Based on the results of Vienna Congress The throne of France was returned dynasty Burbonin the face of King Louis XVIII (the brother of executed Louis XVI). The territory of the current Belgium passed under the control of Holland, Norway - Sweden (until that time she was Danish). The Sacred Roman Empire finally ceased to exist, and many territories of Northern Italy passed under the power of Austria-Hungary. There was also new section of Poland. Between Austria, Prussia and Russia, and besides this, the Swiss Confederation received official neutrality, preserved until today.

Another result of the Vienna Congress was the creation of the first UN prototype - Sacred Union European monarchies.

Results and death of Alexander I.

Alexander I joined the Russian Empire to the part of Polish lands, who belonged to Prussia and Austria, not considering the affiliates of the Bessarab territories, Kakhetian (Georgian) and Finnish.

The contemporaries of Alexander I said that in recent years, the Emperor has become religion, and melancholic is removed. He often expressed that he wanted to renounce the throne and go on peace to lead the life of hermit.

One of the most prominent emperors of the Russian Empire died either December 1, 1825 in Taganrog from fever, or on January 20, 1864 from old age in Tomsk. The first date is official for history, but more and more evidence speaks in favor of the second. The emperor (who, by the way, was distinguished by excellent health) was buried in a closed coffin, no one had seen his bodies, and it was guarded as the whole gold reserve of Russia. A few years in Siberia appeared an old man washed Fedor Kuzmich, very similar (according to eyewitness descriptions) on Alexander, which has noble manners and extremely erudite policy, history and economy. Fedor's death dialogue with the Cossack Semen Sidorov: "There is a cant," said Cossack, - that you, father, not anyone else, like Alexander Blessed. Is it true?" Kuzmich crossed and replied: "Wonderful things are yours, Lord. No secrecy that would not be opened. "

In 2015, the Russian Graphological Society confirmed the identity of the handwritters of Alexander I and the elder Fedor. At the moment, the possibility of genetic examination is discussed.

Two years before disappearance (or death), Alexander began to decide the question of the prestoliya. Both of his daughters died in infancy. Brother Konstantin from the throne refused, so the emperor appointed the heir to the younger brother -

The nineteenth century was tightly saturated with events in the country and the world. The beginning of the century is marked by the appearance of the French Republic of Napoleon on the political arena. The new monarch is the author of the whole of Anfilad Wars, who carried freedom on the bayonets of his Great Army. When you are thinking about the power of His genius and Haling, devoted to him by the soldiers, amazed the courage of who was able to stop him. It is believed that the emperor of Russia Alexander first introduced the most important contribution to the victory over the "Antichrist".

Napoleon and Alexander - contemporaries, allies (1807-1811), almost the heated emperors and the most cruel enemies as political and personal. Many historians appreciate the identity of Alexander is not very high, believing that she fades against the background of the genius of Napoleon. At the same time, for historians, it remains the indisputable fact of Napoleon's genius, which is put in the first number of the most outstanding commander.

So who are they? People whose names have passed the century and remained as vivid and significant, those who have managed not only by their countries, but also throughout Europe.

We will try to figure out this by comparing some aspects of the lives of two emperors.

Alexander - Napoleon.

Alexander I Napoleon


The eldest son of Emperor Paul I and his second wife Empress Mary Fedorovna. Born on December 12, 1777, it took place from the poor Corsican nobility family Charles and Leticia Buonaparte (there were 5 in the family

in Petersburg. Almost immediately after birth was selected from the parents of the grandmother, which the soul did not have a chayale in sons and 3 daughters). Born on August 15, 1769 on the island of Corsica in the city of Ajaccio. Favorite "Mom Grandtle. Letitions ", and the most" Pope Karl "immediately became their second son Napoleon - the most intelligent, active, inventive. True, he got the most of all.

Conclusion: Alexander was a led from the monarchical family, with the right to the throne, and Napoleon from the impoverished noble.


His grandmother Catherine II was engaged in the upbringing of Alexander II, who herself picked up the educators,. The boy has learned early to read and write, but up to 10 years he preferred to play even reading, which later will be his own personally wrote for the grandson special instruction in childhood "Mr. Alexander" nursed passion. From 10 years began for Napoleon, the time of intensive studies. Governor Corsica Graf Rene de Marbife, British Praskovya Ivanovna Hessler and General Sophia Ivanovna Benkendorf. At the age of 5.5 years, he fabulously fabulous to the Letication, for the sake of her soaked by Napoleon Royal scholarship in the Brying Military School, where the emperor gave the generals of Nikolai Ivanovich Saltykov and Alexander Yakovlevich Protasov, the Archpriest studied the children of the nobility. On May 12, 1779, Napoleon with his father went to Brien - a small town nearby

Andrei Afanasyevich Samborsko. Soon it turned out that Saltykov does not teach, but defending Alexander, and in 1783 Paris. In addition to the audacity, Napoleon surprised and eventually placed the teachers with his knowledge. Especially year, his main teacher and adviser for the entire life of F. Ts. Lagarp was attached to him. He was strong, he was in history, he was fond of rhetoric, geography and began to read the swop, was always the best in the school in a republican, a humanist, a bang of high moral qualities, an adherent of the ideas of enlightenment. Thanks to this in mathematics, the fenceman canceled. The only problem of the future rule of Europe was languages. October 30, 1784.

own head, small Alexander developed quickly. By 13 years already spoke in four languages. Early year, Napoleon was commendable for the course of the Brylen school and was transferred again as the royal scholarship defined his interest in history, to acts. The generals were ordered to take care of the great princes to the Paris Military School - the Higher Educational Institution of the Type of the Academy. Despite the fact that in Paris, the Russian certificate "above all", the knowledge of Russian laws, history, geography, ethnography and other exemplary school, in which lectures in mathematics read scientists with world names, Napoleon learned to her sciences. The most important knowledge for Alexandra became the ability to express him to Saltykov to express what about (school) was less than a year, since he did not receive new knowledge, the time to self-educate. He was able after 10 months of study, felt, and what was liked by the interlocutor. (It was necessary since the young Alexander was always to pass exams for the full course and September 1, 1785 received an officer rank. Moreover, in early 1785 he died between grandmother and father). However, the formation of the Grand Prince was not completed due to early marriage. His "Papa Carlo", and 15-year-old Napoleon had to take care of the family.

Conclusion: Napoleon was educated due to his own perseverance and talent, while Alexander received a home education (the education plan was Catherine II). It was its influence and teachers chosen by her who created the nature of the future emperor. The period of receiving the formation of Alexander was interrupted, and Napoleon graduated from him independently and early.

3. Character

Another child, and then, Alexander's trades, I got used to the help of Saltykov, not to express the fact that he himself felt, Aharacter from Napoleon from early childhood turned out to be stubborn, impatient and restless. "Nothing I liked that I liked Catherine and Paul. With a grandmother, he tried to look like gentle, with his father - peaceful. I imponved, he later recalled, - I was inclined to quarrels and fights, I was not afraid of anyone. One I beat

General Protasov in the diary for 1791 years old, the properties of the 14-year-old Alexander, about which Catherine and the other scratched, and everyone was afraid of me. Most of all had to endure me to my brother Joseph. I beat him and did not suspect: "Shining - laziness, strange bows and bad habits." Alexander was supposed to live on two minds, bite. And it was scolded for it, because it happened before he comes to himself from fear, I already finish keeping two frontal appearance, except for the third - everyday, home, dual device manner, feelings and thoughts. Mother. My cunning brought me benefit, because otherwise Mom Leticia would punish me for my rice,

He had to thoroughly hide his feelings, which contributed to the formation of such features in it, as she would never have suffered my attacks! "Napoleon was despotic, faithful, able to guide the pretense and the lucavia. This was reflected in the relationship with the Father while visiting his residence in not personal sympathy, and professionalism, heter, might like the inner world than appearance, but

Gatchina, where the spirit of the military and tough discipline reigned. Alexander was constantly had to have every two when he said, no one could tear off, devoted to France and friends, noble, courageously appreciated courage, masks: one for grandmother, another for his father. Since childhood, surrounded by atmosphere praise and delight Alexander never courage and courage, hated betrayal and cowardice.

doubtless in his irresistibility, was quite proud of, as well as angelicly beautiful and able to appeal to anyone, was kind, reasonable, noble, nervous, stubborn, small, malpaminyen. I considered all the people by traitors, so I did not cling to anyone except Arakcheev.

Conclusion: the characters of these great personalities were very difficult, each of them was quite downed and acted exclusively in his own interests.

4. Military service

Military service Alexander did not pass, however, in the soldier's uniform, in the bottleraths, in hard gloves, from September 1, 1785, Napoleon received the rank of younger lieutenant with an appointment in the garrison a settlement Valance, a gun, with a strict military handling, the young man early and soon learned to be equal to decency and agility. Not far from Lyon. Valance, Doue, Oson-the most boring war years of Napoleon. Six years he spent in rank

However, officially was the commander of the Semenov Regiment. Over the years, Catherine's concern is great about the beloved grandson of the younger lieutenant, understanding that without protection, he will not be able to advance through the career ladder. In a couple of years, increased. In 1692, she led the brilliant architect to the kingnah, who was already aged the Hermitage Theater, before the revolution, he even tried to enter the Russian service, but Catherine the second refused. But after 14 Jul 1789

erected for Alexander the Alexandrovsky Palace of the Year and the Declaration of Rights of the citizen and man "VMIG everything has changed." Napoleon immediately joined the Jacobin club and caught fire the idea of \u200b\u200bfreeing his native Corsica from the feudal shackles, but it did not end with anything good and

Napolion had to save himself and his family flight in 1793. Appointed by the head of artillery to the army, the toulon occupied by the British, Bonaparte carried out a brilliant military operation. Toulon was taken, and he himself received in 24 years the title of a brigade general. 1793 point of counting of Napoleonic accomplishments. After the thermadorian coup, Bonaparte distinguished himself with the acceleration of the royalist rebellion in Paris (1795), and then received the appointment of the Commander of the Italian army. In the Italian campaign (1796-97) in all shine showed a colonical genius of Napoleon. The Austrian generals could not oppose the lightning maneuvers of the French army, the poor, poorly equipped, but inspired by revolutionary ideas and the leadership

Bonaparte. She tried one victory over the other: Montenotto, Lodi, Milan, Castiglion, Arkla, Rivoli.

The Italians enthusiastically met the army, carrying the ideals of freedom, equality that got rid of the Austrian dominion. Austria lost all her lands in northern Italy, where allied with France was created

Tsizalpin Republic.

Conclusion: While Napoleon performed his first military conquests, seeking fame and respect, Alexander knocked all the delights of the life of his beloved grandchildren of the Great Grandma. Catherine did everything for the sake of the grandson, without regret the treasury of the state.

5. Personal life

Catherine II decided that by 16 years it is time to marry a grandson. She herself found him the bride - Princess Baden - Napoleon was inactive, did not trust him. During this period, he decided to marry a pretty 17-year-old daughter

Baden Louise (in the Orthodoxy Elizabeth Alekseevna), which was 13 months younger than Alexander and the merchant of Dezher Clari. In the spring of 1794, Napoleon met Desire, and the next spring they were engaged.

different "Perfection of women's virtues." However, according to Dashkova, "the beauty turned out to be the smallest but in the summer of 1795 the semi-hemal general Bonaparte appeared in Terezia's salon Talien, which resulted in her dignity. Mind, education, modesty, grace, friendly and tact in combination with rare for a steep turn not only by his military career, but also a personal life. It is so Napoleon will meet in the fall of 1795

her age is cautious - everything attracted everything in it. " On May 10, 1793, 15-Summer Alexander Pavlovich and 14-1 years old Josephine. Josephine did not shine, in contrast, for example, from the same Teresia, nor mind, no beauty. But Summer Elizabeth Alekseevna was gained. Be that as it may, the marriage of the "two angels" did not become happy. It was distinguished by the charming grace of the manner. Napoleon, until we almost did not know women, was able to evaluate and soft

I think, both of them first in immaturity could not satisfy each other, and then, as a result of this, her character, kindness, fine congenital tact, not to mention the sweet, like a siren, voice and between them arose and began to disconnect psychological incompatibility . Louise enjoyed a sympathy of a charming smile. On March 9, 1796, Napoleon and Josephine are married. The wedding ceremony was Russian society, but she was not loved by her husband. Their relationship has never been married, Alexander considered the Republican modest. On the third day after the wedding, Napoleon was raced to the army. During this campaign,

Elizabeth as the best friend. The Empress had a connection with the cavalryard headquarters-Rothmistrome Aexsee Hunitric. Josephine changed the future emperor. Returning from Egypt to France Napoleon ordered his family

A. I. Hercin noted that Alexander "passionately loved all women, except for his wife." The emperor always admired. In Egypt, he learned about the treason of Zhezhefin with a young officer. Napoleon decided to break with her. Returning from the female beauty, Koxer with the ladies and even ran on dates into private houses (without any consequences). Egypt to Paris, he did not allow her for three days. Napoleon was very tied to her children from the first marriage.

The relationship between the emperor and his sisters Catherine Pavlovna are interesting. In one of the letters from 1811, Alexander PinzhemoFina took them both, crying, and all in tears appeared before Napoleon, full repentance with a plea about her: "I love you to madness, to madness, like a maniac! I hope to enjoy your holiday in your arms. Alas, forgiveness. Napoleon forgave her, but did not forget the treason. In the name of political interests, Napoleon divorced me from I could not take advantage of my previous rights (we are talking about your legs, do you understand?) And to cover you Josephine, which did not have children, and married the daughter of the Austrian emperor Mary-Louise. Heir to the gentle kisses in your bedroom in Tver. " The letter was written after the marriage of Catherine. None was born in 1811, but the Austrian marriage of the emperor was extremely unopullen in France. And with Josephine before her historian does not want to believe in the blood-mixing connection of the emperor, so they explain it with platonic love. Nozmen and with the second wife, the emperor was gentle and caring. Another lady of the heart of the emperor, in fact, we will never know his truth, I have never learned, Maria Valevskaya was, he did not throw it even during the second marriage.

According to A. A. Charteroysky and N. K. Schilder "Platonic Coquetry" - "The Communication Communication, which particularly likenapoleon loved the children very much, not only her son. But both Josephine children from the first marriage. He loved to play with

Alexander. Among the hobbies of the ruler were: the Prussian Queen of Louise, the Baden Princess Sepania, the princess with children of relatives and friends as well as Charmener Rustan. The emperor also loved to baptize the children. Son of his friend

Bagration, General Kern (Pushkin Shot). But the most important lady of the heart of the emperor for a long time (15 General Lanna Napoleon became his first kid.

years) was Maria Antonovna Naryshkin, who gave him to his daughters Zinaida and Sophia. Sophia died literally on the eve of his wedding with Count Shuvalov. Death of daughter Alexander experienced very much.

Conclusion: The personal life of each of the emperors was not quite successful. The marriage of Alexander did not bring him no love of not the heirs, the only thing he found in his wife is a friend; And in Marya Antonovna, the emperor found happiness.

Napoleon was also disappointed in the beloved, because of her betray. And was forced to more in connection with politics to divorce her and marry another. In marriages, emperors were guided by politics.

6. Path to power

At first, on joys on the occasion of acceleration, Paul was very favor of sons, especially to the eldest. The name of Bonaparte Radrely throughout Europe. After the first victories, Napoleon began to claim independent

Alexander was appointed St. Petersburg military governor and the chief of one of the two most privileged role. The government of the directory has not sent it to the Egyptian expedition (1798-1799). The idea of \u200b\u200bher regiments of the Russian Guard - Semenovsky. From November 24, 1796, he was the Petersburg military governor, it was associated with the desire of the French bourgeoisie to compete with English, who actively claimed his duties was like Unter - officers. Every morning at 7 o'clock and every evening to 8 o'clock he had an impact in Asia and in North Africa. However, it was not possible to entrenched here: fighting with the Turks, the French army did not report to the emperor "On the smallest details related to the garrison", with a constant risk of finding support from the local population.

no ambassibility for any - neither be in no wage.

On December 1, 1799, Zagesar appointed Cesarevich by Senator and a member of the Council at the highest yard. True, decide anything and even advise Pavlu on state needs, he did not bother. On April 5, 1797, Pavel canceled the law of Peter the Great about the Preconsession and restored the principle of origin, preserved since then until 1917

of the year. Thus, Alexander as the elder son of the emperor received legislative guarantees of his rights to the throne. Paul then walked on it, although he did not give to Alexander warm father's senses. But when Alexander showed interest in big politics, Paul was alerted.

The time was going, and the suspiciously father became, the son who was more careful, only with his care suspicion of his father. In February 1801, Alexander's head, in his own expression, "Father's ax", because Paul had an idea to replace Alexander his cousin

Evgeny Württemberg.

Conclusion: During the board of the father, the path of Alexander slowed down to the throne, since Paul did not trust his son, and Alexander was not pleased with his position. Napoleon confidently moved to power, thanks to major victories.

7. Coming to power

Alexander agreed to participate in a conspiracy against the Father. The crisis of power in Paris reached his apogee. The corrupt directory was not able to provide

The plot was palace. The reasons for him against the emperor Paul, both internal and external, were quite conquering revolution. In Italy, the Russian-Austrian troops, under the command of A. V. Suvorov, eliminated all the obvious already for contemporaries (degradation and references, the rejection of the nobles of Paul's policies, including the acquisition of Napoleon, and even arose a threat to the invasion of France. Under these conditions, the rapid strong dissatisfaction with the relaxes of the peasants). As for Alexander, the entire conspiracy was Zahedyan, actually, a popular general, relying on the army loyal to him, dispersed the representative bodies and directory and in his favor and with the calculation of his consent. Proclaimed on November 9, 1799 Consulate regime. According to the new Constitution, legislature

Alexander agreed to the coup, taking an oath promise from Palin that his father would not die. The coup was divided between the State Council, the Tribunate, the Legislative Corps and the Senate, which did it occurred already as half a revealed, but on a previously finished plan, with the participation of the Semenovsky regiment. In helpless and vague. The executive power, on the contrary, was gathered in one fist of the first consul, i.e.

the deployment itself, Cesarevich did not participate. Bonaparte. The second and third consuls had only advisory voices. The constitution was approved by the people in 1800

While Paul fought for life (he was hit by a tobacker, and then beaten and strangled with a scarf), Alexander Year. In 1802, Napoleon spent the decree of his authority through the Senate, and then in 1804 waited, lying in his bed. In the first hour of the night, everything was over, Russia had a new emperor. proclaimed himself the emperor of the French.

So, on March 12, 1801, Zesarevich Alexander became a condom and took the title of 50 geographic elements.

His reign began with Chiphen's words: "Pretty childbirth! Go to reign! ", At that moment, when he was afraid to go to the people and report the death of his father.

Having taught the throne of the greatest empire in the world, feeling around himself a worship and adoration, Alexander could believe that all his hopes, all his trembling his vanity was satisfied in full. But all the joy of this poisoned to him the incurable wound of conscience, a terrible share of the consciousness that after two Saliushetz (Ivan the Terrible and Peter of the Great) and the Molubymen Catherine Great on the Russian throne turned out to be in his face and the father's father. Shock, which he underwent at that moment when her mother congratulated him with his focus near the body of the Father, affected all his being.

The shadow of this death will make Napoleon's personal enemy Alexander.

Conclusion: and Napoleon and Alexander came to power due to conspiracies and coup. But at the same time, Napoleon became the emperor will the will of the people and thanks to personal merit, and Alexander was watered on the throne of 0.5% of the population as the heir.

8. Coronation

In Manifesto on March 12, 1801, the new emperor has committed itself to manage the people "according to the laws formally a member of the Cure Tribunate proposed Napoleon to become the emperor. Napoleon certainly did not mind. The Senate and the Heart of His Promotra grandmother, "and on September 15, 1801, he was crowned in the Assumption Cathedral of Moscow proclaimed him" in the name of the glory and prosperity of the republic - the emperor of the French. " Napoleon thanked Metropolitan Moscow Plato (Left). It was also used to cyanocuserization of coronation, as for the Senate and demanded a plebiscite. He was held and on December 1, 1804, Senate announced his results for which

Pavle I, but the difference was that Empress Elizabeth Alekseevna "When crowded, I did not become before the" emperor of the republic ", 35,72,000 votes were given. By the way, the closest friend of Napoleon, General Lann, was his spouse on his knees, and standing on his head crown. " Deputies from vs, as well as many advanced people of different countries were caused to coronation. Beethoven changed the dedication to his third nobility and merchants from all provinces, except Siberian and others. On September 19, at the Sokolnicia Field, was ("heroic".) Symphony dedicated to Napoleon, after his coronation, writing "Heroic symphony in honor of a national holiday. In the manifesto, which was informed about the coronation, was given the mercy of the people: exemption from the memory of the Great Man. "

recruit recruitment for a year, discount 25 k. From the soul in the pitchpiece for 1802, impropecting fines, forgiveness, solemn coronation took place on December 2, 1804 in the Cathedral of the Paris Mother of God. Napoleon wished, runaway, increase servicemen to a colonel 1/4 to a salary and another; On the same day, there was a decree on the Roman dad to participate in this celebration. Pius Seventh himself came to Paris, for Napoleon, it was a commission establishment for the revision of the previous criminal cases, confirmed were confirmed by a complained grarity of Sareptsky is extremely important, because even Karl the Great traveled to Rome so that his dad coronated. In the most responsible moment, the brotherhood and the same gradder city of Riga. When Pope has already raised the crown to entrust her on Napoleon's head, he (Napoleon) snatched her and he himself put on his head as a symbol that he had a new emperor to anyone the crown, besides himself and won her with her own hands. Thereafter. Not paying attention to Dad, Napoleon crowned his josephine.

Conclusion: The coronation of Alexander took place on all the canons that were adopted among Russian monarchs. Napoleon, his wedding on the throne emphasized the importance of their victories and the power of personality.

9. Domestic Policy

1) Dating freedom by prisoners and exiled Paul 1) 1801 Anniversary at Marrengo eliminated the threat to the French borders.

2) Decree on the destruction of torture 2) Preservation of the results of the revolution: civil rights, ownership of land of peasants, as well as those who

3) Restoring the action of chunned diplomas 1785. I bought national property during the revolution, i.e. confiscated land of immigrants and church.

4) 1802 - the establishment of the Ministry and the State Council. 3) 1804 year - Napoleon's Civil Opex-Code

5) 1803 - a decree on free blades. (was actual, but not practical) 4) 1800 - Administrative reform, institution of accountable to the government of the prefects of departments

6) the creation of a system of medium and lower educational institutions, the establishment of Kharkov, Kazan and and Superfects of the districts

St. Petersburg Universities. 5) the appointment of mayors in cities and villages

7) softening censorship. 6) 1800 - an institution of the State French Bank for the storage of the golden stock and emission of paper

8) 1810 - the opening of the Transformed State Council, which has acquired a legislative nature - money all new laws were to be discussed in the State Council 7) Neutralization of the tax collection system

9) 1811 - the ministries were transformed. 8) Administrative and legal innovations

10) Cancellations of serfdom 9) Mastering the foundations of the modern state

11) Constitution projects 10) Creating a secondary school system - lyceum and higher education institutions - Normal and Polytechnic Schools, up to

But the appointment of A. A. Arakcheev State Secretary led to changes in domestic politics. Thus, the remaining most prestigious in France

1) Restores the right of landowners Refer fortress without trial in Siberia 11) Closing of 160 out of 173 Paris newspapers, resolution of the rest under the control of the government, i.e. strengthened

2) Military settlements are being created (the worst act of the Times of Alexander) censorship

3) the emergence of various opposition circles as a monarchical and extreme republican sense, after 12) the creation of a powerful police and an extensive secret of hiking service 1814-1815. Subsequently, some of them turned into secret societies opposing 13) 1801 - the conclusion of concordate with the Pope Roman, Rome recognized the new France, Catholicism is the religion of an existing political device. After the victory over Napoleon and the beginning of the battle with the "Gedro Revolution" of most French

Alexander stopped engaged in the internal affairs of the country, having transferred them to Arakcheev. This period in history 14) Despite Concordes with Rome, freedom of religion was maintained by the name "Arakcheevshchyna". 15) The government appointed bishops and influenced the activities of the Church.

16) 1807 - the abolition of the tribunate

17) Preservation of the Law of 1791 on Backed Backet

18) 1803 - Enter workers' bookkeys

19) 1808 - recreation of titles for a new nobility

Conclusion: Alexander and Napoleon led the policies of strengthening his own power, although the Russian emperor tried to improve the position of the peasants and adopt a constitutional monarchy, and Napoleon managed the country with the bourgeois system. During their rule, the level of education improved in countries, and in France a large economic increase was noted, the bodies of government were transformed.

10. Foreign policy

1) Avalanche between England and France. 1) Napoleon led the war in the period 1796-1815, the main purpose of which was to conquer new territories and output

2) 1805-1807 Russia participation in wars against Napoleonic France is first place in the global market. Military Actions: First Italian Campania (1796-1797), Egyptian Hike

3) 1807 - the signing of the Tilzite world, according to which Alexander I recognized all the conquests of Napoleon and both Bonaparte (1798-1799), the second Italian campaign (1800), the first Austrian campaign (1805), the Prussian emperor pledged to be allies when conducting hostilities. Campaign (1806), Polish Campaign (1806-1807), Spanish-Portuguese Campaign (1807-1814), Second Austrian

4) 1810 - hostile nature of relations between Russia and France Campaign (1809), Russian Campaign (1812), Saxon Campania (1813), Battle for France (1814), Belgian

5) Summer 1812 - the beginning of the war between Russia and France campaign (1815)

6) 1813 Exile of the French from the territory of the Russian Empire 2) seized the huge territories of Europe

7) 1813-1814 - War with Napoleon on the territory of Europe in the composition of the 6th coalition 3) Continental blockade of England

8) March 31, 1814 - Triumphant accession to Paris 4) of the fight against Russia, and then the Union and again the war

9) September 1814 - June 1815 - Vienna Congress 5) Fighting patriotic movements in Germany, in Spain

10) 1815 - as part of the 7th coalition participation in the secondary overthrow of Napoleon 6) the invasion of Russia in 1812 - the beginning of the end

11) Alexander - Creator and Chief Worker of the Holy Union 7) Successful struggle with the 5th antifranzus coalitions

12) The fight against the "Gidra Revolution" 8) 1813-1814 Fighting the 6th Coalition

13) Successful completion of the war with Turkey 1806-1812. 9) 1814 year renunciation

15) Strengthening the international situation of Russia. 11) February 26, 1815 left the Elbe, in order to take the throne again

16) Acceded: 1801 - Georgia, 1809 - Finland, 1812 - Bessarabia, 1813 - Azerbaijan. 12) March 1-20, 1815 "Flight of the Eagle" - Self for power in France

13) 1815 - Fight against the 7th Coalition

Conclusion: The beginning of the 19th century - the time of wars, the initiator of many of which was Napoleon. All countries led battles for expanding the territory or for promoting trade, but many simply protected their borders.


For the obligation of projects aimed at reforming the state device, the decision of the peasant Napoleon became the prisoner of the British and was sent to the distant island of St. Helena in the Atlantic Ocean. There is a question and much more, contemporaries perceived as the emperor refusal from liberal views. The approximate Poland spent the last six years of life, fading from severe illness and petty bullying of his

Alexander often said that he was tired of driving the empire and about the desire to live the rest of days in silence. jailers. In the evening, at six o'clock, on May 5, 1821, Napoleon died.

The statements of this kind spawned a lot of legends about that. That the emperor stated death and spent the rest of the last years of his life were extremely difficult: the former emperor arrived in heavy melancholia, more expensive days under the guise of an elder in a deaf village, not far from Taganrog, the proof of which serves the phenomenal identities of the Fame. His jailer - Hudson Low was obsessed with thoughts about the possible shoot of Napoleon, so the similarity of this elder with the emperor. In the last years of his life, Alexander came to religion, it was approaching he surrounded the island with chains of soldiers, a total of 3 thousand, on all flat protractions of the island put guns, fanatically believers. And he spent a lot of time with them praying (knees were corn from standing on them) or installed total control over the movements of the Bonaparte, drove most of the emperor's friends from the island, reading the Bible. He also seriously thought about the transfer of his throne to his brother. In the last year of life, who were with him and made smallquarters, for example, did not allow books sent from the mainland and watched the emperor appeared "striving for solitude." He all moved away from affairs, not paying due attention to the correspondence.

alarm reports about plotting. The last year of life, Alexander, increasingly showed care for his wife, together with Napoleon had a hereditary disease from the father - a stomach cancer. The attacks of the disease became frequent from 1819. IN

he arrived in Taganrog, due to its health problems. Disease, always strong health in 1820, the disease began to progress from month to month. On April 3, 1821, the patient's condition was the emperor, did not take seriously, he refused treatment however, the disease was intensified every day and hopelessly, so on April 13, Napoleon dictated the will, in which she had rum in a rather large treatment did not help. The emperor asked the confessor. The empress was with him as much as it allowed her to her amounts of money, he wrote about himself: "I wish my ashee to rest on the shores of the Seine, among French health. On the morning of November 19, 1825, on the square near the one-story palace, where the emperor was dying, the people gathered, which I loved so much. On the night of May 5, agony began, and at 5 o'clock 49 minutes it was not.

peasants, hoping for the wonderful recovery of "God's Anointed". But it did not happen at 10 o'clock 50 minutes later the words of the rule of Europe were? "France" Sonarmia "(Marshant).

the savior of Europe died. The corpse was identified in many signs, which excludes the possibility of drawing Mark Aldan, according to eyewitnesses, described the last "miracle" of Napoleon: "Count Bertrand rose hard from his chair and death. He is buried in the Petropavlovsky Cathedral in St. Petersburg. Said a deaf whisper:

The emperor died

And suddenly, looking in the face of the deceased, he recoiled, struck by the memoir.

The first consul! - exclaimed Gofamarshal.

On the pillow, spilling dead beauty, lay the head of the general Bonaparte for 20 years.

On the death of Napoleon are the most common 2 legends:

1) that the emperor died on May 5, but his servant similar to him like two drops of water. The real died when attempting to escape or died in Austria, when trying to visit the Son.

2) On the poisoning of Napoleon arsenic, the proof of this is the biological experiments with the hair of the emperor.

After four days, the coffin was made from Longwood. In the funeral procession, besides the suite and servants, the entire garrison took part in full, as well as all the sailors and maritime officers, all civilian officials with the governor headed and almost the entire population of the island. When the coffin was lowered into the grave, there was a thunder of cannonal salutes: the British gave the last military honor to the dead emperor. In 1840, the dust was transferred to the disabled house in Paris.

Conclusion: Alexander died on his native land the great emperor who won Napoleon and liberated Europe from the dictatorship of France, but tired and exhausted. The death of Napoleon was painful and tragic. He died in captivity of expulsion on the island among the enemies.


Alexander and Napoleon's outstanding personality of their time, causing great interest of historians to their personalities. And in France and in Russia, two great emperors are respected. In France, at all, Alexander first did not cause anything negative, in Russia enough quickly "forgiven" Napoleon his invasion. Already in 1821, responding to the death of Napoleon, A. S. Pushkin wrote about it lines, which quite modernly sound today:

Over the urn where your dust is lying

Peoples hatred has revealed

And the ray of immortality is burning.

And how much time did not pass, they will be compared, with a measure of detail, personality, principles, reforms. Based on the comparative table, you can make brief conclusions:

: Alexander was a led from the monarchical family, with the right to the throne, and Napoleon from the impoverished noble.

Napoleon was educated due to his own perseverance and talent, while Alexander received a home education (the education plan was Catherine II). It was its influence and teachers chosen by her who created the nature of the future emperor. The period of receiving the formation of Alexander was interrupted, and Napoleon graduated from him independently and early.

The characters of these great personalities were very difficult, each of them was well-double and acted exclusively in his own interests, although Napoleon was capable of sincere friendship.

While Napoleon performed his first military conquests, seeking fame and respect, Alexander knocked all the delights of the life of the beloved grandson of the Great Grandma. Catherine did everything for the sake of the grandson, without regret the treasury of the state.

The personal life of each of the emperors was not quite successful. The marriage of Alexander did not bring him no love of not the heirs, the only thing he found in his wife is a friend; And in Marya Antonovna, the emperor found happiness. Napoleon was also disappointed in the beloved, because of her betray. And was forced to more in connection with politics to divorce her and marry another. In marriages, emperors were guided by politics.

During the reign of the father, the path of Alexander slowed down, because Paul did not trust his son, and Alexander was not pleased with his position. Napoleon confidently moved to power, thanks to major victories.

And Napoleon and Alexander came to power thanks to conspiracies and coup. But at the same time, Napoleon became the emperor will the will of the people and thanks to personal merit, and Alexander was watered on the throne of 0.5% of the population as the heir.

The coronation of Alexander took place on all canons that were adopted among Russian monarchs. Napoleon his wedding on the throne emphasized the significance of their victories and personal power

Alexander and Napoleon led the policies of strengthening his own power, although the Russian emperor tried to improve the position of the peasants and adopt a constitutional monarchy, and Napoleon managed the country with bourgeois system. During their rule, the level of education improved in countries, and in France a large economic increase was noted, the bodies of government were transformed.

The beginning of the 19th century - time of wars, the initiator of many of which was Napoleon. All countries led battles for expanding the territory or for promoting trade, but many simply protected their borders.

Alexander died in his native land the Grand Emperor who won Napoleon and liberated Europe from the dictatorship of France, but tired and exhausted. The death of Napoleon was painful and tragic. He died in captivity of expulsion on the island among the enemies.

Bonaparte was able to rise almost from the bottom of society to the imperial title, although he was not even French from birth. Perhaps his methods to achieve the goal were not quite acceptable and tyranny, but his desire, pressure, stubbornness, mental abilities can not admire. Alexander entered the story mainly with a victory over Napoleon, if Napoleon would have been such an outstanding person, then few people remembered Alexander. Even the personal biographer of the Russian emperor Prince Nikolai Mikhailovich recognized: "As a ruler of a huge state, thanks to the genius first of his ally, and then the enemy, Napoleon, he will forever take a special position in the history of Europe of the early 19th century, having received from imaginary friendship and from rivalry with Napoleon The one, which is the necessary attribute of the Great Monarch. His appearance became as if the addition of Napoleon's image. The genius of Napoleon affected how on the water, on it and gave him the importance he would not have had this reflection. "

Alexander I, King of Russia (1801 - 1825)

(St. Petersburg, 1777 - Taganrog, 1825)

The rule of the Russian king Alexander I in time almost exactly coincided with the rule of Napoleon. Several times they fought. "One of those who led allies to victory in 1814, but at home he acted rather as the" unenmended "despot.

Catherine II The Great instructed the training of his grandson to freeze with republican ideals Caesar-Frederick Legalp. The young man, who fate intended to become the ruler, was filled with liberal ideas. He rotated in the circle of young Russian intellectuals, opposed his father, King Paul I. They found together the plan, which led, against the desire of Alexander, to the murder of Paul I in March 1801

Conducted a series of liberal reforms. He led the Committee consisting of his friends-Angloofils engaged in the study of the variation of existing institutions. The Senate received the right disagreement, ministries were created. But the serfdom was not canceled. Various projects of the liberal constitution, which Alexander examined from time to time, was never implemented.

As soon as the case concerned the foreign policy, it seemed that Alexander burst out between the alarophilia of his friends and the complete admiration of Napoleon. In July 1801, the king signs a peace treaty with England, and in a few months he concludes a secret agreement with Bonaparte. But the execution of Duke D "Anzhen, and then the proclamation of the empire pushes him to the side of the enemies of France. In April 1805, Alexander joins the third coalition against France together with England, Austria, Prussia and Sweden.

Alexander was a well-educated, elegant man with impressive appearance. "Alexander would be very graceful and easily turned to the elite of Parisian salons," commented later Bonaparte. And adds: "But his weakness is that he thinks, as if disassembled in military affairs." The king refused to follow the advice of General Kutuzov to be careful. On December 2, 1805, he was defeated under Austerlitz, then under Friedland on June 14, 1807, on July 7, 1807, after the Tilzite meeting with Napoleon on a raft in the middle of the Nemman River, Alexander signs a peaceful agreement, which recognizes the conquest of France and joins continental System. Later, not refusing officially, he does not respond to the emperor when he asks his sister's hands.

When Napoleon needed support for the restraint of Austria, he met with the king in Erfurt, but the agreement was not achieved. By 1809, Alexander I opposes the redistribution of Poland. The continental system paralyzes the economy and alliance with France is terminated.

Could two emperors blame? "If the attachment of Alexander to me is sincere, then only intrigues take off him from me. Intermediaries never stopped reminding him at the right moment about how I ridiculated him, assuring that in Tilsit and Erfurt, I mumbled, only he turned his back. Alexander is very touching, so it's not difficult for them to angry it. Nothing was further from the truth: he seemed to me an attractive man and liked me. " (Napoleon)

In fact, the interests of two empires and two emperors are too different. The Russian campaign of 1812 was inevitable. In February 1813, Alexander convinced the Allies to march to Paris, which led to the renunciation of Napoleon.

After the victory, Alexander I behaves mercifully and opposes the dismemberment of France. At the Vienna Congress, becoming the most powerful monarch, he is trying to introduce his ideas, becoming more and more mystical: he wants diplomacy to be based on Christian principles. In September 1815, Alexander, Orthodox, creates a sacred alliance with Prussia (Protestant) and Austria (Catholic). Officially, this is an agreement on peace and harmony between Christians. In fact, this is a pact between monarchs, aims to suppress revolutions in Spain and Italy.

The king clearly tired of power, which cannot be used to fulfill its great projects. His marriage at the age of 16 with a 14-year-old princess was never happy. Alexander dies unexpectedly, driving through Taganrog, on November 19, 1825. There is a myth that he touched the monks and the grave of his empty.

The most bright personality and state practice of Alexander I revealed in his confrontation with Napoleon, the confrontation, which led the French emperor to the island of Saint Helena, and Alexander Delomed and devoured so much that he apparently could not recover from this until the end of his days on the throne.

The beginning of the century Russia met the settlement of his relations with European powers. Friendly relations with England were restored, diplomatic relations with the Austrian Empire resumed. Alexander I stated that he refuses interference with the internal affairs of foreign states and recognizes that political system that is supported by the "general consent" of the peoples of these countries. With France, the former friendly relations remained, but Alexander came down with each month and he had a great distrust to France's first consul. At the heart of this distrust, not only politics, the ever-increasing expansion of France on the European continent, as was written about by our historians, but also the attitude of Alexander to the domestic political issues "France, which did not appeal to.

Being a fan of the ideas of the French Revolution, the Republic, the constitutional system and is hotly condemned the dictatorship and terror of Jacobinians, the young Russian monarch carefully followed the development of events in France. Already in 1801, reflecting on the desire of Napoleon to exalt its power in France, over its international claims, who actively promoted Foreign Minister Talleyran, Alexander noted: "What scammers!" And in 1802, when Napoleon declared himself a lifelong consul, Alexander wrote Lagara: "I completely changed, as well as you, my dear, an opinion about the first consul. Starting from the moment of establishing his life consulate, Pelona slept: since then Cases go worse and worse. He began with the fact that he himself had deprived himself the greatest glory, which could fall into a lot of man. The only thing that he had remained, to prove that he acted without any personal gain, only for the sake of happiness and the glory of his homeland, And remain the faithful constitution, which he himself swore to pass his power in ten years. Instead, he preferred the monkey to copy the customs of the royal courtyards, thereby disrupting the constitution of his country. Now it is one of the greatest tyrants that ever produced history". As you can see, concern about the constitutional strictness of France takes care of Alexander. Moreover, it is not necessary to consider it to demagogue at all, since all recent years, Alexander professed these views, and the letter was poured personal, closed. In addition, Alexander perfectly faithfully caught the Holding claims of the "Little Capral".

Since 1803, France's expansion increases. Bonaparte organizes a Boulogne camp to prepare troops to the invasion of the British Islands, occupies Hannover and the Neapolitan Kingdom. The Russian ambassador to Paris begins to demonstrate his rejection of this Policy of Napoleon, which causes the rage of the first consul. Shot by Napoleon Duke of Epgiene, Siburns of Burbones and the relative of the St. Petersburg court, caused shock in the Russian capital. The Russian government stated protest. In it, in particular, it was said that Napoleon violated the neutrality of another state (Duke was captured in Baden) and human rights. After the proclamation of Napoleon, the Emperor Russia went to the active convergence with Prussia, and then with England. The case went to the European War. So by the force of circumstances, rather by the force of its humanistic aspirations, the rejection of the cynical popping by Napoleon's laws of his own country, as well as the principles of legitimism, established in Europe, Alexander was forced to refuse his position of non-interference in European affairs, although the confrontation with France at this stage was not caused Interests of Russia. But at this time, the desire to challenge Russia through the starting reforms, it becomes more and more beginning to coexist in the soul of Alexander with the desire to "save" Europe from French Tirana. And it is not necessary for this desire to be understood or replaced by its concept of "salvation of the reactionary regimes of Europe", etc., as it lay in the general direction of the ministry of Alexander I at that time.

For Russia, military confrontation with France was objectively undesirable, since at this time the natural desire of the parties was planned through political combinations to achieve the desired results. Russia sought to develop the successes of Russian-Turkish wars and claimed the straits and Poland, the accession of Moldova and Valahia, in the sphere of interests of Russia included Finland. Napoleon sought to ensure the freedom of hand in the fight against England and sought to extend his power to southern and central Europe. There were possible compromises on this path, but was possible and war. The subsequent development of events showed regularity and the other. And yet it should be said about two main trends that Dictated Alexander's behavior. The first is, of course, Russia's policy as a great European power capable of dividing Europe with Bonaparte, and fastened autocratic ambitions of the Russian emperor. The second is its liberal complexes that shifted from internal politics to the international arena. It was at this time that Alexandra defines the idea later expressed in the organization of the Holy Union, about the possibility of a device of the European world on the basis of humanism, cooperation, justice, respect for the rights of nations, respect for human rights. Lagrap lessons did not disappear for nothing. So, in 1804, Novosiltsieva to England to negotiations in 1804, he gave him instructions in which he drawn the idea of \u200b\u200bthe conclusion between the peoples of the general peace treaty and the creation of the human league. This is what he wrote in this document: "Of course, it is not about the implementation of the dream of an eternal world, but still one could approach the benefits that are expected from such a world if in the contract, when determining the terms of the general war, managed establish on clear and accurate principles the requirements of international law. Why not include a positive definition of the rights of nationalities in such a contract, not to ensure the advantages of neutrality and not to establish obligations never start war, without having exhausted the pre-all funds provided by the arbitration mediation, which makes it possible to find out mutual The misunderstandings and try to eliminate them? On such conditions it would be possible to begin the implementation of this universal pacification and create an alliance, whose decisions would have formed, so to speak, the new Code of International Law. " A wonderful document, although very premature for that time. Nevertheless, Alexander was hardly the first statesman of Europe, who put forward the idea of \u200b\u200blegal regulation of international relations than long ago anticipated real steps in this direction in the second half of the 20th century.

And yet, all these arguments at that time remained chimera. Reality turned out to be prosaic. England sought to the Union with Russia to crush Napoleon. A new antifranzu coalition appeared as part of England, Russia, Austria, Prussia. At the same time, Russian claims to Turkey and Poland were satisfied. Russian troops moved to Europe. The goal of the Great Absolutian Power Translated the Good Fantasy of the Liberal Young Man. But these fantasies remained in his mind and they will arise again, as soon as suitable circumstances will appear.

Already at this time, persistence is manifested in the fight against Napoleon, which, despite the temporary compromises, demonstrated Alexander all subsequent years. He refused to meet the French emperor and the world to solve controversial issues, demanded from Napoleon to leave Austria and Italy, return France to the borders of 1789, which was already a frank utopia. And it was not only in geopolitical issues that were separated by France and Russia, and not in the changed estimates by Alexander Napoleon's personality, but also that the French emperor inflicted Alexander a number of personal insults: shot the duke of Engine, refused to request the king to reward the Order of the Honor of the General Bennigsen that the king regarded as a hint of the participation of a general in the murder of Paul; In the same plane, it should be regarded publication in the metropolitan newspaper "Parisian monitor" with the knowledge of Napoleon articles in which, in response to the accusation with the shooting of the Duke, it was said about the role of England in the murder of Paul and that the killers left the retribution. Alexander perceived it as a personal depression, and such things a proud sovereign did not forget.

On December 2, 1805, the United Russian-Austrian Army contrary to the warnings of M.I. Kutuzov met with Napoleon under Austerlitz. The defeat of the allies was complete. Smashed in the dust and illusion of Alexander. He headed the troops, determined their disposition, was confident in victory ... when the troops ran and the catastrophe was obvious, he burst out. Alexander that day barely escaped captivity, losing communication with the headquarters, with troops. He hid in the isa of the Moravian peasant, then gave a few hours among the running troops, was tired, dirty, two days did not change swelling linen, lost his luggage. Cossacks got to him wines, and he warmed up a little, fell asleep in Saraj on straw. But he was not broken, but only realized that it was necessary to deal with such an opponent as Napoleon, it was necessary to fully arrange the physical and spiritual forces and all the forces of the Empire. From now on, for him - an extremely proud, applying for the role of benefactor of Russia and Europe, Napoleon became a deadly enemy, and since 1805 he was purposefully and stubbornly went to his destruction. But on the way to this there were still new defeats on the fields of Prussia, Tilzit, Erfurt, 1812, a fire of Moscow, the European campaign of the Russian army, new defeats from Napoleon.

Contemporaries noted that after Austerlitz, Alexander changed in many respects. L.N. Engelgard, who closely observed the king at that time, recorded: "Austerlytskaya Batalia made a great influence on the nature of Alexander, and it can be called an era in his rule. Before that, he was a gloom, trusting, affectionately, and then suspicious, strict Before the imnetity, impregnable and did not tolerate already so that someone tell him the truth. " From this time, Arakcheev becomes a more noticeable figure with him, and the activities of the unlawful committee gradually freezes. And although the reform efforts of the king continue - everything is also leisurely and carefully - but the time of the old hobbies and revelations is already: life, the system takes its own. Essentially, the first collision with Napoleon presented Alexander a cruel life lesson, which he very thoroughly learned.

This manifested themselves during the negotiations in Tilzite, where the emperors talked with an eye on the eye in a house on a raft in the middle of Neman.

The Tilzite world sharply reoriented Russian foreign policy. Russia joined the continental blockade against England, was forced to abandon the support of Prussia, which Napoleon dismeaped, but received freedom of arms against Turkey and Sweden, and this meant that Russia could now take the appropriate steps to join the Danube Principles - Moldova and Valahia, and Also Finland. For Russia, such a concession from France was fundamental. However, in the Polish issue, in the desire of Alexander, to create a single Poland under his crown, Napoleon turned out to be adamant: the Duchy of Warsaw remained under France's protrusion. Essentially, the monarchs made one of the next sections of Europe. Alexander demonstrated Napoleon his charm and friendliness and seem to deceived him. His wife Josephine Napoleon wrote from Tilzit: "I just had a date with the emperor Alexander, I was extremely pleased with it! This is a young, extremely kind and beautiful emperor; it is much smarter than think." Napoleon in a conversation with his adjutant Knevenkur considered the king beautiful, smart, kind, man who puts "all the feelings of a good heart into place where the mind should be ..." It was a big bug of Bonaparte and, possibly, the beginning of his future defeat. Meanwhile, Alexander wrote his sister Ekaterina Pavlovna that Bonaparta has one vulnerable line - it is his vanity, and that he is ready to sacrifice his pride for the sake of saving Russia. A slightly later in conversation with the Prussian King Friedrich-Wilhelm III and his wife, the charming queen Louise, Alexander said: "Be careful, we are rubbing. He will break his neck. Despite all my demonstrations and outdoor actions, in the soul I am your friend and I hope to prove it to you in practice ... at least I will win the time. " He also advised them: "Lower his vanity." Today, comparing all the facts, all the data on the Tilzite meeting of two emperors, you can not come to the conclusion that it was really a duel of two outstanding personalities, two large politicians. And in this duel Alexander not only did not lose to the French genius, but also surpassed a hundred. The victim in the war, lost in the battle of Friedland, the color of his army, forced to go to the world, Russia by the efforts of Alexander I managed to protect his borders from the invasion of the victorious enemy, to maintain his prestige, do not stand in one row with a crushed, occupied, humiliated Prussia and pushed On the second roles of Austria, over which the sword was hanging the sword from Napoleon. Alexander managed in these oldest conditions, referring not only to the defeat of his army in Friedland, but also stolen Napoleon's perseverance of the Russian army under PRESIE-ELAU in February 1807, exclusively at the expense of diplomatic and political talent to get over with the winner. But also by making a number of serious concessions, primarily in the economic field (participation in the continental blockade of England), he achieved certain advantages on the continent, received guarantees in far-reaching prospects. I think that the rights was N.K.shilder, when, analyzing the confrontation of Napoleon and Alexander in Tilsit, wrote: "He (Alexander - A.S.) among the circumstances arising after the 2nd (14th) june (day of battle Under Friedland, A.S.), did everything for the salvation of Russia from those who were waiting for its inevitable disasters and to strengthen its greatness. The sovereign found wonderful resistance, exposure and political insight; if this wonderful feat was not evaluated by contemporaries in his life , at least, the offspring should restore the truth and pay due tribute to the gratitude of his vitain leader. " These words are all so significant that immediately after the conclusion of the Tilzite world, Alexander I experienced the strongest pressure of the Parties to certain circles of Russian society. It was at this time that the indomitable enterprise embraced the opposition center to his son. The Tilzite Treaty was for her the wonderful reason she used to pour all his unfulfilled thirst for power, public leadership, from whom she was still disgusted and Catherine, and Paul, and now Alexander. In addition, she hated Napoleon, who sternly cost her native German lands, humiliated Prussia and her royal family. Maria Fedorovna in his salon openly condemned the new politics of Alexander, without understanding her forced character, heated opposition sentiment in society, without knowing how to calculate the long-term goals of the emperor. Alexander I spouse, Elizaveta Alekseevna, wrote about this his mother to Baden in August 1807: "Empress, who, as a mother, would have to support, defend her son, but inconsistency, as a result of pride ... reached the fact that it became On the head of the opposition; all dissatisfied, the number of which is very large, they rush around it, glorify it to heaven, and has never yet attracted so much people in Pavlovsk, like this year. " At the same time, an attack was started on the opposition circles on the side of the Speransky, which, in the end, ended with his reference. They started talking about the need to remove Alexander from the throne and replace it with someone from more decisive opponents of Napoleon. I even called Catherine Pavlovna, but for all this political, the handwriting of Mary Fedorovna and people close to it were guessed. Thus, Alexander I in these postilly days had to fight not only with Napoleonic diplomacy, not only to neutralize the dissatisfaction of England and calm their friends - the Prussian King and the Queen, but also to resist the strong inner opposition, threatening the coup.

Already in these years, Alexander feels increasingly strong personal loneliness. Always closed, careful, equally smooth with everyone, he could be only with very close friends - Volitsynye, Camedener. Perhaps this is his circle of proxies and is exhausted. There is not a single woman in it. There was not even a wife who was certainly predicted here. However, she was in an intimate sense associated with other men, and it could not not know Alexander. He himself, in the end, became a victim of his inapply and moral illegibility: Near him was not really close to his woman, whom he could entrust the secret thoughts, get encouragement and consolation.

In 1804, he met a dazzling beauty Maria Antonovna Naryshkina, Polka, nee Princess Svyatopolk-Four. Accustomed to rapid victories, Alexander met indifferent politeness this time. Women's beauty and self-confidence at this time turned out to be stronger than the charm of the highest power. Only a few months later, Alexander managed to achieve the favor of charming polka. She descended to him as a sovereign, but remained indifferent to his personal advantages. It was a big, long and unhappy love Alexander. This link continued for fifteen years. Naryshkin gave birth to him two daughters and his son, insisted that Alexander divorced with Empress Elizabeth Alekseyevna and married her. Alexander, despite all his enthusiasm Maria Antonovna, persisted and referred to political motives. But by that time he had already soberly assessed his relationship with excellent poll, realizing that she was someone else's person for him. Already during his first prolonged ability to Tilsit, and later in Erfurt to negotiations with Napoleon M.A.Naryshkin began to change him with the Guards officers. Later he discovered her connection with his adjutant Count Ozharovsky. Ozharovsky he said several bitter words, but left with him. As for Naryshina, the emperor pretended that he was not knowing about her adventures; But there was no internal trust in it. By the way, during the same years, Napoleon was carried away by another beauty of polls and also Maria - Countess Valvskaya and also did not acquire durable and calm happiness with it.

In the days of Tilsit, this is the loneliness of Alexander was especially valuable. He had a mother, but she remained his enemy; He had a wife, she was his friend, but he was not associated with her intimate intimacy; He had a mistress, but she was not his friend and a trustee. And only one person seems to replaced him sometimes and a mother, a friend, and his wife, and, apparently, his mistress - it was his sister Ekaterina Pavlovna, with whom Alexander's close and very personal relationship connected from youth. His letters to her in different years of life are quite awarded their special feelings. And it's not by chance that when after talks in Erfurt, Napoleon requested her hand, Alexander came to rage, and it was one of those secret reasons that determined the cooling of relations between the two European lords. But before that it was far away. Ahead was still Erfurt, where Alexander had to continue his difficult game with a brilliant commander and an outstanding politician.

On the way to Erfurt - the second meeting with Napoleon and the next negotiations with him - Alexander I continued this line: Exposure, calm, goodwill, game Pa vanity French emperor and the desire to receive certain foreign policy benefits for Russia. Trading continued on Poland, Straits, Constantinople, Danube Principles, Finland, German states, etc. At the same time, Alexander Slot secret letters to England, soothing the British office, expressing his firm desire to fight Bonaparte. Difference, secrecy, duplex - such appeared Alexander in his relations with Napoleon in 1807-1808. At the same time, the knee in Paris the words Alexander that Napoleon conquered him in Tilzite.

A meeting in Erfurt brought Russia an incomparable success: Napoleon agreed to Annexia by Russia Finland, Moldova and Valahia, but he opposed the seizure of Bosphorus and Dardanelle. At the same time, he enclosed Russia to speak on his side in the event of the war of France with Austria. The Russian emperor, saving his unlucky ally, Prussian king, has achieved a decrease in contracting from Prussia from France. He insisted on the care of the French troops from the Great Duchy of Warsaw.

And here Alexander continued a double game. Talleyuran recorded later in his memoirs: "Milicness, gifts and gusts of Napoleon were completely in vain. Before leaving Erfurt, Alexander his own wrote a letter to the emperor of Austria, in order to dispel the fear of him."

Negotiations in Erfurt, despite the external cordiality, were very tense. In one of the moments, Napoleon threw his hat to Earth, to which Alexander objected: "You're hot-tempered. I will not achieve anger from me. Let's talk, reason, otherwise I will leave."

In Erfurt, Alexander achieved another undoubted success: he enlisted at these negotiations for the future support of France Foreign Minister Talleyran. During the secret audience, Alexander I Talleyuran told him significant words that the minister betrayed his lord: "Sovereign, why did you come here? You will be able to save Europe, and you will achieve it, just not inferior to Napoleon. The French people are civilized, his sovereign is not civilized. Russian Sovereign is civilized, and its people are not. Therefore, the Russian state should be an ally of the French people. "

1. Quote. Page: Walloton A, Alexander I. M., 1966. P. 68.
2. Ibid. P. 74.
3. Zasykin M.V. Secrets of Emperor Alexander I. Buenos Aires, 1952. p.39.
4. Quote. By: Vandal Albert. Napoleon and Alexander. T. II. Rostov-on-Don, 1995. P. 85.
5. Schelder N.K. Emperor Alexander I. His life and reign. T. II, SP B, 1897. P. 202.
6. Quote. By: Wapdal Albert. Decree., T. II. P. 92.
7. Scholetere N.K. Declaration. At first II. Pp. 210.
8. Tames.c.211.
9. Quote. By: Valloton A. Declaration. P. 121.
10.Theleran. Memoirs. M .-. L., 1934.c.355.
11. WAPDAL ALBERT. Decree. op. T. II. P.439.


Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander I3

Foreign policy and their friendship5

Causes of constructing friendship, their interests are common and contradictions15


Napoleon Bonaparte and Alexander I

Hapoleon I (Napoleon) (Napoleon Bonaparte) (1769-1821), French emperor in 1804-14 and in March June 1815. Native Corsica. He began the service in the troops in 1785 in the rank of the younger lieutenant of artillery; He moved away in the period of the Great French Revolution (reaching the China Brigade General) and at the directory (army commander). In November, 1799 made a coup (18 Brother), as a result of which he became the first consul, actually focused in his hands over time all the completeness of power; In 1804, the emperor is proclaimed. Installed dictatorial mode. He conducted a number of reforms (the adoption of the Civil Code, 1804, the foundation of the French bank, 1800, etc.). Thanks to the victorious wars, he significantly expanded the territory of the Empire, the majority of the states of the ZAP dependence on France. and center. Europe. The defeat of the Napoleonic troops in the war 1812 against Russia marked the wise of the Empire of Napoleon I. Entry in 1814 the troops of the antifranzu coalition to Paris forced Napoleon I to renounce the throne. Was exiled on about. Elbe. He again took the French throne in March 1815 (see a hundred days). After the defeat with Waterloo, the throne was secondary (June 22, 1815). The last years of life spent on about. St. Helena Prisoner of the British.

Alex? NDR I (blessing? Nnaught), Alex? NDR PA? Print (12 (23) December 1777, St. Petersburg November 19 (December 1) 1825, Taganrog) Emperor of the Russian Empire from 11 (23) March 1801 to 19 November (December 1) 1825), the eldest son of Emperor Paul I and Maria Fedorovna. At the beginning of the Board, there were moderately liberal reforms developed by the unlawful committee and MM Speransky. In foreign policy lavished between Great Britain and France. In 1805-07 he participated in anti-armnce coalitions. In 180712, temporarily became close to France. Successful war with Turkey (1806-12) and Sweden (1808-09). Under Alexander I, the territory of Eastern Georgia (1801), Finland (1809), Bessarabia (1812), Azerbaijan (1813), the former Duchy of Warsaw (1815) are attached to Russia. After the Patriotic War, 1812 was headed in 1813-14 the anti-brass coalition of European powers. He was one of the leaders of the Vienna Congress of 1814-15 and the organizers of the Holy Union. In recent years, life has often spoke about the intention to renounce the throne and retire from the world, that after his unexpected death from the abdominal typhus in Taganrog gave rise to the legend about Starte Fedor Kuzmich. According to this legend, he died in Taganrog was also buried not Alexander, and his double, while the king lived for a long time with an older-hermit in Siberia and died in 1864.

Foreign policy and their friendship

Russia and France were associated with a uniform destiny that determined a lot not only in their lives. Two empires were simultaneously parallel to each other, and very different. Historians are talking about this long phrases. Art clearly shows it without words. The cultural affinity laid down by the century of education was not just stronger than political hostility. It included this hostility (and its option touching union) inside itself, made it a specific embodiment of cultural history, more durable and important for offspring than a political history. Monuments tell us about the same situation of love and hatred that politicians felt and feel.

In the West, Russia actively participated in European affairs. In the first and a half decades of the XIX century. The implementation of the Western Direction was associated with the struggle against Napoleon's aggression. After 1815, the main task of Russia's foreign policy in Europe was to maintain old monarchical regimes and the fight against the revolutionary movement. Alexander I and Nikolai I were focused on the most conservative forces and most often relied on unions with Austria and Prussia. In 1848, Nikolai helped the Austrian emperor to suppress the revolution that brokered in Hungary, and strangled revolutionary performances in the Danube principalities.

At the very beginning of the XIX century. Russia adhered to neutrality in European affairs. However, the aggressive plans of Napoleon, since 1804 the French emperor, forced Alexander I oppose him. In 1805, the 3rd coalition against France was formed: Russia, Austria and England. The war began to be extremely unsuccessful for the Allies. In November 1805, their troops were defeated under Austerlypem. Austria came out of the war, the coalition collapsed.
