By the mid-1980s, the scientific, pedagogical, material and technical potential of the institute allowed training in almost all specialties of the technological cycle of oil and gas production. The university is forming its own scientific schools, known not only in the country, but also abroad. The institute's scientists were engaged in fundamental developments in the field of oil and gas geology and geophysics, drilling and development of oil and gas wells, oil refining and petrochemistry, thermal physics, and construction.

Over its history, the Grozny Oil Institute has trained more than 50 thousand specialists for various sectors of the country's national economy. Among the graduates of the institute are five Heroes of Socialist Labor, ministers of the petrochemical and oil refining industries of the USSR (V.S. Fedorov and S.N. Khadzhiev), ministers of the oil industry (N.A. Maltsev and L.D. Churilov), Minister of Geology of the RSFSR D L. Fedorov, head of the largest central office in the USSR, Glav Tyumenneftegaz, V. I. Muravlenko, academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Russian Academy of Sciences M. D. Millionshchikov, A. A. Dorodnitsyn, S. N. Khadzhiev, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR V. A. Selsky, laureates of the Lenin, Stalin, State Prizes, the Prize of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, etc. Today, former students of the Grozny Oil Company head large enterprises, joint-stock and other companies. Graduates of the Grozny Oil Institute can be found in every oil and gas region of the former USSR.

In the 1990s, almost the entire teaching staff of the institute left Chechnya, many institute staff and students disappeared or died. The institute's buildings were destroyed by federal aviation in February 1995.

According to the Federal Target Program, restoration of the institute's building complex began in 2007. In 2012, a new building of GGNTU was opened on Khrushchev Square.

Departments and their heads

  • Department of development and operation of oil and gas fields of the Grozny Oil Institute. For more than 36 years, the department was headed by Alexander Ivanovich Guzhov.
  • Department of Automation and Control. The department is headed by Doctor of Technical Sciences, Mintsaev Magomed Shavalovich.
  • Department of Philosophy - Head of the department - Professor, Doctor of Philosophy Nanaeva Baret Balaudinovna.
  • Department of Theoretical Mechanics. In 1934-1939 and 1941-1944. The department was headed by Shchelkachev, Vladimir Nikolaevich (1907-2005) - Russian scientist in the field of underground hydrodynamics, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, laureate of the USSR State Prize.

Faculties and institutes of GGNTU

  • Institute of Applied Information Technologies;
  • Institute of Oil and Gas;
  • Institute of Economics and Law;
  • Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel;
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering;
  • Faculty of Secondary Vocational Education

Institute today

Main entrance of the university

Currently, the material and technical base of the institute consists of buildings that meet the requirements and standards of the educational process, equipped with language laboratories, computer classes, and modern educational laboratories. All faculties of the institute have 30 laboratories and 15 computer classes. An information and computing center has been operating since 2006. The release of intra-university publications is carried out by the publishing and printing center of the institute. Building No. 1 of the institute is connected to the global Internet, access to which, thanks to a developed local network, is possible from almost any computer in the institute. By the end of 2007, it is planned to connect the Internet to the remaining buildings of the institute and introduce an automated document flow and educational process management system. The library of the institute is equipped with the necessary technical means for storing and issuing books. Today, the total book fund of the institute is about 250,000 copies.

The educational process at the university is carried out by about 550 teachers, including 15 doctors of science, 70 candidates of science, 30 professors, 75 associate professors. Of the 37 departments of the institute, 22 are graduate departments that train specialists in 32 specialties. About 6,500 students study at the institute, including over 3,500 full-time students. Over the past five years, the institute has graduated more than 3,000 specialists, of which 150 received diplomas with honors.

It is planned to create a technical university complex on the basis of the Grozny Oil Institute, which will include educational institutions of primary, secondary and postgraduate vocational education.

In 2012, construction of a new educational building was completed. Also in the 2000s, the construction of a student dormitory and the Sports Palace of the State State Scientific Research Institute named after the Hero of Russia was completed


Contact Information:

Company details:

Taxpayer Identification Number: 2020000531

Checkpoint: 201401001

OKPO: 45267841

OGRN: 1022002549580

OKFS: 12 - Federal property

OKOGU: 1322600 - Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation

OKOPF: 75103 - Federal state budgetary institutions

OKTMO: 96701000001

OKATO: 96401362



Main (according to OKVED code rev. 2): 85.22 - Higher education

Additional activities according to OKVED 2:

72.11 Research and development in biotechnology
72.19 Other scientific research and development in the field of natural and technical sciences
85.14 Secondary general education
85.21 Secondary professional education
85.30 Professional training
85.41 Additional education for children and adults
85.42 Additional professional education
85.42.9 Other activities for additional professional education, not included in other groups
93.11 Activities of sports facilities


She is or was in the past a founder of the following organizations:

Registration with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 020001000032

Registration date: 22.05.2003

Name of the PFR body: State institution - Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Zavodskoy district of Grozny

URG entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2092031004217


Registration with the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation:

Registration number: 200002058520001

Registration date: 16.02.2001

Name of the FSS body: State institution - regional branch of the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation for the Chechen Republic

URG entry into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 2082031044566

Date of entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities: 04.09.2008

According to dated October 18, 2019, according to the TIN, the company is in the register of operators processing personal data:

Registration number:

Date of entry of the operator into the register: 19.05.2010

Grounds for entering the operator into the register (order number): 309

Operator name: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Grozny State Petroleum Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov"

Operator location address: 364051, Chechen Republic, Grozny, Avenue named after Khusein Abubakarovich Isaev, 100

Start date of personal data processing: 12.12.2002

Subjects of the Russian Federation on whose territory personal data is processed: Chechen Republic

Purpose of processing personal data: processing of written requests from individuals, personnel and accounting, as well as processing related to the fulfillment of obligations and social guarantees according to the agreement between the employee and the employer, internal document flow of a legal entity, implementation of the main functions of the university in accordance with clause 1.8 of the Charter, reception and storage of applicants’ documents , providing an archive, providing intra-facility access control.

Description of the measures provided for in Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: When processing personal data, organizational and technical measures are applied, such as: compliance with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006. No. 152-FZ. Technical measures: assignment of personal passwords for each workplace, protection with anti-virus software, Kaspersky Endpoint Security, license agreement No. 642-2018. The security class of the information system has been established as 3. The security of personal data is monitored (analyzed), ensuring the integrity of the information system and personal data, ensuring the availability of personal data, protecting the information system, its facilities, communication and data transmission systems, identifying incidents that may lead to failures or disruption of the functioning of the information system and the emergence of threats to the security of personal data, and responding to them, managing the configuration of the information system and the personal data protection system. There is video surveillance and a 24-hour security post; lockable metal cabinets are installed to store personal files of employees and personal data of individuals.

Categories of personal data: surname, first name, patronymic, year of birth, month of birth, date of birth, place of birth, address, marital status, education, profession, INN, SNILS, photo, series, number, date and place of issue of passport, information about military registration, information about health insurance, information about academic degrees and titles, citizenship, information about health status that relates to the issue of the employee’s ability to perform labor functions.

Categories of subjects whose personal data is processed: students, teachers and other persons in labor relations with GGNTU named after. acad. M.D. Millionshchikova

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification, use, depersonalization, deletion, destruction

Processing of personal data: mixed, with transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for processing personal data: Art. 23, 24 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 86-90 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Art. Art. 2, 5, 6, 7, 9, 18-22 Federal Law "On Personal Data" dated July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, Charter of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "Grozny State Petroleum Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov" (approved on April 29 .2015), Regulations on the processing and protection of personal data at SSTU named after. acad. M.D. Millionshchikov dated November 30, 2017, license No. 1505 issued by the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science to carry out educational activities.

Brief information:

The organization "FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "GROZNY STATE PETROLEUM TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER ACADEMICIAN M. D. MILLIONSHIKOV" was registered on December 12, 2002 at the address 364051, CHECHEN RESP, GROZNY CITY, NAMED AFTER HUSSEIN ABUBAKAROVICH ISAEV PR-KT, BUILDING 100. The company was assigned OGRN 1022002549580 and issued TIN 2020000531. The main activity is higher education. The company is headed by MINTSAEV MAGOMED SHAVALOVICH.

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Grozny State Petroleum Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov
(FSBEI HPE "GGNTU named after academician M.D. Millionshchikov")
Former names

Grozny State Oil Institute

Year of foundation



Khasan Taimakhanov

The doctors
Legal address

364051, Chechen Republic, Grozny, pl. Ordzhonikidze, 100

Coordinates: 43°19′12″ n. w. /  45°41′43″ E. d. / 43.32; 45.6954 43.32° N. w. 45.6954° E. d.(G) (I)


K:Educational institutions founded in 1920

  • Notable teachers and alumni
  • Abramov, Nikolai Vartanovich (1930-2011) - Soviet and Russian manager, former general director of Sintezkauchuk JSC, honorary citizen of Tolyatti;
  • Buzinov, Mikhail Mikhailovich (1904-1983) - metro builder and oil worker, inventor of a rotating drilling rig (WDU) for straight-line inclined drilling of oil wells;
  • Dorodnitsyn, Anatoly Alekseevich (1910-1994) - mathematician, geophysicist and mechanic, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder and first director of the Computing Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin Prize and three times the State Prize of the USSR;
  • Kerimov, Ibragim Akhmedovich (1955) - geophysicist, surveyor, professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, member of the Presidium of the Russian Pugwash Committee under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the Grozny branch of the Pugwash Committee;
  • Magomadov, Mukhtar Marzabekovich (1939) - scientist, Doctor of Economics, professor, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, excellent student of education of the USSR, honored worker of science and technology of the Chechen-Ingush Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic;
  • Maltsev, Nikolai Alekseevich (1928-2001) - Minister of the Oil Industry of the USSR;
  • Millionshchikov, Mikhail Dmitrievich (1913-1973) - scientist, academician and vice-president of the USSR Academy of Sciences, statesman and public figure, organizer of science and international scientific cooperation, specialist in the field of aerohydrodynamics, applied physics and nuclear energy, Hero of Socialist Labor, Lenin laureate Prize and twice State Prize of the USSR;
  • Muravlenko, Viktor Ivanovich (1912-1977) - Soviet organizer of the oil and gas industry, head of the largest enterprise in the USSR oil industry, Glavtyumenneftegaz, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the Lenin and State Prizes;
  • Nikanorov, Anatoly Maksimovich (1935) - hydrogeologist, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation;
  • Sebiev, Ramzan Vakhaevich (1960) - boxer, master, honored master of sports of Russia, two-time champion of the USSR, two-time absolute champion of the USSR, silver medalist of the European Championship, bronze medalist of the World Cup, president of the First Glove club;
  • Selsky, Vladimir Aleksandrovich (1883-1951) - geophysicist and geologist, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR;
  • Taldai, Viktor Andreevich (1932-1997) - veteran and Honorary Worker of the gas industry, laureate of the USSR State Prize;
  • Timrot, Dmitry Lvovich (1902-1992) - Soviet physicist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, laureate of the Stalin Prize in 1950, founder of the Russian school of experimental thermophysics.
  • Fedorov, Viktor Stepanovich (1912-1990) - Soviet statesman, Chairman of the State Committee of the USSR Council of Ministers for Chemistry, Minister of the Chemical and Oil Refining Industry of the USSR;
  • Khadzhiev, Salambek Naibovich (1941) - businessman, politician, petrochemist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Minister of the Chemical and Petrochemical Industry of the USSR;
  • Churilov, Lev Dmitrievich (1935-2012) - Soviet statesman, Minister of Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR;
  • Shilo, Nikolai Alekseevich (1913-2008) - Russian Soviet geologist, director of the North-Eastern Complex Research Institute of the Far Eastern Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

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  • Guzhov A. I., Jafarov K. I., Simonyants L. E. 70 years of the Grozny Oil Institute // Oil Industry. − 1999. - No. 6. - P.60 - 62.

An excerpt characterizing the Grozny State Petroleum Technical University named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov

Napoleon nodded his head and walked away from him.

At half past five Napoleon rode on horseback to the village of Shevardin.
It was beginning to get light, the sky cleared, only one cloud lay in the east. Abandoned fires burned out in the weak morning light.
A thick, lonely cannon shot rang out to the right, rushed past and froze in the midst of general silence. Several minutes passed. A second, third shot rang out, the air began to vibrate; the fourth and fifth sounded close and solemnly somewhere to the right.
The first shots had not yet sounded when others were heard, again and again, merging and interrupting one another.
Napoleon rode up with his retinue to the Shevardinsky redoubt and dismounted from his horse. The game has begun.

Returning from Prince Andrey to Gorki, Pierre, having ordered the horseman to prepare the horses and wake him up early in the morning, immediately fell asleep behind the partition, in the corner that Boris had given him.
When Pierre fully woke up the next morning, there was no one in the hut. Glass rattled in the small windows. The bereitor stood pushing him away.
“Your Excellency, your Excellency, your Excellency...” the bereitor said stubbornly, without looking at Pierre and, apparently, having lost hope of waking him up, swinging him by the shoulder.
- What? Began? Is it time? - Pierre spoke, waking up.
“If you please hear the firing,” said the bereitor, a retired soldier, “all the gentlemen have already left, the most illustrious ones themselves have passed a long time ago.”
Pierre quickly got dressed and ran out onto the porch. It was clear, fresh, dewy and cheerful outside. The sun, having just broken out from behind the cloud that was obscuring it, splashed half-broken rays through the roofs of the opposite street, onto the dew-covered dust of the road, onto the walls of the houses, onto the windows of the fence and onto Pierre’s horses standing at the hut. The roar of the guns could be heard more clearly in the yard. An adjutant with a Cossack trotted down the street.
- It's time, Count, it's time! - shouted the adjutant.
Having ordered his horse to be led, Pierre walked down the street to the mound from which he had looked at the battlefield yesterday. On this mound there was a crowd of military men, and the French conversation of the staff could be heard, and the gray head of Kutuzov could be seen with his white cap with a red band and the gray back of his head, sunk into his shoulders. Kutuzov looked through the pipe ahead along the main road.
Entering the entrance steps to the mound, Pierre looked ahead of him and froze in admiration at the beauty of the spectacle. It was the same panorama that he had admired yesterday from this mound; but now this entire area was covered with troops and the smoke of gunfire, and the slanting rays of the bright sun, rising from behind, to the left of Pierre, threw upon it in the clear morning air a piercing light with a golden and pink tint and dark, long shadows. The distant forests that completed the panorama, as if carved from some precious yellow-green stone, were visible with their curved line of peaks on the horizon, and between them, behind Valuev, cut through the great Smolensk road, all covered with troops. Golden fields and copses glittered closer. Troops were visible everywhere - in front, right and left. It was all lively, majestic and unexpected; but what struck Pierre most of all was the view of the battlefield itself, Borodino and the ravine above Kolocheya on both sides of it.
Above Kolocha, in Borodino and on both sides of it, especially to the left, where in the marshy banks Voina flows into Kolocha, there was that fog that melts, blurs and shines through when the bright sun comes out and magically colors and outlines everything visible through it. This fog was joined by the smoke of shots, and through this fog and smoke the lightning of the morning light flashed everywhere - now on the water, now on the dew, now on the bayonets of the troops crowded along the banks and in Borodino. Through this fog one could see a white church, here and there the roofs of Borodin's huts, here and there solid masses of soldiers, here and there green boxes and cannons. And it all moved, or seemed to move, because fog and smoke stretched throughout this entire space. Both in this area of ​​the lowlands near Borodino, covered with fog, and outside it, above and especially to the left along the entire line, through forests, across fields, in the lowlands, on the tops of elevations, cannons, sometimes solitary, constantly appeared by themselves, out of nothing, sometimes huddled, sometimes rare, sometimes frequent clouds of smoke, which, swelling, growing, swirling, merging, were visible throughout this space.
These smokes of shots and, strange to say, their sounds produced the main beauty of the spectacle.
Puff! - suddenly a round, dense smoke was visible, playing with purple, gray and milky white colors, and boom! – the sound of this smoke was heard a second later.
“Poof poof” - two smokes rose, pushing and merging; and “boom boom” - the sounds confirmed what the eye saw.
Pierre looked back at the first smoke, which he left as a round dense ball, and already in its place there were balls of smoke stretching to the side, and poof... (with a stop) poof poof - three more, four more were born, and for each, with the same arrangements, boom... boom boom boom - beautiful, firm, true sounds answered. It seemed that these smokes were running, that they were standing, and forests, fields and shiny bayonets were running past them. On the left side, across the fields and bushes, these large smokes were constantly appearing with their solemn echoes, and closer still, in the valleys and forests, small gun smokes flared up, not having time to round off, and in the same way gave their little echoes. Tah ta ta tah - the guns crackled, although often, but incorrectly and poorly in comparison with gun shots.
Pierre wanted to be where these smokes were, these shiny bayonets and cannons, this movement, these sounds. He looked back at Kutuzov and his retinue to compare his impressions with others. Everyone was exactly like him, and, as it seemed to him, they were looking forward to the battlefield with the same feeling. All faces now shone with that hidden warmth (chaleur latente) of feeling that Pierre had noticed yesterday and which he understood completely after his conversation with Prince Andrei.
“Go, my dear, go, Christ is with you,” said Kutuzov, without taking his eyes off the battlefield, to the general standing next to him.
Having heard the order, this general walked past Pierre, towards the exit from the mound.
- To the crossing! – the general said coldly and sternly in response to one of the staff asking where he was going. “And I, and I,” thought Pierre and followed the general in the direction.
The general mounted the horse that the Cossack handed to him. Pierre approached his rider, who was holding the horses. Having asked which was quieter, Pierre climbed onto the horse, grabbed the mane, pressed the heels of his outstretched legs to the horse’s belly and, feeling that his glasses were falling off and that he was unable to take his hands off the mane and reins, galloped after the general, exciting the smiles of the staff, from the mound looking at him.

The general, whom Pierre was galloping after, went down the mountain, turned sharply to the left, and Pierre, having lost sight of him, galloped into the ranks of the infantry soldiers walking ahead of him. He tried to get out of them, now to the right, now to the left; but everywhere there were soldiers, with equally preoccupied faces, busy with some invisible, but obviously important matter. Everyone looked at this fat man in a white hat with the same dissatisfied, questioning look, who for some unknown reason was trampling them with his horse.
- Why is he driving in the middle of the battalion! – one shouted at him. Another pushed his horse with the butt, and Pierre, clinging to the bow and barely holding the darting horse, jumped out in front of the soldier, where there was more space.
There was a bridge ahead of him, and other soldiers stood at the bridge, shooting. Pierre drove up to them. Without knowing it, Pierre drove to the bridge over Kolocha, which was between Gorki and Borodino and which the French attacked in the first action of the battle (having occupied Borodino). Pierre saw that there was a bridge in front of him and that on both sides of the bridge and in the meadow, in those rows of lying hay that he had noticed yesterday, soldiers were doing something in the smoke; but, despite the incessant shooting that took place in this place, he did not think that this was the battlefield. He did not hear the sounds of bullets screaming from all sides, or shells flying over him, he did not see the enemy who was on the other side of the river, and for a long time he did not see the dead and wounded, although many fell not far from him. With a smile never leaving his face, he looked around him.
- Why is this guy driving in front of the line? – someone shouted at him again.
“Take it left, take it right,” they shouted to him. Pierre turned to the right and unexpectedly moved in with the adjutant of General Raevsky, whom he knew. This adjutant looked angrily at Pierre, obviously intending to shout at him too, but, recognizing him, nodded his head to him.
- How are you here? – he said and galloped on.
Pierre, feeling out of place and idle, afraid to interfere with someone again, galloped after the adjutant.
- This is here, what? Can I come with you? - he asked.
“Now, now,” answered the adjutant and, galloping up to the fat colonel standing in the meadow, he handed him something and then turned to Pierre.
– Why did you come here, Count? - he told him with a smile. -Are you all curious?
“Yes, yes,” said Pierre. But the adjutant, turning his horse, rode on.
“Thank God here,” said the adjutant, “but on Bagration’s left flank there is a terrible heat going on.”
- Really? – asked Pierre. - Where is this?
- Yes, come with me to the mound, we can see from us. “But our battery is still bearable,” said the adjutant. - Well, are you going?
“Yes, I’m with you,” said Pierre, looking around him and looking for his guard with his eyes. Here, only for the first time, Pierre saw the wounded, wandering on foot and carried on stretchers. In the same meadow with fragrant rows of hay through which he drove yesterday, across the rows, his head awkwardly turned, one soldier with a fallen shako lay motionless. - Why wasn’t this raised? - Pierre began; but, seeing the stern face of the adjutant, looking back in the same direction, he fell silent.
Pierre did not find his guard and, together with his adjutant, drove down the ravine to the Raevsky mound. Pierre's horse lagged behind the adjutant and shook him evenly.
“Apparently you’re not used to riding a horse, Count?” – asked the adjutant.
“No, nothing, but she’s jumping around a lot,” Pierre said in bewilderment.
“Eh!.. yes, she’s wounded,” said the adjutant, “right front, above the knee.” It must be a bullet. Congratulations, Count,” he said, “le bapteme de feu [baptism by fire].
Having driven through the smoke through the sixth corps, behind the artillery, which, pushed forward, was firing, deafening with its shots, they arrived at a small forest. The forest was cool, quiet and smelled of autumn. Pierre and the adjutant dismounted from their horses and entered the mountain on foot.
- Is the general here? – asked the adjutant, approaching the mound.
“We were there now, let’s go here,” they answered him, pointing to the right.
The adjutant looked back at Pierre, as if not knowing what to do with him now.
“Don’t worry,” said Pierre. – I’ll go to the mound, okay?
- Yes, go, you can see everything from there and it’s not so dangerous. And I'll pick you up.
Pierre went to the battery, and the adjutant went further. They did not see each other again, and much later Pierre learned that this adjutant’s arm was torn off that day.
The mound that Pierre entered was the famous one (later known among the Russians under the name of the kurgan battery, or Raevsky’s battery, and among the French under the name la grande redoute, la fatale redoute, la redoute du center [the great redoubt, the fatal redoubt, the central redoubt ] a place around which tens of thousands of people were positioned and which the French considered the most important point of the position.
This redoubt consisted of a mound on which ditches were dug on three sides. In a place dug in by ditches there were ten firing cannons, stuck out into the opening of the shafts.
There were cannons lined up with the mound on both sides, also firing incessantly. A little behind the guns stood the infantry troops. Entering this mound, Pierre did not think that this place, dug in with small ditches, on which several cannons stood and fired, was the most important place in the battle.
To Pierre, on the contrary, it seemed that this place (precisely because he was on it) was one of the most insignificant places of the battle.
Entering the mound, Pierre sat down at the end of the ditch surrounding the battery, and with an unconsciously joyful smile looked at what was happening around him. From time to time, Pierre still stood up with the same smile and, trying not to disturb the soldiers who were loading and rolling guns, constantly running past him with bags and charges, walked around the battery. The guns from this battery fired continuously one after another, deafening with their sounds and covering the entire area with gunpowder smoke.

About the university

The Grozny State Oil Institute named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov is a unique educational institution: it is the oldest specialized oil university not only in our country, but also in the world.
Founded in 1920 as the Higher Petroleum College consisting of eight departments, two of which were higher. The first graduation of engineers took place in 1925. In 1929, the educational institution acquired the status of a university of union significance. In 1973, the institute was named after its outstanding graduate, Academician M.D. Millionshchikov - Hero of Socialist Labor, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Vice-President of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Chairman of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, Chairman of the Council of Nationalities, head of the committee of the international Pagoush movement, laureate of Lenin and two USSR State Prizes.
By the mid-80s. The scientific, pedagogical and material-technical potential of the institute allowed training in almost all specialties of the technological cycle of oil and gas production. The university is forming its own scientific schools, known not only in the country, but also abroad. Institute scientists became the authors of fundamental developments in the field of oil and gas geology and geophysics, drilling and development of oil and gas wells, oil refining and petrochemistry, thermal physics, and construction.
Over its history, the Grozny Oil Institute has trained more than 50 thousand specialists for various sectors of the country's national economy. Among the graduates of the institute are five Heroes of Socialist Labor, ministers of the petrochemical and oil refining industry of the USSR - V. S. Fedorov and S. N. Khadzhiev, ministers of the oil industry - N. A. Maltsev and L. D. Churilov, Minister of Geology of the RSFSR - D. L. Fedorov, head of the largest central department in the USSR "Glav Tyumenneftegaz" - V. I. Muravlenko, academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences - M. D. Millionshchikov and A. A. Dorodnitsyn, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR - V. A. Selsky, laureates of the Lenin, Stalin, State prizes, prizes of the Council of Ministers of the USSR, etc. Today, former students of the Grozny Oil Company are heads of large state-owned enterprises, various joint-stock and other companies. Graduates of the Grozny Oil Institute can be found in every oil and gas region of the former USSR.
Currently, the material and technical base of the institute consists of buildings that meet the requirements and standards of the educational process, equipped with language labs, computer classes, and modern educational laboratories. All faculties of the institute have 30 laboratories and 15 computer classes. Since 2006, the university has had an information and computing center. The release of intra-university publications is carried out by the publishing and printing center of the institute. Building No. 1 of the institute is connected to the global Internet, access to which, thanks to a developed local network, is possible from almost any computer in the institute. By the end of 2007, it is planned to connect the Internet to the remaining buildings of the institute and introduce an automated document flow and educational process management system. The library of the institute is equipped with the necessary technical means for storing and issuing books. Today, the total book fund of the institute is about 250,000 copies.
The educational process at the university is carried out by about 550 teachers, including 15 doctors of science, 70 candidates of science, 30 professors, 75 associate professors. Of the 37 departments of the institute, 22 are graduate departments that train specialists in 32 specialties. About 6,500 students study at the institute, including over 3,500 full-time students. Over the past five years, the institute has graduated more than 3,000 specialists, of which 150 received diplomas with honors.
By 2010, on the basis of the Grozny State Petroleum Institute named after Academician M.D. Millionshchikov, it is planned to create a technical university complex, including educational institutions of primary, secondary and postgraduate vocational education. At the end of 2007, construction of a new academic building will begin, design and estimate documentation has been prepared for the construction of a student dormitory, a sports palace and a residential building for teachers and staff.
In 1945, the institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor.
