Traditional selection of microorganisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) is based on experimental mutagenesis and selection of the most productive strains. But here too there are some peculiarities. Traditional selection of microorganisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) is based on experimental mutagenesis and selection of the most productive strains. But here too there are some peculiarities. The bacterial genome is haploid; any mutations appear already in the first generation. Although the probability of a natural mutation occurring in microorganisms is the same as in all other organisms (1 mutation per 1 million individuals for each gene), the very high intensity of reproduction makes it possible to find a useful mutation for the gene of interest to the researcher.

As a result of artificial mutagenesis and selection, the productivity of penicillium fungus strains was increased by more than 1000 times. As a result of artificial mutagenesis and selection, the productivity of penicillium fungus strains was increased by more than 1000 times. Products of the microbiological industry are used in baking, brewing, winemaking, and the preparation of many dairy products. With the help of the microbiological industry, antibiotics, amino acids, proteins, hormones, various enzymes, vitamins and much more are produced.

Microorganisms are used for biological wastewater treatment and soil quality improvement. Currently, methods have been developed for the production of manganese, copper, and chromium by developing waste dumps of old mines using bacteria, where conventional mining methods are not economically viable. Microorganisms are used for biological wastewater treatment and soil quality improvement. Currently, methods have been developed for the production of manganese, copper, and chromium by developing waste dumps of old mines using bacteria, where conventional mining methods are not economically viable.

Biotechnology The use of living organisms and their biological processes in the production of substances necessary for humans. The objects of biotechnology are bacteria, fungi, cells of plant and animal tissues. They are grown on nutrient media in special bioreactors.

The latest methods of selection of microorganisms, plants and animals are cellular, chromosomal and genetic engineering. The latest methods of selection of microorganisms, plants and animals are cellular, chromosomal and genetic engineering.

Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is a set of techniques that make it possible to isolate the desired gene from the genome of one organism and introduce it into the genome of another organism. Plants and animals in whose genome “foreign” genes are introduced are called transgenic, bacteria and fungi are called transformed. A traditional target of genetic engineering is Escherichia coli, a bacterium that lives in the human intestine. It is with its help that growth hormone is obtained - somatotropin, the hormone insulin, which was previously obtained from the pancreas of cows and pigs, and the protein interferon, which helps cope with viral infection.

The process of creating transformed bacteria includes the following stages: Restriction - “cutting out” the desired genes. It is carried out using special “genetic scissors”, restriction enzymes. Creation of a vector - a special genetic construct in which the intended gene will be introduced into the genome of another cell. The basis for creating a vector are plasmids. The gene is fused into the plasmid using another group of enzymes - ligases. The vector must contain everything necessary to control the operation of this gene - a promoter, terminator, operator gene and regulator gene, as well as marker genes that give the recipient cell new properties that make it possible to distinguish this cell from the original cells. Transformation is the introduction of a vector into a bacterium. Screening is the selection of those bacteria in which the introduced genes work successfully. Cloning of transformed bacteria.

Eukaryotic genes, unlike prokaryotic genes, have a mosaic structure (exons, introns). Eukaryotic genes, unlike prokaryotic genes, have a mosaic structure (exons, introns). In bacterial cells there is no processing, and translation in time and space is not separated from transcription. In this regard, it is more effective to use artificially synthesized genes for transplantation.

Chromosomal engineering Chromosomal engineering is a set of techniques that allow manipulation of chromosomes. One group of methods is based on the introduction into the genotype of a plant organism of a pair of foreign homologous chromosomes that control the development of the desired characteristics (augmented lines), or the replacement of one pair of homologous chromosomes with another (replaced lines). In the substituted and supplemented lines obtained in this way, traits are collected that bring the plants closer to the “ideal variety.”

The haploid method is based on growing haploid plants and then doubling the chromosomes. The haploid method is based on growing haploid plants and then doubling the chromosomes. For example, haploid plants containing 10 chromosomes (n = 10) are grown from corn pollen grains, then the chromosomes are doubled to produce diploid (n = 20), fully homozygous plants in just 2–3 years instead of 6–8 years of inbreeding. This also includes the method of obtaining polyploid plants.

Cellular engineering Cellular engineering is the construction of a new type of cells based on their cultivation, hybridization and reconstruction. Cells of plants and animals, placed in nutrient media containing all the substances necessary for life, are able to divide, forming cell cultures. Plant cells also have the property of totipotency, that is, under certain conditions they are able to form a full-fledged plant. Therefore, it is possible to propagate plants in test tubes by placing the cells in specific nutrient media. This is especially true for rare or valuable plants.

With the help of cell cultures, it is possible to obtain valuable biologically active substances (ginseng cell culture). With the help of cell cultures, it is possible to obtain valuable biologically active substances (ginseng cell culture). Obtaining and studying hybrid cells makes it possible to solve many questions of theoretical biology (mechanisms of cell differentiation, cell reproduction, etc.). Cells obtained as a result of the fusion of protoplasts of somatic cells belonging to different species (potato and tomato, apple and cherry, etc.) are the basis for the creation of new forms of plants. In biotechnology, hybridomas, a hybrid of lymphocytes with cancer cells, are used to produce monoclonal antibodies. Hybridomas produce antibodies, like lymphocytes, and have the ability to reproduce unlimitedly in culture, like cancer cells.

The method of transplanting somatic cell nuclei into eggs makes it possible to obtain a genetic copy of an animal, that is, it makes cloning of animals possible. Currently, cloned frogs have been obtained, and the first results of cloning mammals have been obtained. The method of transplanting somatic cell nuclei into eggs makes it possible to obtain a genetic copy of an animal, that is, it makes cloning of animals possible. Currently, cloned frogs have been obtained, and the first results of cloning mammals have been obtained.

The work can be used for lessons and reports on the subject "Biology"

Ready-made presentations on biology contain various information about cells and the structure of the entire organism, about DNA and about the history of human evolution. In this section of our website you can download ready-made presentations for a biology lesson for grades 6,7,8,9,10,11. Biology presentations will be useful for both teachers and their students.

  • Repeat the material and check students’ knowledge on the topic “animal selection”
  • To form in students an idea of ​​the basic methods of breeding work with microorganisms.
  • To teach how to substantiate the importance of the method of artificial mutagenesis for the process of breeding new strains of microorganisms.
  • Introduce the main areas of biotechnology.
  • Convince students that biotechnology is a harmonious combination of modern scientific knowledge and practical activities aimed at optimally solving national economic problems and tasks.
  • To continue the development of cognitive interest among high school students in studying the problems of modern selection.

During the classes:

I. Organizing time

II. Updating of reference knowledge

III. Learning a new topic

IV. Reinforcing the material learned

V. Homework










  • By what method of selection were these animals obtained?
  • What signs are they characterized by?
  • What is the disadvantage of these hybrids?
  • Hinny = donkey x stallion
  • Bester = beluga x sterlet
  • Mule = mare x donkey
  • Honorik = ferret x mink
  • Arharomerinos = argali x sheep
  • Liger = lion + tiger
  • Turkey = turkey + duck
  • Kama = llama + camel
  • Zebroid = zebra + pony (horse, donkey)

  • WHO IS THE ancestor of the various cow breeds?
  • WHO IS THE ancestor of the various horse breeds?

  • WHO IS THE ancestor of the various pig breeds?
  • WHO IS THE ancestor of the various sheep breeds?


15. Turkeys

17. Ostriches

  • Cows
  • deer
  • Pigs
  • buffalos
  • Horses
  • Rabbits
  • Nutrium

Read the text and point out errors

  • In 1973 N.I. Vavilov, using the method of self-pollination, developed a fine-wool variety of sheep, from which Academician Tsitsin later created a pure line using the method of heterosis.

The population size of any species of living organisms remains at approximately the same level because they are subject to limiting factors.



Food Resources

Breeding agricultural animals and plants, production of canned food and other food products

Territorial resources

Construction of multi-storey buildings

Medicines, vaccines, surgery

Climatic conditions

Seasonal clothing, heated room

Birth control

Special tools and other features



New Paleolithic

for 170,000 years

Hunting and gathering

for 15,000 years

After the beginning of our era

Since 1830




In 1980, there were 4.5 billion people on Earth, from whom 80 million children are born annually.

Currently there are 6 billion people on the planet.

The Earth will not feed 10 billion people, and the question of population regulation will arise!

To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to satisfy the increasing needs of people for food.

The science of using living organisms, their biological characteristics, as well as vital processes in the production of substances necessary for humans

Microorganisms are a group of prokaryotic and eukaryotic single-celled organisms.

The science that studies microorganisms is microbiology.




Blue-green algae

Microorganisms are tiny organisms that can only be seen under a microscope.

  • 1 MUSHROOMS - seborrhea, scab, ringworm
  • 2 PROTOZOOS - dysentery, toxoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, giardiasis, malaria, trichomoniasis, etc.
  • BACTERIA - botulism, anthrax, tuberculosis, cholera, diphtheria, typhoid, plague, syphilis, tetanus, etc.
  • VIRUSES - influenza, hepatitis, AIDS, encephalitis, yellow fever, smallpox, measles, rabies, paleomelitis, acute respiratory infections, foot and mouth disease, etc.

Features of microorganisms

1. Ubiquitous

2. High growth and reproduction rates

3. High degree of survival in conditions that are unsuitable for life of other organisms (t = 70-105 C, radiation, NaCl = 25-30%, drying, lack of oxygen, t = (-), etc.

4. Methods of nutrition: autotrophs (photo- and chemo-), heterotrophs (decompose all types of organic substances, unnatural compounds, nitrates, hydrogen sulfide and other toxic substances)

5. Incredible productivity. For example: a cow weighing 500 kg. per day forms 0.5 kg. protein, and 500 kg of soybean plants produce 5 kg in the same period. protein, the same mass of yeast is capable of producing 50 tons of protein in a bioreactor per day, which is 100 times greater than their own mass and equal to the mass of 5 adult elephants).

6. The extreme adaptability of microbes makes it possible to select them easily and quickly. It takes hundreds of years to breed an animal breed or a plant variety, but to breed a microorganism strain it takes several years.

Use of microorganisms

Obtaining synthetic vaccines

Development of new methods of food processing and storage using microorganisms

Production of feed proteins

For pets

Obtaining organic acids, using enzymes in detergents, creating adhesives, fibers, gelatinizing agents, thickeners, flavors, etc.

Removing sulfur-containing compounds from coal

Ore leaching

Use of microorganisms in the oil industry

The use of enzyme preparations to improve diagnostics, create new drugs and therapeutic agents. Microbiological synthesis of enzymes, antibiotics, interferon, hormones (insulin, somatotropin, etc.)

Improving methods for processing industrial and household waste

Use of cell technology in agriculture

Obtaining bacterial fertilizers

Features of microorganism selection

The breeder has an unlimited amount of material to work with: in a matter of days, billions of cells can be grown in Petri dishes or test tubes on nutrient media;

More efficient use of the mutation process, since the genome of microorganisms is haploid, which makes it possible to identify any mutations already in the first generation;

Simplicity of the genetic organization of bacteria: a significantly smaller number of genes, their genetic regulation is simpler, gene interactions are simple or absent.

Selection of microorganisms

Traditional methods

Latest methods



Selection by productivity

Genetic Engineering

Based on isolating the desired gene from the genome of one organism and introducing it into the genome of another

Artificial gene synthesis and introduction into the bacterial genome

Experimental mutagenesis is the effect on the body of various

mutagens, in order to produce mutations (chemicals and radiation)

For example:

  • A strain of the penicillium fungus has increased its productivity 1000 times.
  • The strain that produces the amino acid is 300 times.

But the possibilities of traditional selection are limited.

Advances in sciences such as molecular biology and genetics in the study of microorganisms, as well as the growing needs for the practical use of microbial products, have led to the creation of new methods for the targeted and controlled production of microorganisms with desired properties

  • Study the text of the paragraph.
  • Compose a Chinaword using the terms of paragraphs 34 - 37.

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Slide captions:

Basic breeding methods and biotechnology

Selection is the science of developing new and improving existing varieties of plants, animal breeds and strains of microorganisms with properties necessary for humans. Variety, breed, strain - a population of organisms artificially created by man (gene pool, physical and morphological characteristics).

1. Selection 2. Hybridization 3. Mutagenesis 4. Cellular engineering 5. Genetic engineering Basic methods of selection

Selection 1. Methodical selection (certain characteristics) 2. Mass selection (desired characteristics) 3. Individual selection (individuals with valuable qualities) A ​​pure line is a group of genetically homogeneous organisms.

Hybridization 1. Closely related (inbreeding) - the degree of homozygosity of organisms increases 2. Unrelated (outbreeding): intraspecific, distant - heterozygous organisms. New organisms are superior to their parent forms - the heterosis effect

Genetic engineering is the targeted transfer of desired genes from one species to another

Cellular engineering is the cultivation of individual tissues and cells on artificial nutrient media

Belgian Blue

Farm animals reproduce only sexually The offspring obtained from one pair of producers is small The selection value of each individual is high Peculiarities of animal breeding

Domestication Selection Hybridization Basic methods of animal selection:

Domestication Man unconsciously/purposefully selects animals with certain qualities that are important for humans in specific natural and economic conditions.

The main directions of animal selection 1. high productivity 2. adaptability to natural areas 3. increasing quality indicators of productivity (fat and milk content, meat, fur and wool) 4. reducing economic costs due to intensive breeds 5. increasing resistance to diseases

Hybridization and individual selection Mass selection is not used due to the small number of individuals

The largest cat, Hercules, is a mixture of a lion and a tigress. Weight 418 kg, length 3.3 m, weight 1.8 m

Bester is a cross between beluga and sterlet, which produces very tasty black caviar

Artificial insemination - the introduction of sperm obtained from high-value males into the reproductive tract of a female for the purpose of fertilization Polyembryonic hybridization - the artificial formation of several embryos from one zygote with their subsequent introduction into the uterus of outbred animals

Genetic cloning

Scientists-breeders and their achievements Methods used to obtain the necessary characteristics Varieties or breeds obtained by the scientist Homework: paragraphs 64 – 65 Fill out the table using the text of paragraph 65

4 The main link of the biotechnological process is a biological object capable of carrying out a certain modification of the feedstock and forming one or another necessary product. Such biotechnology objects can include cells of microorganisms, animals and plants, transgenic animals and plants, fungi, as well as multicomponent enzyme systems of cells and individual enzymes. The basis of most modern biotechnological production is microbial synthesis, i.e. the synthesis of various biologically active substances with the help of microorganisms. Unfortunately, objects of plant and animal origin, for a number of reasons, have not yet found such widespread use. Therefore, in the future it is advisable to consider microorganisms as the main objects of biotechnology.

1 Microorganisms are the main objects of biotechnology. Currently, more than 100 thousand different types of microorganisms are known. These are primarily bacteria, actinomycetes, and cyanobacteria. With such a wide variety of microorganisms, a very important and often difficult problem is the correct choice of exactly the organism that is capable of providing the required product, i.e. serve industrial purposes. 5

Many biotechnological processes use a limited number of microorganisms that are classified as GRAS (generally recognized as safe). Such microorganisms include the bacteria Basillus subtilis, Basillus amyloliquefaciens, other types of bacilli and lactobacilli, and Streptomyces species. This also includes species of fungi Aspergillus, Penicillium, Mucor, Rhizopus, yeast Saccharomyces, etc. GRAS microorganisms are non-pathogenic, non-toxic and generally do not form antibiotics, therefore, when developing a new biotechnological process, one should focus on these microorganisms as the basic objects of biotechnology. 6

The microbiology industry currently uses thousands of strains of microorganisms that have been initially isolated from natural sources based on their beneficial properties and then improved through various methods. In connection with the expansion of production and the range of products, more and more representatives of the world of microbes are involved in the microbiological industry. It should be noted that in the foreseeable future, none of them will be studied to the same extent as E. coli and Bac. subtilis. The reason for this is the enormous labor intensity and high cost of this type of research. 7

Consequently, the problem arises of developing a research strategy and tactics that would allow, with a reasonable amount of labor, to extract from the potential of new microorganisms all that is most valuable when creating industrially important producer strains suitable for use in biotechnological processes. The classical approach is to isolate the desired microorganism from natural conditions. From the natural habitats of the putative producer, samples of material are taken (material samples are taken) and inoculated in a selective environment that ensures the preferential development of the microorganism of interest, i.e. receive so-called enrichment cultures. 8

The next step is the isolation of a pure culture with further study of the isolated microorganism and, if necessary, an approximate determination of its production ability. There is another way to select producer microorganisms - this is to select the desired species from the available collections of well-studied and thoroughly characterized microorganisms. This, of course, eliminates the need to perform a number of labor-intensive operations. 9

The main criterion when choosing a biotechnological object is the ability to synthesize the target product. However, in addition to this, the technology of the process itself may contain additional requirements, which are sometimes very, very important, not to say decisive. In general, microorganisms must have a high growth rate, utilize cheap substrates necessary for their life, and be resident to foreign microflora, i.e., have high competitiveness. All of the above provides a significant reduction in the cost of producing the target product. 10

Let us give some examples that prove the role of microorganisms as objects of biotechnology: 1. Single-celled organisms, as a rule, are characterized by higher rates of growth and synthetic processes than higher organisms. However, this is not characteristic of all microorganisms. Some of them grow extremely slowly, but are of particular interest because they are capable of producing various very valuable substances. eleven

2. Of particular interest as objects of biotechnological development are photosynthetic microorganisms that use the energy of sunlight in their life activities. Some of them (cyanobacteria and photosynthetic eukaryotes) utilize CO 2 as a carbon source, and some representatives of cyanobacteria, in addition to all of the above, have the ability to assimilate atmospheric nitrogen (i.e., they are extremely unpretentious to nutrients). Photosynthetic microorganisms are promising as producers of ammonia, hydrogen, protein and a number of organic compounds. However, progress in their use, due to limited fundamental knowledge about their genetic organization and molecular biological mechanisms of life, apparently should not be expected in the near future. 12

3. Some attention is paid to such biotechnology objects as thermophilic microorganisms growing at °C. This property is an almost insurmountable obstacle to the development of foreign microflora during relatively non-sterile cultivation, i.e. provides reliable protection against contamination. Producers of alcohols, amino acids, enzymes, and molecular hydrogen were found among thermophiles. In addition, their growth rate and metabolic activity are 1.5-2 times higher than that of mesophiles. Enzymes synthesized by thermophiles are characterized by increased resistance to heat, some oxidizing agents, detergents, organic solvents and other unfavorable factors. At the same time, they are little active at ordinary temperatures. 13

Thus, the proteases of one of the representatives of thermophilic microorganisms are 100 times less active at 20 °C than at 75 °C. The latter is a very important property for some industrial production. For example, the enzyme Tag polymerase from the thermophilic bacterium Thermus aquaticus has found wide application in genetic engineering. It was previously mentioned about another very significant property of these organisms, namely, that when they are cultivated, the temperature of the environment in which they reside significantly exceeds the ambient temperature. This high temperature difference ensures rapid and efficient heat exchange, allowing the use of biological reactors without bulky cooling devices. And the latter, in turn, facilitates mixing, aeration, and defoaming, which together significantly reduces the cost of the process. 14

2 Isolation and selection of microorganisms An integral component in the process of creating the most valuable and active producers, i.e. When selecting objects in biotechnology, their selection is important. The main way of selection is the conscious design of genomes at each stage of selection of the desired producer. This situation could not always be realized due to the lack of effective methods for changing the genomes of selected organisms. In the development of microbial technologies, methods based on the selection of spontaneously occurring modified variants characterized by the desired useful traits have played an important role. 15

With such methods, stepwise selection is usually used: at each stage of selection, the most active variants (spontaneous mutants) are selected from the population of microorganisms, from which new, more effective strains are selected at the next stage, and so on. Despite the obvious limitations of this method, which consists in the low frequency of occurrence of mutants, it is too early to consider its capabilities to be completely exhausted. 16

The process of selection of the most effective producers is significantly accelerated when using the method of induced mutagenesis. UV, X-ray and gamma radiation, certain chemicals, etc. are used as mutagenic effects. However, this technique is also not without drawbacks, the main of which is its labor intensity and lack of information about the nature of the changes, since the experimenter selects according to the final result. 17

For example, the body's resistance to heavy metal ions may be associated with suppression of the system for the absorption of these cations by the bacterial cell, activation of the process of removing cations from the cell, or restructuring of the system (systems) that is subject to the inhibitory effect of the cation in the cell. Naturally, knowledge of the mechanisms for increasing sustainability will make it possible to carry out targeted influence in order to obtain the final result in a shorter time, as well as to select options that are better suited to specific production conditions. The use of the listed approaches in combination with classical selection techniques is the essence of modern selection of producing microorganisms. 18

For example, the body's resistance to heavy metal ions may be associated with suppression of the system for the absorption of these cations by the bacterial cell, activation of the process of removing cations from the cell, or restructuring of the system (systems) that is subject to the inhibitory effect of the cation in the cell. Naturally, knowledge of the mechanisms for increasing sustainability will make it possible to carry out targeted influence in order to obtain the final result in a shorter time, as well as to select options that are better suited to specific production conditions. The use of the listed approaches in combination with classical selection techniques is the essence of modern selection of producing microorganisms. 19

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2 slide

Traditional selection of microorganisms (mainly bacteria and fungi) is based on experimental mutagenesis and selection of the most productive strains. But here too there are some peculiarities. The bacterial genome is haploid; any mutations appear already in the first generation. Although the probability of a natural mutation occurring in microorganisms is the same as in all other organisms (1 mutation per 1 million individuals for each gene), the very high intensity of reproduction makes it possible to find a useful mutation for the gene of interest to the researcher.

3 slide

As a result of artificial mutagenesis and selection, the productivity of penicillium fungus strains was increased by more than 1000 times. Products of the microbiological industry are used in baking, brewing, winemaking, and the preparation of many dairy products. With the help of the microbiological industry, antibiotics, amino acids, proteins, hormones, various enzymes, vitamins and much more are produced.

4 slide

Microorganisms are used for biological wastewater treatment and soil quality improvement. Currently, methods have been developed for the production of manganese, copper, and chromium by developing waste dumps of old mines using bacteria, where conventional mining methods are not economically viable.

5 slide

Biotechnology The use of living organisms and their biological processes in the production of substances necessary for humans. The objects of biotechnology are bacteria, fungi, cells of plant and animal tissues. They are grown on nutrient media in special bioreactors.

6 slide

7 slide

The latest methods of selection of microorganisms, plants and animals are cellular, chromosomal and genetic engineering.

8 slide

Genetic engineering Genetic engineering is a set of techniques that make it possible to isolate the desired gene from the genome of one organism and introduce it into the genome of another organism. Plants and animals in whose genome “foreign” genes are introduced are called transgenic, bacteria and fungi are called transformed. A traditional target of genetic engineering is Escherichia coli, a bacterium that lives in the human intestine. It is with its help that growth hormone is obtained - somatotropin, the hormone insulin, which was previously obtained from the pancreas of cows and pigs, and the protein interferon, which helps cope with viral infection.

Slide 9

The process of creating transformed bacteria includes the following stages: Restriction - “cutting out” the desired genes. It is carried out using special “genetic scissors”, restriction enzymes. Creation of a vector - a special genetic construct in which the intended gene will be introduced into the genome of another cell. The basis for creating a vector are plasmids. The gene is fused into the plasmid using another group of enzymes - ligases. The vector must contain everything necessary to control the operation of this gene - a promoter, terminator, operator gene and regulator gene, as well as marker genes that give the recipient cell new properties that make it possible to distinguish this cell from the original cells. Transformation is the introduction of a vector into a bacterium. Screening is the selection of those bacteria in which the introduced genes work successfully. Cloning of transformed bacteria.

10 slide

Formation of recombinant plasmids: 1 - cell with the original plasmid 2 - isolated plasmid 3 - creation of a vector 4 - recombinant plasmid (vector) 5 - cell with a recombinant plasmid

11 slide

Eukaryotic genes, unlike prokaryotic genes, have a mosaic structure (exons, introns). In bacterial cells there is no processing, and translation in time and space is not separated from transcription. In this regard, it is more effective to use artificially synthesized genes for transplantation. The template for this synthesis is mRNA. With the help of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, a DNA strand is first synthesized from this mRNA. Then the second strand is completed on it using DNA polymerase.

12 slide

Chromosomal engineering Chromosomal engineering is a set of techniques that allow manipulation of chromosomes. One group of methods is based on the introduction into the genotype of a plant organism of a pair of foreign homologous chromosomes that control the development of the desired characteristics (augmented lines), or the replacement of one pair of homologous chromosomes with another (replaced lines). In the substituted and supplemented lines obtained in this way, traits are collected that bring the plants closer to the “ideal variety.”

Slide 13

The haploid method is based on growing haploid plants and then doubling the chromosomes. For example, haploid plants containing 10 chromosomes (n = 10) are grown from corn pollen grains, then the chromosomes are doubled to produce diploid (n = 20), fully homozygous plants in just 2–3 years instead of 6–8 years of inbreeding. This also includes the method of obtaining polyploid plants.
