Title: Great Expectations
Writer: Charles Dickens
Year: 1860
Publisher: WebKniga
Age limit: 16+
Volume: 630 pages.
Genres: 19th century literature, Foreign classics

About the book "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens

Charles Dickens is a famous writer of the Victorian era, a classic of foreign literature. His books are filled with worldly wisdom, wit and typically English restraint. The novel "Great Expectations" is considered one of the author's best works. Translated into different languages ​​of the world, has numerous film adaptations.

The story of Great Expectations tells the story of a ten-year-old boy, Pip, who is raised by his strict, dictatorial sister and her husband. The latter is kind to the boy, protecting him as best he can from the attacks of his evil wife. The boy prevents him from breaking out of such cruel shackles, and fate gives him such an amazing opportunity - Pip meets an escaped convict who, threatening him with death, demands that he bring food and sawdust. And this acquaintance for both becomes a turning point in their lives. Now they are interconnected with each other by a strong thread, but the teenager remains in the dark about such a connection for some time. However, Pip's life changes in an unexpected way: he becomes blessed by a mysterious stranger, now he has wealth and a life in high society. Now he understands that he can make a worthy match for any girl, even Estella, who until now had not paid any attention to him...

Using the example of the main character of Great Expectations, Charles Dickens shows that neither money, nor an advantageous position in society, nor new acquaintances make a person happy. Sometimes, a carefree, riotous life is a path to nowhere. Yes, and Philip Pirrip,formerPip, andexperiencing the best presentiments about his brilliant future, at one moment he experienced the collapse of his hopes. Illusions disappeared like smoke and were replaced by harsh reality...

In the prim and cold world of the aristocratic class, the rich but dishonest life of the golden youth is contrasted with the world of simple hard workers, albeit poor, but sincere. The main character is honest, and therefore social life does not bring him true pleasure. Charles Dickens makes fun of the morals of Victorian England in his novel, and using the example of Magwitch he shows the fall of an individual as a result of the unjust orders established in modern society. However, the main message of this work is not to give in to the pressure of the world around you, listen to your heart and remain true to yourself. Because the main character of the story called “Great Expectations” did it.

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Great Expectations Charles Dickens

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Title: Great Expectations

About the book "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens

The tragic novel “Great Expectations,” created by the talent of the English writer Charles Dickens, introduces the reader to Philip Pirrip, a seven-year-old child whom his loved ones call by the short name Pip.

The main character of the novel “Great Expectations” lives in the house of his sister and a blacksmith, does not disdain menial work, but often visits the grave of his parents, yearning for their kindness. The older sister Pipa often scolds and beats the boy and her good-natured husband.

Everything changes the moment Pip encounters an escaped convict in the cemetery, who demands food and a file from the child in exchange for his life. The frightened boy fulfills the criminal's request, but the very next day the police arrest the convict.

Charles Dickens prepared many adventures for Pip, meeting different people and hoping for love. A child from a poor family grew up and got the chance to live a normal life in London. A gentleman's life awaited Pip, financed by a secret investor.

But is it so easy to renounce the former simple and understandable life? The life of a gentleman corrupts, deprives him of the virtues bestowed at birth. All that remains is dishonor and security.

Charles Dickens devotes much attention to morality in high society in nineteenth-century England. Despite external influence, Pip managed to maintain his noble traits and took steps to help towards the person who financed his well-fed and carefree life.

In the chapters of the novel, Charles Dickens exploits his own experiences, filling the lives of the characters with them. The moral decline and hypocrisy of the aristocracy, capable of killing everything good in a person, is visible in the image of Abel Magrich, an escaped convict, once met by Pip in an old cemetery.

The strange intertwining of the destinies of the characters in the novel “Great Expectations” and the suspenseful intrigue are the main strength of the work. The reader involuntarily plunges into the story headlong and waits for the outcome. The author gradually thickens the colors, adds dynamics to Pip's story, but ends the novel with lines that give hope.

The work has been filmed many times. Film studios regularly return to the story told by Dickens. An episode of the animated series “South Park” was created based on the work. The novel "Great Expectations" may be of interest to readers of various ages and preferences.

On our website about books you can download for free or read online the book “Great Expectations” by Charles Dickens in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.

Quotes from the book "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens

Heaven knows that we are in vain to be ashamed of our tears; they, like rain, wash away the stifling dust that dries up our hearts.

Never believe what appears; believe only the evidence. There is no better rule in life.

There is no worse deception in the world than self-deception.

The novel “Great Expectations” is considered one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens; at least, a large number of theatrical plays and film adaptations have been created based on it. There is a kind of dark humor in this book, in some places you have to laugh through your tears, but to a greater extent this novel can be called heavy. Having hope is good, but it is not always justified, and then a person experiences the greatest despair in his life.

The events of the novel take place in Victorian England. The little boy Pip is left without parents and is being raised by his sister. However, the sister cannot be called caring and gentle; she often uses force for educational purposes. Even her husband gets it, who works as a blacksmith and is very kind by nature.

A boy is introduced to a neighbor girl so that they can spend time together. Estella is not being raised by her own mother. This woman was once deceived by the man she loved. And now she wants to raise a daughter who will take revenge on all men. Estella must be beautiful, attract men, and then break their hearts. She grows up to be an arrogant girl.

Pip falls in love with Estella, over time realizing that he is embarrassed to appear in front of her in an unkempt or stupid manner. When a mysterious benefactor appears who wants to provide the guy with everything he needs, Pip begins to think that this is Estella’s mother. He believes that this is how she wants to make him a successful person, so that he becomes a worthy match for her daughter. The guy looks into the future with great hopes, but will they come true, or will he be severely disappointed?

The work belongs to the Prose genre. It was published in 1861 by Eksmo Publishing House. The book is part of the "Foreign Classics" series. On our website you can download the book "Great Expectations" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 4.35 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.
