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Which country has the best roads - 2014 ranking

The quality of roads in a particular country is an objective indicator on which the standard of living itself largely depends. Those countries in which huge funds are spent on maintaining the road surface in a normal condition, in the global ranking, occupy high positions in other indicators, for example, in terms of living standards, in terms of per capita income.

However, it would be wrong to say that huge sums are spent on road maintenance. We all remember how, in the preparation for the Sochi Olympics, the state threw a lot of energy into the restoration of roads. The same picture was observed in Ukraine in 2010-2012, when preparations for holding Euro 2012, the European Football Championship, were in full swing. But these events almost did not affect the position of Russia and Ukraine in the global ranking, as we were trailing in the tail of the entire Planet, we remain there:

  • Russia ranks 136th in terms of road quality;
  • Ukraine - 144th place.

It's just that our management does not always understand that simple patching of holes and potholes is not an integrated approach. An integrated approach is the use of the most modern construction technologies, a complete rethinking of road construction and the transfer of the economy to new slats.

But in the leading countries in terms of road quality, this has long been understood. Experts of the world financial forum have traveled to 148 countries and determined where the best and where the worst roads are. Only Moldova is below Ukraine and Russia in this rating - at 148th place. And the top ten looks like this (this is the data for the end of 2013 - the beginning of 2014).

This country has long been considered one of the best in terms of road surface quality. There are many toll roads in France, but the quality of the free roads is very good. It is also captivating that even in the most remote corners of the country you can easily find service stations, or, in extreme cases, contact service representatives who, within a short time, will provide the whole range of services - from replacing a broken wheel to evacuating the car to a workshop. All autobahns in France are illuminated at night, so driving here is a real pleasure.

The second place in the ranking is occupied by the paradise of oil sheikhs - - the United Arab Emirates. Well, this can be understood, as long as the sheikhs have oil, they spend all their income on maintaining a good standard of living for their compatriots. Highways are built here using German technologies, in megacities such as Dubai, there are a lot of multi-tiered highways with interchanges. On the construction of roads in the UAE, however, as well as on any other objects, you can meet architects and engineers from all over the world, who honestly work off their multi-million dollar salaries.

The third place in quality is occupied by the Asian Tiger -. Large funds are spent here on maintaining and repairing the roadway, which is not very and easily due to the high traffic intensity and from the weather conditions - the rainy period that regularly comes to this small state. By the way, perhaps due to the fact that Singapore is just a large city in size, the roads are maintained in this quality.

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She took the fourth place. Old-timers recall that until recently, this country on the outskirts of Europe was frightened by a low standard of living, unemployment and social problems, and the roads were a sore spot. Now here are some of the best roads in the world - that's what an economic miracle means.

Fifth place was taken by another country of oil tycoons -. Local sheikhs and princes do not want to drive their expensive cars off-road, so they invest in roads.

Switzerland and Austria occupy sixth and seventh places. A very large part of the roads are paid, there are many tunnels in the Alps and serpentines in the mountains. It is a pleasure to ride here.

Spare no expense on roads and in Chinese Hong kong- eighth place.

Finland despite the cold winters, it ranks ninth; roads are built here using special technologies.

It moved to tenth place. The country is experiencing financial difficulties and the roadbed as a whole is becoming obsolete, but even thirty-year-old German roads have provided the country with 10th place in the global ranking.

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We all know endless discussions on topics: "", "Who brews the most delicious beer?" or "Which company makes the best smartphones?" We are pretty sure that you probably discussed these three questions with your colleagues or friends. But have you ever wondered what is the best road in the world, in terms of the route itself and the surrounding landscape? Where do you think the most is? We offer you the first scientific research in this matter.

A similar scientific study was carried out by Avis, which is engaged in car rental worldwide. In order to find out which road is the best in the world, they invited experts in various fields. So in order to choose the best highway on the planet, Avis invited Mark Hadley, who is a quantum physicist. Also, the designer and racetrack Hermann Tilke and the roller coaster engineer John Worley were brought in as an expert.

The experts jointly developed a formula that includes estimates for various parameters for each pre-selected track. So the formula includes four main indicators: the beauty of the landscape, the number of curves (turns on the track), the ability to accelerate in a straight line and the convenience of braking.

For each criterion, the experts put their own marks. Further, the indicators were summed up. As a result, each track received a final score. Experts have applied this formula to 25 of the most famous and most beautiful highways in the world. As a result, the road in Portugal became the absolute winner, which received the highest rating. The length of the track is 27 kilometers. This section of the road has 93 bends.

The road follows the Douro River, overlooking the surrounding hills and vineyards. This one is ideal for a tourist visit.

The best highways in the world

1st place: Trail to Peso da Régua (Peso da Régua, Pinhão N-222)

93 curves for 27 kilometers + beautiful landscapes

2nd place: Road from Big Sur, California, USA

36 turns on 74 kilometers of track + stunning landscapes

3rd place: Trail from Bad Urach, which leads to Hohenzollern Castle

German roads are traditionally of stunning quality and beautiful nature around. But the road that leads to the famous fortress is the best in Germany and one of the best in the world.

4th place: Highway A535 in the United Kingdom (England)

19 curves of the road for 16 kilometers of track + amazing landscapes outside the window will not leave anyone indifferent.

5th place: Flüela Pass (pass in the Alps), Switzerland

The road has 27 curves over 28 kilometers

6th place: Highway in Austria, which starts in Spiez and ends in Krems an der Donau

35 curves and 20 long straight lines for maximum acceleration. The length of the road is 35 kilometers.

7th place: Road B3135, which runs from the town of Cherder to the village of Ashwick (UK)

23 kilometers of amazing experiences: 22 curves and beautiful.

8th place: Route in Germany, which starts from Titisee-Neustadt and goes to Bad Krozingen

The road passes through the L126 and includes 55 curves for 61 km

9th place: Great Ocean Road, Australia. Passes through the rock complex "12 Apostles"

The length of the road is 85 km. 48 turns and 8 long stretches of road for.

10th place: Karamea Highway in New Zealand

The TOP-10 of the best roads in the world is closed by a motor road that originates in the city of Karamea, on the South Island of New Zealand. The length of the road is 54 kilometers.

11th place: ALP-822 highway in Spain, which originates in the city of San Jose

13 curves and 30 straight sections of the road along 24 kilometers.

12th place: Highway N-634 in Spain

Another beautiful highway in Spain was included in the final ranking. On 22 kilometers of the path, you will encounter 22 winding sections, where you can enjoy the most beautiful landscapes.

13th place: Highway N-247, which originates in the city of Sintra, Portugal

The length of the road is 12 km. On your way you will meet 24 turns and 25 straight sections.

14th place: Highway HU-631 in Spain

Another road that every motorist who visits Spain must pass.

15th place: Road N-267 from San Marcos da Serra, Portugal

Drivers at a distance of 35 kilometers will encounter 84 curves on their way, where they can slow down and enjoy the landscapes and beautiful places of Portugal.

16th place: Chugushi Romantic Highway, Japan

Great place to visit the big waterfall. In order to drive to this place, you have to drive through the picturesque places of the Chugushi neighborhood,. You will meet 34 curved sections of the road on your way, where you can slow down or stop to take beautiful pictures.

17th place: The D81 road in France, which originates in the village of Piana and leads to Porto

If you find yourself on the island of Corsica in France, then be sure to visit the D81 highway for amazing views of the island. On your 39 km journey, there will be 33 curved sections of the road.

18th place: Italian route from Portofino Portofino to Vetta. 61 turns. Unfortunately, the road is very short and is only 13 km long.

19th place: 16 km mountain road in Lysebotn Road, Norway

The road leads to the village of Lysebotn, which is visited annually by 100,000 people for recreation and parachute jumping. The track is open only in summer.

20th place: Amalfi Coast, Italy

On a section of 17 kilometers, the road bends 75 times and has 37 straight sections.

21st place: Dragon's Tail Road in North Carolina, USA

This American Highway is called Dragon's Tail. If you are an adrenaline junkie, then this is the best place for the thrill of the US Highway. The length of the track is 15 kilometers.

22nd: Highway A-591, UK from Kendal to Keswick

The length of the road is 47 kilometers. On your way you will meet the curves of the plot.

23rd place: Route de Napoleon, France

This road, opened in 1932, follows the route that Emperor Napoleon followed during his 100-day trek to Golfe-Juan and ends at Waterloo.

24th place: National Route 40, Argentina

A route in western Argentina, stretching from Punta Loyola near Rio Gallegos in the province of Santa Cruz in the south to La Quiaca in the province of Jujuy in the north, which runs parallel to the Andes mountains. Length 112 kilometers. Along the road, there will be 32 curve sections and 16 long straight road lines on the way.

25th place: Highway Florida Keys, USA

This highway links the coral island and reef chain in the southeastern United States. This highway has only 3 curve sections of the road for 87 kilometers. However, despite this, the Florida Keys are a great place to travel by car, especially for tourists. You will not see such beauty of ocean landscapes from the car window anywhere else.

In conclusion, we would like to note that in our country there are also many beautiful highways that run through the most beautiful places in Russia. Unfortunately, foreign experts did not include more than one Russian highway in the final rating. But the roads of our country are a separate topic. Therefore, we will soon publish the Russian rating of the most beautiful.

Roads are a very important indicator of the quality of life in any country in the world. An integrated approach to solving constant problems with the roadway helps the state to become stronger, because the faster the blood runs through the veins, the more energy the whole body receives. Unfortunately, our country is still very far from the implementation of such a concept. In terms of the quality of roads, we ranked 136th this year. And here is a more complete ranking, where you can see the best and worst roads from around the world.

Death Road

A slippery, muddy slope several kilometers long is the famous The North Yungas Road, the Bolivian road of death. Every year, up to five hundred people die on the narrow (two cars simply will not part here) trail.

M56 "Lena"

The length of the M56 highway is as much as 1235 kilometers. This road is rightfully considered the dirtiest and most unpleasant in the whole world. The federal highway, on which it will be uncomfortable for BelAZ, does not think to change: the asphalt here lies only in some sections, while most of the Lena resembles a motorist's nightmare.

Stelvio pass

Perhaps the route going through the Stelvio Pass does not look the most frightening - however, few people will like this section of the road, where the wind strives to throw even a heavy truck into the abyss. Only three kilometers of track is perceived by drivers as an ordeal: sharp turns, poor quality of coverage and wind exhausting more than city races.

Pan American Highway

This highway is dangerous all the way: you can ride on four wheels for almost 70,000 kilometers, from Alaska to South America - of course, some problems are worth waiting for! Many sections of the highway are in dire straits. Not so much because of the connivance of local services, but because of the constantly changing (but always unpleasant) weather conditions.

Sichuan-Tibet Highway

7,500 deaths for every 100,000 drivers: after such gloomy statistics, you will inevitably become afraid of this, almost the most dangerous road in the world. Sudden landslides, avalanches and changeable weather - it's simply not worth prying in here out of curiosity.

Great ocean road

The Great Ocean Road runs along the coast, giving the driver the opportunity to enjoy the surrounding beauty. Highway coverage still leaves a lot to be desired, but comfort and safety remain at a fairly high level.


The roads of Dubai deserve a separate chapter. Highways are built using technologies that came from Germany. The multi-tiered tracks were designed by the best engineers and architects from all over the world: it is not surprising that this particular country is considered a new trendsetter - at least in the road sector.

Singapore is a real pearl in the crown of the Asian Dragon. The city-state spends a lot of money to keep the roads in excellent condition and for several years now it has been on the short list of the best highways in the world.


Oddly enough, but Lisbon occupies almost the highest point of the rating. The Portuguese were even able to bypass the Germans, whose autobahns have always been considered a true standard of production.


Paris, of course, remains the master of the best roads in the country, but in the most remote parts of France, you can easily wait for maintenance, if any. Even the country's free roads have excellent road surfaces.

Since the inception of civilization and the invention of the wheel, mankind has discovered the need to create roads and improve their quality in order to increase their throughput. Roads are, in fact, the blood arteries of cities and states, therefore, countries that are interested in development pay a lot of attention to the quality of roads.
The quality of roads is determined by the length of the state road network, as well as its condition. It is these parameters that characterize the quality of the road network of states. Countries are ranked based on the assigned scores, which range from 1 to 7. A score of 1 indicates that the quality of the roads is extremely poor, while a score of 7 indicates the quality of the road infrastructure, which is extremely good. According to the latest report of the World Economic Forum on global competition, a list of 50 countries with the best roads has been compiled. The values ​​of this index for the Russian Federation are presented separately.

1. United Arab Emirates

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) ranks first in the world in terms of road quality. This achievement was associated with complex infrastructure projects being carried out throughout the country, which are in line with the Country Development 2021 program. Despite the highest quality roads in the world, the country has not achieved such good results in terms of road safety and traffic congestion. It is estimated that the average driver spends about 11% of their time driving. The Dubai Police Control Center received an estimated 15,000 emergency calls and recorded more than 1,100 traffic accidents caused by poor roads and bad weather conditions.


Singapore has the second highest quality road in the world with 6.3 points. The state has an area of ​​722.6 square km and 9100 km. For example, in 2006 this figure was 3252 km. The impressive result is the result of the Government's decision to make significant investments in the country's road infrastructure.


Switzerland ranks third as a road network. The state is known for its excellent infrastructure, and also ranks first in terms of electricity supply and second in quality of railway infrastructure.
The experts identified road infrastructure as one of the key factors in stimulating economic growth and improving social welfare.

The quality of roads around the world is steadily improving, especially in developing countries in Africa and Asia, which are showing some of the highest rates of economic growth in the world. However, some developed countries have experienced a slight deterioration in the quality of infrastructure due to the recent financial crisis, which has limited funds for road maintenance.

The statistics of Russia in this rating looks sad. Our state ranks 114th with 2.9 points. Experts note an increase in the quality of roads and their length. But regarding the top 50 states, there is still room to strive and make efforts. With a total area of ​​the state of 17,098,246 km, the length of the roads is about 1,500,000 km.

Ranking positionThe stateNumber of points
1 United Arab Emirates6,4
2 6,3
3 6,3
4 Hong Kong6,2
5 Netherlands6,1
6 Japan6,1
7 France6,0
8 Portugal6,0
9 Austria6,0
10 USA5,7
11 Taiwan, China5,6
12 Korea5,6
13 Denmark5,5
14 Oman5,5
15 Germany5,5
16 Spain5,5
17 Qatar5,5
18 Sweden5,5
19 Croatia5,5
20 Luxembourg5,5
21 Finland5,4
22 Canada5,4
23 Malaysia5,3
24 Chile5,2
25 Bahrain5,1
26 Cyprus5,1
27 Great Britain5,1
28 Israel5,1
29 Ecuador5,1
30 Turkey5,0
31 Namibia5,0
32 Rwanda5,0
33 Brunei4,8
34 Saudi Arabia4,8
35 Australia4,8
36 Azerbaijan4,8
37 Lithuania4,7
38 Estonia4,7
39 Swaziland4,7
40 New Zealand4,7
41 Ireland4,6
42 China4,6
43 Morocco4,5
44 Greece4,5
45 Italy4,5
46 Belgium4,5
47 Iceland4,5
48 Mauritius4,5
49 Panama4,4
50 South Africa4,4
114 the Russian Federation2,9

A selection of the most expensive "everyday" items.
The most expensive dumplings in the world can be tasted at the Golden Gates restaurant for Russian emigrants in the Bronx area. Their uniqueness is that, in addition to veal, elk and pork, they include the iron of the deep-sea torch fish (Curtius Flame Fish), as a result of which, even with moderate lighting, the dumplings emit a blue-green light and at the same time are absolutely edible and incredibly tasty. A serving of 8 dumplings will empty your wallet by $ 2,400, and a 16 by $ 4,400.

The most expensive house for your dog can be purchased at a Tokyo department store for $ 32,000. The house is decorated with 7,600 Swarovski crystal beads.

A $ 5,000,000 diamond toilet, created to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the invention of this product.

The most expensive beach towels from the Hermes brand. The size of the designer towel is 91x152 cm. It is made of 100% cotton and does not contain artificial materials. The cost of such a luxury towel is $ 530.

The world's most expensive and sensational 1001 Nights Diamond Purse wallet worth $ 3.8 million from Dubai

The most expensive condom from Louis Vuitton at $ 68.

Most expensive $ 490 mouse pad from a Formula 1 online store. Designed using Formula 1's proprietary "racing" 3D modeling technology, secondly handcrafted in the UK, and thirdly from real formula materials. The surface of the Mouse mat is a 3 millimeter thick layer of carbon fiber, the same carbon fiber from which Formula 1 monococks are made (its emblem, of course, is present on the product). The second expensive material is Italian black suede. But the trouble is - Mouse mat is incompatible with optical mice, only with "ball" ones.

The most expensive refrigerators from the American company Northland ($ 12,000). The main advantage of the most expensive refrigerators in the world is the Power Module, which is a single unit that houses the automatic defrosting, cooling and air circulation systems. This allows you to abandon some of the elements present in refrigerators from other manufacturers, for example, water drain pipes. This innovation protects food from heating during defrosting, which occurs due to the presence of a condenser, compressor, dryer and heat exchanger at the top of traditional refrigerators.

A roll of toilet paper from Renova for $ 3.5. There are six stylish colors to choose from: green, orange, black, red, blue and pink.

The most expensive umbrella made of excellent waterproof crocodile leather for $ 5,000. from the relatively young fashion brand Billionaire Couture, founded by Italian millionaire Flavio Briatore and designer Angelo Galasso.

$ 6.3 million bed from Stuart Hughes. The frame of the bed is made from the best varieties of ash, chestnut and cherry trees. All this splendor is encrusted with 107 kilograms of 24-carat gold, which braids the curves of the bed in delicate cobwebs of intricate patterns. Also, the designer did not forget to decorate his brainchild with hundreds of different precious stones, including diamonds, diamonds and sapphires.

3730 (!) Swarovski crystals were used to decorate this Electrolux vacuum cleaner, as a result of which its cost increased to $ 20 thousand and it got into the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive in the world.

The most expensive cigarettes in the world. Treasurer brand. One pack costs approximately 24 euros. Sold only in specialized stores.

The most expensive potato in the world. La Bonnotte variety from France. Sold for about 500 euros per kilogram

Living on Cheyu Island in South Korea, these goldfish can cost over $ 1,500 apiece. The commercial success of Silent Pets depends on the color of the scales.

Dessert ice cream Frrrozen Haute Chocolate, which is served in a restaurant in Manhattan, will cost a sweet tooth $ 25,000. A vase decorated with gold was made especially for the cold masterpiece; at its base - a bracelet made of 18-carat gold with white diamonds with a total weight of 1 carat. The top is adorned with five grams of edible 23-karat gold.

A twenty-four-carat gold mask, which you will be offered to make in Japan, costs 30,000 yen, which is equal to $ 250.

The professional Viatek HairPro Luxor Laser Hair Brush costs only $ 499.99. The comb is made with the latest technology. After activating the HairPro Luxor Laser Hair Brush, it emits six special red laser beams that target the hair follicle, thereby repairing damaged hair and stimulating new hair growth. Roscheska has 26 moving teeth and a built-in rechargeable battery

Designer Ken Courtney has created five pairs of gold-plated Nike Dunks for $ 4,053.

$ 10,000 for ladies' pleasure ...
Lelo Inez Gold An elegant and luxurious pleasure item made of gold plated stainless steel. Metal is tempting and attractive for the naked body, excites the user with its sensory perception of warmth and cold. 5 levels of stimulation will help you achieve maximum pleasure. The graceful shape of INEZ makes it a reliable companion for daily love joys. INEZ can be recharged when needed and two hours of charging will provide you with four hours of bliss. In an elegant gift box with instructions for use, satin storage pouch and one year LELO warranty included. Size: 174 x 35 x 29mm.

The most expensive Barbie doll went off the auction for $ 308,000. The barbie has a necklace adorned with a pink diamond.

The 10 Thousand BC water comes from a Canadian glacier 200 miles north of Vancouver. This is one of the cleanest bulleted waters in the world. She is the most expensive - $ 46 for a 750 ml bottle.

The most expensive suitcase in the world is Henk. $ 20,000. But the suitcase is worth its money: it consists of 500 parts made of all sorts of exotic materials - horsehair, ebony, magnesium, aluminum, titanium, carbon fiber, canvas and various types of leather; a special set of internal mechanisms and a sophisticated design, completely silent wheels with shock absorbers, installed in such a way that, when prepared for transportation, the handle of the suitcase does not exert pressure on the palm of more than 25 grams. The main advantage of the suitcase is the electric motors built into the wheels. To turn them on, just tilt the suitcase and pull the handle. The tilt and pressure sensors are triggered and the luggage travels where the handle is tilted. In the Henk suitcase, you can effortlessly move up to 36 kg of cargo at a speed of up to 5 kilometers per hour, and the suitcase batteries are charged from a regular outlet (in 2.5 hours) through a charger, like a cell phone.

The most expensive nipple in the world is made of silicone, with a white gold handle and inlaid with 280 diamonds. It costs 17,000 dollars

The most expensive cognac in the world (2.000.000 USD), called “King Henry the Fourth” Henri IV Dudognon is famous not only for being included in the Guinness Book of Records as the most expensive drink in the world. It is 100 years old, 41% alcohol. A 24K gold bottle set with 6,500 diamonds was sold in Dubai.

Diva Premium vodka has been declared the most expensive in the world today. This vodka is produced in Scotland by Blackwood Distillers. A distinctive feature of this vodka is that it is filtered through crushed precious stones, including diamonds. In addition, there are gems inside each bottle. This mainly affects the cost of the bottle. The price ranges from $ 5,000 to $ 1,000,000 depending on the set of stones.

The most expensive English bread is Roquefort and Almond Sourdough Bread. Making bread for gourmets and snobs requires the finest grade A flours and only grains grown in Wiltshire, a county in the south of England, that do not include flavors, emulsifiers or other non-flour additives. The dough for Roquefort and Almond Sourdough Bread is fermented only with the famous and no less expensive French cheese Roquefort, with the addition of almonds and a number of other elements that are kept in the strictest confidence by the producers of the most expensive bread bar, which is headed by him the creator Paul Hollywood, who calls his bread "Rolls Royce among the bread." But what makes this bread the most expensive in the whole world? Of course, its price is 24.5 US dollars, or about 18 euros.
