Feedback- this is the provision of objective information to a specific employee or unit about the adequacy of their performance of their functions. Subjective assessments such as: “You are doing your job poorly” or “We highly appreciate your hard work” are not objective feedback. Adequate feedback should contain objective information about the performance of an employee or department: sales units, number of days of absence, quality control results, etc.

Tab. one. Why it is beneficial to use objective feedback

  1. Sufficient data - a typical organization produces a large amount of objective data through financial, accounting and other procedures, reports to higher authorities, which can be used in feedback programs.
  2. Small investment of time and money - Research shows that feedback programs that save an average of $ 77,000 a year generally cost less than $ 1,000 to develop and implement.
  3. Natural Control Connections - Simply providing objective performance data with honesty does not require gimmicks such as lotteries or other motivational techniques.
  4. Fast Results - Immediate performance improvements are a common feedback effect.
  5. Suitable for all types of organizations - Objective feedback can be used in nonprofit or government organizations that have strict incentive and reward restrictions.
  6. Complements other techniques to increase productivity, productivity - OS is an essential part of learning, management development programs and organizational development activities.

Feedback is instructive and motivating, rewarding or promising.

Figure 1 illustrates how feedback in conjunction with the standard and a mechanism for comparing actual performance against the standard can control virtually any system. Take a thermostat as an example. By monitoring the room temperature using sensors (similar to the real-to-standard comparison mechanism), it maintains the optimum, set by you (work performance standard).

Rice. 1. Functional feedback model

Hierarchy of standards. Feedback control becomes less mechanistic when the manager realizes that workers are sensitive to a wide variety of combinations of three types of standards, from general to specific (Figure 1):

  1. Fundamental standards(conceptual or moral).
  2. Software standards(rules of decision on the principle "if - then").
  3. Performance standards(specific behavior).

Humans differ from machines in their unique ability to understand, formalize, and act on the basis of shared moral standards.

The feedback model as a learning process

The impact of feedback on work behavior is more complex than it might seem at first glance, the process (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Conceptual model of feedback as a process of perception

Feedback Sources

Employees receive feedback from others - peers, superiors, subordinates, and people outside the organization. Less obvious, however, is the fact that the task itself is a ready source of objective feedback. For example, some tasks, such as computer programs or flying an airplane, provide the performer with feedback on whether they are performing well or poorly. Task feedback is only effective if perceived to be relevant to the actions of the perceiver, and not as a result of technology or the actions of others.

The third source of feedback is the person himself, his Self, but conceit or other problems of perception can pollute this source. People with high self-confidence tend to rely (trust) more personal feedback than those with lower self-confidence. Although conditions vary, a worker can be bombarded from all three sources at the same time. This necessitates protective functions of perception and cognitive assessment to help sort the incoming feedback.

Feedback barriers

As with other stimuli, people are selective about feedback. Personal characteristics, such as the need for achievement, can determine the desire for feedback. Researchers of organizational behavior note that workers in organizations of Eastern cultures are more focused on getting feedback than Western ones. In unexpected situations, the need for feedback increases. Employees with more seniority are less likely to get feedback than young professionals. Consequently, managers must consider the individual's willingness to receive feedback based on personality and situational variables. Feedback should be appropriate for a specific recipient.

Feedback: American versus Japanese. In the spirit of harmony in the Japanese tradition, avoiding a direct no at almost any cost. They may ask a counter question, promise to answer some time later, change the subject of the conversation, and even suddenly leave the room. Another common answer is no answer at all, dead silence. "It makes Americans feel like they're hitting a wall," notes cross-cultural negotiation researcher John Pfeiffer (1988).

Feedback sign - characterization of the content of feedback in an evaluative sense. Feedback can be positive or negative. In general, people tend to be more accurate in accepting and responding to positive feedback than negative feedback. Negative or threatening feedback causes the employee to issue a defensive response.

People evaluate feedback factors such as the accuracy of the source, the reliability of the source, the fairness of the performance appraisal system, their expectations, and the validity of the standards. Any feedback that does not overcome one or more of these barriers will be rejected or ignored. Personal experience largely determines the significance of the influence of these factors. Feedback from an untrustworthy source based on past relationship experiences will be challenged.

Feedback Behavioral Outcomes

Since feedback is associated with the process of forming the employee's goals, it includes the following outcomes: direction, effort, persistence. However, if the fourth outcome in the formation of goals is the formulation of a strategy for achieving the goal (an action plan), then the fourth possible outcome of feedback is resistance. Feedback systems that feel manipulative or fail to pass perceptual and cognitive scoring tests will generate resistance.

Organizational ways of giving feedback cannot be taken for granted, especially in situations of intercultural interaction.

A manager can significantly increase the effectiveness of his influence on subordinates if he follows the suggestions of management consultants on how to properly provide feedback (Table 2).

Tab. 2. How to give feedback correctly

  1. Verbal feedback is desirable even when the non-verbal feedback is positive.
  2. For the formation of complete clarity and confidence of the employee in the correct understanding of the meaning of the verbal message of the manager, non-verbal feedback must confirm the verbal one.
  3. Immediate feedback is almost always more effective than delayed feedback.
  4. Negative feedback may be better than no feedback, but positive feedback is better.
  5. People tend to remember for longer what they heard first and last in a feedback message.
  6. If you want a subordinate to respond to your feedback, you must direct it personally, and in many cases, privately to a subordinate.
  7. A small amount (amount) of feedback causes little trust and can result in hostility.
  8. Lack of feedback is regarded as approval or agreement with existing ideas and behavior.

The last component of the motivation management system is the organizational rewards subsystem. Various rewards compensate employees for their costs (efforts, abilities, time, etc.) to achieve organizational goals, and therefore the effectiveness of the remaining components of the system will depend on the correct organization of this subsystem.

Feedback is one of the most important management tools for any manager, including a project manager. Unfortunately, many managers forget about this simple and effective management tool. Getting feedback is a relatively simple process that does not require much preparation or special skills. In this article, I would like to address the key points of getting feedback from both employees and other organizations or your clients. As a project manager myself, feedback allows me to save a lot of time on communicating with employees, get an unbiased opinion, identify problem areas and avoid them in the future.

The great advantage of the "Feedback" method is that it can be applied in any company and at any level, regardless of the industry, the size of the company, or the number of employees. But like any management tool that requires employee attention, participation, and judgment, there is often resistance to trying to get feedback. Some of the employees simply will not find the time to give answers to your questions, some will be afraid to criticize you, some will simply flatter, some of the employees may indulge in lengthy arguments. Your task is to make sure that those from whom you request feedback perceive it as an opportunity to change the company or project for the better.

The Merriam Webster Dictionary gives the following definition of the term feedback - “Transmission of estimated or corrective information about an action, event or process to the original or control source; also the information itself transmitted in this way ".

Such information can be transmitted regarding:

  • Employee or management... For example, regarding their ability to manage, set tasks, teach, or the ability to perform any specific task).
  • Services... For example, how fully and qualitatively the service meets the needs of customers.
  • Organizations. For example, whether an organization is performing well or not in a given market environment, how it responds to changing customer needs, or informing employees and management, equipping them with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.

Currently, the most popular methods of obtaining feedback are: polls, interviews in the form of questions and answers, group discussions, face-to-face interviews, or simply observation.

Despite its seeming simplicity, feedback as a management tool is often misused, especially when it comes to assessing employee performance. Many associate feedback with judging negative aspects of someone's work, without acknowledging positive contributions and achievements, which further increases resistance to the process. When properly received, feedback is accepted calmly and becomes an effective and valuable management tool.

It is important to understand that for the successful and continuous development of the company and its employees, both positive and negative types of feedback are needed. Positive feedback indicates what is true of the subject being assessed, and can be conveyed through verbal approval, formal encouragement, or monetary reward in the form of pay increases, bonuses, or promotion opportunities. Negative reviews help to reveal what is not working, or why you cannot get the desired result.

There is one important difference between negative reviews and criticism. While criticism usually means hostile and not always constructive judgment, negative feedback can help identify what needs to be corrected. While the feedback itself may not sound favorable, it is necessarily presented in a constructive manner and should help remedy the situation. Whatever tools and methods you use to obtain feedback, always remember that the main result of feedback is the improvement of employees, management and, accordingly, the company.

Getting feedback is equally important at senior management levels, as it indicates a desire to grow. Effective use of feedback allows management to know what is going wrong and what aspects of performance need to be improved. But that only happens when CEOs, CFOs, and other senior executives implement a culture of feedback in their companies.

As I said above, one of the most important sources of feedback is observation. This method requires the development of good listening skills and the ability to read and understand verbal and non-verbal cues. This is why feedback is closely related to effective communication. In addition, truly competent managers must be able to understand the unspoken but implied meaning of the information conveyed, interpreting the subtleties and understanding the critical importance of all feedback for the current and future success of the company.

Company leaders are responsible for supporting employees and must lead by example when it comes to using feedback to drive efficiency and continual development. Effective communication is a tool that executives, department heads, executive vice presidents and the like must have in their arsenal if they are to shape successful companies. Developing the communication skills of these business leaders will pay off in the benefits that the feedback brings to the entire organization, department, or division.

As stated, feedback is an important element of communication, and communication is critical to the success of an organization, so feedback is essential to success. But to take advantage of any feedback-related benefits (such as getting a loan for an Ip), you need to follow the process and take the appropriate action. In many cases, you need to ask for permission to provide feedback in advance if you really need valuable information.

Consider five scenarios that demonstrate the value of feedback for the development and success of a company:

  1. Quite often, feedback is a wake-up call for employees and management. For them, it means that an organizational element, process or tool does not provide the desired result, and it may need an alternative. In this sense, feedback indicates that the current method of doing work or satisfying a need is not effective, and it should be assumed that the company, employees, or customers can benefit from considering and learning a new method.
  2. Some companies rely on 360-degree feedback programs to help develop employees at all levels. This method of collecting feedback on employee performance and performance from multiple sources can be a very useful system for increasing the overall performance of employees and the entire organization, as the valuable feedback received can be used as a guide to identify areas that need modernization, change or development to ensure sustainability. growth and progress now and in the future. It is known that happy employees are equated with satisfied customers, which makes the company more profitable, and it has a permanent customer base. Feedback is also needed to measure how satisfied customers are with the service provided or the quality of the goods received. When feedback is provided and the company takes action in response to it, customers feel supported and cared for — this is very important to the organization. This cycle of receiving and responding to feedback builds and maintains customer loyalty. In addition, repeat customers are an invaluable source of word of mouth marketing, so a company that takes advantage of feedback is more likely to make new and repeat business and maintain customer loyalty.
  3. Feedback used to express approval is a great morale booster. Appropriate feedback can significantly increase someone's confidence in the ability to do the job. This is true even if it indicates that the task is not being executed correctly. For example, instead of telling someone that they are doing no good, use constructive feedback to describe or show an alternative method that can be used to accomplish a task more productively, with greater efficiency, and less difficulty. This approach not only encourages a person to try out the proposed alternative, but also forms in him a greater willingness to seek help or advice in the future, without fear of criticism and ridicule.
  4. When employees feel that the ideas they bring in in the form of feedback are truly appreciated, attitudes change. In short, valued feedback from employees, management, customers and even consultants in a company is a cornerstone of its development, sustainable growth and increased profitability, as well as an essential element for ensuring the longevity and loyalty of customers and employees at all levels.
  5. Feedback can be an important tool in stabilizing group dynamics. Group work can be difficult at times, especially for those who are used to or who are more comfortable working on their own. But if the group develops and regularly uses positive feedback as part of the communication process, group members will learn to work together more effectively and productively, and the potential benefits will be apparent.

One of the main catalysts for failure or group dynamics problems is a lack of mutual understanding in communication. Such an environment essentially brings together group members with different communication styles, language and many other factors that can lead to discrepancies in the interpretation of communication or verbal and non-verbal cues. Ideally, the feedback methodology should be discussed before forming the group to avoid any subsequent misunderstandings that could harm the project.

In addition to providing valuable support and guidance, ideas contributed through positive and negative feedback can serve as the basis for unlimited opportunities for improving ideas, as well as for constructive methods to improve existing successes or adjust actions or processes that require attention or modernization.

Effective and appropriate feedback should be based on a truthful assessment and provided in a timely manner, with the aim of providing useful explanations and ideas or suggestions that can help the recipient achieve better results in their work in the long term. It is important that the feedback is balanced. Balanced feedback is not a one-way process in which leaders express or receive approval for a job well done, but when the positive and negative aspects of their performance are discussed.

When the feedback process is carried out properly, there are many benefits to be realized, but every effort should be made to ensure that feedback is not used as a means of verbal abuse or criticism. Feedback is a valuable tool for building employee confidence, raising morale and improving a firm's reputation.

Companies need to understand the importance of customer feedback and consider how valuable this information will be to work on creating new or revamping existing services and solutions. In addition, staff training should be provided so that staff can give and receive feedback in a way that facilitates and facilitates discussion and further development of staff and the company as a whole.

Top management must always remember that excellence is unattainable, but with effective communication and a properly implemented feedback process, there is a huge potential for improvement in all areas of business and personnel management. The correct use of feedback is undoubtedly beneficial to all participants in this process.

Chuck Pollock,specially for forPM

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The specific factor of group psychotherapy. In the course of group psychotherapy O. of page. provides the patient with information about how other members of the group perceive him, how they react to his behavior, how they understand and interpret him, how his behavior affects others. O. s. enables the group member to understand and evaluate his role in typical interpersonal situations and conflicts for him and, thanks to this, to better understand his own problems. O.'s phenomenon of page. manifests itself in situations when the subject of perception has the opportunity to receive information from a communication partner about how he is perceived. As O. s. any information that a person receives from the recipient of his behavior acts. O. s. can be direct or indirect, immediate or delayed, instrumental (photographs, magnetic and video recordings, etc.) or personal (verbal and non-verbal, evaluative or non-evaluative, emotionally colored and emotionally neutral, descriptive and containing interpretation, role and identification and etc.). O. s. in psychotherapy contributes to the implementation of the leading mechanism of its therapeutic action - confrontation, however, as a source of information differs from interpretation. Interpretation can be inadequate, inaccurate, distorted under the influence of the interpreter's own projection. O. s. is "correct" by itself: it is information about how other participants in the psychotherapeutic process react to the patient's behavior. The question of whether O. with. contain elements of interpretation, does not find an unambiguous answer. O. s. exists within the framework of individual psychotherapy, but here its content is very limited. In group psychotherapy O. of page. more versatile, since it is carried out between each of the members of the group and the group as a whole. The psychotherapeutic group provides the patient with not just O. of page. - information about how he is perceived by another person, but differentiated by O. page, O. page. from all members of the group who can perceive and understand his behavior in different ways and react to it in different ways. Thus, the patient sees himself in different mirrors reflecting different aspects of his personality. Differentiated O. page. not only provides diverse information to improve self-understanding, but also helps the patient learn to distinguish between their own behavior. The patient's own reaction to the information contained in the O. page is also of interest to both other members of the group (being second-order feedback, i.e. e. feedback on feedback), and for the patient himself, allowing him to see significant aspects of his own personality and his reactions to the mismatch of the image of "I" with the perception of others. Processing and integration of the content of O. with. in the process of group psychotherapy provides correction of inadequate personal formations and contributes to the formation of a more holistic and adequate image of "I", self-image and self-understanding in general. Kratochvil S., 1978) distinguishes 4 areas in self-consciousness, or the image of "I": open (what the person knows about himself and others know about him), unknown (what the person does not others know), hidden (what a person knows about himself, but others do not know), blind (what a person does not know about himself, but others know). O. s. carries information that allows the patient to reduce the blind area of ​​self-awareness. To create an effective O. system in the psychotherapeutic group of page. a certain atmosphere is necessary, characterized primarily by mutual acceptance, a sense of psychological safety, benevolence, mutual interest, as well as by the presence of motivation to participate in the work of the psychotherapeutic group and the phenomenon of "defrosting", in which the group members are ready and able to abandon their usual, established ways of perception and interactions, revealing their insufficiency and imperfection. O. s. in a group it is more effective if it is not delayed, that is, if it is provided to the patient immediately at the moment of observing his behavior, and not after some time, when the situation ceases to be relevant and significant, or when psychological defense mechanisms have already entered into action. Effective O. page, according to a number of authors, is more descriptive or contains more emotional reactions to the behavior of a group member than interpretations, assessments and criticism. Differentiated O. of page will also be more effective, i.e. O. page, coming to the patient from several members of the group, since it seems to him more reliable and can have a greater influence on him. Sometimes in the training groups certain rules for the provision and acceptance of O. by page are formed. (for example: "Talk about your feelings, but do not evaluate", "Listen carefully, but do not try to answer everyone", etc.). Although in psychotherapeutic groups such rules are not rigidly formulated, however, the psychotherapist strives to develop the most effective forms of O. of page in the group. within the framework of one or another theoretical orientation (see. The mechanisms of therapeutic action of group psychotherapy).

Business communication with its clients is extremely important in today's world, where globalization rules. In a small flower shop, the saleswoman always hears compliments if she does her job well, and sees the sullen faces of her customers if she does her job poorly. But the larger the company becomes, the more difficult it is to trace the relationship with customers, because there are still many intermediate links in the chain from the consumer to the administrator of at least a regional department.

Why it is so important to know everything about customers

In today's marketplace, the right choice is to make the extra effort to listen to your customers, because not knowing what is happening at the most basic levels of your enterprise, you risk losing both money and reputation. And this is true, because history knows many cases when the actions of ordinary workers brought multimillion-dollar losses to the company. An example would be a case on one of United Airlines flights, when a company needed to free up space on the plane for several of its employees. After the passengers refused to leave the flight, the guards beat several who resisted and took them out by force. This precedent hit the media and the price per share of United Airlines immediately fell by half. If you do not want to lose in business, you just need to know what is customer feedback.

The essence of feedback

Feedback can be any information transmission channel through which the client can influence certain points in the business processes of the company with which he wants to cooperate or is already cooperating. Depending on the form in which your business exists, it is possible to implement feedback in the system in a variety of ways, the main task is to make it convenient for the client and meet the requirements.

What is feedback in physical stores

Owners of a real estate business or companies engaged in large-scale wholesale trade through specially equipped premises can place feedback telephone numbers in their stores. Calls to the call center will be processed by operators, and information about complaints or customer appeals will be transmitted in a structured manner to the management department of the organization.

With a large number of calls of the same type, there is also a model in which an answering machine, which is scripted for a discrete number of answers, will be consulted by clients. If your feedback, as a structure in the company, is not strong enough to maintain a full-time call center, you can outsource this business process, that is, order this service from another company. Under certain conditions, this type of cooperation is maximally mutually beneficial.

Internet as a means of interaction

The greatest discovery for humanity at the end of the twentieth century - the Internet - has played a significant role in commerce that cannot be overemphasized. There is a huge mass of interactive communication tools on the web for different parts of the business.

E-commerce has now made great strides with customer relationship customization tools. There are products for business under the general name, or in Russian - customer relationship management. A modern CRM system is able to accompany your client at absolutely every stage of the transaction, or, in marketing terms, at every stage of the sales funnel. The name of the sales funnel is not accidental, because with each iteration on the way to ensure that the visitor becomes a buyer, the number of people in the funnel becomes less and less.

It is necessary to clearly track at what stage of the sales funnel each of your customers is, otherwise the loss of this data threatens you with the loss of a customer - a customer who was not called back on time is likely to go elsewhere, because he values ​​his time and the convenience of staff service.

What is feedback in the context of CRM? In general, the same thing as without it, just the system allows the business to clearly track all its customers, give each client exactly the information that interests him, and much more. For example, using CRM, you can collect a list of people who have abandoned a product or service because of poor service, call them and offer a special discount coupon in your store. It probably won't save the day entirely, but it will definitely bring back some of your former clients.

Feedback via email and messengers

E-mail appeared at the dawn of the Internet, and since then has not lost its popularity, because with its help you can conduct both business and personal correspondence, it is convenient to filter and sort it. In addition, it reaches the addressee instantly, so the use of email for feedback is advisable and easily managed by the business through CRM. Using e-mail newsletters, you can easily collect the necessary data from customers, calculate their statistical preferences, test the clickability of certain ad formats. The popularity of e-mail boxes is gradually decreasing, but, probably, the era of emails will continue for some time, because mail also serves as an identifier on the Internet, that is, it serves as a nickname for authorization in various services.

A maturing competitor to email is messenger messages, which are spreading in proportion to the growth in the number of mobile devices on the market. What is feedback through instant messengers is quite easy to imagine - these are chats in which technical support agents are trying to resolve a client's issue. In addition to living people, bots can also respond to a client in technical support via a messenger - special programs scripted for a response, which will make you wait a little longer for a message from a support agent.

Chat with technical support on the website and call back

A relatively new trend in the field of audience feedback is chats within sites, which are dynamically updated without reloading the page. Such technology allows a person who has found himself on a new commercial site to get comfortable and clarify the necessary questions for himself without a long search for a form of communication. The online chat window brings from a 10% increase in sales after its installation on an Internet resource.

But many people still prefer voice communication, and this is logical, because we perceive audio speech many times faster and more efficiently. Based on this problem, services such as CallBack Killer or CallBack Hunter were developed. Such services allow the client to indicate his number and a convenient time for a conversation on any page of the site, after which the technical support agents will call him back at the specified time. All of the above communication methods are also well integrated into CRM and have their own API for software developers.

Cold calls and hot calls

Sometimes a company doesn't have enough information about its customers to improve collaboration and productivity. In such cases, telephones are used. Feedback is greatly helped by hot calls - operators call the base of numbers of people interested in a product or service. If a company has very scant feedback data from potential customers, then large databases of phone numbers are used through which they are trying to offer their product or service.

Targeting and retargeting

With the help of modern ones, it is possible to return a potential client to the site without knowing his contact information directly. A technology called "retargeting" allows you to install a special code on the site that tracks the visitor's IP address and / or writes a cookie on his computer in the browser, reading which advertising networks on the Internet will show him exactly your advertisements, which you can customize for the specifics of your project and your tasks.

Back to simple

Small businesses rarely have the budgets to hire an entire call center or develop an Internet resource with many technologically complex functions. The simplest solution for a novice entrepreneur is a business card site, which would contain information about the company and html feedback. Hypertext Markup Language is one of the easiest ways to create web pages, so it is perfect for demonstrating an example like this. html feedback forms.

Now we will give the code of such a form.

If you specify the post method in the form attributes, the data will be sent for processing by the file to the contactus.php address. If your server does not support php, then you can specify the mailto data processing method and your email in the action attribute. letter. If you are experiencing problems with both independent web development and hiring a programmer, you can use Google Form, which can be easily created using an intuitive visual interface.

Dealing with confusion

Sooner or later, there will come a time when you cannot remember all your clients or simply enter them into Excel, since another employee will not have access to him. It follows from this that the sooner you implement a CRM system in your business, the easier it will be to manage business processes later. The complexity of business management only grows with the growth of the number of clients, so there is no reason to hope that the costs of CRM will be avoided.

How to choose a CRM and solve the feedback problem

First, determine what feedback channels you plan to use with users - it can be phone calls, SMS service, online chat on the site, correspondence in instant messengers, email, or something else. Then determine which of the available solutions provide this functionality and for what price. Determine which CRM has the ability to tweak the functionality, whether it works in the cloud or not. These basic principles will help you communicate effectively with your customers and not lose them in the future.

this is information about a person's behavior in the past, which is communicated to him in the present, hoping that it will affect his behavior in the future.
Feedback is a key component in employee development. It not only helps to correct the mistakes of subordinates before they became habits, but also reinforces desirable behaviors, stimulates professional development, and ultimately helps employees achieve their goals.
In order to improve their own effectiveness in the future, people need to understand very accurately how effective they are now. They need specific information on both strengths and areas in need of development. Feedback and is the very "mirror", looking into which people get the opportunity to see themselves, plan their own development and track progress.

Types and purpose of feedback
Positive feedback serves to assess the effective behavior of the employee and thereby strengthen the given line of human behavior in such situations. In cases of positive feedback, it is said that what it was done well why it was good and to what positive results resulted in the employee's actions.

Positive feedback is a powerful means of motivating employees. It is especially effective when it contains specific behaviors, although generic praise also stimulates employees and increases their self-confidence. Among other things, positive feedback serves another important function - it tells others that the leader sees and appreciates the contribution of others to the common cause.

Negative feedback serves to convey the assessment of ineffective behavior and is aimed at changing the actions of the employee. In this case, it is indicated that what it was done wrong what are the alternatives behavior in this situation and why their result could be it is better than in the end of the actions taken.

As a rule, it is not difficult for a leader see shortcomings in the work of subordinates. Much harder inform constructively subordinates about these shortcomings - to report in such a way as to guarantee their correction in the future.

Principles for Constructive, Positive and Negative Feedback

Principles of constructive feedback
The specific- describes a specific example of behavior that depends on the person; does not contain an indiscriminate generalization.
Timely- refers to a recent situation that is still fresh in the memory of you and another feedback participant.
Constructive- suggests behaviors that you would like to see in the future (especially with negative feedback).
With consequences- indicates the consequences of this behavior: how it affects you, others, the workflow.
Developing- aims to assist in development.

Principles for giving positive employee feedback
To make your positive feedback more effective:

1. When expressing your praise to an employee, highlight a specific aspect of behavior, a specific trend - make it clear what you value most in their actions (for example, meeting deadlines, high productivity, commitment to quality, willingness to work overtime to achieve results).

2. Point out to the subordinate about the positive consequences of his actions. Let him know why you value his success so much and why it is so important to you that he repeat himself: Share the impact that this success will have on you, your team, and the organization as a whole.

3. Express your feelings - talk about satisfaction, joy, or admiration for a subordinate's actions.

4. Clearly and clearly communicate to the subordinate what behavior he should adhere to in the future.

5. Look for any opportunities to reward the employee for specific positive behaviors. Develop the habit of seeing rewarding situations. With this support from you for the desired behavior, subordinates will exhibit it more often.

♦ How often do you praise them?
♦ Do you see the contribution of individuals to overall success?
♦ Do you value this contribution?
♦ Is your praise a response to specific achievements or is it due to a good state of affairs in general, a good mood?

Principles for Giving Negative Feedback

To make criticism more constructive and effective, follow these principles:

1. Respect the person's need for confidentiality of criticism. Try to voice your comments face to face.

2. Talk about the employee's behavior (for example, “you delayed making a decision on this issue for two days”), not his personality (for example, “you are not able to make decisions and take responsibility”).

3. Talk to the employee about specific facts, avoid generalizations.

4. Indicate the specific negative consequences of the subordinate's actions. It is known that in 90% of cases of "ineffectual" criticism, the bosses get off with general phrases ("decrease in labor productivity", "drop in morale", etc.).

5. Personalize your statements - talk about your feelings. The phrase “I was very upset when I found out ...” will have a stronger effect than the impersonal exclamation “This is simply unacceptable!”.

6. Express your comments in a calm manner. Be sure that you are in control and able to describe, not “pour out” your feelings.

7. Be short - jump straight to the point and speak directly. Remember that a person is less receptive when they become the object of criticism.

8. Be prepared for the fact that the employee does not immediately recognize the validity of your comments. When faced with criticism, people tend to defend themselves, so do not seek immediate consent from the subordinate. Just tell him your grade and make sure he understands it. Give him a chance to ponder your words.

9. Maintain the necessary balance of positive and negative information. Before making serious comments to an employee, say a few words about those qualities that you value. Beginning with the comments, at the end of the conversation, express your general confidence in the employee's ability to succeed.

10. Strive for dialogue, avoid reading notations. Give subordinate an opportunity to present their vision of the problem.

11. Focus on future action. Do not "hang" on finding out the reasons for the mistakes - this will only force the subordinate to look for new excuses. Move quickly to the questions "What will you do to prevent this from happening in the future?"

12. Inform the subordinate not only about the punishments for bad behavior, but also about the benefits of good behavior.

13. At the end of the meeting, ask the person to repeat in their own words what they should do to improve their results. By doing so, you will not only test understanding, but also confirm that employees are committing to improvement.

14. If you have a particularly difficult conversation, replay possible scenarios in your mind. Think not only about the form in which you comment, but also about what you might hear in response and how you will react to it.
