“What horses cry about” - Object of study. “The horse will survive. “Tell me, were there times when we horses had a good life?” The bitter story makes us remember our responsibility for everything living on earth. Saying the name of Kholstomer, we remember human ingratitude, injustice. Conclusions: The purpose of the work:

"Lagomorphs" - Orders of higher mammals: Repetition and testing of knowledge on previously studied material: Weakly differentiated teeth, non-protruding fangs. Orders Rodents and Lagomorphs. Consolidation of knowledge on taxonomy: What features are characteristic of oviparous? Features: a) the structure of the incisors, b) high fertility.

"Squad of mammals" - The body temperature of the platypus ... from 230 C to 360 C. Detachments. Distributed on all continents except Antarctica and Australia. cetaceans. The second and fifth fingers are underdeveloped, and the first is reduced. About the author. The total number of known species is about 400. Mammals. They live in Australia, New Guinea and nearby islands, in America.

"Lesson Mammals" - Based on the photos and text §63, make a table: 3. Studying a new topic. 2. Organizational moment. Troitsk. Stages of the lesson: 4. Consolidation. Gelmel Lydia Emanuilovna. Living objects (hamsters, mice, rats, etc.), table "skin". Biology. On the board are photographs of various mammals. Mow "Sosh No. 11".

"Mammal reproduction" - Ovipositor. Amnion - a protective shell that secretes a liquid in which the embryo is located. Identify contradictions in the development of the mammalian embryo. (individually, in a group, protection of work.). Why are mammalian eggs microscopic in size? (0.5-0.4 mm) Reveal the contradiction. Find the superfluous by establishing a logical connection between concepts.

"The external structure of mammals" - Typically terrestrial mammals. They inhabit forests and open spaces. Laboratory work. Habitats of mammals Soil Ground-air 3. Water. Terrestrial - arboreal mammals. Class Mammals or Animals. Underground mammals. How are mammals different from reptiles?

In total there are 17 presentations in the topic

General characteristics of the order Arboreal or terrestrial animals, common in the tropics Arboreal or terrestrial animals, common in the tropics Medium or small in size (the smallest 9-12 cm are tarsiers, the largest -2 m are gorillas) Medium or small in size ( the smallest 9-12 cm - tarsiers, the largest -2 m - gorilla) Lead a herd life Lead a herd life Active in the daytime Active in the daytime Fingernails Fingernails the rest All types of teeth are developed All types of teeth are developed Eat mixed food Eat mixed food Binocular, stereoscopic, color vision Binocular, stereoscopic, color vision Smell is weak Smell is weak Hearing is excellent Hearing is excellent The brain has a complex structure The brain has a complex structure Breeds all year round Breeds all year round Cubs babies are born helpless babies are born helpless

Suborder lower monkeys, or Semi-monkeys Small animals, covered with thick hair Small animals, covered with thick hair The tail is long, densely pubescent The tail is long, densely pubescent The thumb is not opposed to the others by the thumb The thumb is not opposed to the rest by the fingers Claws on the fingers Claws on the fingers Slow Loris 2. Tarsier-casting 3. Common potto 1 2 3

Suborder Higher Primates, or Monkeys Different in size Different in size Most have a tail Most have a tail Vision and hearing are well developed Vision and hearing are well developed Smell and touch are bad Smell and touch are bad Live in trees Live in trees Includes 3 families: broad-nosed monkeys, narrow-nosed, anthropoids Includes 3 families: broad-nosed monkeys, narrow-nosed, anthropoid

Family of broad-nosed monkeys Rosalia2.Koata3.Saimiri Koata - "spider monkey"

Family of narrow-nosed monkeys Mandrill 2. Diana monkey 3. Gelada 4. Gibbon

Family of great apes Common orangutan! 2. Gorilla 3. Chimpanzee 4. Bonobo, or pygmy chimpanzee! chimpanzee!

Gorilla is the largest ape on earth. An adult male weighs up to 270 kg and has a height of up to 2 meters. But, despite their huge size and formidable appearance, gorillas have a good-natured disposition. These animals live only in the tropical forests of Central Africa and feed mainly on plant foods. Gorillas have strong jaws, so everything is used - bark, wood, roots, wood, roots, plant stems, nuts, fruits and root crops. Most of the time is spent on the ground. spend on the ground. The arms are long, the legs are relatively short. The toes are capable of grasping.

Subspecies are distinguished by habitat: mountain (1), eastern (2), coastal (3)

Orangutans are a genus of arboreal apes, one of the closest relatives of humans. The name comes from the Malay Orang Hutan, which means "forest man" (orang "man", hutan "forest"). In Russian, the variant of the name "orangutan" is equivalent, but in zoology only the first variant is used. great apes human Malayan great apes human Malay

Orangutans are large monkeys. The growth of males can reach 1.5 m, weight - up to 189 kg; females - up to 80 kg. The physique is massive, the muscles are highly developed. The hind limbs are short, the forelimbs are very long, reaching to the ankles. The coat is sparse, reddish brown, with long hair on the shoulders. Large on the shoulders. The big toes can turn and oppose the rest of the toes - this is an adaptation for climbing trees.

Orangutans live only in the rainforests of the islands of Borneo and Sumatra. They spend almost their entire lives on trees, moving with the help of very long arms (their span of up to 2 m significantly exceeds the growth of a monkey!), Helping themselves with their legs. Interestingly, orangutans are so adapted to life in trees that even water is usually drunk from leaves, hollows, or simply licked after the rain BorneoSumatraBorneoSumatra from their fur. At night, orangutans At night, orangutans build nests for sleeping.

Orangutans live alone and in families. They eat bark, fruits and leaves of trees, insects, bird eggs and occasionally even chicks, honey, nuts. Orangutans cannot swim and are afraid of water. Orangutans are endangered due to habitat destruction. Despite the creation of national parks, deforestation continues, now illegally. Another serious threat is the poaching of orangutan cubs for the illegal trade. In this case, the mother is usually killed, since she does not give her child away. child.

CHIMPANS are the most intelligent and flexible primates. They live in the rainforests of Africa. Chimpanzees roam their territory in family groups of a male, several females, and their offspring. After about 230 days of pregnancy, the female gives birth to one cub. He is weaned from breastfeeding after about 4 years. They feed on plant foods: fruits, leaves, flowers, fruits, leaves, flowers, buds. They sometimes feed on ants, termites, bird eggs and fish. eggs and fish.

The chimpanzee genus includes two species - the common chimpanzee (1) and the pygmy chimpanzee, or bonobo, pygmy (2). 1 2 They live both in trees and on the ground. Their normal gait is quadrupedal, using the soles of the feet and resting on the knuckles of the hands, but they are feet and resting on the knuckles of the hands, but they can also walk upright for short distances.

Topic: Ecological groups of mammals, their importance in nature and human life.

Biology. 7th grade.


1. characterize biological

features of representatives of different ecological groups of mammals.

2.determine the importance of mammals in nature and human life.

In a trip!

we will visit the forest, the meadow, the steppe, the savannah, the shore of a reservoir, the sea.

burrowing animals

flying mammals

Land-arboreal animals

Ecological groups of mammals

Environmental group

Group representatives

Systematic group

animal signs

We fill in the table during the lesson, using the presentation and the text of the textbook.

burrowing animals

TO underground mammals are predominantly rodents. Among them there is a full range of transitions from burrows - ground squirrels, marmots, voles, etc., spending a significant part of their life on the surface of the earth, to diggers - mole rats and a number of others, almost never coming to its surface.











Due to poor eyesight, touch plays an important role in the life of underground mammals. In moles, the tactile function is performed by a strongly elongated and equipped with a sharp flexible bone snout - proboscis

mole rat

The badger has some traits associated with digging activity

At starship at the end of the nose are located star-shaped tactile appendages

Some of them make their moves with the help of short but extremely powerful forelimbs, for example, a mole, others use their teeth for this, for example, mole rat, mole voles and a number of other rodents. In some representatives, the lower jaw can move to an additional articular surface located behind "normal", in which case the animal can act with upper incisors like a hoe.

Land-arboreal animals

TO arboreal mammal includes the vast majority of monkeys and semi-monkeys, a number of rodents and marsupials. There are tree forms among insectivores (tupaya), and among edentulous (sloths, tenacious anteaters), and among predators. Arboreal mammals are characterized by grasping or prehensile paws, like monkeys, semi-monkeys, many marsupials, often a prehensile tail, for example, most broad-nosed monkeys, some marsupials (cuscuses and possums), arboreal forms of anteaters, lizards and porcupines, from carnivores - South American coats. Marsupial flying squirrels, woolly wings, from rodents - real flying squirrels and African spiny squirrels have a skin fold on the sides of the body, which increases its "carrying surface" when jumping.

As the name implies, this group of animals lives in steppe, forest-steppe, desert or subpolar landscapes devoid of tree vegetation, which fact, on the one hand, makes their habitat "open" for predators, on the other hand, suggests a small number of natural shelters, the absence layering and the presence of predominantly herbaceous vegetation in the diet. According to the method of adaptation to the specified conditions, three types can be distinguished: ungulates, jerboas, ground squirrels.

flying mammals

To the real flying animals only bats are included, most of which are at the same time associated with tree plantations. Such are fruit bats that feed on fruits and rest among the branches, many insectivorous bats that spend the day in hollows. Of our forms, the red vespers, which live exclusively in hollows, are most associated with trees.

Aquatic and semi-aquatic mammals

aquatic mammals, perhaps the most diverse of all the major ecogroups of mammals: there is a full range of transitions from such forms as mink, polar bear, water vole, in which adaptations associated with a semi-aquatic lifestyle are barely expressed, up to whales and dolphins, strictly aquatic animals , quickly perishing out of water.

semi-aquatic image many mammals lead lives: from monotremes - the platypus, from marsupials - the South American floater (the only aquatic marsupial), from insectivores - our water shrew and the African otter shrew, from rodents - the water vole, muskrat, nutria, capybara and a number of others, from carnivores - mink, otter, polar bear, and from ungulates - hippopotamus. More aquatic animals are beaver, muskrat and sea otter, or Kamchatka sea otter. With the exception of the hippopotamus, all these animals are characterized by extremely thick fur, sharply divided into an awn and undercoat. The auricles are either absent or greatly reduced. In many, the hind limbs are equipped with well-developed swimming membranes (muskrat, beaver, platypus, which has membranes on the front paws), and in the sea otter they have turned into real flippers. The tail, at least in smaller forms, is well developed.

Three orders of mammals - pinnipeds, sirens and cetaceans - have completely switched to an aquatic lifestyle, especially the last two, which never leave this environment.


List the main ecological groups of animals.

What common features in external structure and behavior do mammals of open spaces have?

What are the common features of aquatic mammals?

Name the features of adaptations in animals to a tree-climbing lifestyle using several examples.

What is characteristic of burrowing animals? Verify with examples.


1. Typical land mammals:

  • They have a short body and weak legs.
  • They have a proportionally folded body, developed neck.
  • More often these are animals from the order of rodents.
  • Represented mainly by predators.

2. Underground mammals:

  • They have a short body, valky, short fur, thick, lint-free, growth direction.
  • The auricles and vision are well developed.
  • Representatives are foxes, hares, badgers.

3. Aquatic mammals have:

  • Fish-shaped body, without cervical region, horizontal caudal fin.
  • Small ears, short very thick fur, developed subcutaneous fat.
  • Limbs that turned into fins.
  • The group includes otters, sharks, dolphins, seals, walruses.


Among the representatives of the same ecological group of animals (terrestrial, burrowing, aquatic, flying) there are species from different orders and families. However, they have similar adaptive features to the same habitat conditions.

Any change in the environment will lead to the extinction of species on Earth.

Let's think together!

The positive value of mammals

Negative value of mammals

The value of mammals in nature.


and energy in








and enrichment
















in nature




They are like us.








Animal protection

Over the last 2 thousand years on the globe died out

more than 100 forms of various mammals.

Only in our century is not completely destroyed

less than 100 species of animals and birds. For 2010 in

IUCN Red List (International Conservation Union

nature), 318 species and subspecies are listed

mammals. This process affected almost

all corners of the globe, and of course, the Tyumen

region is no exception. Oil production and

gas has led to environmental degradation

situation and this could not but affect the animal world.

Red Book




Symbolism and animals


Tyumen region

Sables holding the motto


Saha Republic.



The motto "From this

hail begins "




Nizhny Novgorod


Monuments to animals

In Edinburgh (Scotland), at the entrance to the Greyfriars cemetery, a monument to a skye terrier named Bobby was erected. For fourteen years (1858

1872) did not leave the grave of his master and friend of the old shepherd John Gray. After the death of his master, Bobby followed the funeral procession to

cemetery, where he remained for many years. At first he was kicked out, but every night the dog made his way back to the grave mound. compassionate people

fed the dog. In 1872, moved by the exceptional loyalty and devotion of the dog to its owner, the people of Edinburgh raised funds and erected a monument to Bobby. On a round, artistically executed pedestal

sitting shaggy dog ​​- tablecloth Bobby

St. Bernards have been used for centuries to rescue people in the snowdrifts of the Alps. Many dogs rescued 30-35 people. The record holder among them was the dog Barry. He saved 40 people, many residents of Italy, Switzerland, and France knew about him. The rescue of the forty-first man proved fatal for Barry. In 1814 he died. An effigy of Barry stands in a museum in Bern. In 1899, a monument to Barry was unveiled in Paris, as evidenced by the name carved on the monument. On the pedestal is a large dog - St. Bernard, and on her back, holding tightly to her neck, sits a little girl.

On November 14, 2002, the first in Russia MONUMENT TO THE CAT was opened in St. Petersburg. The monument carries a collective image of all cats and is conceived as a human gratitude to cats - one of the most beloved and most popular pets in our century, living side by side with humans since ancient times. The idea of ​​creating the monument belongs to the Department of Anatomy and Physiology of St. Petersburg State University (SPbGU) and the oldest St. Petersburg cat lovers club "Felis". The author of the monument is a famous sculptor, Honored Artist of Russia, Professor Anatoly Gordeevich Dema. The monument was installed in the courtyard of the main building of St. Petersburg State University on Vasilyevsky Island.

The Homeless Dog Monument in Mexico City is a bronze figure of a mongrel named Peluso, calling for mercy for these animals on the part of people. The Dog Miracle Association became the organizer in raising money for this monument. This sculpture was sculpted by master Hirasol Tello in 2.5 months.

Gratitude to animals for their huge contribution to the development of science

People, be merciful!


  • The text of the textbook on this topic, questions, assignments in the workbook.

2. Creative tasks: to prepare reports on economic groups of domestic animals in the Voronezh region.

Used sources.









Diversity of placental mammals
Biology lesson in grade 7

General characteristics of mammals
Mammals (animals) are the most highly organized vertebrates. Covered with wool. Have mammary glands. Have jaws with teeth. Warm-blooded. Live birth.
A cheetah can reach speeds of up to 120 km / h. A killer whale in water reaches speeds of up to 65 km / h. A blue whale weighs 130 tons A long-liver among donkey animals that can live up to 100 years. The rarest mammal is the Logman whale

The mammal class is divided into three subclasses:
Lower beasts, which include only two kinds: Platypus and Echidna; lay eggs, but feed their young with milk; Marsupials, which give birth to tiny cubs and then carry them in a special bag on their stomach; Higher animals (Placental), which bear cubs in a special organ - the uterus - until they become mature enough; for this, a temporary organ-placenta is formed in the uterus, with the help of which the fetus receives nutrients from the mother's blood; this body gave the name to the entire subclass.
Subclass Placentals is divided into several orders:
Insectivores (hedgehog, shrew); Rodents (mice, rats, squirrels, chipmunks, voles, etc.); sheep, deer, giraffe, hippopotamus, etc.); Odd-toed ungulates (horses, etc.); Pinnipeds (walruses, seals, sea lions);
The most important orders of mammals
Odd-toed ungulates
Insectivores and bats
Insectivores have an elongated muzzle with a proboscis. Chiropterans are adapted for flight, therefore the keel is well developed, vision is poorly developed, they orient themselves in flight using ultrasound
Rodents and lagomorphs
They eat plant foods. They have a pair of upper and lower incisors, molars, between which there is a space. Unlike rodents, lagomorphs have 2 small incisors behind the 2 upper incisors.
They eat animal food. The teeth are divided into fangs. Incisors and root. The brain is characterized by a strong development of convolutions and furrows.
Pinnipeds and cetaceans
In pinnipeds, the limbs are modified into flippers, under the skin there is a thick layer of fat, the body is streamlined. In cetaceans, the forelimbs are changed into flippers, the hind limbs are absent, there is a tail fin
Artiodactyls and equids
Artiodactyls have 2 or 4 fingers, covered in most species with hooves. They are divided into ruminants and non-ruminants. Odd-toed ungulates have the most developed 3rd finger: others are either absent or poorly developed

Primates (princes)
Various types of monkeys similar to humans: the eyes are directed forward, a significant part of the skull is occupied by the cranium, the hemispheres of the forebrain are highly developed.
Classifications of small mammals:
Based on relationship with humansDomestic wild
By way of eating
By way of travel
running around
By habitat
By appearance
herbivorous mammals
Jumping land mammals
Land-arboreal mammals
Underground mammals
flying mammals
aquatic mammals
semiaquatic mammals
Using additional literature, prepare a message about a mammal

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Mammals, thanks to the progress of their organization, have populated almost the entire Earth, have adapted to various living conditions. Mammals are represented by different forms that can be combined into ecological groups according to the nature of their connection with the environment.

land mammals

Definition 1

land mammals- this is the largest group that unites the inhabitants of open spaces and forests (hares, hedgehogs, wolves, foxes, antelopes, tigers, sheep, deer, giraffes, etc.).

Land mammals have characteristic features:

  • slender body;
  • long legs;
  • well developed neck;
  • reduced number of fingers.

The speed of movement is characteristic, which is very important when saving from enemies and getting food. Those species that are not adapted to fast movements have their own adaptations. For example, a partial modification of hair into needles in hedgehogs that perform a protective function.

arboreal mammals

Arboreal mammals are closely related to arboreal vegetation (sloths, dormouse, flying squirrels, most monkeys). These animals have long and tenacious limbs, a tail that allows them to move freely through the trees. On the toes are elongated, often curved claws. Arboreal mammals can jump from tree to tree or glide in the air. So, flying squirrels have skin folds between the front and rear limbs on the sides of the body, which allows them to soar in the air.

flying mammals

Flying mammals include bats. The main mode of movement of these animals is flight. During the flight, bats get a variety of insects that serve them as food. The wings of bats are represented by leathery membranes located between the outstretched fingers of the forelimbs, the fore and hind limbs, and the tail.

Burrowing mammals

Burrowing mammals live in burrows where they escape from enemies and breed. These animals feed on the surface of the earth. Burrowing mammals have a sac-like body, shortened limbs, and developed blunt claws (ground squirrels, hamsters, marmots, rabbits, badgers).

Underground mammals

Underground mammals are very well adapted to underground burrowing life. This group consists of mole rats, mole voles, moles, zokors. In the soil, underground mammals get food, multiply and hide from enemies. Rarely come to the surface. Animals dig underground passages with the help of incisors protruding from their mouths (mole voles, mole rats) or forelimbs (zokors, moles).

Underground mammals have a number of characteristic features:

  • valky body;
  • weakly expressed neck;
  • short legs;
  • reduced tail;
  • low, lint-free hairline;
  • no auricles;
  • the eyes are small (in mole rats they are hidden under the skin).

semi-aquatic mammals

Semi-aquatic mammals spend most of their lives in water, while maintaining contact with land (mink, otter, muskrat, beaver, muskrat).

They swim and dive well, as they have short limbs with swimming membranes between the fingers. The tail is flattened and laterally compressed. Small auricles are characteristic.

aquatic mammals

Aquatic mammals can be conditionally divided into two groups:

  1. Animals spend considerable time in the water, but for molting and breeding they come to land (ice). For example, pinnipeds. Characteristic features of the building:

    • the limbs are transformed into flippers, in many species the hind flippers perform the functions of a locomotor organ when diving and swimming, and do not take part in movement on a hard surface;
    • auricles are usually absent;
    • the hairline is reduced;
    • a significant layer of subcutaneous fat.
  2. Animals live completely in the water, do not go to land (Cetaceans). Aquatic mammals are characterized by:

    • a fish-shaped body ending in a caudal fin; head merged with the body;
    • short neck;
    • the forelimbs are transformed into flippers, the hind limbs are reduced;
    • no auricles;
    • no hairline;
    • a thick layer of subcutaneous fat performs a heat-insulating function.
