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Contribution of the head of a medical and preventive institution to the professional adaptation of graduates of a medical university

Chizhkova Marina Borisovna

Moskaleva Yulia Anatolyevna


The article discusses the issues of practical implementation of the expectations of interns and residents of a medical university from the personality and activities of the immediate supervisor from a medical and preventive institution in the process of professional adaptation. Based on the analysis of scientific literature and ideas about professional adaptation as a process that mutually satisfies the requirements and expectations of an individual from professional activity, the authors emphasize the relevance of studying the stated problem in medical universities, graduates of which are involved in the professional activity of a doctor already at the stage of training in internship and residency, up to start independent work in medical institutions as a certified and certified employee. Based on the questionnaire of the graduate R.V. Gurina, which makes it possible to determine the consistency of the individual's requests with the requirements for a certain activity, the relationship between adaptation and the realization of the individual's expectations, the authors state a reliably low level of realization of the depth of professional knowledge and methodological skill expected from the leader's personality, and from activities - active assistance in mastering the chosen specialty. The generalization of the data obtained in the study gives the authors the basis to conclude about the ambiguous nature of the professional adaptation of medical university graduates: the demonstrated success of adaptation to professional activity at the bases of medical and preventive institutions comes into conflict with the fully unsatisfied needs of interns and residents from the personality and activities of direct supervisors from medical and preventive institutions at these stages of professional education.

Keywords: medical education; medical school graduate; internship; residency; interns; residents; professional adaptation; medical and preventive institution; the personality of the immediate supervisor of the internship / residency; activities of the direct supervisor of the internship / residency; expectations from the personality and activities of the leader; practical implementation of expectations from the personality and activities of the leader

Cardinal transformations in all spheres of social production in Russia have led to a qualitatively new understanding of the process of formation of a specialist's personality, strengthening of practice-oriented vocational education, reorientation of the assessment of educational results from the "education" model to the "competence" model. The most important trend in improving the quality of higher professional education is becoming an orientation towards the demands of the labor market, strengthening the interaction of universities with the manufacturing sector, science, public employment service, culture and other social institutions (R.A. Burganov, M.A. Vakhtina, I.Yu. Zhdankina and E.A. Shamin, T.V. Kondratyeva, V. B. Moiseev and L. I. Naydenova, A. V. Timiryasova and T. V. Kramin, E. A. Opfer and others).

However, as noted by a number of authors (N.V. Bondarenko, V.G. Zarubin, E.A. Kuzina, E.A. Opfer, T.B. Pankratova et al., S.M. Salov, I.V. Sokolnik, etc.), the education sector, which currently has the potential to develop effective cooperation with industry and employers, does not demonstrate flexibility and readiness to form the basis for cooperation and is characterized by a number of contradictions that complicate the employment of young people.

First, there are no prerequisites in education for the transition of young people to the sphere of employment with the required level of qualifications and work experience, which hinders the possibility of realizing their potential at the initial stage of labor activity. Since education in many cases is regarded as a certain stage for obtaining high incomes and a certain social status, there is a situation of "over-education", the orientation of the majority of young men and women to study in institutions of higher professional education.

Secondly, the supply on the education market is represented mainly by such educational products that are in demand by society in the short term, without correlating with the forecast needs of the labor market and without coordinating with the long-term prospects within the framework of development strategies for regions and the state. Moreover, the study of the work experience of 35 Russian universities in monitoring employers' satisfaction with the quality of graduate training demonstrates the availability of this work in many universities, but only some of them adjust the educational process, introduce new training courses and even whole specialties in order to meet the modern market requirements of graduates. labor.

Thirdly, against the background of dynamic changes in the conditions of professional activity and production requirements for easily modifiable knowledge, skills and abilities that contribute to the successful adaptation of an employee to global changes in a particular field of activity, in the system higher education there are trends in the graduation of young specialists who do not meet the current and future needs of the labor market, their lack of flexibility in the face of changes in the professional and qualification structure of the market.

The resolution of these contradictions should proceed from the understanding that production and the employers who represent it (most often, the heads of certain enterprises, organizations, institutions) are not just a category of labor market participants acting as experts on the level and content of a graduate's training, but also customers, and consumers of educational services of the university. At each stage of training a future professional, employers perform certain functions. At the stage of developing a model of a high-quality educational process, the prognostic function dominates, which consists in updating the modern requirements for the competence of graduates, as a basis for identifying promising directions for improving the level of training of specialists. At the stage of implementation of the educational process, a transforming function is carried out, consisting in the organizational and meaningful participation of employers in the educational process of the university, including in the implementation of educational technologies on the basis of practical training, thereby ensuring the professional socialization of specialists. At the final stage, the expert function becomes prevalent, which manifests itself in assessing the quality of training of students and graduates during the period of practical training and final state certification.

The relevance of the problem of interaction of educational institutions with employers in healthcare is determined not only by the stated shortcomings of professional medical education (inconsistency of the quality of training specialists with modern requirements, the lack of an integrated system of professional training in the conditions of "university-real clinical practice", the absence of a technology of external quality assessment standardized for practical healthcare tasks vocational education) [cit. after: 6, p. 50], but also by acute personnel issues of medical and preventive institutions (hereinafter referred to as LPI), which determine the quality of medical care and its availability.

Medical personnel are the most significant part of health care resources, providing, along with organizational forms and the state of the material and technical base, the effectiveness and efficiency of the health care facility and all its departments. However, choosing the right specialist, corresponding to the vacant position with the level of his professional knowledge, abilities, skills, general cultural competences and personal qualities, is a difficult and sometimes intractable task.

As the results of empirical studies show, the main complaint of employers to medical universities today is the excessive "theorizing" of training, the isolation of acquired knowledge from practice, inability to handle modern equipment, and psychological unpreparedness for the realities of production. About a third (30.2%) of heads of health care facilities believe that the quality of higher medical education does not meet the requirements for local medical workers, provoking 30-40% of graduates to leave the profession. Among the reasons for the low level of training, managers see limited opportunities for students to undergo clinical practice (34.6%), outdated training standards (20.1%), shortage and insufficient professionalism of teachers (9.4%). intern medical university supervisor

In our opinion, the explanation of the "staff shortage" in medical institutions solely by gaps in the educational process of a medical university is not entirely legitimate. It is also necessary to take into account the fact that often the chief physicians quite formally approach the organization and conduct of practical training of students, shifting the responsibility for training the future specialist either to the teachers of the supervising departments, or to the head of the department, overloaded with the combination of medical and administrative activities.

Implementing a personnel policy, the head of a health care facility must, at all stages of the professional development of a future specialist (from educational practice in the 1st year to residency training), actively engage in work on securing potential personnel, forming and maintaining a workforce capable of working in changing conditions. One of the areas of such work is the management of the adaptation of new medical personnel to professional activities.

In its most general form, professional adaptation is the adaptation of a person to new working conditions for him. Along with this, professional adaptation is understood as a multilateral process of adaptation of an employee to the content and conditions of work, to the immediate social environment, as well as to improve the employee's business and personal qualities, as a process that requires both from the employee and the team of mutual activity and interest in each other. ; and as a way of adapting a professional user, a person who directly interacts with the subject environment, to the subject-spatial environment in which he is forced to realize his labor activity.

Despite the many-sided interpretations of the concept of "professional adaptation", researchers agree that it is during this period that the attitude of the newcomer to the team and to the organization as a whole is formed, and the motivation for work in a new place is formed. The productivity of subsequent activities, the mental and psychological health of the employee, the quality of medical care provided to patients depend on the effectiveness of professional adaptation.

The peculiarity of the professional adaptation of graduates of medical universities is that the inclusion in the professional activity of a doctor occurs already at the stage of training in internship and residency, i.e. before starting independent work in medical institutions as a certified and certified employee.

Internship and residency are a compulsory form of professional training for persons who have mastered educational programs of higher medical and pharmaceutical education, and serve as the basis for their occupation of relevant positions in health care institutions of the state, municipal and private health care system.

Residency, as part of a multi-level structure of higher medical education in Russia, a form of continuous professional education of doctors in higher medical educational institutions, is designed to create conditions for students to acquire the level of knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for the implementation of professional activities, as well as qualifications that allow them to hold certain medical positions and pharmaceutical workers Regulations on the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities on educational programs of higher education - residency programs at the State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Ministry of Health of Russia [Electronic resource]. - Access mode:, free (date of access: 01.03.2016) ..

Along with improving theoretical and practical skills, increasing the degree of independence in professional activity in the chosen specialty, interns and residents need to adapt in a medical organization, to accept the rules dictated by its specifics and work regime, established traditions and interpersonal relationships. It is extremely difficult for a future specialist to deal with the inner life of a health care facility on his own: comprehending everything from his own experience, he spends a lot of time on it, distracting from the primary tasks of professional development and improvement.

In such situations, for interns and residents, it is important to support the immediate supervisor from a medical institution, which includes both a discussion of directions, main tasks and requirements for a doctor's activities, and a study of his proposals and questions. Unfortunately, the latter aspects are the least represented in the system of professional adaptation of interns and residents. As a rule, the introduction of a future doctor is limited to his presentation by the chief physician (head of the department) to the staff of the structural unit, without considering his wishes and without providing an opportunity for self-presentation.

Based on the concept of professional adaptation as a process by which an individual, on the one hand, satisfies their needs and expectationsimposed on the profession and the conditions for its implementation, and, on the other, meets the requirements that apply to itthe structure and content of the activity, social groups in which this professional activity takes place, sufficient attention should be paid to researching the expectations of interns and residents from interaction and joint activities with a direct supervisor from a health facility. A quantitative and qualitative analysis of the results obtained in the course of such studies will allow medical universities, together with hospitals, to foresee possible difficulties for graduates at these stages of vocational training, and also create the basis for developing a set of measures to manage the professional adaptation of future doctors to work.

The stated provisions served as the basis for conducting our own experimental study of the expectations of interns and residents from the activities and personality of the leader in the process of professional adaptation. The study was conducted on the basis of the Orenburg State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (hereinafter ORSMU) in 2014-2015 academic year... The study sample consisted of interns and residencies of various specialties with a total number of 188 people (118 interns, 70 residents), including 44 boys and 144 girls. The average age is 24.2 years.

As a diagnostic tool, the questionnaire of graduate R.V. Gurina, which is based on the idea of \u200b\u200bthe presence of the consistency of the individual's requests with the requirements for a certain activity, of the relationship between adaptation and the realization of the expectations of a person who finds himself in new conditions [ibid, p. 83].

The questionnaire included four blocks: 1) general information about the graduate; 2) assessment of the level of psychological comfort (well-being) in the process of adaptation; 3) a study of expectations from the personality and activities of the head of the enterprise (in our case, the head of the internship / residency at the health facility, hereinafter - the direct supervisor from the health facility); 4) research of expectations from the production process (internship / residency) and from oneself in this process.

Guided by the problem stated in the publication, let us dwell on the analysis of the results of the first and third blocks.

The results obtained in the block "Assessment of the level of psychological comfort (well-being) in the adaptation process" showed the successful character of professional adaptation of interns and residents. The level of psychological comfort was assessed positively by 86% of the subjects (+1 - 27%; +2 - 37%; +3 - 22%). More than 50% of the respondents adapted to the treatment and prophylactic institution in 1 month (52%), evaluating the working conditions of their workplace (lighting, cleanliness, noise level, etc.) as satisfactory (47%) and good (46%). Slightly more than 60% of boys and girls (64%) performed their duties in a medical facility with enthusiasm, calmness and concentration, experiencing satisfaction with themselves (95%) and their professional activities in the staff of this institution (74%). Only in some cases did the respondents have physical fatigue (51%) and emotional stress (43%), which do not significantly affect the overall positive background of professional activity.

In the third block of the methodology, young men and women were asked to choose from the proposed list of professional and personal qualities and functional responsibilities of the immediate supervisor from the health care facility, several answer options: no more than 8 options in the first case and no more than 4 - in the second. At the same time, we asked the respondents to indicate who acted as their direct supervisor from the healthcare facility: the chief physician, the head of the department, or a qualified specialist in the chosen profile of the specialty. Unfortunately, not all interns and residents were ready to answer this question, from which we can indirectly conclude that in most cases these were the chief doctors or department heads. The refusal to give an answer, we tend to explain the mistrust of the anonymity of the survey and possible, exclusively in the views of graduates, negative consequences both in the process of passing the considered forms of vocational education, and in the process of subsequent full-fledged employment in this medical institution.

The results of processing the data of the block "Research of expectations from the personality and activities of the immediate supervisor from the healthcare facility" are presented in tables 1 and 2.

The results of the survey show that individual expectations of interns and residents from the personality and activities of their immediate supervisor from health care facilities in the process of their professional adaptation are statistically significantly different (statistical processing was carried out using the multifunctional criterion of angular transformation of Fisher's ts)

As Table 1 shows, the respondents, first of all, expected to see such professionally significant qualities as a deep knowledge of the field of activity (81.4%), methodological skill, the ability to explain well, convey knowledge to everyone (75% ), professional competence as the ability and readiness to solve professional problems (60.6%). And if in the latter case the degree of divergence of expectations and their realization is insignificant (the differences are insignificant), then in the first two it manifests itself more clearly (72.3% and 53.2%, respectively), reaching the level of static significance (q \u003d 2.10 at p ? 0.005 and q \u003d 4.44 at p? 0.001). Consequently, not all graduates were able to fulfill the need for a knowledgeable and methodologically competent leader at the beginning of the internship and residency.

Table 1 Ratio of expectations from the personality of the immediate supervisor from health care facilities and their practical implementation among interns and residents in the process of professional adaptation (in%) (compiled by the authors)

Answer options



1. Deep knowledge of the field of activity

2.10 p? 0.05

2. Methodological skill: the ability to explain well, convey knowledge to everyone

Answer options

Expectations from the personality of the leader

Realization of expectations from the personality of the leader



3. Erudition, broad outlook

5. Kindness, sincerity

6. Sociability

7. Demanding, strictness

8. Understanding workers

9. Fairness, equal treatment for all

10. Conscientiousness, responsibility

11. Caringness: guardianship, willingness to help in work, other matters, personal problems

12. Tolerance (tolerance), forgiving

13. Discipline, punctuality

14. Sense of humor

15. Honesty, truthfulness

16. Passion for your work, love for your profession

17. Professional competence (ability and readiness to solve professional problems)

18. Creativity, creativity

19. Entrepreneurship, pragmatism

20. Selflessness, altruism

21. Patriotism (love for the Motherland, pride in the achievements of national science and industry)

22. Other

According to the subjects, the direct supervisors of the internship and residency from medical institutions did not have enough personal qualities such as understanding of employees (45.7% versus 35.1%; q \u003d 2.12 at p ≤ 0.05), fairness and equal attitude to all (57.4% versus 38.8%; q \u003d 3.62 at p? 0.001), conscientiousness and responsibility (37.8% versus 28.7%; q \u003d 1.87 at p? 0.05), tolerance and forgetfulness (33% versus 22.3%; q \u003d 2.32 at p? 0.01). However, at the same time, the heads of health care facilities, as Table 1 shows, turned out to be more patriotic (2.7% versus 10.6%; q \u003d 3.22 at p? 0.001), authoritative and well-known in their field of activity (21.8% versus 30.8%; q \u003d 1.98 at p ≤ 0.05).

Otherwise, the expectations of interns and residents, which were realized in the process of professional adaptation with insignificant differences, reveal to us the direct managers from the medical institutions as people who love their profession and are passionate about it, sociable, disciplined and punctual, moderately demanding and strict, honest and truthful, with great sense of humor, broad outlook and erudition, creativity and creativity. Against the background of the demonstrated positive qualities, nevertheless, the fact of a statistical trend towards an increase in the entrepreneurial spirit and pragmatism of healthcare professionals (q \u003d 1.33 at p ≤ 0.1) with a decrease in kindness and sincerity (q \u003d 1.30 at p ≤ 0 , 1), caring, willingness to help others in work, personal problems and other matters (q \u003d 1.34 at p? 0.1).

A similar situation of inconsistency between the existing expectations and their practical implementation manifested itself in the processing of data on the activities of the direct supervisor from health care facilities among interns and residents (Table 2).

table 2

The ratio of expectations from the activities of the direct supervisor from health care facilities and their practical implementation among interns and residents in the process of professional adaptation (in%) (compiled by the authors)

Answer options

Expectations from the leader's performance

Realization of expectations from the activities of the head



1. Providing assistance in the development of professional activities

2. Facilitating my career advancement

3. Recognition of my abilities, knowledge, skills

4. Creating a healthy psychological climate in the team

5. Solving formal issues, nothing more

6. Providing employees with freedom in their creativity, relationships, communication

7. Resolution of industrial and personal conflicts

8. High salaries of employees

9. Organization of interesting events

10. Giving freedom in my actions

11. Control over my activities

12. I'm not expecting anything

13. Other

First of all, there is an obvious moment of a kind of "disappointment" in the profession from the point of view of its material security: the expectations of 45.2% of interns and residents in high wages of health care workers were realized only in 9% of cases (q \u003d 8.39 at p? 0.001) ... In our opinion, the results obtained are a reflection of the socio-economic and financial situation that has developed in the health care system, which, among other things, determines the outflow of young personnel from budget-funded medical and preventive organizations.

Starting to improve professional knowledge, skills and abilities in the internship / residency, the graduates of the Omsk State Medical University hoped to receive assistance from the activities of the direct supervisor from the healthcare facility in mastering professional types of activities (84.6%), work to create a healthy psychological climate in the team (66.5 %), assistance in career advancement (33,%), recognition of their abilities, knowledge and skills (33%). In reality, the situation turned out to be somewhat different. On the one hand, managers from health care facilities generally recognize the students' abilities, knowledge and skills (32%; q \u003d 0.20 at p ≤ 0.1), but they are mainly engaged in solving formal issues (7.4% versus 23, 4%; q \u003d 4.44 at p? 0.001), resolve industrial and personal conflicts without paying due attention to maintaining a psychologically healthy atmosphere in the team (46.3%; q \u003d 3.97 at p? 0.001), mastering by future doctors professional types of activity (74%; q \u003d 2.55 at p? 0.01) and their advancement up the career ladder (18.6%; q \u003d 3.31 at p? 0.001).

In our opinion, it is not worth interpreting the results obtained solely as an indicator of the availability of interns and residents to themselves in the process of professional adaptation in medical institutions. The practical realization of some of the expectations clearly illustrates a certain specificity. In particular, counting on the rather serious "guardian" activity of an experienced specialist, only 8.5% of the respondents expected to see an experienced specialist provide freedom in their own actions. In reality, these expectations were realized only in an insignificant number of boys and girls (10.6%). Therefore, it can be assumed that most of the respondents were under the close attention of the head who oversees the professional development of the future doctor directly in the healthcare facility, which was confirmed when comparing the expectations and their implementation in relation to the control over the activities of the intern / resident. At a statistically significant level of significance, it was revealed that in the activities of the direct supervisor from the health care facility, control over their activities in the process of professional adaptation was felt by 35.1% of the subjects (versus 24% of those who were waiting; q \u003d 2.36 at p ≤ 0.01).

Summarizing the results obtained in the study, the following conclusions can be drawn. Professional adaptation of interns and residents of the Omsk State Medical University is ambiguous. The stated success of adaptation to professional activity on the bases of medical and preventive institutions comes into a certain contradiction with the completely unmet needs of graduates from the personality and activities of the direct managers from medical institutions at these stages of professional education. This contradiction can act as a factor determining in some of the subjects (43%) partial or complete dissatisfaction with the internship and residency in comparison with the initial expectations and experiences. Confirmation / refutation of this hypothesis should be considered as one of the promising areas of the stated problem.

The fulfillment of the expectations of interns and residents from the personality and activities of the immediate supervisor from health care facilities, in general, confirms the available data that in many health care institutions this process is "let go", and newly arrived specialists (trainees) are considered a "burden" that interferes well streamlined work process.

The expectations of graduates are concentrated, as a rule, around such professionally significant qualities of the personality of the immediate manager from the medical institution, which reflect the depth of his professional knowledge and the level of methodological skill. In practice, future doctors are more likely to face personally significant qualities leaders (discipline, punctuality, sense of humor, patriotism), playing an important, but not the primary role in solving the goals and tasks that are relevant for interns and residents.

In the activities of the direct supervisor from the health care facility, graduates of the Omsk State Medical University would prefer to see active assistance in mastering the chosen specialty, while recognizing the existing knowledge, abilities and skills. The real process of training in internship and residency is characterized by a specific feature of the activity of the direct supervisor from a medical institution: the solution of mainly formal issues with a pronounced control over the activities of the future specialist. On the one hand, this indicates that the professional adaptation of interns and residents is not a spontaneous process, but an organized, coordinated and controlled process by the immediate supervisor. On the other hand, it should be borne in mind: what do the manager and graduates mean by the concept of "control over my activities"? Assuming that for the manager, control is, first of all, the obligatory daily report of the intern / resident on the work done during the day with a dry analysis of the pros and cons, and for the graduate it is exclusively total observation and supervision of each step in the absence of much-needed methodological assistance and support, then the explanation for the revealed fact becomes obvious.

Moreover, the statistically significant differences revealed in the course of the study between the expectations and their practical implementation among graduates of the Omsk State Medical University, both on the personality and on the activities of the direct supervisor from the medical institution, may also indicate discrepancies in the ideas about the functional responsibilities of all subjects of professional adaptation in the process of training in internship. and residency.

The leveling of such situations, in our opinion, can be facilitated, firstly, by familiarizing the direct managers of the internship and residency from medical institutions with the expectations of young specialists regarding their professional activities and professional and personal qualities. The leading format of such familiarization should be direct meetings of graduates with managers, the dialogical form of which will clarify and concretize the professional and personal expectations of both parties.

Secondly, the development of a system of adaptation measures by a medical and prophylactic institution, in which the leader's activities will be distinguished by a clear sequence of steps from the initial acquaintance with the graduate to assessing the success of professional adaptation, preparing a report and a detailed description of an intern / resident.

Third, increased attention to the institution of mentoring in the training of interns / residents. A mentor, as the most experienced specialist, an employee of a healthcare facility can provide significant assistance in informing graduates of medical universities, creating the necessary conditions for their work, planning and organizing professional development during the period of study in internship and residency, consulting on emerging issues, existing difficulties and experiences.

We believe that both sides of the interaction will benefit from the implementation of a set of such measures: a medical and prophylactic institution in the person of the head will receive a specialist of the necessary qualifications, and an educational institution (medical university) will be able to significantly increase its prestige and authority by training a specialist in demand on the labor market, successfully adapting and a professional developing in labor activity.


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6. Emelyanova O.Ya., Shershen I.V. Psychological and pedagogical support of the process of forming the professional identity of young specialists / Psychology of education: modernization of the education system in the context of the introduction of new professional standards: collection of articles. vseros. scientific-practical conf. - M .: OOO "Federation of Educational Psychologists", 2014. - P. 115-118.

7. Research of adaptation mechanisms in the professional activity of youth: monograph // ed. Emelyanova O. Ya. - Voronezh: VSPU, 2015 .-- 288 p.

8. Kravets M.A., Shershen I.V. Macro-level model of adaptation of young specialists / Modern economy: problems and solutions. - 2015. - No. 11. - P. 50–56.

9. Samsonov V.S., Shershen I.V. Recommendations on the use of cluster analysis methods when questioning young professionals to adapt them to their professional activities / Fundamentals of Economics, Management and Law. - 2014. - No. 6 (18). - S. 65–69.

10. Samsonov V.S., Shershen I.V. Study of motivating factors in the professional self-determination of young professionals / Adaptation mechanisms and practices in transforming societies. - mother. int. scientific-practical conf. - Voronezh: Voronezh State Pedagogical University, 2015. - pp. 94–103.

Professional adaptation in the broad sense of the word is the process of adaptation of an employee to the conditions of the external and internal environment. In sociology and economics, it is practiced to distinguish key aspects in professional adaptation - social and production, since each of them has independent spheres of application: social activity is not limited to production, but production includes technical, biological, and social elements. Production adaptation is a tool in solving such a problem as the formation of the required level of productivity and quality of labor in a new specialist in a shorter time frame.

Adaptation processes in various types of professional activity play different roles. Here we can highlight the adaptation to the changed conditions for the implementation of activities (changes in the structure of social values, organizational changes, improvement and innovation in technology, etc.); adaptation when entering a new professional activity.

When studying the process of adaptation to professional activity of graduates of educational institutions and young specialists, one should take into account the dynamism of this process and its ability to respond to specific changes in the conditions of educational and professional activities and the dynamics of socio-economic conditions.

The study of the problem of professional adaptation of graduates of universities and young specialists of Voronezh made it possible to outline a range of problems that stimulate young people to choose a specific professional path and preference for specific educational retraining programs at a university.

The respondents were students receiving their first (senior and masters) and second higher education at Voronezh State Pedagogical University and Voronezh State University, students of the MBA program, the President's program and professional retraining programs at the Institute of Additional Professional Education of VSU; listeners of advanced training and retraining courses for specialists of the Voronezh Institute for the Development of Education (over 400 people).

More than half (61%) of the surveyed senior students and working graduate laboratory assistants when looking for a job hope for an offer from employers as a result of selection (Fig. 1). This practice does exist in Voronezh universities, however, as a result of the competition for points and resumes, 5-10% of the best in terms of academic performance are employed at most, they, as a rule, go to graduate school, and it is obvious that the hopes of most students are illusory.

Figure: 1. Prospective employment options for students

Only 3% of students consider the employment service as an intermediary in finding a job, which can be explained by the tradition of unattractive offers on its part, if necessary, to respond to them.

The problem of mastering professional skills in the student environment is especially acute (see Fig. 2). Apparently, this process captured only 20% of students. It should be noted that senior and graduate students are allowed to find a job, subject to the conditions of part-time employment and demonstrating good academic performance.

Figure: 2. The period of mastering professional skills from the perspective of senior students and masters

Among the students enrolled in vocational retraining courses and receiving a second higher education, 67% hold positions corresponding to their specialties, but plan to change their field of activity, since they are not satisfied with wages, conditions and work organization. Labor activity of 19% of people partially corresponds to their education, but for better performance of official duties and career growth they lack knowledge of an economic or legal profile.

Of the events that complicate professional adaptation and most strongly influenced the emergence of the desire to change the profession, the respondents single out such events as: transfer to a new workplace (department, organization), transfer to another position, change of the immediate supervisor, other reasons (material factor, family circumstances) that cause a feeling of insecurity in their competence or discomfort in the work environment, loss of vision

In order to study the intensity, structure and degree of importance of the reasons causing the need for professional adaptation, the respondents were asked to choose from their list those that most required changes in their official duties or the nature of work. Among the events that cause the need for professional adaptation of the individual, the leading place is occupied by "transition to a new job" (47.8% of the respondents experienced difficulties in professional adaptation for this reason) (Fig. 3).

Figure: 3. Reasons impeding the professional adaptation of young specialists

The second and third places among the reasons for the need for professional adaptation are “ significant changes duties or requirements for the work performed that are not related to any of the events listed above ”(21%) and“ change of immediate supervisor ”(11%).

These results made it possible to identify the most important trends that cause the need for professional adaptation, which require the presence of specific control actions and regulation in the system of support for professional adaptation.

To determine the level of professional competence of employees, one of the questions was: "Does your current job correspond to the professional education you received?" Only 26% of the respondents answered "fully meets", 45% specified that "partially corresponds", and 29% answered "does not match". This distribution indicates the presence of significant reserves for improving the systems of vocational guidance for young people, the problems of personnel planning and necessitates adjusting the existing programs for the professional adaptation of workers at enterprises and organizations.

The personnel dynamics of organizations is carried out mainly due to personnel rotation throughout the organization, the creation and liquidation of structural divisions, the growth and reduction of the number of employees, staff turnover, which requires the development of programs for achieving professional identity, adaptation of specialists.

In the process of professional training and retraining, a beginner specialist gains knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, ways of compensating insufficiently expressed, but significant properties are developed. The training regimen allows you to develop certain desired properties. At the stage of adaptation to working conditions, the motives of professional activity, work attitudes, the level of ambition, and self-esteem are adjusted.

Among the socio-psychological factors influencing the professional adaptation of workers, the following were studied: attitude to the organization; attitude to the small group (structural unit) where the young specialist works; the relationship between the leader and subordinates in the team; satisfaction with their position in the team; satisfaction with their work; self-satisfaction at work.

The value of the indicator "attitude to the organization" (50% of the maximum) indicates the need to develop a sense of corporate unity, professional identity, pride in their industry and profession among employees.

The indicator of the level of relationships in a small group is 57.2% of its maximum possible level. With the traditionally high value of collectivism in the value system of Russians, the level of group interaction is low. This indicates the need to develop technologies to increase the level of group unity in labor activities, to use socio-psychological trainings in the competence management system.

The level of relationships between management and subordinates is 61.3% of the maximum possible, which indicates that the majority of leaders of organizations understand the importance of comprehensive support and care for subordinates, assistance in solving their personal problems. The level of satisfaction with their position in the team (68.1%), as well as the level of satisfaction with themselves at work (61.7%), is quite high among young specialists. The value of the indicator of satisfaction with one's work is lower. You can analyze the reasons for this result (Fig. 4).

The influence of factors that determine employee satisfaction with their work ranges from 49% to 62%. The anxiety of the majority of respondents caused by the complexity of the equipment and a high degree of responsibility for work (49%), and a high level of fatigue after a working day (52%) reduce the average value of job satisfaction.

Figure: 4. Factors determining self-satisfaction at work of young professionals

The low value (52%) of the indicator "satisfaction with work in the specialty" is explained by the partial discrepancy between the education received by the respondents and the requirements of professional activity.

The main factors influencing the need for additional education are: the demand for the chosen profession, the lack of knowledge in the field of economics and jurisprudence for the effective performance of official duties, career opportunities with appropriate education, and the expansion of employment opportunities. Moreover, the desire to improve one's professional level is not influenced in any way by such factors as unpaid student leave and the need to pay for education at their own expense. Difficulties with professional adaptation are significant influence on the decision to change the profession.

The respondents associate certain expectations with obtaining another education. The main change for 63% will be increased competence in the performance of official duties, for 25% there will be an opportunity to get a position with a higher salary, as well as the prospects for work in other organizations. 21% of the respondents will be glad that with the acquisition of a new specialty, the range of their professional duties will expand.

While acquiring a second profession, 76% of the respondents plan to stay in their previous organization, and everyone is planning their career growth there; the rest do not exclude the possibility of continuing a career in another company. More than half of the respondents are focused on rapid career growth along the administrative ladder, and not on deepening and improving professional skills in an already acquired specialty. The amount of material remuneration as a key factor motivating to work in the profession was chosen by only 28% of the respondents. 31% of graduates and young professionals are concerned about career growth and achieving status in society. 38% of young people preferred a professional interest in researching new things.

The study of the professional adaptation of graduates of educational institutions and young specialists indicates the presence of significant reserves in the management of the competence of young specialists in organizations. The most important problems are bringing knowledge and skills in line with the requirements and nature of work at specific workplaces, including in the organizational culture elements that contribute to the professional adaptation of young people. The formation of a mechanism for managing the professional competence of young specialists in situations requiring professional adaptation, taking into account the influence of the identified trends, will significantly improve the results of their professional activities.

The study was carried out with the financial support of the Russian Foundation for Humanities within the framework of the research project of the Russian Foundation for Humanities No. 14-06-00597a

Bibliographic reference

URL:\u003d25715 (date of access: 02/01/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"

D.E. Tsymbal,doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Health Care Management, Saratov State Social and Economic University, Head of the Territorial Body of Roszdravnadzor in the Saratov Region,[email protected] rambler. ru

N.G. Korchever, doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Health Organization, [email protected]

E.V. Zavaleva, postgraduate student of the department healthcare organizations,public health and medical law SBEE HPE "Saratov State Medical University named after IN AND. Razumovsky "Ministry of Health of Russia, ezavaleva@ yandex. ru

The article presents the results of the study of the state of management of adaptation of young doctors to the conditions of independent professional activity, reveals the shortcomings, substantiates the requirements for the optimization technology.


Considering that within the framework of the healthcare modernization program, which is controlled by Roszdravnadzor, in last years significant measures are taken to preserve and develop the personnel potential of the industry, the "fight" for each graduate of a medical university is very urgent.

The everyday practice of healthcare indicates that graduates of medical universities in the first years of independent work experience certain difficulties of a professional and socio-psychological nature. At the same time, it is known that the leading role in changes in the state of health, the functional state of the organism and the socio-psychological sphere in the process of learning and work belongs to adaptation to new conditions of life. That is why the process of adaptation of young doctors to the conditions of independent professional activity requires purposeful management. However, an analysis of the literature shows that there are not enough publications devoted to this problem.

Objective consists in studying the state of management of adaptation of graduates of medical universities to the conditions of independent professional activity and determining the directions for its optimization.

Research methods and organization

The work carried out:

Study of data from reports of the Ministry of Health for 2006-2010, documentation of sixteen medical and preventive institutions (LPI) in the Saratov region and 84 reviews of graduates of the Saratov State Medical University (SSMU), received in 2011;

The study of the results of an anonymous survey using a specially developed questionnaire of 98 organizing doctors who were trained at the Department of Health Organization, Public Health and Medical Law of the SSMU, their professional experience was at least 10 years.

Statistical processing of the obtained research materials was carried out using a personal computer.

Research results

A study of the data from the reports of the Ministry of Health of the Saratov Region shows that, although attention is paid to graduates of medical universities, it is often limited to stating the number of those dismissed from work for a specific period of time (from 168 to 237 people arrived a year and on average 13.1% were dismissed). The reasons for the dismissal of young doctors and their further fate were not purposefully analyzed.

In the healthcare facility, such an operational planning document as an adaptation program was not developed, which implies a comprehensive assessment of the professional and personal qualities of a young doctor who arrived, systematic recording and monitoring of the results of its implementation, as well as, if necessary, carrying out targeted corrective measures.

At the same time, the young medical staff made up individual plans for becoming a position, which, nevertheless, did not take into account the patterns and features of adaptation to the conditions of independent professional activity in a particular health care facility Here, the structural consolidation of adaptation management functions for persons (person) from among the leadership team - curators of certain units - and mentoring were not carried out.

An analysis of the responses to graduates that were requested by SSMU showed that they were also formal in nature, ascertained the fact of arrival from a medical university and, at best, contained a list of incentives for individual graduates (3 out of 84).

Thus, it can be stated that due attention is not paid to the management of the adaptation of young doctors to the conditions of independent professional activity and this process needs purposeful optimization. The data of an anonymous retrospective survey of organizing doctors made it possible to substantiate the requirements for the technology of such optimization. By "technology" in a general sense, it is customary to understand a set of actions, including methods, procedures, techniques, equipment and other systematically applied tools to solve specific problems.

First of all, the goals of adaptation management were established. Nine of them were identified as significant - from 6.3 to 5.6 points on a 10-point scale (in descending order of priority):

Possibly faster achievement of performance indicators acceptable to the medical organization;

Reducing start-up costs (as long as a young doctor is less efficient than experienced staff, his work requires higher costs from the organization);

Faster entry into the work team, into its informal structure and feeling like a team member;

Reduction of anxiety and uncertainty experienced by a new employee;

Reducing staff turnover among young recruits;

Saving time for the immediate supervisor and colleagues (a doctor who has not adapted enough to work in an organization requires much more time to help in the process of performing the duties assigned to him);

Formation of a personnel reserve (mentoring over adapters is an opportunity for an experienced employee to gain leadership experience);

Development of satisfaction with professional activity, a positive attitude towards it and realism in expectations as a prerequisite for high performance;

Reducing the cost of finding new personnel.

Any management process, including adaptation, needs organizational support. Four (also recognized as significant - more than 6.5 points) stages of such provision were identified. The first stage is the primary assessment of the individual psychological qualities of the newly arrived graduate, that is, the "potential" success of adaptation. The second stage is the development of an adaptation program that takes into account, along with the potential of a young doctor, his current and future service and business purpose. The third stage is the implementation of the adaptation program, which involves systematic accounting and control of the results of its implementation. The fourth stage is summing up the adaptation results (by stages and in general). If necessary, the adaptation program is corrected, appropriate corrective measures, dynamic assessment, etc. are carried out.

The respondents proposed a list of activities that should be carried out in order to increase the success of adaptation of young doctors. These measures are aimed at optimizing the object, content, conditions and organization of this process, in particular, increasing the levels of professional preparedness (conducting individual conversations between the manager, mentor and a new employee, using the method of gradual complication of tasks with simultaneous control and constructive analysis of mistakes made when performing tasks, organizing seminars, courses, etc.), positive motivation for the fulfillment of medical duty, the functional state and resistance of the body (active rest; general and special physical training; physiological and hygienic means and methods - hardening of the body, etc.); electrophysiological methods - electrical stimulation -muscular apparatus, impact on biologically active points; pharmacological and physical means - sauna, massage, etc.); creating a favorable psychological climate in the team (benevolence, support from comrades and leadership, practical assistance in overcoming difficulties, performing one-time public assignments to establish contacts between a new employee and the team, conducting special role-playing games to unite employees and develop group dynamics); implementation of an individual approach, taking into account the individual psychological characteristics of adapters, the degree of adaptation to the conditions of independent professional activity, for example, individual regulation of activity, etc.

All respondents believed that the orientation of a graduate of a medical university plays an important role in managing adaptation, which can be conditionally divided into general and special. When organizing general orientation, it is advisable to acquaint a young doctor with:

Remuneration for labor;

D additional benefits;

- general data about a medical organization (goals, priorities, problems; traditions, norms, standards; a variety of types of medical activities, a list of medical services provided and the contingent of their consumers; algorithms for the provision of medical care; organization, structure, connections of medical institutions; information about managers);

- organization policy (principles of personnel selection; · organization of professional training; working hours, etc.);

- occupational health and safety;

- economic factors (cost of equipment; damage from absenteeism, delays, accidents);

- household service (catering; availability of service entrances; conditions for parking cars, etc.);

- terms and conditions of appointment, relocation and career advancement;

Work management and methods of its assessment;

The rights and obligations of the employee and his immediate supervisor;

Relations with the trade union, its influence on the policy of the organization;

Discipline and possible penalties;

Channels of communication, the procedure for informing about failures and delays in work, dissemination of new ideas, and filing complaints.

The components of this stage, arranged in descending order of priority, were also rated by the respondents on a 10-point scale - from 8.8 to 5.5 points

The respondents similarly arranged and rated the items with special orientation of the young medical replenishment (their significance ranged from 7.7 to 6.2 points):

Familiarization with job duties and responsibilities (detailed description of current work and expected results;

Explaining the importance of this work, how it relates to others in the department and in the medical organization as a whole;

Quality standards for medical care and the basis for its assessment;

Length and schedule of the working day;

Additional expectations (for example, replacement of absent personnel);

Procedures, rules, prescriptions (rules specific only to this type of medical care or this unit; behavior in case of possible specific emergencies);

Informing about accidents and dangers;

Hygiene standards;

Security and theft problems;

Relations with employees of other departments;

Rules of conduct in the workplace, taking things out of the unit, telephone conversations;

Control over violations;


Use of equipment;

- functions of the unit (goals and priorities, organization and structure; directions of activity; relationships with other units; relationships within the unit);

- reporting required.

In addition, the procedure for introducing employees of the unit acts as a special orientation.

The results of the study, as well as the analysis of the literature, showed that the management of the adaptation of graduates of medical universities to the conditions of independent medical practice should be a set of directive acts of targeted influence, based on the analysis of personalized information, which makes it possible to identify the corresponding mismatches - problems. In this case, it is extremely important to obtain data on the true state of the control object, that is, the individual potential and dynamic success of adaptation of a particular graduate of a medical university, which means that it is necessary to develop an appropriate method of assessment. It can be designed on the basis of the provisions of the theory of decision making and must meet the following requirements:

Be systemic in nature and evaluate not individual independent indicators, but the functioning of the entire system of individual adaptation, i.e., informative criteria should characterize all its stages: afferent synthesis, decision-making, efferent synthesis, reverse afferentation;

Have a clear gradation and a sufficiently detailed description of each informative criterion, for example, its high, medium, low levels;

Divide informative criteria according to the degree of importance in relation to the result of adaptation (backbone factor) - for each determine the coefficient of significance;

Carry out a multi-criteria individual assessment based on comparison with reasonable model options ("excellent", "good", etc.);

Determine the final integral assessment using a computer program available to an untrained user;

Allow a comparative assessment of any number of doctors in the dynamics of their professional development.

A significant advantage of this method is that it allows you to analyze the reasons for obtaining an individual assessment, since it shows through which informative criteria (especially with the maximum value of the significance coefficient) it is set, and to give targeted recommendations for correcting the adaptation process.


Thus, the results of the study showed that the management of the adaptation process of young doctors needs optimization and requires a transition to a modern professional level.


1. Korshever N.G. ABOUT optimization of medical care for the population of the municipal district/ N.G. Korshever, A.V. Grechishnikov. Saratov Military Medical Institute, 2010.

2. Korshever N.G. Reduction of military service by conscription to one year: features of adaptation to new conditions of military professional activity / N.G. Korshever, D.A. Sitmbetov. Saratov: SSMU Publishing House, 2011.

3. Makeeva O.V. Adaptation as a goal and condition for the successful functioning of any economic and social system // Bibliosphere. 2009. No. 3. S. 16-23.

4. Medvedev V.I. The interaction of physiological and psychological mechanisms in the process of adaptation // Human Physiology. 1998. T. 24. No. 4. S. 7−13.

The essence of labor adaptation is in the mutual adaptation of a person to the environment, both material and social. The speed of the adaptation processes depends on:

  • on the degree of coincidence of the parameters of the interacting subjects (whether there are familiar, recognizable elements in new circumstances);
  • their focus on mutual adaptation (methods and techniques for organizing the interaction of the subjects of the organization);
  • the degree to which expected and presented behavior coincides;
  • availability of a system of assistance in adaptation.

In modern conditions, the organization makes strict requirements for the newcomer in terms of the timing of adaptation, sometimes without allotting time at all for this stage. However, the success of adaptation depends on the subsequent return and stability of the employee's position in the organization, his attitude to work. Throughout life, a person often has to adapt: \u200b\u200bchange of place of study, work, workplace, team composition, change in health status, marital status, etc. At the same time, the adaptation process is two-sided: both the newcomer adapts to new labor and psychological factors, and the team, management adapt to the newcomer, assign him one or another social role, establish a status, include in the interaction system, and sometimes perform role redistribution in the group.

Sociologists distinguish between three interrelated aspects of work adaptation.

  • 1. The professional aspect consists in mastering skills and abilities, the development of certain personal qualities required at the workplace, such as responsibility, efficiency, attentiveness. Often, an employee must also acquire contextual skills determined by the characteristics of the organization and division of labor, the equipment and technology used. The objective factors of success and the speed of professional adaptation can be the qualifications, education and experience of the employee, and subjective factors - his attitude to the profession, the expectations associated with a new job. An important role is played by the policy of the enterprise in matters of personnel management, the availability of programs and mechanisms that provide support to the newcomer, for example, mentoring.
  • 2. The psychophysiological aspect of labor adaptation is associated with the development of psychophysiological and sanitary and hygienic working conditions. The main objective indicators of the dynamics of this process are the degree of employee fatigue, changes in his labor productivity during work, and subjective indicators are the employee's assessment of well-being, working conditions, and his labor intensity.
  • 3. The socio-psychological aspect of adaptation is associated with the inclusion of the employee in the system of relationships in the team, the development of his traditions, norms, rules and other elements of the subculture, as well as getting used to the social role and status that the group establishes for him. The dynamics of this process is determined by the personal characteristics of the employee, his character, style of activity, upbringing, the level of aspirations, the degree of coincidence of the cultures of the former and new collectives. Accelerated adaptation is facilitated by competent leadership, taking care of team building and knowing how to achieve this.

Competent, based on a clear understanding of the qualities required of employees and the qualities imposed on them, the career guidance and adaptation activities of the personnel management service contributes to the passage of this stage with maximum speed and minimum losses. At present, the factors of economic and social efficiency of measures to adapt workers have been identified. They are associated with the negative consequences of "spontaneous" adaptation. German experts have established that the likelihood of an accident at work, as shown in Fig. 7.1, newbies are much higher than experienced workers. And an accident has significant material and social consequences.

Figure: 7.1.

In addition to this factor, studies have shown that newcomers are more likely to leave experienced workers from enterprises: the largest share among those who quit are workers who have not worked even half a job (Fig. 7.2).

Figure: 7.2.

Here it is appropriate to define the negative factors of excessive staff turnover, a significant share of which is occupied by just newcomers who had problems during the adaptation period. These factors are reflected in Fig. 7.3.

Figure: 7.3.

The speed and efficiency of labor adaptation is influenced by a number of organizational, economic and social factors that are objective in relation to the employee. These are unfavorable working conditions, monotony, excessive labor intensity, unclear distribution of rights and obligations between employees, imbalance of rights and obligations, overestimated production time, maintenance, manageability, irrationality of the management structure, inconsistency of the employee's qualifications with the requirements of the workplace, lack of labor resources, imperfection of the system remuneration and incentives, violation of the principle of justice, etc. Domestic and foreign organizations have sufficient experience in the development and implementation of special career guidance and adaptation programs. In the USA, adaptation measures are usually called "orientation". One of the most important tasks of adaptation in the Japanese firm "Honda" is the assimilation of the culture of the firm, its values, standard methods of behavior. At the same time, mastering the culture of the company should not only show a person its prestige, but also raise the employee in his own eyes as a member of a great company, combine a sense of belonging with pride in the company and self-respect. Typical topics of career guidance and adaptation programs for new employees in Japanese firms are shown in Table. 7.1.

Table 7.1

Typical topics of orientation and adaptation of new workers in Japan [107, p. 247]


Strategy and mission, history of the company's development, management structure


Introduction to the firm's product range, working methods, price and consumers of the main product, its market value in comparison with competitors' products


Information and material flows and preparation of production directives, production schedules, principles of the production process, production management and cost accounting


Exercises in the use of office equipment, business etiquette: conducting telephone conversations, features of business communication, organizing a workplace, etc., teaching business writing, organizing communication, preparing public speeches, obtaining fundamental knowledge related to marketing and finance

Control and regulation functions play an important role in the adaptation management process. In modern conditions, the functions of monitoring the adaptation process are assigned to the personnel management services, line managers, and the trade union organization. The adaptation process applies not only to young people, but also to all other categories of workers who often change their workplace, team, life circumstances. Therefore, the process of adaptation in cases of decreased performance of the company's employees, increased fatigue, stress deserves proper control and organization.



annotation scientific article on the sciences of education, the author of the scientific work - Trufanova Tatyana Anatolyevna

The article focuses on the role professional adaptation graduates of higher educational institutions as a special category of the workforce, which can be extremely useful for the employer in the context of a shortage of many professions, but at the same time it needs increased attention and care from the administration. It is noted that without specially organized work professional adaptation graduates is dragging on. The process of adaptation of young specialists, which consists of six stages, is considered. It is noted that for a successful professional adaptation graduates, in addition to a properly organized adaptation process, it is important to know the characteristics of young specialists. Are revealed competitive advantages and weaknesses university graduates from the employer's point of view. The advantages of graduates include, first of all, the ability to bring fresh ideas to the organization, high mobility and learning ability, energy and high motivation for achievement, relative cheapness in comparison with other categories of the workforce, loyalty to the organization. The weaknesses of graduates, from the point of view of the employer, include the lack of necessary skills and abilities, lack of experience in labor discipline, the need for flexible motivation and close attention to the success of graduates, a long adaptation period compared to other categories of the workforce, unreasonable ambition and inadequacy in self-perception as an employee, which manifests itself in inadequate self-esteem, overestimated claims of graduates, unrealistic expectations both in terms of salary, and in the assessment of their work, and in the nature of the work they want to do. The relationship between the professional and personal qualities of graduates and their value for the employer, depending on the stage of the organization's life cycle, is explained. Analyzed graduate behavior patternsdetermining the level of their activity and success professional adaptation... The role of the university in professional adaptation graduates as an intermediary between employers and future young professionals.

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In article the attention to roles of professional adaptation of graduates of higher educational institutions as special category of labor which can be extremely useful to the employer in the conditions of deficiency of many professions is focused, but thus it needs special attention and care from administration. It is noted that without specially organized work, professional adaptation of graduates is tightened. Process of adaptation of the young specialists, consisting of six stages is considered. It is noted that for successful professional adaptation of graduates except correctly organized process of adaptation it is important to know features of young specialists. Competitive advantages and weaknesses of university graduates from the point of view of the employer are revealed. To advantages of graduates high mobility and learning ability, vigor and high motivation belong to achievement, relative low cost in comparison with other categories of labor, loyalty to the organization, first of all, possibility of introduction of fresh ideas in the organization. To weaknesses of graduates, from the point of view of the employer, lack of necessary skills, lack of experience of labor discipline, need of flexible motivation and close attention to progress of graduates, long term of adaptation in comparison with other categories of labor, unreasonable ambition and inadequacy in perception of as employee which is shown in the inadequate self-assessment, the overestimated claims of graduates, unrealistic expectations both on a salary, and according to the work, and on kind of work which they want to carry out belong ... Communication between professional and personal qualities of graduates and their value for the employer depending on a stage of life cycle of the organization is explained. Models of behavior of the graduates defining level of their activity and success of professional adaptation are analyzed. The Higher Education Institution role in professional adaptation of graduates, as intermediary between employers and future young specialists is emphasized.

Text of scientific work on the topic "Professional adaptation of university graduates as a special category of the labor force"



The article focuses on the role of professional adaptation of graduates of higher educational institutions as a special category of the labor force, which can be extremely useful for an employer in conditions of a shortage of many professions, but at the same time it needs increased attention and care from the administration. It is noted that without specially organized work, the professional adaptation of graduates is delayed. The process of adaptation of young specialists, which consists of six stages, is considered. It is noted that for the successful professional adaptation of graduates, in addition to a properly organized adaptation process, it is important to know the characteristics of young specialists.

The competitive advantages and weaknesses of university graduates from the employer's point of view are revealed. The advantages of graduates include, first of all, the ability to bring fresh ideas to the organization, high mobility and learning ability, energy and high motivation for achievement, relative cheapness in comparison with other categories of the workforce, loyalty to the organization. The weaknesses of graduates, from the point of view of the employer, include the lack of necessary skills and abilities, lack of experience in labor discipline, the need for flexible motivation and close attention to the success of graduates, a long adaptation period compared to other categories of the workforce, unreasonable ambition and inadequacy in self-perception. as an employee, which manifests itself in inadequate self-esteem, overestimated claims of graduates, unrealistic expectations both in terms of salary, and in the assessment of their work, and in the nature of the work they want to do. The relationship between the professional and personal qualities of graduates and their value for the employer, depending on the stage of the organization's life cycle, is explained.

The article analyzes the behavior models of graduates that determine the level of their activity and the success of professional adaptation. The role of the university in the professional adaptation of graduates, as an intermediary between employers and future young specialists, is emphasized.

Key words: professional adaptation, primary adaptation, university graduates, competitive advantages, graduate behavior models.

Managing the adaptation process of personnel in an organization is one of the important areas of work with personnel. Adaptation is, first of all, the process of mutual adaptation of an employee and an organization to its various aspects and conditions: economic, managerial, social, technological, etc. The role of personnel adaptation is extremely important. Adaptation is a subtle tool that allows an employee to study his workplace, understand functions and job responsibilities, learn to live in a relatively new professional, social, organizational and economic environment, join the system of interpersonal ties and relationships that have developed before his arrival, and master the organizational culture. The performance of employees and the effectiveness of the organization as a whole depend on the formation of a successful adaptation system.

Adaptation attracts the closest attention of researchers and practitioners, since the management of this process allows you to reduce the losses to the organization arising from staff turnover, unsatisfactory performance and poor quality of work. S.G. Popov identifies the following advantages that the implementation of targeted adaptation measures creates:

1) reduction of the initial costs when an employee enters the organization, which allows you to quickly enter the course and work efficiently;

2) reduction of tension among the employee when entering a new position;

3) reduction of staff turnover by reducing the psychological barrier when entering the organization;

4) saving the working time of the immediate superior spent on explaining

training and training of a beginner (this is undertaken by the personnel department);

5) realism in expectations and job satisfaction (entrance conversation);

6) training (teaching) behavior in the organization (introduction to organizational culture).

There are several types of adaptation: socio-psychological, professional, psychophysiological, economic, organizational. Professional adaptation is of particular interest. Most often, professional adaptation is considered as the process of adapting an employee to his work duties, or functions within a certain profession, including him in production activities, assimilating the conditions and achieving standards of labor efficiency. Professional adaptation is characterized by the additional development of professional capabilities (knowledge and skills), as well as the formation of professionally necessary personality traits, a positive attitude towards one's profession. As a rule, job satisfaction occurs when certain results are achieved, and the latter come as the employee masters the specifics of work at a particular workplace.

Professional adaptation plays an important role in the situation of a young specialist entering the organization, since he has mainly a theoretical understanding of how the work process takes place.

There are two types of adaptation:

1) primary adaptation - adaptation of young employees who have no professional experience (for example, university graduates);

2) secondary adaptation - the adaptation of employees with professional experience (for example, in a job change situation).

In Russian practice, in the conditions of the formation and functioning of the labor market, more attention is paid to the secondary adaptation of personnel. It is clear that the employer would like to hire personnel with existing experience and sufficient qualifications. However, the labor market dictates its own terms. The specialists available on the labor market cannot meet the quantitative and qualitative needs of organizations for employees. The business is forced to look for additional sources of personnel. In addition, in the last decade, many new specialties have appeared for Russia. Ready-made special

there are no sheets for a new profile yet, so hiring a graduate is the only possible solution to personnel problems. And Russian employers are beginning to invite graduates of higher educational institutions to work. True, graduates are more willingly invited by large Western companies that already have proven technologies for working with university graduates. Russian employers are more conservative in this respect, but the trends are such that they are beginning to build work with university graduates. So the prospects for graduates of the current generation in the labor market are much more favorable than for graduates five to ten years ago.

It must be remembered that university graduates, as a specific category of labor force in the labor market, require special treatment and attention from the employer. In this regard, let us consider the organization of professional adaptation of university graduates as a special category of the labor force.

The process of adaptation of university graduates consists of six stages, presented in Figure 1.

First step. The personnel management service informs about the team as a whole, about future work. He receives more detailed information from the head of the department, the group when meeting with the future place of work and is formally accepted into the team. Leaders should be business mediators.

Second phase. The circle of acquaintances, selected on the basis of common interests, with whom normal business relationships are established, is expanding. Coming to work is perceived positively, as the team is generally pleasant. In conflict situations, the young specialist has not yet shown himself, so he is "good" for the team. He has not distinguished himself in anything bad.

Stage three. The young specialist quickly captures the general mood, he himself is well disposed towards the team. Positive, from the point of view of the collective, behavior in several conflict situations leads to the fact that he is reckoned with, he gains authority.

Fourth stage. The young specialist takes part in social life, innovations, and offers new ideas. He has a certain creative intensity in his work, contributing to further advancement.

Figure: 1. The process of adaptation of young specialists

Fifth stage. All the successes and failures of the team are perceived as personal. He often speaks at collective meetings, where he defends his point of view. His opinion is being reckoned with.

Sixth stage. Demonstrates good work in the specialty. Demonstrates balance and common sense when analyzing specific production situations. He is promoted to positions of responsibility.

The adaptation process can be considered complete only when the production success of young specialists is accompanied by good relations in the team. The criterion for assessing such adaptation is the feeling of job satisfaction. In this case, various production disturbances will not affect the rhythm of work, which in itself is a guarantee of personnel stabilization.

Knowing the duration of the various stages of adaptation, organizations can easily determine at what stage the young specialist is at the moment, whether he was delayed at this stage compared to the norm, or this stage was faster.

If the adaptation is successful, stabilization is achieved at the expense of the team, which means that the employee has found his place in it, he has become an integral part of it.

For successful professional adaptation of graduates, it is also important to know their distinctive features.

Graduates of educational institutions belong to a category of labor force in the Russian labor market, which is characterized by special distinctive features, strengths and weaknesses.

The main positive trait of university graduates, which makes them especially attractive to future employers, is that they are carriers of know-how. Despite the unequal quality of education and the caliber of educational institutions, in each of them the learning process itself stimulates students to actively "obtain" and master the most modern knowledge. Mandatory writing of coursework and diploma theses is accompanied by an analysis of the most modern experience in the field of study. Therefore, by hiring a former graduate, the employer simultaneously gets access to the latest scientific advances in his field of specialization. So, the opportunity to bring new fresh ideas to the organization makes the image of the graduate attractive to the employer.

The second significant advantage of graduates is their high mobility, learning ability, and adaptability. Coming to a new team, yesterday's students quickly get on board, find a common language with colleagues, and master the skills necessary for full-fledged work.

Other characteristic graduates - energy, high motivation to achieve. They strive for quick and significant results. The mood of graduates for professional and career growth allows them to acquire professional skills and abilities at a rapid pace. Youthful enthusiasm and a “high degree” of activity raise the level of activity among other employees. Employees who, as a result of long-term work in one place, have reached a certain basic level of labor productivity, are forced, under the influence of pressure from young employees, to adjust the pace of their work to them. As a result, internal competition between company employees is growing. Personnel have to prove their solvency, usefulness, demonstrate significant results in order to maintain attractiveness for the employer.

Another obvious advantage of this category of labor force is its relative cheapness compared to other categories of workers. All other things being equal, graduates agree to wages that are at least one third lower than the standard requests of employees with work experience. However, taking into account the quick learning ability of young professionals, it is easy to calculate when the lack of experience and practical skills will be compensated for by quick adaptation, and the young employee will begin to work productively for the good of the organization.

Another advantage of graduates is that they do not bring conflicts of corporate cultures into the organization. Experienced employees move on to a new job with a baggage of habits, stereotypes and rules of behavior that prevailed in their previous employer. This set is not always useful or attractive to a new organization. Inevitably, a cultural conflict arises that erodes and weakens the culture of the new organization. Sometimes this harm is especially noticeable when dealing with discipline issues. An example of negative behavior casts doubt on the values \u200b\u200bthat were previously hard-won and approved by the company's management.

At the same time, graduates come to a new organization without work experience, without having an established understanding of the principles of work organization. Therefore, they are open to new information and ready to learn the established rules. The employer has a good opportunity to get a loyal employee. This advantage is most often voiced by employers themselves. Employee loyalty allows the employer to be

confident that the former graduate is committed to a long professional life in this particular organization.

Another advantage is associated with the fact that due to the great desire of graduates to acquire their first work experience and to carry out any assigned task in the organization, the employer has the opportunity to entrust them with the least qualified, routine work, from which experienced employees try to distance themselves.

Organizations are also attracted by a longer working period of graduates, in comparison with experienced workers. Youth, health and physiological potential are a significant advantage for young workers.

Let us now dwell on the weaknesses of university graduates.

The most significant disadvantage of graduates is the lack of experience, and as a result, the possibility of costly mistakes for the company. In this regard, they are not hired for those jobs where the cost of a mistake is high and there is no way to allocate additional time for advanced training and additional training. True, the list of such jobs is not long.

In addition to lack of experience, graduates do not have enough knowledge and skills to get the result the company needs. And this requires financial, time and informational investments. Due to the lack of skills and abilities among graduates, they require an individual approach, which implies, first of all, a mentoring system. And the mentor needs to create additional motivation from the organization: various forms of material incentives (ranging from memorable gifts to cash prizes) and non-material incentives (certificates of honor, placing a photograph on a "board of honor", etc.). Unfortunately, in some organizations, mentoring is carried out without proper support, remuneration systems for mentors are not created against the background of their increased responsibility and workload, mentoring takes its own course and is poorly directed, coordinated and encouraged by the leadership.

The need for flexible motivation and close attention to the success of university graduates is the next disadvantage of graduates from an employer's point of view.

Another disadvantage of graduates is the lack of experience in labor discipline. Graduates, as a rule, do not have a formed habit of arriving at work on time, performing assigned tasks.

tasks on time, comply with the corporate code. Leaders note that the most "difficult", "uncomfortable" subordinates are found just among the former graduates, accustomed to "soft" pedagogical methods exposure and adherence to only the most basic rules of business etiquette.

A significant disadvantage of graduates is the low level of readiness to solve specific practical problems. There is no ability to work for the result (which means, "keep" the goal, find ways to overcome obstacles on the way to it, show independence and perseverance). They do not see the relationship between their work and the result (including financial) of the organization's activities, they do not see how other stages and links in the work of the entire enterprise depend on the work entrusted to them.

University graduates lack responsibility. They are self-oriented, not business-oriented (free time and, in general, pastime is more important than the essence of the organization).

An unattractive moment for the employer is the possibility of graduates to go on maternity leave in the first year of work, which will entail another search and selection of the right employee for the period of maternity leave.

Finally, it should be noted that graduates have a longer adaptation period, since the transition from a university to an organization requires a longer adaptation period than a transition from one organization to another.

Recently, leaders of organizations have often noted such a lack of graduates as unreasonable ambition and inadequacy in the perception of themselves as an employee, which manifests itself in inadequate self-esteem, overestimated claims of graduates, unrealistic expectations in terms of salary, and in the assessment of their work, and in the nature of work, which want to do. The idea that they will immediately earn big money, as a rule, entails the desire to get a job only in a large company and only in a highly paid position. Young and still inexperienced graduates immediately apply for leadership positions and the right to solve strategic issues. Such inadequate ambitions are formed in students, including by universities (for example, by their attitudes "to prepare business leaders"), thus striving to increase the educational motivation of students.

Having highlighted the strengths and weaknesses of university graduates, it can be assumed that the employer is interested in a graduate who has

all the listed positive professional qualities and does not have negative qualities. However, surveys of managers show that the professional and business qualities of young professionals can be perceived differently by employers depending on the personnel strategy and policies, as well as on the stage of development of the organization.

At the stage of intensive growth and development, with an entrepreneurial business strategy and an open personnel policy, the lack of initial labor skills of young specialists can be positively perceived by the employer. In these conditions, the readiness to take risks in the interests of the company, initiative, contact, the ability to set tasks and quickly solve them become valuable qualities of university graduates.

In addition, employers may be interested in young employees who are focused on "ideal" ideas about the future work, especially when these ideas are consistent with the organizational culture of the company.

Most of the companies that are at the stage of stabilization and have reached a certain level of stability in business put forward rather stringent requirements for young specialists: experience, professionalism, knowledge of modern technologies, including information technologies. This position is typical of companies with a closed personnel policy, for which a university graduate is not suitable due to the lack of professional experience.

The fact that graduates are characterized by a longer period of uptime is of interest for stable organizations with a personnel policy in which the planning and implementation of employees' careers plays an important role.

In this way, characteristics young specialists, regardless of the specifics of the development of the organization, allow them to be potentially successful in various companies. The key features for a graduate are his own active or passive position, the model of behavior that he chooses or unconsciously adheres to.

If we talk about the models of behavior of graduates that determine the level of their activity, then specialists of recruitment agencies note the following:

1) an individual-career model of behavior, which is characterized by the desire to achieve personal success in life. Graduates who choose this model of behavior, as a rule, simultaneously

but they study and work. They know that no one owes them anything, and they try to achieve everything on their own. Many companies are interested in such young, active and proactive people;

2) an indefinite model of behavior characteristic of young people who have not decided in their professional life and have not realized what they want, sometimes inadequately assess their capabilities. Employers lose interest in those candidates who, during the interview, unreasonably overestimate their requirements for future work, or are ready to consider proposals for various positions in different areas of activity;

3) a non-independent model of behavior inherent in graduates, in most cases very capable, but not guided by the requirements of the modern labor market, who do not own the technologies of job search.

Who and how can influence the choice of the model of behavior of graduates that determine the level of their activity? The answer to the first question is obvious. First of all, universities in which professional training of future specialists is carried out and which, on the one hand, act as an intermediary between employers and future young specialists, and on the other hand, implement their own programs to promote student employment.

The university can influence the ratio of active and passive students in relation to the professional career, thereby increasing the number of young specialists who have successfully adapted and realized themselves in their professional activities.

The assistance of the university in the professional adaptation and professional career of graduates should be variable, depending on the model.

Students who have chosen the first model of behavior will benefit from such assistance as concluding contracts with employers in the early stages of training, personal employment of students who have proven themselves through internships, maintaining a database of graduates and employers' vacancies.

Career guidance, professional counseling of students on employment and resume writing, balanced, targeted training of students for specific businesses in additional courses and programs will help students with a second model of behavior.

For students with a third model of behavior, the university can help by collecting data to analyze the demand for specialists and forecast the development of the situation on the labor market, selecting applicants for you

opportunities and organizing a personnel interview, conducting training under agreements and target contracts with enterprises and inviting representatives of the enterprise to participate in the defense of students' term and diploma projects, etc.

In the practice of universities, such forms of work as holding "Job Fairs" and "Career Days", organizing "round tables" with employers on the problems of employment of graduates, etc. have positively proven themselves.

The most effective form of activity to promote employment and professional adaptation is the introduction of a special course for senior students of all specialties of the university, the purpose of which is the formation of knowledge, skills and personal readiness for actions that contribute to achieving success in a professional career.

In the process of mastering this course, the following tasks are solved:

Teaching students practical skills in job search, employment and career building;

Development of skills to determine the most effective ways, means and methods of achieving success in professional and official growth;

Formation of motivation for career development.

As a result of studying the course, the student must acquire knowledge:

About the real situation on the labor market;

On the principles of career planning and management;

Possible ways to find a job;

On the legal aspects of the relationship with the employer;

About the rules of conduct in organizations;

as well as skills:

Analyze changes in the labor market and take them into account in their professional activities;

Plan and monitor changes in your career;

Create a resume;

Evaluate job offers, etc.

Summing up, it should be noted that university graduates represent a very interesting category of the labor force for the employer. Their competitive advantages can be successfully applied in many organizations. The key features for a graduate are his own active position, as well as mastery of job search and effective employment skills. In this regard, the university can provide real assistance

power for a young specialist, acting as an intermediary between employers and future young specialists, and implementing programs to promote the employment of graduates. The training of a competent specialist who is able to quickly adapt to the realities and requirements of the labor market is becoming one of the urgent tasks of higher education.


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In article the attention to roles of professional adaptation of graduates of higher educational institutions as special category of labor which can be extremely useful to the employer in the conditions of deficiency of many professions is focused, but thus it needs special attention and care from administration. It is noted that without specially organized work, professional adaptation of graduates is tightened. Process of adaptation of the young specialists, consisting of six stages is considered. It is noted that for successful professional adaptation of graduates except correctly organized process of adaptation it is important to know features of young specialists.

Competitive advantages and weaknesses of university graduates from the point of view of the employer are revealed. To advantages of graduates high mobility and learning ability, vigor and high motivation belong to achievement, relative low cost in comparison with other categories of labor, loyalty to the organization, first of all, possibility of introduction of fresh ideas in the organization. To weaknesses of graduates, from the point of view of the employer, lack of necessary skills, lack of experience of labor discipline, need of flexible motivation and close attention to progress of graduates, long term of adaptation in comparison with other categories of labor, unreasonable ambition and inadequacy in perception of as employee which is shown in the inadequate self-assessment, the overestimated claims of graduates, unrealistic expectations both on a salary, and according to the work, and on kind of work which they want to carry out belong ... Communication between professional and personal qualities of graduates and their value for the employer depending on a stage of life cycle of the organization is explained.

Models of behavior of the graduates defining level of their activity and success of professional adaptation are analyzed. The Higher Education Institution role in professional adaptation of graduates, as intermediary between employers and future young specialists is emphasized.

Key words: professional adaptation, primary adaptation, university graduates, competitive advantages, models of behavior of graduates.
