As a manuscript


Specialty 06.01.04 - agrochemistry

Barnaul - 2007

The work was carried out at the Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Altai State Agrarian University" at the Department of Soil Science and Agrochemistry and the Federal State Institution Center for Agrochemical Service "Kemerovsky".

Scientific adviser: Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation,

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Burlakova Lidia Makarovna

Official opponents: Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,

Professor Antonova Olga Ivanovna

Leading organization: FGOU VPO "Kemerovo State

agricultural institute"

The dissertation defense will take place on March 1, 2007 at 9 o'clock. 00 min. at a meeting of the dissertation council D.220.002.01 at the Altai State Agrarian University at the address: 656049, Barnaul, Krasnoarmeisky Ave., 98

The dissertation can be found in the library of FGOU VPO "Altai State Agrarian University"

Scientific Secretary of the Dissertation Council Doctor of Biological Sciences,

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences Shogg Petr Reingoldovich


V.A. Loose

Relevance of the topic. In agriculture of the Kemerovo region, as a result of intensive land use, humus reserves are declining. Over the past two decades, there has been a negative balance of humus and nutrients in arable soils. The annual demand for organic fertilizers is about 3 million tons. It is currently impossible to satisfy it at the expense of traditional forms of organic matter.

The sources of obtaining additional organic matter as fertilizers for agriculture in the region are: oxidized brown coals of the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin, oxidized coals of Kuzbass; coal-containing wastes of flotation coal enrichment. Oxidized coals have a wide range of macro- and microelements, are a pantry of organic matter containing a large amount of humic acids, which are similar in composition to soil ones.

Oxidized in seams, brown and hard coals are practically not used in the national economy as fuel or raw material for other industries, and when coal is mined in an open way, they end up in dumps along with overburden. At the Kuzbass open pits, the volumes of oxidized coal entering the dumps amount to tens of millions of tons annually. When coal is enriched, a large amount of coal-containing waste is generated. The annual output of flotation (wet) coal enrichment waste in Kuzbass is millions of tons. They are stored in tailings, where they are oxidized under atmospheric conditions, and are currently practically not used.

The placement of oxidized coal and coal waste is a serious problem for Kuzbass. Oxidized coal, stored in dumps, burns, causing atmospheric pollution, hundreds of hectares of fertile land are used for coal waste. Oxidized coals contain up to 70% organic matter, including flotation waste 20-60%, the content of CaO and K2O in them reaches 30-40% of the mineral part. They are a good sorbent, have an alkaline reaction (pH-7.3-7.6). Due to these properties, oxidized coals can be used as fertilizers.

Therefore, studies on the use of oxidized coal as fertilizers, crops in the Kemerovo region are of particular relevance.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, on the basis of comprehensive studies, the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for agricultural crops in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region has been substantiated. The optimal doses of the introduction of oxidized coals for obtaining a crop with compliance of its quality with product safety standards have been established. The influence of oxidized coals on the consumption of nutrients and heavy metals by spring wheat was determined

Approbation. The main provisions of the work were reported and discussed at regional and district agronomic meetings from 1985 to 2006: at the All-Union scientific and practical conference "Socio-economic problems of achieving a radical change in the efficiency of the development of the productive forces of Kuzbass" (Kemerovo, 1989), the All-Union scientific and technical conferences<<:Экологические проблемы угольной промышленности Кузбасса» (Междуреченск, 1989), межрегиональной научно-практической конференции «Агрохимия: наука и производство»

(Kemerovo, 2004), scientific and practical conferences "Trends and factors in the development of the agro-industrial complex of Siberia" (Kemerovo, 2005; 2006), meetings of specialists of the agrochemical service of Russia.

Protected provisions:

1. The use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer improves the supply of soil with mobile nutrients.

2. Fertilization of grain crops and potatoes with oxidized coal increases the yield and quality of products.

3. The use of oxidized coal in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region is energetically and economically beneficial.

1. Use of oxidized coals as fertilizer for crops

The first chapter is devoted to a review of domestic and foreign literature on the problem under study. Data are given on the reserves of oxidized brown coal, including those in the Kemerovo region. It is concluded that in the literature there are different opinions of researchers about the nature of the action of carbonaceous rocks on soil processes and higher plants as growth stimulants, sources of nutrients and soil ameliorants. It is noted that in the Kemerovo region there are no comprehensive studies on the use of oxidized coal as fertilizers for agricultural crops.

2. Conditions, objects and methods of research

The objects of the study were oxidized brown coal and coal enrichment waste (coal waste) as a fertilizer.

grain crops and potatoes in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region. The material for the study was the data of field experiments (1983-1984 and 2002-2004), conducted personally by the author. The methodology of the work was systematically considered at meetings of the scientific and technical council of the agrochemical service center. Tests of the studied carbonaceous rocks as fertilizers were carried out with cereals (spring: barley, wheat and oats) and potatoes. The experiments were carried out at the state farm "Andreevsky" of the Kemerovo region in 1983-1984, at the agricultural firm "Tisul" of the Tisul region and at the CJSC "Beregovoy" of the Kemerovo region in 2002-2004. Field experiments were carried out according to various schemes. Agrotechnics of cultivation of the studied crops is generally accepted in the Kemerovo region. In the dissected forest-steppe of the Kemerovo region (state farm "Andreevsky"), coal waste was used on gray forest heavy loamy slightly washed away soils. The effectiveness of different doses of coal waste was studied both in pure form and against the background of mineral fertilizer - No. K at 60 kg of AI/ha. Coal waste and mineral fertilizers, except for nitrogen fertilizers, were scattered under the autumn plowing.

In the "island" forest-steppe (agrofirm "Tisul") on leached medium-thick, medium-humus heavy loamy chernozems, the effectiveness of different doses of pre-sowing application of oxidized brown coal and against the background of nitrogen mineral fertilizers was studied. In the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk Basin, on the fields of CJSC "Beregovoi", on leached medium-thick, medium-humus, heavy loamy chernozems, oxidized brown coal was introduced in the spring simultaneously with tillage.

In soils, the content of mobile phosphorus, exchangeable potassium, humus, the amount of absorbed bases, heavy metals were analyzed, acidity was determined. The content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, gluten, starch, heavy metals was determined in plant products. The studies were carried out in accordance with GOSTs and OSTs and methods of TsINAO adopted in the agrochemical service.

The dissertation work was the result of a synthesis of many years of research and observation of the effect of oxidized coal as a fertilizer on the yield and quality of crops, changes in the agrochemical properties of leached chernozems. Reliability and reliability of materials

studies evaluated by statistical methods. The analysis and generalization of agrochemical studies was carried out using the data bank software, the Excel spreadsheet processing package.

3. Influence of oxidized coals on the provision of agricultural crops with nutrients, productivity and product quality

Agrochemical properties of oxidized coals and content of heavy metals

Oxidized coals of the Taldinsky-Severny open pit: have 68.288.7% of organic matter. They contain 52.0-95.7% of humic acids, 1.57-1.84% of gross nitrogen, 0.04-0.19% of phosphorus and 0.06-0.13% of potassium. The content of P205 is 4.2-21.0 mg/kg and K20 is 10-40 mg/kg. The coals are not saline, the solid (salt) residue does not exceed 0.047%, pH is 6.2-7.0. Coals have a high absorption capacity, 93.7-114.0 meq/100 g, the degree of saturation with bases is over 80%. These coals have an increased content of mobile forms of copper, lead, nickel and chromium in some seams, but this is not an obstacle to their use as fertilizers, since multiple dilution occurs during application, which must be taken into account when determining the doses of coal application. According to their agrochemical properties, coals are suitable for the production of humic fertilizers, and can also improve the physicochemical properties of poor substrates, since they contain a large amount of highly humus organic matter, total nitrogen and have a high absorption capacity.

Oxidized brown coals of the Tisulsky deposit have 62.6-65.9% of organic matter, contain 0.83-0.88% of total phosphorus and potassium. The amount of humic acids in them is 32.1-34.2% of organic matter. The absorption capacity of brown coals is 200 meq/100 g, the amount of calcium and magnesium in total reaches 88.4 meq/100 g. The content of P205 is low, and potassium is high," therefore, coals cannot be a source of potassium nutrition for plants. The coals of the Tisulsky deposit contain a large amount of manganese and chromium.The level of metal content does not exceed the TEC adopted for soils.Coals can also be a source of trace elements for plants.High

Influence of oxidized coals on soil properties

Annually, the introduction of coal for wheat was carried out at a new site of the Tisul agricultural company. By harvest, the humus content was under control in 2002-2003. was 9.7 and 9.5%, in 2004 - 9.3%, hydrolytic acidity - 3.16; 3.14; 3.80 mg-eq/100 g, soil acidity according to the years of study pH - 5.4-5.3. The content of P205 is 28, 25 and 23 mg/kg, K20 is 110, 106 and 95 mg/kg. The amount of absorbed bases and the absorption capacity is high. The introduction of coal had an impact on the agrochemical properties of the soil. Compared with the control Ng in all variants of 2002-2004. decreased. The content of P205 increased by 11-36% and K20 by 13-32% relative to the control, and in 2004 in variants with the introduction of coal - by 13-82%. There is a trend towards an increase in absorption capacity. The content of humus, Ca, and pHc practically did not change.

In experiments with wheat at CJSC Beregovoi, brown oxidized coal from the Tisulskoe deposit was introduced annually in new areas. By the time of harvesting, the humus content in the control variants was 7.6-9.3%. The content of P205 is 219 and 104 mg/kg, K20 is 126 and 118 mg/kg, pHc is slightly acidic, Hg is 4.2 and 5.14 meq/100 g. The absorption capacity and the amount of absorbed bases are high. The content of Ca2+ is 21.1 and 18.0 and Mg2+ is 2.3 and 4.3 meq/100 g of soil. In the variants of the experiment in 2002, the introduction of coal increased the content of P205 in the soil by 6-9% and K20 by 6-15%, Hg decreased. In the variants of the experiment in 2003, the introduction of coal reduced Hg, pHc by 0.1-0.2 units. The rest of the indicators remained virtually unchanged. The introduction of oxidized coal under potatoes in the fields of CJSC "Beregovoi" by the time of harvesting reduced Hg by 5-12% and pHc, increased the content of K20 in soils by 3-17% compared with the control. In the experiment of 2003, an increase in the humus content was observed. Changes in other indicators are insignificant.

Thus, the introduction of oxidized brown coal on chernozem soils has a positive effect on agrochemical properties: it reduces soil acidity and increases the content of P2O5 and KrO in soils. These changes and their magnitude also depend on the weather conditions of the year. According to the change in humus content from

introduction of oxidized coals, the issue requires additional research. Also in the publications on this issue there are different opinions.

The influence of oxidized coals on the content of heavy


In experiments on chernozem soils, oxidized brown coals from the Tisulsk deposit with an increased content of total Mn and Cr were used. The content of mobile Cr in them exceeded the MPC for soils by 2.57 times. The content of other metals in coals was below MPC. When coals are introduced into the soil, the concentration of metals contained in them is repeatedly diluted. Thus, at a dose of 1.2 t/ha, the content of gross Mn in the arable layer, according to the calculation, can increase by only 4.6 mg/kg, gross Cr by 0.53 mg/kg, and mobile Cr by 0.006 mg/kg. The use of coal for wheat in doses of 0.2-1.2 t/ha by harvesting compared to the control reduced the content of mobile forms in the soil: Cc) - by 18-66%, Pb - by 4-41, bn - by 4-26 and Cr - by 20-51%. The total content of heavy metals in the soil practically did not change according to the variants of the experiment. In all variants of the experiment, the content of heavy metals in the soil did not exceed the established MPC. Thus, the use of oxidized coals as fertilizers reduces the content of mobile forms of heavy metals in soils, facilitating their conversion into poorly soluble compounds.

Influence of fertilizers from coal waste of the Kuznetsk basin on productivity, quality of agricultural products

In the conditions of the Kemerovo region, tests of coal waste from the processing plant of the GOP "Sudzhenskaya" as fertilizers were carried out in 1983-1984. on grain crops in the field. Waste coal has an alkaline reaction. The content of organic matter is 66.4, humic acids - 24.3% of the amount of organic matter, total nitrogen - 0.88%, phosphorus and potassium - the same as in zonal soils. The content of mobile nitrogen is insignificant, and the amount of P2O5 and K20 corresponds to their low content in soils.

The impact of coal waste on the yield and quality of barley grain and

Agrochemical characteristics of the soil in the Andreevsky state farm on a plot with barley: pHc - acidic, K20 content - low, P205 -

high, nitrogen and humus - medium; on the plot with oats: pHc - acidic, content of nitrogen, humus and K20 - medium, P2O5 - high. We studied the effect of coal waste in doses of 1-3 t/ha on the yield and quality of barley and oat grain. A significant increase in barley yield of 2.8 c/ha or 11.8% of coal waste was obtained at a dose of 3 t/ha (Table 1).

Table 1

Influence of coal waste on the yield of barley and oats_

Experience Options Barley Osee

Average yield, c/ha Increase Average yield, c/ha Increase

q/ha % u/ra %

1 Without fertilizers (control) 15.8 - - 28.0 - -

2 Coal waste 1 t/ha 15.3 -0.5 -3.1 28.4 +0.4 + 1.4

3 Coal waste 2 t/ha 16.9 + 1.1 +7.0 27.0 -1.0 -3.6

4 Coal waste 3 t/ha 18.6 +2.8 + 17.7 31.5 +3.5 +12.5

5 ^PboKm-Background 19.7 +3.9 +24.7 29.0 +1.0 +3.6

6 Background + coal waste 1 t/ha 21.8 +6.0 +38.0 28.6 +0.6 +2.1

7 Background + coal waste 2 t/ha 23.4 +7.6 +48.1 31.5 +3.5 +12.5

8 Background + coal waste 3 t/ha 23.0 +7.2 46.2 35.4 +7.4 +26.4

NSR05 2.58 3.1

When introducing coal waste at a dose of 1 and 2 t/ha, no significant change in yield was noted. The introduction of coal waste against the background of mineral fertilizers significantly increased the yield of barley grain. In the options for 1, 2 and 3 t/ha of coal waste against the background of mineral fertilizers, the yield increase was: 6.0, 7.6, 7.2 c/ha, including the increase from coal waste, respectively, 2.1, 3, 7 and 3.3 q/ha. Thus, coal waste in doses of 2-3 t/ha against the background of mineral fertilizers on gray forest soils increases the barley yield by 7.27.6 centners/ha compared to control, including due to coal waste - by 3.7-3.3 c / ha or, by 23.4-21.5%.

The increase in the yield of barley from coal waste and mineral fertilizers occurs mainly due to an increase in the weight of 1000 grains. Carbonaceous rocks do not worsen the quality of barley grain, and when applied together in doses of 1-2 tons with mineral fertilizers, they increase the nitrogen content in the grain by 7.7-23% compared to the control.

The introduction of coal waste at doses of 1 and 2 t/ha had no effect on the yield of oat grain (Table 1). From the introduction of 3 t/ha of coal waste without mineral fertilizers and 2 t/ha against the background (NRK)60, significant yield increases amounted to 3.5 c/ha, or 12.5%. A significant increase in the yield of oat grain was obtained with the introduction of 3 t/ha of coal waste against the background (KRK)60 - 7.4 c/ha, including from coal waste - 6.4 c/ha, or 22.8%.

Coal waste when applying 3 t/ha on gray forest soils increases the yield of oat grain by 12.5%, and according to the background of mineral

fertilizers - by 22.9%. Coal waste had an impact on the structure of the oat crop. The yield increase in the variant (background + coal waste 3 t/ha) was obtained due to the grain size and the number of productive stems. To analyze the quality of oat grain, the content of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and protein was determined. Waste coal, as well as mineral fertilizers, increase the protein content in oat grain by an average of 1.05 - 1.33% per absolutely dry matter.

Influence of oxidized coals on yield, grain quality of spring wheat and consumption of nutrients in the "island" forest-steppe

In the agricultural firm "Tisul" in the soil of the experimental plot, the content of humus, K20 and Ca2+ is high, P2O5 and N/N03 are low, Mg2+ is medium, pHc is slightly acidic. Culture - spring wheat "Tulunskaya-12" is mid-ripening, with medium resistance to drought and high lodging, does not crumble. An increase in the yield of wheat grain from the introduction of coal as a fertilizer is observed in all years of the experiment, but not in all variants (Table 2).

table 2

Productivity of spring wheat "Tulunskaya-12"

Experience variant Productivity, centner/ha Increase, centner/ha

2002 2003 2004 Average 2002 2003 2004 Average

1 Control 12.0 10.5 28.1 16.9 - . . .

2 B V 0.2 13.8 10.9 29.2 18.0 1.8 0.4 1.1 1.1

) B y 0.4 14.9 11.0 29.7 18.5 2.9 0.5 0.6 1.6

4 B y 0.6 15.5 12.7 28.6 18.9 3.5 2.2 0.5 2.0

5 B y 0.8 18.0 13.8 30.9 20.9 6.0 3.3 2.8 4.0

5 B y 1.0 20.6 12.8 29.8 21.0 8.6 2.3 1.7 4.1

7 B y 1.2 19.2 11.5 28.8 19.8 7.2 1.0 0.7 2.9

N6o (background) 12.2 10.1 26.3 16.2 0.2 - . -

9 Background + B y 0.2 16.0 11.3 26.5 17.9 3.8 1.2 0.2 1.7

10 Background + B y 0.4 16.4 11.3 28.7 18.8 4.2 1.2 2.4 2.6

11 Background + B y 0.6 17.2 13.6 31.4 20.7 5.2 3.5 5.1 4.5

12 Background + B y 0.8 18.8 13.6 30.9 21.1 6.6 3.5 4.6 4.9

13 Background + B y 1.0 20.3 13.8 29.2 21.1 8.1 3.7 2.9 4.9

14 Background + B y 1.2 22.2 13.8 28.6 21.5 10.0 3.3 2.3 5.3

NSR0! 4.1 2.0 2.7

The highest annual yield increases were obtained with the introduction of 800 kg/ha of brown coal. When applying nitrogen fertilizers against the background, annual reliable yield increases were obtained at doses from 600 to 1000 kg of coal. The low grain yield was in 2003 compared to other years due to insufficient moisture supply during the growing season, HTC = 0.86. The increase in yield from the introduction of nitrogen was not obtained, and from the joint introduction of oxidized coal and nitrogen, it is higher than from coal. On average, over three years, the increase in wheat yield with the introduction of oxidized coal

was: at a dose of 0.8 t/ha - 23.7%, at doses of 0.8 and 1.0 t/ha in terms of nitrogen - 29.0% (Fig. 1).

control B. 200 B. 400 B. 600 B 800 B 1000 B 1200

Rice. 1. Wheat yield by experiment options (average)

The most optimal for wheat is the introduction of 0.8 t/ha of coal. In all variants of the experiment, grain of satisfactory quality was obtained within three years (Group II). The content of gluten in the grain is high in all variants - 29-39% depending on the year and practically does not differ from the control.

The content of total nitrogen in the grain increases in comparison with the control in all variants. According to the content of phosphorus in the grain, no definite regularity was revealed. The content of potassium in the grain varied over the years of the experiment. With a high moisture supply, the introduction of oxidized coals increases the potassium content in the grain by 13-33% compared to the control. The sugar content in the grain varied over the years of research. A clear pattern of changes in the options is not observed.

The introduction of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for wheat does not adversely affect the quality of the grain. There is a tendency to increase the content of NPK in grain at doses of 0.8-1.0 t/ha. Grain analysis for the content of heavy metals did not reveal excess of permissible levels. The optimal dose of using brown oxidized coal as a fertilizer for wheat is 0.8 t/ha, while the increase in grain yield is 4 centners/ha, or 23.7% on average over three years.

Influence of oxidized coals on productivity, grain quality of spring wheat in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression

The crop is spring wheat, variety "Iren", mid-season, with medium drought resistance and high lodging, does not crumble. Brown oxidized coals of the Tisulsky deposit were applied as fertilizers in doses of 0.2-1.2 t/ha. Relative to the control, significant yield increases were obtained for all options in 2002 and for options of 0.4-1.2 t/ha in 2003 (Table 3).

Table 3

The influence of brown coal on the productivity of spring wheat variety "Iren"

Option (BU in t/ha) Productivity, c/ha Increase, c/ha Increase, %

2002 2003 average 2002 2003 average

1 Control 22.4 24.4 23.4 - - . .

2 B y 0.2 28.1 25.5 26.8 5.7 1.1 3.4 14.5

3 B y 0.4 28.3 27.5 27.9 5.9 3.1 4.5 19.2

4 B y 0.6 30.9 28.3 29.6 8.5 3.9 6.2 26.5

5 B y 0.8 35.4 29.7 32.6 13.0 5.3 9.2 39.3

6 B y 1.0 35.5 33.9 34.7 13.1 9.5 11.3 48.3

7 B y 1.2 31.7 32.1 31.9 9.3 7.7 8.5 36.3

NSRM 4.40 2.22

When brown coal is applied at a dose of 1.2 t/ha, the average yield increase over 2 years is 3.8 c/ha less than in option - b. y. 1.0 t/ha. With an increase in the dose of more than 1.0 t/ha, the efficiency decreases, which is probably due to an increase in the concentration of humates in the soil solution (Fig. 2).

□ yield

control BU.200 B.u 400 B.uBOO B u 800 B u 1000 Bu.1200

Rice. 2. Wheat yield by variants (average over two years)

With a lower moisture supply during the growing season (2003), the increase in yield decreases. On average, over two years, the increase in the wheat yield from oxidized coal for the options of 0.21.2 t/ha ranged from 14.5 to 48.3%.

The use of oxidized brown coal does not adversely affect the chemical composition and quality of the grain. The content of nitrogen by 8 - 22% and potassium by 7 - 25% in wheat grain in all variants with the introduction of coal is higher than in the control. The content of phosphorus is less compared to the control, but is at the normal level. The content of heavy metals in wheat grain did not exceed the permissible

the level according to SanPiN, except for cadmium in all variants of the 2003 harvest (control - 0.2 mg/kg). There was a decrease in the grain concentration of lead by 18-30%, cadmium by 28-80%, copper by 5-20%, zinc by 2-11% relative to the control.

Influence of oxidized coals on the yield and quality of potato tubers in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression Content in the soil of the experimental plot P205 - 226 and 125 mg/kg, K20 - 122 and 153 mg/kg, exchangeable calcium 21.3 and exchangeable magnesium 2.3 and 3, 5 meq/100 g, pHc - slightly acidic. Culture - potatoes, variety "Nevsky". Predecessor in 2002 - wheat, in 2003 - cabbage. The yield of potatoes by options is presented in table 4.

Table 4

The yield of potatoes "Nevsky" according to the options of experience

Experiment variant (BU in t/ha) C Rare yield, c/ha Increase to control, c/ha Increase, %

2002 2003 Average 2002 2003 Average

1 Control 300 260 280 - . .

2 B V 0.2 320 263 292 20 3 12 4.3

3 B V 0.4 328 268 298 28 8 18 6.4

4 B V 0.6 333 270 302 33 10 22 7.9

5 B y 0.8 335 280 308 35 20 28 10.0

6 B y 1.0 341 273 307 41 13 27 9.6

NSRn, 26.5 7.2

Significant increases in potato yield relative to control were obtained in all variants b. y. except for 0.2. In 2003, the increase in yield from oxidized coals is less than in 2002. This is due to the lower moisture supply of the growing season, during which there was 129.4 mm less precipitation than in the previous one. The average increase in the yield of potato tubers for two years in the variants of 0.8 and 1.0 t/ha was 28 and 27 centners/ha, or 10 and 9.6%, respectively (Fig. 3).

310 I -- -■ "■ "■ " " 1-1 I "I ■ - - ..... I ■..._"

»5- ------" ,11-1" "-

300 ..."■. 4 1 1, ... - - " 1 ,„ -

w | ( | - | "-> % y] | ■ "" C-.

Rice. 3. Potato yield by variants (average)

Oxidized coals increased the content of nitrogen by 8.8-20% and potassium - by 5-25% in potato tubers compared with the control variant. The introduction of 0.8-1.0 t/ha of coal for potatoes increases the yield by 10 and 9.6%, respectively, and increases the content of potassium and nitrogen in the tubers. The most optimal application dose is 0.8 t/ha.

Nutrient balance

The balance calculation was carried out according to the variants of experiments with spring wheat and potatoes in the agricultural firm "Tisul" and CJSC "Beregovoy"

According to the law of the return of nutrients to the soil, it is necessary to compensate for the nutrients taken out by the crop, losses due to leaching, erosion and other reasons, through the application of fertilizers or other agricultural practices. The study of the balance of nutrients is necessary to determine the effect of fertilizer doses on soil fertility and crop productivity.

In - the incoming part of the balance, the supply of nutrients with crop residues, with brown coal (P -2.5 and K - 7.0 kg per 1 ton), seeds (N - 6.3-9.5 kg/ha; P - 1.3-2.0; K -1.6-2.4 kg/ha), with non-symbiotic nitrogen fixation by free-living microorganisms (8 kg/ha K), with precipitation (4.3 kg/ha N and K) . An important source of nutrient replenishment is crop residues, the amount of which increases with the growth of the crop when oxidized coals are introduced.

The expenditure part of the balance accounted for the removal of nutrients with the harvest of agricultural crops. The balance of nutrients (N, P, K) under spring wheat is positive -63.3-98.1 kg/ha, but a more positive balance in the variants with the introduction of brown coal. The intensity of the balance in experiments with spring wheat is more than 100%. The balance of nutrients in the experiment with potatoes is negative with an intensity of 33-36% due to the greater removal of nutrients, which is not covered by income items. Thus, when cultivating potatoes, additional application of mineral fertilizers is necessary to compensate for the removal of nutrients and prevent soil degradation. When cultivating spring wheat on chernozems with a yield of 20-34 c/ha, to create a deficit-free balance of nutrients, it is sufficient to introduce brown coal in the recommended doses.

4. Energy and economic evaluation of the efficiency of growing spring wheat using oxidized coal

Calculations of the agronomic, economic and energy efficiency of fertilizer application allow the most accurate,

objectively and comprehensively evaluate the fertilizer system in the technological process of crop cultivation. The economic efficiency of fertilizer use is characterized by two indicators: net income and profitability. Spring wheat "Tulunskaya-12" with the introduction of oxidized brown coal and 60 kg of a.i. ammonium nitrate gave a significant increase of 2.6-5.3 c/ha of grain compared to the control, but the costs exceed the cost of production, and therefore the use of oxidized coal together with ammonium nitrate is unprofitable.

In variants with the introduction of only coals, a significant increase in grain is 2.2-4.1 c/ha. The largest increase was obtained in the variants with the introduction of 0.8 and 1.0 t/ha of coal. The payback in these options was 4.2-5.0 centners of grain per 1 ton of coal, due to which 24-25% of the crop was obtained. The profitability of the use of coal for options of 0.4-1.0 t/ha varies from 28 to 42%. Thus, the use of oxidized coal in the cultivation of spring wheat in the "island" forest-steppe is effective, the resulting increase in grain pays for the cost of its introduction. The increase in energy is the highest (MJ/ha) in the variants with the introduction of 0.8 and 1.0 tons of coal and is 5395.7-5395.7. Per unit of energy costs, 2.9-5.8 units of energy were received, contained in the increase in yield from fertilizers. In the options of 0.61.2 t/ha of coal with the introduction of ammonium nitrate, the efficiency is more than 1 from the energy point of view, the introduction of coal for wheat in the Tisul agricultural company is effective, since the energy efficiency exceeds one.

Spring wheat "Iren" in variants with the introduction of oxidized brown coal in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk basin on the example of CJSC "Beregovoi" gave an increase in grain of 3.4-11.3 centners / ha and the payback was 7-17 centners of grain per 1 ton of coal, due to it received 14.5-48.3% of the grain harvest. The calculation of the economic efficiency of using coal in spring wheat crops in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk Basin is shown in Table 5. The profitability of using oxidized brown coal varies from 62 to 101% by options. Profitability in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression is higher than in the "island" forest-steppe, which is due to higher increases in grain yield and greater payback. The increase in energy is the highest (16061 MJ/ha) in the variant with the introduction of 1 ton of coal. 5.6-9.7 units of energy contained in the crop increase were received per unit of energy costs.

Table 5

Energy Efficiency of Brown Oxidized Coals in the Production of Spring Wheat in the Forest-Steppe of the Kuznetsk Basin

Indicator Control BU 0.2 | BU 0.4 | BU 0.6 | BU 0.8 | BU1.0 | BU 1.2

Economic efficiency of using brown oxidized coals

Productivity, q/ha 23.4 26.8 27.9 29.6 32.6 34.7 31.9

Yield increase, c/ha 3.4 4.5 6.2 9.2 11.3 8.5

Payback by grain tons of fertilizers, q - 17.0 11.3 10.3 11.5 11.3 7.0

Cost of yield increase, rub 1268.9 1679.4 2313.8 3433.4 4217.2 3172.2

Total costs, rub - 630.8 909.6 1280.3 1849.9 2281.8 1963.9

Net income, rub/ha 638.1 769.8 1033.5 1583.5 1935.4 1208.3

Profitability, % - 101 85 81 86 85 62

Energy efficiency of grain production

Cost of total energy for increase, MJ/ha - 997 1192 1489 2005 2369 1907

Aggregate gain energy harvest, MJ/ha - 5545 7340 10112 15005 18430 13864

Increase in total energy, MJ/ha - 4548 6148 8623 13000 16061 11957

Bioenergy efficiency, units - 5.6 6.2 6.8 7.5 9.7 7.3

From an energy point of view, the technology of spring wheat cultivation with the introduction of oxidized coals in CJSC Beregovoy is effective. Thus, the doses of oxidized coals in experiments in soil districts are determined by a complex of factors. The use of these fertilizers in the cultivation of spring wheat is economically feasible and efficient, which is confirmed by agronomic, economic and energy efficiency.

1. Oxidized coals of the Taldinskoe deposit are suitable for use as humic fertilizers in terms of agrochemical properties, since they contain a large amount of highly humus organic matter, total nitrogen and have a high absorption capacity. The increased content of mobile forms of copper, lead, nickel and chromium in them should be taken into account when calculating the doses of application.

2. Oxidized brown coals of the Tisulsky deposit contain 33.2% humic acids, have a high content of total nitrogen, and a very high absorption capacity. The increased content of manganese and chromium in them is not an obstacle to the use as fertilizers in doses up to 1.2 t/ha.

3. The introduction of oxidized brown coal on leached chernozems in doses up to 1.2 t/ha has a positive effect on soil properties, reduces acidity, and increases the content in soils

mobile potassium and phosphorus, reduces the concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals: cadmium, lead, zinc and chromium.

4. Wastes from coal flotation enrichment containing more than 50% organic matter, when applied as fertilizers in doses of 3 t/ha on gray forest heavy loamy acidic soils, increase the yield of barley and oats by 11.8-12.5%, respectively, and against the background full mineral fertilizer - by 21.6-22.9%. The chemical composition of the grain remains virtually unchanged.

5. Oxidized brown coal, introduced as fertilizers, increases the yield of spring wheat grains on leached chernozems in the "island" forest-steppe of the Kemerovo region. The optimal dose is 0.8 t/ha, the increase in yield is 23.6% and in terms of nitrogen background - 29.0%. The introduction of coal does not impair the quality of wheat grain and does not lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in excess of the established norm.

6. On chernozems leached in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression, oxidized brown coals, when applied under wheat in doses of 0.4-1.2 t/ha, increase grain yield and do not worsen its quality. This reduces the accumulation of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in it. The most optimal doses are 0.8-1.0 t/ha, the increase is 39.3-48.3%.

7. On leached chernozems in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression, the potato yield increases from the introduction of oxidized brown coal in doses of 0.4-1.0 t/ha by 6.4-10.0%. The most optimal dose is 0.8 t/ha. The introduction of oxidized coal under potatoes increases the content of potassium and nitrogen in the tubers.

8. The use of oxidized coals as fertilizers is economically beneficial. Profitability on wheat is 28-42% in the "island" forest-steppe and 62-101% in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression.

Proposals for production

For the rational use of coal-containing wastes and resources of leached chernozems in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk basin and the "island" forest-steppe, it is recommended to apply oxidized brown coal as fertilizers in doses of 0.8-1.0 t/ha, both in pure form and on the background of mineral fertilizers.

1. Prosyannikov V. I. Application of coal waste as fertilizers for agricultural crops: inform. sheet / Kemerovo TsNTI. - Kemerovo, 1985. - No. 459-85. - 4 s.

2. Prosyannikov V. I. Problems of reclamation of hydraulic dumps of overburden rocks in Kuzbass // Ecological problems of the coal industry of Kuzbass: abstracts of reports of the All-Union Scientific and Technical Conference. - Mezhdurechensk, 1989. - S. 61-63.

3. Prosyannikov V. I. Agricultural reclamation of overburden hydraulic dumps in the steppe zone of the Kemerovo region // Proceedings of the All-Union scientific and practical conference “Socio-economic problems of achieving a radical change in the efficiency of development of the productive forces of Kuzbass”. - Kemerovo, 1989. - 94 p.

4. Degree of heavy metal pollution in Anzhero-Sudzhensk (Kemerovo region) and adjacent areas /

V. I. Prosyannikov, G. N. Orekhova, G. K. Ageenko, O. I. Prosyannikova // Proceedings of the scientific-practical conference "Heavy metals and radionuclides in agroecosystems". - M., 1994. - S. 222-227.

5. Prosyannikov V. I. Heavy metals in the soils of the Kemerovo region // Proceedings of the interregional scientific-practical conference "Agrochemistry: science and production". - Kemerovo, 2004. -

6. Kolosova M. M. Organic fertilizers based on brown coal / M. M. Kolosova, G. G. Kotova, V. I. Prosyannikov // Agrochemical Bulletin. -1999. -#4. - S. 13-14.

Signed for printing on January 24, 2007. Format 60*84"/|b Offset paper No. 1. Offset printing. Conv. print sheet 1.2 Circulation 100 copies Order No. 28

Publishing house "Kuzbassvuzizdat". 650043, Kemerovo, st. Ermaka, 7. Tel 58-34-48


1.1 Use of oxidized coals in agriculture

1.1.1 Use of humic fertilizers

1.1.2 Organo-mineral fertilizers based on coal waste

1.1.3 Use of oxidized coals as fertilizer for crops


2.1. Physical and geographical conditions, climatic features and soil cover of the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region

2.2. Objects and methods of research

2.3. Meteorological conditions during the years of experiments


3.2 Chemical composition and content of heavy metals in oxidized coals

3.3. Influence of oxidized coals on soil properties

3.4. Influence of fertilizers from coaly rocks of the Kuznetsk basin on productivity, quality of agricultural products

3.4.1. Influence of coal waste on the yield and quality of barley grain

3.4.2. Influence of coal waste on the yield and quality of oat grain

3.4.3 Effect of oxidized brown coal on yield, grain quality of spring wheat and nutrient intake in the “island” forest-steppe

3.4.4 Influence of oxidized coals on the yield, grain quality of spring wheat and potatoes in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk basin

3.5. Nutrient balance



Conclusions, proposals for production

Introduction Thesis on agriculture, on the topic "The effectiveness of the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for crops in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region"

In agriculture of the Kemerovo region, as a result of intensive land use, humus reserves are declining. Over the past two decades, there has been a negative balance of humus and nutrients in arable soils. The annual demand for organic fertilizers is about 3 million tons. It is currently not possible to satisfy it at the expense of traditional forms of organic matter.

The sources of obtaining additional organic matter as fertilizers for agriculture in the region are: oxidized brown coals of the Kansk-Achinsk coal basin, oxidized coals of Kuzbass; coal-containing wastes of flotation coal enrichment. Oxidized coals have a wide range of macro- and microelements and are a pantry of organic matter containing a large amount of humic acids, which are similar in composition to soil ones.

Both brown and hard coals oxidized in the seams are practically not used in the national economy as a fuel or raw material for other industries, and during open-pit mining, coal enters dumps along with overburden. The amount of oxidized coal is estimated for each deposit only during detailed exploration and development, but it is huge. At the Kuzbass open pits, the volume of oxidized coal entering the dumps is tens of millions of tons annually.

When coal is enriched, a large amount of coal-containing waste is generated. The annual output of flotation (wet) coal enrichment waste in Kuzbass is millions of tons. They are stored in tailings, where they are oxidized under atmospheric conditions and are practically not used at present.

The placement of oxidized coal and coal waste is a serious problem for Kuzbass. Oxidized coal, stored in dumps, burns, causing atmospheric pollution, hundreds of hectares of fertile land are used for coal waste.

Oxidized coals contain up to 70% organic matter, including 20-60% flotation waste, and the CaO content in them reaches 30-40% of the mineral part. They are a good sorbent, have an alkaline reaction (pH-7.3-7.6). Due to these properties, oxidized coals can be used as fertilizers.

Therefore, studies on the use of oxidized coal as fertilizers for agricultural crops in the Kemerovo region are of particular relevance.

The purpose of the research is to study the possibility and effectiveness of the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for grain crops and potatoes in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region. Tasks:

To characterize oxidized coals as fertilizers;

To reveal the effect of the introduction of oxidized coals on the total content of heavy metals and their mobile compounds in soils;

To study the effect of various doses of oxidized coal on the yield and quality of crops;

Establish the effect of various doses of oxidized coal on the accumulation and removal of the main elements of mineral nutrition;

Determine the content of heavy metals in products when using oxidized coal;

Determine the energy and economic efficiency of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for the crops under study.

Scientific novelty. For the first time, on the basis of comprehensive studies, the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for agricultural crops in the conditions of the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region has been substantiated. The optimal doses of the introduction of oxidized coals for obtaining a crop with compliance of its quality with product safety standards have been established. The influence of oxidized coals on the consumption of nutrients and heavy metals by spring wheat was determined.

Practical significance. Practical recommendations have been developed for the use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer for agricultural crops. Recommended doses of oxidized coals for obtaining environmentally friendly crop products. The balance of the batteries is shown. The bioenergetic, agronomic and economic efficiency of spring wheat fertilization with oxidized coal has been determined.

Approbation. The main provisions of the work were reported and discussed at regional and district agronomic meetings from 1985 to 2006. At the all-Union scientific and practical conference "Socio-economic problems of achieving a radical change in the efficiency of the development of the productive forces of Kuzbass" (Kemerovo, 1989), at the All-Union scientific and technical conference "Environmental problems of the coal industry of Kuzbass" (Mezhdurechensk, 1989), at the interregional scientific and practical conference "Agrochemistry: science and production" (Kemerovo, 2004), at scientific and practical conferences "Trends and factors in the development of the agro-industrial complex of Siberia" (Kemerovo, 2005; 2006), at meetings of specialists of the agrochemical service of Russia.

Protected provisions:

1. The use of oxidized coal as a fertilizer improves the supply of soil with mobile nutrients;

2. Fertilization of grain crops and potatoes with oxidized coal increases the yield and quality of products;

2. The use of oxidized coal in the forest-steppe zone of the Kemerovo region is energetically and economically beneficial.

Structure and scope of work. The dissertation consists of an introduction, 4 chapters, conclusions and recommendations for production, a list of references. The content is presented on 125 pages of typewritten text, includes 53 tables, 7 figures. The bibliographic list consists of 190 titles, 12 of which are in a foreign language. When preparing the dissertation work, the possibilities of computer graphics and the Word text editor were used.

Conclusion Dissertation on the topic "Agrochemistry", Prosyannikov, Vasily Ivanovich

107 Conclusions

1. Oxidized coal from the Tallinn deposit is suitable for use as humic fertilizers in terms of agrochemical properties, as it contains a large amount of highly humus organic matter, total nitrogen and has a high absorption capacity. The increased content of mobile forms of copper, lead, nickel and chromium in them should be taken into account when calculating the doses of application.

2. Oxidized brown coal of the Tisulsky deposit contains 33.2% humic acids, has a high content of total nitrogen, and a very high absorption capacity. The increased content of manganese and chromium in them is not an obstacle to the use as fertilizers in doses up to 1.2 t/ha.

3. The introduction of oxidized brown coal on leached chernozems in doses up to 1.2 t/ha has a positive effect on soil properties, reduces acidity, increases the content of mobile potassium and phosphorus in soils, and reduces the concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals: cadmium, lead, zinc and chromium .

4. Wastes from coal flotation enrichment containing more than 50% organic matter, when applied as fertilizers in doses of 3 t/ha on gray forest heavy loamy acidic soils, increase the yield of barley and oats by 11.8-12.5%, respectively, and against the background full mineral fertilizer by 21.6-22.9%. The chemical composition of the grain remains virtually unchanged.

5. Oxidized brown coal, introduced as fertilizers, increases the yield of spring wheat grains on leached chernozems in the "island" forest-steppe of the Kemerovo region. The optimal dose is 0.8 t/ha, the increase in yield is 23.6% and, according to the background of nitrogen, 29.0%. The introduction of coal does not impair the quality of wheat grain and does not lead to the accumulation of heavy metals in excess of the established norm.

6. On chernozems leached in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression, oxidized brown coals, when applied under wheat in doses of 0.4-1.2 t/ha, increase grain yield and do not worsen its quality. This reduces the accumulation of lead, cadmium, copper and zinc in it. The most optimal doses are 0.8-1.0 t/ha, the increase is 39.3-48.3%.

7. On leached chernozems in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression, the potato yield increases from the introduction of oxidized brown coal in doses of 0.4-1.0 t/ha by 6.4-10.0%. The most optimal dose is 0.8 t/ha. The introduction of oxidized coal under potatoes increases the content of potassium and nitrogen in the tubers.

8. The use of oxidized coals as fertilizers is economically beneficial. Profitability on wheat is 28-42% in the "island" forest-steppe and 62-101% in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk depression.

Proposals for production

For the rational use of coal-containing wastes and resources of leached chernozems in the forest-steppe of the Kuznetsk basin and the "island" forest-steppe, it is recommended to apply oxidized brown coal as fertilizers in doses of 0.8-1.0 t/ha, both in pure form and on the background of mineral fertilizers .

From the oxidized coals of Kuzbass, it is possible to produce humic fertilizers.

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The optimal ratio of components in the fertilizer
calculated according to their quality indicators and fraction
crushing coal. The generally accepted proportion of crushed to
fractions of 0.01-2 mm brown coal to sapropel with a moisture content of 92% and
organic component 54-65% is within 10:1 -
With a certain mechanical mixing of the two components on
"fast" mixers particles of brown coal are moistened with liquid
sapropel, absorb humus from it, as well as micro- and
macro components.

The mixing process over time is calculated from the speed
sorption of humates from sapropel on brown coal and inside, bringing
its volume is up to 14-26% of the total content in sapropel, after
which the two-component mass stands, brought to
standard moisture content of the product and packaged in soft
containers or bags.

According to the first production implementation of technological
solutions to ensure the market of Central Asia, Iran and China
the fertilizers described above are taken as a component basis
brown coals of the Kushmurun deposit in Kazakhstan and
natural moisture sapropel from the Kaivoli Kul deposit
Tyumen region of Russia. Production shops of the enterprise
it is advisable to locate at the place of receipt of the component with
the largest volume of use, i.e. next to warehouses or
brown cut. It is expedient to extract sapropel,
clean and transport in tanks by rail to deliver to

The technological solution is aimed at creating a fertilizer,
which not only greatly increases productivity, but also
which can be produced in any quantity without changing
process regulations. The equipment itself is not science-intensive,
cheap to manufacture and operate, can be serviced
personnel without special skills.

One of the features of production is the possibility
replacement of the humus-containing liquid component: this may be
sapropel, productive bottom silt, fish pond silt,
pasty agricultural organic waste, municipal sludge,
waters of marsh peat deposits, etc.

The resulting fertilizers were applied under various types
crops. two seasons fertilizer
tested by the laboratory of the Center for sapropel and on the farm
"Sahaloo" near Tallinn.

When introducing brown coal organo-mineral
fertilizers in the cultivation of rye managed to get an increase
yield of 28 q/ha. The dose of fertilizer application was 30 c/ha.
When applying 30 c/ha of fertilizers during cultivation:
- wheat, yield increase of 33 centners per hectare,
- corn, an increase of 90 q/ha was obtained,
- barley, an increase of 29 c/ha was obtained.

Particular attention was paid to the cultivation of potatoes with
using this type of fertilizer. Before sowing in arable land
50 c/ha of fertilizers were applied, after which potatoes were planted.
Potato variety "Nevsky-1" yielded 500 c/ha, an increase in
the harvest was 290 c/ha. For each applied to the soil
centner of fertilizer received 5.5-5.7 centners of potatoes.
The potato variety "Lasunok" yielded 850 c/ha, an increase in
the harvest was 590 c/ha. For each applied to the soil
centner of fertilizer received 11-12 centners of potatoes.
Potato variety "Detskoselsky" yielded 489 c/ha,
the yield increase was 354 c/ha. For each entered
soil centner of fertilizer received up to 7.3 quintals of potatoes.

The organization of fertilizer production includes two stages:
preparatory and assembly-construction.
The preparatory stage is the study of the properties and
quantitative and qualitative indicators of component raw materials,
development of work technology, design justification
business, preparation of specifications for equipment and materials,
manufacturing or ordering equipment for the future enterprise. By
time it takes from 3 to 6 months and can get by
to the customer in 1.6-2.4 million rubles.
The assembly and construction stage is the arrangement of the utility yard
enterprises, construction of production and packaging shops and
warehouse for finished products. Takes 8 to 10 hours
months. The cost of equipment, its installation and adjustment
determined by the design productivity of the enterprise,
automation of processes, type and range of products, type
packing and packaging of the finished product.

Plant for the production of lignite organo-mineral fertilizers
one of the cheapest productions of this class, and products -
competitive in price with all types of fertilizers known
It should be noted that the Kaivoli Kul sapropel deposit
for this type of fertilizer is already ready for development, received
mining license and pioneer equipment installed,
has been working for more than a year in the extraction and preparation
raw sapropel of natural humidity. Production
capacity at the field can provide the release
sapropel component and its shipment to the main
production located in Kazakhstan, in the volume,
allowing to establish the production of bulk lignite
organo-mineral fertilizers at 120-150 thousand tons / year.

The cost of extraction and preparation of sapropel humic
component when creating a production association is not
will exceed 250 rubles / 1000 l, brown coal - 850 rubles / t. Ready
product packaged in open bags or soft
containers, at cost will not exceed 1200 rubles / m 3 .
Wholesale prices on the market for similar bulk and
fine-grained organo-mineral fertilizers of the CIS countries -
from 2800 rub. up to 7600 rub. for 1 m
3 , in the countries of the Middle East -
from $120 to $218 per m
3 . This puts this type of production
agricultural products in a number of fast-buying and
highly profitable businesses.

Technological solution developed in 1998-2001. JSC "Sapropek" (Tallinn, Estonia), now the Sapropel Center (Astrakhan, Russia), is focused on the production of organo-mineral fertilizers for agriculture and recultivants for the restoration of depleted and technogenically disturbed lands.

This type of fertilizer is produced from brown coal crushed to a dusty fraction with a maximum particle size of 3-5 mm and organic, organo-clay, or organo-lime sapropel, purified from foreign foreign inclusions with a natural moisture content in the range of 87-97%.

The optimal ratio of components in the fertilizer is calculated according to their quality indicators and the coal grinding fraction. The generally accepted proportion of brown coal crushed to a fraction of 0.01-2 mm to sapropel with a moisture content of 92% and an organic component of 54-65% is in the range of 10:1 - 6:1.

With a certain mechanical mixing of the two components on "fast" mixers, brown coal particles are moistened with liquid sapropel, absorb humus from it, as well as micro- and macro-components.

The mixing process in time is calculated by the rate of sorption of humates from sapropel on brown coal and inside, bringing its volume to 14-26% of the total content in sapropel, after which the two-component mass is allowed to stand, brought to the standard moisture content of the product and packaged in soft containers or bags.

According to the first production implementation of a technological solution in order to provide the market of Central Asia, Iran and China with the fertilizers described above, brown coal of the Kushmurunskoye deposit in Kazakhstan and sapropel of natural moisture from the Kaivola Kul deposit of the Chelyabinsk region of Russia were taken as a component basis. It is advisable to locate the production workshops of the enterprise at the place of receipt of the component with the largest volume of use, i.e. next to warehouses or a brown coal mine. It is advisable to extract sapropel, clean it and deliver it to the enterprise by railway transport in tanks.

The technological solution is aimed at creating a fertilizer that not only increases the yield many times over, but can also be produced in any quantity without changing the process regulations. The equipment itself is not science-intensive, cheap to manufacture and operate, and can be serviced by personnel without special skills.

One of the features of the production is the possibility of replacing the humus-containing liquid component: it can be sapropel, productive bottom silt, silt from fish ponds, pasty agricultural organic waste, municipal sludge, water from bog peat deposits, etc.

The resulting fertilizers were applied to various types of crops. For two seasons, the fertilizer was tested by the laboratory of the Center for sapropel and at the Sakhaloo farm near Tallinn.

When lignite organo-mineral fertilizer was introduced into the soil during the cultivation of rye, it was possible to obtain an increase in yield of 28 c/ha. The dose of fertilizer application was 30 c/ha.

When applying 30 centners/ha of fertilizers when growing: - wheat, an increase in yield of 33 centners per hectare, - corn, an increase of 90 centners/ha, - barley, an increase of 29 centners/ha. Particular attention was paid to the cultivation of potatoes using this type of fertilizer. Before sowing, 50 c/ha of fertilizer was applied to the arable land, after which potatoes were planted. The potato variety "Nevsky" yielded a yield of 500 c/ha, the increase in yield was 290 c/ha. For each centner of fertilizers applied to the soil, 5.5-5.7 centners of potatoes were obtained.

The potato variety "Lasunok" yielded 850 c/ha, the yield increase was 590 c/ha. For each centner of fertilizers introduced into the soil, 11-12 centners of potatoes were obtained.

Potato variety "Detskoselsky" yielded 489 centners/ha, the yield increase was 354 centners/ha. For each centner of fertilizers applied to the soil, up to 7.3 centners of potatoes were obtained.

The organization of fertilizer production includes two stages: preparatory and assembly and construction.

The preparatory stage is the study of the properties and quantitative and qualitative indicators of component raw materials, the development of work technology, the design justification of the business, the preparation of specifications for equipment and materials, the manufacture or order of equipment for the future enterprise. In terms of time, it takes from 3 to 6 months and can cost the customer 1.6-2.4 million rubles.

The assembly and construction stage is the arrangement of the enterprise's utility yard, the construction of production and packaging workshops and a warehouse for finished products. It takes 8 to 10 months in time. The cost of equipment, its installation and adjustment is determined by the design productivity of the enterprise, automation of processes, type and range of products, type of packaging and packaging of the finished product.

The plant for the production of lignite organo-mineral fertilizers is one of the cheapest production facilities of this class, and the products are competitive in price with all types of fertilizers of known analogues.

It should be noted that the Kaivoli Kul sapropel deposit for this type of fertilizer is already ready for development, a mining license has been obtained and pioneer equipment has been installed that has been operating for several years in the extraction and preparation of raw sapropel of natural moisture. The production facilities at the deposit can ensure the production of the sapropel component and its shipment to the main production located in Kazakhstan, in a volume that allows the production of bulk lignite organo-mineral fertilizers in the amount of 120-150 thousand tons / year.

The cost of extraction and preparation of the sapropel humic component when creating a production association will not exceed 250 rubles/1000 l, brown coal - 850 rubles/t. The finished product, packaged in open bags or soft containers, will not exceed 1200 rubles/m 3 at cost. Wholesale prices on the market of similar bulk and finely granulated organo-mineral fertilizers in the CIS countries - from 2800 rubles. up to 7600 rub. per 1 m 3 , in the countries of the Middle East - from $120 to $218 per m 3 . This puts this type of agricultural production in a number of fast-buying and highly profitable businesses.

The design of enterprises for the production of fertilizers from brown coal and sapropel, the supply of equipment according to the specification, and its commissioning are carried out by the Sapropel Center. The design time does not exceed 4 months, and the cost is within 620-1200 thousand rubles.

Capital investments in a plant with a capacity of 40 thousand tons of fertilizers per year (without buildings and structures) - within 45 million rubles.

Another brochure of the "People's Experience" series.
The author is a journalist and writer, Chairman of the informal community "People's experience" Yu. I. Slashchinin.

Why "people's experience"?
The first brochure in our series "People's Experience" described how to grow "20 sacks of potatoes per acre". The potato was used as a common example. The principles of high yields outlined in this brochure apply to all crops. So, the people's expert Pyotr Matveevich Ponomarev, to whom the work was dedicated, for more than twenty years received 250-300 centners of wheat and barley per hectare. His experience has been described by me.
In the Moscow region, the people's expert Vladimir Petrovich Ushakov, a follower and ally of Ponomarev, grew and harvested a ton of potatoes from a hundred square meters.
Such harvests are not sensational news on Earth. The farmers of the ancient kingdom of Sumer, which existed in the 30-28 centuries BC, sown 120 kg of grain per hectare (translated from Sumerian units of area) and harvested "sam-200", and in harvest years "sam-300", which is equivalent to:

120 kg ґ 200 \u003d 24.000 kg, that is, 240 kg / ha;
120 kg ґ 300 \u003d 36.000 kg, that is, 360 kg / ha

Why do we now have an average grain yield of 17-20 centners per hectare, and the highest does not even make up a fourth of the Sumerian? With our tractors, multi-furrow plows, various fertilizers, scientific agricultural technology, etc. and so on.? It turns out incomprehensible, the farmers tell me when they meet.
Farmers are simple and honest people. They do not fit in the head that there are people who deliberately do evil. They know that “Knowledge is Power” (there is such a magazine), but they do not understand that Knowledge is also Power. over each of us. For, by virtue of our knowledge, we work for ourselves, and by virtue of ignorance of something, we work for someone who knows more and controls us. That is why knowledge about high yields is not given to us and will not be given. After all, a high harvest is a management tool, a “carrot”, and hunger is a “stick”. Now they are using the “whip” to starve us into obedience to the will of the transnational financial corporations and international banks that rule the world. And when the last paragraph of the "Directive of the US National Security Council 20/1 of 18.08.1948 on the destruction of Soviet power in the USSR by the hands of its population" will be fulfilled (see N.N. Yakovlev "CIA against the USSR" M., 1985), then the survivors will be given a "carrot" for obedience.
But we are not slaves to them. And we won't be! Russians harness for a long time. And God is on our side. It was he who created you and me - different in skin color, but with the same red blood - and for us, his children, he laid the high yield of agricultural crops. As in the south, so in the north, so that they live everywhere in satiety and contentment.
We talked about the Sumerian "sam-300". There is the south and irrigated agriculture. But here is another farming, northern. On September 7, 1764, our first Russian academician M.V. Lomonosov published a report on the verification of the experiments of the royal gardener Ekleben in the "Sankt-Peterburgskiye Vedomosti" for September 7, 1764. He received from each sown grain 43-47 ears of corn with 2.372-2.523 grains in them. But this is the harvest "self-2.523"! Isn't it a miracle?!
Now about how to use this gift of the Creator. First of all, knowledge is needed. And they are under control. Restore! Agronomists are trained in harmful knowledge. Their actions are regulated by the requirements of the approved agricultural technology for the cultivation of certain crops, all kinds of GOSTs, OSTs, TUs, etc. Departure from them is stopped by punishment. Numerous candidates and doctors of sciences are often good specialists, but narrow ones. One knows everything about the "tops", the other - about the "roots", the thirty-third - about some hairs or antennae. And they do not have the most important - generalizing - knowledge. The scientists were so skillfully divided into areas and specialized that all the knowledge they have gained can be represented as a large stack of straw, in which our desired straws lie, but just try to find them, distinguish them from others.
Therefore, all hope is for the “people's experience”. It was people's experts, such as Ekleben, Ovsinsky, Volkner, Zhak, Ponomarev, Ushakov, Maltsev and thousands of others who lived and live in different countries and at different times, who kept and increased the most important knowledge for us, confirmed the possibility of obtaining high yields through their practice and passed on secrets to new generations. Our task is to replicate their experience and, if possible, expand their ascetic activity. For this purpose, our informal society "People's Experience" was organized, which gathers everyone who is interested in collecting and using folk secrets for obtaining high yields, in testing them in gardens, summer cottages, and in the fields.
Since the community is informal, the form of interaction in it is determined by the participants themselves. You can simply buy books in our series - on the occasion or subscribe them, however, then they will be more expensive due to postage. But if we take into account that the knowledge gained will provide thousands of dollars of coverage of these costs, then ... we will have to overcome the habit instilled in us to evaluate newspapers and books with pennies. Only harmful knowledge is cheaply valued, and therefore they unload it to us almost for nothing, if only they would be caught in the gratuity.
About the most important
Success or failure in the proposed business will depend entirely on the degree of your UNDERSTANDING of what in the first place provides an increased yield? The essence of the questions is the same: WHAT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT?
A direct question requires the same direct and specific answer. And its confirmation by practice. You will confirm in order to finally stop scientific uncertainty and use the results of the knowledge gained yourself. So…
The modern technology of growing cereals is based on tractors with a hundred (and more) power, multi-furrow plows, sprinklers, organic and mineral fertilizers, scientific recommendations from various experimental stations, laboratories, institutes, and academies. But - the harvest with all this does not exceed a third of the Sumerian. Why?
The question, presumably, is extremely complex, if all our modern science is not able to answer it.
In our opinion, in order to answer this question, first of all, it is necessary to understand what is humus? And what is black earth?
With chernozem it is easier, the hint is contained in the word itself. There are entire zones where the lands are only black and they are called black earth because. Chernozem produces the highest yields, should at least receive.
In one place the earth is black, and in others it is not black, some kind of whitish, and is called sandy, sandy loamy, loamy, etc. But in order to grow crops on such lands, they must all be black earth. You can take bare sand and make black soil out of it. This is the production of black soil for any soil that we will be engaged in. If, of course, we understand the essence of the first question: what is humus?
Translated from the Latin "humus" means - "earth", "soil". In the scientific agricultural understanding - a set of dark-colored organic substances of the soil that make up humic acids (humic and fulvic acids). does it have humus?
The most direct, if we consider humus as a derivative of the processes of decay of animal and plant residues. And more animals.
Life on Earth is arranged in such a way that animals feed on plants. PLANTS ARE ANIMALS.
When a cow eats hay and increases its protein mass, gives milk - this is clear to everyone: animals eat plants.
How can grass eat a cow? they ask me. - It's funny.
And because of this “ridiculous” paradox, humanity has been unable to use the gifts of nature for more than forty centuries. Nevertheless, plants also eat animals, but ... after life. Plant food is the end products of decomposition (rotting) of dead animals - from bacteria to an elephant. It is the products of their decomposition that become humus, and scientifically - humus.
"HUM" is a Russian word, understandable to everyone. It is the key to understanding high yields. This is how it was explained earlier in the time of Stolin. “Agricultural dictionary-reference book” of the 1934 edition: “Must is a carbon-rich organic mass of dark color, formed in the soil during the decomposition of plant and animal residues. The presence of humus improves the physical and plant-feeding properties of the soil. Any illiterate man could read it word by word and remember it for the rest of his life: the more humus in the soil, the higher the harvest. That's why he brought organic manure to the fields and gardens, and did not burn the stubble, and did not rake fallen leaves from the gardens and parks - he returned everything that he could collect to the earth.
For the enemies of Russia, the word humus turned out to be very dangerous. And this is not an exaggeration. After all, when all farmers understand its hidden meaning and learn how to use it in their fields and gardens, then in our territories we will throw out all Western suppliers of chemical products from the markets and flood the whole world with cheap, environmentally friendly vegetables, fruits, bread. That is why the enemies of Russia replaced the understandable word humus with a foreign one - humus. They confused people's heads with all sorts of scientific calculations of this humus, indicators, percentages, coefficients, etc. Humus has become some kind of mysterious reality.
That is why the Russians should firmly and firmly remember that the word HUMUS imposed on us is just humus, that is, a product of biochemical transformations of plant and animal residues in the soil. That the soil CANNOT BE BAD, as it is only a habitat for living matter, that is, bacteria and worms that create MUMS.
There will be more HUMUS in your fields and gardens, the more you dilute living matter there - bacteria and worms. On a hectare of virgin black soil, only the biological mass of bacteria is 15-20 tons. And here we must also add the biomass of worms and other living creatures. In total, this will be equivalent to the weight of 50-70 head of cattle. That's who will fertilize your soil.
The life of bacteria is extremely short: about every twenty minutes they divide, giving rise to two daughter cells. And if all of them were preserved, having everything necessary for life, then their mass weighing up to 400 tons could be formed from one cell per day. But this does not happen, the bacteria die and ... turn into organic "broths" of humus digestible by green plants. Here's what will feed your plants.
The more living matter in the soil - bacteria, worms, etc.,
the more humus;
The more fertile the soil
the better and more complete nutrition of plants;
the more abundant the harvest.
That's the whole secret. Unbelievably simple. Knowing him, you wonder, what was there to hide from the people? Moreover, separately, it is constantly written that there are bacteria and worms in the earth that improve the soil; that organic fertilizers are more useful than mineral ones; that "chemistry" poisons the soil, and plowing leads to erosion, that ...
Millions of different useful tips are hammered into our heads, except for this simple understanding: plants "eat" animals. Plants use the products of their decay, that is, humus.
You involuntarily remember "about grief from the mind." But this is if you do not understand that “Knowledge is Power!” That knowledge of this magnitude, on which the life and death of billions of people depend, such knowledge is hidden especially skillfully. They lie in a huge heap along with others, and when there is no UNDERSTANDING, it is impossible to take and use them.
But if understanding is achieved, let's go further and put a specific and MOST IMPORTANT QUESTION:
- What should be done so that the plants receive good nutrition that ensures their healthy growth and the formation of the maximum yield?
- Feed animals"! Those who live in the soil give the plants the products of their secretions and provide them with nutrient "broths" after their death.
Here we have to briefly repeat what was written in the first brochure of the series "People's Experience". You need to know and remember the Laws of Nature, taking into account in your practice the conditions for their observance.
Condition one
Soil fertility creates a "living substance" consisting of billions of soil bacteria, microscopic fungi, worms and other living creatures. Let us also remind those who have forgotten school lessons: bacteria are microscopic, predominantly single-celled organisms of various forms. They feed using various ORGANIC substances (heterotrophs) or creating organic substances of their cells from inorganic ones (autotrophs). Moreover, bacteria are divided into aerobic and anaerobic. "Aero" means air. Aerobic bacteria are so called because they give air, cannot live without it, and therefore are located in the upper layers of the soil.
But there are bacteria that do not use the oxygen of the air, it is detrimental to them, and therefore they live in the lower layers of the soil and are called anaerobic.
From this it follows, first of all, that when using bacteria to increase productivity, one must take into account their nature: aerobes - to be provided with air (to loosen the soil more often), but anaerobes must be protected from air, not to climb into their habitat with a shovel, and even more so plow. By turning the layer, the plow destroys both those and other bacteria at the same time. And the more often they dig and plow the earth, the more likely they destroy bacteria, thereby dooming themselves to low yields.
By the way, it will be said that the Americans and Canadians have not plowed and plowed their gardens and fields for a long time. In the USA, for 15 years now, not a single plant has been producing plows.
Microscopic fungi - lower plants, descended from algae. They feed on decaying organic matter of plant and animal origin. Like bacteria, they destroy organic matter, contributing to the formation of soil humus. Bacteria and fungi process the root remains of plants, introduced manure, composts, etc., as well as dying organisms, converting their protein mass into organic “broth” digestible by green plants.
second condition
Plants store as much carbon as it comes to them in the form of carbon dioxide (carbon dioxide -CO2). It can be said that carbon dioxide is the main food of plants. Plants take it in the soil, where it accumulates from the respiration of living matter - bacteria, microorganisms, worms.
There is ten times more carbon dioxide in fertile soil than in the atmosphere. It follows from this that it must be kept in the soil, not released by senseless digging or plowing.
Under the influence of sunlight (photosynthesis) from carbon, carbon dioxide and water, carbohydrates are formed in plants. At the same time, plants absorb nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, potassium, sodium and other elements. As a result, not only carbohydrate molecules are obtained, but also proteins, fats and everything else, which forms the volume of the crop and its consumer qualities. Moreover, the chemical law of the minimum operates here: the lack of any one element is not replenished by the surplus of another.
Condition three
Zhivret substance lives in a thin layer of soil, from 5 to 15 cm deep. It was this thin layer of! 0 cm that created all life on the whole land, wrote V.I. Why from 5 cm? Because the top layer serves as a kind of integumentary crust. There is little living matter in it - due to solar radiation and temperature differences.
If we take a closer look at the soil layer from the point of view of the habitat of living matter, then we can see a clear, strictly designated order by nature. The upper layer of 8-10 cm provides life for aerobic bacteria, and the lower one for anaerobic bacteria, for which air is harmful.
Remember these distinctions, they are extremely important for obtaining high yields. After all, only their ignorance can explain the established practice of digging up vegetable gardens and plowing deeper into the fields, and even with a turn of the reservoir. At the same time, all carbon dioxide, so necessary for plants, is released into the atmosphere, and “living matter” is destroyed.
All our agricultural technology is, as it were, deliberately designed so as not to improve soil fertility, not to increase crop yields, but, on the contrary, to destroy them. And now tons of all kinds of salts are poured onto the fields or their solutions are poured out under the plausible pretext - to feed the plants, but in reality - to kill the remnants of "living matter" in the soil, which means lowering its fertility, dooming itself and the country to low yields. And doomed to dependence on Western suppliers of agricultural products, who receive 3-5 times more than ours on their fields only because they have not used moldboard plowing for a long time and drive out excess "chemistry" from the fields.
The result of our agricultural technology is as follows: according to the All-Union Scientific Research Design and Design Institute of Organic Fertilizers and Peat (VNIPTIOU), over the past 20-25 years, from 15 to 40% of humus has been lost on an area of ​​200 million hectares of arable land. And if we take into account that a decrease in the content of humus in the soil by 1% leads to a decrease in the yield by an average of 5 centners of grain units, then it is easy to calculate what a shortfall in yield we have due to the sterilization of the soil with various chemicals, killing bacteria and other living creatures that create us humus, hence the yield.
Can all this be understood otherwise than sabotage on an especially large scale?
Praise for the worm
The basis of high yields, of course, is bacteria. But the consolidation of high yields and their increase is provided by worms.
There is plenty of information about worms in the scientific literature, starting from 1789, when the English naturalist Gilbert White first established the positive role of earthworms in soil formation. In 1881, C. Darwin, after his sixty years of research, published the work “Formation of the vegetative layer of the earth by the activity of earthworms and observations on their way of life”. It would seem that everything is proven, take it and use it. But…
Here you are, my readers, farmers. What do you know about the role of earthworms in shaping crops in your garden? The answer is an assessment of the activities of the organizers of our agricultural science and management of agriculture. With this digression, I just want to remind you that the most important secrets can be hidden, kept in plain sight. Darwin is a famous person, and no one can say that his discoveries are being hidden. They simply do not pay attention to those people who need this knowledge, and do not make decisions themselves. So it turns out that you need to save yourself. Therefore, KNOW:
On 1 hectare of well-groomed pastures lives from 200 million worms. If the weight of each, suppose 1 g, then their total mass will be from 1 to 200. This is equivalent in weight to 4 to 800 cows per 1 ha. It is clear that natural cows need food, water, warmth, and care. Only then will they deliver. But don't 30 million worms on your 15 acres need the same thing?!
Worms feed on particles of dead plants and humus of soil containing bacteria, microfungi, and all kinds of other protozoa. Since the intestines of earthworms produce an enzyme that destroys cellulose, they eat everything that contains fiber: straw, tree bark, sawdust, paper, cardboard, fallen leaves, grass, etc. During the day, worms eat various organic substances by weight equal to half their own weight. And they don't just eat. In the process of digestion of food in their intestines, substances are released that contribute to the formation of humus. In a few years, the worms will "pass" through themselves 400-600 tons of earth per hectare, turning it into peculiar granules - caprolites, small grains with high water resistance, with a humus content of 11 to 15%. Thanks to earthworms, the soil becomes air and water permeable, protected from water and air erosion.
When bacteria and earthworms process tons of manure (in terms of dry), 0.6 tons of dry humus fertilizer with a humus content of 25 to 40% is obtained. This fertilizer contains about 1% nitrogen, the same amount of phosphorus and potassium, and all the trace elements necessary for the plant. The remaining 400 kg of organic nutrients are converted into 100 kg of protein in the form of worm and bacteria biomass.
Humus fertilizer obtained with the help of bacteria and worms is 4-8 times more effective than manure and ordinary composts. It contributes to a sharp and long (when using our agricultural technology) increase in yield, shortens the growing season for plants by two to three weeks, improves the quality and safety of products during long-term storage.
Let's start anew...
Now that you have received the necessary theoretical training in the amount of the most important knowledge, it will be possible in practice to consciously repeat everything that is done in nature when black soil is created, and to produce it yourself in garden and summer cottages, in the fields. This production will be based on an aerobic process, that is, the use of bacteria that need air for life and various organic substances for nutrition. As a technological method, we use pile composting.
Much has been written about organic fertilizers and composts. All this is read by people, remembered, used and stored in memory as proven, and therefore unshakable knowledge. It is difficult for such "experts" to introduce anything new into the consciousness. After all, you have to knock out their old, harmful knowledge. And to begin with, one can ask, for example, the following question: why do all publications necessarily talk about the low efficiency of organic fertilizers compared to mineral fertilizers? Moreover, it is spoken of as a fact that does not need proof. But then where did the highest yields come from among the Sumerians, who did not know either superphosphate or ammonium nitrate? There is only organic matter: sopropel, straw and muddy water with microalgae.
In a word, in order to understand and use what is offered by "people's experience", try for some time to be critical of the knowledge obtained from the publications of "Agropromizdat" and other specialized (and therefore controlled) agricultural publishers. At the same time, remember: "It is madness to think that the evil do not do evil."
So, what are they deliberately silent and distorting? And where should I make the correction to "vice versa"? For proof, let's take a book of the St. Petersburg "Agropromizdat" series "The World of the Estate" called "Harvest and Fertilizer". Author A.V. Popov writes for amateur vegetable growers:
"Plant composts are made from kitchen waste, dry leaves, potato tops, weeds (without seeds), peat, feces, manure and other refuse."
Let's ask:
- This is how much "kitchen waste" is needed to fertilize at least six acres?
- What about “dry leaves” and “potato tops”? Wait for autumn?
- How to separate the seeds from the "weeds"? ...
- How to separate helminths from faeces?
- Are there optimal ratios of components or is it necessary to throw everything into a heap that comes to hand, and then it will be seen?
And this is what will be seen. I quote:
"Properly prepared compost is as effective as manure" As they say, we've arrived!
First, how do you cook "correctly" when no rules are given?
Secondly, why such compost, which is “not inferior” to manure in terms of efficiency?
In another book, intended primarily to help people who have no previous experience of working on the land, as the author V.B. Golubev writes, “A stable harvest on six acres”, states:
“The method of laying composts is simple. On a site where rainwater does not fit, a 1015ti centimeter layer of peat 1.52 m wide is poured. If there is no peat. good humus soil is poured with a layer of 57 cm. Compostable material 1530 cm is placed on such a litter and, if necessary, moistened, best of all with slurry, a solution of manure, feces or chicken droppings, slops, and if this is not possible, then simply water. It talks about how the layers alternate, “until the height of the pile reaches 11.5 m.”
According to the first book, the height of the piles should be higher - 1.51.7 m. And even higher they require the construction of TU 10.11.887-90. The pile should have a trapezoidal shape with dimensions of 2 m in height, 3.0 m in the lower base and 2.5 m in the upper one. After 1.52.5-3 summer months, the compost is ready. And, as already mentioned, such composts are "not inferior to manure."
Now compare all this with our technology, which is described below. But at the same time, try not just to remember, but to UNDERSTAND the whole mechanism of what is happening, so that later you do not look into various “authoritative reference books”, but become an authority in obtaining high yields, teach others and pass on knowledge to children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. After all, it is still unknown what awaits them ...

1. First of all, you need to prepare a site with a slight slope so that both rain and other water flow from it. Bacteria do not need excess moisture, just as any cattle does not need dampness.
Gravel should be laid on the site in 23 layers. If your pebbles are 1.52 cm, then two layers will be 34 cm in height, and the third - plus another 1.52 cm.
We need this gravel not only for drainage, but also for aeration. After all, based on the Laws of Nature, chernozem is created by aerobic bacteria. Therefore, their habitat must be provided with a constant flow of air. If it is delayed for a few minutes, the entire colony will die. To some, this problem will seem trifling: what is there to grieve about with their, bacteria, ability to reproduce?
Everything is correct. Yes, it's a pity for time. And a harvest that will be lost. I lost it there, in another place, in the third - that's how big losses are accumulated. Why waste goodness because of ignorance? Know and prevent trouble. You also have vents in your apartment for the influx of fresh air, and the farms are equipped with ventilation, which means that the habitat of the soil “living matter” must have an air supply system. And better - from below. Bedding with gravel, and not with peat or earth, as scientific authorities suggest, solves two problems at once: it removes excess water and provides air to the bacteria.
What if there is no gravel?
Use broken bricks, branches, branches, nets ... Any options that can provide a solution to the problem of removing excess water and air supply.

2. The question of the size of the pile, not as simple as it seems to pundits, with extraordinary ease advising and prescribing to pile them up to two meters high. Why not five or fifteen? Where is the justification?
St. Petersburg folk expert P.Z.Kashi checked the data of literary sources, refuted a lot and chose the optimal height!, 01.2 m. With his experiments, he not only confirmed it, but suggested and justified another form. Here is the course of his proofs, illustrated by drawings.

Gilmutdinov M.G.,
Director of the Federal State Institution “Station of the Agrochemical Service “Ishimbayskaya”, Bashkortostan,
Ismagilov Z.I., experiment performer

Of the many minerals that have phosphorus in their composition, only igneous apatite and sedimentary phosphorites are raw materials for the production of phosphate fertilizers. Phosphorites were formed during the mineralization of the skeletons of animals that inhabited the earth in remote geological epochs, as well as the precipitation of phosphoric acid by calcium from water. Phosphorite deposits are often found on the globe, but in Western Europe they are small and unsuitable for development. There are almost none in Asian countries, except for China. The richest deposits of phosphorites are found in a number of countries in North Africa. On the American continent, deposits of this rock are found in Florida, Tennessee and other states.

Unfortunately, most of our phosphorites contain little phosphorus and are rich in sesquioxides, which makes it difficult to process them into superphosphate.

Despite the different origins of apatites and phosphorites, they have much in common in their chemical structure. They are trisubstituted calcium salts of phosphoric acid, which are accompanied by calcium fluoride, other compounds of this cation, and various impurities. Phosphorites can be used in the form of phosphate rock. It is obtained by grinding phosphorite to a state of fine flour. Phosphorite flour is often used in conjunction with organic fertilizers. So, manure-phosphorite, peat-phosphorite, peat-manure-phosphorite composts are widely known. Therefore, the composting of phosphorites from the Surakai deposit with organic fertilizers such as brown coal and silt is of particular interest both from a scientific and industrial point of view, since they are local organic and mineral fertilizers.

Organic - mineral fertilizer, consisting of brown coal, phosphorite and the drug "Baikal EM1", had an acidity of pH = 7.0, ash content - 82%, contained total nitrogen 2.2%, total phosphorus - 8.4% and total potassium - 6.6%.

Another organo-mineral fertilizer, consisting of Bos sludge, phosphorite and the Tamir preparation, had an acidity of pH = 7.2, an ash content of 71.4%, contained a total nitrogen of 2.7%, a total of phosphorus - 8.5% and a total potassium - 8.7%.

Field tests of these samples were carried out in the SPK "Agidel" of the Ishimbay region. The soil of the experimental plot - leached medium-thick chernozem of heavy mechanical composition is characterized by the following agrochemical indicators: humus content - 9.5%, mobile phosphorus - 110 mg/kg, exchangeable potassium - 111 mg/kg, sulfur - 7.4 mg/kg, pH - 5.9; trace elements: boron - 2.5 mg / kg, molybdenum - 0.15 mg / kg, manganese - 9.0 mg / kg, zinc - 0.65 mg / kg, copper - 0.17 mg / kg, cobalt - 0 .5 mg/kg; heavy metals: lead - 4.7 mg/kg, zinc - 9.6 mg/kg, nickel - 29.2 mg/kg, copper - 10.2 mg/kg, cadmium - 0.26 mg/kg and mercury - 0 .0289 mg/kg.

The size of the plots of the experimental plot is 100 m 2, the repetition of options is four times. Fertilizers were applied for pre-sowing cultivation with subsequent incorporation on the same day. Fertilizers were applied in both variants of the experiment at the rate of one ton per hectare of arable land. Spring wheat of the Saratovskaya-55 variety was sown on the experimental plot on May 8. During the tillering of plants, chemical weeding of spring wheat crops was carried out. Before harvesting, a biometric analysis of spring wheat plants was carried out. According to its results, it turned out that the number of plants in the control and third (WMD based on silt and phosphorus raw materials) options was 400 pcs/m 2 each, and in the second variant (WMD based on brown coal and phosphorus raw materials) of the experiment - 412 pcs./ m 2. The length of the plants in the fertilized variants, that is, in the second and third ones, was 4.9 and 10.2 cm higher than the control one, respectively. In the variants with the introduction of OMF, the length of the spike of plants exceeded the control variant by 0.5–1.0 cm.

The mass of 1000 grains in both fertilized variants was 2–3 g more than the control one. The introduction of WMD increased the grain gluten content by 1.5–2.6%. Spring wheat was harvested on 10 August. In both fertilized options, a significant increase in grain yield was obtained from 5.9 c/ha in the second and up to 7.4 c/ha in the third option. At the same time, the yield of spring wheat in the control variant was 18.6 q/ha.

The introduction of WMD based on brown coal increased the humus content by 0.1%, and the use of WMD based on silt had almost no effect on the content of humus in the soil.

In the fertilized variants, a significant increase in the content of mobile phosphorus in the soil (94 and 103 mg/kg) was also noted, while in the control variant it was only 79 mg/kg. The introduction of WMD did not change the content of exchangeable potassium in the soil. Of the trace elements, a slight increase in the content of copper and boron in the soil was noted. The use of WMD did not increase the content of heavy metals in the soil. Thus, WMD based on brown coal, silt, phosphorites of the Surakai deposit and microbiological preparations "Baikal EM1" and "Tamir" presented for testing can be recommended for use in agriculture as highly effective organo-mineral fertilizers.

Table 1
Efficiency of organo-mineral fertilizer based on phosphorites of the Surakai deposit, 2004

No. pp


Productivity by repetitions, c/ha

Average yield, centner/ha

Yield increase, c / ha







WMD based on phosphoritesphosphate raw material + lignite (in the ratio1:1) + preparation "Baikal EM1" - 1.0 t/ha






WMD based on phosphoritesSurakai field. Compound:Phos. raw materials + BOS sludge (at a ratio of 1:1) + "Tamir" -1.0 t/ha





