If you are planning to connect your life with economics and are looking for a suitable university, then pay attention to the Higher School of Economics. To enter here, especially on a budget, is not an easy task. For example, in addition to core subjects, you will also need to pass a foreign language at a good level, but the HSE diploma will open all doors for you.

7 reasons to choose HSE

  1. HSE is one of the most prestigious and authoritative economic universities not only in Russia, but also in the world. School graduates spend very little time looking for work.
  2. Thanks to the active cooperation between the HSE and other economic universities of the world, all HSE students have the opportunity to complete a free internship in foreign countries and receive a double diploma - from the School and a partner university, for example, the London School of Economics.
  3. After graduating from the Higher School of Economics, you will receive excellent training not only in the economic sphere, but also in such humanitarian areas as political science, a foreign language, sociology, philosophy, etc.
  4. There is a military department. Education is voluntary, lasts from 1.5 to 3 years, the program is as close as possible to the profile of the faculty where the student is studying. After passing the training camp and the final exam, young people receive a military ID.
  5. University students receive a prestigious education, which is highly valued both in Russia and in foreign countries. They undergo internships in large foreign and domestic companies, as well as in modern international laboratories under the guidance of world-famous scientists.
  6. Serious attention is paid to the study of foreign languages, not without reason, this is one of the mandatory entrance exams at the HSE. The university participates in international educational language programs, students receive appropriate certificates.
  7. Nonresident students are provided with comfortable modern apartment-type dormitories. There are all conditions for physical, scientific and creative development, preservation of students' health.

Are there high chances to enter the budget?

This year, 3,029 state-funded places and 3,245 contract places are planned for the HSE undergraduate program in 64 educational programs. Where can I apply to study for free later? Let's figure it out together.

  • Jurisprudence - 160 budget places, passing score - 350;
  • Business informatics - 90 places, 283 points;
  • State and municipal administration - 80 seats, 353 points;
  • Management - 355 points, 90 places;
  • Software engineering - 293 points, 80 places;
  • Applied Mathematics - 261 points, 80 places.

If you didn't make it to budget, don't be discouraged. You can take advantage of government-supported educational loans at low interest rates. In addition, excellent students receive a discount of up to 70%.

Who is entitled to benefits?

When enrolling, the priority is given to children who have won or won prizes at international, all-Russian subject Olympiads for schoolchildren, as well as all categories of persons provided for by federal law.

Accounting for individual achievements

You are eligible to receive up to 10 additional points if you have the following achievements:

  • school certificate with a silver or gold medal, college diploma with honors - 3 points;
  • the status of a champion or prize-winner of major international sports competitions - up to 5 points;
  • TRP badge - 1 point;
  • the status of a master of sports, a candidate for a master of sports - 3 and 2 points, respectively;
  • participation in subject Olympiads and creative competitions - up to 5 points.

What will you be when you graduate from high school?

You can apply for one of the following areas:

  • mathematics;
  • applied mathematics and informatics;
  • informatics and computer engineering;
  • software engineering;
  • psychology;
  • economy;
  • state and municipal administration;
  • business Informatics;
  • sociology;
  • jurisprudence;
  • oriental studies;
  • political science;
  • economics and statistics;
  • world economy;
  • logistics and supply management;
  • management;
  • international relationships;
  • journalism;
  • philology;
  • intercultural communication;
  • linguistics;
  • foreign languages;
  • art history;
  • philosophy;
  • story;
  • design;
  • cultural studies, etc.

Forms of education: bachelor's, master's, postgraduate studies.

Disadvantages of the HSE

Many students of the Higher School of Economics consider their university to be too “promoted”, that the level of education is slightly lower than that declared by the management, and education is too expensive. In addition, many note the congestion of the schedule.

The HSE was created as an economic university, so the first HSE faculties trained mainly economists, managers And sociologists. But modern socio-economic education is based on interdisciplinarity. Not only educational, but also research discoveries and breakthroughs occur at the intersection of various disciplines and sciences. On interaction economic, engineering And humanitarian schools are based on models of such world famous universities as MIT and Caltech. Vyshka followed the same path.

Lawyers And philosophers appeared at the university a long time ago. A little later, the HSE opened a historical direction of study. Students- historians receive a broad humanitarian education, which allows them to work not only in their specialty, but also in analytical organizations that study social development. In 2014, the HSE also began teaching art history. A orientalists from HSE (the university trains sinologists, Japanese scholars, Arabists, and Korean scholars) can be considered historians, culturologists, philosophers, and political scientists at the same time.

After the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics joined the HSE, future specialists in electronic engineering, telecommunications, computer security And space technologies. With the participation of the Yandex company, the Faculty of Computer Science was opened at the university. His students study software engineering, data analysis and problems artificial intelligence, as well as solve fundamentally new research problems - in the field big data And information retrieval.

At the intersection of mathematics and the humanities, the direction " Fundamental and Applied Linguistics". At the same time, the university teaches classical philology. Knowledge of computer technology will be useful in the future journalists- at HSE they will be taught all the intricacies of the production and operation of digital media. And the whole educational process in graphic, interior, web and other designers Vyshka is "tied" to design activities under the guidance of the "stars" of the Russian design industry.

A kind of spatial “design” is being carried out by the Higher School of Urban Studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. So far, this is the only research and educational center in Russia that trains specialists in the field of spatial development of cities and regions and also conducts fundamental and applied urban research.

In 2019, the HSE joined in 16 subject and 3 industry QS rankings. In the top 100 HSE is represented by 3 subjects: "Sociology", "Politics and International Relations", "Economics and Econometrics" and the branch "Social sciences and management". In the same subjects, the HSE is the undisputed leader among Russian universities.

The tower entered top 100 in sociology and mathematics of the Shanghai ranking, has become a leader among Russian universities in economics, political sciences and management, and is also included in the top 75 best universities in the world in sociology, where it is the only Russian representative.

Students of the bachelor's program "Joint Program in Economics of NRU HSE and NES" are both HSE students (enrolled in places funded from the federal budget or paid places) and NES students. Admission to NES for the first year of undergraduate studies in Economics on March 38, 2001 is carried out for full-time study in the Bachelor of Economics program (Joint Program in Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and NES). Enrollment in the HSE and NES Joint Program in Economics is carried out in parallel: in the NES for the Bachelor of Economics program and for the HSE educational program "Joint Program in Economics of the NRU HSE and NES". Admission to NES for the "Joint Bachelor's Degrees between HSE and NES" is carried out on the spot with payment of tuition fees on a contractual basis.

1. Undergraduate Admission Rules 2020

Entrance tests Minimum points Priority
mathematics 65 1
Russian language 60 2
foreign language 65 3
social science 65 4

(Foreign language: English, French, German, Spanish)

  • Quantity for admission to study under the program "Bachelor of Economics" (Joint Program in Economics of the National Research University Higher School of Economics and NES) according to various admission conditions in 2020: 55

Including at the Higher School of Economics:
- Number of places funded from the federal budget at the Higher School of Economics: 4 0
- Number of paid places at the Higher School of Economics: 15

  • Programs of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently: mathematics, Russian language, foreign language (Spanish, English, French, German), social science.
  • The procedure for accounting for individual achievements
  • Special rights and benefits
  • List of Olympiads for schoolchildren, the winners and prize-winners of which are granted the right to be equated to persons who have scored the maximum number of points in the unified state exam (100 points in the subject corresponding to the profile of the Olympiad) if there are USE results in the corresponding subject of at least 75 points >>>
  • Features of conducting entrance examinations for citizens with disabilities
  • Address for receiving documents when sending documents to an authorized official: Moscow, st. Myasnitskaya, 11
  • Address for receiving documents when sending documents through public postal operators: 101000, Moscow, Myasnitskaya st., 20, National Research University Higher School of Economics, Admissions Committee.
  • Hostel for out-of-town students is provided by NRU HSE >>>
  • There is no requirement for applicants to undergo a mandatory preliminary medical examination (examination).
  • Acceptance of documentsrequired for enrollment, held:
    - With June 19 to July 10, 2020 inclusive - for persons entering on the basis of the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently;
    - With June 20 to July 26, 2020 inclusive - for persons entering only on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination and for persons entering without entrance examinations.

By decision of the Admissions Committee, the deadlines for accepting documents can be extended for persons entering only on the basis of the results of the Unified State Examination, or if all the results of entrance examinations conducted by the university independently are available.

2. Terms of admission to the program "Bachelor of Economics" (together with the National Research University Higher School of Economics)

1) placement of lists of applicants on the official website and at the information stand - no later than July 27, 2020. By decision of the Admissions Committee, the terms for posting lists of applicants may be extended.

2) acceptance of applications for consent to enrollment in places under contracts for the provision of paid educational services, the conclusion of contracts and the issuance of relevant orders for enrollment is completed no later than August 31, 2020.

The National Research University Higher School of Economics combines faculties and institutes that train specialists in all branches of scientific knowledge, both humanitarian and technical. Campuses are located in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod.

A flexible educational scheme at the Higher School of Economics allows students to independently choose the direction of study, making a decision based on their own abilities and goals. Everyone can choose subjects suitable for him from the general list of disciplines and draw up an IEP (individual curriculum).

We will talk today about how to enter HSE on a budget, what exams you need to pass for this and how much paid education will cost.

About the university

  • HSE is included in the Top 10 best universities in Russia according to the USE data for 2017 and is the true pride of Russian education.
  • About 4,900 students study at the university for master's and bachelor's programs, as well as almost 6,000 students for further vocational education programs.
  • The university includes 36 educational programs of humanitarian, social and technical profile.
  • The HSE actively cooperates with foreign universities and participates in 57 partnership programs.
  • The university staff consists of 485 scientific and pedagogical employees.

What are the HSE faculties and the passing score on the budget?

In total, the Higher School of Economics has 15 faculties in various scientific areas:

  1. HSE Lyceum;
  2. Faculty of pre-university training;
  3. Faculty of Mathematics;
  4. Faculty of Physics;
  5. Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. A.N. Tikhonov;
  6. Faculty of Computer Science;
  7. Faculty of Business and Management;
  8. Faculty of Law;
  9. Faculty of Humanities;
  10. Faculty of Social Sciences;
  11. Faculty of Communications, Media and Design;
  12. Faculty of World Economy and World Politics;
  13. Faculty of Economic Sciences;
  14. International Institute of Economics and Finance;
  15. Faculty of Urban and Regional Development.

For future bachelors of the Higher School of Economics, the passing scores for the 2018-2017 budget, on average, amounted to about 270-300 points. This indicator is comparable with the best universities in Russia, such as Moscow State University.

The cost of education on a paid basis is from 275,000 to 715,000 rubles per year.

What subjects do you need to take on admission?

Depending on the city, applicants to the Higher School of Economics can choose different faculties and, accordingly, take different test exams. For St. Petersburg in 2018, the following disciplines and subjects were relevant:

  • Economy
  • International business and management- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Logistics and supply chain management- mathematics, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Management and analytics in the public sector- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Sociology and social informatics- mathematics, Russian language, social studies, foreign language;
  • Jurisprudence
  • Oriental studies
  • Political science and world politics- social science, history, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Philosophy- Literature, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Story- history, Russian language, foreign language;
  • Design- literature, Russian language, creative test.

Alpha School will prepare you for admission to the Higher School of Economics!

  • Personal training. We will fill in the gaps in your knowledge with the help of a carefully designed curriculum based on your initial knowledge and help you earn points on the budget when you enter the Higher School of Economics.
  • Affordable cost. We deliberately refuse to artificially increase the cost of education, so our school is accessible to everyone.
  • Skill testing. We use test methods to initially test the student's knowledge and develop an effective learning scheme.
  • Intelligent platform. We use a special program that analyzes your mathematical level and develops the most effective learning model.
  • Interesting tasks. We try to give the material not only to the maximum extent, but also to present it in the form of interesting examples and tasks.
  • Troubleshooting. We help students to eliminate gaps in knowledge by carefully analyzing complex topics and consolidating the material covered.

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 10:00 to 17:00

Latest HSE reviews

Valentina Fomina 18:51 04/29/2013

Some specialties: Internet project manager, logistician, innovation management and many others. It is not particularly difficult to enter if you score the required number of points to pass. However, you should not expect freebies there. You should have a zeal for learning, they can easily kick you out of there. a clearly set goal and teach specialized subjects, and not just sit, but get a diploma at the end. This will not work out here. On the square ...

Nadezhda Semenova 13:13 04/29/2013

After receiving a diploma and points in the Unified State Examination, I chose the National Research University Higher School of Economics, Faculty of Sociology. It was easy to do. First you submit the necessary documents to the selection committee, then you wait for the results of admission. It should be noted that during the submission of documents, I had to wait about an hour, because the queue was huge. But I am glad that the selection committee works quickly and smoothly. Everything was simple: it was indicated where to go, what to take, when to wait in line. Next, a list is posted on the uni...

HSE Gallery

general information

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education National Research University Higher School of Economics

Branches of the National Research University Higher School of Economics


No. 02593 is valid Indefinitely from 05/24/2017


No. 01819 valid from 03/30/2016

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for the National Research University Higher School of Economics

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)5 6 7 7 7 5
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education86.27 85.44 85.38 85.32 86.81 88.1
Average USE score credited to the budget95.76 95.11 93.28 89.95 90.86 92.77
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis82.18 80.56 80.46 79.03 77.66 80.9
The average for all specialties is the minimum USE score enrolled in the full-time department62.38 61.14 61.2 62.16 62.72 59.07
Number of students28755 25046 22362 19680 17760 17477
full-time department27862 24127 21518 18823 16710 16192
Part-time department883 905 833 850 1043 1242
Extramural10 14 11 7 7 43
All data Report Report Report Report Report Report

University Reviews

The best law schools in Russia according to the international information group "Interfax" and the radio station "Echo of Moscow"

The best financial universities in Russia according to the magazine "FINANCE". The rating is compiled on the basis of data on the education of financial directors of large enterprises.

Universities of Moscow, which have budget places in the direction of "Linguistics". Admission 2013: USE list, passing score, number of budget places and tuition fees.

TOP-5 universities in Moscow with the highest and lowest passing score of the Unified State Exam for the direction of study "Jurisprudence" in 2013. The cost of paid education.

The results of the 2013 admission campaign to specialized economic universities in Moscow. Budget places, USE passing score, tuition fees. Economist training profiles.

TOP-10 largest universities in Moscow in terms of the number of students from the monitoring of the effectiveness of the activities of educational institutions of higher education of the Ministry of Education and Science in 2016.

About HSE

The Higher School of Economics was founded in 1992 in Moscow. In 2009, it received the status of a National Research University. This is a public educational institution. Currently, Ya. I. Kuzminov is the rector of the Higher School of Economics. Since 1993, the university has been using a two-level (Bologna) education system: bachelor's degree - 4 years, master's degree - 2 years.


The university uses a modular system of education. The academic year is divided into 4 modules rather than regular semesters. Such a division allows to distribute the academic load on students more evenly and thereby ensure the constancy of students' efforts throughout the year. The assessment of academic performance consists of several components, i.e. an accumulative system is used, thanks to which the knowledge of students is assessed more objectively.

There is also an annual rating of teachers and students. On the basis of student assessments, ratings are created, according to which a discount of up to 70% of the cost of tuition fees for students receiving education on a paid basis can be calculated. Many HSE students receive several scholarships, the amount of which can reach up to 30,000 rubles.

The main place in the HSE educational process is occupied by economics. At all faculties, students receive knowledge in microeconomics, macroeconomics and institutional economics. They also listen to lectures on applied economic subjects according to the chosen specialization. Each of the faculties has subjects related to social knowledge (philosophy, sociology, logic, psychology, and others). Foreign languages ​​at the HSE also occupy one of the leading places - some subjects are taught in English.

In the process of study, the resources of electronic libraries are widely used. HSE is subscribed to 39 electronic library databases, which provide access to the full text of 53,000 scientific journals.

The university successfully implements programs of double diplomas and the so-called "cross" education, student exchange programs. HSE has more than 160 foreign partners, which makes it possible for graduates to receive diplomas from various universities in Europe. Every year HSE conducts more than 600 additional education programs, including business education, second higher education, MBA, EMBA and DBA. In order to develop additional education and professional retraining in 2012, the GASIS Academy and the Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (MIEM) joined the Higher School of Economics.


A large number of senior university students receive work experience in their chosen specialty during their student years.

At the time of graduation, about 60% of students already have a future job. Six months after graduation from HSE, about 80% of graduates work, and the remaining 20% ​​of students continue to receive education in master's and postgraduate programs directly in Russia or abroad.

According to the statistics of the HSE Center for Internal Monitoring, graduates are employed in such areas as marketing, advertising, PR, business, consulting, insurance, education, accounting, finance, trade, press and journalism, energy, telecommunications, IT.

University structure

The following activities are carried out at the Higher School of Economics:

  • 107 research institutes and centers,
  • 32 design and educational and scientific and educational laboratories,
  • 4 campuses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm, Nizhny Novgorod.

The university is one of the few educational institutions where a military department remained after the military reform. It trains future officers for the units of the missile and ground forces. Students undergo combat, tactical and tactical-special fire training. Information and educational work with students and moral and psychological support are also organized. Practical training is carried out with future officers. HSE students and postgraduates are provided with accommodation in a hostel.

The HSE has a faculty of pre-university training. Schoolchildren of 5-11 grades study at this faculty. Teachers of the National Research University Higher School of Economics prepare them for the Unified State Examination, Olympiads, GIA. In 2013, a lyceum for high school students was opened.

Program "University open to the city"

In 2013, the university launched the "University Open to the City" program. In Moscow's Gorky Park in the summer, university scientists began to give lectures to the public for the first time. Thus, anyone who is interested in the subject can listen to the lecture. In autumn the lecture hall moved to Moscow museums. Lectures are now held every Thursday, admission is absolutely free and free.

Rating tower

In 2015, the Higher School of Economics joined the group<51-100>in the direction of Development studies (social development studies) of the QS (Quacquarelli Symonds) ranking - one of the most famous international university rankings in the world. In this ranking category, the Higher School of Economics is the only Russian university.
