Olifirova Tatyana Ivanovnarussian language and literature teacherSchool number 14, Severodonetsk Lugansk regionClass: 5.

Test on the story of I.S.Turgenev "Mummy"

1.Well, the events described in the story of I.S. Romegenev "Mummy" occur?A) in Moscow; b) in St. Petersburg; c) in the Barynie Manor.
2. Where did Gerasim come from a puppy?A) he was brought from the village along with Gerasim; b) Gerasim saved him and brought him to his camork; c) they bought it on the orders of Baryni.
3. How did the dog treated people who lived in the house of Baryni?A) to everyone caught, but loved one Gerasim; b) everyone was afraid, but was Laskov with Gerasim; c) did not notice anyone except Gerasim, with whom was friendly.
4. How did the Baryni servants relate to Muma?A) did not pay attention to it;b) were afraid; c) loved.
5. What was the work of the lady when she saw a lady for the first time? A) walked around the yard;b) I waited for Gerasim at the porch of the Lord's house;c) gnawed a bone under a bush of roses in a parisader.
6. How did the lady to Muma react when he saw her first time?a) remained indifferent;b) she really liked the dog;c) outraged that without her permission, a dog was held in the yard.
7. Why did the lady ordered the dog to remove from the courtyard? Because:a) the dog prevented her with her lan to sleep at night; b) dragged into a parisader, where roses grew, every abomination; B) did not go to the call of Baryni and scolded his teeth when she wanted to stroke her.
8. Which of the servants of Baryni sold the Mum's bidder?A) Gavril; b) Stepan; c) Kucher Potap.
9. What did Gerasim think about the disappearance of Muma?A) he guessed that the dog was brought by order of the Baryni;b) did not understand where she could go;b) was afraid that she ran away and lost.
10. What did he not think about Gerasim, hiding a dog in himself in the camork?A) the muum will not be able to sit for a long time; b) a surveillance can be logged in the camork;c) Muum will give himself a screech.
11. How did the Baryni courtyard responded to the return of Muum? A) indignant;b) he was thinking about how to report this lady; c) did the form that they do not know about anything.
12. Who, on behalf of Gavrille, should follow Gerasim, who promised to destroy Mumu?A) Stepan; b) uncle tail; c) Eroska.
13. How, according to the author, Gerasim hurried to the village?A) as if someone was chased;b) as if his old woman was waiting for him;c) as if he was not at home for many years.
14. Who did the author compare Gerasim, who returned home?A) with a strong lion;b) with a powerful oak;c) with brave warriors.
15. What work began to take Gerasim, returning to the village?A) took the hust and, it seemed, one paked one without the help of the horse; b) I went to mow in ancient and young fishing lockers could smear with the roots;c) agile and non-trially threatened with a three-shock chain.


1 A 4 in 7 in 10 in 13 b 2 b 5 in 8 b 11 at 14 A 3 A 6 B 9 A 12 V 15 B
  1. What events told Turgenev in the Mummu story?
  2. I. S. Turgenev portrayed events whose witness was himself. His mother, Varbara Petrovna, was a fierce serpent, and in childhood the future writer repeatedly witnessed violence over the yard people. In the story of "Muma", events also occur in the house of the Moscow Baryni, which serfs serve and entertain.

  3. How did the yard live in the house of the old woman?
  4. Fortress not only from morning to evening worked on their Mrs., but also depended on her will, from her mood. She solved their fate, gave birth and married, without thinking about their feelings. She touched Gerasim from her usual work, separated him with Tatiana, took the mule.

  5. What does the Writer Draw Fortress People?
  6. Hardworking, kind, unquestioning Baryni orders. Only Gerasim, drowned up to Mum, drove his protest - left without permission to the village. The fortified lovers were loved, they sympathized with Gerasim, but they were afraid of the Wrath of Baryni and therefore they performed orders.

  7. What feelings wanted to awaken in the readers of Turgenev?
  8. The writer who gave an oath to the oath to fight the fortress right, wanted to awaken in his contemporaries hatred for serfdom, sympathy for subalkal people, deprived of the right to happiness and ordinary human joy.

  9. What is the meaning of Gerasim's care?
  10. Turgenev is not in vain called his hero "the wonderful face" of all the yard people. Being a serf, he retained a sense of human dignity, the ability to independently and bold act. His care is a protest against human power over a person, against serfdom.

  11. How does the author of Gerasima describe? How did his artists of P. Bolevsky, A. I. Kuleshov?
  12. "... But Gerasim brought Moscow, bought his boots, sewed a caftan for the summer, for the winter Tulup, gave him a broom and a shovel and determined his janitor." Turgenev calls Gerasim "the most wonderful person" from among the whole Chelyadi .... so presented to us the writer.

    The vision of the artists P. Boglevsky, A. I. Kuleshov: "Gerasim was a high man of a heroic addition with the proud swollen, with a questioning look."

  13. Is it possible to talk about the speech characteristic of Gerasima? How did he communicate with the surrounding?
  14. Oral speech in our usual understanding of Gerasim was not. But he communicated with the surrounding, and they understood him. For communication served gestures, facial expressions, sounds.

    Even Mumu well understood his owner.

  15. Which hero of the story "Moumu" was distinguished by many states?
  16. Very loved to talk and there was a lot of the boys-shoe Capital. The ste-foal butler Gavril Andreich Du-Mal about him: "There is nothing to say, neatly throat man." Material from site.

  17. Try to compose a monologue in the defense of Muma.
  18. This task suggested one class 5 student. He sought everyone to convince everyone that the unfair deed of Hera-Simim should be condemned so that no one repeated him. He more than once pronounced heartfelt words in the defense of Muum. Here is one of his monologues.

    "Muuma is a very smart and devotee of Ho-Zyain a dog. It is clean. She knows his business - the protection of the yard and never broke orders in this yard. Even Tog-yes, when the owner decided to part with her and drown it, she didn't even guess that she faces death, "she loved and believed in her owner.

    I condemn Gerasim and I think that he could go to his village along with the dog. "

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On this page, material on the themes:

  • questions for the work of Turgenev Mumu
  • sad Fate Mumova Overall
  • turgenev Mum's Quiz
  • against anything about the story of Muum
  • essay Gerasim from Mummy

Test on the story "Mummy" I.S. Turgenev (Grade 5).

Option 1

1.k what genre is the work of "Mummy"?

a) Friend

b) story

c) story

2. Where are the events described in the story of I.S.Turgenev "Mumma"?

a) in Moscow;

b) in St. Petersburg;

c) in the Barynie Manor.

3. The lady lived last years

a) surrounded by sons and daughters;

b) surrounded by a numerous courtyard;

c) surrounded by numerous grandchildren.

4. Was the most wonderful face:

a) Butler Gavril

b) janitor Gerasim

c) boam capitail

5. What a hero is talking about: "Provided lived last years with his storm and bored old age"?

a) about the launch

b) about the lady

c) about the shoe

6. What a hero is talking about: "Skilled and scholarship, worked for two, and I never saw any caress, intimidated, fluttered with one name of Baryni"?

a) Tatiana

b) Glafira

c) Serafima

7. Why did the Baryna decide to marry the capita?

a) she wanted to settle down

b) she wanted to help Tatiana.

c) She missed, and the wedding is entertainment.

8. Tatiana was a woman:

a) twenty six

b) twenty-axis

c) twenty five

9. How did Gerasim relate to Tatiana?

a) fought for her

b) guarded and defended her

c) gave her flowers

10. Herasim could not endure

a) hooligans

b) loafers

c) drunkards.

11.capiton with his wife was sent

a) in the nearest village

b) to Petersburg

c) to the far village

12. On the day of departure to the village of Tatyana and Capiton, Gerasim presented Tatiana

a) red paper scarf;

b) painted clay cup;

c) large wooden beads.

13. Where did Gerasim come from a puppy?

a) he was brought from the village along with Gerasim;

b) Gerasim saved him and brought him to his camork;

c) they bought it on the orders of Baryni.

14. Gerasim found a puppy:

a) the day after the departure of Gerasim and Tatiana to the village;

b) on the wedding day of Tatiana and the Capiton;

c) on the day of the departure of Tatiana and the Capitone to the village.

15. After 8 months, the puppy turned into a dog

a) Scottish breed;

b) Spanish breed;

c) Dutch breed.

16. What was the busy to Muma when she saw a lady for the first time?

a) walked around the yard;

b) I waited for Gerasim at the porch of the Lord's house;

c) gnawed a bone under a bush of roses in a parisader.

17. How did the lady attacked the Muma when she saw her first time?

a) remained indifferent;

b) she really liked the dog;

c) outraged that without her permission, a dog was held in the yard.

18. When the lady wanted to stroke the mumu, that

a) scalled the teeth

b) bitten a lady

c) buried loudly.

19. Which of the servants of Baryni sold the boss to Mum?

A) Gavril;

b) Stepan;

c) Kucher Potap.

20. Stepan sold to Mumu the dealer for

a) ugly

b) Fallinnik

c) Wick.

21. What did Gerasim think about the disappearance of Muma?

a) he guessed that the dog was brought by order of the Baryni;

b) did not understand where she could go;

b) was afraid that she ran away and lost.

22. How did the Baryni courtyard reacted to the return of Muma?

a) indignant;

b) he was thinking about how to report this lady; c) did the view that they did not gues it the mystery.

23. Why on the day of return Mummy Gerasim "learned" more than ever?

a) the joy of returning to Mum's reaches his strength;

b) to die in the lady;

b) To get praise from the butler Gavrille.

24. Leak Kahariton endlessly swept the lady

a) peony and dye;

b) laurel droplets;

c) Valerian drops.

25. Having come to the restaurant together with Mum, Gerasim asked himself

a) porridge with cracker;

b) dumplings;

c) with meat.

26. "Gerasim stopped, as it were, in thought, and suddenly quick steps went straight to ..."

a) the headside row;

b) Crimean broth;

c) Red goal.

27. How did Gerasim arrived after the death of Muma?

a) stayed in the city;

b) returned to the village;

c) started another dog.

28. The village from which the lady took Gerasima was lying from the highway total

a) 29 versts;

b) 25 versts;

c) 27 versts.

29. What work began to take Gerasim, returning to the village?

a) took the hust and smell one without the help of the horse;

b) went to mow up old;

c) agile and non-trially threatened with a three-shock chain.

30. "From the time of his return from Moscow, Gerasim completely stopped working with ...

a) children

b) old men

c) women.

Examination on the work of I. Turgenev "MUMU". Grade 5.

Tasks with a choice of response

A1. Learn the heroes

"Male Twelve Growth Coppers, Folded Bogatties and Deaf Dounty from Birth"

Butler Gavrila

"One shortcut, he was considered a veterinarian and a lake for people, was a homelist for Mrs., was finally one shoe"

janita Gerasim

the person, who, judging by his yellow eyes and duck nose, the fate itself seemed determined to be a bombing person "

Kapiton Klimov

A2. Name the characteristic that does not apply to Gerasim.

A) "Gifted extraordinary force, he worked for four - the case aroused in his hands ..."

B) "I honored myself by the creature offended and not assessed by a person formed and metropolitan"

C) "Glorious he was a man ..."

D) "Since childhood, he got used to field work, to the village house."

Answer B.

A3. Who told Tatiana:"Unrequited you soul!" - Well, well, - he added, - We will still talk to you, and now go, Tanya; I see you definitely humble. "

A) Gavrila

B) Kapitail Klimov

C) Baryna

A4. What was a puppy?

A) redhead

B) black

C) white with black spots

"He looked down and saw a small puppy, white with black spots, which, despite all his efforts, could not get out of the water, beat, slid and trembled with all his wet and slender body."

A5. How much did the muma be when he was brought home to Gerasim?

A) about a week

B) three weeks

C) about two months

"The poor dog was just three, the eyes had a recent eyes ..."

A6. Which of the heroes "rushed to break her head into the landlocker and wanted to grab Moumu, but that deftly turned out from under his fingers and, raising the tail, went into all the blades for Gerasim"?

A) Lackey Stepan

B) the butler Gavril

C) Kapitail Klimov

"Stepan, a dozen guy, who consisted in the position of Lacey, rushed into his head in the parisader and wanted to grab Moumu, but that cleverly turned out from under his fingers and, lifting the tail, went into all the blades to Gerasim."

Jobs with a brief answer

IN 1. Complete offers by inserting a comparison.

A) "Reseted to the city, he did not understand that he was going on with him, - missed and wondered, as a young, healthy, __________ ..." (bull)

B) in the yard, Baryni was also keen geese; But goose, it is known, the bird is important and judicious; Gerasim felt respect for them, walked behind them and fed them; He himself brushed into a powerful ____________ "(hussak)

"Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters married; She rarely traveled and lived in recent years to her stingy and bored old age. "

IN 3. What did Gerasim give goodn to Tatiana?

"Gerasim came out of his camork, approached Tatiana and gave her a red paper handkerchief for her, bought to them for her with a year ago."

AT 4. Where did the capitone launch with Tatiana sent?

"Aven a year passed during which Kapiton finally cut down with a circle and, as a man decisively not anywhere, was sent with the turn to the far village, along with his wife."

Creative task

C1. Make a cluster or synissive "Gerasim"


First line - sincavina themeconcludes one word (usually noun or pronoun), which denotes an object or an object that will be discussed.

The second line is two words (adjectives), they give description of features and properties The object or object chosen in the synissine.

The third line - formed by three verbsdescribing characteristic actions object.

The fourth line - the phrase of four words expressing personal attitude The author of synciewin to the described object or object.

Fifth string - one wordcharacterizing essence subject or object.

Questions on knowledge of text

I.Sturgenev "Mumu"

The city in which events occur?(Moscow)

Name of the main character of the story?(Gerasim)

A man's man - ...?(A serf peasant who was obliged to work on the barbecue or pay landowner interlaced)

What was the protagonist's protagonist?(Extraordinary force)

What attached to Gerasim "solemn importance"?(Permanent silence)

What kind of it was a hero?(Strict and serious)

What birds "before Gerasim did not dare to fight"?(Roosters)

How does an ax behave in the hands of Gerasim? ("The ax that rins him like glass, and fly into all sides of fragments and lamps.")

What tree was the bed of Gerasima from?(Oak)

What weight would the herassym's warrior bed? (From 100 pounds)

What kind of bird was on the courtyard at Baryni? (Geese)

How many thieves caught the herasim once at night and what did you do with them? (Two, knocked his foreheads)

What reminded my view of the castle on the door of Kamorki Gerasima? (Kalach)

Name, surname Barynie's Bashmachnik?(Kapitail Klimov)

Whose hands compares the hand of Gerasim Capiton? ("... he just has a minina and a fire hand")

The color of the eyes and the shape of the nose of the butler Gavrila?(Yellow eyes and duck nose)

Where did Gerasim be the key from his cupcake?(On belt)

How old is Tatiana?(About 28 years)

Whose is a portrait: "Little, thin, blond, with a mole on the left cheek"?(Tatyana)

What will be revered on Rus Moles on the left cheek? (Foresight of the accident)

What gift did Gerasim Tatiana presented when that "once swayed in the yard"?(Gingerbread Cockerel)

Who told Baryn that Tatiana like Gerasim?(Butler Gavril)

What "post was" Tatiana?(Laundress)

After the story of Castellyshi about the rudeness of Gerasima Baryna ... (What did you do?)?("... sent Gerasim Vichkhan")

What constrained Gerasim to go to the lady with a request to marry Tatiana? ("He just waited for a new Kaftan, promised to him by the butler in order to appear in a decent form before launching")

What is the case in the house of Baryni, one of the companions? (In case of insomnia)

What loved, staying in the capricious state of the Spirit, do a lady? ("... she sometimes loved to rush into the drunk and lonely suffrage")

What epithet "rewards" Turgenev's eye of the Capipon?("Tin")

Nickname old buffetber? (Uncle Tail)

Passion of Gavrily?(Andreevich)

Name, middle name of Gavril's wife?(Ustinya Fedorovna)

What people did not love Gerasim, "with indignation turned out when he was wrong with the wrong steps and with a visor caps on the ear" was such a person?(Drunk)

What trick invented on the advice, so that Gerasim "sobble" Tatiana?(It was necessary that Tatyana pretended to be drunk)

How did Gerasim react to the trick, invented by the yard to turn out Gerasim from Tatiana? ("Seeing Tatiana, he first as usual, with a gentle sump he threw his head; then he looked like, dropped the shovel, jumped up, approached her, she pulled his face to her face himself. She fear even more and closed her eyes. He grabbed her for Hand, rushed through the entire courtyard and, entering her in the room, where the council came out, pushed it straight to the capital)

Who out of the courtyard peeping for Gerasim when he was worried about the "trick" of Tatiana?(Foretor Antip

What did Capitone and Tatiana go to Baryna, so that she gave a blessing to marriage? (With geese)

What time of the year Tatyana and Capital married?(Spring)

How did Koh Hariton treasured a lady?("... I slept with laurels with laurel drops," smoked "burning feathers")

What a hero of the story belongs to the words: "I am a bitterness I, inexitious honeycomb! Sudda, something, I will think! In junior years I was a bit through the German German, in the best joint of the life of my bitch from my own brother, finally, in mature years, this is what you have arrived. "? (Kapiton)

Which of the heroes are called a "babouned man" and why? (Capitone, since he was drunkard. Bubnovy Ace was lying on the peel of the convict)

What did Gerasim Tatiana pretext for goodbye, when she left from the city to a long village along with her husband Capital?(Red paper scarf)

Who saw Gerasim "in Tine at the shore", when was it going home?(Small puppy)

What was the hero of the puppy, "Holding a little two fingers for his head and gently flexing her head to the cup"?(Milk)

Which breed was a puppy? (Spanish breed with long ears)

What color was the wool in a puppy? (White with black spots)

How did Gerasim named the puppy?(Mu Mu)

What comparison is using I.S. Turgenev to show the love of Gerasim to Muma? ("No mother cares for her child, as Gerasim has cared for his petomitian")

How did the dog treated people who lived in the house of Baryni? (To everyone caught, but loved one Gerasim)

How did Baryni servants relate to Muma? (Loved)

Church of the yard?(Tip)

What did the lady made every morning?(Wondered on the maps)

What was the mistake of Moumu when she saw a lady for the first time? (Bone bone under the bush of roses in the palication)

How did the lady attacked to Muma when he saw her first time? (She really liked the dog)

Why did the lady ordered the dog to remove from the courtyard? (Because he did not go to the call of Baryni and scolded his teeth when she wanted to stroke her)

Who stole Muma Gerasim?(Stepan)

What did Gerasim think about the disappearance of Muma? (He guessed that the dog was brought by baryni ordered)

How much did this hero have sold this hero in the Okhotny row?(For the Filling)

What did he not think about Gerasim, hiding a dog in his camork when she returned?( Mummy will give himself a screech)

How did the yard people of Baryni responded to the return of Muma? (Did the view that you do not recognize anything)

Which of the heroes loved to sleep "at fourteen hours a day"? (Leak Khariton)

With whom Gavrille "Crall and took into account tea, sugar and other grocery"? (With the older companguine love of loved one)

Who as a guard left the door of Kamork Gerasim?(Gardener рошка)

What is the purpose of Gerasim to go to the restaurant?(To feed me mums, meat and bread)

How many bricks "made a Gerasim from the courtyard of the house to which the Flygel attached"?(Two)

Having come to his village, Gerasim met the headman, "first it was surprised," but then he gave in his hands ... What?(Braid)

How did the "Escape" of Gerasima Baryna perceived?("Accepted, burst into tears, ordered to find in order to be")

What did the neighbors be noticed for Gerasim, when he retired from Moscow to his village?("He completely stopped working with women, does not even look at them, and he does not hold a single dog")

What time was reflected in the story I.S. Turgenev? (The era of serfdom)

What is a icy row in Moscow? (The place where they traded the game and live bird, that is, what is mined by hunting)

What did the peasants "About Petrov Day"? (Mowl)
