The type of temperament of a choleric person can be characterized by such qualities as impulsivity, rapid reaction to what is happening, passion, imbalance, irascibility. Choleric people are energetic and impatient natures, with an increased level of mental activity, in some cases showing aggression.

general description

Choleric - the characteristic of this type of temperament is as follows: this person will never sit still, will be able to overcome various difficulties on his way. This personality is subject to sudden mood swings, as well as emotional outbursts of various strengths, is in constant movement, is always in a hurry somewhere, trying to do several things at once, but is not always able to complete them. Despite the emotionality and vitality of a choleric person, a sanguine person differs in that in his case, energy can turn into aggression or conflict. As Hippocrates defined the type of choleric temperament, yellow bile is present in his body, which endows the person with emotional incontinence, hysteria and somewhat unbridledness.

Choleric and aggressiveness are inseparable concepts, you can start them in a matter of seconds. They immediately begin to pour out all their emotions on people, but in the same way they can calm down very easily and quickly, especially in those cases when they notice that people are beginning to yield to them and go towards them. Choleric people have a very strong character, so they always easily solve problems that arise. Determining the temperament of a choleric person is usually very simple. First of all, these people are individualists. They always have their own opinion. Often there is a leadership trait in the character of a choleric person.

He always strives to be the first in everything, he likes to be in the center of attention and to attract him. People with this temperament often take an active part in various disputes, the instigators of which are themselves. You can recognize choleric visually by expressive gestures and facial expressions, sharp movements, impetuous and dynamic behavior, confident, fast and impetuous gait. A person with this type usually speaks very quickly, in his speech uses exaggerations and the most colored epithets.

They prefer to sleep a little, but they eat a lot and with appetite. According to the characteristics of a choleric person, this is clearly the person who can bang his fist on the table and as an ideal defense for himself will always choose an attack.

What are the features of the type

By temperament, a choleric person is the right type who only needs to learn to control his own emotions, aggression, restrain himself and be patient. It is very easy to recognize him not only by his demeanor, but also by his appearance. Choleric - characteristics of external factors and distinguishing features:

  • fast and abrupt movements and movements;
  • do not like to wait for anyone;
  • tendency to thinness;
  • long limbs without muscles;
  • narrow chest, back, pelvis;
  • elongated bones of the skull;
  • pronounced facial features, usually with prominent cheekbones.

The peculiarity of people with this type of character as a choleric person is self-esteem and determination. It is very difficult for them to realize themselves in a position where it is necessary to be subordinate or dependent on others. Choleric people are ideally suited for independent work, which does not require following the rules of other people. The temperament of an energetic choleric allows him to take on many tasks, to which he will devote all his free time. He is able to withstand heavy workloads, fast paces, as well as a change in different types of activities. In their work, they show initiative, constant activity and desire for action. However, if something starts to go not according to the plan of the choleric, he can suddenly lose his temper. Then his work is much more difficult.

Choleric people are often excellent leaders, entrepreneurs and businessmen in terms of temperament. They work well with the team, are able to express their own thoughts clearly, clearly, informatively, have a punchy character, good speed of thinking and purposefulness. Therefore, they are guaranteed success in any chosen area. What are the distinctive features in the description of the choleric temperament:

  • very amorous natures, love comes to them at first sight, they instantly plunge headlong into a new feeling;
  • ambitious and proud, love to be exemplified, respected or honored;
  • are characterized by frequent and very quick mood swings, any nuances can take them out of balance, turning them into an aggressive and angry person;
  • quick-tempered, it is difficult for them to learn self-control;
  • people with this type usually openly and vividly demonstrate their emotions, without being shy or hiding them.

Pros and cons of temperament type

The strong choleric temperament type has the following strengths:

  • are an inexhaustible source of energy;
  • the ability to adhere to the ideals chosen for oneself, to fight desperately for them;
  • a tendency to make quick decisions, as well as to commit impulsive actions, often this approach turns out to be the most correct;
  • self-confidence, optimistic attitude;
  • initiative;
  • lovers of truth, will always tell the truth in person, will not be hypocritical and whisper behind their backs;
  • striving for constant development, do not like to stay in place;
  • stress tolerance;
  • the ability to quickly complete tasks and solve problems;
  • characterized by high dedication.

A strongly developed sense of justice evokes an acute reaction in choleric people, prompts them to desperately defend the truth to the very end. The nature of a choleric person is arranged in such a way that this person can never be left on the sidelines, especially when he sees injustice. However, another personality trait is associated with this trait - the desire to dominate. Sometimes such desires go beyond all permissible boundaries, choleric people begin to demand unquestioning obedience from loved ones. They simply explode with emotions due to the fact that something is not done as they ordered, or if the person does not understand them the first time. At the same time, they understand that they can often go too far. In fact, they have sensitivity, tenderness, and care for their loved ones. The choleric temperament does not allow other people to relax in his company.

Negative personality traits of a choleric:

  • can work very hard just to hear the praise;
  • obsessed with earning income;
  • excessive activity leads to irritability;
  • dislike indecisive, shy, slow people;
  • long-term work can be done superficially, without going into details;
  • a sense of compassion is poorly developed, they believe that people themselves are to blame for what happens to them;
  • are prone to violence;
  • do not know how to forgive offenses, are vindictive;
  • irritability, rudeness, conflict, aggression;
  • they know how to manipulate people, are cunning personalities.

The enthusiasm of choleric people can quickly dry up, not allowing the work begun to end. Sometimes, in order to achieve a certain goal, a person needs a so-called "kick" or a challenge from the outside, which will warm up his interest.

In comparison with melancholic people, choleric people are not vindictive personalities, although at first glance they look very vicious or rude.

For woman

A choleric woman is usually a strong-willed and strong nature, the energy of which is felt at a distance. It is not a problem for her to learn something new, to learn a different sphere, she is easily taught at any age. By nature, a woman with a choleric type loves to take a leadership position not only at work, but also at home, among friends, in any suitable situation. It is very important for her to dominate under any conditions, it brings her real satisfaction. It is difficult to call this woman a good housewife, she is not one of those people who will sit at home and happily do household chores. Life goal such women - the conquest of new heights. It is important for her to find a job that will be really interesting. A quiet, calm, balanced man with a huge supply of patience and pliability is ideal for such a woman.

For a man

The choleric man in the family will always rule, his woman will not have the right to vote. He will always strive to financially provide for his family, give her maximum care and reliability, and is pragmatic. Children relate to a man in the person of their choleric dad, as well as a despot and tyrant, whom they are forced to obey by force, demand unhindered and unquestioning fulfillment of orders. But such a father will also be distinguished by special sensitivity, attention and care. Surrounded by a man of this type, there are always many friends who agree to put up with character traits, are ready to listen to him, follow him, and fulfill various requests.

Hippocrates singled out 4 types of temperament - sanguine, phlegmatic, choleric and melancholic. However, in their pure form, they are rare, each person only gravitates towards one of them. During life, under the influence of social impact, education, lifestyle, health, manifestations of temperament can be smoothed out. In children, the signs of temperament are more distinct, they are easy to see if you observe the child's behavior for a while.

Let's talk in detail about each type of temperament. Let's talk about activities that are comfortable for children, taking into account their temperament.


Correct upbringing will form in the child an active attitude to learning, purposefulness.

Mobile, active activities are suitable for such a child. You can choose sports, dancing. Classes can be both individual and in a group, in a team. Perhaps, due to his activity, the child will be interested in many types of activities, he will want to study in several circles, studios at once. Let him do it, let him go from one section to another. The more skills he masters, the more inclinations they will receive incentives for development. A deeper immersion in the chosen activity can occur in subsequent years - in adolescence, adolescence.

Phlegmatic person

This is a calm and unhurried baby. He thoroughly thinks over his actions, shows persistence in achieving the goal. It is difficult for him to quickly navigate the situation, he does not like changes, prefers stability, remembers the acquired knowledge and skills for a long time. His mood is stable, he rarely loses his temper, enjoys communicating with the adults and peers around him.

Upbringing can form in a phlegmatic child such qualities as perseverance and perseverance. Occupations that require painstaking and patience are suitable for him. If your child has a good ear for music, you can offer him music lessons. If he has an interest in drawing, sculpting, applique work - take up art with him.

Such a child may not like activities that require speed, instant reaction, quick adaptation. Therefore, from all types of sports activities, choose calm ones. These are swimming, ballroom and sports dances. There, the skill is formed by repeated repetition and individual work with a trainer.

Team games - football, handball, basketball, contact sports - boxing, fencing will not bring satisfaction phlegmatic, since they require quick reaction, the ability to understand a partner and an opponent and make a decision instantly.


A choleric child is distinguished by imbalance, excitability, speed of actions, movements. It lights up quickly and also cools down quickly. Particularly uncomfortable for him will be laborious, monotonous, long-term activities. In communication with peers, he strives to be a leader, and is often a source of conflict.

With the correct upbringing, a choleric child develops very important qualities: activity, initiative, enthusiasm, organizational and communication skills.

For a child with a choleric temperament, intensive, but not very long-term activities are suitable, where there is an opportunity to communicate with peers or competition with a rival. A passionate, risk-taking nature will feel at ease on a soccer field, volleyball or basketball court, or on a bike path. The choleric child will “light up” on the dance floor, in a musical group - where a powerful and short-term release of energy is required.

Activities that require painstaking, thoroughness, such as drawing, modeling, embroidery, beading, can quickly get bored with such a child. A hard test for a choleric child will be loneliness, lack of communication with peers.


In children with a melancholic type of temperament, activity proceeds slowly, while they quickly get tired. If the child is urged on, actions are further slowed down. Slowly, but for a long time, the child is immersed in one or another emotional experience. A bad mood will not be fleeting, the sadness that has arisen surprises adults with its depth, strength, and duration. The child is anxious in unfamiliar surroundings, shy of strangers, avoids numerous contacts with peers.

In the process of upbringing, melancholic children develop softness, responsiveness, and sincerity.

For such a child, quiet activities in a comfortable environment are suitable. Melancholic children enjoy reading books, watching educational programs, films, love to observe the nature around them, to explore it.

Their deep feelings and experiences can be revealed in artistic and literary creativity.

To determine the temperament of the child, use the questions that are presented in the section "Diagnostics of abilities and interests." They will help you see signs of temperament type in the child's behavior.

Let's sum up

  • Temperament is an innate quality; don't try to fight it. Try to understand it and take it into account when choosing activities for your child.
  • There are no "bad" temperaments. Rudeness, aggressiveness, selfishness, low level of culture are the result of poor upbringing.
  • Choose activities according to the child's inclinations, his behavior. Consider the strength and speed of the child's reactions, the stability and change of emotions, activity and fatigue, the need for communication.
  • Parents should not only broaden their baby's horizons, but also develop their abilities, expanding their understanding of various activities. It is important to offer the child those activities that suit him in temperament, according to his capabilities. Such activities will form his interests, inclinations, help to overcome insecurity and fear.

Basis of temperament

Each person is unique, differs in ways of expressing emotions, feelings and reacts differently to what is happening in the surrounding reality. If one individual remains calm in any situation, then even the slightest trouble can lead another to despair. These features of human behavior largely depend on differences in activity. nervous system.

Temperament as a psychobiological basis of personality

Human mental activity, which is characterized by its dynamic characteristics (pace, speed and intensity), is a temperament. It characterizes not a person's beliefs, views or interests, but its dynamism, therefore it is not an indicator of value.

The following components can be distinguished that determine the basis of temperament:

  • The general activity of a person's mental activity, which is expressed in the degree of the desire to act, to express oneself in various activities, to transform the surrounding reality. There are two extremes of general activity: on the one hand, passivity, inertia, lethargy, and on the other, impetuosity. Between these two extremes are representatives of different temperaments;
  • Motor or motor activity is expressed in the speed, intensity, sharpness, strength of muscle movements and speech of an individual, his mobility, talkativeness;
  • Emotional activity expresses the sensitive basis of temperament, that is, the person's susceptibility and sensitivity to emotional influences, its impulsivity.

Also, a person's temperament has an external expression and is manifested in activities, behavior and actions. By these signs, one can judge about some of its properties. When they talk about temperament, they basically mean the mental differences in people associated with the intensity, depth and stability of emotions, impressionability, vigor of actions.

There are several theories that define the foundations of temperament. But with all the variety of approaches to this issue, most scientists recognize that this is a kind of biological foundation on which a person is formed as a social being.

Physiological bases of temperament

The first to introduce this term was the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who laid the foundation for the humoral theory. He explained the peculiarities of people's temperaments by various ratios of liquid substances in the body: blood, bile and lymph. If yellow bile predominates, this makes a person hot, impulsive or choleric. In mobile, cheerful people (sanguine people), blood predominates, and in calm and slow people (phlegmatic people), lymph prevails. Melancholic people are characterized by a sad and fearful character, and as Hippocrates argued, black bile predominates in them.

According to the constitutional theory, which was derived by Kretschmer and Zigo, the natural basis of temperament is determined by the characteristics of the general structure of the human body, as well as its individual organs. In turn, the physique of an individual depends on the course of endocrine processes in his body.

But the most reasonable was the neurological theory proposed by Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. In his opinion, the physiological basis of temperament is a set of acquired characteristics and innate properties of the nervous system.

In this case, individual differences in nervous activity are manifested by the ratio of two main processes - excitation and inhibition, which have three important properties:

  • The strength of processes, which is expressed in the ability of nerve cells to withstand prolonged or concentrated exposure to stimuli. This determines the endurance of the cell. The weakness of nervous processes is evidenced by high sensitivity or the transition of cells to a state of inhibition instead of excitation, when exposed to strong stimuli. This feature often forms the basis of temperament;
  • The balance of nervous processes is characterized by an equal ratio of excitation and inhibition. In some people, these two processes manifest themselves equally, in others, one of them predominates;
  • The mobility of nervous processes is a fast or slow change of excitation to inhibition and vice versa, when the conditions of life require it. Thus, in the event of unexpected and drastic changes, mobility ensures the adaptation of the individual to the new environment.

Combinations of these properties, according to Pavlov, determine the type of the nervous system and are the natural basis of temperament:

  • Weak type, in which a person is not able to withstand strong, prolonged and concentrated arousal and inhibition. In a weak nervous system, cells have low efficiency. Although, when exposed to strong stimuli, high sensitivity is noted;
  • The strong balanced type is characterized by the imbalance of the basic nervous processes, the predominance of excitation over inhibition is distinguished;
  • Strong balanced mobile type - nervous processes are strong and balanced, however, their speed and mobility often lead to instability of connections;
  • Strong balanced inert type, in which the processes of excitation and inhibition are strong and balanced, but are characterized by low mobility. Representatives of this type are always calm, it is difficult to piss them off.

Thus, the basis of temperament is the individual properties of the psyche, which reflect the dynamics of human mental activity. They manifest themselves regardless of his goals, motives, desires and remain practically unchanged throughout his life.

Teaching about temperament

Speaking of temperament, they usually mean the dynamic side of the personality, expressed in impulsivity and the pace of mental activity. It is in this sense that we usually say that such and such a person has a large or small temperament, given his impulsiveness, the impetuosity with which his drives manifest, etc. Temperament is a dynamic characteristic of an individual's mental activity.

For temperament, first of all, the strength of mental processes is indicative. At the same time, not only their absolute strength at a given moment is essential, but also how constant it remains, that is, the degree of dynamic stability. With significant stability, the strength of the reactions in each individual case depends on the changing conditions in which the person finds himself, and is adequate to them: a stronger external irritation causes a stronger reaction, a weaker irritation causes a weaker reaction. In individuals with greater non-stability, on the contrary, strong irritation can - depending on the very variable state of the personality - cause a very strong, then a very weak reaction; in the same way, the slightest irritation can sometimes cause a very strong reaction; a very significant event, fraught with the most serious consequences, can leave a person indifferent, and in another case, an insignificant reason will give a violent outburst: "reaction" in this sense is not at all adequate to the "stimulus".

Mental activity of the same force can differ in varying degrees of tension, depending on the relationship between the strength of a given process and the dynamic capabilities of a given personality. Mental processes of a certain intensity can be performed easily, without any stress in one person at one moment and with great stress in another person or in the same person at another moment. These differences in tension will affect the nature of the even and smooth, then jerky course of activity.

Further, an essential expression of temperament is the speed of mental processes. It is also necessary to distinguish from the speed or speed of the course of mental processes their pace (the number of acts in a certain period of time, depending not only on the speed of each act, but also on the size of the intervals between them) and the rhythm (which can be not only temporary, but also ). When characterizing temperament, one must again bear in mind not only the average speed of the course of mental processes. For temperament, the characteristic amplitude of oscillations from the slowest to the most accelerated rates is also indicative of a given personality. Along with this, it is also essential how the transition from slower to faster rates and vice versa - from faster to slower rates is made: in some it occurs, more or less evenly and smoothly increasing or decreasing, in others - as if in jerks , uneven and jerky. These differences can overlap: significant transitions in speed can be accomplished by a smooth and uniform increase, and on the other hand, relatively less significant changes in absolute speed can be performed by gusty jerks. These features of temperament are reflected in the entire activity of the individual, in the course of all mental processes.

The main manifestation of temperament is very often sought in the dynamic characteristics of a person's "reactions" - in the strength and speed with which he effectively reacts to stimuli. Indeed, the central links in the diverse manifestations of temperament are those that express the dynamic characteristics not of individual mental processes, but of specific activity in the diverse relationships of various aspects of its mental content. However, the sensorimotor reaction can in no way serve as an exhaustive or adequate expression of a person's temperament. A person's impressionability and impulsiveness are especially important for temperament.

A person's temperament is manifested primarily in his impressionability, characterized by the strength and stability of the impact that the impression has on a person. Depending on the characteristics of temperament, the impressionability in some people is more, in others less significant; in some, as if someone, in the words of A. M. Gorky, “ripped off all the skin from the heart,” they are so sensitive to every impression; others - "insensitive", "thick-skinned" - very weakly react to the environment. For some, the impact - strong or weak - that makes an impression on them, spreads with a large, in others with a very low speed into the deeper layers of the psyche. Finally, for different people, depending on the characteristics of their temperament, the stability of the impression is also different: for some, the impression - even a strong one - turns out to be very unstable, while others cannot get rid of it for a long time. Impression is always individually different affective sensitivity in people of different temperaments. It is essentially connected with the emotional sphere and is expressed in the strength, speed and stability of the emotional reaction to impressions.

Temperament is reflected in emotional excitability - in the strength of emotional excitement, the speed with which it engulfs the personality - and the stability with which it persists. It depends on a person's temperament how quickly and strongly he lights up and how quickly he then fades away. Emotional excitability manifests itself, in particular, in mood, increased up to exaltation or decreased up to depression, and especially in more or less rapid mood changes, directly related to impressionability.

Another central expression of temperament is impulsiveness, which is characterized by the strength of motives, the speed with which they master the motor sphere and turn into action, the stability with which they maintain their effective strength. Impulsivity includes the impressionability and emotional excitability that determines it, in relation to the dynamic characteristics of those intellectual processes that mediate and control them. Impulsivity is the side of temperament, which it is associated with striving, with the sources of will, with the dynamic force of needs as motives for activity, with the speed of transition of motives into action.

Temperament is manifested especially clearly in the strength, as well as the speed, rhythm and tempo of a person's psychomotor - in his practical actions, speech, expressive movements. The gait of a person, his facial expressions and pantomime, his movements, fast or slow, smooth or impetuous, sometimes an unexpected turn or movement of the head, the manner of looking up or looking down, viscous lethargy or slow smoothness, nervous haste or powerful impetuosity of speech reveal to us some kind of an aspect of personality, that dynamic aspect of it, which is its temperament. At the very first meeting, with a short, sometimes even fleeting contact with a person, we often immediately from these external manifestations get a more or less vivid impression of his temperament.

Since ancient times, it has been customary to distinguish four main types of temperaments: choleric, sanguine, melancholic and phlegmatic. Each of these temperaments can be determined by the ratio of impressionability and impulsivity as the main psychological properties of temperament. The choleric temperament is characterized by strong impressionability and great impulsivity; sanguine - weak impressionability and great impulsivity; melancholic - strong impressionability and low impulsivity; phlegmatic - weak impressionability and low impulsivity. Thus, this classic traditional scheme naturally follows from the ratio of the main features with which we endow the temperament, while acquiring the corresponding psychological content. The differentiation of both impressionability and impulsiveness in strength, speed and stability, which we have outlined above, opens up opportunities for further differentiation of temperaments.

The physiological basis of temperament is the neurodynamics of the brain, that is, the neurodynamic ratio of the cortex and subcortex. The neurodynamics of the brain is in internal interaction with the system of humoral, endocrine factors. A number of researchers (Pende, Belov, partly E. Kretschmer, and others) were inclined to make both temperament and even character dependent primarily on these latter. There is no doubt that the endocrine gland system is included in the number of conditions affecting temperament.

It would be wrong, however, to isolate the endocrine system from the nervous system and turn it into an independent basis of temperament, since the very humoral activity of the endocrine glands is subject to central innervation. There is an internal interaction between the endocrine system and the nervous system, in which the leading role belongs to the nervous system.

For temperament, in this case, undoubtedly, the excitability of the subcortical centers, with which the features of motor, statics and vegetation are associated, are of significant importance. The tone of the subcortical centers, their dynamics affect both the tone of the cortex and its readiness for action. Because of the role they play in the neurodynamics of the brain, subcortical centers undoubtedly affect temperament. But again, it would be completely wrong, by emancipating the subcortex from the cortex, to turn the former into a self-sufficient factor, into the decisive basis of temperament, as the currents strive to do in modern foreign neurology, which recognize the decisive importance for the temperament of the gray matter of the ventricle and localize the “core” of the personality in the subcortex, in the stem apparatus, in the subcortical ganglia. The subcortex and cortex are inextricably linked with each other. Therefore, it is impossible to separate the first from the second. Ultimately, it is not the dynamics of the subcortex itself that is of decisive importance, but the dynamic relationship between the subcortex and the cortex, as I.P. Pavlov emphasizes in his study of the types of the nervous system.

Pavlov based his classification of types of the nervous system on three main criteria, namely, strength, balance and lability of the cortex.

Based on these basic features, as a result of his studies by the method of conditioned reflexes, he came to the definition of four main types of the nervous system:

  1. Strong, balanced and agile - a lively type.
  2. Strong, balanced and inert - calm, slow type.
  3. Strong, unbalanced with a predominance of excitement over inhibition - excitable, unrestrained type.
  4. Weak type.

The division of the types of the nervous system into strong and weak does not lead to a further symmetric subdivision of the weak type, as well as the strong one, according to the other two signs of balance and mobility (lability), because these differences, which give significant differentiation in the case of a strong type, turn out to be practically insignificant and do not give really significant differentiation.

I.P. Pavlov connects the types of nervous systems outlined by him with temperaments, comparing the four groups of nervous systems, to which he came by the laboratory, with the ancient classification of temperaments from Hippocrates. He is inclined to identify his excitable type with choleric, melancholic with inhibitory, two forms of the central type - calm and lively - with phlegmatic and sanguine.

The main evidence in favor of the differentiation of the types of the nervous system that he establishes, Pavlov considers various reactions with strong counteractions of the irritable and inhibitory processes.

Pavlov's teaching on the types of nervous activity is essential for understanding the physiological basis of temperament. Its correct use presupposes taking into account that the type of the nervous system is a strictly physiological concept, and temperament is a psychophysiological concept and is expressed not only in motor skills, in the nature of reactions, their strength, speed, etc., but also in impressionability. in emotional excitability, etc.

The mental properties of temperament are undoubtedly closely related to the bodily properties of the body - both innate features of the structure of the nervous system (neuroconstitution) and functional features (muscle, vascular) tone of organic life. However, the dynamic properties of human activity are not reducible to the dynamic characteristics of organic life; with all the significance of the innate characteristics of the organism, in particular its nervous system, for temperament they are only the initial moment of its development, not separated from the development of the personality as a whole.

Temperament is not a property of the nervous system or of neuroconstitution as such; he is a dynamic aspect of the personality that characterizes the dynamics of her mental activity. This dynamic side of temperament is interconnected with the rest of the life of an individual and is mediated by the specific content of her life and activities; therefore, the dynamics of human activity is irreducible to the dynamic features of his life, since that itself is determined by the relationship of the individual with the environment. This is evident when analyzing any side, any manifestation of temperament.

So, no matter how significant the organic bases of sensitivity, the properties of the peripheral receptor and central apparatus play in a person's impressionability, the impressionability is irreducible to them. Impressions that are perceived by a person are usually caused not by sensory stimuli acting in isolation, but by phenomena, objects, persons that have a certain objective meaning and cause from a person a particular attitude towards himself, conditioned by his tastes, attachments, beliefs, character, worldview. Because of this, the very sensitivity or impressionability turns out to be mediated and selective.

Impressiveness is mediated and transformed by needs, interests, tastes, inclinations, etc. - by the whole relationship of a person to the environment and depends on the life path of the individual.

In the same way, the change in emotions and moods, states of emotional upsurge or decline in a person depends not only on the tone of the body's vital activity. Changes in tone, undoubtedly, also affect the emotional state, but the tone of vital activity is mediated and conditioned by the relationship of the individual with the environment and, therefore, by the entire content of his conscious life. Everything that has been said about the mediation of impressionability and emotionality by the conscious life of an individual is even more related to impulsivity, since impulsivity includes both impressionability and emotional excitability and is determined by their relationship with the power and complexity of the intellectual processes that mediate and control them.

Human actions are not reducible to organic life activity, since they are not just motor reactions of the body, but acts that are aimed at certain objects and pursue certain goals. Therefore, they are mediated and conditioned in all their mental properties, including dynamic ones, characterizing temperament, by a person's attitude to the environment, goals that he sets for himself, needs, tastes, inclinations, and beliefs that determine these goals. Therefore, it is in no way possible to reduce the dynamic features of a person's actions to the dynamic features of his organic vital activity, taken in itself; the very tone of his organic life activity can be determined by the course of his activity and the turnover that it receives for him. The dynamic characteristics of activity inevitably depend on the specific relationship of the individual with his environment; they will be alone in adequate conditions for him and others in inadequate ones. Therefore, attempts to give a doctrine of temperaments, proceeding only from a physiological analysis of nervous mechanisms, out of correlation in animals with the biological conditions of their existence, in humans, with the historically developing conditions of his social life and practical activity, are fundamentally wrong.

The dynamic characteristic of mental activity is not self-sufficient, formal; it depends on the content and specific conditions of activity, on the attitude of the individual to what he is doing, and to the conditions in which he finds himself. The pace of my activity will obviously be different in the case when its direction is forced to run counter to my inclinations, interests, skills and abilities, with the peculiarities of my character, when I feel myself in an alien environment, and in the case when I am captured I am fascinated by the content of my work and am in an environment that is in tune with me.

Liveliness, turning into playful agility or swagger, and regularity, even slowness of movements, taking on the character of sedateness or majesty in facial expressions, in pantomime, in posture, gait, human habits, are due to various reasons, up to the mores of the social environment in which a person lives , and the social position that he occupies. The style of the era, the way of life of certain social strata determines to a certain extent the pace, in general, the dynamic characteristics of the behavior of representatives of this era and the corresponding social strata.

The dynamic features of behavior that go from the era, from social conditions, do not, of course, remove individual differences in the temperaments of different people and do not abolish the meaning of their organic features. But, reflected in the psyche, in the consciousness of people, social moments themselves are included in their internal individual characteristics and enter into an internal relationship with all their other individual characteristics, including organic and functional ones. In the real lifestyle of a particular person, in the dynamic characteristics of his individual behavior the tone of his life and the regulation of these features, which proceeds from social conditions (the pace of social and industrial life, customs, everyday life, decency, etc.), form an indecomposable unity of sometimes opposite, but always interconnected moments. The regulation of the dynamics of behavior, proceeding from the social conditions of life and human activity, can, of course, sometimes affect only external behavior, without affecting the personality itself, its temperament; at the same time, the internal features of a person's temperament may also be in conflict with the dynamic features of behavior, which he outwardly adheres to. But, ultimately, the features of the behavior that a person adheres to for a long time cannot but leave their imprint sooner or later - although not mechanical, not mirror, and sometimes even compensatory-antagonistic - on the internal structure of the personality, on its temperament.

Thus, in all its manifestations, temperament is mediated and conditioned by real conditions and the specific content of a person's life. Speaking about the conditions under which the temperament in an actor's play can be convincing, Ye. B. Vakhtangov wrote: “For this, an actor at rehearsals needs mainly to work to ensure that everything that surrounds him in the play becomes his atmosphere, so that the tasks roles have become his tasks - then the temperament will speak "from the essence." This temperament from the essence is the most valuable, because it is the only convincing and deceitful. " The temperament "from the essence" is the only convincing on the stage because this is the temperament in reality: the dynamics of mental processes is not something self-sufficient; it depends on the specific content of the personality, on the tasks that a person sets for himself, on his needs, interests, inclinations, character, on his "essence", which is revealed in the variety of the most important relationships for him with the environment. Temperament is an empty abstraction outside the personality, which is formed by completing its life path.

Being a dynamic characteristic of all manifestations of personality, temperament in its qualitative properties of impressionability, emotional excitability and impulsivity is at the same time the sensual basis of character.

Forming the basis of character traits, temperament traits, however, do not predetermine them. Being involved in character development, the properties of temperament undergo changes, due to which the same initial properties can lead to different character properties depending on what they are subordinated to - from behavior, beliefs, volitional and intellectual qualities of a person. So, on the basis of impulsivity as a property of temperament, depending on the conditions of upbringing and the entire path of life, various volitional qualities can be developed in a person who has not learned to control his actions by thinking about their consequences, thoughtlessness, unrestraint, the habit of chopping off the shoulder can easily develop. act under the influence of passion; in other cases, on the basis of the same impulsiveness, determination will develop, the ability to go to the set goal without unnecessary hesitation and hesitation. Depending on the life path of a person, on the whole course of his social, moral, intellectual and aesthetic development, impressionability as a property of temperament can in one case lead to significant vulnerability, painful vulnerability, hence to shyness and shyness; in the other, on the basis of the same impressionability, great emotional sensitivity, responsiveness and aesthetic sensitivity can develop; in the third, sensitivity in the sense of sentimentality. The formation of character based on the properties of temperament is significantly associated with the orientation of the personality.

So, temperament is a dynamic characteristic of a personality in all its effective manifestations and a sensual basis of character. Transformed in the process of character formation, the properties of temperament pass into character traits, the content of which is inextricably linked with the orientation of the personality.

Influence of temperament

The dynamic characteristics of a person's character - the style of his behavior - depend on temperament. Temperament - "natural soil" on which the process of formation of individual character traits, the development of individual human abilities takes place.

People achieve the same success in different ways, replacing their "weak" sides with a system of mental compensation.

Under the influence of living conditions, a choleric person may develop inertia, slowness, lack of initiative, and a melancholic person may develop energy and determination. Life experience and upbringing of a person mask the manifestations of his temperament. But under unusual superstrong influences, in dangerous situations, previously formed inhibitory reactions can be disinhibited. Choleric and melancholic people are more prone to a neuropsychic breakdown. Along with this, a scientific approach to understanding personality behavior is incompatible with the rigid binding of people's actions to their natural characteristics.

Depending on the living conditions and activities of a person, certain properties of his temperament may increase or decrease. Temperament, despite its natural conditioning, can be attributed to personality traits, since it combines the natural and socially acquired qualities of a person.

Foreign psychologists divide temperamental characteristics mainly into two groups - extraversion and introversion. These concepts, introduced by the Swiss psychologist C.G. Jung, mean the predominant orientation of individuals towards the external (extrovert) or internal (introvert) world. Extroverts are distinguished by their predominant appeal to the outside world, increased social adaptability, they are more conformable and suggestive (susceptible to suggestion). Introverts, on the other hand, attach the greatest importance to the phenomena of the inner world, they are uncommunicative, prone to heightened introspection, have difficulty entering a new social environment, are non-conforming and asuggestative.

Among the qualities of temperament, rigidity and plasticity also stand out. Rigidity - inertia, conservatism, difficulty in switching mental activity. There are several types of rigidity: sensory - prolongation of sensation after the termination of the stimulus; motor - the difficulty of restructuring habitual movements; emotional - the continuation of the emotional state after the termination of the emotional impact; memory - reserving, obsession with memory images; thinking - the inertia of judgments, attitudes, ways of solving problems. The quality opposite to rigidity is plasticity, flexibility, mobility, adequacy.

The peculiarities of temperament include such a mental phenomenon as anxiety - tension, increased emotional excitability in situations interpreted by the individual as threatening. Individuals with an increased level of anxiety tend to behave inappropriately to the degree of threat. An increased level of anxiety causes the desire to escape from the perception of threatening events, involuntarily narrowing the field of perception in a stressful situation.

So, a person's temperament determines the dynamics of his behavior, the originality of the course of his mental processes. Temperament determines the way a person sees, experiences events and their speech retransmission. Analyzing human behavior, one cannot but reckon with the "biological background" of human behavior, which affects the degree of intensity of individual personality traits.

Temperamental characteristics of a person act as psychophysiological possibilities of his behavior. For example, the mobility of nervous processes determines the dynamic qualities of the intellect, the flexibility of associative processes; excitability - the ease of occurrence and intensity of sensations, the stability of attention, the power of capturing images of memory.

However, temperament is not a value criterion of the personality, it does not determine the needs, interests, views of the individual. In the same kind of activity, people with different temperaments can achieve outstanding success due to their compensatory capabilities.

It is not the temperament, but the orientation of the personality, the predominance of higher motives over the lower ones, self-control and self-control, suppression of the motives of the lower level to achieve socially significant goals determine the quality of human behavior.

Temperament structure

Temperament is a term derived from the Latin temperamentum (proper ratio of traits) and tempero (mix in the proper ratio). To date, the problem of temperament has been studied in sufficient detail, and therefore in science there is a wide variety of definitions of this personality trait.

B.M. Teplov gave the following definition: "Temperament is a set of mental characteristics characteristic of a given person associated with emotional excitability, that is, the rapidity of the onset of feelings, on the one hand, and their strength, on the other."

Thus, it can be argued that temperament is a set of psychodynamic properties of the nervous system, a biological foundation on which a personality is formed.

Since the psyche is a property of the nervous system, the individual properties of the psyche, including the properties of temperament, are determined by the individual properties of the nervous system. Therefore, the first main feature of the properties of temperament is their dependence on the properties of the nervous system, which constitute the physiological basis of temperament. Moreover, only one type of temperament depends on each type of the nervous system (with its specific properties).

The same dynamic features of mental activity depend on the ratio of emotional and volitional characteristics. This ratio is that characteristic feature, which since the time of Hippocrates underlies the concept of temperament. Consequently, there are objective reasons to believe that the individual characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere are the properties of temperament. This, however, does not mean that all the individual characteristics of the emotional-volitional sphere are associated with temperament, and only they.

As a result of attempts at such an analysis, three main, leading, components of temperament were identified, related to the spheres of the general activity of the individual, his motor skills and his emotionality. Each of these components, in turn, has a very complex multidimensional structure and different forms of psychological manifestations.

The general mental activity of the individual is of the greatest importance in the structure of temperament. The essence of this component lies in the personality's tendency towards self-expression, effective development and transformation of external reality.

In terms of content, the second component is especially closely related to the first component of temperament - the motor, or motor, in which the qualities associated with the function of the motor (and especially the speech motor) apparatus play a leading role. Among the dynamic qualities of the motor component, such as speed, strength, sharpness, rhythm, amplitude and a number of other signs of muscle movement should be distinguished (some of them characterize speech motor skills).

The third main component of temperament is emotionality, which is an extensive complex of properties that characterize the characteristics of the emergence, flow and cessation of various feelings, affects and moods. Compared to other components of temperament, this component is the most complex and has a branched structure of its own. The main characteristics of emotionality are considered impressionability, impulsivity and emotional stability.

Impressiveness expresses the subject's sensitivity to emotionally significant influences.

Impulsiveness refers to the speed at which an emotion prompts action without prior thought or conscious planning. Emotional lability is usually understood as the rate at which one experience replaces another.

The main components of temperament form a single structure in human behavior, which makes it possible to limit temperament from other mental formations of the personality - its orientation, character, abilities, etc.

Manifestation of temperament

The difference in temperament between people is manifested in their activities. To achieve success in it, it is important that a person has control of his temperament, is able to adapt it to the conditions and requirements of activity, relying on his strong properties and compensating for the weak. This adaptation is expressed in an individual style of activity.

An individual style of activity is an expedient system of methods and techniques for performing an activity that corresponds to the characteristics of temperament, ensuring the best results.

The formation of an individual style of activity is carried out in the process of training and education. This requires the subject's own interest.

Conditions for the formation of an individual style of activity:

  1. determination of temperament with an assessment of the severity of its psychological properties;
  2. finding a combination of strengths and weaknesses;
  3. creating a positive attitude towards mastering your temperament;
  4. exercise in improving strong properties and possible compensation for the weak.

Temperament is also important for the choice of the type of activity. Choleric people prefer its emotional types (sports games, discussions, public speaking) and are reluctant to engage in monotonous work. Melancholic people willingly engage in individual activities.

It is known that in the process of study sessions, sanguine people, when studying new material, quickly grasp the basis, perform new actions, although with mistakes, they do not like long and careful work when mastering and improving skills. Phlegmatic people will not begin to perform new actions, exercises, if something is unclear in the content or technique, they are prone to painstaking, long-term work while mastering it.

For example, for athletes there are temperamental differences in pre-start conditions. Sanguine and phlegmatic people before the start are mainly in a state of alertness, choleric people are in a state of starting fever, and melancholic people are in a state of starting apathy. At competitions, sanguine and phlegmatic people show stable results and even higher than in training, in choleric and melancholic people they are not stable enough.

Equally differentiated, in particular, taking into account the strength and balance of the nervous system of students, it is necessary to approach the use of various forms of pedagogical influences - praise, censure. Praise has a positive effect on the process of skill formation in all students, but the greatest impact on the "weak" and "unbalanced". Censure works most effectively on the “strong” and “balanced”, the least effective on the “weak” and “unbalanced”. Waiting for a grade for completing tasks has a positive effect on the “weak” and “balanced”, but less significant for the “strong” and “unbalanced”.

Thus, temperament, being dependent on the innate properties of the nervous system, manifests itself in the individual style of a person's activity, therefore it is important to take into account its characteristics when teaching and upbringing.

Taking into account the peculiarities of temperament is necessary when solving basically two important pedagogical problems: when choosing a methodological tactics of teaching and a style of communication with students. In the first case, you need to help the sanguine person see the sources of diversity and creative elements in monotonous work, the choleric person - to instill the skills of special careful self-control, the phlegmatic person - to purposefully develop skills for quickly switching attention, the melancholic person - to overcome fear and self-doubt. Consideration of temperament is necessary when choosing a style of communication with students. So, with choleric and melancholic people, such methods of influence as individual conversation and indirect types of demands (advice, hint, etc.) are preferable. Censure in front of the class will cause a conflict explosion in a choleric person, in a melancholic person - a reaction of resentment, depression, and self-doubt. When dealing with a phlegmatic person, it is inappropriate to insist on the immediate fulfillment of the requirement, it is necessary to give time to mature for the student's own decision. A sanguine person will easily and with pleasure accept a remark in the form of a joke.

Temperament is the natural basis for the manifestation of the psychological qualities of a person. However, with any temperament, it is possible to form qualities in a person that are not characteristic of this temperament. Self-education is of particular importance here. In a letter to Olga Knipper-Chekhova, AP Chekhov wrote: “You ... envy my character. I must say that by nature I have a harsh character, I am hot-tempered, etc., etc., but I am used to holding myself, because it is not fitting for a decent person to dissolve himself. "

Most quick way finding an approach to a person is to determine his temperament. People of different temperaments react to the same things in different ways.

For example, some people are knocked out of the usual rhythm of life by troubles and forced to give up, while other people, troubles are forced to roll up their sleeves and fight. The second option can be attributed to choleric people.
Let's take a closer look features of the temperament of the character of the choleric.

Do what you can, with what you have, where you are.
Theodore Roosevelt

Features of the psyche and memory

In choleric people, the mechanism of excitability and inhibition is in balance. This helps choleric people make the right decisions quickly and quickly.

Choleric people perceive the world in terms of achieving a goal. In other words, they are constantly analyzing the situation.
For example, if he was instructed to complete a task, then he immediately begins to plan how to distribute all responsibilities among subordinates so that the goal is completed on time.

Emotional background

A choleric person does not show off his feelings like a sanguine person. However, he does not know how to hide his emotions at all, so they can be easily read by his face.

When communicating, an impulsive choleric person can abruptly "flare up like a match" and offend his interlocutor, being rude or even insulting him, just because he did not agree with his point of view.

Another distinctive aspect of this type is its excellent self-control. When faced with troubles, choleric people do not panic, and immediately look for a way out of this situation.

Despite the high purposefulness, often the choleric person cannot correctly assess his strength. This leads to the fact that some of the cases remain unfinished. True, some of the suspended goals may be implemented later.

Choleric at work, profession for choleric

Given the natural abilities of these people, they get excellent leaders... In other words, they are suitable areas where it is necessary to quickly make several decisions at the same time. At the same time, they cannot be on the sidelines for a long time.

Vacancies with frequent business trips are suitable for them. Changing jobs and starting new projects will help maximize the organizational abilities of choleric people.

They will make excellent heads of departments, branches or directors of enterprises. At the same time, it is desirable that they be employed in those areas where live communication with various people is necessary. Work for choleric people is, first of all, self-realization and achieving a sense of significance for the colleagues and friends around him.

Choleric in love, family

The choleric person will also take all the initiative. However, he needs reliable support from loved ones.

In other words, only a calm and balanced person who is ready to constantly be on the sidelines and maintain the rhythm of life taken by their second half can get along with him. At the same time, he must be ready to endure the difficult and domineering nature of the choleric.

Choleric child: how to educate

A choleric child is an energetic and playful toddler who can visit many places in a small amount of time, loves violent and active games, and most importantly, he can be heard very well, because he is always very loud, and most importantly, he talks quickly, is always addicted to something. but rarely does he complete everything.

Everything that a choleric child wants to have, he seeks to get a cry. In addition to this, any little thing can start a tantrum. For example, if he did not receive the desired toy or he has dirty diapers.

Therefore, in raising a choleric child, one should adhere to the following basic rules:

  1. Endurance and perseverance are the main qualities in the upbringing and development of a choleric child. And if he did something wrong, then you shouldn't yell at him, because yelling badly affects such a kid, but he, by the way, is already explosive. Also, do not subject the child to physical punishment. You just need to calmly explain all the mistakes, then show how to correctly perform this task and give one more opportunity to fix everything.
  2. Since a choleric child is an emotional toddler who can sometimes show hostility, this emotionality should be tried to be directed in the necessary direction. For example, send him to play sports, where he could throw out excess energy, or give the opportunity to play various outdoor games, for example, football, hockey, which are great in that they have clear rules, thanks to which the baby learns to be restrained and organized.
  3. Any emotional manifestation can be controlled by drawing. In this case, you need daily give him a blank sheet of paper on which he will draw own emotions.
  4. To teach his own child to bring every business to its logical conclusion, then before him you should set a task and at the same time clearly define the outcometo be achieved. For this occasion, puzzles are great.
  5. Must be cultivate politeness and tact in the child, with the help of various fairy tales that form only positive qualities in the child.
  6. You should try give the child as much parental attention as possible, play various outdoor games with him, draw, walk on the street, read interesting books... In short, spend as much time with him as possible.
  7. Try to switch the child's attention from one task to another, but it is important to teach any task to complete. And most importantly, he must have an incentive for this.
  8. It is necessary to come up with some daily rituals, and most importantly, always adhere to them, because such rituals are very important for a choleric person. For example, come up with a special ritual before bed. The main thing is that it should be done every day, not to forget, otherwise all this can become a real problem.
And the main thing is to exclude from the environment in which the child grows up all violent emotions: family scandals, films in which there is a lot of aggression and much more.

Choleric in friendship

Friends value active, cheerful and optimistic choleric people for their ability to help in the most difficult situations. In addition, acquaintances are ready to forgive them for excessive idealism for their reliability.

Representatives of this temperament are loyal and reliable friends who are ready to lend their shoulders at any moment.

Hello dear blog site readers! Let's take a closer look at how a woman who is choleric by the type of temperament behaves. What kind of character is this, what pluses and minuses it has, you have already read in the articles "Who prevents them from living?" , "How to communicate with them?" and Practical Advice.

What qualities help such a woman in her work? Of course, assertiveness, determination, will and a firm decision to be right in everything and always. Is it good or not?

Of course, it's good, because it is these people who perfectly cope with the huge workload and almost always become bosses. And at the same time they gather a large team around them. And here one unpleasant moment is hidden. A woman boss can easily turn into a kind of man, because femininity and tenderness at work are not welcome. And then what?

Subordinates need to be crushed morally, psychologically, whatever! Putting them in place and getting results. But at the same time, one cannot remain a pleasant person in communication, so the female nature will be crushed in the name of work.

Maybe this is good, but what about tenderness? This quality will soon disappear completely, much to the regret of the husband and children.

How does any choleric person act when he communicates with someone? He presses, tries not to yield and promote only his own point of view.

Suppose that there is a company of people six or eight people, of which there will be one woman with this type of temperament. It is unlikely that two choleric people will come across there at once, because there are quite a few of them, phlegmatic, melancholic and sanguine people will be next to her.

And she will not be silent, because she will quickly shut up everyone and take on the role of leader.

This will not be too tactful towards men, and they will begin to ignore her or loudly resent her. No one will obey her instructions, because all this does not happen at work, no one will fire anyone or kick out.

Such a woman does not know how to ask and speaks almost always in a commanding tone, which is very annoying for everyone else. No real man will tolerate being ordered, demanded and morally pressured on him. Only a calm and harmless phlegmatic or an infantile man will agree to endure all this outrage.

But such qualities of character are absolutely irreplaceable at work, because the leader must keep everything under his control and give instructions to whom and what needs to be done.

But such approaches can destroy any family, because all these relationships are automatically transferred to their relatives.

If a choleric woman understands what is hindering her, what exactly is missing when communicating with other people, then she will turn into an excellent leader who can lead. And then at work she may not be a despot, behind whose back everyone swears, resent and expresses their dissatisfaction.

And a person around whom a close-knit team is formed over time.

Of course, few of the bosses are loved, but it is the choleric who, if he does not allow himself to vent his anger on the defenseless people around him, will help them fight, infecting them with their energy and inspiration.

If she does not understand such simple things, does not want to know anything about the feelings of other people, then she will soon turn into an authoritarian lady without emotions who only demands, demands and constantly reprimands her subordinates. They do not follow her orders and shy away from work, from her point of view.

Who will love such a boss after that? Of course, no one, so nothing will come in her direction except negative. You cannot be a happy person if malicious words fly to you from those who have been offended and even offended.

Everything in this world is interconnected, so do not put pressure on people, even if you really want to. You need to use your abilities not to destroy relationships, but to create something great, something that people will admire and be proud of.

A strict, but at the same time fair and humane boss is very good for everyone.

And in a family, what happens when a woman tries to do everything her own way? If she lacks the mind to pretend and take the position of the weak, the love she dreamed about will disappear from her heart, and this will destroy the relationship with the man. Because the husband will think that he is being bullied, not respected and not considered with his opinion.

And since he foolishly fell into the clutches of an evil dragon, he must run as far as possible in search of a gentle, sweet, soft-natured woman.

A simple example from life.

There is a head of one of the departments at the enterprise, she has a terrible character, three children, her husband ran away. She looks at her subordinates like a boa constrictor at rabbits, does not give a word to say to her across. Men hate her, the female half of the team tries to stay away from her.

And she scoffs at everyone, trying already in front of her superiors, while taking out her resentment against her ex-husband on her poor subordinates and working at the same time for days. At the same time, he hates all women who earn less than her, but at the same time have a good family and enjoy it.

Does such a life look like happiness?

But if this boss, who had long turned into a troll, knew the flaws of her character and began to take them into account in a relationship with her beloved man, everything would have turned out differently.

The authority that the choleric woman cares about so much cannot be indisputable, because any person is mistaken. Now, if you add her tenderness, weakness, softness and flexibility, then everything will be fine in the family.

Caring for children is an important part of a mom like this. This is a very good quality, only you cannot go too far and put a lot of pressure on the child, especially in adolescence.

Why force someone to do everything exactly as she sees fit? So you can crush the personality of the child, discourage him from becoming independent and make decisions for himself.

When a child is deprived of the right to choose and he is forced to do something that his mother wants, at some point he will try to get out of her strong guardianship and run away. Or the child's personality will stop developing, he will understand that the easiest way is not to have his own opinion and to agree in everything.

And then he will have serious problems in adulthood, because his mother will not be able to stay on this earth forever.

And how to live independently, if you only know how to follow the instructions of someone who cares too much about you and makes decisions for you?

A choleric woman can be an excellent mother if she finds the strength to admit that her children are individuals, and not just her continuation. They may have their own opinions, which will have to be respected.

If you have the type of character that you read about today, think about it, do you know how to take into account other people's opinions, or do you consider yourself in everything right?

The husband knows that he has got a strong and strong-willed wife, but he is a man, and not a mattress that must be beaten with a mallet every day. He also dreams of becoming the head of the family, expressing his views, and not just agreeing and again agreeing with you on any issue.

Why subject your husband to constant pressure, "hammering" him with authority. What if he was tired of all this for a long time and he thinks that it is better to start all over again and find another wife, since you do not perceive him and do not love him? Men love not the way women think about it, so any critical word in their direction is very painful.

How does your wife behave? You, of course, consider yourself to be right in any matter, but your husband, most likely, thinks differently. And he understands that he is turning into an unhappy person who is not appreciated or understood in the family. Only the opinion of the wife is the main and main, and he does not like it.

But how do you know what others think of you? We need to talk about this heart to heart, ask for an opinion and draw conclusions in order to improve.

It is best not to be offended after such a conversation, but to admit that your character is not sugar, it is difficult and difficult. But you can change at any time. You just need to add a little tenderness, cordiality and responsiveness.

Start smiling, not getting angry and frowning, not raising your voice again. Make your husband feel your love and care.

And then you will learn that you can achieve much more with tenderness and weakness than with severity, pressure and menacing shouts. You will, of course, sometimes have to pretend to remove the iron tone from your voice.

Psychology as a science has a huge number of different characteristics, according to which people can be divided into certain groups. In this article, I would like to explain who the choleric person is and how this person differs from other people.

About types of temperament

Initially, it should be noted that this article will discuss one type of temperament. However, first you still need to understand who is a choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic and how these people differ from each other:

  1. Sanguine. This is an active person who easily reacts to changes in reality, is not afraid of obstacles, but still tries to avoid them.
  2. Phlegmatic person. Such a person is calm. Before doing something, he will think several times. The very process of his activity is slow, carefully thought out.
  3. Melancholic. These are often shy people who are afraid of obstacles and do not like innovations. They do their job efficiently and well, but on condition that everything happens in their usual environment.

About who a choleric person is and how such a person differs will be discussed further.


First, you also need to understand the main term that will be used in the article. In this case, it is a choleric person. The definition of this concept was given a very long time ago, around 400 BC. e., scientist and doctor Hippocrates. Even then, he divided all people into 4 large categories according to the type of temperament. How were the names chosen? So, in translation, the word "hole" means "yellow bile", that is, it is with this definition that Hippocrates wanted to say that these are very impulsive individuals who are characterized by a quick change of mood.

A few general words

It is quite easy to understand what type of temperament a person belongs to. It is enough just to look at how he reacts to various problem situations. If we are talking about choleric people, then they are not afraid of obstacles. Moreover, they simply sweep them out of their way. It is from this that we can draw a short conclusion about who a choleric person is: this is a person with a strong character. Such people can tolerate severe mental stress, but, unfortunately, they are most often unbalanced personalities. They are too emotional and hot-tempered.


Previously, you can also consider the external features of the choleric person. After all, such people can often be distinguished even by eye. How are they different?

  1. These people are mostly thin. They have long limbs, the muscles are mostly thin.
  2. Choleric people will also have a narrow chest, back, pelvis.
  3. The skull will be slightly elongated, the parietal part will be pointed.
  4. The features of the face of choleric people are clearly expressed, often the cheekbones stand out strongly.
  5. All movements of such people are fast, active, sharp. The gait is impetuous.

Emotional background of choleric

Let's consider further, than the type of temperament "choleric" differs. It is also worth noting that such people have a special emotional background. As mentioned above, choleric people often have mood swings. In addition, such people do not know how to hide their emotions at all, although they prefer to keep their own experiences secret, without revealing them to others (unlike sanguine people). In communication, people with this type of temperament are always active, they will not keep silent or just listen. They should always and everywhere be in the know.

It is also important to note that choleric people have amazing composure in the situation when they have to face problems. They don't panic or despair. All difficulties are accepted steadfastly and without further ado. Choleric people believe that you can find a way out of any situation if you wish.

Understanding who a choleric person is, it should also be noted that often such people overestimate their capabilities (moreover, they often have an overestimated self-esteem, although outwardly they try to hide it). This leads to the fact that some cases may not be completed. However, choleric people are such that nevertheless, albeit later, they will try to finish the unfinished. How else can you get the praise and approval of others? And this is extremely important for a choleric person.

Positive aspects of the character of choleric people

The type of character "choleric", however, like everyone else, has its positive aspects:

  • A huge plus - choleric people are mostly optimists. They easily meet with troubles, look into the future confidently and without fear.
  • They are very energetic and proactive people. Therefore, they make good workers. That's only if you do not take into account the excessive emotionality.
  • It should be noted that the characteristic of a choleric is not excessive suspiciousness. Such people are not used to inventing or inventing something for themselves, they are straightforward. Anything they don't like speaks directly to their eyes. However, it should be noted that many people consider this character trait negative.
  • Choleric people cannot stand still. They must be constantly in motion, in development. That is why such people learn a lot and can do a lot of interesting things.
  • These are stress-resistant people. They easily cope with difficult tasks.
  • They are devoted people. They can safely be entrusted with their secret, knowing that they will keep it.

Negative sides of the choleric character

What else can be interesting about the type of temperament "choleric"? Characteristics of the negative sides of the character of these people - that's what you also need to talk about:

  • It is not uncommon for such people to become workaholics in their quest for praise. Sometimes it even turns into obsession.
  • People of this type of temperament are irritable. The thing is that they are very active and fast. And it makes them nervous if the other person is slower, shy or indecisive. In addition, one must remember that the choleric person likes to be agreed with his opinion. Otherwise, he can be sarcastic or even offend the interlocutor a little.
  • The characteristic of a choleric person is not thoroughness. These people are mostly superficial. For them, the result is important, not the process itself. That is why they often do not go into details when doing a certain thing.
  • Choleric people do not know how to sympathize. They believe that everyone is to blame for their own grief. Moreover, these are people prone to violence. They are very vindictive and do not forgive insults. A retaliatory strike may not be delivered immediately, but it will still be.
  • People of this type of temperament are cunning. They will do anything to get the other person to do their job.

Friendship and relationships

We deal further with the type of temperament "choleric". Characteristics of such people in relation to connections with other people - that's what I want to talk about further. Initially, it should be noted that these people are very fond of attention. Therefore, there are always many people around them. They try to communicate with everyone, to have comradely ties. However, such people do not have too many real friends.

But at the same time they want to be friends with the choleric person. And even in spite of the difficult nature and mood swings. And all because such people are reliable and loyal friends. They will never abandon a comrade in difficult times, they will not refuse help. They are always ready to lend their shoulder. Also, friends respect choleric people for their optimism and positive attitude. Such people are always able to provide psychological support. And this for many is sometimes more important than material assistance.

What can you say about your relationship with your soul mate? If a loved one is ready to always be on the sidelines and follow an active choleric person, the union will be as successful as possible.

  • Compatibility "choleric and choleric" is not very successful. Such people always run the risk of being in conflict with each other. After all, both will try to pull the blanket over themselves. In addition, frequent scandals are possible. From this we can draw a simple conclusion that the compatibility of "choleric and choleric" is not very successful.
  • Choleric and sanguine compatibility. This union will not be as hot as the previous one. However, there will be quite a few pitfalls here. Such individuals will also be in conflict over the distribution of roles in the family. But if the separation does happen, and both members of the couple are happy with it, then such a marriage will be good and long-lasting.
  • Choleric and phlegmatic compatibility. It's safe to say that this is the perfect union. A calm phlegmatic person will tolerate changes in the mood of his half without much difficulty. And the choleric, in turn, next to his beloved will find such a lack of peace and warmth.
  • Choleric and melancholic compatibility. This union is difficult to imagine. After all, the choleric person will be very irritated by the self-doubt and slowness of the melancholic. In addition, he will simply be killed by the pessimism of his half. Constant conflicts will begin on the part of the choleric, to which the melancholic will react with tears. Such a marriage is most often short-lived.

Choice of profession

Choleric people have a very lively mind, they easily resist troubles. That is why they make great leaders. They always try to be aware of everything that is happening, and make several important decisions at the same time without problems. But still it should be noted that a choleric director will turn out to be authoritarian and strict. There will be no indulgences or indulgence for employees. And few people like it.

It is also important to note that choleric people love change. That is why the ideal vacancies for them are those that involve business trips or frequent movement.

Choleric people can also be creative if they like it. Their potential in this industry is maximized, and their emotions and surplus energy can be directed in the right direction.

People with this type of temperament work well both with people and with papers or numbers. That is why we can make a simple conclusion that almost any profession will suit them.

Choleric life

It should be noted that the design of the home for the choleric person should also be special. Such people must have everything at hand. That is why there should be many drawers and shelves in the choleric's room. If we talk about color, calm colors are suitable for an active and impulsive person's room. So, pastel colors and any light shades are perfect. Warm and vibrant colors such as orange or red should be avoided.

A few words about children

What is he, a choleric child? How are these kids different? This type of temperament in your baby can be recognized from early childhood. These are very persistent guys who always get their way. At first, it can be crying or screaming to exhaustion, later - subtle manipulation. These are very energetic babies who cannot stay in one place for a long time. Their games are always mobile, active. Drawing or looking at pictures in books is not for them. Such children tolerate discomfort worse than others, therefore they are most often considered capricious.

It is important to note that these kids can flirt in such a way that they simply do not hear their elders. In addition, they often do not compromise, since they consider their opinion to be the only correct one. They try to fulfill all assignments of parents as soon as possible, without considering the quality of work.

The actions of such children are most often thoughtless. That is why these kids often have problems at school and with their peers. They learn generally well, because they are interested in everything. In addition, we must remember that choleric children must be praised. They just need it.

Rules for raising choleric children

It is also worth noting that the design of the home for a choleric child should be correct. As already mentioned above, everything that surrounds the baby should be pastel and soft colors. This can balance the unstable emotional background of such a child. You should not hide the toys of the choleric kid, they should all be at hand. Such children simply need it. And of course, it is important to follow the following simple rules for raising babies with this type of temperament:

  • Choleric children should not be criticized often. They can make comments, but only away from prying eyes and ears. But there should be a lot of praise. She is extremely necessary for such kids.
  • Children with this type of temperament need to pay a lot of attention. They love to be played with. At the same time, one must remember that it is necessary to ensure that such children do not switch attention too often.
  • The following follows smoothly from the previous rule: choleric children must be taught to bring what has been started to the end. Everything must be done so that they concentrate on one thing as long as possible. They also need to develop perseverance. Otherwise, it will be very difficult for them at school or kindergarten.
  • To better discipline such children, you need to think over a whole range of rituals. Only by adhering to them, you can normalize the baby's day and at least slightly accustom him to order.

As a conclusion, I would like to say that it is very important to know who a choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic is and how such people differ from each other. After all, this way you can much better find a common language with different personalities.
