1. Rights and obligations of public observers

The rights and obligations of public observers are regulated by the Regulation on the system of public observation during the state (final) attestation of students in the IX and XI (XII) grades.

A public observer has the right:

Receive the necessary information and clarifications from the accrediting body on the procedure for holding the Unified State Exam or OGE;

To be present in the PPE, including being in the classrooms in which the exam is held;

Be present at the consideration of appeals;

Observe the USE or USE and / or the consideration of appeals;

Immediately inform the authorized representative of the SEC, the head of the PPE or the chairman of the examination committee about violations of the established procedure for conducting an exam and / or considering an appeal;

To inform, send to the Department of Education and Science of the Kostroma Region information about violations of the established procedure for holding the Unified State Exam, OGE or considering appeals;

Receive information on the measures taken on the facts of violation of the procedure for holding the exam, exam or appeal consideration.

A public observer is not entitled to:

Violate the course of the exam, the exam, the consideration of appeals;

Provide assistance or distract exam participants when they perform exam papers (when considering an appeal);

In the places where the Unified State Exam and the OGE are held, use means of communication and electronic computers (including calculators).

The public observer must:

When carrying out public observation, carry an identity document and a public observer certificate;

Observe the established procedure for the exam and exam.

If the above requirements are violated, the public observer may be deprived of his status.

The public observer is responsible for the abuse of his position in order to satisfy a selfish or other personal interest in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. Organization of work on the PPE during the exam

The work of the public observer at the examination point is organized by the head of the PPE. Persons with whom the public observer interacts when resolving issues related to the USE in the PPE: members of the SEC, the head of the PPE.

On the day of the Unified State Exam / OGE, a public observer should come to the PPE no later than one hour before the start of the exam to receive instructions from the head of the PPE.

Before the start of the exam, the public observer must pay attention to the compliance of all premises of the PPE with the requirements of the Procedure.

The public observer carries out his activities in the PPE, taking into account the issues identified in the Act on the results of public control of the USE / OGE. The public observer should pay attention to the observance of the basic rules for organizing and conducting exams in the PPE at each stage.

Organizer outside the audience must ensure the organization of the entrance of participants to the TOS, while checking the identity documents, the presence of the participant in the distribution lists in this TOS, the presence of communication equipment and other prohibited means and materials among the participants;

On the day of the exam at the PPE must to be present, in addition to the USE participants, the head of the PPE, the organizers of the PPE, members of the SEC, a technical specialist in working with software, the head of the organization on the basis of which the PPE is organized (or a person authorized by him), law enforcement officers, medical workers and assistants who provide assistance to the participants of the exam with HVD and accompanying persons;

On the day of the exam, representatives of the mass media may be present in the PPE, who may be present in the classrooms only before the participants of the Unified State Examination start filling out the forms; public observers, officials of the Department of Education, Rosobrnadzor, carrying out on-site (inspection) verification of compliance with the established procedure for conducting the exam, provided they have documents proving their identity and confirming their authority;

There can be only one public observer in one auditorium;

The presence of other unauthorized persons in the PPE is not allowed;

A special room should be allocated in the TET for persons accompanying the participants, representatives of the media, public observers and other persons who have the right to be present at the TET on the day of the exam;

Premises that are not used for the examination are locked and sealed for the duration of the examination;

During the exams, the stands, posters and other materials with reference and educational information on the relevant academic subjects should be closed in the classroom;

In the audience there should be only USE participants (examiners) and 2 organizers in the audience;

Each participant must sit at a separate workstation;

A special place must be allocated for the personal belongings of participants BEFORE THE ENTRANCE TO the PPE (before the location of the metal detector);

The auditoriums of the GIA-11 should be equipped with video surveillance equipment;

During the exam, there are assistants who provide participants with disabilities with the necessary technical assistance, taking into account their individual characteristics, helping them to take a workplace, move around, read the assignment;

Participants with disabilities, taking into account their individual characteristics, can use the technical means they need in the process of passing the exam;

Before the start of the exam, the organizer in the classroom must:

Warn USE participants about video surveillance in the classroom and corridors of the PPE;

Demonstrate to the USE participants the integrity of the packaging of the special delivery package with the IC;

Open special delivery packages with IR;

Record the time and date of the autopsy in the form PPE-12-01 "Minutes of the USE in the PPE classroom";

Conduct briefing of the USE participants, including informing about the procedure for conducting the exam, the rules for preparing the examination paper, the duration of the exam, the procedure for filing appeals on violations of the established procedure for conducting the SIA, as well as the time and place of familiarization with the USE results.

The timing of the briefing is not included in the exam duration. After the briefing, the responsible organizer in the classroom must record the start and end times of the exam on the board.

The organizers in the audience should not help USE participants fill out answer forms No. 1 and No. 2.

During the exam, participants must not communicate with each other, cannot freely move around the classroom and PPE. During the exam, USE participants can leave the classroom and move around the PPE, accompanied by one of the organizers. When they leave the classroom, participants leave their exam materials and drafts on their desk.

  • uSE / OGE participants during the exam are allowed to use additional devices and / or reference materials only in certain subjects:
On the exam:

Mathematics - a ruler.

Physics - ruler and non-programmable calculator.

Chemistry is a non-programmable calculator.

Geography - ruler, protractor and non-programmable calculator.

On the OGE:

Mathematics - ruler, reference materials.

Russian language - spelling dictionary.

Physics - non-programmable calculator, laboratory equipment.

Chemistry - non-programmable calculator, laboratory equipment, reference materials

Biology - ruler, pencil and non-programmable calculator.

Geography - ruler, non-programmable calculator and geographic atlases for grades 7, 8, 9

Literature - full texts of fiction, collections of lyrics

Computer Science and Foreign Languages \u200b\u200b(oral) - computers

The duration of the exam must comply with the established norms for each subject:

On the exam:

Mathematics (profile level), physics, social studies, literature, computer science and ICT - 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Russian language, history - 3 h 30 min (210 min).

Mathematics (basic level), chemistry, biology, geography, foreign language (except speaking) - 3 hours (180 minutes).

Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(section "Speaking") - 15 minutes

On the OGE:

Russian language, mathematics, literature - 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes).

Physics, social studies, history, biology - 3 hours (180 min).

Informatics and ICT - 2 h 30 min (150 min).

Chemistry, geography - 2 hours (120 min).

Foreign language - 2 h 10 min (130 min.)

During the exam, on the participant's desktop, in addition to the EM, there are: a pen, an identity document, a notification of the USE participant about registration for the exam, medicines and food (if necessary).

Participants of the exam, organizers should not have communication equipment, electronic computers, photo, audio and video equipment, unauthorized reference materials, written notes, etc.

During the exam for USE participants with disabilities, meals and breaks are organized to carry out the necessary medical and preventive measures.

30 minutes and 5 minutes before the end of the exam, the responsible organizer notifies the participants of the exam;

Upon completion of the exam in the auditorium, the responsible organizer in the center of visibility of the CCTV camera announces the end of the exam. After collecting examination materials and signing the protocol on holding the exam in the audience (Form PPE-12-01), the responsible organizer loudly announces all the protocol data, including the name of the subject, the number of USE participants in the given audience and the number of examination materials (used and unused) , as well as the time of signing the protocol. Demonstrate sealed returnable delivery bags with EM of USE participants.

Attention!!!After the USE / OGE, public observers fills out the Act on the results of public control of the established form.

The public observer can be present and observe during all stages of the work of the exam site, as well as leave the PES after the start of the exam. If the public observer has left the PES, then he has no right to go back.

3. Organization of work at a meeting of the conflict commission

On the day of the work of the conflict commission for considering appeals on disagreement with the USE / OGE points, the public observer should come no later than 20 minutes before the start of the consideration of appeals.

During the work of the commission, the public observer should pay attention to the following:

The appellant comes to the meeting of the commission independently, or with his parents (persons replacing them);

Consideration of appeals is carried out in a timely and objective manner;

Members of the conflict commission perform the functions assigned to them at a high professional level, observing ethical and moral standards;

Consideration of appeals is carried out in a calm and friendly atmosphere;

Experts - members of the subject commission on the subject are involved in the consideration of the appeal for appropriate explanations;

The appellant confirms that he has been shown images of his examination paper;

The appellant is given the opportunity to make sure that his examination paper is recognized correctly, and also to make sure that his examination paper has been checked and evaluated in accordance with the criteria established for this subject;

Based on the results of consideration of the appeal, the Commission makes a reasoned decision to reject or satisfy the appeal.

After the meeting of the conflict commission, the public observer fills out the relevant Act.

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science

State educational authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (according to the list)

On the organization of the system of public observation (control) over the conduct of the unified state examination

In order to organize a unified state examination on the territory of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation participating in the experiment on the introduction of a unified state exam, the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science sends for use in its work Recommendations on the organization of a system of public observation (control) over the conduct of a unified state examination.


Appendix to the letter of Rosobrnadzor dated 01.03.2006 No. 01-114 / 08-01

unified state examination

1. General Provisions

In order to ensure openness and transparency of the unified state exam procedures, as well as informing the public about the progress of the unified state exam (hereinafter - the USE), it is recommended to involve its representatives in the system of public observation (control) over the USE.

In order to create a legal basis for the system of public observation (control), the state educational authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation participating in the experiment on the introduction of the USE (hereinafter referred to as the subject of the Federation) develops and approves, in agreement with the state examination commission of the constituent entity of the Federation (hereinafter referred to as the SEC), a regulation on public observers (hereinafter - the Regulation).

The regulation is developed on the basis of the legislation of the Russian Federation, the Regulation on the conduct of a unified state examination (order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 09.04.2002 No. 1306, registered by the Ministry of Justice of Russia on 08.05.2002 No. 3420), regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, legal acts of Rosobrnadzor on the organization and conduct of the exam , regulatory legal acts of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, instructions on the organizational and technological support of the exam, approved in the prescribed manner.

The activities of public observers are carried out on a voluntary basis; costs incurred by public observers are not reimbursed.

Organization of accreditation and activities of public observers is carried out in accordance with the Regulations approved in the subject of the Federation.

This Regulation, as well as the results of the work of public observers, are brought to the attention of the public, including through the media.

2. Accreditation of public observers

2.1. The following can be accredited as public observers:

Media workers;

Members of parental committees of educational institutions;

Members of the boards of trustees of educational institutions;

Members of public associations and organizations;

Employees of educational institutions;

Representatives of the legislature.

The aforementioned persons cannot act as public observers at the Unified State Exam (hereinafter referred to as the EGE) points where their relatives take the exam.

An employee, a member of the parent committee, a member of the board of trustees of an educational institution cannot be admitted as a public observer to the EET, in which graduates of the educational institution he represents take the exam.

2.2. Accreditation of persons wishing to become public observers is carried out, as a rule, by the state educational authorities of the constituent entity of the Federation in agreement with the State Electoral Commission.

If there are two state educational governing bodies in a constituent entity of the Federation, public observers are accredited by one of them (hereinafter referred to as the authorized education governing body) by the decision of the State Commission on Education.

The authorized education management body may provide in the Regulations for the possibility of the municipal education management body performing the function of accrediting public observers from among the members of parental committees of educational institutions; members of the boards of trustees of educational institutions.

2.3. Persons wishing to acquire the status of a public observer shall submit an application to the authorized education management body or the municipal education management body (Appendix No. 1 - a sample application form).

The signature of the applicant must be certified by the signature of the head and the seal of the organization from which he is sent.

2.4. In case of a positive decision, a person accredited as a public observer receives a personal certificate containing his passport data and certified by the seal and signature of the head of the educational management body that issued the certificate (Appendix No. 2 - an approximate form of identification).

2.5. The issued certificate is handed over to the public observer or sent to the address indicated in his application.

2.6. Acceptance of applications for accreditation and accreditation of public observers ends no later than three days before the start of the first exam.

The authorized education management body, as it is formed, but no later than the morning of the next day after the completion of accreditation, sends to the municipal education management bodies lists of persons accredited by it as public observers.

2.7. Municipal education authorities randomly distribute public observers who have expressed a desire to attend the exam on the territory of their municipality, based on the fact that no more than two public observers can be present in one classroom; bring to each head of the PES the lists of public observers sent to this PES, and also inform the public observers, upon their request, of the date of the exam and the addresses of the corresponding PES.

After the completion of the exam, the municipal education authorities send to the authorized education management body a list of public observers who were present at the USE in the territory of the given municipality, indicating the PPE and the date of the visit.

3. Rights and obligations of a public observer

3.1. A public observer has the right:

Get acquainted with the regulatory legal acts governing the conduct of the experiment on the exam; instructions on the organizational and technological support of the exam;

To be present on the day of the exam at the PPE (during the period of state (final) certification and admission of entrance examinations to educational institutions of secondary and higher professional education), including being in classrooms at one, several or at all stages of preparation and conduct of the exam (during the seating time of the examinees, the procedure for opening the packages with control measuring materials, instructing the examinees, filling out the answer forms by the examinees, packing and sending the packages with the completed answer forms by the organizers to the points of primary information processing (hereinafter referred to as the PPOI) or the regional information processing center (hereinafter referred to as the RCOI).

3.2. The public observer must:

Read the instructions that govern the exam procedure;

To have with you when you visit the PEP and show the organizers an identity document and a public observer card;

Obtain a mark in the certificate of a public observer about the date and time of all visits to the PPE, certified by the signature of the head of the PPE;

Make a mark in the examination protocol in this PPE about the presence or absence of comments; if there are any comments, on the day of the exam, send a written message on the observed violations in the organization of the exam in this PPE to the SEC and the authorized educational management body;

Observe the established procedure for holding the exam, information security regime, the requirements of the organizers in the PPE.

3.3. A public observer is not entitled to:

Intervene in the preparation and conduct of the exam (seating of the examiners, opening packages with tasks, instructing, filling out and submitting the examiners' answer forms, packing and sending packages with completed exam forms, etc.);

Entering or leaving the audience during the exam (filling out the answer forms by the examinees);

Provide assistance or distract examiners when filling out answer forms during the exam, including asking questions, making comments;

Use mobile communications, photo and video equipment in classrooms.

If the above requirements are violated, the public observer is removed from the audience by the organizers in the PPE.

A public observer is responsible for abuse of his position in order to satisfy a selfish or other personal interest in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix # 1

To the head ________________________

(indicate educational authority)

from __________________________________,

_________________________ (indicate status, eg a member of the parent committee of gymnasium No. 1)


I ask to accredit me as a public observer of the unified state exam on the territory of ___________________ (indicate the subject of the Federation and / or specifically one or more municipalities on the territory of which you intend to visit the Unified State Exam points)

in the period from _______ to _______.

I inform you about myself the following:

__________________________________ (date and place of birth, passport details, address of permanent residence).

My close relatives (children, grandchildren, nephews) in ____ year in the USE on the territory of _______________ (indicate the subject of the Federation) participate / do not participate (if they do, indicate in which general education institution they study or in which educational institution and in which direction of training / specialty enter).

I am familiar with the rights and duties of public observers.

Date_______________ Signature

Signature _______________ (name of the applicant) I certify

(Date, signature and seal of the organization in which the applicant works or performs public functions as an elected person)

Appendix # 2

Educational management body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation


This certificate is issued by gr. _____________________

Residing at the address: _______________, (passport series _____ No. ______________) in that he (a) is a public observer at the points of the unified state examination (PES) in _____ year on the territory of _________________________________________________. (indicate the subject of the Russian Federation and / or municipal formation)

Validity of the certificate: from _______ to _______ year.

Head of the body

education management Full name Signature

The identity card is valid only upon presentation of an identity document.

font size

LETTER of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation from 01-04-2003 03-51-63in13-03 (2020) Actual in 2018

3. Rights and obligations of a public observer

3.1. A public observer has the right:

To be present on the day of the exam at the PPE, including being present in the classrooms during the procedure for opening packages with control measuring materials, packaging and sending by the organizers of packages with completed answer forms to the points of primary information processing (hereinafter referred to as PPOI) or the regional information processing center (hereinafter - RTSOI);

On the day of the exam, send a written message to the State Electoral Commission and the authorized educational governing body about the observed violations in the organization of the exam in this PPE.

3.2. The public observer must:

Get acquainted with the regulatory legal acts governing the conduct of the experiment on the exam; the instructions of the organization that, on behalf of the Ministry of Education of Russia, provides organizational and technological support for the Unified State Exam (Testing Center of the Ministry of Education of Russia);

To have with you when you visit the PEP and show the organizers an identity document and a public observer card;

Obtain a mark in the certificate of a public observer about the date and time of all visits to the PPE, certified by the signature of the head of the PPE;

Make a note against signature in the protocol of the exam in this PPE about the presence or absence of comments;

Observe the established procedure for holding the exam, information security regime, the requirements of the organizers in the PPE.

3.3. A public observer is not entitled to:

Be present in the classroom during the examination work, that is, after the end of the procedure for opening the packages with control measuring materials;

Intervene in the preparation and conduct of the USE (seating of USE participants, opening packages with assignments, packaging and sending packages with completed USE forms, etc.).

The public observer is responsible for the abuse of his position in order to satisfy a selfish or other personal interest in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Appendix N 1

In order for the exams to be fair, this year, video surveillance works only in online mode at all Belgorod sites and in the regional information processing center (previously, records from some sites were not broadcast in real time). At each point, mobile communications are suppressed. These and other subtleties should be watched by public observers.

I began to remember what I knew about the final certification of schoolchildren. It turned out that a little. I myself took the exam only in Russian and mathematics. This was the year when the new format was just introduced as an experiment. And an observer without special knowledge, in fact, is useless. The solution was found: distance learning on the website helped fill in the gaps. The course started at the end of March and lasted until the end of May.

The program offered me a preliminary test, which I did not fail to do, hoping that perhaps I would not have to study. But I was too arrogant. The computer generated questions like, "What form is used when filing appeals?" - with answer options "PPE-02", "2-AP", "1-AP", "PPE 18-MASH"and "PPE-03"... Or he offered to choose from federal laws, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science and government decrees a document that regulates the work of the information system for the GIA.

I failed to pass the test with the required number of points, so I had to study the materials designed for five academic hours. After that, I passed the final test the first time and they sent me a certificate by e-mail that I had successfully completed the training.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

No relatives

With a sense of accomplishment, I went to the Belgorod regional center for assessing the quality of education on Kutuzova, 19which accredits public observers. They greeted me very politely and first of all asked what organization I belong to and not a student? I replied that I had expressed a desire on my own. The faces of the workers at the center showed slight surprise. Apparently, few such volunteers come to them.

“Observers at the Unified State Exam are often members of public organizations and representatives of political parties who strive to be active, especially during the pre-election campaigns. Also, the regions often attract students to this, - explained "BelPress" Executive Secretary of the Commission for the Development of Science and Education of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation Yuri Syedin... “In general, there are no statistics on the spheres of the main activity of public observers.”

In my application for accreditation, I was still asked, in addition to my full name, passport details and telephone number, to indicate the organization I represent. I wrote " a housewife”So that they don't treat me as a media representative in a special way. They also warned about the restriction: the mother or other relatives of the student passing the final certification cannot be present at the exam, since they have a personal interest. When a person submits an application, family ties are subsequently checked. I have no relatives in 11th graders, so there were no problems with this.

The employee who accepted the application also suggested that I enter my e-mail address there so that I would not have to go to the center a second time and pick up the public observer certificate in person.

Nobody asked me for a certificate of completion of training. True, a distance course is not required. 101 people from the Belgorod region have registered on the training site this year, while more than 600 observers, which is almost twice as much as in 2015.

Three working days later, they called me back and said that the certificate was ready. They just didn't want to send it by e-mail. I had to go to Kutuzov to pick up the document.

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

Student Observers

I chose the first compulsory subject this year - russian language... It took more than 43 points in the region's exam 7 thousand people... Another 4.5 thousand people provided the USE. These include public observers.

Armed with a notebook, pen, ID and passport, on May 30 I went to school in Mayskoye, where children from several settlements of the Belgorod region were to sit at their desks. At the entrance, my data was recorded in a journal, after which we were escorted with other observers to the office, where we left our things. Then I went to the auditorium, already filled with controllers. There were at least 20 of them, among whom there were several young people in blue T-shirts with the inscription “Corps of Public Observers”.

“We work with students of higher educational institutions, - explained the coordinator of the regional building Anatoly Zaitsev... - Since December, an information campaign has been launched in universities, after which any student can express a desire to conduct public control of the Unified State Exam by filling out a special questionnaire. After that, the guys attend a training seminar and are tested. Those who scored the required number of points as a result become public observers. This year there are 33 of them. They control 23 schools in the region. Also in the region there are about 50 more students - public observers from the Kursk region. "

There is nothing to complain about

Observers were given a special form, which they fill out during the exam, noting violations.

“Nine auditoriums on two floors are involved in the exam, and our headquarters is on the third floor, where you can ask your questions. You can leave at any time by putting a mark on the end of the observation ", - said the head of the exam point Svetlana Kozlova.

Then it turned out that not everyone got seats in the classrooms - one observer was assigned to each.

“The rest are not allowed to enter the audience. You will prevent the children from taking the exam, and then they can appeal on this matter, "- explained the member of the examination committee Olga Kireeva.

I didn't get a specific office, and I went to keep order at the entrance to the examination center, where the children just started to enter. Most of them didn’t look scared at all — the kids were joking and laughing, and some of their faces were irritated only when they started checking eleventh graders with handheld metal detectors. Only one young man from time to time folded his hands in a prayer gesture and repeated: "Oh-oh-oh-oh!"

Photo by Vadim Zablotsky

They did not find anything forbidden among schoolchildren... The question was prompted by a can of medicine found in one of them, but nevertheless the guy was allowed to pass. In another, a metal detector reacted to chewing gum in a foil package, and in two young smokers, packs of cigarettes were found in their pockets.

The children dispersed to the classrooms, and I went to check the points in the paper given to me with reality: for example, is there a telephone connection and a safe for storing examination materials at the headquarters, is there a room for medical workers, are the stands with background information on the subject being handed over closed. Among others, there was a clause that the premises that were not used in the conduct of the exam should be closed and sealed. I went to the floor where the exam did not pass at all, but even there everything was sealed.

There was nothing to complain about on a single point. I still quietly wandered through the corridors, peering into the open doors of the classrooms, in which children with a concentrated look were solving exam tasks. Not finding any violations there, I left with a feeling of satisfaction.

Those who still want to try themselves as a public observer this year still have time. Children will take the last exam in chemistry and physics only June 20... After that, from the 22nd to the 30th, reserve days will come when the exams are taken by those who could not do it earlier for valid reasons, for example, due to illness or because of the coincidence of exams in different subjects on the same day.

Although the online training is over, you can read the content yourself on the website. And you can be accredited as public observers no later than three working days before the exam.

Anna Bessonova

On May 29, for graduates of schools in Russia, as well as their parents, a hot time began - passing the Unified State Exam. Our correspondent went to see the exam through the eyes of a public observer.

We begin to "observe"

When in gymnasium # 87, where my children study, I was offered to become a public observer of the USE, I gladly agreed. The next year is for my son, and my anxiety about the upcoming exams has gradually started to turn into a stage of panic. Therefore, participation in the exam seemed to me a great opportunity to find out everything myself and how to prepare for the upcoming tests.

So on a sunny May morning, I went to "observe".

The location of the exam was easily identified by the congregation of young people in white shirts. They passed computer science, so the stronger sex prevailed among the examinees. The atmosphere was moderately agitated.

One young man, in order to defuse the tension, threw a cry: "And I have the answers!" The children reacted sluggishly to a joke: cheating is more expensive for themselves, the schoolchildren have learned this firmly, besides, it is easy to retake, which is already a year later, thundering (looking ahead, I will say that the possibility of cheating on the exam is absolutely excluded). And even about the danger of ready-made answers, which Internet scammers offer us with obsessive servility, every day, starting from the 9th grade, teachers tell us: who knows if these answers are correct? And do they answer those questions? ..

At 9.00 the children and their accompanying adults lined up on a line. The school took out the lists of test takers distributed by audiences, and the formation of groups began.

Perhaps the children were sensible (they still hand over computer science) - but the formation was clear, like in the army. Children lined up in a column one at a time - in their left hand an unfolded passport without a cover, in their right hand a gel pen and a bottle of water (the chocolate taken from the house had already been eaten) - and, with the organizer's kind words, entered the school. In my case - in PPE 0813.

The world of acronyms

"To pass the GIA in the form of the Unified State Examination, IDPs enter the PPE with a representative of the GEC and receive KIMs ..."

The first thing that "scratches" the eye and cuts the observer's ear is the abundance of abbreviations. One can argue for a long time about why abbreviations have taken root in Russian schools, but an average person who is inexperienced in the intricacies of passing the exam cannot do without an interpreter. So, the most common abbreviations are: ГИА - state final certification. It is conducted in the form of a compulsory state examination (OGE) for ninth graders and a unified state exam (USE) for school leavers and graduates of previous years (IDPs). There is a form of GVE - the state final exam, it is conducted for graduates with disabilities. The rest is simple: PPE - examination point, KIMs - control and measuring materials (which from this year are printed on some PPEs right before the exam), GEC - the state examination commission.

The most stressful minutes are the last five before the opening of the CMMs. It took exactly one minute to distribute the materials (hours in the classroom are a prerequisite for the exam). For the next eighteen minutes, the GEC member read the briefing - in the voice of the announcer at the airport, excluding the possibility of misinterpretation. At 10.19 the exam began.

Exactly 3 hours 55 minutes later, all the works will go to the Headquarters of the PPE, where, after scanning, they will be sent for processing to the RCOI (regional information processing center). On the website of which, by the way, you can find out the preliminary results of the exam.

Without communication with the outside world

It's easier to escape from prison than to write off the exam, ”one of the organizers of the exam exclaimed in a whisper. And indeed: if someone is pinning their hopes on cribs, let them leave silly hopes at the threshold of the PES. It is impossible to write off: all the vests-jackets of the examinees are left at the entrance, the phone and smart watches-gadgets are handed over to the attendant. Any unauthorized piece of paper under the sight of video cameras will be regarded as a cheat sheet, and the offender will mercilessly go to retake the next year. All premises in the school are sealed. It's funny, but a piece of paper with a seal and signature is even glued to the toilet tank, where the children go with their guide.

At the Unified State Exam, security measures are taken unprecedented: in the morning all the PES for explosives are sniffed by the kindest creature - the Alfa Shepherd Dog, the examinees are (very delicately) checked with a metal detector.

There are jammers in the school building, so the phone is useless. Communication is only at the headquarters of the PPE, where all the audiences can be seen on large monitors. The victim of information security was my journalistic notebook, which I had to leave in the room for personal belongings of public observers and media representatives. To my objections that, they say, "a journalist is supposed to", they answered me: once it is necessary, we will open an office, you will write down what you need, and we will wait. So I had to write the report from memory ...
