a unique opportunity to make the material studied as possible as possible, and therefore understandable and memorable. This is especially true in cases where the trainee must assign a large number of emotional-neutral information - for example, production instructions, technological maps, regulatory documents.

6) optimization and automation of knowledge transfer process

The training system can free the teacher from some of the functions of the transmitter of information, consultant and controlleter, and therefore release time for individual additional work with trainees. Due to the use of unified standards, the use and replication of best practices in the field of learning is possible. The means of the learning system can provide more frequent knowledge control, which helps increase the degree of learning material.

In the case of corporate training, the training system can be integrated with a corporate information system, which will allow managers or staff of personnel service constantly have a real and objective assessment of personnel knowledge.

Problems and disadvantages of e-learning

The rapid development of fundamentally new directions in the educational sphere inevitably led to the emergence of a large number of problems. The rate of further development of E-Learning technologies largely depends on how successfully the problems will be solved. The following main problems in the technology of E-Learning technologies can be distinguished:

· The complexity of the introduction of electronic technologieslearning

Most developers of e-learning solutions supply products that do not fully comply with the wishes of users, and the quality of software does not always comply with the standards in this area. As a result, it often has to attract additional employees to the improvement of additional employees, for example, designers of electronic textbooks and other specialists who could bring courses to the required mind.

· Organizational difficulties in planning, implementing and supporting e-learning technologies

Such difficulties arise and vary depending on factors such as the type and purpose of the curriculum, the needs of the enterprise, and the required rate of assimilation of the program.

· Technical difficulties arising from the introduction of e-learning technologies

Often, when using e-learning technologies, a significant burden on the corporate network can be created. In some cases, the Internet connection may not be fast enough. An additional problem may be the fact that in a number of curricula requires the connection of "bulky" modules for the implementation of audio and video content.

· The need for significant financial investments in conference equipment

With the elevated complexity of technologies used in electronic training, the costs of their implementation may instead of saving financial resources of the enterprise lead to their overruns. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to achieve an optimal ratio of spending and the result obtained.

· Sophisticated planning

In some cases, e-learning programs may require more complex planning than traditional audit classes. The complexity of planning depends on the combination of the applied means of presenting information, the number of students in the virtual audience and the volume of educational material. For example, in synchronous mode of e-learning, insufficiently thoughtful planning and design can deliver various types of complexity both to trainees and teachers.

· Problems associated with independent training

Some students are sophisticated training without direct contact with the teacher and other trainees. In this case, the use of e-learning technologies may make it difficult to master the material or increase the learning time.

· A number of students need external guide

An obvious advantage of e-learning is the lack of need to go to classes. The same factor is also relaxing for not sufficiently conscious trainees. Therefore, those learners who need a hardware control system and certain incentives for learning are suitable for electronic courses, requiring specific tasks within specific time.

· The complexity of the exact, comprehensive and objective assessment of the effectiveness of e-learning technologies

Evaluation of the effectiveness of e-learning technologies is often hampered. There are both subjective assessment methods, for example, subjective satisfaction with the training course and more objective, to which the practical skills acquired by trainees and a number of other factors can be attributed.

Other issues can be attributed to:

· The problem of determining the equivalence of e-courses and recognition of electronic education along with traditional full-time education;

· Language problem with import (export) of education. Electronic courses developed in the same language will require significant financial investments for their transfer to another language, including the need to take into account some features of the region (social, cultural and others), where E-Learning technologies will be taught;

· Uneven development of information technologies in different countries, regions, as well as in different organizations, especially in terms of data transmission channels. Insufficient bandwidth of data transmission channels may seriously affect the possibility of applying electronic learning;

· Lack of sufficiently trained specialists in the field of E-Learning technologies, which have sufficient level of competence;

· High cost of development and maintenance at the current state of e-courses;

· Time difference in case of e-learning in large territories. The greatest relevance, this problem acquires when using E-Learning funds operating in real time;

· A large number of unfair judgments and delusions accompanying training carried out using E-Learning technologies formed, including due to a large number of organizations using E-Learning technologies, but at the same time do not have appropriate competence in this area.


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Since e-learning gained widespread, they began to give the votes of criticism, questioning his dignity, quality and in general, vitality. But is it? Can students of the institutions of the traditional sample boast of great success than those who chose distance learning?

It's time to debunk some of these myths.

1. This technology does not deserve confidence

Most of the socio-financial institutions of enterprises and state structures would be trampled in place if they were afraid of the introduction of new technologies. The essence is that for successful distance learning does not need additional software. All that is required is a computer connected to the Internet. No complicated tools and expensive software. From a technical point of view, e-learning - the process is extremely simple. Especially, given the fact that most people have pretty reliable computers and constant access to the Internet.

2. Students are deprived of group interaction capabilities

In recent years, the level of social interaction between people is rapidly. Many academic electronic training platforms use the rapid growth of social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, giving people the opportunity to communicate and interact, thus creating favorable conditions for joint training.

Unlike classic universities, where students are limited to the walls of the audience, those who have chosen the remote form of training have the opportunity to communicate with people around the world.

3. This is at risk a profession of the teacher

Computers will not replace people. They simply simplify the learning process, giving the opportunity to cover a wider audience. The profession of the teacher or the teacher in no way is leveled by the e-learning system. On the contrary, professors have the opportunity to cover a larger number of students and open a local school, caring greater fraction of the educational services market.

4. Students learn worse, not feeling control over your work by the teacher

If a student or a student is not interested in gaining knowledge, he or her anyway: observes the teacher or not. While e-learning does not imply a student to be at a certain time in a certain place, while providing him with access to the teacher and other fellow students who can assist and support.

The old saying: "You can bring a horse to the water, but you cannot make it drink" How it is impossible to make this myth better. If the student is not worth the goal of gaining knowledge and seek success, a program or teacher here has nothing to do with it. Blame in all e-learning stupid. It is a kind of catalyst for information delivery, e-learning is not responsible for the disastrous student habits.

The percentage of discraining and the structure of the MOOC listeners (from top to bottom): observers, periodic visitors, passive participants, active participants.

5. The curriculum is less reliable

Have you ever attended some of the open lectures of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology? Its audiences are accurate copies of traditional training classes. Students who pass e-learning receive the same training as students of traditional universities. The quality of the curriculum is directly connected with the instructor that has been. Delivery method (in this case, digital form) in any case does not affect the quality of the product.

6. There is no universal unit for measuring the quality of knowledge

Over the years, specialists are trying to find a measure of the assessment of the knowledge gained. To determine the quality of education through exams? Success in work? The ability to retell the material? This is the problem of not only e-learning. With reliable accuracy, determine the level of knowledge gained is difficult not only in the field of e-learning, but also traditional too. But the truth is that the tools for measuring the success of e-learning courses are no different from those that are used in traditional audiences.

7. Distance learning is passive

Students sitting in the audience are more passive compared to those who chose distance learning. In the latter case, lecture listeners are more involved in the learning process, since they constantly interact with the teacher. In order to give the right answer to the teacher in online audiences need a much greater concentration of attention. It's not on the "gallery" in Tetris on iPhone play ...

8. E-learning serves as a cover for students from the real world.

The real world is full of computers. In life from much more, universities, especially in a small town. Students who prefer remote learning can communicate with people from around the world. Listeners of e-courses, as a rule, are those who do not imagine their lives without digital technology. Therefore, they prefer to receive education, without departing from the computer.

9. Diploma of education obtained by distance learning is not quoted

10 years ago, it could still correspond to reality, but the trends are fleeting. An increasing number of employers recognize that remote education may well compile competition to the traditional institute. Many graduates who received a diploma on the basis of e-learning, more technically grounded, motivated and more strive for self-education and self-improvement. You need to be prepared for the fact that over time there will be more and more colleges based on e-learning principles. Traditional education will have to go to radical changes in order to keep up with private companies that are not obliged to wade through bureaucratic red tape to approve the curriculum.

10. Students are deprived of extracurricular activity

The fact is that e-learning leaves more time for extracurricular activities. The student is not obliged to spend time on the trip to the university and back, and can independently plan its schedule. It does not prevent him from doing in the afternoon of art or participate in other events that you have to postpone those who are "tied" to the schedule. In addition, the announcers of e-courses can be connected to projects that are designed for traditional school.

11. With no connections to find work

Undoubtedly, communication is essential in the process of finding good work. In this case, students of traditional universities are located in a less profitable position, who are forced to go to classes for four years in a row. Receiving distance education, you can remain an active participant in the labor market. In this case, education, vocational training and contacting of contacts - three interrelated and complementary process. An additional "bonus" of many online courses is the ability to communicate with people with whom you would never meet in the audience. Training remotely, you have the opportunity to communicate with people who occupy good positions and can help you find an interesting and high-paying job.

12. E-learning is impersonal

Internet classes are still managed by real people. People with whom can be contacted by e-mail, chat or Skype. E-learning is fully customizable. This is the ideal option for people limited in the possibilities that life circumstances have developed so that they cannot go beyond their apartment.

E-learning is an excellent opportunity to interact with the world around the world for people shy from nature. Agree: it is easier to introduce a question in the chat window than to raise your hand in the Great Lacent Hall.

13. Specialists do not perceive distance learning seriously

Yes, and that is why. Many teachers who conduct online courses are more downloaded by checking coursework and drawing up curricula, as they can work with thousands of people.

The more popular e-learning becomes, the greater the competition among teachers and professors. This means that they will have to apply additional efforts to interest the student, make him stop their choice on his course.

14. E-learning choose lazy people who are not able to go traditional

The traditional course in college is a tangle of problems, not the last of which is financial. College is unreasonably expensive pleasure. Not all talented and abusive students can afford it. Do not be considered an electronic formation with a lightweight option for lazy. For all the flexibility of the schedule, the student is fully involved in the learning process, if, of course, he wants to succeed.

15. E-learning is for people who threw school or could not go to college

This is an old label that has nothing to do with e-learning online. The times, when the lagging student "left" to the network to complete the school of vocational training, was rushed into the fly. Now students choose online learning, first of all, due to its flexible system. In addition, this form allows you to reduce the cost of education and not even leave your workplace. Prestigious schools offer many online courses, the level of which is worthy of admiration.

16. Distance learning, mainly the same

Thanks to modern technologies, students can receive knowledge using video, abstract lectures, slides, texts, group discussions or putting experiments. The teacher and students are not limited to the walls of the class - every person has the opportunity to learn and grow in accordance with their personal features and needs.

17. This technology costs too expensive.

Learning technology, mainly cheaper than the cost of the course in the traditional institution of education. The price of the software, the Internet connection and the computer is only a small tolik in comparison with the cost of one course in college.

18. E-learning allows students to get communication skills

Online education teaches students to effectively communicate. The computer screen is not a hindrance in order to ask questions, discuss, comment and, in general, interact. After all, all actions should be carefully thought out, clearly and concisely written. The relationship between one-log bars and the teacher may be more intense than in the traditional audience. After all, the social aspect is the basis of the basics of software.

19. There is too much real reasons to distract to consider e-learning effective

This is true, because the electronic course teaching is forced to fight Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and millions of other online entertainment.

But it applies to the real world. Students must learn to distribute their time correctly, follow their habits and establish priorities. In the traditional audience, the student is practically not susceptible to the temptation of the environment. But as soon as this student is arranged to work, he is forced to learn to adapt to the requirements of real life with all its distracting factors.

20. At the disposal of the student must be a supercomputer

Have you ever seen a Chromebook Google? It costs only $ 249.00. This is a laptop who is ready to work as soon as it was taken out of the box. At the same time, it has all the tools and software necessary for study during e-education. Most courses are taught through the Internet. Even if the student has a too slow connection speed to the Internet, the Wi-Fi system guarantees a high connection speed from any "hot" point of the city.

21. Listeners of distance learning courses do not have access to the resources that have students of traditional educational institutions.

Once students of leading universities, such as Harvard and Yel, had access to those professors and racks of libraries, about which ordinary citizens could only dream. But the Internet has changed everything. Information layers are in open access. Knowledge can draw from everywhere from any sources. And for free. All are set in equal conditions. And the fact that only "elite" was available, today, with the help of distance learning, can get each. Therefore, electronic education is so popular with students.

22. E-learning is a trend that will never reach the level of traditional education.

The cost of traditional education is unreasonably overestimated. Some scientists predict that soon we will witness the collapse of the traditional education system. On scale, it will be comparable to the collapse in the US real estate market, served to the global crisis. The reality is that traditional education is too expensive. This system is unlikely to last even a couple of years. Online education - more cost-effective and beneficial, first of all, for students. The whole scientific world stands on the threshold of large changes.

The percentage of students in the United States, which "attend" at least one course online

23. Colleges will not completely go to the e-learning system, since she has many drawbacks

Universities cannot fully switch to the remote form of learning. But this is not because its methods are inferior to traditional methods. The reason is in the other. In the system of traditional education "spinning" too much money. No less and politics. Some specialists do not want to put up with new technologies, justifying their unwillingness by the fact that the elitism hierarchy collapses. Do not worry: There are online courses on the Internet, which are developed by the most outstanding and glittering minds on Earth.

24. It does not provide real life experience.

It should not imitate real life experience ... because it happens in real life. Students of traditional universities are accustomed to the division of their lives: "At this time - study, in it - work, in this family." E-learning allows you to live in such a way that all these steps pass in parallel with the learning process.

25. Distance learning is something mysterious and unknown

Many students start with distance learning. The curriculum, the cost, and the ability to communicate with people from around the world is the reason for which this method of obtaining education will be the most promising in the future. Changes are always painful. Traditional institutions preserved a monopoly for hundreds of years. The academic sector has always evolved too slow to sleep for technologies. But one day, the advocates of the traditional learning system can realize: the world did not wait for them and left far ahead.

26. E-learning is much cheaper than traditional education, due to hidden expenses.

Undoubtedly, the cost of organizing online - audiences exist. These are costs and software, and on the placement of the server, and for the time spent by experts. But do not professors working in real life, do not need to pay? No matter how cool, even with all hidden costs, e-learning is cheaper than traditional.

27. E-learning implies a large number of time by the monitor, and this is harmful to the eye.

When the world did not know the Internet, apocalyptic warnings about the negative impact of the monitor on the eyes were filled from all sides. But every year technology allows you to improve the design of the screens, making them more and more secure and ergonomic. How everyone was happy when an e-book appeared for the first time and everyone got the opportunity to read the information from the compact electronic device screen! No one no longer doubts that manufacturers will continue to improve their products to minimize the effects of radiation on the eyes.

28. There is no possibility to assess the quality of e-learning

The same argument is applicable to traditional education. To determine the level of knowledge in the electronic system of learning, you can use the same estimates as for traditional education. There is nothing impossible for remote formation. You can not doubt that with the development of technologies and methods of certification of the quality of knowledge obtained by distance learning will be invented.

29. E-learning is boring

If the online course was dubbed "boring", this is just because the teacher poorly planned work. It is boring at the lesson in the remote audience it does not happen: it is possible in the same way as in the usual class, to communicate in a chat with other students, raise your hand, ask questions, communicate with the professor, to use the Internet capabilities for research and presentations.

30. E-learning will never receive the status of high quality education

If, after reading the above 29 reasons, your opinion has not changed, you are most likely not to convince.

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istation, or rather, e-learning (from the generally accepted term E-Learning; In fact, the concept of distance learning and e-learning are unequivocal, but in Russia they are usually interpreted the same, so we will not violate traditions) takes a strong position in the modern training system, which organically complement the full-time Training and a variety of full-time trainings and courses. E-learning is actively used in both educational institutions and enterprises and, according to IDC, according to the degree of popularity, it will soon catch up with full-time. Leading world analytical companies predict him a great future and argue that the global market for distance learning systems is a source of great opportunities for sellers and investors. In the best higher educational institutions of the world, E-Learning centers have been created, allowing to pass distance learning to obtain an appropriate diploma; Corporate training centers of companies and state structures are actively developing, and the annual income in the E-Learning market in a number of countries is already calculated in billion.

So much interest in e-learning is quite simple. In the last decade, significant changes in the labor market have occurred: the requirements for the personnel have increased, practically in all areas of activity began to be widely implemented by IT technologies, and the staff itself became more mobile. Similar changes led to the need to create conditions for continuous, fast, flexible, and at the same time high-quality training, and since traditional training systems are not able to meet these needs, it took the search for alternative systems.

The main advantages of E-Learning in comparison with traditional full-time learning

a dream of an educational process with remote learning is a targeted and controlled intensive independent work of the trainee, which can independently determine the sequence of objects of objects, study in a convenient place for itself, with individual speed, and in some cases - and at a convenient time. Therefore, the main advantage of E-Learning should be considered a certain freedom in terms of location, learning time and its pace, which makes distance learning attractive for those users who, for one reason or another, do not have the opportunity to study in person, but wish to increase their educational level.

One of the most important advantages of E-Learning is a smaller cost of learning, which, according to CEDAR GROUP, is on average below 32-45%. In exceptional situations, there is an even more impressive reduction in value - in this sense, the calculations of the specialists of the Corporate Training Center of the Red Center are of interest. Taking the basis of a certain conditional company with a personnel with a total number of 280 employees, 80 of which are subject to training, specialists of the Reducery made calculations and concluded that, with the right organization, distance learning can cost the company seven times cheaper by full-time courses at similar topics (rice . one). Therefore, there is nothing surprising that companies increasingly choose this course of learning as a priority upon professional development. This moment is important and upon receipt of education in a higher educational institution - if the payment of traditional full-time training on a commercial basis is not affordable. True, it is not necessary to consider the lower cost of distance learning by the main argument in its favor when obtaining basic education in an academic university. The fact is that not every student due to its personal features is able to obtain a distance education: there is a certain percentage of people for whom the only possible way to perceive the educational material is an audited form of training, and someone may simply not have enough discipline and amplification when organizing Independent lessons.

(Source - Red Center, 2005)

An important advantage of distance learning is its greater efficiency - according to CEDAR GROUP, the study time is reduced in this case by 35-45%, and the rate of storage of material increases by 15-25%. True, this advantage works not always - it all depends on the material being studied and from the method of its submission. For example, it is problematic to develop a proper pronunciation, studying foreign languages \u200b\u200bremotely and without having sufficient spoken practice - if the grammar of the language can be developed remotely, then for the mastering speech, full-time communication is necessary. In addition, many specialists, including the rector of the Aichi Academy, Igor Morozov, pay attention to the fact that greater learning efficiency can only be achieved "with a thorough accounting of such factors as the course structure and the method of feeding the material being studied."

Online learning allows you to improve the quality of education through the wide use of world educational resources and an increase in the share of self-mastering of the material, and the latter is especially important, since it is gradually the development of such qualities, as independence, responsibility, organization and ability to really evaluate their strength and make decisions without What is unthinkable successful career. In addition, Vladimir Tikhomirov believes (Chairman of the Expert Advisory Council on E-Education, Open Education and the introduction of new educational technologies in the Committee on Education and Science of the State Duma of the Russian Federation), e-learning automatically leads "to early mastering the skills of applying information and communication Technologies, which makes it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of the use of knowledge in the economy. "

We must not forget that distance learning is the only way to get an education for those who have a number of reasons (lack of time, the need to combine studies with work, territorial remoteness from the university, etc.) can not learn the usual person.

In general, according to Igor Morozov, remote training is most relevant in cases where it is necessary for the task of learning a large number of employees of a certain organization for a minimum period of time, and the organization itself has a territorially distributed structure and organizational changes are often held in it. "

At the same time, remote and full-time learning should not be opposed to one another - these are different, but complementary forms of learning, between which "lies a fairly extensive area of \u200b\u200bmixed solutions, which are often much more productive," says Igor Morozov. In practice, this means, for example, the addition of full-time basic education by the necessary online courses or the use of a combined form of training, in which a part of theoretical material is more affordable for independent development is studied by the listener remotely, and the practical work and the development of complex theoretical material undergo in the audience under the guidance of the teacher.

State support

kursperti UNESCO and the Government of developed countries agree that it is possible to meet the requirements of the information society to the level of qualifications of people, only through the use of E-Learning as technology orienting students to the new education style and developing their skills and skills for further learning throughout life. Therefore, e-learning, which makes it possible to prepare the necessary personnel in the right amount for the minimum time and at minimum cost, is recognized as a priority in the reforms of educational systems in such leading countries of the world, as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany, France, etc., and even on UN level.

In the latest report of the Commission on e-learning for the President and Congress of the United States, among the main tasks, the creation and development of educational Internet resources, training of teachers and educational process administrators and the development of high-quality E-Learning content, and 6 billion dollars were allocated to their execution.

In the final report of the European Commission on Education and Culture for 2004, it was noted that 77% of European universities already have the necessary technical solutions and the proper faculty for conducting e-learning, and for 65% of universities, the development of E-Learning is the most important priority of the present.

The European Parliament adopted a lot of decisions on E-Learning issues, including a decision of 05.12.2003 No. 2318/2003 on the adaptation of long-term programs to effectively integrate information and telecommunication technologies to educational European E-Learning systems.

The UN Report on the state of e-learning in the countries included in the European Union in 2004, contained a list of universities and training centers promoting E-Learning-decisions, and dealt with cooperation in this field.

In Russia, legal grounds for the introduction of distance learning are the laws "On Education", "On Higher and Postgraduate Professional Education" and the order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation of December 18, 2002 No. 4452 "On Approval of the Methodology of Application of Remote Educational Technologies (Distance Learning) in educational institutions of the highest, secondary and additional professional education of the Russian Federation. "

Distance learning uses

gently, distance learning firmly occupies its niche in the formation market and can clearly allocate spheres where it is confidently positioned as an alternative to traditional learning. This is mainly about the corporate sphere and the field of education - in the first E-Learning there is no equal in terms of initial training of employees of the company, their certification and advanced training, and in the second online training is attractive for applicants as a possible option for obtaining education.

Distance learning receives ever wider distribution in state structures today, where it is indispensable for the organization and support of the permanent system of continuous advanced training of civil servants. Moreover,

e-Learning received recognition in a variety of training centers specializing in the field of online courses in the fields of information technology and business.

In the company, in enterprises and state structures, online training allows you to solve the issues of learning and retraining employees, which is particularly relevant in the conditions of introducing new, including information, technologies, when the training of a large number of employees is often associated with significant expenses. Even more increasing the relevance of E-Learning if the company has remote branches, when the organization of traditional trainings in the field not only increases the cost of learning almost an order of magnitude, but also technically turns out to be more complex - at least due to the lack of in the places of the necessary specialists. In the public sector, in this sense, it is even more difficult - the remoteness of certain structures here is the norm, and when implementing any technology or innovation in one or even in several areas, the appropriate retraining of employees can turn to the highest degree spending in terms of forces, tools and time task .

No less important is for companies to support a certain level of competitiveness - after all, according to the very faithful statement of Henri de Geyz ("Live Book"), "the ability to learn the fastest competitors is the only source of competitive advantage over them." This circumstance also necessitates the emergence of a significant number of consumers of educational services interested in remote learning.

In addition, in a number of industries (especially in the field of services, in retail and wholesale), there is a high fluidity of frames, as a result of which the companies constantly appear many new employees who need to be trained, and the organization of ordinary training in this case will actually mean throwing money to the wind.

In educational institutions and training centers, remote and mixed forms of learning make it possible to cover remote regions to cover and reduce direct training costs.

The degree of popularity of online learning for all sorts of structures and in various spheres is very different. In the corporate business, explicit preference is given to online courses. As for higher education, the majority of students prefer full-time students to obtain a bachelor's title, and remotely finish any additional courses. With further training, the percentage of online learning increases, and with the development of both major and additional disciplines (Sloan Consortium, 2005).

In different areas there is an ambiguous attitude towards remote learning. At the moment, it is most in demand in the corporate sphere as the replacement of traditional trainings and in the field of education when studying certain courses. In addition, this learning option conquers increasingly strong positions in the financial and IT spheres, with the retraining of civil servants, in health care (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. The degree of popularity E-Learning in different areas
(Source - Sloan Consortium, 2005)

E-Learning in the World

the azvitia of the world distance learning market continues very actively, which contributes, on the one hand, an increase in demand for educational services, and on the other - the development of information technologies and an increase in the number of Internet users.

The largest number of today's consumers E-Learning solutions is concentrated in the United States and Canada, and among European countries - in the UK, followed by Germany, Italy and France. In the US, there are distance learning to offer more than 200 universities and thousands of colleges, and the number of online courses increases by about 30-40% annually. In the UK, a variety of remote programs offer over 50 universities.

An even more actively grows the number of online courses offered by other structures and oriented to the corporate sector. For example, according to a recent Press release of British Telecom, only this company offers to train staff over 1.7 thousand E-Learning programs.

The growth in the popularity of e-learning is relatively stable. So, in the United States, judging by the latest Sloan Consortium report, the overwhelming majority of the considered higher educational institutions confirmed the increase in the number of students who choose one or more online courses. The number of educational institutions that recognize the prospects of online training is also growing, although much slower - in the US in the US in three years it increased from 48.8 to 56% (Fig. 3), and the number of opponents remains almost unchanged.

Fig. 3. The relationship of educational institutions for the prospects for E-Learning
(Source - Sloan Consortium, 2005,%)

In total, in the world, according to Brandon Hall (, at the end of 2003 there were about 100 million listeners of various E-Learning programs, and the total volume of distance learning market amounted to $ 9 billion. At the end of 2005, the number of trained remote method increased to 130 million, and the total global e-learning market, according to Gartner's preliminary estimates, reached $ 33.6 billion.

At the same time, the share of the United States takes more than half of the market - approximately $ 18 billion (IDC data). A significant proportion of the market falls on Canada, but in the countries of the Asia-Pacific region (including Japan) the distance learning market is still in the formation stage and grows by a minor pace - for example, in Japan, according to IDC forecast, in 2005-2009, the market growth will be average 16.6% per year. For comparison: in the American Corporate Sector in Middle-Size Companies, the E-Learning market increased by 30%, and the growth rate in large companies was close to 35%.

According to forecasts, the positive dynamics in the global E-Learning market will continue in 2006 - according to Bersin & Associates, distance learning in 77% of companies will increase, and the others will remain at about the same level. The growth will continue and in the field of education, although growth rates, according to a number of analysts, will somewhat decrease.

E-Learning in Russia

once we note that to call the exact data characterizing the volume of the Russian distance learning market is impossible due to their absence. There are several reasons for this. First of all, this market is just beginning to form, so analytical companies do not take it into account and, therefore, official research on it is not carried out. Yes, and the transparency does not differ in transparency, since the Russian companies operating there openly do not declare their income. Therefore, to judge the peculiarities of the development of the Russian market E-Learning will have to be indirectly, analyzing data from different sources.

The 2004 year can be considered a turning point for the development of distance learning in Russia, when significant successes of a number of projects became noticeable. In 2005, the positive dynamics of the market for the E-Learning market was preserved, and at the moment, remote personnel training is successfully implemented at such major enterprises as "Russian Railways", "Severstal", Norilsk Nickel, Rusal, VimpelCom , Uralsib, Svyazinvest, etc. The possibilities of distance learning were involved in the retraining of the State Duma staff of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Central Bank of Russia, Vneshtorgbank and a number of other organizations.

In 2005, Russia was able to draw attention to the international level - October 14, 2005 The ADL International Association (Advanced Distributed Learning) officially announced the successful end of the tests of the domestic distance learning system of SDT Redclass for compliance with the International Standard SCORM 1.2. This standard is recognized worldwide standard in the field of E-Learning and is supported by almost all leading manufacturers of distance learning systems, and the REDCLASS SDT has become the first to the only one from the internationally certified Russian E-Learning systems.

As noted in one of the press releases of the Rocyte, in Russia at present the possibility of obtaining education is provided by the remote, about 40% of universities are provided. Leading Russian universities and major training centers (Aichi Academy, Red Course, etc.) offer an increasing number of courses on the most different subject areas, the active process of localization of foreign content from leading suppliers is being developed, Russian distance courses are being developed.

However, the main factor restraining the pace of development of the E-Learning market, according to the rector of the Igor Morozov Academy, is still the "lack of good Russian-speaking electronic content, the need for large companies is very high." In addition, severe obstacles for the regions are not enough developed infrastructure and cultural barriers.

Evaluate the total number of distance courses in Russia does not allow the absence of data. You can only say that their number grows pretty quickly. For example, in the system of distance business learning for entrepreneurs (SDBO - a joint project of the National Business Partnership "Alliance Media" and the International Institute of Management Link, The growth rates in 2005 amounted to over 170%, and in total The moment of writing the article in it was recorded by almost 22 thousand students (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4. Changing the number of users in the SDBO system, in 2001-2005,
(Source - SDBO, 2005)

Information regarding the popularity of distance education in the center and in the regions is very contradictory. For example, according to the AT Academy for 2004, 64% (that is, the majority of students are remotely students in this Academy of Students represented the regions, which is quite logical due to the independence of E-Learning from the place of residence. At the same time, according to the latest Data data, it turns out that almost half of the students of this distance learning live in Moscow, St. Petersburg and in the Moscow region. True, this can be explained by the largest possibilities of the Center in terms of access to the Internet and greater awareness of E-Learning features.

The intensive growth of the IT market and the rapid introduction of information technologies in many areas along with the readiness of enterprises to change, the lack of highly qualified personnel and the fairly high needs of Russians in education suggests the high growth rates in the distance learning market. According to the forecasts of the IT Academy, the effective combination of traditional education and the latest developments in the IT development will allow the distance learning market to take at least 30% of the total learning, and in some industries - even up to 75%.

The most promising in terms of implementation E-Learning should be considered the corporate sector, government structures and personnel retraining centers. The educational sector, uniting higher educational institutions, is also quite interesting, the truth is not for obtaining basic education (a full-time learning form is preferable), and to implement combined learning options, when full-time students will study part of the subjects remotely. To obtain basic education in Russian universities, the E-Learning option is apparently so far insteading - primarily due to a significant reduction in the number of applicants. In 2010, their number will be only 62% of the 2005 level, and it is not difficult to guess that the overwhelming majority of applicants will prefer the usual and long-time learning output.

E-Learning Development Prospects

The future, or rather, by 2010, if you believe specialists from American Educational Research Association, two thirds of the whole learning will be remotely. Most likely, this forecast should be considered too optimistic, but undoubtedly one - e-learning has become a decent alternative to traditional and in individual areas, primarily in corporate and state, it will be given a clear preference, since it is the only way to quickly study at minimum cost.

In the educational sphere, as well as in commercial training centers, E-Learning will continue to complement the traditional full-time learning option, and in most cases, mixed learning will remain the most appropriate, when one courses, depending on their specifics, are studied in the traditional way, while others remotely.
