The semantic meaning of the concepts: “nature protection”, “environmental protection”, “nature use”, “environmental safety”

Protection of Nature- a set of state and general educational activities aimed at preserving the atmosphere, flora and fauna, soils, waters and earth's interior.

In the 50s. 20th century there is another form of protection - protection of the human environment. This concept is close in meaning to nature conservation, puts a person in the center of attention, the preservation and formation of such natural conditions that are most favorable for his life, health and well-being.

Environmental protection - represents a system of state and public measures (technological, economic, administrative and legal, educational, international) aimed at the harmonious interaction of society and nature, the preservation and reproduction of existing ecological communities and natural resources for the sake of living and future generations. The new environmental Federal Law (2002) uses the term "environmental protection", while "natural environment" is understood as the most important component of the environment. In recent years, the term "Protection of the natural environment", which is close to another concept - "protection of the biosphere" those. a system of measures aimed at eliminating the negative anthropogenic or natural influence on the interconnected blocks of the biosphere, at maintaining its evolutionary organization and ensuring normal functioning.

The protection of the natural environment is closely related to nature management - social and industrial activities aimed at meeting the material and cultural needs of society through the use of various types of natural resources and natural conditions. According to N. F. Reimers (1992), it includes:

a) protection, renewal and reproduction of natural resources, their extraction and processing;

b) the use and protection of the natural conditions of the human environment;

c) preservation, restoration and rational change of the ecological balance of natural systems;

d) regulation of human reproduction and the number of people.

Nature management can be rational and irrational. Rational nature management means a comprehensive, scientifically sound, environmentally safe and sustainable use of natural resources, with the maximum possible preservation of the natural resource potential and the ability of ecosystems to self-regulate. Irrational nature management does not ensure the preservation of the natural resource potential, leads to a deterioration in the quality of the natural environment, is accompanied by a violation of the ecological balance and destruction of ecosystems.

At the present stage of development of the problem of protecting the natural environment, a new concept of "environmental safety" is being born, which means the state of protection of the natural environment and the vital environmental interests of a person from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities, emergency situations, their consequences.

The scientific basis of all measures to ensure the environmental safety of the population and rational nature management is theoretical ecology, the most important principles of which are focused on maintaining the homeostasis of ecosystems and preserving the animal potential.

Ecosystems have the following limiting boundaries such existence(existence, functioning), which must be taken into account during anthropogenic impact (Saiko, 1985):

Limit anthropotolerance- resistance to negative anthropogenic impact, for example, the harmful effects of pesticides;

Limit stohetolerance- resilience against natural disasters, for example, the impact on forest ecosystems of hurricane winds;

Limit homeostasis- ability to self-regulation;

Limit potential regenerative, those. ability to self-heal.

Environmentally sound rational nature management should consist in the maximum possible increase in these limits in order to achieve environmentally balanced nature management. Irrational nature management and ultimately leads to an ecological crisis.

Nature conservation principles

1. All natural phenomena have multiple meanings for man and must be evaluated from different points of view. Each phenomenon must be approached taking into account the interests of various branches of production and the preservation of the restorative power of nature itself.

Thus, the forest is considered primarily as a source of timber and chemical raw materials. However, forests have, in addition, water-regulating, soil-protective and climate-forming significance. The forest is important as a place of rest for people. In these cases, the industrial value of the forest is relegated to the background.

The river cannot serve only as a transport highway or a place for the construction of hydroelectric power stations. It can not be used as a place for the drain of waste industrial water. Rivers deliver nutrients to the seas necessary for living organisms. Therefore, the use of the river only in the interests of one industry is irrational; it is necessary to use it comprehensively in the interests of various industries, health care, tourism, taking into account the preservation of the purity of the reservoir and the restoration of water reserves in it.

2. The second principle is the need for strict consideration of local conditions in the use and protection of natural resources. This principle is called the rule of regionality. To a greater extent, it concerns the use of water and forest resources.

There are many places on Earth where there is now a shortage of fresh water. Excess water elsewhere does not improve the water predicament in dry areas.

Where there are many forests and they are not developed, intensive logging is permissible, but in the forest-steppe regions, in the central industrial densely populated regions of Russia, where there are few forests, these resources must be spent very carefully, with constant concern for their renewal.

The rule of regionality also applies to the animal world. In some areas, game animals need strict protection, in others, with a high number, intensive fishing is possible.

3. The third principle is that the protection of one object means at the same time the protection of other objects closely related to it.

The protection of a reservoir from pollution is at the same time the protection of the fish that live in it. Preservation of the normal hydrological regime with the help of forests is the prevention of soil erosion, and much more.

Often in nature, relations of an opposite nature develop, when the protection of one object harms another. The protection of moose leads to their overpopulation, and this causes significant damage to the forest due to damage to the undergrowth.

Significant damage to the vegetation of some African national parks is caused by elephants, which inhabit these territories in abundance.

Therefore, the protection of each natural object must be correlated with the protection of other natural components.

Nature protection must be comprehensive. It is not the sum of individual natural resources that should be protected, but a natural complex (ecosystem) that includes various interrelated components.

The protection and use of nature are, at first glance, two oppositely directed actions of man. However, there is no antagonistic contradiction between these actions. A reasonable balance between the use and protection of nature is important, which is determined by the amount and distribution of resources, the economic conditions of the country, social traditions and culture of the population.

Special forms of nature protection include the creation of nature reserves, wildlife sanctuaries and other specially protected natural areas (PAs). Currently, there are more than 2,600 specially protected natural areas in the world with an area of ​​over 4 million km2, which is 3% of the land area. Of this number, 2,300 are national parks. The share of national parks in comparison with the total area of ​​natural protected areas is more than 75% in France, Ireland, Poland; 50-75% in Canada, Italy, Norway, Sweden, Finland; 25-50% in Greece, Spain, USA, Switzerland.

The national park system occupies a dominant position in Colombia - 97% of the total protected area, Argentina - 94%, Peru - 91%, Paraguay - 90%, Costa Rica and Brazil - 80% each. New Zealand has the largest relative size of protected natural areas among all countries in the world. Protected areas occupy about 16% of the country's area.

The tasks solved by the protected areas are diverse. Thanks to protected areas, it is possible to ensure the ecological balance in the territory; preserve habitat types of valuable and resource species of plants and animals, diversity of ecosystems; preserve natural objects important for science and education. To perform its functions and tasks, the system of protected areas should have the following properties:

1. Functional development, i.e. the environmental complex should contain all the functional types of elements necessary for the implementation of the tasks facing it.

2. Territorial interconnectedness or spatial association of individual functional types of elements into a single formed network.

3. Geographical representativeness, i.e. coverage of all historically developed landscape diversity by types of protected areas, incl. reference and unique objects.

4. Technological efficiency - the network of protected areas should be of sufficient territorial volume to determine the current state of objects, development trends and what are the risk factors.

5. Openness, i.e. the principles of building a system of protected areas should provide the possibility of continuous improvement of its structure without a radical restructuring, the possibility of its phased formation, allow all sorts of complications and branching of the network.

6. Organizational completeness, i.e. covering all stages, from the information development of the territory to the direct creation of protected areas.

7. The simplicity of the device, on the one hand, is the basis for effective management of the system, on the other hand, the understanding by the population of the tasks facing the protected areas, the principles of structure and features of functioning.

Specially protected natural areas are represented by nature reserves, sanctuaries, national parks, reserves, etc.

W apovednik- a space (territory, water area) specially protected by law or customs, completely excluded from any economic activity (including visits by people) for the sake of preserving intact natural complexes (standards of nature), protecting living species and monitoring natural processes (N .F. Reimers).

The main activities of the reserves are as follows:

1. preservation of inviolable areas of nature (standards of nature);

2. conservation of rare and valuable species and objects of nature;

3. reproduction of species important to humans;

4. complex stationary study of nature.

The exploitation of natural resources is prohibited on the territory of the reserves; destruction of wild animals, their holes and nests; damage to vegetation and other actions that cause a violation of the natural state of nature; construction of facilities not related to the activities of the reserve. The movement of people and means of transport is limited in a certain way.

In order to preserve and restore natural conditions on the territory of reserves, it is allowed to hunt animals to regulate their numbers and for the purpose of scientific research; haymaking to preserve the established vegetation associations, carrying out biotechnical measures; use of land for experimental research and the needs of the reserve. In the reserves, sanitary felling, forest maintenance felling, fire-fighting measures, the fight against harmful insects during their mass reproduction and the extermination of wolves are allowed.

Reserves are of particular importance in the system of protection of flora and fauna, firstly, due to the conservation of the gene pool of animals and plants; secondly, the study of the structure and functions of primary biogeocenoses is of fundamental importance for understanding the essence of the laws of the biosphere as a whole.

The role of reserves in the development of zoology is great. The main stock of modern knowledge on the ecology of vertebrates was created by the work of nature reserves. In each reserve, a "Chronicle of Nature" is constantly maintained, representing the source of factual material. In nature reserves, studies on practically important animal species are geographically complete. This allows you to find out the relationship of species with the natural environment, the features of their life in different conditions.

One of the important areas of scientific work of reserves is the study of human influence on nature and natural impacts on human activity. Forecasting the direction and rate of change in biogeocenoses under different forms and levels of human impact is necessary to develop ways to manage nature.

Some reserves supplied hunting farms with animals for introduction. For example, beavers were introduced from the Voronezh Reserve, spotted deer from the Sikhote-Alin Reserve, sable deer from the Barguzinsky Reserve, and desman from the Khopersky Reserve.

Each reserve has stationary sites for observations. When laying hospitals, the following requirements must be observed:

1. Stationary areas, profiles and transects should reflect the totality of options related to the primary type options presented in the reserve. For example, in mountain reserves it is required to cover communities of all altitudinal zones; in reserves confined to river valleys - communities that have experienced the influence of the river (for example, in the Oksky Reserve - communities of the floodplain of the Oka River, modern and ancient terraces, interfluve spaces), etc.

2. It is necessary to provide an observation system for communities transformed by human activities or natural factors. It is equally important to carry out regime observations in places that have preserved traces of long-standing violations. For example, clear and selective logging, resin collection, forest plantations, which were carried out before the establishment of the reserve, were reflected in the communities.

3. In some cases, profiles laid out on the territory of the reserve should be taken to adjacent territories. For example, for a reserve in a floodplain, it is desirable to bring the profile to the watershed for a sufficiently complete coverage and characterization of the dynamic processes occurring in the landscapes of the reserve.

4. It is necessary to cover as many habitats of rare species as possible with stationary observations.

5. For spatial alignment of observations of the state of botanical and zoological objects, it is necessary to place stations on the same territory. According to the same principle, environmental monitoring sites are organized in biosphere reserves.

6. Stations must be clearly fixed on the ground with a system of markings and have a single numbering.

Passports are drawn up for stationary sites. Passports for zoological observations are focused on vertebrates. The object of observation can be different classes of animals. At all zoological sites, it is necessary to carry out a fairly complete description of the vegetation cover, since changes in animal communities are often directly related to plant successions. At birdwatching sites in forest reserves, it is important to characterize tree layers and understorey in detail; when observing mammals, special attention should be paid to the ground layers of vegetation.

The passport for the zoological site indicates: the date of the observation, weather conditions, characteristics of the studied animal community (species composition and ratio of the number of species), characteristics of the state of populations of individual species, which reflects the territorial structure and the course of reproduction, cases and causes of death of animals.

In addition to the full protection of the territory, there is a partial protection regime. Its main organizational form is the reserves. Reserve- a site within which (permanently or temporarily) certain types and forms of economic activity are prohibited to ensure the protection of living organisms, biogeocenoses, ecological components or the general nature of the protected area.

Reserves are the most ancient form of fauna protection. It has long been established that the "order" is valid for a certain period and in certain seasons. For example, a period of 5-10 years is set for local wildlife sanctuaries, which is then extended if required. Republican reserves are almost always permanent. The use of resources on the territory of reserves is allowed to the extent that it does not harm protected objects. This is their difference from the reserves. In the reserves, the entire natural complex is protected and the land is forever withdrawn from economic circulation.

The system of reserves is widely used in the hunting economy and serves as a means of increasing the number of game animals. Relevant work is being carried out in the reserves to increase the number of animals, feeding, resettlement of certain species and other biotechnical measures.

Reserves are also organized to protect spawning areas or winter accumulations of fish, feeding of its juveniles (ichthyological reserves); for the protection of nesting, molting, migratory or wintering birds (ornithological), etc.

In most countries of the world, national parks are the main form of nature protection. national park- a vast territory, including specially protected natural (not subjected to significant human impact) landscapes or parts thereof, intended, in addition to the main task of preserving natural complexes intact, mainly for recreational purposes (N.F. Reimers).

Marine national parks have been created in many countries of the world. When choosing sea areas for parks, the following is taken into account: 1). area - not less than 256 km2; 2). the presence of diverse ecosystems; 3). the presence of rare or endangered species; 4). scientific and educational value, which implies easy accessibility and proximity to relevant laboratories and institutes.

The structure of the national park and the rules for its operation are mainly determined by such a scheme. The size of the park ensures the presence of large animals in it; tourists are maximally isolated from the flora and fauna of the park; inspection of the main protected objects (animals) is carried out from specially laid roads, trails, etc. The number of visitors is determined on the basis of scientifically based norms for the use of territories for recreational purposes.

The territory of the national park is zoned, i.e. divided into sections with different modes of operation.

On the territory of the national parks of Belarus, Russia stand out:

Protected areas intended for the protection and restoration of the most valuable natural complexes;

Regulated use zones intended for the conservation of individual ecosystems, the regime of which is determined in accordance with the requirements established for wildlife preserves;

Recreational zones intended for placement of facilities and facilities for sanatorium treatment, recreation and tourism, holding cultural and recreational events;

Economic zones intended for placement of facilities for servicing park visitors, conducting economic and other activities.

It is advisable to create a buffer zone around the park to prevent negative impacts on its natural ecosystems.

Depending on local natural conditions, several zoning options are used, of which the simplest is the concentric arrangement of zones, when objects with the most stringent protection regime are located in the center of the territory, surrounded by a buffer zone along the periphery, used for recreation. Such zoning is typical for underdeveloped areas. With anthropogenic disturbance of the territory, the zoning pattern is polycentric. The location of the zones relative to each other, their size and configuration depend on: the nature and natural distribution of natural objects in need of protection; the degree of anthropogenic change in nature and the existing transport network; proximity or remoteness from the main sources of recreational demand.

National parks are divided into open, resort, semi-open and reserved. In open-type national parks, the general protection of the landscape is carried out, the territory is excluded from the plans for large-scale construction, and the traditional uses of natural resources by the local population are preserved. The area is publicly accessible to tourists. There are no sites closed to the public, or they are negligible in area.

National parks of the resort type are located around well-known climatic and balneological resorts, where the landscape and specific objects of climate-regulating elements of nature, as well as mineral springs and therapeutic mud are protected. The regions are excluded from industrial construction, but the commercial exploitation of natural resources is carried out to the extent that they do not violate the main purpose of the park. Completely closed areas are insignificant in area. To a certain extent, parks adjoin here, inside which there are ski resorts. At these resorts, large areas are partially or completely closed to the public.

Semi-open parks should be considered a classic example of national parks. This type dominates in most countries of the world. Most of the park is closed to the general public. The open part is specially prepared for receiving visitors. The entire territory of the parks is withdrawn from commercial use.

Protected parks serve the interests of science. Their use for tourism has been reduced to a minimum; only a tiny part of the park is open to visitors along strictly defined routes. Parks of this type are adjoined by scientific reserves in some countries of America, Asia, and Europe. They were created for scientific purposes and access to tourists is completely or almost completely closed.

In national parks, one of the main tasks is to show animals to tourists. Display methods are varied. The main form of the show is a detour of the park by car. The road network is laid out in such a way that a significant part of the territory is inaccessible to tourists. At the same time, it covers all the remarkable corners of the park and places of concentration of animals. This takes into account the seasonal change of habitats by animals. This guarantees the display of all species of animals protected in the park and redistributes the load on the natural components of the park.

Other forms of animal display are of a private nature, but are of significant interest. The most common device is artificial reservoirs in the immediate vicinity of the hotel, for example, in African national parks. At night, the reservoirs are illuminated by special spotlights. Visitors can observe the animals that came to the watering hole directly from the hotel's veranda. This method of display is especially effective in the dry season.

Special forms of nature protection include the reserve . Reserve- This is a natural protected area with a reserved or custom regime. The reserves are smaller than the national park. Reserves can be scientific, to which access is open only to scientists. More often there are specialized reserves, where either only game animals (hunting reserves), or only birds (ornithological), or forests, etc. are subject to full protection. In these cases, the remaining natural resources are exploited, but in a size and shape that do not violate the integrity of the object. Such reserves, for example, are widespread in Africa and other continents.

Nature protection in our region is the most important set of measures in the current difficult environmental situation, which is observed in many regions of the country. Such activities are carried out not only in Russia. There are a huge number of international organizations that control the state of the environment throughout the Earth.

Organizations for the protection of nature in Russia

Protecting the environment is something everyone should do. Often, due to irresponsible and negligent attitude towards the world around you, man-made disasters and mass pollution occur. It is necessary to protect nature both on a private and global scale. Everything starts small. Everyone should control themselves and their loved ones, not litter, take care of nature, etc.

Nature conservation in our region is regulated by the actions of many organizations that specialize in this. The main ones are listed below:

  • VOOP - All-Russian Society for the Protection of Nature.
  • ecological
  • RREC - Russian Regional Environmental Center.
  • "Green Cross" and others.

The WOOP was founded in 1924 and is still active today. The main goal of society is the preservation of the environment. Participants carry out a set of measures to maintain the diversity of fauna and flora. The society is engaged in education of the population, introduction to the masses. Participants advise the subjects of nature management, are engaged in environmental protection activities and much more.

The environmental movement in Russia is a relatively new phenomenon. In 1994, the "Green" society was founded, which appeared on the basis of the "Kedr" organization. Until 2009, the so-called environmental political party operated, but later its activities were terminated. The "Green" movement considers its goal to change the attitude of the state and the population towards the outside world. Participants believe that only organized political measures can achieve results.

The RREC appeared only in 2000. The center was approved by the Academy of Civil Service and under the President of the Russian Federation. The purpose of establishing the RREC was to establish links with similar centers in other countries. This is necessary to promote cutting-edge ideas for the well-being of life. Thanks to dialogues between environmental organizations, it is possible to stabilize the state of Russia, introduce and promote standards and methods for environmental protection.

The non-governmental organization "Green Cross" also appeared not so long ago - in 1994. The goal of the participants is to educate the population of the ability to live in a good neighborhood with nature.

International Organizations for the Conservation of Nature

There are many such communities all over the world. The most famous are:

  • "Greenpeace".
  • Wildlife Fund.
  • International "Green Cross".
  • International Union for the Conservation of Nature, etc.

Nature protection measures

The Law on Nature Protection says that everyone must conserve, rationally use and, if possible, restore natural resources.

It is necessary to maintain the purity of waters, forests, atmosphere, take care of the world around us - representatives of flora and fauna, etc. There are certain measures to protect nature:

  1. Economic.
  2. Natural sciences.
  3. Technical and production.
  4. Administrative.

Government programs to protect the environment play a huge role for the Earth as a whole. In some regions, excellent results have been achieved. But you need to understand that everything takes more than one year. A vivid example is the environmentally protected water treatment program. Several years later, its successful outcome is obvious. However, this set of measures was very costly.

Similar measures are being taken at the regional level. In 1868, a decision was made in Lvov to protect marmots and chamois living freely in the Tatras. Thanks to the meeting of the Diet and the decisions made, animals began to be protected and saved from extinction.

In connection with the current environmental situation, it was necessary to take a set of measures that limited the use of natural resources in industry, etc. The use of pesticides was prohibited. The set of measures also included measures to:

  • land restoration;
  • creation of reserves;
  • cleaning up the environment;
  • streamlining the use of chemicals, etc.


Nature protection in our region is largely based on the principles of work of international organizations, although it is of a regional nature. "Greenpeace" - the most famous community, which has offices in 47 countries around the world. The main office is located in Amsterdam. The current director is Kumi Naidu. The staff of the organization is 2500 people. But Greenpeace also employs volunteers, there are about 12,000 of them. Participants promote an environmentally friendly lifestyle, urge people to protect and protect the environment. Problems that Greenpeace seek to solve:

  • preservation of the Arctic;
  • climate change, fight against warming;
  • whaling;
  • radiation, etc.

International Union for Conservation of Nature

International organizations for the protection of nature appeared at different times. In 1948, the World Union was established. This is an international non-profit organization whose main goal is to preserve the diversity of representatives of the animal and plant world. More than 82 countries have joined the union. More than 111 governmental and 800 non-governmental institutions have been opened. The organization employs more than 10,000 scientists from all over the world. Members of the union believe that it is necessary to maintain integrity and peace. Resources should be used evenly. The organization includes 6 scientific commissions.


Nature protection in our region is an integral part of the international fund. This public organization, which is engaged in the conservation of wildlife throughout the world, considers its mission to achieve balance, harmony between man and everything that surrounds him. The Fund's symbol is a giant panda, which is listed in the Red Book. The organization hosts many activities, including:

  • forest program;
  • protection of rare species;
  • climate program;
  • ecologization of oil and gas fields, etc.

Nature protection in our region is the duty of every inhabitant of the country. Only together can the natural grandeur of the surrounding world be preserved intact.

The protection of nature and the environment is currently a topical issue. In the context of globalization, the expansion of production capacities, and the increase in emissions of hazardous, air-poisoning waste, the protection of natural objects is being addressed both at the level of organizations and on a national and global scale.

Over the past decades, numerous studies have been carried out related to the search for causes and solutions to the problems of polluted air, water, and soil. However, environmental pollution remains an important issue.

What natural objects are protected

Air, waters of the oceans, earth - those components without which life is unthinkable. Pollution of these facilities leads to a deterioration in the quality of life of people.

The chemical composition of the atmosphere has changed in the course of the historical development of the Earth. Industrial enterprises play an important role in determining the composition of the atmosphere. Vehicles also have a negative impact on the air. Salts of heavy metals accumulate in the atmosphere: mercury, copper, chromium, lead. Especially dangerous is the activity of large organizations of the heavy and chemical industries, thermal power plants. Because of this, the atmosphere contains a lot of carbon dioxide, ash, and dust.

Soil pollution is also a huge problem. It is associated with huge turnover of mining, mining, construction, and road construction.

In addition, there are also difficulties in agro-industrial activities associated with a rational approach to soil use. Its useful properties are lost with frequent plowing, which can lead to flooding of sown areas, and then to an increase in salts. Further, soil erosion gradually manifests itself. Illiterate use of fertilizers, pesticides leads to the introduction of toxic substances into the soil.

Due to car exhausts, which contain a lot of lead, it also settles in soils, disrupting the natural relationships of the ecosystem. Waste from mines causes an increase in the content of copper, zinc, and other metals in the soil. The activities and associated waste from power plants and nuclear enterprises cause the release of radioactive isotopes into the soil.

The above problems are acute due to the fact that dangerous compounds can enter the human body with food grown on unsafe soil. This can lead to a decrease in immunity, various diseases.

Oil spills, debris, pesticides, toxic salts, drugs, radioactive elements lead to water pollution. This is all connected with the activities of fishing vessels, farming, hydroelectric, chemical, oil companies.

The quality of the waters deteriorates during the production of electricity, when the waste liquid with an elevated temperature is released into the reservoirs. As a result, the temperature of the water rises.

In addition, as a result of mudflows and floods, magnesium is washed out of the soil and enters the ocean, which harms the inhabitants. Currently, water sources are protected with the help of treatment facilities.


Environmental law is an independent branch with a set of legal norms for regulating relations in terms of the protection of natural objects, as well as the rational use of natural resources.

The fundamental normative document in the field of legislation is the Constitution of the Russian Federation. Thus, according to Article 42, any person has the right to a favorable natural environment, true information about its condition, as well as to be compensated for the damage caused due to environmental offenses. According to Article 58, citizens of Russia are obliged to preserve nature and take care of plants, animals, and other objects of nature.

The Environmental Doctrine of the Russian Federation determines the goals, objectives, directions for carrying out state measures in the field of ecology for a long period of time. In addition, the federal law “On Environmental Protection” is in force, which determines the rights of citizens and state bodies in this area, as well as the principles of protecting natural objects. It is concretized and supplemented by the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air", the Land Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the protection of land, as well as environmental protection from possible harmful effects when using land resources. The Forest Code of the Russian Federation also operates within its competence.

The use and safety of water bodies is regulated by the Water Code of the Russian Federation. Also, information can be clarified in the Federal Law "On Subsoil", "On the Wildlife", "On Specially Protected Natural Territories". There are other legislative acts that regulate and explain the mutual relations of people when using natural resources.

Citizens need to remember about property, disciplinary, administrative, as well as criminal liability in cases of violation of the rules and regulations on nature protection.


Protected areas in our country have existed for a long time. This is necessary for the protection of special areas, for the study and conservation of especially valuable natural objects.

There are biosphere reserves, of which there are 16 in the country, natural national parks, necessary for people to relax and promote environmental knowledge. There are a little more than 100 state natural reserves in the Russian Federation. The largest of them is the Great Arctic State Forest with an area of ​​more than 4 million hectares, and the youngest is the Kologriv Forest.

To date, there are 34 national parks in the country, some of which are included in the World Heritage List: Valdai, Samarskaya Luka, Baikal, Elbrus, etc. The largest in area is the Udege Legend National Park in Primorsky Krai (more than 86 km 2) .

Territories and water areas where only individual elements are protected are called reserves. Currently, there are 69 of them, the most famous of which are Tseisky, Azov, Khingan-Arkharin and others.

There are environmental organizations in Russia, the largest and most influential of which is the All-Russian Society for the Conservation of Nature. Much attention is paid to educating citizens about ecology, drawing attention to natural problems, and monitoring how the norms of environmental acts are observed.

In addition to the above, the Nature Conservation Team, created in 1960 at the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University, also functions. The main areas of work are explanations in order to increase the environmental education of people, to hold protest actions against the destruction of individual objects, and to help in the fight against forest fires.

It should also be noted that scientific organizations (Russian, branch academies of sciences, state bodies for science and technology) that have divisions with activities for the improvement of natural objects, the rational use and reproduction of natural reserves.


As a result of fires, garbage emissions, the number of trees, plants, forest plantations is reduced. As a result of this factor, new forest generations will be less diverse, which will reduce their resistance to adverse conditions. This problem can be combated by studying the population composition of forests. The use and restoration of the number of trees should be accompanied by the maximum possible preservation of the principle of natural reproduction of this population. In 1997, the "Nechkinsky" park was formed with pine forests, lakes, rivers, meadows and swamps.

A person can independently join the protection of nature in the city by finding an organization that deals with this. At the same time, it is possible, through independent social responsibility, to clean up after a rest in the forest, save trees, put out fires.

Lands and soils

Soil protection is currently an urgent problem, as it is directly related to providing people with food. Land protection is a set of organizational, economic, agronomic, technical, reclamation, economic and legal measures to prevent and eliminate processes that worsen the condition of lands, as well as violations of land use procedures.

Soil fertility is reduced due to erosion, destruction of soil layers during mining, construction, etc. A serious type of pollution is road transport with exhaust gases. The problem of soil contamination with radionuclides is especially acute in Belarus, when the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant occurred. At the same time, about 23% of the territory became contaminated with radioactive substances.

It is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent negative phenomena, for example, to measure water-salt regimes. When choosing fertilizers, try to stick to those that contain a small part of the pesticide hazard.

Land protection is interconnected with soil protection. Earthworms can be used to restore soils that are polluted by industrial emissions. They neutralize dangerous compounds by absorbing it and returning it to the soil for assimilation by plants in a usable form. In addition, to maintain the optimal condition of the land, planting is used.

Ecological problems

Environmental problems are relevant, as they affect the quality of life of people. Emissions of industrial wastes worsen the condition of the air. In addition, the negative impact occurs due to the combustion of coal, oil, gas, wood. Acid rain occurs, polluting the earth, water bodies. All this affects the increase in cases of oncological and cardiovascular diseases. As a result, some animals die out, ultraviolet solar radiation increases.

Deforestation is also a serious problem, as these deforestations are poorly controlled. Forest ecosystems are being changed to create agricultural land. As a result, the climate becomes drier, a greenhouse effect is formed.

Physical pollution in the form of industrial, household waste leads to soil pollution, as well as surface and groundwater. There are few water treatment facilities in the country and, at the same time, outdated equipment. The seas are polluted with oil products, waste from the chemical industry. As a result, there is a shortage of drinking water, some species of animals, fish, and birds are dying out.

Sources of pollution

The main types of pollution are the following:

  • biological;
  • chemical;
  • physical;
  • mechanical.

Biological pollution is associated with the activity of living organisms, chemical - with a change in the natural chemical composition of the contaminated area due to the addition of chemicals. Physical and mechanical pollution are associated with human activities.

Household waste is a major problem. On average, a resident of Russia accounts for about 400 kg of municipal solid waste annually. A measure to combat this situation is the recycling of such types of waste as paper, glass. Currently, there are few waste disposal organizations.

Another problem is radioactive contamination, as nuclear power plants have outdated equipment, which can cause accidents. The waste products of these organizations are not sufficiently disposed of, and the radiation of hazardous substances causes mutation, death of the cells of the human body, as well as animals and plants.

Lake Baikal is the source of about 80% of Russia's drinking water. But this water area was harmed by the activity of the paper and pulp mill, which dumped industrial and household waste. The Irkutsk hydroelectric power station also has a negative impact, as a result of which water is polluted, and fish spawning grounds are destroyed.

The video below details the problems associated with air, water and land pollution. Attention is paid to household waste and their impact on the ecosystem as a whole.

Harmful enterprises

A situation has arisen when, in a market economy, the share of industrial organizations is increasing, benefiting the country's economy, and the environment is deteriorating.

The negative impact on nature is caused by the production of the following areas:

  • metallurgical;
  • petrochemical;
  • engineering;
  • chemical;
  • agricultural.

Organizations whose activities are related to the production of ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, as a result of which emissions of harmful substances are in the air. A huge amount of wastewater is thrown out by such companies. To eliminate the negative consequences, it is necessary to replace the old treatment facilities with new ones.

Hazardous enterprises and oil companies that pollute soils and surface waters with oil products. According to various estimates, their mass, which enters the seas and oceans annually, reaches 5-10 million tons. These harmful substances cause great damage to fish and animals.

Chemical organizations harm natural objects, since in the production process they use substances that emit harmful elements (nitrogen oxides, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, etc.) into the atmosphere and water. Water sources are polluted with formaldehydes, phenols, heavy metals, hydrogen sulfide, etc. Some chemical compounds are transferred through food chains, accumulate in the body, therefore, the chemical load on the human body increases.

In agriculture, pig breeding is dangerous due to pollution. Raising sheep also causes damage to the soil, as the sheep eat away the grass. Organizations should be engaged in the restoration of pastures. The use of chemical fertilizers is also dangerous, as they quickly pollute the soil.

Thus, enterprises withdraw natural resources, then allocating various wastes. At the same time, nature can either adapt and recover, or not recover. To maintain a balance, legally establish acceptable standards for the impact of people on the environment. Proceeding from this, the heads of industrial enterprises should be socially responsible, since the state of nature and the living creatures that live in it depend on the activities of companies that involve harmful emissions.



Nature management and protection in Russia are provided and controlled at the federal, regional and local levels. General management bodies carry out environmental activities in general and in their area, and special - in terms of mutual interaction and cooperation between citizens and nature on special issues and individual areas. The federal bodies of general administration are the President, the Federation Council, the State Duma, and the Government. Specific activities are carried out by the Committee on Ecology, the Committee on Natural Resources and Raw Materials, and the Department of Nature Management and Environmental Protection under the Government.

Special nature conservation authorities include:

  1. State Committee of the Russian Federation for the Protection of the Environment. This committee coordinates the activities of the bodies that carry out environmental functions.
  2. Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia. Regulates industrial safety, organizes supervision of work in the industrial sphere by authorities and organizations.
  3. Federal Service of Russia for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring. Its activity includes the control of what is around us.
  4. Federal Supervision of Nuclear and Radiation Safety. Controls compliance with environmental protection and radiation safety standards of organizations that use radioactive materials.
  5. Committee for Land Resources and Land Management of the Russian Federation. Designed to control the use of various fertilizers by agro-industrial enterprises.

In general, the listed organizations are called upon to control the activities of businesses, as well as to impose fines for violation of environmental laws.

Protected areas

At present, taking into account the awareness of global environmental problems, measures are being developed to protect nature, prevent and eliminate harmful effects. At the state level, specially protected natural objects are being developed through the creation of state reserves, parks, etc.

In Russia

Over the past 6 years, 14 specially protected natural areas have been created in the Russian Federation, including Beringia, Onega Pomorie, Shantar Islands, etc. They are divided into nature reserves, parks, wildlife sanctuaries, natural monuments, dendrological parks and botanical gardens, health-improving areas and resorts.

The creation of state nature reserves provided for the fact that these territories are completely withdrawn from use, as they have a special ecological significance.

Parks are environmental institutions, objects that have a special ecological, historical value. They are used in addition to protection for scientific and cultural purposes.

State nature reserves include areas of particular importance for the conservation or restoration of natural complexes, as well as for maintaining the ecological balance. Monuments of nature are unique, irreplaceable objects of nature (for example, Lake Baikal).

Thus, for the protection of nature, it is necessary to withdraw certain objects and water areas from economic use or restrict activities on them. This will ensure the safety of ecological systems.

International protection

In recent centuries, people have significantly changed the world through the development of technology and technology. As a result, the ecological balance has been disturbed, and climate change is taking place. Public organizations have been created to protect the environment.

The international ecological community began its activities in 1913 with the formation of a conference in Switzerland. Nature protection activities reached a qualitatively new level in 1945 with the creation of the United Nations. A separate council worked in the field of international partnership for the protection of biological objects.

To date, Greenpeace and the World Wildlife Fund have been established, which deal with issues of nature management, conservation of plants and animals. The first was created to protest against nuclear tests, and is currently fighting against atmospheric pollution, the conservation of rare species of animals, etc. The World Wildlife Fund covers in its work more than 40 countries of the world, developing projects for the conservation of various forms of life on Earth.

To prevent atmospheric pollution and protect the ozone layer from destruction, the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, the Convention on the Transboundary Effects of Industrial Accidents and other documents were concluded.

Antarctica is commonly called the continent of the world. To protect the flora and fauna, to prevent pollution, a Protocol was concluded in 1991 in Madrid.

In general, the object of international legal protection is the whole Earth, as well as outer space, where a person influences the world. In this regard, environmental legal relations are developing among states and international organizations.

The problems of protecting the natural environment concern individual countries and, at the same time, the entire Earth, and can only be solved by the collective mind and by combining the efforts of all people on Earth. Based on the fact that the natural resources of the planet (atmosphere, hydrosphere, lithosphere, flora, fauna) cannot be separated by state borders, the state, within its capabilities, protecting its territory, helps to resolve pollution, prevent the disappearance of resources and maintain the ecosystem.


From the presented video you will learn more about environmental problems and ways to solve them.

Protection of Nature- this is a rational, reasonable use of natural resources, which helps to preserve the pristine diversity of nature and improve the living conditions of the population. For nature protection Earth the world community is taking concrete action.

Effective measures to protect endangered species and natural biocenoses are to increase the number of reserves, expand their territories, create nurseries for the artificial cultivation of endangered species and reintroduce (that is, return) them into nature.

A powerful human impact on ecological systems can lead to sad results that can provoke a whole chain of environmental changes.

The influence of anthropogenic factors on organisms

Most of the organic matter does not decompose immediately, but is stored in the form of wood, soil and water sediments. After being preserved for many millennia, these organic substances turn into fossil fuels (coal, peat and oil).

Every year on Earth, photosynthetic organisms synthesize about 100 billion tons of organic substances. Over the geological period (1 billion years), the predominance of the synthesis of organic substances over the process of their decomposition led to a decrease in the content of CO 2 and an increase in O 2 in the atmosphere.

Meanwhile, since the second half of the XX century. the intensive development of industry and agriculture began to cause a steady increase in the content of CO 2 in the atmosphere. This phenomenon can cause climate change on the planet.

Conservation of natural resources

In the matter of nature protection, the transition to the use of industrial and agricultural technologies, which make it possible to economically use natural resources, is of great importance. For this you need:

  • the most complete use of fossil natural resources;
  • recycling of production wastes, use of non-waste technologies;
  • obtaining energy from environmentally friendly sources by using the energy of the Sun, wind, ocean kinetic energy, underground energy.

Especially effective is the introduction of waste-free technologies operating in closed cycles, when waste is not emitted into the atmosphere or into water basins, but is reused.

Biodiversity conservation

The protection of existing species of living organisms is also of great importance in biological, ecological and cultural terms. Every living species is a product of centuries of evolution and has its own gene pool. None of the existing species can be considered absolutely beneficial or harmful. Those species that were considered harmful may eventually turn out to be useful. That is why the protection of the gene pool of existing species is of particular importance. Our task is to preserve all living organisms that have come down to us after a long evolutionary process.

Plant and animal species, the number of which has already declined or is endangered, are listed in the Red Book and are protected by law. In order to protect nature, nature reserves, micro-reserves, natural monuments, plantations of medicinal plants, reservations, national parks are created and other environmental measures are taken. material from the site

"Man and the Biosphere"

In order to protect nature in 1971, the international program "Man and the Biosphere" (in English "Man and Biosfera" - abbreviated as MAB) was adopted. According to this program, the state of the environment and human impact on the biosphere are studied. The main objectives of the program "Man and the Biosphere" are to predict the consequences of modern human economic activity, to develop ways for the reasonable use of the riches of the biosphere and measures for its protection.

In countries participating in the MAB program, large biosphere reserves are being created, where changes that occur in ecosystems without human influence are studied (Fig. 80).

Our ancestors at the dawn of mankind were completely dependent on nature. Knowledge about nature in general, the characteristics of minerals, individual plants, the habits and lifestyle of animals, relationships in nature were passed down from generation to generation in the form of signs and legends. Human life depended on this knowledge and the ability to use it.

Already in those distant times, people noticed that if it is wrong to collect roots or seeds, mollusks, bird eggs, thoughtlessly hunt animals, let the fire spread to the surrounding forest or steppe, then you can be left without the necessary means of subsistence. And people began to take measures to protect their most important wealth - the surrounding nature and its individual components. This is how sacred groves arose, which served as a source of resettlement and restoration of plants, sacred animals, trees, stones, streams, animal rookeries, places for fish spawning, nesting birds.

From generation to generation, "taboos" were passed on - prohibitions that limited or forbade the killing of various animals, the collection of plants in one or another period of the year, in one place or another. With the advent of the state, these customs, rules turned into laws. The first such laws in Rus' appeared in the 11th century; they are recorded in the oldest code of laws - "Russian Truth".

Gradually, people accumulated knowledge about the laws of nature. At the same time, the number of various products made by people's hands increased. To get it even more, a person used more and more natural resources. This led to great changes in the environment, sometimes in ways that could no longer be corrected. Then people in many countries began to understand that it is necessary to organize nature protection, using the latest achievements of science and technology, involving state authorities, taking international measures. In 1913, the First International Congress on Nature Protection took place.

But this problem arose especially seriously for mankind in the middle of our century, when the changes that human economic activity introduces into the nature of the planet were clearly revealed. Today, nature conservation is one of the most important tasks that people must solve. And if it is solved, it will be as great an achievement as the creation of atomic fuel, the exit of man into the near-Earth space, the solution to the method of transmission of hereditary traits in living organisms. The future of all mankind, the possibility of further development of industry, technology, agriculture, etc., depend on the solution of the problem of nature protection.

Biologists were the first to defend nature, since plants and animals primarily respond to changes that occur as a result of human activities. Then they paid attention to how soils, relief, the entire landscape, air, water, and geological deposits began to change. It turned out that in order to preserve the natural environment for all those living on Earth and their descendants, it is necessary to carefully treat any natural resources. Plan their consumption, taking into account the benefits that can be obtained not only now, but also in the future, when, armed with better knowledge, people can get the maximum benefit from them, minimizing waste.

Such a planned, correct use of the resources of nature, taking into account its protection, is possible only in countries that have embarked on the path of socialist development, with a planned socialist management of the economy that takes into account the present and future interests of the entire population, and not of individuals or families.

The resources of nature must be protected and it is very important to use them without loss. This means to clean every drift in the mines so that not a single kilogram of ore, coal, shale and other minerals remains there, to prevent burning natural gas in flares, the useless gushing of oil and artesian water from wells, and not to leave wood waste in logging sites. When processing raw materials, it is necessary to strive to reduce the waste of wood, metal, leather, and look for ways to use waste. Proper, economical use of heat, electricity, water, food waste, scrap metal, waste paper allows you to save many natural sources for the future.

Pollution of air and water, destruction of green spaces and forests, damage to the surrounding landscape, throwing garbage anywhere, excessive noise destroy the natural environment, have a detrimental effect on all living things, including the human body. Violation of natural processes occurring in nature is the source of many human diseases. Consequently, the protection of nature is the protection of human health, the increase in the duration of his life and working capacity depends on this.

So it turns out that in our time nature conservation is a complex set of state, public and international events that contribute to the organization of proper environmental management, protection of natural resources, their restoration and enhancement in the interests of all living and future generations of people.

In any developed country in our country, great attention is paid to nature protection, the fundamentals of land, water, forestry legislation, the fundamentals of subsoil legislation, laws on the protection of atmospheric air and on the protection and use of wildlife are adopted. Laws on the protection of nature are being adopted.

Nature protection is one of the main duties of every citizen of any country, this is stated in the Constitutions of many countries.

Remember, the health, life and well-being of you and all the people of our great Motherland depend on how you, your friends and relatives treat nature.

Whatever you do: plant trees in the village, help the foresters to take into account and protect anthills, hang artificial bird nests; save fry from drying up reservoirs; fight those who break bushes and trees, walk on lawns, gather armfuls of flowers, poach; make a soil map of fields; carry out chemical analysis of soil samples taken; collect waste paper, scrap metal or other secondary raw materials - all this is a contribution to the protection of the nature of our country.
